Exchange Rate Movements Due to Interest Rates, Speculation, Not Fundamentals

By Jomo Kwame Sundaram
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia, Jul 26 2023 – Currency values and foreign exchange rates change for many reasons, largely following market perceptions, regardless of fundamentals. Market speculation has worsened volatility, instability and fragility in most economies, especially of small, open, developing countries.

US Fed pushing up interest rates
For no analytical rhyme or reason, US Federal Reserve Bank (Fed) chairman Jerome Powell insists on raising interest rates until inflation is brought under 2% yearly. Obliged to follow the US Fed, most central banks have raised interest rates, especially since early 2022.

Jomo Kwame Sundaram

The US dollar or greenback’s strengthening has been largely due to aggressive Fed interest rate hikes. Undoubtedly, inflation has been rising, especially since last year. But there are different types of inflation, with different implications, which should be differentiated by nature and cause.

Typically, inflationary episodes are due to either demand pull or supply push. With rentier behaviour better recognized, there is now more attention to asset price and profit-driven inflation, e.g., ‘sellers inflation’ due to price-fixing in monopolistic and oligopolistic conditions.

Recent international price increases are widely seen as due to new Cold War measures since Obama, Trump presidency initiatives, COVID-19 pandemic responses, as well as Ukraine War economic sanctions.

These are all supply-side constraints, rather than demand-side or other causes of inflation.

The Fed chair’s pretext for raising interest rates is to get inflation down to 2%. But bringing inflation under 2% – the fetishized, but nonetheless arbitrary Fed and almost universal central bank inflation target – only reduces demand, without addressing supply-side inflation.

But there is no analytical – theoretical or empirical – justification for this completely arbitrary 2% inflation limit fetish. Thus, raising interest rates to address supply-side inflation is akin to prescribing and taking the wrong medicine for an ailment.

Fed driving world to stagnation
Thus, raising interest rates to suppress demand cannot be expected to address such supply-side driven inflation. Instead, tighter credit is likely to further depress economic growth and employment, worsening living conditions.

Increasing interest rates is expected to reduce expenditure for consumption or investment. Thus, raising the costs of funds is supposed to reduce demand as well as ensuing price increases.

Earlier research – e.g., by then World Bank chief economist Michael Bruno, with William Easterly, and by Stan Fischer and Rudiger Dornbusch of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology – found even low double-digit inflation to be growth-enhancing.

The Milton Friedman-inspired notion of a ‘non-accelerating inflation rate of unemployment’ (NAIRU) also implies Fed interest rate hikes inappropriate and unnecessarily contractionary when inflation is not accelerating. US consumer price increases have decelerated since mid-2022, meaning inflation has not been accelerating for over a year.

At least two conservative monetary economists with Nobel laureates have reminded the world how such Fed interventions triggered US contractions, abruptly ending economic recoveries. Although not discussed by them, the same Fed interventions also triggered international recessions.

Friedman showed how the Fed ended the US recovery from 1937 at the start of Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s second presidential term. Recent US Fed chair Ben Bernanke and his colleagues also showed how similar Fed policies caused stagflation after the 1970s’ oil price hikes.

However, the US dollar has not been strengthening much in recent months. The greenback has been slipping since mid-2023 despite continuing Fed interest rate hikes a full year after consumer price increases stopped accelerating in mid-2022.

Many blame recent greenback depreciation on ‘de-dollarization’, ironically accelerated by US sanctions against its rivals. Such illegal sanctions have disrupted financial payments, investment flows, dispute settlement mechanisms and other longstanding economic processes and arrangements authorized by the World Trade Organization, International Monetary Fund and UN charters.

Even the ‘rule of law’ – long favouring the US, other rich countries and transnational corporate interests – has been ‘suspended’ for ‘reasons of state’ due to economic warfare which continues to escalate. Unilateral asset and technology expropriation has been justified as necessary to ‘de-risk’ for ‘national security’ and other such considerations.

Horns of currency dilemma
For many monetary authorities, the choice is between a weak currency and higher interest rates. With growing financialization over recent decades, big finance has become much more influential, typically demanding higher interest income and stronger currencies.

Central bank independence – from the political executive and legislative processes – has enabled financial lobbies to influence policymaking even more. For example, Malaysia’s household debt share of national output rose from 47% in 2000 to over four-fifths before the COVID-19 pandemic, and 81% in 2022.

There is little reason to believe recent exchange rates have been due to ‘economic fundamentals’. Currencies of countries with persistent trade and current account deficits have strengthened, while others with sustained surpluses have declined. Instead, relative interest rate changes recently appear to explain more.

Thus, both the Japanese yen and Chinese renminbi depreciated by at least six per cent against the US dollar, at least before its recent tumble. By contrast, British pound sterling has appreciated against the greenback despite the dismal state of its real economy.

IPS UN Bureau


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Airshare poursuit sa croissance et prévoit de doubler sa flotte d’avions Challenger en multipropriété par une nouvelle entente portant sur des avions Challenger 3500 de Bombardier

  • Airshare s'engage commander jusqu' 20 autres1 avions superintermdiaires Challenger 3500
  • La commande vient s'ajouter l'engagement antrieur portant sur jusqu' 20 avions Challenger, annonc initialement en mai 2021
  • Le trs populaire avion Challenger 3500 continue d'impressionner par sa combinaison ultime d'exprience raffine en cabine, de fiabilit prouve et de performances suprieures
  • Socit d'aviation prive comptant parmi celles qui croissent le plus rapidement aux tats–Unis, Airshare a connu une trs forte demande pour la plateforme Challenger par les clients en multiproprit, rpondant leur besoin de voyager d'un ocan l'autre dans un confort de premier ordre

MONTRÉAL, 26 juill. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Bombardier a annonc aujourd'hui que la socit d'aviation prive Airshare, de Kansas City, s'est engage commander jusqu' 20 autres avions Challenger 3500. Grce cette nouvelle entente, Airshare prvoit de doubler la taille de sa flotte d'avions Challenger, soutenant la demande considrable enregistre ds l'intgration initiale de cet avion dans son programme de multiproprit.

En mai 2021, Airshare a introduit sa flotte le segment superintermdiaire par une commande allant jusqu' 20 avions Challenger. Alors que l'entreprise d'aviation prive croissance rapide continue exercer les options prvues dans cette commande initiale, ce nouvel engagement supplmentaire portant sur des avions Challenger 3500 souligne que l'exprience client en douceur, efficace et fiable que procure l'aviation prive continue de susciter un grand intrt auprs du public voyageur.

L'accueil reu par l'entre des avions Challenger dans notre programme de multiproprit a t formidable, tant chez les nouveaux clients que chez les clients existants , a indiqu John Owen, prsident et chef de la direction d'Airshare. Nous sommes ravis d'tendre notre engagement avec Bombardier et nous sommes impatients d'ajouter plusieurs autres Challenger 3500 notre flotte. La force de notre partenariat a permis d'acclrer nos projets visant commander plus de ces avions pour satisfaire la demande des clients.

Toute l'quipe est extrmement fire qu'Airshare continue se fier Bombardier pour accrotre sa flotte , a dclar ric Martel, prsident et chef de la direction de Bombardier. Airshare et Bombardier partagent plusieurs valeurs communes : la qute de l'excellence et un travail inlassable pour offrir une exprience exceptionnelle nos clients. Avec cette nouvelle commande, notre prcieuse relation ne fait que se renforcer, alors que l'avion prim Challenger 3500 continue de rehausser l'exprience de vol d'Airshare grce sa combinaison ultime de performances et de confort.

Le programme de multiproprit d'Airshare offre chaque propritaire de 1/16e de part d'Avion avec 20 journes et des heures de vol illimites (selon l'attribution de journes par client avec une journe maximale de 14 heures de service d'quipage). Lorsque les dtenteurs de part d'Airshare commencent et finissent leur voyage au mme endroit, tout en gardant l'avion et l'quipage avec eux lorsqu'ils en ont besoin, ils conomisent 25 pour cent de leur taux horaire. Conserver les mmes pilotes et le mme avion procure aux dtenteurs de part en voyage une flexibilit ultime, car ils peuvent alors effectuer plusieurs escales et ajuster leur horaire rapidement. Airshare offre galement son propre programme de carte avion, EMBARK, ainsi que des services de gestion d'avions, de nolisement la demande et de maintenance.

Dernier–n de la plateforme superintermdiaire Challenger, l'avion Challenger 3500 offre un confort et une fiabilit ingals, tout en procurant des performances suprieures et le vol en douceur emblmatique de Bombardier. Ce plus rcent ajout au portefeuille de Bombardier rehausse l'exprience des passagers en intgrant bon nombre des caractristiques de la gamme d'avions Global de Bombardier, dont le fauteuil exclusif et rvolutionnaire Nuage de Bombardier. Les passagers peuvent galement profiter de l'exprience ultime en cabine, o technologie et design s'allient pour maximiser la productivit tout en offrant un environnement raffin et relaxant.

Le Challenger 3500 est l'avion d'affaires la conception la plus coresponsable de sa catgorie. Il s'agit du premier avion d'affaires du segment des superintermdiaires dont une dclaration environnementale de produit a t publie, attestant de l'empreinte environnementale de l'avion sur tout son cycle de vie.

La gamme d'avions Challenger a une rputation de premier ordre dans l'industrie pour la fiabilit et la scurit. Avec plus de 900 avions d'affaires de la srie Challenger 300"en service dans le monde entier, l'avion Challenger 3500 tire parti de l'excellente feuille de route de la gamme Challenger et affiche une ponctualit technique impressionnante de 99,8 %.

propos d'Airshare

Airshare s'adapte votre faon de voyager par avion. Fonde en 2000 et tablie Lenexa (Kansas), l'entreprise offre une srie holistique de solutions d'aviation prive : multiproprit, cartes avion, services complets de gestion d'avions, nolisement et services de maintenance pour des avions de tierces parties. Airshare exploite une flotte d'avions superintermdiaires et lgers dans le cadre de ses programmes de multiproprit et de carte d'avion EMBARK pour des clients du centre des tats–Unis et de Floride. Elle fournit galement des services complets de gestion d'avions et de nolisement l'chelle nationale, tout en fournissant des services de maintenance complets pour des avions de tierces parties. Airshare a reu l'accrditation de niveau 3 de l'IS–BAO et la cote de scurit ARGUS Platine, rpondant aux normes internationales d'oprations ariennes les plus leves. Pour en savoir plus, visitez le site

propos de Bombardier

Bombardier (BBD–B.TO) est un leader mondial en aviation, ax sur la conception et la construction d'avions d'affaires exceptionnels et sur les services connexes. Les avions des gammes Challenger et Global de Bombardier sont reconnus pour les innovations de pointe qu'ils offrent, la conception de leur cabine, leurs performances et leur fiabilit. La flotte mondiale d'avions Bombardier compte environ 5 000 avions en service auprs d'un large ventail de multinationales, de fournisseurs de vols noliss et de programmes de multiproprit, de gouvernements ou de particuliers. Les avions Bombardier sont aussi utiliss dans le monde entier dans le cadre de missions gouvernementales et militaires spciales faisant appel l'expertise prouve de Bombardier Dfense.

Bombardier, dont le sige social est situ dans la rgion mtropolitaine de Montral, au Qubec, exploite des installations d'activits lies aux arostructures, l'assemblage ou la finition au Canada, aux tats–Unis et au Mexique. Le solide rseau de soutien la clientle de l'entreprise comprend des centres de service pour avions Learjet, Challenger et Global, situs stratgiquement aux tats–Unis et au Canada, ainsi qu'au Royaume–Uni, en Allemagne, en France, en Suisse, en Italie, en Autriche, aux mirats arabes unis, Singapour, en Chine et en Australie.

On trouvera des nouvelles et des renseignements sur l'entreprise, y compris le rapport de Bombardier sur les aspects environnementaux, sociaux et de gouvernance, ainsi que les plans de l'entreprise pour couvrir la totalit de ses oprations ariennes avec du carburant d'aviation durable en utilisant le systme Rserver et rclamer, sur le site Pour en savoir plus sur les produits de Bombardier et son rseau de service clientle l'avant–garde de l'industrie, consultez le site Suivez–nous sur Twitter @Bombardier."

Bombardier, Challenger, Challenger 3500, Global et Nuage sont des marques dposes ou non dposes de Bombardier Inc. ou de ses filiales.

Christina Lemyre McCraw
Chef de service, Relations publiques et communications
+1 514–497–4928

Andy Tretiak
Chef du Marketing

1 L'entente prvoit une commande ferme de 4 avions d'affaires Challenger 3500 et des options sur 16 autres avions Challenger 3500.

Une photo accompagnant ce communiqu est disponible au–fa80–49c2–bcee–aa1e622c9e0a/fr

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8880965)

Airshare Continues Growth, Plans to Double Fractional Challenger Fleet with New Agreement Featuring Bombardier’s Challenger 3500 Aircraft

  • Airshare commits to ordering up to 20 additional1 Challenger 3500 super–midsize jets
  • Order builds on previous commitment for up to 20 Challenger aircraft initially announced in May 2021
  • The best–selling Challenger 3500 aircraft continues to impress with its ultimate combination of refined cabin experience, proven reliability and top performance
  • One of the fastest–growing private aviation companies in the United States, Airshare has experienced heavy demand for the Challenger platform among fractional customers, fulfilling their need to travel coast–to–coast while enjoying best–in–class comfort

MONTREAL, July 26, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Bombardier today announced that Kansas City–based private aviation company Airshare has committed to ordering up to 20 additional Challenger 3500 aircraft. Through this new agreement, Airshare plans to double the size of their Challenger fleet, supporting the considerable demand they have experienced from the outset of launching the aircraft within their fractional program.

In May 2021, Airshare entered the super–midsize segment with an order for up to 20 Challenger aircraft. As the fast–growing private aviation company moves to exercise all options as part of that original order, this new incremental commitment to Challenger 3500 jets underscores that the smooth, efficient and reliable customer experience that private aviation provides continues to garner significant market interest among the travelling public.

"The response we have received to the Challenger entering our fractional program has been tremendous, from both new and existing customers," said John Owen, President and Chief Executive Officer of Airshare. "We are thrilled to extend our commitment with Bombardier and look forward to adding several more Challenger 3500s to our fleet. The strength of our partnership made it easy for us to accelerate our plans to order more of these aircraft to meet customer demand."

"The entire team is immensely proud that Airshare continues to trust Bombardier to grow its fleet," said Eric Martel, President and Chief Executive Officer, Bombardier. "Airshare and Bombardier share several values ""in common: we strive for excellence and work tirelessly to offer an exceptional experience to our clients. With this new order, our valued relationship continues to grow stronger, as the award–winning Challenger 3500 aircraft keeps elevating Airshare's flight experience with its ultimate combination of performance and comfort."

Airshare's fractional program provides each owner of a 1/16th"share with 20 days and unlimited flight time (based on a customer's allocation of days with a maximum 14–hour crew duty day). When Airshare shareowners begin and end in the same location, while keeping the aircraft and crew with them when they need it, they save up to 25 per cent off their hourly rate. Having the pilots and aircraft stay with shareowners as they travel provides the ultimate in flexibility as they are able to visit multiple locations and adjust their schedules at a moment's notice. Airshare also offers its own jet card program, EMBARK, as well as aircraft management, on–demand charter and maintenance services.

Built on the iconic Challenger super mid–size platform, the Challenger 3500 aircraft offers unrivalled comfort and reliability, while boasting top performance and delivering Bombardier's signature smooth ride. The latest addition to Bombardier's portfolio elevates the passengers' experience by integrating many of the features from Bombardier's Global family of aircraft, including Bombardier's exclusive and revolutionary Nuage seat. Passengers can also benefit from the ultimate cabin experience, where technology and design come together to maximize productivity while offering a refined and relaxing environment.

The"Challenger 3500"aircraft is also the most sustainably designed business jet in its class. It is the first business jet in the super mid–size segment to have an Environmental Product Declaration published, documenting the aircraft's environmental footprint over its lifecycle.

The"Challenger"aircraft family is known for its industry–leading reliability and safety. With over 900 business jets of the"Challenger 300"series in service worldwide, the Challenger 3500 aircraft builds on the excellent track record of the Challenger family and boasts an impressive 99.8% dispatch reliability.

About Airshare

Airshare fits the way you fly. Founded in 2000 and headquartered in Lenexa, Kan., the company offers a holistic suite of private aviation solutions including fractional ownership, jet cards, whole aircraft management charter services and third–party maintenance. Airshare operates a fleet of super–midsize and light jets within their fractional and EMBARK jet card programs to customers across the central United States and Florida. The company provides whole aircraft management and charter services nationwide, while also performing comprehensive maintenance services for third–party aircraft. Airshare has received IS–BAO Stage 3 and ARGUS Platinum designations, meeting the highest international standards for safe flight operations. For more information visit

About Bombardier

Bombardier (BBD–B.TO) is a global leader in aviation, focused on designing, manufacturing, and servicing the world's most exceptional business jets. Bombardier's Challenger and Global aircraft families are renowned for their cutting–edge innovation, cabin design, performance, and reliability. Bombardier has a worldwide fleet of approximately 5,000 aircraft in service with a wide variety of multinational corporations, charter and fractional ownership providers, governments, and private individuals. Bombardier aircraft are also trusted around the world in government and military special–mission roles leveraging Bombardier Defense's proven expertise.

Headquartered in Greater Montral, Qubec, Bombardier operates aerostructure, assembly and completion facilities in Canada, the United States and Mexico. The company's robust customer support network services the Learjet, Challenger and Global families of aircraft, and includes facilities in strategic locations in the United States and Canada, as well as in the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Switzerland, Italy, Austria, the UAE, Singapore, China and Australia.

For corporate news and information, including Bombardier's Environmental, Social and Governance report, as well as the company's plans to cover all its flight operations with Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) utilizing the Book and Claim system visit Learn more about Bombardier's industry–leading products and customer service network at Follow us on Twitter @Bombardier."

Bombardier, Challenger, Challenger 3500, Global and Nuage, are registered or unregistered trademarks of Bombardier Inc. or its subsidiaries.

For information
Christina Lemyre McCraw
Manager, Public Relations and Communications
+1 514 497–4928

Andy Tretiak
Chief Marketing Officer

1 The agreement includes a firm order for 4 Challenger 3500 aircraft and an option for 16 additional Challenger 3500 business jets.

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at–fa80–49c2–bcee–aa1e622c9e0a

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8880965)

TB Preventive Treatment: the Need for Choice

The progress made in HIV prevention is nothing short of a global success story. It is time that TB caught up to HIV. Medicine is simply too advanced for us to tolerate how one disease can be beaten back yet another continues to flourish. Credit: Jeffrey Moyo/IPS. - The world needs to adapt to embrace choice if we are to meet the globally agreed-upon goal of reducing Tuberculosis deaths by 90% by 2030—referred to as the “End TB targets”

The progress made in HIV prevention is nothing short of a global success story. It is time that TB caught up to HIV. Medicine is simply too advanced for us to tolerate how one disease can be beaten back yet another continues to flourish. Credit: Jeffrey Moyo/IPS.

By Violet Chihota
JOHANNESBURG, Jul 26 2023 – Before COVID-19 came along, the two most lethal infectious diseases were HIV and tuberculosis (TB). Even though HIV still lingers, with 1.5 million people contracting the infection every year, epidemiologists point to the availability of many HIV prevention options as a primary reason for the decreasing caseload.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), over the past two decades, new HIV infections decreased by 49%, HIV-related deaths decreased by 61% and an estimated 18.6 million lives were saved because of new treatments that minimise the infection and prevent its spread.

We have so many options for HIV prevention at our disposal, including the dapivirine vaginal ring, oral Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP), harm reduction for people who use drugs, condoms for both men and women, voluntary medical male circumcision and the recently approved long-acting cabotegravir, with other options in development.

We have a suite of prevention tools because everyone is different, and people need to be able to choose their methods according to the way they live their lives. We observe a similar abundance of choice within family planning with oral pills, a variety of injectables, intra-uterine devices and condoms—we share this prevention method with HIV programs.

The urgency of the need is clear: an estimated 1.6 million people lost their lives to the disease in 2021, the second consecutive year the death toll went up after 14 years of progress. In Africa, an estimated 2.5 million people contracted the disease in 2021, one million of which were never diagnosed and treated

We do not have this many options for TB prevention, but the world needs to adapt to embrace choice if we are to meet the globally agreed-upon goal of reducing TB deaths by 90% by 2030—referred to as the “End TB targets.”

The urgency of the need is clear: an estimated 1.6 million people lost their lives to the disease in 2021, the second consecutive year the death toll went up after 14 years of progress. In Africa, an estimated 2.5 million people contracted the disease in 2021, one million of which were never diagnosed and treated.

Yet there are glimmers of good news. Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, estimates of TB incidence have slowly declined over the past few years in Angola, Ethiopia, Gabon, the Republic of Congo, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Tanzania and Zambia—all countries with high burdens of TB.

Of these countries, Zambia has also had success in finding and diagnosing an increasing number of these infections; the pandemic impacted the surveillance efforts of the other governments.

As for HIV, there is no effective vaccine to prevent TB in adults: the BCG vaccine only prevents severe TB in children. However, there are ways to prevent TB when someone is potentially exposed to an infected person. In the workplace or when a family member at home becomes sick, for example, prevention starts with masking, which was traditionally used in clinical care settings. The other ways work through prophylactic regimens. For TB, we initially only had isoniazid that could be taken for six, nine, 12 or 36 months depending on country guidelines, but now we have shorter regimens that allow for patient choice.

These options include regimens lasting one (1HP) and three months (3HP), with different combinations of the antibiotic drugs rifapentine and isoniazid, all with vitamin B6 supplements to help counter some of the side effects of treatment. There is also a three-month regimen of rifampicin and isoniazid (often given to children and adolescents) and a four-month regimen of rifampicin alone. Longer courses of isoniazid taken for 6–36 months also remain options, though most people are eligible to take a shorter rifapentine- or rifampicin-based regimen and should be given the choice to do so.

We need to do a better job of making sure that people at risk of TB have access to the full range of prevention options. A recent peer-reviewed study underlines this point, estimating that tracing the personal contacts of people diagnosed with TB and providing them with prevention treatment would save the lives of 700,000 children under the age of 15 and 150,000 adults by 2035.

Even the financial benefits of the prevention program, in terms of increased economic productivity, would outweigh the costs. Nobody questions the need to have options for HIV prevention or family planning, but questions arise when trying to roll out a one-month TB prevention regimen when there’s already a three-month regimen available. We need them all. We also need to collect more data to differentiate which prevention regimens are best for each patient type to ensure success.

The WHO guidelines for preventive TB treatment create the possibility of choice among TB preventive treatments by not ranking the regimens by preference or effectiveness. But health care facilities and outreach programs need to embrace that range of options and make sure that a choice exists in practice. Supply chains may limit choice initially, but if there is no demand for more options from providers, there is no impetus to expand the supply chains.

The progress made in HIV prevention is nothing short of a global success story. It took a combination of scientific ingenuity and innovation, combined with an intensive dedication of resources that made a range of preventive options available around the world.

It is time that TB caught up to HIV. Medicine is simply too advanced for us to tolerate how one disease can be beaten back yet another continues to flourish.

Violet Chihota is an Adjunct Associate Professor and Chief Specialist Scientist at the Aurum Institute. She has been a researcher in global health for over 10 years, designing and managing the conduct of clinical research studies in South Africa, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Cameroon, Georgia, India and Malaysia.

Hitachi Energy selected as preferred technology provider for the longest HVDC link in the UK

Zurich, Switzerland, July 26, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Hitachi Energy, a global technology leader that is advancing a sustainable energy future for all, today announced it has been selected as preferred technology provider of SSEN Transmission and National Grid, to supply two high–voltage direct current (HVDC) converter stations to interconnect the Scottish and English power grids.

The energy transition requires a collaborative effort that can only be achieved with advanced technologies and new ways of working. In appointing Hitachi Energy as their preferred technology provider, SSEN Transmission and National Grid secure best–in–class technology and future production capacity in a rapidly growing market. For Hitachi Energy, this enables investment in new production capacity and to undertake large–scale recruitment drives. It also strengthens collaboration, standardization of solutions, and synergies between projects.

The integration of renewables requires solutions that make the grid resilient, stable, and flexible. Hitachi Energy's innovation and long development of voltage sourced converter (VSC) power electronics and control and protection (MACH) technologies meet the requirements alongside many other landmark grid integration projects.

Eastern Green Link 2 will consist of two 525–kilovolt (kV) bipole VSC converter stations connected by 440 kilometers of subsea cable and 70 kilometers of underground cable, making it the longest HVDC link in the UK. The link will efficiently supply a total of 2,000 megawatts (MW) of electricity, which is enough to power around two million UK homes.1

The link will help to secure power transmission in the northern UK and support the integration of new renewable electricity generation in Scotland, as part of the UK's Net Zero Strategy.2 As much as 11,000 MW of offshore wind capacity is possible in Scottish waters by 20303, and HVDC transmission will play a large part in bringing this vast amount of renewable power to shore and south, to communities across the country.

"The UK's Net Zero Strategy has ambitious targets which will require vast amounts of new renewable generation. Electricity will be the backbone of the entire energy system," said Niklas Persson, Managing Director at Hitachi Energy's Grid Integration business. “Our pioneering HVDC technology will ensure that this electricity will reliably and efficiently get where it's needed most."

"This is another important milestone for EGL2 which is part of the new network infrastructure required to help the UK meet its net zero and energy security ambitions," said Sarah Sale, Deputy Project Director of National Grid. "Along with cabling bidder and formal joint venture announcements, this is another key part of the project which is now in place and ready for the delivery phase. We look forward to working in collaboration with Hitachi Energy and BAM as the project continues to progress."

"The converter stations at either end of the cable will play a crucial role in making the power transported subsea suitable for transportation around the onshore transmission network – getting Hitachi Energy and BAM in place to deliver that technology is great for the project," said Ricky Saez, the EGL2 Project Director from SSEN Transmission.

"BAM is delighted to work in collaboration with Hitachi Energy on this vital renewable energy project for National Grid and SSEN Transmission," said Huw Jones, Executive Director of BAM Nuttall. "The converter stations will enable the transmission of green energy from areas of offshore wind generation to centers of population, supporting the UK's net zero ambitions and providing better energy security. We look forward to engaging with local communities and suppliers in Aberdeenshire and North Yorkshire, supporting BAM's vision to deliver sustainable infrastructure for our clients, stakeholders, and the communities in which we work."

Hitachi Energy is collaborating with BAM, a construction company that designs, builds, and maintains sustainable buildings and infrastructure, to provide the civil and installation scope for the project. The collaboration with BAM will leverage the core competencies of the two companies to deliver a best–in–class solution for the project.

Hitachi Energy pioneered commercial HVDC technology almost 70 years ago and has delivered more than half of the world's HVDC projects.

4 Modular Advanced Control for HVDC (MACH)

HVDC website:–and–system/hvdc

Photo captions:

North Sea Link Blyth Converter Station UK

Eastern Green Link 2


About Hitachi Energy
Hitachi Energy is a global technology leader that is advancing a sustainable energy future for all. We serve customers in the utility, industry and infrastructure sectors with innovative solutions and services across the value chain. Together with customers and partners, we pioneer technologies and enable the digital transformation required to accelerate the energy transition towards a carbon–neutral future. We are advancing the world's energy system to become more sustainable, flexible and secure whilst balancing social, environmental and economic value. Hitachi Energy has a proven track record and unparalleled installed base in more than 140 countries. Headquartered in Switzerland, we employ around 40,000 people in 90 countries and generate business volumes of over $10 billion USD.

About Hitachi, Ltd.

Hitachi drives Social Innovation Business, creating a sustainable society through the use of data and technology. We solve customers' and society's challenges with Lumada solutions leveraging IT, OT (Operational Technology) and products. Hitachi operates under the business structure of "Digital Systems & Services" – supporting our customers' digital transformation; "Green Energy & Mobility" – contributing to a decarbonized society through energy and railway systems, and "Connective Industries" – connecting products through digital technology to provide solutions in various industries. Driven by Digital, Green, and Innovation, we aim for growth through co–creation with our customers. The company's consolidated revenues for fiscal year 2022 (ended March 31, 2023) totaled 10,881.1 billion yen, with 696 consolidated subsidiaries and approximately 320,000 employees worldwide. For more information on Hitachi, please visit the company's website at


GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8881044)

A Shot in the Arm Can Prevent Cervical Cancer

Afshan Bhurgri, a cancer survivor, advises women to listen to their bodies and be aware of the symptoms of cervical cancer. Credit: Zofeen Ebrahim/IPS

Afshan Bhurgri, a cancer survivor, advises women to listen to their bodies and be aware of the symptoms of cervical cancer. Credit: Zofeen Ebrahim/IPS

By Zofeen Ebrahim
KARACHI, Jul 26 2023 – “Listen to your body, and if there is anything strange happening, do not ignore it,” is the advice of 57-year-old Afshan Bhurgri, a cancer survivor.

Eight years ago, she was diagnosed with cervical cancer at a time when she was “in a good place” in life. Her kids were grown up, and she had more time to herself. A fitness freak, the schoolteacher’s daily routine included going to the gym daily. “I joined a creative writing class as I loved penning my thoughts!” she reminisced.

But then everything changed when she found out she had cancer.

Cancer of the cervix uteri is the fourth most common cancer among women worldwide, with an estimated 604,127 new cases and causing the death of 341,831 in 2020.

In Pakistan, an estimated 73.8 million women over the age of 15 are at risk of developing cervical cancer caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV).

Cervical cancer in Pakistan. Credit: Shahzad Ahmed

Cervical cancer in Pakistan, according to the WHO. Credit: Shahzeb Ahmed

In the absence of complete data, it is estimated that of the 5,000 women diagnosed with this cancer in Pakistan, some 3,000 lose their lives every year due to lack of access to prevention, screening and treatment, thus making it the third leading cause of cancer-related deaths in women of the reproductive age group in the country, after breast and ovarian cancers. Up to 88 percent of cervical cancer cases are due to human papillomavirus (HPV) serotypes 16 and 18, as reported by the International Agency for Research on Cancer.

“We are short on authentic data on the prevalence of the disease burden,” said Dr Arshad Chandio, who works at Jhpiego Pakistan as an immunisation lead. His organisation, which has supported HPV vaccine introduction in seven countries with Gavi support, is partnering with the federal and provincial governments, along with WHO, UNICEF, and USAID, to implement a roadmap for cervical cancer prevention and introduction of HPV vaccine in Pakistan. Cervical cancer is the only cancer that is preventable by a vaccine.

Cervical cancer worldwide.

Cervical cancer worldwide, according to the WHO. Credit: Shahzeb Ahmed

“Without authentic data, our plan to eradicate this disease will not be watertight,” admitted Dr Irshad Memon, the director general of the Expanded Programme on Immunisation in Sindh.

Dr Shahid Pervez, senior consultant histopathologist at the Aga Khan University Hospital (AKUH), co-chair of the country’s newly established National Cancer Registry, recommends legislation to make reporting of cancer mandatory. “This will be one way of collecting basic data, at one place, which is expected by international agencies to roll out an effective cancer control programme in Pakistan,” he added.

Cervical cancer warning signs. Credit: Shahzeb

Cervical cancer warning signs. Credit: Shahzeb Ahmed

Although Bhurgri had knowledge about cancer of the cervix and went for regular health checkups and screenings, her doctors did not carry out full examinations, which led to the infection turning cancerous. It all started in 2009, five years prior to being diagnosed with cancer when she started noticing a “foul smell emanating from my vagina” after her period became “heavier” than usual.

“Let alone screening and testing for the cancer, many healthcare professionals do not even know of the disease, or how women get infected,” pointed out Chandio.

“I am an educated person, I could afford to get the best medical help, and I went to three of the city’s top gynaecologists, got pap smears done on their requests over the years, and I was only sent for HPV test when it was too late,” rued Bhurgri. In 2014, a doctor suggested an ultrasound which gave a true picture. A biopsy confirmed she had cervical cancer.

After her biopsy, Bhurgri started reading up on cervical cancer, and one of the indications was the foul vaginal smell.

“It could have been nipped in the bud if only the doctors had carried out a thorough examination,” said gynaecologist and obstetrician Dr Azra Ahsan, president of the Association for Mothers and Newborns, blaming “sheer negligence” on the part of her fraternity.

“A gynaecological consultation must not only be limited to a conversation across the table,” said Ahsan, but should include an “examination on the couch including a proper internal examination, ideally a pap smear and visual inspection,” especially if, like Bhurgri, a patient was complaining of heavy bleeding and a foul smell.

Bhurgri’s journey towards wellness was tough. A radical hysterectomy was recommended, and her cervix, her uterus and her ovaries were removed. Twenty-eight radiations and five chemos later, over a five-month period, she was given a clean chit by her oncologist. The cost of treatment, back in 2014 at a private hospital, was a whopping Rs30,000,000 (USD 1,097) back then.

Screening Can Save Lives

Although Bhurgri’s cancer may have remained under the radar despite regular screening via pap smears, doctors say HPV and pap smear tests are the best way to screen a woman for cervical cancer. They can identify patients who are at high risk of developing pre-cancerous changes on the cervix as well as pick up those who have already developed these changes.

These precancerous lesions can be treated before they turn into cancer. Sadly, in Pakistan, the uptake of pap smears is negligible and estimated to be as low as 2 percent.

According to Dr Uzma Chishti, assistant professor and consultant gynecologic oncologist, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, AKUH, Pakistan’s health system is so financially stretched that it cannot afford to provide screening of women by these expensive tests. Instead, she recommends WHO’s recommendations of performing a visual inspection of the cervix by acetic acid (VIA) to screen women to help reduce the incidence of cervical cancer. “VIA is an alternative screening test for low-and-middle-income countries like ours,” she said.

Vaccinations the Best Option

The WHO triple intervention recommendation to eliminate cervical cancer in countries like Pakistan includes scaling up HPV vaccination to 90 percent for girls aged between 9 to 14, twice-lifetime cervical screening to 70 percent and treatment of pre-invasive lesions and invasive cancer to 90 percent by 2030. “All three are essential if we want to eliminate cervical cancer completely,” emphasised said Ahsan.

HPV vaccinations to prevent cervical cancer are the way forward as it provides primary prevention, said Chishti, in the absence of VIA, screenings and pap smear tests. Almost 60 per cent of cervical cancer cases occur in countries that have not yet introduced HPV vaccination. Pakistan is one of them.

Once up and about, the first thing Bhurgri did was get her 14-year-old daughter vaccinated for human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine. “My older daughter remains unvaccinated as she was 21 then and studying abroad. She needed three shots and could not make it to that timeline,” she said.

In Pakistan, two globally licensed HPV vaccines – Cervarix (protective against HPV serotypes 16 and 18) and Gardasil (against 6, 11, 16, and 18) were available till a few years ago, but very few doctors, even in the private sector, were prescribing them.

“We made it available in our clinic and counselled any and everyone, but it mostly fell on deaf ears, and very few people actually got vaccinated. As a result, huge amounts of vaccines expired in the warehouses, and the pharmaceutical firms decided to not make it available in Pakistan,” explained Ahsan.

In 2021, medical students at the AKUH interviewed 384 women attending outpatient clinics between the ages of 15 to 50 to find out their knowledge about cervical cancer. They found that of the 61.2 percent of women who had heard about cervical cancer, 47.0 percent knew about pap smear tests, and among them, 73 percent had gotten a pap test. A total of 25.5 percent of women, out of the 61.2 percent, knew that a vaccine existed for prevention, but only 9.8 percent had been vaccinated against human papillomavirus. The study concluded that a majority of the women interviewed for the study belonged to a higher socioeconomic class and were mostly educated, yet their knowledge regarding the prevention and screening of cervical cancer was poor. “This reflects that the knowledge levels as a whole would be considerably lower in the city’s general population,” the study concluded.

Shamsi highlighted the challenges of discussing HPV in a conservative society where sexual health topics are hardly discussed due to the embarrassment and taboo associated with sexually transmitted infections (STIs). This communication conundrum has resulted in a general lack of information about the disease. “There is a total lack of information about HPV, cervical cancer, and its prevention among the masses,” she said.

But this may change if Pakistan introduces the HPV vaccine at a national level, utilising routine effective and established immunisation delivery strategies. According to Dr Uzma Shamsi, a cancer epidemiologist at the AKUH, implementing the HPV vaccine at a national level in Pakistan could save hundreds of thousands of lives annually.

The benefits are enormous, and hundreds of thousands of lives could be saved each year, she emphasised.

Pakistan is in talks with Gavi the vaccine alliance, to support the country in including the single-dose HPV (two covers four strains) vaccine in its routine immunisation programme. “It will probably take another two years and USD 16 million before we can roll out the vaccine, but when it happens, it will be a country-wide campaign,” confirmed Memon.

Shamsi predicted some tribulation because the primary target group for vaccination is pre-adolescent girls. “A new vaccine for a new target age group comes with its own set of challenges in a society where conspiracy theories about vaccination programmes, stigma and misinformation about cancer and sexual health persist,” she said. And so before the actual rollout,  Shamsi emphasised, it was important to increase awareness about the HPV virus, cervical cancer causes, and vaccine’s safety and usage among the general public, patients, and healthcare professionals while actively dispelling misinformation.

Memon agreed that “conversation around the vaccine must begin”. For its part, the Sindh government set aside Rs 100 million ($365,884) for advocacy of HPV vaccine uptake in its current budget. “We will initiate a dissemination campaign once we know when the HPV vaccination programme is to begin,” he said. The Sindh province was also the first to initiate the typhoid conjugate virus vaccine after an extensively drug-resistant virus was found in the province. He was hopeful there would be less resistance to the HPV vaccine after the successful administration of measles and rubella and the pediatric Covid-19 vaccines earlier.

However, said Memon, “We will need more women vaccinators this time as young girls are shy of rolling their shirt sleeves up for male vaccinators.” With up to 125,000 female health workers across Pakistan, who were earlier trained by Gavi for MR immunisation, which is a much more difficult vaccine to administer (being subcutaneous) as opposed to the HPV one (which is muscular), he said, this workforce can be engaged to get trained for this vaccination campaign too.

In the end, however, according to Chandio, “without a strong political will and leadership, a national HPV vaccination programme cannot become a reality in Pakistan to eliminate this largely preventable cancer among women”.

Fighting her cancer has changed Bhurgri in more ways than one. Her message to women is to “not put yourself aside; make yourself a priority.” While she continues to lead a healthy life – going to the gym, eating healthy, resting, she said, “You cannot go on and pick up where you left off”.

IPS UN Bureau Report


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Health, Nutrition & Heroes in Rural Afghanistan

Credit: UNICEF/UNI403619/Karimi

By James Elder
KABUL, Afghanistan, Jul 26 2023 – The needs of Afghanistan’s children and families are immense. So are the efforts of those supporting them: teams of community workers made up of family members, teachers in community-based schools, vaccinators, and health workers working around the clock to bring life-saving services in the face of an unfolding humanitarian catastrophe.

I recently traveled to eastern Afghanistan to meet some of the inspiring heroes who, this year already, helped UNICEF reach around 19 million children and their families with health and nutrition services.

UNICEF’s incredible health and nutrition response is supported by people across Afghan society. One of them is Mangal, a hero on two wheels. Every morning, Mangal picks up vaccines at a UNICEF-supported district hospital.

He carefully packs them in a cooler, which he straps to his motorbike before setting off to remote villages. Mangal braves rough, narrow roads, the scorching heat, and genuine security risks.

“I ride for nine kilometres every day to bring these vaccines to the people who need them,” he tells me. “They understand how important it is to protect their children from diseases. They don’t need any persuasion to come here. They greet me with gratitude and hope.” 

A doctor prescribes medicine for mothers and children during a UNICEF-supported mobile health and nutrition team visit. Credit: Karim / UNICEF

Some of Mangal’s supplies land here, with a UNICEF-supported mobile health and nutrition team providing services straight to the communities who need them most and who have no other way to access health care.

Like so much of UNICEF’s health and nutrition work across Afghanistan, these programmes are game-changers.

But these teams have their work cut out for them.

“Nearly half of all children under five in Afghanistan are malnourished, a truly devastating number,” UNICEF’s head of nutrition, Melanie Galvin, tells me. “Some 875,000 of them are expected to need treatment for severe acute malnutrition, the most lethal form of undernutrition and one of the top threats to child survival across the globe.”

Ramping up the response means staffing up the response, too. UNICEF has more than doubled the number of places where a child can be treated.

“Last year we put more nutrition nurses and nutrition counsellors into overflowing hospitals,” Melanie says. “We put them directly into communities where people live. We put them into mobile clinics that reach very small and isolated populations. We put them into day care centre spaces in poor urban areas.”

A child receives RUTF during a visit by a UNICEF-supported mobile health and nutrition team. Credit Karim/UNICEF

Mobile health and nutrition teams are critical in reaching rural areas with basic services like pre-natal checkups, vaccinations, psycho-social counselling, and ready-to-use therapeutic food (RUTF). It’s a heartbreaking condition to see up close. In this photo, little Zarmina receives an RUTF sachet from Melanie.

RUTF really is a magical paste – energy dense and full of micronutrients. Used to treat severe acute malnutrition, also known as severe wasting, RUTF is made using peanuts, sugar, milk powder, oil, vitamins and minerals, and has helped treat millions of children in Afghanistan.

As we tour a hospital, Dr. Fouzia Shafique, UNICEF Afghanistan’s Principal Health Advisor, explains how UNICEF has managed to support so many children, despite all the challenges.

“Health clinics, family teams of community workers, community-based schools, vaccinators, and trained female health workers,” she tells me. Donors such as the World Bank and Asian Development Bank have also been critical partners, helping UNICEF provide care even in difficult-to-reach areas of the country.

So many of the life-saving interventions I encountered on my mission are made possible by the tireless work of UNICEF staff such as Dr. Shafique and Dr. Nafi Kakar, who fill a multitude of roles, including inspecting vaccines and parts of the cold chain system that is used to store them.

Helping families access quality primary and secondary health care means supporting thousands of health facilities, covering operating costs, paying the salaries of tens of thousands of health workers, and procuring and distributing medical supplies.

Together, these efforts are helping UNICEF reach many of the more than 15 million children in Afghanistan who need support. It’s a difficult number to comprehend, but easier to appreciate when you meet some of those very same children.

There’s the baby fighting for her life in an incubator; the children working for their families in fields of unexploded mines; the children grappling with the anxieties and pressures of poverty; or the girls deprived of their greatest hope – education. Each child is like my own. Unique. Each child is special.

The smiles say it all: For Dr. Shafique and young girls in Afghanistan, it’s been a good day. But there remains so much to do. Supporting the health and well-being of people in Afghanistan isn’t only about access to health services, it’s also about the protection of rights – notably, ensuring rights and freedoms for women and girls.

Given the enormity of UNICEF’s role in the health and nutrition sector, it’s critical for UNICEF – and for children in Afghanistan – that funding is maintained. So that the country’s children can grow up safe, healthy and be the heroes in their own stories.

Source: UNICEF Blog
The UNICEF Blog promotes children’s rights and well-being, and ideas about ways to improve their lives and the lives of their families. It also brings insights and opinions from the world’s leading child rights experts and accounts from UNICEF’s staff on the ground in more than 190 countries and territories. The opinions expressed on the UNICEF Blog are those of the author(s) and may not necessarily reflect UNICEF’s official position.

James Elder is UNICEF Spokesperson in Afghanistan.

IPS UN Bureau

Education is a ‘Life-Saving Intervention’ in Emergencies, says South Sudan’s Education Minister

Children celebrate during a ECW high-level mission to South Sudan. Credit: ECW

Children celebrate during a ECW high-level mission to South Sudan. Credit: ECW

By Naureen Hossain
UNITED NATIONS, Jul 25 2023 – In times of crisis, education is an essential component of humanitarian intervention packages, South Sudan’s Minister of General Education and Instruction Awut Deng Acuil told IPS in an exclusive interview.

She was speaking to IPS during the UN’s ECOSOC High-Level Political Forum, during which she participated in the side event, “Ensuring Education Continuity: The Roles of Education in Emergencies, Protracted Crises and Building Peace.”

Years of conflict in South Sudan and the region, combined with recurring disasters, massive population displacement and the impact of COVID-19, have adversely impacted the Government’s efforts in delivering quality education to all. Yet, their interest and commitment to invest in inclusive education remains.

“Every time there is a crisis, there is a rush for humanitarian assistance as a life-saving intervention. But I think education (should be part) of this as well. When people run away from conflict or natural disasters, they are mostly women and children,” Acuil said.

“These children arrive exhausted and traumatized, and what is crucial is that the (humanitarian) intervention is integrated. We must also work at the same time to create a safe environment where these children can continue to go to school. This helps them psychologically to be engaged in learning (rather) than thinking of what they have gone through,” she continued.

“Education is lifesaving. They will play, they will get lessons, they will get counseling from those teachers who are well-trained in [trauma] counseling… All these interventions provide them with a crucial sense of normalcy.”

Interestingly, she said, the first thing children in crisis ask is: “Can we go to school?”

According to UNHCR, close to 200,000 people – a majority of whom are children and women – have crossed to South Sudan in recent weeks to flee the conflict in Sudan. International humanitarian partners work with the Government to ensure the new arrivals receive health, nutrition, and schooling.

South Sudan’s Minister of General Education and Instruction Awut Deng Acuil.

South Sudan’s Minister of General Education and Instruction Awut Deng Acuil.

“South Sudan has an open-door policy. As soon as they are settled, children have to go to school. [We are] building temporary shelters for them to go to school. Supporting teachers, who will be helping these children, is key.”

Acuil said Education Cannot Wait has been at the forefront of assisting with setting up quality, holistic education opportunities for incoming children. She also stressed the importance of integrating refugees into the national system, citing South Sudan’s inclusion policy as a best practice in the region.

“We have refugee teachers who are head teachers in our public schools. We have refugees in our boarding schools and public schools in South Sudan.”

ECW recently extended its Multi-Year Resilience Programme in the country with a new US$40 million catalytic grant. GPE provided an additional US$10 million for the programme.

The three-year programme will be delivered by Save the Children, the Norwegian Refugee Council and Finn Church Aid, in close coordination with the Ministry of General Education and Instruction and others partners. The investment will reach at least 135,000 crisis-affected children and youth – including refugees, returnees and host-community children – with holistic education supports that improve access to school, ensure quality learning, enhance inclusivity for girls and children with disabilities, and build resilience to future shocks.

Total ECW funding in South Sudan now tops US$72 million. ECW is calling on five donors to step up with US$5 million each to provide an additional US$25 million in funding to the education in emergencies response in South Sudan.

The needs are pressing for the world’s youngest nation.  South Sudan continues to receive refugees fleeing the conflict in Sudan and requires additional support to address the converging challenges of conflict, climate change, forced displacement and other protracted crises.

“The multi-year programme that was launched last month will help a lot in terms of access, infrastructure, and teacher training. We have ‘hard-to-reach areas’ that have never seen a school, never seen a classroom. These are the places we have prioritized and targeted with this $40 million grant. Along with girls’ education, and children with disabilities, and also materials for education, especially printing more books.”

Acuil highlighted the importance of girls’ education, in a context where cultural norms and practices, including child marriage, hinder their access to school. She said the country is tackling the issue through a vast campaign championed by the President that targets traditional leaders, civil society, members of parliament, executives, educators, teachers and students themselves.

“Our President has taken the lead in campaigning for girls’ education. This year he declared free and compulsory education for all to ensure South Sudan makes up for the two lost generations due to conflict in the country. He is encouraging us to [open] boarding schools for girls, especially. In primary school, the disparity is so close, and in some states, we have more girls than boys. But when they transition to the secondary level, only 18% complete their 12-years education.”

Acuil called on UN Member States to support education in emergencies and invest more resources.

“Education Cannot Wait has shown and demonstrated that when there are crises, they have a prompt response to help children. Whether during disasters or man-made wars, ECW has been able to do that. We need to focus on that, prioritizing education and also investing in education.”

“If you invest in children today, they will be the leaders of tomorrow. We must help facilitate their education and empower them to help their countries and communities. That is why humanitarian assistance and education should go hand-in-hand.”

“I would like to end this with something I heard from a local girl who said: ‘Education cannot wait, but marriage can wait.’ Our humanity’s strength lies in education, and we must continue to remind those who keep forgetting, and ensure to awaken those who have not yet woken up to be part and parcel of education.”

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IPS – UN Bureau, IPS UN Bureau Report, Education Cannot Wait (ECW), South Sudan

A War That Could Have Been Averted

By Lawrence Wittner
ALBANY, USA, Jul 25 2023 – Perhaps the greatest tragedy of the immensely destructive Ukraine War lies in the fact that it could have been averted. The most obvious way was for the Russian government to abandon its plan for the military conquest of Ukraine.

The Problem of Russian Policy

The problem on this score, though, was that Vladimir Putin was determined to revive Russia’s “great power” status. Although his predecessors had signed the UN Charter (which prohibits the “use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state”), as well as the Budapest Memorandum and the Treaty on Friendship, Cooperation, and Partnership (both of which specifically committed the Russian government to respecting Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity), Putin was an ambitious ruler, determined to restore what he considered Russia’s imperial grandeur.

This approach led not only to Russian military intervention in Middle Eastern and African nations, but to retaking control of nations previously dominated by Russia. These nations included Ukraine, which Putin regarded, contrary to history and international agreements, as “Russian land.”

As a result, what began in 2014 as the Russian military seizure of Crimea and the arming of a separatist rebellion in eastern Ukraine gradually evolved into the full-scale invasion of February 2022―the largest, most devastating military operation in Europe since World War II, with the potential for the catastrophic explosion of the giant Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant and even the outbreak of nuclear war.

The official justifications for these acts of aggression, trumpeted by the Kremlin and its apologists, were quite flimsy. Prominent among them was the claim that Ukraine’s accession to NATO posed an existential danger to Russia.

In fact, though, in 2014―or even in 2022―Ukraine was unlikely to join NATO because key NATO members opposed its admission. Also, NATO, founded in 1949, had never started a war with Russia and had never shown any intention of doing so.

The reality was that, like the U.S. invasion of Iraq nearly two decades before, the Russian invasion of Ukraine was out of line with both international law and the imperatives of national security. It was a war of choice organized by a power-hungry ruler.

The Problem of UN Weakness

On a deeper level, the war was avoidable because the United Nations, established to guarantee peace and international security, did not take the action necessary to stop the war from occurring or to end it.

Admittedly, the United Nations did repeatedly condemn the Russian invasion, occupation, and annexation of Ukraine. On March 27, 2014, the UN General Assembly passed a resolution by a vote of 100 nations to 11 (with 58 abstentions), denouncing the Russian military seizure and annexation of Crimea.

On March 2, 2022, by a vote of 141 nations to 5 (with 35 abstentions), it called for the immediate and complete withdrawal of Russian military forces from Ukraine. In a ruling on the legality of the Russian invasion, the International Court of Justice, by a vote of 13 to 2, proclaimed that Russia should immediately suspend its invasion of Ukraine.

That fall, when Russia began annexing the Ukrainian regions of Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson, and Zaporizhzhia, the UN Secretary-General denounced that action as flouting “the purposes and principles of the United Nations,” while the UN General Assembly, by a vote of 143 nations to 5 (with 35 abstentions), called on all countries to refuse to recognize Russia’s “illegal annexation” of Ukrainian land.

Tragically, this principled defense of international law was not accompanied by measures to enforce it. At meetings of the UN Security Council, the UN entity tasked with maintaining peace, the Russian government simply vetoed UN action. Nor did the UN General Assembly circumvent the Security Council’s paralysis by acting on its own. Instead, the United Nations showed itself well-meaning but ineffectual.

This weakness on matters of international security was not accidental. Nations―and particularly powerful nations―had long preferred to keep international organizations weak, for the creation of stronger international institutions would curb their own influence.

Naturally, then, they saw to it that the UN’s predecessor, the League of Nations, could act on international security issues only by a unanimous vote of its membership. And even this constricted authority proved too much for the U.S. government, which refused to join the League.

Similarly, when the United Nations was formed, the five permanent seats on the UN Security Council were given to five great powers, each of which could, and often did, veto its resolutions.

During the Ukraine War, Ukrainian President Volodymir Zelensky publicly lamented this inability of the United Nations to enforce its mandate. “The wars of the past have prompted our predecessors to create institutions that should protect us from war,” he remarked in March 2022, “but they unfortunately don’t work.”

In this context, he called for the creation of “a union of responsible countries . . . to stop conflicts” and to “keep the peace.”

What Still Might Be Done

The need to strengthen the United Nations and, thereby, enable it to keep the peace, has been widely recognized. To secure this goal, proposals have been made over the years to emphasize UN preventive diplomacy and to reform the UN Security Council.

More recently, UN reformers have championed deploying UN staff (including senior mediators) rapidly to conflict zones, expanding the Security Council, and drawing upon the General Assembly for action when the Security Council fails to act. These and other reform measures could be addressed by the world organization’s Summit for the Future, planned for 2024.

In the meantime, it remains possible that the Ukraine War might come to an end through related action. One possibility is that the Russian government will conclude that its military conquest of Ukraine has become too costly in terms of lives, resources, and internal stability to continue.

Another is that the countries of the world, fed up with disastrous wars, will finally empower the United Nations to safeguard international peace and security. Either or both would be welcomed by people in Ukraine and around the globe.

Lawrence S. Wittner ( ) is Professor of History Emeritus at SUNY/Albany, the author of Confronting the Bomb (Stanford University Press) and other books on international issues, and a board member of the Citizens for Global Solutions Education Fund.

Source: Citizens for Global Solutions (CGS) which envisions a peaceful, free, just, and sustainable world community

The views expressed in this blog post do not necessarily reflect the official policy of Citizens for Global Solutions.

IPS UN Bureau


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Curia expande sua capacidade biológica com acesso ao DNA doggybone da Touchlight

ALBANY, N.Y. e HAMPTON, Reino Unido, July 25, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Curia, uma organizao lder em contratao de pesquisa, desenvolvimento e fabricao, e a Touchlight, uma empresa pioneira na produo de DNA enzimtico, anunciou hoje um acordo de fornecimento para a Curia e seus clientes de um acesso arrojado ao DNA doggybone (dbDNA) da Touchlight. O acordo expande as ofertas de produo de mRNA da Curia com uma fonte adicional diferenciada de matria–prima de DNA imediatamente disponvel para ser acessada pelos clientes da Curia. Sob o acordo, a Touchlight passar a produzir o dbDNA diretamente em nome dos clientes da Curia.

"A Curia continua empenhada a aprimorar nossas ofertas biolgicas e capacidade de manufatura completa de mRNA", disse Christopher Conway, presidente de P&D da Curia. "Com a adio do DNA enzimtico por meio da nossa parceria com a Touchlight, nossos clientes tero uma vantagem essencial em termos de escalabilidade e velocidade no mercado."

O dbDNA da Touchlight um vetor de DNA linear, de fita dupla e fechado covalentemente. O DNA serve como modelo para terapias de mRNA. Atravs de um processo enzimtico simples chamado transcrio in vitro, a informao gentica copiada do DNA para o mRNA. Este mRNA ento capaz de ensinar as clulas a produzir protenas precisas que so usadas para tratar ou prevenir doenas. O DNA enzimtico da Touchlight produzido com um processo enzimtico livre de clulas que oferece benefcios incomparveis em velocidade, qualidade e capacidade quando comparado produo tradicional de DNA de plasmdeo.

Karen Fallen, CEO da Touchlight, comentou: " um grande prazer trabalhar com a Curia na maior expanso do acesso ao dbDNA como um material inicial essencial. O trabalho junto aos outros CDMOs um componente essencial do nosso foco em permitir amplo acesso ao mercado de dbDNA. A Curia est criando uma soluo abrangente de mRNA, e esse acordo permite que ambas as empresas ampliem sua oferta para um pblico mais amplo."

O dbDNA da Touchlight uma nova soluo amplamente aplicvel e verstil, avanando a capacidade de produo de mRNA da Curia como um complemento sua oferta de plasmdeo de grau de bioprocessamento.

Sobre a Curia

A Curia uma organizao lder em contratos de pesquisa, desenvolvimento e fabricao que fornece produtos e servios de P&D por meio da fabricao comercial para clientes farmacuticos e biofarmacuticos. Os quase 4.000 funcionrios da Curia em 29 locais nos EUA, Europa e sia ajudam seus clientes a avanar da curiosidade para a cura. Saiba mais em

Sobre a Touchlight

A Touchlight uma CDMO de propriedade privada com sede em Londres, Reino Unido, focada no fornecimento de servios de DNA e na fabricao de produtos enzimticos doggybone DNA (dbDNA) para permitir o desenvolvimento de medicamentos genticos. A Touchlight fornece desenvolvimento e fabricao rpidos e enzimticos de DNA para toda a produo de terapia avanada, incluindo mRNA, terapia gnica viral e no viral e API de DNA. O dbDNA uma estrutura mnima, linear e covalentemente fechada, que elimina sequncias bacterianas. A revolucionria plataforma de produo enzimtica da Touchlight permite velocidade, escala e capacidade sem precedentes para o direcionamento de genes com um tamanho e complexidade impossveis com as tecnologias atuais. Os clientes podem ser apoiados durante a fase pr–clnica, desenvolvimento e fornecimento, at o licenciamento e transferncia de tecnologia para uso interno.

Contato da Curia:
Viana Bhagan
+1 518 512 2111

Contato da Touchlight:

Karen Fallen, Diretora Executiva
Robin Bodicoat, Diretor de Marketing
T: +44 (20) 8481 9200

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