“الصناعة والثروة المعدنية” تعلن تفاصيل النسخة الثالثة من مؤتمر التعدين الدولي

المديفر : المملكة ستصبح مركزا إقليميًا وعالميًا لمعالجة المعادن

  • لحضور الاجتماع الوزاري الثالث تم توجيه الدعوة لـ 95 دولة و 20 منظمة دولية رسمية، و30 منظمة غير حكومية، و13 اتحادا للأعمال ذات العلاقة بموضوع المؤتمر على مستوى العالم.
  • 250 متحدثاً رئيسياً يشاركون في 75 جلسة من المقرر أن يشاركوا في جلسات المؤتمر التي تلي الاجتماع الوزاري وتنعقد على مدى يومين.

الرياض، المملكة العربية السعودية, Dec. 11, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) —

ثمن معالي نائب وزير الصناعة والثروة المعدنية لشؤون التعدين، المهندس خالد بن صالح المديفر، ما يلقاه قطاع التعدين في المملكة من رعاية ودعم خادم الحرمين الشريفين، الملك سلمان بن عبد العزيز آل سعود، حفظه الله، وسمو ولي العهد رئيس مجلس الوزراء، صاحب السمو الملكي الأمير محمد بن سلمان بن عبد العزيز، حفظه الله. وأكد على أن المملكة، بفضل هذه الرعاية وهذا الدعم، تنهض الآن بدور مهم ومحوري لمواجهة كافة التحديات، المتعلقة باحتياجات العالم من المعادن في المستقبل، وذلك انطلاقاً من ريادتها التاريخية في مد العالم بالطاقة، حيث تتشكل لدى المملكة الآن ريادة تاريخية في مجال استكشاف وإنتاج ومعالجة المعادن، لتصبح مستقراً إقليميًا وعالميًا لمعالجة المعادن.

جاء ذلك في كلمته أثناء المؤتمر الصحفي الذي عقدته وزارة الصناعة والثروة المعدنية، اليوم، في قاعة المؤتمرات بوكالة الأنباء السعودية للإعلان عن تفاصيل برنامج النسخة الثالثة من مؤتمر التعدين الدولي، الذي ينعقد خلال الفترة من 9 إلى 11 يناير الجاري، بمركز الملك عبد العزيز الدولي للمؤتمرات بمدينة الرياض تحت رعاية خادم الحرمين الشريفين، الملك سلمان بن عبد العزيز آل سعود، حفظه الله.

وأكد المديفر، أن رؤية المملكة والمنطقة الكبرى لقطاع المعادن تتمحور حول ثلاث ركائز أساسية هي: التنمية المسؤولة المستدامة، وتحقيق سلاسل توريد مستقرة ومرنة، وإنتاج المعادن الخضراء والمعادن المستقبلية، مشيرًا إلى أن المملكة لديها الكثير من المقومات التي تؤهلها للنهوض بهذا الدور الذي يصب في صالح العالم أجمع وفي صالح تنمية الشعوب وتقدمها. ومن بين هذه المقومات ما تتمتع به من علاقات جيدة وواسعة مع كافة دول العالم وبالأخص دول منطقة التعدين الكبرى في أفريقيا وآسيا. وموقعها الاستراتيجي الذي يربط الشرق بالغرب، ويعزز من قدرتها بأن تصبح مستقراً إقليميًا وعالميًا لمعالجة المعادن لا سيما المعادن الخضراء، وكذلك توفر مصادر الطاقة المتجددة بها، وتوفر البنية التحتية المتطورة، وشبكة الطرق والموانئ البحرية والخدمات اللوجستية المتقدمة. بالإضافة إلى ما لديها من قدرة استثمارية ضخمة لإدارة الثروة المعدنية واستكشاف المعادن الاستراتيجية في المملكة، وما لديها من استثمارات خارجية قوية، حيث قامت شركة معادن، وصندوق الاستثمارات العامة، بتأسيس شركة منارة للمعادن التي تستثمر في أصول التعدين على مستوى العالم، مما يساعد على تحقيق المرونة في سلاسل التوريد العالمية وتسريع وتيرة تحول الطاقة.

وتطرق معالي نائب وزير الصناعة والثروة المعدنية إلى تفرد مؤتمر التعدين الدولي بعقد الاجتماع الوزاري للوزراء المعنيين بشؤون التعدين على مستوى العالم، قائلا: “إننا نجحنا في جعل هذا الاجتماع منصة دولية مرموقة تقودها الحكومات، وتشارك في أعمالها العديد من الدول والمنظمات الرسمية؛ من أجل بناء تعاون دولي يحقق طموحات دول العالم في الحفاظ على البيئة وتحقيق مستهدفات الحياد الكربوني الصفري، وتعزيز الاستثمارات الدولية والإقليمية من أجل اكتشاف مزيد من المعادن الاستراتيجية التي تساعد في جهود تحول الطاقة ودعم صناعاتها، وتبادل المعرفة والخبرات فيما يتعلق بالتقنيات الحديثة وبناء القدرات البشرية وإنفاذ شروط استدامة القطاع”.

وحول تفاصيل النسخة الثالثة من المؤتمر قال معالي المهندس خالد المديفر إن الدعوة وجهت لـ 95 دولة لحضور الاجتماع الوزاري الذي سيعقد في 9 يناير القادم، كما وجهت لـ 20 منظمة دولية رسمية، و30 منظمة غير حكومية و13 اتحادا للأعمال ذات العلاقة بموضوع المؤتمر على مستوى العالم. ومن المقرر أن يشارك في جلسات المؤتمر التي تلي الاجتماع الوزاري وتنعقد على مدى يومين 250 متحدثاً يشاركون في 75 جلسة 90 % منهم يمثلون كبار الرؤساء التنفيذيين لأكبر شركات التعدين والشركات ذات العلاقة بقطاع المعادن والتمويل.

يذكر أن النسخة الثالثة من المؤتمر ستشهد استضافة الاجتماع التشاوري العاشر للوزراء العرب المعنيين بشؤون الثروة المعدنية، كما ستشهد عقد الاجتماع الدولي لهيئات المساحة الجيولوجية لمناقشة أبرز القضايا المتعلقة بأهمية البيانات والمعلومات الجيولوجية، ومشاركتها ضمن أطر التعاون الدولي والإقليمي.

ومن بين المتحدثين في نسخة المؤتمر القادمة، معالي وزير المالية، الأستاذ محمد الجدعان، ومعالي وزير الصناعة والثروة المعدنية، الأستاذ بندر الخريف، ومعالي وزير النقل والخدمات اللوجستية، المهندس صالح الجاسر، ومعالي وزير الاستثمار، المهندس خالد الفالح، ومعالي وزير التعليم الأستاذ يوسف البنيان، ومعالي محافظ صندوق الاستثمارات العامة، الأستاذ ياسر الرميان، ومعالي نائب وزير الصناعة والثروة المعدنية لشؤون التعدين المهندس خالد المديفر، وعدد من رواد صناعة الطاقة والمعادن والمسؤولين والخبراء في هذا المجال، مثل دومينيك بارتون، رئيس مجلس إدارة شركة ريو تينتو، وروبرت فريدلاند، المؤسس والرئيس التنفيذي المشارك لشركة (إيفانهو ماينز)، ومارك بريستو الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة (باريك جولد)، وإدواردو بارتولوميو، الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة (فالي)، ومارك كوتيفاني رئيس مجلس إدارة شركة (فالي لمعادن الأساس)، وإيفي هامبرو المدير العام ورئيس الاستثمار القطاعي في شركة (بلاك روك)، وروبرت ويلت الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة معادن، وميكائيل ستافاس، الرئيس والمدير التنفيذي لشركة بوليدين، وستيل لي، نائب رئيس مجلس الإدارة ورئيس قسم المعلومات في  شركة الموليبدينوم الصينية المحدودة، ولي بينج وي، المؤسس والرئيس التنفيذي لشركة Graphjet Technology.

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/029ac455–d922–4185–bdb6–7b83fa717128

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000903779)

Ministry of Industry and Mineral Resources Announces Details of Third Edition of Future Minerals Forum

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia, Dec. 11, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — At a press conference today, the Ministry of Industry and Mineral Resources (MIM) announced details of the third edition of the Future Minerals Forum (FMF), to be held in Riyadh 9th–11th January at the King Abdulaziz International Conference Center.

Speaking at the conference, H.E. the Vice Minister for Mining Affairs, Khalid Al–Mudaifer, looked forward to further achievements delivered by the Ministerial Roundtable and FMF 2024. In previous editions, both platforms have seen participation from ministers and a leading group of international speakers to address issues and turn talk into action.

The Vice Minister discussed the unique role of the FMF in hosting the only Ministerial Roundtable of its kind in the industry. He said: “We have succeeded in making this meeting a strategic and influential platform led by governments, providing a voice for many countries and official organizations.”

Over 70 countries will be represented by government ministers and high–ranking officials at the Ministerial Roundtable on January 9. For the first time, a Geological Survey Leaders meeting will be held concurrently with the Roundtable, allowing institutions to discuss key mineral issues in the Super Region.

Following the Roundtable, 250 key speakers will participate in 75 sessions over the two–day Forum. Some 90% of them are CEOs of some of the largest companies in the sector.

"We created the FMF to support delivery of the energy transition and create responsible, resilient minerals value chains in the Super Region of Africa, Western and Central Asia. Last week we attended COP and delivered a simple message: without minerals there cannot be an energy transition," Al–Mudaifer added.

The conference noted the Kingdom's leadership in supplying the world with energy, and its current substantial role in supporting the development of resilient value chains to deliver clean energy solutions. The Kingdom has the potential to become an international hub for the production and processing of green minerals. This is supported by the Manara Minerals Company, which invests in mining assets globally to help achieve flexibility in global supply chains and accelerate the pace of the energy transition.

For a full list of speakers and more information about FMF 2024 please visit https://www.futuremineralsforum.com/conference–speakers/.

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/029ac455–d922–4185–bdb6–7b83fa717128

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000903779)

“الصناعة والثروة المعدنية” تعلن تفاصيل النسخة الثالثة من مؤتمر التعدين الدولي


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A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/029ac455–d922–4185–bdb6–7b83fa717128

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000903779)

BASF Environmental Catalyst and Metal Solutions (ECMS) signs agreement to acquire Arc Metal AB in Sweden

  • Acquisition adds smelting capability to serve spent automotive catalyst customers in Europe, Middle East and Africa
  • Complements ECMS recycling operations and global precious metal services

  • Broadens range of materials that can be processed by ECMS

  • Closing of transaction expected in early first quarter 2024

ISELIN, N.J., Dec. 11, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — BASF Environmental Catalyst and Metal Solutions (ECMS) has signed an agreement to purchase the assets of Arc Metal AB in Hofors, Sweden. The company currently conducts toll smelting and processing of spent automotive catalyst, among other services, and will further complement ECMS's existing global precious metal recycling operations in Cinderford, UK, Seneca and Spartanburg, South Carolina, and Caldwell, Texas, USA. The closing of the transaction is expected early in the first quarter of 2024.

"This investment will allow us to grow our recycling business in Europe and bring in best–in–class pyro–metallurgical technology providing flexibility to process high carbon containing materials, like Silicon Carbide found in spent automotive catalyst materials as well as access to new markets," said Tim Ingle, Senior Vice President, Precious Metal Services and Recycling, ECMS. "We look forward to welcoming our new colleagues who bring vast experience in smelting and processing of spent automotive catalysts."

The additional smelting capacity at the Sweden site will also increase utilization of the new refinery capacity in Seneca, South Carolina. Recycled catalysts go through a smelting process and are then refined to produce the high purity precious metal needed to make new catalysts and other end use products, supporting a circular economy. Recycled platinum group metals can also lower carbon emissions by up to 97 percent, in comparison to refining mined or primary materials1.

"The asset purchase will enable ECMS to meet increased customer demand for spent automotive catalyst recycling and position ECMS more competitively in the region," said Dirk Bremm, President and CEO, ECMS. "The acquisition also aligns with our sustainability efforts and those of our customers since catalyst recycling as a secondary supply is a significant source of precious metals, preserving our critical resources."

To learn more about BASF's recycling business, visit www.basf.com/ecms.

1 Source: Sphera Solutions GmbH (2022): GaBi Database Edition 2022, SP37

About BASF Environmental Catalyst and Metal Solutions
Leveraging its deep expertise as a global leader in catalysis and precious metals, BASF Environmental Catalyst and Metal Solutions (ECMS) serves customers in many industries including automotive, aerospace, indoor air quality, semiconductors, and hydrogen economy, and provides full loop services with its precious metals trading and recycling offering. With a focus on circular solutions and sustainability, ECMS is committed to helping our customers create a cleaner, more sustainable world. Protecting the elements of life is our purpose and this inspires us to ever–new solutions. ECMS operates globally in 15 countries with over 4,500 employees and 20 production sites.

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8992710)

Barbara Bufkin et Diane Fanelli rejoignent le conseil d’administration de Duck Creek Technologies

BOSTON, 11 déc. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Duck Creek Technologies, le fournisseur de solutions intelligentes qui dessine les futurs contours du secteur de l'assurance gnrale et IARD (incendies, accidents et risques divers), annonce les nominations de Barbara Bufkin et de Diane Fanelli son conseil d'administration. Madame Bufkin rejoint le conseil de Duck Creek pourvue d'un bagage international considrable en rassurance, distribution, tarification et technologie, et forte d'une vaste exprience en conseil d'entreprises orient vers la cration et la promotion d'alliances stratgiques. Madame Fanelli apporte quant elle une exprience de leader des oprations centres client. Elle est internationalement reconnue pour son expertise en pilotage d'quipes informatiques primtre mondial, et en croissance d'entreprise.

Selon Mike Jackowski, PDG de Duck Creek Technologies, Barbara et Diane sont chacune des spcialistes accomplies et reconnues dans leurs domaines respectifs. Elles apporteront une touche de valeur inestimable la mission long terme de Duck Creek, mais aussi notre stratgie commerciale. Leurs domaines d'expertise sont nettement complmentaires et rpondent parfaitement notre objectif visant un succs plus marqu de nos stratgies client, le dveloppement de notre cosystme de partenaires au bnfice de nos clients assureurs et de leurs propres assurs, et la ralisation de nos aspirations de croissance mondiale. C'est un honneur de rassembler leurs talents au sein du conseil d'administration .

Barbara Bufkin est une dirigeante de niveau cadre suprieur (en anglais C–level ), experte en assurance et en rassurance. Au cours de sa carrire, elle a occup des postes englobant des responsabilits la fois oprationnelles et stratgiques, le dveloppement commercial et le dveloppement produits, la tarification, la gestion des sinistres, la gestion des risques et la gouvernance d'entreprise. Dernirement, elle a t conseillre principale chez Amwins, et membre fondateur du conseil de la diversit et de l'inclusion du groupe. Elle a galement occup des postes de direction chez Argo Group, Assurant, Hamilton USA, Guy Carpenter, Sedgewick Payne (rachet par Guy Carpenter) et Swiss Re. Madame Bufkin a plaid en faveur de la valeur de l'assurance comme carrire de choix dans son rle au sein du conseil d'administration de Gamma Iota Sigma (ou GIS). Elle est galement l'ancienne prsidente et l'ancienne prsidente du comit de gouvernance constitu sous son mandat. En 2012, Barbara Bufkin a reu le prix de Woman of the Year (Femme de l'anne), dcern par l'association amricaine des professionnelles de l'assurance (ou APIW pour Association of Professional Insurance Women), et s'est vue intronise au Temple amricain de la renomme du secteur de l'assurance en 2019 (en anglais Insurance Business America Hall of Fame ). Son travail philanthropique comprend le Conseil pour l'inclusion, la diversit, l'quit et l'accessibilit (ou IDEA) de la Fondation caritative amricaine de l'assurance (en anglais IICF, Insurance Industry Charitable Foundation ).

Diane Fanelli occupe actuellement le poste de directrice de l'exploitation (en anglais COO, Chief Operating Officer ) chez iCIMS, o elle dirige les services professionnels de l'entreprise, le dpartement prim russite client , le support technique, l'exploitation des recettes, les protocoles de mise en march, et les quipes de formation l'adresse des clients. En 2019, Madame Fanelli a t rcompense par le prix CRN Channel Chief et le prix CRN Women of the Channel en 2017 et 2018 pour son succs dans la promotion de l'innovation, de la croissance et des revenus par le biais du rseau de partenaires et de clients. Elle a prcdemment occup des postes de direction informatique mondiale, notamment celui de directrice d'exploitation chez Citrix et SAP, et a t sponsor excutif des programmes diversit et inclusion, y compris du projet Veterans to Work de SAP (les seniors au travail). Elle soutient activement les principes de l'ducation STEM pour inviter la jeunesse d'aujourd'hui se pencher sur les carrires numriques de demain.

Les rles de Mesdames Bufkin et Fanelli ont t pourvus par le programme externe du Conseil d'administration, pilot par Vista Equity Partners, une socit d'investissement d'envergure mondiale axe sur les logiciels d'entreprise, les donnes et les entreprises technologiques, et investisseur majoritaire de Duck Creek. Lanc en 2017, le programme du conseil exploite l'cosystme de Vista mais aussi des ressources supplmentaires pour identifier, former et dsigner des candidats qualifis au conseil d'administration pour ses socits en portefeuille. Le programme vise constituer un vivier diversifi de candidats qualifis pour rejoindre le conseil d'administration, grce des programmes et des partenariats qui favorisent la diversit au sein des conseils d'administration et qui ont un effet sur le monde des affaires en gnral.

propos de Duck Creek Technologies

Duck Creek Technologies est le fournisseur de solutions intelligentes qui dessine les futurs contours du secteur de l'assurance gnrale et IARD (incendies, accidents et risques divers). Les systmes d'assurance modernes se reposent sur nos solutions et capitalisent sur le potentiel du cloud pour mener des oprations agiles, intelligentes et volutives. Authenticit, dtermination et transparence, voil les matres–mots de la philosophie de Duck Creek. Pour nous, l'assurance est au service des particuliers et des entreprises, n'importe quand, o, et comment ils en ressentent le plus le besoin. Nos solutions, leaders du march, sont commercialises l'unit ou sous forme de suite package, et sont toutes disponibles sur la page : Duck Creek OnDemand. Rendez–vous sur www.duckcreek.com pour en savoir plus. Suivez–nous sur les rseaux pour dcouvrir nos dernires informations : LinkedIn et Twitter.

Contacts Mdias

Carley Bunch

Drake Manning

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8992233)

Duck Creek Technologies Appoints Barbara Bufkin and Diane Fanelli to Board of Directors

BOSTON, Dec. 11, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Duck Creek Technologies, the intelligent solutions provider defining the future of property and casualty (P&C) and general insurance, has announced the appointments of Barbara Bufkin and Diane Fanelli to the company's board of directors. Bufkin joins Duck Creek's board with an extensive background in global (re)insurance, distribution, underwriting, and technology, advising companies in originating and fostering strategic partnerships. Fanelli is a global customer–centric operations leader known for her expertise in guiding global enterprise software teams and company growth.

"Barbara and Diane are each accomplished and recognized experts in their respective fields, and they will add incredible value to guide Duck Creek's long–term mission and business strategy," says Mike Jackowski, CEO of Duck Creek Technologies. "Barbara's and Diane's areas of expertise are highly complementary and a perfect fit to enhance our customer success initiatives, advance our partner ecosystem to benefit our insurer customers and their policyholders, and enable our global growth aspirations. It is an honor to have their talents on our board of directors."

Bufkin is a C–suite executive leader with vast experience in the insurance and reinsurance industry, with roles encompassing operational and strategic responsibilities, business and product development, underwriting, claims, risk management, and corporate governance. Most recently, she served as a senior advisor to Amwins and was a founding member of the Amwins Group Diversity & Inclusion Council. Bufkin has also held executive leadership roles at Argo Group, Assurant, Hamilton USA, Guy Carpenter, Sedgewick Payne (acquired by Guy Carpenter), and Swiss Re. Bufkin advocates for the value of the insurance industry as a career of choice in her role on the Board of Trustees of Gamma Iota Sigma (GIS) and is past president and chair of the governance committee formed during her tenure. Bufkin is a 2012 recipient of the Association of Professional Insurance Women's (APIW) Woman of the Year award and was inducted into the Insurance Business America Hall of Fame in 2019. Her philanthropic work includes the Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Accessibility (IDEA) Council of the Insurance Industry Charitable Foundation (IICF).

Fanelli currently serves as Chief Operating Officer (COO) at iCIMS, where she leads the company's professional services, award–winning customer success, technical support, revenue operations, go–to–market enablement, and customer training teams. In 2019 Fanelli was recognized with a CRN Channel Chief award and the CRN Women of the Channel award in 2018 and 2017 for her success in driving innovation, growth, and revenue through channel partners and customers. Prior global enterprise software executive leadership experience includes COO roles at Citrix and SAP. She has previously served as an executive sponsor of diversity and inclusion programs, including the Veterans to Work initiative at SAP. She is an active supporter of STEM initiatives to inspire today's youth to focus on the digital careers of tomorrow.

Bufkin and Fanelli's roles were sourced through the external board program operated by Vista Equity Partners, a global investment firm focused on enterprise software, data, and technology–enabled businesses and a majority investor in Duck Creek. Launched in 2017, the board program leverages Vista's ecosystem and additional resources to identify, train, and appoint qualified board candidates for its portfolio companies. The program works to create a diverse pipeline of qualified board candidates through programs and partnerships that advance diversity for all boards and drive impact for the corporate world at large.

About Duck Creek Technologies

Duck Creek Technologies is the intelligent solutions provider defining the future of the property and casualty (P&C) and general insurance industry. We are the platform upon which modern insurance systems are built, enabling the industry to capitalize on the power of the cloud to run agile, intelligent, and evergreen operations. Authenticity, purpose, and transparency are core to Duck Creek, and we believe insurance should be there for individuals and businesses when, where, and how they need it most. Our market–leading solutions are available on a standalone basis or as a full suite, and all are available via Duck Creek OnDemand. Visit www.duckcreek.com to learn more. Follow Duck Creek on our social channels for the latest information "" LinkedIn and Twitter.

Media Contacts

Carley Bunch

Drake Manning

Photos accompanying this announcement are available at



GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8991936)

Duck Creek Technologies Nomeia Barbara Bufkin e Diane Fanelli para seu Conselho Diretor

BOSTON, Dec. 11, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Duck Creek Technologies, fornecedora de solues inteligentes que definem o futuro do seguro de propriedade e acidentes (P&C) e geral, tem o prazer de anunciar a nomeao de Barbara Bufkin e Diane Fanelli para seu Conselho Diretor. Bufkin entra para o conselho da Duck Creek com uma extensa experincia em (re)seguros, distribuio, subscrio e tecnologia globais, assessorando empresas na origem e promoo de parcerias estratgicas. Fanelli lder global de operaes centradas no cliente, conhecida por sua experincia em orientar equipes globais de software empresarial e o crescimento da empresa.

"Barbara e Diane so experts de talento conhecidas nos seus respectivos campos e iro agregar um valor incrvel para orientar a misso e a estratgia de negcios de longo prazo da Duck Creek", diz Mike Jackowski, CEO da Duck Creek Technologies. "As reas de especializao de Barbara e Diane so altamente complementares e perfeitas para aprimorar nossas iniciativas de sucesso do cliente, promover nosso ecossistema de parceiros para beneficiar nossos clientes seguradores e seus segurados, e viabilizar nossas aspiraes de crescimento global. uma honra ter pessoas to talentosas no nosso conselho diretor."

Bufkin lder executiva de nvel C com vasta experincia no setor de seguros e resseguros, em funes que abrangem responsabilidades operacionais e estratgicas, desenvolvimento de negcios e produtos, subscrio, sinistros, gerenciamento de riscos e governana corporativa. Recentemente ela atuou como consultora snior da Amwins e foi membro fundadora do Conselho de Diversidade e Incluso do Grupo Amwins. Bufkin tambm ocupou cargos de liderana executiva no Argo Group, Assurant, Hamilton usa, Guy Carpenter, Sedgewick Payne (adquirida pela Guy Carpenter) e Swiss Re. Bufkin defende o valor do setor de seguros como uma escolha de carreira no seu papel no Conselho Diretor da Gamma Iota Sigma (GIS) e ex–presidente e diretora do comit de governana criado durante seu mandato. Bufkin recebeu em 2012 o prmio Mulher do Ano da Association of Professional Insurance Women (APIW) e foi includa no Insurance Business America Hall of Fame em 2019. Seu trabalho filantrpico inclui o Conselho de Incluso, Diversidade, Equidade e Acessibilidade (IDEA) da Insurance Industry Charitable Foundation (IICF).

Atualmente, Fanelli atua como Diretora de Operaes (COO) na iCIMS, onde lidera os servios profissionais da empresa, sucesso do cliente premiado, suporte tcnico, operaes de receita, capacitao de entrada no mercado e equipes de treinamento dos clientes. Em 2019 Fanelli recebeu o prmio CRN Channel Chief, e o prmio CRN Women of the Channel em 2018 e 2017 pelo seu sucesso no incentivo inovao, ao crescimento e receita por meio de parceiros de canal e clientes. Sua experincia anterior de liderana executiva global de software empresarial inclui funes de COO na Citrix e na SAP. Ela j atuou como patrocinadora executiva de programas de diversidade e incluso, incluindo a iniciativa Veterans to Work da SAP. Ela defensora ativa de iniciativas STEM para inspirar os jovens de hoje a se concentrarem nas carreiras digitais de amanh.

Os nomes de Bufkin e Fanelli foram indicados pelo programa de conselho externo operado pela Vista Equity Partners, uma empresa de investimento global focada em software empresarial, dados e negcios habilitados para tecnologia, e um investidor majoritrio na Duck Creek. Lanado em 2017, o programa do conselho aproveita o ecossistema da Vista e recursos adicionais para identificar, treinar e nomear candidatos qualificados para o conselho das empresas do seu portflio. O programa trabalha para criar um pipeline diversificado de candidatos qualificados ao conselho por meio de programas e parcerias que promovem a diversidade para todos os conselhos e geram impacto para o mundo corporativo em geral.

Sobre a Duck Creek Technologies

A Duck Creek Technologies fornecedora de solues inteligentes que definem o futuro do setor de seguros de propriedade e acidentes (P&C) e geral. Somos a plataforma utilizadas como base dos sistemas de seguros modernos, permitindo que a indstria capitalize o poder da nuvem para executar operaes geis, inteligentes e perenes. Autenticidade, propsito e transparncia so fundamentais para a Duck Creek, e acreditamos que o seguro deve estar disponvel para indivduos e empresas quando, onde e como eles mais precisarem. Nossas solues lderes do mercado esto disponveis de forma independente ou como um pacote completo disponveis em Duck Creek OnDemand. Visite www.duckcreek.com para obter mais informao. Siga a Duck Creek nos nossos canais sociais para obter as mais recentes informaes "" LinkedIn e Twitter.

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Carley Bunch

Drake Manning

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8992233)

Duck Creek Technologies beruft Barbara Bufkin und Diane Fanelli in den Verwaltungsrat

BOSTON, Dec. 11, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Duck Creek Technologies, der Anbieter intelligenter Lsungen, der die Zukunft der Schaden– und Unfallversicherung definiert, hat die Ernennung von Barbara Bufkin und Diane Fanelli in den Verwaltungsrat des Unternehmens bekanntgegeben. Bufkin kommt mit einem umfangreichen Hintergrund in den Bereichen globale (Rck–)Versicherung, Vertrieb, Underwriting und Technologie in den Verwaltungsrat von Duck Creek und beriet bisher Unternehmen beim Aufbau und der Pflege von strategischen Partnerschaften. Als kundenorientierte, international ttige Betriebsleiterin ist Fanelli die fr ihre Erfahrung in der Leitung globaler Unternehmenssoftwareteams und im Unternehmenswachstum bekannt.

"Frau Bufkin und Frau Fanelli sind erfahrene und anerkannte Expertinnen auf ihren jeweiligen Gebieten und werden die langfristige Mission und Geschftsstrategie von Duck Creek entscheidend vorantreiben", so Mike Jackowski, CEO von Duck Creek Technologies. "Die Fachgebiete von Frau Bufkin und Frau Fanelli ergnzen sich hervorragend und werden unsere Kundenerfolgsinitiativen optimal verbessern, unser Partner–kosystem zum Nutzen unserer Versicherungskunden und ihrer Versicherungsnehmer vorantreiben und unser globales Wachstum ermglichen. Es ist eine Ehre, ihre Talente in unserem Verwaltungsrat zu haben."

Barbara Bufkin ist eine Fhrungspersnlichkeit mit umfassender Erfahrung in der Versicherungs– und Rckversicherungsbranche und war bereits in den Bereichen operative und strategische Verantwortung, Geschfts– und Produktentwicklung, Underwriting, Schadenbearbeitung, Risikomanagement und Unternehmensfhrung ttig. Zuletzt fungierte sie als Senior Advisor bei Amwins und war Grndungsmitglied des Amwins Group Diversity & Inclusion Council. Frau Bufkin war auerdem in leitenden Positionen bei Argo Group, Assurant, Hamilton USA, Guy Carpenter, Sedgewick Payne (von Guy Carpenter bernommen) und Swiss Re ttig. In ihrer Rolle im Kuratorium von Gamma Iota Sigma (GIS) setzt sie sich fr die berufliche Attraktivitt der Versicherungsbranche ein. Sie ist ehemalige Prsidentin und Vorsitzende dieses whrend ihrer Amtszeit gegrndeten Governance–Ausschusses. Barbara Bufkin wurde 2012 von der Association of Professional Insurance Women (APIW) als Frau des Jahres ausgezeichnet und 2019 in die Insurance Business America Hall of Fame aufgenommen. Ihr philanthropisches Engagement umfasst den IDEA–Rat (Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Accessibility) der Insurance Industry Charitable Foundation (IICF).

Diane Fanelli ist derzeit als Chief Operating Officer (COO) bei iCIMS ttig, wo sie die Teams fr professionelle Dienstleistungen, preisgekrnten Kundenerfolg, technischen Support, Einnahmenvorgnge, Markteinfhrung und Kundenschulung des Unternehmens leitet. Sie wurde 2019 mit einem CRN Channel Chief Award sowie 2018 und 2017 mit dem CRN Women of the Channel Award fr ihre Erfolge bei der Frderung von Innovation, Wachstum und Umsatz durch Channel–Partner und Kunden ausgezeichnet. Zu ihren frheren Fhrungserfahrungen im Bereich Unternehmenssoftware gehren COO–Positionen bei Citrix und SAP. Zuvor war sie als Sponsorin von Programmen zur Frderung von Vielfalt und Integration ttig, darunter die Initiative "Veterans to Work" bei SAP. Sie ist eine aktive Befrworterin von MINT–Initiativen, die junge Menschen dazu inspirieren sollen, sich auf die digitalen Berufe von morgen zu konzentrieren.

Bufkin und Fanelli wurden ber das externe Verwaltungsratsprogramm von Vista Equity Partners vermittelt, einer globalen Investmentfirma, die sich auf Unternehmenssoftware, Daten und technologiegesttzte Unternehmen konzentriert und Mehrheitsinvestor bei Duck Creek ist. Das 2017 ins Leben gerufene Verwaltungsratsprogramm nutzt das kosystem von Vista und andere Ressourcen, um qualifizierte Vorstandskandidaten fr seine Portfoliounternehmen zu identifizieren, zu schulen und zu ernennen. Das Programm zielt darauf ab, durch Programme und Partnerschaften, die die Vielfalt in allen Verwaltungsrten frdern, eine vielfltige Pipeline von qualifizierten Kandidaten fr Verwaltungsrte zu schaffen und den Einfluss auf die Unternehmenswelt insgesamt zu erhhen.

ber Duck Creek Technologies

Duck Creek Technologies ist der Anbieter intelligenter Lsungen, der die Zukunft der Schaden–/Unfall– und der allgemeinen Versicherungsbranche gestaltet. Wir sind die Plattform, auf der moderne Versicherungssysteme aufgebaut werden und die es der Branche ermglicht, die Leistungsfhigkeit der Cloud zu nutzen, um agile, intelligente und immerwhrende Prozesse zu betreiben. Authentizitt, Zweckmigkeit und Transparenz sind fr Duck Creek von zentraler Bedeutung. Wir sind der Meinung, dass Versicherungen fr Privatpersonen und Unternehmen verfgbar sein sollten, wann, wo und wie sie diese am meisten brauchen. Unsere marktfhrenden Lsungen sind als Einzellsungen oder als Komplettpaket erhltlich. Alle sind ber Duck Creek OnDemand verfgbar. Besuchen Sie www.duckcreek.com, um mehr zu erfahren. Folgen Sie Duck Creek auf unseren sozialen Kanlen fr die neuesten Informationen "" LinkedIn und X (ehemals Twitter).


Carley Bunch

Drake Manning

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8992233)

Africa’s Negotiators Urged to Leverage on African Science at COP28 High Table

African researchers want African issues to be front and center as the continent comes to grips with climate change induced impacts. Credit: COP28/Neville Hopwood

African researchers want African issues to be front and center as the continent comes to grips with climate change-induced impacts. Credit: COP28/Neville Hopwood

By Joyce Chimbi
DUBAI, Dec 11 2023 – African scientists and researchers are concerned that the data shows that the continent is being cornered by the spiraling effects of climate change, that the real impact of climate devastation is yet to unfold, and that the region is on the cusp of more severe and catastrophic consequences.

Given Africa’s high exposure and fragility to extreme and drastic changes in weather patterns, coupled with a low adaptative capacity, fears and concerns are rife that a failure to capture the full devastating picture on the ground could compromise Africa’s negotiating position at COP28 currently underway in Dubai.

In a session titled ‘African Science for the African Position,’ delegates heard about the mismatch between existing data and the needs on the ground and why it is critical to highlight climate change research from the continent.

“The focus of this conversation is really about data needs; the role of science from Africa but also across the global South to feed into the negotiating positions is overlooked. There is a need to improve our data and our social science in a way that provides accurate and comprehensive evidence for decision-making. Across climates—and of course here we are focusing on the UNFCCC—we are starting to look at critical inter-linkages around biodiversity, the ocean, livelihoods, justice, and equity,” said Laura Pereira, associate professor at the Global Change Institute at Wits University in Johannesburg and researcher at the Stockholm Resilience Centre at Stockholm University.

Dr Odirilwe Selomane, from the Department of Agriculture Economics, Extension, and Rural Development at the University of Pretoria, reflected on progress at COP28.

“Some of the issues that stood out are that there is a lack of nature-based solutions for funding on the one hand, and on the other hand, listening to those with nature-based solutions speak about a lack of funding, especially biodiversity financing. This disconnect can be bridged through scientific baselines that show what is happening on the ground to inform decision-making while designing responsive or climate action projects for Africa.”

Further emphasizing the need to “design data collection tools that can accurately capture the continent and all its ecosystems. When we look at the global soil degradation map, for instance, is it reflective of our continent and ecosystems, and how do we then improve these maps so that they give us an accurate reading of our contexts? One of the most effective and efficient approaches is to lean on African-centered science and research to give us the data needed to make decisions that match the needs on the ground.”

An open letter by 50 African scientists to African Heads of State and Government in light of COP28 reads, in part: “African citizens are feeling the heat and experiencing the drought, the instability in food supply and prices, the boiling oceans, and the impact of dwindling forests. The world is on fire, quite literally. Climate floods, cyclones, and wildfire events are becoming less predictable and more intense, destroying lives and displacing tens of thousands as the climate crisis deepens. We are in the midst of a human-made climate crisis, one that will get much more catastrophic if we fail to act.”

Odirilwe Selomane speaking about the disconnect between needs and investments and the urgent need for Africa-centered science to close the gap. Credit: Joyce Chimbi/IPS

Odirilwe Selomane speaks about the disconnect between needs and investments and the urgent need for Africa-centered science to close the gap. Credit: Joyce Chimbi/IPS

The letter further spoke about how alarming levels of gas emissions are increasing temperatures on the continent, compounding the multiple challenges facing the continent. Between 1900 and 2000, the continent warmed by 2 °C in some regions. Stressing that Africa’s ten hottest years since records began have all been since 2005.

At the current pace of greenhouse gas emissions, the projected annual mean temperature increase for Africa is approximately 6 °C by the end of the 21st century, the scientists warned. In the coming years, climate heat waves will occur more often, at higher intensities, and last longer as greenhouse gas emissions increase.

Climate change is already multiplying threats to life on the African continent with record-breaking food insecurity and water stress levels. Poor health indicators and economic insecurities are of particular concern.

As the end beckons for the COP28 summit, these scientists are urging African leaders and negotiators to keep their eyes firmly on the African agenda and particularly focus their attentions on key areas: phase out fossil fuels, enforce the polluter’s pay principal, protect and conserve Africa’s biodiversity, and not be distracted by fraudulent carbon markets and biodiversity credit markets.

Against this backdrop, more than USD 186 million of new financing for nature and climate towards forests, mangroves, and the ocean has already been announced during Nature, Land Use, and Ocean Day. This funding builds on the USD 2.5 billion mobilized to protect and restore nature during COP28’s World Climate Action Summit.

For African leaders, this is a step in the right direction. Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, President of the Republic of Ghana, said, “The COP28 Presidency, the UAE, has demonstrated real action for nature, one that is backed by significant financial commitments. The journey to 1.5°C, as we all know, is not possible without nature, and this level of action must be expedited to achieve real progress by COP30.”

From a scientific point of view, the move is similarly welcome; reversing nature loss can provide upwards of 30 percent of the mitigation action needed to keep 1.5°C within reach by 2030. Nature has a crucial role to play in reducing climate-related hazards, such as floods and fires currently ravaging poor and vulnerable countries in Africa.

Nature preservation can also provide Africa with the answer to unemployment, as it can contribute a potential USD 10 trillion worth of new business opportunities and provide almost 400 million new jobs.
IPS UN Bureau Report


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Sikh Faith Inspires Environmental Stewardship

Dr Jasdev Singh Rai brings his concepts of reforestation and diversity to COP28. Credit: Umar Manzoor Shah/IPS

Dr Jasdev Singh Rai brings his concepts of reforestation and diversity to COP28. Credit: Umar Manzoor Shah/IPS

By Umar Manzoor Shah
DUBAI, Dec 11 2023 – Dr Jasdev Singh Rai, an accomplished ENT doctor who hails from London, is not just attending COP 28; he is representing an organization that brings a unique perspective to the global stage.

Rai is the face of the ‘Sikh Human Rights Group,’ an entity that holds United Nations Special Consultative status. The group, in collaboration with its associate, ‘Nishan-e Sikh Kaar Sewa Khadur Sahib,’ is advocating a pluralistic approach to the environment, rooted in the rich concepts embedded in the Sikh faith.

He sheds light on the fundamental difference in perspective, stating, “Indian civilization always had a lot of concepts, and many of them are within the Sikh faith, and we are promoting them.”

He draws attention to the Sikh belief system, emphasizing that, unlike the prevailing Judeo-Christian approach at the UNFCCC, Sikhs consider themselves one among a million species, not custodians of the world.

The narrative takes a fascinating turn as Rai introduces the visionary behind Nishan-e Sikh Kaar Sewa Khadur Sahib, a Sikh faith leader, Baba Seva Singh. The Baba embarked on a mission to transform the mindset of farmers in India’s Punjab, known for their deep attachment to their land.

Baba Seva Singh, armed with the teachings from holy Sikh scriptures, convinced farmers to see trees not as mere vegetation but as sacred entities. Rai elaborates on the strategy: “Whenever a farmer would go to a Sikh temple, Baba Sewa Singh would hand over to him a tree sapling as a sacred offering.”

Through this ingenious method, Baba Seva Singh managed to cultivate 285 small jungles in Punjab. He didn’t stop there; he approached landowners with vast expanses of unused land, convincing them to contribute to the cause. The project resulted in the creation of 500 forests across 550 villages, a remarkable achievement in reforesting a region where the green cover had drastically dwindled.

Rai, carrying this impactful project to COP 28, aims to showcase alternative approaches to community engagement. He underscores the importance of recognizing the indigenous knowledge that rural communities possess, stating: “There are places in South India where traditional farmers have a far better understanding of climate than science.”

He advocates for the recovery of traditional knowledge systems, especially in a country like India, where ancient civilizations thrived with coexistence at their core.

The outcomes of Baba Seva Singh’s efforts are not just anecdotal; they are scientifically verified. In the reforested areas of Punjab, temperatures have seen a reduction of 1.5 degrees, and carbon emissions have significantly decreased.

“We are bringing in trees from other parts of India that are efficient in absorbing carbon,” Rai says. The project has already witnessed the planting of 130,000 trees across 323 miles, with a target of establishing 550 mini-forests.

This groundbreaking initiative, which started in 1999 as a 20-year plan, successfully reached fruition in 2020.

Rai believes it’s time for COP 28 to embrace a more inclusive and realistic approach, one that doesn’t impose western ideals on diverse nations like India or China. He urges the global community to recognize the coexistence inherent in Indian traditions and advocates for letting people take ownership of climate initiatives.

As Rai attends COP28, he brings not just a story of reforestation but a narrative that challenges the hegemonic norms, offering a model that works with, rather than against, the diverse traditions and cultures that shape our world.

“We have been constantly engrossed in realizing the spiritual realms into practical ones. Our organization earnestly aims to maintain the balance of our mother nature and provide a clean and green environment to future generations. In the coming years, places adorned with enormous plants and trees will emerge as distinguished entities on earth. These places will for sure provide shelter to birds and living creatures and thus create an ideal place for meditation and spiritual enlightenment,” says Rai.

IPS UN Bureau Report


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