Novo estudo revolucionário quantifica a “vantagem da oportunidade” da educação superior juntamente com direitos de cidadania

LONDRES, Feb. 13, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A empresa líder em consultoria patrimonial internacional Henley & Partners publicou uma nova pesquisa inédita sobre como uma educação de alto nível, aliada a direitos de acesso global expandidos, cria oportunidades significativas para a próxima geração, ampliando suas redes globais, maximizando suas perspectivas de carreira, potencial de ganhos e mobilidade econômica para alcançar maior sucesso e mais prosperidade ao longo de suas vidas.

O Henley Opportunity Index, uma nova ferramenta proprietária de benchmarking apresentada no Henley Education Report inaugural da empresa, quantifica o impacto e a probabilidade de sucesso que uma educação de alto nível, aliada a direitos de residência adicionais e/ou cidadanias alternativas adquiridas por meio da migração de investimentos, pode ter na preservação e no crescimento do patrimônio para várias gerações.

O índice inédito avalia e classifica os principais programas de residência e cidadania por investimento do mundo de acordo com seis parâmetros, incluindo educação de alto nível e oportunidades de emprego, potencial de ganhos, progresso na carreira, mobilidade econômica e condições de vida, a fim de fornecer uma referência para que investidores, empreendedores e famílias de patrimônio elevado comparem e identifiquem os locais que oferecem os melhores ecossistemas para que as futuras gerações progridam em suas carreiras e maximizem seu potencial de renda.

Dominic Volek, Chefe do Grupo de Clientes Privados da Henley & Partners, diz que tanto a educação quanto a migração de investimentos são “facilitadores para gerações” e que este é o primeiro estudo do gênero que tenta medir a vantagem comparativa dessa poderosa combinação. “O equilíbrio eficaz entre a geração de riqueza e a criação de oportunidades é uma das principais características das economias em ascensão. Nosso índice ajuda a orientar as famílias sobre estratégias personalizadas de migração de investimentos com o intuito de abrir caminhos para que seus filhos e herdeiros tenham acesso à melhor educação do mundo, aos mercados de trabalho mais rentáveis e à melhor qualidade de vida por meio dos privilégios e da flexibilidade de opções alternativas de residência e cidadania por investimento que lhes dão o direito de estudar, viver, trabalhar e investir nos países de sua preferência.”

O valor cumulativo do acesso e da educação globais

Usando a função comparativa do Henley Opportunity Index, uma família filipina cuja pontuação total de oportunidade é de apenas 23% em seu país de origem poderia aumentar a probabilidade de sucesso da próxima geração para 82% acessando os direitos de residência nos EUA por meio do US EB–5 Immigrant Investor Program. Da mesma forma, no caso de uma família vietnamita com 24%, mudar–se para a Suíça por meio do Swiss Residence Program aumentaria sua vantagem para 85%, e no caso de nigerianos com um índice de oportunidade de apenas 14%, um investimento no Singapore Global Investor Program, que oferece direitos de residência na cidade–estado, elevaria suas chances de vida em 65%, chegando a notáveis 79%. Outras opções de investimento por meio do UAE Golden Visa e do novo Active Investor Plus Visa da Nova Zelândia poderiam dar aos jovens deste país da África Ocidental uma vantagem de oportunidade de 63% e 59%, respectivamente.

Da mesma forma, no caso de uma família sul–africana que deseje ir para a Europa, investir no Portugal Golden Residence Permit Program trará benefícios compostos entre gerações, pois após cinco anos de residência legal, ela poderá solicitar a cidadania, o que lhe permitirá morar, trabalhar ou estudar em qualquer lugar da UE. Também observamos ganhos notáveis na perspectiva de empregos de alto nível (25/100 para a África do Sul contra 47 para Portugal — um salto de 88%) e na alta qualidade de vida (a África do Sul tem 40 pontos e Portugal, 61 — uma melhoria de 53%), mas a maior vantagem seria o aumento drástico na mobilidade econômica (a África do Sul tem apenas 17/100, em comparação com os 74 de Portugal — um aumento surpreendente de 335%).

De acordo com Tess Wilkinson, Diretora da Henley & Partners Education, o relatório ressalta que a educação por si só não garante oportunidades no mercado de trabalho futuro. “O investimento na educação de seu filho é universalmente reconhecido como uma das melhores maneiras de prepará–lo para o sucesso na vida adulta, com inúmeros estudos demonstrando que aqueles que possuem qualificações de nível superior ganham cerca de 50% a mais. No entanto, pesquisas econômicas também revelam que mais de dois terços da variação de renda entre indivíduos em todo o mundo podem ser atribuídos simplesmente ao país em que vivem e trabalham. Portanto, é fundamental combinar educação de nível internacional com direitos de residência ou cidadania associados para acessar esses mercados de trabalho rentáveis.”

De acordo com uma pesquisa exclusiva realizada para o relatório pelo Dr. José Caballero, Economista Sênior do IMD World Competitiveness Center na Suíça, o efeito cumulativo da migração de investimentos se deve ao fato de que os programas permitem que os pais migrem seus filhos por meio de assentamentos permanentes. “Ao fazê–lo, os pais podem oferecer mais oportunidades educacionais e profissionais sem os inconvenientes que envolvem a obtenção de um visto de estudante e/ou de pós–graduação. Essas oportunidades incluem acesso à educação primária e secundária de primeira qualidade, maiores oportunidades de desenvolvimento profissional, residir em um ambiente com alta qualidade de vida, maiores perspectivas de renda e maior liberdade de locomoção entre fronteiras. Esse acesso e essas oportunidades contribuem para a sustentabilidade da prosperidade familiar por meio de maiores probabilidades de criação e preservação de riqueza, capacitando a próxima geração com um conjunto mais robusto de habilidades e capacidades.”  

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000913268)

History’s Inflation Lessons

A vegetable vendor serves a customer at a market in Manila, Philippines. Credit: IMF/Lisa Marie David

By Anil Ari and Lev Ratnovski
WASHINGTON DC, Feb 13 2024 – In the early 1970s, conflict in the Middle East set off a spike in oil prices that left central banks around the world scrambling to control inflation. After a year or so, oil prices stabilized and inflation started to retreat. Many countries believed they had restored price stability and loosened policy to revive their recession-hit economies only to see inflation return. Could history repeat?

World inflation reached historic highs in 2022 after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine triggered a terms-of-trade shock akin to that of the 1970s. Disruptions to Russian oil and gas supplies added to COVID supply-chain problems to drive prices higher. In advanced economies, prices rose at the fastest pace since 1984. In emerging market and developing economies, the price increase was the largest since the 1990s.

Aided by the sharpest rise in interest rates in a generation, inflation has started to subside at last. Headline inflation in the United States and across much of Europe has halved from about 10 percent last year to less than 5 percent today. The latest conflict in the Middle East has, for now at least, not had a large impact on oil prices. But it is still too soon for policymakers to celebrate victory over inflation.

Our recent study of over 100 inflation shocks since the 1970s offers two reasons for caution. First, history teaches us that inflation is persistent. It takes years to “resolve” inflation by reducing it to the rate that prevailed before the initial shock. Forty percent of countries in our study failed to resolve inflation shocks even after five years. It took the remaining 60 percent an average of three years to return inflation to pre-shock rates (Chart 1).

Second, countries have historically celebrated victory over inflation and loosened policy prematurely in response to an initial decline in price pressures. This was a mistake because inflation soon returned. Denmark, France, Greece, and the United States were among nearly 30 countries in our sample to loosen policy prematurely after the 1973 oil-price shock (Chart 2).

In fact, almost all countries in our analysis (90 percent) that failed to resolve inflation saw price growth slow sharply in the first few years after an initial shock, only to accelerate again or become stuck at a faster pace.

Today’s policymakers must not repeat their predecessors’ mistakes. Central bankers are right to warn that the inflation fight is far from over, even as recent readings show a welcome moderation in price pressures.

Consistency and credibility

How should policymakers respond to persistent inflation? Again, history provides some lessons. The countries in our study that successfully resolved inflation tightened macroeconomic policies more in response to the inflation shock and, crucially, maintained a tight policy stance consistently over a period of several years.

Examples here include Italy and Japan, which adopted tighter-for-longer policies after the 1979 oil-price shock. By contrast, countries that did not resolve inflation had looser policy stances and were more likely to change between tightening and loosening cycle (Chart 3).

Policy credibility matters, too. Countries where inflation expectations were more firmly anchored, or where central banks had more success maintaining low and stable inflation in the past, were more likely to defeat inflation.

Today’s policymakers can take some solace from this finding. Central bankers in many countries may find it easier to defeat inflation this time because of the policy credibility they have built up over several decades of successful macroeconomic management. With the right policies in place, countries could resolve inflationary pressures sooner than in the past.

But it won’t be easy. Conditions in the labor market in particular require close attention. In many countries, workers’ wages have fallen in real inflation-adjusted terms and may need to rise again to catch up with higher prices. Yet wage growth could fuel inflation if it is too high and could lead to pernicious wage-price spirals.

Historically, countries that resolved inflation successfully tended to have lower nominal wage growth. Importantly, this did not translate into lower real wages and a loss of purchasing power, because lower nominal wage growth was accompanied by lower price growth.

The implication for policymakers here is to remain focused on real wages, not nominal wages, when responding to developments in the labor market.

Countries that resolved inflation successfully were also better at maintaining external stability. Free-floating currencies were less likely to depreciate sharply, and currency pegs were more likely to survive. This is not a call for currency intervention.

Instead, it appears that countries’ success in fighting inflation—through tighter monetary policy and greater policy credibility—was instrumental in shoring up exchange rates. Countries that allow inflation to linger ultimately pay a higher price.

The ultimate prize

Fighting inflation is difficult. But it is important to recognize the benefits of price stability. Historically, countries that resolved inflation had lower economic growth in the short term than those that did not. But this relationship reversed over the medium and long term.

Five years after the inflation shock, countries that resolved inflation had higher growth and lower unemployment than economies that allowed inflation to linger.

The economics behind this finding are intuitive. There is a trade-off between bringing inflation down on one hand and achieving higher growth and lower unemployment on the other. But this trade-off is temporary: growth recovers and jobs are created once inflation is brought under control.

By contrast, leaving inflation unresolved comes with its own costs of macroeconomic instability and inefficiency. These costs accumulate for as long as inflation remains high. Consequently, cumulative welfare losses from unresolved or permanently high inflation dominate over the medium to long term (Chart 4). Countries that allow inflation to linger ultimately pay a higher price.

Central bankers are on the front line of the fight against inflation and should pay the most attention to these lessons. But governments must not make the task of monetary authorities harder by adding to price pressures with loose fiscal policy.

To make fiscal support during a cost-of-living crisis less inflationary, governments should target relief to the most vulnerable, where it will alleviate suffering most.

The past is never a perfect guide to the present, because no two crises are precisely alike. All the same, history offers clear lessons to policymakers today. Fighting inflation is a marathon, not a sprint. Policymakers must persevere, demonstrate policy credibility and consistency, and keep their eyes on the prize: macroeconomic stability and stronger growth brought about by returning inflation firmly to target.

If history is a guide, inflation’s recent decline could be transitory. Policymakers would be wise not to celebrate too soon.

Source: IMF Finance and Development

Anil Ari is an economist in the IMF’s Strategy, Policy, and Review Department; Lev Ratnovski is an economist in the IMF’s European Department.

The opinions expressed are those of the authors; they do not necessarily reflect IMF policy.
This article draws on IMF Working Paper 2023/190, “One Hundred Inflation Shocks: Seven Stylized Facts,” by Anil Ari, Carlos Mulas-Granados, Victor Mylonas, Lev Ratnovski, and Wei Zhao.

IPS UN Bureau


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American University of Sharjah and Sui Launch Blockchain Academy to Seed the Next Generation of web3 Builders

Sharjah, UAE, Feb. 13, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) —  Sui, a Layer 1 platform for decentralized computation which has grown at a torrid pace since its inception nine months ago, announced it has partnered with American University of Sharjah (AUS) to establish the AUS–Sui Blockchain Academy, a brand new blockchain academy in one of the most well–regarded academic institutions in the region, creating opportunities for hundreds of aspiring developers to learn about and ultimately advance the state of the art of the technology.

The agreed upon AUS–Sui Blockchain Academy will operate under the auspices of the multidisciplinary Center of Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Sustainable Development. This placement strategically aligns with entrepreneurship, innovation, and sustainability, underscoring the Academy's dedication to responsible and impactful technological development.

The initiative is part of the Emirate of Sharjah’s objective of positioning itself as a regional hub for education and research—particularly in the field of technology and blockchain.

“The establishment of the AUS–Sui Blockchain Academy will provide students with invaluable insights into contemporary and future–oriented topics,” said Dr. Tod Laursen, Chancellor of American University of Sharjah. “It will empower them to engage with trending subjects and essential future technologies, equipping them with the skills and knowledge necessary to thrive in the evolving landscape of tomorrow.”

The partnership between Sui and AUS is directly aligned with the strong academic backgrounds of the leaders in and around the Sui ecosystem. Dr. Greg Siourounis, the Managing Director of the Sui Foundation has deep experience blending academic pursuits and entrepreneurship, including earning a PhD in Economics from the London Business School and top awards for his work in Economics. George Danezis, Chief Scientist and Co–Founder of Mysten Labs is a professor of security and privacy engineering at University College London. Likewise, co–founders Kostas Chalkias (notable cryptographer and creator of zkLogin) and Sam Blackshear (creator of the Move smart contract language) have both earned PhDs in their respective technology fields.

The Sui Foundation has also previously instituted several educational initiatives such as the establishment of a Web3–focused program at the Wheeler Institute for Business and Development at London Business School, the distribution of $400,000 in Sui Academic Research Awards (SARAs) to fifteen universities worldwide, and the establishment of a groundbreaking new web3 curriculum for high school students which debuted in 2023 at the Costeas Geitonas High School in Greece.

“The establishment of the AUS–Sui Blockchain Academy will provide the next generation of builders and world leaders with the knowledge they will need to create web3 technology that can address global challenges,” said Dr. Siourounis. “Seeing this academy come to life makes me particularly proud given the crucial role that this region is set to play in technological innovation.”

Sui established the current partnership with aid from its strategic partner in the region, Ghaf Labs, whose founder and managing partner, Feras Al Sadek, added, “We are extremely pleased to play a part in creating this historic initiative. The AUS–Sui Blockchain Academy will pave the way for future generations to enrich and benefit this industry and the region.”

About Sui
Sui is a first–of–its–kind Layer 1 blockchain and smart contract platform designed from the bottom up to make digital asset ownership fast, private, secure, and accessible to everyone. Its object–centric model, based on the Move programming language, enables parallel execution, sub–second finality, and rich on–chain assets. With horizontally scalable processing and storage, Sui supports a wide range of applications with unrivaled speed at low cost. Sui is a step–function advancement in blockchain and a platform on which creators and developers can build amazing, user–friendly experiences. Learn more:


About AUS
American University of Sharjah (AUS) was founded in 1997 by His Highness Sheikh Dr. Sultan Bin Muhammad Al Qasimi, Member of the Supreme Council of the United Arab Emirates and Ruler of Sharjah. Sheikh Sultan articulated his vision of a distinctive institution against the backdrop of Islamic history and in the context of the aspirations and needs of contemporary society in the UAE and the Gulf region.

Firmly grounded in principles of meritocracy and with a strong reputation for academic excellence, AUS has come to represent the very best in teaching and research, accredited internationally and recognized by employers the world over for creating graduates equipped with the knowledge, skills and drive to lead in the 21st century.

AUS values learners not driven only by academic success, but by those that embrace our dynamic campus life and embody our ideals of openness, tolerance and respect. This combination of academic excellence and community spirit ensures AUS is filled with world–class faculty and students, poised to become the innovators, thinkers, contributors and leaders of tomorrow.


About Ghaf Labs
Ghaf Labs is a premier blockchain consultancy and advisory firm based in the U.A.E, focused on cultivating and fostering dynamic start–ups and well–established enterprises in the blockchain domain. As the sister company of Ghaf Capital Partners, Ghaf Labs extends its expertise and resources to provide growth, acceleration, advisory, and consultancy services to the blockchain ecosystem and companies. Ghaf Labs aims to help companies expand their presence in the MENA region and if needed, also support them in achieving a strong global footprint. This is attained through tapping into various ecosystems both local and global. Ghaf Labs also utilises its vast Web2 and Web3 networks, acting as a bilateral bridge for the adoption of services.

Ghaf Capital | Ghaf Labs | LinkedIn


GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000913453)

الجامعة الأمريكية في الشارقة ومؤسسة سوي تطلقان أكاديمية بلوكتشين لتأسيس الجيل القادم من منشئي تكنولوجيا الويب 3.00

Sharjah, UAE, Feb. 13, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) —  أعلنت مؤسسة سوي، وهي منصة من المستوى الأول للحوسبة اللامركزية، عن دخولها في شراكة مع الجامعة الأمريكية في الشارقة لإطلاق أكاديمية سويالجامعة الأمريكية في الشارقة خلال حفل خاص أقيم مؤخرًا في الجامعة الأمريكية في الشارقة، لتوفير فرص لمئات المطورين الطموحين للتعرف على أحدث تقنيات سلسلة الكتلالبلوكتشينوتطويرها في المنطقة.

تعمل الأكاديمية الجديدة تحت المركز متعدد التخصصات لريادة الأعمال والابتكار والتنمية المستدامة في كلية إدارة الأعمال في الجامعة، بما يؤكد على التزام الأكاديمية بالتطوير التكنولوجي المسؤول والمؤثر. وتعد هذه المبادرة جزءًا من أهداف إمارة الشارقة المتمثلة في التحول إلى مركز إقليمي للتعليم والبحوث خاصةً في مجال التكنولوجيا وتقنية البلوكتشين .

وقال الدكتور تود لورسن، مدير الجامعة الأمريكية في الشارقة: “إن إنشاء هذه الأكاديمية سيوفر للطلبة رؤى متنوعة حول الموضوعات المعاصرة والمستقبلية التي تمكنهم من التعامل مع المواضيع الرائجة والتقنيات المستقبلية الأساسية، وتزودهم بالمهارات والمعارف اللازمة للنجاح في المشهد المستقبلي المتطور“.

وتتوافق الشراكة بين مؤسسة سوي، والتي شهدت نموًا كبيرًا منذ إنشائها قبل تسعة أشهر، والجامعة الأمريكية في الشارقة مع الخلفيات الأكاديمية العميقة للقادة في نظام مؤسسة سوي البيئي وما حوله، حيث يتمتع الدكتور جريج سيورونيس، المدير العام لمؤسسة مؤسسة سوي، بخبرة عميقة في المزج بين المساعي الأكاديمية وريادة الأعمال، بما في ذلك حصوله على درجة الدكتوراه في الاقتصاد من كلية لندن للأعمال وجوائزمرموقة لعمله في الاقتصاد. أما جورج دانيزيس، كبير العلماء والمؤسس المشارك لشركةميستين لابس“، فهو أستاذ في الهندسة الأمنية والخصوصية في جامعة كوليدج لندن. كما حصل كل من المؤسسين الشريكين كوستاس تشالكياس، مصمم التشفير ومنشئزد كي لوغين“، وسام بلاكشير، مبتكر لغة العقود الذكيةموف“، على درجة الدكتوراه في مجالات التكنولوجيا الخاصة بهما.

وكانت مؤسسة سوي قد أطلقت سابقًا العديد من المبادرات التعليمية مثل إنشاء برنامج يركز على تكنولوجيا الويب 3.00 في معهد ويلر للأعمال والتنمية في كلية لندن للأعمال، وخصصت 400,000 دولار لجوائز مؤسسة سوي للأبحاث الأكاديمية وزعت على خمسة عشر جامعة حول العالم، وأنشأت منهج تكنولوجيا الويب 3.00 الرائدة الجديدة لطلبة المدارس الثانوية والتي ظهرت لأول مرة في عام 2023 في مدرسة كوستياس جيتوناس الثانوية في اليونان.

وقال الدكتور سيورونيس: “إن إنشاء أكاديمية بلوكتشين سيزود الجيل القادم من المطورين وقادة العالم بالمعارف التي يحتاجونها لإنشاء تكنولوجيا الويب
3.0 وتطويرها من أجل مواجهة التحديات العالمية. إن رؤية هذه الأكاديمية وهي تتكون وتتحول إلى حقيقة يجعلني أشعر بالفخر بشكل خاص في ظل الدور الفعال والمهم الذي سوف تلعبه هذه المنطقة في مجال الابتكار التكنولوجي“.

أسست مؤسسة سوي الشراكة الحالية بمساعدة شريكها الاستراتيجي في المنطقةغاف لابزالذي تحدث شريكها المؤسس فراس الصادق عن هذه الشراكة قائلًا: “يسعدنا أن نلعب دورًا محوريًا في إنشاء هذه المبادرة المتميزة. سوف تمهد أكاديمية بلوكتشين الطريق للأجيال القادمة لإثراء وإفادة الصناعة والمنطقة ككل“.

حول مؤسسة سوي:

مؤسسة سوي هي منصة أولى من نوعها من المستوى الأول في سلسلة البلوكتشين والعقود الذكية، تم تصميمها من الأسفل إلى الأعلى لجعل ملكية الأصول الرقمية سريعة وخاصة وآمنة ومتاحة للجميع. يُمكّن نموذجها المرتكز على النطاقات والمعتمد على لغة البرمجةموف“، من التنفيذ المتوازي، وإتمام العمليات في ثوان ويضم أصولًا متنوعة عبر السلسلة. تدعم مؤسسة سوي   من خلال المعالجة والتخزين القابلين للتوسع أفقيًا، مجموعة واسعة من التطبيقات بسرعة وبتكلفة منخفضة. إن مؤسسة سوي تشكل قفزة في   تقنية البلوكتشين، ومنصة يمكن   للمبدعين والمطورين بناء تجارب مميزة عبر استخدامها السهل. لمعرفة المزيد عن مؤسسة سوي، زوروا الموقع الإلكتروني


حول الجامعة الأمريكية في الشارقة

أنشأ صاحب السمو الشيخ الدكتور سلطان بن محمد القاسمي، عضو المجلس الأعلى حاكم الشارقة، الجامعة الأمريكية في الشارقة عام 1997. وتوخى الشيخ سلطان في رؤيته للجامعة أن تكون مؤسسة تعليم عال متميزة على خلفية التاريخ الإسلامي وفي سياق تطلعات واحتياجات المجتمع المعاصر في الإمارات ومنطقة الخليج.

وتم تأسيس الجامعة على أسس متينة من مبادئ الجدارة والسمعة الأكاديمية العالمية. وأصبحت تمثل أفضل ما في مجال التدريس والبحث. وهي معتمدة دوليًا ومعترف بها من قبل أصحاب العمل في جميع أنحاء العالم لقيامها بتأهيل الخريجين المزودين بالمعرفة والمهارات اللازمة للقرن الواحد والعشرين.

ولا يتم تثمين طلبتنا من خلال النجاح الأكاديمي فقط، ولكن أيضاً من خلال المشاركة في أنشطة الحرم الجامعي الديناميكية وفي تجسيد مثلنا العليا من الانفتاح والتسامح والاحترام. وهذا المزيج من التفوق الأكاديمي وروح المجتمع يضمن أن تبقى الجامعة مقراً لأعضاء هيئة تدريس وطلاب على مستوى عالمي،

يسعون ليصبحوا مبتكرين ومفكرين ومساهمين وقادة المستقبل.


نبذة عن غاف لابس:

غاف لابس‘ (Ghaf Labs) شركةٌ استشاريَّةٌ رائدة في مجال البلوك تشين، تتَّخذ من الإمارات العربية المتحدة مقرَّاً لها، وتركِّز على تنمية وتعزيز الشركات الناشئة الديناميكية والمؤسَّسات الراسخة في مجال البلوك تشين. بصفتها الشركةَ الشقيقةَ لشركةغاف كابيتال بارتنرز‘ (Ghaf Capital Partnersتقدِّم غاف لابس خبراتها ومواردها لتوفير خدمات النموِّ والتسريع والخدمات الاستشارية والتشاورية لمنظومةِ تكنولوجيا البلوك تشين وشركاتها. تهدف غاف لابس إلى مساعدة الشركات على توسيع وجودها في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا، إلى جانب دعمها إذا لزم الأمر في تحقيق بصمة عالمية قوية، إذ يتحقَّق ذلك بالاستفادة من مختلف النُّظم البيئية المحلية والعالمية على حدِّ سواء. كما تستخدم غاف لابس شبكاتها الواسعة على الويب 2 والويبحيث تعملُ بمنزلة جسرٍ ثنائيٍّ لتبنِّي الخدمات.

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