Empresa britânica de IA, Quantexa, se compromete com mais de £ 200 milhões em investimento em pesquisa e desenvolvimento de IA até 2027

CEO da Quantexa descreve a viso para o investimento em apoio ao plano do governo do Reino Unido de tornar o Reino Unido um hub de IA, que inclui:

  • 125 milhes em novos investimentos globais com o objetivo de acelerar a capacidade de empresas e agncias governamentais para usar solues confiveis de Inteligncia de Deciso habilitadas por IA
  • 85 milhes em investimento dedicado ao Reino Unido criaro mais de 170 novos empregos na equipe do Centro de Inovao de IA de Londres
  • Prvia do assistente de IA Generativa mostra como as instituies lderes mundiais desbloquearo todo o potencial dos dados para investigar riscos e identificar oportunidades

LONDRES e NOVA YORK, July 11, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Quantexa, lder global em solues de Decision Intelligence (DI) para os setores pblico e privado, anunciou hoje que investir mais 125 milhes na indstria global de inteligncia artificial (IA) nos prximos trs anos para ajudar os clientes a promover o uso de IA para proteger, otimizar, e fazer crescer as suas organizaes. At 2027, o investimento global total da Quantexa em IA chegar a mais de 200 milhes.

O investimento marca os avanos contnuos da Quantexa em IA com a prvia de sua tecnologia de IA Generativa, a Q Assist. A Quantexa tambm promoveu seu compromisso de promover a Stack de IA existente da empresa para permitir que seu crescente ecossistema global de clientes e parceiros desbloqueie novos casos de uso especficos do setor para servios financeiros, seguros, telecomunicaes, sade e no setor pblico. A plataforma de Decision Intelligence da Quantexa e o conjunto de solues para gerenciamento de dados, inteligncia de clientes, KYC, risco, fraude e crime financeiro foram implementados em mais de 70 pases.

A anlise da Universidade de Washington sugere que esse investimento impulsionar a indstria global de IA em 600 milhes, medida em que o efeito multiplicador for realizado.

IA em contexto: como a Quantexa aumenta e automatiza a Decision Intelligence com IA

Prvia do assistente de IA Generativa inova
Construdo na plataforma de Decision Intelligence da Quantexa, a prvia de tecnologia do Q Assist, um assistente de IA generativo, demonstra o potencial do uso de LLM's para criar uma interface intuitiva e conversacional, trazendo novas eficincias para analistas que trabalham com dados para identificar riscos como parte das investigaes. Para as organizaes, o benefcio potencial significativo "" j que o assistente de IA permite que toda a equipe de analistas se torne to eficaz quanto os investigadores mais experientes.

O Q Assist independente de LLM, e permitir que os clientes usem seus prprios modelos proprietrios, de cdigo aberto ou comercialmente disponveis, incluindo o ChatGPTTM, um LLM lder da OpenAI. Os recursos de resoluo, anlise grfica e pontuao de entidades lderes de mercado da Quantexa so turbinados quando podem ser consultados com perguntas e sugestes em linguagem natural na Plataforma de Decision Intelligence da Quantexa.

Hoje, em um vdeo showcase, a Quantexa demonstrou um dos que podem se tornar muitos casos de uso potenciais para o Q Assist. O cenrio de investigao de crimes financeiros foi escolhido para mostrar o potencial do uso de linguagem natural para consultar grandes quantidades de dados estruturados e no estruturados em escala, permitindo que at mesmo analistas juniores entendam os dados complexos por trs de anlises grficas e alertas. A prvia tambm mostrou a capacidade de automatizar a gerao de Relatrios de Atividades Suspeitas (SARs) e resumos investigativos – possveis em cerca de 100 idiomas "" impulsionando ainda mais a eficincia no que normalmente um processo manual intensivo, e permitindo mais tempo para o redirecionamento para atividades estratgicas.

A IA em toda a plataforma de Decision Intelligence da Quantexa entrega valor de negcios
Empresas e agncias governamentais esto usando a Decision Intelligence da Quantexa para se tornarem mais eficazes e eficientes na organizao de dados isolados e confusos para obter vises de 360 graus de clientes e fornecedores para identificar fraudes, qualificar a elegibilidade para servios, parar mercadorias perigosas nas fronteiras ou otimizar cadeias de suprimentos.

A Quantexa est utilizando trs princpios fundamentais para construir de forma responsvel sua Stack de IA:

  • Aprendizagem baseada no contexto: Assim como os seres humanos precisam de contexto completo para tomar decises informadas, a IA tambm precisa. Sem contexto, at mesmo os algoritmos de aprendizado de mquina ou de deep learning mais inteligentes carecem de preciso para serem implementados de forma confivel. Por exemplo, impossvel para uma pessoa ou modelo de IA saber se uma nica transao bancria isoladamente poderia ser lavagem de dinheiro. A Quantexa cria um contexto verdadeiro utilizando dados para criar vises nicas de pessoas, organizaes, lugares e outras entidades e os monta visualmente para mostrar interaes complexas entre entidades. Esse contexto o que permite que uma pessoa ou IA tome uma deciso precisa.
  • IA composta: O stack de IA composto da Quantexa agrega os resultados de muitas tcnicas diferentes, incluindo aprendizado de mquina, processamento de linguagem natural e deep learning. Combinando–os com a contribuio de especialistas no assunto, as organizaes podem usar anlises de modo contnuo para melhorar a tomada de decises para proteger, otimizar e crescer. A Quantexa usa acesso exclusivo a grandes volumes de dados estruturados e no estruturados do setor para treinar sua IA e fornece modelos abertos out–of–the–box, dando aos clientes a capacidade de modificar ou criar os seus prprios.
  • Explicvel e de confiana:Nos ambientes altamente regulamentados em que as organizaes trabalham, crucial que as decises sejam transparentes e explicveis, sem sugestes parciais. A tecnologia e a governana da Quantexa usam tcnicas baseadas em contexto e IA composta para impulsionar a adoo de resultados explicveis sem preocupaes com a privacidade. A Quantexa mantm publicamente suas diretrizes de tica e segurana de IA aqui.

Rishi Sunak, Primeiro–Ministro do Reino Unido, disse:
“Queremos garantir que o Reino Unido continue sendo o melhor lugar do mundo para construir, testar e usar tecnologia de IA segura. O novo Centro de Inovao em IA de 85 milhes da Quantexa, em Londres, ajudar a cimentar essa realidade. Ele gerar mais de 170 empregos, aproveitar o potencial extraordinrio da IA medida que crescemos nossa economia e liderar o caminho no desenvolvimento responsvel de IA em todo o mundo.”

Chloe Smith, Secretria de Tecnologia, disse:
“O governo leva a srio a IA, e por isso que investimos 2,5 bilhes em infraestrutura e habilidades de IA desde 2014, e, este ano, estabelecemos nosso plano de regulamentao de IA para impulsionar a inovao e construir confiana. O investimento da Quantexa um enorme voto de confiana nestes planos, e desbloquear novas oportunidades de crescimento e criao de empregos, nos permitindo continuar a pavimentar o caminho como lder global no desenvolvimento de IA.”

Vishal Marria, CEO e fundador da Quantexa, disse:
“Embora muitas empresas estejam falando sobre IA e aprendizado de mquina, temos investido nela desde a nossa criao. Estamos investindo nosso tempo, dinheiro e recursos no maior avano tecnolgico das geraes, pois isso transformar a forma como as organizaes tomam decises. Estamos orgulhosos de investir em inovao com sede em Londres, mas o impacto ser sentido pela economia global, e iniciar um efeito cascata que desbloquear recursos de inteligncia de deciso para nossos clientes e suas respectivas indstrias.”

O Dr. Oren Etzioni, professor de Cincia da Computao da Universidade de Washington e CEO fundador do Allen Institute for AI, disse: “Um investimento de 100 empregos em IA impulsionar o crescimento econmico no apenas em Londres, mas em todo o mundo. Os lugares mais propensos a se beneficiar so hubs de inovao em IA, como a cidade de Nova York, Seattle e So Francisco. Com base na minha investigao sobre o impacto da IA no emprego e no crescimento econmico, os benefcios monetrios a longo prazo deste anncio aumentaro significativamente devido ao efeito multiplicador da criao de emprego e da inovao. Um investimento inicial de 200 milhes provavelmente beneficiar a indstria de IA mais ampla globalmente, em 600 milhes dentro de trs anos.”

Para saber mais sobre como sua organizao pode se beneficiar do investimento, inovao e prticas ticas de IA da Quantexa, visite aqui.

Sobre a Quantexa
A Quantexa uma empresa global de software de dados e anlise pioneira em Decision Intelligence que capacita as organizaes a tomar decises operacionais confiveis, tornando os dados significativos. Usando os mais recentes avanos em big data e IA, a plataforma Decision Intelligence da Quantexa descobre riscos ocultos e novas oportunidades, fornecendo uma viso contextual e conectada de dados internos e externos em um nico lugar. Ela soluciona os principais desafios em gesto de dados, KYC, inteligncia do cliente, crime financeiro, risco, fraude e segurana, durante todo o ciclo de vida do cliente.

A Plataforma de Decision Intelligence da Quantexa melhora o desempenho operacional, proporcionando um aumento de mais de 90% na preciso e uma resoluo do modelo analtico 60 vezes mais rpida do que as abordagens tradicionais. Fundada em 2016, a Quantexa agora tem mais de 650 funcionrios e milhares de usurios trabalhando com bilhes de transaes e pontos de dados em todo o mundo. A empresa tem escritrios em Londres, Nova York, Boston, Toronto, Mlaga, Bruxelas, Amsterd, Irlanda, Luxemburgo, Cingapura, Melbourne, Sydney e Emirados rabes Unidos. Para mais informaes, visite www.quantexa.com ou siga–nos no LinkedIn.

Informaes de mdia
C: Stephanie Crisp, Diretora Associada e Estrategista de Mdia, Fight or Flight
E: Quantexa@fightflight.co.uk""

C: Adam Jaffe, Vice–Presidente Snior de Marketing Corporativo
T: +1 609 502 6889""
E: adamjaffe@quantexa.com""
– ou –""

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000829502)

Quantexa, une société britannique spécialisée dans l'IA, s'engage à investir plus de 200 millions de livres sterling dans la recherche et le développement de l'IA d'ici à 2027

Le PDG de Quantexa expose sa vision de l'investissement pour soutenir le plan du gouvernement britannique visant faire du Royaume–Uni une plaque tournante de l'IA :

  • 125 millions de livres sterling investis l'chelle mondiale dans le but d'acclrer la capacit des entreprises et des organisations gouvernementales utiliser des solutions d'intelligence dcisionnelle bases sur l'IA
  • un investissement britannique de 85 millions de livres sterling permettra de crer plus de 170 nouveaux emplois au sein de l'quipe du Centre d'innovation en IA de Londres
  • L'assistant Generative AI montre en avant–premire comment des institutions de premier plan vont exploiter tout le potentiel des donnes pour tudier les risques et identifier les opportunits

LONDRES et NEW YORK, 11 juill. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Quantexa, leader mondial des solutions d'intelligence dcisionnelle (ID) destines aux secteurs public et priv, a annonc aujourd'hui qu'elle investira 125 millions de livres sterling supplmentaires dans le secteur mondial de l'intelligence artificielle (IA) au cours des trois prochaines annes afin d'aider ses clients faire progresser l'utilisation de l'IA pour protger, optimiser et dvelopper leurs organisations. D'ici 2027, l'investissement total de Quantexa au niveau mondial dans l'IA atteindra plus de 200 millions de livres sterling.

Cet investissement marque les progrs continus de Quantexa dans le domaine de l'IA avec la prsentation en avant–premire de sa technologie d'IA gnrative, Q Assist. Quantexa a galement renforc son engagement faire progresser sa plateforme d'IA existante pour permettre son cosystme mondial croissant de clients et de partenaires de dbloquer de nouveaux modles d'utilisation spcifiques l'industrie pour les services financiers, les assurances, les tlcommunications, les soins de sant et le secteur public. La plateforme de dcision intelligente de Quantexa et sa suite de solutions de gestion des donnes, d'intelligence client, de KYC, de risque, de fraude et de criminalit financire ont t dployes dans plus de 70 pays.

Une analyse de l'universit de Washington suggre que cet investissement stimulera l'industrie mondiale de l'IA hauteur de 600 millions de livres sterling lorsque l'effet multiplicateur se concrtisera.

L'IA en contexte : Comment Quantexa amliore et automatise l'intelligence dcisionnelle grce l'IA

L'aperu d'un assistant d'IA gnratif ouvre de nouvelles perspectives
Ralis sur la plateforme d'intelligence dcisionnelle de Quantexa, l'aperu technologique de Q Assist, un assistant d'IA gnratif, dmontre le potentiel de l'utilisation des LLM pour crer une interface intuitive et conversationnelle apportant une efficacit accrue aux analystes travaillant avec des donnes visant identifier les risques dans le cadre d'enqutes. Pour les organisations, les avantages potentiels sont considrables, car l'assistant IA permet l'ensemble des analystes d'tre aussi efficaces que les enquteurs les plus expriments.

Q Assist est agnostique en matire de LLM et permettra ses clients d'utiliser leurs propres modles propritaires, open source ou disponibles sur le march, y compris ChatGPTTM, un LLM de premier plan d'OpenAI. Les capacits de rsolution d'entits, d'analyse de graphes et de notation de Quantexa, leaders sur le march, sont dynamises lorsqu'elles peuvent tre interroges l'aide de questions et d'invites en langage naturel sur la plateforme d'intelligence dcisionnelle de Quantexa.

Aujourd'hui, dans une prsentation vido, Quantexa a prsent l'un des nombreux cas d'utilisation potentiels de Q Assist. Le scnario de l'enqute sur la criminalit financire a t choisi pour illustrer le potentiel de l'utilisation du langage naturel pour interroger de vastes quantits de donnes structures et non structures grande chelle, permettant mme aux analystes dbutants de comprendre les donnes complexes qui se cachent derrire les analyses graphiques et les alertes. Cette prsentation a galement montr la possibilit d'automatiser la gnration de rapports d'activit suspecte (SAR) et de rsums d'enqute – possible dans prs de 100 langues – permettant ainsi d'amliorer l'efficacit d'un processus gnralement manuel et de consacrer plus de temps des activits stratgiques.

L'IA au travers de la plateforme d'intelligence dcisionnelle de Quantexa apporte de la valeur aux entreprises
Les entreprises et les organisations gouvernementales utilisent l'intelligence dcisionnelle de Quantexa pour devenir plus efficaces dans leur structuration de donnes disparates et dsordonnes afin d'obtenir une vision panoramique des clients et des fournisseurs pour identifier les fraudes, qualifier l'ligibilit aux services, arrter les marchandises dangereuses aux frontires, ou optimiser les chanes d'approvisionnement.

Quantexa s'appuie sur trois principes fondamentaux pour dvelopper de manire responsable sa plateforme IA :

  • Apprentissage bas sur le contexte : tout comme les humains, l'IA a besoin d'un contexte exhaustif pour prendre des dcisions claires. En l'absence de contexte, mme les algorithmes d'apprentissage automatique ou d'apprentissage pouss les plus intelligents manquent de prcision pour tre dploys de manire fiable. Par exemple, il est impossible pour une personne ou un modle d'IA de savoir si une transaction bancaire isole constitue un cas de blanchiment d'argent. Quantexa cre un contexte rel en utilisant des donnes pour constituer des reprsentations uniques de personnes, d'organisations, de lieux et d'autres entits, et les assemble visuellement pour montrer les interactions complexes entre les entits. C'est ce contexte qui permet une personne ou l'IA de prendre une dcision juste.
  • Composite IA: la plateforme Composite IA de Quantexa regroupe les rsultats de nombreuses techniques distinctes, notamment l'apprentissage automatique, le traitement du langage naturel et l'apprentissage en profondeur. En associant ces donnes celles des experts en la matire, les organisations peuvent continuellement utiliser l'analyse pour amliorer la prise de dcision afin de protger, d'optimiser et de dvelopper leurs activits. Quantexa utilise un accs exclusif d'normes volumes de donnes industrielles structures et non structures pour entraner son IA et fournit des modles ouverts prts l'emploi, donnant aux clients la possibilit de modifier ou de crer leurs propres modles.
  • Explicabilit et confiance : compte tenu des environnements hautement rglements dans lesquels les organisations voluent, il est crucial que les dcisions soient transparentes et explicites et qu'il n'y ait pas de parti pris. La technologie et la gouvernance de Quantexa utilisent des techniques bases sur le contexte et l'intelligence artificielle composite pour favoriser l'adoption de rsultats explicables, indpendamment des considrations lies la protection de la vie prive. Quantexa publie ses lignes directrices en matire d'thique et de scurit de l'IA ici.

Rishi Sunak, Premier ministre du Royaume–Uni, a affirm
vouloir s'assurer que son pays reste au premier rang mondial en matire de construction, d'essai et de mise en "uvre de technologies d'intelligence artificielle scurises. Le nouveau centre d'innovation en IA de Quantexa Londres, estim 85 millions de livres sterling, contribuera consolider cette ralit. Il crera plus de 170 emplois, exploitera l'extraordinaire potentiel de l'IA dans le cadre de la croissance de l'conomie du pays et ouvrira la voie un dveloppement responsable de l'IA dans le monde entier.

Chloe Smith, secrtaire d'tat aux technologies, a dclar
que le gouvernement prenait la question de l'IA au srieux, raison pour laquelle il a investi 2,5 milliards de livres sterling dans l'infrastructure et les comptences en matire d'IA depuis 2014 et a prsent cette anne son plan de rglementation de l'IA afin de stimuler l'innovation et d'instaurer un climat de confiance. L'investissement de Quantexa est un norme vote de confiance en faveur de ces projets et ouvrira de nouvelles opportunits de croissance et de cration d'emplois, lui permettant de continuer ouvrir la voie en tant que leader mondial dans le dveloppement de l'IA.

Vishal Marria, PDG et fondateur de Quantexa, a dclar
que tandis que de nombreuses entreprises parlent de l'IA et de l'apprentissage automatique, Quantexa investit dans ces secteurs depuis sa cration. L'entreprise investit son temps, son argent et ses ressources dans la plus grande avance technologique depuis des gnrations, qui transformera la manire dont les organisations prennent leurs dcisions. Quantexa est fire d'investir dans l'innovation londonienne, mais l'impact sera ressenti par l'conomie mondiale et dclenchera un effet d'entranement qui dbloquera des capacits d'intelligence dcisionnelle pour ses clients et leurs secteurs d'activit respectifs.

Le Dr Oren Etzioni, professeur d'informatique l'universit de Washington et PDG fondateur de l'Allen Institute for AI, a expliqu qu'un investissement de 100 emplois dans l'IA stimulera la croissance conomique, non seulement Londres, mais aussi dans le monde entier. Les zones les plus susceptibles d'en bnficier sont les centres d'innovation en matire d'IA tels que New York, Seattle et San Francisco. D'aprs ses recherches relatives l'impact de l'IA sur l'emploi et la croissance conomique, les bnfices montaires long terme de cette annonce augmenteront de manire significative en raison de l'effet multiplicateur de la cration d'emplois et de l'innovation. Un investissement initial de 200 millions de livres sterling devrait rapporter 600 millions de livres sterling l'ensemble du secteur de l'IA dans les trois ans venir.

Pour en savoir plus sur la faon dont votre organisation peut bnficier des investissements, de l'innovation et des pratiques thiques de Quantexa en matire d'IA, veuillez cliquer ici.

A propos de Quantexa
Quantexa est une socit internationale spcialise dans les logiciels de donnes et d'analyse, pionnire dans le domaine de l'intelligence dcisionnelle, permettant aux organisations de prendre des dcisions oprationnelles fiables en donnant un sens leurs donnes. En utilisant les dernires avances en matire de Big Data et d'IA, la plateforme d'intelligence dcisionnelle de Quantexa rvle les risques cachs et les nouvelles opportunits en fournissant une vision contextuelle et connecte des donnes internes et externes en un seul endroit. Elle rsout des dfis majeurs dans les domaines de la gestion des donnes, de la connaissance du client, de l'intelligence client, de la criminalit financire, des risques, de la fraude et de la scurit, tout au long du cycle de vie client.

La plateforme d'intelligence dcisionnelle de Quantexa amliore la performance oprationnelle avec plus de 90 % de prcision et une rsolution du modle analytique 60 fois plus rapide que les approches traditionnelles. Fonde en 2016, Quantexa compte aujourd'hui plus de 650 employs et des milliers d'utilisateurs travaillant avec des milliards de transactions et de points de donnes travers le monde. L'entreprise est implante Londres, New York, Boston, Toronto, Malaga, Bruxelles, Amsterdam, en Irlande, au Luxembourg, Singapour, Melbourne, Sydney et dans les mirats arabes unis. Pour tout complment d'information, rendez–vous sur www.quantexa.com ou suivez–nous sur LinkedIn.

Contacts mdias
C : Stephanie Crisp, directrice associe et responsable des stratgies mdiatiques, Fight or Flight
E : Quantexa@fightflight.co.uk""

C : Adam Jaffe, Vice–prsident du marketing d'entreprise
T : +1 609 502 6889
E : adamjaffe@quantexa.com""
– ou –

Une photo accompagnant cette annonce est disponible l'adresse suivante : https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/afbbd220–e3ee–4c36–b53e–3f10d3634414

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000829502)

Britisches KI-Unternehmen Quantexa investiert bis 2027 über 200 Mio. GBP in KI-Forschung und -Entwicklung

Der CEO von Quantexa skizziert seine Vision fr Investitionen zur Untersttzung des Plans der britischen Regierung, das Vereinigte Knigreich zu einem KI–Drehkreuz zu machen, der Folgendes beinhaltet:

  • 125 Mio. GBP in neue globale Investitionen , die darauf abzielen, die Fhigkeit von Unternehmen und Regierungsbehrden zu beschleunigen, vertrauenswrdige KI–gesttzte Decision Intelligence–Lsungen zu nutzen
  • 85 Mio. GBP an gezielten Investitionen im Vereinigten Knigreich werden ber 170 neue Arbeitspltze im Team des Londoner KI–Innovationszentrums schaffen
  • Vorschau auf den Assistenten fr generative KI zeigt, wie weltweit fhrende Institutionen das volle Potenzial von Daten zur Untersuchung von Risiken und zur Erkennung von Chancen ausschpfen werden

LONDON und NEW YORK, July 11, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Quantexa, ein weltweit fhrender Anbieter von Decision Intelligence (DI)–Lsungen fr den ffentlichen und privaten Sektor, hat heute bekanntgegeben, dass das Unternehmen in den nchsten drei Jahren weitere 125 Mio. GBP in die weltweite KI–Branche (knstliche Intelligenz) investieren wird, um Kunden dabei zu untersttzen, den Einsatz von KI zum Schutz, zur Optimierung und zum Wachstum ihrer Organisationen voranzutreiben. Bis 2027 werden die weltweiten Gesamtinvestitionen von Quantexa in KI mehr als 200 Mio. GBP erreichen.

Die Investition markiert die kontinuierlichen Fortschritte von Quantexa in der KI mit dem Ausblick auf seine generative KI–Technologie Q Assist. Quantexa hat auerdem sein Engagement fr die Weiterentwicklung des bestehenden KI–Stacks des Unternehmens bekrftigt, um sein wachsendes globales kosystem von Kunden und Partnern in die Lage zu versetzen, neue branchenspezifische Anwendungsflle fr Finanzdienstleistungen, Versicherungen, Telekommunikation, Gesundheitswesen und den ffentlichen Sektor zu erschlieen. Die Decision Intelligence–Plattform von Quantexa und die Suite von Lsungen fr Datenmanagement, Customer Intelligence, KYC, Risiko, Betrug und Finanzkriminalitt sind in ber 70 Lndern im Einsatz.

Eine Analyse der University of Washington geht davon aus, dass diese Investition die KI–Branche weltweit um 600 Mio. GBP ankurbeln wird, wenn der Multiplikatoreffekt zum Tragen kommt.

KI im Kontext: Wie Quantexa die Decision Intelligence mit KI erweitert und automatisiert

Vorschau des generativen KI–Assistenten beschreitet neue Wege
Die Technologievorschau von Q Assist, einem generativen KI–Assistenten, der auf der Decision Intelligence–Plattform von Quantexa aufbaut, zeigt das Potenzial der Nutzung von LLMs zur Schaffung einer intuitiven und dialogorientierten Schnittstelle, die Analysten, die mit Daten arbeiten, um Risiken im Rahmen von Ermittlungen zu identifizieren, neue Mglichkeiten erffnet. Fr Unternehmen ist der potenzielle Nutzen betrchtlich, da der KI–Assistent es allen Analysten ermglicht, so effektiv zu werden wie die erfahrensten Ermittler.

Q Assist ist LLM–agnostisch und ermglicht es Kunden, ihre eigenen proprietren, Open–Source– oder kommerziell verfgbaren Modelle zu verwenden, einschlielich ChatGPTTM, einem fhrenden LLM von OpenAI. Die marktfhrenden Funktionen von Quantexa fr nach einzelnen Einheiten differenzierte Vorgehensweisen, zur Graphenanalyse und zum Scoring werden durch die Verwendung von Fragen und Aufforderungen in natrlicher Sprache in der Decision Intelligence–Plattform von Quantexa zu einem wahren Turbomodell.

Heute hat Quantexa in einem Video–Showcase einen von vielen mglichen Anwendungsfllen fr Q Assist vorgestellt. Das Szenario zur Untersuchung von Finanzkriminalitt wurde gewhlt, um das Potenzial der Verwendung natrlicher Sprache zur Abfrage groer Mengen strukturierter und unstrukturierter Daten in groem Umfang aufzuzeigen, so dass selbst Analysten am Anfang ihrer Laufbahn die komplexen Daten hinter Graphanalysen und Warnmeldungen verstehen knnen. Die Vorschau zeigte auch die Mglichkeit, die Erstellung von Verdachtsberichten (Suspicious Activity Reports, SARs) und Ermittlungszusammenfassungen zu automatisieren "" dies ist in fast 100 Sprachen mglich "" und damit die Effizienz eines normalerweise manuell geprgten Prozesses weiter zu steigern und mehr Zeit fr strategische Aktivitten zur Verfgung zu stellen.

KI in der Decision Intelligence–Plattform von Quantexa liefert Geschftswert
Unternehmen und Behrden nutzen Decision Intelligence von Quantexa, um effektiver und effizienter zu werden, wenn es darum geht, siloartige, unbersichtliche Daten zu organisieren, um 360–Grad–Ansichten von Kunden und Lieferanten zu erhalten, um Betrug zu erkennen, die Berechtigung fr Dienstleistungen zu qualifizieren, gefhrliche Gter an den Grenzen zu stoppen oder die Lieferketten zu optimieren.

Quantexa nutzt drei Kernprinzipien, um seinen KI–Stack verantwortungsvoll zu entwickeln:

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Altaaqa Renewables, a Zahid Group company, to build Wadi ad-Dawasir 119MW Solar Power Plant together with TotalEnergies and Toyota Tsusho Corporation

Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, July 11, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Following the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia – Ministry of Energy's introduction of the third round of Public Renewable tenders, ARE (Altaaqa Renewables "" a Zahid Group company) is proud to announce financial close for the development of a 119MWp Photovoltaic Independent Power Plant (PV Plant) in Wadi ad–Dawasir, along with its Consortium partners TotalEnergies and Toyota Tsusho Corporation. The Consortium will finance, build, own and operate the PV plant that will generate renewable energy for the Kingdom's Central Region. The achievement follows the Consortium being awarded the project by the Saudi Power Procurement Company.

With the Kingdom's impressive natural potential for solar power and through strategic investments in sustainable technologies, solar energy projects are being launched to diversify energy resources and optimize the Kingdom's energy mix. Currently there are renewable energy projects in advanced stages, which, once complete, will generate more than 4,500 MWp, powering over 650,000 homes across the Kingdom. By 2030, renewable energy will contribute 50% of the overall energy mix. Renewable energy projects are the key drivers towards achieving sustainability.

Mr. Majid T. Zahid, Group President "" Energy at Zahid Group, commented, "with sustainability being at the heart of Saudi Arabia's Vision 2030, and with the Kingdom aiming to reach Net Zero by 2060, the country is experiencing an incredibly rapid and dynamic energy transition". Mr. Zahid added, "Altaaqa Renewables (ARE) was established as part of our Group's commitment to actively participate in supporting our Kingdom achieve its sustainable initiatives. We are delighted to have achieved financial close on this exciting utility–scale renewable energy project and look forward to building the project in the months to come. A significant step in cementing our commitment towards the Kingdom's Vision 2030 and its sustainability targets."

Altaaqa Renewable Energy (ARE) is a global independent power producer (IPP) in the utility scale renewable and sustainable energy solutions space. ARE develops, finances, builds, and operates utility scale renewable energy, energy storage and hybrid projects that use the most advance and cost–efficient onshore wind and solar technologies. ARE is a Zahid Group company. Find out more about ARE: www.altaaqa–renewables.com


GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8872433)

East African International Students to Benefit from Single Qualification Framework

Sudanese refugee James Mathiang (left) with his teammates has had difficulties getting his qualifications recognised even though he was offered a scholarship. Wilson Odhiambo/IPS

Sudanese refugee James Mathiang (left) with his teammates has had difficulties getting his qualifications recognised even though he was offered a scholarship. Wilson Odhiambo/IPS

By Wilson Odhiambo
NAIROBI, Jul 11 2023 – East African international students could soon easily study in neighbouring countries after the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) proposed a new qualification framework to mitigate the difficulties faced when seeking education across borders.

IGAD has, over the past year, been conducting a series of seminars and workshops aimed at finding a solution to the problems faced by foreigners and refugees looking to continue with their education and employability in foreign lands.

During the 3rd IGAD conference held in Nairobi, Kenya, in March last year, it was agreed that its member states needed to develop a harmonised qualification framework that would allow their students to cross borders in search of work and education easily.

The IGAD member states include Kenya, Somalia, Ethiopia, Sudan, Djibouti, Uganda, South Sudan and Eritrea.

Countries usually have different education systems and standards, making it mandatory for foreigners to prove their qualifications before joining any institution.

Joining a higher education institution in Kenya demands one to have attained certain set standards from high school, which in this case, is to have a mean grade of at least a C+. Therefore, an international student seeking to join the same institution must show that they achieved an academic qualification from their country equivalent to the Kenyan standard.

To do this, they must go through the Kenya National Qualification Authority (KNQA) and have their high school grades converted to verify whether they meet the standards.

However, given the difference in curriculum and education standards for different countries, this is usually a tedious process for many.

Students have complained of waiting for months (or even years, in some cases) before having their qualifications approved to join learning institutions. This has especially been tough on refugees from Somalia and South Sudan, whose education systems are still volatile, making it difficult for them to get quality education in countries of their choice.

South Sudan, for instance, has seen many of its citizens stream into Kenya in search of refuge and a fresh start to life. And due to their height, many Sudanese teenagers are sought after by basketball coaches in colleges and universities who are willing to offer them sport scholarship opportunities.

IPS spoke to James Mathiang during one of his basketball games to understand his transition process as a foreigner trying to further his ambitions.

Mathiang is a refugee from South Sudan who had been offered a sports scholarship by African Nazarene University (ANU) but is yet to join since he has not cleared the qualification process.

“I came to Kenya in 2021 with my family and currently live in one of the estates in Nairobi. Our country is still facing civil unrest, and my parents felt it was wise for us to seek refuge in Kenya, which also meant continuing with our lives in a new country,” Mathiang told IPS.

“I play basketball and have many of my relatives who have been in Kenya for longer, who also play the sport and were able to introduce me to some of the teams they play in.”

It was not long before one of the basketball scouts noticed Mathiang’s potential and offered to get him a scholarship in return for his talents. Mathiang is, however, yet to benefit from the deal due to the required qualification conversion process.

“It has already been seven months since I was offered the scholarship, but I am yet to understand how the conversion process works. I may have to sit for another qualification exam in Kenya since my papers are not recognised by KNQA,” Mathiang told UWN.

According to KNQA, the qualification is a planned combination of learning outcomes with a definite purpose and is intended to provide qualifying learners with applied competence and a basis for further learning.

Joining a university in Kenya, requires one to have completed four years in high school and attained a mean grade of at least a C+.

This standard may differ in a country like Sudan or Uganda, where students must spend at least six years in high school before joining a University. As such, a Kenyan going to Uganda in search of higher education has to meet a standard equivalent to that of Uganda and vice versa.

Rollins Oduk, who has been on a basketball scholarship at the Uganda Martyr University, recalls how it took him almost two years to convert his secondary school certificates to meet the qualifications required by the Ugandan system.

“Since Uganda did not have a qualification system like Kenya, I had no choice but to enrol into one of their secondary schools and sit for fresh exams so that I could be accepted by their higher education institutions. In the meantime, I could still play for the University and get some financial benefits as I waited. This is a good move by IGAD, and it will help a lot of foreigners like me,” Oduk told UWN.

According to IGAD, only one of its member states, Kenya, has a properly functioning qualification system that enables foreigners to confirm and convert their qualifications quickly.

Dr Alice Kande, managing director, KNQA, explained that having a regional qualification framework would lessen students’ obstacles when moving across the member states in search of education.

“KNQA is receiving so many foreign qualifications that are awarded without a clear clarification on whether they are accredited in their countries of origin, their requisite volume of learning, the skills that they impart and their equivalence to local qualifications,” Kande told IPS.

“The authority plays an important role in ensuring that authenticity of foreign qualifications is ascertained; and that the country only accepts and recognises foreign qualifications that meet the national standard. By doing this, we hope that students get quality training and education that equips them with the skills necessary to work both locally and internationally and that the country as a whole only accepts and recognises qualifications that meet the national standard and protects the country from fake and substandard qualifications,” she added.

According to Zetech University, it is tough for institutions to enrol international students due to the bureaucracy of specific government offices that frustrates the effort of potential students and the recruiting universities. There is a disconnect that makes it necessary for the concerned offices to sit with the universities and discuss a way forward.

“To join Zetech, foreign students are expected to have a visa, a student pass and the KNQA equation to get admission. It is particularly difficult for Somali students because of the fear of terrorism; hence the student pass takes too long to process,” said Dr Catherine Njoki, Liaison and Resource Mobilization Director Zetech University. A student’s pass can take up to eight months to a year to acquire, making some give up entirely on their education.

“The students are also required to equate their results with the KNQA. This Government body is also very slow in their service delivery, and they decline to support the recruiting institutions with a general guideline of how students can get temporary admission as they await the confirmation. KNQA should become a little flexible with such information and also realise the country needs the foreign exchange as much as the institutions need the students,” Njoki told UWN.

KNQA, however, states that it should only take two to eight weeks for an evaluation process to be concluded.

“According to Kenya National Qualifications Authority, service charter evaluation of qualifications processing time is (14 -60) working days from receipt of an application. This is counted from date of receipt of all relevant documents provided by the applicants,” Kande explained.

The following are some of the requirements that will be expected of someone trying to have his qualifications converted:

(i) Certified copy of each qualification certificate to be evaluated.

(ii) Certified copy of official transcript of each qualification to

be evaluated.

(iii) Certified copy of certificate and transcript of qualification preceding the one

that has been submitted for evaluation.

(iv) Certified copy of Identity Document or birth certificate for children

under the age of 18 for citizens or Passport for foreigners

(v) Translations (if applicable) together with the documents in the original

language prepared by a sworn translator.

Njoki added that IGAD should bring all stakeholders involved to help address these issues.

“I would like to continue with my education through this sports scholarship, and if this harmonised system works, there are many foreigners like me who are going to benefit from it,” Mathiang concluded.

IPS UN Bureau Report


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Conagen develops debondable adhesive for textiles and soft materials from natural bioingredients

Bedford, Mass., July 11, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — When more than 92 million tons of textile waste are landfilled annually, new solutions are needed to enable fabric reworking in manufacturing and recycling on a mass scale. Conagen, the biotechnology innovator, announced the development of a groundbreaking debondable textile adhesive made from high–performance materials sourced from sustainable and natural biomolecules.

Conagen's debondable adhesive offers a major application in the realm of reworkability during clothing production. Traditionally, when mistakes occur during manufacturing, it can lead to material wastage and additional production costs.

The reworkability aspect of Conagen's adhesive presents a game–changing solution for the clothing industry. It allows for quick and efficient correction of errors without the need to discard and waste valuable materials. Adjustments can be made by simply debonding the adhesive and the fabric components can be seamlessly reworked, resulting in improved production efficiency, reduced material waste, and significant cost savings for manufacturers.

Moreover, debonding textile fabric plays a vital role in textile recycling by enabling efficient material separation, preserving material quality, expanding recycling opportunities, and advancing the goals of a circular economy.

Traditional adhesives used in garment manufacturing often create a permanent bond, making it challenging to separate fabric components during recycling. Conagen's debondable adhesive not only drives sustainability through fabric recycling but also offers a practical and economical solution for optimizing production processes in the clothing industry. The ability to debond and rework materials bring newfound flexibility and efficiency, benefiting manufacturers and the environment.
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“Conagen's pioneering adhesive has unlocked new possibilities and opportunities. This groundbreaking development enables efficient material separation during reworking and recycling processes and preserves the integrity of textile fibers, ensuring their quality for future utilization,” stated Sara Johnson, senior materials scientist. “With the introduction of Conagen's adhesive, we are taking a significant stride towards achieving a more sustainable and environmentally responsible textile industry.”

Having previously created debondable adhesives for other sectors, such as appliances, smartphones, cars, and more, Conagen identified the significant benefits such an adhesive could bring to the textile and clothing industry and tailored a new product specifically to its needs.

Adhesives and tapes are commonly used today in garment manufacturing, either alone or in combination with stitching. This is particularly evident in the manufacturing of women's underwear, where up to six layers of material are often glued together to achieve the desired fit and comfort. It is essential to bring attention to these modern manufacturing methods as they reflect the evolution of textile production.

Conagen's new adhesive offering provides strength comparable to existing fabric adhesives but with the added feature of controlled debondability at end–of–life. Inspired by self–healing materials, Conagen utilizes sustainable and natural ingredients to create high–strength debondable hot melt adhesives. Unlike traditional offerings, this new adhesive is designed with reversibility, exhibiting the strength of conventionally cured adhesives, with the added benefit of transitioning to a flowable material after heating.

Conagen's high–strength debondable textile adhesive can be used for garments, but also extends to accessories and other soft goods applications. Furthermore, the technology is compatible with both natural and synthetic fibers and materials.

To develop sustainable debondable textile adhesives, Conagen leverages its precision fermentation technology, independent of plant source materials, to create more efficient and sustainable bio–based ingredients compared to chemically–synthesized versions.

Conagen's fermentation technology is forging a path towards a more sustainable future, where the utilization of sustainable biocompounds and biomaterials takes center stage in propelling high–performance solutions that prioritize environmental consciousness," said J. McNamara, vice president of chemical applications.

The seam tapes market stood at $128 million in 2020. It was projected to exhibit a CAGR of 6.9% between 2020 and 2025, making Conagen's adhesive formulation lucrative for a supplier to distribute to clothing manufacturers.

Debondable adhesives have the potential to significantly impact the market by offering a more sustainable and efficient solution for fabric bonding. The ability to easily debond materials could lead to increased adoption of adhesive–based manufacturing techniques and open up new opportunities for textile reworking and recycling, thereby potentially expanding the market for debondable adhesive products.

Conagen's hallmark in biotech specialty and industrial space lies in discovering applications from the platform of natural biocompounds and biomaterials, ushering in a new era of high–performing and sustainable materials.

"By harnessing the power of fermentation, Conagen is leading the charge in promoting greener alternatives and revolutionizing industries with its commitment to sustainability and innovation," said McNamara.

Conagen's commitment to green chemicals and sustainability has been greatly reinforced by its strategic partnership with Sumitomo Chemical. The collaboration represents a major step forward in their shared vision of developing biosolutions for a more sustainable future.


About Conagen

Conagen is a product–focused, synthetic biology R&D company with large–scale manufacturing capabilities. Our scientists and engineers use the latest synthetic biology tools to develop high–quality, sustainable, nature–based products by precision fermentation and enzymatic bioconversion. We focus on the bioproduction of high–value ingredients for food, nutrition, flavors and fragrances, pharmaceutical, and renewable materials industries. www.conagen.com


GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8872187)

Water – a Weapon of War or a Tool for Peace?

Water is used to cool processes at the Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Power Plant in Ukraine. Credit: IAEA/Fredrik Dahl

By Maria Skold and Martina Klimes
STOCKHOLM, Sweden, Jul 11 2023 – The role of water in conflicts is changing, with more attacks against environmental and civilian infrastructure. Dr Martina Klimes of the Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI) recently held a lecture describing the shifting security landscape and how water can be both a weapon and a victim of war – and sometimes a tool for peace.

The Kakhovka dam disaster in Ukraine on 6 June is a painful reminder of how collapsing water infrastructure can cause enormous suffering in times of war, sometimes with consequences that last for generations. Ukraine accuses Russia of destroying the dam and using it as a weapon of war.

“That would be in direct conflict with the 1977 Additional Protocol I to the Geneva Conventions which protects civilians in times of war,” says Dr Martina Klimes who is Advisor Water and Peace at SIWI.

On 14 June, she participated in a breakfast meeting at the Swedish parliament together with other representatives from the Stockholm Hub on Environment, Climate and Security of which SIWI is a founding member.

Klimes’ presentation outlined the different roles of water in war:

    • Direct impact – where water and attacks on water infrastructure are used as a weapon of war.
    • Indirect impact – where military operations harm the environment, for example poisoning water sources or contaminating soil.
    • Transboundary impact – where the consequences are felt also in other countries.

During the war in Ukraine, all three dimensions are carefully monitored by local and international organizations to an extent rarely seen in other wars. Already before the Kakhovka dam disaster, Ukrainian authorities estimated the cost of the environmental impacts of the war to be approximately 50 billion euros.

Rivers, groundwater, and soil are polluted, and many national parks are impacted in the country which is described as the most biodiverse in Europe. In 2022, 16 million Ukrainians needed water, sanitation, and hygiene assistance.

By tracking the environmental consequences of the war so closely, the Ukrainian government hopes not just to facilitate reconstruction. Another aim is to collect evidence that could be used in a future war tribunal against Russia.

President Zelensky has said that charges could include ecocide, in addition to the four types of crimes currently covered by the International Criminal Court (ICC). In recent years, the idea of making ecocide a fifth crime enshrined in the Rome Statute of the ICC has started to gain traction.

The parliament of the European Union recently voted to make ecocide part of EU law.

At the United Nations, a commission has assessed gaps in existing international law and presented a set of more far-reaching draft principles on protection of the environment in relation to armed conflicts.

But researchers who have studied Yemen, Libya, and Syria say that attacks on civilian and environmental infrastructure have become more common in the past decade.

“This causes immense suffering for local populations and the impact often goes beyond national borders. We also know that environmental degradation is a risk multiplier that can trigger social instability and violence,” Klimes says.

Meanwhile, a landmark report on the topic – Environment of Peace – was presented last year by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), another partner of the Stockholm Hub on Environment, Climate and Security.

At the same time, countries and regions can reduce tensions by strengthening the resilience of ecosystems and humans. Collaborating around for example shared waters can also foster cooperation and peace.

To raise awareness of these complex interlinkages, SIWI works actively to bring together actors with different types of competencies. One example is the Shared Waters Partnership Programme to strengthen transboundary water cooperation.

Every year, SIWI also hosts a high-level panel during World Water Week on water-related security issues. This year the event will take place on 23 August at 11am CET with the theme Innovative Approaches to Support Peace and Conflict Prevention.

Maria Sköld, is Senior Manager, Communications.
Martina Klimes, PhD, is Advisor, Water and Peace, and Transboundary Water Cooperation.

IPS UN Bureau


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Bridge International Academies highlights the importance of educating girls this World Population Day

Bridge Nigeria pupil in class

NAIROBI, Kenya, July 11, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Bridge International Academies is drawing attention to the urgency of educating African girls this World Population Day (11th July) – the first time Sub–Saharan Africa will have the largest population of children on the planet.

The schools network, which includes Bridge Kenya, Bridge Nigeria and Bridge Uganda, supports children and parents in underserved communities by providing an excellent education.

This World Population Day focuses on the theme of "gender equality and women's empowerment as a key factor in reducing poverty.'

Reuben Wambugu, Bridge Group Managing Director, said, "By 2050 Africa and Asia will be home to 85% of the world's young people, with the larger proportion in Africa. Currently, only 10% of children in sub–Saharan Africa are able to read a simple sentence by the age of 10. If these young people aren't provided with an adequate education, there will be a global shortage of scientists, doctors and engineers. This could lead to a range of possible global catastrophes. Educating women and girls has proved particularly effective in reducing poverty on a local level in the short term. And with the children of educated women shown to be healthier and better educated, this leads to faster and sustained poverty reduction through generations.

He continued, "While Bridge has seen fantastic improvements in learning outcomes for all those attending our schools, it is particularly heartening that Bridge's methodology has succeeded in achieving gender parity in the classroom. A new study by Nobel Prize winning economist Professor Michael Kremer in our Bridge Kenya schools confirms this, finding girls make the same leaps in learning as boys."

Speaking on the success of Bridge's methods, Bridge Nigeria Managing Director Foyinsola Akinjayeju said, "Bridge's model focuses on arming teachers with scientifically proven techniques to elevate the learning of girls. Through approaches, such as gender sensitive instruction in lesson and textbook materials, expecting equal participation through "cold calling' of boys and girls in the classroom and the use of female school leaders as role models, girls are empowered to succeed. By pushing this approach and the importance of women's empowerment, Bridge Nigeria alone has provided a life–changing education to tens of thousands of girls in underserved communities, helping them complete primary school, do well in secondary school and open up opportunities offering prosperity and success."

To learn more about the Bridge methodology – visit their website here.

You can reach out to Bridge International Academies at info@bridgeinternationalacademies.com

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