Lantronix annonce une nouvelle solution de passerelle IdO cellulaire compacte, X300, idéale pour les applications cruciales

IRVINE, Californie, 28 mars 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Lantronix Inc. (NASDAQ : LTRX), fournisseur mondial de solutions cl en main sres pour le march de l'informatique intelligente et l'Internet industriel des objets (IIdO), a annonc sa nouvelle solution de passerelle IdO compacte, X300. Idale pour des applications cruciales sres, la nouvelle solution de passerelle IdO cellulaire compacte X300 associe le matriel de passerelle IdO de Lantronix avec un abonnement des services premium, comprenant une gestion centralise des appareils, des donnes cellulaires intgres, une scurit des appareils amliore et une assistance technique spcialise, tout–en–un.

Chez Lantronix, nous sommes dtermins offrir nos clients des solutions IdO cl en main qui rsolvent avec efficacit leurs problmes de connectivit et de gestion des appareils distants tout en leur fournissant une assistance technique spcialise assurant un dploiement russi , a dclar Paul Pickle, PDG de Lantronix. Avec cette nouvelle solution de passerelle IdO compacte X300, nos clients peuvent avoir l'esprit tranquille en sachant qu'ils disposent d'une solution fiable et facile grer offrant des temps de fonctionnement optimaux et une scurit maximale des donnes pour les applications cruciales.

Selon Berg Insight, plus de 4,5 millions de passerelles IdO cellulaires ont t livres l'chelle mondiale en 2021, soit une hausse de 23 %, pour une valeur de march totale d'environ 1,15 milliard de dollars. Les ventes annuelles, quant elles, ont augment de 14 % alors que la demande s'est rtablie suite la pandmie de COVID–19. On prdit que les recettes annuelles de la vente de passerelles IdO cellulaires se dvelopperont selon un taux de croissance annuel compos (TCAC) de 14 % pour atteindre la somme de 2,18 milliards de dollars d'ici 2026.

La solution de passerelle IdO compacte X300 inclut :

  • X300, une passerelle IdO industrielle compacte (79 mm X 79 mm) avec des interfaces matrielles adaptes, comprenant un port Multi–mode Srie, un port Ethernet LAN, des capacits Wi–Fi 5, Bluetooth/BLE et des options de connectivit cellulaire mondiale, permettant la connexion de n'importe quels types de capteurs et machines industriels n'importe quel type de rseau.
  • Services inclus pendant la premire anne d'abonnement :
    • Mise niveau gratuite vers ConsoleFlow pour la gestion premium d'appareils dans le cloud avec analyses
    • Services de connectivit avec des forfaits de donnes cellulaires pratiques et flexibles l'chelle mondiale
    • Mise niveau gratuite vers les LEVEL 2 Services comprenant une assistance technique spcialise immdiate et une garantie avec remplacement de matriel avanc
    • Lantronix InfiniShield pour sa scurit intgre, comprenant une puce Secure Element (SE) qui permet un dmarrage, un accs aux quipements et des communications sans danger et vite tout accs non autoris aux informations confidentielles

La nouvelle solution de passerelle IdO X300 sera prsente lors du salon ISC West, Las Vegas, du 28 au 31 mars 2023, au stand de Lantronix, le numro 2097. Pour plus d'informations sur ce pack tout–en–un, veuillez consulter la page–series/

propos de Lantronix

Lantronix Inc. est un fournisseur mondial de solutions cls en main scurises pour l'Internet des Objets (IdO) et la gestion des environnements distants (REM), proposant des logiciels en tant que services (SaaS), des services de connectivit, des services d'ingnierie et des solutions matrielles intelligentes.

Lantronix permet ses clients d'acclrer le dlai de mise sur le march et d'augmenter le temps et l'efficacit oprationnels en fournissant des solutions IdO intelligentes en priphrie et des passerelles avec gestion distance fiables, scurises et connectes.

Les produits et services de Lantronix simplifient considrablement la cration, le dveloppement, le dploiement et la gestion de projets IdO et informatiques dans les domaines de la robotique, de l'automobile, des appareils portables, de la vidoconfrence, de l'industrie, de la mdecine, de la logistique, des villes intelligentes, de la scurit, de la vente au dtail, des succursales, des salles de serveurs et des applications de centres de donnes. Pour tout complment d'information, veuillez consulter le site web de Lantronix.

Vous en apprendrez davantage sur le blog de Lantronix, o vous trouverez les discussions et les actualits du secteur. Suivez Lantronix sur Twitter, visionnez notre vidothque sur YouTube ou connectez–vous avec nous sur LinkedIn.

Dclaration Safe Harbor en vertu de la loi Private Securities Litigation Reform Act de 1995 : toutes les dclarations contenues dans le prsent communiqu de presse qui ne sont pas de nature entirement historique et factuelle, y compris, titre non limitatif, les dclarations relatives nos solutions, technologies et produits. Ces noncs prospectifs sont fonds sur nos attentes actuelles et sont assujettis des risques et incertitudes importants qui pourraient faire que nos rsultats, nos activits, notre situation financire ou nos performances rels diffrent sensiblement de nos rsultats historiques ou de ceux exprims ou sous–entendus dans tout nonc prospectif contenu dans le prsent communiqu de presse. Les risques et incertitudes potentiels incluent, entre autres, des facteurs tels que les effets ngatifs ou l'aggravation de la situation conomique rgionale et mondiale ou l'instabilit du march sur nos activits, y compris les effets sur les dcisions d'achat de nos clients ; l'impact de la pandmie de COVID–19 sur nos employs, les chanes d'approvisionnement et de distribution, et l'conomie mondiale ; les risques en matire de cyberscurit ; les modifications des lois, rglementations et tarifications gouvernementales amricaines et trangres en vigueur ; notre capacit mettre en "uvre avec succs notre stratgie d'acquisition ou intgrer les entreprises acquises ; les difficults et cots lis la protection des droits de brevet et autres droits de proprit ; notre niveau d'endettement, notre capacit rembourser notre dette et les restrictions imposes nos accords de dette ; ainsi que tout autre facteur inclus dans notre rapport annuel sur Formulaire 10–K pour l'exercice clos le 30 juin 2022, dpos auprs de la Securities and Exchange Commission ( SEC ) le 29 aot 2022, y compris dans la section concernant les Facteurs de risque sous l'alina 1A de la premire partie de ce rapport, ainsi que dans nos autres documents publics dposs auprs de la SEC. Des facteurs de risque supplmentaires sont susceptibles d'tre identifis occasionnellement dans nos futurs dpts. Les noncs prospectifs inclus dans le prsent communiqu de presse ne sont valables qu' la date indique dans celui–ci, et nous dclinons toute obligation de mettre jour ces noncs prospectifs dans l'intention de reflter des vnements ou circonstances survenant ultrieurement.

2023 Lantronix, Inc. Tous droits rservs. Lantronix est une marque dpose. Les autres marques et noms commerciaux appartiennent leurs propritaires respectifs.

Contact auprs des mdias chez Lantronix :
Gail Kathryn Miller
Responsable du marketing et
des communications d'entreprise

Contact auprs des investisseurs et analystes chez Lantronix :
Jeremy Whitaker
Directeur financier

Ventes Lantronix :
Amriques : +1 (800) 422–7055 (tats–Unis et Canada) ou +1 949–453–3990
Europe, Moyen–Orient et Afrique : +31 (0)76 52 36 744
Asie/Pacifique : + 852 3428–2338
Chine : + 86 21–6237–8868
Japon : +81 (0) 50–1354–6201
Inde : +91 994–551–2488

Une photo accompagnant cette annonce est disponible l'adresse–0d25–4f9e–add8–2538d7b31006

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8797263)

Lantronix kündigt das neue X300 Compact Cellular IoT Gateway an, eine ideale Lösung für unternehmenskritische Anwendungen

IRVINE, Kalifornien, March 28, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Lantronix Inc. (NASDAQ: LTRX), ein weltweiter Anbieter von sicheren schlsselfertigen Lsungen fr das Internet der Dinge (IoT) im industriellen Umfeld und im Markt fr intelligente IT, kndigte heute seine X300 Compact Gateway IoT–Lsung an. Die neue X300 Cellular Compact IoT Gateway–Lsung ist ideal fr sichere unternehmenskritische Anwendungen und kombiniert die IoT–Gateway–Hardware von Lantronix mit einem Premium–Service–Abonnement, einschlielich zentralisiertem Gertemanagement, integrierten Mobilfunkdaten, verbesserter Gertesicherheit und kompetenter technischer Untersttzung in einem All–in–One–Paket.

"Wir bei Lantronix sind bestrebt, unseren Kunden schlsselfertige IoT–Lsungen zu bieten, die die Probleme in Bezug auf Konnektivitt und Remote–Gertemanagement effizient lsen und gleichzeitig einen fachkundigen technischen Support bieten, um eine erfolgreiche Bereitstellung zu gewhrleisten", so Paul Pickle, CEO von Lantronix. "Mit der neuen X300 Compact Gateway IoT–Lsung knnen unsere Kunden sicher sein, dass sie ber eine zuverlssige, einfach zu verwaltende Lsung verfgen, die maximale Betriebszeit und Datensicherheit fr unternehmenskritische Anwendungen bietet."

Laut Berg Insight wurden im Jahr 2021 weltweit mehr als 4,5 Millionen Mobilfunk–IoT–Gateways ausgeliefert, was einem Anstieg von 23 Prozent und einem Gesamtmarktwert von etwa 1,15 Milliarden US–Dollar entspricht. Der Jahresabsatz stieg um 14 Prozent, da sich die Nachfrage nach der COVID–19–Pandemie erholte. Der Jahresumsatz aus dem Verkauf von Mobilfunk–IoT–Gateways wird voraussichtlich mit einer durchschnittlichen jhrlichen Wachstumsrate (CAGR) von 14 Prozent wachsen und bis 2026 2,18 Milliarden US–Dollar erreichen.

Die X300 Compact Gateway IoT–Lsung umfasst:

  • X300 Gateway, ein kompaktes (79 mm x 79 mm) IoT–Gateway fr industrielle Zwecke mit geeigneten Hardwareschnittstellen, einschlielich eines seriellen Multimode–Anschlusses, eines Ethernet–LAN–Anschlusses, Wi–Fi 5, Bluetooth/BLE und weltweiten Mobilfunkoptionen, das die Verbindung jeder Art von industriellem Gert und Sensor mit jeder Art von Netzwerk ermglicht.
  • Diese Services sind im Abonnement fr das erste Jahr enthalten:
    • Kostenloses Upgrade auf ConsoleFlow "" hochwertiges cloudbasiertes Gertemanagement mit Analysefunktionen
    • Connectivity Services "" globale, zweckmige und skalierbare Mobilfunkdatentarife
    • Kostenloses Upgrade auf LEVEL 2 Services "" schnelle technische Untersttzung durch Experten und Garantie mit erweitertem Hardwareaustausch
    • Lantronix InfiniShield "" integrierte Sicherheit, einschlielich eines Secure Element (SE)–Chips, der sicheres Booten, sicheren Gertezugang und sichere Kommunikation ermglicht und den unbefugten Zugriff auf vertrauliche Informationen verhindert

Die neue X300 Gateway IoT–Lsung wird auf der ISC West in Las Vegas vom 28. bis 31. Mrz 2023 am Stand von Lantronix, Nummer 2097, zu sehen sein. Weitere Informationen zu diesem All–in–One–Paket finden Sie unter–series/.

ber Lantronix

Lantronix Inc. ist ein globaler Anbieter sicherer schlsselfertiger Lsungen fr das Internet der Dinge (IoT) und Remote Environment Management (REM) und bietet Software–as–a–Service (SaaS), Konnektivittsdienstleistungen, Ingenieursdienstleistungen und intelligente Hardware an.

Lantronix ermglicht seinen Kunden, die Markteinfhrungszeit zu verkrzen sowie die Betriebszeit und Effizienz zu steigern, indem zuverlssige, sichere und vernetzte Intelligent–Edge–IoT– und Remote–Management–Gateway–Lsungen bereitgestellt werden.

Die Produkte und Dienstleistungen von Lantronix vereinfachen erheblich die Erstellung, Entwicklung, Bereitstellung und Verwaltung von IoT– und IT–Projekten fr Anwendungen in den Bereichen Robotik, Automobilbau, Wearables, Videokonferenzen, Industrie, Medizin, Logistik, Smart Cities, Sicherheit, Einzelhandel, Zweigstellen, Serverrume und Rechenzentren. Fr weitere Informationen besuchen Sie die Website von Lantronix.

Weitere Informationen finden Sie im Lantronix Blog, auf dem wir Diskussionen und Neuigkeiten aus der Branche verffentlichen. Folgen Sie Lantronix auf Twitter, sehen Sie sich unsere YouTube–Videobibliothek an oder kontaktieren Sie uns auf LinkedIn.

"Safe Harbor"–Erklrung gem dem Private Securities Litigation Reform Act von 1995: Alle in dieser Pressemitteilung enthaltenen Aussagen, die sich nicht vollstndig auf historische oder sachliche Fakten beziehen, gelten als zukunftsgerichtete Aussagen. Dies umfasst unter anderem Aussagen zu unseren Lsungen, Technologien und Produkten. Diese zukunftsgerichteten Aussagen basieren auf unseren aktuellen Erwartungen und unterliegen erheblichen Risiken und Ungewissheiten, die dazu fhren knnen, dass unsere tatschlichen Ergebnisse, zuknftigen Geschfts–, Finanz– oder Leistungsergebnisse erheblich von unseren historischen Ergebnissen oder von denen, die in den zukunftsgerichteten Aussagen in dieser Pressemitteilung ausgedrckt oder impliziert werden, abweichen. Zu den potenziellen Risiken und Ungewissheiten gehren unter anderem Faktoren wie die Auswirkungen negativer oder sich verschlechternder regionaler und weltweiter Wirtschaftsbedingungen oder Marktinstabilitt auf unser Geschft, einschlielich Auswirkungen auf Kaufentscheidungen unserer Kunden; die Auswirkungen des COVID–19–Ausbruchs auf unsere Mitarbeiter, Liefer– und Vertriebsketten und die Weltwirtschaft; Cybersicherheitsrisiken; nderungen der anwendbaren US– und auslndischen Regierungsgesetze, Vorschriften und Tarife; unsere Fhigkeit, unsere bernahmestrategie erfolgreich umzusetzen oder erworbene Unternehmen zu integrieren; Schwierigkeiten und Kosten fr den Schutz von Patenten und anderen Eigentumsrechten; die Hhe unserer Verschuldung, unsere Fhigkeit, unsere Schulden zu bedienen, und die Beschrnkungen in unseren Schuldenvereinbarungen; und alle zustzlichen Faktoren, die in unserem Jahresbericht auf Formular 10–K fr das am 30. Juni 2022 endende Geschftsjahr enthalten sind, der am 29. August 2022 bei der Securities and Exchange Commission (die "SEC") eingereicht wurde, einschlielich im Abschnitt mit der berschrift " Risikofaktoren" in Punkt 1A von Teil I dieses Berichts sowie in unseren anderen ffentlichen Einreichungen bei der SEC. Weitere Risikofaktoren knnen von Zeit zu Zeit in unseren zuknftigen Verffentlichungen genannt werden. Die in dieser Pressemitteilung enthaltenen zukunftsgerichteten Aussagen gelten nur zum Zeitpunkt dieser Verffentlichung. Wir bernehmen keine Verpflichtung, diese zukunftsgerichteten Aussagen zu aktualisieren, um sptere Ereignisse oder Umstnde widerzuspiegeln.

2023 Lantronix, Inc. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Lantronix ist eine eingetragene Marke. Andere Marken und Markennamen sind Eigentum der jeweiligen Inhaber.

Pressekontakt bei Lantronix:
Gail Kathryn Miller
Corporate Marketing &
Communications Manager

Ansprechpartner bei Lantronix fr Analysten und Anleger:
Jeremy Whitaker
Chief Financial Officer

Vertrieb von Lantronix:
Amerika +1 (800) 422–7055 (USA und Kanada) oder +1 949–453–3990
Europa, Naher Osten und Afrika +31 (0)76 52 36 744
Asien–Pazifikraum + 852 3428–2338
China + 86 21–6237–8868
Japan +81 (0) 50–1354–6201
Indien +91 994–551–2488

Ein Foto zu dieser Ankndigung finden Sie unter–0d25–4f9e–add8–2538d7b31006

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8797263)

Classic Parade gibt seine Gründung als britische Limited bekannt

LONDON, March 28, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Nach 20 Jahren in Familienbesitz wird Classic Parade, ein Hypercar–Vermieter in London, mit sofortiger Wirkung zu einer Limited Company, die von Investoren aus Katar finanziell untersttzt wird.

Dieser Schritt resultiert aus einer strategischen Geschftsentscheidung, sich auf das Wachstum auerhalb des Vereinigten Knigreichs zu konzentrieren. Zurzeit bietet Classic Parade Luxus–Hypercar–Vermietungen im ganzen Vereinigten Knigreich an, aber mit der erneuten Investition seiner neuen Eigentmer will das Unternehmen zum Premium–Hypercar–Vermieter in ganz Europa werden. Kein anderer Anbieter von Luxus–Superautos bedient einen so groen geografischen Bereich in der Region; Classic Parade wird der erste sein.

Das bestehende Fahrzeugportfolio ist umfangreich und umfasst bekannte Marken in der Luxusfahrzeugbranche wie Ferrari, McLaren, Rolls Royce, Porsche, Audi und andere. Ein Mietvertrag kann innerhalb von nur 24 Stunden abgeschlossen werden, so dass Sie im Vereinigten Knigreich bereits am nchsten Tag ein Hypercar mieten knnen. Mit den gleichen Dienstleistungen, die in ganz Europa angeboten werden sollen, wird Classic Parade seine Flotte erweitern, um die Nachfrage seines wachsenden Kundenstamms zu erfllen. Alle verfgbaren Fahrzeuge finden Sie auf der Website von Classic Parade. Hier ist ein Einblick in die Flotte von Classic Parade:

  • Ferrari SF90 Stradale: Der Ferrari SF90 Stradale hat eine beeindruckende Leistung von 986 PS. Mit seiner krftigen roten Farbe ist er heute eines der begehrtesten Fahrzeuge.
  • McLaren Speedtail: Die schnittige Karosserie dieses Fahrzeugs bietet Aerodynamik und seine 1050 PS sind fr viele Kunden ein Argument dafr, es anzumieten.
  • Lamborghini Sian: Mit einem Tagesmietpreis von 6000 GBP liegt dieses Modell in der Spitzengruppe der verfgbaren Lamborghinis. Er hat 808 PS und schafft es von 0–100 km/h in 2,8 Sekunden.
  • Porsche 918 Spyder: Bei einem Preis von 3500 GBP pro Tag knnen Fahrer die Fhigkeit des Porsche 918 Spyder testen, in 2,2 Sekunden von 0–100 km/h zu kommen.

Es gibt verschiedene Preiskategorien fr die Anmietung von Supercars, wobei fr jeden Vertrag eine Kaution hinterlegt werden muss. Wenn das Fahrzeug in gutem Zustand an Classic Parade zurckgegeben wird, wird die Kaution an den Kunden zurckerstattet. In jedem Vertrag ist eine Selbstfahrer–Vermietungsversicherung fr 2 Fahrer enthalten, wobei die Fahrer mindestens 25 Jahre alt sein mssen, um die von Classic Parade gemieteten Fahrzeuge zu fahren.

Classic Parade expandiert schrittweise und wird Sie informieren, sobald der Service an den Standorten in Europa aufgenommen wird. Sobald diese Standorte in Betrieb sind, werden sie einen 24–Stunden–Service und Lieferungen an jedem Tag der Woche anbieten knnen.

Ein weiterer Service, der Kunden in ganz Europa zur Verfgung stehen wird, ist das "Try Before You Buy"–Programm, das potenzielle Kufer Zugang zu den Fahrzeugen ermglicht, fr die sie sich interessieren, bevor sie diese Fahrzeuge endgltig kaufen. Bevor Sie in ein teures Fahrzeug investieren, knnen die Kunden von Classic Parade das gleiche Luxusfahrzeug fr eine beliebige Zeitspanne fahren. Flexible Mietbedingungen und mageschneiderte Preispakete machen dies mglich.

Wer einen Supercar von Classic Parade im Vereinigten Knigreich mieten mchte, kann sich an oder +44 (0) 333 355 3595 wenden. An anderen Standorten ist die Vermietung derzeit nicht mglich, aber wenn sich das ndert, finden Sie hier Aktualisierungen. Das Team von Classic Parade steht Ihnen 24 Stunden, 7 Tage die Woche zur Verfgung, um Fragen zu beantworten oder die Details der Supercar–Vermietung fr Kunden im Vereinigten Knigreich zu klren.

Ein Foto zu dieser Mitteilung finden Sie unter–7478–4095–83aa–44c56e95cb84

Classic Parade
+44 (0) 333 355 3595

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000800733)

Classic Parade anuncia a sua incorporação como uma empresa LTD

LONDRES, March 28, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Depois de 20 anos sob propriedade familiar, a Classic Parade, uma empresa de aluguer de hipercarros em Londres, passar a ser imediatamente uma empresa LTD que conta com apoio financeiro de investidores do Qatar.

Este passo resulta de uma deciso comercial estratgica para se concentrar no crescimento para alm do Reino Unido. Atualmente, a Classic Parade presta servios de aluguer de hipercarros de luxo a clientes em todo o Reino Unido, mas com o investimento revitalizador dos seus novos proprietrios, pretende tornar–se na empresa de aluguer de hipercarros premium que presta servios em toda a Europa. Nenhum outro fornecedor de supercarros de luxo de aluguer serve uma localizao geogrfica to grande na rea; a Classic Parade ser a primeira.

O seu atual porteflio de veculos vasto, incluindo marcas bem conhecidas na comunidade de veculos de luxo, como Ferrari, McLaren, Rolls Royce, Porsche, Audi e muito mais. Um contrato de aluguer pode ser concludo em apenas 24 horas, tornando possvel obter um aluguer de hipercarros no dia seguinte no Reino Unido. Com estes mesmos servios oferecidos em toda a Europa, a Classic Parade expandir a sua frota para atender demanda da sua crescente base de clientes. Todos os veculos disponveis podem ser encontrados no Website da Classic Parade, mas segue–se um breve instantneo da frota da Classic Parade:

  • Ferrari SF90 Stradale: o Ferrari SF90 Stradale tem a potncia impressionante de 986 cv. Com uma cor vermelha arrojada, este um dos veculos mais procurados da atualidade.
  • McLaren Speedtail: a carroaria elegante deste veculo oferece aerodinmica e os seus 1050 cv so um ponto de venda para muitos clientes.
  • Lamborghini Sian: com uma tarifa diria de 6000 , este modelo fica no nvel superior dos Lamborghini disponveis. Possui 808 cv e vai das 0 s 60 MPH em 2,8 segundos.
  • Porsche 918 Spyder: com um preo de 3500 por dia, os motoristas podem testar a capacidade do Porsche 918 Spyder para ir das 0 s 60 MPH em 2,2 segundos.

Os alugueres de supercarros tm vrias faixas de preos e cada contrato exige um depsito de cauo. Se o veculo for devolvido Classic Parade em boas condies, o depsito de cauo ser reembolsado aos clientes. Todos os contratos incluem seguro de aluguer de auto–conduo para 2 condutores, embora os condutores devam ter, pelo menos, 25 anos de idade para conduzir veculos alugados na Classic Parade.

Expandindo com uma abordagem faseada, a Classic Parade fornecer atualizaes quando o servio tiver incio em localizaes por toda a Europa. Uma vez em funcionamento, estas localizaes podero aceder ao servio e a entregas 24 horas por dia em qualquer dia da semana.

Outro servio que estar disponvel para os clientes em toda a Europa o programa "Try Before You Buy", que conecta potenciais compradores com os veculos nos quais esto interessados antes de os comprarem definitivamente. Antes de investir num veculo caro, os clientes da Classic Parade podem conduzir o mesmo veculo de luxo durante qualquer perodo de tempo. Os termos de contratao flexveis e os pacotes de preos personalizados tornam–no possvel.

Os interessados em alugar um supercarro da Classic Parade no Reino Unido podem contactar ou ligar para o +44 (0) 333 355 3595. No esto disponveis aligueres em outras localizaes, mas quando tal mudar, as atualizaes podero ser encontradas aqui. A equipa da Classic Parade est disponvel 24 horas, 7 dias por semana, para responder a perguntas ou finalizar detalhes de aluguer de supercarros para clientes no Reino Unido.

Uma foto a acompanhar este anncio est disponvel em–7478–4095–83aa–44c56e95cb84

Classic Parade
+44 (0) 333 355 3595

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000800733)

Classic Parade annonce sa constitution en société à responsabilité limitée

LONDRES, 28 mars 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Aprs 20 ans de proprit familiale, Classic Parade, une socit de location d'hypercars base Londres, devient dsormais une socit responsabilit limite qui bnficie du financement d'investisseurs qataris.

Ce changement procde d'une dcision stratgique de l'entreprise de privilgier sa croissance en dehors du Royaume–Uni. Pour l'heure, Classic Parade propose des services de location d'hypercars dans tout le Royaume–Uni, mais grce l'investissement redynamisant de ses nouveaux propritaires, elle nourrit l'ambition de s'imposer comme la socit de location d'hypercars haut de gamme l'chelle de l'Europe. Dans la mesure o aucun autre prestataire de service de location de supercars de luxe ne dessert une zone gographique aussi tendue dans la rgion, Classic Parade fera figure de pionnier en la matire.

Son portefeuille actuel de vhicules est vaste et comprend des marques rputes dans le domaine des vhicules de luxe, telles que Ferrari, McLaren, Rolls Royce, Porsche, Audi, et bien d'autres encore. L'entreprise offre la possibilit de conclure un contrat de location en peine 24 heures, ce qui permet d'obtenir la location d'une hypercar le lendemain au Royaume–Uni. Pour proposer les mmes services dans toute l'Europe, Classic Parade devra largir son parc pour rpondre la demande de sa clientle grandissante. Tous les vhicules proposs peuvent tre consults sur le site Web de Classic Parade, mais voici un bref aperu de son parc :

  • Ferrari SF90 Stradale : La Ferrari SF90 Stradale dispose d'une puissance impressionnante de 986 chevaux. Se dclinant en une couleur rouge audacieuse, il s'agit de l'un des vhicules les plus convoits aujourd'hui.
  • McLaren Speedtail : La carrosserie lgante de ce vhicule lui confre de l'arodynamisme, et sa puissance de 1050 chevaux constitue un argument de vente auprs de nombreux clients.
  • Lamborghini Sian : Propos au tarif journalier de 6 000 , ce modle se situe dans le haut de gamme des Lamborghini disponibles. Le vhicule possde une puissance de 808 chevaux et est capable de passer de 0 60 km/h en 2,8 secondes.
  • Porsche 918 Spyder : Contre un tarif journalier de 3 500 , les conducteurs peuvent tester la capacit de la Porsche 918 Spyder passer de 0 60 km/h en l'espace de 2,2 secondes.

Les locations de supercars sont proposes diffrents prix, chaque contrat ncessitant un dpt de garantie. Lorsque le client restitue le vhicule en bon tat Classic Parade, le dpt de garantie lui est rembours. Chaque contrat comprend une assurance de location de vhicules autonomes pour deux (2) conducteurs, ceux–ci devant toutefois tre gs d'au moins 25 ans pour conduire les vhicules lous par Classic Parade.

Classic Parade se dveloppera de manire progressive et communiquera les informations les plus rcentes ds que les services commenceront tre assurs sur les sites travers l'Europe. Une fois oprationnels, ces sites pourront bnficier d'un service 24 heures sur 24 et de livraisons tous les jours de la semaine.

Un autre service sera propos aux clients dans toute l'Europe, savoir le programme Essayez avant d'acheter (Try Before You Buy), qui met en relation de potentiels acheteurs avec les vhicules qui les intressent avant qu'ils ne les achtent dfinitivement. Avant d'investir dans l'achat d'un vhicule coteux, les clients de Classic Parade peuvent conduire le mme vhicule de luxe pendant une dure indtermine. Cette offre est rendue possible grce des conditions de location flexibles et des formules tarifaires personnalises.

Les personnes dsireuses de louer une supercar auprs de Classic Parade au Royaume–Uni peuvent contacter l'entreprise par e–mail l'adresse ou par tlphone au numro +44 (0) 333 355 3595. Aucun service de location n'est pour le moment propos dans d'autres pays, mais si la situation volue, des mises jour seront disponibles ici. L'quipe de Classic Parade est disponible 24 heures sur 24, 7 jours sur 7 pour rpondre aux questions ou finaliser les dtails de la location de supercars pour les clients au Royaume–Uni.

Une photo accompagnant cette annonce est disponible sur–7478–4095–83aa–44c56e95cb84

Pour contacter
Classic Parade :
+44 (0) 333 355 3595

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000800733)

Anaqua Provides Platform for Intellectual Property Management to Fujitsu

BOSTON, March 28, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Anaqua, the leading innovation and intellectual property (IP) management technology provider, today announced that information and communications technology company Fujitsu has adopted Anaqua's AQX platform to optimize the digital management of the company's IP portfolios.

Anaqua will provide its AQX platform to Fujitsu to seamlessly connect and enhance global collaboration among R&D sites, IP departments, and outside counsel, bringing increased efficiency to the development of IP and management of the innovation lifecycle. AQX will also help empower Fujitsu in the timely execution of their global IP strategy through the establishment of a more data–driven approach to developing and maintaining an IP portfolio that best supports the broader business. In addition, through Anaqua's cloud hosting services and commitment to security, certification processes, and compliance programming, the AQX platform will deliver a robust security environment for Fujitsu.

"We believe that the AQX IP management system, which is a global cloud service, will enable us to standardize and further enhance efficiency of IP operations, replacing our previous on–premise legacy system," said Kanna Kimura, Director of the Cloud Services Management Department of the Digital System Platform Division of Fujitsu Limited.

Bob Romeo, CEO of Anaqua, said: "Anaqua will provide the best support for the management and protection of Fujitsu's IP assets, which are critical in delivering the company's goal of making a more sustainable world through the power of innovation."

About Anaqua
Anaqua, Inc. is a premium provider of integrated intellectual property (IP) management technology solutions and services for corporations and law firms. Its IP management software solutions, AQX and PATTSY WAVE, both offer best practice workflows with big data analytics and tech–enabled services to create an intelligent environment designed to inform IP strategy, enable IP decision–making, and streamline IP operations, tailored to each segment's need. Today, nearly half of the top 100 U.S. patent filers and global brands, as well as a growing number of law firms worldwide use Anaqua's solutions. Over one million IP executives, attorneys, paralegals, administrators, and innovators use the platform for their IP management needs. The company's global operations are headquartered in Boston, with offices across the U.S., Europe, and Asia. For additional information, please visit, or on LinkedIn.

Company Contact:
Amanda Hollis
Director, Communications

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8794452)

Lantronix Announces New X300 Compact Cellular IoT Gateway Solution, Ideal for Mission-Critical Applications

IRVINE, Calif., March 28, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Lantronix Inc. (NASDAQ: LTRX), a global provider of secure turnkey solutions for the Industrial Internet of Things (IoT) and the Intelligent IT market, today announced its new X300 Compact Gateway IoT Solution. Ideal for secure mission–critical applications, the new X300 Cellular Compact IoT Gateway Solution combines Lantronix's IoT gateway hardware with a premium services subscription, including centralized device management, integrated cellular data, enhanced device security and expert technical support in an all–in–one package.

"At Lantronix, we are committed to providing our customers with turnkey IoT solutions that efficiently solve their connectivity and remote device management challenges while offering expert technical support to ensure a successful deployment," said Paul Pickle, CEO of Lantronix. "With the new X300 Compact Gateway IoT Solution, our customers can rest assured that they have a reliable, easy–to–manage solution, achieving maximum uptime and data security for mission–critical applications."

According to Berg insights, more than 4.5 million cellular IoT gateways were shipped globally during 2021, a 23 percent increase, at a total market value of approximately $1.15 billion as annual sales grew at a rate of 14 percent as demand recovered following the COVID–19 pandemic. Annual revenues from the sales of cellular IoT gateways is forecasted to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 14 percent to reach $2.18 billion by 2026.

The X300 Compact Gateway IoT Solution includes:

  • X300 Gateway, a compact (79mm X 79mm) IoT industrial gateway with suitable hardware interfaces, including a Multi–mode Serial port, an Ethernet LAN port, Wi–Fi 5, Bluetooth/BLE and Worldwide cellular options, enabling the connection of any type of industrial machine and sensor with any type of network.
  • Services included in the first–year subscription:
    • Free upgrade to ConsoleFlow premium cloud–based device management with analytics
    • Connectivity Services global, convenient and scalable cellular data plans
    • Free upgrade to LEVEL 2 Services prompt expert technical support and warranty with advanced hardware replacement
    • Lantronix InfiniShield built–in security, including a Secure Element (SE) chip to enable secure boot, secure equipment access and secure communications and to prevent unauthorized access of confidential information

The new X300 Gateway IoT Solution will be displayed at ISC West in Las Vegas from March 28""31, 2023, in the Lantronix booth, Number 2097. For more information on this all–in–one package, visit–series/

About Lantronix

Lantronix Inc. is a global provider of secure turnkey solutions for the Internet of Things (IoT) and Remote Environment Management (REM), offering Software as a Service (SaaS), connectivity services, engineering services and intelligent hardware.

Lantronix enables its customers to accelerate time to market and increase operational up–time and efficiency by providing reliable, secure and connected Intelligent Edge IoT and Remote Management Gateway solutions.

Lantronix's products and services dramatically simplify the creation, development, deployment and management of IoT and IT projects across Robotics, Automotive, Wearables, Video Conferencing, Industrial, Medical, Logistics, Smart Cities, Security, Retail, Branch Office, Server Room and Datacenter applications. For more information, visit the Lantronix website.

Learn more at the Lantronix blog, which features industry discussion and updates. Follow Lantronix on Twitter, view our YouTube video library or connect with us on LinkedIn.

"Safe Harbor" Statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995: Any statements set forth in this news release that are not entirely historical and factual in nature, including without limitation statements related to our solutions, technologies and products. These forward–looking statements are based on our current expectations and are subject to substantial risks and uncertainties that could cause our actual results, future business, financial condition, or performance to differ materially from our historical results or those expressed or implied in any forward–looking statement contained in this news release. The potential risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, such factors as the effects of negative or worsening regional and worldwide economic conditions or market instability on our business, including effects on purchasing decisions by our customers; the impact of the COVID–19 outbreak on our employees, supply and distribution chains, and the global economy; cybersecurity risks; changes in applicable U.S. and foreign government laws, regulations, and tariffs; our ability to successfully implement our acquisitions strategy or integrate acquired companies; difficulties and costs of protecting patents and other proprietary rights; the level of our indebtedness, our ability to service our indebtedness and the restrictions in our debt agreements; and any additional factors included in our Annual Report on Form 10–K for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2022, filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC") on Aug. 29, 2022, including in the section entitled "Risk Factors" in Item 1A of Part I of such report, as well as in our other public filings with the SEC. Additional risk factors may be identified from time to time in our future filings. The forward–looking statements included in this release speak only as of the date hereof, and we do not undertake any obligation to update these forward–looking statements to reflect subsequent events or circumstances.

2023 Lantronix, Inc. All rights reserved. Lantronix is a registered trademark. Other trademarks and trade names are those of their respective owners.

Lantronix Media Contact:
Gail Kathryn Miller
Corporate Marketing &
Communications Manager

Lantronix Analyst and Investor Contact:
Jeremy Whitaker
Chief Financial Officer

Lantronix Sales:
Americas +1 (800) 422–7055 (US and Canada) or +1 949–453–3990
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A photo accompanying this announcement is available at–0d25–4f9e–add8–2538d7b31006

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8796263)

African Films of UNESCO-Netflix Scheme To Stream

PARIS, Mar 28 2023 – It’s a new direction for UNESCO, getting involved in movies, so to speak. The United Nations’ cultural agency and Netflix – the global streaming and production company – have partnered to “support” and “promote” Africa’s new generation of filmmakers, and the results will be revealed to the world from March 29, when six short films by young directors will be available in 190 countries via the video-on-demand platform.

The films are the winners of an “African Folktales, Reimagined” competition that was launched by both entities in 2021, attracting more than 2,000 entries, according to UNESCO.

Ernesto Ottone Ramírez, the agency’s assistant director-general for culture, said the joint initiative “pays homage to Africa’s centuries-old tradition, passing wisdom from generation to generation, from elders to the youngest”. He acknowledged that this is a departure for UNESCO whose work with streaming platforms have mostly focused on regulatory and policy issues.

Meanwhile Tendeka Matatu, Netflix’s director of film for Sub-Saharan Africa, said the company believes that “great stories are universal and that they can come from anywhere and be loved everywhere”. He said that what Netflix and UNESCO have in common is the desire to “promote the multiplicity of expression”.

The submissions to the film contest went through a first selection process, before being narrowed to 21 candidates, who presented their projects to an international jury. The judges – including film mentors – then selected six finalists: from Kenya (Voline Ogutu), Mauritania (Mohamed Echkouna), Nigeria (Korede Azeez), South Africa (Gcobisa Yako), Tanzania (Walt Mzengi Corey) and Uganda (Loukman Ali).

Each finalist won $25,000 and a production grant of $75,000 to create their short movie with a local production company, UNESCO said. The films were completed earlier this year, and their streaming (as an “anthology”) will begin with the 6th Kalasha International Film and TV Market in Kenya, a three-day trade fair taking place March 29 – 31.

Speaking at an in-house “advance” showing of the films at UNESCO headquarters in Paris, Ottone Ramírez said the agency was “particularly pleased” that the short films captured “not only the culture of Africa, but also the cultural diversity within Africa”.

Some observers privately expressed concerns, however, that any association with global streaming platforms could lead to formulaic storytelling or could undermine local film ventures – a fear that Ottone Ramírez said was unfounded.

He told SWAN that the filmmakers had complete freedom, and that the films were their own vision. What Netflix “put at their disposal”, he said, was access to an experienced film partner, as well as financial and technical support. (The “Netflix-appointed supervising producer” was Steven Markovitz from Big World Cinema, an African production company based in Cape Town, South Africa.)

UNESCO says the partnership illustrates a “shared commitment to the continent’s audiovisual industries, which generate jobs and wealth” and that the creative industries “are an asset for the sustainable development of the continent”.

The creative industries are also an opportunity for companies seeking to expand into new markets, which could be mutually beneficial, observers say. While Nigeria and a few other countries have well-established filmmaking sectors, many African directors might benefit from international support.

Anniwaa Buachie, a Ghanaian-British actress and filmmaker, told SWAN that “budget” is one of the biggest constraints for independent films. “You cannot go back and re-shoot, money is tight, which also means time is limited. You just have one chance to make sure you get the right shots, the right lighting, etc.”

Some of the industry challenges are highlighted in a report UNESCO produced in 2021 on Africa’s film sector, titled The African film Industry: trends, challenges and opportunities for growth. The report found that the sector could create some 20 million jobs and generate 20 billion dollars in annual revenue on the continent. With the survey, UNESCO could identify the need to create capacity building and to “scale up” efforts by policy makers – using Nigeria as one model, Ottone Ramírez said.

(Read here: The African film Industry: trends, challenges and opportunities for growth – UNESCO Digital Library)

It was on the completion of the report that UNESCO decided on the current project, Ottone Ramírez told SWAN. At the same time, Netflix was also seeking to launch a project in Africa, so talks began on a partnership, with “months” of discussion about the format and the call for applications, he added.

As for “priorities”, UNESCO hoped to include indigenous languages and gender equality in the project, he said. Alongside English and French, the winning films are made in a variety of languages including Hausa, KiSwahili, Runyankole, Hassaniya Arabic, and isiXhosa – reflecting the UN International Decade of Indigenous Languages (2022-2032).

Many of the stories also centre on women characters, with topics including domestic violence and the struggle for equality within patriarchal structures.

“It shows us how important this subject is for the young generation of African filmmakers,” Ottone Ramírez said. “I would say it was the main theme in each of the 21 pitches before the final selection. We’re seeing another way of storytelling.”

Part of the aim was equally to boost opportunities for women filmmakers – something that has already been happening with the long-running FESPACO film festival in Burkina Faso – and to focus on directors living in Africa, Ottone Ramírez told SWAN.

During the selection of the winning pitches, UNESCO and Netflix acted as observers, leaving the choice to the international jury, he said.

Aside from being able to produce their films, perhaps the biggest advantage to the winners is that they have access to a global platform, which Netflix said it is “proud” to provide.

“We know Africa has never lacked in talent and creativity” said Matatu, the Netflix director. “What has been in short supply, however, is opportunity. Emerging talents often struggle – they struggle finding the right resources and the visibility to fully unleash their potential and develop their creative careers.”

The winning short films will potentially reach some 230 million subscribers of the video-on-demand platform around the world, he said – an unprecedented opportunity for these young filmmakers. – SWAN

Industry mentors were Bongiwe Selane, Jenna Bass, Pape Boye, Femi Odugbemi, Leila Afua Djansi, and Tosh Gitonga.


Press Freedom on Trial in Zimbabwe Ahead of Elections

Flashback to the 2018 general election in Zimbabwe. Press Journalists and media analysts are concerned about press freedom in the run up to the election. Credit: Ignatius Banda/IPS

Flashback to the 2018 general election in Zimbabwe. Press Journalists and media analysts are concerned about press freedom in the run up to the election. Credit: Ignatius Banda/IPS

By Ignatius Banda
BULAWAYO, Mar 28 2023 – With only a few months to go before national elections in Zimbabwe, press freedom advocates are raising concerns about stringent reporting conditions set by the government.

From exorbitant registration fees to cover the much-anticipated polls to physical harassment of journalists covering ruling party rallies, media practitioners report an escalation of attempts to muzzle press freedom, creating hostile conditions for election reporting.

Zimbabwe’s national elections have a long history of rekindling and escalating hostility towards the press corps, with journalists from privately owned media houses especially being targeted by political activists and members of the security forces.

In recent months, independent journalists have endured physical attacks from President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s ruling Zimbabwe African National Union (Patriotic Front), accused of unfavourable reporting.

While these journalists – some from small start-ups and privately-owned media houses to those working for international news agencies – have been barred from covering ruling party political rallies, their colleagues from state-controlled media outlets have been allowed free access, raising concerns from press freedom advocates about access to information for voters.

The media polarisation has also seen retaliatory responses, with state media being barred from covering opposition Citizens for Coalition for Change (CCC) rallies.

The CCC, Zimbabwe’s main opposition tipped by pollsters to unseat the ruling party, accuses state media of biased and hostile coverage while acting as the ruling party’s propaganda arm.

However, these accusations have been dismissed as unfounded by senior editors at outlets that include the Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation (ZBC) and The Herald, a government-controlled national daily.

Journalists have also challenged the requirements that they pay what they say are exorbitant accreditation fees to the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) when the journalists are already accredited by the Zimbabwe Media Commission (ZMC).

“It’s understandable to accredit foreign journalists to cover the elections, but for local journalists who are already accredited by ZMC, this is an unfair move meant to control and manipulate the media practitioners and, ultimately, the information that gets into the public domain,” said Tawanda Majoni, national coordinator of the Information for Development Trust, a local non-profit working with local investigative journalists.

The Media Institute for Southern Africa (Miss) has also added its voice to the controversy around double accreditation.

“The issue of accreditation is a major concern as we have over successive elections we have approached the authorities highlight the issue of dual accreditation which is tantamount to double taxation,” said Tabani Moyo, MISA regional director.

“Government must rethink this issue as it is tantamount to attempts to deny ordinary people who are voters access to information,” Moyo told IPS.

Pressure continues to mount on the government to create a safe working environment for journalists, but with only a few months before the June national elections, confidence is waning among analysts.

“It seems unlikely there will be conditions in place for equitable media access in media coverage in the run-up to elections. We have not really seen this in any election period,” said Piers Pigou, a senior southern Africa analyst at the International Crisis Group (ICG).

“It is the arena of broadcast media that presents the major challenges both in terms of who gets access and the content of what is put out there. We have not seen proper independence of the media,” Pigou told IPS.

“It is highly unlikely that we are going to see independent media voices operating effectively and the majority of Zimbabweans will able to access crucial information,” he added.

An unfettered press is seen by analysts as playing an important role for international observers to get an informed view of pre-election conditions in a country where the government has not been too keen to allow observers free movement.

“The role of international monitors should be to assess the wider conditions that include issues around access and content of the press. One would expect observation teams to reflect on that, but that will also depend on the teams allowed in the country,” Pigou told IPS.

Concerns about election reporting conditions in Zimbabwe come after Reporters Without Borders reported last year that conditions for working as a journalist in Zimbabwe continue to decline amid the arrest and detention of journalists during the course of their constitutionally protected duties.

“We cannot expect the relevant stakeholders to ensure sufficient reforms in four or so months when not much had been done in four decades,” Majoni said.

“That means we are going into the 2023 elections with a muzzled media. Since the media is severely constrained, it means it’s ill-prepared to cover the elections. In essence, therefore, the elections are already discredited because free media is a necessary condition for democratic polls,” Majoni told IPS.

While UNESCO says “the protection and safety of journalists and media personnel are key to the advancement of democracy and general development of society,” critics contend that Zimbabwe has continued to disregard those internationally recognised benchmarks, raising concerns about the role of the press in free and fair elections.

“We are in the tenth year of the UN Action Plan on the safety of journalists. Those who violate the rights of journalists with impunity and those who have a reflex to attack journalists during elections must be brought to book,” Moyo told IPS.

IPS UN Bureau Report


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US Lagging Behind on Funding International Family Planning & Reproductive Health

Midwives Lucie Banionia and Lydie Mawelo help deliver the future at the General Reference Hospital in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo, one of the world’s fastest-growing countries. Credit: UNFPA/Junior Mayindu

By Maniza Habib
WASHINGTON DC, Mar 28 2023 – International family planning and reproductive health (FP/RH) are critical to achieving gender equity, but U.S. investment in them is not nearly sufficient to meet the moment.

The Biden-Harris FY2024 budget request proposes to invest $619.43 million for bilateral FP/RH programs plus $57.5 million for the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)– a total of $676.8 million. That’s 11% more than Congress appropriated last year, and it’s one of the only proposed funding increases in the global health sector this year, yet it’s still just a fraction of what’s needed.

The fair-share U.S. contribution, i.e. what it would need to contribute proportionately to ensure the all women of reproductive age in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) have their modern contraception needs met, is calculated to be $1.736 billion.

Family planning gives people control over their own bodies and futures. At its core, it’s about empowering individuals to make informed decisions about their sexual and reproductive lives, including if, when, and how many children to have, and how far apart to space births.

Access to family planning enables women to pursue their education and participate more meaningfully in economic and political life.

These are all necessary components of gender equality. Yet U.S. funding for international FP/RH has stayed flat for a decade while global population, reproductive health needs, and barriers to access have been growing. It is high time for the U.S. to meet its responsibility to help close the gap.

A group of children smile in Ismail Bhand village in Pakistan’s Shaheed Benazirabad district, Sindh province. Credit: UNICEF/Shehzad Noorani

There are 923 million women of reproductive age in LMICs who want to avoid pregnancy. About a quarter of those (218 million) have an unmet need for modern contraception. They want to avoid pregnancy but are not using a modern method. Reasons for this vary from government restrictions on accessing contraceptives to service providers refusing to distribute them to having to travel daunting distances to the nearest clinic.

These hurdles are compounded by gender-based discrimination. For example, stigma surrounding contraceptives and sex make it particularly difficult for young, single women to access services.

Marginalized groups face discriminatory attitudes in clinics, including in the U.S., where members of the LGBTQ+ community, immigrants, and Black, indigenous, and other people of color are often denied services and resources to meet their family planning needs.

The world needs much more robust support from the U.S. to overcome these obstacles and pave the way to achieving global gender equality. Due to the lack of sufficient investment to dismantle barriers to sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) worldwide, U.S. support for overarching gender equality goals will inevitably be weakened, a new Population Institute report finds.

Some governments are showing they understand this problem and are changing policies accordingly. For example, President Xiomara Castro of Honduras just lifted a 14-year ban on emergency contraception, which will revolutionize access to FP/RH services. Beginning April 1, the provincial government of British Columbia will provide prescription contraception at no charge.

The U.S. has a responsibility to lead on global SRHR but ceded its leadership in recent years and is getting left behind. U.S. bilateral and multilateral FP/RH programs have been under attack, especially in the wake of Trump-era restrictive policies.

The modest increase in FP/RH funding in the current budget proposal shows the Biden-Harris administration recognizes the importance of global SRHR. But it doesn’t reflect the urgency or level of commitment needed.

At the same time, it undercuts SRHR by including the Helms Amendment, an outdated prohibition on using U.S. foreign assistance funding for abortion as a method of family planning. In practice, implementing the Helms Amendment has meant denying abortions even in instances of rape or incest, or in cases where it would save a woman’s life.

Failure to aim at U.S. fair-share levels of FP/RH funding in the latest budget proposal is a missed opportunity. Let’s not miss any more. Global population recently passed the 8 billion mark, and the need is growing.

We can meet the moment by recognizing the fundamental connections between SRHR, gender equality, and sustainable development, and accepting the obligation of the U.S. to lead on achieving them.

Maniza Habib is Research Associate at the Population Institute, a nonprofit based in Washington, D.C. that supports reproductive health and rights.

IPS UN Bureau


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