De la mine au forum : Sotheby's va mettre aux enchères l'une des plus grandes découvertes de pierres précieuses du siècle

Estrela de Fura 55.22 cts




Dj l'tat brut, l'Estrela de Fura a montr ses caractristiques aux qualit extraordinaires et son potentiel devenir une pierre prcieuse unique en son genre.
Le tailleur s'est rendu compte de ce potentiel et a cr un rubis facettes d'un poids stupfiant de 55,22 carats, affichant une couleur rouge sature et homogne, combine un degr de clart jusque–l jamais observ dans d'autres rubis non chauffs de taille comparable.
Trouver un rubis naturel de cette taille, avec une telle combinaison de caractristiques de qualit, sans besoin de traitement, tait considr comme presque inimaginable.
Le rubis naturel de 55,22 carats tablit un nouveau record, non seulement pour les rubis mozambicains, mais galement pour les rubis en gnral.
Laboratoire Gbelin Gem

NEW YORK, 07 avr. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Lorsque FURA Gems a annonc sa dcouverte historique du plus grand rubis de qualit gemme jamais dcouvert en septembre 2022, cette nouvelle a domin les unes des journaux du monde entier, suscitant un incroyable enthousiasme, et prenant d'assaut le march des pierres prcieuses. Dcouverte dans la mine de rubis de FURA Montepuez, au Mozambique, en juillet 2022, la pierre prcieuse "" pesant 101 carats "" a ensuite t nomme Estrela de FURA (toile de FURA en portugais), en clin d'"il la profondeur exceptionnelle de sa couleur et sa taille, et pour mettre en lumire le Mozambique en tant que riche source de rubis de qualit suprieure. Mme dans son tat brut et intact, Estrela de FURA tait considre par les experts comme un trsor exceptionnel de la nature pour sa fluorescence, sa clart exceptionnelle et sa teinte rouge vif, connue sous le nom de sang de pigeon – une couleur traditionnellement associe uniquement aux rubis birmans.

Maintenant, sept mois aprs sa dcouverte, alors que le maillet s'abaissait pour le dernier lot d'une soire exceptionnelle de mise aux enchres de produits de luxe Hong Kong, les spculations sur l'endroit o tait gard le rubis ont finalement trouv rponse lorsque le commissaire–priseur de Sotheby's, Uni Kim, a officiellement dvoil Estrela de FURA 55.22 au monde entier. Pesant 55,22 carats, ce joyau exceptionnel et rare du Mozambique est le plus gros rubis de qualit gemme jamais mis aux enchres. La combinaison de l'intensit de sa couleur, vierge de tout traitement thermique, de son aspect incroyablement cristallin et de sa taille incomparable "" avec une estimation plus de 30 millions de dollars "" fait d'Estrela de FURA 55.22 le rubis le plus prcieux et le plus important jamais mis sur le march.

Aprs une premire srie d'tudes sur le cristal brut de 101 carats pour dterminer les options de coupe au dbut de l'anne, Estrela de FURA a t magistralement taille et facette par une quipe d'artisans "" la pierre brute a t transforme en une belle pierre taille en coussin, qui, selon un rapport de l'Institut suisse de gemmologie (SSEF), a donn des teintes rouge vif en raison de multiples reflets internes . Un rubis naturel du Mozambique decette taille et de cette qualit peut tre considr comme trs rare et donc comme un trsor exceptionnel de la nature . Le joyau susmentionn est incroyablement riche en chrome qui, lorsqu'il est expos la lumire ultraviolette "" comme on le trouve dans la lumire du soleil "" conduit la pierre rayonner une fluorescence couleur rouge ardent, accroissant encore l'clat de la pierre, comme si elle tait claire de l'intrieur.

Estrela de Fura 55.22 cts

Le rubis est devenu l'une des pierres prcieuses colores les plus recherches, une poque o la couleur domine le monde des bijoux et o la raret stimule le march. Les rubis de cette importance et de cette ampleur sont extrmement rares. Seuls deux exemplaires ont dj franchi la barre des 15 millions de dollars aux enchres, faisant de l'apparition du joyau actuel un vnement historique en soi. Le Laboratoire Gbelin Gem indique en outre que le rubis tablit un nouveau record non seulement pour les rubis mozambicains, mais aussi pour les rubis en gnral . Estrela de FURA 55.22 est sur le point d'entrer dans l'histoire alors qu'elle s'apprte dpasser le Sunrise Ruby, un rubis de 25,59 carats d'origine birmane, qui s'est vendu pour 30,3 millions de dollars (1 185 451 dollars par carat) chez Sotheby's Genve en 2015, et qui dtient toujours le record mondial de vente aux enchres pour un rubis*.

Le nouveau voyage de la pierre commence aujourd'hui Sotheby's Hong Kong, avant d'entamer une tourne mondiale, avec des expositions prvues Taipei, en Chine, Singapour, Genve et Duba (les dates compltes seront publies en temps opportun) avant de participer la vente aux enchres Sotheby's Magnificent Jewels New York le 8 juin.


La dcouverte miraculeuse l'anne dernire du rubis Estrela de FURA de 101 carats dans la mine de FURA au Mozambique a t d'une immense importance, choquant toutes les personnes intresses par le monde de la bijouterie. Aujourd'hui, dans son tat nouvellement transform de 55,22 carats, Estrela de FURA 55.22, est une vritable merveille de la nature et une pierre sensationnelle de couleur parfaite et de clart exceptionnelle, combine une superbe forme en coussin. Ce rubis est sans aucun doute en lice pour devenir le porte–tendard des rubis africains "" et des pierres prcieuses en gnral, sensibilisant le monde entier leur capacit galer, et mme surpasser, ceux de Birmanie, qui ont traditionnellement t la source la plus dsirable et la plus reconnaissable de rubis , dclare Quig Bruning, directeur de Sotheby's Jewelry, Amriques.

Chez FURA, nous sommes extrmement fiers de la dcouverte d'Estrela de FURA un stade aussi prcoce de notre voyage au Mozambique. Les pierres prcieuses importantes, telles que l'Estrela de FURA, sont extrmement rares, et un rubis de qualit gemme facettes de 55,22 carats est presque indit. Depuis l'analyse et l'tude approfondies de la pierre jusqu'au processus de taille et de polissage, nous avons travaill avec le plus grand soin et le plus grand respect pour le rubis, conscients de son importance et de sa stature. Assister la finalisation de l'Estrela de FURA 55.22 a t une russite monumentale pour nous tous, et nous sommes ravis qu'une nouvelle page de l'histoire de ce joyau incroyable, et des rubis mozambicains, soit sur le point d'tre crite avec Sotheby's , dclare Dev Shetty, fondateur et PDG de FURA Gems.



L'extraction de rubis au Mozambique a une longue et riche histoire, et les premires dcouvertes importantes de gisements de rubis dans le pays remontent aux annes 1960. Cependant, ce n'est qu'au dbut des annes 2000 que l'extraction des rubis au Mozambique a pris un vritable essor, avec la dcouverte du gisement de rubis de Montepuez dans la partie nord du pays, o le cristal brut d'Estrela de FURA a t dcouvert. Les meilleurs rubis du Mozambique se caractrisent par une transparence exceptionnelle et une couleur riche, ce qui leur confre une qualit globale. Le gisement de rubis de Montepuez est l'un des plus grands gisements de rubis au monde et suscite l'intrt de socits minires internationales.



* Le record du monde actuel pour un rubis vendu aux enchres est dtenu par le Sunrise Ruby , une pierre birmane de 25,59 carats, qui a t vendue aux enchres chez Sotheby's Genve en mai 2015 pour 30,3 millions de dollars. l'poque, ce prix tablissait galement un nouveau record pour tout carat de rubis (1 185 451 $ par carat).



Cre en 2017, FURA Gems Inc. est une socit spcialise dans l'extraction et la commercialisation de pierres prcieuses de couleur. Base Duba, aux mirats arabes unis, FURA compte plus de 1 200 employs sur tous les continents. Il s'agit de la premire entreprise pionnire, crative et thique couvrir l'ensemble de la gamme des pierres prcieuses de couleur.

FURA possde trois filiales minires en Colombie, au Mozambique et en Australie qui extraient respectivement des meraudes, des rubis et des saphirs. Il s'agit de la socit d'extraction de pierres prcieuses de couleur qui connat la plus forte croissance, tout en assurant la stabilit et la traabilit des pierres prcieuses de couleur extraites de manire thique, depuis l'tat brut la commercialisation de la pierre.

FURA Gems allouera une partie du produit de la vente la cration de la Fura Training Academy, afin de soutenir la communaut dans laquelle elle opre au Mozambique.

L'objectif principal est de promouvoir l'accs une ducation qualifie et une formation technique pour la population locale dans diffrents domaines d'activit tels que l'exploitation minire, la menuiserie, l'ingnierie et l'agriculture, afin de leur fournir un revenu durable.



Maison fonde en 1744, Sotheby's est la premire destination mondiale pour l'art et le luxe. Sotheby's favorise l'accs et la possession d'"uvres d'art et d'objets de luxe exceptionnels par le biais de ventes aux enchres et de canaux d'achat immdiat, y compris les ventes prives, le commerce lectronique et la vente au dtail. Notre march mondial de confiance s'appuie sur une plate–forme technologique de pointe et un rseau de spcialistes couvrant 40 pays et 70 catgories, dont l'art contemporain, l'art moderne et impressionniste, les matres anciens, les "uvres d'art chinoises, les bijoux, les montres, les vins et spiritueux et le design, ainsi que les voitures de collection et les biens immobiliers. Sotheby's croit au pouvoir transformateur de l'art et de la culture et s'engage rendre nos industries plus inclusives, durables et collaboratives.




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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000802932)

Da Mineração à Tribuna: a Sotheby's Irá Leiloar Uma das Maiores Descobertas em Joias do Século

Estrela de Fura 55,22 quilates




"J em seu estado bruto, o Estrela de Fura mostrou suas extraordinrias caractersticas de qualidade, com potencial para tornar–se uma gema nica.
O lapidador conseguiu perceber este potencial e criou um rubi facetado, com um peso surpreendente de 55,22 quilates, exibindo uma cor vermelha saturada e homognea, combinada com um grau de transparncia nunca visto em qualquer outro rubi no submetido a tratamento trmico de tamanho comparvel.
Ver um rubi natural deste tamanho, com uma combinao de caractersticas de qualidade como essa sem necessidade de tratamento, era considerado algo quase inimaginvel.
O rubi natural de 55,22 quilates estabelece um novo recorde, no apenas para rubis de Moambique, como tambm para rubis em geral."
O Gbelin Gem Lab

NOVA YORK, April 07, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Quando a FURA Gems anunciou o achado histrico do maior rubi do mundo com qualidade de gema jamais visto, em setembro de 2022, as notcias dominaram as manchetes do mundo inteiro, provocando um tremendo entusiasmo e pegando o mercado de gemas de surpresa. Descoberto na mina de rubis da FURA em Montepuez, Moambique, em julho de 2022, a pedra preciosa "" pesando surpreendentes 101 quilates "" foi posteriormente batizada como Estrela de FURA, em homenagem sua extraordinria profundidade de cor e tamanho, e para destacar Moambique como uma prspera fonte de rubis de qualidade superior. Mesmo em seu estado bruto e intocado, a Estrela de FURA foi considerada por especialistas como um tesouro excepcional da natureza por sua fluorescncia, excelente clareza e tom vermelho vvido, conhecido como "sangue de pombo" – uma cor tradicionalmente associada apenas a rubis birmaneses.

Agora, sete meses aps sua estreia inicial, quando o martelo foi batido no lote final do The Exceptional Luxury Evening Auction, em Hong Kong, as especulaes sobre o paradeiro do rubi foram finalmente postas de lado quando o leiloeiro da Sotheby's, Uni Kim, revelou oficialmente o Estrela de FURA de 55,22 para o mundo. Pesando considerveis 55,22 quilates, esta joia moambicana excepcionalmente importante e rara o maior rubi com qualidade de gema j leiloado. Sua combinao de rica saturao de cor, intocada pelo tratamento trmico, aparncia altamente cristalina e tamanho incomparvel "" com uma estimativa superior a US$ 30 milhes "" coloca o Estrela de FURA 55,22 como o rubi mais valioso e importante que j chegou ao mercado.

Aps uma srie inicial de estudos do cristal bruto de 101 quilates para determinar as opes de corte no incio do ano, o Estrela de FURA foi magistralmente cortado e facetado por uma equipe de artesos – com a parte spera transformada em uma bela pedra em formato de almofada, a qual, de acordo com um relatrio do Swiss Gemmological Institute – SSEF, "resultou em matizes vermelhos vvidos devido a mltiplas reflexes internas". O relatrio afirma ainda que "um rubi natural de Moambique deste tamanho e qualidade pode ser considerado muito raro, e portanto, um extraordinrio tesouro da natureza". A joia acima mencionada profundamente rica em cromo, que, quando exposto luz ultravioleta (como a encontrada na luz solar) faz com que a pedra irradie uma fluorescncia vermelha ardente, aumentando ainda mais a sua vivacidade, como se estivesse acesa por dentro.

Estrela de Fura 55,22 quilates

O rubi se tornou uma das pedras preciosas coloridas mais procuradas em um momento no qual a cor domina o mundo das joias e a raridade impulsiona o mercado. Rubis dessa importncia e magnitude so extremamente raros, com apenas dois exemplos tendo rompido a barreira de US$ 15 milhes em leilo, tornando a apario da joia atual um marco em si. O Gbelin Gem Lab afirma ainda que o rubi "estabelece um novo recorde, no apenas para rubis de Moambique, mas tambm para rubis em geral". O Estrela de FURA 55,22 est pronto para fazer histria, j que est prestes a superar o The Sunrise Ruby (O Rubi do Nascer do Sol), um rubi de 25,59 quilates de origem birmanesa, vendido por US$ 30,3 milhes (US$ 1.185.451 por quilate) na Sotheby's de Genebra, em 2015, e ainda detm o recorde mundial de leilo de um rubi*.

A nova jornada da pedra comea hoje, na Sotheby's Hong Kong, onde ela embarcar em uma turn mundial, com exposies programadas em Taipei, China, Singapura, Genebra e Dubai (todas as datas do calendrio sero informadas em ocasio oportuna), antes de estrelar no leilo Magnificent Jewels da Sotheby' s, em Nova York, em 8 de junho.


"A descoberta milagrosa, no ano passado, do rubi Estrela de FURA de 101 quilates na mina de FURA, em Moambique, foi de imensa importncia, surpreendendo todos os integrantes do mercado de joias. Agora, em seu estado recm–transformado de 55,22 quilates, o Estrela de FURA 55,22, uma verdadeira maravilha da natureza, e uma pedra extraordinria de cor perfeita e clareza excepcional, combinadas com sua magnfica forma de almofada. O rubi est, sem dvida, em uma posio privilegiada para se tornar o porta–estandarte dos rubis africanos e das pedras preciosas em geral, atraindo a ateno global para a sua capacidade de rivalizar, e at mesmo ofuscar, as gemas da Birmnia, que tm sido tradicionalmente a fonte mais desejvel e reconhecida de rubis", afirma Quig Bruning, Diretor da Sotheby's Jewelry nas Amricas.

"Ns, da FURA, estamos extremamente orgulhosos por encontrarmos o Estrela de FURA ainda no incio da nossa jornada moambicana. Pedras preciosas importantes, como o Estrela de FURA, so extremamente raras, e um rubi lindamente facetado de 55,22 quilates com qualidade de gema quase indito. Desde a anlise minuciosa e estudo da pedra – ao longo do processo de corte e polimento –, trabalhamos com o mximo de cuidado e respeito pelo Rubi, reconhecendo a sua importncia e proeminncia. Testemunhar a finalizao do Estrela de FURA 55,22 foi uma conquista monumental para todos ns, e estamos entusiasmados que uma nova pgina na histria desta incrvel joia e dos rubis moambicanos esteja prestes a ser escrita com a Sotheby's," declara Dev Shetty, Fundador e CEO da FURA Gems.



A minerao de rubis em Moambique tem uma longa e rica histria, com as primeiras descobertas significativas de depsitos de rubi no pas que remontam dcada de 1960. No entanto, foi apenas no comeo dos anos 2000 que a minerao de rubis em Moambique ganhou impulso real, com a descoberta do depsito de rubis de Montepuez, na parte norte do pas, onde o cristal bruto do Estrela de FURA foi originalmente encontrado. Os melhores destes rubis de Moambique so caracterizados por uma destacada transparncia e riqueza de cor, resultando em extraordinria qualidade geral. O depsito de rubis de Montepuez um dos maiores depsitos de rubis do mundo, atraindo um interesse significativo de empresas internacionais de minerao.



*O atual recorde mundial para um rubi vendido em leilo mantido pelo "Sunrise Ruby", uma pedra birmanesa de 25,59 quilates, leiloada na Sotheby's de Genebra em maio de 2015, por US$ 30,3 milhes. O seu preo tambm estabeleceu um novo recorde para qualquer rubi, por quilate (US$ 1.185.451 por quilate), na poca.



A FURA Gems Inc. uma jovem empresa de minerao e comercializao de pedras preciosas coloridas criada em 2017. Com sede em Dubai, Emirados rabes Unidos, a FURA tem mais de 1.200 funcionrios em todos os continentes. o primeiro empreendimento verdadeiramente pioneiro, criativo e tico a cobrir todo o espectro de pedras preciosas coloridas.

A FURA tem trs subsidirias operacionais de minerao na Colmbia, Moambique e Austrlia, as quais extraem esmeraldas, rubis e safiras, respectivamente. a empresa de minerao de pedras preciosas coloridas que mais cresce, com o nico objetivo de garantir a estabilidade e a rastreabilidade de pedras preciosas coloridas eticamente extradas, desde o estado bruto at a venda.

A FURA Gems alocar uma parte dos lucros da venda para a criao da Fura Training Academy (Academia de Formao Fura), para apoiar a comunidade onde ela opera, em Moambique.

O objetivo principal promover o acesso educao de qualidade e treinamento tcnico para a populao local em diferentes fluxos de trabalho, como minerao, carpintaria, engenharia e agricultura, para proporcionar a eles uma renda sustentvel.



Fundada em 1744, a Sotheby's o principal destino do mundo de artigos de arte e luxo. A Sotheby's promove o acesso e a aquisio de objetos extraordinrios de arte e luxo por meio de leiles e canais de compra, incluindo vendas privadas, comrcio eletrnico e varejo. Nosso mercado global confivel apoiado por uma plataforma de tecnologia lder do setor e uma rede de especialistas abrangendo 40 pases e 70 categorias, que incluem Arte Contempornea, Arte Moderna e Impressionista, Grandes Mestres, Obras de Arte Chinesas, Joias, Relgios, Vinhos e Bebidas Destiladas e Design, bem como imveis e carros para colecionadores. A Sotheby's acredita no poder transformador da arte e da cultura e est empenhada em tornar os nossos setores mais inclusivos, sustentveis e colaborativos.







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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000802932)

Von der Mine zum Rostrum: Sotheby's versteigert einen der größten Edelsteinfunde des Jahrhunderts

Estrela de Fura 55.22 cts




"Bereits in seinem Rohzustand zeigte der Estrela de Fura seine auergewhnlichen Qualittsmerkmale, die das Potenzial haben, ihn zu einem einzigartigen Edelstein zu machen.
Der Schleifer konnte dieses Potenzial ausschpfen und schuf einen facettierten Rubin mit einem erstaunlichen Gewicht von 55,22 ct, der eine gesttigte und homogene rote Farbe aufweist, kombiniert mit einem Grad an Klarheit, der bei keinem anderen unerhitzten Rubin vergleichbarer Gre zu finden ist.
Einen natrlichen Rubin dieser Gre mit einer solchen Kombination von Qualittsmerkmalen zu sehen, die von der Behandlung verschont geblieben sind, galt als fast unvorstellbar.
Der natrliche Rubin mit einem Gewicht von 55,22 ct stellt einen neuen Rekord nicht nur fr mosambikanische Rubine, sondern auch fr Rubine im Allgemeinen auf."
Gbelin Gemmologisches Labor

NEW YORK, April 07, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Als FURA Gems im September 2022 die historische Entdeckung des grten jemals entdeckten Rubins in Edelsteinqualitt bekannt gab, beherrschte diese Nachricht die Schlagzeilen auf der ganzen Welt, lste enorme Aufregung aus und eroberte den Edelsteinmarkt im Sturm. Der im Juli 2022 in der Rubinmine von FURA in Montepuez, Mosambik, gefundene Edelstein mit einem Gewicht von erstaunlichen 101 Karat erhielt den Namen Estrela de FURA (portugiesisch fr "Stern von FURA"), in Anspielung auf seine auergewhnliche Farbtiefe und Gre und um Mosambik als reiche Quelle fr hochwertige Rubine hervorzuheben. Selbst in seinem rohen, unberhrten Zustand wurde der Estrela de FURA von Experten als auergewhnlicher Schatz der Natur betrachtet, da er fluoreszierend, von herausragender Klarheit und in einem lebhaften Rotton ist, der als "Taubenblut" bekannt ist "" eine Farbe, die traditionell nur mit burmesischen Rubinen in Verbindung gebracht wird.

Jetzt, sieben Monate nach seinem ersten Debt, als der Hammer auf das letzte Los der Abendauktion "The Exceptional Luxury Evening" in Hongkong fiel, wurden die Spekulationen ber den Verbleib des Rubins endlich beendet, als der Auktionator von Sotheby's, Uni Kim, den Estrela de FURA 55,22 offiziell der Weltffentlichkeit vorstellte. Mit einem Gewicht von 55,22 Karat ist dieser auergewhnlich wichtige und seltene Edelstein aus Mosambik der grte Rubin in Edelsteinqualitt, der jemals auf einer Auktion angeboten wurde. Seine Kombination aus reicher Farbsttigung, unberhrt von Wrmebehandlung, hochkristallinem Erscheinungsbild und unvergleichlicher Gre macht den Estrela de FURA 55,22 mit einem geschtzten Wert von ber 30 Millionen Dollar zum wertvollsten und bedeutendsten Rubin, der jemals auf den Markt gekommen ist.

Nach einer ersten Reihe von Untersuchungen des 101 Karat schweren Rohkristalls zur Bestimmung der Schliffmglichkeiten Anfang des Jahres wurde der Estrela de FURA von einem Team von Kunsthandwerkern meisterhaft geschliffen und facettiert. Dabei wurde der Rohkristall in einen wunderschnen kissenfrmigen Stein verwandelt, der laut einem Bericht des Schweizerischen Gemmologischen Instituts (SSEF) "durch mehrfache interne Reflexionen lebhafte Rottne aufweist." In dem Bericht heit es weiter: "Ein natrlicher Rubin aus Mosambik in dieser Gre und Qualitt kann als sehr selten und somit als ein auergewhnlicher Schatz der Natur angesehen werden." Der vorgenannte Edelstein ist uerst reich an Chrom, das bei Einwirkung von ultraviolettem Licht "" wie es im Sonnenlicht vorkommt "" den Stein zu einer feurig roten Fluoreszenz veranlasst, die die Lebendigkeit des Steins noch verstrkt, so als wrde er von innen heraus leuchten.

Estrela de Fura 55.22 cts

Der Rubin ist zu einem der begehrtesten Farbedelsteine geworden, in einer Zeit, in der Farbe die Welt der Juwelen dominiert und Seltenheit den Markt bestimmt. Rubine von dieser Bedeutung und Gre sind uerst selten. Nur zwei Exemplare haben bei einer Auktion jemals die 15–Millionen–Dollar–Grenze berschritten, so dass das Auftauchen des vorliegenden Edelsteins an sich schon ein Meilenstein ist. Das Gbelin Gemmologische Labor erklrt weiter, dass der Rubin "einen neuen Rekord nicht nur fr mosambikanische Rubine, sondern auch fr Rubine im Allgemeinen aufstellt." Der Estrela de FURA 55,22 ist auf dem besten Weg, Geschichte zu schreiben, denn er ist auf dem besten Weg, den Sunrise–Rubin zu bertreffen, einen 25,59 Karat schweren Rubin burmesischer Herkunft, der 2015 bei Sotheby's in Genf fr 30,3 Millionen Dollar (1.185.451 Dollar pro Karat) verkauft wurde und immer noch den Weltauktionsrekord fr einen Rubin hlt*.

Die neue Reise des Steins beginnt heute bei Sotheby's in Hongkong, wo er anschlieend auf eine weltweite Tournee geht, mit Ausstellungen in Taipeh, China, Singapur, Genf und Dubai (die genauen Termine werden zu gegebener Zeit bekannt gegeben), bevor er am 8. Juni in New York im Rahmen der Magnificent Jewels–Auktion bei Sotheby's versteigert wird.


"Die wundersame Entdeckung des 101 Karat schweren Estrela de FURA in der FURA–Mine in Mosambik im vergangenen Jahr war von immenser Bedeutung und schockierte die gesamte Schmuckwelt. Der Estrela de FURA 55,22 ist in seinem neu transformierten Zustand von 55,22 Karat ein wahres Wunder der Natur und ein sensationeller Stein von perfekter Farbe und auergewhnlicher Klarheit, kombiniert mit einer hervorragenden Kissenform. Er ist zweifellos in der Lage, das Aushngeschild fr afrikanische Rubine "" und Edelsteine im Allgemeinen "" zu werden, indem er das weltweite Bewusstsein dafr schrft, dass sie mit denen aus Burma, die traditionell die begehrteste und bekannteste Quelle fr Rubine sind, gleichwertig sind und sie sogar in den Schatten stellen knnen", erklrt Quig Bruning, Head of Sotheby's Jewelry, Americas.

"Wir bei FURA sind unglaublich stolz auf die Entdeckung des Estrela de FURA zu einem so frhen Zeitpunkt unserer Reise in Mosambik. Wichtige Edelsteine wie der Estrela de FURA sind extrem selten, und einen wunderschn facettierten Rubin von 55,22 Karat in Edelsteinqualitt gab es so gut wie noch nie. Von der eingehenden Analyse und Untersuchung des Steins bis hin zum Schleifen und Polieren haben wir mit grter Sorgfalt und Respekt fr den Rubin gearbeitet und seine Bedeutung und seinen Status erkannt. Die Fertigstellung des Estrela de FURA 55,22 war fr uns alle ein groer Erfolg, und wir freuen uns, dass mit Sotheby's eine neue Seite in der Geschichte dieses unglaublichen Edelsteins und der Rubine aus Mosambik geschrieben wird", erklrt Dev Shetty, Grnder und Chief Executive Officer von FURA Gems.



Der Rubinbergbau in Mosambik blickt auf eine lange, reiche Geschichte zurck. Die ersten bedeutenden Entdeckungen von Rubinvorkommen in dem Land gehen auf die 1960er Jahre zurck. Doch erst in den frhen 2000er Jahren kam der Rubinbergbau in Mosambik richtig in Schwung, als die Rubinlagersttte Montepuez im Norden des Landes entdeckt wurde, wo der Rohkristall Estrela de FURA ursprnglich gefunden wurde. Die besten dieser Rubine aus Mosambik zeichnen sich durch eine hervorragende Transparenz und eine satte Farbe aus, was zu einer auergewhnlichen Gesamtqualitt fhrt. Das Rubinvorkommen von Montepuez ist eines der grten Rubinvorkommen der Welt und stt bei internationalen Bergbauunternehmen auf groes Interesse.



* Den aktuellen Weltrekord fr einen versteigerten Rubin hlt der "Sunrise Ruby", ein 25,59 Karat schwerer burmesischer Stein, der im Mai 2015 bei Sotheby's Genf fr 30,3 Millionen Dollar versteigert wurde. Dieser Preis stellte zu diesem Zeitpunkt auch einen neuen Rekord fr einen Rubin pro Karat auf (1.185.451 Dollar pro Karat).



FURA Gems Inc. ist ein junges Unternehmen fr den Bergbau und die Vermarktung von Farbedelsteinen, das 2017 gegrndet wurde. FURA hat seinen Hauptsitz in Dubai, Vereinigte Arabische Emirate, und beschftigt ber 1.200 Mitarbeiter auf allen Kontinenten. Es ist das erste wirklich bahnbrechende, kreative und ethische Unternehmen, das das gesamte Spektrum der Farbedelsteine abdeckt.

FURA hat drei Tochtergesellschaften in Kolumbien, Mosambik und Australien, die Smaragde, Rubine bzw. Saphire abbauen. Es ist das am schnellsten wachsende Unternehmen fr die Bergbau von Farbedelsteinen mit dem einzigen Ziel, die Stabilitt und Rckverfolgbarkeit von ethisch abgebauten Farbedelsteinen vom Rohmaterial bis zum Einzelhandel zu gewhrleisten.

FURA Gems wird einen Teil des Verkaufserlses fr den Aufbau der Fura Training Academy verwenden, um die Gemeinden, in denen das Unternehmen ttig ist, in Mosambik zu untersttzen.

Das Hauptziel ist die Frderung des Zugangs zu qualifizierter Bildung und technischer Ausbildung fr die lokale Bevlkerung in verschiedenen Berufszweigen wie Bergbau, Schreinerei, Ingenieurwesen und Landwirtschaft, um ihnen ein nachhaltiges Einkommen zu ermglichen.



Das 1744 gegrndete Unternehmen Sotheby's ist die weltweit fhrende Adresse fr Kunst und Luxus. Sotheby's frdert den Zugang zu und den Besitz von auergewhnlichen Kunst– und Luxusobjekten durch Auktionen und Sofort–Kauf–Kanle, einschlielich Privatverkufe, E–Commerce und Einzelhandel. Unser vertrauenswrdiger globaler Marktplatz wird von einer branchenfhrenden Technologieplattform und einem Netzwerk von Spezialisten in 40 Lndern und 70 Kategorien untersttzt, zu denen zeitgenssische Kunst, moderne und impressionistische Kunst, Alte Meister, chinesische Kunstwerke, Schmuck, Uhren, Wein und Spirituosen sowie Design, aber auch Sammlerautos und Immobilien gehren. Sotheby's glaubt an die transformative Kraft von Kunst und Kultur und setzt sich dafr ein, unsere Branchen integrativer, nachhaltiger und kooperativer zu machen.





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Neglected Tropical Disease Mycetoma Research Gains Momentum

Patients outside the Mycetoma Research Center in Sudan. Credit: DNDi

Patients outside the Mycetoma Research Center in Sudan. Credit: DNDi

By Geoffrey Kamadi
NAIROBI, Apr 7 2023 – The disease burden and distribution of mycetoma—a neglected tropical disease—are not very well understood. However, it is known to affect people in Sudan, Senegal, Mauritania, Kenya, and Niger, as well as people in Nigeria, Ethiopia, India, and Cameroon. Cases have also been reported in Djibouti, Somalia, and Yemen.

“It is currently unknown what the incidence, prevalence and the number of reported cases per year per country is,” observes Dr Borna Nyaoke, head of the Mycetoma Program at the Drugs for Neglected Diseases initiative (DNDi) – Africa Regional office. DNDi is a not-for-profit international R&D organisation operating in Kenya, Ethiopia, Uganda and Sudan.

Mycetoma is one of a group of 20 diseases referred to as neglected tropical diseases or NTDs in short. These diseases usually affect marginalized and poor communities.

NTDs are caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi and toxins from snake bites. They affect 1.7 billion people globally.

According to the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, mycetoma is caused by certain types of bacteria and fungi found in soil and water. Mycetoma can be caused by bacteria (actinomycetoma) or fungi (eumycetoma).

For years now, little attention has been directed towards NTDs in terms of research and the development of new treatments, hence their neglected categorization status.

Between 2000 and 2014, only 66 novel products entered phase I clinical trials intended to prevent or treat NTDs, according to Dr Maurice Odiere, head of the Neglected Tropical Diseases Unit, Centre for Global Health Research at the Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI). This represented just 1.65 percent of all 4,006 phase I trials in the world.

However, this has changed over the last couple of years, with concerted efforts producing new drugs and research initiatives.

For example, the world’s first randomized double-blind clinical trial on eumycetoma (fungal mycetoma) was completed last year in Sudan, according to Nyoke.

“We were comparing the investigational drug Fosravuconazole against a treatment against Itraconazole, which is the standard treatment of eumycetoma in Sudan,” she explains.

This clinical trial started in 2017 in Khartoum, Sudan, with phase II clinical trials completed in March 2022, and the top-line results were presented in September 2022. The clinical report is under review and is expected to be finalized later in 2023.

The study was conducted in Sudan because it is one of the countries where mycetoma is endemic.

Expensive Toxic Treatment

The existing treatments for eumycetoma, such as the antifungals Ketoconazole and Itraconazole, are expensive, ineffective, and have serious side effects. Patients oftentimes undergo multiple amputations, which may prove fatal.

However, scientists think that Fosravuconazole, a drug developed for onychomycosis (a fungal nail infection), could offer an effective and affordable treatment for eumycetoma, hence the study. The drug’s interaction with body tissues is said to be favourable, and its toxicity levels are low. Lab tests show its activity against agents causing eumycetoma to be effective.

Mohamed Safi Ahmed El-Safi, who hails from the Kordofan region of Sudan, is a survivor of mycetoma. Initially, he did not think much of what appeared to be a pimple on his toe.

However, he would soon seek medical attention when he began experiencing excruciating pain emanating from the toe.

“The infection and pain increased, giving me a fever. My body felt like I was on fire,” recounts El-Safi.

Medical tests later revealed that the infection had spread to the bone. His lower right leg had to be amputated as a result. He now urges people to immediately seek medical attention once they notice a boil or pimple on the leg.

Mycetoma Research Centre (MRC)

Sudan boasts of the Mycetoma Research Centre (MRC) in Khartoum, which was established in 1991 under the auspices of the University of Khartoum, which is based at Soba University Hospital.

“It is the only referral hospital in the country, providing integrated medical care for mycetoma patients as well as training for medical and health professionals,” says Nyaoke.

Not only does the centre receive patients from within Sudan, patients from across Africa and the Middle East are referred to the Centre as well.

Nyaoke maintains that plans are underway to conduct epidemiological studies in Sudan, Senegal and India, among other endemic countries, to gather information on the burden and distribution of disease.

IPS UN Bureau Report


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Platitudes not Enough: Urgent Investment Needed in Health Workforce

A nurse walks into a hospital ward in Janakpur in Dhanusha District in southern Nepal. Credit: UNICEF/Rupadhayay

By Roopa Dhatt and Susannah Schaefer
WASHINGTON DC / NEW YORK, Apr 7 2023 – As World Health Worker Week draws to a close on April 7, health organizations from around the world have been celebrating women’s vital role in the health workforce and sharing stories about the enormous value they bring to all areas of health and care.

But platitudes are not enough. It’s time for global health leaders to step up and turn these words into action.

Globally, women make up almost 70% of the global health workforce and 90% of the frontline health workforce, contributing over $3 trillion to global health each year. The health systems in which they work play a significant role in remote and marginalized groups’ access to health, especially in times of crisis. Despite this, the challenges faced by community health workers (CHWs) are frequently overlooked.

CHWs play a critical role in providing care to vulnerable populations, but they are undervalued and accorded lower status in the “informal” workforce. Upwards of six million women are estimated to be either unpaid or grossly underpaid despite working in core health systems roles and just 14% of CHWs in Africa are salaried.

It is unjust that global health systems rely on the labor of unpaid women who are creating social and economic value that is uncounted and unrewarded. Unpaid work reduces women’s economic security and increases their lifetime poverty.

It also weakens health systems. The pandemic has demonstrated the need for strong and resilient health systems, but there can be no global health security while health systems are subsidized by some of the world’s poorest women.

Women health workers continue to make huge sacrifices to work on the frontlines. They went door-to-door educating households on the COVID-19 virus, tracing contacts, and delivering vaccines.

At last year’s World Health Assembly, India’s one million women community health workers known as accredited social health activists (ASHAs) were honored for successfully protecting the health of millions of people during the pandemic.

At the start of the pandemic, however, reports were coming out of India about the unacceptable risk faced by ASHA workers who were being sent into communities without lack of infection controls and facing stigma and abuse as perceived vectors of the virus.

In 2020, they launched widespread street protests and strikes to demand better pay, protection, and working conditions. ASHA workers may have been acknowledged as global health leaders, but they continue to be underpaid with small performance-based honorariums. They are still fighting for a fair and regular salary and the benefits that come with formal sector roles.

Pre-pandemic the World Health Organization (WHO) projected a global shortage of 10 million health workers by 2030, which COVID-19 now has deepened. Health workers lost their lives to the virus and significant numbers are unable to work, affected by ‘long-COVID’. There have been increased reports of violence towards women health workers during the pandemic–from colleagues as well as patients and their families.

In a 2018 report on health policy and system support to optimize CHW programs, one of the primary WHO recommendations included fair remuneration for CHWs, but this is still far from the norm. When CHWs are compensated, it often fails to align with WHO recommendations, which call for financial packages that are commensurate with the demands of the job, the level of complexity, the training required, and the hours worked.

This World Health Workers Week, we come together with our partners to call on global health leaders, governments and policy makers to disrupt the status quo. We believe that every person, regardless of gender, should have access to quality health and care and opportunities to thrive.

We know a fairly-compensated health workforce–alongside training, supervision, and safe working environments–leads to improved productivity, wider access to healthcare, and better patient outcomes.

The gender pay gap in health of 24% is one of the largest of any sector. We are calling on leaders to take measures to close that gap. We stand with our partners in calling for and focusing on transformative change, including gender-equal leadership in global health and a new social contract for women health workers centered on the need for fair and equal pay and safe and decent work.

There is increasing urgency in both high-income and low- and-middle income countries to prioritize changes in guidelines, funding, and policies. After three years of COVID-19, women health workers, who have been the majority in patient-facing roles, are burned out and traumatized.

Understandably, women are leaving the health sector at all levels in a ‘Great Resignation,’ which threatens to deepen the global health worker shortage crisis.

Addressing these injustices is a moral obligation and an economic necessity. Investing in health workers is a win-win proposition and will send a message that we recognize and value them as professionals.

Not only can we restore justice to neglected global health systems, but we can improve the working conditions and pay of health workers, unleashing broader economic benefits.

We would like to send a clear message that as heads of global health organizations we are committed to building stronger health systems and a more equitable world. Achieving true health equity includes quality care for all–including health workers.

Dr Roopa Dhatt is Executive Director and Co-Founder Women in Global Health, a fast- growing women-led movement with 47 chapters worldwide.

Susannah (“Susie”) Schaefer is Executive Vice Chair, President, and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Smile Train, the world’s largest cleft-focused organization with a sustainable and local model of supporting surgery and other forms of comprehensive cleft care.

IPS UN Bureau


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Cuba: Elections Without Choices

By Inés M. Pousadela
MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay, Apr 7 2023 – The uncertainty that’s the hallmark of a democratic election was absent on 26 March, the day Cubans were summoned to appoint members of the National Assembly of People’s Power, the country’s legislative body. A vote did take place that day – people went to the polls and put a ballot in a box. But was this really an election? Cubans weren’t able to choose their representatives – their only option was to ratify those selected to stand, or abstain.

If each seat already had an assigned winner, why even bother to hold an election? Why would people waste their Sunday lining up to vote? And why would the government care so much if they didn’t?

Voting, Cuban style

According to its constitution, Cuba is a socialist republic in which all state leaders and members of representative bodies are elected and subjected to recall by ‘the masses’. Cuba regularly goes through the motions of elections, but it’s a one-party state: the Communist Party of Cuba (CPC) is constitutionally recognised as the ‘superior driving force of the society and the state’.

The CPC is indistinguishable from the state, and the party and its ideology penetrate every corner of society. This means the nomination process for elections can be presented as ‘non-partisan’, with candidates nominated as individuals rather than party representatives – they are all party members anyway.

Cubans vote in two kinds of elections: for municipal assemblies and the National Assembly. Candidates for municipal assemblies are nominated by a show of hands at local ‘nomination assemblies’. The most recent local elections took place on 27 November 2022, with a record-breaking abstention rate of 31.5 per cent – an embarrassment in a system that’s supposed to routinely deliver unanimous mass endorsement.

According to the new constitution and electoral legislation, National Assembly candidates are nominated by municipal delegates alongside nominations commissions controlled by the CPC through its mass organisations, from whose ranks candidates are expected to emerge. The resulting slate includes as many names as there are parliamentary seats available. There are no competing candidates, and as most districts elect more than two representatives, options are limited to selecting all proposed candidates, some, one or none. But all a candidate needs to do is obtain over half of valid votes cast, so ratification is the only possible result. That’s exactly what happened on 26 March.

At the minimum, democracy could be defined as a system where it’s possible to get rid of governments without bloodshed – where those in power could lose an election. In all of Cuba’s post-revolution history, no candidate has ever been defeated.

A different kind of campaign

Unsurprisingly, since there is no real competition, there are typically no election campaigns in Cuba. Instead, there’s a lot of political and social pressure to participate, while abstention is accordingly promoted by the political opposition and democracy activists.

Eager to avoid the abstention rate seen in the November municipal elections, the government spared no effort. Against its own legal prohibitions of election campaigns, it ran a relentless propaganda assault.

Eyewitness accounts abounded of a voting day characterised by apathy, with no evidence of lines forming at voting places. A number of irregularities were reported, including coercion and harassment, with people who hadn’t voted receiving summons or being picked up from their homes. The official statement published the following day – that lack of independent observation made impossible to verify – reported a 76 per cent turnout that the government presented as a ‘revolutionary victory’. It might have helped that the electoral rolls had been purged, with over half a million fewer voters than in the previous parliamentary election held in 2018.

But a closer look suggests that abstention is becoming a regular feature of Cuban election rituals – this was the lowest turnout ever in a legislative election – and beyond this, other forms of dissent in the polls are growing, including spoilt ballots.

What elections are for

In Cuba, elections are neither the means to select governments nor a channel for citizens to communicate their views. Rather, they serve a legitimising purpose, both domestically and internationally, for an authoritarian regime that seeks to present itself as a superior form of democracy. They also serve to co-opt and mobilise supporters and demoralise opposition.

Ritual elections just one of many tools the regime employs to maintain power. Determined to prevent a repetition of mobilisations like those of 11 July 2021, the government has criminalised protesters and activists and curtailed the expression of dissent online and offline.

But all this, and the efforts to present a lacklustre election as a glittering victory, only reveal the cracks running through an old system of totalitarian power in decay. In Cuba, the fiction of a unanimous general will is a thing of the past.

Inés M. Pousadela is CIVICUS Senior Research Specialist, co-director and writer for CIVICUS Lens and co-author of the State of Civil Society Report.


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