Les spécialistes du rein en Tunisie recommandent l'utilisation des solutions QuantiFERON de QIAGEN

TUNIS, Tunisie, 28 sept. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — QIAGEN annonce que l'utilisation de ses tests de la gamme QuantiFERON a t recommande par les cliniciens de la Socit Tunisienne de Nphrologie pour la prise en charge des patients greffs, dialyss et atteints de maladies rnales, marquant ainsi la premire recommandation de ce type au niveau mondial mise par un organisme professionnel spcialis dans la mdecine rnale.

Afin de mieux prvenir le plus tt possible les complications potentiellement mortelles pour ce type de patients, la Socit Tunisienne de Nphrologie, Dialyse et Transplantation Rnale (STNDT) conseille ses cliniciens d'utiliser QuantiFERON–CMV pour valuer la rponse immunitaire cellulaire spcifique au cytomgalovirus (CMV), QuantiFERON Monitor pour valuer l'intensit de la rponse immunitaire cellulaire en gnrale, et QuantiFERON–TB Gold Plus pour dpister l'infection tuberculeuse latente (ITBL) avant qu'elle ne devienne une maladie active.

Cette premire recommandation au monde par des spcialistes du rein constitue un vote de confiance en faveur des tests de rponse immunitaire QuantiFERON de QIAGEN , a dclar Simona GRANDITS, directrice ventes et marketing EEMEA chez QIAGEN. Les cliniciens de Tunisie trouveront en le QuantiFERON–CMV un outil innovant dans la prise en charge des patients compltant les tests PCR pour CMV. Par ailleurs, QuantiFERON Monitor et QuantiFERON–TB Gold Plus s'avreront inestimables pour surveiller des rponses immunitaires plus larges et spcifiques respectivement. Ces tests permettront la mise en place d'un traitement prventif personnalis, vitant ainsi l'utilisation excessive de mdicaments potentiellement toxiques et onreux .

Avec un taux d'incidence entre 8% et 32%, la maladie due au CMV reprsente la complication infectieuse la plus prvalente suite des interventions de greffe rnale. Les mdicaments immunosuppresseurs requis, essentiels pour viter le rejet d'organe, affaiblissent le systme immunitaire du patient, rendant plus difficile le contrle des infections virales. Le CMV post–greffe pose le risque de causer de graves complications telles une dtrioration directe de l'organe transplant, un dysfonctionnement ou rejet de greffe ainsi qu'une susceptibilit accrue d'autres infections.

Le contrle de la rponse immunitaire pour le CMV donne aux professionnels de sant la possibilit d'identifier les patients davantage risque de dvelopper des complications, leur permettant ainsi d'administrer des traitements adapts afin de rduire les risques de dveloppement d'une maladie lie au CMV ou que la greffe choue. En consquence, la STNDT conseille l'utilisation de QuantiFERON–CMV pour une surveillance nationale de la rponse immunitaire au cours de l'anne suivant l'intervention chirurgicale. Les patients avec un test QuantiFERON–CMV positif et une rponse immunitaire adquate face au virus pourront cesser le traitement prophylactique au bout de trois mois, tandis que ceux obtenant un test ngatif, plus risque de dvelopper la maladie due au CMV, devront tre surveills jusqu' six mois. Cette approche personnalise amliore non seulement les rsultats pour les patients, mais contribue galement la diminution des dpenses de sant. En effet la gestion de la maladie due au CMV pouvant tre particulirement coteuse, ces tests raliss pro–activement rduiront le cot de prise en charge en fournissant un soin cibl aux individus risque.

Pour aider les cliniciens dterminer la bonne posologie des mdicaments immunosuppresseurs afin d'viter la fois le rejet d'organe et les infections post–greffe, la STNDT recommande l'utilisation de QuantiFERON Monitor en accord avec l'intervention chirurgicale. La ralisation de tests avant une greffe rnale permet de mettre en place des mesures correctives pour les patients chez lesquels on dcle un faible systme immunitaire, tandis que les tests post–chirurgicaux aideraient les cliniciens ajuster le schma de mdicaments immunosuppresseurs administrer, crucial aprs toute greffe.

On estime qu'un individu sur quatre prsente une infection tuberculeuse latente, et que 5 10% de ces derniers pourraient dvelopper une tuberculose active, maladie contagieuse et potentiellement mortelle qui affecte gnralement les poumons. Les individus prsentant des dficiences de leur systme immunitaire sont bien plus risque de dvelopper une maladie active. Le STNDT conseille donc l'utilisation de QuantiFERON–TB Gold Plus pour le dpistage de la tuberculose dans des cas nphrologiques spcifiques, notamment les patients gs atteints d'insuffisance rnale chronique, ceux souffrant de comorbidits comme le diabte ou la malnutrition et les candidats une transplantation. De plus, il est recommand aux patients hmodialyss et ceux qui sont sur le point de commencer un traitement immunomodulateur en raison d'une insuffisance rnale. L'Organisation mondiale de la sant (OMS) recommande aussi fortement le dpistage de l'infection tuberculeuse chez tous les patients immunodprims, y compris ceux candidats une greffe d'organe ou hmatologique ainsi que les patients dialyss. QuantiFERON–TB Gold Plus ne ncessite qu'une visite du patient et est bien plus prcis pour dpister une ITBL dans les populations les plus susceptibles d'tre infectes, par rapport au test cutan la tuberculine (IDR), vieux de plus de cent ans, et qui requrait deux visites.

La technologie QuantiFERON de QIAGEN est une mthode de diagnostic in vitro unique pour dtecter les rponses immunitaires mdiation cellulaire partir d'chantillons de sang entier. Elle fonctionne en identifiant des lymphocytes T spcifiques chez des individus exposs des agents infectieux. Lorsqu'un antigne spcifique une infection est associ au sang, une rapide re–stimulation des lymphocytes T spcifiques l'antigne se produit, conduisant la scrtion d'interfrons gamma (IFN–), qui peuvent tre mesurs en guise de marqueur d'une rponse immunitaire.

Contacts QIAGEN Dubai :
Stephanie Salloum

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8930325)

QIAGEN’s QuantiFERON solutions recommended for use by kidney specialists in Tunisia

  • Tunisian Society of Nephrology first professional body in the field to publish nationwide guidance
  • Association of specialists recommends national immune response monitoring for cytomegalovirus (CMV) after kidney transplant
  • Professional vote of confidence in QuantiFERON–CMV, QuantiFERON Monitor and QuantiFERON–TB Gold Plus

TUNIS, Tunisia, Sept. 28, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — QIAGEN today announced that the comprehensive QuantiFERON immune response blood tests have been recommended for use by clinicians in Tunisia to help kidney disease, transplant and dialysis patients "" the world's first–ever guidance of this type by a professional body in kidney medicine.

To catch potentially deadly complications as early as possible, the Tunisian Society of Nephrology (TSN) advises specialist clinicians to use QuantiFERON–CMV to gauge the immune response of patients to cytomegalovirus (CMV), QuantiFERON Monitor to determine the strength of their immune systems more generally, and QuantiFERON–TB Gold Plus to detect latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) before it becomes an active disease.

"The world's first recommendation by kidney specialists is a vote of confidence in QIAGEN's QuantiFERON immune–response tests," said Simona Grandits, Senior Director, Head of Sales and Marketing EEMEA at QIAGEN . "Clinicians in Tunisia will find QuantiFERON–CMV an innovative patient management tool to complement PCR testing for CMV "" and QuantiFERON Monitor and QuantiFERON–TB Gold Plus invaluable for monitoring specific and wider immune responses. They will be able to tailor preventive treatment and reduce the use of potentially toxic and costly medications."

With an incidence rate ranging from 8% to 32%1, CMV disease stands as the most prevalent infectious complication following kidney transplant procedures. The required immunosuppressive medications, essential for preventing organ rejection, weaken the patient's immune system, making it more challenging to control viral infections. Post–transplant CMV poses the risk of causing severe complications such as direct harm to the transplanted organ, graft rejection or dysfunction, and heightened susceptibility to other infections.

CMV immune response monitoring enables healthcare providers to pinpoint patients with higher risks of developing complications, thereby allowing them to administer suitable treatments and mitigate the chances of full–blown CMV disease and transplant loss. As a result, the TSN advises QuantiFERON–CMV to be used for nationwide immune response monitoring the year after surgery. Patients testing positive with an adequate immune response to the virus should be released from prophylactic treatment after three months, while those testing negative, and more at risk to CMV disease, should be monitored for up to six months. This tailored approach not only enhances patient outcomes, but also contributes to cost savings within the healthcare system. Managing CMV disease can be financially burdensome, and proactive testing helps to alleviate this burden by providing targeted care for those at risk.

To help clinicians determine the right dosage of immunosuppressive drugs to prevent both organ rejection and post–transplant infections, the TSN recommends the use of QuantiFERON Monitor before and after surgery. Testing before a kidney transplant allows for corrective measures for patients found to have weak immune systems, while post–surgical testing would aid clinicians in adjusting the regime of immunosuppressive medication that is crucial after any transplant.

One in four people are thought to have latent TB infections, with 5–10% of them expected at some point to develop active TB, a contagious and potentially deadly disease that usually affects the lungs. People with immune–system impairments are at a significantly higher risk of developing active disease. The TSN, therefore, advises the use of QuantiFERON–TB Gold Plus for tuberculosis screening in specific nephrological cases, including elderly patients with chronic renal failure, those with coexisting conditions like diabetes or malnutrition, and transplant candidates. Additionally, it's recommended for patients undergoing hemodialysis and those about to start immunomodulatory treatment due to renal insufficiency. The World Health Organization (WHO) also strongly recommends TB infection screening for all immunocompromised patients including those receiving organ or hematological transplants and those on dialysis. QuantiFERON–TB Gold Plus requires only one patient visit and is much more accurate for diagnosing latent TB in populations that are at the highest risk for infection than the century–old, two–visit Tuberculin skin test (TST).

QIAGEN's QuantiFERON Technology is a unique in vitro diagnostic method for detecting cell–mediated immune responses from whole blood samples. It works by identifying specific T–cells in individuals with infectious agent exposure. When an infection–specific antigen is combined with the blood, rapid re–stimulation of antigen–specific T–cells occurs, leading to the secretion of interferon–gamma (IFN–), which can be measured as a marker of an immune response.

Learn more about QIAGEN's QuantiFERON range of assays at https://www.qiagen.com/de/applications/infectious–disease/transplantation.


QIAGEN N.V., a Netherlands–based holding company, is the leading global provider of Sample to Insight solutions that enable customers to gain valuable molecular insights from samples containing the building blocks of life. Our sample technologies isolate and process DNA, RNA and proteins from blood, tissue and other materials. Assay technologies make these biomolecules visible and ready for analysis. Bioinformatics software and knowledge bases interpret data to report relevant, actionable insights. Automation solutions tie these together in seamless and cost–effective workflows. QIAGEN provides solutions to more than 500,000 customers around the world in Molecular Diagnostics (human healthcare) and Life Sciences (academia, pharma R&D and industrial applications, primarily forensics). As of June 30, 2023, QIAGEN employed more than 6,100 people in over 35 locations worldwide. Further information can be found at http://www.qiagen.com.

Contacts QIAGEN Dubai:
Stephanie Salloum

1 D M Simon, S Levin "Infectious complications of solid organ transplantations", Infectious disease clinics of North America, 2001 Jun;15(2):521–49: https://doi.org/10.1016/s0891–5520(05)70158–6

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8930325)

Nigerian Women Challenge ‘Colonialist’ Patriarchy

Bukes Saliu, a forklift driver, is a Nigerian woman who challenging stereotypes. Credit: Promise Eze/IPS

Bukes Saliu, a forklift driver, is a Nigerian woman who challenging stereotypes. Credit: Promise Eze/IPS

By Promise Eze
LAGOS, Sep 28 2023 – Bukes Saliu wakes up very early every workday to beat the gruesome Lagos traffic to head to a job quite unusual for a woman to engage in Nigeria. She is a forklift operator in one of the busy depots in the coastal city, a task traditionally meant for men in the West African country.

In a country where women are seen as second-class citizens and whose roles are expected to be confined to the kitchen, Saliu is not letting patriarchal norms put her in a box.

“People are always thrilled when I tell them what I do. Sometimes I get snide remarks from some men I work with, but I don’t allow that to get to me,” Saliu says.

In August 2022, her curiosity was piqued when she came across a post on WhatsApp from her friend featuring a woman confidently posed beside a forklift machine. That ignited her interest in the job. Soon after, she enrolled in training to become a skilled forklift operator.

“It was a change of career path for me. I used to be a project manager with a non-profit, but I left the job to be a forklift operator. The first day I started work, I was a bit afraid, but now I operate the machine like any other man would do. I believe that women should be allowed at the table because it brings different perspectives, ideas, and experiences,” she adds.

Patriarchy Lives in Nigeria

Discrimination against women has been a serious problem in Nigeria. Women still grapple with an array of challenges and are marginalized despite the Nigerian constitution providing for gender equality and nondiscrimination

Women face a heavier burden of violence, and different types of bias, which creates significant obstacles in their quest for gender equality. This is frequently caused by unfair laws, religious and cultural traditions, gender stereotypes, limited education opportunities, and the unequal impact of poverty on women.

Although the government has attempted to tackle these deep-rooted issues, the pace of progress remains sluggish. Women’s representation within politics and decision-making spheres remains poor. For example, out of a total of 15,307 candidates in the 2023 general elections, only 1,550 were women. Only three women were elected as senators as against nine in the last election, and only one woman emerged as a presidential candidate.

Women are often excluded from economic prospects. Within Nigeria’s populace exceeding 200 million, a mere 60.5 million people contribute to its labor force. Among this workforce, around 27.1 million women participate, a significant portion of whom find themselves involved in low-skilled employment. Nigeria’s position on the World Economic Forum’s Gender Gap Index is a lowly 123rd out of 156 nations.

Swimming Against the Tide

A limited number of women are challenging conventional gender norms for the purpose of livelihood, stepping into roles that are male dominated in Nigeria. However, this transition is often met with resistance and negative reactions.

In 2021, Iyeyemi Adediran gained widespread attention for her exceptional mastery of driving long-haul trucks for oil companies. However, despite her remarkable skill, the then 26-year-old shared that she faced derogatory remarks for daring to break gender norms associated with truck driving—an occupation traditionally considered male-dominated.

In 2015, Sandra Aguebor, Nigeria’s first female mechanic, gained widespread attention for her all-female garages across the country. However, she revealed that her mother initially did not support her ambitions, believing that fixing cars should only be done by men.

Faith Oyita, a shoemaker in Benue State, Nigeria, is not letting patriarchal norms stop her. Despite Aba, a growing men-led market in southeast Nigeria, dominating the shoemaking industry, Oyita has been determined to make a name for herself since 2015, even though she resides kilometers away. She says she has trained over 300 other people on how to make shoes.

“When I first started, I didn’t care about the challenges that came with shoemaking. I had a deep passion for it, and I wanted to beautify people’s legs. Even though it was a skill dominated by men, I was determined to do things differently. I knew that greatness doesn’t come from convenience. In the beginning, many people questioned why I chose shoemaking. Even the man who taught me was hesitant and doubted my potential. I was the only female among all his apprentices, and many assumed that I came because I wanted to date him. Despite all the negative remarks, I never gave up,” she tells IPS.

Patriarchy Came Through Colonialism

“A lot of what is happening today is not how we originally lived our lives as Nigerian women. Patriarchy actually entered our society during the colonial era. Before colonization, both men and women were able to do things without being restricted by gender. Historically, women were involved in trading goods and services, and they could even marry multiple wives for themselves.

“However, when the colonialists arrived, they distorted our culture and, using religion, promoted the idea that men held more power. We should strive to correct this narrative. It’s unfortunate that we have been socialized to believe that men should always be in leadership positions and that women should only be in a man’s home,” says Añuli Aniebo Ola-Olaniyi, Executive Director, HEIR Women Hub.

Speaking further, Ola-Olaniyi argues that women who want to break gender norms must have a change of mindset and be ready to face challenges.

“The country that colonized us has their women driving buses and flying planes. They have progressed from where they colonized us. But Nigeria has failed to empower its women. When a Nigerian woman does something that is traditionally seen as only for men, it is seen as a big accomplishment. However, she has always been capable of doing those things. It’s just that the opportunities were not available. I don’t even think it’s a switch in gender roles. I believe that women are simply starting to realize their potential,” she tells IPS.

IPS UN Bureau Report


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Introducing the Icomera X7 Mobile Connectivity & Applications Router

Gothenburg, Sweden, Sept. 28, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Icomera's new X7 router is a gateway to a powerful centralised connectivity platform, supporting multiple, resource–intensive applications including Passenger Wi–Fi, Onboard Infotainment, and Digital Video Surveillance & Analytics. A wholly owned subsidiary of Equans, global leader in the energy and services industry, Icomera is the leading provider of integrated connectivity solutions for public transport and contributes to a low carbon and resilient world by making public transport more attractive.

"Nowadays, a plethora of onboard systems installed on vehicles require ubiquitous, reliable connectivity", explains Roger Matthews, Icomera's Chief Commercial Officer. "The X7 delivers exceptional speed, storage and performance for both operational and passenger–focused services, ushering in a new era of cutting–edge connected applications."

The X7 utilises SureWAN, Icomera's industry–leading connectivity technology protocol for intelligently aggregating multiple communication technologies (5G, 4G, satellite, trackside networks etc.) in parallel, to ensure the fastest, most reliable connection available to a moving vehicle. Network traffic can be monitored and managed using IcoShape, Icomera's data traffic shaping tool, empowering transport operators to make best use of all available Internet bandwidth and control their data costs.

"One or multiple X7 units can be installed on a single vehicle or train consist", adds Mats Karlsson, Icomera's Chief Technology Officer and Co–founder. "By distributing network traffic between two routers, load balancing helps ensure optimised performance, while redundancy adds further resiliency to an onboard connectivity solution."

The X7 router will be available in various models at launch, each optimised to meet specific business requirements:

  • For digital video surveillance deployments, in addition to providing real–time data offload, the X7 can be configured with up to two externally accessible SSDs. This is useful when the physical storage and/or removal of video surveillance footage is a requirement, and reduces the need for an external Network Attached Storage (NAS) device. In many cases, the 32TB (2 x 16TB) SSDs allow transport operators to store up to a month's worth of video footage.
  • Some X7 models contain up to two built–in dual band Wi–Fi 6 cards, each capable of operating as an access point to provide high–quality passenger Wi–Fi.
  • The X7 contains up to five 5G modems for industry–leading connectivity.

Details of the X7 follow Icomera's announcement of the world's first Wi–Fi 7 access point purpose–built for public transportation – the Icomera A2. By leveraging the increased throughput and reduced latency that Wi–Fi 7 offers, the new access point will facilitate faster and more reliable web browsing, streaming, downloads, and video conferencing for passengers, allowing them to stay connected more effortlessly while they travel.


GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8930233)

Seine Königliche Hoheit, der Kronprinz, stellt den Masterplan für Soudah Peaks vor

A Media Snippet accompanying this announcement is available by clicking on the image or link below:

HRH Crown Prince launches Soudah Peaks' masterplan

RIAD, Saudi–Arabien, Sept. 28, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Seine Knigliche Hoheit Kronprinz Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, Premierminister und Vorsitzender von Soudah Development, hat den Masterplan zur Entwicklung von Soudah und Teilen von Rijal Almaa zu Soudah Peaks – einem luxurisen Bergtourismusziel in 3.015 Metern Hhe auf dem hchsten Gipfel Saudi–Arabiens – vorgestellt. Das Projekt liegt in einer auergewhnlichen natrlichen und kulturellen Umgebung in der Region Aseer (Sdwest–Saudi–Arabien) und ist ein wichtiger Bestandteil der Bemhungen des ffentlichen Investitionsfonds (Public Investment Fund, PIF), die Wirtschaft durch den Ausbau wichtiger Branchen wie Tourismus, Gastgewerbe und Unterhaltung zu diversifizieren und die Entwicklungsstrategie von Aseer zu untersttzen.

Seine Knigliche Hoheit Kronprinz Mohammed bin Salman, Vorsitzender des Verwaltungsrats von Soudah Development, erklrte, dass Soudah Peaks eine neue ra des luxurisen Bergtourismus darstellt, indem es ein noch nie dagewesenes Erlebnis bietet und gleichzeitig die Natur, die Kultur und das reiche Kulturerbe bewahrt. Es ist strategisch auf die Ziele der Vision 2030 ausgerichtet, die darin bestehen, den Tourismus und die Unterhaltungsindustrie auszubauen, das Wirtschaftswachstum zu frdern, Investitionen anzuziehen, mehr als 29 Mrd. SAR zum kumulierten BIP des Knigreichs beizutragen und Tausende von direkten und indirekten Arbeitspltzen zu schaffen.

Seine Knigliche Hoheit dazu: "Der Masterplan bekrftigt unser Engagement fr die weltweiten Bemhungen um den Erhalt der Umwelt und der natrlichen Ressourcen fr knftige Generationen und soll dazu beitragen, die nationalen Einkommensquellen zu diversifizieren und eine starke Wirtschaft aufzubauen, die lokale und globale Investitionen anzieht."

Seine Knigliche Hoheit fgte hinzu: "Soudah Peaks wird eine bedeutende Bereicherung fr den Tourismussektor in Saudi–Arabien sein und das Knigreich auf der globalen Tourismuskarte platzieren, whrend gleichzeitig die reiche Kultur und das Erbe des Landes hervorgehoben und gefeiert werden." Die Besucher haben die Mglichkeit, die Schnheit der Soudah Peaks zu entdecken, ihre reiche Kultur und ihr Erbe zu erkunden und die authentische Gastfreundschaft der lokalen Gemeinschaft zu erleben. Soudah Peaks wird unvergessliche Erlebnisse inmitten von ppigem Grn ber den Wolken bieten."

Soudah Peaks will bis zum Jahr 2033 ber zwei Millionen Besuchern im Jahr luxurise Dienstleistungen im Gastgewerbe anbieten. Der Masterplan soll die lokalen traditionellen und architektonischen Stile widerspiegeln und sowohl das kulturelle als auch das landschaftliche Erbe der Region frdern. Das Reiseziel wird 6 einzigartige Entwicklungszonen beherbergen: Tahlal, Sahab, Sabrah, Jareen, Rijal und Red Rock. Jede dieser Zonen bietet eine Reihe von Einrichtungen von Weltrang, darunter Hotels, luxurise Bergresorts, Wohnchalets, Villen, Premium–Villen, Unterhaltungs– und Geschftsattraktionen sowie Outdoor–Attraktionen fr Sport, Abenteuer, Wellness und Kultur.

Soudah Development wird fr Soudah Peaks bis 2033 2.700 Hotelzimmer, 1.336 Wohneinheiten und 80.000 Quadratmeter Gewerbeflche bereitstellen. Der Masterplan wird in drei Phasen entwickelt, wobei die erste Phase mit 940 Hotelzimmern, 391 Wohneinheiten und 32.000 Quadratmetern Einzelhandelsflche voraussichtlich im Jahr 2027 abgeschlossen sein wird.

Soudah Peaks erstreckt sich ber mehr als 627 Quadratkilometer atemberaubender Natur, wobei weniger als 1 % des Gelndes fr den Bau erworben wurde. Dies spiegelt das Engagement von Soudah Development fr den Schutz und die Erhaltung der Umwelt, die Einhaltung der besten Nachhaltigkeitsstandards und den Beitrag zu den Bemhungen der Saudi Green Initiative wider.

Als geschlossene Aktiengesellschaft im Besitz des PIF hat Soudah Development das Ziel, ein einzigartiges luxurises Tourismusziel in den Bergen Saudi–Arabiens zu entwickeln und gleichzeitig die Natur und das kulturelle Erbe des Projektgebiets, das sich ber Soudah und Teile von Rijal Almaa erstreckt, zu erhalten.

ber Soudah Development
Soudah Development ist eine geschlossene Aktiengesellschaft, die sich vollstndig im Eigentum des Public Investment Fund (PIF) von Saudi–Arabien befindet. Es wurde gegrndet, um die Entwicklung eines luxurisen Bergtourismusziels voranzutreiben, das Soudah und Teile von Rijal Almaa in der Region Aseer im Sdwesten Saudi–Arabiens umfasst. Es zielt darauf ab, die natrliche Landschaft zu erhalten und das reiche kulturelle Erbe der Region zu respektieren, whrend es bis 2033 jhrlich 2 Millionen Besucher anziehen soll. Soudah Development wurde am 24. Februar 2021 von Seiner Kniglichen Hoheit Kronprinz Mohammad bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, Premierminister und Vorsitzender des PIF, angekndigt.

Fr weitere Informationen besuchen Sie bitte die folgenden Links:
Website: www.soudah.sa & www.soudahpeaks.com
Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, und Facebook: @Soudahpeaks
Oder per E–Mail: press@soudah.sa

Quelle: NewsBeatWire


Mohammed A. Alshehri


GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000841581)

Son Altesse Royale le prince héritier d'Arabie saoudite lève le voile sur le plan directeur du projet « Soudah Peaks »

A Media Snippet accompanying this announcement is available by clicking on the image or link below:

HRH Crown Prince launches Soudah Peaks' masterplan

RIYAD, Arabie saoudite, 28 sept. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Son Altesse Royale le prince hritier saoudien Mohammed ben Salmane, Premier ministre et Prsident de la Soudah Development Company a dvoil son programme cadre visant dvelopper la rgion montagneuse d'Al Soudah et certaines zones de la valle de Rijal Almaa pour en faire Soudah Peaks , une destination de tourisme de montagne de luxe situe 3 015 mtres d'altitude sur le plus haut sommet d'Arabie saoudite. Ce projet qui prend forme dans la province d'Asir, au sud–ouest de l'Arabie saoudite, se situe au c"ur d'un environnement naturel et culturel insolite, et constitue un enjeu cl pour le Fonds public d'investissement d'Arabie saoudite (ou PIF) dont les initiatives visent diversifier l'conomie du Royaume en boostant des secteurs d'activit majeurs comme le tourisme, l'htellerie ou les loisirs, tout en soutenant la stratgie de dveloppement rgionale.

S.A.R. le prince hritier Mohammed ben Salmane, Prsident du Conseil d'administration de Soudah Development, a dclar que le programme Soudah Peaks inaugure l'entre du tourisme de montagne de luxe dans une nouvelle re, ds lors que ce projet procure aux visiteurs une exprience sans prcdent tout en prservant l'environnement naturel et la richesse culturelle et patrimoniale de la rgion. Du point de vue stratgique, le projet s'aligne sur les objectifs du plan de dveloppement Saudi Vision 2030. Celui–ci vise notamment faire fructifier le tourisme et les loisirs, soutenir la croissance conomique, solliciter les investissements, contribuer hauteur de plus de 29 milliards de riyals saoudiens au PIB cumul du Royaume, et crer des milliers d'emplois directs et indirects.

Le plan directeur du projet Soudah Peaks confirme notre engagement mondial en faveur de la protection de notre environnement et de nos ressources naturelles pour le bien des gnrations futures. Il nous permet d'assurer la transition du Royaume vers un nouveau modle de dveloppement et de construire une conomie plus forte, qui attirera les investisseurs l'chelle rgionale mais aussi ceux du monde entier , a expliqu S.A.R. le prince hritier, avant d'ajouter :

Soudah Peaks est un jalon de taille dans le dveloppement du tourisme saoudien. Ce projet qui place le Royaume au c"ur des destinations mondiales met en lumire et l'honneur la richesse culturelle et patrimoniale de notre pays. Les visiteurs pourront s'merveiller de la beaut de Soudah Peaks, explorer la richesse de sa culture et la signature unique de son patrimoine, et se rjouir du caractre authentique de l'hospitalit locale. Le cadre verdoyant situ au–dessus des nuages fera de Soudah Peaks une destination de voyage inoubliable .

Soudah Peaks vise proposer ses visiteurs des complexes hteliers haut de gamme et luxueux, pouvant accueillir plus de deux millions de personnes tout au long de l'anne d'ici 2033. Le plan directeur est conu de manire s'inspirer du style traditionnel de l'architecture locale, ce qui contribuera promouvoir le patrimoine culturel et paysager de la rgion. La destination s'tendra six zones de dveloppement uniques, savoir : Tahlal, Sahab, Sabrah, Jareen, Rijal et Red Rock. Chacune d'entre elles accueillera toute une gamme d'installations de haut calibre, et notamment des htels, des stations de ski de luxe, des chalets rsidentiels, des villas, des manoirs haut de gamme, des attractions commerciales et des aires de divertissement, ainsi que des zones de plein air ddies au sport, l'aventure, au bien–tre et la culture.

D'ici 2033, Soudah Development fera btir 2 700 chambres d'htel et 1 336 units rsidentielles Soudah Peaks, qui comptera galement pas moins de 80 000 mtres carrs de zone commerciale. Le plan directeur prvoit de se dployer en trois phases. L'objectif de la premire phase vise l'aboutissement de 940 htels, 391 complexes usage rsidentiel, et 32 000 mtres carrs de centre commercial d'ici 2027.

Soudah Peaks s'tend sur plus de 627 kilomtres carrs de fascinante nature, o les terres rserves la construction ne reprsentent que 1 % de la surface. Cette condition reflte le double engagement pris par Soudah Development en faveur de la protection et de la prservation de l'environnement par la mise en place des meilleures pratiques en matire de dveloppement durable, en contribuant ainsi aux initiatives vertes du Royaume rassembles sous le projet Saudi Green Initiative.

Soudah Development est une socit par actions de type ferm dtenue par le Fonds d'investissement public d'Arabie saoudite. Sa mission consiste piloter le dveloppement d'une destination touristique de montagne de luxe en Arabie Saoudite tout en prservant le paysage naturel et le folklore de la rgion d'Al Soudah et de certaines parties de Rijal Almaa.

propos de Soudah Development
Soudah Development est une socit par actions de type ferm dtenue 100 % par le Fonds d'investissement public d'Arabie saoudite. Soudah Development s'attache dvelopper une destination touristique de montagne de luxe qui s'tend d'Al Soudah certaines zones de la valle de Rijal Almaa, au c"ur de la province d'Asir, situe au sud–ouest de l'Arabie saoudite. Son ambition est d'en prserver le patrimoine naturel dans le respect du riche folklore local, tout en attirant deux millions de visiteurs par an l'horizon 2033. S.A.R. le prince Mohammed ben Salmane, Premier ministre et Prsident du fonds souverain du Royaume a annonc la cration de la Soudah Development Company le 24 fvrier 2021.

Pour en savoir plus, nous vous invitons consulter les liens ci–dessous :
Sites web : www.soudah.sa et www.soudahpeaks.com
Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, et Facebook : @Soudahpeaks
Ou envoyez un courriel : press@soudah.sa

Source : NewsBeatWire

Contacts :

Mohammed A. Alshehri


GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000841565)

SAR o Príncipe Herdeiro lança o plano estratégico de Soudah Peaks

A Media Snippet accompanying this announcement is available by clicking on the image or link below:

HRH Crown Prince launches Soudah Peaks' masterplan

RIADE, Arábia Saudita, Sept. 28, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Sua Alteza Real o Prncipe Herdeiro Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, Primeiro–Ministro e Presidente da Soudah Development, lanou o plano estratgico para desenvolver Soudah e partes de Rijal Almaa em Soudah Peaks, um destino turstico de luxo na montanha situado a 3015 metros acima do nvel do mar no pico mais alto da Arbia Saudita. Situado num ambiente natural e cultural extraordinrio na regio de Aseer (no sudoeste da Arbia Saudita), o projeto uma parte essencial dos esforos do Fundo de Investimento Pblico (PIF) para diversificar a economia atravs da expanso de indstrias vitais como o turismo, a hotelaria e o entretenimento, e apoiar a estratgia de desenvolvimento de Aseer.

SAR o Prncipe Herdeiro Mohammed bin Salman, Presidente do Conselho de Administrao da Soudah Development, afirmou que Soudah Peaks representa uma nova era de turismo de montanha de luxo, proporcionando uma experincia de vivncia sem precedentes, preservando simultaneamente o ambiente natural e a riqueza cultural e patrimonial. Est estrategicamente alinhado com os objectivos da Viso 2030 de expandir o turismo e o entretenimento, apoiar o crescimento econmico, atrair investimento, contribuir com mais de 29 mil milhes de SAR para o PIB acumulado do Reino e criar milhares de oportunidades de emprego diretas e indiretas.

SAR disse: “O plano estratgico reafirma o nosso empenho relativamente aos esforos globais de preservao do ambiente e dos recursos naturais para as geraes futuras e visa contribuir para a diversificao das fontes de rendimento nacionais e para a construo de uma economia forte que atraia investimentos locais e globais”.

SAR acrescentou: “Soudah Peaks constituir um acrscimo significativo ao setor do turismo na Arbia Saudita e colocar o Reino no mapa do turismo mundial, destacando e celebrando simultaneamente a riqueza da cultura e do patrimnio do pas. Os visitantes tero a oportunidade de descobrir a beleza de Soudah Peaks, explorar a sua cultura e patrimnio ricos e experimentar a autntica hospitalidade da comunidade local. Soudah Peaks oferecer experincias inesquecveis rodeadas por vegetao luxuriante, acima das nuvens”.

Soudah Peaks tem como objetivo oferecer servios de hotelaria de luxo de alta qualidade a mais de dois milhes de visitantes em todas as pocas do ano at 2033. O plano estratgico est a ser concebido para refletir os estilos tradicionais e arquitetnicos locais e ir promover o patrimnio cultural e paisagstico da regio. O destino ser lar de 6 zonas de desenvolvimento nicas: Tahlal, Sahab, Sabrah, Jareen, Rijal e Red Rock. Cada uma delas oferecer uma gama de instalaes de nvel mundial, incluindo hotis, estncias de montanha de luxo, chals residenciais, moradias, manses de luxo, atraes comerciais e de entretenimento, bem como atraes ao ar livre dedicadas ao desporto, aventura, ao bem–estar e cultura.

A Soudah Development assegurar a entrega de 2700 chaves de hotelaria, 1336 unidades residenciais e 80 000 metros quadrados de espao comercial no Soudah Peaks at 2033. O plano estratgico ser desenvolvido em trs fases, com 940 chaves de hotel, 391 unidades residenciais e 32 000 metros quadrados de espao comercial que devero estar concludos em 2027, na primeira fase.

Soudah Peaks est situado ao longo de mais de 627 quilmetros quadrados de natureza inspiradora, com a aquisio de menos de 1% do terreno para construo, o que reflete o compromisso da Soudah Development em proteger e preservar o ambiente, seguindo os melhores padres de sustentabilidade e contribuindo para os esforos da Saudi Green Initiative.

Como uma sociedade annima fechada detida pelo PIF, a Soudah Development visa desenvolver um destino turstico de luxo na montanha nico na Arbia Saudita, preservando simultaneamente o ambiente natural e o patrimnio cultural da rea do projeto, que se estende por Soudah e partes de Rijal Almaa.

Sobre a Soudah Development
A Soudah Development uma sociedade annima fechada detida a 100% pelo Fundo de Investimento Pblico (PIF) da Arbia Saudita. Foi criado para promover o desenvolvimento de um destino turstico de luxo na montanha, abrangendo Soudah e partes de Rijal Almaa, na regio de Aseer, no sudoeste da Arbia Saudita. Tem como objetivo preservar a paisagem natural e respeitar o rico patrimnio cultural da regio, atraindo 2 milhes de visitantes todos os anos at 2033. A Soudah Development foi anunciada por SAR o Prncipe Herdeiro Mohammad bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, Primeiro–Ministro e Presidente do PIF, em 24 de fevereiro de 2021.

Para mais informaes, visite os links abaixo:
Site: www.soudah.sa e www.soudahpeaks.com
Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn e Facebook: @Soudahpeaks
Ou contacte–nos por e–mail: press@soudah.sa


Mohammed A. Alshehri


GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000841565)

New global study discovers people in pain feel more socially excluded than ever

  • Latest edition of Haleon Pain Index finds half (49%) of people in pain feel stigmatised[1][2]
  • 42% regularly feel lonely due to their pain, and one third feel serious loneliness (based on UCLA loneliness scale)[3]
  • 32% of people living in pain fear they will be judged
  • Women, people of colour and the LGBQ+ community are worst affected
  • Gen Z more likely to feel unheard than Baby Boomers

LONDON, Sept. 28, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A new study of 18,097 people across 18 countries has discovered that society has grown less tolerant of people in pain, despite the effects of COVID–19 boosting global health awareness.

The fifth edition of the Haleon Pain Index (HPI)[1], conducted by consumer health company Haleon, suggests that attitudes towards pain in post–pandemic society are now more judgemental and less tolerant, with half (49%) of those in pain feeling stigmatised and a third (32%) fearing they will be judged about their pain.

The global index has been exploring the real impact pain has on people's lives for almost a decade. This year's study has found that, since the first edition in 2014, the social and emotional impact of pain has grown by nearly 25%, with stigma and social isolation arising from everyday pain increasing worldwide. 42% of people questioned said they regularly experience loneliness when in pain. Feelings of serious loneliness emerged globally, with 38% of people in mainland China, 33% in Australia and 32% in the UK reporting this. This coincides with warnings about the public health impacts of loneliness and social isolation issued by the World Health Organisation[4] and the Loneliness Epidemic[5] pointed out in spring 2023.

Dr Linda Papadopoulos, Psychologist and Author, commented: "Everyday pain is a health issue that can easily be dismissed or trivialised. Many don't realise its effects can be much worse than the symptoms themselves. The result of loneliness and mental health impact caused by lack of empathy and being treated differently is only worsening. As a society, we need to improve empathy and understanding in a world that is continuing to harden to these issues."

The HPI discovered that people who already experience bias, discrimination, and exclusion in society are the worst affected by these hardening views on pain.

  • 58% of women said their pain had been treated differently, not believed or discriminated versus 49% of men. This is highest amongst women in India (74%), Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) (74%), Brazil (74%), and mainland China (61%).
  • 59% of people of colour said their pain had been treated differently, not believed or discriminated versus 48% of white people. This is highest in Brazil (71%), Poland (64%) and the USA (64%), whilst this is true for 60% in the UK.
  • 44% of LGBQ+ people feared that others will make assumptions about them and their pain, compared to 32% of heterosexuals. This is highest in India (61%), USA (54%), Canada (49%) and Australia (48%).

The study also revealed a sharp generational divide in the way people experience pain, suggesting that younger patients struggle most with making their pain known and accessing treatment:

  • 70% of Gen Z said their pain had been treated differently, not believed or discriminated, compared to 40% of Baby Boomers. This is highest in India (80%), the USA (79%) and for 74% of UK respondents.
  • 45% of Gen Z said being in pain was too much of a taboo for them to speak out, compared to 35% of Boomers.

While the older generation find it easier to express their pain and access treatment, they are the most marginalised when it comes to accessing health–related information online. 45% of 75""84–year–olds said they struggle to access this online because they do not feel confident navigating the internet, compared with 33% overall.

Respondents agreed on the need for a more personalised and compassionate view of pain. More than two thirds (68%) of people said more empathy to address bias and exclusion would make a real difference to their experience of pain. Meanwhile, 69% said they wished doctors and 62% wished pharmacists were better trained on how individual pain is for different patients.

Lisa Jennings, Head of Global Over the Counter Category at Haleon, said: "While pain is a universal human experience, resulting in loneliness and stigma for many, its impact varies considerably between social groups, with the most marginalised amongst the worst affected. Our ambition is to break down the barriers to achieving better everyday health for everyone "" irrespective of age, race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, disability and other factors. The HPI shows that we can lessen the social and emotional impact of pain by shifting perceptions and conversations around pain management. That's why we're taking action through several programs such as our #ListenToPain initiative which is being rolled out to health professionals across the globe."

Haleon's #ListenToPain programme supports health professionals to improve communication with patients and have a focused discussion on pain tailored to the individual. #ListentoPain includes five profiles that describe people with different attitudes and behaviours towards pain management that help health professionals customize their approach with their patients. With continuity of care, truly understanding how pain may change over time means pain management strategies can be evolved and be more effective in the long term.

Media Contacts

For more information on the HPI, or interview requests please contact:



For information on Haleon please contact:


Notes to Editors

About the Haleon Pain Index study

The Haleon Pain Index (HPI) is a proprietary, globally representative, longitudinal social study conducted by Edelman Data x Intelligence (DXI). The study is designed to give a voice to those experiencing pain and assess the evolving state of pain. The study captures the perceived impact of pain on individuals' everyday lives, their health, their feelings, emotions, motivations and behaviours, putting the human experience at the centre. In its fifth edition, the study assesses health inclusivity barriers to effective pain treatment. The perceptions of over 18,000 respondents across 18 countries were captured as part of the fifth edition.

Markets tracked in HPI 5: Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Colombia, France, Germany, India, Italy, KSA, Malaysia, Mexico, Poland, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, UK, USA.

The age groups are split into different generations:

  • Gen Z: those between 18–26 years old
  • Millennials: those between 27–42 years old
  • Gen X: those between 43–58 years old
  • Boomers 1*: those between 59–66 years old
  • Boomers 2*: those between 67–77 years old
  • Silent: those between 78–84 years old

1*For the first time, the Haleon Pain Index (HPI) is now capturing the voice of experts, GPs, Pharmacists, and Nurses, in 4 key markets: Australia, Germany, KSA and the USA. In this first edition, we've gathered insights from over 600 experts (150 per market*) through a 15–minute online bespoke survey, exploring their views on pain, their challenges as healthcare professionals and the role they can play in driving positive change.

2*In the USA, our interviews included a mix of physicians and nurses; in Australia and KSA, a mix of physicians and pharmacists, and in Germany, a combination of pharmacists and pharmacists' assistants.

About Listen To Pain

#ListenToPain is a global initiative from Haleon to enable health professionals to maximise their time with patients and help them to better understand a patient's pain experience "" providing the sufferer with a treatment plan that is right for them. Located on Haleon Health Partner, a dedicated digital platform for health professionals, #ListenToPain includes a series of practical tools for better interactions, assessments, and outcomes. These tools and resources for pharmacists will help them understand their patients pain better and navigate conversations around pain management.

Further information and the full range of #ListentoPain resources can we found on www.haleonhealthpartner.com.

About Haleon
Haleon (LSE / NYSE: HLN) is a global leader in consumer health, with a purpose to deliver better everyday health with humanity. Haleon's product portfolio spans five major categories – Oral Health, Pain Relief, Respiratory Health, Digestive Health and Other, and Vitamins, Minerals and Supplements (VMS). Its long–standing brands – such as Advil, Sensodyne, Panadol, Voltaren, Theraflu, Otrivin, Polident, parodontax and Centrum – are built on trusted science, innovation and deep human understanding.
For more information, please visit www.haleon.com.


1 Haleon. Pain Index. 2023. Data on file.
2 The Haleon Pain Index is formerly known as the Global Pain Index.
3 Russell, D, et al.,1978. Developing a measure of loneliness. Journal of Personality Assessment, 42, 290–294. Available: https://fetzer.org/sites/default/files/images/stories/pdf/selfmeasures/Self_Measures_for_Loneliness_and_Interpersonal_Problems_UCLA_LONELINESS.pdf. [2023, September 18].
4 World Health Organization (WHO). N.d. Social Isolation and Loneliness. Available: https://www.who.int/teams/social–determinants–of–health/demographic–change–and–healthy–ageing/social–isolation–and–loneliness [2023, September 18].
5 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 2023. Health Risks of Social Isolation and Loneliness. Available: https://www.cdc.gov/emotional–wellbeing/social–connectedness/loneliness.htm#:~:text=Social%20isolation%20and%20loneliness%20have,linked%20to%20increased%20risk%20for%3A&text=Heart%20disease%20and%20stroke.,Type%202%20diabetes. [2023, September 18].

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8929418)

Peru Faces Challenge of Climate Change-Driven Internal Migration

By Mariela Jara
LIMA, Sep 28 2023 – Nearly 700,000 people have migrated internally in Peru due to the effects of climate change. This mass displacement is a clear problem in this South American country, one of the most vulnerable to the global climate crisis due to its biodiversity, geography and 28 different types of climates.

“We recognize migration due to climate change as a very tangible issue that needs to be addressed,” Pablo Peña, a geographer who is coordinator of the Emergency and Humanitarian Assistance Unit of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in Peru, told IPS.

In an interview with IPS at the UN agency’s headquarters in Lima, Peña reported that according to the international Internal Displacement Monitoring Center, the number of people displaced within Peru’s borders by disasters between 2008 and 2022 is estimated at 659,000, most of them floods related to climate disturbances.”We recognize migration due to climate change as a very tangible issue that needs to be addressed.” — Pablo Peña

In this Andean country of 33 million inhabitants, there is a lack of specific and centralized data to determine the characteristics of migration caused by environmental and climate change factors.

Peña said that through a specific project, the IOM has collaborated with the Peruvian government in drafting an action plan aimed at preventing and addressing climate-related forced migration, on the basis of which a pilot project will begin in October to systematize information from different sources on displacement in order to incorporate the environmental and climate component.

“We aim to be able to define climate migrants and incorporate them into all regulations,” said the expert. The project, which includes gender, rights and intergenerational approaches, is being worked on with the Ministries of the Environment and of Women and Vulnerable Populations.

He added that this type of migration is multidimensional. “People can say that they left their homes in the Andes highlands because they had nothing to eat due to the loss of their crops, and that could be interpreted, superficially, as forming part of economic migration because they have no means of livelihood. But that cause can be associated with climatic variables,” Peña said.

In a 2022 report, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) identified Peru as the country with the highest level of food insecurity in South America.

Pablo Peña, coordinator of the Emergency and Humanitarian Assistance Unit of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in Peru, stands in front of the headquarters of this United Nations agency in Lima. He highlights the need to address the situation of internal migration driven by the impacts of climate change. CREDIT: Mariela Jara / IPS

Pablo Peña, coordinator of the Emergency and Humanitarian Assistance Unit of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in Peru, stands in front of the headquarters of this United Nations agency in Lima. He highlights the need to address the situation of internal migration driven by the impacts of climate change. CREDIT: Mariela Jara / IPS

The Central Reserve Bank, in charge of preserving monetary stability and managing international reserves, lowered in its September monthly report Peru’s economic growth projection to 0.9 percent for this year, partly due to the varied impacts of climate change on agriculture and fishing.

This would affect efforts to reduce the poverty rate, which stands at around 30 percent in the country, where seven out of every 10 workers work in the informal sector, and would drive up migration of the population in search of food and livelihoods.

“The World Bank estimates that by 2050 there will be more than 10 million climate migrants in Latin America,” said Peña.

The same multilateral institution, in its June publication Peru Strategic Actions Toward Water Security, points out that people without economic problems are 10 times more resistant than those living in poverty to climatic impacts such as floods and droughts, which are increasing at the national level.

The country is currently experiencing the Coastal El Niño climate phenomenon, which in March caused floods in northern cities and droughts in the south. The official National Service of Meteorology and Hydrology warned that in January 2024 it could converge with the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) global phenomenon, accentuating its impacts.

El Niño usually occurs in December, causing the sea temperature to rise and altering the rainfall pattern, which increases in the north of the country and decreases in the south.

The manager of Natural Resources of the Piura regional government, Juan Aguilar, described the vulnerability to climate change of this northern coastal region of Peru at a September meeting organized by the IOM in Lima. The official explained that the El Niño climate phenomenon has become more intense and frequent due to the effects of climate change, which aggravates its impacts on the population, such as severe flooding this year. CREDIT: Mariela Jara / IPSThe manager of Natural Resources of the Piura regional government, Juan Aguilar, described the vulnerability to climate change of this northern coastal region of Peru at a September meeting organized by the IOM in Lima. The official explained that the El Niño climate phenomenon has become more intense and frequent due to the effects of climate change, which aggravates its impacts on the population, such as severe flooding this year. CREDIT: Mariela Jara / IPS

The manager of Natural Resources of the Piura regional government, Juan Aguilar, described the vulnerability to climate change of this northern coastal region of Peru at a September meeting organized by the IOM in Lima. The official explained that the El Niño climate phenomenon has become more intense and frequent due to the effects of climate change, which aggravates its impacts on the population, such as severe flooding this year. CREDIT: Mariela Jara / IPS

Reluctance to migrate to safer areas

Piura, a northern coastal department with an estimated population of just over two million inhabitants, has been hit by every El Niño episode, including this year’s, which left more than 46,000 homes damaged, even in areas that had been rebuilt.

Juan Aguilar, manager of Natural Resources of the Piura regional government, maintains that the high vulnerability to ENSO is worsening with climate change and is affecting the population, communication routes and staple crops.

At an IOM workshop on Sept. 5 in Lima, the official stressed that Piura is caught up in both floods and droughts, in a complex context for the implementation of spending on prevention, adaptation and mitigation.

Aguilar spoke to IPS about the situation of people who, despite having lost their homes for climatic reasons, choose not to migrate, in what he considers to be a majority trend.

“People are not willing overall to move to safer areas, even during El Niño 2017 when there were initiatives to relocate them to other places; they prefer to wait for the phenomenon to pass and return to their homes,” he added.

View of the Rimac River as it passes through the municipality of Lurigancho-Chosica, in the Peruvian province of Lima. In this town, many families are still living in housing in areas at high risk, which is exacerbated during the rainy season that begins in December and has intensified due to climate change and the increased recurrence of the El Niño climate phenomenon. CREDIT: Mariela Jara / IPS

View of the Rimac River as it passes through the municipality of Lurigancho-Chosica, in the Peruvian province of Lima. In this town, many families are still living in housing in areas at high risk, which is exacerbated during the rainy season that begins in December and has intensified due to climate change and the increased recurrence of the El Niño climate phenomenon. CREDIT: Mariela Jara / IPS

He explained that this attitude is due to the fact that they see the climatic events as recurrent. “They say, I already experienced this in such and such a year, and there is a resignation in the sense of saying that we are in a highly vulnerable area, it is what we have to live with, God and nature have put us in these conditions,” Aguilar said.

He acknowledged that with regard to this question, public policies have not made much progress. “For example after 2017 a law was passed to identify non-mitigable risk zones, and that has not been enforced despite the fact that it would help us to implement plans to relocate local residents to safer areas,” he added.

The regional official pointed out that “we do not have an experience in which the State says ‘I have already identified this area, there is so much housing available here for those who want to relocate’ , because the social cost would be so high.”

“We have not seen this, and the populace has the feeling that if they are going to start somewhere else, the place they abandon will be taken by someone else, and they say: ‘what is the point of me moving, if the others will be left here’,” Aguilar said.

Paulina Vílchez, 72, has always lived in the Peruvian municipality of Lurigancho-Chosica. Despite the fear every year that the Rimac River might flood and that mudslides could occur in one of the 21 ravines in the area, she has never thought of moving away. "I'm not going to go to an empty plot to start all over again, that's why I've stayed. I leave everything in the hands of God," she said. CREDIT: Mariela Jara / IPS

Paulina Vílchez, 72, has always lived in the Peruvian municipality of Lurigancho-Chosica. Despite the fear every year that the Rimac River might flood and that mudslides could occur in one of the 21 ravines in the area, she has never thought of moving away. “I’m not going to go to an empty plot to start all over again, that’s why I’ve stayed. I leave everything in the hands of God,” she said. CREDIT: Mariela Jara / IPS

The fear of starting over

Some 40 km from the Peruvian capital, in Lurigancho-Chosica, one of the 43 municipalities of the province of Lima, the local population is getting nervous about the start of the rainy season in December, which threatens mudslides in some of its 21 ravines. The most notorious due to their catastrophic impact occurred in 1987, 2017, 2018 and March of this year.

Landslides, known in Peru by the Quechua indigenous term “huaycos”, have been part of the country’s history, due to the combination of the special characteristics of the rugged geography of the Andes highlands and the ENSO phenomenon.

In an IPS tour of the Chosica area of Pedregal, one of the areas vulnerable to landslides and mudslides due to the rains, there was concern in the municipality about the risks they face, but also a distrust of moving to a safer place to start over.

“I came here to Pedregal as a child when this was all fields where cotton and sugar cane were planted. I have been here for more than sixty years and we have progressed, we no longer live in shacks,” said 72-year-old Paulina Vílchez, who lives in a nicely painted two-story house built of cement and brick.

On the first floor she set up a bodega, which she manages herself, where she sells food and other products. She did not marry or have children, but she helped raise two nieces, with whom she still lives in a house that is the fruit of her parents’ and then her own efforts and which represents decades of hard work.

Vílchez admits that she would like to move to a place where she could be free of the fear that builds up every year. But she said it would have to be a house with the same conditions as the one she has managed to build with so much effort. “I’m not going to go to an empty plot to start all over again, that’s why I’ve stayed. I leave everything in the hands of God,” she told IPS.

Maribel Zavaleta's home in the Peruvian municipality of Chosica is built of wood, near the Rimac River and just a meter from the train tracks. She arrived there in 1989, relocated after a mud, water and rock slide two years earlier in another part of the town. She constantly worries that another catastrophe will happen again, and says she would relocate if she were guaranteed safer land and materials to build a new house. CREDIT: Mariela Jara / IPS

Maribel Zavaleta’s home in the Peruvian municipality of Chosica is built of wood, near the Rimac River and just a meter from the train tracks. She arrived there in 1989, relocated after a mud, water and rock slide two years earlier in another part of the town. She constantly worries that another catastrophe will happen again, and says she would relocate if she were guaranteed safer land and materials to build a new house. CREDIT: Mariela Jara / IPS

Very close to the Rimac River and next to the railway tracks that shake her little wooden house each time the train passes by lives Maribel Zavaleta, 50, born in Chosica, and her family of two daughters, a son, and three granddaughters.

“I came here in 1989 with my mom, she was a survivor of the 1987 huayco, and we lived in tents until we were relocated here. But it’s not safe; in 2017 the river overflowed and the house was completely flooded,” she told IPS.

Zavaleta started her own family at the age of 21, but is now separated from her husband. Her eldest son lives with his girlfriend on the same property, and her older daughter, who works and helps support the household, has given her three granddaughters. The youngest of her daughters is 13 and attends a local municipal school.

“I work as a cleaner and what I earn is only enough to cover our basic needs,” she said. She added that if she were relocated again it would have to be to a plot of land with a title deed and materials to build her house, which is now made of wood and has a tin roof, while her plot of land is fenced off with metal sheets.

“I can’t afford to improve my little house or leave here. I would like the authorities to at least work to prevent the river from overflowing while we are here,” she said, pointing to the rocks left by the 2017 landslide that have not been removed.

Global Leaders Plead for Peace in Ukraine at UN

Volodymyr Zelenskyy, President of Ukraine, addresses the Security Council, 20 September 2023. Credit: UN Photo/Manuel Elías

By Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies
NEW YORK, Sep 28 2023 – As it did last year, the 2023 United Nations General Assembly has been debating what role the United Nations and its members should play in the crisis in Ukraine.

The United States and its allies still insist that the UN Charter requires countries to take Ukraine’s side in the conflict, “for as long as it takes” to restore Ukraine’s pre-2014 internationally recognized borders.

They claim to be enforcing Article 2:4 of the UN Charter that states “All Members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state, or in any other manner inconsistent with the Purposes of the United Nations.”

By their reasoning, Russia violated Article 2:4 by invading Ukraine, and that makes any compromise or negotiated settlement unconscionable, regardless of the consequences of prolonging the war.

Other countries have called for a peaceful diplomatic resolution of the conflict in Ukraine, based on the preceding article of the UN Charter, Article 2:3: “All Members shall settle their international disputes by peaceful means in such a manner that international peace and security, and justice, are not endangered.”

They also refer to the purposes of the UN, defined in Article 1:1, which include the “settlement of international disputes” by “peaceful means,” and they point to the dangers of escalation and nuclear war as an imperative for diplomacy to quickly end this war.

As the Amir of Qatar told the General Assembly, “A long-term truce has become the most looked-for aspiration by people in Europe and all over the world. We call on all parties to comply with the UN Charter and international law and resort to a radical peaceful solution based on these principles.”

This year, the General Assembly has also been focused on other facets of a world in crisis: the failure to tackle the climate catastrophe; the lack of progress on the Sustainable Development Goals that countries agreed to in 2000; a neocolonial economic system that still divides the world into rich and poor; and the desperate need for structural reform of a UN Security Council that has failed in its basic responsibility to keep the peace and prevent war.

One speaker after another highlighted the persistent problems related to U.S. and Western abuses of power: the occupation of Palestine; cruel, illegal U.S. sanctions against Cuba and many other countries; Western exploitation of Africa that has evolved from slavery to debt servitude and neocolonialism; and a global financial system that exacerbates extreme inequalities of wealth and power across the world.

Brazil, by tradition, gives the first speech at the General Assembly, and President Lula da Silva spoke eloquently about the crises facing the UN and the world. On Ukraine, he said: “The war in Ukraine exposes our collective inability to enforce the purposes and principles of the UN Charter. We do not underestimate the difficulties in achieving peace. But no solution will be lasting if it is not based on dialogue. I have reiterated that work needs to be done to create space for negotiations… The UN was born to be the home of understanding and dialogue. The international community must choose. On one hand, there is the expansion of conflicts, the furthering of inequalities and the erosion of the rule of law. On the other, the renewing of multilateral institutions dedicated to promoting peace.”

After a bumbling, incoherent speech by President Biden, Latin America again took the stage in the person of President Gustavo Petro of Colombia: “While the minutes that define life or death on our planet are ticking on,” Petro declared, “rather than halting this march of time and talking about how to defend life for the future, thanks to deepening knowledge, expand it to the universe, we decided to waste time killing each other”.

“We are not thinking about how to expand life to the stars, but rather how to end life on our own planet. We have devoted ourselves to war. We have been called to war. Latin America has been called upon to produce war machines, men, to go to the killing fields.

They’re forgetting that our countries have been invaded several times by the very same people who are now talking about combatting invasions. They’re forgetting that they invaded Iraq, Syria and Libya for oil. They’re forgetting that the same reasons they use to defend Zelenskyy are the very reasons that should be used to defend Palestine. They forget that to meet the Sustainable Development Goals, we must end all wars.

But they’re helping to wage one war in particular, because world powers see this suiting themselves in their game of thrones, in their hunger games.and they’re forgetting to bring an end to the other war because, for these powers, this did not suit them.

What is the difference between Ukraine and Palestine, I ask? Is it not time to bring an end to both wars, and other wars too, and make the most of the short time we have to build paths to save life on the planet?

I propose that the United Nations, as soon as possible, should hold two peace conferences, one on Ukraine, the other on Palestine, not because there are no other wars in the world – there are in my country – but because this would guide the way to making peace in all regions of the planet, because both of these, by themselves, could bring an end to hypocrisy as a political practice, because we could be sincere, a virtue without which we cannot be warriors for life itself.”

Petro was not the only leader who upheld the value of sincerity and assailed the hypocrisy of Western diplomacy. Prime Minister Ralph Gonsalves of St. Vincent and the Grenadines cut to the chase: “Let us clear certain ideational cobwebs from our brains. It is, for example, wholly unhelpful to frame the central contradictions of our troubled times as revolving around a struggle between democracies and autocracies. St. Vincent and the Grenadines, a strong liberal democracy, rejects this wrong-headed thesis. It is evident to all right-thinking persons, devoid of self-serving hypocrisy, that the struggle today between the dominant powers is centered upon the control, ownership, and distribution of the world’s resources.”

On the war in Ukraine, Gonsalves was equally blunt. “…War and conflict rage senselessly across the globe; in at least one case, Ukraine, the principal adversaries — the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) and Russia — may unwittingly open the gates to a nuclear Armageddon… Russia, NATO, and Ukraine should embrace peace, not war and conflict, even if peace has to rest upon a mutually agreed, settled condition of dissatisfaction.”

The Western position on Ukraine was also on full display. However, at least three NATO members (Bulgaria, Hungary and Spain) coupled their denunciations of Russian aggression with pleas for peace. Katalin Novak, the President of Hungary, said: “…We want peace, in our country, in Ukraine, in Europe, in the world. Peace and the security that comes with it. There is no alternative to peace. The killing, the terrible destruction, must stop as soon as possible. War is never the solution. We know that peace is only realistically attainable when at least one side sees the time for negotiations as having come. We cannot decide for Ukrainians about how much they are prepared to sacrifice, but we have a duty to represent our own nation’s desire for peace. And we must do all we can to avoid an escalation of the war.”

Even with wars, drought, debt and poverty afflicting their own continent, at least 17 African leaders took time during their General Assembly speeches to call for peace in Ukraine. Some voiced their support for the African Peace Initiative, while others contrasted the West’s commitments and expenditures for the war in Ukraine with its endemic neglect of Africa’s problems. President Joao Lourenço of Angola clearly explained why, as Africa rises up to reject neocolonialism and build its own future, peace in Ukraine remains a vital interest for Africa and people everywhere:

“In Europe, the war between Russia and Ukraine deserves our full attention to the urgent need to put an immediate end to it, given the levels of human and material destruction there, the risk of an escalation into a major conflict on a global scale and the impact of its harmful effects on energy and food security. All the evidence tells us that it is unlikely that there will be winners and losers on the battlefield, which is why the parties involved should be encouraged to prioritize dialogue and diplomacy as soon as possible, to establish a ceasefire and to negotiate a lasting peace not only for the warring countries, but which will guarantee Europe’s security and contribute to world peace and security.”

Altogether, leaders from at least 50 countries spoke up for peace in Ukraine at the 2023 UN General Assembly. In his closing statement, Dennis Francis, the Trinidadian president of this year’s UN General Assembly, noted,

“Of the topics raised during the High-Level Week, few were as frequent, consistent, or as charged as that of the Ukraine War. The international community is clear that political independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity must be respected, and violence must end.”

You can find all 50 statements at this link on the CODEPINK website: https://www.codepink.org/unurkaine23

Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies are the authors of War in Ukraine: Making Sense of a Senseless Conflict, published by OR Books in November 2022.

Medea Benjamin is the cofounder of CODEPINK for Peace, and the author of several books, including Inside Iran: The Real History and Politics of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Nicolas J. S. Davies is an independent journalist, a researcher for CODEPINK and the author of Blood on Our Hands: The American Invasion and Destruction of Iraq.

IPS UN Bureau


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