Malvern, Pennsylvania (USA), Nov. 02, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Rajant Corporation, the pioneer of Kinetic Mesh wireless networks and global distribution partner AIRadio, has solved the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality (IMM)'s Metro M8 line connectivity challenge, making reliable Wi–Fi available to all commuters. Using Rajant Kinetic Mesh wireless radio nodes, known as Hawk BreadCrumbs , all M8 passengers can access 300Mbps of uninterrupted internet while traveling at high speeds underground. IMM debuted the Rajant–enabled Wi–Fi commuter service on August 17, 2023, the 24th anniversary of the August 17, 1999, earthquake.

IMM is pointing out that the internet infrastructure put in place by AIRadio within the Metro cars and terminal is of great importance for day–to–day communication needs as well as emergencies. According to Erol Ozguner, CIO at IMM, "Thanks to the infrastructural investments we have made, 2.5 million passengers traveling by the metros will enjoy the internet as they can use it more efficiently." Nihat Narin, the President of ISTTELKOM, Subsidiary of IMM, stressed the desire to make the commuter travel experience more contemporary and comfortable by further expanding the free IMM Wi–Fi service on the metros. Noted Mr Narin, "We are working non–stop with a view to encouraging the people of Istanbul to prefer the rail systems more often, as we further improve the technological infrastructure of the city."

AIRadio VP Sales and Business Development Koral Turkkan shared, "Deploying a dedicated LTE or even a 5G network was not an option due to challenges, such as CAPEX and OPEX costs. Further, neither LTE or 5G provide seamless handoffs to maintain user–application connections, whether for entertainment like Netflix or live–streamed Google Meet. As a distributor of Rajant, we know Kinetic Mesh is a truly disruptive technology that has delivered several very large project wins for AIRadio, so we brought this high bandwidth wireless solution to IMM's attention. Now, the M8 metro line's 40,000+ daily passengers have the convenience and peace–of–mind access to the internet as they rapidly travel underground. A first ever real–time video conference between Turkey, Kazakhstan, and South Africa was captured using Google Meet." Watch here.

Rajant Sales Director in Eastern Europe/Central Asia Marcin Kusztal concluded, "Rajant Kinetic Mesh BreadCrumb wireless nodes have seen extensive deployments supporting high–mobility applications for underground and tunnel environments. In the case of the Istanbul Metro, AIRadio installed Hawk BreadCrumbs in combination with Rajant RCP tunnel antennas and SlipStream XG for both trackside and on–train deployment, which exceeded the required average throughput per customer, per train."

More details are available in the published case study.


About AIRadio
AIRadio is based in the United Arab Emirates and is a member of AIR Group, headquartered in Chicago, Illinois. AIRadio is a premier technology company that began in 1990 and has since grown to direct offices in twelve countries and partners in over 60 countries all over the world, including the US, Africa, Europe, and the Middle East.

About Rajant Corporation
Rajant Corporation is the broadband communications technology company that invented Kinetic Mesh networking, BreadCrumb wireless nodes, and InstaMesh networking software. With Rajant, customers can rapidly deploy a highly adaptable and scalable network that leverages the power of real–time data to deliver on–demand, mission–critical business intelligence. A low–latency, high–throughput, and secure solution for a variety of data, voice, video, and autonomous applications, Rajant's Kinetic Mesh networks provide industrial customers with full mobility, allowing them to take their private network applications and data anywhere. With successful deployments in more than 80 countries for customers in military, mining, ports, rail, oil & gas, petrochemical plants, municipalities, and agriculture. Rajant is headquartered in Malvern, Pennsylvania, with additional facilities and offices in Arizona and Kentucky. For more information, visit or follow Rajant on LinkedIn and Twitter.


GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8971852)

eXp Realty stellt innovative Partnerschaft mit HomeHunter zur Vereinfachung der internationalen Immobiliensuche vor

BELLINGHAM, Washington, Nov. 02, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — eXp Realty , "the most agent–centric real estate brokerage on the planet" (das maklerorientierteste Immobilienunternehmen der Welt) und die wichtigste Tochtergesellschaft von eXp World Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq: EXPI), hat heute eine neue Partnerschaft mit HomeHunter bekanntgegeben, einer innovativen Webanwendung, die den Prozess der Suche nach einem Zuhause fr Verbraucher in Europa, dem Nahen Osten, Sdafrika, Indien, Australien und Neuseeland verbessern soll.

HomeHunter wird von WikiRealty betrieben und geht ber ein traditionelles Suchwerkzeug hinaus, indem es eine personalisierte, umfassende und zentralisierte Plattform fr eine einfache globale Wohnungssuche bietet. Dies ist weit mehr als eine Einzelsuche und rationalisiert die Suche nach einem Zuhause, indem sie Daten von zahlreichen internationalen Plattformen zusammenfhrt. Auerdem bietet sie eine intuitive Lesezeichenfunktion, mit der die Nutzer ihre bevorzugten Immobilien aus verschiedenen Regionen und Plattformen mit nur einem Klick speichern knnen, und eine kuratierte Liste von Immobilienvorschlgen, die auf der Suchhistorie der Nutzer basieren.

"HomeHunter ist auf dem besten Weg, eine zentrale Quelle fr Angebotsdaten auf der ganzen Welt zu werden, mit noch nie dagewesenen Mglichkeiten", so Glenn Sanford, Grnder und CEO von eXp Realty. "Wir sind sehr stolz darauf, dass wir das erste Maklerunternehmen sind, das seinen Maklern Zugang zu diesem Tool bietet, um die Suche nach einem Zuhause fr ihre Kunden zu verbessern. Es ist ein Beispiel fr unser Engagement, den Wertbeitrag unserer Makler auf internationaler Ebene zu steigern. Durch die Vereinfachung des Immobilienkaufprozesses fr die Verbraucher ermglicht dieses Tool den eXp Realty–Maklern, mehr Zeit fr umsatzsteigernde Manahmen zu verwenden."

ber eXp World Holdings, Inc.

eXp World Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq: EXPI) ist die Holdinggesellschaft von eXp Realty , Virbela und SUCCESS Enterprises.

eXp Realty ist das grte unabhngige Immobilienunternehmen der Welt mit mehr als 89.000 Maklern in den Vereinigten Staaten, Kanada, dem Vereinigten Knigreich, Australien, Sdafrika, Indien, Mexiko, Portugal, Frankreich, Puerto Rico, Brasilien, Italien, Hongkong, Kolumbien, Spanien, Israel, Panama, Deutschland, der Dominikanischen Republik, Griechenland, Neuseeland, Chile, Polen und Dubai und expandiert weiter auf internationaler Ebene. Als brsennotiertes Unternehmen bietet eXp World Holdings Immobilienfachleuten die einzigartige Mglichkeit, fr Produktionsziele und Beitrge zum Gesamtwachstum des Unternehmens Aktienprmien zu erhalten. eXp World Holdings und seine Geschftsbereiche bieten ein umfassendes Angebot an Makler– und Immobilien–Technologielsungen, darunter ein innovatives Maklermodell fr Wohn– und Gewerbeimmobilien, professionelle Dienstleistungen, Tools fr die Zusammenarbeit und persnliche Entwicklung. Das cloudbasierte Maklerunternehmen wird von Virbela untersttzt, einer immersiven 3D–Plattform, die stark sozial und kollaborativ ausgerichtet ist und es den Maklern ermglicht, besser vernetzt sowie produktiver zu sein. SUCCESS Enterprises, mit der Zeitschrift SUCCESS und den dazugehrigen Medien, wurde 1897 gegrndet und ist eine fhrende Marke und Publikation fr persnliche und berufliche Entwicklung.

Weitere Informationen erhalten Sie unter

"Safe Harbor"–Erklrung

Die hierin enthaltenen Aussagen knnen Aussagen ber Zukunftserwartungen und andere zukunftsgerichtete Aussagen enthalten, die auf den gegenwrtigen Ansichten und Annahmen des Managements beruhen und bekannte und unbekannte Risiken und Ungewissheiten beinhalten, die dazu fhren knnen, dass die tatschlichen Ergebnisse, Leistungen oder Ereignisse erheblich von den in diesen Aussagen ausgedrckten oder implizierten abweichen. Beispiele fr solche zukunftsgerichteten Aussagen sind unter anderem die Verfgbarkeit von Anreizprogrammen auf internationalen Mrkten und der zuknftige Wert von finanziellen Anreizprogrammen. Solche zukunftsgerichteten Aussagen gelten nur zum Zeitpunkt der Verffentlichung dieses Dokuments, und das Unternehmen ist nicht verpflichtet, sie zu berarbeiten oder zu aktualisieren. Diese Aussagen sind keine Garantie fr knftige Leistungen. Zu den wichtigen Faktoren, die dazu fhren knnen, dass die tatschlichen Ergebnisse wesentlich und nachteilig von den in den zukunftsgerichteten Aussagen zum Ausdruck gebrachten Ergebnissen abweichen, gehren nderungen der Geschfts– oder sonstigen Marktbedingungen, die Schwierigkeit, das Kostenwachstum auf moderatem Niveau zu halten und gleichzeitig die Einnahmen zu steigern, sowie andere Risiken, die von Zeit zu Zeit in den bei der Securities and Exchange Commission eingereichten Unterlagen des Unternehmens, darunter dem zuletzt eingereichten Quartalsbericht auf Formular 10–Q und dem Jahresbericht auf Formular 10–K, beschrieben werden.


eXp World Holdings, Inc.


Denise Garcia

Ein Foto zu dieser Mitteilung ist verfgbar unter–6cfb–4078–8cac–368b0a36d78b

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8971657)

eXp Realty Anuncia Parceria Inovadora com a HomeHunter para Simplificar a Pesquisa Internacional de Imóveis

BELLINGHAM, Wash., Nov. 02, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A eXp Realty , "the most agent–centric real estate brokerage on the planet" e a principal subsidiria da eXp World Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq: EXPI), anunciou hoje uma nova parceria com a HomeHunter, um aplicativo de web inovador projetado para melhorar o processo de pesquisa de casas para consumidores em toda a Europa, Oriente Mdio, frica do Sul, ndia, Austrlia e Nova Zelndia.

O HomeHunter foi desenvolvido pela WikiRealty para ser mais do que uma ferramenta de pesquisa tradicional, pois fornece uma plataforma personalizada, abrangente e centralizada para uma fcil pesquisa de casas em todo o mundo. Ele vai alm dos limites das pesquisas individuais, agilizando a busca de uma casa, reunindo dados de inmeras plataformas internacionais. Ele tambm possui uma funo de marcao intuitiva que permite que os usurios salvem suas propriedades favoritas de diferentes regies e plataformas com apenas um clique, e fornece uma lista selecionada de sugestes de propriedades com base no histrico de pesquisa do usurio.

"HomeHunter passar a ser a principal fonte de dados de listas em todo o mundo com oportunidades sem precedentes", disse Glenn Sanford, fundador e CEO da eXp Realty. "Estamos imensamente orgulhosos de ser a primeira corretora a oferecer aos nossos agentes acesso a essa ferramenta para aprimoramento da experincia de pesquisa de casas para seus clientes. Isso mais um exemplo do nosso compromisso de aprimorar a proposta de valor de nossos agentes em uma escala internacional. Essa ferramenta simplifica o processo de compra de casas para os consumidores, capacitando os agentes da eXp Realty a alocar mais tempo para oportunidades de gerao de receita."

Sobre a eXp World Holdings, Inc.

A eXp World Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq: EXPI) a holding da eXp Realty , Virbela e SUCCESS Enterprises.

A eXp Realty a maior empresa imobiliria independente do mundo, com mais de 89.000 agentes nos Estados Unidos, Canad, Reino Unido, Austrlia, frica do Sul, ndia, Mxico, Portugal, Frana, Porto Rico, Brasil, Itlia, Hong Kong, Colmbia, Espanha, Israel, Panam, Alemanha, Repblica Dominicana, Grcia, Nova Zelndia, Chile, Polnia e Dubai alm de continuar a crescer em todo o mundo. Como uma empresa de capital aberto, a eXp World Holdings oferece aos profissionais do setor imobilirio a oportunidade nica de ganhar prmios de capital por metas de produo e contribuies para o crescimento geral da empresa. A eXp World Holdings e suas empresas oferecem um conjunto completo de solues tecnolgicas de corretagem e imobiliria, incluindo seu inovador modelo de corretagem residencial e comercial, servios profissionais, ferramentas colaborativas e desenvolvimento pessoal. A corretora na nuvem tem por base a Virbela, uma plataforma 3D imersiva profundamente social e colaborativa, que permite que os agentes sejam mais conectados e produtivos. A SUCCESS Enterprises, ancorada pela revista SUCCESS e seus ativos de mdia, foi fundada em 1897 e uma marca e publicao lder em desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional.

Para mais informao, visite

Declarao de Previso

As declaraes de previso contidas neste documento, podem incluir expectativas futuras ou outras declaraes de previso que tm por base a atual opinio e suposies da administrao que envolvem riscos e incertezas conhecidos e desconhecidos que podem fazer com que os resultados reais sejam substancialmente diferentes dos resultados previstos. Exemplos de tais declaraes de previso incluem, mas no esto limitadas a, disponibilidade de programas de incentivo nos mercados internacionais e o valor futuro dos programas de incentivo financeiro. As declaraes de previso so vlidas apenas a partir da presente data, e a empresa no tem nenhuma obrigao de atualizar ou revisar tais declaraes. Tais declaraes no so garantias de desempenho futuro. Fatores importantes que podem fazer com que os resultados reais sejam material e adversamente diferentes dos expressos nas declaraes de previso incluem, mudanas nos negcios ou outras condies de mercado; dificuldade de manter o crescimento das despesas em nveis modestos e, ao mesmo tempo, de aumentar a receita; e outros riscos detalhados ocasionalmente nos registros da Comisso de Valores Mobilirios da empresa, incluindo, mas no se limitando ao Relatrio Trimestral protocolado mais recentemente no Formulrio 10–Q e no Relatrio Anual no Formulrio 10–K.

Contato de Relaes com a Mdia:

eXp World Holdings, Inc.

Contato de Relaes com Investidores:

Denise Garcia

Foto deste comunicado disponvel em–6cfb–4078–8cac–368b0a36d78b

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8971657)

eXp Realty dévoile un partenariat innovant avec HomeHunter portant sur la modernisation de la recherche de biens immobiliers à l’international

BELLINGHAM, Washington, 02 nov. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — La socit de courtage immobilier eXp Realty , the most agent–centric real estate brokerage on the planet et la filiale principale d'eXp World Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq : EXPI), ont annonc aujourd'hui la conclusion d'un nouveau partenariat avec Home Hunter, une application web innovante conue pour amliorer le processus de recherche de logements pour les consommateurs d'Europe, du Moyen–Orient, d'Afrique du Sud, d'Inde, d'Australie et de Nouvelle–Zlande.

Aliment par WikiRealty, Home Hunter va plus loin que les outils de recherche traditionnels en fournissant une plateforme personnalise, complte et centralise pour trouver facilement des biens immobiliers dans le monde entier. Elle optimise la recherche de logements en collectant des donnes provenant de nombreuses plateformes internationales, au lieu de se limiter des requtes individuelles. La plateforme possde galement une fonction intuitive d'ajout en favori qui permet d'enregistrer en un seul clic les biens immobiliers prfrs de l'utilisateur dans diffrentes rgions gographiques et sur plusieurs plateformes, sans compter qu'elle fournit galement une liste de suggestions d'annonces immobilires soigneuses slectionnes en fonction de son historique de recherche.

Home Hunter est bien plac pour devenir une source essentielle de donnes d'annonces immobilires dans le monde entier, avec des opportunits sans prcdent, dclare Glenn Sanford, fondateur et PDG d'eXp Realty. Nous sommes extrmement fiers d'tre la premire socit de courtage offrir nos agents l'accs cet outil afin d'amliorer l'exprience de recherche de biens immobiliers pour leurs clients. C'est un bel exemple de notre engagement en faveur de l'amlioration de la proposition de valeur de nos agents l'chelle internationale. En simplifiant le processus d'achat de biens immobiliers pour les consommateurs, cet outil permet aux agents d'eXp Realty de consacrer une plus grande part de leur temps des opportunits gnratrices de chiffre d'affaires.

propos d'eXp World Holdings, Inc.

eXp World Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq : EXPI) est la socit holding des entreprises eXp Realty , Virbela et SUCCESS Enterprises.

Plus grande socit immobilire indpendante au monde, eXp Realty recense plus de 89 000 agents aux tats–Unis, au Canada, au Royaume–Uni, en Australie, en Afrique du Sud, en Inde, au Mexique, au Portugal, en France, Porto Rico, au Brsil, en Italie, Hong Kong, en Colombie, en Espagne, en Isral, au Panama, en Allemagne, en Rpublique dominicaine, en Grce, en Nouvelle–Zlande, au Chili, en Pologne et Duba, et continue de se dvelopper l'chelle internationale. Cote en Bourse, la socit eXp World Holdings offre aux professionnels de l'immobilier l'opportunit unique de se voir attribuer des actions pour rcompenser les objectifs de production et leurs contributions la croissance globale de l'entreprise. eXp World Holdings et ses entits proposent une gamme complte de solutions technologiques de courtage et d'immobilier, notamment un modle innovant de courtage rsidentiel et commercial, des services aux entreprises, des outils de collaboration et du dveloppement personnel. La socit de courtage base sur le cloud est alimente par Virbela, une plateforme 3D immersive profondment sociale et collaborative qui permet aux agents d'tre plus connects et plus productifs. Ancre dans le paysage grce la notorit du magazine SUCCESS et de ses activits mdia connexes, la marque et publication SUCCESS Enterprises, cre en 1897, se place en chef de file du dveloppement personnel et professionnel.

Pour plus d'informations, consultez

Dclaration de non–responsabilit

Les dclarations contenues dans le prsent document peuvent inclure des dclarations concernant des attentes futures et d'autres noncs prospectifs qui se fondent sur les opinions et les hypothses actuelles de la direction et impliquent des risques et incertitudes identifis et non identifis, susceptibles d'entraner une divergence significative des rsultats, de la performance ou encore des vnements rels par rapport ceux qui sont exprims ou sous–entendus dans les dclarations en question. Des exemples de ces noncs prospectifs incluent, sans s'y limiter, la disponibilit de programmes d'incitation sur les marchs internationaux et la valeur future de programmes d'incitation financire. Ces noncs prospectifs ne sont valides qu' la date du prsent document, et la socit n'est pas tenue de les rviser ou de les mettre jour. De telles dclarations ne constituent pas des garanties de la performance future. Parmi les facteurs importants susceptibles d'entraner une divergence significative et ngative entre les rsultats effectifs et ceux exprims dans les noncs prospectifs, citons notamment l'volution des conditions commerciales ou d'autres conditions de march, la difficult de maintenir la croissance des dpenses des niveaux modrs tout en augmentant les revenus, ainsi que d'autres risques dtaills en tant que de besoin dans les documents dposs par la socit auprs de la Securities and Exchange Commission, y compris, mais sans s'y limiter, le dernier rapport trimestriel et annuel soumis respectivement sur formulaire 10–Q s et le sur formulaire 10–K.

Contact relations avec les mdias

eXp World Holdings, Inc.

Contact relations investisseurs :

Denise Garcia

Une photo accompagnant cette annonce est disponible l'adresse suivante :–6cfb–4078–8cac–368b0a36d78b

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8971657)

Fortrea Completes Expansion of Clinical Pharmacology Solutions Following Targeted Investments at its Four Clinical Research Units in U.S. and U.K.

DURHAM, N.C., Nov. 02, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Fortrea (Nasdaq: FTRE) (the "Company"), a leading global contract research organization (CRO), today announced that it has completed a multi–year effort to expand its clinical pharmacology solutions and capacity, which are now fully available for customers. The expansion includes a 100,000 square feet state–of–the–art facility in Leeds, U.K. as well as approximately 20,000 square feet of new or renovated space, adding capacity and capabilities across its clinical research units (CRUs) in Dallas, Texas; Daytona, Florida; and Madison, Wisconsin.

"The increasing complexity of clinical pharmacology studies demands fit–for–purpose infrastructure, experience and expertise to protect the safety of study participants and the integrity of critically important data," said Oren Cohen, M.D., Fortrea's president of Clinical Pharmacology and chief medical officer. "Our integrated platform of services includes best–in–class infrastructure and experienced professionals who are fully dedicated to clinical pharmacology, including physicians, nurses, clinical scientists, CRAs and pharmacokineticists. The investments we have made target the capabilities and capacity that customers need to accurately assess early pipeline candidates and speed those with promise to later–phase development and ultimately to patients who need them."

Facility enhancements following the completed expansion include Fortrea's new CRU in Leeds as well as purpose–built rooms in Madison and Daytona designed for flexibility in executing complex early phase clinical studies. Improvements in recreational, living and "work–from–home" spaces at Fortrea CRUs have been constructed to enhance the experience of volunteers participating in research at the sites.

The expansion of Fortrea's early clinical development pharmacy services facilities includes new state–of–the–art cGMP pharmacies in the Leeds and Daytona CRUs. All Fortrea CRUs will now have cGMP pharmacies within them. This enables on–site manufacture of sterile and non–sterile drug product. The design of its GMP–compliant facilities provides safe handling and delivery of GMP–quality drug product for the unique demands of clinical pharmacology studies, focusing on efficiency and flexibility with the level of controls expected by regulatory authorities and sponsors.

Enhancements in science and technology include the addition of artificial intelligence–enabled programs that optimize bed space utilization and clinic scheduling, and the application of failure modes and effects analysis to de–risk study execution before a study begins. Following investments in data collection systems, all clinical pharmacology study data collected within Fortrea's CRUs are input directly into a digital bedside data capture system, which can also be used as an efficient electronic data capture solution.

"I believe Fortrea's early clinical development solutions set a new standard for what the research industry should expect from its partners," said Dr. Cohen. "I'm so proud of this team and know they will also benefit from the changes we have made. Just as they are inspired by our mission of bringing life–changing treatments to patients faster, I'm inspired by their dedication each day as we deliver solutions to our customers."

About Fortrea

Fortrea (Nasdaq: FTRE) is a leading global provider of clinical development and patient access solutions to the life sciences industry. We partner with emerging and large biopharmaceutical, medical device and diagnostic companies to drive healthcare innovation that accelerates life changing therapies to patients in need. Fortrea provides phase I–IV clinical trial management, clinical pharmacology, differentiated technology enabled trial solutions and post–approval services.

Fortrea's solutions leverage three decades of experience spanning more than 20 therapeutic areas, a passion for scientific rigor, exceptional insights and a strong investigator site network. Our talented and diverse team of more than 19,000 people working in more than 90 countries is scaled to deliver focused and agile solutions to customers globally.

Learn more about how Fortrea is becoming a transformative force from pipeline to patient at and follow us on LinkedIn and X (formerly Twitter) @Fortrea.

Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward–Looking Statements

Some of the statements in this press release, particularly those relating to the anticipated financial and other benefits, including, but not limited to, whether the investments at clinical research units in U.S. and U.K. will add capacity, improve therapeutic capabilities, enhance experience for study volunteers, speed development to later–phase trials and improve the integrity of data and whether the addition of artificial intelligence–enabled programs will optimize bed space utilization and clinic scheduling, are forward–looking statements within the meaning of the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward–looking statements involve risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond the Company's control. Actual results could differ materially from expectations expressed or implied in the forward–looking statements if one or more of the underlying assumptions or expectations prove to be inaccurate or are unrealized. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from such expectations are and will be detailed in Fortrea's registration statement on Form 10 initially filed with the SEC on May 15, 2023 (as amended and further supplemented), Fortrea's quarterly report on Form 10–Q filed with the SEC on August 14, 2023, and in Fortrea's other filings with the SEC. These forward–looking statements are based on management's current expectations and are subject to certain risks, uncertainty and changes in circumstances. Fortrea does not undertake responsibility for updating these statements, and these statement speak only as of the date of this press release.

Fortrea Contacts:

Fortrea Media: Sue Zaranek "" 919–943–5422,
Fortrea Media: Kate Dillon "" 646–818–9115,
Fortrea Investors: Hima Inguva "" 877–495–0816,

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8971131)

Kashmir’s Apple Industry Faces Dire Threats as Climate Change Takes its Toll

Kashmir's apple industry has been devasted by unusual weather patterns that are blamed on climate change. Credit: Umer Asif/IPS

Kashmir’s apple industry has been devasted by unusual weather patterns that are blamed on climate change. Credit: Umer Asif/IPS

By Umar Manzoor Shah
SHOPIAN, INDIA, Nov 2 2023 – Of Kashmir’s seven million inhabitants, a staggering one million rely directly on apple farming. The region is pivotal in India’s apple and horticulture production, contributing to over 70 percent of the country’s apple supply. This not only provides income to farmers but also sustains a vast network of laborers, traders, and transporters within the fruit economy.

However, this year paints a grim picture for the apple industry. Drastic fluctuations in weather patterns, including unseasonal rainfall and unexpected temperature surges, have left apple farmers in a state of deep concern and distress.

In the southern region of Shopian, renowned for its high-quality apple exports, farmers lament the sharp decline in production, considering this trend as a severe threat to their livelihoods.

Perturbed Orchardists

Abdul Karim Mir is one such farmer from the area. His apple orchard is spread over three acres. This year, his produce dipped drastically due to the late arrival of summer and a sudden increase in temperatures when autumn was nearing. “There are scores of apple growers like me who used to be excited about the harvest as it would provide us with immense profits and wider appreciation. The Kashmiri apples are world-famous. There are few pesticides and chemical sprays used for their growth. They are extremely delicious and nutritious. But now, the tale seems different,” Mir told IPS.

He says last year, his orchard produced more than 500 boxes of apples. However, this year, says Mir, the count is not more than 300.

“This is because the bloom at the onset of spring didn’t happen on time. The temperatures were not more than 10 degrees when they should have been more than 20. And at the end of the summer, which is the month of August and September, the temperatures surged suddenly. This had a direct impact on the crop. The productivity plummeted, and so did our hopes of a profitable harvest,” Mir said.

Ghulam Rasool Bhat, another apple farmer from central Kashmir’s Ganderbal, says the situation for the apple growers due to climate change in Kashmir is becoming dismal.

“I estimate around 50 percent of loss this year. Even when we are plucking the fruit from the trees, the loss is of such a magnitude. Now imagine, when we load them in trucks for export, how much more produce will be lost during the transition period,” Bhat said.

He adds that though the government has launched a few schemes for apple growers that include subsidized fertilizers and facilitation of storage, climate change is leaving production in tatters.

Bhat says the cold wave grips Kashmir valley in the months of May and June; otherwise, the summer months when fruits normally grow in the region are fine. “Then, in the first week of September, Kashmir recorded the hottest day of summer. The temperatures were recorded at 34.2°C. Such scorching heat was last recorded 53 years ago. This is unprecedented. It damaged the apple crop beyond repair,” he added.

Horticulture is considered the backbone of Kashmir’s economy, and there are an estimated 144,825 hectares of land dedicated to apple-growing in the region. The industry annually produces 1.7 million tons of apples, and their exports have been valued at INR 6000 crore (USD 826,860,000).

Heat Wave Wreaks Havoc

Apart from India, the relentless grip of global heat waves has unleashed a series of environmental crises across the globe. Canada and Hawaii have experienced intensified wildfires, while South America, Japan, Europe, and the United States have been subjected to extreme heat waves.

According to the American space agency NASA, our planet has witnessed the hottest June to August period on record this year. It marked the hottest summer ever recorded in the Northern Hemisphere, contrasting with the warmest winter in the Southern Hemisphere.

NASA’s data reveals that the months of June, July, and August were a staggering 0.23 degrees Celsius warmer than any previous summer in their records and a scorching 1.2 degrees Celsius warmer than the average summer temperatures observed between 1951 and 1980.

These alarming trends have been attributed to the emission of greenhouse gases, which stand as a significant driver behind climate change and the global warming phenomenon responsible for the extreme conditions we witnessed during this sweltering summer.

In the year 2016, India’s northern state of Rajasthan experienced an unprecedented heatwave, with temperatures soaring to a staggering 51 degrees Celsius in the scorching month of May, breaking all previous records. Tragically, this extreme heatwave claimed the lives of an estimated 1,000 people in the state due to dehydration and hyperthermia. In the same year, the southern states of India also withstood the worst of the relentless heatwave, resulting in the tragic loss of 800 lives.

At the UN Climate Change Conference (COP24) in December 2015, a report from the World Health Organization (WHO) emphasized the urgent need for India to address climate change. The report highlighted that both India and China stand to gain substantial health benefits from tackling climate change, with potential gains estimated at a remarkable USD3.28-8.4 trillion for India alone.

Furthermore, the report revealed that the value of health improvements resulting from climate action would be twice the cost of global mitigation policies. This benefit-to-cost ratio is even more favorable for countries like China and India.

Government data indicates that the persistent drought and rising temperatures have adversely affected more than 330 million people in India. Research conducted by the Joint Global Change Research Institute and Battelle Memorial Institute, Pacific Northwest Division, underscores that climate change will disproportionately impact the country’s marginalized communities. These communities, often lacking financial resources and adequate education, rely on agriculture for their sustenance and livelihood. Under the looming threat of climate change, their options are severely limited, leading to increased vulnerability.

The research also warns that in a country prone to natural disasters, the well-being of those affected, particularly those with limited means to recover, will become a significant factor under climate change. This could potentially lead to political instability, strain public budgets, and foster social unrest.

IPS UN Bureau Report


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Hurricane Otis and the Indifference Toward the Children of Acapulco

By Rosi Orozco
ACAPULCO, Mexico, Nov 2 2023 – Acapulco is a paradise. A port of golden sunsets, toasted sand, and deep blue sea. Its dream beaches captivated the hearts of Elvis Presley and Elizabeth Taylor. US President John F. Kennedy chose its shores to spend his honeymoon with Jackie Kennedy. Its luxury hotels and the untamed sea made it the most famous tourist destination in Mexico.

Rosi Orozco

Today, Acapulco is devastated. A Category 5 hurricane—the deadliest possible rating—called “Otis” hit the beach on October 25 with incomparable force. No one anticipated it. Hours before it made landfall, it was just an inconvenient storm. Suddenly it became a deadly cyclone. Most of the hotels are destroyed, the sea swallowed people, houses were blown away, and dozens of people are dead.

In the last century, its beauty attracted the world’s most influential celebrities. Its tranquil mornings and lively nightlife attracted actresses, singers, politicians, aristocratic musicians, and families who wanted to spend their summers by the sea. I myself spent my youth at the family timeshare apartment in Acapulco, and it was there that I met my husband Alejandro, with whom I’ve been married for 40 years. My life is permanently connected to Acapulco.

Luxury businessmen, millionaire athletes, and Michelin-starred chefs arrived. Also drug dealers, money launderers, and men looking for girls and boys to rape in exchange for food or a few dollars for their parents who lived in the city’s poor areas.

Because there are two Acapulcos. They both share an airport and roads, so all roads lead to that pair of versions of the same city. There is a “diamond Acapulco” where the rich vacation with all the amenities at their disposal. And there is a “traditional Acapulco,” where the poor live who work for wealthy tourists.

The people who inhabit “diamond Acapulco” and “traditional Acapulco” do not usually cross paths. They live in the same city, but they are separated by golf courses and exclusive shopping malls. Only rich foreigners and wealthy nationals cross to the poor side when they feel a repugnant urge: to make their plans for child sex tourism a reality with girls and boys as young as 3 years old.

Acapulco is one of the most unequal tourist destinations in the world. In Mexico, it is the most unequal municipality of all: more than 60% of its 900,000 inhabitants live in extreme poverty, which means they do not know what they will eat today or tomorrow. They are the workers who serve plates of fresh seafood, who sweep marble floors, who fill the wine glasses of tourists.

For years, journalists and human rights organizations have told horrific stories that combine poverty, inequality, and sex tourism: a 6-year-old boy rented out to be photographed naked in exchange for milk and eggs; a 9-year-old girl sold to a Canadian tourist to be his wife for a month; homeless teenagers invited to sex parties on lavish yachts in exchange for food; parents and mothers waiting outside hotels for their children to be raped for a price paid in dollars per hour.

Those pedophiles and child molesters turned Acapulco into the country’s primary destination for child sexual tourism. They also led Mexico to the disgraceful second position in the production of child pornography, only surpassed by Thailand, according to data from the Mexican Chamber of Deputies and the United Nations Children’s Fund.

Today, Acapulco is a different place. Little remains of the port that enchanted singers Agustín Lara and Luis Miguel. There are thousands of poor families without homes, hundreds of workers who lost their jobs, and dozens of fishermen without boats to go out to sea to find sustenance. The destruction is so extensive that complete economic recovery is estimated to take decades, not years.

Under these conditions, childhood is at very high risk. Many families have lost so much that their bodies are the only currency they have left. And in the dirty business of forced prostitution, child bodies are the most sought after.

Amid this unprecedented crisis in Mexico, the Chamber of Deputies approved amendments to the general law against human trafficking. These changes aim to broaden the scope of the law enacted in 2012 and update it to address new technologies that traffickers and organized crime engaged in sexual exploitation can use. The wording has some issues that we are still analyzing, but it also includes positive aspects.

For example, it introduces new protections for individuals with injuries, intellectual disabilities, and Afro-Mexican towns and communities. The latter represent 6.5% of the total population in Guerrero and 4% of the residents in Acapulco, according to the National Population Council.

Civil society organizations are monitoring these changes and hope that the deputies will honor their commitment to protecting the victims.

Meanwhile, it is the responsibility of all, not just in Mexico, to help Acapulco back on its feet, a place that has given so much to both nationals and foreigners. It won’t be easy or quick, but every day we delay puts the vulnerable children at risk due to the magnitude of sexual tourism in that beautiful port.

After Hurricane Otis, Acapulco will be different. Its reconstruction is an opportunity to build a new city on the ruins of depravity, one with values and respect for human dignity. I long for the day to see it standing and for its coastline, beach, and air to remain a paradise, especially for children like me who grew up happily by the sea.

IPS UN Bureau


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António Guterres in Nepal: Transitional Justice to the Fore

Unted Nations Secretary-General António Guterres wearing a traditional Nepali topi, in Kathmandu. Credit: Rupa Joshi

By Kanak Mani Dixit
KATHMANDU, Nepal, Nov 2 2023 – Many observers found it intriguing that UN Secretary-General António Guterres would want to spend three full days in Nepal even as Israel was carpet-bombing Gaza.

He did speak out from the Security Council floor, for which he was rewarded with a demand for resignation by the Israeli ambassador, but there was obviously much more to be done against the ongoing mass-murder of Palestinians.

A Nepali commentator asked on Twitter, “Is this the time for UN Sec Gen to be anywhere other than the Middle East?”

Perhaps it was the prospect of visiting Lumbini, birthplace of Sakyamuni Siddhartha Gautam – the Buddha, Asia’s ‘prince of peace’ – that brought Mr. Guterres to Nepal. He did use his time at the nativity site, which has been visited by all five Secretaries-General since Dag Hammarskjold in 1959, to highlight urgency of world peace.

The Secretary-General might also have wanted to laud Nepal’s role as the second-largest contributor to UN peacekeeping operations, a position it holds despite being kept off the command responsibilities it deserves.

UN Resident Coordinator Hanaa Singer-Hamdy presenting a file of communications from Nepali victims of conflict on the transitional justice process. Credit: UN, Nepal

But there were two issues besides world peace that Mr. Guterres clearly wanted to highlight: the transforming world climate and Nepal as a path-breaker in arena of transitional justice.

In separate helicopter trips to the base of Mount Everest and to the Annapurna Sanctuary, the Secretary-General relied on the experience of the mountain people to sound the alarm on climate crisis, three weeks before COP-28 is to start in Dubai. The highly populated ‘third pole’ of the planet indeed serves as a barometer of global warming, and the receding glaciers of an inhabited Himalaya are a more potent bellwether of climate catastrophe than the Arctic or Antarctica.

Joint Session of Parliament

For Nepal, the most significant aspect of the Secretary-General’s visit was the suspended transitional justice (TJ) process, which began with the end of the decade-long Maoist insurgency in 2006.

The matter languishes even though the Maoists rebels have long since joined mainstream politics and commandant of the Maoist force is presently the prime minister. He is in that position despite holding no more than 11 percent of seats in Parliament, but that is another story.

Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal (nom de guerre: ‘Prachanda’) had hoped to use the Secretary-General’s trip to show off his international standing to the Nepali populace, and to get a green signal from the Secretary-General for his tendentious plans to push a perpetrator-friendly TJ draft law through Parliament.

Despite an overwhelming show of obsequiousness from Mr. Dahal who followed him at practically every step around the country, the Secretary-General did not oblige his host. Instead, Mr. Guterres used every pulpit during his trip to insist that Nepal’s TJ process be concluded within three parameters: a) concurrence of the victims of conflict; b) concordance with relevant international law and principles; and, c) follow the precedence-setting judgements on transitional justice by the Supreme Court of Nepal.

While the victims of Nepal’s conflict did not get to meet the Secretary-General, as requested, their various submissions were put together in a file and presented to Mr. Guterres as he departed for the airport on the morning of 11 October by Hanaa Singer-Hamdy, the UN Resident Coordinator to Nepal. She said in her comment on X (Twitter): “The needs and priorities of the conflict victims are at the heart of Transitional Justice-related discussion in Nepal.”

Making of An Exemplary Process

The Secretary-General clearly understands that, worldwide, the fraught arena of transitional justice has had too few successes, whereas it provides the pathway for post-conflict societies to heal and recover – through reparation, memorialisation, truth and reconciliation, not to forget accountability for extreme cases of human rights abuse.

Herein lies the importance of Nepal, where the Nepali-led transitional justice process is presently stuck, but the victims and rights defenders have not let go. The international community, and especially the United Nations, can help by ensuring that there is principled monitoring.

That the Nepalis players are capable of moving the boat to the other shore was what Mr. Guterres emphasised in his address on 10 October to a joint session of Parliament.

Nepal’s transitional justice process could become an example for post-conflict societies the way Colombia, South Africa and Sierra Leone are today held out for their relative success. Within South Asia, a region awash in long-term conflict from Kashmir to Sri Lanka, Afghanistan and Balochistan to the Arakan, transitional justice is not ‘deployed’ anywhere else other than in Nepal.

All the more reason for the Nepali process to succeed in order to provide a model for the rest of the region to consider, and for Mr. Guterres to dwell on the matter during his visit.

Ironically, the main roadblock to a proper conclusion of the peace process was the Secretary-General’s host, the prime minister. While the Mr. Dahal used the conflict and the ensuing peace process to build his personal political career, he understands that a genuine transitional justice exercise would jeapordise his trajectory and pre-eminent position in Nepali politics.

The entire superstructure of his Maoist party would collapse were he to submit his colleagues to an accountability process, even if only ‘emblematic cases’ were to be investigated. Hence, the formula used on the TJ over a decade and more has been prevarication and duplicity.

The government security personnel who would have been involved in atrocities during the conflict of 1995-2006 are all retired by now, whereas the Maoist leadership is today part of Nepal’s political establishment, ruling the roost.

They are loathe to be held accountable, which is why their supremo Mr. Dahal cannot countenance an honest exercise, and which is why he was hoping to bamboozle Mr. Guterres with pomp and flattery.

Victims and Spoilers

While there has historically been ferocious bloodletting in the Kathmandu Court among clans and factions vying for power, the villages of Nepal have been largely free of internecine violence until the decade of insurgency and state response.

The villagers of Nepal were caught in a pincer between the Maoist rebels who specialised in hit-and-run raids and the security forces that meted out harsh treatment to local level political leaders, teachers and development workers.

The role of Mr. Dahal himself may be held up for scrutiny in a genuine Truth and Reconciliation process, for he headed the chain of command of the Maoist insurgents. His attitude to atrocities including murder, torture, rape and abduction conducted by his cadre has always been ambiguous, and there has been no expression of remorse throughout his years in open politics.

If anything, there has been gleeful celebration of extra-judicial killing and physical violence generally, and he has even expressed satisfaction on how he personally fooled the United Nations Mission in Nepal (UNMIN) into tripling the number of Maoist combatants in a verification exercise.

In 2007, upon coming above ground, Mr. Dahal told a BBC interlocutor that in a personal circular during the conflict, he had instructed that “you may eliminate individual if required, but without torture”. Over the years, Mr. Dahal has been the key leader who ensured that successive Truth and Reconciliation Commissions were designed for failure, with their membership padded with Maoists.

Most recently, Mr. Dahal’s attempt has been to push through legislation that would make it easy for the next Truth and Reconciliation to let perpetrators (of both sides, rebels and state security) off the hook by, among other things, creating two categories of murder: ‘normal murder’ and ‘extreme murder’.

What makes the Secretary-General’s interest on Nepal’s transitional justice efforts vitally important is that the Western governments and INGOs who introduced the concept and funded the Nepal’s engagement with TJ are now losing interest. This seems to have to do with ‘TJ fatigue’, a paucity of funding, as well as certain geopolitical considerations.

Some Western policy-makers see Mr. Dahal as a pliable head-of-government of a strategically important Asian country who they must have ‘on their side’ as China proceeds with a more aggressive continental policy of its own.

Nepal’s victims of conflict, in coordination with human rights defenders, have been fighting a lonely battle against a political class and polity that has been in thrall of the Maoists’ momentum and their attempt to create a ‘new normal’ in the polity, with a forced attempt to ensure past atrocities are forgotten.

Whereas, the victims of conflict are united in not letting the perpetrators get the better of memory. The UN Secretary-General has come up with a powerful position of support for a transitional justice process that is just and humane, and the victim representatives and rights defenders of Kathmandu are heartened. Their worst fears that bubbled to the surface when the Secretary-General’s visit was hurriedly announced were not borne out.

What is required now is to keep watch for ‘spoilers’ of the peace process, and they include many influential Nepalis who have over the past decade developed political and inter-personal relationships with the perpetrators of the conflict years.

Likewise, there is a Western diplomat (or two) who seem to have a low opinion of the Nepali yearnings for a just peace, rather than the peace of the cemetery.

A group of civil society actors cautioned the Secretary-General in a letter delivered as he departed Kathmandu: “There are national and international ‘spoilers’ wanting to foist a perpetrator-friendly ending to the peace process in the name of elapsed time and geopolitical expediency.”

Kathmandu-based writer and journalist Kanak Mani Dixit is founder-editor of the magazine Himal Southasian, and was a UN Secretariat staffer from 1982-1990.

IPS UN Bureau


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Venezuela’s Young Women Particularly Vulnerable to the Crisis

A pregnant teenage girl sits in a Caracas plaza. Teenage pregnancy often leads to dropping out of school or turning women into heads of single-parent households at a very early age, curtailing their possibilities for personal growth and fomenting multigenerational poverty. CREDIT: Avesa

A pregnant teenage girl sits in a Caracas plaza. Teenage pregnancy often leads to dropping out of school or turning women into heads of single-parent households at a very early age, curtailing their possibilities for personal growth and fomenting multigenerational poverty. CREDIT: Avesa

By Humberto Márquez
CARACAS, Nov 2 2023 – Hemmed in by poverty, with barely two days of school a week, and often at risk of unwanted pregnancy or the uncertain prospect of emigration, young women and adolescents are among the main victims of the ongoing crisis in Venezuela.

“Yes, my boyfriend and I have sex less often or for example he pulls out so as not to risk pregnancy, because buying contraceptives is expensive and we can’t always afford it,” Anita, a 22-year-old computer science student, told IPS from the west-central city of Barquisimeto.”Instead of education being the gateway to the labor market (for women), dropping out of school at a young age means a very high risk of teenage pregnancy.” — Luis Pedro España

A pack of three condoms costs at least four dollars, a month of birth control pills more than 10 dollars, an intrauterine device about 40 dollars (plus the medical cost of its implantation), and in the country the minimum wage is four dollars a month and the average monthly salary barely exceeds 130 dollars.

A survey by the Women’s Peacebuilding Network found in September that 42 percent of Venezuelan women between the ages of 18 and 24 do not use birth control, and one of the reasons is the high cost in relation to their meager incomes.

The Venezuelan Association for Alternative Sex Education reported in a study in April that only three out of 10 women of reproductive age use contraceptive methods in this country.

“The lack of contraceptives and access to sexual and reproductive health is of great concern in the case of impoverished adolescent girls, who most need to avoid early pregnancy that could keep them out of the classroom,” said María Laura Chang, editor of the report by the Women’s Peacebuilding Network.

Students at the Central University of Venezuela in Caracas take part in a protest against sexual abuse and aggression. Sexist violence stands out in the national context of poverty and scarce access to resources and education on sexual and reproductive health. CREDIT: Mairet Chourio / Efecto Cocuyo

Students at the Central University of Venezuela in Caracas take part in a protest against sexual abuse and aggression. Sexist violence stands out in the national context of poverty and scarce access to resources and education on sexual and reproductive health. CREDIT: Mairet Chourio / Efecto Cocuyo


Omnipresent poverty

As a result, “the feminization of poverty has been prolonged, as young women gain more dependents and less time to devote to their economic well-being, education and self-improvement,” Chang added in an interview with IPS.

“All age groups are affected by poverty, lack of income and opportunities. Because of the education crisis, the women most at risk are adolescents,” sociologist Luis Pedro España, head of poverty studies at the private Andrés Bello Catholic University (Ucab) in Caracas, told IPS.

Every year Ucab conducts a Survey of Living Conditions of Venezuelans (Encovi), which found that in 2022 income poverty affected 81.5 percent of the country’s 28.3 million inhabitants, extreme poverty affected 53.3 percent, and multidimensional poverty (employment, services, health, education and income) 50.5 percent.

España highlighted the impact of the educational crisis that the country is going through “because schools only receive students twice a week, which makes adolescent girls more likely to drop out.”

The reduction from five to only two days of classes per week in many public schools and institutes is mainly due to the lack of teachers, who have left the classrooms – in the three year period of 2019-2021 alone a quarter of them left – due to low salaries, lack of transportation, deterioration of infrastructure and other resources, as well as high student dropout rates.


Women are a majority during an enrollment day at the private Andrés Bello Catholic University in Caracas. University studies are an avenue for personal growth, but graduates, both men and women, suffer from the lack of opportunities due to poorly paid jobs in the midst of Venezuela's economic crisis. CREDIT: M. Sardá / El Ucabista

Women are a majority during an enrollment day at the private Andrés Bello Catholic University in Caracas. University studies are an avenue for personal growth, but graduates, both men and women, suffer from the lack of opportunities due to poorly paid jobs in the midst of Venezuela’s economic crisis. CREDIT: M. Sardá / El Ucabista


According to official figures, there are 29,400 schools in the country, of which 24,400 are public, serving 6.4 million students, and 5,000 are private, serving 1.2 million students. Figures from universities and civil society organizations estimate the number of students dropping out of school at around 1.5 million in the last five years.

In the survey carried out by the Women’s Peacebuilding Network, 58 percent of the women respondents stated that the main reason for missing classes was because of their school’s suspension of activities.

For women, “instead of education being the gateway to the labor market, dropping out of school at a young age means a very high risk of teenage pregnancy,” España stressed.

The expert said that “an additional element that correlates with poverty is that of single-parent households that result from early pregnancy and are headed by a young woman who is not sufficiently trained for work, so that poverty is likely to continue to be the plight of her descendants.”


Young women run a street vendor's stall in Caracas. Girls who drop out of school also expand the ranks of the informal economy. It is part of the landscape of poverty in which the majority of Venezuela's population is embedded, following a decade marked by economic collapse, with a combination of recession and hyperinflation. CREDIT: U. Montenegro / Venezuela

Young women run a street vendor’s stall in Caracas. Girls who drop out of school also expand the ranks of the informal economy. It is part of the landscape of poverty in which the majority of Venezuela’s population is embedded, following a decade marked by economic collapse, with a combination of recession and hyperinflation. CREDIT: U. Montenegro / Venezuela


Disappointment and violence

Another consequence is the disappointment in the lack of opportunities even for young women who complete their higher studies, due to the prolonged economic crisis, during which, for example, the number of factories shrank from 13,000 in 1999 to 2,600 in 2020, according to the Venezuelan Confederation of Industrialists (Conindustria).

In seven of the last 10 years a recession has reduced the country’s GDP by four-fifths, and during at least three years of hyperinflation the value of the local currency and the value of salaries and pensions were decimated.

“I have studied for more than 18 years to end up applying for jobs where they want to pay me 150 or at most 200 dollars a month. With that I can’t even pay for my passport (which costs 216 dollars),” Mariela, a recent graduate in administration from a private university, told IPS.

Sitting on a sofa in the middle-class apartment where she lives with her parents, Mariela rattles off a list of grievances to IPS: she is tired of getting up so early to go to school because of the precarious public transportation; there are no good jobs in the country; going abroad is risky or unaffordable; electricity, water and internet fail in her house for several hours almost every day.

To top it off, “I am one of the few who registered in the Electoral Registry. Many of my fellow students did not. They are not interested in participating in politics at all,” said Mariela who, like other young women who spoke to IPS, asked not to disclose her last name.

In its September survey, the Women’s Peacebuilding Network found that only half of those over 18 (the minimum voting age) and under 25 were registered on the electoral roll, and even fewer were determined to vote in the presidential election scheduled for 2024.

Of this age group, 19 percent engaged in some community activity and 81 percent in none. Of the latter, 60 percent mentioned the lack of economic stimulus as an obstacle, and 55 percent mentioned the difficulty of transportation to get around.

Another issue faced by young and adolescent girls is gender-based violence.

Of 237 femicides or gender-based murders documented in 2022 by the Digital Observatory of Femicides, of the NGO Centre for Justice and Peace, 69 involved women between 16 and 27 years old.

In the Network’s survey, 38 percent of the women interviewed said they had been victims of sexist violence, mainly psychological but also physical. Of the respondents, 24 percent said they were victims of economic violence, both those over and under the age of 24.

In addition, 12 percent of the total number of women surveyed reported having suffered sexual violence, but in the 18 to 24 year-old segment the percentage doubled to 24 percent, reflecting the greater vulnerability of young women to this kind of violence.


Young Venezuelan women rest after the perilous journey across the Darien jungle between Colombia and Panama. Migration has marked the lives of Venezuelan families in the last decade, during which millions of people have left the country. CREDIT: Gema Cortés / IOM

Young Venezuelan women rest after the perilous journey across the Darien jungle between Colombia and Panama. Migration has marked the lives of Venezuelan families in the last decade, during which millions of people have left the country. CREDIT: Gema Cortés / IOM


Time to emigrate

Almost eight million people have left the country, especially since 2015, according to United Nations agencies. In 2018, Encovi reported, 57 percent of those migrating were between 15 and 29 years old, a percentage that decreased to 42 percent in 2022. For every 100 female migrants there are 116 males.

Migrants and asylum seekers are highly vulnerable to trafficking and sexual exploitation, and most of the victims of these practices detected in countries in the region, such as Colombia, Peru, Trinidad and Tobago and the neighboring Dutch Caribbean islands, are Venezuelan.

Last year, civil society organizations reported the rescue of 1,390 Venezuelan victims of this type of crime abroad. Young women are a particularly fragile segment of the population and are sought by traffickers – often with deceitful offers of employment – to subject them to sexual and labor exploitation.

In the Network’s survey, 54 percent of young women between the ages of 18 and 25 said that a member of their family had migrated: 23 percent said it was their mother, father or both, and most reported that they have brothers or sisters who have left the country.

The report that accompanied the survey highlights that for young women and adolescents the separation from their loved ones has had a significant emotional impact, and has made them face new responsibilities, such as caring for younger siblings or attending to new domestic chores, with an impact on their personal development.

The Network’s study proposes the design of government programs and policies aimed at overcoming the shortcomings faced by youth and adolescents, support services for victims of gender violence, and an appeal to international cooperation to curb gangs dedicated to human trafficking.

España said that “it is essential to strengthen schools, so that women in their teenage and young adult years do not have children prematurely and can empower themselves, enter the labor market and become independent, without depending on support from their parents or partners.”

“Unfortunately, policies and measures are not being developed to mitigate the immense damage being done by reducing the number of school days,” he argued.