KFSH&RC Apresenta Sua Tecnologia de Ponta para Elevar a Experiência do Tratamento do Paciente na Global Health Exhibition

RIADE, Arábia Saudita, Oct. 27, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — O King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre (KFSH&RC) ir introduzir sua tecnologia de ponta para elevar a jornada do tratamento do paciente na Global Health Exhibition de 2023 em Riade. As solues digitais de sade da ltima gerao tm um papel essencial para o hospital no aprimoramento dos resultados de sade e da eficincia operacional em diversos domnios mdicos.

O KFSH&RC alcanou avanos substanciais na simplificao do processo de admisso de pacientes por meio do servio 'Ehalat'. Esta plataforma automatizada simplifica os encaminhamentos mdicos e incentiva a colaborao com entidades de sade pblicas e privadas. Alm disso, permite que os usurios enviem relatrios mdicos, compilem dados pessoais e acessem o histrico mdico – tudo dentro de um servio unificado, eliminando a necessidade de visitas presenciais ao hospital. Isso alm de simplificar a avaliao da condio e a elegibilidade do tratamento de um paciente, tambm fornece rastreamento e atualizaes em tempo real nos aplicativos.

Os pacientes agora podem acompanhar remotamente o progresso do seu tratamento no aplicativo mvel “Altakhassusi”, por meio de acesso seguro aos registros mdicos. O aplicativo permite que os pacientes visualizem os resultados de exames de radiologia e laboratrio mdico, agendem consultas facilmente, participem de consultas virtuais de acompanhamento com seus mdicos e at mesmo avaliem a eficcia do seu tratamento. Alm disso, ele aprimora o processo do aviamento de receita, suprimentos mdicos e necessidades nutricionais, facilitando a comunicao com a equipe mdica e o hospital.

O KFSH&RC se dedica a fornecer uma experincia de tratamento de alta qualidade com automao em todas as etapas. Essa abordagem economiza tempo e esforo dos pacientes e aprimora a tomada de decises mdicas por meio de mtodos e modelos de atendimento de ponta que alavancam os rpidos avanos nas inovaes em sade digital. Esses recursos permitem a integrao perfeita de vrias tecnologias mdicas que consolidam os resultados clnicos, documentos e dados mdicos. Desde as notaes cirrgicas at os cuidados ps–operatrios, garantindo o fluxo suave das informaes, aumentando a eficincia dos cuidados que so personalizados de acordo com as necessidades nicas de cada paciente.

O KFSH&RC reconhecido mundialmente por seus excepcionais servios de sade especializados e inovadores. Ele se destaca como um centro avanado de pesquisa e educao mdica, comprometido com o avano das tecnologias mdicas e com a elevao do padro de assistncia mdica em escala global. Por meio de colaboraes com proeminentes instituies locais, regionais e internacionais, ele tem por objetivo fornecer servios de classe mundial em cuidados, pesquisa e educao clnica.

A Global Health Exhibition, com 250 expositores de 15 pases, o principal encontro de sade do Oriente Mdio. Ela uma plataforma de colaborao entre as comunidades de sade sauditas e globais, incluindo fabricantes e fornecedores regionais e internacionais. O ponto alto deste ano, “Investimento na Sade”, promete ser um evento fundamental para moldar o futuro dos cuidados de sade.

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8967429)

Dans un contexte de polarisation des tendances mondiales, les écoles de commerce américaines connaissent une recrudescence de la demande intérieure

RESTON, État de Virginie, 27 oct. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Le nombre total de candidatures des programmes d'coles de commerce en 2023 a baiss d'environ cinq pour cent dans le monde entier. Toutefois, selon l'enqute annuelle publie aujourd'hui par le Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC), davantage de programmes par rapport l'anne dernire ont fait tat d'une augmentation de leurs candidatures, ce qui indique que le recul des candidatures n'a pas affect tous les programmes de manire homogne, Le GMAC, une association mondiale reprsentant les plus grandes coles de commerce, a publi les rsultats de l'enqute 2023 afin de fournir des donnes et des rflexions qui permettront de mieux comprendre les tendances actuelles des candidatures aux programmes d'enseignement suprieur en gestion (GME).

La baisse des candidatures concerne principalement les programmes plus slectifs, ce qui a entran une diminution du nombre total de candidatures au niveau mondial, tandis que les programmes moins slectifs ont enregistr une augmentation du nombre de candidatures. De nombreux candidats sont toujours intresss par les programmes traditionnels et comptitifs temps plein. Toutefois, les options en ligne, hybrides ou les cours du soir sont beaucoup plus susceptibles de connatre une augmentation du nombre de candidatures. Il est intressant de noter que les candidats qui choisissent les programmes les mieux classs ne recherchent pas ncessairement la mme flexibilit que les autres, mais de nombreux candidats sont davantage prts sacrifier le prestige d'un programme pour gagner en flexibilit.

Alors que les tendances post–pandmie dans le monde du travail et les prfrences en matire d'offres acadmiques continuent d'voluer, la communaut des coles de commerce dans son ensemble s'adapte rapidement , a dclar Joy Jones, PDG du GMAC. Qu'il s'agisse des programmes octroyant une licence, des nouveaux certificats, en passant par les concentrations, la formation des cadres et les micro–crdits, il existe une multitude d'options susceptibles d'intresser un grand nombre de candidats, quelle que soit leur situation professionnelle ou personnelle. Cela tmoigne de la faon dont les coles de commerce relvent le dfi consistant rpondre aux besoins des candidats aux coles de commerce d'aujourd'hui, qui bnficieront sans nul doute d'une formation suprieure dans le domaine des affaires.

Autres rsultats importants :

Les tendances amricaines et rgionales refltent l'volution des candidatures nationales et internationales.

Bien que la flexibilit des mthodes d'enseignement ait jou un rle important comme moteur des tendances mondiales en matire de candidatures, aux tats–Unis, la configuration internationale et nationale du volume des programmes s'est avre tre le principal vecteur de la croissance observe dans les programmes GME. Aprs plusieurs annes difficiles pour le secteur national, en particulier aprs la stabilisation des candidatures la suite de la pandmie, les programmes amricains ont enregistr une croissance des candidatures nationales au lieu d'une baisse en 2023. En effet, outre l'augmentation observe en 2020 en raison de la pandmie, le nombre de programmes amricains faisant tat d'une augmentation du nombre de dossiers de candidature a atteint son plus haut niveau depuis dix ans pour ce qui est des candidatures nationales.

Bien que plus de la moiti des programmes amricains aient connu une croissance malgr une lgre baisse du nombre total de candidatures, les programmes d'Europe, d'Asie et des les du Pacifique n'ont pas eu la mme chance. La plupart des programmes europens ont t confronts une baisse des candidatures au cours des trois dernires annes, ce qui s'est traduit par une chute importante (13 %) du nombre total de candidatures internationales en 2023. Les programmes d'Asie et des les du Pacifique ont galement connu deux annes conscutives de baisse relative du nombre de candidatures, avec toutefois une baisse marque (8 %) du nombre total de candidatures nationales en 2023.

Les candidatures chez les femmes continuent de stagner, quels que soient le type de cursus et la rgion.

Au cours des cinq dernires annes, la part des candidatures fminines aux tats–Unis, en Europe, en Asie, dans les les du Pacifique, au Canada et en Amrique latine a fluctu autour de deux cinquimes. Mme si l'enqute du GMAC sur les futurs tudiants indique que les femmes ont tendance tre plus intresses par les programmes flexibles, en ligne et hybrides, la part des femmes qui postulent des programmes en ligne, hybrides, le week–end et le soir reprsente toujours environ deux cinquimes. La proportion de femmes candidates au MBA pour cadres reste une lueur d'espoir. Bien qu'il s'agisse d'un pourcentage relativement faible de 32 %, la plupart de ces programmes ont affich une augmentation du nombre de candidatures fminines en 2023.

C'est encourageant de voir que davantage de femmes occupant des postes de cadres se tournent vers une formation commerciale pousse qui peut les aider renforcer leur rle de leaders sur le lieu de travail , a dclar Ana Mara Zermeo Padilla, directrice de l'exprience acadmique et des oprations de l'cole de commerce EGADE Tecnolgico de Monterrey et membre du conseil d'administration du GMAC. Il reste encore beaucoup faire pour inciter les femmes, en particulier celles qui sont au dbut de leur carrire, tirer parti de ce que peuvent offrir les diplmes d'tudes suprieures en gestion, notamment ceux qui comportent des modules en ligne et flexibles.

Les candidatures des populations amricaines sous–reprsentes ont atteint un niveau record aprs la pandmie et dpassent les niveaux d'avant la pandmie.

Depuis 2014, la plupart des programmes GME amricains ont connu une stabilit ou une croissance des candidatures des populations amricaines sous–reprsentes. l'instar des tendances gnrales observes aux tats–Unis et dans le monde, les candidatures de ces candidats ont augment paralllement la pandmie jusqu'en 2021 et 2022, priode laquelle la majorit des programmes ont enregistr une baisse des candidatures alors que les augmentations lies la pandmie s'taient stabilises. Les rsultats de l'enqute de cette anne montrent toutefois que 47 % des programmes amricains ont connu une augmentation du nombre de candidatures des populations amricaines sous–reprsentes, ce qui correspond un rebond de 18 points par rapport au niveau le plus bas des dix dernires annes, atteint en 2022, et un niveau encore plus lev par rapport aux annes prcdant la pandmie.

Suite l'arrt de la Cour suprme des tats–Unis sur les admissions fondes sur la race, les coles de commerce revoient leurs efforts en matire de recrutement et leurs stratgies d'admission afin de continuer intgrer un corps tudiant qui reflte la diversit du pays et de leur bassin de candidats , a dclar Sabrina White, vice–prsidente de l'engagement des coles et du secteur d'activit chez GMAC. Alors que la communaut des coles de commerce se prpare des changements imminents dans la manire dont les programmes amricains valuent l'exprience des candidats issus de minorits raciales et ethniques, nous esprons que le partage des donnes recueillies par les coles au cours de la dernire dcennie servira de base l'valuation de l'efficacit, ou de l'inefficacit, des efforts dploys l'heure actuelle.

propos de l'enqute

L'enqute du GMAC sur les tendances relatives aux candidatures est l'enqute la plus importante et la plus largement cite de ce type. En effet, elle est utilise par la communaut de l'enseignement suprieur en gestion depuis plus de vingt–cinq ans. L'enqute de 2023 a recueilli des donnes sur les dossiers de candidature reus par les programmes de GME pour l'anne universitaire 2023–2024. Entre juin et aot, 893 programmes de 247 coles de commerce dans le monde ont rpondu l'enqute. Les programmes participants couvrent 32 pays, dont 37 tats amricains et le district de Columbia, et refltent la diversit croissante de l'offre mondiale en matire de programmes GME. L'chantillon total comprend 413 programmes de MBA, 456 programmes de master de commerce, cinq programmes de troisime cycle (PGP) et 19 programmes de doctorat. Pour plus d'informations sur les programmes participants de cette anne, voir la section du rapport consacre au profil des participants.

propos du GMAC

Le GMAC (Graduate Management Admission Council) est une association qui regroupe les principales coles de commerce du monde entier. Le GMAC effectue des recherches de premier plan, organise des confrences sectorielles, fournit des outils de recrutement et des valuations pour le secteur des tudes suprieures en gestion, ainsi que des ressources, des vnements et des services qui aident accompagner les candidats tout au long de leur parcours dans l'enseignement suprieur. Dtenu et gr par le GMAC, l'examen Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) est l'valuation la plus couramment utilise dans les coles de commerce.

Chaque anne, plus de 12 millions de futurs tudiants consultent les sites Internet du GMAC, dont mba.com, pour se renseigner sur les programmes de MBA et de master de commerce, entrer en contact avec des coles du monde entier, se prparer et s'inscrire aux examens et obtenir des conseils sur les modalits de candidature aux programmes de MBA et de master de commerce. BusinessBecause et GMAC Tours sont des filiales de GMAC, une organisation mondiale dont les bureaux se trouvent en Chine, en Inde, au Royaume–Uni et aux tats–Unis.

Pour en savoir plus sur notre travail, veuillez consulter www.gmac.com

Contact mdia :

Teresa Hsu
Responsable en chef, relation mdia
Tlphone portable : 202–390–4180

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8967094)

Amidst Polarizing Global Trends, U.S. B Schools Experience Domestic Demand Rebound

RESTON, Va., Oct. 27, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Across the globe, total applications to graduate business school programs in 2023 dipped by approximately five percent. However, more programs than last year reported growth in their applications""indicating that the drop in applications was not felt evenly, according to an annual survey released today by the Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC). GMAC, a global association representing leading business schools, published findings from the 2023 survey results to provide data and insights to better understand current trends in applications to graduate management education (GME) programs.

Specifically, the decline in applications have centered around those to more selective programs, driving a dip in total global applications while their somewhat selective counterparts reported growth in their applications. Many candidates are still interested in more traditional, competitive full–time programs, but online, hybrid, or evening options were much more likely to report application growth. Interestingly, applicants seeking out top–ranked programs may not necessarily be looking for the same flexibility as the others, but many candidates are more willing to sacrifice prestige for flexibility.

"As post–pandemic attitudes toward work continue shifting and preferences for educational offerings continue evolving, the business school community as a whole is quickly adapting," said Joy Jones, CEO of GMAC. "From degreed programs to new certificates, concentrations, executive education, and micro–credentials, there is a wealth of options appealing to a wide spectrum of candidates in different stages of career and life. It serves as a testament to how business schools rise to the challenge to meet the needs of today's business school aspirants who will undoubtedly benefit from graduate business education."

Other Key Findings:

U.S. and regional trends reflect shifts in international and domestic applications.

While flexibility in delivery methods played an important role in driving the global application trends, in the United States, the international and domestic compositions of program volume turned out to be the key drivers behind the growth seen among their GME programs. After several challenging years with the domestic pipeline""especially after applications leveled off following the pandemic""more U.S. programs reported growth in domestic applications than declines in 2023. In fact, besides the increase seen in 2020 related to the pandemic, the number of U.S. programs reporting application growth reached a decade–long high in domestic applications.

While more than half of the programs in the U.S. experienced growth despite a small dip in overall applications, their counterparts in Europe, Asia, and the Pacific Islands were not as fortunate. Most European programs have faced declining applications over the past three years, with a significant drop (13 percent) in total international applications in 2023. Similarly, programs in Asia and the Pacific Islands have experienced two years of relative application declines, but with a pronounced drop (8 percent) in total domestic applications in 2023.

Applications among women continue to stagnate across degree types and regions.

Over the past five years, the share of female applicants in the U.S., Europe, Asia, the Pacific Islands, Canada and Latin America has hovered around two–fifths. Even though GMAC's Prospective Students Survey indicates that women tend to be more interested in flexible, online, and hybrid programs, the share of women applying to online, hybrid, weekend, and evening programs is still roughly two–fifths. One silver lining lies in the share of women applicants in the executive MBA. While it is comparatively smallest at 32 percent, most of these programs saw growth in their applications from female candidates in 2023.

"It is encouraging to see more women in executive positions pursue advanced business education that could help strengthen them as leaders in the workplace," said Ana Mara Zermeo Padilla, director of academic experience and operations of EGADE Business School at Tecnolgico de Monterrey and a GMAC Board member. "There is still much work to be done to appeal to women, especially those earlier in their careers, to take advantage of what graduate business degrees, particularly those with online and flexible modules, could offer."

Applications from underrepresented U.S. populations hit post–pandemic peak and top pre–pandemic levels.

Since 2014, most U.S. GME programs reported either stability or growth in their applications from underrepresented U.S. populations. Similar to broader U.S. and global trends, applications from these candidates surged alongside the pandemic until 2021 and 2022 when a majority of programs reported declines in applications as the pandemic–related increases leveled off. This year's survey result, however, shows that 47 percent of U.S. programs reported growth in applications from underrepresented U.S. populations, rebounding by a whopping 18 percentage point from a 10–year low in 2022 and even higher than the pre–pandemic years.

"In the wake of the U.S. Supreme Court ruling on race–conscious admissions, business schools are reexamining their recruitment efforts and admissions strategies to continue enrolling a student body that reflects the diversity of the country and their pool of applicants," said Sabrina White, vice president of school and industry engagement at GMAC. "As the graduate business school community prepares for impending shifts in how U.S. programs evaluate the experiences of applicants from underrepresented racial and ethnic backgrounds, we hope sharing the data reported by schools over the past decade can help serve as a foundation for how current efforts have "" or have not "" been effective."

About the Survey

GMAC's Applications Trends Survey is the largest and most widely cited survey of its kind, serving the graduate management education community for the past quarter of a century. The 2023 survey collected data on applications received by GME programs for the 2023–2024 academic year. Between June and August, 893 programs at 247 business schools worldwide provided responses. Participating programs are located in 32 countries, including 37 U.S. states and the District of Columbia, and reflect the growing diversity of global GME offerings. The total sample includes 413 MBA programs, 456 business master's programs, five postgraduate programs (PGP), and 19 doctoral programs. More details about this year's participating programs can be found in the participant profile section of the report.

About GMAC

The Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC) is a mission–driven association of leading graduate business schools worldwide. GMAC provides world–class research, industry conferences, recruiting tools, and assessments for the graduate management education industry as well as resources, events, and services that help guide candidates through their higher education journey. Owned and administered by GMAC, the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) exam is the most widely used graduate business school assessment.

More than 12 million prospective students a year trust GMAC's websites, including mba.com, to learn about MBA and business master's programs, connect with schools around the world, prepare and register for exams and get advice on successfully applying to MBA and business master's programs. BusinessBecause and GMAC Tours are subsidiaries of GMAC, a global organization with offices in China, India, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

To learn more about our work, please visit www.gmac.com

Media Contact:

Teresa Hsu
Sr. Manager, Media Relations
Mobile: 202–390–4180

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8966836)

Inmitten polarisierender globaler Trends erleben US-Business Schools Erholung der Inlandsnachfrage

RESTON, Virginia, Oct. 27, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Weltweit ist die Zahl der Bewerbungen um einen Studienplatz an einer Business School im Jahr 2023 um etwa fnf Prozent gesunken. Allerdings meldeten mehr Studiengnge als im letzten Jahr einen Anstieg der Bewerbungen, was darauf hindeutet, dass sich der Rckgang der Bewerbungen nicht gleichmig auswirkt, wie aus einer jhrlichen Umfrage hervorgeht, die heute vom Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC) verffentlicht wurde. GMAC, ein globaler Verband, der fhrende Business Schools vertritt, hat die Ergebnisse der Umfrage 2023 verffentlicht, um Daten und Einblicke fr ein besseres Verstndnis der aktuellen Trends bei Bewerbungen fr Graduate Management Education (GME)–Studiengnge zu liefern.

Der Rckgang der Bewerbungen konzentrierte sich vor allem auf die Bewerbungen fr selektivere Studiengnge und fhrte zu einem Rckgang der Bewerbungen insgesamt, whrend die Bewerbungen fr weniger selektive Studiengnge zunahmen. Viele Bewerberinnen und Bewerber sind nach wie vor an traditionellen, wettbewerbsorientierten Vollzeitstudiengngen interessiert, aber Online–, Hybrid– und Abendstudiengnge verzeichneten sehr viel hufiger eine Zunahme der Bewerbungen. Interessanterweise suchen Bewerberinnen und Bewerber, die sich fr die besten Studiengnge entscheiden, nicht unbedingt die gleiche Flexibilitt wie die anderen, aber viele Kandidaten sind eher bereit, Prestige fr Flexibilitt zu opfern.

"Im Zuge der anhaltenden Vernderungen in der Einstellung zur Arbeit nach der Pandemie und der sich wandelnden Bildungsprferenzen passt sich die Business School–Gemeinschaft als Ganzes schnell an", so Joy Jones, CEO von GMAC. "Von Studiengngen mit Abschluss bis hin zu neuen Zertifikaten, Studienschwerpunkten, Weiterbildungsangeboten fr Fhrungskrfte und Mikrodiplomen gibt es eine Vielzahl von Optionen, die ein breites Spektrum von Kandidatinnen und Kandidaten in unterschiedlichen Karriere– und Lebensphasen ansprechen. Es ist ein Beweis dafr, wie die Business Schools die Herausforderung annehmen, um den Bedrfnissen der heutigen Studienanwrterinnen und –anwrtern gerecht zu werden, die zweifellos von einer akademischen Wirtschaftsausbildung profitieren werden."

Weitere wichtige Ergebnisse:

Die Trends in den USA und in den Regionen spiegeln Verschiebungen bei den internationalen und nationalen Bewerbungen wider.

Whrend die Flexibilitt der Ausbildungsmethoden eine wichtige Rolle bei der Entwicklung der weltweiten Bewerbungstrends spielte, erwiesen sich in den Vereinigten Staaten die internationale und nationale Zusammensetzung des Studiengangvolumens als die wichtigsten Faktoren fr das Wachstum der GME–Studiengnge. Nach mehreren schwierigen Jahren fr die inlndische Pipeline "" insbesondere nach dem Rckgang der Bewerbungen nach der Pandemie "" verzeichneten 2023 mehr US–Studiengnge einen Anstieg der inlndischen Bewerbungen als einen Rckgang. Neben dem Anstieg im Jahr 2020 im Zusammenhang mit der Pandemie erreichte die Zahl der US–Studiengnge, die einen Anstieg der Bewerbungen meldeten, den hchsten Stand seit zehn Jahren.

Whrend mehr als die Hlfte der Studiengnge in den USA trotz eines leichten Rckgangs der Gesamtzahl der Bewerbungen ein Wachstum verzeichneten, hatten die Studiengnge in Europa, Asien und auf den Pazifischen Inseln weniger Glck. Die meisten europischen Studiengnge hatten in den letzten drei Jahren mit einem Rckgang der Bewerbungen zu kmpfen, wobei die Gesamtzahl der internationalen Bewerbungen im Jahr 2023 deutlich (13 Prozent) abnahm. Studiengnge in Asien und auf den Pazifischen Inseln verzeichneten in den letzten zwei Jahren ebenfalls einen relativen Rckgang der Bewerbungen, allerdings mit einem deutlichen Rckgang (8 Prozent) der gesamten inlndischen Bewerbungen im Jahr 2023.

Die Zahl der Bewerbungen von Frauen stagniert weiterhin in allen Studiengngen und Regionen.

In den letzten fnf Jahren lag der Anteil der Bewerberinnen in den USA, Europa, Asien, den Pazifischen Inseln, Kanada und Lateinamerika bei etwa zwei Fnfteln. Auch wenn die GMAC–Umfrage unter Studieninteressierten zeigt, dass Frauen eher an flexiblen, Online– und Hybrid–Studiengngen interessiert sind, liegt der Anteil der Frauen, die sich fr Online–, Hybrid–, Wochenend– und Abendstudiengnge bewerben, immer noch bei etwa zwei Fnfteln. Ein Lichtblick ist der Frauenanteil bei den Bewerbungen fr den Executive MBA–Studiengang. Obwohl der Anteil mit 32 Prozent vergleichsweise gering ist, verzeichneten die meisten dieser Studiengnge im Jahr 2023 einen Anstieg der Bewerbungen von Frauen.

"Es ist ermutigend zu sehen, dass mehr Frauen in Fhrungspositionen eine fortgeschrittene betriebswirtschaftliche Ausbildung absolvieren, die sie als Fhrungskrfte am Arbeitsplatz strken kann", so Ana Mara Zermeo Padilla, Direktorin fr akademische Erfahrung und Betrieb der EGADE Business School am Tecnolgico de Monterrey und Mitglied des GMAC–Vorstands. "Es muss noch viel getan werden, um Frauen, vor allem diejenigen, die am Anfang ihrer beruflichen Laufbahn stehen, dafr zu gewinnen, die Vorteile eines Hochschulabschlusses in Wirtschaftswissenschaften zu nutzen, insbesondere solcher Abschlsse, die online und mit flexiblen Modulen angeboten werden."

Bewerbungen aus unterreprsentierten Bevlkerungsgruppen in den USA erreichten nach der Pandemie einen Hchststand und bertrafen das Niveau vor der Pandemie.

Seit 2014 meldeten die meisten GME–Studiengnge in den USA entweder eine gleichbleibende oder steigende Zahl von Bewerbungen aus unterreprsentierten Bevlkerungsgruppen in den USA. hnlich wie die allgemeinen Trends in den USA und weltweit stiegen die Bewerbungen dieser Kandidatinnen und Kandidaten parallel zur Pandemie an, bis 2021 und 2022 die Mehrheit der Studiengnge einen Rckgang der Bewerbungen meldete, da sich der pandemiebedingte Anstieg abschwchte. Die diesjhrige Umfrage zeigt jedoch, dass 47 Prozent der Studiengnge in den USA einen Anstieg der Bewerbungen aus unterreprsentierten Bevlkerungsgruppen meldeten, was nach einem 10–Jahres–Tief im Jahr 2022 einem Zuwachs von 18 Prozentpunkten entspricht und sogar hher ist als in den Jahren vor der Pandemie.

"Nach dem Urteil des Obersten Gerichtshofs der USA zur ethnisch sensiblen Zulassung berprfen die Business Schools ihre Rekrutierungsbemhungen und Zulassungsstrategien, um weiterhin eine Studentenschaft zu rekrutieren, die die Vielfalt des Landes und ihres Bewerberpools widerspiegelt", so Sabrina White, Vice President of School and Industry Engagement bei GMAC. "Whrend sich die Business School–Gemeinschaft auf die bevorstehenden Vernderungen in der Art und Weise vorbereitet, wie US–Studiengnge die Erfahrungen von Bewerbern mit unterreprsentiertem ethnischem Hintergrund bewerten, hoffen wir, dass der Austausch von Daten, die von den Schulen in den letzten zehn Jahren gemeldet wurden, als Grundlage dafr dienen kann, wie effektiv die derzeitigen Bemhungen waren "" oder nicht waren."

ber die Umfrage

Die Umfrage zu Bewerbungstrends des GMAC ist die grte und meistzitierte Umfrage ihrer Art, die seit einem Vierteljahrhundert die Gemeinschaft der Hochschulabsolventen im Managementbereich bedient. Im Rahmen der Erhebung 2023 wurden Daten zu den Bewerbungen fr GME–Studiengnge fr das akademische Jahr 2023–2024 erfasst. Zwischen Juni und August haben 893 Studiengnge an 247 Business Schools weltweit Antworten abgegeben. Die teilnehmenden Studiengnge befinden sich in 32 Lndern, einschlielich 37 US–Bundesstaaten und dem District of Columbia, und spiegeln die wachsende Vielfalt des globalen GME–Angebots wider. Die Gesamtstichprobe umfasst 413 MBA–Programme, 456 Business–Master–Programme, fnf Postgraduierten–Programme (PGP) und 19 Doktorandenprogramme. Weitere Einzelheiten zu den diesjhrigen teilnehmenden Studiengngen finden Sie im Abschnitt Teilnehmerprofil des Berichts.

ber den GMAC

Der Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC) ist ein zielorientierter Verband fhrender Business Schools mit postgradualen Studiengngen auf der ganzen Welt. Der GMAC bietet erstklassige Forschung, Branchenkonferenzen, Rekrutierungstools und Bewertungen fr Akteure im Bereich des weiterfhrenden Managementausbildung sowie Ressourcen, Veranstaltungen und Dienstleistungen, die Kandidatinnen und Kandidaten auf ihrem Weg durch die Hochschulbildung untersttzen. Der Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT), der vom GMAC entwickelt und durchgefhrt wird, ist die am weitesten verbreitete Prfung an Business Schools.

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8967094)

The Worst Addiction: Population Growth

World population is expected to continue growing throughout the 21st century, likely reaching 10,000,000,000 by 2058. Credit: Shutterstock

By Joseph Chamie
PORTLAND, USA, Oct 27 2023 – Among the various troubling human addictions, the one having the most worrisome consequences for humanity and planet Earth is population growth.

Some addictions, such as illicit drug use, tobacco smoking, alcohol abuse, gun violence and junk food consumption, are contributing to chronic diseases, illnesses, injuries and the premature deaths of millions of men, women and children. The sustained growth of human populations, however, is far more troubling as it is undermining the wellbeing of humanity.

The repeated warnings by scientists, commissions and concerned others about the serious consequences of human population increase for climate change, the environment, pollution and sustainability appear insufficient to modify the addiction to demographic growth any time soon

As it contributes to the climate crisis, environmental degradation, biodiversity loss, natural resource depletion and pollution, world population growth poses a serious threat to the sustainability of humans on the planet. Concerned with its serious and far reaching consequences, climatologists, environmentalists, scientists, celebrities and others have repeatedly called for human population stabilization, with some urging gradually reducing the size of world population.

Despite those calls and warnings of life on the planet being under siege, the proponents of continued demographic growth, including many elected government officials, business leaders, investors and economic advisors, have by and large disregarded the widely available evidence on the consequences of population growth, especially on climate change and the environment. In both their policies and actions, they have dismissed the warnings and recommendations urging for world population stabilization and its gradual reduction.

Pro-growth proponents erroneously claim that the numerous cited consequences of population growth on the world’s climate, environment, biodiversity, natural resources and human wellbeing are greatly exaggerated and amount to simply fake news. Some have even called climate change a hoax and ignore warnings that the time for action is running out with the world entering uncharted territory and humanity making minimal progress in combating climate change.

Also, some proponents of population growth argue that the consequences of climate change, including higher average temperatures, severe droughts and hurricanes, excessive heat waves, floods, rising sea levels and high tides, melting Antarctic ice shelves, degraded environments, record wildfires, endangered wildlife, exploited natural resources and increased pollution, should be calmly and resolutely brushed aside.

Less than one hundred years ago, i.e., in 1927, world population reached 2,000,000,000. Less than fifty years later, i.e., in 1974, the planet’s human population doubled to 4,000,000,000. And nearly fifty years later in 2022, world population has doubled again to 8,000,000,000 (Figure 1).


Source: United Nations.


Despite the calls for the stabilization of human populations, any slowdown in the growth of population is typically viewed with concern, alarm, panic and fear. Economic growth, advocates claim, requires sustained population growth. In brief, they see a growing population vital to the production of more goods and services leading to higher economic growth.

Besides being viewed as fundamental for economic growth, pro-growth advocates consider population growth essential for profits, taxes, labor force, politics, cultural leadership and power.

Any slowdown in a country’s demographic growth, such as has been experienced by some countries during the past decade and expected for even more countries in the coming decades, is met by political, business and economic leaders ringing alarm bells and warning of economic calamities and national decline.

Calls for limited immigration in order to achieve population stabilization are also strongly resisted, particularly by businesses and special interest groups. Reducing immigration levels, they often claim, is incompatible with the needs for labor, the promotion of innovation and sustained economic growth.

Some have even claimed that population decline due to low birth rates is a far bigger risk to civilization than climate change. In addition, as others have stressed, worker shortages coupled with population ageing are having social and economic repercussions, especially with regard to the financial solvency of national retirement pension programs.

The pro-growth advocates warn of a pending population crisis due to low fertility rates, many of which are below the replacement level. Their solution to the low fertility levels is to encourage the public, in particular women, to have more babies.

Since 1976, the proportion of countries with government policies to raise fertility levels has tripled from 9 to 28 percent. Europe has the highest proportion of countries seeking to raise fertility rates at 66 percent, followed by Asia at 38 percent.

Many governments have introduced various pro-natalist policy measures to raise fertility levels. Those measures include tax incentives, family allowances, baby bonuses, cash incentives, government loans, maternal and paternal leave, publicly subsidized child care, flexible work schedules, parental leave and campaigns aimed at changing public attitudes.

Of the 55 countries with policies to raise fertility, nearly three-quarters of them have low fertility and one-third have a total fertility rate lower than 1.5 births per woman. The populations of those 55 countries range in size from more than 1.4 billion to less than 10 million. The diverse group of countries seeking to raise their fertility levels includes Armenia, Chile, China, Cuba, France, Hungary, Iran, Israel, Italy, Japan, Poland, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, Spain, Thailand, Turkey and Ukraine (Figure 2).


Source: United Nations.


In addition to policies aimed at raising fertility levels, nearly 40 percent of countries have relied on immigration to increase their rates of population growth. Without immigration, the population of some of those countries, such as Australia, Canada and the United States, would also decline in size due to below replacement fertility levels.

Many of those calling for ever-increasing populations are simply promoting Ponzi demography, a pyramid scheme that makes sustainability impossible. In general, economists don’t talk about the scheme and governments won’t face it. Also, the underlying strategy of the Ponzi demography scheme is to privatize the profits and socialize the economic, social and environmental costs incurred from ever-increasing populations.

Many provinces, cities and local communities also seek to have growing populations and lament slowdowns and declines in demographic growth. By and large, population stabilization is viewed as “population stagnation”, which they maintain not only suppresses economic growth for businesses but also reduces job opportunities for workers. At the same, however, the claim is made that population slowdowns are contributing to worker shortages.

In contrast to the dire warnings of population stagnation or collapse, others believe that lower fertility and smaller populations should be celebrated rather than feared. In addition to positive consequences for climate change and the environment, lower birth rates are frequently linked to increased education of women, greater gender equality, improved health levels and higher living standards.

Despite the calls for population stabilization, the world’s addiction to population growth is likely to persist for some time. World population is expected to continue growing throughout the 21st century, likely reaching 10,000,000,000 by 2058.

Moreover, more than half of the global population growth between today and midcentury is expected to occur in Africa. The populations of many sub-Saharan African countries are likely doubling in size over the coming several decades.

In sum, the repeated warnings by scientists, commissions and concerned others about the serious consequences of human population increase for climate change, the environment, pollution and sustainability appear insufficient to modify the addiction to demographic growth any time soon. As a result, possible future policies and programs aimed at addressing those consequences are likely to be too little and too late to mitigate the profound effects of population growth on the planet and humanity.

Joseph Chamie is a consulting demographer, a former director of the United Nations Population Division and author of numerous publications on population issues, including his recent book, “Population Levels, Trends, and Differentials”.

Mauritius Begins to Correct a Historic Wrong Towards LGBTQI+ People

Credit: Collectif Arc-en-Ciel/Facebook

By Inés M. Pousadela
MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay, Oct 27 2023 – In response to lawsuits brought by LGBTQI+ activists, the Mauritius Supreme Court has issued two landmark judgments striking down the criminalisation of consensual sex between adult men as unconstitutional. Its reasoning turned upside down the argument used by anti-rights forces to attack LGBTQI+ activists in many African countries: it acknowledged that criminalisation is the foreign import rather than gay sex, and a relic of colonialism it’s high time to shake off.

A damning colonial legacy

As in so many other Commonwealth states, criminalisation of consensual sex between men in Mauritius dated back to the British colonial era. Former colonies inherited criminal provisions targeted at LGBTQI+ people and typically retained them on independence and through subsequent criminal law reforms long after the UK had changed its laws.

That’s exactly what happened in Mauritius, which declared independence in 1968 but retained Criminal Code provisions criminalising homosexuality dating from 1838. Section 250 of this law punished ‘sodomy’ with penalties of up to five years in prison.

Around the Commonwealth, same-sex sexual acts remain a criminal offence in 31 out of 56 states, often punishable with harsh jail sentences, and in three cases – Brunei, north Nigeria and Uganda – potentially with the death penalty.

Even if extreme punishments are unlikely to be applied, as was the case in Mauritius, they have a chilling effect. Legal prohibitions stigmatise LGBTQI+ people, legitimise social prejudice and hate speech, enable violence, obstruct access to key services, notably healthcare, and deny them the full protection of the law. As a result, LGBTQI+ lives remain shrouded in uncertainty and fear.

Conflicting trends

Only in two Commonwealth states – Rwanda and Vanuatu – were same-sex relations never criminalised. In others, decriminalisation has come over time. A few – Australia, Canada, Malta and the UK – began processes leading to decriminalisation in the 1960s and 1970s, followed by New Zealand in the 1980s and the Bahamas, Cyprus and South Africa in the 1990s.

As some of these states went on to make further progress, notably in equal marriage rights, civil society activism continued to fuel the decriminalisation trend in the 2010s, starting in Fiji, with nine countries following over the next decade. Four more – Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Singapore and St Kitts and Nevis – followed suit in 2022.

The visible backlash against LGBTQI+ rights in Commonwealth states such as Ghana, Kenya and Uganda, where small gains in rights and visibility are bringing a disproportionate anti-rights response, tend to grab the headlines. The struggles of LGBTQI+ people in these countries are vital. But this shouldn’t obscure an overall trend of progress.

There are conflicting processes at play, with a tug of war between forces struggling for the realisation of rights and those resisting advances in the name of tradition and a supposedly natural order. In this struggle setbacks are inevitable – but in the long term, the side of rights is winning.

A rights-ward trajectory

Things started to change in Mauritius in the mid-1990s, when the issue of healthcare for LGBTQI+ people was first raised in the National Assembly in relation to HIV/AIDS prevention, care and treatment. The country’s first public Pride event was held in 2005, and soon afterwards, in 2008, the Employment Rights Act banned discrimination based on sexual orientation. In 2012, the Equal Opportunities Act came into force, mandating protections in employment, education, housing and the provision of goods or services.

In October 2019 LGBTQI+ rights activist Abdool Ridwan Firaas Ah Seek, backed by his LGBTQI+ organisation Collectif Arc-en-Ciel (Rainbow Collective), filed a lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of section 250. Two similar challenges had been filed the previous month, including one by Najeeb Ahmad Fokeerbux of the Young Queer Alliance, alongside three other plaintiffs.

On 4 October 2023, the Supreme Court delivered its historic decisions. In the Ah Seek case, it ruled that the constitution’s ban of discrimination based on sex includes sexual orientation, and that the prohibition of sex between consenting adult men was discriminatory and therefore unconstitutional. In the Fokeerbux case, it sustained the plaintiffs’ argument that the sodomy provision treated gay men as criminals and their sexuality as a crime and disrespected their relationships.

Legal and social change

Having decriminalised same-sex relations, Mauritius now places 54 out of 197 countries on Equaldex’s Equality Index, which ranks countries on their LGBTQI+-friendliness. The island nation scores 58 out of 100 points, a measure of all that remains to be done, even though it ranks far above the African region as a whole, which averages 28 points.

Outstanding issues in Mauritius include full protections against discrimination, marriage equality and adoption rights and recognition and protections for transgender people.

Mauritius scores higher for its legal situation than it does for public attitudes towards LGBTQI+ people. A recent survey showed that tolerance towards LGBTQI+ people has increased but there’s still work to be done. For the LGBTQI+ rights movement, it’s clear that while legal advances help normalise the existence of LGBTQI+ people, changing laws and policies is not enough.

A welcome opportunity for visibility came three weeks after the Supreme Court ruling, when the Pride march returned to the streets of Mauritius after a two-year absence. But the opportunity was also seized by an anti-rights group to stage a demonstration against advances in LGBTQI+ rights.

Who’s next?

The Mauritius Supreme Court ruling was welcomed by United Nations human rights experts and agencies, which encouraged the state to continue along the reform path and called on the 66 countries that still criminalise gay sex – almost half of them in Africa – to follow suit.

The landmark Mauritius court ruling is part of a global trend that’s likely to continue. Civil society’s successes should offer further inspiration for advocacy efforts elsewhere. But given the potential for backlash, there’s also a need to protect and defend rights and take violations of LGBTQI+ people’s rights seriously wherever they occur.

Inés M. Pousadela is CIVICUS Senior Research Specialist, co-director and writer for CIVICUS Lens and co-author of the State of Civil Society Report.


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A World, Mostly Dominated by Men, in Turmoil

A boy looks through a schoolbook as he sits in the rubble of a home destroyed during an Israeli air strike on the city of Khan Yunis. Credit: UNICEF/NYHQ2014-0894/El Baba


“We Would Not Choose War”

“Peace cannot exist without justice, justice cannot exist without fairness, fairness cannot exist without development, development cannot exist without democracy, democracy cannot exist without respect for the identity of worth of cultures and peoples.” — Rigoberta Menchú

By Azza Karam
NEW YORK, Oct 27 2023 – This year – 2023 – started with a commemoration of one year of war in, and on Ukraine, which has dramatically impacted the price of basic needs for the world’s populations in every corner of the world. It is an ongoing calamity for a world already living its worst collective food, public health and conflict-based insecurities.

Despite the peace agreement allowing access to Tigray, the humanitarian crisis following the conflict in Ethiopia has not abated, nor has the civil conflict in the Sudan. As fighting raged on in Somalia, the country faced its worst drought in forty years, resulting in tens of thousands of deaths.

The UN warned in June, that 400,000 of the 6.6 million Somalis in need of aid are facing famine-like conditions, and 1.8 million children are at risk of acute malnutrition in 2023. To add to the disaster, the World Food Programme has been forced to drastically cut its services in the country, due to lack of funding.

While there are more conflicts brewing in Africa, we have to take note of the fact that Asia also has its painful shares thereof, with ongoing Turkish government attacks against Kurdish groups as we write this. While talks between Iran and Saudi Arabia in April 2023 (mediated by China), raised hopes of a political settlement to end the conflict in Yemen, hostility between the two warring sides remains.

Further East, the civil conflict in Myanmar is resulting in more civil strife and untold misery also for minority communities. In Iran, a uniquely women-led uprising, continues to be brutally repressed, even as the country remains heavily vested in regional conflicts.

Another continent, Latin America, is host to serious political and economic instability – as in Venezuela – sometimes compounded by violence – as in Haiti – with significant humanitarian consequences. The continent also has its fair share of rising criminal gang violence, suspected to be closely aligned with certain political, arms and drugs’ interests, which are on the rise in several countries.

On October 7, 2023 the world witnessed atrocities committed by a religiously inspired (although by no means faith-justified) group, Hamas (self-designated as the Islamic resistance movement), on Israeli land, with ongoing mourning for the deaths, the trauma, and the fate of hundreds of hostages taken.

All of which appears to be used by some (largely western) governments to justify retaliatory actions which are resulting in millions of Palestinians (in Gaza) now living even without water, thousands already killed, many of whom are women and children, and over a million of them are being pushed, by a state actor, to become forcibly displaced.

In relatively (much) more peaceful countries, the rise of those advocating right-wing xenophobic actions and hate – some of whom are elected, by millions, to serve positions of senior most executive authority – is not unusual.

So, our world is not in a good place right now.

In each of these conflicts most of the key decision makers, are – perhaps coincidentally – male leaders. In all of these contexts, the ones paying the highest price in terms of loss of life, limb, deteriorating mental health, traumas, and denial of basic dignity – let alone access to basic needs – are women, children and those living with disabilities (which includes all genders, social classes, and age groups).

Yet in very few of any of those contexts, do we hear from the women leaders who are serving humanitarian needs, struggling to keep communities surviving, still speaking with one another and helping one another across the painful chasms and divides, and speaking out against the calls, and the murderous rationales, of war.

While there is data which implicates some women leaders in conflicts and violence – from suicide bombings to mainstream army and navy leaders and officers, members of right-wing extremist groups, non-state actors and gangs – these are not the norm. In fact, there is no comparative scope. As long as the majority of world’s senior-most political and military leaders are male, one cannot compare them to the legacies of the far fewer, and much more recent, women, in similar positions of power.

Women’s organisations tend to be among the most vocal and numerous, in their rejection of any and all forms of war and violence. The women who uphold this simple, and profoundly life changing and life affirming stances, of not choosing war, are often seasoned veterans of serving their communities and their nations. Many do not only speak from a place of aspiration, but from where they are rooted in taking collective actions for the common good.

Many women human rights defenders, and veterans of peacebuilding efforts in their communities and nations, tend to put into effect, the most pragmatic rationale of all: that my safety and welfare depends on yours. That you are part of me as I am of you. That in your annihilation, is mine own. That our collective resilience, is necessary, for this very precious planet, on which we are but (seriously disrespectful) guests, graciously hosted.

Yet these very same women, and their organisations, all of which are legacy builders, have to struggle to have their voices heard in the existing diversity and cacophony of media channels. Their absence from the seats of global decision making – because they are busy serving communities who have long lost their connection to today’s multilateral elitist spaces – affords them little to no opportunity to be part of the voices mainstream media prioritises. Indeed, media sometimes makes, select leaders, who appear to speak to the angry masses – or make the masses angry – but rarely showcases the work of the women building peace.

“We would not choose war” is not a temporary motto of convenience. It is a state of mind, and a state of being, which is struggled for, often at high personal, and professional cost. Its minimal threshold is the art of compromise. Its maximal achievement is peaceful coexistence. Both of which are sorely needed. It is also what most women’s organisations, and women-led efforts in all corners of the world, would say, and mean.

Given the state of our world, we need to make sure the track record of women’s peaceful leadership is actively and systematically supported, specifically when and where such efforts revolve around partnerships, and build on grassroots multilateral engagements. Such women-led peace initiatives should be a strategic developmental priority, within nations and between them. At the same time, this support should diligently avoid the all too frequent trap of creating new, parallel , duplicative, and replicative efforts, and/or focusing on supporting the already privileged elites.

We (should) have learned after decades of international development, that effective partnerships – advocated for in the 17th Sustainable Development Goal – are not optional. Partnerships in conceptualising, addressing, planning, delivery, and all forms of service, are a sine qua non, of social inclusion, social cohesion and peaceful coexistence. Not because they are easy to effect.

Perhaps precisely because they are challenging. But the challenge of partnerships around social cohesion are far more tolerable than the destructions of war. Away from the spaces of media, pomp and ceremony, media frenzy around temporal events, and elitist noise, women-led grassroots and international efforts are already providing alternatives to the current madness.

Dr Azza Karam, Professor of Religion and Development at the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, and President and CEO of the Women’s Learning Partnership, based in Washington, and working with women’s human rights organisations in the southern hemisphere. She has decades of experience serving women-led multi stakeholder coalitions for democracy, peace and security.

IPS UN Bureau


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What is Happening in Gaza is “Inhumane, illegal, and Unacceptable”

A young girl eats bread distributed by World Food Programme, at a school shelter in Gaza. Credit: WFP/Ali Jadallah

By Thalif Deen
UNITED NATIONS, Oct 27 2023 – Last August, 91 UN member states, “in a demonstration of solidarity and commitment”, signed a U.S.-Led Joint Communiqué condemning the Use of Food as a Weapon of War.

Roughly 345 million people – in 79 countries – face acute food insecurity, often caused or exacerbated by armed conflicts, the US said, pointing out that the joint communiqué was born out of the United States’ resolve to once again use its UN Security Council presidency to draw attention to conflict-induced food insecurity.

But paradoxically, one of America’s strongest political and military allies, is now “using starvation as a weapon of war against Gaza civilians”, says Oxfam, as it renewed its call for food, water, fuel, and other essentials to be allowed to enter Gaza.

The global humanitarian organization analyzed UN data and found that “just 2 percent of food that would have been delivered has entered Gaza since the total siege—which tightened the existing blockade—was imposed on October 9 following the atrocious attacks by Hamas and the taking of Israeli civilian hostages.”

While a small amount of food aid has been allowed in, no commercial food imports have been delivered, Oxfam said.

Asked if the use of food as a weapon of war was rare– or common — in military conflicts, Scott Paul, Oxfam America’s Associate Director of Peace and Security, told IPS unfortunately, we’ve observed a marked increase in the deprivation of food and other necessities in conflicts over the past few years.

“What is happening in Gaza is inhumane, illegal, and unacceptable”, he said.

“We must see more aid reach civilians in Gaza, but more importantly we need to see an end to the violence that is destroying bakeries and other key infrastructure and an end to the siege keeping out food and other vital goods,” he declared.

In 2018, the UN Security Council adopted resolution 2417, which unanimously condemned the use of starvation against civilians as a method of warfare and declared any denial of humanitarian access a violation of international law.

Providing or withholding food during times of conflict has been described “just as potent a weapon as the guns, bombs, and explosives of opposing armies”.

As the escalation of the conflict extended to its 19th day, said Oxfam, a staggering 2.2 million people are now in urgent need of food. Prior to the hostilities, 104 trucks a day would deliver food to the besieged Gaza Strip—one truck every 14 minutes.

Despite 62 trucks of aid being allowed to enter southern Gaza via the Rafah crossing since the weekend, only 30 contained food and in some cases, not exclusively so. This amounts to just one truck every three hours and 12 minutes since Saturday.

Sally Abi Khalil, Oxfam’s Regional Middle East Director said: “The situation is nothing short of horrific—where is humanity?”

“Millions of civilians are being collectively punished in full view of the world. There can be no justification for using starvation as a weapon of war. World leaders cannot continue to sit back and watch, they have an obligation to act and to act now,” said Khalil.

“Every day the situation worsens. Children are experiencing severe trauma from the constant bombardment. Their drinking water is polluted or rationed and soon families may not be able to feed them too. How much more are the Gazans expected to endure?”

According to Oxfam, International Humanitarian Law (IHL) strictly prohibits the use of starvation as a method of warfare and as the occupying power in Gaza, Israel is bound by IHL obligations to provide for the needs and protection of the population of Gaza.

Oxfam said that it is becoming painfully clear that the unfolding humanitarian situation in Gaza squarely fits the prohibition condemned in the resolution.

Clean water has now virtually run out. It is estimated that only three liters of clean water are now available per person—the UN said that a minimum of 15 liters a day is essential for people in the most acute humanitarian emergencies as a bare minimum.

Bottled water stocks are running low and the cost of bottled water has already surged beyond the reach of an average Gaza family, with prices spiking fivefold in some places.

A spokesperson for the UN Agency for Palestinian Refugees (UNWRA) pointed out that some of the food aid allowed in—rice and lentils—is useless because people do not have clean water or fuel to prepare them.

A series of airstrikes have left several bakeries and supermarkets either destroyed or damaged. Those that are still functional can’t meet the local demand for fresh bread and are at risk of shutting down due to the shortage of essentials like flour and fuel.

Gaza’s only operative wheat mill is redundant due to the power outages. The Palestinian Water Authority says Gaza’s water production is now a mere 5 percent of its normal total, which is expected to reduce further, unless water and sanitation facilities are provided with electricity or fuel to resume its activity, Oxfam said.

“Notably, essential food items like flour, oil, and sugar are still stocked in warehouses that haven’t been destroyed. But as many of them are located in Gaza City, it is proving physically impossible to deliver items due to the lack of fuel, damaged roads, and risks from airstrikes”.

The electricity blackout has also disrupted food supplies by affecting refrigeration, crop irrigation, and crop incubation devices. Over 15,000 farmers have lost their crop production and 10,000 livestock breeders have little access to fodder, with many having lost their animals.

Oxfam said that the siege, combined with the airstrikes, has crippled the fishing industry with hundreds of people who rely on fishing losing access to the sea.

Oxfam is urging the UN Security Council and UN Member States to act immediately to prevent the situation from deteriorating even further. Oxfam is also calling for an immediate ceasefire, unfettered, equitable access to the entire Gaza Strip for humanitarian aid, and all necessary food, water, and medical and fuel supplies for the needs of the population to be met.

“We can deliver lifesaving aid to those in urgent need,” Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken said during the UN Security Council High-Level Open Debate on Famine and Conflict-Induced Global Food Insecurity, last August.

“We can ensure that people around the globe are fed, now and for years to come. If we do that, if we build a healthier, more stable, more peaceful world for all, we will have at least begun to live up to the responsibility entrusted to us, entrusted to this Council, entrusted to this institution,” he pledged

U.S. Representative to the United Nations Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield said, “In a world abundant with food, no one should starve to death – ever. This is a humanitarian issue, this is a moral issue, and this is a security issue. And we must address the most insidious driver of famine and food insecurity: conflict.”

But two months later, reality has set in – this time in Gaza.

IPS UN Bureau Report


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Is Solutions Journalism the Answer To Cynicism About the Media? – PODCAST

By Marty Logan
KATHMANDU, Oct 27 2023 – If you’re like me, you’ve probably heard a lot of negative talk about the media in recent years. Much of it has focused on the integrity of the so-called mainstream or legacy media that has dominated the information landscape in recent decades, or longer. These attacks, which sometimes actually degenerate into physical assaults, call into question how honestly or fairly these outlets portray the world, including in politics and global issues such as the Covid-19 pandemic.

In response, the established media has often seemed on the defensive or facing renewed competition from platforms that claim to be righting the balance in providing coverage of all voices, often amplifying those on the so-called right wing of the political spectrum. But it has been rare to hear about innovative approaches emerging in response to the criticism.

Solutions journalism is one exception. It focuses on examining attempts to solve major issues facing societies and then analysing the success of those initiatives. It is, says today’s guest – Hugo Balta, publisher of the US-based Latino News Network – one way of going beyond a simple presentation of the day’s ‘bad news’, and then offering possible ways forward.

As I mention in this interview, I know from personal experience that watching the nightly news can be a recipe for frustration and cynicism. I gave it up years ago and instead sought out media that presented more in-depth coverage. That didn’t necessarily mean it was delivering solutions to the major problems of the day, but I somehow felt less detached watching a report that was minutes rather than seconds long. In my own journalism too – although I was initially sceptical about focusing on a single way forward rather than balancing various approaches to an issue – I believe I have naturally gravitated towards reporting about an issue and then exploring possible ways out of an impasse.

Balta, who has worked more than three decades as a journalist, says his former approach was very top-down – “It was ‘we know better than you, the public, what you need to know today’. Solutions journalism helped us to flip that, from a top-down to a bottom-up approach,” he adds. “It’s more about listening and getting direction from the audience that we’re working to reach. They’re telling us what they need from us.”


Nyxoah to Release Third Quarter 2023 Financial Results on November 8, 2023

Nyxoah to Release Third Quarter 2023 Financial Results on November 8, 2023

Mont–Saint–Guibert, Belgium "" October 26, 2023, 10:30pm CET / 4:30pm ET "" Nyxoah SA (Euronext Brussels/Nasdaq: NYXH) ("Nyxoah" or the "Company"), a medical technology company focused on the development and commercialization of innovative solutions to treat Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), today announced that the Company will release financial results for the third quarter of 2023 on Wednesday, November 8, 2023, after market close. Company management will host a conference call to discuss financial results that day beginning at 10:30pm CET / 4:30pm ET.

A webcast of the call will be accessible via the Investor Relations page of the Nyxoah website or through this link: Nyxoah's Q3 2023 earnings call webcast. For those not planning to ask a question of management, the Company recommends listening via the webcast.

If you plan to ask a question, please use the following link: Nyxoah's Q3 2023 earnings call. After registering, an email will be sent, including dial–in details and a unique conference call access code required to join the live call. To ensure you are connected prior to the beginning of the call, the Company suggests registering a minimum of 10 minutes before the start of the call.

The archived webcast will be available for replay shortly after the close of the call.

About Nyxoah
Nyxoah is a medical technology company focused on the development and commercialization of innovative solutions to treat Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). Nyxoah's lead solution is the Genio system, a patient–centered, leadless and battery–free hypoglossal neurostimulation therapy for OSA, the world's most common sleep disordered breathing condition that is associated with increased mortality risk and cardiovascular comorbidities. Nyxoah is driven by the vision that OSA patients should enjoy restful nights and feel enabled to live their life to its fullest.

Following the successful completion of the BLAST OSA study, the Genio system received its European CE Mark in 2019. Following the positive outcomes of the BETTER SLEEP study, Nyxoah received CE mark approval for the expansion of its therapeutic indications to Complete Concentric Collapse (CCC) patients, currently contraindicated in competitors' therapy. Additionally, the Company is currently conducting the DREAM IDE pivotal study for FDA and U.S. commercialization approval.

For more information, please visit http://www.nyxoah.com/.

Caution "" CE marked since 2019. Investigational device in the United States. Limited by U.S. federal law to investigational use in the United States.

David DeMartino, Chief Strategy Officer
+1 310 310 1313


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