AI, Inclusion, and Sustainability: Must-Haves for Business School Aspirants

RESTON, Va., March 26, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — As the world emerged from a turbulent year that witnessed greater geopolitical conflicts, economic uncertainty, volatile job markets and disruptive technology, individuals are turning to graduate management education with a new–found focus. They aim to upgrade their skills while approaching their study, work—and life—with a purpose, according to an annual survey of global prospective students of business school released today by the Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC). The research shows more than two–thirds of potential students agreed that equity and inclusion, as well as sustainability, are important or very important to their academic experience. In addition, three–quarters of candidates say efforts around well–being — defined by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals of no poverty, zero hunger, clean water and sanitation, and decent work and economic growth —are important to them when pursing higher education, to the point that many of them would eliminate schools from their consideration if these themes were not incorporated in the curriculum.

What’s also driving the interest in advanced business education of would–be students is the transformative technology of generative artificial intelligence (AI). Candidate demand for it grew 38 percent year–over–year, with two–fifths now saying it is essential to their curricula. Interest was the highest among those from the Middle East and Latin America as well as among millennials and men. Global interest in STEM–certified business programs also grew 38 percent in five years—and to new heights in Asia, driven by demand in India and Greater China.

“The 2024 survey of prospective students reveals that candidates expect graduate business education to help equip them to advance social impact as a component of their professional and personal goals. Their strong desire to build evergreen skills like leadership in an uncertain world, data–driven problem–solving, and effective technology and human capital management persists, even though their preferences for delivery formats and study destinations may shift,” said Joy Jones, CEO of GMAC. “I am encouraged by how today’s candidate is aspiring and adapting to meet new global challenges in the forever–evolving business environment and really owning their career trajectory. It is creating enormous opportunities for business schools to satisfy the ever–changing demands of candidates and industry with a wide variety of degree offerings and course flexibility.”
Demand for flexibility reaches new high.

Over the past five years, interest in hybrid learning has grown around the globe at the expense of in–person learning. Most hybrid candidates want to spend half or more of their class time in–person and the rest online. This growth is seen across regions, except for Central and South Asia, with preference for hybrid study being the highest in Africa and North America. Not surprisingly – and consistent with previous years’ findings – women are more likely to prefer hybrid programs compared to men, with 20 percent of female prospective students with this preference compared to 15 percent of men.

“This year’s prospective student survey adds to a growing slate of evidence that candidates’ appetite for flexibility is increasing,” said Andrew Walker, director of research analysis and communications at GMAC and the report author. “Interest in hybrid learning has grown across regions and demographic types as hybrid workplaces have also increasingly become available and expected by prospective employees. While in–person learning remains the most preferred delivery format among most candidates, its dominance among candidates is diminishing.”

Affordability and growth of quality in–region institutions reshape global student mobility.

While the United States remains the top study destination for most business school candidates globally, multi–year survey data shows that more candidates than ever before plan to apply to study within their country of citizenship instead of internationally, particularly in Asia, Latin America, and Eastern Europe. For example, most Indian candidates now plan to apply domestically, growing from 41 percent in 2022 to 53 percent in 2023. Among them, most cited affordability as their top reason, followed by the reputation of India’s educational system. At the same time, candidates of Greater China showed less interest in studying in the U.S. with a nine–point drop since 2019, reaching a five–year low. While Chinese candidates still associate the U.S. with better preparation for their careers, a reputable educational system, and an attractive location, their interest in studying in Western Europe has largely remained strong, with a majority associating Western European programs, which tend to be shorter in duration, with affordability.

“As high–quality educational institutions and economic opportunities continue to rise in Asia, it is no surprise that many candidates would choose to stay closer to home instead of traveling afar,” said Curtis Alan Ferguson, managing partner of Ventech China and a board member of GMAC. “That said, graduate business programs in the U.S. and Western Europe still enjoy quite an advantage because of their established reputations of the educational systems and well–rounded preparation for candidate careers.”

About the Prospective Student Survey

With more than 15 years of survey responses representing all world regions, the GMAC Prospective Students Survey has provided the world’s graduate business schools with critical insights into the decision–making processes of people currently considering applying to a graduate management education program. This year’s summary report considers data collected in the 2023 calendar year from 4,105 respondents in 132 countries around the world. Among them, 42 percent are female, 61 percent are Gen Z, and 29 percent of the U.S. sample are from underrepresented populations. The survey continues to explore trends in the candidate pipeline, program preferences, and career goals, with new questions added to this year’s survey about candidate demand for equity and inclusion, sustainability, and health and well–being in their academic experiences. The report also considers surging interest in AI; evolutions in candidate expectations for flexibility; motivations behind candidate mobility from key markets; trends in certifications and micro–credentials; and the ongoing patterns in candidate career preparation and upskilling.

About GMAC

The Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC) is a mission–driven association of leading graduate business schools worldwide. GMAC provides world–class research, industry conferences, recruiting tools, and assessments for the graduate management education industry as well as resources, events, and services that help guide candidates through their higher education journey. Owned and administered by GMAC, the Graduate Management Admission Test™ (GMAT™) exam is the most widely used graduate business school assessment.

More than 12 million prospective students a year trust GMAC’s platforms, including, GMAC Tours, and BusinessBecause, to learn about MBA and business master’s programs, connect with schools around the world, prepare and register for exams, and get advice on how to successfully achieve their business education and career goals. GMAC is a global organization with offices in China, India, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

To learn more about our work, please visit

Media Contact:

Teresa Hsu
Sr. Manager, Media Relations
Mobile: 202–390–4180  


GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9078315)

KI, Inklusion und Nachhaltigkeit: Must-Haves für zukünftige Studierende an Wirtschaftshochschulen

RESTON, Virginia, March 26, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Nach einem turbulenten Jahr, das von größeren geopolitischen Konflikten, wirtschaftlicher Unsicherheit, unbeständigen Arbeitsmärkten und revolutionären Technologien geprägt war, wenden sich viele Menschen mit neu gesetzten Schwerpunkten der weiterführenden betriebswirtschaftlichen Ausbildung zu. Sie wollen ihre Fähigkeiten verbessern und ihr Studium, ihre Arbeit – und ihr Leben – zielgerichteter angehen. Dies geht aus einer jährlichen Umfrage unter angehenden Studierenden an Wirtschaftshochschulen hervor, die heute vom Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC) veröffentlicht wurde. Die Studie zeigt, dass mehr als zwei Drittel der Studieninteressierten der Meinung sind, dass Gleichberechtigung und Inklusion sowie Nachhaltigkeit für ihre akademische Erfahrung wichtig oder sehr wichtig sind. Darüber hinaus geben drei Viertel der Kandidatinnen und Kandidaten an, dass das Streben nach Wohlergehen – definiert durch die Ziele der Vereinten Nationen für nachhaltige Entwicklung (keine Armut, kein Hunger, sauberes Wasser und sanitäre Einrichtungen, menschenwürdige Arbeit und Wirtschaftswachstum) – für sie bei der Wahl ihrer Hochschule wichtig ist, und zwar so sehr, dass viele von ihnen Schulen ausschließen würden, wenn diese Themen nicht in den Lehrplan aufgenommen würden.

Was das Interesse der angehenden Studierenden an einem weiterführenden Studium der Wirtschaftswissenschaften noch verstärkt, ist die transformative Technologie der generativen künstlichen Intelligenz (KI). Die Nachfrage der Bewerberinnen und Bewerber nach diesem Thema ist im Vergleich zum Vorjahr um 38 % gestiegen, und zwei Fünftel der Befragten geben nun an, dass es ein wesentlicher Bestandteil ihrer Lehrpläne sein sollte. Am größten ist das Interesse bei Personen aus dem Nahen Osten und Lateinamerika sowie bei Millennials und Männern. Das weltweite Interesse an MINT–zertifizierten Wirtschaftsstudiengängen ist in den letzten fünf Jahren ebenfalls um 38 Prozent gestiegen – und hat in Asien, angetrieben durch die Nachfrage in Indien und im Großraum China, einen neuen Höchststand erreicht.

„Die Umfrage unter Studieninteressierten im Jahr 2024 zeigt, dass sie von einem weiterführenden wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Studium erwarten, dass es sie in die Lage versetzt, soziale Auswirkungen als Teil ihrer beruflichen und persönlichen Ziele zu fördern. Ihr starker Wunsch, unverzichtbare Fähigkeiten wie Führungsqualitäten in einer unsicheren Welt, datengestützte Problemlösung und effektives Technologie– und Personalmanagement zu erwerben, bleibt bestehen, auch wenn sich ihre Präferenzen hinsichtlich der Lehrformate und der Studienorte ändern können“, so Joy Jones, CEO des GMAC. „Ich finde es ermutigend, zu sehen, wie die Kandidatinnen und Kandidaten von heute neue globale Herausforderungen in einem sich ständig weiterentwickelnden wirtschaftlichen Umfeld suchen und sich anpassen und ihre berufliche Laufbahn wirklich selbst in die Hand nehmen. Dies eröffnet den Wirtschaftshochschulen enorme Möglichkeiten, den sich ständig ändernden Anforderungen der Bewerberinnen und Bewerber und der Branche mit einem breit gefächerten Studienangebot und flexiblen Kursen gerecht zu werden.“

Die Nachfrage nach Flexibilität erreicht einen neuen Höhepunkt.

In den letzten fünf Jahren ist das Interesse am hybriden Lernen weltweit gestiegen, während das Präsenzlernen zurückgegangen ist. Die meisten Kandidatinnen und Kandidaten für hybride Umgebungen möchten die Hälfte oder mehr ihrer Unterrichtszeit persönlich vor Ort und den Rest online verbringen. Dieses Wachstum ist in allen Regionen mit Ausnahme von Zentral– und Südasien zu beobachten, wobei die Präferenz für hybride Studiengänge in Afrika und Nordamerika am größten ist. Wenig überraschend – und im Einklang mit den Ergebnissen der Vorjahre – bevorzugen Frauen hybride Studiengänge stärker als Männer: 20 Prozent der weiblichen Studieninteressierten geben diesen Wunsch an, gegenüber 15 Prozent der Männer.

„Die diesjährige Umfrage unter angehenden Studierenden ist ein weiterer Beleg dafür, dass der Wunsch nach Flexibilität unter den Studieninteressierten zunimmt“, so Andrew Walker, Director of Research Analysis and Communications beim GMAC und Autor des Berichts. „Das Interesse am hybriden Lernen hat in allen Regionen und bei allen demografischen Gruppen zugenommen, da auch hybride Arbeitsplätze zunehmend verfügbar sind und von potenziellen Arbeitnehmerinnen und Arbeitnehmern erwartet werden. Die meisten Bewerberinnen und Bewerber bevorzugen zwar nach wie vor den Präsenzunterricht, doch nimmt seine Dominanz unter den Bewerberinnen und Bewerbern ab.“

Die Erschwinglichkeit und das Wachstum qualitativ hochwertiger Einrichtungen in der Region verändern die weltweite Mobilität der Studierenden.

Die Vereinigten Staaten sind zwar nach wie vor das beliebteste Studienziel für die meisten Bewerberinnen und Bewerber um einen Studienplatz an einer Business School weltweit, doch zeigen die mehrjährigen Umfragedaten, dass mehr Bewerberinnen und Bewerber als je zuvor planen, sich in ihrem Heimatland um einen Studienplatz zu bewerben, anstatt im Ausland zu studieren, insbesondere in Asien, Lateinamerika und Osteuropa. So planen beispielsweise die meisten indischen Bewerberinnen und Bewerber jetzt, sich in ihrem Heimatland zu bewerben, mit einem Zuwachs von 41 Prozent im Jahr 2022 auf 53 Prozent im Jahr 2023. Als Hauptgrund nannten die meisten die Erschwinglichkeit, gefolgt vom Ruf des indischen Bildungssystems. Gleichzeitig zeigten Bewerberinnen und Bewerber aus dem Großraum China weniger Interesse an einem Studium in den USA, was zu einem Rückgang um neun Punkte seit 2019 und damit zu einem Fünfjahrestief führte. Während chinesische Bewerberinnen und Bewerber mit den USA nach wie vor eine bessere Vorbereitung auf ihre Karriere, ein angesehenes Bildungssystem und einen attraktiven Standort verbinden, ist ihr Interesse an einem Studium in Westeuropa weitgehend ungebrochen, wobei die Mehrheit westeuropäische Studiengänge, die tendenziell kürzer sind, mit Erschwinglichkeit in Verbindung bringt.

„Da qualitativ hochwertige Bildungseinrichtungen und wirtschaftliche Möglichkeiten in Asien immer mehr zunehmen, ist es nicht verwunderlich, dass viele Bewerberinnen und Bewerber lieber in der Nähe ihrer Heimat bleiben, als in die Ferne zu reisen“, so Curtis Alan Ferguson, Managing Partner bei Ventech China und Mitglied des Verwaltungsrats des GMAC. „Dennoch sind die Wirtschaftsstudiengänge in den USA und in Westeuropa aufgrund des guten Rufs ihrer Bildungssysteme und der umfassenden Vorbereitung auf die berufliche Laufbahn der Kandidatinnen und Kandidaten immer noch im Vorteil.“

Über die Umfrage unter Studieninteressierten

Mit mehr als 15 Jahren an Umfrageantworten, die alle Regionen der Welt repräsentieren, gewährt die Umfrage des GMAC unter Studieninteressierten den weiterführenden Wirtschaftshochschulen weltweit wichtige Einblicke in die Entscheidungsprozesse von Personen, die eine Bewerbung für einen weiterführenden betriebswirtschaftlichen Studiengang in Erwägung ziehen. Der diesjährige zusammenfassende Bericht berücksichtigt Daten, die im Kalenderjahr 2023 von 4.105 Befragten in 132 Ländern auf der ganzen Welt erhoben wurden. Davon sind 42 Prozent weiblich, 61 Prozent gehören der Generation Z an, und 29 Prozent der Stichprobe aus den USA gehören unterrepräsentierten Bevölkerungsgruppen an. Die Umfrage untersucht weiterhin Trends in der Bewerberpipeline, Studienfachpräferenzen und Karriereziele. In diesem Jahr wurden neue Fragen zur Nachfrage der Bewerberinnen und Bewerber nach Gleichberechtigung und Inklusion, Nachhaltigkeit sowie Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden in ihren akademischen Erfahrungen aufgenommen. Der Bericht berücksichtigt auch das steigende Interesse an künstlicher Intelligenz, die Entwicklung der Erwartungen von Bewerberinnen und Bewerbern an die Flexibilität, die Beweggründe für die Mobilität von Bewerberinnen und Bewerbern aus Schlüsselmärkten, die Trends bei Zertifizierungen und Mikroqualifikationen sowie aktuelle Muster bei der Karrierevorbereitung und Weiterbildung von Bewerberinnen und Bewerbern.

Über den GMAC

Der Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC) ist ein zielgerichteter Zusammenschluss von weltweit führenden Business Schools mit postgradualen Programmen. Der GMAC bietet erstklassige Forschung, Branchenkonferenzen, Rekrutierungstools und Bewertungen für Akteure im Bereich der weiterführenden Managementausbildung sowie Ressourcen, Veranstaltungen und Dienstleistungen, die Kandidatinnen und Kandidaten auf ihrem Weg durch die Hochschulbildung unterstützen. Der Graduate Management Admission Test™ (GMAT™), der vom GMAC entwickelt und durchgeführt wird, ist die am weitesten verbreitete Prüfung für Wirtschaftshochschulen.

Mehr als 12 Millionen Studieninteressierte vertrauen jedes Jahr auf die Plattformen des GMAC, darunter mba.comGMAC Tours und BusinessBecause, um sich über MBA– und Business–Master–Programme zu informieren, Kontakte zu Schulen auf der ganzen Welt zu knüpfen, sich auf Prüfungen vorzubereiten und anzumelden und sich beraten zu lassen, wie sie ihre wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Wirtschaftsstudien– und Karriereziele erfolgreich erreichen können. Der GMAC ist eine globale Organisation mit Niederlassungen in China, Indien, dem Vereinigten Königreich und den Vereinigten Staaten.

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Teresa Hsu
Sr. Manager, Media Relations
Mobil: 202–390–4180

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9078315)

Para Reforçar os Esforços Globais no Combate às Bactérias Resistentes a Antibióticos, Cientistas do KFSH&RC Descobrem Nova Espécie de Bactéria: Riyadhensis

RIADE, Arábia Saudita, March 26, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Em um desenvolvimento revolucionário, cientistas do King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre (KFSH&RC) identificaram uma nova espécie de bactéria chamada “Stenotrophomonas Riyadhensis” por meio da aplicação da nova tecnologia de sequenciamento total de genoma (whole–genome sequencing – WGS). Esta descoberta é um grande avanço na compreensão de como as bactérias interagem com os medicamentos existentes, abrindo caminho para estratégias terapêuticas inovadoras. Esses esforços são essenciais na luta global contra bactérias resistentes a antibióticos, destacando as capacidades avançadas de pesquisa do KFSH&RC e seu papel de liderança na promoção de descobertas científicas e no aprimoramento do atendimento ao paciente.

A descoberta da “Riyadhensis” destaca o potencial dos testes genômicos para inovar métodos diagnósticos e terapêuticos promissores, bem como aprofundar a compreensão dos mecanismos de resistência bacteriana, particularmente em ambientes sensíveis, como unidades de terapia intensiva (UTI) e pacientes com sistemas imunológicos comprometidos. Isso representa um progresso substancial no combate à resistência a antibióticos, no desenvolvimento de produtos farmacêuticos e na prevenção da propagação de doenças.

Esta bactéria recém–identificada foi descoberta em meio a uma investigação profunda de uma suspeita de surto na UTI do KFSH&RC em 2019, destacando desafios anteriormente não reconhecidos pelas comunidades científicas e médicas globais na identificação e combate a novas cepas bacterianas. Inicialmente considerada uma variante da Pseudomonas aeruginosa, uma bactéria causadora de doenças conhecida por sua resistência a antibióticos, a análise subsequente com o WGS revelou que ela não compartilhava as características comuns do gênero Pseudomonas. Em vez disso, ficou confirmado que a Riyadhensis pertence à família Stenotrophomonas, com uma composição genética e características morfológicas únicas, ao contrário de quaisquer outros membros cientificamente reconhecidos.

O Dr. Ahmad Al Qahtani, Chefe do Departamento de Doenças Infecciosas e Imunidade do Centro de Pesquisa do KFSH&RC disse: “Os métodos tradicionais de identificação bacteriana podem levar a erros na identificação, mas a análise com WGS oferece uma abordagem exata e direcionada que garante uma identificação precisa e fornece insights detalhados sobre os mecanismos de resistência, provando sua importância nas investigações de surtos de doenças e melhorias no atendimento ao paciente.”

O Dr. Reem Almaghrabi, Chefe de Doenças Infecciosas de Transplantes do Centro de Excelência em Transplantes de Órgãos do KFSH&RC, destacou a importância da descoberta na defesa do monitoramento contínuo e do uso de tecnologias avançadas, como o WGS, no desenvolvimento de métodos de diagnóstico mais rápidos e precisos. Além disso, essa abordagem estabelece as bases para a colaboração científica em todos os níveis, aumentando os esforços globais de combate à resistência aos antibióticos.

A compreensão das nuances das novas espécies bacterianas, particularmente sua resistência a antibióticos, é crucial nos cuidados de saúde modernos e serve como o principal meio de combate de infecções bacterianas. A evolução da resistência dessas bactérias é uma ameaça significativa e constante à saúde humana.

Vale ressaltar que o KFSH&RC foi classificado em primeiro lugar no Oriente Médio e na África e 20º em todo o mundo na lista das 250 melhores instituições de saúde do mundo pelo segundo ano consecutivo, de acordo com o ranking Brand Finance de 2024. Além disso, no mesmo ano, ele foi classificado entre os melhores hospitais do mundo pela prestigiada revista Newsweek.

O King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre é dos líderes globais de prestação de cuidados de saúde especializados, condução de inovação, e um avançado centro de pesquisa e educação médica. Por meio de parcerias estratégicas com proeminentes instituições locais, regionais e internacionais, o hospital se dedica ao avanço de tecnologias médicas e elevação dos padrões de cuidado da saúde em todo o mundo.

Sobre o King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre (KFSH&RC):

O King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre (KFSH&RC) é uma instituição de saúde líder no Oriente Médio, idealizada para ser a escolha ideal para todos os pacientes que procuram cuidados de saúde especializados. O hospital tem uma longa história de tratamento de câncer, doença cardiovascular, transplante de órgãos, neurociências e genética.

Em 2024, o “Brand Finance” classificou o King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre como o melhor Centro Médico Acadêmico do Oriente Médio e da África e entre os 20 melhores do mundo. Além disso, em 2024 ele foi reconhecido como um dos Melhores Hospitais do Mundo pela revista Newsweek, e o número 1 na Arábia Saudita.

Como parte da Saudi Vision 2030, um decreto real foi emitido em 21 de dezembro de 2021 visando transformar o hospital em uma entidade independente, sem fins lucrativos e de propriedade do governo, abrindo caminho para um programa abrangente de transformação com objetivo de alcançar a liderança global em cuidados de saúde por meio da excelência e inovação.


Para mais informações, contate:

Sr. Essam Al–Zahrani, Dirigente Interino de Assuntos de Mídia, 0555254429

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9079374)

Im Rahmen der weltweiten Bemühungen zur Bekämpfung antibiotikaresistenter Bakterien entdecken KFSH&RC‑Wissenschaftler die neue Bakterienspezies: Riyadhensis

RIAD, Saudi–Arabien, March 26, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — In einer bahnbrechenden Entwicklung haben Wissenschaftler des King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre (KFSH&RC) durch die Anwendung der Technologie der Ganzgenomsequenzierung (WGS) eine neue Bakterienart mit der Bezeichnung „Stenotrophomonas Riyadhensis“ identifiziert. Diese Entdeckung bedeutet einen großen Fortschritt im Verständnis der Wechselwirkungen zwischen Bakterien und bestehenden Medikamenten und ebnet den Weg für innovative therapeutische Strategien. Solche Bemühungen sind im weltweiten Kampf gegen antibiotikaresistente Bakterien von entscheidender Bedeutung und unterstreichen die modernen Forschungskapazitäten des KFSH&RC und seine führende Rolle bei der Förderung wissenschaftlicher Entdeckungen und der Verbesserung der Patientenversorgung.

Die Entdeckung von „Riyadhensis“ unterstreicht das Potenzial genomischer Tests für die Entwicklung vielversprechender diagnostischer und therapeutischer Methoden und vertieft das Verständnis bakterieller Resistenzmechanismen, insbesondere in sensiblen Umgebungen wie Intensivstationen und bei Patienten mit geschwächtem Immunsystem. Dies stellt einen erheblichen Fortschritt bei der Bekämpfung von Antibiotikaresistenzen, der Entwicklung von Arzneimitteln und der Verhinderung der Ausbreitung von Krankheiten dar.

Diese neu identifizierte Bakterienart wurde im Rahmen einer eingehenden Untersuchung eines vermuteten Ausbruchs auf der Intensivstation des KFSH&RC im Jahr 2019 entdeckt und verdeutlicht die Herausforderungen, die bisher von der weltweiten wissenschaftlichen und medizinischen Gemeinschaft bei der Identifizierung und Bekämpfung neuer Bakterienstämme nicht erkannt wurden. Ursprünglich ging man davon aus, es handele sich um eine Variante von Pseudomonas aeruginosa, einem krankheitsverursachenden Bakterium, das für seine Antibiotikaresistenz bekannt ist. Eine anschließende WGS‑Analyse ergab jedoch, dass es nicht die gemeinsamen Merkmale der Gattung Pseudomonas aufweist. Stattdessen wurde festgestellt, dass Riyadhensis zur Stenotrophomonas‑Familie gehört, mit einer einzigartigen genetischen Zusammensetzung und morphologischen Merkmalen, die sich von allen anderen wissenschaftlich anerkannten Arten unterscheidet.

Dr. Ahmad Al Qahtani, Leiter der Abteilung für Infektionskrankheiten und Immunität im Forschungszentrum des KFSH&RC kommentierte: „Herkömmliche Methoden zur Identifizierung von Bakterien können zu einer falschen Identifizierung führen. Im Gegensatz dazu bietet die WGS–Analyse einen präzisen und zielgerichteten Ansatz, der eine genaue Identifizierung gewährleistet und detaillierte Einblicke in die Resistenzmechanismen liefert, was ihre Bedeutung bei der Untersuchung von Krankheitsausbrüchen und der Verbesserung der Patientenversorgung unter Beweis stellt.“

Dr. Reem Almaghrabi, Leiter der Abteilung für Infektionskrankheiten nach der Transplantation am Organ Transplant Centre of Excellence des KFSH&RC, hob die Bedeutung der Entdeckung hervor und plädierte für eine kontinuierliche Überwachung und den Einsatz fortschrittlicher Technologien wie WGS zur Entwicklung schnellerer und genauerer Diagnosemethoden. Zudem schafft dieser Ansatz die Grundlage für eine wissenschaftliche Zusammenarbeit auf allen Ebenen, wodurch die weltweiten Bemühungen zur Bekämpfung der Antibiotikaresistenz verstärkt werden.

Das Verständnis der Nuancen neuer Bakterienarten, insbesondere ihrer Antibiotikaresistenz, ist für die moderne Gesundheitsfürsorge von entscheidender Bedeutung und dient als wichtigstes Mittel zur Bekämpfung bakterieller Infektionen. Da diese Bakterien ihre Resistenz ständig weiterentwickeln, stellen sie eine erhebliche und anhaltende Gefahr für die menschliche Gesundheit dar.

Es ist bemerkenswert, dass KFSH&RC laut den Rankings von Brand Finance 2024 in der Liste der 250 besten Gesundheitseinrichtungen weltweit zum zweiten Mal in Folge den ersten Platz im Nahen Osten und in Afrika und den 20. Platz weltweit belegt. Darüber hinaus wurde es im selben Jahr von der renommierten Zeitschrift Newsweek zu den besten Krankenhäusern der Welt gezählt.

Das King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre ist weltweit führend in der Bereitstellung spezialisierter Gesundheitsversorgung, treibt Innovationen voran und dient als Zentrum für medizinische Forschung und Ausbildung. Durch strategische Partnerschaften mit bekannten lokalen, regionalen und internationalen Instituten engagiert sich das Krankenhaus für die Weiterentwicklung medizinischer Technologien und die Anhebung der Standards im Gesundheitswesen weltweit.

Über das King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre (KFSH&RC):

Das King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre (KFSH&RC) ist eine führende Gesundheitseinrichtung im Nahen Osten, die sich zum Ziel gesetzt hat, die optimale Wahl für jeden Patienten zu sein, der eine spezialisierte Gesundheitsversorgung sucht. Das Krankenhaus kann auf eine lange Geschichte in der Behandlung von Krebserkrankungen, Herz–Kreislauf–Erkrankungen, Organtransplantationen, Neurowissenschaften und Genetik zurückblicken.

Im Jahr 2024 stufte „Brand Finance“ das King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre als das beste akademische medizinische Zentrum im Nahen Osten und in Afrika und als eines der 20 besten weltweit ein. Darüber hinaus wurde das Krankenhaus im Jahr 2024 von der Zeitschrift Newsweek als eines der besten Krankenhäuser der Welt ausgezeichnet und im Königreich Saudi–Arabien auf Platz 1 gesetzt.

Im Rahmen von Saudi Vision 2030 wurde am 21. Dezember 2021 ein königliches Dekret erlassen, das die Umwandlung des Krankenhauses in eine unabhängige, gemeinnützige Einrichtung in staatlichem Besitz vorsieht und den Weg für ein umfassendes Transformationsprogramm ebnet, das darauf abzielt, durch Exzellenz und Innovation eine globale Führungsposition im Gesundheitswesen zu erreichen.


Für weitere Informationen kontaktieren Sie bitte:

Essam Al–Zahrani, Media Affairs Acting Head, 0555254429

Abdullah Al–Awn, Senior Media Editor, 0556294232

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9079374)

Les scientifiques de l’hôpital spécialisé et centre de recherche King Faisal contribuent aux efforts internationaux de lutte contre l’antibiorésistance des bactéries en identifiant une toute nouvelle espèce de bactérie : Riyadhensis

RIYAD, Arabie saoudite, 26 mars 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Des scientifiques de l’hôpital spécialisé et centre de recherche King Faisal (ou « KFSH&RC » pour King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre) ont découvert une nouvelle espèce de bactérie, appelée « Stenotrophomonas Riyadhensis », grâce à l’application de la technologie de séquençage du génome entier (ou SGE). Cette découverte constitue une avancée majeure dans la compréhension de l’interaction entre les bactéries et les médicaments existants, et ouvre ainsi la voie à de nouvelles stratégies thérapeutiques. Dans le cadre de la lutte mondiale contre les bactéries antiobiorésistantes, de tels efforts sont essentiels et soulignent à la fois les capacités de recherche avancées du KFSH&RC et son rôle moteur de première importance dans la découverte scientifique et l’amélioration des soins aux patients.

La découverte de « Riyadhensis » renforce le potentiel des tests génomiques dans l’innovation de méthodes diagnostiques et thérapeutiques prometteuses, mais aussi dans le développement de la connaissance des mécanismes de résistance bactérienne, en particulier dans des environnements sensibles tels que les unités de soins intensifs (USI) et chez les patients dont le système immunitaire est affaibli. Elle représente un net progrès dans la lutte contre l'antibiorésistance des bactéries, le développement de produits pharmaceutiques et la prévention de la propagation des maladies.

Cette nouvelle bactérie a été découverte dans le cadre d’une enquête approfondie sur une épidémie présumée dans l’USI du KFSH&RC en 2019, mettant en évidence des enjeux jusqu’alors insoupçonnés par les communautés scientifiques et médicales mondiales dans l’identification et la lutte contre les nouvelles souches bactériennes. La bactérie Riyadhensis a d’abord été considérée comme une variante de Pseudomonas aeruginosa, une bactérie pathogène connue pour sa résistance aux antibiotiques. Or, un test ultérieur de profilage génomique complet a révélé qu’elle ne partageait pas les caractéristiques communes du genre Pseudomonas. Elle appartient au contraire à la famille des Stenotrophomonas, dont la composition génétique et les caractéristiques morphologiques sont uniques, à l'inverse de toutes les autres catégories scientifiquement reconnues.

Pour le Dr Ahmad Al Qahtani, chef du département des maladies infectieuses et de l’immunité au centre de recherche du KFSH&RC : « Les méthodes traditionnelles d’identification des bactéries peuvent entraîner des erreurs d’identification. En revanche, l’analyse SGE permet d’adopter une approche précise et ciblée qui garantit une identification exacte en fournissant des éclairages détaillés sur les mécanismes de résistance, ce qui prouve son grand intérêt dans les enquêtes sur les épidémies et l’amélioration des soins aux patients ».

Le Dr Reem Almaghrabi, responsable des maladies infectieuses liées à la transplantation au Centre d’excellence en transplantation d’organes du KFSH&RC, a souligné l’importance de cette découverte en préconisant une surveillance continue et l’utilisation de technologies de pointe telles que le SGE pour mettre au point des méthodes de diagnostic plus rapides et plus précises. En outre, cette approche jette les bases d’une collaboration scientifique transverse, et renforce ainsi les efforts de lutte contre l’antibiorésistance des bactéries à l’échelle mondiale.

Comprendre les nuances des nouvelles espèces bactériennes, en particulier leur résistance aux antibiotiques, apparaît crucial dans les soins de santé modernes, et constitue le principal moyen de lutte contre les infections bactériennes. Étant donné que ces bactéries développent leur résistance en continu, elles constituent une menace importante et permanente pour la santé humaine.

Il convient de rappeler qu’en 2024, Brand Finance a classé le KFSH&RC en tête des établissements de santé de la région MENA, et parmi les 20 premiers de la liste des 250 meilleurs au niveau mondial pour la deuxième année consécutive. La même année, le prestigieux magazine Newsweek l’a également distingué parmi les meilleurs hôpitaux du monde.

L’hôpital spécialisé et centre de recherche King Faisal fait partie des leaders mondiaux en matière de soins de santé spécialisés et d’innovation, et fait office de centre de formation et de recherche médicale avancée. Grâce à des partenariats stratégiques avec d’éminents établissements locaux, régionaux et internationaux, l’hôpital se consacre à faire progresser les technologies médicales et à relever les normes applicables aux soins de santé dans le monde entier.

À propos de l’hôpital spécialisé et centre de recherche King Faisal (ou KFSH&RC)

L’hôpital spécialisé et centre de recherche King Faisal (ou KFSH&RC) est un établissement de soins de santé de premier plan au Moyen–Orient, conçu pour être le choix idéal de tout patient en quête de soins de santé spécialisés. L’hôpital s’enorgueillit d’une riche histoire dans le traitement des cancers, des maladies cardiovasculaires, des transplantations d’organes, des neurosciences et de la génétique.

En 2024, « Brand Finance » l’a classé en tête des centres médicaux universitaires de la région MENA, et parmi les 20 premiers au niveau mondial. En outre, le magazine Newsweek l’a reconnu en 2024 comme l’un des meilleurs hôpitaux du monde, et classé numéro 1 en Arabie saoudite.

Dans le cadre du projet « Saudi Vision 2030 », un décret royal a été publié le 21 décembre 2021, visant la transformation de l’hôpital en une structure indépendante à but non lucratif sous la tutelle du gouvernement. Cette initiative a ouvert la voie à un programme de transformation complet visant à atteindre un leadership mondial dans le domaine des soins de santé grâce à l’excellence et à l’innovation.


Pour plus d’informations, veuillez contacter :

M. Essam Al–Zahrani, chef par intérim des affaires médiatiques, 0555254429

M. Abdullah Al–Awn, rédacteur en chef des médias, 0556294232

Une photo accompagnant ce communiqué est disponible à l’adresse suivante :–0079–498b–8350–bd085d769150


GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9079374)

Park Place Technologies Acquires SDV Solutions

CLEVELAND, OH, March 26, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Park Place Technologies, the world’s leading data center and networking optimization firm, has acquired Virginia–based SDV Solutions, which provides client–centric data center infrastructure solutions exclusively to Federal Government agencies.

Founded in 2004 by Service–Disabled Veteran and current Owners Mike McMahan (U.S. Air Force) and Erin McMahan, SDV is a multi–OEM, independent third–party services provider exclusively to the U.S. Federal Government. Mike McMahan will remain with Park Place to ensure clients have a consistent and trusted team supporting the most critical missions of the U.S. Government.

“SDV has always been about teamwork, efficient service to Government clients, and exceeding performance expectations,” McMahan said. “We will now be able to offer our Federal clients a larger breadth of Hardware Maintenance, Managed Services and Professional Services. Park Place will help government agencies accomplish more with their budgets, get longer life from IT assets, and carry forward SDV’s legacy of trust and high–level security.”

Park Place helps more than 21,000 clients optimize data center budgets, productivity, performance, and sustainability so they can think bigger – and act faster. From procurement to decommissioning, Park Place’s comprehensive portfolio of services and products helps IT teams optimize IT lifecycle management. This frees time and spend so they can focus on transforming their businesses for the future.

Chris Adams, Park Place Technologies President and CEO, said SDV’s reputation and business practices make it an important addition for Park Place’s established Federal client base.

“We have been firmly entrenched in the Federal space and continue to foster long–term relationships at the highest levels,” Adams said. “The trust and unquestioned dedication SDV is known for will be joined with our mission to optimize government data center budgets, productivity, performance, and sustainability.”

SDV’s Channel partners will have access to Park Place’s decades–long platforms of partner incentives, Federal–adherent processes, U.S.–based supply chain and deeper depth of security–cleared field engineers.

“SDV and Park Place will do more than maintain current standards; we will strengthen our services and provide options that will solidify our place as the U.S. Government’s most–trusted data center maintenance and optimization firm,” McMahan said.

Agile Equity provided exclusive investment banking transaction services to SDV Solutions.

About Park Place Technologies

Park Place Technologies is a global data center and networking optimization firm. Park Place’s industry–leading and award–winning services portfolio includes Park Place Hardware Maintenance™, Park Place Professional Services™, ParkView Managed Services™, Entuity Software ™ and Curvature Hardware sales. For more information, visit Park Place is a portfolio company of Charlesbank Capital Partners and GTCR.


GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9079019)

Parents Harness Pedal and Wind Power To Demand Climate Action

Yamandú Pagliano plans to cross Praia do Cassino, the world's longest beach, stretching 250 kilometers along Brazil's southern coast from Uruguay, in his homemade wheeled wind buggy, , to highlight the need to address global heating. Credit: Yamandú Pagliano

Yamandú Pagliano plans to cross Praia do Cassino, the world’s longest beach, stretching 250 kilometers along Brazil’s southern coast from Uruguay, in his homemade wheeled wind buggy, to highlight the need to address global heating. Credit: Yamandú Pagliano

By Paul Virgo
ROME, Mar 26 2024 – Extreme sports are not just for young people. Climate activism isn’t either. Yamandù Pagliano is proof.

The 59-year-old father of two is gearing up for an epic feat. He plans to cross the longest beach on Earth, the Praia do Cassino, stretching from the border of Uruguay 250 kilometres up Brazil’s southern coastline, on his home-made wheeled wind buggy.

It’s a massive challenge both in physical and mental terms and one that brings multiple risks with it, including the danger of getting lost, crashing, or being swept out into the sea if the weather turns nasty.

But the Montevideo native has a special motive for taking it on.

Organizers want to highlight the “institutional indifference” to the climate crisis at all levels of government, promote sustainable transport and tourism, draw attention to the need for more cycle paths, especially in southern Italy, and make a loud appeal for peace around the world

Pagliano is a member of Parents for Future (PFF), a global network of citizens concerned about the climate crisis set up to support and echo the calls made by the young people of the Fridays for Future (FFF) movement.

When he takes on the Praia do Cassino challenge, he’ll be flying the Parents for Future flag on the mast of his wind buggy to highlight the need to address global heating.

“It’s going to be a PFF challenge,” Pagliano told IPS.

“My involvement in PFF started after my daughter joined FFF. Soon I was in Parents for Future Latin America (PFF LATAM) and then I helped to set up PFF Uruguay.

“I hope all the detailed stories of the crossing will help people become aware of the climate crisis, biodiversity loss and pollution. I’ll probably find dead animals and plastic garbage on the beach and face extreme weather events”.

Pagliano knows that the climate crisis is no longer a distant problem for future generations as people in Uruguay have been faced with the consequences first hand, as seen with last year’s severe drought that caused dramatic water shortages.

“In Uruguay the winters are not as cold as they used to be, and summers are a lot hotter,” he said.

“We have had big floods, with houses carried down the coast, and recently we had the biggest drought in our history, with almost no water coming out of the tap”.

Fittingly for an initiative that seeks to show the need for sustainability, Pagliano made his windcar out of reused material, welding together pipes he picked up from a scrap yard, while the sail is second-hand.

“There’ll be no phone signal in the middle section of the beach and I’ll be on my own for quite some time,” said Pagliano, who works in construction.

“I will be completely isolated. You have to be ready for every eventuality.

“Depending on the wind, it could take two or three days.

“It could take just one day with an early departure in good conditions, with the wind blowing in the perfect direction and at the perfect strength.

“It gets tiring physically after a while, but the adrenalin keeps you pumped up.

“It’s a good way to highlight the need to be sustainable.

“It’s a natural sport. There’s no contamination. No carbon footprint.

“I’ll do the crossing first and then go public if I’m successful, like Gagarin,” he quipped.

He is not the only parent harnessing renewable energy to draw attention to the need for climate action.

On the other side of the world, the Italian section of PFF is getting ready for the Running For Future, Cycling For Peace – a bike event which, fittingly for the land of the Giro d’Italia, is split into stages.

The ‘race’ starts in Rome’s Piazza del Popolo on May 10 and features 16 stages over nine days, roughly following the Via Francigena pilgrimage route southwards to end in Lecce on May 19.

Each stage will be used to focus on a specific aspect of the ecological crisis, such as air pollution, urban sprawl and the problems created by intensive livestock farming, while at the same time showing how they are all interconnected.

Organized with Fridays for Future Italia, the aims are multiple.

Among other things, organizers want to highlight the “institutional indifference” to the climate crisis at all levels of government, promote sustainable transport and tourism, draw attention to the need for more cycle paths, especially in southern Italy, and make a loud appeal for peace around the world.

The Italian section of Parents for Future gears up for "Running For Future, Cycling For Peace" — a multi-stage cycling event starting in Rome's Piazza del Popolo on May 10th and ending in Lecce on May 19th, following the Via Francigena route. Credit: Paul Virgo

The Italian section of Parents for Future gears up for “Running For Future, Cycling For Peace” — a multi-stage cycling event starting in Rome’s Piazza del Popolo on May 10th and ending in Lecce on May 19th, following the Via Francigena route. Credit: Paul Virgo

“We chose a cycling initiative because the bicycle has become a symbol of ecology,” said Maria Santarossa of Parents for Future Italia.
“It is a clean means of transport, which enables you to stay fit and be in direct contact with nature.

“We chose a pilgrims’ path because we can consider it an emblem of the beauty of nature and it’s a way to remind ourselves that we must take care of beauty.

“We have involved many other movements, associations, committees, and networks because we want people to know that many of us have the same objectives regarding the very serious climate and environmental crisis that is present in everyone’s lives”.

It is free to take part in the event, although participants have to cover their own accommodation and food expenses.

It is the second such event. The first took place in 2021, going from Rome northwards along the Via Francigena to Milan for the PreCOP26 conference that was held there.

That was such a success that it inspired the Polish section of Parents for Future to stage a climate grand tour of its own.

Each national PFF group is autonomous and does its own thing, campaigning on the issues that are most appropriate given the local situation.

PFF Italia, for example, is currently engaged in a major campaign to convince consumers to switch to utility companies whose electricity comes only from renewable sources.

There is also an umbrella group, Parents for Future Global (PFFG), which, among other things, is campaigning to support the drive for a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty.


Ambiq Apollo510 Delivers 30x Power Efficiency Improvement to Unleash Endpoint AI

Feature Highlights

  • Apollo510, based on Arm Cortex–M55, delivers 30x better power efficiency and 10x faster performance compared to previous generations
  • The ability to do AI/ML workloads concurrent with complex graphics, telco–quality voice applications, and always–on voice/sensor processing
  • 4 MB on–chip NVM, 3.75 MB on–chip SRAM, and high bandwidth interfaces to off–chip memories
  • 2.5D GPU with vector graphics acceleration for vibrant, crystal–clear, and smooth graphics, a 3.5x overall performance enhancement over the Apollo4 Plus family
  • Support for Memory in Pixel (MiP) displays, typically found in the lowest–power products
  • Robust security on Ambiq's secureSPOT® platform with Arm TrustZone technology

AUSTIN, Texas, March 26, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Ambiq, a technology leader in exceptionally energy–efficient semiconductors for IoT devices, is introducing the new Apollo510, the first member of the Apollo5 SoC family, which is uniquely positioned to kickstart the age of truly ubiquitous, practical, and meaningful AI.

The Apollo510 MCU is a complete overhaul of hardware and software that fully leverages the Arm® Cortex®–M55 CPU with Arm Helium™ to reach processing speeds up to 250MHz. The Apollo510 achieves up to 10x better latency while reducing energy consumption by around 2x, compared to Ambiq's previous power efficiency leader, the Apollo4. This desirable combination of performance and efficiency allows our customers to deploy sophisticated speech, vision, health, and industrial AI models on battery–powered devices everywhere, making it the most efficient semiconductor on the market to operate with the Arm Cortex–M55.

“We at Ambiq have pushed our proprietary SPOT platform to optimize power consumption in support of our customers, who are aggressively increasing the intelligence and sophistication of their battery–powered devices year after year,” said Scott Hanson, Ambiq's CTO and Founder. The new Apollo510 MCU is simultaneously the most energy–efficient and highest–performance product we've ever created.”

“As applications across health, industrial, and smart home continue to advance, the need for secure edge AI is crucial for next generation devices,” said Paul Williamson, SVP and GM, IoT Line of Business at Arm. “Ambiq's new family of SoCs, built on Arm, will deliver significant performance gains for on–device AI, helping developers and device manufacturers deliver the capabilities required for the AI era.”

With more than 30x energy improvement, the Apollo510 is capable of running a vast majority of today's endpoint AI calculations, including low–power sensor monitoring, always–on voice commands, telco–quality audio enhancement, and more. Manufacturers of IoT devices that perform AI/ML inferencing, such as next–gen wearables, digital health devices, AR/VR glasses, factory automation, and remote monitoring devices, can greatly expand their power budget while adding more capabilities to their devices through the Apollo510's SPOT–optimized design.

Apollo510 contains everything needed for driving intelligent systems: ultra–efficient compute, expansive on–chip memories, high–bandwidth interfaces to off–chip memories, and security. Arm Helium technology on Apollo510 supports up to 8 MACs per cycle as well as half, full, and double precision floating point operations, making it ideal for AI calculations in addition to general signal processing operations. Apollo510 also improves its memory capacity over the previous generation with 4 MB of on–chip NVM and 3.75 MB of on–chip SRAM and TCM, so developers have smooth development and more application flexibility. For extra–large neural network models or graphics assets, Apollo510 has a host of high bandwidth off–chip interfaces, individually capable of peak throughputs up to 500MB/s and sustained throughput over 300MB/s.

Building upon Ambiq's secureSPOT platform, Apollo510 integrates Arm TrustZone technology with a physical unclonable function (PUF), tamper–resistant OTP, and secure peripherals. These enhancements help designers establish a trusted execution environment (TEE) to develop secure, robust applications and scale their products faster.

IoT endpoint device manufacturers can expect unrivaled power efficiency to develop more capable devices that process AI/ML functions better than before. Targeted applications and industries include wearables, digital health, agriculture, smart homes and buildings, predictive maintenance, factory automation, and more.

The Apollo510 MCU is currently sampling with customers, with general availability in Q4 this year. It has been nominated by the 2024 embedded world community under the Hardware category for the embedded awards.

Meet us at the Embedded World Exhibition and Conference on April 9– 11, 2024, for a live product demonstration.

About Ambiq
Ambiq's mission is to develop the lowest–power semiconductor solutions to enable intelligent devices everywhere and drive a more energy–efficient, sustainable, and data–driven world. Ambiq has helped leading manufacturers worldwide develop products that last weeks on a single charge (rather than days) while delivering a maximum feature set in compact industrial designs. Ambiq's goal is to take Artificial Intelligence (AI) where it has never gone before in mobile and portable devices, using Ambiq's advanced ultra–low power system on chip (SoC) solutions. Ambiq has shipped more than 230 million units. For more information, visit

Charlene Wan 
VP of Branding, Marketing, and Investor Relations 

Photos accompanying this announcement are available at:–31bb–457a–8a24–8fed2fbbea57–ab5f–46a8–89df–53e125d82767

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9079062)

Bitdeer Announces Mining Expansion with SEALMINER Mining Machines

SINGAPORE, March 26, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Bitdeer Technologies Group (NASDAQ: BTDR) (“Bitdeer” or the “Company”), a world–leading technology company for blockchain and high–performance computing, today announced a hash rate expansion plan of approximately 3.4 EH/s as a first step in a plan to expand its self–mining.

The Company intends to install its own recently announced SEALMINER A1 miners at its mining datacenters in Rockdale, Texas in the United States; and, Norway in Q3 and Q4 2024 to accomplish this initial 3.4 EH/s expansion. Bitdeer will add approximately 4.8 EH/s of hash rate and retire 1.4 EH/s of older mining rigs. This expansion is expected to grow the total proprietary hash rate from 8.4 EH/s to approximately 11.8 EH/s.

Several similar expansions for its mining hash rate are expected to follow in subsequent quarters until the end of 2025. The Company estimates that it will feasibly add 30 – 40 EH/s in its mining datacenters to be operational in 2025 and replace an estimated 7 EH/s of existing generation mining rigs with newer generation ones. This will result in an estimated 23 EH/s of hash rate addition within existing and under–construction datacenters. Bitdeer may not include the total new mining power as part of the Company’s balance sheet, as it may seek cloud hash rate, cloud hosting and other ways to fund expansion plans. The total hash rate under management as of the end of 2025 may exceed 46 EH/s.

Linghui Kong, Chief Business Officer of Bitdeer, commented, “We expect our fleet efficiency to greatly improve by using our own miners. We have full faith in the capability of the SEALMINER A1 and are demonstrating this trust by installing it in volume at our own facilities first. We can ensure the quality of our products sold to customers by field testing the mining rigs first in our mining datacenters.”

The SEALMINER A1 is powered by the SEAL01 chip, one of the most power–efficient mining chips in the market today. After announcing the chip, the team continues to work on mass production according to plan.

About Bitdeer Technologies Group
Bitdeer is a world–leading technology company for blockchain and high–performance computing. Bitdeer is committed to providing comprehensive computing solutions for its customers. The Company handles complex processes involved in computing such as equipment procurement, transport logistics, datacenter design and construction, equipment management, and daily operations. The Company also offers advanced cloud capabilities to customers with high demand for artificial intelligence. Headquartered in Singapore, Bitdeer has deployed datacenters in the United States, Norway, and Bhutan. To learn more, visit or follow Bitdeer on X, formerly known as Twitter, @ BitdeerOfficial, Facebook @Bitdeer, and LinkedIn @ Bitdeer Group.

Investors and others should note that Bitdeer may announce material information using its website and/or on its accounts on social media platforms, including X, formerly known as Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. Therefore, Bitdeer encourages investors and others to review the information it posts on the social media and other communication channels listed on its website.

Forward–Looking Statements
Statements in this press release about future expectations, plans, and prospects, as well as any other statements regarding matters that are not historical facts, may constitute “forward–looking statements” within the meaning of The Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. The words “anticipate,” “look forward to,” “believe,” “continue,” “could,” “estimate,” “expect,” “intend,” “may,” “plan,” “potential,” “predict,” “project,” “should,” “target,” “will,” “would” and similar expressions are intended to identify forward–looking statements, although not all forward–looking statements contain these identifying words. Actual results may differ materially from those indicated by such forward–looking statements as a result of various important factors, including factors discussed in the section entitled “Risk Factors” in Bitdeer’s annual report on Form 20–F, as well as discussions of potential risks, uncertainties, and other important factors in Bitdeer’s subsequent filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Any forward–looking statements contained in this press release speak only as of the date hereof. Bitdeer specifically disclaims any obligation to update any forward–looking statement, whether due to new information, future events, or otherwise. Readers should not rely upon the information on this page as current or accurate after its publication date.

Media Inquiries

Investor Relations
Robin Yang, Partner
Phone: +1 (212) 537–5825

Public Relations
Brad Burgess, SVP
Phone: +1 (212) 537–4056 

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9079301)

UN Security Council’s Ceasefire Resolution in Gaza Welcomed

Dr Riyad Mansour, Permanent Representative of the State of Palestine to the United Nations addresses journalists at the stakeout after the immediate humanitarian ceasefire was announced.

Dr Riyad Mansour, Permanent Representative of the State of Palestine to the United Nations addresses journalists at the stakeout after the immediate humanitarian ceasefire was announced.

By Naureen Hossain
UNITED NATIONS, Mar 26 2024 – After nearly six months of a devastating war in Gaza, the UN Security Council has at last adopted a resolution calling for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire. The resolution calls for the ceasefire to come into effect for the month of Ramadan, demands the unconditional release of all hostages and ensures humanitarian access.

On Monday, resolution 2728 (2024) was passed with fourteen votes in favor, with only the United States abstaining from voting. The draft was presented by Mozambique’s Ambassador Pero Afonso on behalf of the ten elected members of the Council, or the E10. He noted that all members of the Council were mandated under the UN Charter to maintain international peace and security and that their “actions impact the entire international community.”

“The E10 has always respected the call for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza as a fundamental step,” he said. “For this reason, and in respect for the holy month of Ramadan, we have proposed the present resolution that demands an immediate ceasefire during this sacred period, leading to a permanent and sustainable ceasefire.”

As noted by the representative of Korea, this resolution is the first text adopted that has been introduced by elected Council members on a regional agenda item. Members of the Council expressed the hope that this resolution would only be the first step towards a lasting peace and a more permanent end to the war in Gaza, wherein efforts to send in humanitarian aid and rebuild the state could proceed without interruption.

E10 speaking at the security council stakeout after the humanitarian ceasefire resolution.

E10 speaking at the security council stakeout after the humanitarian ceasefire resolution.

“We delivered the strongest signal thus far: we demand an immediate ceasefire for the month of Ramadan, leading to a lasting, sustainable ceasefire,” said the representative from Slovenia. “It is a call we have all been desperate to hear from the council. A short and focused resolution is the firm sign from the council that this conflict must stop.”

“An immediate ceasefire is a priority step, but it is only the first step, given the catastrophic humanitarian situation in Gaza,” said the representative of Switzerland.

The representative of Guyana noted that women and children have been disproportionately affected by the war, with pregnant and lactating women and children being the most vulnerable to the risk of famine and malnutrition. She added that the hostages’ families were “in anguish” as there seemed no clear prospect of their loved ones’ return. “After more than five months of utter terror and destruction, a ceasefire is the difference between life and death for the hundreds of thousands of Palestinians and others.”

The resolution also acknowledged the diplomatic efforts of Egypt, Qatar, and the United States to reach an agreement between the parties involved.

The United States’ decision to abstain from voting was a signal of the mounting pressure from the international community as the threat of famine looms over Gaza and the toll of devastation continues to rise. It also signals the Biden administration’s growing frustration with Israeli leaders’ lack of cooperation. US Ambassador Linda Thompson-Green stated that support for the objectives of the resolution was “not simply rhetorical.”

“We’re working around the clock on the ground through diplomacy because we know that it is only through diplomacy that we can push this agenda forward,” she said in her statement to the Security Council. They would support “some of the critical objectives in this non-binding resolution.”

Thompson-Green also added that the US delegation disagreed on some points, such as a lack of condemnation of Hamas for the October 7 attacks.

The United States has previously used their veto on three separate occasions to vote down ceasefire resolutions introduced since the beginning of the current conflict. The most recent instance was in February, when Algeria presented a draft resolution. It was following this session that the US delegation announced that they would put forward their own resolution for a humanitarian ceasefire and would allow for the safe return of all hostages, as well as a direct condemnation of Hamas. When the time came for the US resolution to be voted on earlier in March, it failed to pass when both China and Russia used their veto.

Speaking at the Security Council, Riyad Al Mansour, the permanent observer of the State of Palestine, remarked that the international response to Israel’s involvement since October 7 should be one that “enforces consequences for these crimes”.

“Accepting any justification for such crimes is renouncing our humanity and destroying the rule of international law beyond repair,” he said.

For Palestinians, the ceasefire resolution had to signal a turning point.

“This must lead to saving lives on the ground. This must signal the end of this assault of atrocities against our people. Save the lives of those who survived against all odds. Tell them help is on the way. End this injustice; end it now. All of this is long overdue.”

Once the meeting had adjourned, Afonso, representing the E10 Group, told reporters that resolutions passed by the Security Council were binding and mandatory. “Every member state is under the obligation to implement those measures,” he said.

Mansour also reiterated this, adding: “If Israel is not going to implement it, then it is the duty of the Security Council to use Chapter 7 to take punitive measures in order to make them obey the measure of the Security Council.”

Beyond the Security Council, the response to UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres stated on X, formerly known as Twitter, that the resolution “must be implemented. Failure would be unforgivable.”

UNRWA Commissioner-General Philippe Lazzarini expressed his thanks to the Secretary-General for his support of UNRWA and the people of Palestine. On the matter of the Security Council resolution, he said on Twitter: “We now hope for its implementation so that people in Gaza [and the] region can finally get some respite and  the peace they all aspire to.”

Human Rights Watch’s UN Director Louis Charbonneau said in a statement: “Israel needs to immediately respond to the UN Security Council resolution adopted today by facilitating the delivery of humanitarian aid, ending its starvation of Gaza’s population, and halting unlawful attacks. Palestinian armed groups should immediately release all civilians held hostage. The US and other countries should use their leverage to end atrocities by suspending arms transfers to Israel.” 

Israel’s response to the resolution so far does not suggest that they will respect the Security Council’s decision. Israeli Ambassador Gilad Erdan expressed disappointment that while the Council has previously condemned terrorist attacks, including the most recent attacks that occurred in Moscow over the weekend, it had not condemned Hamas for October 7, the events of which he described as “the most wide-spread and barbaric massacre suffered by the Jewish people since the Holocaust.”

He remarked that the resolution’s denouncement of the taking of hostages was “what should have been the driving moral force.”

He added that the Council should “not settle for words but take action” when it comes to ensuring the return of hostages. “It is unfathomable that when it comes to hostages, we still only see inaction. Yet when it comes to the situation in Gaza, the Council rushed to take action.”

It was also announced that Prime Minister Netanyahu canceled a planned trip to Washington, D.C., shortly after the Council resolution was adopted. This was in response to what was perceived as the US shifting its position, which would affect war efforts against Hamas and its efforts to rescue the hostages.

As binding international law, the Security Council’s decision should be respected, and it must not be held back from implementing its measures at any cost. The limited time of the remaining weeks of Ramadan should urge the Security Council and other enforcers of international law to implement a more lasting, if not permanent, ceasefire.


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