Nyxoah to Participate in the Jefferies London Healthcare Conference

Nyxoah to Participate in the Jefferies London Healthcare Conference

Mont–Saint–Guibert, Belgium "" November 7, 2023, 10:30pm CET / 4:30pm ET "" Nyxoah SA (Euronext Brussels/Nasdaq: NYXH) ("Nyxoah" or the "Company"), a medical technology company focused on the development and commercialization of innovative solutions to treat Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), today announced that the Company will participate in the Jefferies London Healthcare Conference, which takes place November 14 "" 16, 2023 in London.

Olivier Taelman, Nyxoah's Chief Executive Officer, will deliver a corporate update on Wednesday, November 15, 2023, at 5:00pm GMT. A webcast of the presentation will be available on the Events section of Nyxoah's Investor Relations website. The Company will also be available for 1×1 meetings with institutional investors attending the event.

Nyxoah's Investor Presentation can be accessed on the Shareholder Information section of the Company's Investor Relations page.

About Nyxoah
Nyxoah is a medical technology company focused on the development and commercialization of innovative solutions to treat Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). Nyxoah's lead solution is the Genio system, a patient–centered, leadless and battery–free hypoglossal neurostimulation therapy for OSA, the world's most common sleep disordered breathing condition that is associated with increased mortality risk and cardiovascular comorbidities. Nyxoah is driven by the vision that OSA patients should enjoy restful nights and feel enabled to live their life to its fullest.

Following the successful completion of the BLAST OSA study, the Genio system received its European CE Mark in 2019. Nyxoah completed two successful IPOs: on Euronext Brussels in September 2020 and NASDAQ in July 2021. Following the positive outcomes of the BETTER SLEEP study, Nyxoah received CE mark approval for the expansion of its therapeutic indications to Complete Concentric Collapse (CCC) patients, currently contraindicated in competitors' therapy. Additionally, the Company is currently conducting the DREAM IDE pivotal study for FDA and U.S. commercialization approval.

For more information, please visit http://www.nyxoah.com/.

Caution "" CE marked since 2019. Investigational device in the United States. Limited by U.S. federal law to investigational use in the United States.

David DeMartino, Chief Strategy Officer
+1 310 310 1313


GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000898171)

Nyxoah Participera à la Jefferies London Healthcare Conference

Nyxoah Participera la Jefferies London Healthcare Conference

Mont–Saint–Guibert, Belgique "" 7 novembre 2023, 22h30 CET / 16h30 ET "" Nyxoah SA (Euronext Bruxelles/Nasdaq : NYXH) ( Nyxoah ou la Socit ) opre dans le secteur des technologies mdicales et se concentre sur le dveloppement et la commercialisation de solutions innovantes destines traiter le Syndrome d'Apnes Obstructives du Sommeil (SAOS). La Socit a annonc aujourd'hui qu'elle participera la Jefferies London Healthcare Conference, qui aura lieu du 14 au 16 novembre Londres.

Olivier Taelman, CEO de Nyxoah, prsentera une mise jour de l'entreprise mercredi 15 novembre 2023, 17h00 GMT. Une webdiffusion de la prsentation sera disponible dans la section Events du site web des relations avec les investisseurs de Nyxoah. La socit sera galement disponible pour des rencontres 1×1 avec les investisseurs institutionnels prsents l'vnement.

La prsentation aux investisseurs mise jour de Nyxoah est accessible dans la section Shareholder Information de la page Company's Investor Relations.

propos de Nyxoah
Nyxoah opre dans le secteur des technologies mdicales. Elle se concentre sur le dveloppement et la commercialisation de solutions innovantes destines traiter le Syndrome d'Apnes Obstructives du Sommeil (SAOS). La principale solution de Nyxoah est le systme Genio , une thrapie de neurostimulation du nerf hypoglosse de nouvelle gnration centre sur le patient, sans sonde ni batterie implante et destine traiter le Syndrome d'Apnes Obstructives du Sommeil (SAOS), le trouble respiratoire du sommeil le plus courant au monde. Ce dernier est associ un risque accru de mortalit et des comorbidits cardiovasculaires. Nyxoah est motiv par la vision selon laquelle les patients souffrant de SAOS devraient profiter de nuits reposantes et se sentir en mesure de vivre pleinement leur vie.

la suite de la finalisation probante de l'tude BLAST OSA, le systme Genio a reu le marquage europen CE en 2019. Nyxoah a ralis deux introductions en bourse avec succs : sur Euronext en septembre 2020 et au NASDAQ en juillet 2021. Suite aux rsultats positifs de l'tude BETTER SLEEP, Nyxoah a obtenu l'approbation marquage CE pour le traitement des patients atteints de Collapse Circonfrentiel Complet (CCC), actuellement contre–indiqu dans les thrapies concurrentes. De plus, la Socit mne actuellement l'tude pivot DREAM IDE en vue de l'approbation FDA et de la commercialisation aux tats–Unis.

Pour plus d'informations, visitez http://www.nyxoah.com/

Attention "" Marquage CE depuis 2019. Dispositif exprimental aux tats–Unis. Limit par la loi fdrale amricaine une utilisation exprimentale aux tats–Unis.

Contacts :
David DeMartino, Chief Strategy Officer
+1 310 310 1313

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000898171)

King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre Conclui com Sucesso sua Participação Como Parceiro Estratégico de Saúde na Global Health Exhibition 2023

RIADE, Arábia Saudita, Nov. 07, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Global Health Exhibition, realizada de 29 a 31 de outubro de 2023, foi um sucesso extraordinrio para o King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre (KFSH&RC).

Como Parceiro Estratgico de Sade, o KFSH&RC apresentou iniciativas inovadoras destinadas a aprimorar a eficincia operacional em domnios mdicos cruciais, abrangendo a jornada de atendimento ao paciente, pesquisa espacial, estudos genticos, tcnicas de radioterapia de ltima gerao, avanos no transplante de rgos (incluindo o primeiro transplante de doador vivo totalmente robtico do mundo), gerenciamento de capacidade e produo de radiofrmacos para alcanar a autossuficincia dentro do Reino.

No dia inaugural, Sua Excelncia Dr. Majid Al Fayyadh fez um discurso de abertura com foco no futuro promissor do Turismo Mdico no Reino, ressaltando os esforos contnuos do KFSH&RC para aprimorar os servios para pacientes internacionais. "A jornada transformadora do KFSH&RC em uma instituio sem fins lucrativos, focada principalmente no atendimento de pacientes da regio do Golfo, teve incio em 2021. No seu ano inaugural, o hospital recebeu 250 pacientes e, desde ento, pudemos observar um impressionante crescimento anual de 40%. Nosso objetivo ampliar o nosso atendimento para 10.000 pacientes at 2030.”

O Dr. Yaseen Mallawi, Diretor Executivo Interino – Prestao de Cuidados de Sade no KFSH&RC, participou de um painel de discusso abordando “Desafios para acelerar a transformao do Setor de Sade Saudita”, onde enfatizou o compromisso do hospital em priorizar o bem–estar funcional dos pacientes dentro de um sistema de sade baseado em valores.

Muhannad Al Kadi, Diretor de Comunicaes Corporativas e Marketing do KFSH&RC, expressou sua satisfao com o sucesso do frum, afirmando: “Foi um prazer poder nos reunir com lderes do setor para compartilhar nossa viso e testemunhar o impacto das nossas colaboraes. A Global Health Exhibition tem sido uma plataforma notvel para avaliar novas oportunidades que iro reforar ainda mais o cenrio da sade no Reino e alm.”

Os especialistas do KFSH&RC participaram ativamente de vrios painis de discusso. O Dr. Dieter Broering, Diretor Executivo do Centro de Excelncia em Transplante de "rgos, compartilhou insights sobre o potencial das tecnologias cirrgicas de ponta para reformular os cuidados de sade. O Dr. Mohammed Alhamid, Diretor do Centro de Inteligncia em Sade, fez um discurso instigante sobre os cuidados de sade com base em IA lanando luz sobre o futuro da inteligncia em sade.

Alm disso, o evento foi um marco significativo para o KFSH&RC ao celebrar seu 100 procedimento Car–T Cell, uma conquista notvel no Oriente Mdio. O hospital tambm recebeu o prestigiado prmio de “Best Public Services Call Centre of The Year "" Critical” no Annual Middle East Call Centre 2023 Awards.

Alm da participao no Global Health Exhibition, o KFSH&RC firmou Memorandos de Entendimento fundamentais. O hospital fez uma parceria com a Sabic, lder global em produtos qumicos diversificados, para impulsionar o desenvolvimento e a inovao de produtos de sade. O King Faisal Specialist Hospital International Holding Company, o brao de investimento do KFSH&RC, estabeleceu uma parceria estratgica com a Solutions by STC para aprimorar o cenrio das empresas de negcios de sade e identificar reas de crescimento mtuo no setor.

Foram firmados outros Memorandos de Entendimento com a Microsoft Arabia, com foco na sustentabilidade e inovao para o aprimoramento do atendimento ao paciente, e com a Fundao Hevolution, enfatizando o avano da pesquisa sobre longevidade e envelhecimento. O KFSH&RC tambm fez uma parceria com a Illumina e firmou um memorando de entendimento com a Johnson & Johnson, com a viso principal de revolucionar o treinamento cirrgico na regio.

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8974324)

King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre schließt seine Rolle als strategischer Gesundheitspartner auf der Global Health Exhibition 2023 erfolgreich ab

RIAD, Saudi–Arabien, Nov. 07, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Die Global Health Exhibition, die vom 29. bis 31. Oktober 2023 stattfand, hat sich als ein herausragender Erfolg fr das King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre (KFSH&RC) erwiesen.

Als strategischer Partner des Gesundheitswesens stellte das KFSH&RC bahnbrechende Initiativen vor, die darauf abzielen, die betriebliche Effizienz in wichtigen medizinischen Bereichen zu verbessern. Dazu gehren die Patientenversorgung, die Weltraumforschung, genetische Studien, modernste Strahlentherapietechniken, Fortschritte bei der Organtransplantation (einschlielich der weltweit ersten vollstndig robotergesttzten Lebendspendertransplantation), das Kapazittsmanagement und die Herstellung von Radiopharmazeutika zur Erreichung der Selbstversorgung im Knigreich.

Am Erffnungstag hielt S.E. Dr. Majid Al Fayyadh eine Grundsatzrede, in der er sich auf die vielversprechende Zukunft des Medizintourismus im Knigreich konzentrierte und die kontinuierlichen Bemhungen des KFSH&RC zur Verbesserung der Dienstleistungen fr internationale Patienten hervorhob. "Die transformative Reise des KFSH&RC in eine gemeinntzige Einrichtung, die sich in erster Linie auf die Versorgung von Patienten aus der Golfregion konzentriert, begann 2021. Im ersten Jahr seines Bestehens nahm das Krankenhaus 250 Patienten auf, und seither konnten wir ein beeindruckendes jhrliches Wachstum von 40 % verzeichnen. Unser Ziel ist es, unsere Versorgung bis 2030 auf 10.000 Patienten auszudehnen."

Dr. Yaseen Mallawi, Acting Chief Executive Officer – Healthcare Delivery des KFSH&RC, nahm an einer Podiumsdiskussion zum Thema "Herausforderungen bei der Beschleunigung der Transformation des saudischen Gesundheitssektors" teil, bei der er das Engagement des Krankenhauses betonte, das funktionale Wohlbefinden der Patienten in einem wertorientierten Gesundheitssystem in den Vordergrund zu stellen.

Muhannad Al Kadi, Chief Corporate Communications & Marketing Officer des KFSH&RC, zeigte sich erfreut ber den Erfolg des Forums: "Es war ein Vergngen, mit fhrenden Vertretern des Sektors zusammenzukommen, unsere Visionen zu teilen und die Auswirkungen unserer Zusammenarbeit zu erleben. Die Global Health Exhibition war eine bemerkenswerte Plattform, um neue Mglichkeiten zu erkunden, die die Gesundheitslandschaft im Knigreich und darber hinaus weiter strken werden."

Die Experten des KFSH&RC beteiligten sich aktiv an verschiedenen Podiumsdiskussionen. Dr. Dieter Brring, geschftsfhrender Direktor des Kompetenzzentrums fr Organtransplantation, gab Einblicke in das Potenzial modernster chirurgischer Technologien zur Umgestaltung der Gesundheitsversorgung. Dr. Mohammed Alhamid, Direktor des Centre of Healthcare Intelligence, hielt eine anregende Rede ber KI–gesttzte Gesundheitsversorgung und beleuchtete die Zukunft der Gesundheitsintelligenz.

Darber hinaus markierte die Veranstaltung einen bedeutenden Meilenstein fr das KFSH&RC, denn es feierte sein 100. Car–T–Zellen–Verfahren, eine bemerkenswerte Leistung im Nahen Osten. Auerdem erhielt das Krankenhaus bei den jhrlichen Middle East Call Centre 2023 Awards die prestigetrchtige Auszeichnung "Best Public Services Call Centre of The Year "" Critical".

Am Rande der Global Health Exhibition besiegelte das KFSH&RC wichtige Absichtserklrungen. Es ist eine Partnerschaft mit SABIC, einem weltweit fhrenden Anbieter diversifizierter Chemikalien, eingegangen, um die Entwicklung und Innovation von Gesundheitsprodukten voranzutreiben. Die King Faisal Specialist Hospital International Holding Company, der Investitionszweig des KFSH&RC, ist eine strategische Partnerschaft mit Solutions by STC eingegangen, um die Geschftslandschaft im Gesundheitswesen zu verbessern und gemeinsame Wachstumsbereiche in diesem Sektor zu identifizieren.

Weitere Absichtserklrungen wurden mit Microsoft Arabia unterzeichnet, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf Nachhaltigkeit und Innovation fr eine verbesserte Patientenversorgung liegt, sowie mit der Hevolution Foundation, die sich fr die Frderung der Langlebigkeits– und Altersforschung einsetzt. Das KFSH&RC ist auch eine Partnerschaft mit Illumina eingegangen und hat eine Absichtserklrung mit Johnson & Johnson unterzeichnet, mit dem Ziel, die chirurgische Ausbildung in der Region zu revolutionieren.


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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8974324)

L’hôpital spécialisé et centre de recherche King Faisal conclut avec succès son rôle de partenaire stratégique en matière de soins de santé à la Global Health Exhibition 2023

RIYAD, Arabie saoudite, 07 nov. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — La Global Health Exhibition, qui s'est tenue du 29 au 31 octobre 2023, fut un succs exceptionnel pour l'hpital spcialis et centre de recherche King Faisal (ci–aprs KFSH&RC ).

titre de partenaire sant stratgique de l'vnement, le KFSH&RC a prsent des initiatives rvolutionnaires visant amliorer l'efficacit oprationnelle dans des domaines mdicaux essentiels, notamment le parcours de soins des patients, la recherche spatiale, les tudes gntiques, les techniques de radiothrapie de pointe, les progrs en matire de greffe d'organes (y compris la toute premire greffe avec donneur vivant entirement robotise), la gestion des capacits et la production de produits radiopharmaceutiques afin d'atteindre l'autosuffisance dans le Royaume.

Pour la journe d'ouverture, Son Excellence le Dr Majid Ibrahim Al Fayyadh, a prononc un discours liminaire sur l'avenir prometteur du tourisme mdical dans le Royaume, soulignant les efforts continus du KFSH&RC pour amliorer les services offerts aux patients internationaux. Le parcours de transformation du FSH&RC en une institution but non lucratif, principalement axe sur les patients de la rgion du Golfe, a dbut en 2021. Dans sa premire anne, l'hpital a admis 250 patients, et nous avons depuis observ une croissance annuelle impressionnante de 40 %. Notre objectif est de proposer nos soins 10 000 patients d'ici 2030 .

Le Dr Yaseen Mallawi, directeur gnral par intrim de la prestation de soins de sant au KFSH&RC, a particip une table ronde sur Les dfis relever pour acclrer la transformation du secteur de la sant saoudien , durant laquelle il a soulign l'engagement de l'hpital donner la priorit au bien–tre fonctionnel des patients dans le cadre d'un systme de soins de sant reposant sur la notion de valeur.

Muhannad Al Kadi, responsable de la communication et du marketing de KFSH&RC, s'est rjoui du succs du forum : Ce fut un plaisir de se runir avec des leaders du secteur, de partager notre vision et de constater l'impact de nos collaborations. La Global Health Exhibition a t une plateforme exceptionnelle pour explorer de nouvelles opportunits qui permettront de renforcer encore le secteur des soins de sant dans le Royaume et au–del .

Les experts de KFSH&RC ont activement particip de nombreuses tables rondes. Le Dr Dieter Broering, directeur excutif du Centre d'excellence pour les greffes d'organe a partag son point de vue sur le potentiel des technologies chirurgicales de pointe pour remodeler les soins de sant. Le Dr. Mohammed Alhamid, directeur du Centre of Healthcare Intelligence, a prononc un discours passionnant sur les soins de sant aliments par l'IA, mettant en lumire l'avenir de l'intelligence en matire de soins de sant.

D'autre part, l'vnement a marqu une tape importante pour le KFSH&RC, qui a clbr sa 100e procdure de thrapie cellulaire Car–T, une ralisation remarquable au Moyen–Orient. L'hpital s'est galement vu dcerner le prix prestigieux du Meilleur centre d'appel de l'anne pour les services publics "" critique lors de la remise des prix annuels du Middle East Call Centre 2023 Awards.

En marge de la Global Health Exhibition, le KFSH&RC a scell des protocoles d'accord importants. Il s'est associ SABIC, un leader mondial des produits chimiques diversifis, pour stimuler le dveloppement et l'innovation en matire de produits de sant. King Faisal Specialist Hospital International Holding Company, la socit d'investissement de KFSH&RC, a tabli un partenariat stratgique avec Solutions by STC afin d'amliorer le cadre commercial des soins de sant et d'identifier les domaines de croissance mutuelle dans le secteur.

D'autres protocoles d'accord ont t signs avec Microsoft Arabia, concernant le dveloppement durable et l'innovation pour l'amlioration des soins aux patients, et avec la Fondation Hevolution, concernant l'avancement de la recherche sur la longvit et le vieillissement. Le KFSH&RC a galement tabli un partenariat avec Illumina et sign un protocole d'accord avec Johnson & Johnson, dans le but premier de rvolutionner la formation chirurgicale dans la rgion.

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8974324)

Matmerize secures DOD award to develop low-flammability polymer composite materials using advanced AI methods

ATLANTA, Nov. 07, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Matmerize, Inc., an industry leader in Polymer & Formulations Informatics proudly announces its selection by the US Department of Defense (DOD) for a Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) contract aimed at advancing AI methodologies for accelerating the design of novel low–flammability polymer composite materials. Matmerize is excited about the transformative potential of this project as it will not only enhance fire safety for Navy ships and submarines, but will also find applications in a wide range of industries, including construction, aerospace, automotive and consumer products. This award comes at the heels of another SBIR recently awarded to Matmerize by the National Science Foundation (NSF) to develop physics–informed and physics–enforced machine learning architectures to advance materials development.

The flammability of polymer composites is quantified by a set of quantitative parameters, typically measured using highly standardized instruments/tests defined by the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) and other agencies. Desirable polymeric materials that meet the specific values of ASTM and non–ASTM standardized tests require an optimal combination of base polymers, functional additives, flame retardants, and processing conditions. Matmerize will collaborate with DOD to develop a Polymer Informatics capability using suitable curated data and advanced AI/ML techniques, aimed at the accelerated design of low–flammability polymer matrix composites that meet other critical mechanical and thermal performance targets needed by the Navy.

Key highlights of the contract include:

(1) creation of a composite materials database with flammability and other relevant properties such as maximum heat release rate, time to ignition, and smoke density,
(2) development of AI models trained on the database to predict the relevant properties for new composite formulations, and
(3) recommend a pool of promising polymer composites, i.e., the combinations of base polymers, functional additives, flame retardants, and processing conditions, for experimentally synthesis and testing.

A Media Snippet accompanying this announcement is available by clicking on this link:

AI Custom Models for Low Flammability Polymer Composites: Creating AI Custom Models for Low Flammability Polymer Composites using Customer's Proprietary Data

Huan Tran, Director of Research Innovation for Matmerize stated, "This collaboration signifies a major achievement in the pursuit of safer, lower–flammability polymer composites. We take great pride in spearheading the development of cutting–edge AI–driven solutions for low–flammability composite materials that not only meet rigorous ASTM testing standards but also address the vital safety requirements mandated for our Navy ships."

At the heart of Matmerize's innovation lies PolymRize, their flagship product "" a cloud–based Polymer Informatics software platform meticulously crafted to expedite the advancement of polymers, composites, and formulations. The DOD SBIR aligns perfectly with Matmerize's core mission to unlock the immense potential of AI in advanced materials engineering to address critical challenges and improve functionality, fire safety and sustainability. Both the DOD and the NSF SBIRs come at an opportune time and will jointly propel and advance the AI–based PolymRize technology in a synergistic manner.

Chiho Kim, CTO at Matmerize expressed his enthusiasm by stating "The two concurrent SBIR awards granted by DOD and NSF, represent a resounding endorsement of Matmerize's pioneering Polymer Informatics platform PolymRize. These contracts will provide us the resources and support needed to further advance our AI based PolymRize platform."

For more information on the innovative PolymRize platform please visit: https://www.matmerize.com/polymrize

About Matmerize:
Matmerize, Inc. is a recent spin–out from the Georgia Institute of Technology and was founded by Dr. Rampi Ramprasad and Dr. Chiho Kim. Matmerize is a leading innovator at the intersection of advanced materials engineering and artificial intelligence. With a mission to revolutionize fire safety and sustainability through AI technology, we are committed to pushing the boundaries of what is possible. Our dedicated team of experts strives to create solutions that positively impact new material development while minimizing the environmental footprint.

For further information, inquiries, or media contact, please reach out to:

Matmerize, Inc.
E: info@matmerize.com
Y: Watch Matmerize Videos on YouTube
L: Follow our LinkedIn Page

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8974273)

Pacific Green Enters Into Transaction to Sell Its 249MW / 373.5MWh Sheaf Energy Park Battery Development for an Enterprise Value of £210 Million (US$258 Million)

Dover, DE, Nov. 07, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Pacific Green Technologies, Inc. (“Pacific Green”, OTCQB: PGTK) announces that it has entered into a transaction to sell 100% of the shares in Pacific Green Battery Energy Parks 2 Limited ("PGBEP2") to Sosteneo Fund 1 HoldCo S..r.l. ("Sosteneo HoldCo") for 210 million (US$258 million) (the "Transaction").

PGBEP2 is the holding company for 100% subsidiary, Sheaf Energy Limited, Pacific Green's 249 MW / 373.5 MWh battery energy storage system in Kent, England ("Sheaf Energy Park"), which will begin commercial operations in July 2025.

Sosteneo HoldCo is an investment vehicle for the Sosteneo Energy Transition Fund, managed by Sosteneo SGR S.p.A. ("Sosteneo"), a specialist manager of greenfield infrastructure projects related to the energy transition and part of the Generali ecosystem of asset management firms.

Under the terms of the Transaction, Pacific Green and Sosteneo have granted each other respective options to buy or sell the shares in PGBEP2.

As part of the Transaction, Sosteneo will provide a capital expenditure loan, which together with the senior debt facility, will fully fund the development and construction of Sheaf Energy Park.

About Pacific Green Technologies, Inc.:

Pacific Green is focused on addressing the world's need for cleaner and more sustainable energy. Pacific Green offers Battery Energy Storage Systems and Concentrated Solar Power to complement its environmental technologies division. Pacific Green has offices in the USA, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, Saudi Arabia and China.

For more information, visit Pacific Green's website:

Notice Regarding Forward–Looking Statements:

This news release contains "forward–looking statements," as that term is defined in Section 27A of the United States Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Statements in this news release which are not purely historical are forward–looking statements and include any statements regarding beliefs, plans, expectations or intentions regarding the future. Such forward–looking statements include, among other things, the continued development of Sheaf Energy Park, the continuation of the Transaction, any potential business developments and future interest in Pacific Green's battery, solar and environmental technologies.

Actual results could differ from those projected in any forward–looking statements due to numerous factors. Such factors include, among others, the continuation of the development of Sheaf Energy Park, the continuation of the Transaction and general economic and political conditions. These forward–looking statements are made as of the date of this news release, and Pacific Green assumes no obligation to update the forward–looking statements, or to update the reasons why actual results could differ from those projected in the forward–looking statements. Although Pacific Green believes that the beliefs, plans, expectations and intentions contained in this news release are reasonable, there can be no assurance that such beliefs, plans, expectations or intentions will prove to be accurate. Investors should consult all the information set forth herein and should also refer to the risk factors disclosure outlined in Pacific Green's annual report on Form 10–K for the most recent fiscal year, Pacific Green's quarterly reports on Form 10–Q and other periodic reports filed from time–to–time with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8974156)

ROSEN, LEADING TRIAL ATTORNEYS, Encourages Waldencast plc Investors to Inquire About Securities Class Action Investigation – WALD, WALDW

NEW YORK, Nov. 07, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) —

WHY: Rosen Law Firm, a global investor rights law firm, continues to investigate potential securities claims on behalf of shareholders of Waldencast PLC (NASDAQ: WALD, WALDW) resulting from allegations that Waldencast may have issued materially misleading business information to the investing public.

SO WHAT: If you purchased Waldencast securities you may be entitled to compensation without payment of any out of pocket fees or costs through a contingency fee arrangement. The Rosen Law Firm is preparing a class action seeking recovery of investor losses.

WHAT TO DO NEXT: To join the prospective class action, go to https://rosenlegal.com/submit–form/?case_id=18362 or call Phillip Kim, Esq. toll–free at 866–767–3653 or email pkim@rosenlegal.com or cases@rosenlegal.com for information on the class action.

WHAT IS THIS ABOUT: On July 5, 2023, after the market closed, Waldencast filed a current report with the SEC in which it disclosed, among other things that certain financial statements of Obagi, a company that it had acquired, could no longer be relied upon because Waldencast expected to restate those financial statements.

On this news, the price of Waldencast stock fell $0.76, or 10.2%, to close at $6.63 on July 6, 2023.

WHY ROSEN LAW: We encourage investors to select qualified counsel with a track record of success in leadership roles. Often, firms issuing notices do not have comparable experience, resources, or any meaningful peer recognition. Many of these firms do not actually litigate securities class actions. Be wise in selecting counsel. The Rosen Law Firm represents investors throughout the globe, concentrating its practice in securities class actions and shareholder derivative litigation. Rosen Law Firm has achieved the largest ever securities class action settlement against a Chinese Company. Rosen Law Firm was Ranked No. 1 by ISS Securities Class Action Services for number of securities class action settlements in 2017. The firm has been ranked in the top 4 each year since 2013 and has recovered hundreds of millions of dollars for investors. In 2019 alone the firm secured over $438 million for investors. In 2020, founding partner Laurence Rosen was named by law360 as a Titan of Plaintiffs' Bar. Many of the firm's attorneys have been recognized by Lawdragon and Super Lawyers.

Follow us for updates on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/the–rosen–law–firm, on Twitter: https://twitter.com/rosen_firm or on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rosenlawfirm/.

Attorney Advertising. Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.

Contact Information:

Laurence Rosen, Esq.
Phillip Kim, Esq.
The Rosen Law Firm, P.A.
275 Madison Avenue, 40th Floor
New York, NY 10016
Tel: (212) 686–1060
Toll Free: (866) 767–3653
Fax: (212) 202–3827

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8973764)

Quantexa Launches New Asia Pacific Headquarters in Singapore to Capture Next Wave of Growth

  • Quantexa's growing presence in Singapore represents significant investment in delivering AI–enabled Decision Intelligence (DI) solutions to Enterprises and Government Agencies across Asia Pacific
  • Quantexa has seen double–digit growth and tripled employee base in Asia Pacific region since Series D announcement in 2022
  • The new location in Singapore reinforces Quantexa's global network and brings the company closer to its clients and partners in the region

SINGAPORE, Nov. 07, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Quantexa, the global leader in Decision Intelligence (DI) solutions for the public and private sectors, today announced the opening of its new Asia Pacific Headquarters based in Tower 1 of Marina Bay Financial Centre (MBFC) in Singapore. The opening is part of a broader regional expansion plan and follows the July 2023 launch of Quantexa's Japan operations in Tokyo and long–standing presence in Melbourne, Sydney and Malaysia. Further expansion into Hong Kong is expected in 2024.

The organization's decision to set up its regional headquarters in Singapore was solidified by the country's commitment to attracting investment, talent, and technology. Establishing Quantexa's new office locally complements the government's Smart Nation initiative which outlines its plan to invest up to SGD500 million in Artificial Intelligence (AI) research and development.

Economic forecasts for Southeast Asia predict that it will remain one of the fastest growing regions for years to come. Additionally, over the past 12 months, Quantexa has seen significant demand in the region as local banks and government agencies put an increased emphasis on detecting and preventing financial crime as the number of large–scale money laundering operations in region have risen, costing victims abroad billions of dollars[1]. Recently, Singapore authorities have taken measures to ensure that financial institutions scrutinise monetary flows with city state managed assets valued at USD4 trillion[2].

Quantexa's regional headquarters will provide sales, marketing, product management, and professional services capabilities to support customer implementations of its Decision Intelligence Platform in the banking, insurance and telecommunications industries, as well as the public sector. The opening comes after Quantexa recently completed its Series E Funding Round led by GIC Singapore, valuing the company north of $1.8 billion, and announcing a $155 million investment to fuel global artificial intelligence advancements.

Today, Quantexa will host an event to showcase local technology innovation and partnerships at The National Museum of Singapore. Quantexa CEO Vishal Marria will be joined by esteemed industry leaders from GIC, Singapore's Digital and Intelligence Service (DIS), and Standard Chartered Bank for a panel discussion on "Charting New Pathways for AI Innovation."

Vishal Marria, CEO and Founder, Quantexa, said: "Quantexa has seen 90% revenue growth and we have nearly tripled our team size in the Asia Pacific region since our Series D announcement. With today's announcement of our new regional headquarters in Singapore, we continue to accelerate our growth plans and get closer to our clients and partners as we serve the region."

Choo Yong Cheen, Chief Investment Officer of Private Equity, GIC, said: "We are pleased to see Quantexa establish their new regional headquarters in Singapore as part of their expansion efforts in Asia. As Quantexa continues to benefit from increasing regulatory emphasis on compliance and demand for AI capabilities in data management, we remain confident in the company's growth potential."

Jinghua Guo, Chief Digitization Officer, The Digital and Intelligence Service, added: "The Digital and Intelligence Service views AI as a mission–critical capability for the Singapore Armed Forces to safeguard the sovereignty and security of Singapore. We have always worked closely with other technology partners in government to build cutting–edge AI capabilities for defence. But beyond this, we need to harness the rapid innovations from commercial companies as part of our AI portfolio to address our operational needs more effectively. Therefore, we are interested to further explore how cutting–edge solutions from technology leaders like Quantexa can help us succeed in our mission."

Sean Coppinger, CIO, Standard Chartered Bank, said: "We are thrilled that Quantexa is expanding its presence here. Since 2018, we have worked closely with Quantexa to use AI–enabled data matching capabilities to get a complete view of our customers and their transaction networks. This has helped us raise the bar on how the industry detects fraud and fights financial crime."

The Singapore Headquarters joins a growing portfolio of Quantexa hubs including London, Dublin, Brussels, Malaga, UAE, New York, Boston, Toronto, Sydney, Melbourne, and Tokyo.

Quantexa's Asia Pacific team is expanding and is actively recruiting several open positions. To find out more about current vacancies, visit this page.

Note to Editors:

For more information on Quantexa, please visit the website here.

Media Inquiries:

C: Alina Boey, Senior Consultant, Milk & Honey PR

T: +65 96565580

E: alinab@milkandhoneypr.com

About Quantexa

Quantexa is a global data and analytics software company pioneering Decision Intelligence that empowers organizations to make trusted operational decisions by making data meaningful. Using the latest advancements in big data and AI, Quantexa's Decision Intelligence platform uncovers hidden risk and new opportunities by providing a contextual, connected view of internal and external data in a single place. It solves major challenges across data management, KYC, customer intelligence, financial crime, risk, fraud, and security, throughout the customer lifecycle.

The Quantexa Decision Intelligence Platform enhances operational performance with over 90% more accuracy and 60 times faster analytical model resolution than traditional approaches. Founded in 2016, Quantexa now has more than 675 employees and thousands of users working with billions of transactions and data points across the world. The company has offices in London, Dublin, Brussels, Malaga, UAE, New York, Boston, Toronto, Sydney, Melbourne, and Tokyo.

About GIC

GIC is a leading global investment firm established in 1981 to secure Singapore's financial future. As the manager of Singapore's foreign reserves, GIC takes a long–term, disciplined approach to investing and is uniquely positioned across a wide range of asset classes and active strategies globally. These include equities, fixed income, real estate, private equity, venture capital, and infrastructure. Its long– term approach, multi–asset capabilities, and global connectivity enable it to be an investor of choice. GIC seeks to add meaningful value to its investments. Headquartered in Singapore, GIC has a global talent force of over 2,100 people in 11 key financial cities and has investments in over 40 countries. For more information, please visit www.gic.com.sg or follow on LinkedIn.

[1] Source: Nikkei Asia article – Singapore stands out as a global tech hub amid U.S.–China tensions

[2] Source: South China Morning Post article – Singapore readies roll out of anti–money–laundering platform to prevent a 1MDB repeat

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000898055)

High Prevalence of Undetected Hypertension Found in Bangladesh

The salinity of the water in coastal Bangladesh contributes to high blood pressure. Credit: Rafiqul Islam/IPS

The salinity of the water in coastal Bangladesh contributes to high blood pressure. Credit: Rafiqul Islam/IPS

By Rafiqul Islam
DHAKA, Nov 7 2023 – Since her childhood, Parveen Begum, 52, has been adding extra salt while eating her meals. However, she did not know that this contributed to high blood pressure.

Recently, she suffered severe headaches, forcing her to go to a physician, and when the doctor checked her health, he she had hypertension.

“I could not take my daily meals without taking additional salt, which helped develop the chronic disease in my health. Now I have to take medicines for blood pressure regularly, putting an extra financial burden on my family,” said Parveen, a resident of Musapur at Raipura in Narsingdi district.

Rabeya Begum, 50, is a resident of the saline-prone Ashabaria village of Rangabali in the Patuakhali coastal district. Like many others, she and her family members often drink saline water since freshwater sources are affected every year due to coastal flooding, cyclones, and storm surges. Salinity instruction has reached the aquifer in her locality.

Local people face scarcity of drinking water during the dry season as salinity reaches an acute level that time, so they are compelled to drink saline water, Rabeya said.

“I felt symptoms of high blood pressure like headache and chest pain. So, I checked it and found blood pressure. But there are not enough facilities for screening blood pressure in our remote village,” she said.

Like Parveen and Rabeya, a huge number of people have been suffering from high blood pressure, also called hypertension, in Bangladesh, but most of the cases remain undiagnosed. High blood pressure is a chronic disease and a silent killer, too.

More than 4.5 crore people, or 25% of Bangladesh’s total population, have high blood pressure, according to recent research by Bangladesh’s National Centre for Disease Control (NCDC).

Hypertension or high blood pressure develops when the pressure level in one’s blood vessels reaches 140/90 mmHg or higher. A healthy lifestyle, quitting tobacco, and remaining more active can help lower blood pressure.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), around 1.28 billion adults aged 30–79 years worldwide have hypertension, with two-thirds of them living in low- and middle-income countries. An estimated 46 percent of adults with hypertension are unaware of their condition. Only less than half of adults (42 percent) with hypertension are diagnosed and treated.

Undiagnosed Hypertension

Undetected high blood pressure could add to the health burden in Bangladesh. Many people are not on medication as they are unaware of their condition. According to a survey, more than half of hypertensive patients are ignorant of their condition.

Experts say early identification and improved hypertension screening can reduce the high global burden of untreated high blood pressure.

According to a 2022 study, hypertension is common in elderly people, and undiagnosed hypertension increases with age. The risk of undetected hypertension was high among people aged 33–35. Overall prevalence of undiagnosed hypertension among men and women was similar. Men aged above 50 had lower levels of awareness and participation in early detection initiatives.

The study revealed that the prevalence of hypertension is significantly higher among the residents of Bangladesh’s coastal and eastern regions.

It suggested that early detection and screening are urgent for checking the prevalence of undiagnosed hypertension. The study suggested the authorities should take robust health promotion measures in the coastal and northern regions of Bangladesh.

Dr Mahfuzur Rahman Bhuiyan, programme manager of the High Blood Pressure Control Programme at National Heart Foundation Hospital and Research Institute, said it would be possible to reduce the risk of high blood pressure by 50 percent if people avoid the intake of extra salt while taking meals.

He recommended screening people to identify those with high blood pressure.

Hypertension Amplifies Risk of Heart Diseases

Hypertensive heart disease is a long-term condition that worsens with time. In Bangladesh, around 68 percent of deaths are caused by non-communicable diseases, with hypertension accounting for 15–20 percent.

According to the first Global Report on Hypertension 2023, released by the WHO, about 273,000 people die of cardiovascular diseases each year in Bangladesh, while around 54 percent of these fatalities are attributable to hypertension.

The report also reveals that half of the people having hypertension are not even aware of their condition, and the rate of those receiving medical treatment for hypertension is alarmingly low, merely 38 percent.

“Hypertension is one of the leading causes of deaths associated with non-communicable diseases. The prevalence of heart diseases can be reduced to a great extent by keeping hypertension under control,” Prof Sohel Reza Choudhury, Head of the Department of Epidemiology and Research at the National Heart Foundation, told a webinar recently.

National Professional Officer at WHO Bangladesh Office Dr Farzana Akter Dorin, suggested strengthening the primary healthcare system and ensuring free hypertension medicine to cut the risk of developing heart diseases among people.

IPS UN Bureau Report


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