IdentiFlight fait son entrée sur le marché français de l’énergie avec l’annonce par la société e3 IDF GmbH d’un nouveau bureau à Nantes

NANTES, France, 18 déc. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — e3 IDF GmbH et IdentiFlight annoncent le lancement de la socit e3 IdentiFlight France dans la rgion de Nantes, renforant ainsi la prsence mondiale d'IdentiFlight et son engagement sur le march franais. Le bureau en France propose une expertise dans le dveloppement de projets d'nergie renouvelable et dans le produit IdentiFlight, leader du secteur dans le domaine de la technologie de dtection des espces aviaires pour les parcs oliens.

Reconnue en 2023 par les autorits franaises pour son efficacit rduire la mortalit du milan royal dans les parcs oliens, la socit IdentiFlight associe l'IA et l'optique de haute prcision pour identifier les espces aviaires et viter les collisions avec les pales d'oliennes.

Jens Schoettler, PDG d'e3 IDF GmbH, a soulign : La demande en nergie olienne est en constante augmentation. L'expansion des bureaux d'e3 en France nous permettra de rpondre au besoin croissant de dtection et de protection des oiseaux en Europe.

Yoann Payelleville, un spcialiste du secteur de l'nergie olienne depuis 20 ans, prend la direction du bureau d'e3 IndentiFlight France. Sa longue exprience dans l'ingnierie et les ventes chez Enercon lui confre une connaissance approfondie du march franais de l'nergie olienne.

Don Mills, prsident et directeur des oprations chez IdentiFlight, a exprim son enthousiasme l'gard de l'expansion : Nous sommes ravis que le bureau d'e3 IdentiFlight France permette une plus grande accessibilit la technologie qui offre une protection aviaire maximale tout en optimisant la production d'nergie olienne. Ce partenariat d'expansion avec e3 renforcera notre capacit servir le march franais.

Le bureau d'e3 IdentiFlight France compte recruter pour de nouveaux postes afin de rpondre la demande croissante du march franais pour la technologie IdentiFlight. Pour en savoir plus sur les opportunits d'emploi, veuillez consulter le site Internet d'e3 ou envoyer un e–mail contact@e3–

propos d'IdentiFlight et de son fonctionnement

Mis au point par Boulder Imaging, Inc., IdentiFlight fait appel une technologie de pointe en matire de visualisation automatique et d'intelligence artificielle pour atteindre un taux de prcision de 99 % dans l'identification des espces aviaires au sein des parcs oliens dans un rayon d'un kilomtre. Des logiciels spcialiss et des rseaux neuronaux analysent rapidement les images, dterminant la position 3D, la vitesse, la trajectoire et les espces spcifiques.

IdentiFlight protge les oiseaux dans les parcs oliens oprationnels en vitant les collisions avec les pales des oliennes et rduit les pertes d'nergie grce une rduction informe. D'autre part, le systme contribue la ralisation de projets d'nergie olienne en quantifiant l'activit des oiseaux sur les sites potentiels. Dploy l'chelle mondiale depuis 2016 et valid de manire indpendante sur plusieurs annes, le systme IdentiFlight protge dsormais des centaines d'oliennes dans le monde. Des tudes indpendantes soulignent son efficacit, mettant en vidence une rduction de plus de 85 % de la mortalit aviaire par rapport aux mthodes d'attnuation prcdentes.

Pour en savoir plus, consultez le site

propos d'e3 IdentiFlight France

e3 IdentiFlight France est une filiale d'e3, une socit spcialise dans l'nergie olienne, axe sur le dveloppement de projets en Allemagne. Situe Vertou, prs de Nantes, e3 IdentiFlight France favorise le dveloppement de l'nergie olienne et la conservation des espces grce au produit IdentiFlight. En collaboration avec sa socit mre, e3 IDF GmbH, le bureau franais apporte plus de 15 ans d'expertise dans le dveloppement de projets d'nergie renouvelable pour rpondre la demande croissante d'nergie verte. De la conception du projet la mise en service du parc olien, les bureaux e3 accompagnent les projets tout au long de leur cycle de vie, apportant leur expertise du secteur depuis la slection du site jusqu'aux initiatives de remise en service.

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Getmyboat aide les entreprises de location de bateaux à se développer grâce à une puissante fonctionnalité de réservation directe

MENLO PARK, Californie, 18 déc. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Getmyboat, la premire plateforme de rservation de yachts et de location de bateaux, est ravie d'annoncer le lancement de sa fonctionnalit de rservation directe.

En consultant des partenaires d'entreprises nautiques de toutes tailles, Getmyboat a dcouvert que de nombreux propritaires partageaient les mmes difficults grer les rservations provenant de sources extrieures la plateforme, notamment des problmes de traitement des paiements tels que la fraude et les rtrocessions, la gestion des rclamations, les frais d'acceptation des paiements crdit, la programmation, la communication avec les locataires et bien d'autres choses qui posaient des problmes en termes d'organisation. Pour remdier ces problmes, Getmyboat se concentre sur la cration d'une solution logicielle complte spcialement conue pour les entreprises de location de bateaux, de rservation de yachts et d'excursions en bateau, et introduit constamment de nouvelles faons pour les propritaires de grer l'ensemble de leurs activits. Le lancement de Direct Booking sur l'application Getmyboat constitue une premire tape importante dans la rationalisation de la gestion des rservations, le tout pour un taux de seulement 1,5 %, ce qui est l'un des plus bas de l'industrie. Que ce soit par le biais de leur propre site Internet, par e–mail, par Facebook, par tlphone ou en personne, les propritaires sur Getmyboat peuvent dsormais prendre tous les prospects et les transformer en rservations de manire transparente, ce qui s'avre plus simple pour eux et pour leurs clients.

Principaux avantages de la rservation directe avec Getmyboat

Gestion unifie : Les propritaires de bateaux peuvent dsormais rassembler toutes les rservations, quelle qu'en soit la source, sur une seule plateforme complte, liminant ainsi le besoin de solutions logicielles et de calendriers multiples.

Simplification des offres et du traitement des paiements : En quelques tapes simples, les propritaires peuvent envoyer des offres, collecter en toute scurit les paiements, y compris par carte de crdit, et synchroniser automatiquement les rservations avec leur calendrier gnral, ce qui garantit un processus de transaction sans problme pour le propritaire et le locataire.

Protection contre la fraude et rsolution des litiges : Direct Booking bnficie du logiciel robuste de Getmyboat, offrant aux propritaires une protection contre la fraude, une gestion du processus de rclamation et une rsolution efficace des litiges pour toutes les transactions.

Faible cot : Les entreprises nautiques ne paient que 1,5 % de commission par transaction pour utiliser le service. Cela couvre non seulement les frais de carte de crdit, mais aussi toutes les autres fonctionnalits d'intgration susmentionnes.

Frank D, propritaire d'une flotte Miami, a exprim son enthousiasme en dclarant : Je suis vraiment impatient d'utiliser cette nouvelle fonctionnalit. Dsormais, je pourrai tout consulter en un seul endroit, communiquer avec mes clients sur une plateforme unique et collecter les paiements en toute simplicit. Et je saurai o tous mes bateaux sont censs se trouver, quelle que soit le lieu de dpart du client.

Bryan Petro, prsident de Getmyboat, a dclar : Nous sommes ravis de proposer Direct Booking nos partenaires. Nous savons que le travail en matire de logistique est extrmement difficile, et nous pouvons utiliser ce que nous avons labor et l'tendre tout le monde pour aider les activits se dvelopper .

Les propritaires de Getmyboat peuvent facilement dmarrer en ouvrant l'application ou le site Internet, en accdant leur bote de rception et en cliquant sur l'option Ajouter une rservation directe . partir de l, ils peuvent saisir des informations sur les clients et les voyages, rationalisant ainsi leurs processus de gestion directement dans leur compte Getmyboat.

En tant que premire source de clients pour les entreprises de navigation de plaisance dans le monde, Getmyboat continue d'innover pour rpondre aux dfis rencontrs par les propritaires dans la gestion de leur entreprise sur diffrentes plateformes et a pour mission de fournir les meilleurs outils de croissance dans l'industrie.

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9005724)

IdentiFlight betritt den französischen Energiemarkt und e3 IDF GmbH kündigt neue Niederlassung in Nantes an

NANTES, Frankreich, Dec. 18, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Die e3 IDF GmbH und IdentiFlight geben die Einfhrung von e3 IdentiFlight France in der Region Nantes bekannt und strken damit die globale Prsenz und das Engagement von IdentiFlight auf dem franzsischen Markt. Die franzsische Niederlassung bietet Fachwissen in der Projektentwicklung fr erneuerbare Energien und das Produkt IdentiFlight "" dem Branchenfhrer in der Vogelartenerkennungstechnologie fr Windparkanwendungen.

IdentiFlight, das 2023 von den franzsischen Behrden fr seine Wirksamkeit bei der Reduzierung der Todesflle von Rotmilanen in Windparks ausgezeichnet wurde, kombiniert KI mit hochprziser Optik, um Vogelarten zu identifizieren und Kollisionen mit den Rotorblttern von Windkraftanlagen zu verhindern.

Jens Schttler, Geschftsfhrer der e3 IDF GmbH, betonte: "Die Nachfrage nach Windenergie steigt kontinuierlich. Die Ausweitung der Niederlassungen von e3 nach Frankreich wird es uns ermglichen, den wachsenden Bedarf an Vogelerkennung und Vogelschutz in ganz Europa zu decken."

Leiter der e3 IdentiFlight France–Niederlassung ist Yoann Payelleville, ein Veteran der Windenergiebranche mit 20 Jahren Erfahrung. Dank seiner umfassenden Erfahrung in den Bereichen Engineering und Vertrieb bei Enercon verfgt er ber ein tiefes Verstndnis des franzsischen Windenergiemarktes.

Don Mills, President und Chief Operating Officer von IdentiFlight, uerte sich begeistert ber die Erweiterung und erklrte: "Wir freuen uns, dass die e3 IdentiFlight France–Niederlassung einen besseren Zugang zu einer Technologie bietet, die maximalen Vogelschutz bei gleichzeitiger Maximierung der Windenergieerzeugung bietet. Diese Erweiterung der Partnerschaft mit e3 wird unsere Fhigkeit verbessern, den franzsischen Markt zu bedienen."

Die e3 IdentiFlight France–Niederlassung wird neues Personal einstellen, um die wachsende Nachfrage nach IdentiFlight–Technologie auf dem franzsischen Markt zu decken. Um mehr ber Beschftigungsmglichkeiten zu erfahren, besuchen Sie bitte die Website von e3 oder schreiben Sie eine E–Mail an contact@e3–

ber IdentiFlight und wie es funktioniert

IdentiFlight wurde von Boulder Imaging, Inc. entwickelt und nutzt modernste Bildverarbeitungs– und KI–Technologie, um eine Genauigkeit von 99 % bei der Identifizierung von Vogelarten in Windparks im Umkreis von einem Kilometer zu erreichen. Spezialisierte Software und neuronale Netze analysieren Bilder schnell und bestimmen 3D–Position, Geschwindigkeit, Flugbahn und spezifische Arten.

IdentiFlight schtzt Vgel in Windparks, indem es Kollisionen mit Rotorblttern verhindert und Energieverluste durch gezielte Drosselung reduziert. Darber hinaus untersttzt es Windenergieprojekte durch die Quantifizierung der Vogelaktivitt an potenziellen Standorten. Das IdentiFlight–System wird seit 2016 weltweit eingesetzt und wurde ber mehrere Jahre hinweg unabhngig validiert. Heute schtzt es Hunderte von Windkraftanlagen auf der ganzen Welt. Unabhngige Untersuchungen unterstreichen seine Wirksamkeit und zeigen eine Reduzierung der Vogelkollisionen um mehr als 85 % im Vergleich zu frheren Methoden der Schadensbegrenzung.

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ber e3 IdentiFlight France

e3 IdentiFlight France ist eine Tochtergesellschaft von e3, einem Windenergieunternehmen, das sich auf die Projektentwicklung in Deutschland konzentriert. Mit Sitz in Vertou in der Region Nantes frdert e3 IdentiFlight France die Windentwicklung und den Schutz der Tierwelt mit dem Produkt IdentiFlight. In Zusammenarbeit mit seiner Muttergesellschaft, der e3 IDF GmbH, verfgt die franzsische Niederlassung ber 15 Jahre Erfahrung in der Projektentwicklung fr erneuerbare Energien, um der wachsenden Nachfrage nach grner Energie gerecht zu werden. Vom Projektbeginn bis zur Inbetriebnahme des Windparks untersttzen die Niederlassungen von e3 Projekte ber den gesamten Lebenszyklus und bieten Brancheneinblicke von der Standortwahl bis hin zu Repowering–Initiativen.

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9005800)

IdentiFlight Enters French Energy Market as e3 IDF GmbH Announces New Office in Nantes

NANTES, France, Dec. 18, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — e3 IDF GmbH and IdentiFlight announce the launch of e3 IdentiFlight France in the Nantes area, reinforcing IdentiFlight's global presence and commitment to the French market. The French office offers expertise in renewable energy project development and the IdentiFlight product "" the industry leader in avian species detection technology for wind farm applications.

Recognized in 2023 by French Authorities for its effectiveness in reducing red kite fatalities in wind farms, IdentiFlight combines AI and high–precision optics to identify bird species and prevent collisions with wind turbine blades.

Jens Schoettler, CEO of e3 IDF GmbH, emphasized, “The demand for wind energy is continuously rising. The expansion of e3 offices into France will enable us to meet the increasing need for avian detection and protection across Europe.”

Leading the e3 IdentiFlight France office is Yoann Payelleville, a 20–year veteran in the wind energy sector. His extensive experience in engineering and sales at Enercon equips him with a deep understanding of the French wind energy market.

Don Mills, President and Chief Operating Officer of IdentiFlight, expressed his excitement about the expansion, stating, “We are thrilled that the e3 IdentiFlight France office will provide greater accessibility to technology that offers maximum avian protection while maximizing wind energy generation. This partnership expansion with e3 will enhance our ability to serve the French market."

The e3 IdentiFlight France office will be recruiting new positions to help meet the growing French market demand for IdentiFlight technology. To learn more about employment opportunities, please visit the e3 website or email contact@e3–

About IdentiFlight and How it Works

Developed by Boulder Imaging, Inc., IdentiFlight utilizes cutting–edge machine vision and AI technology to achieve a 99% accuracy rate in identifying avian species within a one–kilometer range in wind farms. Specialized software and neural networks swiftly analyze images, determining 3D position, speed, trajectory, and specific species.

IdentiFlight safeguards birds in operational wind farms by preventing collisions with turbine blades and reduces energy loss through informed curtailment. Additionally, it supports wind energy projects by quantifying bird activity at potential sites. Deployed globally since 2016 and independently validated over multiple years, the IdentiFlight system now protects hundreds of wind turbines worldwide. Independent research underscores its effectiveness, showcasing an over 85% reduction in avian fatalities over previous mitigation methods.

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About e3 IdentiFlight France

e3 IdentiFlight France is a subsidiary of e3, a wind energy company, focused on project development in Germany. Situated in the Nantes area in Vertou, e3 IdentiFlight France promotes wind development and wildlife conservation using the IdentiFlight product. Collaborating with its parent company, e3 IDF GmbH, the French office brings over 15 years of expertise in renewable energy project development to address the growing demand for green energy. From project inception to wind farm commissioning, the e3 offices support projects throughout their lifecycle, offering industry insights from site selection to repowering initiatives.

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9005801)

The United States, the United Nations, and Genocide in the Gaza Strip

Azzawieh Market in Gaza City lies in ruins. Credit: UNICEF/Omar Al-Qattaa

By Mouin Rabbani
MONTREAL, Canada, Dec 18 2023 – The political significance of US-Israeli differences is easily exaggerated.

It is certainly true that tensions in the relationship exist. Israel is currently committing genocide against the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. The US would like Israel to reduce – not cease, but reduce – its slaughter Palestinian civilians,

Israel has stated its intention to indefinitely maintain a military presence within at least parts of the Gaza Strip, and rejects any role for the Palestinian Authority (PA) in the governance of the Gaza Strip. The US has indicated it would like to see Israel withdraw to the 1967 boundary and supports replacing Hamas rule with that of the PA, which it believes to be in Israel’s best interest.

Washington would like to resume bilateral Israeli-Palestinian negotiations under US supervision, and has paid lip service to a two-state settlement. Israel has repeatedly and emphatically rejected both proposals.

Neither these nor other disagreements resulting from the current crisis have resulted in any reduction of US military, political, or diplomatic support for Israel, which remains total and unconditional. In other words, US-Israeli tensions have the political significance of a loving couple deciding whether to dine on steak or sushi for their next date.

It has been widely reported, for years, that Biden and his key lieutenants detest Netanyahu, and intensely so. If so, the Israeli prime minister must be thinking: “With enemies like these, who needs friends?”.

On December 12, the 193-member UN General Assembly adopted a resolution on “Protection of civilians and upholding legal and humanitarian obligations” during the 45th plenary meeting of the resumed 10th Emergency Special Session. Member States adopted a resolution, demanding an “immediate humanitarian ceasefire”, the unconditional release of all hostages as well as a call for “ensuring humanitarian access”. It was passed with a majority of 153 in favour and 10 against, with 23 abstentions. Credit: UN Photo/Loey Felipe

The US is not only complicit in Israel’s genocide, it is a full and active partner. For it to propose a “humanitarian pause” under present conditions, which in addition to the continuous, relentless bombing include measures intended to produce starvation, dehydration, and epidemic disease is tantamount to advocating for a Khmer Rouge coffee break.

A meaningless and diversionary charade if ever there was one.

If the Biden administration does take action to enforce international law during the current crisis it won’t be against Israel, but rather against Yemen for interfering with global shipping. Israeli impunity might as well be incorporated into the US constitution.

The performance of the UN Secretariat also leaves much to be desired. It has been extremely slow off the mark, hesitant to a fault, and excessively deferential to the US and Israel. It’s head of Political and Peacekeeping Affairs, Rosemary DiCarlo, has been enveloped in an impenetrable invisibility cloak.

For his part Secretary-General Guterres has been condemning Hamas in the strongest possible terms on an almost daily basis since 7 October but has yet to explicitly condemn Israel for anything.

Candidates for Guterres’s censure would include the mass killings of thousands of children; a medieval siege designed to produce widespread starvation, dehydration, and epidemic disease; an unprecedented campaign to destroy an entire territory’s health sector; the bombing of UN facilities sheltering civilians fleeing hostilities, and a record number of UN staff killed in a conflict, often together with their families.

Among senior officials only Martin Griffiths, the UN’s Under-Secretary General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator, the World Health Organization Director-General Tedros Ghebreyesus, and to a lesser extent Philippe Lazzarini, Commissioner-General of UNRWA, have defied the echo chamber and been more explicit in framing the atrocities in the Gaza Strip.

To his credit, Guterres on 6 December invoked Article 99 of the UN Charter, thereby identifying the crisis as not only a humanitarian emergency but also a threat to the maintenance of international peace and security.

Its significance notwithstanding, history will question why Guterres dithered for two months when it came to calling out Israel for its ferocious onslaught on Gaza before suddenly reaching for his heaviest weapon.

Rather than using the stature and authority of his office during the crucial months of October and November to call for an immediate and comprehensive cessation of hostilities and accountability for all who have violated the laws of war or international humanitarian law, he instead chose to advocate for a vaguely-defined “humanitarian ceasefire”.

For Guterres, the Gaza Crisis constitutes a low point in an already unremarkable and frankly mediocre tenure. There’s a reason morale at the UN is disintegrating.

One does not require the benefit of hindsight to conclude that Guterres would have done better to align himself with the overwhelming majority of UN member states, who on 12 December, in numerous speeches from the floor, once again spoke out against the horrors of this war and called for it to end forthwith.

Mouin Rabbani is Co-Editor, Jadaliyya

IPS UN Bureau


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UN and Humanitarian Partners Seek USD 46 Billion for Humanitarian Assistance

CARE Somalia, a UN partner, could provide emergency services to drought-affected communities through humanitarian funding. Credit: OCHA-Yao Chen

By Naureen Hossain
UNITED NATIONS, Dec 18 2023 – Funding humanitarian programs will continue into the new year, but the funding cuts of the previous year may impact the prioritization of the most immediate and most life-threatening needs.

The Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) released the Global Humanitarian Overview (GHO) for 2024. This annual assessment of the global humanitarian sector provides insight into the humanitarian action undertaken by the UN and its partners and reviews current and future trends in this sector.

Major crises have been the result of violent conflicts or global climate disasters. The economic impact of these crises has been a contributing factor to the increasing humanitarian needs in places like Afghanistan and Syria, or indicative of greater economic instability. The need for food, water, shelter, and health services, have also contributed to the assessment of needs among affected communities. As a result of these crises, 1 in 73 people have been forcibly displaced. Over 258 million people have experienced acute food insecurity. Martin Griffiths, Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs, has remarked that the international community has not been “keeping pace with the needs” brought on by these crises.

For this year, there was a reported decrease in funding from the year prior. In the previous year, in spite of efforts and repeated calls from UN officials to increase funding, the UN received only one-third of the requested USD57 billion for 2023. In 2024, the UN and its humanitarian partners are calling for USD 46.4 billion to assist 180.5 million in 72 countries. The North Africa and Middle East region, which includes the Palestinian Territory, Syria and Yemen, will require USD 13.9 billion, which is the largest amount being asked. East and Southern Africa is next, requiring USD 10.9 billion, followed by Central and West Africa requiring USD 8.3 billion, and Asia and the Pacific, which is calling for USD 5.5 billion.

Two women together in a ‘friendly space’, a woman-only zone in an IDP site in Unity State, South Sudan. Credit: OCHA-Alioune Ndiaye

The current plans from the UN and its humanitarian partners, as indicated by the report, will be to prioritize the communities dealing with the most life-threatening needs, and therefore require urgent action. The response plans that have been formulated promise a more stream-lined approach that will take into consideration the realities of the organizations’ capacity to deliver humanitarian assistance. Given that funding—or the lack thereof—was a particular concern over the last year, and resources were quickly dwindling, this pragmatic approach is founded.

Even with this focus on immediate needs, the predicted funds required for certain regions would suggest that protracted crises with long-term impacts are among the issues that will be addressed. The tragedy of humanitarian work seems to be that with multiple situations and escalations to address, attention and assistance are only further divided between today’s disaster and yesterday’s crisis. The crisis may not have been fully resolved.

For instance, under the Rohingya Joint Response Plan, which will be led by UNHCR and IOM, USD 872.7 million has been requested to fund this plan that will provide ongoing humanitarian support to the Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh. It is six years since the Rohingya refugee camps have been set up. The need for food, shelter, and protection, and the pressure to keep these camps running have only exacerbated and may continue to do so the longer it persists. The prolonged presence of the camps, and the number of people still seeking refuge by crossing the border, will only leave them more vulnerable to the risks of abuse, exploitation, disease, and other security issues that developed within the settlements.

The GHO attests that humanitarian organizations will aim to deliver better results. This will include acknowledging and supporting local and national humanitarian groups through funding, increasing accountability and people-centered responses, and engaging in humanitarian diplomacy. There is also a call to promote inclusive responses that acknowledge the unique, intersecting, and complex needs of vulnerable peoples, including those from marginalized communities.

Women and girls, for instance, are particularly vulnerable during humanitarian crises. OCHA Director, Coordination Division, Ramesh Rajasingham, remarked on this during a high-level event in Addis Abbaba, Ethiopia. He stated that women are fourteen times more likely to be killed during climate disasters. Women and girls are also at a greater risk of gender-based violence; only 53 percent were able to access GBV services through groups like UN Women. Women and girls also face barriers in receiving life-saving healthcare, especially when it comes to reproductive health. Humanitarian organizations, and the international community that supports them, should be expected to improve their response to the gender-specific needs.

“We need to get better at acting on gender-specific analyses that strengthen our ability to meet the diverse and distinct needs of all the people we serve,” he said. “We need far greater investment in protection and other services in humanitarian settings that are tailored for women and girls.”

What is evident in the GHO is that the compassion and urgency to help those in need remain a driving force for the UN’s humanitarian actors. Yet, one cannot help but lament at the adjusted funding request, which is lower than last year’s. When it is now, more than ever, that millions of people are living through dire situations, through conflict or displacement, and many more are at risk of falling.

IPS UN Bureau Report


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A Desperate Plea from Palestinians: Drop Your Nuclear Bomb on Gaza–and Exterminate Us

People in Rafah city in the Gaza Strip flee a missile attack. Credit: UNICEF/Eyad El Baba

By Thalif Deen
UNITED NATIONS, Dec 18 2023 – The unrestrained destruction of Gaza and the disproportionate killings of over 17,000, mostly civilians– in retaliation for 1,200 killings by Hamas and 120 hostages in captivity– have left the Palestinians in a state of deep isolation and weighed down by a feeling of being deserted by the world at large.

The United Nations and the international community have remained helpless– with UN resolutions having no impact– while American pleas for restrained aerial bombings continue to be ignored by the Israelis in an act of defiance.

The plight of the Palestinians was best described by Middle East correspondent Raja Abdulrahim who was quoted in the New York Times last week as saying: “Some people have told me they would rather just have a nuclear bomb (drop) and take them all out because the situation has gotten so desperate– and they don’t see any light at the end of the tunnel.”

“They also feel like the entire world has abandoned them.”

Co-incidentally, a junior minister last month proposed dropping a nuclear bomb on Gaza as “one way of dealing with the threat of Hamas.” But Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu instantly shot down the proposal and took the unusual step of suspending the politically far-right minister.

Perhaps Netanyahu was conscious of the fact– that even in an unlikely nuclear attack on Gaza — the fallout, described as potentially suicidal, will be equally disastrous on Israel and end up as an act of self-immolation.

Meanwhile, Netanyahu last week reportedly justified the killings of civilians and the virtual destruction of Gaza by pointing an accusing finger at the United States.

The devastation of Gaza, he says, was no better than the “carpet bombing” of Germany by the US in 1943 and the unleashing of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945.

And US President Joe Biden, an unrelenting ally of Israel, shot back: “Yeah, that’s why all these institutions were set up after World War II, to see to it that it didn’t happen again”.

The United Nations, created in 1945 following the devastation caused by World War II, was mandated with one central mission: the maintenance of international peace and security.

But other international institutions, including the Human Rights Council, the International Criminal Court (ICC) and the International Court of Justice (ICJ), arrived much later.

Dr Alon Ben-Meir, a professor of international relations at the Center for Global Affairs at New York University, who teaches courses on international negotiation and Middle Eastern studies, told IPS for Prime Minister Netanyahu to equate the bombing of Gaza to the “carpet bombing” of Germany and the dropping of atomic weapons on Japan is, at best, as preposterous as one can imagine.

Although President Biden himself did not justify the dropping of nuclear weapons on Japan, he pointed out, the circumstances at the time were completely different than the current situation in Gaza.

Furthermore, attitudes and views have greatly changed since then, particularly because of the bombings’ aftermath.

Dr Ben-Meir said President Truman was faced with a dilemma – to launch a full-scale ground invasion of Japan, whose soldiers were fighting to the death, which could result in the death of 5-10 million Japanese and hundreds of thousands of Allied troops.

Or use nuclear weapons that would result in the death of 200,000 Japanese, civilians and soldiers alike, but would end the war quickly and spare casualties on a massive scale, thinking it was better to sacrifice 200,000 lives to save 1 million more, he pointed out.

On that basis, Truman made the decision, albeit in today’s environment, that decision would be entirely different. Furthermore, Truman may not have even been fully aware of the bomb’s true devastating nature and initially believed that it was intended specifically for a military target.

In hindsight, said Dr Ben-Meir, the use of nuclear weapons is unthinkable under any, and all, circumstances, as President Biden stated, “That’s why all these institutions were set up after World War Two to see to it that it didn’t happen again.”

As to the “carpet bombings” of Germany, while there were a few instances of cities being bombed wholesale, most notably Dresden, for the most part, American and Allied troops carried out strategic bombings, targeting as much as possible specific military installations and other industrial targets supporting Germany’s war efforts, he argued.

Furthermore, as Biden noted, the actions of all powers during World War II came under serious criticism and evaluation, and institutions and treaties were established in the war’s aftermath to prevent these wholesale actions that greatly affected civilians, whether intentionally or not, from happening again.

“There’s no question that Israel has been steadily losing international support due to the rise of Palestinian casualties, which has now exceeded 17,000. The irony is because of this terrible heavy toll of casualties, the unthinkable slaughter of 1,200 Israelis is no longer being mentioned, and this is due to Netanyahu’s complete disregard, in my view, for the indiscriminate horror that is being inflicted on Gaza”.

He should be far more calculating in targeting Hamas to prevent the unnecessary death of civilians, which is only drawing ever more criticism of Israel’s war tactics.

“Israel will certainly win the war against Hamas, but it is as certain that it will continue to lose the support even of its closest allies and friends unless Israel takes extraordinary measures to protect civilian lives in Gaza while articulating an exit strategy consistent with a two-state solution to end the conflict,” declared Dr Ben-Meir.

IPS UN Bureau Report


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