Aufruf zur Nominierung: Global Citizen Award® 2023

LONDON, April 12, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Die fhrende internationale Beratungsfirma fr Aufenthalt und Staatsbrgerschaft, Henley & Partners, freut sich, in Partnerschaft mit der Schweizer gemeinntzigen humanitren Andan Foundation den Aufruf zur Nominierung fr den Global Citizen Award 2023 bekanntzugeben.

Der 2014 ins Leben gerufene Global Citizen Award ist eine Auszeichnung fr bemerkenswerte Persnlichkeiten, die sich fr eine der globalen Herausforderungen einsetzen, denen sich die Menschheit heute gegenbersieht "" Herausforderungen, die ber nationale Grenzen hinausgehen und nicht von einem Land allein gelst werden knnen.

Der Preistrger 2023 wird von einem angesehenen, unabhngigen Komitee ausgewhlt und auf der Global Citizen Award–Zeremonie geehrt, dem abschlieenden Event der jhrlichen Henley & Partners Global Citizenship Conference, die dieses Jahr vom 9. bis 10. November in Dubai stattfindet.

Der Vorsitzende von Henley & Partners und Grnder der Andan Foundation, Dr. Christian H. Kaelin, sagt, dass die Arbeit des Preistrgers eine positive Auswirkung auf das Leben gefhrdeter sozialer Gruppen haben muss, insbesondere in Verbindung mit migrationsbezogenen Themen. "Der Global Citizen Award steht weltweit denjenigen offen, die in einem Bereich ttig sind, der in direktem Zusammenhang mit den Themen steht, die sie beeinflussen wollen, und schliet politische Persnlichkeiten, Meinungsfhrer und Prominente aus. Das Komitee sucht nach bemerkenswerten und inspirierenden Persnlichkeiten, die Visionen, Mut und Innovation zeigen, um den globalen Wandel voranzutreiben, und deren Handlungen und Ansichten zu einer gerechteren, friedlicheren, vernetzten und toleranteren Welt beitragen."

Das Auswahlverfahren ist vertraulich und basiert auf einer Mehrheitsentscheidung des Preiskomitees. Der Preis selbst besteht aus einer individuell gefertigten Skulpturmedaille, die von dem fhrenden italienischen Knstler Antonio Nocera entworfen wurde, einer vom Vorsitzenden des Global Citizen Award Committee unterzeichneten Urkunde und einem Geldpreis in Hhe von 20.000 USD, mit dem die humanitren Bemhungen des Preistrgers untersttzt werden. Darber hinaus verpflichtet sich Henley & Partners, ein Jahr lang eng mit dem Preistrger zusammenzuarbeiten, seiner Arbeit eine Plattform zu geben und das ausgewhlte Projekt ber das Netzwerk der Firma mit mehr als 40 Bros weltweit zu untersttzen.

Seit seiner Grndung hat der Global Citizen Award viele bemerkenswerte Persnlichkeiten geehrt. Der erste Preistrger war der deutsche Unternehmer Harald Hppner, der das humanitre Flchtlingshilfeprojekt Sea Watch ins Leben gerufen hat. Weitere Empfnger waren Dr. Imtiaz Sooliman, Grnder der Gift of the Givers Foundation, Afrikas grter Katastrophenhilfsorganisation, und Monique Morrow, Mitbegrnderin von The Humanized Internet, einem digitalen Identittsprojekt, das den geschtzten 1,1 Milliarden Menschen auf der Welt, die ihre legale Identitt nicht nachweisen knnen, Hoffnung geben soll. Diep Vuong, Mitbegrnderin und Prsidentin der Pacific Links Foundation, wurde fr ihre Arbeit in Sdostasien ausgezeichnet, wo sie sich fr die Rechte der durch Menschenhandel Versklavten einsetzt, und Prof. Dr. Padraig O'Malley erhielt seinen Global Citizen Award in Anerkennung seiner Arbeit zur Konfliktlsung und Vershnung in Nordirland, Sdafrika sowie dem Irak.

Zur Geschichte und Bedeutung des Preises sagt Dr. Kaelin, dass die Ideale der globalen Brgerschaft zu den Grndungsprinzipien von Henley & Partners gehren und dass die Firma durch ihre Partnerschaft mit der Andan Foundation in der Lage ist, diejenigen Brger zu untersttzen, die durch Kriege, Konflikte und den Klimawandel vertrieben wurden. "Alle Preistrger des Global Citizen Award haben uns mit ihrer Bereitschaft zum Handeln inspiriert, um ein Problem anzugehen, das viele fr zu gro halten, um es zu lsen. Die Probleme, mit denen wir heute konfrontiert sind, gehen ber die Familie, den Stamm, das Dorf und die Nation hinaus. Es ist wichtiger denn je, dass wir tun, was wir knnen, um diejenigen zu untersttzen, die an Initiativen arbeiten, die das Leben von bedrftigen Menschen auf der ganzen Welt direkt verndern."

Die Nominierungen schlieen am Freitag, 30. Juni 2023. Fr weitere Informationen zur Einreichung Ihrer Nominierung kontaktieren Sie bitte Tina Savic unter

ber die Andan Foundation

Die Andan Foundation ist eine gemeinntzige humanitre Stiftung mit Sitz in der Schweiz. Sie wird von der Schweizerischen Eidgenssischen Stiftungsaufsichtsbehrde reguliert und jhrlich von der BDO geprft.

Andan leitet privatwirtschaftliche Initiativen zur Untersttzung von Familien, die aufgrund von Krieg, internen Konflikten und Klimawandel aus ihrer Heimat fliehen. Die Stiftung identifiziert und entwickelt innovative, nachhaltige Lsungen, die die Selbststndigkeit der Flchtlinge frdern, ihre Widerstandsfhigkeit strken und ihre Integration in ihren neuen Lndern untersttzen. Andan priorisiert Projekte, die die wirtschaftlichen, finanziellen und politischen Mglichkeiten sowohl fr die Flchtlingsbevlkerung als auch fr die Gemeinden, die sie aufnehmen, erweitern. Andan erleichtert und frdert Partnerschaften zwischen dem privaten Sektor und UN–Organisationen, Regierungen, Nichtregierungsorganisationen und akademischen Einrichtungen, die sich mit Flchtlingen sowie Migranten beschftigen.

Das wichtigste, langfristige Projekt von Andan ist die Andan Global City, die unseren Umgang mit der wachsenden globalen Flchtlings– und Migrationskrise vllig umgestalten und reformieren wird.

ber Henley & Partners

Henley & Partners ist der weltweit fhrende Anbieter von Aufenthalts– und Staatsbrgerschaftsdienstleistungen durch Investitionen. Jedes Jahr verlassen sich Hunderte von vermgenden Personen und ihre Berater auf unser Fachwissen und unsere Erfahrung in diesem Bereich. Die hochqualifizierten Fachleute des Unternehmens arbeiten als Team in ber 40 Bros weltweit zusammen.

Das Konzept der Aufenthalts– und Staatsbrgerschaftsplanung wurde in den 1990er Jahren von Henley & Partners entwickelt. Im Zuge der Globalisierung sind Aufenthalt und Staatsbrgerschaft zu Themen von groem Interesse fr die wachsende Zahl international mobiler Unternehmer und Investoren geworden, die wir jeden Tag mit Stolz betreuen.

Die Firma betreibt auch eine fhrende Regierungsberatungspraxis, die mehr als 10 Milliarden USD an auslndischen Direktinvestitionen beschafft hat. Das Unternehmen geniet das Vertrauen von Regierungen und war an der strategischen Beratung sowie an der Konzeption, dem Aufbau und dem Betrieb der erfolgreichsten Aufenthalts– und Staatsbrgerschaftsprogramme der Welt beteiligt.


Fr weitere Informationen kontaktieren Sie bitte:

Sarah Nicklin

Group Head of Public Relations

Mobil: +27 72 464 8965

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000803611)

Global Citizen Award® 2023 : Lancement de l’appel à candidatures

LONDRES, 12 avr. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — En partenariat avec la fondation humanitaire suisse but non lucratif Andan Foundation, le cabinet de conseil de premier plan en rsidence et en citoyennet internationales, Henley & Partners, a le plaisir plaisir d'annoncer le lancement de l'appel candidatures pour le Global Citizen Award 2023.

Cr en 2014, le Global Citizen Award rend hommage des individus exceptionnels dont les ralisations contribuent relever l'un des dfis mondiaux "" qui transcendent les frontires nationales et ne peuvent tre rsolus par un pays faisant cavalier seul "" auxquels l'humanit est actuellement confronte.

Le laurat de l'dition 2023 sera slectionn par un comit indpendant de choix et sera honor lors de la crmonie de remise du Global Citizen Award, marquant la clture de la confrence annuelle Henley & Partners sur la citoyennet mondiale, qui se tiendra Duba les 9 et 10 novembre de cette anne.

Le prsident de Henley & Partners et fondateur de la Fondation Andan, le Dr Christian H. Kaelin, prcise que les travaux du laurat doivent avoir un impact positif sur la vie des groupes sociaux vulnrables, en particulier en ce qui concerne les questions lies aux phnomnes migratoires. Global Citizen Award est un prix est ouvert tous les individus du monde entier, l'exclusion des personnalits politiques, des leaders d'opinion et des clbrits, qui travaillent dans un domaine ayant un lien direct avec les problmes qu'ils cherchent rsoudre. Le comit cible des individus exceptionnels et inspirants qui font preuve de vision, de courage et d'innovation dans la conduite du changement mondial, et dont les actions et les perspectives contribuent un monde plus juste, plus pacifique, plus connect et plus tolrant .

La slection est confidentielle et reflte la dcision prise la majorit des membres du comit de slection. Quant au Prix, il comprend une mdaille sculpturale sur mesure conue par l'artiste italien Antonio Nocera, un certificat sign par le prsident du comit de slection du Global Citizen Award, et une rcompense financire de 20 000 USD visant soutenir les efforts humanitaires du laurat. En outre, Henley & Partners s'engage travailler en troite collaboration avec le laurat pendant un an, apporter de la visibilit son travail et soutenir le projet slectionn par le biais du rseau du cabinet, qui compte plus de 40 bureaux dans le monde.

Depuis sa cration, le Global Citizen Award a rcompens de nombreux individus exceptionnels. L'entrepreneur allemand Harald Hppner, crateur du projet d'aide humanitaire aux rfugis, Sea Watch, en a t le premier laurat. Parmi les autres laurats figurent Imtiaz Sooliman, fondateur de la Gift of the Givers Foundation, la plus grande organisation de secours en cas de catastrophe en Afrique, et Monique Morrow, cofondatrice de The Humanized Internet, un projet d'identit numrique qui vise donner de l'espoir aux quelque 1,1 milliard d'individus dans le monde qui ne peuvent prouver leur identit juridique. La cofondatrice et prsidente de la Pacific Links Foundation, Diep Vuong, a t rcompense pour son travail en Asie du Sud–Est en faveur des droits des personnes rduites en esclavage par la traite des tres humains, tandis que le professeur Padraig O'Malley a reu le Prix en reconnaissance de son travail sur la rsolution des conflits et la rconciliation en Irlande du Nord, en Afrique du Sud et en Irak.

S'exprimant sur l'histoire et l'importance de ce Prix, le Dr Kaelin explique que les idaux de citoyennet mondiale sont un principe fondateur de Henley & Partners et que, grce son partenariat avec la Fondation Andan, le cabinet est en mesure d'apporter son soutien aux citoyens du monde dplacs cause des guerres, des conflits et du changement climatique. Tous les laurats du Global Citizen Award reprsentent pour nous une source d'inspiration par leur volont d'agir face un problme que beaucoup considrent comme simplement trop complexe pour tre trait. Les problmes auxquels nous sommes confronts aujourd'hui transcendent la famille, la tribu, le village et le pays. Il est plus que jamais capital que nous fassions tout ce qui est en notre pouvoir pour soutenir ceux qui travaillent sur des initiatives qui changent directement la vie des personnes vulnrables dans le monde entier.

La date de clture de l'appel candidature est fixe au vendredi 30 juin 2023. Pour plus d'informations sur la procdure de dpt de votre candidature, veuillez contacter Tina Savic l'adresse

propos d'Andan Foundation

Andan Foundation est une fondation humanitaire but non lucratif base en Suisse. Elle est rglemente par l'Autorit fdrale de surveillance des fondations et audite chaque anne par le cabinet d'audit BDO.

Andan mne des projets du secteur priv visant soutenir les familles qui fuient leur foyer cause de la guerre, des conflits internes et du changement climatique. Elle repre et met en place des solutions innovantes et durables visant promouvoir l'autonomie des rfugis, renforcer leur rsilience et favoriser leur intgration dans leur nouveau pays. Andan privilgie les projets offrant plus de perspectives conomiques, financires et politiques aux populations rfugies et aux communauts qui les accueillent. Andan facilite et promeut les partenariats entre le secteur priv et les agences des Nations unies, les gouvernements, les ONG et les institutions acadmiques qui s'intressent de la cause des rfugis et des migrants.

Le principal projet long terme men par Andan est la Andan Global City, dont l'aboutissement va compltement bouleverser et rformer la faon dont nous traitons la crise mondiale croissante des rfugis et des migrations.

propos de Henley & Partners

Henley & Partners est le leader mondial de la planification de la rsidence et de la citoyennet par investissement. Chaque anne, des centaines de particuliers fortuns et leurs conseillers font confiance notre savoir–faire et notre exprience en la matire. Les professionnels hautement qualifis que compte le cabinet travaillent en quipe dans plus de 40 bureaux travers le monde.

Le concept de planification de la rsidence et de la citoyennet a t cr par Henley & Partners dans les annes 1990. Avec l'ampleur de la mondialisation, la rsidence et la citoyennet sont devenues des sujets d'intrt majeur pour le nombre grandissant d'entrepreneurs et d'investisseurs mobiles l'chelle internationale que nous sommes fiers de servir chaque jour.

Le cabinet gre galement un service de conseil aux gouvernements de premier plan qui a permis de mobiliser plus de 10 milliards de dollars d'investissements directs trangers. En tant que partenaire de confiance des gouvernements, le cabinet est actif dans le conseil stratgique et dans la conception, la mise en place et l'oprationnalisation des programmes de rsidence et de citoyennet les plus aboutis au monde.

Contact mdia

Pour de plus amples informations, veuillez contacter :

Sarah Nicklin

Responsable des relations publiques du Groupe

Numro de tlphone portable : +27 72 464 8965

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000803611)

Convite à apresentação de candidaturas: Global Citizen Award® 2023

LONDRES, April 12, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Henley & Partners, empresa internacional lder em consultoria de residncia e cidadania global, em parceria com a Andan, organizao sua humanitria e sem fins lucrativos, tem o prazer de anunciar o convite apresentao de candidaturas para o Global Citizen Award de 2023.

Criado em 2014, o Global Citizen Award presta homenagem a indivduos notveis cujo trabalho promova qualquer um dos desafios globais que afetam atualmente a humanidade "" desafios que transcendem as fronteiras nacionais e no so passveis de ser resolvidos pela ao isolada de qualquer pas.

O laureado de 2023 ser selecionado por um comit distinto e independente e homenageado na cerimnia do Global Citizen Award, o evento final da Conferncia Anual de Cidadania Global da Henley & Partners, que decorrer este ano de 9 a 10 de novembro no Dubai.

O presidente da Henley & Partners e fundador da Fundao Andan, Dr. Christian H. Kaelin, afirma que o trabalho do premiado deve demonstrar um impacto positivo na vida de grupos sociais vulnerveis, particularmente no que diz respeito a questes associadas migrao. “O Global Citizen Award est aberto em todo o mundo queles que trabalhem num domnio diretamente ligado s questes sobre as quais procuram incidir e exclui figuras polticas, lderes de opinio e celebridades. O comit procura indivduos notveis e inspiradores que demonstrem viso, coragem e inovao a impulsionar a mudana global, e cujas aes e perspetivas contribuam para um mundo mais justo, pacfico, conectado e tolerante.”

O processo de seleo confidencial e baseia–se numa deciso por maioria do Comit do Prmio. O prmio em si consiste numa medalha escultural personalizada projetada pelo artista italiano Antonio Nocera, um certificado de prmio assinado pelo Presidente do Comit do Global Citizen Award e um prmio monetrio de 20 000 USD, destinado a apoiar os esforos humanitrios do premiado. Alm disso, a Henley & Partners compromete–se a trabalhar em estreita colaborao com o premiado durante um perodo de um ano, ao sensibilizar as pessoas para o seu trabalho e ao apoiar o projeto selecionado atravs da rede de mais de 40 escritrios da empresa em todo o mundo.

Desde a sua criao, o Global Citizen Award tem homenageado muitos indivduos notveis. O primeiro laureado foi o empresrio alemo Harald Hppner, que criou o projeto Sea Watch, de ajuda humanitria aos refugiados. Outro contemplado foi o Dr. Imtiaz Sooliman, fundador da Fundao Gift of the Givers, a maior organizao de ajuda humanitria em catstrofes de frica, e Monique Morrow, cofundadora da The Humanized Internet, um projeto de identidade digital que visa trazer esperana para os cerca de 1,1 milhares de milhes de indivduos no mundo que no podem provar sua identidade jurdica. Diep Vuong, cofundadora e presidente da Fundao Pacific Links, foi premiada pelo seu trabalho no Sudeste Asitico em defesa dos direitos das pessoas escravizadas pelo trfico de seres humanos, e o Prof. Dr. Padraig O'Malley recebeu o seu Prmio Global Citizen em reconhecimento do seu trabalho na resoluo de conflitos e reconciliao na Irlanda do Norte, frica do Sul e Iraque.

Comentando sobre a histria e o significado do prmio, o Dr. Kaelin afirma que os ideais de cidadania global so um princpio fundador da Henley & Partners e que, atravs da sua parceria com a Fundao Andan, a empresa capaz de fornecer apoio aos cidados globais deslocados pela guerra, conflitos e mudanas climticas. "Todos os nossos laureados com o Global Citizen Award nos inspiraram com a sua vontade de agir para enfrentar um problema que muitos veem como simplesmente vasto demais para poder ser resolvido. Os problemas que hoje enfrentamos transcendem a famlia, a tribo, a aldeia e a nao. mais importante do que nunca fazermos o mximo que pudermos para apoiar os que trabalham em iniciativas que mudam diretamente a vida de pessoas vulnerveis em todo o mundo."

As candidaturas terminam na sexta–feira, 30 de junho de 2023. Para mais informaes sobre como enviar a sua candidatura, contacte Tina Savic pelo e–mail

Sobre a Fundao Andan

A Fundao Andan uma fundao humanitria sem fins lucrativos sediada na Sua. regulada pela Autoridade Federal Sua de Superviso das Fundaes e auditada anualmente pela BDO.

A Andan lidera iniciativas do setor privado de apoio a famlias que fogem das suas casas devido a guerras, conflitos internos e mudanas climticas. Identifica e desenvolve solues inovadoras e sustentveis que promovam a autossuficincia dos refugiados, reforcem a sua resilincia e promovam a sua incluso nos seus novos pases. A Andan estabelece como prioritrios os projetos que ampliem as oportunidades econmicas, financeiras e polticas das populaes de refugiados e das comunidades que as acolhem. A Andan facilita e impulsiona parcerias entre o setor privado e agncias da ONU, governos, ONG e instituies acadmicas cuja preocupao incide sobre os refugiados e os migrantes.

O projeto principal da Andan a longo prazo a Andan Global City, que ir derrubar e reformar completamente a forma como lidamos com a crescente crise global de refugiados e migrao.

Sobre a Henley & Partners

A Henley & Partners lder global em matria de residncia e cidadania atravs do investimento. Todos os anos, centenas de indivduos abastados e respetivos consultores contam com o nosso conhecimento e experincia neste domnio. Os profissionais altamente qualificados da empresa trabalham juntos como equipa em mais de 40 escritrios em todo o mundo.

O conceito de planeamento de residncia e cidadania foi criado pela Henley & Partners na dcada de 1990. medida que a globalizao se expandia, a residncia e a cidadania tornaram–se temas alvo de grande interesse entre o nmero crescente de empreendedores e investidores com mobilidade internacional a quem servimos orgulhosamente todos os dias.

A empresa tambm administra uma importante atividade de consultoria governamental que arrecadou mais de 10 mil milhes de USD em investimento estrangeiro direto. Digna da confiana de governos, a empresa tem estado envolvida em consultoria estratgica e na conceo, configurao e operao dos programas de residncia e cidadania mais bem–sucedidos do mundo.

Contacto para a comunicao social

Para mais informaes, contacte:

Sarah Nicklin

Diretora de Relaes Pblicas do Grupo

Telemvel: +27 72 464 8965

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000803611)

Escalent Acquires C Space, Hall & Partners

DETROIT, April 12, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Top data analytics and advisory firm Escalent announces today it has acquired C Space and Hall & Partners from Omnicom. As leading partners to some of the world's exceptional brands, Escalent, C Space and Hall & Partners have been helping companies innovate, improve, and navigate disruption for years. Now they are coming together to create a bigger, stronger and more capable partner to the world's leading companies, combining deep industry expertise across brands, customers and products on a focused, global market insights platform to help clients find new sources of growth.

Together, the organizations have earned trusted partner status to the world's leading brands across fast–growing industries including Automotive & Mobility, Consumer Goods & Retail, Financial Services, Health, and Technology as well as Energy, Telecom and Travel & Tourism.

"This union is rooted in unparalleled expertise in what drives human beings, cultures and markets""an understanding that makes our team incredibly valuable partners and positions our clients for success in today's fast–paced, ever–changing business climate," said Escalent CEO Melissa Sauter. "Together, there is tremendous growth potential for our employees, clients and shareholders across the globe."

Hall & Partners brings an excellent research and brand management franchise coupled with proprietary technology including an award–winning brand knowledge management platform to the union. C Space brings the market–leading solution for building communities and customer relationships, and Escalent brings a strong global platform with deep industry knowledge, and advanced capabilities in secondary research and analytics. The combined organization creates a powerful global presence with nearly 2,000 consultants, researchers, data scientists, technologists and operational experts in 20 countries.

"This acquisition is a big win for our employees," added C Space CEO Jessica DeVlieger. "Our organizations are forward–thinking and offer employees an opportunity to nurture their professional growth through expanded products and services that have a real impact on our clients, in an environment that celebrates diversity and recognizes each team member's valuable contributions."

"Over the coming year, cross–company teams will work together to develop a thoughtful plan that ensures our clients and employees feel the benefits from our combined organization," said Hall & Partners CEO Tim Wragg. "We are perfectly balanced to offer deep resources and leading technology while remaining devoted to personal client relationships. We're eager to start working toward our future."

DeVlieger and Wragg will continue to lead their organizations as part of Sauter's executive leadership team. Clients will continue to work with the same experienced teams, and there are no near–term plans to change company locations or merge brand identities.

"We are very excited to put together these amazing capabilities into a focused, yet global leader dedicated to the highest quality research and insights for our clients. Together the companies create a fantastic combination of depth of expertise with scale and growth capability, while still being focused on one shared core mission. As such, the combined organization will continue to differentiate with their clients through exceptional insights and partnership," said J.T. Treadwell, Managing Director at STG, Escalent's financial sponsor.

About Escalent
Escalent is an award–winning data analytics and advisory firm specializing in industries facing disruption and business transformation. As catalysts of progress for more than 40 years, we accelerate growth by creating a seamless flow between primary, secondary, syndicated, and internal business data, providing consulting and advisory services from insights through implementation. Escalent is headquartered in Livonia, Michigan with locations across the US and in Canada, China, India, Ireland, the Philippines, Singapore, South Africa, UAE and the UK. Visit to see how we are helping shape the brands that are reshaping the world.

About C Space

C Space is a global customer insight, strategy and innovation agency building customers into the ways businesses work. Partnering with the world's best–known brands including Walmart, McDonald's, IKEA and more, C Space helps clients unlock growth through the power of human relationships""co–creating with customers, instead of for them, for increased relevance, deeper loyalty and higher customer lifetime value. C Space's full–service customer solutions are tailored to meet specific business needs with a focus on private online communities, co–creation events, workshops and powerful storytelling and insights activation. Headquartered in Boston, C Space has offices in London, New York, San Francisco and Mexico City.

About Hall & Partners

Hall & Partners is a team of unconventional thinkers, obsessed with how marketing influences the relationship between people, brands and culture. Born out of adland, we are the insight agency known for weaving creativity with science. We distil data through a strategic lens to reveal "uncommon insights' "" human truths tailored to individual brands, not blackbox data available to the masses. We partner with clients to shape brand strategy and optimize brand and campaign performance. Our award–winning approach amplifies insights across every business area, propelling marketing decision–making to create an unmatched competitive advantage. Headquartered in London, Hall & Partners has offices in New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago.

Photos accompanying this announcement are available at:–a141–4ab5–9823–af7a6ccf35c3–f66f–4b47–957b–53e9fb689ffb

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8806130)

Legit Security Announces New Partnership with Snyk

TEL AVIV, Israel, April 12, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Legit Security, a cyber security company with an enterprise platform that protects software delivery from code to cloud, including the software supply chain, today announced a partnership with Snyk, the leader in developer security.

Together, Legit Security and Snyk help bridge the gap between security and development teams by scaling–up security from code to cloud through the combination of secure code and secure application delivery. The partnership enables organizations to greatly improve productivity by contextualizing cybersecurity risks, consolidating vulnerability management in a unified view, and prioritizing remediation to the most critical risks and applications so their businesses can stay safe while releasing trusted software fast.

Today's digital business models depend on rapid innovation, but security teams struggle to keep pace with the development of modern applications, DevOps and changing CI/CD pipelines. Legit Security helps application security teams align with iterative, fast paced DevOps models by protecting applications from code–to–cloud with automated SDLC discovery and a unified application security control plane that provides visibility, security, and governance over rapidly changing environments. By providing real–time security posture management and deep security issue context, security and development teams can rapidly prioritize security issues and accelerate their productivity, effectiveness, and collaboration.

"In most organizations today, software development pipelines are unchartered highways to cloud deployment," said Roni Fuchs, CEO and co–founder, Legit Security. "To build applications securely at scale, you need to have visibility and security control over your development environments including traceability from cloud apps back to their CI/CD software pipelines and originating source code. We are thrilled to partner with Snyk to combine our code to cloud security capabilities with their developer–first approach to secure code and open source dependencies."

"We're excited to further our relationship with Legit Security," said Jill Wilkins, Senior Director Global Alliances, Snyk. "As the demand for developer security grows, we are always looking to expand our partner ecosystem and help businesses all over the world capitalize on that opportunity. Our partnership with Legit Security will help us continue our mission to empower developers all over the world with developer first security, and offer our mutual customers the ability to seamlessly integrate Snyk into existing workflows, tools, and processes to help accelerate development and security team adoption of DevSecOps."

For more information, please visit Legit Security at

Legit Security

Legit Security protects an organization's software supply chain from attack and ensures secure application delivery, governance and risk management from code to cloud. The platform's unified application security control plane and automated SDLC discovery and analysis capabilities provide visibility and security control over rapidly changing environments and allow security issues to be prioritized based on context and business criticality to improve security team efficiency and effectiveness.

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8806564)

Russia’s Press Freedom ‘Worst Since the Cold War’ – Analysts

Press freedom watchdogs say the arrest of Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich is a sign of the Kremlin’s greater intolerance of independent voices.

Press freedom watchdogs say the arrest of Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich is a sign of the Kremlin’s greater intolerance of independent voices.

By Ed Holt
BRATISLAVA, Apr 12 2023 – The arrest of a US journalist in Russia has not only sent a chilling warning to foreign reporters in the country but is a sign of the Kremlin’s desire to ultimately stifle any dissent in the state, press freedom watchdogs have warned.

They say the detention at the end of March of Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich signals the Russian regime may be tightening its already iron grip on control of information and expanding its repression of critics.

“The scale of this move is enormous. Not only is it the first time since the Cold War that an American journalist has been detained, but very serious charges have been brought against him. This is a big step,” Karol Luczka, Advocacy Officer at the International Press Institute (IPI), told IPS.

“[Cracking down on independent voices] has been the Kremlin policy for some time now and it seems they are targeting more and more people,” he added.

Gershkovich, a US citizen, was arrested in Yekaterinburg on suspicion of spying. He is being held at Lefortovo prison in Moscow pending trial and faces up to 20 years in jail on espionage charges. Among his recent reporting were stories about problems Russian forces faced in their war effort, as well as how Western sanctions were damaging the Russian economy.

The Wall Street Journal has denied the accusations against their reporter and the arrest has been condemned by western leaders and rights campaigners.

Some have seen the detention as a political ploy by the Kremlin and believe Gershkovich is being held to be used as part of a prisoner exchange with the US at some point in the future.

But press watchdogs say that, even if that is the case, the arrest also sends out a very clear message to any journalists not following the Kremlin line.

“I have no doubt that the arrest is a political thing. When I heard about the charges against Evan, the first thing that I thought was, ‘what high-profile Russian do the Americans have in one of their jails at the moment?’” Gulnoza Said, Europe and Central Asia Program Coordinator at the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ), told IPS.

“Foreign correspondents offer a rare glimpse of the real picture in Russia to a global audience. The arrest sends a message to all foreign journalists that they are not welcome in Russia, and they can be charged with a crime at any time. From now on, it’s clear that the situation for them unpredictable and unsafe,” she added.

Independent media in Russia had faced repression even before the full-scale invasion of Ukraine, but it has increased since then.

The regime has moved to block websites of critical newspapers, as well as social media platforms, to stop people from accessing information critical of the war, while military censorship has also been introduced with new draconian laws criminalising the “discrediting” of the military.

This has led to some outlets shutting pre-emptively rather than risk their employees being sent to prison, while others have been forced to drastically slash staff numbers, or move newsrooms out of the country, operating in de facto exile.

But until now, foreign media outlets had been relatively unaffected by this crackdown. At the start of the war, many pulled their correspondents out of the country amid safety concerns. But a number, like Gershkovich, returned and had been able to report on the war with comparatively far greater freedom than their Russian counterparts.

For this reason, Gershkovich’s arrest is so worrying for the future of independent journalism under the current Russian regime, Jeanne Cavelier, Head of Eastern Europe and Central Asia desk at Reporters Without Borders (RSF), said.

“To arrest a foreign journalist for such serious charges is a new critical step in Putin’s information warfare. The aim is to intimidate all the remaining Western journalists on Russian territory who dare to report on the ground and investigate on topics linked to the war on Ukraine,” she told IPS.

“It is a signal that they are no more relatively protected than their Russian colleagues. As usual, [this is] to spread fear and silence them. Dozens of foreign media outlets have already left Russia since March last year, as well as hundreds of local independent journalists. This blow may worsen the situation and further reduce the sources of trustworthy information from Russia.”

Others believe that the arrest could signal the Kremlin is moving towards a goal of almost total control over information in Russia.

“We are still some way off the kind of censorship that existed in the USSR, but Putin and the Russian ruling regime have said for a long time that the system of censorship in the USSR is a role model for them. This is the way it is going in Russia and the way the government wants it to go. It is deplorable but it is the reality of things,” said Luczka.

“Eventually, it could become like the Cold War when all information coming out of Russia was strictly controlled,” added CPJ’s Said.

Meanwhile, some believe that the arrest is also a signal to the wider population.

In recent years the Kremlin has moved to shut down the opposition, both political and in other areas of society. While vocal critics such as opposition leader Alexei Navalny have ended up in jail, many civil society organisations, including domestic and foreign rights organisations, have been closed down by authorities.

This repression has intensified since the start of the war, and Russians who spoke to IPS said that, particularly following the introduction of legislation criminalising criticism of the invasion, many people have grown increasingly wary of what they say in public.

“It’s crazy. There are shortages because of the war, there are supply problems, and we see it at work all the time. We can talk about the shortages as much as we want to at work, but we cannot say what is causing them – the war – because just using the word ‘war’ can land you in jail for years,” Ivan Petrov*, a public sector worker in Moscow, told IPS.

He added that he knew many people who were against the war but were afraid to express even the slightest opposition to it.

“They know it’s wrong but just can’t speak about it. There is so much censorship. You can get jailed for treason just for mentioning its negative effects on the economy,” he told IPS.

Against this backdrop, Gershkovich’s arrest is likely to reinforce fear among ordinary Russians who do not support the war or the government and stop them speaking out, rights campaigners say.

“It’s hard to separate the stifling of all media freedoms from the stifling of all independent voices – they go hand in hand. When [the Russian authorities] arrest such a high-profile reporter on patently bogus grounds, no matter what the true purpose of the arrest may be, they are no doubt fully aware of the chilling message it sends to the broader public,” Rachel Denber, Deputy Director of the Europe and Central Asia Division at Human Rights Watch, told IPS.

*Name has been changed

IPS UN Bureau Report


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During Ramadan Let’s Focus on Solidarity with Future Generations

UN Resident Coordinator in Indonesia Valerie Julliand plants trees in Bogor, West Java. Credit: UN Indonesia

By Valerie Julliand
JAKARTA, Indonesia, Apr 12 2023 – As Ramadan continues through next week, the world’s 2 billion Muslims will focus on the core values of the holy month: helping the poor and committing oneself to the service of others.

These are values that are at the heart of many religions – and also are core values of the United Nations. The UN, including here in Indonesia, works to serve those less fortunate, under the motto to Leave No One Behind.

Committing oneself to the service of others includes future generations. Taking care of our planet to make sure it remains habitable and can support life on earth as we know it for those who come after us is one of our key responsibilities.

“Future generations” refers to people who will come after us, those who are not yet born. More than 10 billion people are projected to be born before the end of this century alone, predominantly in countries that are currently low- or middle-income.

As the global population is expected to grow, we need to ensure that sufficient resources remain available to them. The lives of the future generations, and their ability to effectively enjoy human rights and meet their needs are strongly determined by today’s actions.

Do we over-exploit the resources of the planet or do we only take as much as we really need and use resources sustainably, bearing in mind the generations to come?

At a time when millions of Indonesians are going to gather for iftar with friends and family evening after evening, let us pause for a moment to think not only about those who have passed away but also about those not yet with us.

As the UN Secretary General’s Our Common Agenda policy brief “To think and act for future generations”, released last week, makes it abundantly clear, stopping climate change and pollution ARE our prime tasks when it comes to serving those not yet born. And the world is failing in these tasks – and needs to do more, much more.

Another UN report, released by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change just last week, points out that we are currently on track to a global warming of 2.8 degrees above pre-industrial levels. That is much above the Paris Agreement’s goal to keep global warming to “well below” 2 degrees Celsius. Countries have made commitments to reduce emissions but are not fulfilling them.

Indonesia is among the few countries that heeded the call to strengthen their Paris Agreement commitments last year. In November, the government announced a new set of targets, with more ambitious climate change mitigation goals than before, including a commitment to generate over a third of the country’s energy from renewables as early as 2030.

The UN in Indonesia supports the government in its plans to meet climate commitments and balance the needs of current and future generations through development that is sustainable. We advise the government on climate financing.

We support PLN in modernizing its Java-Madura-Bali power grid, so that it can take in more electricity from intermittent renewable sources like solar and wind. We support Transjakarta in its plans to convert its 10,000-strong bus fleet to electric buses.

Late last year, the government, the UN and development partners signed the National Blue Agenda Actions Partnership in support of Indonesia’s plans to create a more sustainable ocean-based economy.

Eight UN agencies and several donors work in tandem with the government to ensure that the sea can provide livelihoods to coastal communities not only today but also tomorrow.

A sustainable blue economy is vital for Indonesia as it helps boost revenues from ocean-based activities while conserving marine biodiversity and the health of the ocean through the restoration, sustainable use and protection of marine ecosystems.

The world needs more partnerships like this, so that we can safeguard the planet for those who are not yet born. A UN General Assembly resolution adopted last September calls for a Summit of the Future in 2024, where world leaders are expected to agree on multilateral solutions for a better tomorrow, strengthening global governance for both present and future generations.

May the values embodied by Ramadan—peace, compassion and generosity—prevail during this holy month, and throughout the year, and the years, decades and centuries to come.

Valerie Julliand is UN Resident Coordinator in Indonesia.

This article was originally published as an oped in the Jakarta Post.

Source: DCO

The Development Coordination Office (DCO) manages and oversees the Resident Coordinator system and serves as secretariat of the UN Sustainable Development Group. Its objective is to support the capacity, effectiveness and efficiency of Resident Coordinators and the UN development system as a whole in support of national efforts for sustainable development.

DCO is based in New York, with regional teams in Addis Ababa, Amman, Bangkok, Istanbul and Panama, supporting 130 Resident Coordinators and 132 Resident Coordinator’s offices covering 162 countries and territories.

IPS UN Bureau


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