Informations sur le Nombre Total de Droits de Vote et d'Actions


Informations sur le Nombre Total de Droits de Vote et d'Actions

Mont–Saint–Guibert (Belgique), le 17 avril 2023, 22:30h CET / 16:30h ET "" Conformment l'article 15 de la loi du 2 mai 2007 relative la publicit des participations importantes, Nyxoah SA (Euronext Brussels and Nasdaq: NYXH)publie les informations ci–dessous suite l'mission de nouvelles actions.

  • Capital: EUR 4.923.807,45
  • Nombre total de titres avec droits de vote: 28.661.985 (tous des actions ordinaires)
  • Nombre total de droits de vote (= dnominateur): 28.661.985 (tous lis aux actions ordinaires)
  • Nombre de droits de souscrire des titres avec droits de vote non encore mis:
    • 55 "2016 Warrants ESOP" mis le 3 novembre 2016, donnant le droit leurs dtenteurs de souscrire un nombre total de 27.500 titres avec droits de vote (tous des actions ordinaires);
    • 100 "2018 Warrants ESOP" mis le 12 dcembre 2018, donnant le droit leurs dtenteurs de souscrire un nombre total de 50.000 titres avec droits de vote (tous des actions ordinaires);
    • 430.500 "2020 Warrants ESOP" mis le 21 fvrier 2020, donnant le droit leurs dtenteurs de souscrire un nombre total de 430.500 titres avec droits de vote (tous des actions ordinaires);
    • 1.293.875 "2021 Warrants ESOP" mis le 8 septembre 2021, donnant le droit leurs dtenteurs de souscrire un nombre total de 1.293.875 titres avec droits de vote (tous des actions ordinaires); et
    • 700.000 "2022 Warrants ESOP" mis le 28 dcembre 2022, donnant le droit leurs dtenteurs de souscrire un nombre total de 700.000 titres avec droits de vote (tous des actions ordinaires).


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David DeMartino, Chief Strategy Officer
+1 310 310 1313

Pice jointe

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000804444)

Information on the Total Number of Voting Rights and Shares


Information on the Total Number of Voting Rights and Shares

Mont–Saint–Guibert (Belgium), April 17, 2023, 10:30 pm CET / 4:30 pm ET "" In accordance with article 15 of the Law of 2 May 2007 on the disclosure of large shareholdings, Nyxoah SA (Euronext Brussels and Nasdaq: NYXH) publishes the below information following the issue of new shares.

  • Share capital: EUR 4,923,807.45
  • Total number of securities carrying voting rights: 28,661,985 (all ordinary shares)
  • Total number of voting rights (= denominator): 28,661,985 (all relating to ordinary shares)
  • Number of rights to subscribe to securities carrying voting rights not yet issued:
    • 55 "2016 ESOP Warrants" issued on November 3, 2016, entitling their holders to subscribe to a total number of 27,500 securities carrying voting rights (all ordinary shares);
    • 100 "2018 ESOP Warrants" issued on December 12, 2018, entitling their holders to subscribe to a total number of 50,000 securities carrying voting rights (all ordinary shares);
    • 430,500 "2020 ESOP Warrants" issued on February 21, 2020, entitling their holders to subscribe to a total number of 430,500 securities carrying voting rights (all ordinary shares); and
    • 1,293,875 "2021 ESOP Warrants" issued on September 8, 2021, entitling their holders to subscribe to a total number of 1,293,875 securities carrying voting rights (all ordinary shares); and
    • 700,000 "2022 ESOP Warrants" issued on December 28, 2022, entitling their holders to subscribe to a total number of 700,000 securities carrying voting rights (all ordinary shares).


* *

David DeMartino, Chief Strategy Officer
+1 310 310 1313


GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000804444)

Sweegen launches Sweetensify™ Flavors, debuting sweet protein brazzein technology

Rancho Santa Margarita, Calif., April 17, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Global sweetness and flavor innovator, Sweegen announced today the launch of Sweetensify Flavors, its newest flavor tool for food and beverage producers, to create better–for–everyone products. Powered by Sweegen's novel sweet protein technology that includes brazzein, thaumatin II, and other unique proteins, Sweetensify Flavors improve and modulate sweet flavor, creating a sugar–like experience, thereby pushing the boundaries of healthier product innovation.

"Sweetensify Flavors will change how product developers think about reducing or eliminating sugar in beverages and foods," said Casey McCormick, vice president of global innovation at Sweegen. "The flavor expression enabled by Sweetensify Flavors optimizes the sensory experience and enables a more sugar–like taste. It is substantially better than any previous technology. We target taste receptors on a biochemistry level that others simply cannot."

Sweegen's Sweetensify Flavors debuts brazzein, the company's highly sought–after sweet protein, as well as thaumatin II. At the time of the Sweetensify announcement, Sweegen's thaumatin II received the Flavor Extract Manufacturer's Association (FEMA) GRAS status.

"Our regulatory vision is to open global markets and enable brands to access unique ingredients that will support their food and beverage creativity while delivering on health and wellness," said Hadi Omrani, senior director of technical and regulatory affairs at Sweegen.

Sweet proteins like brazzein have an affinity for different taste receptors on the tongue, especially the receptor known as T1R3, which is associated with both umami and sweetness perception. Leveraging this unique attribute, Sweetensify Flavors will enable product developers to reduce the amount of sugar they use in products while maintaining the quality of characteristic flavors and sweetness.

Thaumatin II belongs to a family of sweet–tasting proteins called thaumatins. Thaumatin II is a variant of the original thaumatin protein with a similar structure and sweetness profile. Thaumatins are known for their intense sweetness, several times greater than sucrose (table sugar). Brazzein is also several thousand times sweeter than sugar, making it a cost–effective tool for brands on a large scale. Thaumatin II is considered safe for consumption by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

The entire collection of Sweetensify Flavors has a wide range of benefits across sweet and savory applications, including enhancing flavor tonalities, blocking bitterness, reducing astringency and sweet linger, eliminating unwanted aftertastes, reducing sugar use, and blocking the burn from alcohol.

"Our product development teams are finding incredible synergies between Sweetensify Flavors and Sweegen's state–of–the–art stevia systems," said McCormick. "Ultimately, our solutions challenge the taste and cost of artificial sweeteners currently on the market." McCormick further states, "Our customers are excited about the cross–application utility of the flavor collection enabled by the great pH and heat stability we see for these flavors along with high solubility."

Sweegen's Sweetensify Flavors are available for use in countries that allow flavors approved by the FEMA GRAS protocol. The company plans to expand its global availability rapidly.

To scale brazzein and thaumatin II sustainably, Sweegen uses a proprietary precision fermentation process, a technology that produces clean and sustainable ingredients. This allows for cost–effective commercial production of highly–sought after ingredients in global sugar reduction solutions. Sweegen's innovation and strategic partner, Conagen, developed brazzein and thaumatins I and II with its proprietary protein and peptide production platforms and announced the development of the sweet proteins in 2021.

"We are the only company that has successfully scaled brazzein," said Luca Giannone, senior vice president of global sales at Sweegen. "The launch of Sweetensify Flavors is one more example of how Sweegen brings to market the industry's very best ingredient platforms and tools for enabling sugar reduction for health and wellness. This is our mission and our promise to our customers."

Within one year of Sweegen announcing its ability to commercialize brazzein, it has received great interest in its proprietary sweet protein–based solutions. It has collaborated with several large food and beverage companies on sensory reformulations and new product developments.

"We look forward to the sensory results and feedback from our customers in anticipation of brazzein joining thaumatin II's FEMA GRAS status," said Giannone. "Sweegen is forging a path for better health and wellness in food and beverages with stellar ingredients. We are preserving Sweegen's ability to continue perfecting these unique solutions with patents issued or pending worldwide."


About Sweegen

Sweegen provides sweet–taste solutions for food and beverage manufacturers around the world.

We are on a mission to reduce sugar and artificial sweeteners in the global diet. Partnering with customers, we create delicious zero–sugar products that consumers love. With the best modern sweeteners in our portfolio, such as Bestevia Rebs B, D, E, I, M, and N, and sweet proteins brazzein and thaumatin, along with our deep knowledge of flavor modulators and texturants, Sweegen delivers market–leading solutions that customers want, and consumers prefer. Well. Into the Future.

Forward–Looking Statements

This press release includes "forward–looking statements" within the meaning of the "safe harbor" provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1996. Sweegen's actual results may differ from the estimates, assumptions, and other illustrative material contained herein, and consequently, a reader should not rely on these forward–looking statements as predictions of future events. These forward–looking statements include, without limitation, illustrative information regarding Sweegen's bottom–up assumed market potential, assumed hit rate, and the resulting revenue based on these model inputs. These forward–looking statements involve significant risks and uncertainties that could cause the actual results to differ materially from the expected results.

Industry, Market, and Other Data

In this press release, we rely on and refer to information and statistics regarding market participants in the sectors in which Sweegen competes and other data. We obtained this information and statistics from our own internal estimates and third–party sources, including reports by market research firms and company filings. We do not expressly refer to these sources. All of this information involves a number of assumptions and limitations, and the sources of such information cannot guarantee accuracy or completeness of such information. The industry in which Sweegen operates is subject to a high degree of uncertainty and risk due to a variety of important factors, any of which could cause results to differ materially from those expressed in the estimates made by Sweegen or third parties.

Cautionary Statement Concerning Forward–Looking Statements

This press release contains forward–looking statements, including, among other statements, statements regarding the future prospects for Reb M stevia leaf sweetener, brazzein, and thaumatin. These statements are based on current expectations but are subject to certain risks and uncertainties, many of which are difficult to predict and beyond Sweegen's control.

Relevant risks and uncertainties could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed in or implied by the forward–looking statements and, therefore, should be carefully considered. Sweegen assumes no obligation to update any forward–looking statements as a result of new information or future events or developments.


GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8809463)

Myanmar’s ‘Forgotten War’ Lurches Deeper into Horror

Faces of the dead. Myanmar's non-profit Assistance Association for Political Prisoners has a museum in the Thai border town of Mae Sot documenting the identities of over 3,000 civilians killed by the military since it seized power in 2021, as well as those killed since the first post-independence coup in 1962. Credit: Guy Dinmore/IPS

Faces of the dead. Myanmar’s non-profit Assistance Association for Political Prisoners has a museum in the Thai border town of Mae Sot documenting the identities of over 3,000 civilians killed by the military since it seized power in 2021, as well as those killed since the first post-independence coup in 1962. Credit: Guy Dinmore/IPS

By Guy Dinmore
KAYIN STATE, Myanmar, Apr 17 2023 – Food is passed around a campfire, and a guitar strums as cool night air tumbles down mountain cliffs, relieving the jungle of its heat.

A dozen or so young Myanmar activists – some having just travelled long distances evading military checkpoints, others already living in exile – have come together in a jungle camp for a training course with a difference. Instead of armed combat, their chosen role is enabling the overthrow of the military junta through non-violent means.

Conversations are animated, with talk of federal democracy and creating a country that would also give political space and freedom to ethnic minorities. They are joined by soldiers of the rebel Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) protecting the camp deep in southeastern Kayin State.

The peaceful setting of the camp belies the horrors of the civil war beyond the mountains that is breaking Myanmar apart. The generals who overthrew a democratically elected government and seized power in 2021 are increasingly responding to a national uprising by waging terror on civilians it calls “terrorists” in an attempt to break their support for armed insurgents.

The aftermath of Myanmar military air strikes on a crowd gathered in Pa Zi Gyi village in Sagaing Region on April 11, in which the anti-junta resistance says over 150 people were killed, including children, performing dances. Credit: Local People's Defence Force

The aftermath of Myanmar military air strikes on a crowd gathered in Pa Zi Gyi village in Sagaing Region on April 11, in which the anti-junta resistance says over 150 people were killed, including children, performing dances. Credit: Local People’s Defence Force

On April 11, the military carried out what is believed to be the deadliest attack of the civil war so far, using air strikes and a helicopter gunship on a village ceremony organised by the parallel and underground National Unity Government (NUG) in Sagaing Region.

At least 165 people, including 27 women and 19 children, some performing dances, were killed, according to the NUG. The regime says it was attacking the NUG’s People’s Defence Forces.

Over the past two years, artillery and bombing raids using aircraft supplied by China and Russia have targeted schools, IDP camps, hospitals, mosques, Buddhist temples and Christian churches across the country. Tens of thousands of houses have been torched, and more than 1.3 million people displaced since the 2021 coup, according to UN estimates.

The barbarity defies belief. In February, a unit of some 150 soldiers known as the Ogre Column were dropped by helicopter in Sagaing and went on a marauding killing spree that lasted weeks. Scores of villagers were killed. Women were raped and shot. Men and boys were beheaded, disembowelled and dismembered.

Truth about massacres in wars gone by took months or even years to fully emerge, but in this modern era of mobile phones and social media, the grim evidence is transmitted by survivors within a day or so.

Kyaw Soe Win, a veteran activist with the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP), which carefully documents civilian deaths, arrests and extra-judicial killings, shows IPS a picture he has just received on his phone of a man in Sagaing, disembowelled and his organs taken out.

Why do they do this? “It is to spread fear and terror,” he says.

AAPP, now based in the border town of Mae Sot just inside Thailand, has an exhibition dedicated to victims of successive uprisings against military rule since protests against the first post-independence coup in 1962. Rows of faces and names stare out from the walls, including pictures of some 30 civilians – among them two Save the Children charity workers – who were tortured and burned alive in what is now known as the 2021 Christmas Eve Massacre in Kayah State.

“This chapter is different,” Kyaw Soe Win, a former political prisoner, says of the present conflict. “The situation is getting worse and worse. The numbers of political prisoners and fatalities and houses torched are far higher. The junta is oppressing the people and is even more brutal than before.”

Sky, a resistance fighter and writer, who uses a nom de guerre, explains in a Mae Sot bar how the insurgency is also very different this time.

“After the 1988 student uprising, it took me three years to get an AK-47 and 300 bullets. Now it is much quicker. Now we are getting modified AK-47s through the Wa. They call it a Wa-AK,” he laughs, referring to an autonomous border area run by the heavily armed United Wa State Party. Their one-party narco-state on the border with China stays out of the war but makes money from both sides.

“China systematically eroded history after the 1989 Tiananmen massacre, but after the 1988 protests in Myanmar, we still have the whispered stories. This generation knows what is right and wrong,” said Sky.

Despite what the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights recently called its “scorched earth policy”, the regime is steadily losing this war in terms of territory and military casualties.

“The military is in a very, very difficult situation which is only getting worse,” says Matthew Arnold, an independent policy analyst on Myanmar with previous conflict experience in Afghanistan and Sudan. He says the regime’s forces are “atomised” and “bleeding out in a war of attrition”. In some towns, they are pinned down in police stations and barracks and cannot be reinforced or resupplied for months on end.

Because it cannot move freely on the ground over the vast distances to maintain its outposts and impose its authority, the junta is resorting increasingly to air strikes and artillery against civilian populations.

Sagaing and the neighbouring region of Magwe are crucial conflict areas.  Covering an area bigger than England, they are known as the heartland of the Bamar majority and had been, for decades, a fertile recruiting ground for the Bamar-dominated military. But no more.

“There are very few areas of Sagaing where they are not fighting on a regular basis. The junta was hit all over the place in February in Sagaing and Magwe,” says Arnold, who credits resistance forces moving rapidly “from muskets to drones and IEDS” (improvised explosive devices) in inflicting heavy losses.

Vulnerable in more remote areas in Chin State in the west and areas of the southeast, the military’s pullback is expected to accelerate as the monsoons come.

Thantlang in Chin State, near the border with India, was the first large town to fall to the rebels, although the junta’s bombing raids and artillery made sure that little was left standing. With no air defences, the resistance knows well that if it takes full control of more urban areas, then they are inviting disaster upon the civilian population.

Myanmar is, in effect, fragmenting.

The regime has a firm grip on the big cities of Yangon, Mandalay and the capital Naypyitaw – where residents say life is bustling and returning to some kind of ‘normal’ with even the makings of a property boom. But beyond, its real control is tenuous and weakening.

Fighting a war on many fronts, the regime is trying to follow its practised divide-and-rule tactics of cutting deals and ceasefire pacts with various ethnic armed groups, aided to some extent by China’s influence in border areas.

But major ethnic groups in most of the frontier states, such as the KNLA, which has been fighting the world’s longest civil war since 1949, are successfully resisting. A ceasefire with the mostly Buddhist Arakan Army also looks fragile in the western state of Rakhine, where in 2017, the military forced over 700,000 Muslim Rohingya into Bangladesh in a brutal campaign of ethnic cleansing that has brought charges of genocide against Myanmar in the International Court of Justice.

“Sadly, a prolonged fragmentation is a possibility, but we must accept that has been a possibility in Myanmar since before the coup of 1962,” David Gum Awng, deputy minister for international cooperation for the NUG shadow administration, tells IPS.

“It is natural and unsurprising that EAOs (ethnic armed organisations) are consolidating gains, but the question is what these EAOs plan to do with their territory if and when the democratic forces win,” he adds.

The NUG, he says, aims to rid Myanmar of the “abusive and criminal military dictatorship and along with it the military’s obsession with centralised Bamar-Buddhist nationalist rule”, to be replaced by a democratic federal system offering “ethnic minorities genuine self-determination” through negotiations.

This significant shift in policy also extends to recognising and reaching out to the Rohingya, with the NUG promising justice and accountability for crimes committed against them by the military, a path towards citizenship, and peaceful repatriation for refugees.

Although the NUG is built around remnants of the old guard of the National League for Democracy government ousted in the 2021 coup, its stated intentions have set it apart from the Bamar nationalist leanings of Aung San Suu Kyi, its 77-year-old former leader now held by the junta in solitary confinement.

Strengthening but still, difficult ties between the self-proclaimed NUG and the ethnic armed groups are particularly worrying for China. Myanmar’s giant neighbour sees a threat to its long-term strategy of dominating the ethnic groups along its border while keeping Western powers out of a pliant Myanmar with the goal of developing massive infrastructure projects and a secure gateway to the Indian Ocean.

Even though it enjoyed favourable relations with Aung San Suu Kyi, China is keeping the NUG at a cold arm’s length while propping up the junta with weaponry and diplomatic protection at the UN. India’s tacit backing for the regime has facilitated its own strategic investments.

Much of the rest of Asia, including democracies like Japan and South Korea, are also working to protect their own interests in Myanmar while hoping that engagement with the regime will lead to a negotiated settlement of the war. UN agencies and the INGO aid industry also maintain a presence, mostly ineffectual, in junta-controlled Yangon.

This perceived complicity angers the Burmese diaspora, which is busily raising money for aid and weapons for the resistance. Notions of a negotiated settlement with General Min Aung Hlaing’s State Administration Council, as the junta calls itself, are far from the minds of those waging their “forgotten war”.

“Thai generals are brothers with the Myanmar military. Singapore banks hold their money. The Burmese feel forgotten,” said one US-based doctor, speaking in Bangkok after taking medical aid to the border.

While recognising that the West’s attention and resources are focused on the overriding goal of defeating Russia in Ukraine, the resistance did receive a significant boost last December with the US Burma Act passed by Congress.

The act authorises the Biden administration to extend non-lethal aid to “support the people of Burma in their struggle for democracy, freedom, human rights, and justice.” It explicitly mentions the NUG, although not ethnic armed groups.

Some Washington-based analysts argue that the legislation does not mark a major US policy shift, but diplomats and experts in the region see it as a highly significant step towards endorsing the NUG and the wider resistance movement.

“The US is now saying it wants the resistance to win and has fundamentally shifted the narrative. This is why China is getting worried. Beijing is focused on the discourse of talks and the peace process,” commented one expert in Bangkok who asked not to be named.

“There won’t be lethal assistance. The US doesn’t want to be involved in another war now. But there will be more public and diplomatic support of the resistance and pushing other actors not to engage with the junta,” he added.

David Gum Aung of the NUG is more cautious, calling the Burma Act “a significant piece of legislation” which makes funds available and opens the door to more sanctions against the regime while “recognising” the NUG.

“We can view the Burma Act as a very important document symbolically but less potent practically. Its symbolic value stems largely from the fact that it outlines that the US views the SAC and their caretaker government as illegitimate and does not recognize their authority, their right to represent Myanmar or their justification for the coup.”

“We are still sorely in need of all manner of aid, from humanitarian to strategic… but we cannot fall into the trap of assuming that everything the Act makes possible will eventuate,” he said.

Thinzar Shunlei Yi, a democracy and youth activist who led anti-coup protests in Yangon and is now in exile, stresses that the broad-based and non-violent Civil Disobedience Movement remains the “backbone of the revolution”.

Success, she says, will mean the surrender of the junta, with the people defining what happens to the perpetrators of crimes, whether to be put on trial in domestic courts or through international mechanisms. For her, it also means a social revolution that will tackle “patriarchy, hegemony, racism etc”.

Kyaw Soe Win of the AAPP, whose grisly routine is to scroll through fresh images of the dead, says war criminals must be prosecuted to achieve national reconciliation.

“We need justice for the survivors and victims,” he says. “Without justice, there can be no reconciliation.  There was never any justice before, only impunity through the decades. No action was ever taken.”

AAPP has so far documented over 17,000 political prisoners still in detention and the deaths of over 3,100 civilians since the coup, although it knows the actual toll is much higher.

Nicholas Koumjian, head of the UN-authorised Independent Investigative Mechanism for Myanmar which is working with AAPP, says credible evidence had been collected of an “array of war crimes and crimes against humanity, including murder, rape, torture, unlawful imprisonment, and deportation or forcible transfer”.

Back in the jungle resistance camp, the young activists gather near caves that act as air raid shelters and talk of a future without military rule that will necessitate total reform of the armed forces. Among the group, one was severely tortured in prison, one shot in the leg during street protests and a mother who had to leave her child behind.

The annual New Year festival of Thingyan is approaching, and they sing popular songs of love and separation and a homecoming they know may be years away.

AAPP is working with the Independent Investigative Mechanism for Myanmar to collect and preserve evidence of crimes against international law committed since 2011 to expedite future criminal proceedings. Nicholas Koumjian, head of the IIMM, said on the second anniversary of the coup that credible evidence had been collected of an “array of war crimes and crimes against humanity, including murder, rape, torture, unlawful imprisonment, and deportation or forcible transfer.”

IPS UN Bureau Report


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ZeroFox to Acquire LookingGlass, Broadening Global Attack Surface Intelligence Capabilities

WASHINGTON, April 17, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Today, ZeroFox (Nasdaq: ZFOX), an enterprise software–as–a–service leader in external cybersecurity announced a definitive agreement to acquire LookingGlass Cyber Solutions, Inc., a leader in external attack surface management and global threat intelligence. In today's digital–first world, the rapidly expanding external attack surface has become a veritable playground for cybercriminals and nation–state actors alike, posing an ever–growing threat to enterprise and public sector organizations worldwide. Integrating LookingGlass's industry–leading attack surface and threat intelligence capabilities into the ZeroFox External Cybersecurity Platform will enable our customers to build a robust security posture by providing world–class visibility into external attack surface assets and vulnerabilities, including improved actionable intelligence to disrupt emergent threats.

As organizations embrace digital transformation, the same externally–available digital platforms these organizations use to do business are equally available to malicious actors, creating new opportunities for exploitation. This escalating threat landscape underscores the urgent need for organizations to adopt comprehensive security strategies emphasizing proactive monitoring, continuous assessment, and remediation of their public attack surface vulnerabilities to defend against the mounting challenges of persistent cyber adversaries.

"The acquisition of LookingGlass is a natural extension of our strategy to provide our customers with a single end–to–end platform for protecting their external attack surface from increasingly sophisticated cyberattacks," said James C. Foster, Chairman and CEO of ZeroFox. "We are bringing together passionate teams that have been partners for years, and proven world–class capabilities across attack surface management, digital risk protection, threat intelligence and breach response to continue our leadership in external cybersecurity."

With one of the most comprehensive internet–facing attack surface intelligence data lakes, LookingGlass empowers public sector organizations, large enterprises, and industry security alliances at scale by providing extensive discovery, intelligence and cyber defense capabilities. These unique capabilities allow organizations to identify and assess threats in support of remediation strategies against the most sophisticated cyberattacks. The combination of intelligence and action enables some of the world's largest organizations to inform their security teams about cyber risks ahead of full–fledged attacks.

"The mission at LookingGlass is to protect our customers by providing unmatched attack surface intelligence for global threat visibility and cyberattack disruption," said Bryan Ware, CEO of LookingGlass. "Joining ZeroFox allows us to expand the capabilities we provide security teams to defend against cybercriminals and nation–state actors." Ware, a cybersecurity industry veteran, former Assistant Director of CISA at the Department of Homeland Security, the Nation's cyber defense operations lead, will join the ZeroFox executive team as part of the transaction.

Transaction Details

Under the terms of the agreement, ZeroFox will acquire LookingGlass for approximately $26 million, primarily in stock (9.4 million shares), combined with convertible debt and cash, subject to purchase price adjustments and performance earnouts. The acquisition is expected to close within the next 30 days. ZeroFox will provide additional guidance during the Q1 FY24 earnings call.

Stifel Financial Corp. served as exclusive financial advisor to ZeroFox on the transaction.

Investor Conference Call Information

ZeroFox will host a conference call to discuss the acquisition today April 17, 2023 at 8:30 a.m. Eastern Time. To access this call via webcast, please use this link: ZeroFox Business Update. The live webcast and a webcast replay of the conference call can be accessed from the investor relations page of ZeroFox's website at

Learn More

To learn more about ZeroFox solutions, visit our website. Bookmark the ZeroFox Blog to keep up with our expert coverage on the latest in External Cybersecurity.

About ZeroFox

ZeroFox (Nasdaq: ZFOX), an enterprise software–as–a–service leader in external cybersecurity, has redefined security outside the corporate perimeter on the internet, where businesses operate, and threat actors thrive. The ZeroFox platform combines advanced AI analytics, digital risk and privacy protection, full–spectrum threat intelligence, and a robust portfolio of breach, incident and takedown response capabilities to expose and disrupt phishing and fraud campaigns, botnet exposures, credential theft, impersonations, data breaches, and physical threats that target your brands, domains, people, and assets. Join thousands of customers, including some of the largest public sector organizations as well as finance, media, technology and retail companies to stay ahead of adversaries and address the entire lifecycle of external cyber risks. ZeroFox and the ZeroFox logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of ZeroFox, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and other countries. Visit for more information.

About LookingGlass Cyber Solutions, Inc.

LookingGlass is the global cybersecurity leader enabling national, industrial, and enterprise–scale decisions with unparalleled, curated intelligence on critical assets, risks, and sectors. For more than a decade, the most advanced organizations in the world have trusted LookingGlass to help them protect their economic and national security interests. Find out how we can help your organization at

Forward–Looking Statements

Certain statements in this press release are "forward–looking statements" under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. All statements, other than statements of historical fact, that address activities, events or developments that we expect, believe or anticipate will or may occur in the future, including statements related to benefits from the transaction, including expected from revenues and accretiveness of the transaction, and the ability of ZeroFox to achieve its objectives and plans with the acquisition of LookingGlass are forward–looking statements. Forward–looking statements involve risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those anticipated by these forward–looking statements. The inclusion of any statement in this press release does not constitute an admission by ZeroFox or any other person that the events or circumstances described in such statement are material. These risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, the following: our ability to recognize the anticipated benefits of the transaction; the ability of ZeroFox and LookingGlass to consummate the transaction as expected; defects, errors, or vulnerabilities in the ZeroFox platform, the failure of the ZeroFox platform to block malware or prevent a security breach, misuse of the ZeroFox platform, or risks of product liability claims that would harm our reputation and adversely impact our business, operating results, and financial condition; if our enterprise platform offerings do not interoperate with our customers' network and security infrastructure, or with third–party products, websites or services, our results of operations may be harmed; we may not timely and cost–effectively scale and adapt our existing technology to meet our customers' performance and other requirements; our ability to introduce new products and solutions and features is dependent on adequate research and development resources and our ability to successfully complete acquisitions; our success depends, in part, on the integrity and scalability of our systems and infrastructure; we rely on third–party cloud providers to host and operate our platform, and any disruption of or interference with our use of these offerings may negatively affect our ability to maintain the performance and reliability of our platform which could cause our business to suffer; we rely on software and services from other parties; we have a history of losses, and we may not be able to achieve or sustain profitability in the future; if organizations do not adopt cloud, and/or SaaS–delivered external cybersecurity solutions that may be based on new and untested security concepts, our ability to grow our business and our results of operations may be adversely affected; we have experienced rapid growth in recent periods, and if we do not manage our future growth, our business and results of operations will be adversely affected; we face intense competition and could lose market share to our competitors, which could adversely affect our business, financial condition, and results of operations; competitive pricing pressure may reduce revenue, gross profits, and adversely affect our financial results; adverse general and industry–specific economic and market conditions and reductions in customer spending, in either the private or public sector, including as a result of inflation and geopolitical uncertainty such as the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine, may reduce demand for our platform or products and solutions, which could harm our business, financial condition and results of operations; the COVID–19 pandemic could adversely affect our business, operating results, and financial condition; if we fail to adapt to rapid technological change, evolving industry standards and changing customer needs, requirements or preferences, our ability to remain competitive could be impaired; one U.S. government customer accounts for a substantial portion of our revenues; and we rely heavily on the services of our senior management team.

Additional information concerning these, and other risks, is described under the "Risk Factors," "Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations of ZeroFox", and "Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations of IDX" sections of our final prospectus filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC") pursuant to Rule 424(b) under the Securities Act of 1933 on April 12, 2023, in connection with our registration statement on Form S–1 and in subsequent reports that we file with the SEC. We expressly disclaim any obligation to update any of these forward–looking statements, except to the extent required by applicable law.

ZeroFox Contacts:

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8808801)

Livelihoods of Almost Half the World’s Population Depend on Agrifood Systems

The 1.23 billion people working in agrifood systems belong to households made up of an estimated 3.83 billion people. Credit: Kristin Palitza/IPS

The 1.23 billion people working in agrifood systems belong to households made up of an estimated 3.83 billion people. Credit: Kristin Palitza/IPS

By Paul Virgo
ROME, Apr 17 2023 – New research by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has revealed that almost half the world’s population of around eight billion people belong to households whose livelihoods depend to some degree on agrifood systems (AFS).

The findings are important as farming and the food system as a whole is central to the multiple challenges humankind faces to feed a global population forecast to rise to 10 billion by 2050, while meeting the Sustainable Development Goals to end poverty, hunger and malnutrition, combat the climate crisis and preserve natural resources for future generations.

So the research offers precious information for decision makers, and FAO is aiming for it to be the start of an ongoing statistical data series.

Agrifood-system transformation offers the promise of new jobs in both agriculture and the off-farm segments of agrifood systems, particularly in low income countries with large, young populations. Deliberate policies, however, are needed to ensure the quantity and quality of these jobs

The report said that around 1.23 billion people worked in agrifood systems in 2019, including 857 million in primary agricultural production (agriculture, livestock, forestry, fishing, aquaculture, hunting) and 375 million in the off-farm segments of agrifood systems.

The 1.23 billion people working in agrifood systems belong to households made up of an estimated 3.83 billion people.

FAO says there is evidence of a high degree of exploitation of labour in agrifood systems, including harmful conditions, precarious job security, low wages, disproportionate burdens on women, and coercive use of child labour.

So statistics on the number of people employed in AFS can be useful to monitor for violations of human rights and to develop and target policies to regulate working conditions in the sector.

Agrifood systems also present opportunities though, as they can offer many new jobs, a factor that is especially important in lower-income countries with lots of young who need employment.

So the data can help to shape policies to develop these opportunities.

For example, better understanding of the existing workforce could reveal entry points for programmes to increase skills and entrepreneurship.

“Identifying and quantifying the number of agrifood-system workers is essential for several reasons, particularly for low- and middle-income countries of the Global South,” Ben Davis, the Director of FAO’s Inclusive Rural Transformation and Gender Equality Division, told IPS.

“In low-income countries, the largest number of workers are employed in agrifood systems, and agrifood systems are a key economic motor of growth and poverty reduction,” added Davis, the lead author of the study, which is entitled Estimating Global and Country Level Employment in Agrifood Systems.

“Agrifood-system transformation offers the promise of new jobs in both agriculture and the off-farm segments of agrifood systems, particularly in low income countries with large, young populations.

“Deliberate policies, however, are needed to ensure the quantity and quality of these jobs.

“Statistics on the number of people employed in agrifood systems would also help regulate working conditions and develop and target appropriate policies and programmes to support livelihoods”.


Market in Rome. the three challenges facing agrifood systems – feeding a growing population, providing a livelihood for farmers, and protecting the environment – must be tackled together because, given the many interconnections, taking a single-issue perspective on any objective can lead to unintended impacts on others. Credit: Paul Virgo / IPS

The three challenges facing agrifood systems – feeding a growing population, providing a livelihood for farmers, and protecting the environment – must be tackled together because, given the many interconnections, taking a single-issue perspective on any objective can lead to unintended impacts on others. Market in Rome. Credit: Paul Virgo / IPS


The new report said that the continent with the largest number of people employed in agrifood systems is Asia with 793 million, followed by Africa with almost 290 million

It said the majority of the economically active population in low-income countries, particularly in Africa, had at least one job or activity in agrifood systems.

It said that 62% employment in Africa is in AFS, when relevant trade and transportation activities are included, compared to 40% in Asia and 23% in the Americas.

The study said that, of the 3.83 billion people belonging to households reliant on agrifood systems for their livelihoods, 2.36 billion live in Asia and 940 million are in Africa.

The study is the first to give a systematic, documented global estimate of the number of people involved in AFS.

It said the number of people engaged in the sector has been undercounted in the past due to three factors.

The first is that many people, especially those living in poverty, work several jobs and lots are involved in AFS, even if this is not their primary activity.

The second is that many AFS jobs are seasonal or intermittent and so easily missed by surveys.

Finally, many people are engaged in household farming for their own consumption on top of their primary occupation.

The report gives the example of a full-time schoolteacher who grows produce for sale on their land.

Agrifood systems produce some 11 billion tonnes of food worldwide each year, the FAO says.

But they also have a big environmental footprint.

The IPCC’s recent Synthesis Report, which completed its Sixth Assessment cycle, said that 22% of global greenhouse gas emissions currently stem from agriculture, forestry, and land use.

Without radical change, the world is set for a future of persistent food insecurity and the destruction and degradation of natural resources.

Building sustainable, resilient agrifood systems, on the other hand, can help tackle the climate crisis, biodiversity loss and food insecurity.

FAO has presented a Strategy on Climate Change, which argues that a holistic approach is needed.

It says the three challenges facing agrifood systems – feeding a growing population, providing a livelihood for farmers, and protecting the environment – must be tackled together because, given the many interconnections, taking a single-issue perspective on any objective can lead to unintended impacts on others.

Falcon Autotech Expands Presence in the Middle East with New Office Opening

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates, April 17, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Falcon Autotech (Falcon) is pleased to announce the opening of its new office in Dubai, UAE, marking a significant milestone in the company's expansion into the Middle East market. The new location will enable Falcon to better serve its existing customers in the region and expand its reach to new markets and prospects.

The decision to establish a presence in the Middle East was driven by the growing demand for Falcon's solution in the region, as well as the strategic importance of Middle East as a hub for business and innovation. With a team of experienced professionals based in region, Falcon is well–positioned to support the needs of clients in a wide range of industries, including CEP, eCommerce, Fashion & Retail, FMCG, Auto and Pharma.

"We are thrilled to be opening our new office in Middle East," said Sandeep Bansal, CBO of Falcon. "This is an exciting opportunity for us to expand our global reach and provide world–class warehouse automation solutions to our customers in the Middle East. We believe that Dubai is the ideal location for us to establish a strong presence in the region, and we look forward to building strong relationships with our clients and partners in the Middle Eastern region."

Falcon has a long history of delivering innovative warehouse automation solutions and outstanding customer service to clients around the world. With the opening of its new office in Dubai, the company is poised to continue its growth and expand its reach in the Middle East.

For more information about Falcon and its products and services, please visit

Abhishek Kumar
Marketing Manager
Falcon Autotech

About Falcon:
Falcon Autotech is a global intralogistics automation solutions company. With over 10 years of experience, Falcon has worked with some of the most innovative brands in E–Commerce, CEP, Fashion, Food/FMCG, Auto, and Pharmaceutical Industries. With its proprietary software and robust hardware integration capabilities, Falcon designs, manufactures, supplies, implements, and maintains world–class warehouse automation systems globally. Falcon's strong research and development team and the continuous focus on innovation reflect our strong solution line around Sortation, Robotics, Conveying, Vision Systems, and IoT. Falcon has done over 1,800 installations across 15 countries on 4 continents.

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8808835)

We can Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals but it will take Courage & Urgent Transformations

Ain Beni Mathar Integrated Combined Cycle Thermo-Solar Power Plant, Morocco. Credit: Dana Smillie / World Bank. Photo ID: DS-MA111 World Bank

By Navid Hanif
UNITED NATIONS, Apr 17 2023 – The world is at a crossroads. This week, the United Nations Secretary-General, government ministers and senior leaders are gathered in New York at the ECOSOC Financing for Development Forum. (scheduled to take place April17-20).

This follows the recent World Bank/IMF Spring Meetings of heads of international financial institutions leaders, finance ministers, and other leaders. These discussions are a timely chance to decide on urgent action to address the global crises we face.

Among others, the war in Ukraine, the resultant food and energy crisis, the effects of COVID-19, climate change impacts and rising global interest rates – all have contributed to increased hunger and poverty.

Many hard-hit developing countries have slow growth, high inflation, and unsustainable debt, which undermine development prospects and prevent them from investing in health, education, infrastructure, and the energy transition.

We recently released the Financing for Sustainable Development Report 2023: Financing Sustainable Transformation, the 8th report from the Inter-Agency Task Force on Financing for Development.

Given the scale and number of crises, it won’t be a surprise to learn that financing needs for the Sustainable Development Goals are growing. Unfortunately, development financing is not keeping pace.

Navid Hanif

We estimate that by 2027 LDCs and other low-income countries will need US$220 billion in external financing, 30% higher than the US$172 billion they needed in 2021. Many countries are falling behind, or even going backwards on the SDGs.

Faced with food and energy shocks, there may be a temptation to concentrate resources on urgent short-term problems. But FSDR 2023 emphasizes that delaying long-term investment in sustainable transformations would put the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and climate targets out of reach and further exacerbate financing challenges down the line.

The Financing for Sustainable Development Report 2023 calls for: (i) a new generation of sustainable industrial policies to chart national green transformations; (ii) immediate international action to scale up development cooperation and SDG investments to support this investment boost, the SDGs, and climate action; and (iii) reforms to the international financial architecture that are needed to support this boost in investment, and to make the system more equitable and fit for purpose.

The possibilities of green industrialization

There is hope.

We have seen in recent years a sharp and swift uptake in new technology and in the transition to green solutions. Energy transition investments rose to US$1.11 trillion in 2022, surpassing fossil fuel system investments for the first time. The green economy became the fifth largest industrial sector, totalling US $7.2 trillion in 2021.

A new green industrial age is not only possible, but it can be the breakthrough needed to bring the SDGs back on track. Industrialization has historically been an engine for progress. Sustainable industrialization—which would include low-carbon transitions—can lead to growth, job creation, technological advancement, and lay the foundation for poverty reduction and enhanced resilience. Industrialization must also be made equitable and sustainable, aligned with the SDGs, and deliver climate action.

Unfortunately, most developing countries are not yet able to benefit from the new technological advances. Many, especially least developed countries, have insufficient resources to invest in the needed transformations, including green energy and sustainable agriculture. Developing countries cannot make the necessary progress on their own, though their advancement would benefit all countries.

An SDG investment push

The international community must scale up investment to support sustainable transformations, the SDGs, and climate action. The push for greater investment is in line with the UN Secretary-General’s call for an SDG Stimulus, aimed at scaling up affordable long-term financing for countries in need by at least US$500 billion a year.

The SDG Stimulus calls on the World Bank and other multilateral development banks (MDBs) to massively expand lending and offer it on better terms. Development banks can do this through both increased capital bases and better leveraging of existing paid-in capital.

This includes urgently rechanneling special drawing rights through the MDBs, which can then leverage the impact by borrowing on capital markets, building on the model developed by the African Development Bank.

Debt challenges faced by developing countries are among the obstacles to progress. Already, about 60% of poorer countries are in or at a high risk of debt distress, twice the level from 2015. The international community must work together to urgently develop an improved multilateral debt relief initiative.

Reforms to the international financial architecture

Fixing the debt architecture is just one element of needed architecture reforms. The international financial architecture system, which guides how global funds are invested, is in a state of flux, with multiple reform processes taking place simultaneously.

We are undergoing the biggest rethink of our international systems since the Bretton Woods Conference in 1944. But unlike Bretton Woods, which was done as one under the UN umbrella, the current multiple reform processes are piecemeal, fragmented, and lack inter-institutional coherence.

From debt architecture to international tax norms, to trade rules, to revamping investment agreements, the reform processes must aim for a coherent international system that takes the Sustainable Development Goals and climate action fully into account. We must have targeted action to make the architecture fit for purpose to serve the needs of the world, and developing countries in particular.

Failure is not an option

Given current trends, 574 million people – nearly 7% of the world’s population – will still be living in extreme poverty in 2030. Without urgent and scaled up action on sustainable development financing, the prospects for achieving the SDGs grow dimmer.

In fact, the already great gulf between developed and developing countries could widen to become a permanent sustainable development divide. It will take deliberate and coordinated action to ensure that reforms serve the needs of developing countries – and thus help deliver the SDGs. But it must be done.

There must be a recognition that we all share a common future as we share a common earth. With global financial assets of almost $500 trillion, there is no shortage of money. The world has the means: all that is lacking is the will.

Navid Hanif is a United Nations Assistant Secretary-General, and Acting Director, Financing for Sustainable Development Office, Department of Economic and Social Affairs. He is also the UN sous Sherpa to the G20 finance and main tracks.

The 2023 Financing for Sustainable Development Report: Financing Sustainable Transformations is a joint product of the Inter-agency Task Force on Financing for Development, which is comprised of more than 60 United Nations Agencies and international organizations.

The Financing for Sustainable Development Office of the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs serves as the substantive editor and coordinator of the Task Force, in close cooperation the World Bank Group, the IMF, World Trade Organization, UNCTAD, UNDP and UNIDO. The Task Force was mandated by the Addis Ababa Action Agenda and is chaired by Mr. Li Junhua, United Nations Under-Secretary General for Economic and Social Affairs.

A copy of the report is available at

IPS UN Bureau


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“Trigger-Happy” Laws Expand in Latin America

Alleged gang members are transferred to the Terrorism Confinement Center, a mega-prison built by the government of Nayib Bukele in El Salvador to house 40,000 detainees accused of belonging to organized crime. CREDIT: Presidency of El Salvador

Alleged gang members are transferred to the Terrorism Confinement Center, a mega-prison built by the government of Nayib Bukele in El Salvador to house 40,000 detainees accused of belonging to organized crime. CREDIT: Presidency of El Salvador

By Gustavo González
SANTIAGO, Apr 17 2023 – Violence involving organized crime has made Latin America the most dangerous region in the world and has helped paved the way for a repressive kind of populism with a dangerous future, whose most visible symbol is Nayib Bukele, the president of El Salvador.

According to United Nations reports, Latin America, home to eight percent of the global population, accounts for 37 percent of the world’s homicides. (These statistics do not include deaths in wars, accidents and suicides.)

Observers talk about a generalized security crisis, and the Salvadoran president boasted of a 56.8 percent decline in the homicide rate per 100,000 inhabitants in 2022, while Ecuador, at the other end of the spectrum, showed an increase of 82 percent.

But comparisons in percentages from one year to the next are misleading if the absolute numbers are not taken into account. For example, the homicide rate in Chile increased 32.2 percent in 2022, although in actual numbers that meant 4.6 murders per 100,000 inhabitants. In El Salvador, the figure for the same year was 7.8 per 100,000.

Statistics in percentages, magnified by the media and by the rise in the degree of violence in the crimes committed, spread a sensation of insecurity and fear among the public.


The terrain of politics

Politics have seized onto the insecurity crisis, which serves in some cases for the opposition to question the government, or in others for those in power to seek to neutralize their opponents. Both sides come up with shortsighted measures that do not attack the roots of the problem and can actually aggravate it in the medium to long term.

The most common reaction is to beef up the police force while providing it with greater means and authority to crack down on criminals. Police officers are given a greater margin of discretion to size up the danger and shoot – in other words, to become “trigger-happy”.

The expression is not new in the region. It became widespread in various countries between the 1960s and 1980s, under military dictatorships, when the law enforcement and armed forces murdered opponents in staged shootouts or brutally cracked down on social mobilizations.

The revival of these practices in the 21st century has required legitimization through laws, such as the so-called “law of privileged legitimate defense”, passed in Chile on Apr. 10, or broader norms that involve the police, the military and the powers of the State, as Bukele has pushed through in El Salvador.

Bukele, the leader of El Salvador’s Nuevas Ideas party, used his majority in the legislature to allow him to be re-elected as president. And on Mar. 22, 2022, he declared a state of emergency, accompanied by various legislative reforms that in practice gave him a free hand in his fight against crime, namely gangs known in Central America as maras.

More than a year after the state of emergency was declared, Amnesty International denounced widespread violations of human rights in the small Central American country:

“This policy has resulted in more than 66,000 detentions, most of them arbitrary; ill-treatment and torture; flagrant violations of due process; enforced disappearances; and the deaths in state custody of at least 132 people who at the time of their deaths had not been found guilty of any crime,” the human rights watchdog said in a statement released on Apr. 3.

“Key to the commission of these human rights violations has been the coordination and collusion of the three branches of government; the putting in place of a legal framework contrary to international human rights standards, specifically with regard to criminal proceedings; and the failure to adopt measures to prevent systematic human rights violations under a state of emergency,” it added.


A member of the carabineros, Chile’s militarized police, is photographed while opening fire on a street in Santiago. CREDIT: Courtesy of El Desconcierto


Repressive populism

Bukele replaced prisons with virtual concentration camps. A total of 1.5 percent of Salvadorans are currently deprived of liberty, which means the Central American country has the highest incarceration rate in the world.

However, opinion polls show that eight out of 10 Salvadorans are satisfied with the current president and want him to be reelected, while some dissident voices warn that the State is replacing the gangs as an agent of intimidation and concentration of power.

The temptation to imitate Bukele with repressive populism that feeds on showy measures is present throughout Latin America. While the “privileged legitimate defense law” was being debated in Chile, Rodolfo Carter, mayor of the municipality of La Florida, in Santiago, demolished houses registered as belonging to drug traffickers, in front of the television cameras.

In Ecuador, President Guillermo Lasso, threatened by impeachment, announced in early April that he was authorizing the “possession and carrying of weapons for civilian use for personal defense” as an urgent measure against the “common enemies: delinquency, drug trafficking and organized crime.”

Delinquency, drug trafficking and criminal organizations are recurring terms when talking about insecurity, but a dangerous drift is often observed where ‘trigger-happy’ laws and measures give way to repression against social protests or empower political persecution under the guise of fighting terrorism.


Criminalizing the poor

Javier Macaya, president of the Unión Demócrata Independiente, a far-right Chilean party that vindicates the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet (1973-1990), accused the United Nations of supporting “political violence” when its High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Türk warned of the dangers posed by the “law of privileged self-defense”.

The authoritarian scope of “trigger-happy” laws also includes the criminalization of immigrants and poor neighborhoods, classified as gang territories that shelter drug trafficking rings, although large drug traffickers and drug users from high-income sectors are rarely prosecuted in the cities of Latin America.

Political persecution is often disguised as security, as in Nicaragua in February when 222 dissidents were expelled and stripped of their nationality. The government of Daniel Ortega accused them of “treason”, described them as “terrorists” and “mercenaries” and justified the measure in the name of national peace.

Security has been instated as Latin America’s most pressing issue. The latest Amnesty International report documents arbitrary acts in Venezuela that include forced disappearances and extrajudicial executions. Haiti, mired in ungovernability, is another country where human rights are a victim of insecurity.

The complexities of the fight against crime involve strengthening the police and also growing vigilante justice on the part of citizens. In Brazil, the far-right government of Jair Bolsonaro (2019-2022) authorized the police to kill criminals and loosened restrictions on gun ownership for civilians. His successor, Luis Inácio Lula da Silva, suspended the measures after taking office on Jan. 1.

Latin America has become a kind of arsenal, with more powerful weapons for the police, and also with the illegal trade that feeds organized crime. A third of the firearms seized in 2017 in El Salvador, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua and Panama came from the United States.