Art and Climate Change

Klimt: Life and Death, Wikipedia

By Jan Lundius
STOCKHOLM, Sweden, Dec 6 2023 – A dark cloud is hovering above human existence. It is a fairly illusory cloud haunting our minds and wellbeing, but also an actual, menacing, mostly invisible cloud that covers the Earth’s entire atmosphere. Saturated by greenhouse gases, this global threat increases with every year, threatening all life on Earth, causing increased flooding, extreme heat, draught, wild fires, rising sea levels, food and water scarcity, as well as diseases and mounting economic loss. This misery, caused by human greed, thoughtlessness, and self-aggrandizement, trigger human migration and armed conflicts.

If global temperatures keep rising and reach 2 degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit) above pre-industrial levels, people will, worldwide and simultaneously, face the fatal and multiple impacts of climate change. A 2-degree rise in global temperatures is considered to be a critical threshold. In 2023, the average global temperature was on a third of all days at least 1.5 Celsius higher than pre-industrial levels, and the year is ending up as the hottest on record and – the year 2024 is expected to be even hotter.

Climate change poses a particular threat to children and youth and may potentially derail their normal development; affecting physiological systems, cognitive abilities and emotional skills in ways that may be irreversible. The emerging problems are manifold and the effects of these looming calamities make children and young people increasingly frustrated. Many youngsters feel threatened and betrayed by the behaviour of ruthless entrepreneurs and financiers, as well as poor and often corrupt governmental response to a disastrous climate change. Rampant climate anxiety motivates some young people to take action, not only through a recent surge in marches and the emergence of various environmental movements, but also in the form of violent and occasionally misdirected protests.

One of several means to draw attention to the threat of climate change are activists’ attacks on famous artworks. Since early 2022, artworks have been attacked all over Europe and the US. Mashed potatoes have been thrown on a Manet painting, chocolate cake smeared on statues, tomato soup on Van Gogh’s magnificent depiction of sunflowers, and oil-like substances thrown on several other paintings, like Klimt’s Death and Life. That painting is found in the Leopold Museum in Vienna, which presents some works form the dispersed Lederer art collection. The Lederer was a Jewish art collecting family, who among others financially supported the now renowned artists Klimt and Schiele. In 1938, the Gestapo expropriated all of Lederer’s possessions. Some of the confiscated Klimt paintings were by Nazi authorities stored in a castle, burned down by a German army unit just before the Soviet Red Army appeared. Seventeen Klimt paintings and frescoes perished in the fire, one of the few salvaged artworks was Klimt’s Death and Life, now smeared with a black substance

The spokesperson for one of several climate activist groups, Just Stop Oil, that attacks works of art has declared: “If things need to escalate then we’re going to take inspiration from past successful movements and we’re going to do everything we can.” What he meant by “successful movements” was among other incidents when a lady in 1914 slashed a Velasquez painting with a meat cleaver, protesting the arrest of the defender of women’s rights, Emeline Pankhurst. The enraged woman explained: “I have tried to destroy the picture of the most beautiful woman in mythological history as a protest against the Government for destroying Mrs. Pankhurst, who is the most beautiful character in modern history.”

Angry members of Just Stop Oil shouted, as they were hindered from attacking paintings at the National Gallery in London: “What is worth more, art or life?” A member of the group stated after throwing soup on a van Gogh painting: “The cost-of-living crisis is part of the cost of oil crisis. Fuel is unaffordable to millions of cold, hungry families. They can’t even afford to heat a tin of soup.” A somewhat awkward statement by someone who demonstrated disrespect of food by throwing it on a masterpiece of world art. Another declared: “We’re not killing anyone, climate change will.”

Supporters of “climate action groups” have defended them by saying that so far, no piece of art has been “permanently destroyed”. However, it is at best a half truth. In May last year, a self-declared “environment activist” tried at the Louvre to smash the glass protecting Mona Lisa. When he was hindered from concluding his deed, he succeeded in smearing cake on the painting. Last month, two women did with hammers smash the glass protecting the same Velasquez painting that was slashed in 1914, screaming that they were intending to rip it to pieces once more.

Another member of Just Stop Oil defended the various actions of the group and warned that they could worsen: “The function of art is for people to be able to understand the world that they live in and reflect on the human condition, but big art isn’t fulfilling that function. That’s the reason for us to be in museums: to tell people that we are in the middle of an emergency, and it is the time now for you to face that emergency.”

She was right by stating one of art’s essential functions. Artistic works have existed for almost as long as humankind and is an expression of humans’ creative and imaginative abilities, involving technical proficiency, beauty, emotional power, and conceptual ideas. Art helps us to perceive the beauty of the world we live in, the happiness we find among other human beings, in nature and animals, in all creation. It inspires reflection, willingness to act, imagination and innovative thinking. How can defenders of the preservation of nature and human rights imagine that the destruction and profanation of art may amend climate change? I assume that the enclosed mind of such activists, like ISIS fanatics, believe that their specific message and destructive actions take precedence over everything else, not the least other people’s feelings and intention to defend the very same values those fanatics, in their twisted minds, declare they are supporting.

I understand the frustration, but not the means. Like spoke-persons for Just Stop Oil, leaders of ISIS could declare that their destruction of World Heritage was to grab the world’s attention by assuring extensive media coverage and international condemnation from those they considered to be their opponents and antagonists.

Instead of destroying art, “climate activists” would probably benefit from supporting and using it as a means to overcome humans’ tendency to value personal experience over scientific facts, assuming that everything will be alright by not acting in time. Art can be a persuasive means to popularize and make understandable data-based representations, making them vivid and accessible. Art can engage viewers and hopefully stimulate them to make an effort to hinder the worlds’ sloping down towards Armageddon.

Artistic endeavours to depict, present and make us aware of the dangers of climate change is increasingly becoming more common and engaging. This “Climate Change Art” assumes a wide array of forms and expressions. Often with an engaging, awareness raising component of personal commitment.

The Institute for Figuring (IFF), which in 2003 was founded in Los Angeles by Margaret Wertheim and her twin sister Christin, is a non-profit organization generating projects at the intersection of art, science and mathematics. One IFF project is the so-called Crochet Reef, which all around the world engages professional artists, scientists and groups of amateurs. The Crotchet Reef has become one of the largest participatory art and science endeavours in the world. By creating giant installations mimicking living coral reefs and crocheted out of yarn and re-used plastic, harvested from debris in the Pacific Ocean, the project engages associations which members are learning and applying mathematics, science, handicraft, environmentalism, and community art practice, while promoting awareness of the effects of global warming. Project creations have all around the world been successfully displayed in galleries and museums.

More modest activities, but nevertheless quite extensive, are various happenings, like those of Eve Mosher, who draw a blue “high-water” line around Manhattan and Brooklyn, indicating areas that would be underwater if climate change predictions are realized. She has since drawn high-water lines around Bristol, Philadelphia and coastal cities in Florida. In 2018, Xavier Cortada placed signs in front yards throughout Miami, indicating each property’s height above sea level to illustrate how sea level rise would flood the owner’s land.

A sophisticated, renowned and multifaceted artist is the Danish-Icelandic Olafur Eliasson, who creates large-scaled installations employing elemental materials such as light, water, and air temperature to enhance the viewer’s experience and create an awareness of humans’ intimate connection with nature, how its changes are influencing us, both in a positive and negative manner. Eliasson has founded a “laboratory for spatial research” that engages a large team of architects, engineers, craftsmen, and assistants, working together to conceive and construct large-scale sculptures, installations and other artwork, highlighting what happens to and on our living planet.

Awareness of the dangers faced by or planet, its ecosystem and organic lifeforms, including humans, is on the rise. At all levels of human existence an ever-increasing creative power is making itself evident; in art, literature, religion and science. To vanquish the threats to our planet we have to leave destruction behind us and become more creative, more willing to cooperate with one another, more tolerant, more respectful. Destroying art, our common human cultural heritage, is an entirely wrong way towards a brighter future and just like the emissions of greenhouse gases it must immediately come to an end.

IPS UN Bureau


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Big Cons: How Consultancy Firms Undermine Governments

By Ong Kar Jin and Jomo Kwame Sundaram
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia, Dec 6 2023 – Greater government reliance on consulting companies has greatly enriched them while also undermining state capacities, capabilities, national economies, progress, governance and legitimacy.

The Big Con
Over recent decades, policy consultancy has gradually gained more public attention. With the COVID-19 pandemic, consultancies were paid billions, with meagre results, leaving even less for millions of others desperately struggling to cope.

Ong Kar Jin

In The Big Con: How the Consulting Industry Weakens our Businesses, Infantilizes our Governments and Warps our Economies, Mariana Mazzucato and Rosie Collington explain how consultancies persuade governments and corporations to use their services, with problematic consequences.

Many argue that governments and corporations need such expertise as they cannot be expected to be good at everything, let alone familiar with the latest trends and challenges. Others argue consultancies provide much-needed second opinions, especially when organisations have lost their capacities and capabilities.

The Big Con argues their clients rarely get what they most need. Heavy dependence on consultancies also compromises accountability and retards needed innovation. Consequently, governments allow their capacities and capabilities to deteriorate, with consultancy firms profitably filling the gap.

‘Voluntary’ dependency
The Big Con provides many examples of problems arising from becoming “overly reliant on expensive contracts”. These include McKinsey’s role in France’s bungled vaccine programme, and Deloitte’s in the UK’s botched Test and Trace programme.

Consultancy firms have taken over many public services in France. The trend began in 2007 when Nicolas Sarkozy became president, promising to “make the French state cost-efficient”. His government gave 250 million euros ($269m) in contracts to management consultancies like McKinsey, Deloitte and the Boston Consultancy Group (BCG).

Jomo Kwame Sundaram

Under Emmanuel Macron, consultancy firms received 2.4 billion euros ($2.6bn) in government contracts in 2018. They have become involved in various public services, including France’s COVID-19 vaccine rollout and controversial pension reforms.

The UK spends more on consultants than all countries other than the US. Rather than have its National Health Service involved in its test-and-trace programme, ministers and civil servants turned to consultancies. At one point, over £1m was spent on consultants daily, with some ‘senior’ advisers billing over £6,000 per diem!

One consultant confessed, “It just seemed like every project had loads of wandering Deloitte people … the sheer volume of them that were around created the situation of these zombie emails just arriving all the time … taking our attention away from actual work.”

As its bankruptcy proceedings started in 2016, Puerto Rico hired McKinsey to advise a US federal oversight board. The team, led by recent US Ivy League graduates, was to prepare an ‘aspirational vision’ for the US island territory. Its recommendations included privatising state-owned enterprises, ‘rightsizing’ job cuts, and reducing social, especially labour protection.

While consultancies are often touted as involving experienced experts, most client governments, especially from developing countries, often host young graduates of reputable institutions, mainly adept at using the latest jargon and making impressive presentations.

Losing capacities and capabilities
Most governments have not tried hard to enhance their capacities and capabilities, e.g., to develop their public information and communications (ICT) or digital technology expertise. Instead, they ‘outsource’, depending on consultancies, even for sensitive strategic policy matters.

A book review suggests, “One also cannot help but gain the impression of the big consultancies as vultures, feasting on calamitous challenges like Covid-19, Brexit and climate change. Meanwhile, they pose as disinterested and expert helping hands.”

Management consultants are increasingly widely used by both governments and corporations, giving the impression of expert authority for mooted reforms. As a British minister noted, governments have been ‘infantilised’ by relying on management consultants.

The Big Con notes, “The more governments and businesses outsource, the less they know how to do.” Consultancies have eroded government and business capacities and capabilities. The presumption seems to be that clever young consultants, coming from abroad, know much better than experienced employees, and “knowledge can be purchased, as if off a shelf”.

So why have governments accepted all this? As the book’s title implies, successful consulting requires gaining customers’ confidence, e.g., persuading them that consultants have the answers, regardless of whether this is true.

Some decision-makers also simply want to be able to pass on responsibility for policy solutions, as it is generally politically easier to blame an external party, e.g., consultants, than to take responsibility. This is especially useful if policy recommendations are likely to be unpopular, e.g., involving downsizing or cuts.

Growing con
The Big Con notes that a con gains momentum with seeming success. The authors argue the bigger the consultancies and their scope of work, the weaker governments become. As governments lose confidence in their own abilities, consultancies become the default solution.

Some governments have become so taken with consulting that they have set up ‘internal’ consultancy arms, e.g., Malaysia set up PEMANDU, PADU and other entities for this purpose. This is part of a wider trend of increasing corporatisation of public institutions to pursue ‘efficiency’.

Perhaps urged by major donors, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has championed ‘entrepreneurship’, ‘impact investing’ and ‘accelerating social enterprises’ in recent years. It now has labs, team leads, and strategic innovation units, all spouting corporate buzzwords.

This turn reflects growing faith in what Daniel Greene terms the ‘access doctrine’, i.e., the belief that poverty and other social problems can be simply overcome by new technologies and technical skills, regardless of their complexities. Policymakers increasingly embrace and proselytise such technical fixes, ensuring consultants’ status as the cult’s new high priests.

Threatened by fiscal austerity and criticisms of being obsolete, public institutions increasingly embrace the access doctrine. They shift resources to foster ‘startups’ or ‘accelerating innovation’ to retrieve legitimacy and secure much-needed resources as public spending is threatened by fiscal austerity.

By redefining poverty as a problem of technology access, consultants reframe problems as seemingly more manageable for staff, politicians, other decision-makers, donors and others. The technological fix fetish has provided a powerful rationale for cutting social protections, replacing them with upskilling programmes and entrepreneurship ‘boot camps’.

Neoliberal consultancies
With the counter-revolution against Keynesian macroeconomics and development economics, policymakers embraced ostensibly market and private solutions from the 1980s.

As state-owned enterprises were privatised, the public sector was expected to function like businesses. Governments embraced ‘performance-related pay’ and cost-benefit analyses to promote private sector values in the public realm.

After Margaret Thatcher became UK prime minister in 1979, her party chairman declared: “The management ethos must run right through our national life – private and public companies, civil service, nationalised industries, local government, the National Health Service.”

Such policies were mimicked in many developing countries, either for access to concessional finance or voluntarily, as the Washington Consensus gained hegemony in policymaking circles. The consultancy cult’s osmosis into public institutions in recent decades as well as its more novel recent iterations are their consequences.

The book ends with a call to change the role of consultancies, arguing they have caused the public sector to become less capable and innovative. Investing in public sector expertise will be necessary to retrieve the space ‘voluntarily’ ceded to ‘the big con’.

IPS UN Bureau


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LeddarTech and TTTech Auto Announce a Leap Forward in Autonomous Driving Safety

QUEBEC CITY, Canada and VIENNA, Austria, Dec. 06, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — LeddarTech , an automotive software company that provides patented disruptive AI–based low–level sensor fusion and perception software technology for ADAS and AD and TTTech Auto, a technology leader in automotive safety software, are pleased to announce the completion of a joint demonstrator for a fail–operational architecture based on LeddarTech's LeddarVision software and TTTech Auto's Safety Co–Pilot solution.

TTTech Auto's innovative Safety Co–Pilot solution tackles the challenges of a safety architecture suitable for autonomous driving on SAE Level 3 and beyond. It is based on a doer channel, which is responsible for the main driving task, and an independent checker channel. In the event of an abnormal situation identified by the checker, the doer channel is seamlessly overridden, and a fallback channel brings the vehicle to a safe stop.

In this collaboration, TTTech Auto leverages its proficiency in safety mechanisms and automotive platforms, complemented by LeddarTech's advanced fusion and perception capabilities. TTTech Auto contributes operational platforms and frameworks, facilitating the development of decomposed architectures for safety applications. LeddarTech enhances the partnership with its high–performance fusion and perception stack, grounded in low–level fusion. It provides valuable datasets for agile architecture exploration and demonstration of decomposed perception paths. Both companies exemplify an agile approach, employing risk assessment and safety–critical event feasibility assessments to showcase a potential solution. This collaborative effort aims to support car OEMs constructing their SAE Level 2–3 safety solutions.

To demonstrate the viability of this approach and its potential for vehicle safety and cost–efficiency, TTTech Auto and LeddarTech have partnered up to combine LeddarTech's LeddarVision with TTTech Auto's Safety Co–Pilot, creating a demonstrator focused on the checker channel. Key features include:

  • LeddarTech's LeddarVision: A powerful AI–based low–level fusion and perception software stack that leverages raw sensor data from cameras and radars to build an environmental model. Depending on the sensor set and the diversity concept, LeddarVision can be deployed either in the doer or the checker channel.
  • TTTech Auto's Safety Co–Pilot: A versatile solution for the checker channel equipped with a set of validation modules, each encompassing checks related to critical safety requirements. The demonstrator showcases validation modules addressing probabilistic risks associated with physically unfeasible trajectories and potentially dangerous collisions. A crucial element in ensuring safety is that these checks are performed based on a separate environment model ""in this case, LeddarVision, ensuring full independence from the doer channel.

The testing of this demonstrator was conducted on data collected from highways in Germany and Israel. The results demonstrate that LeddarTech's high–quality environmental model and TTTech Auto's probabilistic checking implement an efficient and reliable checker channel. This advancement provides a robust safety argument for AD systems operating at SAE Level 3 and beyond.

"We are paving the way to autonomous driving safety with true fail–operational architectures," stated Stefan Poledna, CTO at TTTech Auto. "TTTech Auto's groundbreaking architecture, in conjunction with LeddarTech's LeddarVision, confirms our commitment to SAE Level 3 and 4 autonomous driving."

Frantz Saintellemy, President, COO and incoming CEO of LeddarTech, added: "Through our partnership with TTTech Auto in the integration of our LeddarVision AI–based software and TTTech Auto's Safety Co–Pilot, our collective aim has been to showcase a high–level fail–operational architecture suitable for safe driving automation. This collaboration demonstrates our belief that by aligning ourselves with other industry leaders in win–win partnerships, we accelerate technology deployment and adoption."

About TTTech Auto

TTTech Auto provides solutions for future vehicle generations and the shift towards software–defined vehicles. The company specializes in delivering safe software and hardware solutions along with a range of services to support the advancement of automated driving and beyond, applicable in series production programs. With its leading technology solutions, TTTech Auto reduces the required time for system designing, integration and testing of a series production–ready software platform. This ensures safety and electronic robustness for a more automated world.

TTTech Auto was founded in 2018 by TTTech Group and technology leaders Audi, Infineon and Samsung to build a global, safe vehicle software platform for automated and autonomous driving. In 2022, the company raised USD 285 million (EUR 250 million) from Aptiv and Audi in its latest funding round. At TTTech Auto's headquarters in Vienna, Austria and in more than 10 locations across Europe and Asia, 1 100 employees work with leading car manufacturers on their software–defined vehicle, ADAS and autonomous driving programs. The company has acquired and invested in technology companies in France, Spain, Turkey, China and central and Eastern Europe. www.tttech–

About LeddarTech

A global software company founded in 2007 and headquartered in Quebec City with additional R&D centers in Montreal, Toronto and Tel Aviv, Israel, LeddarTech develops and provides comprehensive AI–based low–level sensor fusion and perception software solutions that enable the deployment of ADAS and autonomous driving (AD) applications. LeddarTech's automotive–grade software applies advanced AI and computer vision algorithms to generate accurate 3D models of the environment to achieve better decision making and safer navigation. This high–performance, scalable, cost–effective technology is available to OEMs and Tier 1–2 suppliers to efficiently implement automotive and off–road vehicle ADAS solutions.

LeddarTech is responsible for several remote–sensing innovations, with over 150 patent applications (80 granted) that enhance ADAS and AD capabilities. Better awareness around the vehicle is critical in making global mobility safer, more efficient, sustainable and affordable: this is what drives LeddarTech to seek to become the most widely adopted sensor fusion and perception software solution.

Additional information about LeddarTech is accessible at and on LinkedIn, Twitter (X), Facebook and YouTube.

Daniel Aitken, Vice–President, Global Marketing, Communications and Investor Relations, LeddarTech Inc. Tel.: + 1–418–653–9000 ext. 232

Leddar, LeddarTech, LeddarVision, LeddarSP, VAYADrive, VayaVision and related logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of LeddarTech Inc. and its subsidiaries. All other brands, product names and marks are or may be trademarks or registered trademarks used to identify products or services of their respective owners.

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8986857)

LeddarTech et TTTech Auto annoncent un bond en avant dans la sécurité de la conduite autonome

QUÉBEC, Canada et VIENNE, Autriche, 06 déc. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — LeddarTech , une socit de logiciels automobiles qui fournit des technologies logicielles de fusion bas niveau de capteurs et de perception reposant sur l'IA, innovatrices et brevetes pour systmes avancs d'aide la conduite (systmes ADAS) et de conduite autonome (systmes AD), et TTTech Auto, leader technologique dans le domaine des logiciels de scurit automobile, sont heureuses d'annoncer l'achvement d'un dmonstrateur commun d'architecture oprationnelle en cas de dfaillance reposant sur le logiciel LeddarVision de LeddarTech et la solution Safety Co–Pilot de TTTech Auto.

La solution innovante Safety Co–Pilot de TTTech Auto relve les dfis d'une architecture de scurit adapte la conduite autonome au niveau 3 de la classification SAE et au–del. Elle est base sur un canal d'excution, responsable de la tche principale de conduite, et un canal de vrification indpendant. Si le vrificateur identifie une situation anormale, le canal d'excution est ignor et un canal de repli permet d'arrter le vhicule en toute scurit.

Dans le cadre de cette collaboration, TTTech Auto met profit sa matrise des mcanismes de scurit et des plateformes automobiles, complte par les capacits de fusion et de perception avances de LeddarTech. TTTech Auto fournit des plateformes et des cadres oprationnels, facilitant le dveloppement d'architectures dcomposes pour des applications de scurit. LeddarTech renforce le partenariat avec sa solution de fusion et de perception haute performance, btie autour de la fusion de bas niveau. Elle fournit des jeux de donnes prcieux pour l'exploration d'architectures agiles et la dmonstration de chemins de perception dcomposs. Les deux entreprises font valoir une approche agile, en recourant l'valuation des risques et des valuations de faisabilit d'vnements critiques pour la scurit afin de prsenter une solution potentielle. Cet effort de collaboration vise aider les quipementiers automobiles laborer leurs solutions de scurit de niveau SAE 2–3.

Pour dmontrer la viabilit de cette approche et son potentiel en matire de scurit et de cot–efficacit, TTTech Auto et LeddarTech se sont associes pour combiner la solution LeddarVision de LeddarTech et Safety Co–Pilot de TTTech Auto, crant ainsi un dmonstrateur orient sur le canal de vrification. Les caractristiques principales comprennent :

  • LeddarVision de LeddarTech : un puissant logiciel de fusion bas niveau et de perception bas sur l'IA qui exploite les donnes brutes gnres par les camras et les radars pour construire un modle environnemental. En fonction du jeu de capteurs et du concept de diversit, LeddarVision peut tre dploy soit dans le canal d'excution, soit dans le canal de vrification.
  • Safety Co–Pilot de TTTech Auto : une solution polyvalente pour le canal de vrification quipe d'un ensemble de modules de validation, chacun englobant des vrifications lies des exigences de scurit critiques. Le dmonstrateur prsente des modules de validation traitant des risques probabilistes associs des trajectoires physiquement irralisables et des collisions potentiellement dangereuses. Pour garantir la scurit, il est essentiel que ces vrifications soient effectues sur la base d'un modle environnemental distinct ""en l'occurrence, LeddarVision"", ce qui garantit une indpendance totale par rapport au canal d'excution.

Ce dmonstrateur a t test sur des donnes recueillies sur autoroute en Allemagne et en Isral. Les rsultats dmontrent que le modle environnemental de haute qualit de LeddarTech et la vrification probabiliste de TTTech Auto mettent en "uvre un canal de vrification efficace et fiable. Cette avance constitue un solide argument de scurit pour les systmes AD de niveau SAE 3 et au–del.

Nous ouvrons la voie la scurit de la conduite autonome grce de vritables architectures oprationnelles en cas de dfaillance , a dclar Stefan Poledna, chef de la technologie de TTTech Auto. L'architecture avant–gardiste de TTTech Auto, conjugue au LeddarVision de LeddarTech, confirme notre engagement en faveur de la conduite autonome de niveau SAE 3 et 4 .

Frantz Saintellemy, prsident, chef de l'exploitation et futur chef de la direction de LeddarTech, a ajout : Grce notre partenariat avec TTTech Auto pour intgrer notre logiciel LeddarVision bas sur l'IA et le Safety Co–Pilot de TTTech Auto, notre objectif collectif a t de prsenter une architecture de haut niveau oprationnelle en cas de dfaillance, adapte la conduite automatise scurise. Cette collaboration conforte notre conviction qu'en nous associant d'autres leaders du secteur dans le cadre de partenariats gagnant–gagnant, nous acclrons le dploiement et l'adoption de la technologie .

propos de TTTech Auto

TTTech Auto fournit des solutions pour les futures gnrations de vhicules et la transition vers des vhicules dfinis par logiciel. L'entreprise est spcialise dans la fourniture de solutions logicielles et matrielles sres, ainsi que d'une gamme de services destins soutenir les progrs de la conduite automatise et au–del, applicables des programmes de production en srie. Grce ses solutions technologiques de pointe, TTTech Auto rduit le temps ncessaire la conception, l'intgration et aux essais d'une plateforme logicielle prte pour la production en srie. Ceci garantit la scurit et la robustesse lectronique dans un monde de plus en plus automatis.

TTTech Auto a t fonde en 2018 par TTTech Group et les leaders technologiques Audi, Infineon et Samsung pour construire une plateforme logicielle mondiale et sre pour l'automobile, destine la conduite automatise et autonome. En 2022, l'entreprise a lev 285 millions de dollars amricains (250 millions d'euros) auprs d'Aptiv et d'Audi lors de son dernier cycle de financement. Au sige de TTTech Auto Vienne, en Autriche, et dans plus de 10 sites en Europe et en Asie, 1 100 employs travaillent avec les principaux constructeurs automobiles sur leurs programmes de vhicules dfinis par logiciel, d'ADAS et de conduite autonome. La socit a acquis et investi dans des entreprises technologiques en France, en Espagne, en Turquie, en Chine et en Europe centrale et orientale. www.tttech–

propos de LeddarTech

Entreprise mondiale de logiciels fonde en 2007, base Qubec et disposant de centres de R&D supplmentaires Montral, Toronto et Tel Aviv (Isral), LeddarTech dveloppe et propose des solutions logicielles compltes de fusion bas niveau de capteurs et de perception reposant sur l'intelligence artificielle qui permettent le dploiement d'applications ADAS et de conduite autonome (AD). Le logiciel de classe automobile de LeddarTech applique des algorithmes d'intelligence artificielle et de vision numrique avancs afin de gnrer des modles 3D prcis de l'environnement, pour une meilleure prise de dcision et une navigation plus sre. Cette technologie performante, volutive et conomique permet la mise en "uvre efficace de solutions ADAS pour vhicules automobiles et hors route par les quipementiers et les fournisseurs de rang 1 et 2.

Ayant dpos plus de 150 demandes de brevets (dont 80 accordes) qui amliorent les capacits des systmes d'aide la conduite et de conduite autonome, l'entreprise a contribu plusieurs innovations lies des applications de tldtection. Une plus grande conscience situationnelle est essentielle pour rendre la mobilit plus sre, plus efficace, plus durable et plus abordable : c'est ce qui motive LeddarTech vouloir devenir la solution logicielle de fusion de capteurs et de perception la plus largement adopte.

Renseignements complmentaires disponibles sur et sur LinkedIn, Twitter (X), Facebook et YouTube.

Contact :
Daniel Aitken, vice–prsident, Marketing, communications et relations avec les investisseurs mondiaux, LeddarTech Inc.
Tl. : + 1–418–653–9000 poste 232

Leddar, LeddarTech, LeddarVision, LeddarSP, VAYADrive, VayaVision et les logos associs sont des marques de commerce ou des marques dposes de LeddarTech Inc. et de ses filiales. Tous les autres noms de marques, noms de produits et marques sont ou peuvent tre des marques de commerce ou des marques dposes utilises pour dsigner les produits ou les services de leurs propritaires respectifs.

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8986857)

LeddarTech und TTTech Auto präsentieren ihre Entwicklungszusammenarbeit in der Sicherheit des autonomen Fahrens an

QUEBEC CITY und WIEN, Österreich, Dec. 06, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — LeddarTech , ein Automobilsoftwareunternehmen, das patentierte, bahnbrechende KI–gesttzte Low–Level–Sensorfusions– und Wahrnehmungssoftwaretechnologie fr ADAS und AD anbietet, und TTTech Auto, ein fhrendes Technologie–Unternehmen fr Sicherheitssoftware im Automobilbereich, freuen sich, die Fertigstellung eines gemeinsamen Demonstrators fr eine Fail–Operational–Architektur auf Basis der LeddarVision–Software von LeddarTech und der Safety Co–Pilot–Lsung von TTTech Auto bekannt geben zu knnen.

Die innovative Safety Co–Pilot–Lsung von TTTech Auto stellt sich den Herausforderungen einer Sicherheitsarchitektur, die fr autonomes Fahren auf SAE–Level 3 und hher geeignet ist. Sie basiert auf einem "Doer"–Kanal, der fr die Hauptfahraufgabe zustndig ist, und einem unabhngigen "Checker"–Kanal fr dessen berprfung. Im Falle einer vom Checker erkannten abnormalen Situation wird der Doer–Kanal nahtlos auer Kraft gesetzt, und ein Fallback–Kanal bringt das Fahrzeug zum sicheren Stillstand.

In Rahmen dieser Zusammenarbeit sttz sich TTTech Auto auf seine Kompetenz in Sicherheitsmechanismen und Automobilplattformen. Diese wird durch die fortschrittlichen technischen Fusions– und Wahrnehmungsfhigkeiten von LeddarTech ergnzt. TTTech Auto steuert Software–Plattformen bei, die die Entwicklung dekomponierter Architekturen fr Sicherheitsanwendungen erleichtern. LeddarTech bereichert die Partnerschaft mit seinem leistungsstarken Fusions– und Wahrnehmungsstack, der auf Low–Level–Fusion basiert. Dadurch werden wertvolle Daten fr die Erkundung agiler Architekturen und die Demonstration von dekomponierten Wahrnehmungspfaden geliefert. Beide Unternehmen sind ein Beispiel fr einen agilen Ansatz, bei dem Risikobewertungen und Machbarkeitsanalysen fr sicherheitskritische Ereignisse eingesetzt werden, um eine potenzielle Lsung vorfhren zu knnen. Ziel dieser Zusammenarbeit ist es, Automobilhersteller bei der Entwicklung ihrer auf SAE–Level 2–3 basierenden Sicherheitslsungen zu untersttzen.

Um die Realisierbarkeit dieses Ansatzes und sein Potenzial fr Fahrzeugsicherheit und Kosteneffizienz zu demonstrieren sind TTTech Auto und LeddarTech eine Partnerschaft eingegangen, in der LeddarVision von LeddarTech mit dem Safety Co–Pilot von TTTech Auto zu einem Demonstrator kombiniert wurde, der den Checker–Kanal abbildet. Die wichtigsten Merkmale sind:

  • LeddarVision von LeddarTech: Ein leistungsfhiger KI–gesttzter Low–Level–Fusions– und Wahrnehmungssoftware–Stack, der Rohsensordaten von Kameras und Radargerten nutzt, um ein Umgebungsmodell zu erstellen. Je nach Sensorausstattung und Diversittskonzept kann LeddarVision entweder im Doer– oder im Checker–Kanal eingesetzt werden.
  • Safety Co–Pilot von TTTech Auto: Eine vielseitige Lsung fr den Checker–Kanal mit einer Reihe von Validierungsmodulen, die jeweils berprfungen in Bezug auf kritische Sicherheitsanforderungen vornehmen. Der Demonstrator zeigt Validierungsmodule, die probabilistische Risiken im Zusammenhang mit physikalisch nicht praktikablen Trajektorien und potenziell gefhrlichen Kollisionen behandeln. Ein entscheidendes Element zur Gewhrleistung der Sicherheit besteht darin, dass diese Kontrollen auf Basis eines separaten Umgebungsmodells durchgefhrt werden "" in diesem Fall LeddarVision "", wodurch eine vllige Unabhngigkeit vom Doer–Kanal gewhrleistet ist.

Die Tests fr diesen Demonstrator wurden mit Daten durchgefhrt, die auf Autobahnen in Deutschland und Israel gesammelt wurden. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass das qualitativ hochwertige Umgebungsmodell von LeddarTech und die probabilistische Prfung von TTTech Auto einen effizienten und zuverlssigen Checker–Kanal darstellen. Dieser Fortschritt liefert ein solides Sicherheitsargument fr AD–Systeme, die nach SAE–Level 3 oder hher betrieben werden.

"Wir ebnen den Weg zur Sicherheit beim autonomen Fahren mit echten Fail–Operational–Architekturen", sagte Stefan Poledna, CTO bei TTTech Auto. "Die bahnbrechende Architektur von TTTech Auto in Verbindung mit LeddarVision von LeddarTech besttigt unser Engagement fr das autonome Fahren nach SAE–Level 3 und 4."

Frantz Saintellemy, President, COO und designierter CEO von LeddarTech, fgte an: "Durch unsere Partnerschaft mit TTTech Auto bei der Integration unserer KI–gesttzten Software LeddarVision mit dem Safety Co–Pilot von TTTech Auto war es unser gemeinsames Ziel, eine hochgradige Fail–Operational–Architektur vorzufhren, die fr eine sichere Fahrautomatisierung geeignet ist. Diese Zusammenarbeit entspricht unserer berzeugung, dass wir die Bereitstellung und Einfhrung von Technologien beschleunigen knnen, wenn wir uns mit anderen Branchenfhrern in Win–Win–Partnerschaften zusammenschlieen."

ber TTTech Auto

TTTech Auto bietet Lsungen fr zuknftige Fahrzeuggenerationen und den bergang zu softwaredefinierten Fahrzeugen an. Das Unternehmen ist auf die Bereitstellung sicherer Software– und Hardwarelsungen zusammen mit einer Reihe von Services fr automatisiertes Fahren und weitere Anwendungen spezialisiert, die in Serienfertigungsprogrammen anwendbar sind. Mit seinen fhrenden Technologielsungen reduziert TTTech Auto die Zeit, die fr die Systementwicklung, Integration und Prfung einer serienproduktionsreifen Softwareplattform erforderlich ist. Dadurch sorgt das Unternehmen fr mehr Sicherheit und elektronische Robustheit in einer Welt der zunehmenden Automatisierung.

TTTech Auto wurde 2018 von der TTTech Group und den Technologiefhrern Audi, Infineon und Samsung gegrndet, um eine globale, sichere Fahrzeugsoftwareplattform fr automatisiertes und autonomes Fahren aufzubauen. Im Jahr 2022 erhielt das Unternehmen in seiner letzten Finanzierungsrunde 285 Millionen USD (250 Millionen EUR) von Aptiv und Audi. Im Unternehmenssitz von TTTech Auto in Wien, sterreich, und an mehr als 10 Standorten in Europa und Asien arbeiten 1.100 Beschftigte mit fhrenden Automobilherstellern an deren Programmen fr softwaredefinierte Fahrzeuge, ADAS und autonomes Fahren. Das Unternehmen erwarb Technologieunternehmen in Frankreich, Spanien, der Trkei, China sowie Mittel– und Osteuropa und hat in diese investiert. www.tttech–

ber LeddarTech

LeddarTech ist ein 2007 gegrndetes globales Softwareunternehmen mit Hauptsitz in Qubec City und weiteren Forschungs– und Entwicklungszentren in Montreal, Toronto und Tel Aviv, Israel. LeddarTech entwickelt und liefert umfassende KI–gesttzte Low–Level–Sensorfusions– und Wahrnehmungssoftwarelsungen, die den Einsatz von ADAS– und autonomen Fahranwendungen ermglichen. Die Software von LeddarTech, die fr die Automobilindustrie ausgelegt ist, wendet zum Erstellen prziser 3D–Modelle der Umgebung fortschrittliche KI– und Computer–Vision–Algorithmen an, um eine bessere Entscheidungsfindung und sicherere Navigation zu erreichen. Diese leistungsstarke, skalierbare und kosteneffiziente Technologie steht OEMs und Tier–1/2–Zulieferern fr die effiziente Implementierung von ADAS–Lsungen fr PKWs und Gelndefahrzeuge zur Verfgung.

LeddarTech ist fr mehrere Innovationen im Bereich der Fernerkundung verantwortlich und verfgt ber mehr als 150 Patentanmeldungen (80 davon erteilt), die ADAS– und AD–Funktionen verbessern. Eine bessere Wahrnehmung rund um das Fahrzeug ist entscheidend, um die globale Mobilitt sicherer, effizienter, nachhaltiger und erschwinglicher zu machen: Das ist es, was LeddarTech dazu bringt, die am weitesten verbreitete Softwarelsung fr Sensorfusion und Wahrnehmung zu werden.

Weitere Informationen ber LeddarTech finden Sie unter sowie bei LinkedIn, Twitter (X), Facebook und YouTube.

Daniel Aitken, Vice–President, Global Marketing, Communications and Investor Relations, LeddarTech Inc. Tel.: + 1–418–653–9000 Durchwahl 232

  • Website fr Investor Relations:
  • Kontakt fr Investor Relations: Kevin Hunt, ICR Inc.
  • Kontakt fr Finanzmedien: Dan Brennan, ICR Inc.

Leddar, LeddarTech, LeddarVision, LeddarSP, VAYADrive, VayaVision und die entsprechenden Logos sind Warenzeichen oder eingetragene Warenzeichen der LeddarTech Inc. und ihrer Tochtergesellschaften. Alle anderen Marken und Produktnamen sind oder knnen Marken oder eingetragene Marken sein, die zur Identifizierung von Produkten oder Dienstleistungen ihrer jeweiligen Inhaber verwendet werden.

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8989074)

LeddarTech e TTTech Auto Dão um Salto na Segurança de Condução Autônoma

QUEBEC e VIENA, Áustria, Dec. 06, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A LeddarTech , uma empresa de software automotivo que fornece tecnologia patenteada de software de fuso e percepo de sensores de baixo nvel baseada em IA para ADAS e AD e a TTTech Auto, lder em tecnologia de software de segurana automotiva, tm o prazer de anunciar a concluso de um demonstrador conjunto para uma arquitetura operacional com falha baseada no software LeddarVision da LeddarTech e na soluo Safety Co–Pilot da TTTech Auto.

A inovadora soluo Safety Co–Pilot da TTTech Auto aborda os desafios de uma arquitetura de segurana adequada para a conduo autnoma no SAE Nvel 3 e alm. Ele baseado em um canal doer responsvel pela tarefa principal de conduo, e um canal verificador independente. No caso de uma situao anormal identificada pelo verificador, o canal doer completamente substitudo e um canal de fallback leva o veculo a uma parada segura.

Nesta colaborao, a TTTech Auto utiliza sua proficincia em mecanismos de segurana e plataformas automotivas complementada pelos recursos avanados de fuso e percepo da LeddarTech. A TTTech Auto contribui com plataformas e frameworks operacionais, facilitando o desenvolvimento de arquiteturas decompostas para aplicaes de segurana. A LeddarTech aprimora a parceria com sua pilha de fuso e percepo de alto desempenho, fundamentada na fuso de baixo nvel. Ela fornece conjuntos de dados valiosos para explorao de arquitetura gil e demonstrao de caminhos de percepo decompostos. Ambas as empresas exemplificam uma abordagem gil e empregam avaliaes de risco e de viabilidade de eventos crticos de segurana para apresentar uma soluo potencial. Este esforo colaborativo visa apoiar os OEMs de automveis na criao das suas solues de segurana SAE Nvel 2–3.

Para demonstrar a viabilidade dessa abordagem e seu potencial de segurana e eficincia de custo do veculo, a TTTech Auto e a LeddarTech fizeram uma parceria para unir o LeddarVision da LeddarTech com o Safety Co–Pilot da TTTech Auto, criando um demonstrador focado no canal do verificador. Principais caractersticas incluem:

  • LeddarTech's LeddarVision: Uma potente pilha de software de fuso e percepo de baixo nvel baseada em IA que utiliza os dados brutos dos sensores de cmeras e radares para criar um modelo do ambiente. Dependendo do conjunto de sensores e do conceito de diversidade, o LeddarVision pode ser implantado no canal doer ou do verificador.
  • Safety Co–Pilot da TTTech Auto: Uma soluo verstil para o canal do verificador equipado com um conjunto de mdulos de validao, cada um abrangendo verificaes relacionadas a requisitos essenciais de segurana. O demonstrador apresenta mdulos de validao que abordam riscos probabilsticos associados a trajetrias fisicamente inviveis e colises potencialmente perigosas. Um elemento crucial para garantir a segurana que essas verificaes sejam realizadas com base em um modelo de ambiente separado – neste caso, LeddarVision, garantindo total independncia do canal doer.

O teste deste demonstrador foi realizado com dados coletados em rodovias da Alemanha e de Israel. Os resultados demonstram que o modelo ambiental de alta qualidade da LeddarTech e a verificao probabilstica da TTTech Auto implementam um canal verificador eficiente e confivel. Esse avano fornece um argumento de segurana robusto para sistemas AD que operam no SAE Nvel 3 e alm.

"Estamos pavimentando o caminho para a segurana da conduo autnoma com verdadeiras arquiteturas operacionais com falha", afirmou Stefan Poledna, CTO da TTTech Auto. "A arquitetura inovadora da TTTech Auto, em conjunto com o LeddarVision da LeddarTech, confirma nosso compromisso com a conduo autnoma de Nvel 3 e 4 da SAE."

Frantz Saintellemy, Presidente e CEO da LeddarTech, acrescentou: "A nossa parceria com a TTTech Auto na integrao do nosso software baseado em IA LeddarVision e com o Safety Co–Pilot da TTTech Auto tem por objetivo apresentar uma arquitetura operacional de alto nvel adequada para a automao de conduo segura. Essa colaborao se alinha nossa confiana de que, ao nos alinharmos com outros lderes do setor com parcerias mutuamente benficas, aceleramos a implantao e a adoo da tecnologia."

Sobre a TTTech Auto

A TTTech Auto fornece solues para futuras geraes de veculos e a mudana para veculos definidos por software. A empresa especializada no fornecimento de solues seguras de software e hardware, juntamente com uma gama de servios para apoiar o avano da conduo automatizada e alm, aplicveis em programas de produo em srie. Com suas solues tecnolgicas lderes, a TTTech Auto reduz o tempo necessrio para a criao do projeto, integrao e teste do sistema de uma plataforma de software pronta para produo em srie. Isso garante a segurana e a robustez eletrnica para um mundo mais automatizado.

A TTTech Auto foi fundada em 2018 pelo TTTech Group e pelas lderes de tecnologia Audi, Infineon e Samsung, para a criao de uma plataforma de software de veculo global segura para a conduo automatizada e autnoma. Em 2022, a empresa captou US $ 285 milhes (EUR 250 milhes) da Aptiv e da Audi na sua ltima rodada de financiamento. Na sede da TTTech Auto em Viena, ustria, e em mais de 10 locais na Europa e na sia, 1.100 funcionrios trabalham com os principais fabricantes de automveis nos seus programas de veculos definidos por software, ADAS e conduo autnoma. A empresa adquiriu e investiu em empresas de tecnologia na Frana, Espanha, Turquia, China e Europa Central e Oriental. www.tttech–

Sobre a LeddarTech

Uma empresa global de software fundada em 2007 e sediada na cidade de Quebec, com centros adicionais de P&D em Montreal, Toronto e Tel Aviv, Israel, a LeddarTech desenvolve e fornece solues abrangentes de software de percepo e fuso de baixo nvel com base em IA que permitem a implantao de aplicaes ADAS e de conduo autnoma (AD). O software de nvel automotivo da LeddarTech aplica algoritmos avanados de IA e viso computacional para gerar modelos 3D precisos do ambiente para tomadas de decises melhores e navegao mais segura. Esta tecnologia de alto desempenho, escalonvel e econmica disponvel para OEMs e fornecedores de Nvel 1–2 para a implementao eficiente de solues ADAS para veculos automotivos e off–road.

A LeddarTech responsvel por vrias inovaes de sensor remoto, com mais de 150 patentes solicitadas (80 concedidas) que aprimoram os recursos de ADAS e AD. A percepo de veculos fundamental para tornar a mobilidade global mais segura, eficiente, sustentvel e acessvel: e por isso que a LeddarTech deseja se tornar a soluo de software de fuso e percepo de sensores mais amplamente adotada.

Para mais informao sobre a LeddarTech, visite, LinkedIn, Twitter (X), Facebook e YouTube.

Daniel Aitken, Vice–Presidente, Marketing Global, Comunicaes e Relacionamento com o Investidor, LeddarTech Inc. Tel.: + 1–418–653–9000 ramal 232

  • Site de relaes com investidores:
  • Contato de Relaes com Investidores: Kevin Hunt, ICR Inc.
  • Contato para mdia financeira: Dan Brennan, ICR Inc.

Os logotipos Leddar, LeddarTech, LeddarVision, LeddarSP, VAYADrive, VayaVision e afins so marcas comerciais ou marcas comerciais registradas da LeddarTech Inc. e suas subsidirias. Todas as outras marcas e nomes de produtos so ou podem ser marcas comerciais ou marcas comerciais registradas usadas para identificar produtos ou servios de seus respectivos proprietrios.

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8989074)

Emerging Climate Finance Infrastructure to Match Africa’s Green Bankable Solutions

Pro-Africa financial infrastructure could help Africa feed the world. Africa is home to an estimated 60 percent of the world's uncultivated arable land. Credit: Joyce Chimbi/IPS

Pro-Africa financial infrastructure could help Africa feed the world. Africa is home to an estimated 60 percent of the world’s uncultivated arable land. Credit: Joyce Chimbi/IPS

By Joyce Chimbi
DUBAI, Dec 6 2023 – Although long profiled as the face of climate change, a high-risk continent with a pipeline of unbankable green projects, there are areas where Africa is leading the world. The 1987 accidental discovery of the first deposit of natural hydrogen during a water drilling campaign in Bourakebougou village, Mali, is today proving that Africa can export viable green solutions.

Naturally occurring or geological hydrogen is low-carbon and cheap and can be used for transportation, heating, and power generation. A growing number of countries, including Oman, New Caledonia, Canada, Russia, Australia, Japan, Germany, New Zealand, France, and Switzerland, have now joined the scramble for natural hydrogen, and this could trigger an energy revolution.

Senegalese chef Pierre Thiam told delegates at the ongoing COP28 Summit in Dubai, UAE, that with the right support, Africa will be the hub for green projects.

“Today, fonio is on the market in the United States, providing a stable source of income for hundreds of smallholder farmers despite the climate crisis.”

“The grain does not need much to grow and is often referred to as ‘the lazy farmer’s crop’ for whatever the weather; as long as you have put the seed in the ground, it will grow.”

Fonio is an ancient drought-tolerant, gluten-free, nutritional powerhouse that can be used like any other grain and has had its roots in the arid Sahel belt for over 5,000 years. Since 2017, Yolélé, which roughly translates to ‘let the good times roll’, is Thiam’s U.S.-based West African food company, which has been collaborating with smallholder farmers in sharing the ancient West African grain in the United States and is now expanding internationally.

With the right financial structures, Thiam says the ground is ripe for such innovative initiatives. While Africa contributes the least to climate change yet suffers the worst consequences, it also represents 20 percent of the global population, attracting less than three percent of global investments, particularly into green energy.

Despite immense green energy potential and growing political goodwill, Africa still lags other regions on many green growth dimensions. The climate finance architecture must now work for Africa, for the risks are enormous and the size of investment needed is over 200 billion dollars in energy alone by 2030.

“At the African Development Bank (AfDB), we really see the lack of climate finance as the biggest impediment towards accelerating development on the continent. Just to put it into context, the level of financing gap will be 2.8 trillion by 2030 just to implement 51 African countries Nationally Determined Contributions, representing each country’s commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions,” said AfDB’s Yamadjako Audrey-Cynthia, Principal Climate Finance Officer and Africa Green Bank Initiative Coordinator.

According to AfDB, to close Africa’s climate financing gap by 2030, approximately USD 213.4 billion will need to be mobilized annually from the private sector to complement constrained public resources. Africa received USD 4.2 billion in private climate finance in 2019–2020, or 14 percent of total climate finance flows of USD 29.5 billion. It requires USD 242.4 billion a year on average until 2030—$2.7 trillion over 2020–30—to implement the climate action expressed in the latest NDCs.

Speaking during a session titled ‘Green Banking and a Renewed Climate Finance Architecture for Africa’ at the ongoing COP28 Summit, she spoke of the huge financing need on the continent, which is also an investment opportunity, for Africa is the next green investment frontier. AfDB turns these gaps into investment opportunities by looking into practical solutions at the local level to develop a bankable pipeline of green projects, as quite often, existing projects need to be better structured.

“We also need de-risking instruments such as blended financing—one of several tools to mitigate risk and facilitate financing for private sector-led projects—at the local level to make these projects attractive for the private sector to invest in. We are proactively mobilizing and scaling up climate finance for green infrastructure in Africa. Importantly, we also work at the local level to build the climate financial architecture through green investment vehicles embedded in existing commercial banks so that we do not re-invent the wheel,” she observes.

A report titled ‘Developing Green Banking Ecosystems’ authored by Jean-Paul Mvogo, a nonresident senior fellow at Africa Center, reveals that “financing mobilized to face Africa’s climate challenges represented roughly one-tenth of its needs, fueling a feeling of climate injustice and also depriving Africa of a growth capable of providing work for the hundreds of millions of young people who will enter the labor market in the next two decades.”

Stressing that “one solution to increase green financing for Africa lies in the implementation of strong and proactive policies that: address systemic constraints hindering the absorption capacity of African countries in terms of green projects and their financing; attract new categories of national and international investors; and ensure the optimal allocation of these new resources.”

Africa will also require about $1.3 trillion annually to meet its sustainable development needs by 2030—and thus to achieve green growth. Most of this finance is expected to be met through private finance. To meet these needs and given the current levels of public climate finance, private climate finance should increase by about 36 percent each year until 2030. Africa has great potential and self-interest to achieve green growth.

In a powerful signal of support during COP28, African and global institutions, together with the governments of Germany, France, and Japan and philanthropies, have already pledged over USD 175 million to the Alliance for Green Infrastructure in Africa (AGIA). The landmark initial pledge will help to rapidly scale up financing for transformative climate-aligned infrastructure projects across the continent.

The new pledges will also advance AGIA towards its first close of USD 500 million of early-stage project preparation and development blended capital. The Alliance is a partnership of the African Union Commission, the African Development Bank, Africa50 and other partners. It works to unlock up to USD 10 billion in private capital for green infrastructure projects and to galvanise global action to accelerate Africa’s just and equitable transition to Net Zero.

IPS UN Bureau Report


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Duck Creek Technologies inaugure une nouvelle ère de gestion et d’analyse de données en lançant Duck Creek Clarity™

BOSTON, 06 déc. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — , le 5 dcembre 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Duck Creek Technologies, le fournisseur de solutions intelligentes qui dessine les futurs contours du secteur de l'assurance gnrale et IARD (incendies, accidents et risques divers) annonce l'avnement de sa nouvelle solution technologique base sur le cloud. Fruit de sa dernire innovation, Duck Creek ClarityTM succde ainsi Duck Creek Insights pour doter les assureurs de capacits avances de gestion des donnes, de reporting et d'analyse. En introduisant Duck Creek Clarity sur le march, la socit repense galement le cycle traditionnel de mise jour logicielle au moyen d'une approche unique de Livraison Active , dont le principe de mise jour en continu permet aux assureurs de contourner les contraintes budgtaires chronophages en lien avec l'actualisation des systmes.

Duck Creek Clarity est un produit dvelopp en cloud natif visant la simplification des accs logiciels, de la gestion et de l'uniformisation des donnes en provenance des principales solutions en mode SaaS (ou logiciel en tant que service) de Duck Creek, y compris les solutions de protocoles, les solutions de facturation, et les solutions ddies la gestion des sinistres. Les capacits d'intgration de sources de donnes externes en toute transparence de Duck Creek Clarity permet aux utilisateurs d'obtenir des aperus dtaills conduisant une meilleure prise de dcision, et un meilleur tablissement des coefficients de perte. Les assureurs peuvent aussi bien exploiter cette solution performante pour dresser des rapports d'activits quotidiennes que pour tablir des plans stratgiques long terme, ouvrant ainsi la voie des amliorations l'chelle du portefeuille.

Duck Creek Clarity tire parti de Snowflake Data Cloud pour fournir aux assureurs des niveaux de donnes soigneusement organises, ainsi qu'un ensemble de tableaux de bord de Business Intelligence et de rapports connexes prdfinis pour guider leurs dcisions de souscription et de renouvellement de manire claire, tout en leur permettant d'valuer les performances de leurs quipes. Ce nouveau produit simplifie galement l'intgration des donnes dans les modles d'intelligence artificielle et d'apprentissage automatique (en anglais AI/ML ), des applications destines aux consommateurs, aux agents et aux courtiers, mais aussi des systmes tiers, pour permettre aux assureurs de prendre les meilleures dcisions chaque tape du cycle de l'assurance, de la souscription jusqu' la facturation, sans oublier les indemnits.

Le lancement de Duck Creek Clarity nous fait entrer dans l'ge de l'excellence base sur les donnes a observ Jess Keeney, Directrice produit et technologie chez Duck Creek Technologies. Et de conclure : Duck Creek a dmontr que les capacits robustes de sa solution constituent la cl de vote de la proprit des donnes et de la prise de dcision agile, ce qui concde un avantage concurrentiel suprieur aux assureurs du march. Ces innovations marquent le dbut de l'engagement permanent de Duck Creek en faveur de l'investissement dans l'univers des donnes et des analyses. Elles visent une monte en comptence pour les assureurs du monde entier, et leur permettent d'tre plus ractifs aux opportunits du march. Le lancement de Duck Creek Clarity constitue un jalon essentiel de notre feuille de route technologique. L'objectif consiste fournir aux assureurs les moyens d'entreprendre intelligemment , d'optimiser les pistes d'efficacit oprationnelle et de crer une exprience client plus personnalise .

Les donnes reprsentent de vritables piliers aux yeux des compagnies d'assurance en qute d'exploitation du potentiel et de l'efficacit des analyses avances et de l'intelligence artificielle gnrative nous explique Tom Benton, partenaire chez ReSource Pro, anciennement Strategy Meets Action, avant de poursuivre : Les assureurs ont besoin d'outils de gestion des donnes et d'analyse l'image de Duck Creek Clarity, capables d'anantir les silos de donnes pour ouvrir la voie une rapide acclration de leur niveau de maturit en matire de donnes, pour finalement aider les quipes en charge de grer des produits d'assurance, des souscriptions et des rclamations prendre des dcisions plus intelligentes et crer des expriences client plus diffrencies .

Rejoignez le webinaire de lancement en direct le jeudi 7 dcembre 2023, 12 h 00, heure de l'Est, pour en savoir plus sur l'autonomisation des dcisions d'assurance bases sur les donnes apporte par Duck Creek Clarity.

propos de Duck Creek Technologies

Duck Creek Technologies est le fournisseur de solutions intelligentes qui dessine les futurs contours du secteur de l'assurance gnrale et IARD (incendies, accidents et risques divers). Les systmes d'assurance modernes reposent sur nos solutions et capitalisent sur le potentiel du cloud pour mener des oprations agiles, intelligentes et volutives. Authenticit, dtermination et transparence, voil les matres–mots de la philosophie de Duck Creek. Pour nous, l'assurance est au service des particuliers et des entreprises au moment, l'endroit et de la manire dont ils en ont le plus besoin. Nos solutions, leaders du march, sont commercialises l'unit ou sous forme de suite package, et sont toutes disponibles sur la page : Duck Creek OnDemand. Rendez–vous sur pour en savoir plus. Suivez–nous sur les rseaux pour dcouvrir nos dernires informations : LinkedIn et Twitter.

Contacts mdias :

Carley Bunch

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8990333)

Mit der Einführung von Duck Creek Clarity™ stellt Duck Creek Technologies die nächste Generation von Lösungen für Datenmanagement und -analyse vor

BOSTON, Dec. 06, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Duck Creek Technologies, Anbieter intelligenter Lsungen, die die Zukunft von Schaden– und Unfallversicherungen (Property & Casualty, P&C) und der Versicherungsbranche ganz allgemein definieren, kndigt Duck Creek ClarityTM an, eine innovative, cloudnative Technologielsung und Nachfolger von Duck Creek Insights, die Versicherern moderne Funktionen fr Datenmanagement, Berichterstattung und Analyse bietet. Mit der Einfhrung von Duck Creek Clarity modernisiert das Unternehmen auch den herkmmlichen Zyklus fr Technologie–Upgrades durch den einzigartigen Ansatz der "aktiven Bereitstellung", mit dem Versicherer kontinuierlich Updates fr ihre Lsungen erhalten, sodass sie keine teuren und zeitaufwendigen Upgradeprojekte mehr durchfhren mssen.

Duck Creek Clarity ist ein cloudnatives Angebot, das den Prozess des Zugriffs, der Verwaltung und der Vereinheitlichung von Daten vereinfacht, die aus den SaaS–basierten (Software–as–a–Service) Kernsystemen von Duck Creek stammen, z. B. aus den Lsungen fr Policen, Abrechnung und Schadenregulierung. Dank der Fhigkeit, externe Datenquellen nahtlos integrieren zu knnen, ermglicht Duck Creek Clarity Teams, umfassende Einblicke zu gewinnen, was zu einer fundierteren Entscheidungsfindung und verbesserten Schadenquoten fhrt. Versicherer knnen diesen leistungsstarken Service sowohl fr die tgliche operative Berichterstellung als auch fr die langfristige strategische Planung nutzen und so den Boden fr Verbesserungen im gesamten Portfolio bereiten.

ber die Snowflake Data Cloud bietet Duck Creek Clarity kuratierte Datenebenen und eine Reihe vorgefertigter Dashboards und Berichte fr geschftliche Erkenntnisse und ermglicht damit fundiertere Entscheidungen zu Risikoeinschtzungen und Vertragsverlngerungen sowie eine bessere Bewertung der Teamleistung. Dieses neue Angebot vereinfacht auch die Integration von Daten in KI– und ML–Modelle, in Anwendungen fr Verbraucher und Agenten/Broker sowie in Drittanbietersysteme, sodass Versicherer in jeder Phase des Lebenszyklus einer Versicherung "" von der Risikoeinschtzung bis hin zur Schadenregulierung "" fundierte Entscheidungen treffen knnen.

"Mit der Einfhrung von Duck Creek Clarity luten wir ein neues Zeitalter datengesteuerter Exzellenz ein", so Jess Keeney, Chief Product & Technology Officer bei Duck Creek Technologies. "Die robusten Funktionen der Lsung von Duck Creek sind nachweislich ein wesentliches Element, das den Datenbesitz und eine agile Entscheidungsfindung untersttzt und Versicherern damit einen Wettbewerbsvorteil auf dem Markt bietet. Dies ist erst der Anfang des Engagements von Duck Creek fr fortlaufende Investitionen in Daten– und Analyselsungen, mit denen Versicherer auf der ganzen Welt intelligenter und schneller auf Marktchancen reagieren knnen. Duck Creek Clarity ist ein Meilenstein unserer Technologie–Roadmap, mit der wir unsere Vision umsetzen, Versicherern die Mittel zur Verfgung zu stellen, auf intelligentere Weise zu arbeiten, die operative Leistung zu optimieren und persnlichere Kundenerlebnisse zu bieten."

"Daten sind ein wesentlicher Baustein fr Versicherungsunternehmen, die die Leistungsstrke und Wirkungskraft von erweiterten Analysen und generativer KI optimal nutzen mchten", so Tom Benton, Partner bei ReSource Pro (frher Strategy Meets Action). "Versicherer bentigen Datenmanagement– und Datenanalysetools wie Duck Creek Clarity, die Datensilos aufbrechen und den Weg fr eine schneller erreichbare Datenreife ebnen. So knnen diese Tools den Versicherungsteams fr Produktmanagement, Risikoeinschtzung und Schadenregulierung dabei helfen, fundiertere Entscheidungen zu treffen und differenzierte Kundenerlebnisse zu bieten."

Nehmen Sie am Donnerstag, den 7. Dezember 2023 um 12:00 Uhr ET am Live–Webinar zur Produkteinfhrung von Duck Creek Technologies teil, um zu erfahren, wie Sie mit Duck Creek Clarity datengesteuerte Versicherungsentscheidungen ermglichen.

ber Duck Creek Technologies

Duck Creek Technologies ist der Anbieter intelligenter Lsungen, der die Zukunft der Schaden–/Unfall– und der allgemeinen Versicherungsbranche gestaltet. Wir sind die Plattform, auf der moderne Versicherungssysteme aufgebaut werden und die es der Branche ermglicht, die Leistungsfhigkeit der Cloud zu nutzen, um agile, intelligente und durchgngige Prozesse zu betreiben. Authentizitt, Zweckmigkeit und Transparenz sind fr Duck Creek von zentraler Bedeutung. Wir sind der Meinung, dass Versicherungen fr Privatpersonen und Unternehmen verfgbar sein sollten, wann, wo und wie sie diese am meisten brauchen. Unsere marktfhrenden Lsungen sind als Einzellsungen oder als Komplettpaket erhltlich. Alle sind ber Duck Creek OnDemand verfgbar. Besuchen Sie, um mehr zu erfahren. Folgen Sie Duck Creek auf unseren sozialen Kanlen fr die neuesten Informationen "" LinkedIn und Twitter.


Carley Bunch

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8990333)

Duck Creek Technologies Revela a Próxima Geração de Gerenciamento e Análise de Dados com o Lançamento do Duck Creek Clarity™

BOSTON, Dec. 05, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Duck Creek Technologies, fornecedora de solues inteligentes que definem o futuro do seguro de propriedade e acidentes (P&C) e geral, anuncia o lanamento do Duck Creek ClarityTM, uma soluo de tecnologia inovadora nativa da nuvem sucessora do Duck Creek Insights, criada para capacitar as seguradoras com gerenciamento avanado de dados, relatrios e analtica. Com a introduo do Duck Creek Clarity, a empresa tambm moderniza o ciclo tradicional de atualizao da tecnologia por meio de uma abordagem exclusiva de “Entrega Ativa”, que fornece atualizaes contnuas e elimina a necessidade de as seguradoras passarem por projetos que exigem atualizaes prontas e caras.

O Duck Creek Clarity uma oferta nativa da nuvem que simplifica o processo de acesso, gerenciamento e unificao dos dados dos principais sistemas com base em SaaS (software como servio) da Duck Creek, incluindo solues de aplices, faturamento, e sinistros. Com a capacidade de integrar perfeitamente fontes de dados externas, o Duck Creek Clarity permite que as equipes obtenham insights abrangentes, levando a uma melhor tomada de decises e melhores ndices de perdas. As seguradoras podem aproveitar esse servio potente nos relatrios operacionais dirios e planejamento estratgico de longo prazo, preparando o terreno para melhorias em todo o portflio.

A Duck Creek Clarity utiliza a Snowflake Data Cloud para capacitar as seguradoras com camadas de dados selecionadas e um conjunto de painis e relatrios de business intelligence pr–construdos, facilitando decises de subscrio e renovao mais informadas, bem como avaliao do desempenho da equipe. Essa nova oferta tambm simplifica a integrao dos dados em modelos de IA/ML (inteligncia artificial/aprendizado de mquina), aplicativos de consumidores e agentes/corretores, e sistemas de terceiros, capacitando as seguradoras a tomar decises bem informadas em todas as etapas do ciclo de vida do seguro, desde a subscrio at o faturamento e os sinistros.

"Estamos entrando uma nova era de excelncia dos dados com o lanamento do Duck Creek Clarity", disse Jess Keeney, Diretora de Produtos e Tecnologia da Duck Creek Technologies. "A Duck Creek provou que os recursos robustos da soluo so um elemento essencial que apoia a propriedade dos dados e a tomada de decises geis, oferecendo s seguradoras uma maior vantagem competitiva no mercado. Este apenas o comeo do compromisso da Duck Creek com o investimento contnuo em dados e anlises para que as seguradoras em todo o mundo possam ser mais inteligentes e rpidas na resposta s oportunidades de mercado. O Duck Creek Clarity um passo fundamental da nossa viso de roteiro de tecnologia para fornecer s seguradoras os meios para o “desempenho com inteligncia”, otimizao da eficincia operacional e criao de experincias mais personalizadas para o cliente.”

“Os dados so um elemento fundamental para as companhias de seguros que procuram revelar o verdadeiro poder e eficcia da anlise avanada e da IA generativa”, disse Tom Benton, Parceiro da ReSource Pro (ex–Strategy Meets Action). "As seguradoras precisam de ferramentas de gerenciamento e anlise de dados como o Duck Creek Clarity que possam quebrar os silos de dados e fornecer um caminho para a rpida acelerao do nvel de maturidade dos seus dados e, por fim, ajudar as equipes de gerenciamento de produtos de seguros, subscrio e sinistros a tomar decises mais inteligentes e proporcionar experincias mais diferenciadas para clientes."

Participe do webinar de lanamento de produtos ao vivo da Duck Creek Technologies na quinta–feira, 7 de dezembro de 2023, s 12h ET para saber mais sobre como capacitar decises de seguro baseadas em dados com o Duck Creek Clarity.

Sobre a Duck Creek Technologies

A Duck Creek Technologies fornecedora de solues inteligentes que definem o futuro do setor de seguros de propriedade e acidentes (P&C) e geral. Somos a plataforma utilizadas como base dos sistemas de seguros modernos, permitindo que a indstria capitalize o poder da nuvem para executar operaes geis, inteligentes e perenes. Autenticidade, propsito e transparncia so fundamentais para a Duck Creek, e acreditamos que o seguro deve estar disponvel para indivduos e empresas quando, onde e como eles mais precisarem. Nossas solues lderes do mercado esto disponveis de forma independente ou como um pacote completo disponveis em Duck Creek OnDemand. Visite para obter mais informao. Siga a Duck Creek nos nossos canais sociais para obter as mais recentes informaes "" LinkedIn e Twitter.

Contato com a Mdia:

Carley Bunch

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8990333)