A eXp Realty coloca os seus melhores agentes em destaque na EXPCON 2023

BELLINGHAM, Oct. 04, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — eXp Realty , "a corretagem imobiliria mais centrada nos agentes imobilirios no planeta" (the most agent–centric real estate brokerage on the planet) e a principal subsidiria da eXp World Holdings, Inc.(Nasdaq: EXPI), reconheceu 39 dos melhores agentes e equipes na EXPCON 2023, evento anual da empresa.

A EXPCON 2023, que foi realizada de 2 a 5 de outubro em Las Vegas, o encontro exclusivo da empresa que rene os melhores profissionais do setor imobilirio do mundo. O evento deste ano focou na inovao e no aproveitamento da inteligncia artificial para impulsionar os negcios.

Glenn Sanford, fundador e CEO da eXp Realty, juntamente com Michael Valdes, Diretor de Crescimento (CGO) e Leo Pareja, Diretor de Estratgia (CSO), reconheceu com orgulho as extraordinrias conquistas e contribuies de 39 agentes e da equipe da eXp Realty em 2022. Esses agentes excepcionais foram reconhecidos em diversas categorias, abrangendo os melhores indivduos e equipes com base no nmero de transaes, volume de transaes e receita bruta de comisses (GCI) nos EUA, Canad e internacionalmente.

"O sucesso no diz respeito a uma pessoa ou uma empresa apenas; ele consiste em criar uma comunidade em que todos incentivam uns aos outros a atingirem o potencial mximo", diz Sanford. "Tenho muito orgulho de prestigiar este grupo excepcional de agentes pelo seu excelente trabalho no ano passado. Como a corretagem mais centrada nos agentes imobilirios no planeta, focamos intensamente no apoio aos nossos agentes. Eu falo por toda a comunidade da eXp quando agradeo e parabenizo esses indivduos por suas conquistas e contribuies incrveis".

Os vencedores so:

  • Melhores indivduos por nmero de transaes, EUA
    • 1 "" John Scalia, Flrida
    • 2 "" Charles "Chuck" Williamson, Wilson, Carolina do Norte
    • 3 "" Sheryl Houck, Flrida
  • Melhores Indivduos por nmero de transaes, Canad
    • 1 "" Mark Verzyl, Alberta
    • 2 "" Shannon Runcie, Saskatchewan
    • 3 "" Rachel Vanderveen, Alberta
  • Melhores Indivduos por nmero de transaes, Internacional
    • 1 "" Christopher Abraham "" Gr–Bretanha, Reino Unido
    • 2 "" Claire Bilton "" Gr–Bretanha, Reino Unido
    • 3 "" Mark Buchanan "" Gr–Bretanha, Reino Unido
  • Melhores indivduos por GCI, EUA
    • 1 "" John Scalia, Flrida
    • 2 "" Soomin Kim, Austin, Texas
    • 3 "" Charles "Chuck" Williamson, Wilson, Carolina do Norte
  • Melhores indivduos por GCI, Canad
    • 1 "" Rachel Vanderveen, Alberta
    • 2 "" Zhe Geng, Colmbia Britnica
    • 3 "" Mark Verzyl, Alberta
  • Melhores indivduos por GCI, Internacional
    • 1 "" Leigh Martinuzzi, Austrlia
    • 2 "" Christopher Abraham, Gr–Bretanha, Reino Unido
    • 3 "" Bjorn Kunzel, Austrlia
  • Melhor indivduo por GCI, eXp Commercial
    • Yoshimi Asano, Texas
  • Melhores indivduos por volume de transaes, EUA
    • 1 "" John Scalia, Flrida
    • 2 "" Chandra Kaladhar Reddy Vennapusa, Bothell, Washington
    • 3 "" Chad Hetherman, Huntersville, Carolina do Norte
  • Melhores indivduos por volume de transaes, Canad
    • 1 "" Rachel Vanderveen, Alberta
    • 2 "" Zhe Geng, Colmbia Britnica
    • 3 "" Mark Verzyl, Alberta
  • Melhores indivduos por volume de transaes, Internacional
    • 1 "" Christopher Abraham, Gr–Bretanha, Reino Unido
    • 2 "" Thomas Howe, Gr–Bretanha, Reino Unido
    • 3 "" Claire Bilton, Gr–Bretanha, Reino Unido
  • Melhores equipes por volume de transaes, EUA
    • 1 "" The Short Term Shop, 15 mercados
    • 2 "" #TEAMFAST, Baa de So Francisco, Califrnia
    • 3 "" Beer Home Team, Sul da Califrnia
  • Melhores equipes por volume de transaes, Canad
    • 1 "" Affinity Real Estate, Ontrio
    • 2 "" The Jennifer Jones Team, Ontrio
    • 3 "" Infill Hub Group, Alberta
  • Melhores equipes por volume de transaes, Internacional
    • 1 "" Consultan, Portugal
    • 2 "" One Sixteen Group, Porto Rico
    • 3 "" Nuno Venceslau – Luxury Real Estate, Portugal
  • Melhores Equipes por nmero de transaes, EUA
    • 1 "" The Short Term Shop, 15 mercados
    • 2 "" #TEAMFAST, Baa de So Francisco, Califrnia
    • 3 "" Mark Z Home Selling Team, Regio metropolitana de Detroit, Michigan
  • Melhores Equipes por nmero de transaes, Canad
    • 1 "" Atkinson Team, Alberta
    • 2 "" Infill Hub Group, Alberta
    • 3 "" Affinity Real Estate, Ontrio
  • Melhores Equipes por nmero de transaes, Internacional
    • 1 "" James Conyers Team, frica do Sul
    • 2 "" Consultan, Portugal
    • 3 "" One Sixteen Group, Porto Rico
  • Melhores equipes por GCI, EUA
    • 1 "" The Short Term Shop, 15 mercados
    • 2 "" #TEAMFAST, Baa de So Francisco, Califrnia
    • 3 "" Beer Home Team, Sul da Califrnia
  • Melhores equipes por GCI, Canad
    • 1 "" Affinity Real Estate, Ontrio
    • 2 "" The Jennifer Jones Team, Ontrio
    • 3 "" Atkinson Team, Alberta
  • Melhores equipes por GCI, Internacional
    • 1 "" One Sixteen Group, Porto Rico
    • 2 "" Team Arnaud Motreff Immobilier, Frana
    • 3 "" Consultan, Portugal
  • Estreantes do ano
    • eXp Realty: Chandra Kaladhar Reddy Vennapusa, Washington
    • Internacional: Monica Rodriguez Garcia, Porto Rico
    • eXp Canada: Jake Nicolle, Ancaster, Ontrio
    • eXp Commercial: Sarah Cooley, Carolina do Sul e do Norte
  • Mentor do ano
    • Brett Bonner, Washington
  • CONE do ano
    • Michael Weisman, Fundador e Team Leader da Real Property Team na eXp Realty em Portland, Maine
  • Prmio Jeffrey Buettner de Filantropia
    • Luna Mariah Dietz, "regon
  • Humanitrio do ano
    • Jon Pugh, Califrnia
  • Mulher de influncia
    • Veronica Figueroa, Flrida

Sobre a eXp World Holdings, Inc.

eXp World Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq: EXPI) a empresa controladora para eXp Realty , Virbela e SUCESS Enterprises.

A eXp Realty a maior empresa imobiliria independente do mundo, com mais de 89.000 agentes nos Estados Unidos, Canad, Reino Unido, Austrlia, frica do Sul, ndia, Mxico, Portugal, Frana, Porto Rico, Brasil, Itlia, Hong Kong, Colmbia, Espanha, Israel, Panam, Alemanha, Repblica Dominicana, Grcia, Nova Zelndia, Chile, Polnia e Dubai e continua crescendo internacionalmente. Como uma empresa de capital aberto, a eXp World Holdings oferece aos profissionais do setor imobilirio a oportunidade nica de ganhar prmios em aes pelas metas de produo e contribuies para o crescimento geral da empresa. A eXp World Holdings e suas empresas oferecem um conjunto completo de solues tecnolgicas de corretagem e imveis, incluindo o seu modelo inovador de corretagem residencial e comercial, servios profissionais, ferramentas colaborativas e desenvolvimento pessoal. A corretagem baseada na nuvem realizada pela Virbela, uma plataforma 3D imersiva profundamente social e colaborativa, permitindo que os agentes sejam mais conectados e produtivos. A SUCCESS Enterprises, ancorada pela revista SUCCESS e suas propriedades de mdia associadas, foi fundada em 1897 e uma marca e publicao lder em desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional.

Para mais informaes, acesse https://expworldholdings.com.

Declarao de Porto Seguro

As declaraes aqui contidas podem incluir declaraes de expectativas futuras e outras declaraes prospectivas que se baseiam nas vises e suposies atuais da gerncia e envolvem riscos e incertezas conhecidos e desconhecidos que podem fazer com que os resultados, o desempenho ou os eventos reais sejam substancialmente diferentes daqueles expressos ou implcitos nessas declaraes. Tais declaraes prospectivas referem–se apenas data do presente documento, e a empresa no assume nenhuma obrigao de revis–las ou atualiz–las. Tais declaraes no so garantias de desempenho futuro. Fatores importantes que podem fazer com que os resultados reais se diferenciem materialmente e de forma adversa daqueles expressos nas declaraes prospectivas incluem mudanas nos negcios ou em outras condies de mercado; a dificuldade de manter o crescimento das despesas em nveis modestos e, ao mesmo tempo, aumentar as receitas; e outros riscos detalhados periodicamente nos arquivos da Comisso de Valores Mobilirios da empresa, incluindo, entre outros, o Relatrio trimestral mais recente no Formulrio 10–Q e o Relatrio anual no Formulrio 10–K.

Contato de Relaes com a Mdia:

eXp World Holdings, Inc.


Contato para Relaes com Investidores:

Denise Garcia


A foto que acompanha este anncio est disponvel em https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/bb1b7b78–971e–4dc0–8007–f238856d6193.

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8944068)

eXp Realty stellt Top-Makler auf der EXPCON 2023 vor

BELLINGHAM, Washington, Oct. 05, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — eXp Realty , "the most agent–centric real estate brokerage on the planet" und die wichtigste Tochtergesellschaft von eXp World Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq: EXPI), hat auf der jhrlichen EXPCON 2023 des Unternehmens 39 Top–Makler und –Teams ausgezeichnet.

Die EXPCON 2023, die vom 2. bis 5. Oktober in Las Vegas stattfindet, ist das vom Unternehmen veranstaltete exklusive Treffen der weltweit fhrenden Immobilienexperten. Im Mittelpunkt der diesjhrigen Veranstaltung standen Innovation und der Einsatz knstlicher Intelligenz zur Frderung des Geschfts.

Glenn Sanford, Grnder und CEO von eXp Realty, sowie Michael Valdes, Chief Growth Officer, und Leo Pareja, Chief Strategy Officer, waren stolz darauf, die herausragenden Leistungen und Beitrge von 39 eXp Realty–Maklern und ihren Team im Jahr 2022 zu wrdigen. Diese auergewhnlichen Makler wurden in verschiedenen Kategorien ausgezeichnet, darunter die besten Einzelpersonen und Teams auf der Grundlage von Verkufer–/Kuferseite, Brutto–Provisionseinnahmen und Volumen in den USA, Kanada und international.

"Erfolg hat nicht nur mit einer Person oder einem Unternehmen zu tun, sondern auch mit dem Aufbau einer Gemeinschaft, die es den anderen ermglicht, ihr Potenzial voll auszuschpfen", so Sanford. "Ich bin sehr stolz darauf, diese auergewhnliche Gruppe von Agenten fr ihre hervorragende Arbeit im vergangenen Jahr auszuzeichnen. Als das am strksten vermittlerorientierte Maklerunternehmen der Welt konzentrieren wir uns voll und ganz auf die Untersttzung unserer Vermittler. Ich spreche im Namen der gesamten eXp–Gemeinschaft, wenn ich diesen Personen fr ihre unglaublichen Leistungen und Beitrge danke und ihnen gratuliere."

Die Gewinner sind:

  • Top–Personen nach Verkufer–/Kuferseite, USA
    • Platz 1 "" John Scalia, Florida
    • Platz 2 "" Charles "Chuck" Williamson, Wilson, North Carolina
    • Platz 3 "" Sheryl Houck, Florida
  • Top–Personen nach Verkufer–/Kuferseite, Kanada
    • Platz 1 "" Mark Verzyl, Alberta
    • Platz 2 "" Shannon Runcie, Saskatchewan
    • Platz 3 "" Rachel Vanderveen, Alberta
  • Top–Personen nach Verkufer–/Kuferseite, International
    • Platz 1 "" Christopher Abraham – Grobritannien, Vereinigtes Knigreich
    • Platz 2 "" Claire Bilton – Grobritannien, Vereinigtes Knigreich
    • Platz 3 "" Mark Buchanan – Grobritannien, Vereinigtes Knigreich
  • Top–Personen nach Brutto–Provisionseinnahmen, USA
    • Platz 1 "" John Scalia, Florida
    • Platz 2 "" Soomin Kim, Austin, Texas
    • Platz 3 "" Charles "Chuck" Williamson, Wilson, North Carolina
  • Top–Personen nach Brutto–Provisionseinnahmen, Kanada
    • Platz 1 "" Rachel Vanderveen, Alberta
    • Platz 2 "" Zhe Geng, British Columbia
    • Platz 3 "" Mark Verzyl, Alberta
  • Top–Personen nach Brutto–Provisionseinnahmen, International
    • Platz 1 "" Leigh Martinuzzi, Australien
    • Platz 2 "" Christopher Abraham, Grobritannien, Vereinigtes Knigreich
    • Platz 3 "" Bjorn Kunzel, Australien
  • Top–Person nach Brutto–Provisionseinnahmen, eXp Commercial
    • Yoshimi Asano, Texas
  • Top–Personen nach Volumen, USA
    • Platz 1 "" John Scalia, Florida
    • Platz 2 "" Chandra Kaladhar Reddy Vennapusa, Bothell, Washington
    • Platz 3 "" Chad Hetherman, Huntersville, North Carolina
  • Top–Personen nach Volumen, Kanada
    • Platz 1 "" Rachel Vanderveen, Alberta
    • Platz 2 "" Zhe Geng, British Columbia
    • Platz 3 "" Mark Verzyl, Alberta
  • Top–Personen nach Volumen, International
    • Platz 1 "" Christopher Abraham, Grobritannien, Vereinigtes Knigreich
    • Platz 2 "" Thomas Howe, Grobritannien, Vereinigtes Knigreich
    • Platz 3 "" Claire Bilton, Grobritannien, Vereinigtes Knigreich
  • Top–Teams nach Volumen, USA
    • Platz 1 "" The Short Term Shop, 15 Mrkte
    • Platz 2 "" #TEAMFAST, Bay Area, Kalifornien
    • Platz 3 "" Beer Home Team, Sdkalifornien
  • Top–Teams nach Volumen, Kanada
    • Platz 1 "" Affinity Real Estate, Ontario
    • Platz 2 "" The Jennifer Jones Team, Ontario
    • Platz 3 "" Infill Hub Group, Alberta
  • Top–Teams nach Volumen, International
    • Platz 1 "" Consultan, Portugal
    • Platz 2 "" One Sixteen Group, Puerto Rico
    • Platz 3 "" Nuno Venceslau – Luxury Real Estate, Portugal
  • Top–Teams nach Verkufer–/Kuferseite, USA
    • Platz 1 "" The Short Term Shop, 15 Mrkte
    • Platz 2 "" #TEAMFAST, Bay Area, Kalifornien
    • Platz 3 "" Mark Z Home Selling Team, Metro Detroit, Michigan
  • Top–Teams nach Verkufer–/Kuferseite, Kanada
    • Platz 1 "" Atkinson Team, Alberta
    • Platz 2 "" Infill Hub Group, Alberta
    • Platz 3 "" Affinity Real Estate, Ontario
  • Top–Teams nach Verkufer–/Kuferseite, International
    • Platz 1 "" James Conyers Team, Sdafrika
    • Platz 2 "" Consultan, Portugal
    • Platz 3 "" One Sixteen Group, Puerto Rico
  • Top–Teams nach Brutto–Provisionseinnahmen, USA
    • Platz 1 "" The Short Term Shop, 15 Mrkte
    • Platz 2 "" #TEAMFAST, Bay Area, Kalifornien
    • Platz 3 "" Beer Home Team, Sdkalifornien
  • Top–Teams nach Brutto–Provisionseinnahmen, Kanada
    • Platz 1 "" Affinity Real Estate, Ontario
    • Platz 2 "" The Jennifer Jones Team, Ontario
    • Platz 3 "" Atkinson Team, Alberta
  • Top–Teams nach Brutto–Provisionseinnahmen, International
    • Platz 1 "" One Sixteen Group, Puerto Rico
    • Platz 2 "" Team Arnaud Motreff Immobilier, Frankreich
    • Platz 3 "" Consultan, Portugal
  • Rookies des Jahres
    • eXp Realty Chandra Kaladhar Reddy Vennapusa, Washington
    • International: Monica Rodriguez Garcia, Puerto Rico
    • eXp Kanada: Jake Nicolle, Ancaster, Ontario
    • eXp Commercial: Sarah Cooley, North und South Carolina
  • Mentor des Jahres
    • Brett Bonner, Washington
  • ICON des Jahres
    • Michael Weisman, Grnder und Teamleiter des Immobilienteams bei eXp Realty in Portland, Maine
  • Jeffrey Buettner Philanthropist Award
    • Luna Mariah Dietz, Oregon
  • Menschenfreund des Jahres
    • Jon Pugh, California
  • Frau mit Einfluss
    • Veronica Figueroa, Florida

ber eXp World Holdings, Inc.

eXp World Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq: EXPI) ist die Holdinggesellschaft von eXp Realty , Virbela und SUCCESS Enterprises.

eXp Realty ist das grte unabhngige Immobilienunternehmen der Welt mit mehr als 89.000 Maklern in den Vereinigten Staaten, Kanada, dem Vereinigten Knigreich, Australien, Sdafrika, Indien, Mexiko, Portugal, Frankreich, Puerto Rico, Brasilien, Italien, Hongkong, Kolumbien, Spanien, Israel, Panama, Deutschland, der Dominikanischen Republik, Griechenland, Neuseeland, Chile, Polen und Dubai und expandiert weiter auf internationaler Ebene. Als brsennotiertes Unternehmen bietet eXp World Holdings Immobilienfachleuten die einzigartige Mglichkeit, fr Produktionsziele und Beitrge zum Gesamtwachstum des Unternehmens Aktienprmien zu erhalten. eXp World Holdings und seine Geschftsbereiche bieten ein umfassendes Angebot an Makler– und Immobilien–Technologielsungen, darunter ein innovatives Maklermodell fr Wohn– und Gewerbeimmobilien, professionelle Dienstleistungen, Tools fr die Zusammenarbeit und persnliche Entwicklung. Das cloudbasierte Maklerunternehmen wird von Virbela untersttzt, einer immersiven 3D–Plattform, die stark sozial und kollaborativ ausgerichtet ist und es den Maklern ermglicht, besser vernetzt und produktiver zu sein. SUCCESS Enterprises, mit der Zeitschrift SUCCESS und den dazugehrigen Medien, wurde 1897 gegrndet und ist eine fhrende Marke und Publikation fr persnliche und berufliche Entwicklung.

Weitere Informationen erhalten Sie unter https://expworldholdings.com.

"Safe Harbor"–Erklrung

Diese Mitteilung enthlt mglicherweise Zukunftserwartungen und andere zukunftsgerichtete Aussagen, die auf den gegenwrtigen Ansichten und Annahmen des Managements beruhen und bekannte und unbekannte Risiken und Ungewissheiten beinhalten, die dazu fhren knnen, dass die tatschlichen Ergebnisse, Leistungen oder Ereignisse wesentlich von den in diesen Aussagen ausgedrckten oder implizierten abweichen. Solche zukunftsgerichteten Aussagen gelten nur zum Zeitpunkt der Verffentlichung dieses Dokuments, und das Unternehmen ist nicht verpflichtet, sie zu berarbeiten oder zu aktualisieren. Solche Aussagen sind keine Garantie fr zuknftige Leistungen. Zu den wichtigen Faktoren, die dazu fhren knnen, dass die tatschlichen Ergebnisse wesentlich und nachteilig von den in den zukunftsgerichteten Aussagen zum Ausdruck gebrachten Ergebnissen abweichen, gehren nderungen der Geschfts– oder sonstigen Marktbedingungen, die Schwierigkeit, das Kostenwachstum auf einem moderatem Niveau zu halten und gleichzeitig die Umstze zu steigern, sowie andere Risiken, die in den von Zeit zu Zeit bei der Securities and Exchange Commission eingereichten Unterlagen des Unternehmens beschrieben sind, einschlielich, aber nicht beschrnkt auf den zuletzt eingereichten Quartalsbericht auf Formular 10–Q und den Jahresbericht auf Formular 10–K.


eXp World Holdings, Inc.



Denise Garcia


Ein Foto zu dieser Mitteilung ist verfgbar unter https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/bb1b7b78–971e–4dc0–8007–f238856d6193.

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8944068)

eXp Realty met en lumière les meilleurs agents lors d'EXPCON 2023

BELLINGHAM, État de Washington, 05 oct. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — eXp Realty , cabinet de courtage immobilier le plus ax sur les agents de la plante ( the most agent–centric real estate brokerage on the planet ), et filiale principale d'eXp World Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq : EXPI), a reconnu les 39 meilleurs agents et quipes lors d'EXPCON 2023, confrence annuelle de la socit.

Se droulant Las Vegas du 2 au 5 octobre, EXPCON 2023 est le rassemblement exclusif par la socit des plus grands professionnels de l'immobilier au monde. L'vnement de cette anne s'est ax sur l'innovation et l'emploi de l'intelligence artificielle pour stimuler les affaires.

Glenn Sanford, fondateur et PDG d'eXp Realty, ainsi que Michael Valdes, directeur de la croissance, et Leo Pareja, directeur stratgique, ont firement reconnu les remarquables contributions et accomplissements de production de 39 agents et quipes d'eXp Realty en 2022. Ces agents exceptionnels ont t reconnus travers diverses catgories, comprenant les meilleurs individus et quipes en termes de nombre d'entits de transaction, de revenus de commissions bruts (gross commission income, GCI) et de volume aux tats–Unis, au Canada et dans le monde.

Le succs, ce n'est pas qu'une personne ou une entreprise. Le succs, c'est crer une communaut d'entraide qui permet chacun d'atteindre son plein potentiel , a dclar M. Sanford. Je suis extrmement fier de mettre l'honneur ce groupe d'agents exceptionnel pour leur remarquable travail l'anne dernire. En tant que cabinet de courtage le plus ax sur les agents de la plante, nous nous concentrons pleinement sur le soutien de nos agents. Je parle pour toute la communaut eXp quand je remercie et flicite ces individus pour leurs incroyables accomplissements et contributions.

Les laurats sont :

  • Meilleurs individus en termes de nombre d'entits de transaction, tats–Unis
    • #1 "" John Scalia, Floride
    • #2 "" Charles Chuck Williamson, Wilson, Caroline du Nord
    • #3 "" Sheryl Houck, Floride
  • Meilleurs individus en termes de nombre d'entits de transaction, Canada
    • #1 "" Mark Verzyl, Alberta
    • #2 "" Shannon Runcie, Saskatchewan
    • #3 "" Rachel Vanderveen, Alberta
  • Meilleurs individus en termes de nombre d'entits de transaction, monde
    • #1 "" Christopher Abraham – Grande–Bretagne, Royaume–Uni
    • #2 "" Claire Bilton – Grande–Bretagne, Royaume–Uni
    • #3 "" Mark Buchanan – Grande–Bretagne, Royaume–Uni
  • Meilleurs individus en termes de GCI, tats–Unis
    • #1 "" John Scalia, Floride
    • #2 "" Soomin Kim, Austin, Texas
    • #3 "" Charles Chuck Williamson, Wilson, Caroline du Nord
  • Meilleurs individus en termes de GCI, Canada
    • #1 "" Rachel Vanderveen, Alberta
    • #2 "" Zhe Geng, Colombie–Britannique
    • #3 "" Mark Verzyl, Alberta
  • Meilleurs individus en termes de CGI, monde
    • #1 "" Leigh Martinuzzi, Australie
    • #2 "" Christopher Abraham, Grande–Bretagne, Royaume–Uni
    • #3 "" Bjorn Kunzel, Australie
  • Meilleurs individus en termes de GCI, eXp Commercial
    • Yoshimi Asano, Texas
  • Meilleurs individus en termes de volume, tats–Unis
    • #1 "" John Scalia, Floride
    • #2 "" Chandra Kaladhar Reddy Vennapusa, Bothell, Washington
    • #3 "" Chad Hetherman, Huntersville, Caroline du Nord
  • Meilleurs individus en termes de volume, Canada
    • #1 ""Rachel Vanderveen, Alberta
    • #2 "" Zhe Geng, Colombie–Britannique
    • #3 "" Mark Verzyl, Alberta
  • Meilleurs individus en termes de volume, monde
    • #1 "" Christopher Abraham, Grande–Bretagne, Royaume–Uni
    • #2 "" Thomas Howe, Grande–Bretagne, Royaume–Uni
    • #3 "" Claire Bilton, Grande–Bretagne, Royaume–Uni
  • Meilleures quipes en termes de volume, tats–Unis
    • #1 "" The Short Term Shop, 15 marchs
    • #2 "" #TEAMFAST, Bay Area, Californie
    • #3 "" Beer Home Team, Californie du Sud
  • Meilleures quipes en termes de volume, Canada
    • #1 "" Affinity Real Estate, Ontario
    • #2 "" The Jennifer Jones Team, Ontario
    • #3 "" Infill Hub Group, Alberta
  • Meilleures quipes en termes de volume, monde
    • #1 "" Consultan, Portugal
    • #2 "" One Sixteen Group, Porto Rico
    • #3 "" Nuno Venceslau – Luxury Real Estate, Portugal
  • Meilleures quipes en termes de nombre d'entits de transaction, tats–Unis
    • #1 "" The Short Term Shop, 15 marchs
    • #2 "" #TEAMFAST, Bay Area, Californie
    • #3 "" Mark Z Home Selling Team, Metro Detroit, Michigan
  • Meilleures quipes en termes de nombre d'entits de transaction, Canada
    • #1 "" Atkinson Team, Alberta
    • #2 "" Infill Hub Group, Alberta
    • #3 "" Affinity Real Estate, Ontario
  • Meilleures quipes en termes de nombre d'entits de transaction, monde
    • #1 "" James Conyers Team, Afrique du Sud
    • #2 "" Consultan, Portugal
    • #3 "" One Sixteen Group, Porto Rico
  • Meilleures quipes en termes de GCI, tats–Unis
    • #1 "" The Short Term Shop, 15 marchs
    • #2 "" #TEAMFAST, Bay Area, Californie
    • #3 "" Beer Home Team, Californie du Sud
  • Meilleures quipes en termes de GCI, Canada
    • #1 "" Affinity Real Estate, Ontario
    • #2 "" The Jennifer Jones Team, Ontario
    • #3 "" Atkinson Team, Alberta
  • Meilleures quipes en termes de GCI, monde
    • #1 "" One Sixteen Group, Porto Rico
    • #2 "" Team Arnaud Motreff Immobilier, France
    • #3 "" Consultan, Portugal
  • Dbutants de l'anne
    • eXp Realty : Chandra Kaladhar Reddy Vennapusa, Washington
    • Monde : Monica Rodriguez Garcia, Porto Rico
    • eXp Canada : Jake Nicolle, Ancaster, Ontario
    • eXp Commercial : Sarah Cooley, Caroline du Nord et du Sud
  • Mentor de l'anne
    • Brett Bonner, Washington
  • IC"NE de l'anne
    • Michael Weisman, fondateur et chef d'quipe de la Real Property Team d'eXp Realty Portland, Maine
  • Prix du philanthrope Jeffrey Buettner
    • Luna Mariah Dietz, Oregon
  • Action humanitaire de l'anne
    • Jon Pugh, Californie
  • Femme d'influence
    • Veronica Figueroa, Floride

propos d'eXp World Holdings, Inc.

eXp World Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq : EXPI) est la socit holding d'eXp Realty , Virbela et SUCCESS Enterprises.

eXp Realty est la plus grande socit immobilire indpendante dans le monde avec plus de 89 000 agents aux tats–Unis, au Canada, au Royaume–Uni, en Australie, en Afrique du Sud, en Inde, au Mexique, au Portugal, en France, Porto Rico, au Brsil, en Italie, Hong Kong, en Colombie, en Espagne, en Isral, au Panama, en Allemagne, en Rpublique dominicaine, en Grce, en Nouvelle–Zlande, au Chili, en Pologne et Duba, et elle continue de se dvelopper l'chelle internationale. En tant que socit cote en bourse, eXp World Holdings fournit aux professionnels immobiliers l'opportunit unique d'obtenir des primes en actions en fonction de leurs objectifs de production et de leur contribution la croissance globale de l'entreprise. eXp World Holdings et ses entreprises offrent une gamme complte de solutions technologiques en matire de courtage et d'immobilier, y compris son modle innovant de courtage rsidentiel et commercial, ses services professionnels, ses outils de collaboration et son dveloppement personnel. Le service de courtage bas sur le cloud est aliment par Virbela, une plateforme 3D immersive profondment sociale et collaborative, permettant aux agents d'tre plus connects et productifs. SUCCESS Enterprises, ancre par le magazine SUCCESS et ses proprits mdiatiques connexes, a t cre en 1897 et est une marque ainsi qu'une publication de premier plan dans le domaine du dveloppement personnel et professionnel.

Pour tout complment d'information, veuillez consulter le site https://expworldholdings.com.

noncs prospectifs

Les noncs contenus dans les prsentes peuvent inclure des noncs de futures attentes et d'autres noncs prospectifs se basant sur les opinions et suppositions actuelles de la direction et impliquent des risques connus et inconnus ainsi que des incertitudes pouvant causer une diffrence substantielle entre les rsultats, performances ou vnements rels et ceux exprims ou sous–entendus dans ces noncs. Ces noncs prospectifs sont valables uniquement la date indique dans les prsentes, et la socit n'assume aucune obligation de les rviser ou de les mettre jour. Ces noncs ne sont pas des garanties de performances futures. Des facteurs importants pouvant causer une diffrence substantielle et dfavorable entre les rsultats rels et ceux exprims dans les noncs prospectifs comprennent les changements commerciaux ou d'autres conditions du march ; la difficult de maintenir la hausse des dpenses des niveaux modestes tout en augmentant les recettes ; et les autres risques dtaills de temps autre dans les dpts de la socit auprs de la Securities and Exchange Commission, y compris, sans s'y limiter, le rapport trimestriel le plus rcemment dpos sur formulaire 10–Q et le rapport annuel sur formulaire 10–K.

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eXp World Holdings, Inc.


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Denise Garcia


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eXp Realty Spotlights Top Agents at EXPCON 2023

BELLINGHAM, Wash., Oct. 04, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — eXp Realty , "the most agent–centric real estate brokerage on the planet" and the core subsidiary of eXp World Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq: EXPI), recognized 39 top agents and teams at the company's annual EXPCON 2023.

EXPCON 2023, being held Oct. 2–5 in Las Vegas, is the company's exclusive gathering of the world's top real estate professionals. This year's event focused on innovation and leveraging artificial intelligence to drive business.

Glenn Sanford, Founder and CEO of eXp Realty, along with Michael Valdes, Chief Growth Officer, and Leo Pareja, Chief Strategy Officer, proudly acknowledged the outstanding production achievements and contributions of 39 eXp Realty agents and team in 2022. These exceptional agents were recognized across diverse categories, encompassing top individuals and teams based on sides, GCI and volume in the U.S., Canada and internationally.

“Success is not just about one person or one company; it's about creating a community that empowers one another to reach their full potential," said Sanford. "I am so proud to honor this exceptional group of agents for their outstanding work from last year. As the most agent–centric brokerage on the planet, we are laser–focused on supporting our agents. I speak for the entire eXp community when I thank and congratulate these individuals for their incredible achievements and contributions."

The winners are:

  • Top Individuals by Sides, U.S.
    • #1 "" John Scalia, Florida
    • #2 "" Charles "Chuck" Williamson, Wilson, North Carolina
    • #3 "" Sheryl Houck, Florida
  • Top Individuals By Sides, Canada
    • #1 "" Mark Verzyl, Alberta
    • #2 "" Shannon Runcie, Saskatchewan
    • #3 "" Rachel Vanderveen, Alberta
  • Top Individuals By Sides, International
    • #1 "" Christopher Abraham – Great Britain, UK
    • #2 "" Claire Bilton – Great Britain, UK
    • #3 "" Mark Buchanan – Great Britain, UK
  • Top Individuals by GCI, U.S.
    • #1 "" John Scalia, Florida
    • #2 "" Soomin Kim, Austin, Texas
    • #3 "" Charles "Chuck" Williamson, Wilson, North Carolina
  • Top Individuals by GCI, Canada
    • #1 ""Rachel Vanderveen, Alberta
    • #2 "" Zhe Geng, British Columbia
    • #3 "" Mark Verzyl, Alberta
  • Top Individuals by GCI, International
    • #1 "" Leigh Martinuzzi, Australia
    • #2 "" Christopher Abraham, Great Britain, UK
    • #3 "" Bjorn Kunzel, Australia
  • Top Individual by GCI, eXp Commercial
    • Yoshimi Asano, Texas
  • Top Individuals by Volume, U.S.
    • #1 "" John Scalia, Florida
    • #2 "" Chandra Kaladhar Reddy Vennapusa, Bothell, Washington
    • #3 "" Chad Hetherman, Huntersville, North Carolina
  • Top Individuals by Volume, Canada
    • #1 ""Rachel Vanderveen, Alberta
    • #2 "" Zhe Geng, British Columbia
    • #3 "" Mark Verzyl, Alberta
  • Top Individuals by Volume, International
    • #1 "" Christopher Abraham, Great Britain, UK
    • #2 "" Thomas Howe, Great Britain, UK
    • #3 "" Claire Bilton, Great Britain, UK
  • Top Teams by Volume, U.S.
    • #1 "" The Short Term Shop, 15 markets
    • #2 "" #TEAMFAST, Bay Area, California
    • #3 "" Beer Home Team, Southern California
  • Top Teams by Volume, Canada
    • #1 ""Affinity Real Estate, Ontario
    • #2 "" The Jennifer Jones Team, Ontario
    • #3 "" Infill Hub Group, Alberta
  • Top Teams by Volume, International
    • #1 "" Consultan, Portugal
    • #2 "" One Sixteen Group, Puerto Rico
    • #3 "" Nuno Venceslau – Luxury Real Estate, Portugal
  • Top Teams by Sides, U.S.
    • #1 "" The Short Term Shop, 15 markets
    • #2 "" #TEAMFAST, Bay Area, California
    • #3 "" Mark Z Home Selling Team, Metro Detroit, Michigan
  • Top Teams by Sides, Canada
    • #1 "" Atkinson Team, Alberta
    • #2 "" Infill Hub Group, Alberta
    • #3 "" Affinity Real Estate, Ontario
  • Top Teams by Sides, International
    • #1 "" James Conyers Team, South Africa
    • #2 "" Consultan, Portugal
    • #3 "" One Sixteen Group, Puerto Rico
  • Top Teams by GCI, U.S.
    • #1 "" The Short Term Shop, 15 markets
    • #2 "" #TEAMFAST, Bay Area, California
    • #3 "" Beer Home Team, Southern California
  • Top Teams by GCI, Canada
    • #1 "" Affinity Real Estate, Ontario
    • #2 "" The Jennifer Jones Team, Ontario
    • #3 "" Atkinson Team, Alberta
  • Top Teams by GCI, International
    • #1 "" One Sixteen Group, Puerto Rico
    • #2 "" Team Arnaud Motreff Immobilier, France
    • #3 "" Consultan, Portugal
  • Rookies of the Year
    • eXp Realty: Chandra Kaladhar Reddy Vennapusa, Washington
    • International: Monica Rodriguez Garcia, Puerto Rico
    • eXp Canada: Jake Nicolle, Ancaster, Ontario
    • eXp Commercial: Sarah Cooley, North and South Carolina
  • Mentor of the Year
    • Brett Bonner, Washington
  • ICON of Year
    • Michael Weisman, Founder and Team Leader of the Real Property Team at eXp Realty in Portland, Maine
  • Jeffrey Buettner Philanthropist Award
    • Luna Mariah Dietz, Oregon
  • Humanitarian of the Year
    • Jon Pugh, California
  • Woman of Influence
    • Veronica Figueroa, Florida

About eXp World Holdings, Inc.

eXp World Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq: EXPI) is the holding company for eXp Realty , Virbela and SUCCESS Enterprises.

eXp Realty is the largest independent real estate company in the world with more than 89,000 agents in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, South Africa, India, Mexico, Portugal, France, Puerto Rico, Brazil, Italy, Hong Kong, Colombia, Spain, Israel, Panama, Germany, Dominican Republic, Greece, New Zealand, Chile, Poland and Dubai and continues to scale internationally. As a publicly traded company, eXp World Holdings provides real estate professionals the unique opportunity to earn equity awards for production goals and contributions to overall company growth. eXp World Holdings and its businesses offer a full suite of brokerage and real estate tech solutions, including its innovative residential and commercial brokerage model, professional services, collaborative tools and personal development. The cloud–based brokerage is powered by Virbela, an immersive 3D platform that is deeply social and collaborative, enabling agents to be more connected and productive. SUCCESS Enterprises, anchored by SUCCESS magazine and its related media properties, was established in 1897 and is a leading personal and professional development brand and publication.

For more information, visit https://expworldholdings.com.

Safe Harbor Statement

The statements contained herein may include statements of future expectations and other forward–looking statements that are based on management's current views and assumptions and involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results, performance or events to differ materially from those expressed or implied in such statements. Such forward–looking statements speak only as of the date hereof, and the company undertakes no obligation to revise or update them. Such statements are not guarantees of future performance. Important factors that may cause actual results to differ materially and adversely from those expressed in forward–looking statements include changes in business or other market conditions; the difficulty of keeping expense growth at modest levels while increasing revenues; and other risks detailed from time to time in the company's Securities and Exchange Commission filings, including but not limited to the most recently filed Quarterly Report on Form 10–Q and Annual Report on Form 10–K.

Media Relations Contact:

eXp World Holdings, Inc.


Investor Relations Contact:

Denise Garcia


A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/bb1b7b78–971e–4dc0–8007–f238856d6193.

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8943275)

Open Migration Flows and Closed-Up Houses in Venezuela

A view of Caracas from the south side of the narrow valley where it sits, dotted with houses and residential buildings where full occupancy was the norm until a few years ago. As a result of the massive migration of young people and adults, more and more homes are left unoccupied or inhabited only by the elderly and young children. CREDIT: Humberto Márquez / IPS

A view of Caracas from the south side of the narrow valley where it sits, dotted with houses and residential buildings where full occupancy was the norm until a few years ago. As a result of the massive migration of young people and adults, more and more homes are left unoccupied or inhabited only by the elderly and young children. CREDIT: Humberto Márquez / IPS

By Humberto Márquez
CARACAS, Oct 4 2023 – Gladys swore she would not cry in front of her small children, but she still had to wipe away a couple of tears when she turned her head and looked, perhaps for the last time, at her dream house on Margarita Island in Venezuela, from where she migrated, driven by a lack of income and by fear.

“It hurts to leave your own home, the most precious material asset for a family like ours (she works in administration, her husband is a mechanic, and they have two boys), but we lost our jobs and were robbed in broad daylight in the middle of the city. That led us to decide to emigrate,” she told IPS from Miami, Florida in the U.S.

Due to the economic, social and political crisis, which gave rise to a complex humanitarian emergency, 7.7 million Venezuelans, according to United Nations agencies, have migrated from this country, the vast majority in the last decade, and the flow is not slowing down, especially to other countries in the region.”It hurts to leave your own home, the most precious material asset for a family like ours, but we lost our jobs and were robbed in broad daylight in the middle of the city. That led us to decide to emigrate.” — Gladys

The family of Gladys, who like other people who talked to IPS preferred not to give her last name, tried their luck in Colombia, Panama and Spain, before finally settling in the United States, “and the worry about the house followed us like a shadow, but fortunately we made a deal with an enterprising young man who takes care of it, improves it and pays a modest rent.”

There are thousands like her. Migrants try not to leave their homes empty and abandoned, because they could lose them. For this reason, since most migrants are adults in their most productive age and young people, relatives of other ages remain in the homes, giving Venezuela the appearance of being a country of elderly people and children.

“I have to close up my home,” said Juan Manuel Flores, from San Antonio de Los Altos, a satellite city of Caracas with many middle class houses. “The neighbors will take care of it. It took us more than five years to build it and it cost between 150,000 and 200,000 dollars. Now I can’t get more than 60,000 dollars for it. We are not just going to give it away for that price.”

Flores, a teacher at a school where he earns less than 200 dollars a month, is preparing to travel to Spain, where his wife and adult daughters have gone ahead of him. “I will return to Venezuela when the country and its economy improve, and housing prices will rise again,” he told IPS, although without much conviction.

Solitude eats away at houses and buildings even in sought-after areas of the residential and commercial municipality of Chacao, in eastern Caracas. The real estate and construction market is suffering in Venezuela from the general economic crisis and in particular from the oversupply of housing created by those leaving the country. CREDIT: Humberto Márquez / IPS

Solitude eats away at houses and buildings even in sought-after areas of the residential and commercial municipality of Chacao, in eastern Caracas. The real estate and construction market is suffering in Venezuela from the general economic crisis and in particular from the oversupply of housing created by those leaving the country. CREDIT: Humberto Márquez / IPS

Why not rent out their house? “Because the laws and the authorities always favor the tenant, and if they have children it is impossible to get them out when the lease is up, whether they pay the rent or not, and they end up staying in the house for years,” said Nancy, a pastry chef, also from San Antonio, who left a niece in charge of her apartment when she moved to Brazil last year.

A survey of migrants in Colombia, Ecuador and Peru, released in October 2022 by the Interagency Coordination Platform for Refugees and Migrants in Venezuela (R4V), led by United Nations agencies, showed that only 23 percent considered the homes they left behind in their country to be safe.

Selling is also not an option in most cases, because the magnitude of the exodus over the last decade has so depressed demand that the most that can be obtained for a property is 15 or 20 percent of the value it had 15 years ago, if you are lucky. So selling a home even if you want to is a long, difficult process that provides meager results.

Those who have no other choice say that they are not selling their home but “giving it away” for whatever they can get, with great regret, mostly to internal migrants from other parts of the country, who “take refuge” in Caracas because outside the capital there are recurrent power outages, and scarcity of water and fuel, in addition to other shortages.

“Real estate deteriorates, ceases to serve those who need it and remains an important asset that produces nothing for the owner, for example a migrant who needs to pay rent as soon as they arrive in another country,” Roberto Orta, president of the Venezuelan Real Estate Chamber, told IPS.

The businessman said “this is an issue that, we have proposed, should be addressed with political will in order to reform the laws that constrain the real estate market, to benefit both landlords and tenants. Up to 250,000 homes could be freed up in five years.”

A view of the working-class neighborhood of 23 de Enero on the west side of Caracas. In low-income barrios, closed, empty houses are almost non-existent, as those who decide to emigrate look for relatives to move in, to avoid the risk of the homes being invaded or robbed. CREDIT: Humberto Márquez / IPS

A view of the working-class neighborhood of 23 de Enero on the west side of Caracas. In low-income barrios, closed, empty houses are almost non-existent, as those who decide to emigrate look for relatives to move in, to avoid the risk of the homes being invaded or robbed. CREDIT: Humberto Márquez / IPS

A trade is born

In the residential buildings located in Caracas and other cities, closing up an apartment and moving outside the country is not the same as leaving a house abandoned to solitude and neglect, because the neighbors, for their own safety and in order to pay the common expenses, keep watch and take care to prevent strangers from occupying the empty apartments.

But houses, especially middle-class homes, are an attractive and easy target for crime and even for people who want to occupy them by de facto means. That is why a new profession has appeared: the home caretaker.

“I have taken care of three houses in housing developments in the southeast (of Caracas), it’s the way I make ends meet,” said Daniel, who also works as a self-employed gardener. “I would go to one house twice a week, three times a week to another, and every day to another.”

He explains that in the last house “the owners were Portuguese business owners who went away and left three dogs. I would go to a pet food store to pick up the food, feed the dogs, check around the house and that was it.”

Family friends of the owners have now taken charge of the dogs and Daniel no longer receives payment for taking care of them. “I don’t have an account in dollars, I was paid through a restaurant friend of the owners, who does have an offshore account,” he said.

To pay for caretakers from abroad, intermediaries are indispensable, since in Venezuela, whose currency has been made nearly worthless by the economic crisis, there is a de facto dollarization, without agreement from the U.S. authorities, who also use sanctions to block the transactions of government bodies.

Daniel is saving up to join one of the groups forming in Antímano, the working-class neighborhood where he lives in the southwest of the capital, to migrate as well. He said that “I didn’t leave a few weeks ago because I hadn’t sold my motorcycle yet, otherwise right now I would be in the Darien,” the dangerous jungle between Colombia and Panama that thousands of migrants cross every day.

A more successful caretaker is Arturo, who is in charge of two houses with large living rooms, corridors, yards, a swimming pool and parking area. He is paid a modest fee to care for and maintain the homes, but is authorized to rent them out for social gatherings and parties.

“In both cases the owners are people with good incomes, they left with their children to study abroad and plan to return in a few years if conditions in the country change. They would like to find their homes as they left them,” he said.

When he rents out the property for a day or a night, guests can use the yards, swimming pool and even awnings, tables and chairs. But Arturo closes off access to the more private parts of the house and hires assistants to watch out for damages or disturbances. “I live well, I keep up the houses and each one brings me about 3,000 dollars in profits per month,” Arturo said.

President Nicolás Maduro delivers a batch of houses in the northwestern state of Falcón, which form part of the 4.6 million homes that the government claims to have built and provided to Venezuelan families since 2013. The figure is questioned by organizations dedicated to monitoring economic and social rights. CREDIT: Minhvi

President Nicolás Maduro delivers a batch of houses in the northwestern state of Falcón, which form part of the 4.6 million homes that the government claims to have built and provided to Venezuelan families since 2013. The figure is questioned by organizations dedicated to monitoring economic and social rights. CREDIT: Minhvi

No empty houses in the shantytowns

In the shantytowns of the cities and towns of this country – which has a population of 33.7 million according to government figures and 28 million according to university studies – the situation is different and there are hardly any empty or unoccupied houses.

“In the shantytowns, no house is left empty. The very next day someone can invade it, occupy it, or take what is left inside by those who left, furniture or household goods. Someone stays in charge, the grandfather or in-laws, a trusted neighbor, or a relative is brought from the interior of the country,” explained Alejandra, from the Gramoven area.

She lives in a shantytown of informally constructed dwellings in the northwest of Caracas, similar to the ones that cover most of the many hills and hollows occupied by the capital’s most disadvantaged inhabitants.

“Many people leave, the young people emigrate, my children want to leave through the Darien jungle. But nobody leaves their house empty. If you do, you lose it,” Alejandra said.

In Santa Bárbara del Zulia, on the hot plains south of western Lake Maracaibo, “the situation is the same,” Julio, a bricklayer who migrated to Colombia for four years and has returned to care for his elderly parents, told IPS.

“You can’t leave your house alone in these towns,” said Julio. “When my parents went to Maracaibo and Caracas for medical treatment, they went and came back quickly, because the Community Council warned them not to leave their house empty for too long, because they would not be able to ward off people who wanted to occupy it.”

The Community Councils are committees set up by the government to represent and manage community affairs – such as the distribution of bags of subsidized food to poor families – and they channel decisions by the government.

“But people are leaving anyway. It’s something that won’t stop as long as people here earn only a pittance and can’t even eat properly (the minimum wage and official pensions in Venezuela are equivalent to four dollars a month). People care about their houses, but food has to come first,” said Julio.

View of a row of houses practically abandoned by most of their inhabitants in a town in eastern Venezuela. Migration from the countryside and small towns to large cities and oil producing areas marked the 20th century in Venezuela. And today, migration from this country mainly to other Latin American nations has become a regional crisis. CREDIT: VV

View of a row of houses practically abandoned by most of their inhabitants in a town in eastern Venezuela. Migration from the countryside and small towns to large cities and oil producing areas marked the 20th century in Venezuela. And today, migration from this country mainly to other Latin American nations has become a regional crisis. CREDIT: VV

A matter for the government and the business community

While the plight of people leaving their homes continues to drag on, the government of President Nicolás Maduro announces more or less twice a year the construction of hundreds of thousands of new homes, in a program initiated by his late predecessor Hugo Chávez (1999-2013), called “Venezuela’s Great Housing Mission”.

According to official figures, since 2011, 4.6 million homes have been built and delivered by the Mission, mostly residential complexes to which the president goes to personally hand over the keys of one or more houses to their new inhabitants.

In accordance with the Mission, the occupants are tenants, not owners, so they cannot sell the homes. If they leave, the home can be reassigned to new tenants. To avoid this, those who choose to move to another city or country first look for relatives who can move into the house, and thus keep it.

However, the official figures on the number of homes built is not borne out by anecdotal evidence, to judge by the myriad of informal self-built houses still occupied in the slums, and by reports from business and civil society organizations.

The Chamber of Construction reports that the sector has decreased 96 percent in the last 10 years, and that its members employ 20,000 workers, down from 1.2 million in better times, while cement companies are working at 10 percent of their capacity and the steel industry at seven percent.

The civil society organization Provea, which specializes in the study of economic, social and cultural rights, has compared and contrasted the figures of the Housing Mission – which have not been audited, according to Provea – with independent studies, and reached the conclusion that the government has built and delivered only 130,856 housing units in 10 years.

In 1955 the Venezuelan writer Miguel Otero Silva (1908-1985) published his famous novel “Casas Muertas” (Dead Houses), describing the decline of Ortiz, a town in the central plains, caused by the loss of its population due to malaria and emigration to the big cities and oil production centers.

The flow of Venezuelan emigration in this century has not been enough to turn this into a country of dead houses. But its many closed doors bear witness to a collapse that has pushed millions of its inhabitants abroad, as do the small number of lights that are lit at night in the buildings of Caracas and other cities.

Wanted: Teachers For Change!

Credit: UNESCO / Teacher Task Force

By Heike Kuhn
BONN, Germany, Oct 4 2023 – Once a year, on October 5, we celebrate World Teachers’ Day. Why is it so important to have a closer look on the teaching profession? What is so special about being a teacher nowadays?

World Teachers’ Day is an international day which was established to attract public attention on the work of teachers. The day was established in 1994, in commemora-tion the signing of the “ILO/UNESCO Recommendation concerning the Status of Teachers” in 1966, which focused on “appreciating, assessing and improving the ed-ucators of the world” and on providing a global opportunity to consider issues related to teachers and teaching (see Wikipedia, The Free Encycopledia, World Teachers’ Day).

With benchmarks regarding teacher’s rights and responsibilities, standards for their preparation when starting the profession as well as their ongoing training and em-ployment their profession got international attention. This is due to the fact that teaching and learning conditions are most important for the development of pupils and students everywhere.

Dr. Heike Kuhn

Education is also at the heart of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development with a stand-alone goal: SDG 4 demands inclusive and equitable quality education and lifelong learning opportunities for all. With a special target, SDG focuses on teachers, stating that by 2030, there is a need to substantially increase the supply of qualified teachers, including through international cooperation for teacher training in develop-ing countries, especially least developed countries and small island developing states (SDG 4c). The 2030 Agenda was signed in 2015 in New York, but was has happened up to now in order to reach this goal?

Special attention was given to teachers during the UN Transforming Education Summit on September 19, 2022, with relevant recommendations stating that teaching should be an attractive and recognised profession, taking into account that teachers need autonomy, decent working conditions, support and lifelong learning opportunities.

However, a year later, reality is quite disillusioning as we can see from the theme for World Teachers’ Day 2023: “The teachers we need for the education we want: The global imperative to reverse the teacher shortage”.

How come that this profession has suffered from attrition? For decades, the educa-tion sector has been chronically underfunded. Already in 2016, data analysis from the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) estimated that in order to meet the targets of the SDGs by 2030, nearly 69 million more teachers were needed. Most recent estimates by UNESCO and the Teacher Task Force (TTF) confirm this number today, revealing that in sub-Saharan Africa and Southern Asia alone, an additional 24 million teachers are required.

So what are the root causes and what should be done? Starting with the most im-portant reasons: The COVID 19 pandemic and its long school closures have even worsened an already dire situation. Becoming a teacher is simply no longer attrac-tive: teaching many pupils, put together in crowded classes in not adequately main-tained buildings and not being reasonably paid for the often exhaustive pedagogic work does not come along with incentives for this ambitious profession.

Credit: Education Cannot Wait

Disillusioned by these working conditions, teachers leave their countries for better paid teaching jobs in other regions (e.g. Caribbean teachers move to the US) or – even worse – quit being teachers in order to pursue other jobs.

With children dropping out of schools due to wars, conflicts or the ongoing climate crisis, teachers face new challenges all the time, their mental health is as endan-gered as the mental health of their pupils. And how can a child traumatized by war and escape, living in overcrowded refugee camps concentrate on school subjects? And what a challenge for teachers who might have made similar experiences but nonetheless try to convey hope and structure as well as a bit or normal life to the children in their lessons.

So what is teaching all about? It is about learning and changing your mind-set. Teachers can empower children of all sexes, can open perspectives for lives and therefore ignite change in millions of young pupils. Female teachers are often role models for girls, conveying self-esteem, questioning harmful gender norms. Teachers can educate green skills needed so much nowadays when we are taking the first steps, sometimes stumbling on our way to a green economy, no longer exploiting our planet.

Let me ask you: Do you remember when a teacher empowered you, believing in you? Hopefully you do and hopefully you could experience the power and the impact on your life.

This is exactly why we need qualified teachers so urgently, everywhere. Education is a human right that shall no longer be a privilege for few people, but an opportunity for all – including the possibilities of digitization and AI. All children and learners deserve it. And we need teachers to inspire all human beings, letting them thrive in order to restore and save the planet.

In my country, Germany, there is a saying: A teacher is much more important than two books. I firmly believe this is true.

Dr. Heike Kuhn is Head of Division, Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, Bonn, Germany
Co-Chair of the Teacher Task Force (with South Africa), https://teachertaskforce.org/
Co-Chair of the Executive Committee of ECW (with Norway), https://educationcannotwait.org/

IPS UN Bureau


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Are Many Children in Japan Going Hungry? How Can We Help?

The students from Dalton Tokyo Junior assist with cooking and serving Watashi kitchen at Karuizawa. The students found that in Japan, many children and adults don’t get enough food to eat.

The students from Dalton Tokyo Junior assist with cooking and serving Watashi kitchen at Karuizawa. The students found that in Japan, many children and adults don’t get enough food to eat.

By Momoko Harada, Rei Sato and Shunki Sometaya
TOKYO, Oct 4 2023 – Picture this: It’s the scorching days of summer, and kids are flocking to the nearby mall, eager to bask in the cool air and hang out with friends. But among the laughter and chatter, one girl stands alone in the food court.

It’s a scene we’ve heard of or, maybe, read about in an article, but it’s not until we meet R, a mother in her 30s from the northern Kanto region, that the stark reality hits. “At home, we don’t have air conditioning,” she explains. “So, when I head to work, my kids head out. They spend their days at the library or the local children’s center, keeping each other company until around 7 p.m. They play games, immerse themselves in comics, and for lunch, they share a 100 yen stick bread I bought from Daiso. Drinks? Well, they help themselves to the facility’s water cooler.”

Did you know that a staggering 20 million people in Japan struggle to put enough rice on their tables? Astonishingly, many are unaware of this stark reality, an issue often shrouded in the term hidden poverty, which has quietly become a significant problem in Japan. Furthermore, a troubling statistic reveals that 1 in 7 children in the country currently can’t enjoy three square meals of rice. When we hear “child poverty,” our minds might drift to images of undernourished youngsters in developing nations facing “absolute poverty” without homes or daily sustenance.

However, the poverty we discuss here is “relative poverty,” affecting children in households with less than half the median income. The implications of this kind of poverty often go unnoticed. While they might not go to bed hungry, these children frequently struggle to enjoy a balanced diet. Meat and vegetables become rare luxuries, and carbohydrate-heavy meals, like cheap instant noodles, become the norm. Some can’t even afford basics like school uniforms, bags, or gym clothes, making their lives considerably tougher.

Eight students from Dalton Tokyo Junior visited Foodbank Karuizawa and interviewed Yoko Komiyama at the Watashi Kitchen.

Eight students from Dalton Tokyo Junior visited Foodbank Karuizawa and interviewed Yoko Komiyama at the Watashi Kitchen.

The students from Dalton Tokyo Junior prepare to assist with cooking and serving Watashi kitchen at Karuizawa.

The students from Dalton Tokyo Junior prepare to assist with cooking and serving in the Watashi Kitchen at Karuizawa.

A student Dalton Tokyo Junior assisted with cooking at Watashi kitchen at Karuizawa.

A Dalton Tokyo Junior student assisted with cooking at the Watashi Kitchen at Karuizawa.

A student from Dalton Tokyo Junior assists with serving at Watashi kitchen at Karuizawa.

A student from Dalton Tokyo Junior assists with serving at the Watashi Kitchen at Karuizawa.

Dalton Tokyo Junior School students interview Yuki Mitsuhara at NPO Keep Moms Smiling.

Dalton Tokyo Junior School students interview Yuki Mitsuhara, the president of the NPO Keep Moms Smiling.

Students organized a food bank donation.

The students organized food bank donations.

Among these children, those from single-mother families face the harshest realities, with a surprising 50 percent of such households struggling in this way. The root cause can be traced to the wage gap between men and women, making it exceedingly difficult for single-mother families to make ends meet. Even when educational backgrounds match, a persistent gender pay gap persists, growing more pronounced with time. Shockingly, the annual income of female university graduates often parallels that of male high school graduates.”

Japan grapples with a substantial gender wage gap compared to other prominent OECD countries.

In 2021, the Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare reported that 78.6% of men held regular employment, whereas only 46.8% of women enjoyed the same status. This stark disparity contributes to children in single-mother households often going without enough food. It’s natural to assume that Japan, as a prosperous nation, wouldn’t face such pressing issues with childhood hunger.

Yet, parallel to this, there’s been growing concern over food wastage, encompassing the squandering of edible items and supermarket discards due to approaching expiration dates. Reflecting on these issues, we pondered how to utilize surplus food effectively.

Why toss something when others can eat it? We decided to visit Watashi Kitchen at Karuizawa, a facility that uses food from food banks to provide free, delicious meals to children. In an interview with Yoko Komiyama, she shared, “Some Japanese children rely on school lunches, but during extended school holidays, some only eat two meals a day. We’re here to support them.”

Additionally, there’s Kodomo-Shokudo, which backs children’s cafeterias offering free or low-cost meals. These cafeterias are for everyone, not just underprivileged children, ensuring that no one feels embarrassed to use them. Thus, we envisioned a welcoming kitchen where anyone could gather, much like their own home kitchens. It’s become a vital community hub, bringing together low-income families, children, working adults, seniors, and solitary diners to share meals and conversations.

On July 22, 2023, we visited the Watashi Kitchen, which operates on the third Saturday of every month, to assist with cooking and serving. We even brought along a team-supplied collection of sweets for the children. The experience was incredibly rewarding. Witnessing people stand for three hours, cooking for 150 individuals, washing dishes, and relishing meals brought immense joy. With around 30 volunteers, all visibly enjoying their tasks, it dawned on me that lending a hand to others truly warms our hearts.

During the school year, children on welfare receive assistance for school lunches. However, when school’s out for holidays, a significant gap emerges, and it’s heartbreaking to hear stories of children returning to school after a break, visibly underfed and having lost weight. We couldn’t help but empathize with parents in these situations, the anguish they must feel as they struggle to provide nourishment for their children while longing to share in their happiness over a meal we often take for granted.

A survey conducted by the NPO Kidsdoor, focusing on disadvantaged households, reveals alarming findings. A staggering 49% of respondents reported cutting back on their own meals to ensure their children could eat. In fact, 17% of parents admitted to eating only one meal a day, while 47% managed just two. These statistics poignantly illustrate how parents prioritize their children’s well-being.

In light of this disparity, where some have the luxury of discarding food they could eat while others struggle daily to put enough on the table, we initiated a food collection drive. We reached out to schools, community members, and those with food items still within a month of their expiration date but likely to go unused. This food, once collected, is then directed to those who need it most.

As part of the Dalton team, in our quest to find a suitable food bank to contribute to, we encountered a non-profit organization called Keep Moms Smiling, doing exceptional work. Keep Moms Smiling is an organization that focuses on providing meals to parents with sick children who often find it impossible to sleep or eat while caring for their hospitalized little ones. Additionally, they collect surplus items from companies and restaurants, redirecting them to parents who find themselves in dire need.

According to Yuki Mitsuhara, the president of Keep Moms Smiling, “Parents don’t need to be at the hospital with their sick children, but due to the shortage of nursing staff, they often have to take on caregiving roles. While hospitals provide meals for patients, they don’t offer such provisions to caregivers, including beds or showers. Consequently, many parents fall ill themselves due to lack of rest and often lose their jobs as they stay long-term at the hospital.” Mitsuhara, drawing from personal experience, added, “I vividly recall the warmth of having a hot meal while my child was hospitalized for an extended period. I want to offer these parents a moment of joy through a good meal, one that renews their strength to continue caring for their children. With this mission, our restaurant chefs join hands to prepare and provide these much-needed, delicious meals to parents of sick children.”

In today’s world, it’s clear that the divide between abundance and scarcity is stark. We, as youth, aspire to be that bridge, connecting those who wish to prevent waste, extend a hand of hope, and share joy with organizations like ‘Keep Moms Smiling.’

We yearn for you to understand the potential that resides in each one of us. Together, we can spark a chain reaction of goodwill and empathy, proving that the youth can be formidable allies in tackling global issues. So, here’s our question: What will you do today to make tomorrow brighter for someone else?

Note: Shunki Sometaya was the team leader

Edited by Hanna Yoon

IPS UN Bureau Report


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Pronatalism on the Rise to Counter Growing Push for Gender Equality

This 14-year-old Ugandan girl was forced into marriage by her parents at 8 years old. Credit: UNICEF/Stuart Tibaweswa

According to the United Nations, at least 12 million girls are married before they reach the age of 18 every year, and more than 650 million women alive today were married as children. Around 257 million women globally face unintended pregnancies due to lack of access to contraception, abortion care, and counseling.

By Nandita Bajaj
ST PAUL, Minnesota, USA, Oct 4 2023 – There’s an insidious new tactic emerging for selling right-wing ideology to wider audiences, evident in last month’s Budapest Demographic Summit for “family-friendly thinkers and decision-makers,” the upcoming pro-birth Natal conference in Austin, Texas, and the recent film “Birthgap.”

They all peddle pronatalism, a set of norms and policies that exhorts and often coerces women to have more children to raise fertility rates, often coupled with alarmism over alleged “population collapse.”

Pronatalism is on the rise to counter the growing push for gender equality, contraceptive access, and women’s educational and economic empowerment. It is connected to totalitarian policies dictating reproductive choices, the racist Great Replacement conspiracy theory, the religious anti-abortion movement, tech elite futurism.

Elon Musk, for example, is an avowed pronatalist who donated $10 million to population collapse “research” and liked the idea of denying voting rights to childless people. He wanted to attend the Budapest summit, but couldn’t make it so he met last week in Texas with Hungary’s President Novák instead to draw attention to the “demographic crisis.”

Lately, pronatalists are trying to pull a more appealing game face. The Budapest Summit says it wants to support the “psychological health and security of families,” so they can “plan for a secure future.” The Natal conference claims it “has no political or ideological goal other than a world in which our children can have grandchildren.”

The “Birthgap” film purports to help cure an epidemic of “unplanned childlessness” and proposes “re-engineer[ing] our societies to reduce [it so] many more people would go on to have…children just like parents naturally do.” It conducts tearful interviews with regretful women who lament that their natural drive to have children was thwarted by society, and now it’s too late.

Who could object to standing up for families’ health and security, and for the right of people who want children to have them? Yet behind this innocuous-seeming family-friendly rhetoric lurk unsavory connections to right-wing propaganda, manipulation, and straight-up lies.

The Budapest summit touts Hungary’s achievement of the “highest rates of marriage and childbearing in Europe, while divorce and abortion rates are falling,” a nice way of saying that its right-wing populist leader Viktor Orbán adopted and implemented the Great Replacement ideology, which motivated mass-shooters in the U.S., as state policy. “We do not need numbers, but Hungarian children,” he said. “In our minds, immigration means surrender.”

The Natal conference has demonstrable links to far-right eugenicists and racists. “Birthgap” filmmaker Stephen Shaw is feted by right-wing talk show hosts like Jordan Peterson, Neil Oliver, and Chris Williamson, and presented as a “renowned demographer” despite having no credentials in demography. Shaw and Peterson both gave keynotes at the Budapest summit.

But ad hominem objections to the people behind the conferences and the film aside, the assertions they make are discreditable and counterfactual. Decrying imminent “population collapse” while the global population grows by 80 million each year and is projected to hit 10.4 billion in the 2080s is absurd.

To make depopulation seem like a threat, “Birthgap” resorts to lying about data on the reasons for declining birth rates. It cites a 2010 study (which it calls a “meta-analysis”) by Prof. Renska Keizer which the film says indicates that just 10% of women chose not to have children and 10% can’t have them for medical reasons, which “leaves a whopping 80% of women without children childless by circumstance” as opposed to by choice.

But that’s not at all what Keizer’s research says. The 2010 study Birthgap cites is not a meta-analysis, not quantitative, and does not indicate 80% of childless women didn’t choose to be so. In fact a 2011 study by Keizer et al. analyzed a 2006 dataset surveying women in the Netherlands who were childless at age 45, and found that 55% of them were childless voluntarily, while 45% were childless due to medical or other reasons.

Other studies found similar results: 56% of those without children were voluntarily childless according to a 2021 Pew Research Center survey, 72% according to the CDC National Survey of Family Growth, and 74% according to a 2022 Michigan State University study. Researchers working on my organization’s fact-checking project Birthgap Facts found no credible data supporting the film’s claim that 80% of childless women were “childless by circumstance” as opposed to by choice.

What the data does show is that women exercising their right to choose if and when to have children results in delaying childbirth, smaller families, and a decline in teen pregnancy. Those outcomes are beneficial and should be celebrated, not stigmatized.

According to the United Nations, at least 12 million girls are married before they reach the age of 18 every year, and more than 650 million women alive today were married as children. Around 257 million women globally face unintended pregnancies due to lack of access to contraception, abortion care, and counseling.

At current levels of consumption, today’s population of eight billion is driving resource depletion, soil erosion, water shortages, species extinctions, and climate catastrophe. Over a billion children are already at “extremely high risk” from climate change.

High fertility rates and population growth undermine climate resilience and complicate efforts to end poverty and hunger and ensure basic services and infrastructure.

These are the real threats to the future, not some imagined conspiracy to stigmatize reproductive choices and hold fertility rates down. They make Shaw’s proposal of “social engineering” to reverse the imaginary threat of depopulation all the more reprehensible.

By distorting and lying about childlessness, he’s trying to manipulate young people and their governments into prioritizing procreation over education and career. This purports to avoid a dystopian future, yet it would actually usher one in.

Rather than manufacturing a crisis whose remedy entails “social engineering” to roll back progress on human rights and women’s control over their own lives, we should focus on the real crisis fueled by pronatalist pressures from family, religion, and governments that force millions into motherhood against their wishes, often by means of coercion and sexual violence.

The rhetoric of the Budapest summit, Natal, “Birthgap” and their ilk claiming they’re simply trying to help families and alleviate the heartbreak of “unplanned childlessness” is insidious, and we should recognize and call it out for what it is: another arrow in the pronatalist quiver, another weapon wielded against hard-fought gains in gender equality and reproductive autonomy.

Nandita Bajaj is the Executive Director of the NGO Population Balance and an adjunct lecturer at the Institute for Humane Education at Antioch University. Her research and advocacy work focuses on the combined impacts of pronatalism and human expansionism on reproductive, ecological, and intergenerational justice.

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UN’s High-Level Appointments Should Give Priority to Gender in Geographical Rotation

By Thalif Deen
UNITED NATIONS, Oct 4 2023 – The UN’s high-level appointments have mostly been on the basis of “equitable geographical rotation”—with Asia, Africa, Eastern Europe, Western Europe and Latin America and the Caribbean taking turns.

But a proposal for future appointments and for candidates for elective office-– based on gender rotation—is gaining ground against a world body which is mostly male-oriented even at its highest echelons, with nine all-male Secretaries-General (UNSG) and only 4 women out of 78 presidents of the General Assembly.

In an interview with IPS, Natalie Samarasinghe, Global Director for Advocacy, Open Society Foundations and co-founder of the 1-for-7 Billion campaign “for a more open and inclusive UNSG selection process”, said so-called temporary special measures have proven successful in transforming the landscape for women across sectors, from national politics to company boards and senior UN positions.

But these measures can only go so far, as it is governments who nominate and appoint candidates to posts such as the Secretary-General (SG), President of the General Assembly (PGA) and heads of multiple UN agencies.

She pointed out that decades have shown that warm words aren’t enough. As the Group of Women Leaders has shown, 13 international organizations have never had a female leader, including the United Nations, International Labour Organization and the World Bank.

A further five have only had one, including the UN Refugee Agency and UN Development Programme. And of the 78 presidents of the General Assembly, only four have been women.

“Gender rotation of the GA presidency is not a complex reform: it would require only a simple resolution and mean that states would have to put forward qualified female candidates (of which there are plenty) at least every other year, instead of just talking about it. This is something that could be considered for other senior positions too,” she said.

For the appointment of the Secretary-General, she said, it seems states are finally waking up. In 2021, the GA noted for the first time that “there is yet to be a woman Secretary-General” and invited states “to bear this in mind in the future, when nominating candidates”.

But even this tame language provoked pushback, especially from the five permanent members (P5) of the Security Council. While the focus was on objections by Russia, UN watchers have noted that all permanent members worked to undermine the language on gender, albeit with more sophisticated arguments, she noted

“During the last SG selection process, I deliberately called for the “best possible person” to be appointed, noting how many women would more than fit the bill. That was because saying it had to be a woman sat uneasily with disrupting regional pre-emption”.

“Today, when the normative functions of the UN may well be its strongest, and most needed, I have no qualms in calling for Madam Secretary-General,” Samarasinghe declared.

Susana Malcorra, President, Global Women Leaders (GWL), told IPS “GWL Voices is actively advocating for better gender representation in all organizations of the System, both in the institutions and in their governing bodies.”

“Our Flagship Report: Numbers Matter, launched in March, shows how under-represented women have been in the history of the 33 multilateral organizations”.

“After that, we have launched two campaigns: “Mme. Secretary-General” (to ensure that a woman succeeds Antonio Guterres) and #GenderAlternationUNPGA. We have launched the latter through this OpEd that I authored in Devex”.

Some Presidents, at the request of GWL Voices, Malcorra said, raised these questions in their statements at the High Level week in September:

President of Slovenia: https://x.com/mfespinosaEC/status/1704318856909426781?s=20
President of Spain: https://x.com/GWLvoices/status/1704649522192724357?s=20
President of Botswarna: https://x.com/GWLvoices/status/1704646411390783751?s=20

Joseph Chamie, a consulting demographer and a former director of the United Nations Population Division, told IPS: First, it is unfortunately the case that Goal 5 of the SDGs to achieve gender equality and empower women and girls by 2030 is unlikely to be met.

Second, given that the United Nations has the long-standing tradition for geographical and regional rotations on most senior appointments and elections, it seems both reasonable and desirable to be guided by gender rotations for each region.

Third, if gender rotations are adopted as a guideline by the United Nations for appointments and elections, including the Security Council, the rotations need to be applied for each and every major region, said Chamie who has worked in various regions of the world and is the author of numerous publications on population issues, including his recent book, “Population Levels, Trends, and Differentials

Finally, while gender rotation by region for UN appointments and elections would be desirable, clearly much more needs to be done, especially by some countries, to achieve gender equality and empower women and girls.

“Countries blatantly denying women and girls their basic human rights should be highlighted and strongly encouraged to end their discriminatory policies”, declared Chamie.

Antonia Kirkland, Global Lead on Legal Equality & Access to Justice at Equality Now, told IPS the majority of countries are failing to meet Sustainable Development Goal 5 – achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls – and 54% have no laws on key issues of gender equality, such as marriage and divorce rights.

For example, only 14 countries, just .07%, have full legal equality between men and women, she pointed out.

“Sexual harassment and sexual exploitation by UN staff within and outside the UN still persists, with cases going unreported for fear of retaliation and stigma. And while parity has been achieved within the senior management level of the UN, it has not yet been reached within the executive heads of UN agencies nor the general staff ranks.

“In addition to further strengthening policy and legal frameworks within the UN around the world, a feminist woman Secretary-General is needed to lead and encourage a culture of equality and inclusivity based on fundamental human rights standards.

“Beyond reaffirming previous resolutions referring to “gender balance.” and strongly encouraging member states to bear in mind there have only been male Secretary-Generals – as the General Assembly did in a September resolution – the UN should fully endorse a gender rotation, or gender alternation as GWL Voices and others are calling for.

“Building on previous campaigns for a woman Secretary-General, UNA-UK, a co-founder of the 1-for-8 Billion (formerly the 1-for-7 Billion) campaign has clearly called on UN Member States to consider only nominating women candidates and undertake other important reforms to make the selection process as transparent and inclusive as possible.”

While gender equality is everyone’s responsibility, Kirkland said, representation is important because women have been excluded from decision-making roles for far too long.

“However, it is important to be represented by women who are progressive, feminist, and work for substantive gender equality for everyone, everywhere, including further marginalized communities.”

Meanwhile, the notion of geographic distribution remains firmly embedded in the UN system, according to civil society organizations (CSOs).

When it comes to state representation in bodies such as ECOSOC or the Human Rights Council, it is sacrosanct, baked into the Charter, resolutions and rules of procedure.

When it comes to staff appointments, it is a matter of principle and reflected in several resolutions and processes (e.g. A/41/206 which affirms “the principle of equitable geographic distribution, and the need for rotation in the composition of the upper echelons of the secretariat”)

The idea of ‘rotation’ between regions is handled differently depending on the post. For the President of the General Assembly, rotation through the regional groups is stipulated (GA rules of procedure, rule 30). That has been followed since 1966.

For the Secretary-General, the idea gathered steam after Waldheim – the third, and not particularly effective, postholder from WEOG, and again when Boutros-Ghali was not appointed to a second term (African diplomats argued that their region had ‘lost out’).

In 2015, Eastern European countries fielded a number of candidates, with the region saying that it had never occupied the post and some were resentful of the push that year – within the UN and outside through the 1-for-7 Billion campaign (now 1-for-8 Billion: https://1for8billion.org/) – for the emphasis to be on merit first.

But in practice every appointment process has featured candidates from different regions, and the postholder is not, of course, supposed to represent any one region.

For several other senior appointments, the big issue is not so much rotation but breaking the stranglehold that particular states have on these posts.

Between 1995 and 2022, just five states – the permanent members of the Security Council – were appointed to over 20% of senior posts (https://cic.nyu.edu/data/un-senior-appointments-dashboard/)

Despite the GA’s position that no national of a state should succeed another national of that state (e.g. GA resolution 46/232), certain nationalities dominate posts such as DPO, OCHA, DPPA, DESA etc.

The last non-French person appointed to head UN peace operations was Kofi Annan in 1993. OCHA has been headed by Brits for 16 years.

On gender, several references refer to the need for equal and fair distribution based on gender as well as geographic balance (e.g. GA res 69/321). There is no reference to rotation, nor has this principle been applied in practice.

There has been progress on gender parity on other senior posts (USGs, heads and deputy heads of peace operations and resident coordinators).

This has been the result of a concerted effort: a clear vision championed at the highest levels and translated into a systemwide strategy with targets and so-called ‘temporary special measures’ (e.g. parity on shortlists, or an explanation as to why this was not possible)

Currently, the UN has five regional groups – the Asia-Pacific states, the African states, the East European States (even though Eastern Europe has ceased to exist after the end of the Cold War), the Latin American and Caribbean states and the Western European and Other States (includes Australia and New Zealand).

The US does not belong to any regional groups but is designated as an “observer” in the Western European and Other States Group.

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Debt-Pushing as Financial Inclusion

By Jomo Kwame Sundaram
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia, Oct 4 2023 – Ajay Banga was anointed World Bank president for promoting financial inclusion. Thanks to its success and interest rate hikes, more poor people are drowning in debt as consumer prices rise.

Meritocratic leadership?
Since the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank were set up by the United Nations Conference at Bretton Woods in 1944, the US president’s nominee has been automatically appointed Bank president. By convention then, the Bank president is a US citizen, while the IMF head is European.

Jomo Kwame Sundaram

The official IMF historian noted US authorities believed “the Bank would have to be headed by a US citizen in order to win the confidence of the banking community, and that it would be impracticable to appoint US citizens to head both the Bank and the Fund.”

Banga went to the World Bank in Washington, DC from the business world. He had spent his entire career in transnational corporations, moving from Nestlé in India to Citigroup’s microfinance division, and then Mastercard. In 2020, he became chair of the International Chamber of Commerce, founded in 1919.

For over a decade, he was chief executive officer (CEO) of Mastercard, which he denies is a credit card company. He gave shareholders a cumulative total return of 1,581% – almost five times the S&P500 market average! By 2020, it was the 21st most valuable corporation in the world, having risen from 256th when he took over.

Like most US appointees to head the Bank, Banga had no experience or earlier interest in development finance. Now, he is obliged to pursue US interests and agendas. He has already announced he will rely on the private sector for funds and ideas.

South African laboratory
Long the world’s most unequal society, South Africa (SA) became a laboratory for financial experimentation from the 1990s, from commercial microcredit to mass collateralization of welfare payments.

Leading microcredit authority Milford Bateman has shown how the SA microcredit business enriched a small white elite while economically dividing and undermining poor urban and rural black communities.

In the 1990s, male senior managers of SA financial institutions abused ‘seniority’ for their own private short-term financial gains to defraud customers, shareholders, governments and the general public.

Usurious debt promotion
Bateman, Patrick Bond, Lena Lavinas and Erin Torkelson have shown how Banga’s SA ‘financial inclusion’ initiative involved ‘predatory financing’. As CEO, he mobilized MasterCard to promote and profit from it.

Over a decade ago, Banga pioneered a major ‘fintech’ (financial technology) partnership with Net1, a data services firm in SA. Later, in 2016, the World Bank Group’s International Finance Corporation (IFC) bought 22%, its single largest share.

The IFC bought into Net1 to extend ‘tested’ financial services to the poor. Although Net1 was already known to be very problematic, the IFC was keen to promote private fintech platforms regardless of their consequences for the poor.

Of SA’s 60 million people, over 40% receive small monthly grants for unemployment relief, child support, retirement pensions and disability. With Mastercard’s ‘cashless’ electronic payment services appreciated for convenience and efficiency, Banga admitted, “If these guys use their card, I’m going to make money”.

Once card expenses exceed grant income, Net1 charges ‘service fees’, including a usurious 5% monthly interest rate! By 2015-17, it was earning more from financial inclusion than from distributing government grants. Thus, Net1’s shadow banking system remained unregulated.

Net1 lost its contract after bad publicity about its actual impact on the SA poor. Later, it was found to be sabotaging the state-owned post office (PO) asked to take over. Long under-funded and struggling to manage, the SAPO may soon lose the contract to another private fintech provider.

Welfare payments as debt collateral
While its digital payment services delivered monthly payments to all welfare recipients, these transfer streams effectively guaranteed credit extended. Thus, despite usurious credit terms, it faced little risk of default.

This de-risking strategy turned government welfare benefit payment commitments into debt collateral. Thus, regular cash transfers monetizing poverty relief and mitigating deprivation also served to service usurious debt.

Despite dubious evidence, World Bank staff claimed billions would escape poverty through greater access to digitalized microfinance services – small loans, savings opportunities, money transfer payments and technology, debit orders, etc. – run by ‘profit-seeking’ fintech platforms.

Much better access to such services had been enabled over a decade earlier by endorsing and celebrating microfinance and increasingly widespread credit/debit card access. But even ex-cheerleaders now agree microfinance has not reduced poverty.

Previously celebrated early fintech platforms have become quite problematic, and are now widely seen as exploitive of users. Even the Paypal CEO admits financial inclusion is essentially a buzzword for incorporating more into the financial system.

Innovation for exploitation
Two ostensible development programmes – cash transfers and financial inclusion – were very profitably integrated by Banga in SA. The public-private partnership between the government cash transfer programme and the private fintech payment-cum-credit services has become a usurious techno-financial monopoly.

Cash transfers and other services are increasingly delivered using financial inclusion technologies. With such technologies disbursing cash transfers, government-funded poverty relief programmes have been used to expand such credit facilities.

This link has enabled offering credit to cash transferees. As Erin Torkelson has shown, the Net1’s involvement in the SA cash transfer programme enabled a financial monopoly based on proprietary technology.

Government-funded cash transfers have thus provide security for more borrowing by the poor, virtually eliminating risk for the creditor. As all risk is borne by the borrowers, technologies bundling cash transfer payments with easy credit facilities ensure they cannot default.

Such bundling ensured the poor could not default, while encouraging recipients to borrow. By making the monthly government grants serve as collateral for credit, the programmes have ensured nearly risk-free profit for usurious creditors while deepening the indebtedness of the poor.

IPS UN Bureau


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