FedEx e Floship Formam Parceria Comercial para Oferta do Futuro do E-Commerce

HONG KONG, June 14, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A FedEx Corp. (NYSE: A FDX) e a Floship, fornecedora lder global de solues de cadeias de suprimentos circulares para marcas de e–commerce, anunciaram hoje a criao de uma parceria projetada para fornecer servios aprimorados de atendimento e logstica para varejistas eletrnicos em todo o mundo.

Com o investimento da FedEx Innovation Lab (FIL), a parceria criar uma soluo completa de atendimento e devoluo digitalizada, aprimorando a eficincia operacional por meio do gerenciamento ideal do estoque e da melhor entrega da categoria com os servios da FedEx.

Essa parceria proporcionar aos clientes de e–commerce da FedEx acesso rede global de depsitos da Floship e aos recursos da potente plataforma de logstica para agilizar suas operaes de atendimento de e–commerce. Os clientes da Floship podero aproveitar as redes globais da FedEx, bem como uma ampla gama de opes de transporte da FedEx para otimizar suas operaes.

Alm disso, os clientes de e–commerce transfronteirio da FedEx e da Floship na sia–Pacfico, Oriente Mdio e frica, Europa e Amrica do Norte tero acesso a atendimento aprimorado e entrega de ltima milha, bem como a devolues descomplicadas.

"Parcerias como essa nos ajudaro a acelerar a forma como reimaginamos o futuro da logstica", disse Salil Chari, vice–presidente snior de Marketing e Experincia do Cliente para a regio sia–Pacfico, Oriente Mdio e frica (AMEA) da FedEx Express. "As vendas de e–commerce continuam a aumentar em todo o mundo. Com a crescente mudana para compras online, os consumidores esto procurando um servio integral "" que abranja prazos de entrega e devolues fceis, e experincias personalizadas. Os varejistas eletrnicos tambm esto querendo melhorar os nveis de servio, otimizao das suas operaes e reduo dos custos de atendimento. A colaborao com inovadores do setor, como a Floship, ajudar os varejistas online a competir melhor, apoiados pela rede de logstica global da FedEx."

Falando sobre a parceria, Joshua Tsui, CEO da Floship, disse: "A Floship est entusiasmadssima para trabalhar ao lado da FedEx para redefinir o cenrio global de atendimento de e–commerce. Com cada vez mais consumidores em todo o mundo utilizando o e–commerce, as empresas devem se unir para fornecer aos clientes solues inovadoras que redefinam a cadeia de suprimentos linear tradicional. A nossa colaborao tem como objetivo mtuo fornecer s marcas de e–commerce e varejistas online uma completa soluo de cadeia de suprimentos bidirecional que permita que as marcas tenham um crescimento como uma taxa exponencial e, ao mesmo tempo, ofeream uma experincia superior ao cliente."

A FedEx Innovation Lab (FIL) faz investimentos iniciais em startups em ascenso principalmente na ndia. Essas colaboraes iro agregar valor adicional em termos de capacidade e velocidade de lanamento no mercado para empresas iniciantes por meio das redes globais, recursos e base de clientes da FedEx. As colaboraes tambm ajudaro a expandir os recursos digitais avanados da FedEx em todo o mundo, durante a evoluo das suas operaes e ofertas de produtos para atender s necessidades da cadeia de suprimentos moderna. Este o segundo investimento da FIL.

Sobre a FedEx Corp.

A FedEx Corp. (NYSE: A FDX) fornece aos clientes e empresas em todo o mundo um amplo portflio de servios de transporte, e–commerce e negcios. Com uma receita anual de US$93 bilhes, a empresa oferece solues de negcios integradas por meio de empresas que operam competindo coletivamente, operando de forma colaborativa e inovando digitalmente como uma FedEx. Consistentemente classificada entre os empregadores mais admirados e confiveis do mundo, a FedEx inspira seus mais de 530.000 funcionrios a permanecerem focados na segurana, nos mais altos padres ticos e profissionais, e nas necessidades dos seus clientes e comunidades. A FedEx est empenhada em conectar pessoas e possibilidades em todo o mundo, de forma responsvel e criativa, com o objetivo de alcanar operaes neutras em carbono at 2040. Para mais informao, visite, ou siga–nos no LinkedIn, e Facebook.

Os comunicados de imprensa da FedEx Express esto disponveis no site

Saiba mais sobre as mais recentes informaes do setor de logstica em:"
FedEx Business Insights"

Sobre a Floship
As solues de ecossistema de cadeia de suprimentos circular global da Floship abrangem todos os aspectos da cadeia de suprimentos global, garantindo um esforo operacional mnimo para as empresas de e–commerce e permitindo que os proprietrios de empresas se concentrem em impulsionar o crescimento com a flexibilidade do investimento e, ao mesmo tempo, ter tranquilidade.

Saiba mais em ou siga–nos no LinkedIn,

Para mais informaes sobre a Floship, contate:

James Linacre, Lder de Relaes Pblicas e Comunicaes

Telefone: (+852) 5333 9420




GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8858184)

FedEx et Floship forment un partenariat commercial pour offrir les solutions de l'avenir d'e-commerce

HONG KONG, 14 juin 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — FedEx Corp. (NYSE : FDX) et Floship, l'un des principaux fournisseurs mondiaux de solutions de chanes d'approvisionnement circulaires pour les marques d'e–commerce, ont annonc aujourd'hui un partenariat visant fournir des services d'excution et de logistique amliors aux dtaillants en ligne du monde entier.

Grce l'investissement de FedEx Innovation Lab (FIL), le partenariat permettra de crer une solution numrique de bout en bout pour l'excution et le retour de commandes, amliorant l'efficacit oprationnelle au moyen d'une gestion optimale des stocks et d'une livraison de premier ordre utilisant les services de FedEx.

Ce partenariat permettra aux clients de FedEx oprant dans l'e–commerce d'accder au rseau mondial d'entrepts de Floship et aux puissantes capacits de sa plateforme logistique afin de rationaliser leurs oprations d'excution du commerce en ligne. Dans le mme temps, les clients de Floship seront en mesure de tirer parti des rseaux FedEx mondiaux ainsi que de toute une gamme d'options de transport FedEx tendues afin d'optimiser leurs oprations.

De plus, les clients de FedEx et Floship oprant dans l'e–commerce transfrontalier en Asie–Pacifique, au Moyen–Orient et en Afrique, en Europe et en Amrique du Nord auront accs une meilleure excution des commandes, une livraison au dernier kilomtre, ainsi qu' des retours sans tracas.

Des partenariats comme celui–ci nous aideront acclrer la faon dont nous repensons l'avenir de la logistique , a dclar Salil Chari, vice–prsident snior du marketing et de l'exprience client pour la rgion Asie–Pacifique, Moyen–Orient et Afrique (AMEA) de FedEx Express. Les ventes d'e–commerce continuent de crotre dans le monde entier1. Avec la transition croissante en faveur des achats en ligne, les consommateurs sont la recherche d'un service harmonieux, qu'il s'agisse des dlais de livraison, de retours faciles ou d'expriences personnalises2. Dans le mme temps, les dtaillants en ligne cherchent amliorer les niveaux de service tout en optimisant leurs oprations et en rduisant leurs cots de service. Collaborer avec des innovateurs du secteur tels que Floship aidera les dtaillants en ligne tre plus comptitifs en s'appuyant sur le rseau logistique mondial de FedEx.

propos du partenariat, Joshua Tsui, PDG de Floship, a dclar : Floship se rjouit rellement de travailler aux cts de FedEx pour redfinir le paysage mondial de l'excution des commandes en ligne. Alors que les consommateurs du monde entier sont de plus en plus nombreux adopter l'e–commerce, les entreprises doivent s'unir pour offrir leurs clients des solutions innovantes qui redfinissent la chane d'approvisionnement linaire traditionnelle. En mettant cette collaboration sur le march, notre objectif mutuel est de fournir aux marques et aux dtaillants d'e–commerce une solution de chane d'approvisionnement bidirectionnelle unique et complte qui permette aux marques de crotre un rythme exponentiel tout en offrant une exprience client de qualit suprieure.

FedEx Innovation Lab (FIL) ralise des investissements prcoces dans des start–ups en plein essor, principalement en Inde. Ces collaborations apporteront une valeur ajoute en termes de capacits et de rapidit de mise sur le march aux jeunes entreprises grce aux rseaux, aux ressources et la base de clients de FedEx l'chelle mondiale. Ces collaborations permettront galement d'tendre les capacits numriques avances de FedEx l'chelle mondiale, alors que l'entreprise continue faire voluer ses oprations et ses offres de produits pour rpondre aux besoins de la chane d'approvisionnement moderne. Il s'agit du deuxime investissement de FIL.

propos de FedEx Corp.

FedEx Corp. (NYSE : FDX) propose un vaste portefeuille de services de transport, d'e–commerce et d'affaires aux clients et entreprises du monde entier. Avec un chiffre d'affaires annuel de 93 milliards de dollars, la socit propose des solutions de commerce intgr travers des socits d'exploitation "uvrant de manire collective et collaborative, et innovant sur le plan numrique comme une seule FedEx. L'entreprise tant constamment classe parmi les employeurs les plus admirs et rputs au monde, FedEx inspire ses plus de 530 000 employs afin qu'ils restent concentrs sur la scurit, les normes thiques et professionnelles les plus leves, ainsi que les besoins de leurs clients et communauts. FedEx est dtermine lier les gens et les possibilits travers le monde de manire responsable et ingnieuse, dans le but de parvenir des oprations neutres en carbone d'ici 2040. Pour en savoir plus, veuillez consulter la page, ou suivez–nous sur LinkedIn et Facebook.

Les communiqus de presse FedEx Express sont disponibles sur le World Wide Web l'adresse

Pour en savoir plus sur les dernires informations dans l'industrie de la logistique, veuillez consulter :"
FedEx Business Insights"

propos de Floship
Les solutions d'cosystme de chane d'approvisionnement circulaire mondiales de Floship couvrent tous les aspects de la chane d'approvisionnement mondiale, assurant des efforts oprationnels minimaux pour les entreprises d'e–commerce et permettant aux propritaires d'entreprises de se concentrer sur la stimulation de la croissance avec de la flexibilit en termes d'investissements, tout en gagnant en tranquillit d'esprit.

Pour en savoir plus, rendez–vous sur ou suivez–nous sur LinkedIn.

Pour tout complment d'information propos de Floship, veuillez contacter :

James Linacre, Responsable des RP et communications

Tl. : (+852) 5333 9420

E–mail :



GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8858184)

FedEx und Floship gehen eine kommerzielle Partnerschaft für E-Commerce-Dienstleistungen der Zukunft ein

HONG KONG, June 14, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — FedEx Corp. (NYSE: FDX) und Floship, ein fhrender globaler Anbieter von zirkulren Lieferkettenlsungen fr E–Commerce–Marken, haben heute eine Partnerschaft bekanntgegeben, die darauf abzielt, E–Commerce–Hndlern weltweit verbesserte Auftragsabwicklungs– und Logistikdienstleistungen anzubieten.

Durch die Investition des FedEx Innovation Lab (FIL) wird die Partnerschaft eine durchgngig digitalisierte Abwicklungs– und Rcksendungslsung schaffen, die die betriebliche Effizienz durch optimales Bestandsmanagement und erstklassige Zustellung mit FedEx–Dienstleistungen steigert.

Diese Partnerschaft ermglicht E–Commerce–Kunden von FedEx Zugang zum globalen Lagernetzwerk von Floship und zu den Mglichkeiten der leistungsstarken Logistikplattform, um ihre Auftagsabwicklungsaktivitten im E–Commerce–Bereich zu rationalisieren. Gleichzeitig werden die Kunden von Floship in der Lage sein, die globalen Netzwerke von FedEx sowie die gesamte Palette der umfangreichen Transportoptionen von FedEx zu nutzen, um ihre Ablufe zu optimieren.

Darber hinaus erhalten die E–Commerce–Kunden von FedEx und Floship mit grenzberschreitender Ttigkeit im asiatisch–pazifischen Raum, im Nahen Osten und in Afrika, in Europa und in Nordamerika Zugang zu verbesserter Auftragsabwicklung, Zustellung auf der letzten Meile sowie zu problemlosen Retouren.

"Partnerschaften wie diese werden uns dabei helfen, die Zukunft der Logistik schneller zu gestalten", so Salil Chari, Senior Vice President, Marketing and Customer Experience fr die Region Asien–Pazifik, Naher Osten und Afrika (AMEA) bei FedEx Express. "Die Umstze im E–Commerce wachsen weiterhin weltweit1. Mit der zunehmenden Verlagerung zum Online–Einkauf suchen die Verbraucher nach einem nahtlosen Service "" von Lieferzeiten und einfachen Retouren bis hin zu personalisierten Erfahrungen2. Gleichzeitig sind E–Tailer bestrebt, das Serviceniveau zu verbessern, ihre Ablufe zu optimieren und ihre Servicekosten zu senken. Die Zusammenarbeit mit Brancheninnovatoren wie Floship wird Online–Hndlern helfen, mit Untersttzung des globalen Logistiknetzwerks von FedEx noch konkurrenzfhiger zu sein."

Joshua Tsui, CEO von Floship, zur Partnerschaft: "Floship ist begeistert, mit FedEx zusammenzuarbeiten, um die globale Landschaft der Auftragsabwicklung im E–Commerce–Bereich neu zu definieren. Da immer mehr Verbraucher auf der ganzen Welt E–Commerce anbieten, mssen die Unternehmen zusammenarbeiten, um den Kunden innovative Lsungen anzubieten, die die traditionelle lineare Lieferkette neu definieren. Unser gemeinsames Ziel ist es, E–Commerce–Marken und Einzelhndlern eine umfassende Zwei–Wege–Lieferkettenlsung aus einer Hand zu bieten, die es Marken ermglicht, exponentiell zu wachsen und gleichzeitig ein hervorragendes Kundenerlebnis zu bieten."

Das FedEx Innovation Lab (FIL) ttigt Investitionen in aufstrebende Start–ups in der Frhphase vor allem in Indien. Diese Kooperationen werden den Start–up–Unternehmen durch die globalen Netzwerke, Ressourcen und den Kundenstamm von FedEx einen zustzlichen Nutzen in Form von Fhigkeiten und schneller Marktreife bringen. Die Kooperationen werden auch dazu beitragen, die fortschrittlichen digitalen Fhigkeiten von FedEx weltweit zu erweitern, da das Unternehmen seine Betriebsablufe und Produktangebote weiterentwickelt, um den Anforderungen der modernen Lieferkette gerecht zu werden. Dies ist die zweite Investition der FIL.

ber FedEx Corp.

FedEx Corp. (NYSE: FDX) bietet Kunden und Unternehmen weltweit ein breites Portfolio an Transport–, E–Commerce– und Unternehmensdienstleistungen. Mit einem Jahresumsatz von 93 Mrd. US–Dollar bietet das Unternehmen integrierte Geschftslsungen durch Betriebsgesellschaften an, die als ein FedEx gemeinsam im Wettbewerb stehen, zusammenarbeiten und digital innovativ sind. FedEx zhlt zu den weltweit angesehensten und vertrauenswrdigsten Arbeitgebern und spornt seine mehr als 530.000 Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter an, sich auf Sicherheit, hchste ethische und professionelle Standards und die Bedrfnisse ihrer Kunden und Gemeinden zu konzentrieren. FedEx hat sich verpflichtet, Menschen und Mglichkeiten auf der ganzen Welt verantwortungsbewusst und ressourcenschonend zu verbinden, mit dem Ziel, bis 2040 einen klimaneutralen Betrieb zu erreichen. Um mehr zu erfahren, besuchen Sie bitte, oder folgen Sie uns auf LinkedIn und Facebook.

Die Pressemitteilungen von FedEx Express sind im World Wide Web unter verfgbar.

Weitere Informationen ber die neuesten Erkenntnisse in der Logistikbranche finden Sie hier:"
FedEx Business Insights"

ber Floship
Die Lsungen von Floship fr ein globales, zirkulres Lieferketten–kosystem decken alle Aspekte der globalen Lieferkette ab. Sie gewhrleisten einen minimalen Betriebsaufwand fr E–Commerce–Unternehmen und ermglichen es den Geschftsinhabern, sich auf die Frderung des Wachstums zu konzentrieren und gleichzeitig Investitionsflexibilitt zu gewinnen.

Mehr Informationen unter, oder folgen Sie uns auf LinkedIn.

Fr weitere Informationen ber Floship wenden Sie sich bitte an:

James Linacre, PR & Communications Lead

Telefon: (+852) 5333 9420




GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8858184)

Anaqua to Host Annual User Experience Conference with Keynotes from BASF, Copyright Clearance Center, and IBM

BOSTON, June 14, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Anaqua, the leading innovation and intellectual property (IP) management technology provider, today announces the keynote speakers and session line–up for its 2023 Anaqua Experience Conference (AEC). The AEC brings together IP and business leaders from across the globe to discuss key industry issues and the future of IP. Attendees will hear from industry experts as they share trends, insights, and best practices; engage in networking events to promote industry collaboration; and participate in training sessions to help further enhance their IP management.

"We are honored to serve the most innovative companies and law firms across the globe with our leading end–to–end, corporate, and law firm–focused IP management solutions," said Bob Romeo, CEO of Anaqua. "Our client conference provides an opportunity for the IP community to engage with each other and with the Anaqua team as we partner to succeed in the constantly changing IP environment."

The conference's keynote speakers include:

  • Dr. Markus Braun, Head of IP Operations, BASF
  • Tracey Armstrong, President and CEO, Copyright Clearance Center
  • William R. LaFontaine, General Manager, IP, Vice President, Research Business Development, IBM Corporation

"One of the best things about The Anaqua Experience Conference is how interactive it is," said Aileen Buchanan, Vice President, Client Success of Anaqua. "After years of virtual conferences, we are looking forward to gathering with our client community in one place to facilitate discussions on industry issues and challenges, exchanging views and insights, while strengthening our long–term partnership with clients. This ongoing, invaluable collaboration with our clients is part of what we call "The Anaqua Experience.'"

Anaqua will also host several sessions by leading international IP practitioners, including:

  • Christof Wolpert, VP Global Legal Innovation, adidas
  • Michelle Sympson, Manager, Global IP Administration, ASM
  • Halim Shehadeh, CEO, CWB Legal
  • Maxwell Adams, Patent Systems Operations Manager, Dolby
  • Benjamin Brown, Chief IP Counsel, Onto Innovation
  • Linda Kasulke, IP Paralegal, Rockwell Automation
  • Satoshi Ikeda, Senior Manager, IP, Sony
  • Michelle L. Saitz, IP Practice Support Services Supervisor, Thompson Coburn
  • Allyson L. Campbell, IP System Administrator, Thompson Coburn
  • Matthew Luby, Group Director, IP Analytics, TTI
  • And more.

The 2023 AEC will be held at the MGM National Harbor Hotel in Oxon Hill, Maryland, USA from June 26–29. Registration remains open until June 26. To register for the event and learn more about the session line–up, visit

About Anaqua

Anaqua, Inc. is a premier provider of integrated intellectual property (IP) management technology solutions and services for corporations and law firms. Its IP management software solutions, AQX and PATTSY WAVE, both offer best practice workflows with big data analytics and tech–enabled services to create an intelligent environment designed to inform IP strategy, enable IP decision–making, and streamline IP operations, tailored to each segment's need. Today, nearly half of the top 100 U.S. patent filers and global brands, as well as a growing number of law firms worldwide use Anaqua's solutions. Over one million IP executives, attorneys, paralegals, administrators, and innovators use the platform for their IP management needs. The company's global operations are headquartered in Boston, with offices across the U.S., Europe, and Asia. For additional information, please visit, or on LinkedIn.

Company Contact:
Amanda Glagolev
Director, Communications

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8857830)

New Study into Online Gambling Finds Link between Health Conditions and Excessive Screen Time

LONDON, June 14, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Leading iGaming brand, Minimum Deposit Casinos (MDC), has carried out a month–long comprehensive study analysing health concerns linked to online gambling and excessive screen/device use. The objective of the study is in line with raising awareness and helping strengthen interventions to promote and encourage responsible online gambling practices. One of main findings was that 41% of online gamblers surveyed experienced anxiety or depression.

The focus of the May 2023 research – emanating from too much screen use – related to health conditions such as stress, anxiety, headaches, depression, neck and back pain, sleep disorders and insomnia. Hundreds of online gamblers were surveyed across four countries – Canada, New Zealand, United Kingdom, and the United States. Minimum Deposit Casinos found life–changing insights into the connection between online gambling habits and these health concerns. This will be used to create more sustainable approaches for improving and helping online users limit screen time for their overall well–being in future.

Key Findings

Key findings from the study revealed significant trends across all four countries. It was observed that a substantial proportion of gamblers experienced stress or anxiety, with mobile devices being the preferred platform for online gambling. It also outlined the prevalence of headaches and migraines among gamblers, which indicates a link between the frequency of online gambling and the occurrence of these conditions.

The study further revealed the widespread presence of depression, sleep disorders, and insomnia among gamblers in all four nations. These health concerns were more prevalent among those who spent a large portion of their screen time on gambling activities.

The complete report outlining the methodology and results can be found here:–the–online–gambling–habits–and–health–concerns–in–the–uk–ca–nz–us/

About Minimum Deposit Casinos brings you accurate and up–to–date information about the best online casinos worldwide. Created by a team of online casino experts, Minimum Deposit Casinos aims to provide valuable insights and promote responsible online practices for users worldwide.

An infographic accompanying this announcement is available at–ff61–4588–b8a1–78379463ad89

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000825186)

Massive Fish Mortality Strikes Kashmir’s Lake, Threatens Livelihoods

Thousands of dead fish in Dal Lake, Kashmir, are of concern to fishers, who make a living off the lake. Credit: Umar Manzoor Shah/IPS

Thousands of dead fish in Dal Lake, Kashmir, are of concern to fishers, who make a living off the lake. Credit: Umar Manzoor Shah/IPS

By Umar Manzoor Shah
SRINAGAR, Indian Kashmir, Jun 14 2023 – Abdul Lateef Dar, a 45-year-old man living on the outskirts of Kashmir’s renowned Dal Lake, relies on the lake’s fish for food and income.

On the morning of May 26, 2023, Dar followed his usual routine, preparing his fishing tools and heading toward the lake. Initially, he noticed a few lifeless fish floating on the lake’s surface, which he considered a common sight. However, as the morning haze lifted, Dar looked at the lake with horror. The lake was filled with thousands of dead fish, resembling dry and withered branches. Dar urgently called out to fellow fishers and showed them the distressing scene.

Soon, hundreds of fishermen and their families gathered along the lake’s shore, witnessing the devastating scale of the fish mortality.

Dar recounted how he began fishing with his father at 14, relying on the lake for his livelihood. He expressed deep anguish at the devastation. Overnight, thousands of fish had perished, dealing a severe blow to his livelihood and that of countless others who depend on fishing and selling fish in the market.

“But I have never ever seen such devastation – it’s like a doomsday. Not hundreds but thousands of fish are dead overnight. This is the heaviest blow to my livelihood, and there are thousands like me whose livelihood is directly dependent upon catching fish and selling them in the market. What will we sell now, and what is there to catch?” Dar lamented.

The Hanjis community has lived around Dal Lake for centuries, and its main occupation is fishing. They are considered the poorest community in the valley – and they only own a few belongings and live a simple life. Because of their reliance on fishing since ancient times, the community, estimated at about 40 000 people, is more vulnerable than the others in Kashmir’s local populace.

In Srinagar, Jammu, and Kashmir, Dal Lake is a famous and iconic body of water with enormous cultural and ecological value. It is frequently referred to as Kashmir’s “jewel.”

The formation of Dal Lake is believed to have been caused as a result of tectonic action and glacial processes. It is surrounded by magnificent mountains and has a surface area of around 18 square kilometers.

The mass fish deaths widespread panic among the locals and particularly those families whose livelihood is directly dependent on the lake.

The region’s government said its scientific wing had made an initial examination to ascertain the cause of fish mortality and said the deaths were caused due to “thermal stratification”– a change in the temperature at different depths of the lake.

Bashir Ahmad Bhat, the most senior officer of Kashmir’s Lakes and Conservation Management Authority, told IPS that the samples had been collected more analysis is ongoing.

“Although we have collected samples for a thorough analysis, the fish (seemed to have) died as a result of heat stratification, a common occurrence. There is no need to be alarmed; fish as little as two to three inches have perished. We have collected samples of the dead fish in the research lab of our department to find out the precise reason why the fish in the lake died; we are awaiting the official results,” Bhat said.

However, for experts and research scholars, fish mortality in the water body could be a prelude to more troubled times ahead.

Zahid Ahmad Qazi, a research scholar, told IPS that the spike in pollution level is severely affecting the lake’s biodiversity and is causing huge stress to the lake’s fish fauna. He says the unchecked construction around the lake and liquid and solid wastes going into the lake’s water has begun to show drastic impacts.

A research paper published by the Indian Journal of Extension Education in 2022 highlighted the same fact.

“Over the years, the water quality of Dal Lake has deteriorated, causing adverse impacts on its fish fauna. The endemic Schizothorax fish populations have declined considerably owing to the pollution and introduction of exotics. At the same time, the total fish production of the lake has not increased much over the last few decades. The lack of proper governance, policy regulations, and coordination between government agencies and fishers adds more negative impact to this,” the research paper concluded.

The Department of Lakes and Waterways Development Authority, tasked with the protection of the lakes in Kashmir, indicated there were various plans underway to save the Dal Lake and its biodiversity. The department, according to its officials, is uprooting water lilies with traditional methods and weeding the lake using the latest machinery so that the surface is freed from weeds and its fish production increases.

However, in 2018 research done by Humaira Qadri and A. R. Yousuf from the Department of Environmental Science, University of Kashmir, the government, despite spending USD 3 million on the conservation of the lake so far, there has been no visible improvement in its condition. “A lack of proper management and restoration plan and the incidence of engineered but ecologically unsound management practices have led to a failure in the conservation efforts,” reveals the research.

It concluded that conservation efforts have proved to be a failure. It adds that the apathy of the managing authorities has resulted in the deterioration of the lake.

“There is a need to formulate a proper ecologically sound management plan for the lake encompassing all the environmental components of the lake ecosystem and thus help to conserve the lake in a real ecological sense,” the research stated.

IPS UN Bureau Report


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Asia and Middle East sovereign wealth funds drive AUM growth — Preqin reports

LONDON, June 14, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Today Preqin, the global leader empowering the alternatives community with essential data and insight, published its Sovereign Wealth Funds 2023 report. The report provides data and analysis on key trends in the sovereign wealth funds landscape*, as these investors look towards making enhanced allocations to alternative assets, as well as narrowing the gap between actual and target allocations.

The report demonstrates that alternative assets will continue to have a place in the portfolios of sovereign wealth funds if they provide diversification benefits and good risk–adjusted returns. With their abundant financial resources and increasingly sophisticated investment teams, sovereign wealth funds have the kind of capital that can give them access to top–performing funds.

Preqin's Sovereign Wealth Funds Report 2023 key facts:

  • Assets under Management (AUM): In the last decade, global sovereign wealth funds have doubled their AUM total to $10.4tn by the end of Q1 2023.
  • Asia: Asia's sovereign wealth funds led the increase in AUM, standing at $4.3tn by the end of Q1 2023. Notably, China Investment Corporation's total AUM of $1.35tn surpassed Norway's Government Pension Fund Global (GPFG) AUM of $1.2tn to become the largest sovereign wealth fund in the world.
  • Middle East: The Middle East is home to some of the largest sovereign wealth funds which hold the second most in AUM of all regions globally, behind Asia. At $3.7tn, they account for 36% of the global sovereign wealth fund AUM.
  • Allocations: Allocations of sovereign wealth funds to alternative assets as percentages of total allocations increased between 2021 and March 2023 in all asset classes, except for infrastructure. The biggest increase in the current median allocation was in real estate, from 6.5% in 2021 to 8.6%, by the end of Q1 2023.
  • ESG: Sovereign wealth funds are influential in promoting environmental, social and governance (ESG) goals. Sovereign wealth funds with an ESG policy represent 59% of total sovereign wealth fund AUM, up 5 percentage points from 54% in 2021.

Middle Eastern sovereign wealth funds show increased appetite for alternatives

As the sheer amount of fresh capital managed by Middle East–based sovereign wealth funds far exceeds the needs and capacity of their domestic capital markets, their appetite for alternative assets has risen. Preqin analysis of Middle East–based sovereign wealth fund data shows that the average allocations to alternatives have doubled year–over–year at the end of 2022, rising from 22% of total assets at the end of 2021 to 44%. While some of this is driven by the very high allocation levels of some of smaller sovereign wealth funds in the region, this trend reflects their ongoing pursuit of non–traditional assets to boost returns. Percentage allocations are also likely to be boosted by falls in the valuations of public equities and bonds in 2022, according to the latest data. The increase shows the flexibility that these Middle Eastern sovereign wealth funds have when making investment decisions, as they often have fewer short and medium–term liabilities than other types of institutional investors.

Growth in private debt

The Preqin report also found that global limited partners (LPs), including sovereign wealth funds, have developed a larger appetite for private debt in search of a steady income stream. Initially, one of the attractions of private debt was that it paid higher rates than public fixed income interest rates. However, as rates have increased, private debt has continued to attract investors. This is in part because the prevalent floating rate structures provide protection against rate rises.

According to Preqin, direct lending remains the most popular strategy, accounting for 46% of all 112 private debt fund commitments by sovereign wealth funds. As of the end of Q1 2023, the median current allocation to private debt is 2.5%, almost reaching the median target allocation of 2.6%.

Harsha Narayan, Managing Editor and lead author of the report at Preqin, says: "Sovereign wealth funds have continued to build sophisticated in–house teams and are increasingly able to act more like a fund manager when deploying capital. They leverage talent, technology, and partnerships, with fund managers and investors to invest in various alternative asset classes, and they are growing more competent to conduct direct or co–investment deals."

If you would like more information or would like to speak with the report author, contact Mimi Celeste Taylor at

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Notes to the editors

It is important to note that sovereign wealth funds (SWFs) are created with different objectives. Some are set up primarily for diversification and only invest globally outside of their home countries, whereas others invest domestically with the objective of boosting homegrown markets. Some SWFs, such as Norway's GPFG, invest heavily in public markets and are relatively more conservative toward unlisted assets, while others take on more risk and pursue direct investments in more niche sectors. These factors affect how SWFs deploy capital.

* This report is based on insights and analysis of 95 sovereign wealth funds as defined and tracked by Preqin

About Preqin

Preqin, the Home of Alternatives, empowers financial professionals who invest in or allocate to alternatives with essential data and insight to make confident decisions. It supports them throughout the entire investment lifecycle with critical information and leading analytics solutions. The company has pioneered rigorous methods of collecting private data for 20 years, enabling more than 200,000 professionals globally to streamline how they raise capital, source deals and investments, understand performance, and stay informed. For more information visit

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000825108)

‘News Deserts’ Are Rampant in Latin America

A photo of journalists dedicated to covering the agendas of nearby communities, like these ones in a town in Colombia, is uncommon in poor areas of Latin American countries, where millions of people have no access to information of local interest. CREDIT: Chasquis Foundation

A photo of journalists dedicated to covering the agendas of nearby communities, like these ones in a town in Colombia, is uncommon in poor areas of Latin American countries, where millions of people have no access to information of local interest. CREDIT: Chasquis Foundation

By Humberto Márquez
CARACAS, Jun 14 2023 – Without the means to receive information about what is happening around them, millions of Latin Americans who live in poor remote rural or impoverished urban areas inhabit veritable news deserts, according to an increasing number of studies conducted by journalistic organizations in the region.

There are, for example, 29 million people in Brazil, 10 million in Colombia, seven million in Venezuela and up to three-quarters of the Argentine territory without access to journalism due to the absence of media outlets, or because the few existing local outlets are dedicated to entertainment, rather than news.“When we talk about information deserts, we are also talking about what a robust media ecosystem implies: that there are not only enough media outlets, but also pluralism.” — Jonathan Bock

“When we talk about information deserts, we are also talking about what a robust media ecosystem implies: that there are not only enough media outlets, but also pluralism,” said Jonathan Bock, director of the Colombian Foundation for Press Freedom (FLIP).

This plurality must encompass “the topics that are covered, diversity of formats, media that address different audiences. A healthy ecosystem,” Bock added in a conversation with IPS from the Colombian capital.

A Jun. 7 forum organized by the Venezuelan branch of the Press and Society Institute (IPYS) displayed atlases and maps on news deserts in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia and Venezuela, based on research by organizations of journalists and academics from those countries.

Even without extrapolating from the results of these assessments, it is possible to estimate that news deserts affect a good part of the region, judging by the structural deficiencies of the population, and by conflictive situations in the media and journalism in nations such as those of Central America and the Andes.

“The social and geographical marginalization found in parts of our countries means that important segments of the population are in these news deserts. For example, indigenous populations lacking media outlets in their languages,” Andrés Cañizález, founder and director of the Venezuelan observatory Medianálisis, told IPS.

Journalistic organizations from Argentina, Brazil, Colombia and Venezuela show maps or atlases that indicate, using colors, the most and least deserted areas in terms of access to news in their respective countries. CREDIT: IPS

Journalistic organizations from Argentina, Brazil, Colombia and Venezuela show maps or atlases that indicate, using colors, the most and least deserted areas in terms of access to news in their respective countries. CREDIT: IPS


Atlases and statistics

A study by the Argentine Journalism Forum (FOPEA), coordinated by Irene Benito, took a census of 560 areas in that country and considered 47.9 percent of them news deserts, 25.2 percent in “semi-desert” conditions, 17.1 percent as “semi-forests”, and 9.8 percent as “forests”, or areas with an abundance of media outlets and news.

“As in other Latin American nations, in many areas there are media outlets and journalists, but there is no quality coverage. They deal with other things, not the interests of their communities, while the propaganda apparatus of the powers-that-be is in overly robust health,” Benito said in the IPYS forum.

In Brazil, the most recent News Atlas, released in March, recorded the existence of 13,734 media outlets in that country of 208 million inhabitants, but not a single one in 312 of its 5,568 municipalities. These 312 municipalities are home to 29.3 million people with no access to local news.

Although hundreds of online media outlets emerge every year “and now more municipalities have at least one or two media outlets, many are not independent or are biased, because they depend on the city government or religious movements,” said Cristina Zahar, from the Brazilian Association of Investigative Journalism (ARAJI).

In a third of Colombia, where 10 of the country’s 50 million inhabitants live – many areas far from the big cities – there are no mass media, and in another third, home to 16 million people, the existing media outlets are dedicated to entertainment, according to FLIP’s Cartography of Information.

In Venezuela, seven million people live in municipalities where there are no media outlets, and that figure rises to 15 million – in a country of 28 million people – if municipalities with only one or two media outlets, considered “semi-deserts”, are included, according to IPYS.

Unlike other countries, “the situation has worsened, with the massive closure of radio stations ordered by the government – at least 81 in 2022 alone, and 285 since 2003 – with radio being the medium that has the greatest penetration in remote areas,” Daniela Alvarado, head of freedom of information at IPYS, told IPS.

Remote rural areas far from the main cities and often in border regions are among the most affected by deficient infrastructure and lack of media outlets that enable local residents access to general information about their local environment and possibilities of participation in decisions that concern them. CREDIT: ECLAC

Remote rural areas far from the main cities and often in border regions are among the most affected by deficient infrastructure and lack of media outlets that enable local residents access to general information about their local environment and possibilities of participation in decisions that concern them. CREDIT: ECLAC


Exclusion, once again

In the case of Colombia, one cause for the breadth of news deserts is violence, “war, one of whose strategic aims is to pressure or close down news, journalism that can reveal, report, warn and monitor what happens in areas of conflict,” said Bock.

In 45 years of armed conflict in Colombia, 165 journalists were murdered, “strategic killings, because they reported on things, and became symbols,” Bock stressed.

“But it also has to do with a different kind of exclusion, of weak economies and little interest on the part of politics and government institutions in promoting independent and plural journalism, seen in some contexts as the enemy, and with society getting used to it and not demanding” independent reporting, the Colombian analyst said.

Another thing that has happened in countries in the region is that “traditional media, and many new digital outlets, emerged and are concentrated where there was already an audience and sources of advertising, which is combined with pre-existing inequalities to create an abyss between big cities and small towns and the countryside,” said Cañizález.

In news deserts, infrastructure failures abound and there are absences or deficiencies in internet services, with providers that do not access these territories, aggravating the situation of local inhabitants who often only have simple mobile phones and cannot obtain news and information through digital or social networks.

However, news deserts are not exclusive to rural, remote or border areas; in cities themselves there is a dearth of local media outlets, or the outlets have their own agendas on issues in poor urban communities, which are also impacted by the crises that face journalism in general.

This is the case of Venezuela, which “is caught up in a complex and continuous economic, political and social crisis that has led to the deterioration of its media ecosystem,” Alvarado said, adding that it also faces “a communicational hegemony (on the part of the State) that is manifested in censorship and self-censorship.”

Newspapers and television stations were driven to shut down, by government decision or suffocated due to lack of paper and advertising, or their sale paved the way for their closure; or, as in the case of many radio stations, closure is a constant looming threat. Online media suffer from internet cuts and harassment of their journalists.

Even in urban areas, such as this one in Caracas, the adverse climate of news deserts has an impact, for example with the closure of print media outlets caused by political decisions or economic crises, which forces traditional kiosks to subsist by replacing newspapers, which are no longer available, with candy and snacks. CREDIT: Public domain

Even in urban areas, such as this one in Caracas, the adverse climate of news deserts has an impact, for example with the closure of print media outlets caused by political decisions or economic crises, which forces traditional kiosks to subsist by replacing newspapers, which are no longer available, with candy and snacks. CREDIT: Public domain


What can be done?

“The challenge seems immeasurable, but we are not sitting quietly by, we must not give up on what is our right as a community public service,” said Benito.

The State “should promote, at least in the area of ​​its competence, which is radio, television and internet, inclusive policies throughout the nation’s territory, guaranteeing basic rights, including the right to communication and information for all citizens,” stated Cañizález.

Zahar said that “sustainability is the challenge,” due to the difficulties many new media outlets, local or not, face in supporting themselves, and the advantages of digital media “that have fewer barriers to entry, can experiment with formats and financing mechanisms, and make quick changes.”

Bock said “we must think about the financing of journalism where there are fragile economies, see it as a public service but an independent one, to address the training of people practicing journalism in those places.”

Together with the support of the government and the international community, “models could be developed in which the big media sponsor local media in very small places or where there is clearly a news desert,” Cañizález said.

“But that’s still not even discussed in a number of our countries,” he said. “It is an issue that concerns journalism but has not drawn public attention. The debate is still very much confined to reporters.”

St Kitts and Nevis Citizenship by Investment Programme for South African HNWIs

Basseterre, June 14, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — There are growing numbers of South African high–net–worth individuals (HNWIs) relocating from South Africa to other countries that offer dual citizenship.

South Africa is facing economic turmoil and uncertainty about the future of South African citizens. The economic factors influencing South African HNWIs include rising inflation rates that impact the cost of living and business operations in South Africa. The South African Reserve Bank Monetary Policy Committee recently voted to increase the prime lending rate to 11.75 per cent, which consequently led to the South African Rand becoming more volatile against the US Dollar. The South African rand weakened against the US dollar has persuaded international investors to not see South Africa as a desirable destination.

The load shedding energy crisis in South Africa impacts the national grid, and businesses of all sizes and households, contributing to economic instability and uncertainty for global investors in the future of South Africa's economy.

Another factor influencing South African HNWIs to migrate is the alarming rise of crime around the country. A recent quarterly State of Security (SoS) report conducted by the Automobile Association of South Africa (AA), indicated that “76 per cent of all respondents reported being a victim of a crime in South Africa.” The report indicated that “South Africans feel most unsafe in outdoor public spaces (45 per cent) and during their daily commute (35 per cent).” The findings stipulated 36 per cent of South African citizens “either feel only 'somewhat safe' (29 per cent), or 'not safe at all' (7 per cent) in their homes.”

South African HNWIs believe that they are vulnerable to these economic factors and continuously seek the safety and security of their accumulated wealth and the future of their families. And are actively pursuing business and personal opportunities around the world to ensure financial and long–term sound decisions.

St Kitts and Nevis is a twin federation located in the Eastern Caribbean region and is well governed, which creates economic and political stability in the country that provides additional security to South African HNWIs operating their businesses. According to CS Global Partner's World Citizenship Report 2023, the twin federation has initiated multiple efforts to improve infrastructure developments, leading to enhanced safety and security to encourage South African HNWIs to create stability for themselves and their families.

St Kitts and Nevis Citizenship by Investment Programme

St Kitts and Nevis Citizenship by Investment Programme is the oldest and most reputable programme in the investment migration industry.

The Head of St Kitts and Nevis Citizenship by Investment Unit, Michael Martin, and his team have recently introduced new and updated regulations to ensure that the programme retains the 'platinum standard', transparency and more importantly integrity.

The Programme offers eligible South African HNWIs a multitude of benefits. These include becoming part of the global business community and extending citizenship to family members.

South African HNWIs can expand their business ventures and wealth management, which include tax incentives for becoming a citizen that includes no personal income tax nor capital gains tax, these types of tax incentives provide potential diversification of lifestyle planning and wealth management. The ability of South African HNWIs to diversify their assets into multiple markets results in increased returns on investments.

The Sustainable Growth Fund is one of the most effective investment options and has a straightforward application process for eligible high–net–worth individuals to acquire dual citizenship.

This investment option is dedicated to developing socioeconomic initiatives that will uplift the local citizens and advance infrastructure developments in the nation.

Limited Time Offer

The Sustainable Growth Fund is an investment option that requires high–net–worth individuals to financially contribute towards the twin federations.

The Sustainable Growth Fund has a Limited Time Offer that is available from 1 January 2023 until 30 June 2023. The Limited Time Offer is a unique opportunity for HNWIS to acquire dual citizenship in sixty days for all accelerated and non–accelerated applications, without additional costs. There are reduced contribution amounts during the Limited Time Offer:

  • US$125,000 per the main applicant;
  • US$150,000 for the main applicant and spouse;
  • US$170,000 for the main applicant, spouse and two dependants;
  • US$10,000 for each additional dependant under 18 years of age; and
  • US$25,000 for each additional dependant over 18 years of age.

There are due diligence and processing fees that are included in each application.

After the Limited Time Offer, from 1 July 2023, the processing time will become ninety days for non–accelerated applications, accelerated applications will have premium due diligence fees applied.

This is a prime time for South African HNWIs to seek investment opportunities through St Kitts and Nevis' Sustainable Growth Fund, and in return explore the economic freedom the twin federation has to offer.

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8856613)

No Peace Until Peace For All

By Yasmine Sherif
NEW YORK, Jun 14 2023 – As we head into June, we will commemorate a number of important international days that call for much-needed support to protect refugees, end child labour, stop sexual violence in conflict and ensure human rights for the innocent children victims of aggression.

Together, this work will propel our efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. To deliver on these commitments, we urgently appeal for substantial, sustained increases in public and private sector funding support for quality education – especially for the more than 222 million crisis-impacted girls and boys who desperately need it.

These include refugee girls and boys fleeing conflict in Sudan. In May, ECW made important new commitments to keep Sudan’s children, wherever they are, in school – as outlined in the joint Op-Ed by The Rt. Hon. Gordon Brown and I in The Times.

During my mission with UNHCR and UNICEF to the border region of Chad with Sudan just two weeks ago, we announced a fast-acting emergency response to UNHCR and civil society with total funding in Chad now topping US$41 million. Here, I would like to appeal for additional funding to UNICEF who stands ready to deliver urgently needed education to host-communities already living in abject poverty along the borders in Chad.

Together with governments, donors and civil society partners, we are working to expand our support in response to the refugee arrivals in other neighbouring countries as we unite in our efforts to respond to the enormous, urgent needs accounted for in the Regional Refugee Response Plan.

At the May 2023 G7 Summit in Hiroshima, under the leadership of the Government of Japan, global leaders committed to “ensuring continued support to the Global Partnership for Education (GPE), Education Cannot Wait (ECW) and UN agencies, including UNESCO and UNICEF, as key partners in helping countries to build stronger education systems for the most marginalized children.” As outlined in the G7 Hiroshima Leaders’ Communique, this is an investment in “resilient, just and prospering societies.”

We must now turn these commitments into actions. This means every nation in the G7 must step up their support. As we lead into ECW’s four-year 2023-2026 Strategic Plan, we will welcome much needed substantial and new commitments from G7 leaders for the ECW strategic period.

The private sector will also play a key role in our resource mobilization plans. Our teams are working across the globe to develop new and innovative public-private partnerships, such as our recently announced agreement with the Zurich Cantonal Bank and the Government of Switzerland. Without the private sector and entrepreneurial spirit, we cannot meet the rapidly growing needs. In other words, abnormal problems require extraordinary solutions.

We will also work with Arab States, Nordic States and G20 nations to create new models for funding that crowd-in resources and know-how to deliver the depth, speed and agility needed to ensure quality education and holistic supports in places like Sudan, Ukraine and beyond.

Colombia has emerged as a model of this cross-sectorial approach. In this month’s high-level interview, we speak with Mireia Villar Forner, the United Nations Colombia Resident Coordinator/Humanitarian, who highlights the power of education in building sustainable development pathways. This is done through coordinated joint programmes through the United Nations coordination mechanisms. This is indeed one of the chief reasons that have allowed ECW to deliver with development depth and humanitarian speed.

Through ECW’s Multi-Year Resilience Programmes, we are providing transformative education investments in the humanitarian-development-peace nexus. This is good for business, good for government and good for the world. It also provides an optimized investment opportunity for Overseas Development Assistance, corporate social responsibility and philanthropic giving. By investing in education, we are investing in all of the SDGs. Without education, how can any of them be achieved?

The month of May was also Mental Health Awareness Month, and we announced an ambitious new target to have at least 10% of resources go to mental health and psychosocial services. We do so because we firmly believe that mental health is essential, if not also existential, to children and adolescents who having survived the most painful forms of violence and disasters.

I have no doubt that 2023 will go down as a landmark year in global funding support for education. ECW and our strategic partners will not stop until our work is done. There can be no peace, until there is peace for all, to cite Dag Hammarskjold. Indeed, there can be no peace without education. We will leave no child behind.

Yasmine Sherif is Director of Education Cannot Wait.

IPS UN Bureau


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