ROSEN, GLOBAL INVESTOR COUNSEL, Encourages Signature Bank Investors With Losses in Excess of $100K to Secure Counsel Before Important Deadline in First Filed Securities Class Action Initiated by the Firm – SBNY, SBNYP

NEW YORK, March 14, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — WHY: Rosen Law Firm, a global investor rights law firm, announces it has filed a class action lawsuit on behalf of purchasers of the securities of Signature Bank (NASDAQ: SBNY, SBNYP) between March 2, 2023 and March 12, 2023, both dates inclusive (the "Class Period"). The class includes those who purchased Signature Bank call options and/or sold put options during the Class Period. A class action has already been filed. If you wish to serve as lead plaintiff, you must move the Court no later than May 15, 2023.

SO WHAT: If you purchased Signature Bank securities during the Class Period you may be entitled to compensation without payment of any out of pocket fees or costs through a contingency fee arrangement.

WHAT TO DO NEXT: To join the Signature Bank class action, go to–form/?case_id=12988 or call Phillip Kim, Esq. toll–free at 866–767–3653 or email or for information on the class action. A class action lawsuit has already been filed. If you wish to serve as lead plaintiff, you must move the Court no later than May 15, 2023. A lead plaintiff is a representative party acting on behalf of other class members in directing the litigation.

WHY ROSEN LAW: We encourage investors to select qualified counsel with a track record of success in leadership roles. Often, firms issuing notices do not have comparable experience, resources, or any meaningful peer recognition. Many of these firms do not actually litigate securities class actions. Be wise in selecting counsel. The Rosen Law Firm represents investors throughout the globe, concentrating its practice in securities class actions and shareholder derivative litigation. Rosen Law Firm has achieved the largest ever securities class action settlement against a Chinese Company. Rosen Law Firm was Ranked No. 1 by ISS Securities Class Action Services for number of securities class action settlements in 2017. The firm has been ranked in the top 4 each year since 2013 and has recovered hundreds of millions of dollars for investors. In 2019 alone the firm secured over $438 million for investors. In 2020, founding partner Laurence Rosen was named by law360 as a Titan of Plaintiffs' Bar. Many of the firm's attorneys have been recognized by Lawdragon and Super Lawyers.

DETAILS OF THE CASE: According to the lawsuit, throughout the Class Period, defendants made materially false and/or misleading statements and/or failed to disclose, among other things, that: (1) Signature Bank did not have the strong fundamentals that it represented itself as having in the days immediately prior to its takeover, or otherwise took action that left it susceptible to a takeover by the New York Department of Financial Services ("DFS"); (2) as a result, it became a target for regulatory action by the DFS, and (3) as a result, Defendants' public statements were materially false and/or misleading at all relevant times. When the true details entered the market, the lawsuit claims that investors suffered damages.

To join the Signature Bank class action, go to–form/?case_id=12988 or call Phillip Kim, Esq. toll–free at 866–767–3653 or email or for information on the class action.

No Class Has Been Certified. Until a class is certified, you are not represented by counsel unless you retain one. You may select counsel of your choice. You may also remain an absent class member and do nothing at this point. An investor's ability to share in any potential future recovery is not dependent upon serving as lead plaintiff.

Follow us for updates on LinkedIn:–rosen–law–firm or on Twitter: or on Facebook:

Rosen Law Firm represents investors throughout the globe, concentrating its practice in securities class actions and shareholder derivative litigation. Rosen Law Firm was Ranked No. 1 by ISS Securities Class Action Services for number of securities class action settlements in 2017. The firm has been ranked in the top 4 each year since 2013. Rosen Law Firm has achieved the largest ever securities class action settlement against a Chinese Company. Rosen Law Firm's attorneys are ranked and recognized by numerous independent and respected sources. Rosen Law Firm has secured hundreds of millions of dollars for investors.

Attorney Advertising. Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.


Contact Information:

Laurence Rosen, Esq.
Phillip Kim, Esq.
The Rosen Law Firm, P.A.
275 Madison Avenue, 40th Floor
New York, NY 10016
Tel: (212) 686–1060
Toll Free: (866) 767–3653
Fax: (212) 202–3827

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8788118)

L'association PharmaLedger lance un écosystème de confiance numérique dans le secteur des soins de santé

BÂLE, Suisse, 14 mars 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — La PharmaLedger Association (PLA), une organisation but non lucratif base en Suisse, annonce l'approbation de son plan stratgique triennal visant mettre en "uvre et promouvoir un cosystme de confiance numrique dans le secteur des soins de sant (DTE–H) lors de son assemble gnrale annuelle qui s'est tenue Lucerne, en Suisse, le 1er mars 2023. Les organisations membres ont galement confirm la nomination de huit administrateurs son conseil d'administration, concrtisant la valeur fondamentale de leadership de l'cosystme prne par l'association.

Les membres fondateurs de la PLA, qui reprsentent la diversit du secteur des soins de sant, se composent de grandes et de petites entreprises pharmaceutiques, d'organismes de recherche, d'organisations reprsentant les patients, d'organisations but non lucratif, de fournisseurs de technologies et de services de soins de sant. La PLA a confirm son mandat en tant qu'organisation fatire pr–comptition qui fournit des solutions numriques communes et interoprables dans les domaines de la confiance dans les produits, les essais cliniques dcentraliss, et la traabilit de la chane d'approvisionnement.

  • Produits et projets : Au premier trimestre 2023, la PLA lancera le premier produit qualifi, l'information lectronique sur les produits pour sa mise en "uvre par ses membres.
    Au deuxime trimestre 2023, l'Association poursuivra la conception de nouveaux produits dans son laboratoire d'innovation xLab, notamment d'un produit jumeau numrique, d'identits dcentralises et de rfrences vrifiables pour faciliter la visibilit, la scurit, la traabilit et la confiance dans tous les domaines des soins de sant.
  • Gouvernance et conformit : La PLA tirera parti de sa capacit dvelopper, qualifier, lancer et maintenir des produits dans l'environnement trs rglement des soins de sant en veillant respecter en permanence les directives en matire d'antitrust, de proprit intellectuelle, de protection des donnes et d'assurance des systmes informatiss.
  • Engagement et croissance de l'cosystme : L'association continuera accueillir de nouveaux membres et s'engager auprs des autorits, des associations professionnelles et des organismes d'laboration de normes, afin d'assurer sa croissance et sa viabilit financire.
  • Technologie et scurit des plateformes : La PLA s'efforcera de faciliter l'adoption de nouvelles solutions par ses membres et ses utilisateurs tout en conservant les avantages de son architecture en matire de cyberscurit.

La cration de la PLA et l'approbation de sa mission par divers membres du secteur des soins de sant constituent une tape importante. Elle ouvre la voie la provision de plateformes de confiance bases sur la blockchain avec de nouvelles solutions de soins de sant open–source afin de crer de la valeur pour les patients et les parties prenantes de l'cosystme. La PLA est reconnaissante envers ses 20 membres fondateurs et invite toutes les organisations du secteur des soins de sant s'informer et s'engager davanvage dans la cration d'un systme de soins de sant 4.0 digne de confiance.

La blockchain est un effort collectif. La PLA a commenc avec une quipe diversifie et solide de membres qui partagent la mme vision et qui croient en un changement rel. Avec la PLA, nous disposons du bon outil, des ressources et de la feuille de route ncessaires pour amliorer l'exprience des patients dans le domaine des soins de sant , Daniel Fritz, directeur excutif de la PharmaLedger Association.

La PLA est le rsultat de l'achvement du projet de recherche PharmaLedger, un consortium reprsentant 22 millions d'euros, compos de 30 membres, dont 12 grandes entreprises pharmaceutiques et 18 partenaires publics, financ dans le cadre de l'initiative Innovative Health de l'Union europenne (UE) et de la Fdration europenne des associations et industries pharmaceutiques (EFPIA).

Une photo accompagnant ce communiqu de presse est disponible l'adresse suivante :–b8ac–4b5b–885b–8af008287cff

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000798039)

PharmaLedger Association führt Digital Trust-Ökosystem im Gesundheitswesen ein

BASEL, Schweiz, March 14, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Die PharmaLedger Association (PLA), eine gemeinntzige Organisation mit Sitz in der Schweiz, gibt die Verabschiedung ihres 3–Jahres–Strategieplans zur Umsetzung und Frderung eines Digital Trust–kosystems im Gesundheitswesen (DTE–H) auf ihrer Jahreshauptversammlung am 1. Mrz 2023 in Luzern, Schweiz, bekannt. Die Mitgliedsorganisationen besttigten auch die Ernennung von acht Verwaltungsratsmitgliedern in den Verwaltungsrat der PLA, womit der Kernwert der PLA, ihre "Fhrungsrolle im kosystem", umgesetzt wird.

Die Grndungsmitglieder der PLA spiegeln die Vielfalt im Gesundheitswesen wider und umfassen groe und kleine Pharmaunternehmen, Forschungsorganisationen, Patientenvertreterorganisationen, gemeinntzige Organisationen sowie Technologie– und Gesundheitsdienstleister. Die PLA hat ihr Mandat als vorwettbewerbliche Dachorganisation besttigt, die gemeinsame und interoperable digitale Lsungen in den Bereichen Produktvertrauen, dezentrale klinische Studien und Rckverfolgbarkeit in der Lieferkette anbietet.

  • Produkte und Projekt: Im ersten Quartal 2023 wird die PLA das erste qualifizierte Produkt, elektronische Produktinformationen, zur Implementierung durch ihre Mitglieder freigeben.
    Im zweiten Quartal 2023 wird die Vereinigung die Entwicklung neuer Produkte in ihrem Innovations–xLab fortsetzen, einschlielich eines digitalen Zwillingsprodukts, dezentraler Identitten und berprfbarer Referenzen, um Sichtbarkeit, Sicherheit, Rckverfolgbarkeit und Vertrauen in allen Bereichen des Gesundheitswesens zu frdern.
  • Governance und Compliance: Die PLA wird ihre Fhigkeit zur Entwicklung, Qualifizierung, Markteinfhrung und Wartung von Produkten im stark regulierten Umfeld des Gesundheitswesens nutzen, indem sie die kontinuierliche Einhaltung von Kartell–, Urheberrechts–, Datenschutz– und Computerized System Assurance–Richtlinien sicherstellt.
  • Engagement fr das kosystem und Wachstum: Die Vereinigung wird weiterhin neue Mitglieder aufnehmen und mit Behrden, Fachverbnden und Normungsorganisationen zusammenarbeiten, um Wachstum und finanzielle Rentabilitt zu gewhrleisten.
  • Plattformtechnologie und Sicherheit: Die PLA wird sich darauf konzentrieren, die Einfhrung neuer Lsungen bei ihren Mitgliedern und Benutzern zu erleichtern und gleichzeitig die Cybersicherheitsvoreile ihrer Architektur zu erhalten.

Die Grndung der PLA und die Untersttzung ihrer Mission durch verschiedene Mitglieder aus dem Gesundheitswesen ist ein wichtiger Meilenstein. Dies ebnet den Weg fr die Bereitstellung von weithin vertrauenswrdigen Blockchain–basierten Plattformen mit neuen Open–Source–Gesundheitslsungen, um Wert fr Patienten und Interessenvertretern im kosystem zu schaffen. Die PLA ist ihren 20 Grndungsmitgliedern dankbar und ldt alle mit dem Gesundheitswesen verbundenen Organisationen ein, mehr zu erfahren und sich fr die Realisierung eines vertrauenswrdigen Gesundheitswesens 4.0 einzusetzen.

"Blockchain ist ein Mannschaftssport. Die PLA hat mit einem vielfltigen und starken Team von Mitgliedern begonnen, die eine gemeinsame Vision haben und an einen echten Wandel glauben. Mit der PLA verfgen wir ber das richtige Instrument, die richtigen Ressourcen und den richtigen Fahrplan, um die Patienten zu einer besseren Gesundheitsversorgung zu fhren", so Daniel Fritz, Executive Director der PharmaLedger Association.

Die PLA ist das Ergebnis des erfolgreichen Abschlusses des Forschungsprojekts PharmaLedger, einem mit 22 Mio. EUR ausgestatteten, 30 Mitglieder umfassenden Konsortium aus 12 groen Pharmaunternehmen und 18 ffentlichen Partnern, das im Rahmen der Initiative Innovative Gesundheit der Europischen Union (EU) und der European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA) finanziert wird.

Ein Foto zu dieser Ankndigung ist verfgbar unter :–b8ac–4b5b–885b–8af008287cff

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000798039)

PharmaLedger Association Lança Ecossistema de Confiança Digital em Serviços de Saúde

BASILEIA, Suíça, March 14, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A PharmaLedger Association (PLA), uma organizao sem fins lucrativos com sede na Sua, anuncia a aprovao do seu plano estratgico de 3 anos para implementar e promover um Ecossistema de Confiana Digital em sade (DTE–H) em sua Assembleia Geral Anual realizada em Lucerna, Sua, em 1 de maro de 2023. As organizaes–membro tambm confirmaram a nomeao de oito Diretores para seu conselho, cumprindo com o valor central de "Liderana Ecossistmica" da PLA.

Representando a diversidade na rea de servios de sade, os membros fundadores da PLA incluem grandes e pequenas empresas farmacuticas, organizaes de pesquisa, organizaes representativas dos pacientes, organizaes sem fins lucrativos, tecnologia e prestadores de servios de sade. A PLA confirmou seu mandato como uma organizao guarda–chuva pr–concorrncia entregando solues digitais comuns e interoperveis nas reas de: Confiana do Produto, Ensaios Clnicos Descentralizados, e Rastreabilidade da Cadeia de Suprimentos.

  • Produtos e Projeto: No primeiro trimestre de 2023, a PLA lanar o primeiro produto qualificado e Informaes Eletrnicas do Produto para implementao por seus membros.
    No segundo trimestre de 2023, a PharmaLedger Association continuar com o desenvolvimento de novos produtos em seu xLab de inovao, incluindo um gmeo digital de produto, identidades descentralizadas, e credenciais verificveis para facilitar a visibilidade, segurana, rastreabilidade e confiana em todas as reas dos servios de sade.
  • Governana & Compliance: A PLA alavancar sua capacidade de desenvolver, qualificar, lanar e manter produtos no ambiente altamente regulamentado dos servios de sade, garantindo a adeso contnua s diretrizes antitruste, de propriedade intelectual, privacidade de dados e Garantia de Sistema Computadorizado.
  • Engajamento e Crescimento do Ecossistema: A PharmaLedger Association continuar a integrar novos membros e a envolver–se com autoridades, associaes comerciais e organizaes de desenvolvimento de normas, garantindo o seu crescimento e viabilidade financeira.
  • Tecnologia e Segurana da Plataforma: A PLA se concentrar em facilitar a adoo de novas solues com seus membros e usurios, enquanto mantm os benefcios de segurana ciberntica da sua arquitetura.

A formao da PLA e o endosso da sua misso por diversos membros da rea de servios de sade constitui um marco importante. Isso prepara o caminho para a entrega de plataformas baseadas em blockchain amplamente confiveis, com novas solues de cdigo aberto em servios de sade para criar valor para pacientes e partes interessadas do ecossistema. A PLA agradece aos seus 20 membros fundadores e convida todas as organizaes relacionadas rea de servios de sade a aprender mais e se empenhar na realizao de 'Servios de Sade 4.0' de confiana.

“Blockchain um esporte em equipe. A PLA comeou com uma equipe diversificada e forte de membros com uma viso comum, que acreditam em mudanas reais. Com a PLA, temos o veculo, os recursos e o roteiro certos para levar os pacientes a um lugar melhor nos cuidados de sade", disse Daniel Fritz, Diretor Executivo da PharmaLedger Association.

A PLA o resultado da concluso bem–sucedida do projeto de pesquisa PharmaLedger, um consrcio de 22 milhes, composto por 30 membros, com 12 grandes empresas farmacuticas e 18 parceiros pblicos, financiado pela Unio Europeia (UE) e pela Iniciativa Inovadora de Sade da Federao Europeia de Indstrias e Associaes Farmacuticas (EFPIA).

Foto deste comunicado disponvel em–b8ac–4b5b–885b–8af008287cff

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000798039)

Xage Security selected by Kinder Morgan to Cyber-Harden Critical Infrastructure

PALO ALTO, Calif., March 14, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Xage Security, the zero trust real–world cybersecurity company, today announced that Kinder Morgan, Inc. (NYSE: KMI) has selected Xage's zero trust access and data security products to enhance critical infrastructure resilience. With Xage, KMI has a team of experts steeped in cyber hardening and regulatory compliance for IT and Operational Technology (OT) infrastructure.

As one of the largest energy infrastructure companies in North America, KMI operates or has an interest in approximately 82,000 miles of pipelines that transport 40% of the natural gas in the U.S., as well as 140 terminals that store and handle renewable fuels, petroleum products, vegetable oils and other materials.

"We rely on solutions that Xage Security provides to protect and secure our critical infrastructure," said Mark Huse, Chief Information Officer at KMI. "Xage provided us with an innovative approach to cyber harden OT and IT infrastructure as well as help us meet regulatory requirements."

The Xage Fabric protects every element of an operation, new or legacy, secures every interaction, local or remote, and enables Zero Trust–based cyber hardening for OT, IT and the cloud. Through the market–leading capabilities of the Xage Fabric, Xage is able to deliver Zero Trust identity verification and access policy enforcement across every critical system in the OT environment, mitigate risks due to compromised file uploads, and establish reliable audit trails for investigating any security incident.

"Kinder Morgan is a mission–critical piece of our nation's energy sector and we applaud them for prioritizing cyber hardening of their IT and OT infrastructure," said Duncan Greatwood, CEO at Xage. "To that end, Xage is honored to work with the KMI team on their strategic critical infrastructure resilience journey. With Xage, KMI can support OT priorities like access control and availability of services, while protecting the security of complex infrastructure."

To learn more about Xage's suite of zero trust solutions for critical infrastructure, visit and–studies/ for the Kinder Morgan case study. To learn more about KMI, visit

About Xage Security
Xage is the first and only zero trust real–world security company. Xage's solutions and services accelerate and simplify the way enterprises secure, manage and transform digital operations across OT, IT, and cloud. Xage products include Identity & Access Management (IAM), remote access, and dynamic data security, all powered by the Xage Fabric. Xage also offers Cybersecurity Services, which deliver expert design, implementation, and support services to accelerate the adoption of proactive cyber–defense and underpin secure digital transformation.

Media Contact
Veronica Polivanaya

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8787541)

Le Symposium sur la Fiscalité Africaine de l'IBFD arrive à Arusha

AMSTERDAM, 14 mars 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — La belle ville d'Arusha se prpare accueillir la prochaine dition du Symposium sur la Fiscalit Africaine. Se droulant du 24 au 26 mai 2023, ce symposium est la plus grande confrence mondiale sur la fiscalit d'Afrique. Devant se tenir au Mount Meru Hotel d'Arusha, la confrence aura pour thme central : Tendances de la fiscalit internationale : Une perspective africaine

Les points saillants du programme technique incluent :

  • La Solution reposant sur Deux Piliers – Ce que signifie un no–deal ou l'absence de masse critique pour l'Afrique
  • La fiscalit minimum l'chelle mondiale – Implications pour les rgimes d'avantages fiscaux d'Afrique
  • Les rcents dveloppements de la tarification de transfert en Afrique
  • Traits fiscaux – Questions pratiques concernant les paiements de services, y compris les services numriques automatiss
  • Mobilisation des ressources domestiques – Dfis et perspectives
  • Rvaluation du rle de l'Afrique dans le dveloppement de politiques fiscales l'chelle mondiale – Comment avancer.

Le Symposium sur la Fiscalit Africaine est unique de par sa porte dans l'ensemble du monde de la fiscalit , a dclar Belema Obuoforibo, directrice de l'IBFD Knowledge Centre et prsidente du Centre d'tudes en Fiscalit Africaine de l'IBFD. Parmi ses orateurs et participants, cet vnement spcial runit des professionnels de la fiscalit provenant de cabinets, de l'industrie, d'universits, de l'administration fiscale et du systme judiciaire. Au cours de ses huit annes d'existence, le Symposium a acquis une rputation bien mrite en tant que forum de haute qualit pour soulever les principales questions de politiques fiscales cruciales pour l'Afrique.

Pour voir l'ensemble du programme et des intervenants, consultez le site Web du Symposium l'adresse–africa–tax–symposium–2023#sectioneventprogramme

Places limites disponibles

Comme lors des prcdents symposiums, la participation est limite 250 personnes. Inscrivez–vous au plus tt pour vous assurer une place et bnficier d'une remise d'inscription anticipe.

Pour vous inscrire, veuillez consulter le site Web du Symposium l'adresse–africa–tax–symposium–2023

Le Symposium sur la Fiscalit Africaine est firement soutenu par :

  • L'Institut Africain des Impts (Universit de Pretoria)
  • Le Cercle de Rflexion et d'change des Dirigeants des Administrations fiscales (CREDAF)
  • L'Association des Administrateurs Fiscaux du Commonwealth (CATA)
  • L'Association fiscale internationale, rgion Afrique
  • L'Association fiscale internationale, succursale du Nigeria
  • L'Association fiscale internationale, succursale d'Afrique du Sud
  • L'Universit du Cap, UCT Tax Unit
  • Le Forum des Administrations Fiscales Ouest–Africaines (FAFOA)

Nous sommes galement reconnaissants la Tanzania Revenue Authority pour son soutien inestimable.

Un vnement additionnel !

l'approche du Symposium, l'IBFD organisera galement une Masterclass, intitule Tax Structuring in Africa "" Selected Critical Issues (La structuration fiscale d'Afrique : quelques questions cruciales). Il s'agira d'un vnement distinct du Symposium.

La Masterclass se droulera les 22 et 23 mai 2023, galement au Mount Meru Hotel en Tanzanie. Pour vous inscrire et en savoir plus sur la Masterclass, cliquez ici–masterclass–tax–structuring–africa–selected–critical–issues

Coordonnes : Phil Windus, coordinateur principal du marketing :

propos de l'IBFD
L'IBFD est un leader mondial en matire d'expertise fiscale internationale, qui apporte depuis longtemps son soutien et sa contribution la recherche fiscale et aux activits universitaires. En tant que fondation indpendante, l'IBFD s'appuie sur son rseau mondial d'experts en fiscalit et sur son Knowledge Centre pour servir les entreprises classes au palmars Fortune 500, les gouvernements, les cabinets de conseil internationaux et les conseillers fiscaux.

Une photo accompagnant ce communiqu est disponible l'adresse–bf39–44e4–a700–af9249de3b88

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8786511)

IBFD Africa Tax Symposium comes to Arusha

AMSTERDAM, March 14, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The beautiful city of Arusha is gearing up to host the next edition of the Africa Tax Symposium. Taking place from 24 to 26 May 2023, the symposium is the leading global conference on taxation in Africa. Held at the Mount Meru Hotel, Arusha, the evergreen theme of the conference is "Trends in International Taxation – an African Perspective".

Highlights from the technical programme include:

  • The Two–Pillar Solution – What No–Deal or No Critical Mass Means for Africa
  • Global Minimum Taxation – Implications for Africa's tax incentives regimes
  • Recent Developments in Transfer Pricing in Africa
  • Tax Treaties – Practical issues concerning payments for services, including automated digital services
  • Domestic resource mobilization – Challenges and prospects
  • Reassessing Africa's role in global tax policy development – The way forward.

"The Africa Tax Symposium is unique for the reach it has across the entire spectrum of the tax world," says Belema Obuoforibo, Director of the IBFD Knowledge Centre, and Chair of the IBFD Centre for Studies in African Taxation. "This special event brings together tax professionals from practice, industry, academia, the judiciary, and tax administration – as speakers and as delegates. In its eight years of existence, the Symposium has acquired a well–deserved reputation as a high–quality forum for discussing the main tax policy issues crucial for Africa."

To see the full programme and speakers, visit the Symposium website at–africa–tax–symposium–2023#sectioneventprogramme

Limited places available

As in previous symposiums, attendance is restricted to 250 persons. Sign up early to secure your seat and early–bird discount.

To register, please visit the Symposium website at–africa–tax–symposium–2023

The Africa Tax Symposium is proudly supported by:

  • The African Tax Institute (University of Pretoria)
  • Cercle de Rflexion et d' change des Dirigeants des Administrations Fiscales (CREDAF)
  • Commonwealth Association of Tax Administrators (CATA)
  • International Fiscal Association, Africa Region
  • International Fiscal Association, Nigeria branch
  • International Fiscal Association, South Africa branch
  • University of Cape Town, UCT Tax Unit
  • West African Tax Administration Forum (WATAF)

We are also grateful to the Tanzania Revenue Authority for their invaluable support.

An additional event!

In the lead–up to the Symposium, IBFD also will hold a Masterclass, titled "Tax Structuring in Africa "" Selected Critical Issues". This is a separate event to the Symposium.

The Masterclass will take place on 22 and 23 May 2023, also at the Mount Meru Hotel in Tanzania. To register and learn more about the Masterclass, click here–masterclass–tax–structuring–africa–selected–critical–issues

Contact information: Phil Windus, Senior Marketing Coordinator:

About IBFD
IBFD is a leading international provider of cross–border tax expertise, with a long–standing history of supporting and contributing to tax research and academic activities. As an independent foundation, IBFD utilizes its global network of tax experts and its Knowledge Centre to serve Fortune 500 companies, governments, international consultancy firms and tax advisers.

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at–bf39–44e4–a700–af9249de3b88

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8786511)

Commonwealth Day: Reminder of Values

By External Source
Mar 14 2023 (IPS-Partners)


On Commonwealth Day, a powerful reminder of the values—justice, peace, equality, and inclusion.

It is by respecting and protecting those values that the Commonwealth’s 2.5 billion citizens can help shape a different future for their communities, countries, and the planet.


Terrorism & its Impacts on Water Access in the Sahel

Credit: United Nations

By Armand Houanye
OUAGADOUGOU, Burkina Faso, Mar 14 2023 – Burkina Faso’s interim President Captain Ibrahim Traoré spoke late last year of the conflicts that are now blighting his country and much of his region. He described the situation in Burkina Faso as predictable given the endemic weaknesses in governance that he believes have led to the economic abandonment of many young people, particularly outside of urban areas.

He delivered these remarks on November 13th to political parties, civil society organizations, and traditional and customary leaders in Ouagadougou to raise awareness of Burkina Faso’s rapidly degrading security situation. Of particular note was his focus on water, as he described seeing people throughout the Southwest, Northwest and Sahel regions including Gorom-Gorom, Tinasane and Markoye carrying jerry cans to fetch water.

This led him to question why there were no development projects in these impoverished regions. The people walk, he lamented, for miles to get water for the cattle that die on the way.

There are no roads for trucks to even transport livestock feed to sustain livestock, he reflected, before referring to the Kongoussi-Djibo road bridge built in the 1950s that has fallen into such dilapidation that it can no longer support the trucks that would otherwise take the now rotting local produce to market.

All he says, because of a lack of investment in the construction and the maintenance of essential infrastructure.

His speech depicts a reality across the Sahel region where terrorist attacks have been rampant since 2012, following Mouammar Kadhafi’s assassination and the subsequent looting of Libya’s weapons deposits. Many villages have since been abandoned in Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger, with thousands of people having been displaced with no proper government intervention to curb the violence.

As clean drinking water is a basic need, lack of access to it triggers many problems at every level of society. Traditionally, villages are located close to waterways to allow for the smooth provisioning of water, as well as the practice of gardening to produce basic ingredients for food which can be consumed and sold for cash for the community.

With the rise of terrorist attacks mostly in Mali, Niger and Burkina Faso but reaching coastal countries such as Côte d’Ivoire, Togo and Benin, many villages have been abandoned or are under the control of armed terrorist groups who impose their own rules and dictates on the local people.

Displaced populations are deprived of their traditional water sources, be they natural water courses, standpipes or boreholes, cutting off their water supply and therefore the access to their means of physical and economic sustenance.

“They lay down the law for the management and use of water and other natural resources by delimiting areas to be exploited,” said a local elected authority to me in a terrorist dominated zone in the Central-Southern part of Mali, adding that, “the cultivable areas are reduced and they [terrorist groups] occupy the wooded areas suitable for agriculture and which contain the local water reserves.”

The chiefs of villages occupied under duress are obliged to cooperate with these groups. They are therefore the preferred interlocutors of all those who “seek permission to operate” in these controlled areas.

The opinion of the village chief is conditional to the prior agreement of the group to which the village belongs. There are real negotiations with these terrorist groups before any projects or partners are allowed to enter the territory.

The reality in Sahelian countries in general is that successive governments since independence have concentrated their “administration” on urban areas. But once you leave the urban areas the populations are left to their own devices with an administration that is more oppressive and not in the least concerned with providing sustainable responses to the development needs of these localities.

The agents of the land registry (customs), law enforcement (police, gendarmes), and nature protection (water and forests) are quicker to find ways to engage in racketeering than to offer the poor the services they require.

“We have lost a lot of funding which has been transferred to other localities deemed more accessible,” explained a local government official to me recently in one of the areas under control. “Given the fact that the groups themselves need to have privileged access to drinking water, they facilitate the arrival of certain partners to install water supply systems,” he added.

GWP West Africa is implementing the European Union funded project “water for growth and poverty reduction in the Mekrou sub catchment in Niger” but it was not been able to launch the project as planned in August 2020 due to a terrorist attack that tragically killed eight people.

Water management and development is but one of many sectors affected by terrorist activities in the region, but water, unlike some other sectors, is a matter of survival.

There is therefore a critical need to enhance and improve the governance of water resources and land while ensuring that required investments are put in place to sustainably respond to the water related development needs of people living in urban and rural areas at all levels in Sahelian countries.

IPS UN Bureau


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The writer is Regional Executive Secretary of the Global Water Partnership in West Africa (GWP-WA)

Fighter Planes? Yes. Rubber Bullets? No

Credit: Akila Jayawardana and Hiran Priyankara. Sunday Times, Sri Lanka

By Thalif Deen
UNITED NATIONS, Mar 14 2023 – When the US was planning to sell fighter planes to a politically-repressive regime in South-east Asia in a bygone era, a spokesman for a human rights organization, responding to a question from a reporter, was quoted as saying there were no plans to oppose the proposed sale because “it is very difficult to link F-16 fighter planes to human rights abuses”

If fighter jets are fair game and cannot be used to violate human rights, the same cannot be said of “weapons of mass control” (WMCs), including water cannons, tear gas grenades, pepper spray and rubber bullets—used mostly against civilian demonstrators.

But these weapons, contrary to popular belief, are not just the sole monopolies of authoritative regimes in Asia, the Middle East and South and Central America but are also used by Western democracies such as the US, Spain and France – along with Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Gaza, Guinea, Hong Kong, Iran, Iraq, Peru, Sudan, Tunisia and Venezuela.

A Reuters report published in October 2019 about the mass resistance in Hongkong said the protests erupted over planned legislation that would have allowed extraditions from Hong Kong to mainland China.

The police reportedly fired over 6,000 tear gas rounds, around 2,400 rubber bullets, some 700 sponge grenades and over 500 bean bag rounds.

Empty tear gas canisters. Credit: Sunday Times

A new report from Amnesty International (AI), released March 14, says security forces across the world are routinely misusing rubber and plastic bullets and other law enforcement weapons “to violently suppress peaceful protests and cause horrific injuries and deaths, –and called for strict controls on their use and a global treaty to regulate their trade”.

The report, My Eye Exploded, published jointly with the Omega Research Foundation, is based on research in more than 30 countries over the last five years.

It documents “how thousands of protesters and bystanders have been maimed and dozens killed by the often reckless and disproportionate use of less lethal law enforcement weaponry, including kinetic impact projectiles (KIPs), such as rubber bullets, as well as the firing of rubberized buckshot, and tear gas grenades aimed and fired directly at demonstrators”..

“We believe that legally-binding global controls on the manufacture and trade in less lethal weapons, including KIPs, along with effective guidelines on the use of force are urgently needed to combat an escalating cycle of abuses,” said Patrick Wilcken, Amnesty International’s Researcher on Military, Security and Policing issues.

Amnesty International and the Omega Research Foundation are among 30 organizations calling for a UN-backed Torture-Free Trade Treaty to prohibit the manufacture and trade of inherently abusive KIPs and other law enforcement weapons, and to introduce human rights-based trade controls on the supply of other law enforcement equipment, including rubber and plastic bullets.

Dr Michael Crowley, Research Associate at the Omega Research Foundation, said a Torture-Free Trade Treaty would prohibit all production and trade in existing inherently abusive law enforcement weapons and equipment.”

These include intrinsically dangerous or inaccurate single KIPs, rubber-coated metal bullets, rubberized buckshot and ammunition with multiple projectiles that have resulted in blinding, other serious injuries and deaths across the world.”

The Amnesty report says these weapons have led to permanent disability in hundreds of cases and many deaths.

There has been an alarming increase in eye injuries, including eyeball ruptures, retinal detachments and the complete loss of sight, as well as bone and skull fractures, brain injuries, the rupture of internal organs and haemorrhaging, punctured hearts and lungs from broken ribs, damage to genitalia, and psychological trauma.

A recent report in the Sri Lanka Sunday Times said dissent in Sri Lanka is often met with tear gas and water cannon fired by the Sri Lanka Police. Mass demonstrations that culminated in a protest site, resulting from an economic and political crises last year, were often subdued with police tear gas and water cannon blasts.

Some protesters have died while some deaths were attributed to complications following tear gas attacks. Sri Lanka Police are now being accused of abusing the use of the riot control agent. Lawyers have also filed complaints with human rights authorities, the police, and courts.

Sri Lankans who have been exposed to tear gas allege they have suffered long-term coughs, phlegm, irritation of the throat, and in some cases, asthma. Between March and July 2022, the Police had fired more than 6,700 tear gas canisters.

Meanwhile, according to an evaluation by Chile’s National Institute for Human Rights, police actions during protests which began in October 2019 resulted in more than 440 eye injuries, with over 30 cases of eye loss, or ocular rupture.

At least 53 people died from projectiles fired by security forces, according to a peer-reviewed study based on medical literature between 1990 and June 2017. It also concluded that 300 of the 1,984 people injured suffered permanent disability. The actual numbers are likely to be far higher, according to the report.

Since then, the availability, variety and deployment of KIPs has escalated globally, furthering the militarization of protest policing.

The Amnesty report finds that national guidance on the use of KIPs rarely meets international standards on the use of force, which states that their deployment be limited to situations of last resort when violent individuals pose an imminent threat of harm to persons. Police forces routinely flout regulations with impunity.

In the United States, the report said, the use of rubber bullets to suppress peaceful protest has become increasingly commonplace.

One demonstrator hit in the face in Minneapolis, Minnesota on 31 May 2020 told Amnesty International: “My eye exploded from the impact of the rubber bullet and my nose moved from where it should be to below the other eye. The first night I was in the hospital they gathered up the pieces of my eye and sewed it back together. Then they moved my nose back to where it should be and reshaped it. They put in a prosthetic eye – so I can only see out of my right eye now.”

In Spain, the use of large, inherently inaccurate tennis-ball-sized rubber KIPs has led to at last one death from head trauma and 24 serious injuries, including 11 cases of severe eye injury, according to Stop Balas de Goma, a campaign group.

In France, a medical review of 21 patients with face and eye injuries caused by rubber bullets noted severe injuries including bone fragmentation, fractures and ruptures resulting in blindness.

IPS UN Bureau Report


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