Josh Tsui, PDG de Floship, s'apprête à prononcer un discours sur les aspirations des dirigeants concernant l'avenir de la technologie logistique et recevoir un prix lors du The Lead Innovation Summit à New York

NEW YORK et HONG KONG, 05 juill. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Floship, prestataire leader des solutions de chanes d'approvisionnement circulaires mondiales, a annonc aujourd'hui sa participation The Lead Innovation Summit, une confrence stratgique de premier plan pour les dcisionnaires mondiaux et les dirigeants des secteurs de la vente au dtail et de la consommation d'aujourd'hui. La confrence aura lieu dans la ville de New York les 12 et 13 juillet.

Le PDG de Floship, Josh Tsui, fera un discours sur les aspirations le mercredi 12 juillet pendant les questions–rponses de la session Optimisation des opportunits du commerce numrique de Dawit Heck, de Bain Capital Ventures. M. Tsui partagera des informations sur Floship, sur sa vision stratgique, ainsi que sur les ambitions transformationnelles de la socit, notamment ses rflexions sur l'avenir de l'intelligence artificielle gnrative dans l'e–commerce, avec un public de plus de 2 000 dirigeants de grandes marques mondiales de distribution.

Dans le cadre de ce discours, M. Tsui fournira des informations sur l'cosystme des chanes d'approvisionnement circulaires globales de Floship, illustrant la faon dont il relie chaque lment de base travers la chane de valeur du fabricant, les systmes d'entrept, les mcanismes de livraison et les solutions de retours via une plateforme entirement intgre.

De mme, pendant The Summit, Floship fera partie des socits reconnues sur la Leading 100 List de The Lead lors d'une crmonie de remise de prix, mettant l'honneur des startups technologiques innovantes qui faonnent l'avenir des entreprises brand–to–consumer, surtout concernant l'aide apporte ces entreprises dans l'adoption des chanes d'approvisionnement circulaires.

C'est un moment extrmement palpitant pour Floship, et je suis honor de la reconnaissance porte nos innovations sources de bouleversements concernant le modle business–to–consumer. La circularit de la chane d'approvisionnement et l'IA gnrative sont des domaines prioritaires de la chane d'approvisionnement extrmement importants pour les commerants car ils travaillent main dans la main afin de minimiser l'utilisation de matires premires, rduire les quantits excessives de dchets mis au rebut et automatiser les nombreux processus manuels intensifs , a dclar M. Tsui. Nous croyons que The Lead Innovation Summit fournit la toile de fond ncessaire pour continuer raconter cette histoire un public conscient de la ncessit de construire des chanes d'approvisionnement plus durables et plus intelligentes, en tirant parti de technologies qui permettent aux consommateurs, aux entreprises et l'conomie d'tre plus efficaces avec moins de ressources.

Les chanes d'approvisionnement circulaires impliquent que la socit rutilise ou revalorise les dchets et les retours des clients pour convertir ces ressources en produits nouveaux ou reconditionns. Cette stratgie est essentielle pour dvelopper des partenariats mondiaux. Floship a rcemment annonc ce genre de partenariat avec FedEx, conu pour fournir de meilleurs services d'excution et de logistique aux dtaillants de l'e–commerce dans le monde entier. Ce partenariat permet aux clients de FedEx oprant dans l'e–commerce d'accder au rseau mondial d'entrepts de Floship et aux puissantes capacits de sa plateforme logistique afin de rationaliser leurs oprations d'excution du commerce en ligne. Dans le mme temps, les clients de Floship seront en mesure de tirer parti des rseaux FedEx mondiaux ainsi que de toute une gamme d'options de transport FedEx tendues afin d'optimiser leurs oprations.

The Lead Innovation Summit est l'endroit vers lequel convergent plus de 2 000 leaders des communauts de la mode, de la beaut, de l'habitat, de la consommation et de la vente au dtail afin d'apprendre des marques grande chelle, des natifs du numrique et des catalyseurs de la technologie et d'entrer en contact avec eux. Ce sommet de deux jours rassemble plus de 140 confrenciers remarquables et comprend 45 sessions de contenu ; il analyse chaque aspect de l'activit direct–to–consumer d'une marque, en ligne et hors ligne.

propos de Floship
Les solutions d'cosystme de chane d'approvisionnement circulaire mondiales de Floship couvrent tous les aspects de la chane d'approvisionnement mondiale, assurant des efforts oprationnels minimaux pour les entreprises d'e–commerce tout en dpassant leurs attentes, permettant aux propritaires d'entreprises de se concentrer sur la stimulation de la croissance et de la flexibilit en termes d'investissements, tout en gagnant en tranquillit d'esprit. Pour en savoir plus, rendez–vous sur ou suivez–nous sur LinkedIn.

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Level 7, 18 Salisbury Rd, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong

Pour tout complment d'information propos de Floship, veuillez contacter :

James Linacre, Responsable des RP et communications

Tl. : (+852) 5333 9420

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8869031)

Floship CEO Josh Tsui to Deliver Executive Vision Talk on Future of Logistics Technology & Accept Award at New York’s Lead Innovation Summit

NEW YORK and HONG KONG, July 05, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Floship, a leading global circular supply chain solutions provider, today announced its participation in The Lead Innovation Summit, a leading strategy conference for global decision–makers and executives in today's retail and consumer industries. The conference takes place in New York City between 12 & 13 July.

Floship CEO Josh Tsui will deliver his Vision Talk on Wednesday, 12 July during the session "Optimizing Digital Commerce Opportunity" fielding questions from Dawit Heck of Bain Capital Ventures. Tsui will share information about Floship, his strategic vision, as well as the company's transformational ambitions including his thoughts on the future of generative AI in e–commerce to an audience of 2000+ executives from major global brand retailers.

As part of his talk, Tsui will share information about Floship's holistic circular supply chain ecosystem, illustrating how it connects every core component across the value chain from the manufacturer, warehouse systems, delivery mechanisms, and returns solutions through a wholly integrated platform.

Also at The Summit, Floship will be among the companies recognized on The Lead's Leading 100 List in an award ceremony, which honors innovative tech start–ups that are driving the future of brand–to–consumer businesses, especially in helping these businesses adopt circular supply chains.

"It is an extremely exciting time here at Floship, and I'm honored that we're being acknowledged for our disruptive innovations toward the business–to–consumer model. Supply chain circularity and generative AI are extremely important supply chain focus areas for merchants as they work hand–in–hand to minimize the use of raw materials, reduce excessive amounts of discarded waste materials, and automate many manually intensive processes," said Tsui. "We believe the Lead Innovation Summit provides the necessary backdrop to continue to tell this story to an audience who are cognizant of the need to build more sustainable and intelligent supply chains by leveraging technologies that empower consumers, businesses, and the economy to be more efficient with a leaner amount of resources."

Circular supply chains involve a company reusing or repurposing waste and customer returns to convert those resources into new or refurbished products, and this strategy is critical in building global partnerships. Floship recently announced one such partnership with FedEx that is designed to provide enhanced fulfillment and logistics services to e–tailers worldwide. The partnership gives FedEx's e–commerce customers access to Floship's global network of warehouses and powerful logistics platform's capabilities to streamline their e–commerce fulfillment operations. At the same time, Floship's customers will be able to leverage FedEx global networks as well as a full range of FedEx extensive transportation options to optimize their operations.

The Lead Innovation Summit is where 2,000+ leaders from the fashion, beauty, home, consumer & retail innovation communities converge to learn from and connect with scaled brands, digital natives, & technology enablers. The two–day summit features more than 140 stand–out speakers and 45 content sessions and breaks down every aspect of a brand's direct–to–consumer business, online and offline.

About Floship
Floship's global circular supply chain ecosystem solutions cover all aspects of the global supply chain, ensuring minimal operation effort for e–commerce businesses while exceeding their expectations, allowing business owners to concentrate on driving growth and investment flexibility while gaining peace of mind. Learn more at or follow us on LinkedIn.

Level 7, 18 Salisbury Rd, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong

For more information about Floship, please contact:

James Linacre, PR & Communications Lead

Phone: (+852) 5333 9420


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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8868173)

Josh Tsui, CEO da Floship, Fará Palestra de Visão Executiva Sobre o Futuro da Tecnologia Logística e Receberá Prêmio no Lead Innovation Summit de Nova York

NOVA YORK e HONG KONG, July 05, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Floship, fornecedora lder global de solues de cadeia de suprimentos circular, anunciou hoje a sua participao no The Lead Innovation Summit, uma conferncia lder estratgica para decisores e executivos globais das indstrias de varejo e para consumidor. A conferncia ser realizada em Nova York entre 12 e 13 de julho.

Josh Tsui, CEO da Floship, apresentar sua Vision Talk na quarta–feira, 12 de julho, durante a sesso "Optimizing Digital Commerce Opportunity", respondendo s perguntas de Dawit Heck, da Bain Capital Ventures. Tsui compartilhar informaes e viso estratgica da Floship, bem como a ambio transformacional da empresa e sua opinio sobre o futuro da IA generativa no comrcio eletrnico com uma audincia de mais de 2.000 executivos de grandes varejistas de marcas globais.

Como parte da sua palestra, Tsui falar sobre o ecossistema holstico da cadeia de suprimentos circular da Floship, ilustrando como ele conecta todos os componentes principais da cadeia de valor do fabricante, sistemas de armazenamento, mecanismos de entrega e solues de devoluo por meio de uma plataforma totalmente integrada.

Durante o The Summit, a Floship ser uma das empresas reconhecidas da Lista Leading 100 da The Lead, em uma cerimnia de premiao que homenageia startups de tecnologia inovadoras que esto impulsionando o futuro das empresas de marca para consumidor, especialmente ajudando essas empresas a adotar cadeias de suprimentos circulares.

" um momento extremamente emocionante para Floship, e me sinto honrado por estarmos sendo reconhecidos por nossas inovaes disruptivas em relao ao modelo business–to–consumer. A circularidade da cadeia de suprimentos e a IA geradora so reas de foco da cadeia de suprimentos extremamente importantes para os comerciantes, pois trabalham lado a lado para minimizar o uso de matrias–primas, reduzir quantidades excessivas de resduos descartados e automatizar muitos processos intensivos manualmente", disse Tsui. "Acreditamos que o Lead Innovation Summit serve como o pano de fundo necessrio para que possamos continuar contando essa histria para um pblico que reconhece a necessidade de construir cadeias de suprimentos mais sustentveis e inteligentes, aproveitando tecnologias que capacitam consumidores, empresas e a economia a serem mais eficientes com uma quantidade menor de recursos."

As cadeias de suprimentos circulares envolvem uma empresa que reutiliza ou reaproveita resduos e devolues de clientes para converter esses recursos em produtos novos ou recondicionados, e essa estratgia fundamental para a criao de parcerias globais. A Floship anunciou recentemente uma parceria assim com a FedEx que foi projetada para fornecer servios aprimorados de atendimento e logstica para varejistas eletrnicos em todo o mundo. Essa parceria proporcionar aos clientes de e–commerce da FedEx acesso rede global de depsitos da Floship e aos recursos da potente plataforma de logstica para agilizar suas operaes de atendimento de e–commerce. Os clientes da Floship podero aproveitar as redes globais da FedEx, bem como uma ampla gama de opes de transporte da FedEx para otimizar suas operaes.

O Lead Innovation Summit onde mais de 2.000 lderes das comunidades de moda, beleza, casa, consumo e inovao de varejo convergem para aprender e se conectar com marcas em escala, nativos digitais e facilitadores de tecnologia. A conferncia de dois dias conta com mais de 140 palestrantes de destaque e 45 sesses de contedo e divide todos os aspectos do negcio direto ao consumidor de uma marca, on–line e off–line.

Sobre a Floship
As solues de ecossistema de cadeia de suprimentos circular global da Floship abrangem todos os aspectos da cadeia de suprimentos global, garantindo um esforo operacional mnimo para as empresas de e–commerce excedendo suas expectativas e permitindo que os proprietrios de empresas se concentrem em impulsionar o crescimento com a flexibilidade do investimento e, ao mesmo tempo, ter tranquilidade. Saiba mais em ou siga–nos no LinkedIn.

Level 7, 18 Salisbury Rd, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong

Para mais informaes sobre a Floship, contate:

James Linacre, Lder de Relaes Pblicas e Comunicaes

Telefone: (+852) 5333 9420


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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8869031)

Josh Tsui, CEO von Floship, hält Vortrag über die Zukunft der Logistiktechnologie und nimmt Preis auf Lead Innovation Summit in New York entgegen

NEW YORK und HONG KONG, July 05, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Floship, ein weltweit fhrender Anbieter von zirkulren Lieferkettenlsungen, hat heute seine Teilnahme am Lead Innovation Summit bekanntgegeben, einer fhrenden Strategiekonferenz fr globale Entscheidungstrger und Fhrungskrfte in der heutigen Einzelhandels– und Verbraucherbranche. Die Konferenz findet am 12. und 13. Juli in New York City statt.

Der CEO von Floship, Josh Tsui, wird seinen Vision Talk am Mittwoch, 12. Juli, whrend der Sitzung "Optimizing Digital Commerce Opportunity" (Optimierung der Chancen im digitalen Handel) halten und sich den Fragen von Dawit Heck von Bain Capital Ventures stellen. Tsui wird einem Publikum von mehr als 2000 Fhrungskrften groer globaler Einzelhandelsunternehmen Informationen ber Floship, seine strategische Vision und die ehrgeizigen Transformationsziele des Unternehmens sowie seine Gedanken ber die Zukunft der generativen KI im E–Commerce mitteilen.

Im Rahmen seines Vortrags wird Tsui Informationen ber das ganzheitliche zirkulre Lieferketten–kosystem von Floship vorstellen und aufzeigen, wie es alle Kernkomponenten der Wertschpfungskette vom Hersteller ber Lagersysteme und Liefermechanismen bis hin zu Retourenlsungen ber eine vollstndig integrierte Plattform miteinander verbindet.

Ebenfalls wird Floship auf dem Summit zu den Unternehmen gehren, die auf der Leading 100–Liste von The Lead ausgezeichnet werden. Diese Liste ehrt innovative Technologie–Start–ups, die die Zukunft des Brand–to–Consumer–Modells vorantreiben, insbesondere wenn es darum geht, Unternehmen bei der Einfhrung zirkulrer Lieferketten zu untersttzen.

"Es ist eine extrem aufregende Zeit hier bei Floship, und ich fhle mich geehrt, dass wir fr unsere bahnbrechenden Innovationen im Bereich des Business–to–Consumer–Modells anerkannt werden. Die Kreislaufwirtschaft in der Lieferkette und die generative KI sind fr Hndler uerst wichtige Schwerpunkte in der Lieferkette, da sie Hand in Hand arbeiten, um die Verwendung von Rohstoffen zu minimieren, bermige Mengen an weggeworfenen Abfallstoffen zu reduzieren und viele manuelle Prozesse zu automatisieren", so Tsui. "Wir glauben, dass der Lead Innovation Summit den ntigen Rahmen bietet, um diese Geschichte einem Publikum zu erzhlen, das sich der Notwendigkeit bewusst ist, nachhaltigere und intelligentere Lieferketten aufzubauen, indem es Technologien einsetzt, die es Verbrauchern, Unternehmen und der Wirtschaft ermglichen, effizienter und ressourcenschonender zu arbeiten."

Bei zirkulren Lieferketten geht es darum, dass ein Unternehmen Abflle und Kundenrcklufer wiederverwendet oder wiederverwertet, um diese Ressourcen in neue oder wiederaufbereitete Produkte umzuwandeln, und diese Strategie ist entscheidend fr den Aufbau globaler Partnerschaften. Floship kndigte krzlich eine solche Partnerschaft mit FedEx an, die darauf abzielt, E–Hndlern auf der ganzen Welt verbesserte Abwicklungs– und Logistikdienste anzubieten. Die Partnerschaft ermglicht E–Commerce–Kunden von FedEx Zugang zum globalen Lagernetzwerk von Floship und zu den Mglichkeiten der leistungsstarken Logistikplattform, um ihre Auftragsabwicklungsaktivitten im E–Commerce–Bereich zu rationalisieren. Gleichzeitig werden die Kunden von Floship in der Lage sein, die globalen Netzwerke von FedEx sowie die gesamte Palette der umfangreichen Transportoptionen von FedEx zu nutzen, um ihre Ablufe zu optimieren.

Auf dem Lead Innovation Summit treffen mehr als 2.000 fhrende Persnlichkeiten aus den Bereichen Mode, Beauty, Wohnen, Konsumgter und Einzelhandel aufeinander, um von skalierenden Marken, Digital Natives und Technologieanbietern zu lernen und sich mit ihnen auszutauschen. Das zweitgige Gipfeltreffen bietet mehr als 140 herausragende Redner und 45 inhaltliche Sitzungen und beleuchtet jeden Aspekt des Direct–to–Consumer–Geschfts einer Marke, online und offline.

ber Floship
Die Lsungen von Floship fr ein globales, zirkulres Lieferketten–kosystem decken alle Aspekte der globalen Lieferkette ab. Sie gewhrleisten einen minimalen Betriebsaufwand fr E–Commerce–Unternehmen, whrend ihre Erwartungen bertroffen werden. So knnen sich die Geschftsinhaber auf die Frderung von Wachstum und Investitionsflexibilitt konzentrieren, whrend sie gleichzeitig Sicherheit gewinnen. Mehr Informationen unter, oder folgen Sie uns auf LinkedIn.

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Level 7, 18 Salisbury Rd, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong

Fr weitere Informationen ber Floship wenden Sie sich bitte an:

James Linacre, PR & Communications Lead

Telefon: (+852) 5333 9420


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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8869031)

Greener Pastures Not So Green for Zimbabweans in the Diaspora

Even as they face their own challenges abroad, Zimbabweans living overseas say they can not consider heading back home to face the economic challenges - especially now with hyperinflation. Credit: Jeffrey Moyo/IPS

Even as they face their own challenges abroad, Zimbabweans living overseas say they can not consider heading back home to face the economic challenges – especially now with hyperinflation. Credit: Jeffrey Moyo/IPS

By Jeffrey Moyo
DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDS, Jul 5 2023 – They have high-paying jobs, a high standard of living, and almost everything they need, but for Zimbabweans abroad, all that glitters is not gold.

Twenty-eight-year-old Gift Gonye, based in Germany, is one such Zimbabwean, and he is apparently not satisfied with his life abroad.

Homesickness is one disease that has hit Zimbabweans like Gonye, but despite this, they are afraid to wade back into the suffering in the southern African nation.

“On my behalf and the behalf of other Zimbabweans in the diaspora, yes, we miss home, but even then, there is nothing we can do about it because there is suffering back home. We can’t go back home to face poverty,” Gonye told IPS.

“You just find yourself with no choice except to endure the challenges here in the diaspora in order to survive.”

Based on the latest figures from the Zimbabwe National Statistics Agency (Zimstats) in the 2022 national housing and population, less than one million Zimbabweans have left the country since 2012, looking for greener pastures abroad.

Records from Zimstats have indicated that 908,914 left the southern African country in the last decade, with South Africa, Botswana and the United Kingdom being the preferred destinations for Zimbabweans.

South Africa has accounted for 773,246, Botswana 74,928, Britain 23,166 and the USA 8,565.

Gonye and several other Zimbabweans that have fled from the economic hardships in their African country have had to endure some difficulties in their stay abroad.

“The life we live here is expensive. We pay high taxes. The tough life back home in Zimbabwe complicates our lives in the diaspora, for we have to support the people back home because people there look forward to our help, and this results in us here in the diaspora not investing in terms of our future and for ourselves at old age,” Gonye said, referring to a system often referred to as “black tax” where wealthier and more successful people are expected to assist their families.

While many Zimbabweans back home have high regard for diaspora nations, many like Gonye see otherwise, thanks to the daily pressure migrants endure to survive.

“I want to let people back home know we have no social life here. It’s not easy living here. The money we earn is enough for rent and food and other basics, and it ends there. It is hard for us in the diaspora,” said Gonye.

“If you see someone sending you some bit of money back in Zimbabwe—some 30 dollars or seventy dollars, that person would have endured saving that amount.”

As a result, Zimbabweans abroad live under pressure from their kith and kin back home and meet their needs as well.

Despite official government figures about people that have relocated overseas, about 4 to 5 million Zimbabweans are said to be abroad, largely forced abroad by a fractured national economy since 2000 when authorities seized white-owned commercial farms.

Ellen Mazorodze, based in Australia, as elections loom in Zimbabwe on August 23 this year, migrants like herself would like to have a chance to change things in their country. However, only those residents living in the country can vote, and she encouraged them to vote.

“If you want to choose a person to represent you, go and vote. Your vote will be counted. It will help you to have a person fulfilling your wishes get in office,” Mazorodze told IPS.

Privilege Kandira (30), living in Norway, says: “Diaspora life is a mixture of both good and bad.”

“On one side, I can testify that I have enjoyed the opportunity of coming to a better life here in the diaspora, but on the other side, let me hasten to say that I have met lots of challenges, amongst which is racial discrimination,” he told IPS.

Kandira is not alone in battling racial discrimination.

In the UK, many Zimbabweans, like 29-year-old Tariro Muungani, a professional social worker, have had to face racial discrimination.

“I will give an example of where I live here in England. It’s a place where there are few black people. When you walk the streets, white people look at you curiously. When you board a bus, for instance, and sit next to a white person, they may drift away from you because they don’t want to be in contact with you, which makes living in such areas painful,” she (Muungani) told IPS.

Like Gonye in Germany, Muungani said, “Zimbabweans back home look at us in the diaspora as people who have made it in life and think we have no problems, and they look forward to us with trust that diaspora people can help them.”

Muungani said most people back in her home country do not believe people abroad can sometimes lack money.

Yet other Zimbabweans overseas say they miss the social unity back in their country as they fight to earn a better living abroad.

“What comes to mind is the togetherness we had back home, the spirit of neighbourliness, which is not there here. Nobody really cares for the next person. Children live just anyhow with no strangers bothering to discipline them, unlike what happens back home culturally,” Sophia Tekwane, a Zimbabwean woman based in Sweden, told IPS.

But Tekwane also said with the suffering in Zimbabwe, many like herself have no choice except to endure being abroad.

“The suffering in Zimbabwe makes things tough for all of us in the diaspora because it forces us to work even harder to support the loved ones back home.”

“You end up having no choice. Sometimes you end up sacrificing – starving yourself to support the people back home. You end up working abnormally long hours,” added Tekwane.

IPS UN Bureau Report


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Guatemala Clings to Democratic Promise

Credit: Silvia Rodríguez/AFP via Getty Images

By Inés M. Pousadela
MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay, Jul 5 2023 – When Guatemalans went to the polls on 25 June, distrust and disillusionment were rife. First place in the presidential contest was claimed by none of the candidates: it went to invalid votes, at 17 per cent. Many didn’t bother, resulting in an abstention rate over 40 per cent.

But an unexpected development brought some hope: Bernardo Arévalo, leader of the progressive Movimiento Semilla, made it to the runoff.

Arévalo’s promise to fight against systemic corruption and bring back the numerous justice operators – people such as judges, prosecutors and public defenders – currently in exile to help clean up institutions is causing great concern for those who profit from the current state of affairs. The fact that Arévalo could become Guatemala’s next president has made the election results an instant object of contention.

Corruption and democratic decline

Guatemalan electoral processes aren’t pristine, but that isn’t where the most serious problems lie. Civic freedoms are steadily deteriorating and state institutions have been weakened by predatory elites and coopted by organised crime. Transparency International finds evidence of strong influence by organised criminals over politics and politicians, with some criminals themselves in office.

No wonder Guatemalans have a low level of confidence in state institutions. In the latest Latinobarómetro report, the church was by far the most trusted institution, winning the trust of 71 per cent of people, followed at some distance by the armed forces and police. But only nine per cent of people trust political parties, and trust is also very low in Congress, electoral bodies and the judiciary.

At 25 per cent, satisfaction with the performance of democracy is extremely low – as is the number of people who think the country is ruled for the benefit of all rather than just elites.

The run-up to the vote

Those denouncing corruption, collusion, illegal private sector practices and human rights abuses have increasingly been subjected to smear campaigns, surveillance, harassment and criminalisation by state authorities. Many have been pushed into exile. Rising violence against journalists and human rights defenders, including killings – the latest being that of journalist Orlando Villanueva – recently led the CIVICUS Monitor to downgrade its civic space rating for Guatemala to the second-worst category, repressed.

Restrictions on civic freedoms increased in the run-up to elections, ranging from smear campaigns to criminalisation. On 14 June, José Rubén Zamora, head of the newspaper elPeriódico, which had exposed more than 200 corruption cases, was sentenced to six years in prison for alleged money laundering. Zamora had been subjected to harassment and intimidation for years and had survived an assassination attempt.

An observation mission carried out by Reporters Without Borders and others ahead of voting warned that the absence of basic press freedoms made it impossible to guarantee a legitimate electoral process.

The process was indeed marred by multiple irregularities, starting with the disqualification of several contenders, including Indigenous leader Thelma Cabrera and her running mate, Jordán Rodas Andrade, the only left-wing candidacy polls showed stood a fighting chance. The candidate who led opinion polls, conservative business leader and TikTok star Carlos Pineda, was also disqualified.

What happened on 25 June

With two dozen candidates competing in the presidential race, it was no surprise that none reached the 50 per cent threshold required to avoid a runoff. What was unexpected was Arévalo’s good performance.

The front-runner, Sandra Torres of National Unity of Hope, is a political insider, Guatemala’s first lady between 2008 and 2011. Now standing for the third time in a row, she received 16 per cent of the vote. If elected, she would become Guatemala’s first female president. But she’s by no means a champion of women’s rights: she’s a vocal anti-abortion activist and her running mate is an evangelical pastor.

Runner-up Arévalo is an unusual politician at the head of an unusual party. Originally an academic with social-democratic views, he’s currently a member of Congress, where he leads a five-member progressive caucus. His running mate, low-key feminist Karin Herrera, is a microbiology researcher and university professor.

Unlike many Guatemalan parties, Arévalo’s party wasn’t created as a vehicle for someone’s presidential ambitions or corrupt interests: it was the creature of a group of concerned people that grew out of mass anti-corruption protests that broke out in 2015. In 2019, its presidential candidate was disqualified. But it found its footing among middle class groups, young people and women, particularly in Guatemala City.

The aftermath

Opinion polls had placed Arévalo eighth or ninth among the many contenders, so his performance caught elites off guard.

There’s no guarantee he’ll win the run-off. He’d have to gain the votes of the many who abstained or cast blank and invalid votes. But the fact that Arévalo might win has galvanised those who currently profit from the corrupt status quo, and they’re trying to push him out of the race. A majority of pro-establishment parties, including Torres’s party, have submitted complaints demanding a recount. Their supporters converged outside the Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE), quickly pushing further and calling for a rerun.

While various incidents were recorded on election day – including instances of vote buying, mostly by parties linked to the ruling alliance – international and domestic observers alike concluded that the results were valid and the gap of more than 200,000 votes between Semilla and the next contender, the outgoing president’s party, was insurmountable.

Mirador Electoral, a civil society platform, denounced pressures on the TSE as an attempted ‘electoral coup’. The European Union’s observer mission and the Organization of American States have called for the will of voters to be respected. Arévalo condemned it all as an intimidatory manoeuvre and called for the TSE, the Supreme Court and the Constitutional Court to act quickly and responsibly.

Instead, the Constitutional Court ordered the TSE to suspend official certification of results until complaints are resolved. Some fear an attempt to annul the elections will come next.

Guatemala stands at a crossroads. On the eve of voting it seemed on the verge of autocracy. An unexpected result hinted at the possibility of a much brighter path – one that fills many with hope but scares those who see their wealth and power endangered. The coming days and weeks will witness an arm-wrestling match between the past and the future, with three potential outcomes.

In the worst-case scenario, the runoff continues to be delayed by legal appeals and the task of appointing a president ultimately falls to Congress. In the second-worst scenario, a vote-by-vote recount is conducted instead of a simple cross-check of tally sheets, fraud occurs along the way and the ruling party’s candidate takes Arévalo’s runoff spot. Either way, the past wins.

Only if the recount is properly conducted, the results are corroborated and the runoff is held on 20 August will the future have a fighting chance. The corrupt establishment may still beat Arévalo – but this decision belongs to no one but the citizens of Guatemala.

Inés M. Pousadela is CIVICUS Senior Research Specialist, co-director and writer for CIVICUS Lens and co-author of the State of Civil Society Report.


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Over 900,000 South African have already left so where are they going? Could Dominica be the answer?

Roseau, July 05, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — South Africa has been in the news for all the wrong reasons in the past few months, with ongoing rolling blackouts hampering business, soaring interest rates and most recently the prospect of the country being isolated by international partners due to its ties with Russia.

Many South Africans are now actively looking outside their border for better personal and business prospects. South Africans are demanding more and better from their government – over 900,000 South Africans have already left the country according to the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs' 2020 International Migrant Stock report in 2022. The UN report, said by the end of 2020,"914,901 South Africans were living in other countries and territories, up from 786,554 in 2015.

With countries around the world increasing their global competitiveness, many nations are offering investors lucrative benefits that attract the best talent and brightest businesses to their shores.

One such nation is the Commonwealth of Dominica "" an island nation that is one of the safest countries in the world according to the 2023 World Citizenship Report.

Dominica has been attracting global citizens for nearly three decades through its Citizenship by Investment Programme "" a process that allows an investor to obtain a second or alternative citizenship by investing in the country's economy.

By contributing to either the Economic Diversification Fund or investing in Real Estate, South Africans should know that they will have access to a stable economy, a currency pegged against the US dollar and greater mobility to access the best hospitals, business hubs and education facilities.

Economic Diversification Fund

The Economic Diversification Fund financially supports socio–economic initiatives to develop Dominica's economy. These include construction and infrastructure developments, agriculture, information technology and tourism. There are currently multiple initiatives that are from the private and public sectors that focus on the economic development of Dominica. An example of these can be seen with the latest developments of the new international airport.

Prime Minister of Dominica, Honourable Roosevelt Skerrit shared with the public that “Significant work has been done, we discussed with the developers and contractors to advance the work to have a shorter period of time to complete the construction. The discussions are being held, and a strategy is being placed forward to advance the work.” The progress has created hope for the government and the citizens of Dominica.

Another example is the construction of the world's longest cable car that will transport passengers from Roseau Valley through the tropical rainforest to the world's second–largest Boiling Lake, creating new experiences for tourists and visitors to view the Nature Island of the Caribbean from the sky.

These are some examples that have guaranteed Dominica's local citizens to be employed during the projects and create permanent employment once the projects are fully operational.

The minimum contributions for applications are as follows:

  • US$100,000 (ZAR1,800,000) for the main applicant;
  • US$150,000 (ZAR2,700,000) for the main applicant and spouse;
  • US$175,000 (ZAR3,200,000) for the main applicant and up to three dependants;
  • US$50,000 (ZAR910,000) for any additional dependant 18 years of age or older.

There are instances whereby additional fees will apply that depend on the applicant's primary citizenship and personal circumstances.

Real Estate

Real estate investment option starts from US$200,000 (ZAR3,600,000) for government–approved properties that offer South African investors the opportunity to invest in selective properties available in breathtaking locations around Dominica.

There are additional government fees applicable per application that consist of the following:

  • US$25,000 (ZAR450,000) for the main applicant;
  • US$35,000 (ZAR600,000) for the main applicant and up to three dependants;
  • US$50,000 (ZAR910,000) for the main applicant and up to five dependants;
  • US$25,000 (ZAR450,000) for any additional dependants.

The award–winning The Residences at Secret Bay are one of the luxurious properties that South African Investors can leisure in the benefits of a beautiful eco–friendly property that offers excellent returns on investments.

The Due diligence fees in the Economic Diversification Fund and Real Estate investment options, per application, are:

  • US7,500 (ZAR137,000) for the main applicant;
  • US$4,000 (ZAR73,000) for the spouse;
  • US$4,000 (ZAR73,000) for any dependants 16 years of age or above.

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8869063)

Recognising Human Rights Defenders as Remarkable Agents of Positive Change

Five human rights defenders receive a Front Line Defenders Award in Dublin in May 2023. Credit: Conor McCabe

By Olive Moore
DUBLIN, Ireland, Jul 5 2023 – In recent years, the global landscape for human rights defenders (HRDs) has become more difficult and complex, with both new and heightened challenges. With hundreds of defenders killed every year, the scale and magnitude of threats faced by HRDs is unprecedented.

And our response to this is severely lacking. Authoritarian and repressive forces are ever more emboldened by a permissive international environment, which fails to protect HRDs and hold aggressors to account.

Civic space restrictions, conflict and crises, climate crisis, technological threats, rising authoritarianism and anti-gender policies all significantly affect the work, safety and well-being of HRDs.

But thankfully, there is a flipside to this grim panorama. I recently had the privilege of spending some time with five HRDs who are among those leading the charge against these sobering trends. Courageously, they are stepping up to these challenges, to fight for their space, to champion collective rights and to stand for a better, more just world.

The five HRDs were visiting Dublin as the recipients of an annual award Front Line Defenders has been presenting to HRDs from all over the world since 2005. The recipients, from each of the major world regions, are among those most at risk for their peaceful work in defense of human rights.

In all cases, they demonstrate a steadfast commitment to the communities they support and represent. They offer inspiration for our times, and give us all reason to continue to care, to stand together in solidarity and to speak out and act.

I would like to highlight some of their invaluable contributions to the greater good.

Our Africa winner, Olivier Ndoole Bahemuke, is a leader among environmental and land defenders in Democratic Republic of the Congo, and one of the most trusted advocates on behalf of communities impacted by land grabs, trafficking, and illegal resource extraction activities.

Known in North Kivu province as the “Green lawyer,” he is an ardent defender of the rights of communities and the environment in Virunga National Park and areas around Goma. He has faced death threats, been beaten to the point of hospitalisation and faced ongoing persecution for this work.

Our Americas winner, Segundo Ordóñez, an Afro-descendant human rights defender from Ecuador, is one of the most visible faces and the community representative in the two legal proceedings brought against the multinational company Furukawa Plantaciones C. A. and the State of Ecuador. The cases have focused on how workers on abacá (Manila hemp) plantations suffer labour exploitation as they farm the raw materials in conditions of modern slavery.

From Asia and the Pacific, Jeany ‘Rose’ Hayahay is a woman human rights defender based in Mindanao, the Philippines. Since 2019, she has been the spokesperson of the Save Our Schools Network (SOS Network), a coalition of child-focused NGOs, church-based groups and other stakeholders advocating for children’s right to education in Mindanao, particularly in the context of militarisation and attacks on schools.

Rose is consistently red-tagged and monitored as a leader, facing reprisals and threats, both directly and indirectly. She is at high risk of being killed, arrested or imprisoned yet continues to lead at the forefront with determination and courage.

Our Europe and Central Asia winner, Digital Security Lab Ukraine, represented by their executive director Vita Volodovska is a team of specialists in the field of digital security and internet freedom.

Amid the dangers of Russia’s full-scale invasion of their country, they help Ukrainian journalists, human rights defenders and public activists solve problems with digital security, as well as promote the realisation of human rights on the internet by influencing government policy in the field of digital rights.

And, last but not least, our Middle East and North Africa winner, Hala Ahed, from Jordan is one of the few women human rights lawyers in her country, who has worked with a number of human rights and feminist organisations to defend women’s rights, workers’ rights, and the freedoms of opinion, expression and peaceful assembly in Jordan.

Despite her vital work and advocacy, Hala has endured various forms of intimidation and harassment, including facing threats and being summoned multiple times by the Jordanian General Intelligence Directorate.

These five HRDs are remarkable agents of positive change – representing our best chance to withstand, counter and find solutions to the significant challenges we face today.

However, they all face tremendous personal risk because of their human rights work – with ongoing threats to their security, well-being and reputations and the safety of their families. As we met with diplomats, dignitaries and like-minded organisations in Dublin and Brussels, our Award winners told us about the cost to them and their families and communities, and the huge personal sacrifice they make.

In some cases, they literally put their lives on the line to continue with their crucial work in defense of human rights; in others, they have been labelled “terrorists”; organisations they support have been criminalised; or their family members have faced threats and abduction.

It is a fate that is reflective of our wider work to protect human rights defenders – in 2022, Front Line Defenders supported 2,675 HRDs and 404 organisations at risk in over 140 countries – including in some very challenging contexts of armed conflict and crises.

One part of the Front Line Defenders Award is about recognition for and solidarity with these defenders, for whom the limelight brings a level of international attention and protection. This is important, but this is only only part of what HRDs require for their protection, and for their human rights work to thrive. They also need concerted political action.

That is why, as Front Line Defenders, we will continue to work directly with HRDs to advocate with governments, international institutions and corporations, to ensure that the crucial work HRDs do to advance human rights and justice is valued and that as individuals they are respected and protected.

Olive Moore is Interim Director of Front Line Defenders

IPS UN Bureau


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