ROSEN, RECOGNIZED INVESTOR COUNSEL, Encourages Generac Holdings Inc. Investors to Secure Counsel Before Important Deadline in Securities Class Action – GNRC

NEW YORK, Dec. 27, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — WHY: Rosen Law Firm, a global investor rights law firm, reminds purchasers of common stock of Generac Holdings Inc. (NYSE: GNRC) between May 3, 2023 and August 3, 2023, both dates inclusive (the “Class Period”), of the important January 22, 2024 lead plaintiff deadline.

SO WHAT: If you purchased Generac common stock during the Class Period you may be entitled to compensation without payment of any out of pocket fees or costs through a contingency fee arrangement.

WHAT TO DO NEXT: To join the Generac class action, go to–form/?case_id=20599 or call Phillip Kim, Esq. toll–free at 866–767–3653 or email or for information on the class action. A class action lawsuit has already been filed. If you wish to serve as lead plaintiff, you must move the Court no later than January 22, 2024. A lead plaintiff is a representative party acting on behalf of other class members in directing the litigation.

WHY ROSEN LAW: We encourage investors to select qualified counsel with a track record of success in leadership roles. Often, firms issuing notices do not have comparable experience, resources or any meaningful peer recognition. Many of these firms do not actually litigate securities class actions, but are merely middlemen that refer clients or partner with law firms that actually litigate the cases. Be wise in selecting counsel. The Rosen Law Firm represents investors throughout the globe, concentrating its practice in securities class actions and shareholder derivative litigation. Rosen Law Firm has achieved the largest ever securities class action settlement against a Chinese Company. Rosen Law Firm was Ranked No. 1 by ISS Securities Class Action Services for number of securities class action settlements in 2017. The firm has been ranked in the top 4 each year since 2013 and has recovered hundreds of millions of dollars for investors. In 2019 alone the firm secured over $438 million for investors. In 2020, founding partner Laurence Rosen was named by law360 as a Titan of Plaintiffs’ Bar. Many of the firm’s attorneys have been recognized by Lawdragon and Super Lawyers.

DETAILS OF THE CASE: According to the lawsuit, on the Company’s May 3, 2023 quarterly earnings call, President and Chief Executive Officer (“CEO”) Aaron P. Jagfeld noted that the Company’s sales and earnings had declined year–over–year and quarter–over–quarter before giving investors an optimistic outlook and an expectation for improvement in the second half of 2023. Then, on the Company’s August 2, 2023 quarterly earnings call, Jagfeld revealed lackluster quarterly results, including a $1 billion sales decrease year–over–year and that residential sales decreased 44%. When explaining that decline, the lawsuit claims Jagfeld contradicted his May statements. When the true details entered the market, the lawsuit claims that investors suffered damages.

To join the Generac class action, go to–form/?case_id=20599 or call Phillip Kim, Esq. toll–free at 866–767–3653 or email or for information on the class action.

No Class Has Been Certified. Until a class is certified, you are not represented by counsel unless you retain one. You may select counsel of your choice. You may also remain an absent class member and do nothing at this point. An investor’s ability to share in any potential future recovery is not dependent upon serving as lead plaintiff.

Follow us for updates on LinkedIn:–rosen–law–firm, on Twitter: or on Facebook:

Attorney Advertising. Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.

Contact Information:

        Laurence Rosen, Esq.
        Phillip Kim, Esq.
        The Rosen Law Firm, P.A.
        275 Madison Avenue, 40th Floor
        New York, NY 10016
        Tel: (212) 686–1060
        Toll Free: (866) 767–3653
        Fax: (212) 202–3827

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9010088)

ROSEN, A LEADING INVESTOR RIGHTS LAW FIRM, Encourages James River Group Holdings, Ltd. Investors to Secure Counsel Before Important Deadline in Securities Class Action – JRVR

NEW YORK, Dec. 27, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) —

WHY: Rosen Law Firm, a global investor rights law firm, reminds purchasers of securities of James River Group Holdings, Ltd. (NASDAQ: JRVR) between August 7, 2023 and November 7, 2023, both dates inclusive (the “Class Period”), of the important January 12, 2024 lead plaintiff deadline.

SO WHAT: If you purchased James River securities during the Class Period you may be entitled to compensation without payment of any out of pocket fees or costs through a contingency fee arrangement.

WHAT TO DO NEXT: To join the James River class action, go to–form/?case_id=20268 or call Phillip Kim, Esq. toll–free at 866–767–3653 or email or for information on the class action. A class action lawsuit has already been filed. If you wish to serve as lead plaintiff, you must move the Court no later than January 12, 2024. A lead plaintiff is a representative party acting on behalf of other class members in directing the litigation.

WHY ROSEN LAW: We encourage investors to select qualified counsel with a track record of success in leadership roles. Often, firms issuing notices do not have comparable experience, resources or any meaningful peer recognition. Many of these firms do not actually litigate securities class actions, but are merely middlemen that refer clients or partner with law firms that actually litigate the cases. Be wise in selecting counsel. The Rosen Law Firm represents investors throughout the globe, concentrating its practice in securities class actions and shareholder derivative litigation. Rosen Law Firm has achieved the largest ever securities class action settlement against a Chinese Company. Rosen Law Firm was Ranked No. 1 by ISS Securities Class Action Services for number of securities class action settlements in 2017. The firm has been ranked in the top 4 each year since 2013 and has recovered hundreds of millions of dollars for investors. In 2019 alone the firm secured over $438 million for investors. In 2020, founding partner Laurence Rosen was named by law360 as a Titan of Plaintiffs’ Bar. Many of the firm’s attorneys have been recognized by Lawdragon and Super Lawyers.

DETAILS OF THE CASE: According to the lawsuit, defendants made false and/or misleading statements and/or failed to disclose that: (1) James River lacked effective internal controls regarding the recognition of restatement premiums for reinsurance; (2) that, as a result, the Company overstated its net income; (3) that the Company was reasonably likely to restate its financial results; and (4) that, as a result of the foregoing, defendant’s positive statements about the Company’s business, operations, and prospects were materially misleading and/or lacked a reasonable basis. When the true details entered the market, the lawsuit claims that investors suffered damages.

To join the James River class action, go to–form/?case_id=20268 or call Phillip Kim, Esq. toll–free at 866–767–3653 or email or for information on the class action.

No Class Has Been Certified. Until a class is certified, you are not represented by counsel unless you retain one. You may select counsel of your choice. You may also remain an absent class member and do nothing at this point. An investor’s ability to share in any potential future recovery is not dependent upon serving as lead plaintiff.

Follow us for updates on LinkedIn:–rosen–law–firm, on Twitter: or on Facebook:

Attorney Advertising. Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.

Contact Information:

        Laurence Rosen, Esq.
        Phillip Kim, Esq.
        The Rosen Law Firm, P.A.
        275 Madison Avenue, 40th Floor
        New York, NY 10016
        Tel: (212) 686–1060
        Toll Free: (866) 767–3653
        Fax: (212) 202–3827 

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9010038)

ROSEN, A LEADING LAW FIRM, Encourages General Motors Company Investors to Secure Counsel Before Important Deadline in Securities Class Action – GM

NEW YORK, Dec. 27, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) —

WHY: Rosen Law Firm, a global investor rights law firm, reminds purchasers of securities of General Motors Company (NYSE: GM) between February 2, 2022 and October 26, 2023, both dates inclusive (the “Class Period”), of the February 6, 2024 lead plaintiff deadline.

SO WHAT: If you purchased GM securities during the Class Period you may be entitled to compensation without payment of any out of pocket fees or costs through a contingency fee arrangement.

WHAT TO DO NEXT: To join the GM class action, go to–form/?case_id=21020 or call Phillip Kim, Esq. toll–free at 866–767–3653 or email or for information on the class action. A class action lawsuit has already been filed. If you wish to serve as lead plaintiff, you must move the Court no later than February 6, 2024. A lead plaintiff is a representative party acting on behalf of other class members in directing the litigation.

WHY ROSEN LAW: We encourage investors to select qualified counsel with a track record of success in leadership roles. Often, firms issuing notices do not have comparable experience, resources or any meaningful peer recognition. Many of these firms do not actually litigate securities class actions, but are merely middlemen that refer clients or partner with law firms that actually litigate the cases. Be wise in selecting counsel. The Rosen Law Firm represents investors throughout the globe, concentrating its practice in securities class actions and shareholder derivative litigation. Rosen Law Firm has achieved the largest ever securities class action settlement against a Chinese Company. Rosen Law Firm was Ranked No. 1 by ISS Securities Class Action Services for number of securities class action settlements in 2017. The firm has been ranked in the top 4 each year since 2013 and has recovered hundreds of millions of dollars for investors. In 2019 alone the firm secured over $438 million for investors. In 2020, founding partner Laurence Rosen was named by law360 as a Titan of Plaintiffs’ Bar. Many of the firm’s attorneys have been recognized by Lawdragon and Super Lawyers.

DETAILS OF THE CASE: According to the lawsuit, defendants made materially false and misleading statements regarding GM’s business, operations, and prospects. Specifically, defendants made false and/or misleading statements and/or failed to disclose that: (1) GM downplayed concerns with its vehicles’ airbags and the need to record additional warranty accruals for related product recalls; (2) GM overstated the extent and efficacy of its efforts to analyze defects in its vehicles’ airbag inflators; (3) Cruise LLC’s (“Cruise”) autonomous vehicles (“AV”) and/or AV technology were less safe and well–developed than defendants had led investors, regulators, and the general public to believe; (4) accordingly, regulatory approval of Cruise’s AV products was unsustainable and the prospects for widespread regulatory approval and adoption of Cruise’s AV products were overstated; (5) all the foregoing subjected GM to an increased risk of governmental and/or regulatory scrutiny and enforcement action, significant legal liabilities, product recalls, and reputational harm; and (6) as a result, defendants’ public statements were materially false and/or misleading at all relevant times. When the true details entered the market, the lawsuit claims that investors suffered damages.

To join the GM class action, go to–form/?case_id=21020 or call Phillip Kim, Esq. toll–free at 866–767–3653 or email or for information on the class action.

No Class Has Been Certified. Until a class is certified, you are not represented by counsel unless you retain one. You may select counsel of your choice. You may also remain an absent class member and do nothing at this point. An investor’s ability to share in any potential future recovery is not dependent upon serving as lead plaintiff.

Follow us for updates on LinkedIn:–rosen–law–firm, on Twitter: or on Facebook:

Attorney Advertising. Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.


Contact Information:

        Laurence Rosen, Esq.
        Phillip Kim, Esq.
        The Rosen Law Firm, P.A.
        275 Madison Avenue, 40th Floor
        New York, NY 10016
        Tel: (212) 686–1060
        Toll Free: (866) 767–3653
        Fax: (212) 202–3827

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9010091)

O Future Minerals Forum amplia o debate global sobre a transição para a energia limpa

RIAD, Arábia Saudita, Dec. 27, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — O Future Minerals Forum (FMF), previsto para ocorrer de 9 a 11 de janeiro, em Riad, na Arábia Saudita, anunciou hoje três novas parcerias estratégicas para promover o discurso global sobre minerais e seu papel fundamental no desenvolvimento global sustentável e na necessidade de transição para novas fontes de energia. As novas parcerias com o CRU Group, a Global AI e a Wood Mackenzie fornecerão inteligência de negócios e insights em uma série de estudos a serem publicados antes da realização do FMF. Elas complementam as parcerias atuais com a McKinsey & Company, o Payne Institute for Public Policy, a Clareo–DPI e o Baker Institute.

A Wood Mackenzie está iniciando um estudo fundamental para identificar o potencial da Super Região. O documento identificará os principais motivadores para a criação de cadeias de valor sustentáveis, além de salientar os desafios atuais enfrentados pelos minerais globais e como eles impactam o setor de minerais nessa área rica em recursos. Esse relatório servirá como um guia essencial para as partes interessadas, estabelecendo o que pode ser alcançado por meio da colaboração governamental e de mercado, à medida que a região procura desbloquear seu potencial de recursos para viabilizar ainda mais a transição energética.

A Global AI está pronta para fazer uma análise abrangente do sentimento global usando inteligência artificial de última geração, com foco em operações de mineração e minerais em toda a Super Região. Essa análise tem como objetivo esclarecer a percepção da sociedade para subsidiar o diálogo acerca dos papéis que os governos, o setor privado e a sociedade civil devem desempenhar a fim de garantir a licença social para atuar, assegurando que as operações de mineração tragam benefícios tangíveis às comunidades locais e minimizem o impacto sobre o meio ambiente.

Enquanto isso, o relatório do CRU destacará a urgência de abordar os gargalos minerais críticos no cumprimento das metas climáticas, com foco no Oriente Médio, na África e na Ásia Central como importantes fornecedores futuros.

Juntas, esses insights se alinham à missão do FMF de permitir o desenvolvimento de setores minerais sustentáveis, colocar a Super Região na vanguarda do debate global sobre minerais e orientar práticas de mineração responsáveis. O FMF, como uma plataforma governamental composta por várias partes interessadas, tem como objetivo catalisar o diálogo entre líderes do setor, legisladores e partes interessadas para promover o progresso na direção de um futuro mais sustentável e próspero com relação ao desenvolvimento mineral.

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000906248)

Future Minerals Forum treibt die globale Diskussion über den Übergang zu sauberer Energie voran

RIAD, Saudi Arabien, Dec. 27, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Das Future Minerals Forum (FMF), das vom 9. bis 11. Januar in Riad, Saudi–Arabien, stattfindet, hat heute drei neue strategische Partnerschaften angekündigt, um den globalen Diskurs über Mineralien und ihre entscheidende Rolle für eine nachhaltige globale Entwicklung und die Notwendigkeit des Übergangs zu neuen Energiequellen zu fördern. Die neuen Partnerschaften mit der CRU Group, Global AI und Wood Mackenzie werden in einer Reihe von Studien, die noch vor dem FMF veröffentlicht werden, Geschäftsinformationen und Erkenntnisse liefern. Sie ergänzen bestehende Partnerschaften mit McKinsey & Company, dem Payne Institute for Public Policy, dem Clareo–DPI und dem Baker Institute.

Wood Mackenzie führt derzeit eine entscheidende Studie durch, um das Potenzial der Superregion zu ermitteln. In dem Whitepaper werden die wichtigsten Triebkräfte für die Schaffung nachhaltiger Wertschöpfungsketten aufgezeigt und die aktuellen Herausforderungen, denen sich die globale Mineralienindustrie gegenübersieht, sowie deren Auswirkungen auf die Mineralienindustrie in diesem ressourcenreichen Gebiet beleuchtet. Dieser Bericht wird den Akteuren als wichtiger Leitfaden dienen, indem er die Grundlagen dafür schafft, was durch die Zusammenarbeit von Regierung und Markt erreicht werden kann, wenn die Region ihr Ressourcenpotenzial freisetzen will, um die Energiewende besser zu ermöglichen.

Global AI wird mit Hilfe modernster künstlicher Intelligenz eine umfassende globale Stimmungsanalyse durchführen, die sich auf Bergbau– und Mineralienbetriebe in der gesamten Superregion konzentriert. Diese Analyse soll die gesellschaftliche Wahrnehmung beleuchten, um den Dialog über die Rolle der Regierungen, des Privatsektors und der Zivilgesellschaft bei der Sicherstellung der sozialen Betriebsgenehmigung zu fördern und zu gewährleisten, dass die Bergbautätigkeit den lokalen Gemeinschaften einen spürbaren Nutzen bringt und die Auswirkungen auf die Umwelt minimiert.

In der Zwischenzeit wird der Bericht von CRU auf die Dringlichkeit hinweisen, kritische Engpässe bei Mineralien zu beseitigen, um die Klimaziele zu erreichen, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf dem Nahen Osten, Afrika und Zentralasien als wichtige zukünftige Lieferanten liegt.

All diese Erkenntnisse stehen im Einklang mit dem Auftrag des FMF, die Entwicklung einer nachhaltigen Mineralienindustrie zu fördern, die Superregion an die Spitze der weltweiten Gespräche über Mineralien zu stellen und verantwortungsvolle Bergbaupraktiken zu gestalten. Das FMF ist eine von der Regierung geleitete Multi–Stakeholder–Plattform, die den Dialog zwischen Branchenführern, politischen Entscheidungsträgern und Interessengruppen anregen soll, um Fortschritte auf dem Weg zu einer nachhaltigeren und wohlhabenderen Zukunft in der Mineralienentwicklung zu erzielen.

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000906248)

Le Forum sur les Minéraux du Futur fait progresser le débat mondial sur la transition vers une énergie propre

RIYAD, Arabie saoudite, 27 déc. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Le Forum sur les Minéraux du Futur (ou FMF) qui doit se tenir du 9 au 11 janvier à Riyad, en Arabie saoudite, annonce aujourd’hui la conclusion de trois nouveaux partenariats stratégiques pour alimenter le discours mondial sur les minéraux et leur rôle essentiel dans le développement mondial durable, et aborder la nécessité d’une transition vers de nouvelles sources d’énergie. Les nouveaux partenariats avec CRU Group, Global AI et Wood Mackenzie fourniront des éclairages et des perspectives commerciales à travers une série d’études qui seront publiées en amont de l’événement. Ils complètent les actuels partenariats avec McKinsey & Company, le Payne Institute for Public Policy, Clareo–DPI et l’Institut Baker.

Wood Mackenzie se lance dans une étude cruciale pour définir le potentiel de la super région. Son livre blanc identifiera les principaux moteurs de la création de chaînes de valeur durables, et mettra en évidence les défis actuels des minéraux à l’échelle mondiale et leurs effets sur l’industrie des minéraux dans cette région riche en ressources. En jetant les bases de ce qui peut être réalisé grâce à la collaboration entre les gouvernements et les marchés, ce rapport servira de fondement pour les parties prenantes, à l’heure où la région cherche à libérer son potentiel de ressources pour mieux faciliter la transition énergétique.

Global AI amorce une analyse d’opinion globale axée sur les opérations minières et minérales de la super région au moyen d’une intelligence artificielle de pointe. Cette analyse vise à mettre en lumière les perceptions sociétales afin d’alimenter le dialogue à propos des rôles à jouer par les gouvernements, le secteur privé et la société civile pour obtenir un permis social d’exploitation, tout en veillant à ce que les opérations minières apportent des avantages tangibles aux communautés locales et minimisent l’impact environnemental.

Par ailleurs, le rapport de la société CRU soulignera l’urgence de s’attaquer aux goulets d’étranglement du secteur minier pour atteindre les objectifs climatiques, en mettant l’accent sur le Moyen–Orient, l’Afrique et l’Asie centrale en tant que futurs fournisseurs clés.

L’ensemble de ces informations s’inscrit dans la mission du FMF, consistant à favoriser le développement d’une industrie minière durable, à placer la super région au premier plan du débat mondial sur les minéraux et à concevoir des pratiques minières responsables. En tant que plateforme gouvernementale et multipartite, le FMF vise à déclencher le dialogue entre les leaders de l’industrie, les décideurs politiques et les parties prenantes pour dessiner un avenir plus durable et plus prospère en matière de développement minéral.

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000906248)