SAP Fioneer lance une offre bancaire sur mesure pour les PME

WALLDORF, Allemagne, 27 juin 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — SAP Fioneer, l'un des principaux fournisseurs mondiaux de solutions et de plateformes logicielles pour les services financiers, a annonc le lancement de Fioneer SME Banking Edition, sa solution bancaire pour les PME. La solution permettra aux banques et nobanques d'offrir des capacits bancaires dans le cadre d'une approche privilgiant le numrique, axe sur les donnes et adapte aux besoins financiers des petites et moyennes entreprises (PME), un segment du march historiquement nglig.

Or, le secteur des PME est une composante essentielle de l'conomie mondiale, reprsentant 99 % des entreprises du Royaume–Uni et de l'UE et employant environ 16,4 millions et 84 millions de personnes respectivement.* Bien qu'elles reprsentent une part importante du PIB et de la main–d'"uvre, les PME ont traditionnellement eu du mal accder des services financiers rpondant leurs besoins uniques, les risques perus et les cots associs tant jugs trop levs.

La solution Fioneer SME Banking Edition relve ces dfis en connectant les banques des sources de donnes externes telles que l'Open Banking, le registre du commerce et des socits, et aux donnes de commerce lectronique et de planification des ressources de l'entreprise (ERP), afin d'obtenir des informations exploitables qui aident rellement les PME tirer leur pingle du jeu. Les PME bnficieront ainsi d'une transparence claire sur leurs flux de trsorerie, ce qui permettra aux banques par exemple de disposer d'options de financement intelligentes, d'offrir une plus grande varit et d'augmenter le nombre d'entreprises que les banques peuvent servir.

En tant que solution unique de bout en bout, Fioneer SME Banking Edition couvre les capacits front–to–back et s'intgre de manire transparente avec tout systme bancaire de base. Elle permet aux banques d'offrir des services qui vont au–del des produits bancaires traditionnels tels que les prts et les dpts. Les banques pourront largir leur offre en proposant des services intgrs et des conseils financiers plus solides directement aux PME. La solution peut galement tre facilement intgre et connecte aux cosystmes grce des API prconfigures.

Charlie Platt, Directeur gnral des services bancaires chez SAP Fioneer, commente le lancement : Les PME sont le moteur de l'conomie et il est essentiel qu'elles puissent accder aux services financiers qu'elles mritent. Grce la solution bancaire Fioneer pour les PME, les banques seront en mesure de crer pour les PME des expriences bancaires uniques, commercialement viables et de meilleure qualit, qui les aideront conserver une longueur d'avance dans un environnement conomique difficile .

L'introduction de notre solution Fioneer SME Banking Edition renforce considrablement la faon dont les banques collaborent avec les PME. Grce notre technologie prouve, nous aidons les banques mieux servir les PME dans un environnement conomique dynamique. En nous inspirant du march B2C, nous permettons aux banques d'amliorer leur offre de services aux PME , ajoute Dirk Kruse, PDG de SAP Fioneer.

* Estimation du nombre de salaris des entreprises au Royaume–Uni et dans les rgions 2022 (Gouvernement du Royaume–Uni), Statista 2022

propos de SAP Fioneer

Lance en 2021, SAP Fioneer est une coentreprise entre le leader mondial de la technologie SAP et l'investisseur et entrepreneur Dediq, qui vise devenir le premier fournisseur mondial de solutions et de plateformes logicielles pour les services financiers. Grce un vaste rseau de partenaires, plus de 800 clients dans le secteur des services financiers et plus de 1 000 collaborateurs, SAP Fioneer est une entreprise mondiale prsente dans 17 pays en Europe, en Amrique du Nord, en Amrique latine, au Moyen–Orient et en Asie–Pacifique.

En conjuguant la vitesse et l'agilit d'une start–up avec les capacits prouves d'un diteur de logiciels de premier plan, SAP Fioneer permet aux banques, aux compagnies d'assurance et aux challengers de fonctionner, de se transformer et de se dvelopper tout en rpondant leurs besoins de rapidit, d'volutivit et de rentabilit grce l'innovation commerciale numrique, la technologie cloud et des solutions qui couvrent les processus bancaires et d'assurance de bout en bout.

Pour plus d'informations, consultez Suivez SAP Fioneer sur Twitter et sur LinkedIn.

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000827118)

SAP Fioneer lança produto bancário personalizado para PMEs

WALLDORF, Alemanha, June 27, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A SAP Fioneer, fornecedora lder global de solues e plataformas de software de servios financeiros, anunciou o lanamento de sua Fioneer SME Banking Edition. A soluo permitir que bancos e neobancos ofeream recursos bancrios em uma abordagem digital e orientada por dados, adaptada s necessidades financeiras de pequenas e mdias empresas (PMEs) "" um segmento de mercado historicamente carente.

O setor das PMEs um componente vital da economia global, representando 99% das empresas do Reino Unido e da UE e empregando cerca de 16,4 milhes e 84 milhes de pessoas, respectivamente.* Apesar de representarem uma proporo significativa do PIB e da mo de obra, as PMEs tm tradicionalmente lutado para aceder a servios financeiros que satisfaam as suas necessidades especficas, uma vez que os riscos e custos associados percebidos so considerados demasiado elevados.

A Fioneer SME Banking Edition aborda esses desafios conectando bancos a fontes de dados externas, como Open Banking, registro central de empresas, comrcio eletrnico e dados de Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), para produzir informaes teis que ajudam significativamente as PMEs a se manterem na vanguarda. Isso proporcionar s PMEs uma elevada transparncia quanto ao fluxo de caixa e fornecer informaes aos bancos, permitindo, por exemplo, opes de financiamento inteligentes, oferecendo mais variedade e aumentando o nmero de empresas que os bancos podem atender.

Como uma soluo nica de ponta a ponta, a Fioneer SME Banking Edition abrange recursos front–to–back e se integra perfeitamente a qualquer sistema bancrio central. Ele permite que os bancos ofeream servios que vo alm dos produtos bancrios tradicionais, como emprstimos e depsitos. Os bancos podero ampliar sua oferta com servios integrados e aconselhamento financeiro mais slido diretamente para as PMEs. A soluo tambm pode ser facilmente integrada e conectada a ecossistemas por meio de APIs pr–configuradas.

Charlie Platt, Diretor Executivo de Bancos da SAP Fioneer, comenta sobre o lanamento: “As PMEs representam a fora vital da economia e fundamental que elas possam acessar os servios financeiros que merecem. Atravs da nossa SME Banking Edition, os bancos podero criar experincias bancrias comercialmente viveis, exclusivas e melhores para as PMEs que as ajudaro a manter–se na vanguarda em um ambiente econmico desafiador.”

“O lanamento da nossa Fioneer SME Banking Edition refora significativamente a forma como os bancos interagem com as PMEs. Utilizando nossa tecnologia comprovada, estamos ajudando os bancos a atenderem melhor as PMEs em um cenrio econmico dinmico. Inspirando–nos no mercado B2C, estamos capacitando os bancos a aumentar suas ofertas de servios para PMEs”, acrescenta Dirk Kruse, CEO da SAP Fioneer.

*Estimativas da populao empresarial para o Reino Unido e regies 2022 (Governo do Reino Unido), Statista 2022

Sobre a SAP Fioneer

A SAP Fioneer foi lanada em 2021 como uma joint venture entre a lder global de tecnologia SAP e o investidor empreendedor Dediq para se tornar a fornecedora lder mundial de solues e plataformas de software para servios financeiros. Com um amplo ecossistema de parceiros, mais de 800 clientes de servios financeiros e mais de 1.000 funcionrios, a SAP Fioneer uma empresa global presente em 17 pases na Europa, Amrica do Norte e Latina, Oriente Mdio e sia–Pacfico.

Ao combinar a velocidade e a agilidade de uma start–up com os recursos comprovados de uma empresa de software de primeira linha, a SAP Fioneer permite que bancos, seguradoras e concorrentes executem, transformem e cresam enquanto atendem s suas necessidades de velocidade, escalabilidade e eficincia de custos por meio de inovao de negcios digitais, tecnologia em nuvem e solues que cobrem processos bancrios e de seguros de ponta a ponta.

Para mais informaes, visite Siga a SAP Fioneer no Twitter e no LinkedIn.

Informaes para a imprensa:

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000827118)

SAP Fioneer führt maßgeschneidertes Angebot für kleine und mittlere Unternehmen ein

WALLDORF, Deutschland, June 27, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — SAP Fioneer, ein weltweit fhrender Anbieter von Softwarelsungen und Plattformen fr Finanzdienstleistungen, hat die Einfhrung der Fioneer SME Banking Edition bekanntgegeben. Die Lsung wird es Banken und Neobanken ermglichen, Bankdienstleistungen in einem digitalen und datengesteuerten Ansatz anzubieten, der auf die finanziellen Bedrfnisse kleiner und mittlerer Unternehmen (KMU) zugeschnitten ist "" ein historisch unterversorgtes Marktsegment.

Der KMU–Sektor ist ein wichtiger Bestandteil der Weltwirtschaft. Er macht 99 % der Unternehmen im Vereinigten Knigreich und in der EU aus und beschftigt rund 16,4 Millionen bzw. 84 Millionen Menschen.* Obwohl sie einen erheblichen Anteil am BIP und an der Erwerbsbevlkerung ausmachen, haben KMU traditionell Schwierigkeiten, Zugang zu Finanzdienstleistungen zu erhalten, die ihren besonderen Bedrfnissen entsprechen, da die damit verbundenen Risiken und Kosten als zu hoch angesehen werden.

Die Fioneer SME Banking Edition geht diese Herausforderungen an, indem sie Banken mit externen Datenquellen wie Open Banking, dem zentralen Unternehmensregister, E–Commerce und Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)–Daten verbindet. Durch die so gewonnenen Erkenntnisse profitieren nicht nur KMU von mehr Transparenz, auch die Banken sind in der Lage unter anderem intelligente Finanzierungsoptionen anzubieten, ihr Portfolio auszubauen und verstrkt mit KMU zu arbeiten.

Als einzigartige, umfassende Lsung deckt die Fioneer SME Banking Edition End–to–End–Funktionen ab und lsst sich nahtlos in jedes Kernbankensystem integrieren. Sie ermglicht es den Banken, Dienstleistungen anzubieten, die ber traditionelle Bankprodukte wie Kredite und Einlagen hinausgehen. Die Banken knnen ihr Angebot mit Embedded–Finance–Lsungen und strkerer Finanzberatung direkt fr KMU erweitern. Die Lsung lsst sich auerdem ber vorkonfigurierte APIs leicht integrieren und mit kosystemen verbinden.

Charlie Platt, Managing Director of Banking bei SAP Fioneer, zur Einfhrung: "KMU sind das Rckgrat der Wirtschaft, und es ist wichtig, dass sie Zugang zu den Finanzdienstleistungen erhalten, die sie verdienen. Mit unserer SME Banking Edition werden Banken in der Lage sein, kommerziell tragfhige, einzigartige und bessere Bankleistungen fr KMU zu erbringen, die ihnen helfen, in einem schwierigen wirtschaftlichen Umfeld die Nase vorn zu haben."

"Die Einfhrung unserer Fioneer SME Banking Edition strkt die Interaktion zwischen Banken und KMU erheblich. Mit unserer bewhrten Technologie helfen wir den Banken, KMU in einem dynamischen Wirtschaftsumfeld besser zu bedienen. Indem wir uns vom B2C–Markt inspirieren lassen, geben wir Banken die Mglichkeit, ihr Serviceangebot fr KMU zu verbessern", fgt Dirk Kruse, CEO von SAP Fioneer, hinzu.

*Schtzungen der Beschftigtenzahlen fr das Vereinigte Knigreich und die Regionen 2022 (britische Regierung), Statista 2022

ber SAP Fioneer

SAP Fioneer wurde 2021 als Joint Venture zwischen dem globalen Technologiefhrer SAP und dem unternehmerischen Investor Dediq gegrndet, um der weltweit fhrende Anbieter von Softwarelsungen und Plattformen fr Finanzdienstleistungen zu werden. Mit einem breiten kosystem von Partnern, ber 800 Finanzdienstleistungskunden und mehr als 1.000 Mitarbeitenden ist SAP Fioneer ein globales Unternehmen, das in 17 Lndern in Europa, Nord– und Lateinamerika, im Nahen Osten und im asiatisch–pazifischen Raum vertreten ist.

Durch die Kombination der Schnelligkeit und Agilitt eines Start–ups mit den bewhrten Fhigkeiten eines erstklassigen Softwareunternehmens ermglicht SAP Fioneer Banken, Versicherungen und Herausforderern, ihre Prozesse zu steuern, zu transformieren und zu wachsen und dabei ihren Bedarf an Geschwindigkeit, Skalierbarkeit und Kosteneffizienz durch digitale Geschftsinnovationen, Cloud–Technologie und Lsungen zu decken, die Bank– und Versicherungsprozesse durchgngig abdecken.

Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter Folgen Sie SAP Fioneer auf Twitter und auf LinkedIn.


GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000827118)

Huge Increase in Transnational Crime in Asia’s ‘Golden Triangle’

In the United States and Canada, overdose deaths, predominantly driven by an epidemic of the non-medical use of fentanyl, continue to break records. Credit: Shutterstock.

In the United States and Canada, overdose deaths, predominantly driven by an epidemic of the non-medical use of fentanyl, continue to break records. Credit: Shutterstock.

By Baher Kamal
MADRID, Jun 27 2023 – How come that in a world where technology is -or is about to be- able to detect an ant in a jungle, the traffickers of death continue to carry out their lucrative criminal activities everywhere and in all fields, from weapons to prostitution, enslavement and drugs, to deadly fake medicines, through oil, gas and poisoned food.

In the specific case of Asia, a specialised organisation reports the Asian ‘Golden Triangle’ is where historically opium was grown to produce heroin for export, but where, in recent years, the trade of “even deadlier and more profitable synthetic drugs have taken over.”

Transnational organised crime groups anticipate, adapt and try to circumvent what governments do, and in 2022 we saw them work around Thai borders in the Golden Triangle more than in the past

Jeremy Douglas, UNODC Regional Representative for Southeast Asia and the Pacific
In its June 2023 report, the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) informs that East and Southeast Asian synthetic drug supply remains at ‘extreme levels’ and diversifies.

The report, “Synthetic Drugs in East and Southeast Asia: latest developments and challenges 2023”, confirms an expansion and diversification of synthetic drug production and trafficking in the region, while trafficking routes have shifted significantly.

“Thailand, Laos and Myanmar are at the frontlines of illicit trade in Asia dominated by transnational organised crime syndicates.”


Methamphetamine, ketamine…

‘High volumes’ of methamphetamine continue to be produced and trafficked in and from the region while the production of ketamine and other synthetic drugs has expanded.

“Transnational organised crime groups anticipate, adapt and try to circumvent what governments do, and in 2022 we saw them work around Thai borders in the Golden Triangle more than in the past,” said Jeremy Douglas, UNODC Regional Representative for Southeast Asia and the Pacific.


‘Unwanted’ to be seen

“Traffickers have continued to ship large volumes through Laos and northern Thailand, but at the same time they have pushed significant supply through central Myanmar to the Andaman Sea where it seems few were looking.”

Douglas added that criminal groups from across the region also started moving and reconnecting after lengthy pandemic border closures, with late 2022 and early 2023 patterns starting to look similar to 2019.


Hidden in “legal products”

Moreover, synthetic drugs containing a mixture of substances and sometimes “packaged alongside legal products” continue to be found throughout East and Southeast Asia, with serious health consequences for those who knowingly, or unknowingly, consume the products.

Moreover, the world drug problem is a complex issue that affects millions of people worldwide.

Many people who use drugs face stigma and discrimination, which can further harm their physical and mental health and prevent them from accessing the help they need, the UN warns on the occasion of the 2023 International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking (26 June).


“Unprecedented” increase

The increase in the production of synthetic drugs in recent years has been “unprecedented” according to the UNODC Regional Representative.

It is not just drugs which are being trafficked across the region: chemical precursors to manufacture synthetic drugs are being illegally transported into Myanmar in quantities far larger than the drugs that are trafficked out, UNODC further explains.


Trafficking also in people, wildlife, timber…

In fact, a myriad of cross-borders issues, including drug and precursor chemical trafficking, migrant smuggling, human trafficking, wildlife and forestry crime, and, in some locations, the movement of terrorist fighters alongside public health and pandemic-related matters.


The impact of legalising the use of cocaine

Cannabis legalisation in parts of the world appears to have accelerated daily use and related health impacts, according to the World Drug Report 2022, which also details record rises in the manufacturing of cocaine, the expansion of synthetic drugs to new markets, and continued gaps in the availability of drug treatments, especially for women.

According to the report, around 284 million people aged 15-64 used drugs worldwide in 2020, a 26% increase over the previous decade.

“In Africa and Latin America, people under 35 represent the majority of people being treated for drug use disorders.”

Globally, the report estimates that 11.2 million people worldwide were injecting drugs. Around half of this number were living with hepatitis C, 1.4 million were living with HIV, and 1.2 million were living with both.

Reacting to these findings, UNODC Executive Director, Ghada Waly stated: “Numbers for the manufacturing and seizures of many illicit drugs are hitting record highs, even as global emergencies are deepening vulnerabilities.”

At the same time, mis-perceptions regarding the magnitude of the problem and the associated harms are depriving people of care and treatment and driving young people towards harmful behaviour, said Waly.


Key trends by region

In many countries in Africa and South and Central America, the largest proportion of people in treatment for drug use disorders are there primarily for cannabis use disorders. In Eastern and South-Eastern Europe and in Central Asia, people are most often in treatment for opioid use disorders.

In the United States and Canada, overdose deaths, predominantly driven by an epidemic of the non-medical use of fentanyl, continue to break records. Preliminary estimates in the United States point to more than 107,000 drug overdose deaths in 2021, up from nearly 92,000 in 2020.


Conflict zones magnets for synthetic drug production

This year’s report also highlights that illicit drug economies can flourish in situations of conflict and where the rule of law is weak, and in turn can prolong or fuel conflict.

Information from the Middle East and South-East Asia suggest that conflict situations can act as a magnet for the manufacture of synthetic drugs, which can be produced anywhere. This effect may be greater when the conflict area is close to large consumer markets.

Historically, parties to conflict have used drugs to finance conflict and generate income. The 2022 World Drug Report also reveals that conflicts may also disrupt and shift drug trafficking routes, as has happened in the Balkans and more recently in Ukraine.


A possible growing capacity to manufacture amphetamine in Ukraine

According to the UNODC report, “there was a significant increase in the number of reported clandestine laboratories in Ukraine, skyrocketing from 17 dismantled laboratories in 2019 to 79 in 2020. 67 out of these laboratories were producing amphetamines, up from five in 2019 – the highest number of dismantled laboratories reported in any given country in 2020.”


Gender treatment gap

Women remain in the minority of drug users globally yet tend to increase their rate of drug consumption and progress to drug use disorders more rapidly than men do. Women now represent an estimated 45-49% of users of amphetamines and non-medical users of pharmaceutical stimulants, pharmaceutical opioids, sedatives, and tranquillisers.

The treatment gap remains large for women globally. Although women represent almost one in two amphetamine users, they constitute only one in five people in treatment for amphetamine use disorders.

The World Drug Report also spotlights the wide range of roles fulfilled by women in the global cocaine economy, including cultivating coca, transporting small quantities of drugs, selling to consumers, and smuggling into prisons.