Wood Mackenzie nomme un nouveau directeur financier

LONDRES, HOUSTON et SINGAPOUR, 29 mars 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Wood Mackenzie, une socit de portefeuille de Veritas Capital, a nomm, avec prise d'effet le 27 mars, Simon Crowe au poste de directeur financier au sein de son quipe de direction mondiale.

Simon apporte sa vaste exprience acquise au sein d'entreprises prives et publiques aux tats–Unis, en Europe et en Asie. Il rejoint Wood Mackenzie aprs avoir travaill pendant prs de cinq ans comme directeur financier chez ERM, la plus grande socit de conseil en matire de dveloppement durable et d'environnement au monde, o il a jou un rle cl dans la croissance rapide, la diversification et l'investissement russi de KKR.

Ragissant la nomination de Simon, le PDG de Wood Mackenzie, Mark Brinin, a affirm : Simon est un directeur financier vocation commerciale, qui possde une vaste exprience internationale acquise durant ses annes de service chez ERM, une socit finance par des capitaux privs, et au sein de socits cotes sur les bourses de New York, de Londres et d'Europe. Il possde de solides comptences en gestion financire et leadership stratgique. L'exprience diversifie dont jouit Simon en matire de conseil environnemental et de marchs mondiaux de l'nergie lui confre une connaissance approfondie de nos marchs finaux. Sa remarquable exprience contribuera au succs futur de Wood Mackenzie. Nous sommes ravis qu'il ait pris la dcision de nous rejoindre.

Il est tout fait qualifi pour aider l'quipe tirer le meilleur parti de ses dcennies de leadership et d'innovation dans le secteur de l'nergie. Le moment ne pouvait pas tre mieux choisi pour rejoindre Wood Mackenzie, car l'entreprise est bien place pour enrichir et amliorer les informations essentielles fournies sa clientle grandissante sur l'ensemble de la chane de valeur de l'nergie et des nergies renouvelables , a ajout M. Brinin.

Le nouveau directeur financier, Simon Crowe, a affirm : Je suis trs enthousiaste l'ide de rejoindre l'quipe de Wood Mackenzie. Les marchs mondiaux de l'nergie, des nergies renouvelables et des matires premires sont en transition vers l'objectif zro mission nette, et Wood Mackenzie a trouv en Veritas Capital un nouveau partenaire stratgique. Le monde aura de plus en plus recours aux ides, donnes et connaissances essentielles dveloppes au cours des 50 dernires annes par les quipes de recherche et de conseil de Wood Mackenzie. Je me rjouis la perspective de travailler avec une quipe mondiale de premier ordre et de contribuer la mise en "uvre du programme de croissance.

Dcouvrez l'ensemble de l'quipe de direction de Wood Mackenzie ici.
Consultez le communiqu de presse annonant l'acquisition de Wood Mackenzie par Veritas Capital en fvrier ici.

Pour plus d'informations, veuillez contacter l'quipe des relations avec les mdias de Wood Mackenzie :
Sonia Kerr
+44 330 174 7267

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propos de Wood Mackenzie
Wood Mackenzie est une source fiable de renseignements commerciaux destins au secteur des ressources naturelles l'chelle mondiale. Nous dotons nos clients de la capacit prendre de meilleures dcisions stratgiques en mettant leur disposition des analyses et des conseils objectifs sur les actifs, les entreprises et les marchs. Pour plus d'informations, consultez le site : www.woodmac.com ou suivez–nous sur Twitter @WoodMackenzie
WOOD MACKENZIE est une marque de Wood Mackenzie Limited et fait l'objet d'enregistrements et/ou de demandes d'enregistrement de marques dans la Communaut europenne, aux tats–Unis et dans d'autres pays du monde."

propos de Veritas Capital
Veritas est un investisseur de longue date dans le domaine de la technologie qui gre plus de 40 milliards de dollars d'actifs, avec un accent sur les entreprises oprant l'intersection de la technologie et de la gouvernance. L'entreprise investit dans des socits qui fournissent des produits, des logiciels et des services essentiels, principalement des solutions technologiques et celles fondes sur la technologie, des clients des secteurs public et commercial dans le monde entier. Veritas vise crer de la valeur en transformant stratgiquement les entreprises dans lesquelles elle investit par des moyens organiques et inorganiques. L'objectif d'exploiter la technologie pour gnrer un impact positif dans des domaines vitaux, tels que les soins de sant, l'ducation et la scurit nationale, se trouve au c"ur des actions de l'entreprise. Veritas est fire de grer les actifs nationaux, d'amliorer la qualit des soins de sant tout en rduisant les cots, de faire progresser notre systme ducatif et de protger notre pays et ses allis. Pour plus d'informations, consultez www.veritascapital.com.

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000800841)

Wood Mackenzie ernennt neuen Chief Financial Officer

LONDON, HOUSTON und SINGAPUR, March 29, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Wood Mackenzie, ein Portfoliounternehmen von Veritas Capital, hat Simon Crowe zum 27. Mrz als Chief Financial Officer (CFO) in sein globales Fhrungsteam berufen.

Herr Crowe bringt eine Flle von Erfahrungen in privaten und ffentlichen Unternehmen in den USA, Europa und Asien mit. Nach fast fnf Jahren als CFO von ERM, der weltweit grten Nachhaltigkeits– und Umweltberatung, wo er eine Schlsselrolle bei deren schnellem Wachstum, Diversifizierung und erfolgreicher Investition von KKR spielte, stt er nun zu Wood Mackenzie.

Mark Brinin, CEO von Wood Mackenzie, kommentierte die Ernennung von Herrn Crowe mit den Worten: "Herr Crowe ist ein kaufmnnisch denkender CFO mit umfassender internationaler Erfahrung, der bei der durch Private–Equity finanzierten ERM und Unternehmen gearbeitet hat, die an den Brsen von New York, London und Europa notiert sind. Er verfgt ber ein starkes Finanzmanagement und strategische Fhrungsqualitten. Der vielfltige Hintergrund von Herrn Crowe in der Umweltberatung und auf den globalen Energiemrkten bringt ein tiefgreifendes Wissen ber unsere Endmrkte mit sich. Seine umfangreiche Erfahrung wird dem zuknftigen Erfolg von Wood Mackenzie zugute kommen. Wir freuen uns, dass er sich fr uns entschieden hat."

"Er ist bestens qualifiziert, um das Team dabei zu untersttzen, seine jahrzehntelange Fhrungsrolle und Innovation in der Energiebranche auszubauen. Es ist eine aufregende Zeit, bei Wood Mackenzie einzusteigen, da das Unternehmen gut positioniert ist, um die kritischen Einblicke, die es seinem wachsenden Kundenstamm ber die gesamte Wertschpfungskette im Bereich Energie und erneuerbare Energien bietet, zu erweitern und zu verbessern", so Brinin weiter.

Simon Crowe, CFO, kommentierte dies wie folgt: "Ich freue mich sehr, dass ich Teil des Teams von Wood Mackenzie werde. Die globalen Mrkte fr Energie, erneuerbare Energien und Rohstoffe sind im bergang zu Netto–Null und Wood Mackenzie hat einen neuen strategischen Partner in Veritas Capital. Die Welt wird zunehmend auf die kritischen Erkenntnisse, Daten und Kenntnisse angewiesen sein, die die Forschungs– und Beratungsteams von Wood Mackenzie in den letzten 50 Jahren entwickelt haben. Ich freue mich auf die Zusammenarbeit mit einem erstklassigen globalen Team und darauf, die Wachstumsagenda voranzutreiben."

Das vollstndige Fhrungsteam von Wood Mackenzie finden Sie hier.
Die Pressemitteilung, in der die bernahme von Wood Mackenzie durch Veritas Capital im Februar angekndigt wurde, finden Sie hier.

Fr weitere Informationen kontaktieren Sie bitte das Media Relations Team von Wood Mackenzie:
Sonia Kerr
+44 330 174 7267

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ber Wood Mackenzie
Wood Mackenzie ist eine vertrauenswrdige Quelle fr wirtschaftliche Informationen ber den weltweiten Rohstoffsektor. Wir befhigen Kunden, bessere strategische Entscheidungen zu treffen, und bieten objektive Analysen und Beratung zu Vermgenswerten, Unternehmen und Mrkten. Fr weitere Informationen besuchen Sie: www.woodmac.com oder folgen Sie uns auf Twitter @WoodMackenzie
WOOD MACKENZIE ist eine Marke von Wood Mackenzie Limited und ist Gegenstand von Markenregistrierungen und/oder –anmeldungen in der Europischen Gemeinschaft, den USA und anderen Lndern weltweit."

ber Veritas Capital
Veritas ist ein langjhriger Technologie–Investor mit einem verwalteten Vermgen von ber 40 Milliarden US–Dollar und einem Schwerpunkt auf Unternehmen, die an der Schnittstelle zwischen Technologie und ffentlicher Verwaltung ttig sind. Das Unternehmen investiert in Firmen, die kritische Produkte, Software und Dienstleistungen, vor allem Technologie und technologiegesttzte Lsungen, fr staatliche und kommerzielle Kunden weltweit anbieten. Veritas ist bestrebt, Werte zu schaffen, indem es die Unternehmen, in die es investiert, durch organische und anorganische Manahmen strategisch umgestaltet. Die Nutzung von Technologie, um in wichtigen Bereichen wie dem Gesundheitswesen, der Bildung und der nationalen Sicherheit positive Auswirkungen zu erzielen, ist ein zentrales Anliegen des Unternehmens. Veritas ist ein stolzer Verwalter nationaler Gter, der die Qualitt des Gesundheitswesens verbessert und gleichzeitig die Kosten senkt, unser Bildungssystem vorantreibt und unsere Nation und Verbndeten schtzt. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter www.veritascapital.com.

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000800841)

Wood Mackenzie nomeia novo Chief Financial Officer

LONDRES, HOUSTON e SINGAPURA, March 29, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Wood Mackenzie, uma empresa de porteflio da Veritas Capital, nomeou Simon Crowe para a sua equipa de liderana executiva global como Chief Financial Officer (CFO), a partir de 27 de maro.

Simon tem uma vasta experincia em empresas privadas e pblicas nos EUA, Europa e sia. Simon junta–se Wood Mackenzie aps quase cinco anos como CFO na ERM, a maior consultoria de sustentabilidade e meio ambiente do mundo, onde desempenhou um papel fundamental no rpido crescimento, diversificao e investimento bem–sucedido da KKR.

Comentando a nomeao de Simon, Mark Brinin, CEO da Wood Mackenzie, disse: "Simon um CFO com mentalidade comercial, e uma ampla experincia internacional, tendo trabalhado com a ERM apoiada por private equity e empresas listadas nas bolsas de valores de Nova York, Londres e Europa. Possui fortes competncias de gesto financeira e liderana estratgica. A sua experincia diversificada em consultoria ambiental e mercados globais de energia aporta um conhecimento profundo dos nossos mercados finais. A sua considervel experincia beneficiar o futuro sucesso da Wood Mackenzie. com grato prazer que acolhemos Simon na nossa empresa."

"Est bem qualificado para ajudar a equipa a aproveitar as dcadas de liderana e inovao no setor da energia. um momento emocionante para se juntar Wood Mackenzie, j que a empresa est bem posicionada para se expandir e aumentar os conhecimentos crticos fornecidos sua crescente base de clientes em toda a cadeia de valor de energia e renovveis", acrescentou Brinin.

Simon Crowe, CFO, comentou: "Estou muito entusiasmado por me juntar equipa da Wood Mackenzie. Os mercados globais de energia, renovveis e commodities esto em transio para o zero lquido e a Wood Mackenzie tem um novo parceiro estratgico na Veritas Capital. O mundo depender cada vez mais dos conhecimentos crticos, dados e conhecimentos que as equipas de pesquisa e consultoria da Wood Mackenzie desenvolveram nos ltimos 50 anos. Estou ansioso por trabalhar com uma equipa global de primeiro nvel e ajudar a impulsionar a agenda de crescimento."

Veja a equipa completa de liderana executiva da Wood Mackenzie aqui.
Leia o comunicado de imprensa anunciando a aquisio da Wood Mackenzie pela Veritas Capital em fevereiro aqui.

Para obter mais informaes, entre em contacto com a equipa de relaes com os meios de comunicao da Wood Mackenzie:
Sonia Kerr
+44 330 174 7267

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Acerca da Wood Mackenzie
A Wood Mackenzie uma fonte confivel de inteligncia comercial para o setor dos recursos naturais em todo o mundo. Capacitamos os clientes a tomarem melhores decises estratgicas, fornecendo anlises objetivas e aconselhamento sobre ativos, empresas e mercados. Para mais informaes, visite: www.woodmac.com ou siga–nos no Twitter @WoodMackenzie
WOOD MACKENZIE uma marca comercial da Wood Mackenzie Limited e est sujeita a registos de marcas comerciais e/ou pedidos na Comunidade Europeia, nos EUA e noutros pases do mundo."

Sobre a Veritas Capital
A Veritas uma investidora de tecnologia de longa data com mais de 40 mil milhes de USD em ativos sob gesto e um foco nas empresas que operam na interseco entre tecnologia e governo. A empresa investe em empresas que fornecem produtos, software e servios fundamentais, principalmente solues tecnolgicas e baseadas em tecnologia, a clientes governamentais e comerciais em todo o mundo. A Veritas procura criar valor transformando estrategicamente as empresas nas quais investe por meios orgnicos e inorgnicos. Aproveitar a tecnologia para ter um impacto positivo em reas de vital importncia, como sade, educao e segurana nacional, fundamental para a empresa. A Veritas uma orgulhosa administradora de ativos nacionais, melhorando a qualidade dos cuidados de sade e, ao mesmo tempo, reduzindo custos, promovendo o nosso sistema educacional e protegendo a nossa nao e aliados. Para obter mais informaes, visite www.veritascapital.com.

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000800841)

Stampedes as Destitute Throng Pakistan’s Free Flour Distribution Points

A man collects his ration at one of the Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP) collection points. The project, however, has resulted in deaths and injuries as people flocked to the collection points. Credit: Ashfaq Yusufzai/IPS

A man collects his ration at one of the Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP) collection points. The project, however, has resulted in deaths and injuries as people flocked to the collection points. Credit: Ashfaq Yusufzai/IPS

By Ashfaq Yusufzai
PESHAWAR, Mar 29 2023 – The free Atta (flour) distribution scheme launched by the government to assist the inflation-hit communities during the holy month of Ramzan has left at least ten dead and over 100 injured as would-be beneficiaries rush to claim their 10-kilogram bags.

“We have been waiting in long queues to get a bag of flour since morning but to no avail, as the police resorted to baton charging the would-be beneficiaries. At least 20 people, including seven women, sustained injuries because police baton-charged the crowd,” Abdul Wali, 35, a daily wager, told IPS.

A resident of Mardan district in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP), Wali said that he had no money to purchase flour and other items for daily use and had pinned his hopes on the free flour scheme. But owing to the rush of people, he didn’t get it. Instead, the injured man was rushed to the hospital.

Wali, a street vendor, said he received first aid at the hospital, where his wounds were bandaged, but he has been forced to rest until he recovers.

On March 8, Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif announced the government would provide 100 million people with 10kg of free flour during Ramzan in Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) provinces. He said it would cost Rs73 billion (about USD 257 million) to the national exchequer.

Since the beginning of flour distribution at the designated points, ten people, including two women, have died in their effort to get free bags under the Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP).

Pakistanis, hit by price-hikes, rush to the points each day, but half of them return empty-handed in the evening due to the number of people trying to claim their food parcels. Stampedes have a problem, especially in KP, where the poverty ratio is higher than in any other province.

“My father stood in a row to get the flour, but meanwhile, stampede started, and he died instantly,” Ghufran Khan, a daily wager in Charsadda district, told IPS. His father, Wakil Khan, 55, an asthmatic, lost his life before he could get his flour ration.

Mismanagement at the distribution places is keeping the elderly and sick people away from points where the young and healthy people get the flour, he said.

On March 26, a tribal Jirga banned women from visiting the distribution points in Bara Khyber District in KP.

“Our women are getting harsh treatment, and therefore, we have decided that only male members of the deserving families would collect the bags,” Shahid Khan Shinwari, a member of the Jirga, said.

According to him, the government should give cash amounts through banks to avoid maltreatment of the beneficiaries.

“As per local traditions, our women don’t venture out in public, but poverty has hit the people hard, forcing them even to resort to begging. Government should take pity on poor people who have no option but to wait in the scorching sun to get flour,” Shinwari said.

The situation in tribal districts located along the Pakistan-Afghanistan border is very precarious because of the poverty, he said.

Thousands throng the Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP) collection points.

Thousands throng the Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP) collection points.

Nasreen Bibi, a resident of Peshawar, the capital of KP, is angry about the distribution mechanism.

“For the last three days, I have been visiting the point, but there was no chance of getting the stuff due to the massive crowd. I am scared and have stopped going there now,” Bibi, a housewife, told IPS. A widow, she has to feed her six children. All are unemployed, and her oldest son, a mason, lost his job because the construction activities have come to a complete halt due to Ramzan, she said.

Young people are climbing over trucks loaded with flour and take away bags while the women are forced to be silent spectators, she explained.

Sharif visited several cities after reports of deaths and injuries, but there has been no improvement as the mechanism is problematic. On March 27, he inspected several places in Islamabad, but there have been no improvements so far.

Human rights activists are concerned.

“It is a gross violation of human rights. People are fighting for flour without caring for their well-being and health. I recommend that the government adopt the mechanism of former Prime Minister Imran Khan during Covid-19, where people received Rs12,000 through banks,” Muhammad Uzair, a human rights activist, said.

On rainy days, the situation worsens when the people get wet flour that cannot be used, he said.

“We appeal to the government to realize the gravity of the situation and revert to cash assistance to save the women, children and elderly people from disrespect,” he said.

He said that if the government didn’t pay attention, the crisis may increase, and many people could lose their lives.

Even in Islamabad, the capital city of Pakistan, people throng the distribution points early in the morning, but many lose hope and return to their homes.

“The government has enrolled 150,000 families in Islamabad, but the pace of distribution is at snail’s pace, and police have had to intervene time and again to ensure order,” Shah Afzal, 59, said.

Afzal, a dishwasher in a restaurant, lost his job during Ramzan. He said the flour distribution gave the impoverished community hope, but the system is faulty and aged people cannot continue to put their lives at risk.

IPS UN Bureau Report


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Civil Society a Vital Force for Change Against the Odds

By Andrew Firmin and Inés M. Pousadela
LONDON / MONTEVIDEO, Mar 29 2023 – Brave protests against women’s second-class status in Iran; the mass defence of economic rights in the face of a unilateral presidential decision in France; huge mobilisations to resist government plans to weaken the courts in Israel: all these have shown the willingness of people to take public action to stand up for human rights.

The world has seen a great wave of protests in 2022 and 2023, many of them sparked by soaring costs of living. But these and other actions are being met with a ferocious backlash. Meanwhile multiple conflicts and crises are intensifying threats to human rights.

Vast-scale human rights abuses are being committed in Ukraine, women’s rights are being trampled on in Afghanistan and LGBTQI+ people’s rights are under assault in Uganda, along with several other countries. Military rule is again being normalised in multiple countries, including Mali, Myanmar and Sudan, and democracy undermined by autocratic leaders in El Salvador, India and Tunisia, among others. Even supposedly democratic states such as Australia and the UK are undermining the vital right to protest.

But in the face of this onslaught civil society continues to strive to make a crucial difference to people’s lives. It’s the force behind a wave of breakthroughs on g abortion rights in Latin America, most recently in Colombia, and on LGBTQI+ rights in countries as diverse as Barbados, Mexico and Switzerland. Union organising has gained further momentum in big-brand companies such as Amazon and Starbucks. Progress on financing for the loss and damage caused by climate change came as a result of extensive civil society advocacy.

The latest State of Civil Society Report from CIVICUS, the global civil society alliance, presents a global picture of these trends. We’ve engaged with civil society activists and experts from around the world to understand how civil society is responding to conflict and crisis, mobilising for economic justice, defending democracy, advancing women’s and LGBTQI+ rights, calling for climate action and urging global governance reform. These are our key findings.

Civil society is playing a key role in responding to conflicts and humanitarian crises – and facing retaliation

Civil society is vital in conflict and crisis settings, where it provides essential services, helps and advocates for victims, monitors human rights and collects evidence of violations to hold those responsible to account. But for doing this, civil society is coming under attack.

Catastrophic global governance failures highlight the urgency of reform

Too often in the face of the conflicts and crises that have marked the world over the past year, platitudes are all international institutions have had to offer. Multilateral institutions have been left exposed by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. It’s time to take civil society’s proposals to make the United Nations more democratic seriously.

People are mobilising in great numbers in response to economic shock – and exposing deeper problems in the process

As it drove a surge in fuel and food prices, Russia’s war on Ukraine became a key driver of a global cost of living crisis. This triggered protests in at least 133 countries where people demanded economic justice. Civil society is putting forward progressive economic ideas, including on taxation, connecting with other struggles for rights, including for climate, gender, racial and social justice.

The right to protest is under attack – even in longstanding democracies

Many states, unwilling or unable to concede the deeper demands of protests, have responded with violence. The right to protest is under attack all over the world, particularly when people mobilise for economic justice, democracy, human rights and environmental rights. Civil society groups are striving to defend the right to protest.

Democracy is being eroded in multiple ways – including from within by democratically elected leaders

Economic strife and insecurity are providing fertile ground for the emergence of authoritarian leaders and the rise of far-right extremism, as well for the rejection of incumbency. In volatile conditions, civil society is working to resist regression and make the case for inclusive, pluralist and participatory democracy.

Disinformation is skewing public discourse, undermining democracy and fuelling hate

Disinformation is being mobilised, particularly in the context of conflicts, crises and elections, to sow polarisation, normalise extremism and attack rights. Powerful authoritarian states and far-right groups provide major sources, and social media companies are doing nothing to challenge a problem that’s ultimately good for their business model. Civil society needs to forge a joined-up, multifaceted global effort to counter disinformation.

Movements for women’s and LGBTQI+ rights are making gains against the odds

In the face of difficult odds, civil society continues to drive progress on women’s and LGBTQI+ rights. But its breakthroughs are making civil society the target of a ferocious backlash. Civil society is working to resist attempts to reverse gains and build public support to ensure that legal changes are consolidated by shifts in attitudes.

Civil society is the major force behind the push for climate action

Civil society continues to be the force sounding the alarm on the triple threat of climate change, pollution and biodiversity loss. Civil society is urging action using every tactic available, from street protest and direct action to litigation and advocacy in national and global arenas. But the power of the fossil fuel lobby remains undimmed and restrictions on climate protests are burgeoning. Civil society is striving to find new ways to communicate the urgent need for action.

Civil society is reinventing itself to adapt to a changing world

In the context of pressures on civic space and huge global challenges, civil society is growing, diversifying and widening its repertoire of tactics. Much of civil society’s radical energy is coming from small, informal groups, often formed and led by women, young people and Indigenous people. There is a need to support and nurture these.

We believe the events of the past year show that civil society – and the space for civil society to act – are needed more than ever. If they really want to tackle the many great problems of the world today, states and the international community need to take some important first steps: they need to protect the space for civil society and commit to working with us rather than against us.

Andrew Firmin is CIVICUS Editor-in-Chief. Inés M. Pousadela is CIVICUS Senior Research Specialist. Both are co-directors and writers of CIVICUS Lens and co-authors of the State of Civil Society Report.


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Uganda: UN Experts Condemn Egregious anti-LGBT Legislation

UN-GLOBE marches in the 2019 World Pride parade in celebration of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning/queer and intersex (LGBTQI) people everywhere. Credit: UN-GLOBE

By an IPS Correspondent
UNITED NATIONS, Mar 29 2023 – A group of UN experts* on human rights has blasted the Government of Uganda for making homosexuality punishable by death.

“It is an egregious violation of human rights, the experts said, urging Uganda’s president not to promulgate laws that take aim at and further criminalise people identifying as lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT), and those who support and defend their human rights.

“The imposition of the death penalty based on such legislation is per se an arbitrary killing and a breach of article 6 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR),” the experts said, noting that this advice has been provided on several occasions to the Ugandan State in the past, according to a press release.

The Ugandan parliament recently approved harsh anti-LGBT laws that target and jeopardise the rights of LGBT persons and those who support and defend their human rights. The Ugandan legislation has been criticised as one of the world’s harshest anti-LGBT laws.

“The imposition of the death penalty for same-sex intimacy – including so-called ‘serial homosexuality’ – is an egregious violation of human rights,” the UN experts said.

They warned that the new legislation would exacerbate and legitimise continued stigmatisation, violence, harassment, and discrimination against LGBT persons and impact all spheres of their lives.

“LGBTI persons will constantly live in fear and stress for their life and physical integrity for simply living according to their sexual orientation,” the experts said, highlighting also the mental health-associated risks.

The experts said consistent acts of aggression, intimidation, and harassment and the proposed legislation threatened the physical and mental integrity and health of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and other gender diverse persons in Uganda.

“Culture can never be a justification for such flagrant violations of human rights,” the experts said. They recalled the obligation of all stakeholders, including States, civil society and businesses, to promote social inclusion and contribute to stopping human rights abuses.

According to the experts, the Ugandan legislation comes after years of State-instigated and perpetuated discrimination and violence on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity.

The experts repeatedly raised serious concerns about escalating risks to the human rights of LGBT persons in Uganda over the past 15 years, including when other iterations of so-called “anti-homosexuality” laws were proposed in 2009, 2012, 2013 and 2014.

In all cases, the draft bills were assessed as potentially leading to immediate violations to a substantial range of human rights, including the rights to life, liberty and security, privacy, equality and non-discrimination, freedom of association, peaceful assembly, opinion, expression, and the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health, not to be subject to arbitrary arrest or detention, and the absolute prohibition against torture or cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment.

“The new law is no exception and forms part of a worrying trend of intolerance, exacerbating stigma against LGBTI persons without any grounds or evidence,” they said.

The experts recalled that every person has the right to live peacefully and free from discrimination and violence. “We urge the President of Uganda to tread a new path towards respect of human rights and acceptance of difference, and reject the proposed law,” they said.

*The group of experts include: Mr. Víctor Madrigal-Borloz, Independent Expert on protection against violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity; Irene Khan, UN Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression; Nazila Ghanea, Special Rapporteur on freedom of religion or belief; Ms. Margaret Satterthwaite, Special Rapporteur on the independence of judges and lawyers; Dr Alice Jill Edwards, Special Rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment; Ms. Reem Alsalem, Special Rapporteur on violence against women and girls, its causes and consequences; Mary Lawlor, Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights defenders; Ms. Miriam Estrada-Castillo (Chair-Rapporteur), Mr. Mumba Malila (Vice-Chair), Ms. Priya Gopalan, Mr. Matthew Gillett, and Ms. Ganna Yudkivska – Working Group on arbitrary detention; Ms. Alexandra Xanthaki, Special Rapporteur in the field of cultural rights; Dr. Ana Brian Nougrères, Special Rapporteur on the right to privacy; Ms. Tlaleng Mofokeng, Special Rapporteur on the right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health; Mr. Clément Nyaletsossi Voule, Special Rapporteur on the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and of association; Ms. Pichamon Yeophantong (Chairperson), Mr. Damilola Olawuyi (Vice-Chairperson), Ms. Fernanda Hopenhaym, Ms. Elżbieta Karska, and Mr. Robert McCorquodale of the Working Group on the issue of human rights and transnational corporations and other business enterprises; Mr. Gerard Quinn, Special Rapporteur on the rights of persons with disabilities; Morris Tidball-Binz, Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions.

IPS UN Bureau Report


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A ‘Barbed-Wire Curtain’ Around Europe

Finland began construction of a fence along its border with Russia, the Finnish Border Guard (RAJA), announced on February 28th. Credit: The European Conservative

By Élisabeth Vallet
QUEBEC, Canada, Mar 29 2023 – In the wake of Finland’s announcement last fall that it will build a barrier along its border with Russia, the discussions surrounding the European Council meeting of 9 February 2023 confirmed that the tide had turned.

Demands for stronger border measures have multiplied and some states have made it clear that they are willing to finance border barriers in other member states on the edge of the European Union.

They are thus projecting their own anxieties beyond their territories: in the midst of a moral panic, Europe now seems to be building what the geographer Klaus Dodds calls a ‘barbed-wire curtain’: a protective bulwark, in the spirit of what Samuel Huntington imagined when he wrote The clash of civilizations.

However, Brussels doesn’t seem quite ready to build a continuous external and concrete border wall itself. Yet.

Europe has a historical yet complicated relationship with walls. At the outset of the millennium, the continent, which had long rejected the idea of border walls as relics of a bygone era, in time would change its tune.

As the European Union expanded, it inherited the fenced-off borders in the heart of Cyprus and on the edge of Lithuania. But these were seen as mere remnants of conflicts from the past.

For in the 1990s, the EU became the champion of a world without borders, a world of free movement and flow. Yet, this was a mirage: the Schengen area abolished internal border controls while the physical barriers on its periphery were gradually hardening — such as Spain, which was walling up its border with Morocco in its two enclaves, Ceuta and Melilla, situated on the African continent. However, towards the end of the Cold War, there were still only 200 km of fenced borders in existence: vestiges of an ancient period, reminders of geopolitical obsolescence.

Breaking ‘the wall’ taboo

The great change towards erecting walls instead of tearing them down in Europe happened in two phases, starting in 2015, when the Syrian crisis led the EU to believe that there was also a ‘migratory crisis’ in Europe.

Then, in the following years, the change in the mindset continued both because of the Russian strategic threat in the wake of the invasion of Crimea and the instrumentalisation of refugee flows by Europe’s cumbersome neighbours.

Thus, in 2023, all over Europe, stretching from Finland to Greece, from Ukraine to Calais in France, there are 17 walled-in dyads. While 1.7 per cent of Europe’s land borders were barricaded at the end of the 20th century, 15.5 per cent are fenced today – 2008 kilometres of walls now scar the continent.

The fact that Europe is fully embracing the walled-in world and its own border limits is effectively breaking a taboo – that of the wall – as explicitly expressed by some heads of government on the eve of the European summit in February 2023. The Trumpian formulae, both gruesome and horrifying, is no longer an exception.

The wall has become an acceptable solution no longer limited to the vocabulary of populism and the Far Right, but rather entering fully mainstream discourse; legitimising exclusion as a tool of identity-based resistance in a world shaken by the winds of globalisation.

Yet, walls, which now represent a lucrative and globalised market with astronomical direct and indirect costs, do not fulfil the objectives for which they are being built. While political rhetoric suggests they are intended to seal and render the border impervious, it fails to recognise that flows shift – both spatially and temporally – when impeded.

Smuggling (whether of drugs, weapons, or people), irregular crossings and insurgency reorganise and become more opaque and thus more difficult to monitor. Flows disappear briefly to reappear elsewhere or in other forms. In the meantime, passage (both legal and illegal) becomes more costly and a magnet for organised crime.

Thus, although border walls sketch a fantasised imperviousness, they are not meant to serve as watertight membranes but rather as mere sieves.

Research shows that not only do walls burden bilateral trade and borderlands’ health, and affect a nation’s image, but they are also limited in effectiveness, as they do not block unwanted flows nor do they significantly increase security. Indeed, the US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) website has long claimed that the wall serves only as a ‘ speedbump’.

This perspective is shared by Finland’s Border Guard which states that the prototype barrier being tested will ‘slow down and guide the movements of any crowds that form’, adding that ‘even if people skirt the fence, it still fulfils its task by slowing down illegal entry and helping the authorities to manage the situation.’

However, this clear-mindedness doesn’t necessarily spill over into the public arena because border walls, as Trump proved in 2016, are an undeniably effective electoral weapon. An aspect that does not seem to have escaped the Austrian chancellor when he recently called for the erection of a wall along Europe borders – with the upcoming legislative elections in Austria less than a year away.

The wall as a silver bullet?

Just as a wall obscures the other side of the border, it also hides disagreements and opportunities for cooperation between border actors and border security policies. By de-structuring border areas economically, politically and ecologically, border walls amplify vulnerabilities and differences, which in turn accentuate violence. In their subsequent quest for security, states engage in damaging behaviours (such as suddenly shifting funding priorities, militarising border areas and mismanaging labour migration at the expense of local economies and ecosystems) – motivated by the prevailing rhetoric of a visible, theatrical silver bullet: the wall as a panacea.

As a matter of fact, border walls accentuate the global hierarchisation of mobility: a wall isn’t an impenetrable rampart for everyone but a filter that dissociates flows, selecting which is the wheat and which is the chaff. For some, it will impose cruel choices and added difficulties. For others, it will be barely a speck in the landscape.

For a few, it will even be an opportunity to enrich themselves. This unbalancing contributes to the political longevity of the wall-building process while also accomplishing a self-fulfilling prophecy: it becomes the announced remedy to the instability it breeds. Border walling creates a ‘tragedy by design’.

Hence, any transgression of the wall – Professor Scott Nicol calls these barriers ‘ladder magnets’ – becomes a demonstration of its very necessity, despite the fact that the wall itself is the reason some of these activities are now illegal.

By succumbing to the sirens of border fortification, European states are contributing to the normalisation and dissemination of the walling phenomenon. Walls are – above all – an admission of failure (of cooperation – both international and European) and a renouncement of the founding values of the European Union.

The resulting backlash will see an increased rift, accentuated flows, growing incomprehension and fears that are ever more primal, for which only greater cooperation can offer a remedy. For walls do not solve the problems they address. They merely act as a bandage on a broken limb, a smokescreen before increasingly glaring problems that remain unsolved.

Élisabeth Vallet is an Associate Professor at the RMCC-Saint Jean in Canada. She is also the director of the Centre for Geopolitical Studies of the Raoul-Dandurand Chair in Strategic and Diplomatic Studies (UQAM-Canada). Her main field of interest include Borders, border walls and US politics.

Source: International Politics and Society (IPS) which is published by the Global and European Policy Unit of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Hiroshimastrasse 28, D-10785 Berlin.

IPS UN Bureau


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