NRx Pharmaceuticals, Lotus Pharmaceuticals e Alvogen Inc. anunciam colaboração para desenvolver e comercializar o NRX-101

  • NRx Pharmaceuticals, Lotus Pharmaceuticals e Alvogen iro colaborar no desenvolvimento e comercializao futuros de NRX–101 para tratar a depresso bipolar com tendncia suicida resistente ao tratamento (S–TRBD) para os mercados globais
  • A Lotus Pharmaceuticals vai adquirir os direitos mundiais para o NRX–101 para a S–TRBD, e ser responsvel pela comercializao do NRX–101 em mercados fora dos EUA, por meio da presena direta da Lotus em determinados mercados asiticos ou por meio de sua diviso de exportao, que atualmente tem parcerias em vrios mercados, incluindo: Europa, Japo, China, Austrlia e Amrica Latina
  • A Alvogen, por meio da sua diviso Almatica voltada para o sistema nervoso central (SNC, ou CNS, em ingls), ser responsvel pela comercializao do NRX–101 nos Estados Unidos
  • A NRx poder receber at US$ 330 milhes em pagamentos de marcos vinculados ao progresso do desenvolvimento e s metas de vendas, assim como pagamentos de royalties na faixa de dois dgitos, escalonados at meados de dezenas, dependendo de determinados limiares de vendas nos EUA e um pagamento fixo de royalties para mercados fora dos EUA.
  • O acordo inclui um direito de primeira negociao para novas indicaes fora do campo da depresso bipolar com ideao suicida para o NRX–101 e/ou novos produtos potenciais contendo D–cicloserina associada a um antidepressivo/antipsictico

RADNOR, Pa. e MORRISTOWN, N.J. e TAIPEI, Taiwan, June 06, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Lotus Pharmaceuticals (1795:TT; “Lotus”), uma empresa farmacutica multinacional, a Alvogen, uma empresa farmacutica privada sediada nos Estados Unidos, e a NRx Pharmaceuticals Inc. (Nasdaq: NRXP) ("NRx Pharmaceuticals ou NRx"), uma empresa biofarmacutica de estgio clnico, anunciaram hoje um acordo de colaborao global que abrange o desenvolvimento e a comercializao de NRX–101 para a depresso bipolar com tendncia suicida resistente ao tratamento (S–TRBD) para os mercados globais.

De acordo com os termos do contrato em relao ao NRX–101 para o mercado norte–americano, a NRx tem direito a receber um pagamento inicial de US$ 10 milhes caso consiga tanto uma verificao bem–sucedida do ensaio clnico de Fase 2b/3 em andamento para S–TRBD e a concluso de uma reunio de Tipo B com a U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) A NRx receberia um pagamento adicional de US$ 5 milhes aps o recebimento da aprovao da FDA para o NRX–101, assim como pagamentos de bnus por marcos de valores crescentes de at US$ 330 milhes, com base no cumprimento de determinadas metas de vendas lquidas. Alm dos pagamentos baseados no sucesso, a NRx poder receber royalties sobre as vendas lquidas entre 12% e 16%, dependendo de determinados nveis de vendas para o mercado norte–americano e outros pagamentos baseados no sucesso para mercados fora dos EUA.

A Lotus vai adquirir os direitos mundiais do NRX–101 para o tratamento da S–TRBD, e ser responsvel pela comercializao desse produto em mercados fora dos EUA por meio de sua presena comercial direta em determinados mercados asiticos ou por meio da diviso de exportao da Lotus, onde a empresa atualmente comercializa um extenso portflio de produtos por meio de parceiros de primeira linha. A Lotus trabalhar em parceria com a Alvogen, uma parceira de longa data da Lotus nos EUA, para comercializar o NRX–101 para o tratamento de S–TRBD no mercado americano, atravs do rtulo Almatica da Alvogen. A Almatica a diviso da Alvogen voltada para o sistema nervoso central (SNC, em ingls: CNS), que atualmente comercializa seis produtos da marca. A Alvogen e a Lotus se comprometeram a financiar o prximo estudo de registro sobre a depresso bipolar com tendncia suicida resistente ao tratamento para apoiar a aprovao do NRX–101, dependendo do xito dos resultados do estudo clnico de Fase 2b/3 em andamento e da concluso de uma reunio de Tipo B com a FDA. A Lotus e a Alvogen tero o direito de primeira negociao para novas indicaes fora do campo da depresso bipolar com ideao suicida para o NRX–101 e/ou possveis novos produtos contendo D–cicloserina associada a um antidepressivo/antipsictico.

Stephan Willard, J.D., diretor executivo da NRx, observou que, “Essa colaborao pode acelerar o fornecimento do NRX–101 aos pacientes que lutam contra a depresso bipolar com ideao suicida e que precisam desesperadamente de melhores alternativas de tratamento. Com nossos recursos disponveis, acreditamos ser possvel financiar nossas operaes at obter os dados esperados do ensaio clnico de Fase 2b/3. Essa parceria global minimiza significativamente a necessidade de futuros aportes de capital para o desenvolvimento e a comercializao de NRX–101 A Alvogen e a Lotus, com sua experincia em SNC e capacidades operacionais globais, so parceiras ideais para este e possivelmente outros programas NRx”.

Lisa Graver, Diretora Executiva da Alvogen, observou que “Um medicamento que melhore a depresso em pacientes bipolares com risco elevado de suicdio representaria uma melhoria significativa no tratamento, e consideramos os dados da Fase 2 da STABIL–B de NRX–101 promissores para esse efeito. Esse acordo est alinhado com nossa estratgia de desenvolver produtos de marca para o sistema nervoso central (SNC), com evidente diferenciao e benefcios para os pacientes, ao mesmo tempo em que aproveitamos nossos consagrados recursos de comercializao sob a marca Almatica. O NRX–101 um excelente complemento para nossa crescente linha de produtos voltados para o sistema nervoso central (SNC)”.

Petar Vazharov, CEO da Lotus, comentou: “Esta uma transao muito interessante para a Lotus. Na maior parte da ltima dcada, a Lotus conseguiu fazer a transio de uma empresa domstica de genricos de Taiwan para uma empresa farmacutica global, que exporta sua propriedade intelectual para todo o mundo por meio de nossa presena direta na sia ou por meio de nosso negcio de exportao, que inclui os EUA, Japo, China, Amrica Latina e Europa. O acrscimo do NRX–101 ao nosso canal est totalmente alinhado com o nosso objetivo estratgico de impulsionar a acentuada inovao que atende a necessidades mdicas significativas no atendidas”.

Estima–se que sete milhes de pessoas sofram de depresso bipolar somente nos EUA1. O risco de suicdio dentro do grupo muito alto, com dados indicando que 50% ou mais destes pacientes tentaro suicdio durante a vida2. Atualmente, no h medicamentos aprovados especificamente para pessoas com depresso bipolar e altos ndices de ideao suicida. O NRX–101 o primeiro medicamento experimental a ser estudado especificamente nessa populao vulnervel de pacientes. Os dados de validao do ensaio clnico de Fase 2 STABIL, no qual os pacientes com depresso bipolar e ideao suicida aguda foram randomizados para NRX–101 ou lurasidona aps a estabilizao com uma infuso de cetamina, mostraram um benefcio estatisticamente significativo do NRX–101 em relao lurasidona. Com base nesses dados, a FDA concedeu a Designao de Terapia Inovadora (BTD) e uma Avaliao de Protocolo Especial (SPA) para o NRX–101 em relao depresso bipolar com ideao suicida aguda.

A NRx Pharma anunciou recentemente que atualizou e expandiu seu ensaio clnico controlado, randomizado e em andamento de Fase 2 em relao depresso bipolar com ideao suicida subaguda para um ensaio clnico de registro de Fase 2b/3. Os resultados do ensaio clnico de Fase 2b/3 em andamento so esperados para o final do ano de 2023. A NRx ir realizar uma teleconferncia para discutir com mais detalhes o impacto da transao.

Sobre o NRX–101

At 50% dos indivduos com transtorno bipolar tentam suicdio ao longo da vida, e as estimativas indicam que at 20% podem sucumbir ao suicdio3. O nico tratamento aprovado pela FDA para pacientes com depresso bipolar com tendncia suicida resistente ao tratamento ainda a terapia eletroconvulsiva.

Os antidepressivos convencionais podem aumentar o risco de suicdio em alguns pacientes; portanto, seus rtulos contm uma advertncia nesse sentido. O NRX–101 uma combinao patenteada, oral e de dose fixa de D–cicloserina e lurasidona, nenhuma das quais demonstrou potencial de dependncia em modelos pr–clnicos. Com base nos resultados de um estudo de prova de conceito de Fase 2, o NRX–101 recebeu a Designao de Terapia Inovadora da FDA para o tratamento de depresso bipolar grave em pacientes com Ideao e Comportamento Suicida Agudo (ASIB), aps a estabilizao inicial com cetamina ou outra terapia eficaz.

O NRX–101 um dos primeiros antidepressivos orais atualmente em fases avanadas de ensaios clnicos que tem como alvo os receptores NMDA no crebro, o que representa um novo mecanismo potencialmente essencial para o tratamento da depresso com e sem ideao suicida, assim como do TEPT e de outras indicaes. At o momento, o NRX–101 o nico medicamento experimental oral relacionado ao NMDA voltado para a depresso bipolar em pacientes com ideao suicida aguda e subaguda.

Sobre a NRx Pharmaceuticals

A NRx Pharmaceuticals uma empresa biofarmacutica de estgio clnico que desenvolve terapias para o tratamento de distrbios do sistema nervoso central, especificamente depresso bipolar com ideao suicida e transtorno de estresse ps–traumtico (TEPT). O principal programa da empresa, o NRX–101, uma associao oral, de dose fixa, de D–cicloserina e lurasidona, tem como alvo os receptores N–metil–D–aspartato (NMDA) do crebro, e est sendo investigado em um ensaio clnico de Fase 2b/3 para Depresso Bipolar com Ideao Suicida Resistente a Tratamento, que inclui pacientes com ideao suicida aguda e subaguda, uma indicao para a qual o nico tratamento aprovado a terapia de eletrochoque. O ensaio clnico anterior de Fase 2 STABIL–B da empresa, que avaliou o NRX–101 em pacientes com Depresso Bipolar Grave com Ideao e Comportamento Suicida Agudo (ASIB), demonstrou uma melhora substancial em relao terapia disponvel na reduo da depresso e da ideao suicida em comparao com o placebo, quando os pacientes foram tratados com NRX–101 aps uma nica dose de cetamina. Com base nos resultados do estudo STABIL–B, a U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) concedeu um Acordo de Protocolo Especial e Designao de Terapia Inovadora para o NRX–101 em pacientes com Depresso Bipolar Grave com ASIB.

Sobre a Alvogen e a Almatica

A Alvogen uma empresa farmacutica de capital privado, focada no desenvolvimento, fabricao e venda de produtos genricos e de marca para o mercado norte–americano. A empresa tem um portflio e um canal diversificados, que incluem tanto produtos de marca quanto genricos, em vrias formas de administrao. A famlia de empresas Alvogen inclui a Alvogen US (genricos), a Almatica (marcas) e a Almaject (injetveis).

A Almatica Pharma LLC uma subsidiria integral da Alvogen, Inc., e uma empresa farmacutica dos EUA focada no desenvolvimento, aquisio e comercializao de produtos farmacuticos de marca. Seu portflio atual de produtos abrange uma srie de reas teraputicas, mas o foco promocional est nos distrbios e doenas do sistema nervoso central.

Sobre a Lotus

Fundada em 1966, a Lotus (1795: TT) uma empresa farmacutica internacional presente em todo o mundo, com foco na comercializao de produtos farmacuticos novos e genricos, oferecendo aos pacientes medicamentos melhores, seguros e mais acessveis. A empresa tem uma plataforma de P&D e fabricao reconhecida como a melhor da categoria na sia, e estabeleceu parcerias em quase todos os mercados globais, incluindo os EUA, a Europa, o Japo, a China e o Brasil. A Lotus gerencia mais de 100 projetos farmacuticos estrategicamente selecionados em desenvolvimento e registros em toda a sia e nos EUA, com mais de 250 produtos comerciais. A empresa investe em um portflio melhor e mais diversificado, que consiste em oncologia de alta complexidade e genricos complexos, alm de 505(b)2 e NCE, por meio de investimentos internos em P&D e parcerias de licenciamento, e tambm fortalece a competitividade do portflio adicionando produtos biossimilares com o apoio de parceiros estratgicos. Sua infraestrutura lder no setor certificada pela maioria das autoridades regulatrias avanadas em todo o mundo, incluindo a FDA dos EUA, a EMA da UE, a PMDA do Japo, a FDA da China e a ANVISA do Brasil.

1Merikangas, K., et al.(2007). Lifetime and 12–Month Prevalence of Bipolar Spectrum Disorder in the National Comorbidity Survey Replication. Arch Gen Psychiatry, 64:543–552

2Pallaskorpi, et al. Incidence and Predictors of suicide attempts in bipolar I and II disorder: A 5–year follow–up study, Bipolar Disorders, 2016

3Psychiatric Times; Suicide Attempts and Completions in Patients with Bipolar Disorder

Nota de Advertncia da NRX sobre Declaraes Prospectivas

Este comunicado da NRx Pharmaceuticals, Inc. inclui “declaraes prospectivas” dentro do significado das clusulas de “porto seguro” da Lei de Reforma de Litgio de Ttulos Privados dos EUA de 1995 (U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act), que podem incluir, entre outras, declaraes sobre nossas perspectivas financeiras, desenvolvimento de produtos, perspectivas de negcios e tendncias e condies do mercado e do setor, assim como estratgias, planos, objetivos e metas da empresa. Essas declaraes prospectivas baseiam–se em crenas, expectativas, estimativas, previses e projees atuais, assim como em suposies feitas pela gesto da Empresa e em informaes atualmente disponveis ltima.

A empresa no assume nenhuma obrigao de revisar qualquer declarao prospectiva, seja como resultado de novas informaes, eventos futuros ou de qualquer outra forma. Dessa forma, no se deve confiar em nenhuma declarao prospectiva, e todas as declaraes prospectivas so aqui qualificadas por referncia s declaraes de advertncia estabelecidas acima.

Nota de Advertncia da Lotus sobre Declaraes Prospectivas

Exceto pelas informaes histricas aqui contidas, os assuntos apresentados neste documento so declaraes prospectivas sujeitas a riscos e incertezas, que podem fazer com que os resultados reais sejam materialmente diferentes. Essas declaraes prospectivas no se baseiam em fatos histricos, mas, sim, nas expectativas da administrao em relao ao crescimento futuro, resultados de operaes, desempenho, capital futuro e outras despesas, vantagens competitivas, perspectivas e oportunidades de negcios. As declaraes que constam desta apresentao sobre nossos planos e intenes futuros, resultados, nvel de atividades, desempenho, metas ou realizaes ou outros eventos futuros constituem declaraes prospectivas. Sempre que possvel, palavras como “antecipar”, “acreditar”, “esperar”, “pode”, “poderia”, “ir”, “potencial”, “pretender”, “estimar”, “deveria”, “planejar”, “prever”, ou o negativo ou outras variaes de declaraes refletem as crenas e suposies atuais da gesto, e so baseadas nas informaes atualmente disponveis para a nossa gesto. Os investidores so aconselhados a no depositar confiana indevida nessas declaraes prospectivas, pois so realizadas considerando a data deste documento, e no assumimos nenhuma obrigao de atualizar ou revisar quaisquer declaraes prospectivas.

Contatos na Lotus:

Susan Liao, Chefe de Relaes com Investidores
+886 2 2700 5908

Contatos na NRX:

Matthew Duffy
Diretor de Negcios

Suzanne Messere
Relaes com Investidores

Contatos na Alvogen:

Andrea Sweet

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000823949)

NRx Pharmaceuticals, Lotus Pharmaceuticals und Alvogen Inc. kündigen Zusammenarbeit zur Entwicklung und Vermarktung von NRX-101 an

  • NRx Pharmaceuticals, Lotus Pharmaceuticals und Alvogen kooperieren bei der weiteren Entwicklung und Vermarktung von NRX–101 gegen suizidgefhrdete behandlungsresistente bipolare Depression (S–TRBD) fr den globalen Markt
  • Lotus Pharmaceuticals wird die weltweiten Rechte an NRX–101 fr S–TRBD erwerben und fr die Vermarktung von NRX–101 in Mrkten auerhalb der USA verantwortlich sein. Dies geschieht durch die direkte Prsenz von Lotus in bestimmten asiatischen Mrkten oder durch ihre Exportabteilung, die derzeit Partnerschaften in zahlreichen Mrkten unterhlt, darunter in Europa, Japan, China, Australien und Lateinamerika.
  • Alvogen wird ber seinen auf das ZNS spezialisierten Geschftsbereich Almatica fr die Vermarktung von NRX–101 in den USA verantwortlich sein.
  • NRx hat Anspruch auf Meilensteinzahlungen in Hhe von bis zu 330 Mio. USD, die vom Entwicklungsfortschritt und den Umsatzzielen abhngen, sowie auf gestaffelte Lizenzgebhren im zweistelligen Bereich, die bis in den mittleren Zehnerbereich steigen und von bestimmten Umsatzschwellen in den USA abhngen, und auf eine feste Lizenzgebhr fr Mrkte auerhalb der USA.
  • Der Vertrag beinhaltet ein Erstverhandlungsrecht fr neue Indikationen auerhalb des Bereichs der bipolaren Depression mit Suizidalitt fr NRX–101 und/oder potenzielle neue Produkte, die D–Cycloserin in Kombination mit einem Antidepressivum/Antipsychotikum enthalten

RADNOR, Pa. und MORRISTOWN, N.J. und TAIPEI, Taiwan, June 07, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Lotus Pharmaceuticals (1795:TT; "Lotus"), ein multinationales Pharmaunternehmen, Alvogen, ein in Privatbesitz befindliches US–amerikanisches Pharmaunternehmen, und NRx Pharmaceuticals Inc. (Nasdaq: NRXP) ("NRx Pharmaceuticals oder NRx"), ein biopharmazeutisches Unternehmen in der klinischen Phase, haben heute einen globalen Kooperationsvertrag bekannt gegeben, der die Entwicklung und Vermarktung von NRX–101 zur Behandlung von suizidalen, behandlungsresistenten bipolaren Depressionen (S–TRBD) fr die globalen Mrkte umfasst.

Gem den Allgemeinen Geschftsbedingungen, die sich auf NRX–101 fr den US–Markt beziehen, hat NRx Anspruch auf eine erste Zahlung in Hhe von 10 Mio. USD, wenn sowohl die laufenden klinischen Studien der Phase 2b/3 in S–TRB erfolgreich abgeschlossen werden als auch ein Typ–B–Meeting mit der US–Arzneimittelbehrde (FDA) stattfindet. NRx wrde bei Erhalt der FDA–Zulassung fr NRX–101 eine zustzliche Zahlung in Hhe von 5 Mio. USD sowie Bonus–Meilensteinzahlungen in steigender Hhe bis zu 330 Mio. USD bei Erreichen bestimmter Nettoumsatzziele erhalten. Zustzlich zu den erfolgsabhngigen Zahlungen hat NRx Anspruch auf eine Lizenzgebhr auf den Nettoumsatz zwischen 12 % und 16 %, abhngig von bestimmten Umsatzschwellen fr den US–Markt, sowie auf weitere erfolgsabhngige Zahlungen fr Mrkte auerhalb der USA.

Lotus wird die weltweiten Rechte fr NRX–101 zur Behandlung von S–TRBD erwerben und fr die Vermarktung von NRX–101 in Mrkten auerhalb der USA verantwortlich sein. Dies geschieht durch die direkte kommerzielle Prsenz von Lotus in bestimmten asiatischen Mrkten oder durch die Exportabteilung von Lotus, wo das Unternehmen derzeit ein umfangreiches Produktportfolio ber erstklassige Partner vermarktet. Lotus wird mit Alvogen, einem langjhrigen Partner von Lotus in den USA, zusammenarbeiten, um NRX–101 zur Behandlung von S–TRBD auf dem US–Markt unter dem Label Almatica von Alvogen zu vermarkten. Almatica ist der auf das ZNS fokussierte Geschftsbereich von Alvogen, der derzeit sechs Markenprodukte vertreibt. Alvogen und Lotus haben sich verpflichtet, die nchste Zulassungsstudie zur Behandlung von suizidalen, behandlungsresistenten bipolaren Depressionen zu finanzieren, um die Zulassung von NRX–101 zu untersttzen, sofern die Ergebnisse der laufenden klinischen Phase IIb/III–Studie erfolgreich sind und ein Typ–B–Meeting mit der FDA abgeschlossen werden kann. Lotus und Alvogen haben ein Erstverhandlungsrecht fr neue Indikationen auerhalb des Bereichs der bipolaren Depression mit Suizidalitt fr NRX–101 und/oder potenzielle neue Produkte, die D–Cycloserin in Kombination mit einem Antidepressivum/Antipsychotikum enthalten.

Stephan Willard, J.D., Chief Executive Officer von NRx, kommentierte dies wie folgt: "Diese Zusammenarbeit kann die Bereitstellung von NRX–101 fr Patienten beschleunigen, die mit suizidalen bipolaren Depressionen zu kmpfen haben und dringend bessere Behandlungsalternativen bentigen. Wir glauben, dass wir mit unseren derzeitigen Ressourcen unseren Betrieb bis zu den erwarteten Daten der Phase IIb/III–Studie finanzieren knnen. Diese globale Partnerschaft minimiert den Bedarf an zuknftigen Kapitalaufnahmen fr die Entwicklung und Vermarktung von NRX–101 erheblich. Alvogen und Lotus sind mit ihrer ZNS–Expertise und ihren globalen operativen Fhigkeiten ideale Partner fr dieses und mglicherweise weitere NRx–Programme."

Lisa Graver, Chief Executive Officer von Alvogen, dazu: "Ein Medikament, das die Depression bei bipolaren Patienten mit erhhtem Selbstmordrisiko verbessert, wrde einen erheblichen Fortschritt der Behandlung darstellen, und wir betrachten die Phase II STABIL–B–Daten von NRX–101 als vielversprechend in dieser Hinsicht. Dieser Vertrag entspricht unserer Strategie, ZNS–Markenprodukte mit klarer Differenzierung und Patientennutzen zu entwickeln und dabei unsere bewhrten Vermarktungsfhigkeiten unter unserer Marke Almatica zu nutzen. NRX–101 ist eine hervorragende Ergnzung unserer wachsenden ZNS–Pipeline."

Petar Vazharov, Chief Executive Officer von Lotus, uerte sich dazu: "Dies ist eine spannende Transaktion fr Lotus. Im Laufe des letzten Jahrzehnts konnte sich Lotus von einem taiwanesischen Generikaunternehmen zu einem globalen Pharmaunternehmen entwickeln, das sein geistiges Eigentum in die ganze Welt exportiert, entweder durch unsere direkte Prsenz in Asien oder durch unser Exportgeschft, das die USA, Japan, China, Lateinamerika und Europa umfasst. Die Aufnahme von NRX–101 in unsere Pipeline entspricht voll und ganz unserem strategischen Ziel, Innovationen voranzutreiben, die auf einen erheblichen ungedeckten medizinischen Bedarf abzielen."

Allein in den USA leben schtzungsweise sieben Millionen Menschen mit bipolarer Depression1. Das Selbstmordrisiko innerhalb der Gruppe ist sehr hoch. Die Daten deuten darauf hin, dass 50 % oder mehr dieser Patienten im Laufe ihres Lebens einen Selbstmordversuch unternehmen werden2. Derzeit gibt es keine Medikamente, die speziell fr Menschen mit bipolarer Depression und erhhter Suizidalitt zugelassen sind. NRX–101 ist das erste Prfprparat, das speziell in dieser gefhrdeten Patientengruppe untersucht wird. Proof–of–Concept–Daten aus der klinischen Phase–II–Studie STABIL, in der Patienten mit bipolarer Depression und akuter Suizidalitt nach einer Stabilisierung mit einer Infusion von Ketamin randomisiert NRX–101 oder Lurasidon erhielten, zeigten einen statistisch signifikanten Vorteil von NRX–101 gegenber Lurasidon. Auf der Grundlage dieser Daten erteilte die amerikanische Zulassungsbehrde FDA die Breakthrough Therapy Designation (BTD) und eine Special Protocol Assessment (SPA) fr NRX–101 bei bipolarer Depression mit akuter Suizidalitt.

NRx Pharma hat vor kurzem bekannt gegeben, dass es seine laufende randomisierte, kontrollierte klinische Phase–II–Studie zur Behandlung von bipolaren Depressionen mit subakuter Suizidalitt zu einer klinischen Phase–IIb/III–Zulassungsstudie aufgewertet und erweitert hat. Die Ergebnisse der laufenden klinischen Phase IIb/III–Studie werden bis Ende 2023 erwartet. NRx wird eine Telefonkonferenz abhalten, um die Auswirkungen der Transaktion nher zu erlutern.

ber NRX–101

Bis zu 50 % der Menschen mit einer bipolaren Strung unternehmen im Laufe ihres Lebens einen Suizidversuch, und Schtzungen gehen davon aus, dass bis zu 20 % durch Selbstmord ums Leben kommen3. Die einzige von der FDA zugelassene Behandlung fr Patienten mit behandlungsresistenten bipolaren Depressionen mit Suizidgedanken ist nach wie vor die Elektrokonvulsionstherapie.

Herkmmliche Antidepressiva knnen bei bestimmten Patienten das Risiko eines Selbstmordes erhhen; daher enthalten ihre Beipackzettel eine entsprechende Warnung. NRX–101 ist eine patentierte, oral einzunehmende, fest dosierte Kombination aus D–Cycloserin und Lurasidon, die beide in prklinischen Modellen kein Abhngigkeitspotenzial gezeigt haben. Auf der Grundlage der Ergebnisse einer Phase II Proof–of–Concept–Studie erhielt NRX–101 von der FDA den Status eines Therapiedurchbruchs fr die Behandlung schwerer bipolarer Depressionen bei Patienten mit akuter Suizidalitt (Acute Suicidal Ideation & Behavior, ASIB) nach anfnglicher Stabilisierung mit Ketamin oder einer anderen wirksamen Therapie.

NRX–101 ist eines der ersten oralen Antidepressiva, das sich derzeit in der spten Phase der klinischen Studien befindet und auf den NMDA–Rezeptor im Gehirn abzielt. Dieser stellt mglicherweise einen wichtigen neuen Mechanismus zur Behandlung von Depressionen mit und ohne Suizidalitt sowie von PTBS und anderen Indikationen dar. Bislang ist NRX–101 das einzige orale NMDA–Prfprparat, das sich auf bipolare Depression bei Patienten mit akuter und subakuter Suizidalitt konzentriert.

ber NRx Pharmaceuticals

NRx Pharmaceuticals ist ein biopharmazeutisches Unternehmen im klinischen Stadium, das Therapeutika zur Behandlung von Erkrankungen des zentralen Nervensystems entwickelt, insbesondere bipolare Depression mit Suizidalitt und posttraumatische Belastungsstrung (PTBS). Das fhrende Programm des Unternehmens, NRX–101, eine orale, fest dosierte Kombination aus D–Cycloserin und Lurasidon, zielt auf den N–Methyl–D–Aspartat (NMDA)–Rezeptor des Gehirns ab und wird in einer klinischen Studie der Phase IIb/III fr die behandlungsresistente bipolare Depression mit Suizidalitt untersucht, die sowohl Patienten mit akuter als auch subakuter Suizidalitt einschliet. Die vorangegangene klinische Phase–II–Studie STABIL–B des Unternehmens, in der NRX–101 bei Patienten mit schwerer bipolarer Depression mit akuten Suizidgedanken und suizidalem Verhalten (ASIB) untersucht wurde, zeigte im Vergleich zu Placebo eine erhebliche Verbesserung bei der Verringerung von Depression und Suizidalitt, wenn die Patienten nach einer einmaligen Gabe von Ketamin mit NRX–101 behandelt wurden. Auf der Grundlage der Ergebnisse der STABIL–B–Studie gewhrte die US–Arzneimittelbehrde (FDA) einen speziellen Vertrag und den Status eines Therapiedurchbruchs fr NRX–101 bei Patienten mit schwerer bipolarer Depression mit ASIB.

ber Alvogen und Almatica

Alvogen ist ein privates Pharmaunternehmen, das sich auf die Entwicklung, Herstellung und den Vertrieb von Generika und Markenprodukten fr den US–Markt konzentriert. Das Unternehmen verfgt ber ein vielfltiges Portfolio und eine Pipeline, die sowohl Markenprodukte als auch Generika in verschiedenen Darreichungsformen umfasst. Zur Alvogen–Firmengruppe gehren Alvogen US (Generika), Almatica (Marken) und Almaject (Injektionsmittel).

Almatica Pharma LLC ist eine hundertprozentige Tochtergesellschaft von Alvogen, Inc. und ist ein US–amerikanisches Pharmaunternehmen, das sich auf die Entwicklung, den Erwerb und die Vermarktung von pharmazeutischen Markenprodukten konzentriert. Das derzeitige Produktportfolio deckt eine Reihe von Therapiegebieten ab, aber der Schwerpunkt liegt auf Erkrankungen des zentralen Nervensystems.

ber Lotus

Lotus (1795: TT) wurde 1966 gegrndet und ist ein internationales Pharmaunternehmen mit globaler Prsenz, das sich auf die Vermarktung neuartiger und generischer Arzneimittel konzentriert, um Patienten bessere, sichere sowie leichter zugngliche Medikamente anzubieten. Das Unternehmen verfgt ber eine anerkannte erstklassige F&E– und Produktionsplattform in Asien und hat Partnerschaften in fast allen globalen Mrkten, einschlielich den USA, Europa, Japan, China und Brasilien, aufgebaut. Lotus betreibt ber 100 strategisch ausgewhlte pharmazeutische Projekte in der Entwicklung und Zulassung in Asien und den USA mit ber 250 kommerziellen Produkten. Das Unternehmen investiert in ein diversifiziertes Best–Portfolio, das aus Onkologieprodukten mit hohen Barrieren, komplexen Generika sowie 505(b)2 und NCE besteht, und zwar ber interne F&E–Investitionen und Einlizenzierungspartnerschaften. Auerdem strkt das Unternehmen die Wettbewerbsfhigkeit seines Portfolios, indem es mit Untersttzung strategischer Partner Biosimilar–Produkte hinzufgt. Seine branchenfhrende Infrastruktur ist von den meisten fortschrittlichen Aufsichtsbehrden auf der ganzen Welt zertifiziert, darunter die US FDA, die EU EMA, die japanische PMDA, die chinesische FDA und die brasilianische ANVISA.

1Merikangas, K., et al.(2007). Lifetime and 12–Month Prevalence of Bipolar Spectrum Disorder in the National Comorbidity Survey Replication. Arch Gen Psychiatry, 64:543–552

2Pallaskorpi, et al. Incidence and Predictors of suicide attempts in bipolar I and II disorder: A 5–year follow–up study, Bipolar Disorders, 2016

3Psychiatric Times; Suicide Attempts and Completions in Patients with Bipolar Disorder

NRX Hinweis zu zukunftsgerichteten Aussagen

Diese Mitteilung von NRx Pharmaceuticals, Inc. enthlt "zukunftsgerichtete Aussagen" im Sinne der "Safe Harbor"–Bestimmungen des U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act von 1995, die unter anderem Aussagen zu unseren finanziellen Aussichten, zur Produktentwicklung, zu den Geschftsaussichten, zu Markt– und Branchentrends und –bedingungen sowie zu den Strategien, Plnen und Zielen des Unternehmens enthalten knnen. Diese zukunftsgerichteten Aussagen beruhen auf den gegenwrtigen berzeugungen, Erwartungen, Schtzungen, Prognosen und Projektionen sowie auf den Annahmen und Informationen, die der Geschftsleitung des Unternehmens derzeit zur Verfgung stehen.

Das Unternehmen bernimmt keine Verpflichtung, zukunftsgerichtete Aussagen zu revidieren, sei es aufgrund neuer Informationen, zuknftiger Events oder aus anderen Grnden. Dementsprechend sollten Sie sich nicht auf zukunftsgerichtete Aussagen verlassen, und alle zukunftsgerichteten Aussagen sind hierin durch den Verweis auf die oben genannten Vorsichtshinweise eingeschrnkt.

Lotus Hinweis zu zukunftsgerichteten Aussagen

Mit Ausnahme der hierin enthaltenen historischen Informationen handelt es sich bei den in diesem Dokument dargelegten Angelegenheiten um zukunftsgerichtete Aussagen, die Risiken und Unsicherheiten unterliegen, die dazu fhren knnen, dass die tatschlichen Ergebnisse erheblich abweichen. Diese zukunftsgerichteten Aussagen beruhen nicht auf historischen Fakten, sondern auf den Erwartungen des Managements in Bezug auf zuknftiges Wachstum, Betriebsergebnisse, Leistung, zuknftige Kapital– und andere Ausgaben, Wettbewerbsvorteile, Geschftsaussichten und Chancen. Aussagen in dieser Prsentation ber unsere zuknftigen Plne und Absichten, Ergebnisse, Aktivitten, Leistungen, Ziele oder Errungenschaften oder andere zuknftige Events stellen zukunftsgerichtete Aussagen dar. Wo immer mglich, spiegeln Wrter wie "antizipieren", "glauben", "erwarten", "knnen", "knnten", "werden", "potenziell", "beabsichtigen", "schtzen", "sollten", "planen", "vorhersagen" oder die negativen oder anderen Varianten von Aussagen die gegenwrtigen berzeugungen und Annahmen des Managements wider und basieren auf den Informationen, die unserem Management derzeit zur Verfgung stehen. Investoren werden davor gewarnt, sich auf diese zukunftsgerichteten Aussagen zu verlassen, die zum Zeitpunkt der Verffentlichung dieses Dokuments gemacht wurden, und wir bernehmen keine Verpflichtung, zukunftsgerichtete Aussagen zu aktualisieren oder zu berarbeiten.

Lotus Kontakte:

Susan Liao, Head of Investor Relations
+886 2 2700 5908

NRX Kontakte:

Matthew Duffy
Chief Business Officer

Suzanne Messere
Investor Relations

Alvogen Kontakte:

Andrea Sweet

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000823949)

NRx Pharmaceuticals, Lotus Pharmaceuticals et Alvogen Inc. annoncent leur collaboration pour le développement et la commercialisation du NRX-101

  • NRx Pharmaceuticals, Lotus Pharmaceuticals et Alvogen collaborent au dveloppement et la commercialisation sur les marchs mondiaux du NRX–101, mdicament pour la dpression bipolaire avec tendances suicidaires rsistante aux traitements (S–TRBD)
  • Lotus Pharmaceuticals acquerra les droits internationaux du NRX–101, mdicament pour la dpression bipolaire avec tendances suicidaires rsistante au traitement, et sera responsable de sa commercialisation sur les marchs hors des tats–Unis, soit par le biais de sa prsence directe sur certains marchs asiatiques, soit par le biais de sa division des exportations, qui dispose actuellement de partenariats sur de nombreux marchs, y compris en Europe, au Japon, en Chine, en Australie et en Amrique latine
  • Alvogen, par l'intermdiaire de sa division Almatica dont le focus est le Systme Nerveux Central, sera responsable de la commercialisation du NRX–101 aux tats–Unis
  • NRx pourra recevoir jusqu' 330 millions de dollars en paiements d'tape lis aux progrs du dveloppement du mdicament et aux objectifs de vente, des paiements de redevances deux chiffres pouvant augmenter jusqu' la quinzaine en fonction de certains seuils de vente aux tats–Unis, ainsi qu'un paiement de redevances fixe pour les ventes sur les marchs hors des tats–Unis.
  • L'accord comprend un droit de premire ngociation pour de nouvelles applications du NRX–101 en dehors du champ de la dpression bipolaire avec tendances suicidaires, et/ou de nouveaux produits potentiels contenant de la D–cyclosrine en combinaison avec un antidpresseur / antipsychotique

RADNOR, Pa., MORRISTOWN, N.J., TAÏPEI, Taïwan, 07 juin 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Lotus Pharmaceuticals (1795 : TT ; Lotus ), socit pharmaceutique multinationale, Alvogen, socit pharmaceutique prive base aux tats–Unis, et NRx Pharmaceuticals Inc. (Nasdaq : NRXP) ( NRx Pharmaceuticals ou NRx ), socit biopharmaceutique en stade clinique, ont annonc aujourd'hui un accord de collaboration international portant sur le dveloppement et la commercialisation sur les marchs mondiaux du NRX–101, mdicament pour la dpression bipolaire avec tendances suicidaires rsistante aux traitements (S–TRBD).

Selon les termes de l'accord, relatif au NRX–101 pour le march amricain, NRx aura le droit de recevoir un paiement initial de 10 millions de dollars aprs l'obtention d'un rsultat positif de l'essai clinique de phase 2b/3 en cours pour le traitement de la S–TRB, et aprs avoir particip une runion de type B avec la Food and Drug Administration amricaine (FDA ou Agence Amricaine des produits alimentaires et mdicamenteux). NRx recevra un paiement supplmentaire de 5 millions de dollars aprs rception de l'approbation de la FDA pour le NRX–101, ainsi que des paiements d'tape en prime et de montants croissants atteignant jusqu' 330 millions de dollars, en fonction de l'atteinte de certains objectifs de ventes nettes. En plus des paiements lis au franchissement d'tapes, NRx pourra recevoir une redevance reprsentant entre 12 % et 16 % des ventes nettes selon certains seuils de ventes pour le march amricain, et d'autres paiements lis au franchissement d'tapes pour les marchs hors des tats–Unis.

Lotus acquerra les droits internationaux du NRX–101 pour le traitement de la S–TRBD, et sera responsable de sa commercialisation sur les marchs hors des tats–Unis, soit par le biais de sa prsence directe sur certains marchs asiatiques, soit par le biais de sa division des exportations, par laquelle la socit commercialise actuellement un vaste portefeuille de produits grce ses partenaires de premier plan. Lotus s'associera Alvogen, partenaire de longue date de Lotus aux tats–Unis, pour la commercialisation sur le march amricain du NRX–101 pour le traitement de la S–TRBD sous le label Almatica d'Alvogen. Almatica est la division d'Alvogen spcialise dans le systme nerveux central (SNC) qui commercialise actuellement six produits sous marque. Alvogen et Lotus se sont engags financer la prochaine tude d'homologation du mdicament pour la dpression bipolaire avec tendances suicidaires rsistante au traitement afin de soutenir l'approbation du NRX–101, sous rserve de rsultats positifs de l'essai clinique de phase 2b/3 en cours et de la participation une runion de type B avec la FDA. Lotus et Alvogen auront un droit de premire ngociation pour de nouvelles applications du NRX–101 en dehors du champ de la dpression bipolaire avec tendances suicidaires, et/ou de nouveaux produits potentiels contenant de la D–cyclosrine en combinaison avec un antidpresseur / antipsychotique.

Stephan Willard, Docteur en droit et directeur gnral de NRx, a dclar : Cette collaboration peut acclrer la mise disposition du NRX–101 pour les patients aux prises avec une dpression bipolaire avec tendances suicidaires qui ont dsesprment besoin de meilleures alternatives de traitement. Avec nos ressources actuelles, nous estimons pouvoir financer nos oprations jusqu'aux donnes attendues de l'essai de phase 2b/3. Ce partenariat international minimise considrablement la ncessit de lever des fonds pour le dveloppement et la commercialisation du NRX–101. Avec leur expertise dans le domaine du SNC et leurs capacits oprationnelles l'international, Alvogen et Lotus sont des partenaires idaux pour ce programme, et ventuellement pour d'autres programmes de NRx .

Lisa Graver, directrice gnrale d'Alvogen, a dclar : Un mdicament qui amliore l'tat de dpression chez les patients bipolaires prsentant un risque lev de suicide reprsenterait une amlioration significative des traitements, et nous considrons les donnes de la phase 2 STABIL–B du NRX–101 comme prometteuses cet gard. Cet accord est conforme notre stratgie de dveloppement de produits sous marque pour le SNC, prsentant une diffrenciation claire et un bnfice pour les patients, tout en tirant parti de nos capacits prouves de commercialisation sous notre label Almatica. Le NRX–101 constitue un excellent complment notre gamme en pleine expansion de produits SNC .

Petar Vazharov, directeur gnral de Lotus, a comment : Il s'agit d'une opration passionnante pour Lotus. En moins d'une dcennie, Lotus a russi transformer une entreprise tawanaise de produits gnriques d'envergure nationale en une entreprise pharmaceutique internationale qui exporte sa proprit intellectuelle dans le monde entier, soit par sa prsence directe en Asie, soit par ses activits d'exportation, notamment aux tats–Unis, au Japon, en Chine, en Amrique latine et en Europe. L'ajout du NRX–101 notre portefeuille de produits est tout fait conforme notre objectif stratgique, qui est de stimuler l'innovation pour rpondre d'importants besoins mdicaux non satisfaits .

On estime sept millions le nombre de personnes atteintes de dpression bipolaire, rien qu'aux tats–Unis1. Le risque de suicide au sein du groupe est trs lev, les donnes indiquant que 50 % ou plus de ces patients tenteront de se suicider au cours de leur vie2. Il n'existe actuellement aucun mdicament spcifiquement approuv pour les personnes souffrant de dpression bipolaire avec tendances suicidaires importantes. Le NRX–101 est le premier mdicament exprimental tre spcifiquement tudi pour cette population vulnrable de patients. Les donnes de preuve de concept de l'essai clinique de phase 2 STABIL, pour lequel des patients souffrant de dpression bipolaire avec risque lev de suicide ont reu de faon alatoire le NRX–101 ou la lurasidone aprs stabilisation par une perfusion de ktamine, ont montr un bnfice statistiquement significatif du NRX–101 par rapport la lurasidone. Sur la base de ces donnes, la FDA amricaine a accord une dsignation de thrapie innovante (BTD) ainsi qu'un protocole d'valuation spcial (SPA) pour le NRX–101 dans le traitement de la dpression bipolaire avec risque lev de suicide.

NRx Pharma a rcemment annonc avoir amlior et tendu son essai clinique contrl et alatoire de phase 2 en cours pour le traitement de la dpression bipolaire avec risque de suicide subaigu pour en faire un essai clinique de phase 2b/3 d'homologation. Les rsultats de l'essai clinique de phase 2b/3 en cours sont attendus d'ici la fin de l'anne 2023. NRx organisera une confrence tlphonique afin de discuter plus en dtail de l'impact de l'accord.

propos du NRX–101

Jusqu' 50 % des personnes atteintes de troubles bipolaires tentent de se suicider au cours de leur vie et, selon les estimations, jusqu' 20 % d'entre elles y succombent{3. Le seul traitement approuv par la FDA pour les patients souffrant de dpression bipolaire avec tendances suicidaires rsistante aux traitements reste la thrapie lectroconvulsive.

Les antidpresseurs conventionnels peuvent augmenter le risque de suicide chez certains patients ; c'est pourquoi leurs tiquettes contiennent un avertissement cet gard. Le NRX–101 est une combinaison brevete de D–cyclosrine et de lurasidone, administre par voie orale et dose fixe. Aucun des composants n'a montr de potentiel de dpendance dans les modles prcliniques. Sur la base des rsultats d'une tude de preuve de concept de phase 2, le NRX–101 a reu de la FDA la dsignation de thrapie innovante pour le traitement, aprs une stabilisation initiale par la ktamine ou toute autre thrapie efficace, de la dpression bipolaire svre chez les patients souffrant d'idation et de comportements suicidaires aigus (ASIB).

Le NRX–101 est l'un des premiers antidpresseurs oraux actuellement en phase finale d'tudes cliniques ciblant le rcepteur NMDA dans le cerveau, ce qui reprsente potentiellement un nouveau mcanisme cl pour traiter la dpression, avec et sans suicidalit, ainsi que le syndrome de stress post–traumatique et d'autres troubles. ce jour, le NRX–101 est le seul mdicament exprimental NMDA oral ciblant la dpression bipolaire chez les patients prsentant une suicidalit aigu et subaigu.

propos de NRx Pharmaceuticals

NRx Pharmaceuticals est une socit biopharmaceutique en stade clinique spcialise dans le dveloppement de thrapies pour le traitement des troubles du systme nerveux central, en particulier la dpression bipolaire avec tendances suicidaires et le syndrome de stress post–traumatique (SSPT). Le programme phare de la socit, le NRX–101, combinaison orale dose fixe de D–cyclosrine et de lurasidone, cible le rcepteur N–mthyl–D–aspartate (NMDA) du cerveau et fait actuellement l'objet d'un essai clinique de phase 2b/3 pour la dpression bipolaire avec tendances suicidaires rsistante aux traitements. L'essai clinique inclut des patients souffrant de suicidalit aigu et subaigu, un trouble pour lequel le seul traitement approuv est la thrapie par lectrochocs. L'essai clinique prcdent de phase 2 STABIL–B de la socit valuant le NRX–101 chez des patients souffrant de dpression bipolaire svre avec idation et comportements suicidaires aigus (ASIB) a dmontr une diminution substantielle, par rapport au traitement disponible, de la dpression et de la suicidalit par rapport au placebo, lorsque les patients taient traits avec le NRX–101 aprs une dose unique de ktamine. Sur la base des rsultats de l'essai STABIL–B, la FDA amricaine a octroy un accord de protocole d'valuation spcial et une dsignation de thrapie innovante pour le NRX–101 chez les patients souffrant de dpression bipolaire svre avec ASIB.

propos d'Alvogen et d'Almatica

Alvogen est une socit pharmaceutique prive spcialise dans le dveloppement, la fabrication et la vente de produits gnriques et sous marque pour le march amricain. L'entreprise dispose d'un portefeuille diversifi et d'une gamme qui inclut la fois des produits sous marque et des produits gnriques disponibles sous diffrentes formes d'administration. La famille de socits d'Alvogen comprend Alvogen US (produits gnriques), Almatica (produits sous marque) et Almaject (produits injectables).

Almatica Pharma LLC, une filiale entirement dtenue par Alvogen, Inc., est une socit pharmaceutique amricaine axe sur le dveloppement, l'acquisition et la commercialisation de produits pharmaceutiques sous marque. Son portefeuille actuel de produits couvre plusieurs domaines thrapeutiques, mais la promotion se concentre sur les troubles et les affections du systme nerveux central.

propos de Lotus

Fonde en 1966, Lotus (1795 : TT) est une socit pharmaceutique internationale prsente dans le monde entier, qui se concentre sur la commercialisation de nouveaux produits pharmaceutiques et de produits gnriques, offrant aux patients des mdicaments mieux adapts, plus srs et plus accessibles. La socit dispose d'une excellente plateforme de recherche–dveloppement et de fabrication reconnue en Asie et a tabli des partenariats sur presque tous les marchs mondiaux, notamment les tats–Unis, l'Europe, le Japon, la Chine et le Brsil. Lotus gre plus de 100 projets pharmaceutiques stratgiquement slectionns en cours de dveloppement et d'homologation en Asie et aux tats–Unis, portant sur plus de 250 produits commerciaux. L'entreprise investit dans un portefeuille diversifi de produits d'excellence, avec notamment des produits d'oncologie barrire leve, des produits gnriques complexes ainsi que des produits 505(b)2 et de Nouvelle Entit Chimique, par le biais d'investissements internes de recherche–dveloppement et de partenariats pour l'octroi de licences. L'entreprise renforce galement la comptitivit de son portefeuille en ajoutant des produits biosimilaires grce au soutien de partenaires stratgiques. Son infrastructure de pointe est certifie par la plupart des autorits rglementaires de haut niveau du monde entier, notamment la FDA aux tats–Unis, l'EMA en Europe, la PMDA au Japon, la FDA en Chine et l'ANVISA au Brsil.

1Merikangas, K., et al.(2007). Lifetime and 12–Month Prevalence of Bipolar Spectrum Disorder in the National Comorbidity Survey Replication. Arch Gen Psychiatry, 64:543–552

2Pallaskorpi, et al. Incidence and Predictors of suicide attempts in bipolar I and II disorder: A 5–year follow–up study, Bipolar Disorders, 2016

3Psychiatric Times; Suicide Attempts and Completions in Patients with Bipolar Disorder

Mise en garde de NRX concernant les dclarations prospectives

Ce communiqu de NRx Pharmaceuticals, Inc. contient des dclarations prospectives au sens des dispositions de la sphre de scurit de la Private Securities Litigation Reform Act des tats–Unis de 1995, qui peuvent inclure, sans s'y limiter, des dclarations concernant nos perspectives financires, le dveloppement de produits, les perspectives commerciales, les tendances et conditions du march et de l'industrie, ainsi que les stratgies, plans, objectifs et buts de l'entreprise. Ces dclarations prospectives sont fondes sur les convictions, les attentes, les estimations, les prvisions et les projections actuelles, ainsi que sur les hypothses formules par la direction de la socit et sur les informations dont elle dispose actuellement.

La Socit n'assume aucune obligation de modification de ces dclarations prospectives, que ce soit la suite de nouvelles informations, d'vnements futurs ou autres. En consquence, vous ne devez pas vous fier ces dclarations prospectives. Toutes les dclarations prospectives sont ici qualifies par rfrence aux avertissements noncs ci–dessus.

Mise en garde de Lotus concernant les dclarations prospectives

l'exception des informations passes contenues dans le prsent document, les sujets abords dans ce document sont des dclarations prospectives soumises des risques et des incertitudes susceptibles d'entraner des rsultats rels considrablement diffrents. Ces dclarations prospectives ne sont pas bases sur des faits historiques mais plutt sur les attentes de la direction concernant la croissance future, les rsultats d'exploitation, les performances, les dpenses d'investissement et autres dpenses futures, les avantages concurrentiels, les perspectives et opportunits commerciales. Les dclarations contenues dans cette prsentation concernant nos plans et intentions futurs, nos rsultats, notre niveau d'activit, nos performances, nos objectifs ou nos ralisations ou tout autre vnement futur constituent des dclarations prospectives. Dans la mesure du possible, les termes tels que anticiper , croire , s'attendre , peut , pourrait , sera , potentiel , avoir l'intention de , estimer , devrait , planifier , prdire , la forme ngative ou d'autres variations des dclarations refltent les convictions et les hypothses actuelles de la direction de l'entreprise et sont bases sur les informations actuellement notre disposition. Les investisseurs sont invits ne pas accorder une confiance excessive ces dclarations prospectives, qui sont nonces la date du prsent document, et nous n'assumons aucune obligation de mise jour ou de modification de ces dclarations prospectives.

Contacter Lotus :

Susan Liao, responsable des relations avec les investisseurs
+886 2 2700 5908

Contacter NRX :

Matthew Duffy
Chef de la direction des affaires

Suzanne Messere
Relations avec les investisseurs

Contacter Alvogen :

Andrea Sweet

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000823949)

Dave & Buster’s to open 20 stores in India and Australia

DALLAS, June 06, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Dave & Buster's, the ultimate destination for food, drinks, and entertainment, announces two more significant deals for its global expansion plans. The first deal includes a 15–store partnership in India with the Malpani Group, and the second deal comprises a 5–store partnership with the NightOwl Entertainment Group in Australia. These strategic alliances mark Dave & Buster's second and third multi–store franchise agreements, firmly cementing the brand in the APAC and MEA regions with a total of 31 stores committed to development since global expansion plans were announced in 2022.

“We're thrilled to partner with the Malpani Group to bring the Dave & Buster's experience to the Indian consumer, as India's vibrant economy has ranked the country in the top 5 globally. The Malpani Group, known for its passion for innovation and diversified growth, is poised to dominate the indoor and outdoor entertainment industry," said Antonio Bautista Chief International Development Officer for Dave & Buster's. He added, "Likewise, we're delighted to join forces with the NightOwl Entertainment Group, a forward–thinking hospitality and entertainment company revolutionizing the industry in Australia. Australia's dynamic market presents a significant opportunity for growth, and the NightOwl Entertainment Group, renowned for its innovative approach, is the ideal partner for our brand. We can't wait to bring our unparalleled entertainment experience to this vibrant market.”

Jai Malpani, Director of Malpani Group, expressed his enthusiasm for the partnership. “We are delighted to partner with Dave & Buster's, an established brand with a proven track record in the entertainment industry," said Malpani. "We believe their expertise in family entertainment and dining experiences will complement our portfolio, and we look forward to a successful collaboration.”

David Heaton, the Founder and CEO of NightOwl Entertainment, also shared his excitement for the partnership. “We're incredibly excited to partner with the brand that pioneered location–based entertainment and continues to be the point of reference globally in this space," said Heaton. "We're confident that together, we'll bring unparalleled experiences to our customers.”

Dave & Buster's has implemented several strategic initiatives to ensure a successful global expansion, including a customizable footprint tailored to meet specific market requirements and the localization of menu offerings with high regional resonance to cater to local preferences and tastes. They have also introduced a proprietary dynamic pricing model to offer flexible pricing options, launched global marketing programs that are demographically agnostic yet locally executable, and implemented a unique amusement strategy and packages to differentiate themselves in the market.

Dave & Buster's is also excited to offer localized entertainment and late–night programming for customers and introduce immersive experiences to enhance customer engagement in the competitive socializing space. With these initiatives, Dave & Buster's is confident they will provide an exceptional experience to their global customers.

About Dave & Buster's
Founded in 1982 and headquartered in Coppell, Texas, Dave & Buster's Entertainment, Inc., is the owner and operator of 200 venues in North America that offer premier entertainment and dining experiences to guests through two distinct brands: Dave & Buster's and Main Event. Dave & Buster's has 152 stores in 41 states, Puerto Rico, and Canada and offers guests the opportunity to "Eat, Drink, Play and Watch," all in one location. Each store offers a full menu of entres and appetizers, a complete selection of alcoholic and non–alcoholic beverages, and an extensive assortment of entertainment attractions centered around playing games and watching live sports and other televised events. Main Event operates 52 centers in 17 states across the country and offers state–of–the–art bowling, laser tag, hundreds of arcade games, and virtual reality, making it the perfect place for families to connect and make memories. For more information about each brand, visit and

About Malpani Group:
The Malpani Group from Sangamner is a well–diversified business house with interests in renewable energy, FMCG products, real estate, hotels, and more. However, the group's success story goes beyond its diverse portfolio of businesses. The Malpani Group has always been committed to customer satisfaction and social responsibility, which has been the key to its phenomenal growth.

Currently, the Malpani Group is one of the leading owners and operators of amusement and water parks in India. They operate India's largest theme and water park, Imagicaa, along with five other parks in India. Their amusement and water parks have become a popular destination for families, thrill–seekers, and tourists, offering a unique and immersive experience for all ages. With their unwavering commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction, the Malpani Group has set a new standard for business success and social responsibility, reflecting their strong belief in giving back to society.

About NightOwl Entertainment
Established in 2008, NightOwl Entertainment is one of Perth's largest hospitality groups. Operating several venues across Perth and building many more nationally! Each with a distinct identity and target demographic. In the business of pubs and clubs and now location Based Entertainment practicing a strong corporate ethos and boasting one of the most sophisticated management systems in the industry, with centralized processes and procedures, best practice data analytics, and bespoke in–house training for staff.

Media Contact:
Antonio Bautista

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8852831)

Acrow Named Exporter of the Year at New Jersey International Trade Awards

PARSIPPANY, N.J., June 06, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Acrow, a leading international bridge engineering and supply company, is pleased to announce it was named Exporter of the Year at the New Jersey International Trade Awards (NJITA) ceremony on May 17 at the Galloping Hill Golf Course in Kenilworth, NJ. The awards honor excellence by New Jersey companies that have worked diligently to expand their exporting efforts, thus contributing to job creation and enhancing the state's economic landscape.

The NJITA is a program of the New Jersey District Export Council (NJDEC). Regional District Export Councils (DECs) are organizations of leaders from the local business community, appointed by a U.S. Secretary of Commerce, whose knowledge of international business provides a source of professional advice for local firms. Closely affiliated with the Commerce Department's Export Assistance Centers, the 61 DECs throughout the country support the U.S. Government's export promotion efforts.

"We are delighted to be recognized by NJDEC for our continuing work in international markets," said Mark Joosten, President and COO of the Acrow Group. "Acrow has been serving the transportation and construction industries since 1951, and our bridge solutions are now found in more than 150 countries across the globe. Our success in exporting not only supports jobs here in the United States, but also helps the communities we serve globally to access opportunity and expand prosperity through high–quality, sustainable bridge infrastructure."

Added William Killeen, CEO of the Acrow Group, "Whether navigating urban highways, rural roads, or emergency conditions, people depend on safe, reliable passage in pursuit of education, healthcare and economic prosperity wherever in the world they live. Our mission to build bridges, connect people and leave positive legacies in local communities will continue to evolve in response to the needs of government agencies and contractors worldwide, and this award commemorates our achievement to date in pursuit of that aim."

About Acrow
Acrow has been serving the transportation and construction industries for more than 70 years with a wide range of modular steel bridging solutions for permanent, temporary, military and emergency use. Acrow's extensive international presence includes leadership in the development and implementation of bridge infrastructure projects in over 150 countries across Africa, Asia, the Americas, Europe and the Middle East. For more information, please visit

Media contact:
Tracy Van Buskirk
Marketcom PR
Main: (212) 537–5177, ext. 8; Mobile: (203) 246–6165

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at–eaaa–4784–a46a–403be3282b8a

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8853202)

The U.S. Assault on Mexico’s Food Sovereignty

“Remove corn and beans from NAFTA!” at a 2008 protest in Ciudad Juarez. It has been a longstanding demand the Mexican farmers’ movement. Credit: Enrique Pérez S.

By Timothy A. Wise
CAMBRIDGE, MASS. , Jun 6 2023 – On June 2, the U.S. government escalated its conflict with Mexico over that country’s restrictions on genetically modified corn, initiating the formal dispute-resolution process under the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA).

It is only the latest in a decades-long U.S. assault on Mexico’s food sovereignty using the blunt instrument of a trade agreement that has inundated Mexico with cheap corn, wheat, and other staples, undermining Mexico’s ability to produce its own food. With the government of Andrés Manuel López Obrador showing no signs of backing down, the conflict may well test the extent to which a major exporter can use a trade agreement to force a sovereign nation to abandon measures it deems necessary to protect public health and the environment.

The Science of Precaution

The measures in question are those contained in the Mexican president’s decree, announced in late 2020 and updated in February 2023, to ban the cultivation of genetically modified corn, phase out the use of the herbicide glyphosate by 2024, and prohibit the use of genetically modified corn in tortillas and corn flour. The stated goals were to protect public health and the environment, particularly the rich biodiversity of native corn that can be compromised by uncontrolled pollination from GM corn plants.

Where the original decree vowed to phase out all uses of GM corn, the updated decree withdrew restrictions on GM corn in animal feed and industrial products, pending further scientific study of impacts on human health and the environment. Some 96% of U.S. corn exports to Mexico, nearly all of it GM corn, fall in that category. It is unclear how much of the remaining exports, mostly white corn, are destined for Mexico’s tortilla/corn flour industries.

These were significant concessions. After all, there is no trade restriction on GM corn. Mexico is not even restricting GM white corn imports, just their use in tortillas.

Timothy A. Wise

No matter. In the U.S. government’s formal notification that it would initiate consultations preliminary to presenting the dispute to a USMCA arbitration panel, it cites a lack of scientific justification for the measures, denials of some authorizations for new GM products, and Mexico’s stated intention to gradually replace GM corn for all uses with non-GM varieties.

As Mexico’s Economy Ministry noted in its short response, Mexico will show that its current measures have little impact on U.S. exporters, because Mexico is self-sufficient in white and native corn. Any future substitution of non-GM corn will not involve trade restrictions but will come from Mexico’s investments in reducing import dependence by promoting increased domestic production of corn and other key staples. The statement also noted that USMCA’s environment chapter obligates countries to protect biodiversity, and for Mexico, where corn was first domesticated and the diet and culture are so defined by it, corn biodiversity is a top priority.

As for the assertion that Mexico’s concerns about GM corn and glyphosate are not based on science, the USTR action came on the heels of an unprecedented five weeks of public forums convened by Mexico’s national science agencies to assess the risks and dangers. More than fifty Mexican and international experts presented evidence that justifies the precautionary measures taken by the government. (I summarized some of the evidence in an earlier article.)

Three Decades of U.S. Agricultural Dumping

Those measures spring from deep concern about the deterioration of Mexicans’ diets and public health as the country has gradually adopted what some have called “the neoliberal diet.” Mexico has displaced the United States as the world leader in childhood obesity as diets rich in native corn and other traditional foods have been replaced by ultraprocessed foods and beverages high in sugar, salt, and fats. Researchers found that since the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) was enacted in 1994, the United States has been “exporting obesity.”

The López Obrador government recently stood up to the powerful food and beverage industry to mandate stark warning labels on foods high in those unhealthy ingredients. Its restrictions on GM corn and glyphosate flow from the same commitment to public health.

So does the government’s campaign to reduce import-dependence in key food crops – corn, wheat, rice, beans, and dairy. But as I document in a new IATP policy report, “Swimming Against the Tide,” cheap U.S. exports continue to undermine such efforts.

We documented that in 17 of the 28 years since NAFTA took effect, the United States has exported corn, wheat, rice, and other staple crops at prices below what it cost to produce them. That is an unfair trade practice known as agricultural dumping, and it springs from chronic overproduction of such products in that country’s heavily industrialized agriculture.

Just when NAFTA eliminated many of the policy measures Mexico could use to limit such imports, U.S. overproduction hit a crescendo, the result of its own deregulation of agricultural markets. Corn exports to Mexico jumped more than 400% by 2006, with those exports priced at 19% below what it cost to produce them. Again, from 2014 to 2020, corn prices were 10% below production costs, just as Mexico began seeking to stimulate domestic production.

We calculated that Mexico’s corn farmers lost $3.8 billion in those seven years from depressed prices for their crops. Wheat farmers lost $2.1 billion from U.S. exports priced 27% below production costs.

Thus far, the Mexican government has had little success increasing domestic production of its priority foods, though higher international prices in 2021 and 2022 provided a needed stimulus for farmers.

So too have creative government initiatives, including an innovative public procurement scheme just as the large white corn harvest comes in across northern Mexico. With corn and wheat prices falling some 20% in recent weeks, the government is buying up about 40% of the harvest from small and medium-scale farmers at higher prices with the goal of giving larger producers the bargaining power to then demand higher prices from the large grain-buyers that dominate the tortilla industry.

Swimming Against the Neoliberal Tide

With its commitment to public health, the environment, and increased domestic production of basic staples, the Mexican government is indeed swimming against strong neoliberal tides. Remarkably, it is doing so while still complying with its trade agreement with the United States and Canada.

Before U.S. trade officials further escalate the dispute over GM corn, they should look in the mirror and ask themselves if three decades of agricultural dumping are consistent with the rules of fair international trade. And why Mexico doesn’t have every right to ensure that its tortillas are not tainted with GM corn and glyphosate.

For more on the GM corn controversy, see IATP’s resource page, “Food Sovereignty, Trade, and Mexico’s GMO Corn Policies.”

IPS UN Bureau


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Conflict & Hunger Deeply Embedded in War-Ravaged Yemen

Abdulwasea Mohammed addressing UN Member States, UN agencies, fellow NGOs during Protection of Civilians Week last month. Credit: Oxfam

By Abdulwasea Mohammed
SANA’A, Yemen, Jun 6 2023 – During the week of May 21, the UN held its annual week dedicated to the Protection of Civilians. The themes of the week’s events, particularly the side events, I had the honor of participating in, mirrored many of the pressing issues in Yemen, as conflict continues.

While there is some hope as peace negotiations are underway, millions of Yemenis are still feeling the acute impacts of war. I had the opportunity to address some of the representatives of UN member states, UN agencies and fellow NGOs, who are taking a leading role on these issues, including Conflict and Hunger and Community-Led Approaches of Civilian Protection.

I also was able to share many of these key messages with members of US Congress and UN missions during my time in the US. As we look ahead, we need to see the conversations from the week put into action.

Conflict and hunger are deeply intertwined in Yemen, just as they are around the world – Conflict continues to be the top driver of extreme hunger. The humanitarian response including food, cash, clean water, is saving lives every day, but without clear signs for lasting peace, hunger and other potentially deadly challenges that cannot be ended in Yemen.

And in our case, the same can be said about economic factors – many continue to overlook the impact the shattered economy has had on pushing food insecurity to catastrophic levels. We need both inclusive peace and large-scale economic action to help Yemenis continue to survive and recover.

Restrictions on imports over the years, continued financial shocks and economic deterioration as well as increased prices of fuel and food commodities, and disruptions to livelihoods and services, have driven millions to hunger.

The World Bank has estimated that around half the 233,000 deaths in Yemen since 2015 are attributable to the indirect impact of the war – from lack of food, healthcare and infrastructure. What is even more painful is, in many areas, there is plenty of food in markets, but most Yemenis are not able to afford it.

The indirect impacts are overwhelming but this is also in addition, unfortunately, to very direct impacts on food production and essential infrastructure due to fighting. At Oxfam, we have documented farms being targeted, fishing boats being fired at, and unexploded ordnance, cluster munitions and landmines—all of them putting agricultural areas out of use.

To address all of these threats and their devastating impacts, we need community-based and community-led action. At the UN I spoke specifically about hunger and community-led protection, but this approach can be applied across humanitarian response and steps toward early recovery.

In times of crisis, community leaders, local organizations, and neighbors are the true first responders, arriving first and staying long after larger groups may have to leave. They are more effective in some ways, and have the knowledge to support the most vulnerable members of society. These groups need more resources to do their work effectively.

This is a concrete way for the aid community to make a difference in Yemen now and going forward – to reframe and revise support to community-based protection and funding to local organizations, with a focus on building trust over long-term relationships.

Donors should provide longer timeframes for organizations to accomplish the goals in a project and provide more flexible funding and support to truly build on the success of community-level work.

Yemen, just like all humanitarian responses, is a complicated place to work, and sometimes time runs out on funding, before a project even begins after dealing with security, logistical and bureaucratic challenges.

Of course, local groups alone cannot tackle one of the world’s largest humanitarian crises, and organizations like Oxfam should listen to their priorities, assess how to best support the work underway, and fill in the gaps to provide a complementary response.

Taking all of these risks and approaches into account, it is key that policies and programs addressing conflict-induced hunger address the specific needs and experiences of the most vulnerable, including women and displaced people.

All of these groups should be able to weigh in on issues impacting them as part of this an inclusive and effective humanitarian response, economic recovery, and sustainable peace.

Targeted programs to support their economic empowerment, such as providing access to finance, technical assistance, and market opportunities; and improving access to education all would make a massive difference for these groups, and for Yemen as a whole.

Above all, we have to address the root causes of the conflict and its impacts in a holistic way. For there to be progress, we must ensure that any negotiated peaceful resolution includes these same voices of women and other marginalized groups and addresses the underlying issues such as political and economic inequality that have contributed to the conflict and ensure no one is left behind.

I hope the Protection of Civilians Week was a point of reflection and a renewed call to action for those that gathered, as it was for me. Each context is unique, but there is much to learn from each other. I spoke at events alongside experts from the Lake Chad Basin, South Sudan, and more – and we all had something to learn from our successes, failures, and recommendations.

With more resources in the right hands alongside a recommitment to peace, Yemenis – along with those caught in similar spirals of hunger and insecurity – can have a hopeful way forward.

Abdulwasea Mohammed is Yemen Advocacy, Campaigns Media Manager at Oxfam.

IPS UN Bureau


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Getinge Selects Anaqua to Provide Single, Centralized IP Management Platform

BOSTON, June 06, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Anaqua, the leading innovation and intellectual property (IP) management technology provider, today announced that global medical technology company Getinge has selected Anaqua's AQX in order to consolidate the management of all its IP assets onto a single, centralized platform.

Founded in Sweden in 1904, Getinge provides hospitals and life science institutions in 133 countries with products and solutions that aim to improve clinical results and optimize workflows.

Anna Maria Lagerqvist Gahm, Head of IP & Digital Law at Getinge, said: "With our extensive range of products and solutions for intensive care, cardiovascular procedures, operating rooms, sterile reprocessing, life science and digital healthcare solutions and our strong international presence with operations in more than 40 countries worldwide, it was important to be able to improve the efficiency and coordination of our IP management by consolidating onto a centralized platform. AQX enables us to do that, while also providing highly integrated functionality in key areas such as analytics and invention management."

Bob Romeo, CEO of Anaqua, said: "Getinge focuses on helping its customers save lives through the products and solutions it develops, and on achieving its goal of becoming the world's most trusted and respected medtech company. We are delighted to be supporting Getinge on that journey by helping manage and protect the company's valuable IP assets. Anaqua continues to invest in offerings to meet and exceed the ever–evolving demands of the world's most innovative life science companies."

About Getinge

With a firm belief that every person and community should have access to the best possible care, Getinge provides hospitals and life science institutions with products and solutions that aim to improve clinical results and optimize workflows. The offering includes products and solutions for intensive care, cardiovascular procedures, operating rooms, sterile reprocessing and life science. Getinge employs over 11,000 people worldwide and the products are sold in 133 countries.

About Anaqua

Anaqua, Inc. is a premier provider of integrated intellectual property (IP) management technology solutions and services for corporations and law firms. Its IP management software solutions, AQX and PATTSY WAVE, both offer best practice workflows with big data analytics and tech–enabled services to create an intelligent environment designed to inform IP strategy, enable IP decision–making, and streamline IP operations, tailored to each segment's need. Today, nearly half of the top 100 U.S. patent filers and global brands, as well as a growing number of law firms worldwide use Anaqua's solutions. Over one million IP executives, attorneys, paralegals, administrators, and innovators use the platform for their IP management needs. The company's global operations are headquartered in Boston, with offices across the U.S., Europe, and Asia. For additional information, please visit, or on LinkedIn.

Company Contact:
Amanda Glagolev
Director, Communications

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8852728)

Getinge wählt zentralisierte IP-Management-Plattform von Anaqua

BOSTON und MÜNCHEN, June 06, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Anaqua, der fhrende Technologieanbieter fr Innovation und Management von geistigem Eigentum (IP), gab heute bekannt, dass sich das globale Medizintechnik–Unternehmen Getinge fr die AQX–Plattform von Anaqua entschieden hat, um die Verwaltung aller seiner IP–Assets an einem einzigen, zentralen Ort zu konsolidieren.

Getinge wurde 1904 in Schweden gegrndet und versorgt Krankenhuser und Life–Science–Einrichtungen in 133 Lndern mit Produkten und Lsungen, die darauf abzielen, klinische Ergebnisse zu verbessern und Arbeitsablufe zu optimieren.

Anna Maria Lagerqvist Gahm, Leiterin IP & Digital Law bei Getinge, sagte: "Mit unserem umfangreichen Angebot an Produkten und Lsungen fr Intensivpflege, Herz–Kreislauf–Eingriffe, Operationssle, sterile Aufbereitung, Life Science und digitale Gesundheitslsungen und unserer starken internationalen Prsenz in mehr als 40 Lndern war es wichtig, die Effizienz und Koordination unseres IP–Managements durch die Konsolidierung auf einer zentralen Plattform zu verbessern. AQX ermglicht uns dies und bietet gleichzeitig hochintegrierte Funktionalitten zum Beispiel bei Analyse und Erfindungs–Management."

Bob Romeo, CEO von Anaqua, sagte: "Getinge konzentriert sich darauf, seinen Kunden durch die entwickelten Produkte und Lsungen dabei zu helfen, Leben zu retten, und hat das Ziel, zum weltweit vertrauenswrdigsten und angesehensten Medizintechnik–Unternehmen zu werden. Wir freuen uns, Getinge auf diesem Weg zu begleiten, indem wir bei der Verwaltung und dem Schutz der wertvollen geistigen Eigentumswerte des Unternehmens untersttzen. Anaqua bleibt weiter aktiv, um den sich stndig weiterentwickelnden Anforderungen der innovativsten Life–Science–Unternehmen der Welt gerecht zu werden und diese zu bertreffen."

ber Getinge

Mit der festen berzeugung, dass jeder Mensch und jede Gemeinschaft Zugang zur bestmglichen medizinischen Versorgung haben sollte, versorgt Getinge Krankenhuser und Life–Science–Einrichtungen mit Produkten und Lsungen, die darauf abzielen, klinische Ergebnisse zu verbessern und Arbeitsablufe zu optimieren. Das Angebot umfasst Produkte und Lsungen fr die Intensivpflege, Herz–Kreislauf–Eingriffe, Operationssle, Sterilgutaufbereitung und Life Science. Getinge beschftigt weltweit ber 11.000 Mitarbeiter und die Produkte werden in 133 Lndern verkauft.

ber Anaqua

Anaqua, Inc. ist ein fhrender Anbieter von integrierten Technologielsungen und Dienstleistungen fr das Management von geistigem Eigentum (IP) fr Unternehmen und Anwaltskanzleien. Seine Softwarelsungen fr das IP–Management, AQX und PATTSY WAVE , bieten Best–Practice–Workflows mit Big–Data–Analysen und technologiegesttzten Diensten, um eine intelligente Umgebung zu schaffen, die die IP–Strategie informiert, die Entscheidungsfindung im IP–Bereich ermglicht und die IP–Ablufe rationalisiert, zugeschnitten auf die Bedrfnisse der einzelnen Segmente. Heute nutzen fast die Hlfte der 100 grten US–Patentanmelder und globalen Marken sowie eine wachsende Zahl von Anwaltskanzleien weltweit die Lsungen von Anaqua. Mehr als eine Million IP–Fhrungskrfte, Anwlte, Rechtsanwaltsgehilfen, Administratoren und Innovatoren nutzen die Plattform fr ihre IP–Management–Anforderungen. Der Hauptsitz des Unternehmens befindet sich in Boston, mit Niederlassungen in den USA, Europa, Australien und Asien. Fr weitere Informationen besuchen Sie bitte oder LinkedIn.

Company Contact:
Amanda Glagolev
Director, Communications

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8852728)

Does Artificial Intelligence Need a Regulatory UN Watchdog?

By Thalif Deen
UNITED NATIONS, Jun 6 2023 – The frighteningly rapid advances in artificial intelligence (AI) have triggered the question: is there a UN role for monitoring and regulating it?

Citing a report from the Center for AI Safety, the New York Times reported last week that a group of over 350 AI industry leaders warned that artificial intelligence poses a growing new danger to humanity –and should be considered a “societal risk on a par with pandemics and nuclear wars”.

In a statement in its website, OPENAI founders Greg Brockman and Ilya Sutskever, along with chief executive Sam Altman, say that to regulate the risks of AI systems, there should be “an international watchdog, similar to the International Atomic Energy Agency (a Vienna-based UN agency) that promotes the peaceful uses of nuclear energy”.

“Given the possibility of existential risk, we can’t just be reactive,” they warned in a joint statement last week.

The UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), which hosted more than 40 ministers at an groundbreaking online meeting on May 26, said less than 10 per cent of schools and universities follow formal guidance on using wildly popular artificial intelligence (AI) tools, like the chatbot software ChatGPT.

Asked about a UN role in AI, Ambassador Anwarul Chowdhury, former Under-Secretary-General and High Representative of the United Nations told IPS UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres in his report titled Our Common Agenda (OCA) issued in September 2021 promises, “to work with Member States to establish an Emergency Platform to respond to complex global crises.”

“The platform would not be a new permanent or standing body or institution. It would be triggered automatically in crises of sufficient scale and magnitude, regardless of the type or nature of the crisis involved.”

AI is undoubtedly one of such “complex global crises” and it is high time now for the Secretary-General to formally share his thinking on how he plans to address the challenge, said Ambassador Chowdhury, founder of the Global Movement for The Culture of Peace.

He pointed out that it will be too late for the Summit of the Future, convened by the Secretary-General in September 2024, to discuss a global regulatory regime for AI under UN authority. In that timeframe, he argued, AI technology would manifest itself in a way that no global governance would be possible.

Robert Whitfield, Chair, One World Trust and the Transitional Working Group on AI, told IPS the point about the UN and AI is that AI desperately needs global governance and the UN is the natural home of such governance.

At present, he pointed out, the UN is preparing a Global Digital Compact or approval in September 2024 which should include Artificial Intelligence.

”But in reality, the UN is hardly at the starting block on AI governance, whereas the Council of Europe, where I am at the moment, is deep in its negotiation of a Framework Convention for AI,” said Whitfield, who is also chair of the World Federalist Movement/Institute of Global Policy.

The Council of Europe’s work is limited to the impact on human rights, democracy, and rule of law – but these are wide-ranging issues.

Whilst participation in Council of Europe Treaties is much wider than the European Union, with other countries being welcomed as signatories, he said, it is not truly global in scope and any UN agreement can be expected to be more broadly based.

“The key advantage of the UN is that it would seek to include all countries, including Russia and China, arguably the country with the strongest AI sector in the world”, Whitfield said.

One can envisage therefore a two-step process:

    • An initial international agreement within the Council of Europe emerging first of all, following the finalization of the EU AI Act
    • And a global UN Framework Convention on Artificial Intelligence being developed later, perhaps following the establishment of a multi-stakeholder forum on AI governance. Such a Convention might well include the establishment of an agency equivalent to the International Atomic Energy Agency as called for most recently by the Elders.

Andreas Bummel, Executive Director, Democracy Without Borders, told IPS: “UN governance of AI should go beyond the usual intergovernmental mechanisms and give citizen-elected representatives a key role through a global parliamentary body”.

The scope of such a parliamentary assembly could be expanded to other issues and enhance the UN’s inclusive and representative character not just in the field of AI, he added.

As generative AI reshapes the global conversation on the impact of artificial intelligence, the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the UN’s specialized agency for information and communication technologies, will host the 2023 “AI for Good Global Summit” July 6-7 in Geneva.

The two-day event will showcase AI and robot technology as part of a global dialogue on how artificial intelligence and robotics can serve as forces for good, and support the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, according to ITU.

The event will host the UN’s first robot press conference, featuring a Q&A with registered journalists. Overall, more than 40 robots specialized for humanitarian and development tasks will be on display alongside events with industry executives, government officials, and thought leaders on AI and tech.

Meanwhile, a group of UN-appointed human rights experts warn that AI-powered spyware and disinformation is on the rise, and regulation of the space has become urgent.

In a statement June 2, the experts said that emerging technologies, including artificial intelligence-based biometric surveillance systems, are increasingly being used “in sensitive contexts”, without individuals’ knowledge or consent.

“Urgent and strict regulatory red lines are needed for technologies that claim to perform emotion or gender recognition,” said the experts, including Fionnuala Ní Aoláin, Special Rapporteur on “the promotion and protection of human rights while countering terrorism”.

The experts, appointed by the UN Human Rights Council, condemned the already “alarming” use and impacts of spyware and surveillance technologies on the work of human rights defenders and journalists, “often under the guise of national security and counter-terrorism measures”.

They have also called for regulation to address the lightning-fast development of generative AI that’s enabling mass production of fake online content which spreads disinformation and hate speech.

IPS UN Bureau Report


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