مشروع ون زعبيل يطلق مكاتب الشركات مزدوجة التراخيص في ون زعبيل تاور

دبي،الإمارات العربية المتحدة, April 30, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) —  يسر ون زعبيل، المشروع الأيقوني المطور من قبل مؤسسة دبي للاستثمارات الحكومية “ICD“، الإعلان اليوم عن إطلاق مكاتب الشركات الفاخرة، في ون زعبيل تاور مزدوجة التراخيص. تساهم هذه المكاتب في ازدهار أعمال الشركات وجذب الشركات المحلية والعالمية المسجّلة في المنطقة الحرة في مركز دبي التجاري العالمي والشركات المسجّلة داخل الإمارات.

يتكون مشروع ون زعبيل، متعدد الاستخدامات، من برجين شاهقين هما ون زعبيل تاور وَون زعبيل ذا ريزيدينسز، اللذان يتصلان ببعضهما بواسطة برج كابولي معلّق يسمى ذا لينك، الذي يبلغ طوله 230 متر ويرتفع 100 متر عن سطح الأرض، وحصل هذا المشروع متعدد الاستخدامات على لقب “بوابة منطقة الأعمال المركزية في دبي” نظرًا لموقعه الاستراتيجي في دبي.

تشغل مكاتب الشركات 17 طابقًا من ون زعبيل تاور متوزعًة على مسافة 280,000 قدمًا مربعًا، كما يعكس المشروع معايير الاستدامة والكفاءة البيئية وتوّج ذلك بحصوله على شهادة الريادة الذهبية المرموقة في تصميمات الطاقة والبيئة (LEED Gold) في ديسمبر 2023.

صمّمت مكاتب ون زعبيل لتكون مكاتب ذكية، وفي هذا الصدد تم تطبيق تقنيات ذكية مختلفة لزيادة كفاءة استخدام الطاقة في أنظمة الإضاءة والكهرباء وأنظمة التكييف وتنقية الهواء. تساعد هذه الإجراءات في تنظيم الطاقة مع الحفاظ على درجة حرارة داخلية معتدلة، وتقديم ميزات مثل النوافذ المرتفعة إلى السقف التي تسمح بدخول ضوء النهار الطبيعي والإطلالات الخلابة على أفق دبي. يسعى ون زعبيل حاليًا إلى الحصول على شهادتي WiredScore وSmartScore.

وتتميز مكاتب ون زعبيل بقربها من المرافق المميزة ما يمنح المستأجرين فيها فرصة دعوة ضيوفهم إلى أحد المطاعم الراقية الحاصلة على نجمة ميشلان في ذا لينك، كما يمكنهم إقامة ندوات وحتى مؤتمرات على مرمى حجر من مكاتبهم حيث يوفر منتجع ون آند أونلي ون زعبيل مساحات للاجتماعات متعددة الأحجام وتلبي مختلف الاحتياجات لكافة أنواع الفعاليات، بينما يقدم فندق سيرو إقامة مميزة وفاخرة للضيوف ورجال الأعمال، وكما يمكنكم الاجتماع مع ضيوفكم بغرض تسوق أرقى الماركات وتناول الطعام في منصة البيع بالتجزئة.

علاوةً على النظام الشامل والمتكامل في هذا المشروع، تلعب الخدمات المميزة والمرافق المتطورة في مكاتب ون زعبيل دوراً هاماً في تعزيز جودة الحياة للمستثمرين فيها، حيث تتوافر خدمات كونسيرج وأمن على مدار الساعة في بناء المكاتب و7 طوابق سفلية لصف السيارات ويوجد مواقف مدفوعة أيضاً.

وفي هذه المناسبة، علق عصام كلداري، مدير ون زعبيل قائلًا: ” نؤمن بأن نجاح الأعمال يبدأ من اختيار المكان المناسب، ولذا يسرّنا اليوم إطلاق مكاتب الشركات في ون زعبيل تاور من قلب إمارة دبي، التي سوف تكون بلا شك أفضل وجهة لرجال الأعمال والمستثمرين، وأصحاب الشركات الإقليمية والعالمية، حيث سيجدون كل ما يبحثون عنه هنا من مكاتب واسعة وفاخرة المتصلة بمتاجر البيع بالتجزئة والفنادق العالمية والمطاعم الراقية، وجميع هذه الوجهات لا تحتاج سوى ركوب المصعد للوصول إليها. نرحب بالشركات المبتكرة التي سنشهد ازدهار أعمالها في مكاتب ون زعبيل ذات الخدمات المتكاملة.” 

للبقاء على اطلاع بأهم التحديثات عن مكاتب ون زعبيل، يمكنكم التفضل بزيارة موقعنا الإلكتروني: onezaabeel.com 

One Za'abeel Launches The Offices: A look at the interiors and exteriors of One Za

يمكنكم الاطلاع على الصور والفيديوهات المرافقة لهذا البيان عبر النقر على هذا الرابط

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000947679)

Congrès EAACI 2024 : innovations et progrès dans le traitement des allergies

  • Lors de ce congrès, plus de 150 sessions scientifiques seront présentées. Les sujets abordés se concentreront sur les progrès de la science environnementale, les allergies alimentaires, les innovations en matière d'immunothérapie et les allergies pédiatriques, entre autres.
  • Les acteurs majeurs des domaines de la médecine de précision, de l'intelligence artificielle, de l'immunothérapie et des modulateurs immunitaires seront rassemblés lors du plus grand congrès d'allergie et d'immunologie.
  • Le congrès se tiendra du 31 mai au 3 juin prochains à Valence, en Espagne.

VALENCE, Espagne, 30 avr. 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — L'Académie européenne d'allergie et d'immunologie clinique (EAACI), une association regroupant plus de 16 000 chercheurs et professionnels de la santé issus de 125 pays, vous invite à son congrès annuel qui se tiendra à Valence en Espagne du 31 mai au 3 juin prochains. Sous le thème « Révolutionner les soins aux patients grâce au pouvoir de la science des données », le Congrès EAACI 2024 se positionne comme l'événement européen de l'année qui permettra de réunir les dernières recherches et avancées dans le domaine des allergies et de leur traitement.

Nous sommes convaincus de l'importance de votre contribution à la connaissance et des retombées sur l'amélioration des soins aux patients pour l'allergie et l'asthme. Vous pourrez, grâce à votre participation à ce congrès en votre qualité de professionnel de la santé ou d'étudiant en médecine, enrichir votre pratique clinique et vos connaissances et contribuer à faire progresser la science et les soins de santé.

Vous aurez l'occasion de participer à des conférences, des séances plénières, des présentations orales et des sessions de présentation, qui porteront toutes sur la recherche de pointe, les mises à jour cliniques et les thérapies émergentes dans le domaine de l'allergie et de l'asthme. En outre, vous pourrez rencontrer certains des acteurs majeurs les plus influents dans le domaine et participer à des discussions approfondies sur les dernières avancées. Le programme scientifique du congrès EAACI 2024 couvrira l'ensemble du spectre de l'allergie et de l'immunologie cliniques. Plus de 150 sessions scientifiques seront proposées, abordant en autres des sujets tels que la science environnementale, les allergies alimentaires, les innovations en immunothérapie et les allergies pédiatriques.

Nous vous invitons à prendre connaissance du programme et encourager votre équipe médicale, vos étudiants et vos professeurs à s'inscrire au Congrès EAACI 2024. Ce congrès constituera une occasion inestimable de continuer à acquérir des connaissances, d'échanger et de partager des idées avec d'autres professionnels dans ce domaine. Nous sommes impatients de vous accueillir à Valence !



Podcast : https://linktr.ee/eaaci
LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/company/eaaci/
Instagram : @eaaciHQ
Twitter : @EAACI_HQ
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/EAACI 


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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000947860)

EAACI Congress 2024: Innovation and Advances in Allergy Treatment

  • Over 150 scientific sessions will be presented during the congress, focusing on advancements in environmental science, food allergies, innovations in immunotherapy, and pediatric allergies, among others.
  • Precision medicine, AI, immunotherapy, and immune modulators will converge at the largest allergy and immunology congress.
  • The congress will occur from 31 May to 3 June in Valencia, Spain.

VALENCIA, Spain, April 30, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI), an association comprising over 16,000 researchers and healthcare professionals from 125 countries, invites you to the annual congress at Feria Valencia, Spain, from 31 May to 3 June. Under the theme “Revolutionizing Patient Care through the Power of Data Science,” the EAACI Congress 2024 positions itself as the European event of the year, gathering the latest research and advancements in allergies and their treatment.

We firmly believe in the importance of your contribution to knowledge and its impact on improving patient care in allergy and asthma. As a healthcare professional or medical student at the congress, you will enrich your clinical practice and knowledge and contribute to advancing science and healthcare.

During the congress, you can participate in keynote lectures, plenary sessions, oral presentations, and poster sessions, all featuring cutting–edge research, clinical updates, and emerging therapies in allergy and asthma. Additionally, you will have the chance to connect with some of the most influential leaders in the field and engage in in–depth discussions on the latest advancements. The scientific program of the EAACI Congress 2024 will cover the entire spectrum of clinical allergy and immunology and will feature over 150 scientific sessions, including topics such as environmental science, food allergies, innovations in immunotherapy, and pediatric allergies, among others.

Please review the program and encourage your medical team, students, and professors to register for the EAACI Congress 2024. It will be an invaluable opportunity to continue learning, exchange ideas, and collaborate with other professionals in the field. We look forward to welcoming you to Valencia!



Podcast: https://linktr.ee/eaaci
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/eaaci/
Instagram: @eaaciHQ
Twitter: @EAACI_HQ
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EAACI 


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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000947860)

Congresso da EAACI 2024: Inovação e Avanços no Tratamento da Alergia

  • Durante o congresso serão apresentadas mais de 150 sessões científicas, centradas nos avanços da ciência ambiental, alergias alimentares, inovações em imunoterapia e alergias pediátricas, entre outras.
  • A medicina de precisão, a IA, a imunoterapia e os moduladores imunitários irão convergir no maior congresso de alergia e imunologia.
  • O congresso decorrerá de 31 de maio a 3 de junho em Valência, Espanha.

VALÊNCIA, Espanha, April 30, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Academia Europeia de Alergia e Imunologia Clínica (EAACI), uma associação que inclui mais de 16 000 investigadores e profissionais de saúde de 125 países, convida–o(a) para o congresso anual na Feria Valencia, em Espanha, de 31 de maio a 3 de junho. Sob o tema “Revolucionar os Cuidados de Saúde dos Doentes através do Poder da Ciência dos Dados,” o Congresso da EAACI 2024 posiciona–se como o evento europeu do ano, reunindo as mais recentes investigações e avanços nas alergias e no tratamento destas.

Acreditamos firmemente na importância da sua contribuição para o conhecimento e do seu impacto na melhoria do atendimento ao paciente em alergia e asma. Como profissional de saúde ou estudante de medicina no Congresso, irá enriquecer a sua prática clínica e conhecimento e contribuir para o avanço da ciência e da saúde.

Durante o congresso, poderá participar em palestras, sessões plenárias, apresentações com oradores e sessões de apresentação pública dos trabalhos, todas elas com investigação de ponta, atualizações clínicas e terapias emergentes em alergia e asma. Além disso, terá a oportunidade de contactar com alguns dos líderes mais influentes da área e participar em debates aprofundados sobre os mais recentes avanços. O programa científico do Congresso da EAACI 2024 abrangerá todo o espectro da alergia e imunologia clínicas e contará com mais de 150 sessões científicas, incluindo temas tais como a ciência ambiental, alergias alimentares, inovações em imunoterapia e alergias pediátricas, entre outros.

Consulte o programa e incentive a sua equipa médica, estudantes e professores a registarem–se no Congresso da EAACI 2024. Esta será uma oportunidade inestimável para continuar a aprender, trocar ideias e colaborar com outros profissionais da área. Estamos ansiosos por recebê–lo(a) em Valência!



Podcast: https://linktr.ee/eaaci
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/eaaci/
Instagram: @eaaciHQ
Twitter: @EAACI_HQ
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EAACI 


A fotografia que acompanha este anúncio está disponível em http://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/dbb1a2e3–3aaf–442d–84ff–18369811d587

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000947860)

EAACI Congress 2024: Innovationen und Fortschritte in der Allergietherapie

  • Im Rahmen des Kongresses werden über 150 wissenschaftliche Vorträge gehalten, die sich unter anderem mit Fortschritten in den Bereichen Umweltwissenschaft, Lebensmittelallergien, Innovationen in der Immuntherapie und pädiatrische Allergien befassen.
  • Auf dem größten Allergie– und Immunologiekongress werden Präzisionsmedizin, künstliche Intelligenz, Immuntherapie und Immunmodulatoren zusammengeführt.
  • Der Kongress findet vom 31. Mai bis 3. Juni in Valencia, Spanien, statt.

VALENCIA, Spanien,, April 30, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Die Europäische Akademie für Allergie und klinische Immunologie (EAACI), eine Vereinigung mit mehr als 16.000 Forscher*innen und medizinischen Expert*innen aus 125 Ländern, lädt vom 31. Mai bis 3. Juni zum Jahreskongress in die Feria Valencia, Spanien, ein. Unter dem Motto „Revolutionierung der Patientenversorgung durch die Macht der Datenwissenschaft“ positioniert sich der EAACI Congress 2024 als die europäische Veranstaltung des Jahres, auf der die neuesten Forschungsergebnisse und Fortschritte im Bereich Allergien und ihre Therapien vorgestellt werden.

Wir sind der festen Überzeugung, dass Ihr Beitrag zum wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisgewinn und seine Auswirkungen auf die Verbesserung der Patientenversorgung bei Allergien und Asthma von großer Bedeutung sind. Als medizinische Expert*innen oder Medizinstudierende werden Sie auf dem Kongress Ihre klinische Praxis und Ihr Wissen vertiefen und zum Fortschritt von Wissenschaft und Gesundheitswesen beitragen.

Der Kongress bietet Ihnen die Möglichkeit zur Teilnahme an Hauptvorträgen, Plenarsitzungen, mündlichen Präsentationen und Postersessions, in denen neueste Forschungsergebnisse, klinische Entwicklungen und neue Therapien bei Allergien und Asthma vorgestellt werden. Darüber hinaus haben Sie die Gelegenheit, mit einigen der einflussreichsten Führungspersönlichkeiten auf diesem Gebiet Kontakt zu knüpfen und sich an ausführlichen Diskussionen über die neuesten Fortschritte zu beteiligen. Das wissenschaftliche Programm des EAACI Congress 2024 deckt das gesamte Spektrum der klinischen Allergie und Immunologie ab und umfasst über 150 wissenschaftliche Vorträge, unter anderem zu Themen wie Umweltwissenschaft, Lebensmittelallergien, Innovationen in der Immuntherapie und pädiatrische Allergien.

Bitte informieren Sie sich über das Programm und empfehlen Sie Ihrem medizinischen Team, Ihren Studierenden und Professor*innen die Teilnahme am EAACI Congress 2024. Der Kongress ist eine unschätzbare Gelegenheit zur Weiterbildung, zum Gedankenaustausch und zur Zusammenarbeit mit anderen Experten*innen auf diesem Gebiet. Wir freuen uns darauf, Sie in Valencia begrüßen zu dürfen!



Podcast: https://linktr.ee/eaaci
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/eaaci/
Instagram: @eaaciHQ
Twitter: @EAACI_HQ
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EAACI 


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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000947860)

‘I Couldn’t Remain Silent’: Son Fights for Uyghur Journalist’s Release from Chinese Prison

Journalist Qurban Mamut (left) visited his son Bahram Sintash in Washington, D.C. in 2017. Shortly after Mamut’s return to China, he was arrested. Credit: Courtesy of Bahram Sintash.

By Iris Hsu
TAIPEI, Taiwan, Apr 30 2024 – The last time Bahram Sintash saw his journalist father was in 2017. Qurban Mamut, an influential Uyghur editor had come to the United States for a visit but upon his return to Xinjiang in northwest China, he disappeared.

Sintash later learned that his father had been swept up in China’s 2017 crackdown on Uyghurs and other mostly Muslim ethnic groups. China has said its policies in Xinjiang, which involve reeducation camps, forced sterilization, and family separations, are in the name of counter-terrorism, but 51 United Nations member countries have accused the government of “crimes against humanity.”

Mamut, as a prominent intellectual who edited the state-owned Xinjiang Civilization and Tepakkur magazines, was sentenced to 15 years for “political crimes,” according to news reports. According to Sintash, his father’s decades of journalism drew the attention of the Chinese government in its efforts to quash the Uyghur cultural industry.

After initially fearing that speaking out could harm his 74-year-old father’s case, Sintash decided to go public about the detention in 2018; in 2020, he joined the U.S. Congress-funded Radio Free Asia (RFA) in Washington, D.C. to be a “voice of voice-less Uyghurs.”

The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) spoke with Sintash about his father’s love of journalism, restrictions on the press in Xinjiang, and what he knows of Mamut’s detention.

This interview has been edited for length and clarity. The Chinese foreign ministry did not reply to CPJ’s email requesting comment on Mamut’s arrest and sentencing.

What can you tell us about your father’s detention?

I initially thought my father was detained in 2018, but later learned it was actually in late 2017. Communication with my family in Urumqi [the capital of Xinjiang] has been severed since then, with China cutting off our ability to talk in late 2017 and early 2018. My mother told me, “We can no longer talk to you,” leaving me without any information about my father.

In September of the following year, I sought to find out what had happened to him. Eventually, one of my neighbors who also lives overseas informed me that my father had been taken away from our neighborhood. This neighbor had heard the news from their family who witnessed my father being taken from his home. I was shocked by this revelation.

At the same time, I was considering what actions to take. I felt that raising my voice was the right decision, but I was extremely cautious. I was unsure of the exact steps to take or the words to use, as anything I said could potentially endanger my father further, given China’s unpredictable actions.

What was the media environment like in Xinjiang before your father’s arrest?

In 2016, a well-known writer, Yalqun Rozi, was detained and later sentenced to 15 years [for attempting to subvert the Chinese state], a fate similar to that of my father. My father visited the United States in January 2017 and stayed for a month, during which time he learned about the detention of Yalqun, a close friend. Yalqun had not been sentenced at that point but was under arrest, likely due to his publication of sensitive topics.

Yalqun had written extensively on various subjects, including Uyghur welfare, and had contributed many essays to my father’s journal, Xinjiang Civilization. Their past collaboration made my father concerned that Yalqun’s arrest might not be an isolated case.

Yalqun’s detention marked the beginning of a broader crackdown on Uyghur intellectuals. China targeted Uyghur intellectuals first in order to more successfully repress Uyghur identity. They began by arresting individuals and then expanded their investigation to a larger network of Uyghurs.

My father understood that this could happen, but we were uncertain about China’s next steps. After 2017, under [Chinese President] Xi Jinping’s leadership, the situation became increasingly dire, reflecting the tense atmosphere of that time.

Can you tell us about Xinjiang Civilization, the magazine your father edited from 1985 until 2017?

The content in the magazine mainly focuses on culture, history, current affairs, the identity of Uyghurs, examining the shortcomings of the Uyghur nation and society, and opinion pieces. This was the main content before 2017, primarily when my dad was the sole editor-in-chief.

Interestingly, all the names of the journal’s editorial board members were removed in the third issue of 2017 just half a month before the mass detentions began in 2017. The content of the journal dramatically changed in its last publication. It now became filled with red Communist propaganda.

Many of the members on the board were subsequently taken to re-education camps, including my dad. At least two of other members, Abduqadir Jalalidin and Arslan Abdulla, as well as my dad were sentenced to long prison terms.

Before the magazine’s third issue in 2017, its content mainly focused on Uyghur culture and literary works. However, after that issue, it primarily began publishing political content, which mostly revolves around studying Xi Jinping’s ideology.

The next editor even wrote an open letter titled “Protecting the security of the ideological sphere is my priority,” in which he promised not to publish anything promoting “separatism,” “terrorism,” or “two-faced” behavior. The letter followed two articles written by Uyghur officials calling the readers to “protect the unity of the nations with hearts and protect the homeland with loyalty.”

What was your father’s relationship to his journalistic work?

My father was the sole editor; there were no secondary editors. However, he had two assistants who could be considered as secondary editors, but their main role was typing and assisting with computer-related tasks. My father worked tirelessly, often putting in 16-hour days. He would work at the office, come home for a quick meal, and then continue working late into the night, spending countless hours at his desk.

Qurban Mamut (left) and Bahram Sintash (second from left) with their family in Xinjiang, China in 1989. Credit: Courtesy of Bahram Sintash

Your father was quite well known for his journalism. How was he seen in the Uyghur community?

My father was an exceptional teacher, not through writing himself, but by curating and compiling works from other writers. He focused on selecting the right topics, aiming to present the truth without imposing his own opinions on the journal.

He steered clear of politics, especially avoiding any praise of the Chinese Communist Party or spreading its propaganda, which some writers and editors did to secure better positions and ensure their safety. My father, however, sought out authentic voices who could present genuine work, which is why the journal promoted many unknown writers who eventually became famous. The platform allowed them to express the truth.

While my father didn’t publicly express his own views, he was frequently interviewed on TV talk shows due to his extensive knowledge of Uyghur culture. These appearances contributed to his fame. During the 1990s and 2000s, there was a period when Uyghurs enjoyed a degree of freedom to discuss their identity, language, and other aspects of their culture — a stark contrast to the current situation.

Did your father face retribution for his journalism before his imprisonment?

My father was called in for questioning in 2004, although he didn’t face persecution or punishment. This was related to an opinion piece published in his journal about the Uyghur language. At that time, Xinjiang authorities were starting to phase out the Uyghur language from schools and universities, replacing it with Chinese in subjects like mathematics and other majors.

The writer of the piece was arrested, and my father was questioned by the security bureau and China’s intelligence department. To avoid worrying us, my father never shared the full details of what happened.

You believe your father was arrested for his journalism. Why?

After his retirement in 2011 [from Xinjiang Civilization], my father didn’t stop working. He continued to serve on the editorial board of Xinjiang Civilization, and became the head editor of a newly established magazine called Tepakkur. The magazine, published by the state-run Xinjiang Juvenile Publishing House, or Chiso, gained popularity due to my father’s reputation. “Tepakkur” means “think.”

My father, invited to be the editor-in-chief, established this magazine to have more freedom and flexibility in selecting topics.It was not available digitally, only in print, and this was just before the mass arrests began around 2014-2015. As a result, I don’t have a copy and haven’t read the articles, but the journal was well-regarded by its readers.

Can you tell us about your work at RFA? Has your father’s imprisonment made you rethink your personal safety, especially while covering Xinjiang?

I joined RFA because my fear diminished as I became more vocal in advocating for other Uyghurs. I couldn’t remain silent; I had to speak the truth. My mindset became open, ready to face any challenge. Many Uyghurs, concerned for their safety and their families’, avoid RFA and don’t pursue journalism there. But for me, there were no limits. I saw RFA as the only true voice for Uyghurs worldwide, so I joined to work for my people.

As for my efforts to free my father, it’s been an emotionally challenging task. I’ve been in constant communication with organizations, governments, NGOs, and even the United Nations, explaining my father’s situation and speaking to the media. My work extends beyond my father to all Uyghurs and our culture, which I learned to preserve from my father.

Iris Hsu is CPJ’s China representative. Prior to joining CPJ, Hsu interned at Human Rights Watch, Center for Arms Control and Nonproliferation, and the Atlantic Council. Hsu obtained her master’s degree in international affairs from American University. She speaks Mandarin and French and lives in Taipei.

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This is the first in a series of articles on World Press Freedom Day, which the UN will commemorate on May 3.

Drought and Unequal Water Rights Threaten Family Farms in Chile

Rosa Guzmán harvests tomatoes on her family farm in San Pedro, in the municipality of Quillota, 126 kilometers north of Santiago, the Chilean capital, where she is unable to extend her crops due to lack of funds, which prevents her from drilling deeper wells to obtain water and combat the drought. CREDIT: Orlando Milesi / IPS

Rosa Guzmán harvests tomatoes on her family farm in San Pedro, in the municipality of Quillota, 126 kilometers north of Santiago, the Chilean capital, where she is unable to extend her crops due to lack of funds, which prevents her from drilling deeper wells to obtain water and combat the drought. Credit: Orlando Milesi/IPS

By Orlando Milesi
QUILLOTA, Chile , Apr 30 2024 – Lack of water threatens the very existence of family farming in Chile, forcing farmers to adopt new techniques or to leave their land.

The shortage is caused by a 15-year drought and exacerbated by the unequal distribution arising from the Water Code decreed in 1981 by the 1973-1990 dictatorship of General Augusto Pinochet, which turned water into a tradable commodity and gave its owners rights in perpetuity.

In addition, there are problems such as the accumulation of water rights in the hands of large agro-export companies and real estate speculation with the land of small farmers who are forced to sell.

“We have no water for human consumption,” Julieta Cortés, 52, president of the Rural Women’s Association of the municipality of Canela, told IPS. “In Canela, more than 80 percent of the population depends on the water truck that delivers 50 liters of water per person per day. It’s hard to get by with that amount.”

Located in the Coquimbo region, 400 kilometers north of Santiago, Canela, with a population of just over 11,000, was known for its goat herds, now reduced by half. Local farmers also used to grow wheat and barley. Today, the fruit trees are drying up and the livestock are dying of thirst.

In contrast, the extensive plantations of avocados for export are irrigated and green on the slopes of the dry valleys.

Chile’s agro-exports are one of its major sources of income, together with mining. In 2023, the agro-export sector accounted for 3.54 percent of GDP, or 10.09 billion dollars.

Water problems are concentrated in isolated rural areas that lack technical, economic, and infrastructure capacities.

“Family and small farmers do not have access to water rights controlled by those who have money and can buy and transfer them,” Cortés said in a telephone interview.

“The lower part of the Choapa River flows through my municipality and none of us who live here have access to the water that is used upstream in the Los Pelambres mine and the large agro-industries along the way,” she said.


Hills stand out for their greenery in Quillota, north of Santiago, Chile, with avocado plantations that reach to the top, covering many hectares. They are able to avoid water shortages thanks to water use rights held by large agro-exporters, which allow them to evade the effects of the drought and send their abundant production abroad. CREDIT: Orlando Milesi / IPS

Hills stand out for their greenery in Quillota, north of Santiago, Chile, with avocado plantations that reach to the top, covering many hectares. They are able to avoid water shortages thanks to water use rights held by large agro-exporters, which allow them to evade the effects of the drought and send their abundant production abroad. Credit: Orlando Milesi/IPS


The Issue Is Not Lack of Water, but Inequality

In the publication Guardianas del Agua (Guardians of the Water), published by the German Heinrich Boll Stiftung Foundation, Macarena Salinas and Isaura Becker reported that 47.2 percent of the rural Chilean population had no formal drinking water supply or irrigation.

In this South American country, some 950 communities are not part of the Rural Drinking Water Program (RWP) and obtain water from informal sources such as wells, springs and water trucks. “We have a privatized water model where the focus and priority has always been to maintain the right to property over the human right of access to water.” — Evelyn Vicioso

The publication reported that between 2016 and 2021, the State invested 150 million dollars to use water trucks to supply the areas suffering from scarcity.

“While the RWP committees and cooperatives need drinking water and are supplied through emergency measures, there are individuals and companies that have surplus water and can profit from the sale of water using tanker trucks,” write Salinas and Becker.

Therefore, they point out, “rather than a lack of water, there is an unequal distribution of the resource.”

The drought in Canela has been repeated in other areas of this long, narrow country of 19.5 million people living between the Andes Mountains and the Pacific Ocean.

The shortage of rainfall has lasted for 15 years, with a brief respite in 2023. It is unclear what will happen in 2024.

In Canela, farmers survive by using recycled water from washing machines and bathrooms, water harvested from rooftops or with fog catchers, systems used to capture or trap microscopic water droplets from mist, which are widely used in Chile.

“We have been reinventing ourselves. We have even rescued water from the dew. Many of us have adopted new techniques; others have moved away,” Cortés said from her community, Carquindaña.

Rosa Guzmán, 57, and her three brothers own a 40-hectare property in San Pedro, a community of some 5,000 inhabitants in the municipality of Quillota, 126 kilometers north of Santiago in the Valparaíso region.

They only grow four hectares of vegetables and 2.5 hectares of avocados because they do not have the money to expand their crops.

“Sometimes we run out of water for the house because the wells are 10 meters deep. They are filled from two canals that rarely have water,” she said during a tour of the family’s farm with IPS.

Guzmán is director of the National Association of Rural and Indigenous Women (Anamuri) and president of her community’s environmental organization, San Pedro Digno.

Anamuri is an organization founded in 1998, composed solely of women, which organizes and promotes development among rural and indigenous women in this country. It also builds relationships of equality, regardless of gender, class, and ethnicity, on the basis of respect between people and nature.

“I used to collect medicinal herbs on the banks of the canal, but now there are none. The natural springs have dried up. This is a serious problem, and there are people who have no water to drink, which is a grave issue,” she said.

According to the rural activist, the State has abandoned small-scale agriculture.

“It would be very different if the State were to put more of a priority on small-scale agriculture and give us soft credits or subsidies. It has to pay attention to what is happening because, at this rate, it pains me to say it, family farming could disappear in Chile,” she said.


Water stored in a small reservoir allows the Guzmán siblings to maintain vegetable production on their 40-hectare plot of land, of which only 10 percent is planted due to a lack of resources. It is one of the few surviving family farms in the municipality. CREDIT: Orlando Milesi / IPS

Water stored in a small reservoir allows the Guzmán siblings to maintain vegetable production on their 40-hectare plot of land, of which only 10 percent is planted due to a lack of resources. It is one of the few surviving family farms in the municipality. Credit: Orlando Milesi/IPS


Agro-export Model in the Spotlight

Water scarcity directly affects farmers’ livelihoods and way of life and often leads to complex environmental problems.

“The lack of safe water impacts household and community economies, especially for families who depend on small-scale family farming for their food,” write Salinas and Becker.

Guzmán criticized the agro-export model and called for a return to planting wheat, lentils and chickpeas, products that form part of Chile’s food security. But, she stressed, in order to do so, soft loans or subsidies are needed.

“We need food sovereignty. But if small farmers suffer losses every year, many end up selling their land. We want to live well without losing our identity and our know-how,” she underlined.

Sociologist Evelyn Vicioso, executive director of Sustainable Chile, criticized the agro-export model because “it is super intensive in water use and is extremely irresponsible with regard to crops. But above all, because it does not solve a problem nationally: the availability of water for many communities,” she said.

“We particularly depend on small-scale family farming for food, and if it disappears, we have a problem of costs and distribution. The big farmers think about ensuring food sovereignty for any country except their own communities,” she told IPS in Santiago.


Hernán Guzmán, one of four siblings who own a plot of land in Quillota, inspects a small area dedicated to growing basil that is destined, along with other vegetables, for the market in the nearby port city of Valparaíso, in central Chile. CREDIT: Orlando Milesi / IPS

Hernán Guzmán, one of four siblings who own a plot of land in Quillota, inspects a small area dedicated to growing basil that is destined, along with other vegetables, for the market in the nearby port city of Valparaíso, in central Chile. Credit: Orlando Milesi/IPS


Watershed Management Slow To Take Off

To advance climate justice in a scenario of water scarcity, many experts agree on the need to manage watersheds with representative councils.

“Our country has a gigantic mass of mountains, but today we do not have a management system that allows us to link what happens in the headwaters with what is happening further downstream,” said Vicioso.

She listed a string of failures to create watershed councils, as there have been 25 attempts since 1994 and only one is functioning.

There is no will to create them, especially among water rights owners.

“We have a privatized water model where the focus and priority have always been to maintain the right to property over the human right of access to water,” said Vicioso.

Salinas and Becker regret that the 2005 reforms to the Water Code are not retroactive.

“This generates the conditions for the holders of water use rights to exploit the water with a strictly economic focus, thus discouraging the development of uses not involving extractive industries, such as ancestral and ecological uses,” they argue.

The regulation hinders integrated management of the water cycle, as it does not consider the river basin as the minimum unit, does not establish mechanisms to jointly manage surface and groundwater, and allows rivers to be sectioned off.


Evelyn Vicioso, executive director of the non-governmental organization Sustainable Chile, sits in her office in Santiago where she monitors the water situation among small farmers and coordinates actions to defend the human right to water. CREDIT: Orlando Milesi / IPS

Evelyn Vicioso, executive director of the non-governmental organization Sustainable Chile, sits in her office in Santiago, where she monitors the water situation among small farmers and coordinates actions to defend the human right to water. Credit: Orlando Milesi/IPS


Land speculation

In Quillota there is a growing sale of agricultural land to real estate companies that resell it as non-productive family recreational plots.

Thus, native trees disappear and the hope of reviving family farming is waning.

“Land has become a business. It sells for 60 million pesos (60,000 dollars) per half a hectare that sometimes does not even have water. That value attracts people to sell,” Guzmán said.

These plots will increase the demand for water and deforestation because the government’s Agriculture and Livestock Service (SAG) has no oversight capacity.

“All the hills are being parceled out and water is brought to these people with water trucks,” said Guzmán.

Migration from the countryside has been driven by climate change.

In Canela, said Cortés, it used to be young people who moved away. But now it is entire families who go to nearby cities in search of access to water.

According to Guzmán, “young people do not want to stay in the countryside and women say that it is not even profitable to raise chickens.”

Cortés is grateful for the water from trucks, but stresses that the underlying problem is restoring watershed management.

“To rebuild this, resources must be allocated. And for that, we need forestation to make barriers to retain the scarce rainfall and restore the hydrological system,” she said.

Vicioso complained that “there is a lack of protection of the glaciers, which are the headwaters of the basins where the water comes from.”

The sociologist also urged a rethinking of the intensive use of water in productive activities.

“We have an underlying political problem with water that has a high market value and a State that does not dare, does not want, and does not seek the tools to intervene in this deregulated market, just like in drug trafficking,” she said.

IPS UN Bureau Report


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Transgender Health Rights Boosted by Hospitals’ ‘Separate Room’ Policy

The community frequently targets transgender people. Now they are able to welcome new measures that mean they will be able to safely access health care. Credit: Yusufzai Ashfaq/IPS

The community frequently targets transgender people. Now they are able to welcome new measures that mean they will be able to safely access health care. Credit: Yusufzai Ashfaq/IPS

By Ashfaq Yusufzai
PESHAWAR, Pakistan, Apr 30 2024 – Transgender people and civil society organizations have welcomed the decision of the chief minister in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan, to allocate separate rooms in hospitals for the transgender community so they can avail themselves of uninterrupted healthcare.

“We demand that all provinces follow suit and announce facilities for more than 500,000 transgender people in the country,” Farzana Shah, president of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) Transgender Association, told IPS.

On April 6, KP Chief Minister Ali Amin Khan Gandapur announced separate rooms for transgender persons in public hospitals after complaints that they aren’t getting admissions because they face violence in the facilities.

“In the last year, about 47 transgender people have died because of violence, and 90 have been injured. Many injured transgender people die due to delayed treatment. In most cases, we can’t get healthcare at hospitals,” Shah, 40, said.

The Chief Minister’s directives to reserve rooms have received a positive response.

Members of a delegation of transgender people who recently met him quoted Gandapur as saying, “Provision of better health facilities to transgender persons in the province is our priority. We will help the underprivileged community.”

Arzoo Khan, a social activist, is overwhelmed.

“In all 38 district-level hospitals, we now have a separate room. Previously, the hospitals denied admission to our colleagues,” Khan said.

“The problem we face is that most transgender people have been deserted by their families because of social repercussions. People look down on transgender people.”

“We don’t have anyone to help us; therefore, the government’s support is a highly welcome step,” Khan said.

In addition to the allocation of space, the government also provided land for a separate graveyard for transgender people.

Civil society activist Jamal Khan said that there are several instances when the local communities have denied the burial of eunuchs because they don’t consider them Muslims.

“They earn their livelihoods through dancing at marriage parties and on other festive occasions where they have social acceptability,” he said. “The allocation of separate hospitals’ rooms and land for graveyards are really commendable measures that will lead to the protection and respect of transpeople.”

Transgender people are often deprived of last rituals, like giving them baths and performing their funerals after deaths.

Sobia Khan, another leader, said they are deeply vulnerable and subject to abuse and violent attacks, despite being a cheap source of entertainment.

“Some transgender people also have HIV/AIDS and other potentially fatal diseases for which they need continuous medication,” Sobia said.

The attitude of the police towards the group was also bad, she added

“More often than not, police beat up our members; they pull them by their collars and drag them into the streets.”

Khan claimed that her parents have been excluding her for the past ten years.

“Peshawar, the capital of KP, is home to 9,000 transgender persons; most of them have lost connections with their families and they were regarded as sinners and hence ditched by near and dear ones,” Sobia said.

Where the group was targeted by violence, the perpetrators were seldom brought to justice, which emboldens others to mistreat transgender people.

“Sexual harassment of trans people is a common sight. Everyone thinks that we are sex workers, which is untrue because we only dance. Many are raped,” she said.

Police officer Rahim Shah told IPS that many transgender people were invited to marriage parties where they danced for money.

Shah claimed that upon their return from the performance at night, robbers targeted them and killed or injured those who attempted to resist.

“In cases of murder or transgender injuries, their family members don’t come to receive dead bodies for burial or look after the wounded in hospitals,” he said. Their problems are complex, as they neither enjoyed respect in the community nor in their families.

Sumaira Shah, 29, narrates her ordeal after running away from home.

“My family was staunchly opposed to dancing and my father and brothers used to beat me every day, forcing me to quit dancing as it was a source of dishonoring the family but it was my fashion,” she said.

“Sick of daily taunts and beatings, I ran away from my native Swat district to Peshawar when I was just 14,” she said. Since then, I haven’t seen any of my relatives. Shah said she welcomed the hospital room policy.

“A month ago, a hospital in Peshawar sent me back home with some medicines despite having a high fever,” she said.

She said, “People frequently threaten me when I decline their offer for sex relations, and I’m afraid because many of our seniors have died at the hands of gangsters when they didn’t comply with their demand for illicit relations.”

Social rights activist Pervez Ahmed appreciates the government’s new initiatives.

He claimed that this was the first time the government had made an effort to safeguard the health of those who had lost their parents’ support and faced harsh rejection from the community.

Ahmed said that the government has already included transgender people in a free health insurance program, under which they can avail themselves of USD 12,000 per year.

IPS UN Bureau Report


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