Duck Creek Technologies remporte le statut de fournisseur de solutions Top 50 et Top 100 Fast Track FinTech dans les classements des fintechs 2023 d'IDC

BOSTON, 05 oct. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Duck Creek Technologies, le fournisseur de solutions intelligentes qui dfinit l'avenir de l'assurance gnrale et IARD, annonce aujourd'hui sa reconnaissance dans les classements IDC FinTech Rankings Top 50 et Top 100 Fast Track FinTech 2023. C'est la deuxime anne conscutive qui voit Duck Creek tre nomme dans cette liste prestigieuse comprenant d'autres leaders technologiques mondiaux, dmontrant sa croissance continue remarquable et sa forte traction sur le march.

Les IDC FinTech Rankings slectionnent les leaders technologiques mondiaux en se basant sur leurs rsultats financiers de l'anne calendaire prcdente. Ceux qui sont inclus dans les classements de cette anne jouent un rle crucial dans la modernisation et la transformation numrique de l'industrie des services financiers, et Duck Creek est fire d'tre nomme aux cts de partenaires d'cosystme tels qu'Accenture, Capgemini, Cognizant, CoreLogic, DocuSign, Eviden, Experian, EY, Hexaware, HCLTech, IBM, LTIMindtree, Microsoft, NTT DATA, Smart Communications, TransUnion et Wipro. Duck Creek a enregistr une croissance en glissement annuel en se concentrant sur la russite client et son approche d'cosystme de partenaires, affirmant qu' il faut tout un village pour soutenir les assureurs les plus sophistiqus l'chelle mondiale avec des solutions technologiques leaders sur le march.

La profonde confiance de nos clients et partenaires internationaux, conjugue nos technologies de classe mondiale et notre culture prime, a permis Duck Creek d'enregistrer une croissance historique tout en s'adaptant un macro–climat dynamique et des tendances en constante volution dans l'industrie de l'assurance , a dclar Rohit Bedi, directeur des revenus de Duck Creek Technologies. Notre inclusion dans les IDC FinTech Rankings 2023 renforce notre passion d'offrir le succs de nos clients et la valeur diffrencie que nous apportons l'industrie de l'assurance en tant que marque de SaaS d'IARD moderne et de confiance l'chelle mondiale.

IDC produit les IDC FinTech Rankings depuis vingt ans et a largi le programme pour inclure dsormais les 150 meilleurs fournisseurs de solutions afin de nous assurer d'obtenir la reprsentation la plus exacte des plus grandes fintechs au monde , a comment Marc DeCastro, directeur de la recherche chez IDC. Les entreprises technologiques qui figurent dans cette liste fournissent les innovations ncessaires pour conserver les services financiers l'avant–garde de l'offre d'expriences numriques modernes travers tous les aspects du parcours financier d'un client.

propos de Duck Creek Technologies

Duck Creek Technologies est le fournisseur de solutions intelligentes qui dfinit l'avenir du secteur de l'assurance gnrale et IARD. Nous sommes la plateforme sur laquelle les systmes d'assurance modernes se construisent, permettant au secteur de tirer parti de la puissance du cloud pour mener des oprations agiles, intelligentes et prennes. Authenticit, mission et transparence sont les mots cls de la philosophie de Duck Creek et, selon nous, l'assurance devrait tre au service des individus et des entreprises quand, o et comme ils en ont le plus besoin. Nos solutions faisant figure de leaders du march sont disponibles sparment ou sous la forme d'une suite complte, et toutes sont disponibles via Duck Creek OnDemand. Pour en savoir plus, rendez–vous sur Suivez Duck Creek sur ses rseaux sociaux pour connatre les toutes dernires informations "" LinkedIn et Twitter.

Contacts auprs des mdias :
Carley Bunch

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8944733)

Duck Creek Technologies erhält im FinTech-Ranking 2023 von IDC den Status eines Top-50-Lösungsanbieters und eines Top-100-Fast-Track-FinTechs

BOSTON, Oct. 05, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Duck Creek Technologies, der Anbieter intelligenter Lsungen, die die Zukunft der Schaden– und Unfallversicherung definieren, gibt heute seine Anerkennung als Top–50–Lsungsanbieter und Top–100–Fast–Track–FinTech im FinTech–Ranking 2023 von IDC bekannt. Dies ist das zweite Jahr in Folge, dass Duck Creek auf dieser prestigetrchtigen Liste neben anderen weltweit fhrenden Technologieunternehmen aufgefhrt wird, was ein deutliches Zeichen fr das kontinuierliche Wachstum und die starke Marktposition des Unternehmens ist.

In den IDC FinTech Rankings werden die weltweit fhrenden Technologieunternehmen auf der Grundlage ihrer Umsatzergebnisse im vergangenen Kalenderjahr ausgewhlt. Die Unternehmen, die in diesem Jahr in die Rangliste aufgenommen wurden, sind fr die Modernisierung und die digitale Transformation der Finanzdienstleistungsbranche entscheidend und Duck Creek ist stolz darauf, neben Partnern aus dem kosystem wie Accenture, Capgemini, Cognizant, CoreLogic, DocuSign, Eviden, Experian, EY, Hexaware, HCLTech, IBM, LTIMindtree, Microsoft, NTT DATA, Smart Communications, TransUnion und Wipro in der diesjhrigen Rangliste vertreten zu sein. Duck Creek ist im Vergleich zum Vorjahr gewachsen, indem es sich auf den Erfolg seiner Kunden und sein Partner–kosystem konzentrierte und bekrftigte, dass es "ein Dorf braucht", um die anspruchsvollsten Versicherer weltweit mit marktfhrenden Technologielsungen zu untersttzen.

"Das tiefe Vertrauen unserer weltweiten Kunden und Partner, gepaart mit unserer erstklassigen Technologie und unserer preisgekrnten Unternehmenskultur, hat es Duck Creek ermglicht, ein historisches Wachstum zu erzielen und sich gleichzeitig an ein dynamisches Makroklima und sich entwickelnde Trends in der Versicherungsbranche anzupassen", so Rohit Bedi, Chief Revenue Officer, Duck Creek Technologies. "Unsere Aufnahme in die IDC FinTech Rankings 2023 unterstreicht unsere Leidenschaft fr den Erfolg unserer Kunden und den differenzierten Wert, den wir der Versicherungsbranche als weltweit vertrauenswrdige moderne P&C SaaS–Marke bieten."

"IDC erstellt die IDC FinTech Rankings bereits seit zwanzig Jahren und hat das Programm nun auf die 150 fhrenden Lsungsanbieter erweitert, um eine mglichst genaue Darstellung der grten FinTech–Unternehmen der Welt zu gewhrleisten", so Marc DeCastro, Research Director bei IDC. "Die Technologieunternehmen auf dieser Liste bieten die Innovationen, die Finanzdienstleister bentigen, um bei der Bereitstellung moderner digitaler Erlebnisse fr alle Aspekte der finanziellen Reise eines Kunden an vorderster Front zu stehen."

ber Duck Creek Technologies

Duck Creek Technologies ist der Anbieter intelligenter Lsungen, der die Zukunft der Schaden–/Unfall– und der allgemeinen Versicherungsbranche gestaltet. Wir sind die Plattform, auf der moderne Versicherungssysteme aufgebaut werden und die es der Branche ermglicht, die Leistungsfhigkeit der Cloud zu nutzen, um agile, intelligente und durchgngige Prozesse zu betreiben. Authentizitt, Zweckmigkeit und Transparenz sind fr Duck Creek von zentraler Bedeutung. Wir sind der Meinung, dass Versicherungen fr Privatpersonen und Unternehmen verfgbar sein sollten, wann, wo und wie sie diese am meisten brauchen. Unsere marktfhrenden Lsungen sind als Einzellsungen oder als Komplettpaket erhltlich. Alle sind ber Duck Creek OnDemand verfgbar. Besuchen Sie, um mehr zu erfahren. Folgen Sie Duck Creek auf unseren sozialen Kanlen fr die neuesten Informationen "" LinkedIn und Twitter.

Carley Bunch

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8944733)

Duck Creek Technologies Entra para a Lista de Top 50 de Status de Provedora de Soluções e para a Top 100 de Fast Track FinTech dos FinTech Rankings de 2023 da IDC

BOSTON, Oct. 05, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Duck Creek Technologies, fornecedora de solues inteligentes que definem o futuro do seguro de propriedade e acidentes (P&C) e geral, tem o prazer de anunciar sua entrada para a lista de Top 50 de provedora de solues e para a Top 100 de Fast Track FinTech da classificao de FinTech de 2023 da IDC. Este o segundo ano consecutivo que a empresa entra para a prestigiada lista da Duck Creek com outros lderes globais em tecnologia, demonstrando seu notvel e contnuo crescimento e forte trao no mercado.

Os IDC FinTech Rankings selecionam os lderes globais de tecnologia com base nos resultados de receita do ano civil anterior. Os includos na classificao deste ano so fundamentais para a modernizao e transformao digital do setor de servios financeiros, e a Duck Creek tem orgulho de estar junta com parceiros do ecossistema, como Accenture, Capgemini, Cognizant, CoreLogic, DocuSign, Eviden, Experian, EY, Hexaware, HCLTech, IBM, LTIMindtree, Microsoft, NTT DATA, Smart Communications, TransUnion e Wipro. A Duck Creek vem alcanando crescimento ano a ano, concentrando–se no sucesso do cliente e na sua abordagem de ecossistema de parceiros, confirmando que ” preciso uma aldeia” para apoiar as seguradoras mais sofisticadas do mundo com solues de tecnologia lderes de mercado.

"A profunda confiana dos nossos clientes e parceiros globais, combinada com nossa tecnologia de todo o mundo, alm da nossa cultura premiada, permitiram que a Duck Creek alcanasse um crescimento histrico enquanto se adaptava a um macro clima dinmico e s tendncias em evoluo do setor de seguros", disse Rohit Bedi, Diretor de Receita da Duck Creek Technologies. "Nossa incluso nos IDC FinTech Rankings 2023 refora a nossa dedicao em viabilizar o sucesso dos nossos clientes e o valor diferenciado que oferecemos para o setor de seguros como uma marca SaaS P&C moderna e globalmente confivel."

"A IDC publica os IDC FinTech Rankings h vinte anos e expandiu o programa para agora incluir os 150 principais fornecedores de solues para garantir a representao mais precisa das maiores fintechs do mundo", disse Marc DeCastro, diretor de pesquisa da IDC. "As empresas de tecnologia desta lista fornecem a inovao necessria para manter os servios financeiros na vanguarda do fornecimento de experincias digitais modernas em todos os aspectos da jornada financeira de um cliente."

Sobre a Duck Creek Technologies

A Duck Creek Technologies fornecedora de solues inteligentes que definem o futuro do setor de seguros de propriedade e acidentes (P&C) e geral. Somos a plataforma utilizadas como base dos sistemas de seguros modernos, permitindo que a indstria capitalize o poder da nuvem para executar operaes geis, inteligentes e perenes. Autenticidade, propsito e transparncia so fundamentais para a Duck Creek, e acreditamos que o seguro deve estar disponvel para indivduos e empresas quando, onde e como eles mais precisarem. Nossas solues lderes do mercado esto disponveis de forma independente ou como um pacote completo disponveis em Duck Creek OnDemand. Visite para obter mais informao. Siga a Duck Creek nos nossos canais sociais para obter as mais recentes informaes "" LinkedIn e Twitter.

Contato com a Mdia:
Carley Bunch

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8944733)

Axi lance Axi Select, un programme pionnier d'allocation de capital tout compris offrant aux traders qualifiés un financement allant jusqu'à 1 000 000 USD

SYDNEY, Australie, 05 oct. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Axi, l'un des principaux courtiers mondiaux sur le Forex et les CFD, a annonc le lancement d'Axi Select, un programme rvolutionnaire d'allocation de capital. Ce programme est spcifiquement conu afin d'manciper les traders en leur offrant un moyen d'accder un financement en capital pouvant atteindre 1 000 000 USD et en facilitant leur progression vers le trading professionnel. Tout en crant un nouveau prcdent dans le secteur, Axi Select offre aux traders l'avantage exceptionnel de rejoindre le programme sans frais d'inscription, ainsi que la possibilit de gagner jusqu' 90 % de leurs bnfices.

Greg Rubin, responsable d'Axi Select, dclare : Grce au lancement d'Axi Select, notre programme innovant d'allocation de capital, nous visons offrir aux traders la possibilit de se lancer dans des carrires longues et fructueuses, leur permettant ainsi de raliser les aspirations de toute leur vie : devenir des traders professionnels. Notre programme complet fournit le capital, le soutien et les ressources ncessaires aux traders afin de prosprer dans le monde dynamique du trading. Nous nous engageons alimenter leur passion, favoriser leur russite et leur fournir un soutien indfectible qui leur permettra d'atteindre la ralisation de leurs objectifs. Le programme offre une gamme de fonctionnalits notables, notamment des conditions de trading sans restriction, le score Edge qui permet aux traders d'affiner leurs stratgies et d'amliorer leurs performances de trading, ainsi qu'une salle de trading exclusive servant de hub ddi tout en offrant des mises jour du march en temps rel et des contenus ducatifs organiss.


Le programme Axi Select est uniquement disponible pour les clients d'AxiTrader Limited. Les CFD comportent un risque lev de perte d'investissement. Ce contenu n'est pas disponible pour les clients australiens, no–zlandais et britanniques. Pour obtenir de plus amples informations, consultez nos conditions d'utilisation. D'autres frais peuvent s'appliquer.

Cliquez ici pour regarder la discussion informelle d'Axi Select

propos d'Axi Select, Louis Cooper, directeur commercial chez Axi, dclare : Chez Axi, nous sommes fiers d'tre une marque qui offre constamment ses clients les atouts de leur russite. Notre nouvelle offre rvolutionnaire, Axi Select, est la premire du genre parmi les courtiers et reflte fidlement la promesse de notre marque. Nous avons dj allou 39 millions de dollars des traders dans le cadre de programmes prcdents et nous avons permis plusieurs traders d'accder au statut de trader professionnel. Avec Axi Select, nous offrirons nos traders des opportunits sans prcdent tout en redfinissant les limites du possible dans le trading et en remodelant l'volution du secteur financier.

Axi propose un processus simplifi pour participer Axi Select "" sans frais d'inscription ni d'adhsion, les traders peuvent facilement soumettre leur candidature et commencer trader. Une fois qu'ils ont atteint un score Edge dsign, les traders peuvent commencer obtenir un financement en capital pouvant atteindre 1 000 000 USD.


Le programme Axi Select est uniquement disponible pour les clients d'AxiTrader Limited. Les CFD comportent un risque lev de perte d'investissement. Ce contenu n'est pas disponible pour les clients australiens, no–zlandais et britanniques. Pour obtenir de plus amples informations, consultez nos conditions d'utilisation. D'autres frais peuvent s'appliquer.

Cliquez ici pour regarder la discussion informelle d'Axi Select

propos d'Axi

Axi est une socit mondiale de trading de devises et de CFD en ligne, laquelle des milliers de clients ambitieux font confiance dans plus de 100 pays travers le monde. Nous aidons tous les types de traders, d'entreprises de trading, de banques et d'organisations financires trouver les atouts dont ils ont besoin pour atteindre leurs objectifs financiers grce des transactions informes effectues sur les marchs financiers mondiaux. Axi propose une large gamme d'actifs, notamment des CFD pour plusieurs classes d'actifs, y compris le Forex, les actions, l'or, l'argent, le ptrole, le caf, les indices ainsi que d'autres matires premires.

Chez Axi, nous sommes fiers de notre rputation de courtier honnte, quitable et fiable. Nos nombreuses rcompenses et nos excellents avis Trustpilot prouvent que nous avons gagn la confiance de clients qui apprcient les avantages de notre service exceptionnel, de notre excution rapide, de nos paiements scuriss, de nos fonds distincts et de nos retraits faciles.

Pour obtenir de plus amples informations, contactez nous l'adresse suivante :

Consultez les autres communications d'Axi sur–news

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000842901)

Halo Investing Appoints Hashbeer Ali as Executive Vice President – Institutional Sales, Middle East & Africa

CHICAGO, Oct. 05, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Halo Investing ("Halo"), an award–winning platform for Protective Investments, is delighted to announce the appointment of Hashbeer Ali as Executive Vice President "" Institutional Sales for the Middle East & Africa at Halo Investing MEA Ltd., a regulated entity by ADGM's Financial Services Regulatory Authority. With a career spanning more than two decades in banking and derivatives sales, Hashbeer brings a wealth of experience and expertise to the Halo team.

Mr. Ali's extensive career in the financial industry has been marked by a commitment to excellence and a deep understanding of derivatives markets. His background includes notable engagements with local banks, where he played a pivotal role in shaping and executing derivative strategies. His proven track record of delivering exceptional results and building strong client relationships aligns seamlessly with Halo Investing's mission to grow access to innovative investment solutions.

"We are thrilled to welcome Hashbeer Ali to the Halo family," said Sadiq Hussain, Senior Executive Officer. "His impressive background and industry knowledge will be instrumental in advancing our institutional sales efforts and driving our mission to revolutionize the way structured investment products are accessed and managed."

Hashbeer Ali's appointment reinforces Halo Investing's commitment to building a team of industry leaders dedicated to delivering cutting–edge investment solutions to clients throughout the Middle East and Africa. His role as Executive Vice President "" Institutional Sales will encompass developing and executing strategic sales initiatives while strengthening Halo's presence in the institutional marketplace.

"I am excited to join Halo Investing, a company that is at the forefront of innovation in the structured investment space," Hashbeer Ali commented. "I look forward to leveraging my experience to contribute to Halo's continued growth and success."

Hashbeer Ali's addition to the Halo team is a significant milestone, marking the company's ongoing expansion and dedication to providing institutional clients with access to innovative and tailored investment solutions.

For media inquiries, please contact:

Halo Investing
Vladislav Moldavskiy

About Halo Investing

Halo Investing MEA Ltd. ("Halo MEA") is licensed and regulated by Abu Dhabi Global Market ("ADGM")'s Financial Services Regulatory Authority ("FSRA"). Halo MEA is a wholly owned subsidiary of Halo Investing, Inc. and authorized to provide financial services to professional clients and market counterparties only. Halo MEA acts solely as a distributor/selling agent and is not the issuer or guarantor of any structured product. For more information, please visit:

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at:–bdee–478f–aa1a–ba37dd83f351

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8944629)

Nikkiso Expands Operations in the U.S. to Support Its Growing Hydrogen Business

TEMECULA, Calif., Oct. 05, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group (Group), part of Nikkiso Co., Ltd., announced today that it has acquired full ownership of its facility in Murrieta, Calif., and 16.4 acres of land to expand its manufacturing and testing operations.

Currently the Group builds and tests cryogenic vaporizers, heat exchangers, process skids, air separation units, and liquefaction products "" the expansion will add four hydrogen testing stations on site to support the Group's growing hydrogen business.

"The hydrogen economy is accelerating as the energy transition progresses, and Nikkiso has a large role to play," said Peter Wagner, CEO, Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases. "This facility expansion allows us to scale operations and better support global demand for our state–of–the–art cryogenic products and technologies."

Construction will begin in the first half of 2024.

About Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases
Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group is part of the Industrial Division of Nikkiso Co., Ltd. in Japan. The Group is headquartered in Southern California with facilities, offices, and service centers around the world to manufacture and service engineered cryogenic gas processing equipment (pumps, turboexpanders, heat exchangers, etc.), and process plants for industrial gases, natural gas liquefaction (LNG), hydrogen liquefaction, ammonia, and carbon capture and liquefaction.

Media contact
Lisa Adams
+1 405 492 1689

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8944570)

Duck Creek Technologies Earns Top 50 Solution Provider Status and Top 100 Fast Track FinTech in IDC’s 2023 FinTech Rankings

BOSTON, Oct. 05, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Duck Creek Technologies, the intelligent solutions provider defining the future of property and casualty (P&C) and general insurance, today announces its recognition as a 2023 IDC FinTech Rankings Top 50 solution provider and a Top 100 Fast Track FinTech. This is the second year in a row Duck Creek has been named on the prestigious list with other global technology leaders, demonstrating its noticeable, continued growth and strong market traction.

The IDC FinTech Rankings select the global technology leaders based on prior calendar year revenue results. Those included in this year's rankings are critical to the modernization and digital transformation of the financial services industry, and Duck Creek is proud to be named along with ecosystem partners, such as Accenture, Capgemini, Cognizant, CoreLogic, DocuSign, Eviden, Experian, EY, Hexaware, HCLTech, IBM, LTIMindtree, Microsoft, NTT DATA, Smart Communications, TransUnion and Wipro. Duck Creek achieved year–over–year growth by focusing on customer success and its partner ecosystem approach, affirming that it "takes a village” to support the most sophisticated insurers worldwide with market–leading technology solutions.

"The deep trust from our global customers and partners paired with our world–class technology and our award–winning culture has enabled Duck Creek to achieve historical growth while adapting to a dynamic macro climate and evolving insurance industry trends," said Rohit Bedi, Chief Revenue Officer, Duck Creek Technologies. "Our inclusion on the 2023 IDC FinTech Rankings reinforces our passion for enabling the success of our customers and the differentiated value we bring to the insurance industry as a globally trusted modern P&C SaaS brand."

"IDC has been producing the IDC FinTech Rankings for twenty years and has expanded the program to now include the top 150 solutions providers to ensure we get the most accurate representation of the largest FinTech's in the world," said Marc DeCastro, research director at IDC. "The technology companies on this list provide the innovation necessary to keep the financial services at the forefront of providing modern digital experiences across all aspects of a customer's financial journey."

About Duck Creek Technologies

Duck Creek Technologies is the intelligent solutions provider defining the future of the property and casualty (P&C) and general insurance industry. We are the platform upon which modern insurance systems are built, enabling the industry to capitalize on the power of the cloud to run agile, intelligent, and evergreen operations. Authenticity, purpose, and transparency are core to Duck Creek, and we believe insurance should be there for individuals and businesses when, where, and how they need it most. Our market–leading solutions are available on a standalone basis or as a full suite, and all are available via Duck Creek OnDemand. Visit to learn more. Follow Duck Creek on our social channels for the latest information "" LinkedIn and Twitter.

Media Contacts:
Carley Bunch

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8944045)

In Brazil, Indigenous Leaders and Youth Activists Fight To Protect Amazon

Indigenous leader and activist Vanda Witoto poses at her home in Manaus, Brazil, in October 2022. Credit: Michael Dantas/United Nations Foundation

Indigenous leader and activist Vanda Witoto poses at her home in Manaus, Brazil, in October 2022. Credit: Michael Dantas/United Nations Foundation

By Farai Shawn Matiashe
BRASÍLIA, Oct 5 2023 – Raffaello Nava, a youth and student activist, has fled his home at the peak of the global Coronavirus pandemic after receiving death threats from multinational companies that invaded his ancestral lands in the Amazon rainforest.

The 22-year-old, whose name has been changed to protect his identity, is seeking refuge in Manaus, a gateway city to the Amazon tropical rainforest.

“They killed two of my friends. I had to run away,” he says while speaking in Portuguese through a translator.

The powerful companies are linked to former President Jair Bolsonaro. He was succeeded by 67-year-old Lula da Silva, a Latin American leftist and a veteran in Brazil’s politics who won in the October 2022 elections.

Nava’s tribe is resisting the invasions from these companies who are cutting down trees for timber and clearing land for agriculture.

“Our territory is wanted by these people. Cattle ranchers have already taken thousands of hectares. My people are receiving threats,” he says. “I am here on the frontline. Fighting to protect our land and that of Brazil, I do not even know if I will go back home or not. I fear for my life.”

Over the years, the lives of indigenous community activists and leaders have been at stake throughout the Amazon.

In 2020 alone, more than 260 human rights defenders were murdered in Latin America, 202 of which occurred in countries of the Amazon Basin, Colombia, Brazil, Peru, and Bolivia, representing 77 percent of the cases, according to a report by the Coordinator of Indigenous Organizations of the Amazon Basin (Coica).

About 69 percent of these murders in 2020 were against leaders working to defend territory, the environment, and the rights of indigenous peoples.

A boat on the shores of Rio Negro in Brazil. Credit: Michael Dantas/United Nations Foundation

A boat on the shores of Rio Negro in Brazil. Credit: Michael Dantas/United Nations Foundation

Brazil holds 60 percent of the Amazon, the biggest tropical rainforest in the world, with the other portion shared by nine South American nations, including Peru and Colombia.

Brazil and Bolivia have about 90 percent of deforestation and degradation in the Amazon, shows data from research titled Amazonia Against the Clock, which covers nine countries sharing the tropical rainforest released in September last year by scientists from the Amazonian Network of Georeferenced Socio-environmental Information (RAISG) in collaboration with Coica.

Indigenous organisations from the Amazonas are calling for a global pact for the permanent protection of 80 percent of the Amazon forest by 2025.

In the Amazon, land grabbers have been invading the land of indigenous communities to pave the way for mining and agriculture.

Agriculture is responsible for 84 percent of deforestation in the Amazon forest, and the amount of land given over to farming has tripled since 1985, according to the report.

The Amazon forest plays a significant role in absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, thus reducing the effects of climate change caused by gas emissions worldwide.

There are over 390 billion trees in the Amazon, helping it to retain some 123 billion tons of carbon dioxide.

But over the years, increasing deforestation and land degradation have been reducing the ability of the Amazon forest to absorb carbon dioxide and instead contributing to global warming through both human-caused and natural fires.

The tropical rainforest has also been experiencing droughts and floods, signs human activities are causing climate change.

During his campaign days, Lula promised to combat deforestation in the Amazon forest, which had worsened under Bolsonaro, who was President since 2019.

Bolsonaro backed farm and ranching expansion in the region due to his links to some of Brazil’s powerful agricultural industry leaders.

Another activist based in Manaus, whose life is in danger from powerful people, says deforestation in the Amazon worsened under Bolsonaro.

An aerial view of a scientific research station, Camp 41 in the Amazon in Brazil. Credit: Michael Dantas/United Nations Foundation

An aerial view of a scientific research station, Camp 41, in the Amazon in Brazil. Credit: Michael Dantas/United Nations Foundation

“His policies are of less protection. He also reduced the number of protected areas in the Amazon. He made laws that should protect the forest weaker,” he says in an interview in Manaus in October 2022 during Brazil’s elections.

He says during Bolsonaro’s era, there was an increase in the loss of vegetation due to deforestation, reduced biodiversity and a rise in cases of invasions of indigenous communities in the Amazon.

The activist says agro-businesses and those in the extractive industries use pesticides and chemicals that pollute and contaminate water bodies in the Amazon forest, putting many people and animals in danger.

Vanda Witoto, a Brazilian indigenous leader, says multinational companies and agro-businesses were funding illegal operations such as logging in the Amazon during the Bolsonaro era.

“I visited some communities in the Amazon. There was illegal gold mining. Sadly, there is less reporting because the locals are being threatened. Big companies are investing a lot in illegal mining and deforestation in the southern part of the Amazon,” Witoto says, toning down her voice and holding back her tears during an interview at her home in the neighbourhood of Parque das Tribos just outside of Manaus in October last year.

“I saw this with my own eyes. Some indigenous people work for these companies, pushed by poverty and unemployment. We are against this. We have always been fighting to stop it.”

Adriano Karipuna, an indigenous leader, during an interview in October last year, said law enforcement agents in the Bolsonaro government were ineffective in arresting people committing crimes against his people.

“Our people have been struggling with deforestation. We have been reporting for the past years. But it worsened under Bolsonaro,” says Karipuna, who represents the Karipuna people, an indigenous group who have inhabited the Amazon rainforest for centuries.

“We have been receiving threats. Bolsonaro’s government has been taking our land and donating it to the invaders. Environmental criminals are going unpunished.”

Lula has just hit the ground running with his appointment of a veteran environmentalist, Marina Silva, as the Environment and Climate Change minister.

The 64-year-old Silva’s task is to rebuild Brazil’s environmental protection agencies and stanch the destruction of the Amazon rainforest.

Under Lula’s Presidency, Joenia Wapichana, the first-ever Indigenous woman elected to Brazil’s Congress, has been appointed leader of the country’s Indigenous affairs agency, the National Foundation of Indigenous Peoples, popularly known as Funai.

This is a huge achievement for the Brazilian indigenous communities whose role was suppressed under Bolsonaro.

Bolsonaro had to cut some of Funai’s budget, authority and number of staff, a move that crippled the agency when he assumed Presidency in 2019.

Witoto says she is hopeful that the predicament of indigenous people will change under Lula’s regime.

“We have to elect a person who respects the rights of indigenous people,” she says, speaking to IPS before Lula’s successful election. She added her people lived in fear from the violence perpetrated by Bolsonaro supporters for merely wearing Lula regalia during the election period in October.

A recent joint analysis by researchers at the University of Oxford, the International Institute for Applied System Analysis (IIASA) and the National Institute for Space Research (INPE) shows deforestation could fall by 89 percent by 2030 under Lula if he reinstates the policies introduced during his first term in office, saving 28,957 square miles of the Amazon rainforest.

Note: Reporting for this story was supported by the United Nations Foundation.

IPS UN Bureau Report


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Our Teachers, Our Heroes

Credit: UNICEF Bangladesh/2018/Sokol

By Yasmine Sherif
NEW YORK, Oct 5 2023 – We are in a race to deliver on our global promise of education for all by 2030 – especially for the 224 million girls and boys impacted by armed conflict, climate change, forced displacement and other protracted crises who so urgently need our support. At the frontlines of this movement are the inspiring, caring, brilliant teachers who work tirelessly to educate future generations.

As we commemorate World Teachers’ Day – along with key partners such as the International Labour Organization, UNICEF, UNESCO and Education International – Education Cannot Wait honours the sacrifice, compassion and dedication of the world’s teachers. We know you work long hours, with low pay. We know that after COVID-19, we face a massive learning and achievement gap. We know that world leaders have done far too little to support education or people like you on the frontlines, making learning happen day-in, day-out in classrooms around the world.

In the best of circumstances, being a teacher is a challenge. Now imagine what it is like for teachers in a crisis or conflict-hit area in Afghanistan, Colombia, Syria or Uganda. Imagine what it’s like teaching while being one of the millions fleeing wars, conflicts and disasters without any support. Teachers walk to school in fear of attack, bombings, abductions, and other forms of violence and threats. They see their schools swept away in floods and sometimes their family wakes up hungry because of climate change-related droughts. This is the reality facing millions of teachers in the world’s worst humanitarian crises.

We must do better. Education Cannot Wait, the UN global fund for education in emergencies and protracted crises, puts teachers at the forefront of everything we do. The teachers are themselves affected by conflicts and climate-induced disasters, and yet they have to serve as mentors and caretakers – inspiring their students to develop and reach their full potential. We cannot underestimate the heroic work carried out by teachers in the most difficult circumstances.

Through ECW’s joint programming, or Multi-Year Resilience Programmes, 100% of the teachers we support receive skills building and training to succeed in the work they do. Since inception, we have trained over 140,000 teachers. In 2022 alone, we recruited and provided financial support to over 22,000 teachers and school administrators. We place a special emphasis on recruiting female teachers, with about half of all recruited teachers being women.

Now we must also focus on the quality of the training we provide in order to elevate and deepen the quality of education provided. That means expanded skills training and continued education for students, it means smaller classroom sizes, it means enabling policies at the local and national level, it means climate resilience in the classroom, so when the next disaster strikes, we are ready.

Together, we can make a better world. Teachers everywhere deserve our respect and admiration. Teachers cannot and should not wait! Join ECW and our strategic partners in supporting teachers in the toughest humanitarian crises on the globe. Let us all bow to them. Let us contribute with funding and a donation today.

IPS UN Bureau


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Education Cannot Wait Executive Director Statement on World Teachers’ Day

A Turning Point for Sustainable Development in Cuba — and Beyond

Communities across Cuba have participated in the UN “ACTNOW” campaign designed to inspire action for the Sustainable Development Goals. Credit: ONU Cuba

By Francisco Pichon
HAVANA, Cuba, Oct 5 2023 – In 2015, 193 countries adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development as “a shared plan for peace and prosperity for people and the planet.”

We are now halfway towards the target date for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and while the world has made some progress over the past seven years, many challenges remain.

The UN’s annual SDG Progress Report, which was published in July, triggered serious alarm bells. Of the 140 targets for Agenda 2030 for which data is readily available, 30% have remained static or even seen some backsliding.

In Latin America and the Caribbean, ECLAC estimates that two-thirds of the SDG targets require urgent policy action.

Boosting partnerships for the goals

In Cuba, where I have served as the UN Resident Coordinator over the last nine months, our team has been working closely with the Government and other development partners to close the remaining gaps in the country’s SDG targets.

Underpinning these efforts was the recent launch of Cuba’s first Integrated National Financing Framework (INFF); a system which brings together and aligns different sources of financing to boost sustainable development in the country.

Credit: ONU Cuba

The INFF, which was jointly prepared by five Cuban economic and financial institutions, together with the UN country team, offers a roadmap for development financing in Cuba through public policy recommendations, analytical tools, opportunities for new partnerships and strengthened capacities among key development partners.

Despite the challenging circumstances – including Cuba’s exclusion from international financial mechanisms and the severe external restrictions imposed on its economy– the INFF is bringing innovative ideas and creating space for meaningful engagement between government actors, academics and other national and international experts to make informed policy decisions.

In fact, our joint efforts to support Cuba’s INFF process recently received the ‘UN SIDS Partnerships Award’, which recognizes initiatives that boost partnerships for sustainable development in Small Island Developing States.

Next, we need to address complex development challenges in the most open and participative way possible. This also means developing innovative thinking and cultivating political will in the decision-making sphere.

This vision for the future of global cooperation was firmly set out by the UN Secretary-General in the ‘Our Common Agenda’ report launched last year. The report highlights the role of science, technology and innovation in overcoming development challenges, and delivering transformative change in the fields of renewable energy, green economies and inclusive education systems.

As head of the Group of 77+China over the past year, Cuba has actively contributed to giving voice to this kind of transformative vision. The countries in the Group represent two-thirds of the United Nations membership and 80% of the world’s population.

As such, they have found an epicenter in Havana for consensus-building in key areas such as education, culture and the environment. Last month, Cuba hosted the G-77+China summit– a milestone moment to address the central issue of bridging the North-South development gap, including through technology and innovation.

Soon after this meeting, all eyes turned to the SDG Summit at the UN General Assembly in New York in September, which offered a rallying point for Cuba, and the rest of the world to accelerate joint action to reach the targets of the 2030 Agenda.

Our UN team in Cuba is part of this movement; standing side by side with the national authorities and partners to advance the SDGs across the country. It is in this context that the process to start formulating Cuba’s new UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework– the roadmap which guides the UN’s joint development planning in the country over a five-year period- is about to begin.

The second half of the journey towards achieving the 2030 Agenda represents a decisive hour for sustainable development in Cuba and around the world. Our UN team is committed to supporting Cuba over this finish line.

Francisco Pichon is the UN Resident Coordinator in Cuba. This article was adapted from a version originally published in Prensa Latina.

Source: UN Development Coordination Office

IPS UN Bureau


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