Nyxoah Présente ses Résultats Financiers et Opérationnels pour le Premier Trimestre 2024


Nyxoah Présente ses Résultats Financiers et Opérationnels
pour le Premier Trimestre 2024
L'étude pivot DREAM U.S. annoncée a atteint les critères d'évaluation primaires
En bonne voie pour être approuvé par la FDA dès la fin de l'année 2024

Mont–Saint–Guibert, Belgique – 14 mai 2024, 22h05 CET / 16h05 ET – Nyxoah SA (Euronext Bruxelles/Nasdaq : NYXH) (« Nyxoah » ou la « Société ») opère dans le secteur des technologies médicales et se concentre sur le développement et la commercialisation de solutions innovantes destinées à traiter le Syndrome d’Apnées Obstructives du Sommeil (SAOS). La Société a publié aujourd'hui ses résultats financiers et opérationnels pour le premier trimestre 2024.

Faits Marquants Financiers et Opérationnels Récents

  • L'étude pivot DREAM U.S. a atteint les critères d'évaluation co–primaires en intention de traiter (ITT) et a démontré une forte réduction de l'IAH dans les positions de sommeil en décubitus dorsal et décubitus non–dorsal.
  • L'étude DREAM a permis d'obtenir une réduction médiane de l'IAH de 70,8 %, un taux de répondeurs à l'IAH à 12 mois, selon les critères de Sher, de 63,5 % (p=0,002) sur une base ITT et un taux de répondeurs à l'ODI à 12 mois de 71,3 % (p<0,001) sur une base ITT.
  • Préparation du quatrième et dernier module PMA pour soumission ce trimestre.
  • Nomination du Dr Maurits S. Boon, MD, au poste de directeur médical.
  • Avancement de la stratégie d'accès aux patients par le biais d'un partenariat avec l'American Association of Otolaryngology – Head & Neck Surgery Foundation (AAO–HNSF).
  • Ventes trimestrielles de 1,2 million d'euros, en croissance de 177% par rapport au premier trimestre 2023.
  • Trésorerie totale de 44,3 millions d'euros à la fin du trimestre.

“L'étude américaine DREAM, qui a atteint ses objectifs primaires, est une étape cruciale pour Nyxoah et permet de différencier davantage Genio en démontrant une efficacité importante pour le SAOS en décubitus dorsal et décubitus non–dorsal. Avec les données de DREAM en main, nos préparatifs de lancement aux États–Unis se concentrent sur l'attraction de talents commerciaux pour nous préparer au succès lors de l'introduction de Genio”, a commenté Olivier Taelman, CEO de Nyxoah. “Avec une traction commerciale européenne continue, des données DREAM positives et une solution HGNS hautement différenciée et centrée sur le patient, je ne pourrais pas être plus enthousiaste pour l'avenir de Nyxoah.”

Résultats du Premier Trimestre 2024

(non audités) (en milliers)

  For the three months ended March 31, 
  2024    2023 
Chiffre d'affaires € 1 221   € 441
Coût des biens vendus (455)   (175)
Bénéfice brut € 766   € 266
Frais de recherche et de développement (7 199)   (6 157)
Frais de vente, dépenses administratives et autres frais généraux (5 972)   (5 551)
Autres revenus / (frais) d'exploitation 192   46
Perte d'exploitation de la période € (12 213)   € (11 396)
Produits financiers 1 408   625
Charges financières (991)   (958)
Perte de la période avant impôts € (11 796)   € (11 729)
Impôts sur le revenu (110)   (182)
Perte de la période € (11 906)   € (11 911)
Perte attribuable aux actionnaires € (11 906)   € (11 911)
Autres éléments du résultat global      
Eléments pouvant être reclassifiés en bénéfices ou en pertes (nets d'impôts)      
Différences de conversion de devises 60   (28)
Perte globale totale de la période, nette d'impôts € (11 846)   € (11 939)
Perte attribuable aux actionnaires € (11 846)   € (11 939)
Perte par action (en €) € (0.415)   € (0.460)
Perte diluée par action (en €) € (0.415)   € (0.460)


      As at
      March 31
  December 31 2023
Actifs non courants          
Immobilisations corporelles     €4 379   €4 188
Immobilisations incorporelles     48 501   46 608
Droit d'utilisation des actifs     3 597   3 788
Actif d'impôts différés     134   56
Autres créances à long terme     1 333   1 166
      € 57 944   € 55 806
Actifs courants          
Stocks     3 418   3 315
Créances commerciales     2 971   2 758
Autres créances     3 149   3 212
Autres actifs courants     1 232   1 318
Actifs financiers     22 225   36 138
Trésorerie et équivalents de trésorerie     22 077   21 610
      € 55 072   € 68 351
Total de l'actif     € 113 016   € 124 157
Capital et réserves          
Capital     4 927   4 926
Prime d'émission     246 188   246 127
Réserve pour paiement fondé sur des actions     8 440   7 661
Autres éléments du résultat global     197   137
Résultats reportés     (172 555)   (160 829)
Total des capitaux propres attribuables aux actionnaires     € 87 197   € 98 022
Passifs non courants          
Dettes financières     8 616   8 373
Passifs locatifs     2 933   3 116
Passifs au titre des retraites     22   9
Provisions     273   185
Passif d'impôts différés       9
      € 11 844   € 11 692
Passifs courants          
Dettes financières     346   364
Passifs locatifs     852   851
Dettes commerciales     7 316   8 108
Passif d'impôts exigibles     2 091   1 988
Autres dettes     3 370   3 132
      € 13 975   € 14 443
Total du passif     € 25 819   € 26 135
Total des capitaux propres et du passif     € 113 016   € 124 157


Le chiffre d'affaires s'est élevé à 1,2 million € pour le premier trimestre se terminant le 31 mars 2024, contre 441 000 € pour le premier trimestre se terminant le 31 mars 2023. L'augmentation du chiffre d'affaires est attribuable à la commercialisation par la Société du système Genio®, principalement en Allemagne.

Coût des marchandises vendues

Le coût des marchandises vendues s'est élevé à 455 000 € pour les trois mois se terminant le 31 mars 2024, soit un bénéfice brut de 0,8 million €, ou une marge brute de 62,7 %. À titre de comparaison, le coût total des marchandises vendues était de 175 000 € au premier trimestre 2023, pour un bénéfice brut de 266 000 €, soit une marge brute de 60,3 %.

Recherche & Développement

Pour le premier trimestre se terminant le 31 mars 2024, les dépenses de recherche et développement se sont élevées à 7,2 millions €, contre 6,2 millions € pour le premier trimestre se terminant le 31 mars 2023.

Perte d'exploitation
La perte d'exploitation totale pour le premier trimestre se terminant le 31 mars 2024 s'est élevée à 12,2 millions d'euros contre 11,4 millions € au premier trimestre se terminant le 31 mars 2023. Cette évolution s'explique par l'accélération des dépenses de R&D de la Société, ainsi que par les activités commerciales et cliniques en cours.

Situation de trésorerie
Au 31 mars 2024, la trésorerie et les actifs financiers s'élevaient à 44,3 millions €, contre 57,7 millions € au 31 décembre 2023. La consommation totale de trésorerie a été d'environ 4,5 millions € par mois au cours du premier trimestre 2024.

Premier Trimestre 2024
Le rapport financier de Nyxoah pour le premier trimestre 2024, y compris les détails des résultats consolidés, est disponible sur la page investisseurs du site web de Nyxoah (https://investors.nyxoah.com/financials).

Conférence téléphonique et présentation par webcast
Une retransmission de la conférence sera accessible via la page Relations avec les investisseurs du site web de Nyxoah ou par le biais de ce lien : Nyxoah's Q1 2024 earnings call webcast. Pour ceux qui n'ont pas l'intention de poser une question à la direction, la société recommande d'écouter la webdiffusion.

Si vous avez l'intention de poser une question, veuillez utiliser le lien suivant : Nyxoah’s Q1 2024 earnings call. Après l'inscription, un courriel sera envoyé, comprenant les détails de la composition et un code d'accès unique à la conférence téléphonique nécessaire pour rejoindre l'appel en direct. Pour s'assurer que vous êtes connecté avant le début de l'appel, la société suggère de s'inscrire au moins 10 minutes avant le début de l'appel.

A propos de Nyxoah
Nyxoah opère dans le secteur des technologies médicales. Elle se concentre sur le développement et la commercialisation de solutions innovantes destinées à traiter le Syndrome d’Apnées Obstructives du Sommeil (SAOS). La principale solution de Nyxoah est le système Genio®, une thérapie de neurostimulation du nerf hypoglosse sans sonde et sans batterie qui a reçu le marquage CE, centrée sur le patient et destinée à traiter le Syndrome d’Apnées Obstructives du Sommeil (SAOS), le trouble respiratoire du sommeil le plus courant au monde. Ce dernier est associé à un risque accru de mortalité et des comorbidités, dont les maladies cardiovasculaires. La visions de Nyxoah est que les patients souffrant de SAOS doivent pouvoir profiter de nuits réparatrices et vivre pleinement leur vie.

Suite à la réussite de l'étude BLAST OSA, le système Genio® a reçu son marquage CE européen en 2019. Nyxoah a réalisé deux introductions en bourse : sur Euronext Bruxelles en septembre 2020 et sur le NASDAQ en juillet 2021. Suite aux résultats positifs de l'étude BETTER SLEEP, Nyxoah a reçu l'approbation marquage CE pour l'élargissement de ses indications thérapeutiques aux patients souffrant de collapse circonférentiel complet (CCC), actuellement contre–indiqués dans la thérapie des concurrents. En outre, la société mène actuellement l'étude pivot DREAM IDE en vue d'obtenir l'approbation de la FDA et de la commercialisation aux États–Unis.

Pour plus d'informations, veuillez consulter le site http://www.nyxoah.com/.

Attention – Marquage CE depuis 2019. Dispositif de recherche aux États–Unis. Limité à un usage expérimental aux États–Unis par la loi fédérale américaine.

Déclarations prospectives

Certaines déclarations, croyances et opinions contenues dans le présent communiqué de presse sont de nature prospective et reflètent les attentes actuelles de la société ou, le cas échéant, des administrateurs ou de la direction de la société concernant le système Genio®, les études cliniques prévues et en cours sur le système Genio®, les avantages potentiels du système Genio® ; les objectifs de Nyxoah en ce qui concerne le développement, la voie réglementaire et l'utilisation potentielle du système Genio® ; l'utilité des données cliniques pour l'obtention éventuelle de l'approbation du système Genio® par la FDA ; et les résultats d'exploitation, la situation financière, les liquidités, les performances, les perspectives, la croissance et les stratégies de la société. De par leur nature, les déclarations prévisionnelles impliquent un certain nombre de risques, d'incertitudes, d'hypothèses et d'autres facteurs qui pourraient faire en sorte que les résultats ou événements réels diffèrent matériellement de ceux exprimés ou sous–entendus dans les déclarations prévisionnelles. Ces risques, incertitudes, hypothèses et facteurs pourraient avoir une incidence négative sur les résultats et les effets financiers des plans et des événements décrits dans le présent document. En outre, ces risques et incertitudes comprennent, sans toutefois s'y limiter, les risques et incertitudes énoncés dans la section “Facteurs de risque” du rapport annuel de la société sur le formulaire 20–F pour l'exercice clos le 31 décembre 2023, déposé auprès de la Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) le 20 mars 2024, et des rapports ultérieurs que la société dépose auprès de la SEC.

Une multitude de facteurs, y compris, mais sans s'y limiter, les changements dans la demande, la concurrence et la technologie, peuvent faire en sorte que les événements, les performances ou les résultats réels diffèrent de manière significative de tout développement anticipé. Les déclarations prospectives contenues dans le présent communiqué de presse concernant des tendances ou des activités passées ne constituent pas des garanties de performances futures et ne doivent pas être considérées comme une déclaration selon laquelle ces tendances ou activités se poursuivront à l'avenir. En outre, même si les résultats ou développements réels sont conformes aux déclarations prospectives contenues dans le présent communiqué de presse, ces résultats ou développements peuvent ne pas être représentatifs des résultats ou développements des périodes futures. Aucune déclaration ou garantie n'est donnée quant à l'exactitude ou à la justesse de ces déclarations prévisionnelles. En conséquence, la Société décline expressément toute obligation ou tout engagement de publier des mises à jour ou des révisions des déclarations prospectives contenues dans le présent communiqué de presse à la suite d'un changement des attentes ou d'un changement des événements, conditions, hypothèses ou circonstances sur lesquels ces déclarations prospectives sont basées, sauf si la loi ou la réglementation l'exige expressément. Ni la Société, ni ses conseillers ou représentants, ni aucune de ses filiales, ni les dirigeants ou employés de ces personnes ne garantissent que les hypothèses sous–jacentes à ces déclarations prospectives sont exemptes d'erreurs et n'acceptent aucune responsabilité quant à l'exactitude future des déclarations prospectives contenues dans ce communiqué de presse ou quant à la survenance effective des développements prévus. Vous ne devriez pas accorder une confiance excessive aux déclarations prospectives, qui ne sont valables qu'à la date du présent communiqué de presse.

Contact :
David DeMartino, Chief Strategy Officer

+1 310 310 1313


Pièce jointe

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000950825)

Nyxoah Reports First Quarter 2024 Financial and Operating Results


Nyxoah Reports First Quarter 2024 Financial and Operating Results
Announced DREAM U.S. pivotal study achieved primary endpoints
On track for FDA approval as early as end of 2024

Mont–Saint–Guibert, Belgium – May 14, 2024 10:05pm CET / 4:05pm ET – Nyxoah SA (Euronext Brussels/Nasdaq: NYXH) (“Nyxoah” or the “Company”), a medical technology company focused on the development and commercialization of innovative solutions to treat Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), today reported financial and operating results for the first quarter of 2024.

Recent Financial and Operating Highlights

  • Reported the DREAM U.S. pivotal study achieved co–primary endpoints on an intent–to–treat (ITT) basis and demonstrated strong AHI reductions in supine and non–supine sleep positions.
  • The DREAM study achieved a median AHI reduction of 70.8%, a 12–month AHI responder rate, per the Sher criteria, of 63.5% (p=0.002) on an ITT basis and a 12–month ODI responder rate of 71.3% (p<0.001) on an ITT basis.
  • Preparing the fourth and final PMA module for submission this quarter.
  • Appointed Dr. Maurits S. Boon, MD as Chief Medical Officer.
  • Advanced patient access strategy through partnership with the American Association of Otolaryngology – Head & Neck Surgery Foundation (AAO–HNSF).
  • Achieved quarterly sales of €1.2 million, showing 170% growth vs Q1 2023.
  • Total cash position of €44.3 million at the end of the quarter.

“The DREAM U.S. study achieving its primary endpoints is a pivotal milestone for Nyxoah and further differentiates Genio as the only HGNS therapy to demonstrate strong efficacy in supine and non–supine OSA. With the DREAM data in hand, our U.S. launch preparations are focused on attracting commercial talent to set us up for success when we introduce Genio,” commented Olivier Taelman, Nyxoah Chief Executive Officer. “With continued European commercial traction, positive DREAM data and a highly differentiated, patient centric HGNS solution, I could not be more excited for Nyxoah’s future.”

First Quarter 2024 Results

(in thousands)

  For the three months ended March 31, 
  2024    2023 
Revenue  € 1,221   € 441
Cost of goods sold  (455)   (175)
Gross profit  € 766   € 266
Research and Development Expense  (7,199)   (6,157)
Selling, General and Administrative Expense  (5,972)   (5,551)
Other income/(expense)  192   46
Operating loss for the period  € (12,213)   € (11,396)
Financial income  1 408   625
Financial expense  ( 991)   ( 958)
Loss for the period before taxes  € (11,796)   € (11,729)
Income taxes  ( 110)   ( 182)
Loss for the period  € (11,906)   € (11,911)
Loss attributable to equity holders  € (11,906)   € (11,911)
Other comprehensive income/(loss)       
Items that may not be subsequently reclassified to profit or loss (net of tax)       
Currency translation differences  60   (28)
Total comprehensive loss for the year, net of tax  € (11,846)   € (11,939)
Loss attributable to equity holders  € (11,846)   € (11,939)
Basic loss per share (in EUR)  € (0.415)   € (0.460)
Diluted loss per share (in EUR)  € (0.415)   € (0.460)


(in thousands)

      As at
      March 31
  December 31 2023
Non–current assets          
Property, plant and equipment     €4,379   €4,188
Intangible assets     48,501   46,608
Right of use assets     3,597   3,788
Deferred tax asset     134   56
Other long–term receivables     1 333   1,166
      € 57,944   € 55,806
Current assets          
Inventory     3,418   3,315
Trade receivables     2,971   2,758
Other receivables     3,149   3,212
Other current assets     1,232   1,318
Financial assets     22,225   36,138
Cash and cash equivalents     22,077   21,610
      € 55,072   € 68,351
Total assets     € 113,016   € 124,157
Capital and reserves          
Capital     4,927   4,926
Share premium     246,188   246,127
Share based payment reserve     8,440   7,661
Other comprehensive income     197   137
Retained loss     (172,555)   (160,829)
Total equity attributable to shareholders     € 87,197   € 98,022
Non–current liabilities          
Financial debt     8,616   8,373
Lease liability     2,933   3,116
Pension liability     22   9
Provisions     273   185
Deferred tax liability       9
      € 11,844   € 11,692
Current liabilities          
Financial debt     346   364
Lease liability     852   851
Trade payables     7,316   8,108
Current tax liability     2,091   1,988
Other payables     3,370   3,132
      € 13,975   € 14,443
Total liabilities     € 25,819   € 26,135
Total equity and liabilities     € 113,016   € 124,157

Revenue was €1.2 million for the first quarter ending March 31, 2024, compared to €441,000 for the first quarter ending March 31, 2023. The increase in revenue was attributable to the Company’s commercialization of the Genio® system, primarily in Germany.

Cost of Goods Sold

Cost of goods sold was €455,000 for the three months ending March 31, 2024, representing a gross profit of €0.8 million, or gross margin of 62.7%. This compares to total cost of goods sold of €175,000 in the first quarter of 2023, for a gross profit of €266,000, or gross margin of 60.3%.

Research and Development
For the first quarter ending March 31, 2024, research and development expenses were €7.2 million, versus €6.2 million for the first quarter ending March 31, 2023.

Operating Loss
Total operating loss for the first quarter ending March 31, 2024 was €12.2 million versus €11.4 million in the first quarter ending March 31, 2023. This was driven by the acceleration in the Company’s R&D spending, as well as ongoing commercial and clinical activities.

Cash Position
As of March 31, 2024, cash and financial assets totaled €44.3 million, compared to €57.7 million on December 31, 2023. Total cash burn was approximately €4.5 million per month during the first quarter 2024.

First Quarter 2024
Nyxoah’s financial report for the first quarter 2024, including details of the consolidated results, are available on the investor page of Nyxoah’s website (https://investors.nyxoah.com/financials).

Conference call and webcast presentation
A webcast of the call will be accessible via the Investor Relations page of the Nyxoah website or through this link: Nyxoah's Q1 2024 earnings call webcast. For those not planning to ask a question of management, the Company recommends listening via the webcast.

If you plan to ask a question, please use the following link: Nyxoah’s Q1 2024 earnings call. After registering, an email will be sent, including dial–in details and a unique conference call access code required to join the live call. To ensure you are connected prior to the beginning of the call, the Company suggests registering a minimum of 10 minutes before the start of the call.

About Nyxoah
Nyxoah is a medical technology company focused on the development and commercialization of innovative solutions to treat Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). Nyxoah’s lead solution is the Genio® system, a patient–centered, leadless and battery–free hypoglossal neurostimulation therapy for OSA, the world’s most common sleep disordered breathing condition that is associated with increased mortality risk and cardiovascular comorbidities. Nyxoah is driven by the vision that OSA patients should enjoy restful nights and feel enabled to live their life to its fullest.

Following the successful completion of the BLAST OSA study, the Genio® system received its European CE Mark in 2019. Nyxoah completed two successful IPOs: on Euronext Brussels in September 2020 and NASDAQ in July 2021. Following the positive outcomes of the BETTER SLEEP study, Nyxoah received CE mark approval for the expansion of its therapeutic indications to Complete Concentric Collapse (CCC) patients, currently contraindicated in competitors’ therapy. Additionally, the Company is currently conducting the DREAM IDE pivotal study for FDA and US commercialization approval.

For more information, please visit http://www.nyxoah.com/.

Caution – CE marked since 2019. Investigational device in the United States. Limited by U.S. federal law to investigational use in the United States.

Forward–looking statements
Certain statements, beliefs and opinions in this press release are forward–looking, which reflect the Company's or, as appropriate, the Company directors' or managements' current expectations regarding the Genio® system; planned and ongoing clinical studies of the Genio® system; the potential advantages of the Genio® system; Nyxoah’s goals with respect to the development, regulatory pathway and potential use of the Genio® system; the utility of clinical data in potentially obtaining FDA approval of the Genio® system; and the Company's results of operations, financial condition, liquidity, performance, prospects, growth and strategies. By their nature, forward–looking statements involve a number of risks, uncertainties, assumptions and other factors that could cause actual results or events to differ materially from those expressed or implied by the forward–looking statements. These risks, uncertainties, assumptions and factors could adversely affect the outcome and financial effects of the plans and events described herein. Additionally, these risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, the risks and uncertainties set forth in the “Risk Factors” section of the Company’s Annual Report on Form 20–F for the year ended December 31, 2023, filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) on March 20, 2024, and subsequent reports that the Company files with the SEC. A multitude of factors including, but not limited to, changes in demand, competition and technology, can cause actual events, performance or results to differ significantly from any anticipated development. Forward looking statements contained in this press release regarding past trends or activities are not guarantees of future performance and should not be taken as a representation that such trends or activities will continue in the future. In addition, even if actual results or developments are consistent with the forward–looking statements contained in this press release, those results or developments may not be indicative of results or developments in future periods. No representations and warranties are made as to the accuracy or fairness of such forward–looking statements. As a result, the Company expressly disclaims any obligation or undertaking to release any updates or revisions to any forward–looking statements in this press release as a result of any change in expectations or any change in events, conditions, assumptions or circumstances on which these forward–looking statements are based, except if specifically required to do so by law or regulation. Neither the Company nor its advisers or representatives nor any of its subsidiary undertakings or any such person's officers or employees guarantees that the assumptions underlying such forward–looking statements are free from errors nor does either accept any responsibility for the future accuracy of the forward–looking statements contained in this press release or the actual occurrence of the forecasted developments. You should not place undue reliance on forward–looking statements, which speak only as of the date of this press release.

David DeMartino, Chief Strategy Officer


GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000950825)

Workvivo by Zoom is named preferred migration partner for Workplace from Meta

SAN JOSE, Calif., May 14, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Today, Workvivo by Zoom was named Meta’s only preferred migration partner for its customers as it retires Workplace from Meta.

Meta is discontinuing Workplace from Meta – its employee engagement platform. To assist with customer transitions, Meta will partner with Workvivo as its only preferred migration partner.

Workplace from Meta and Workvivo plan to provide migration tools for customers migrating to Workvivo and Workvivo will also offer additional implementation services at no further cost to support customers’ transition.

Workplace from Meta customers can find more information about migrating to Workvivo here.

John Goulding, CEO and founder of Workvivo, said: “We know that the news today may be disruptive for Workplace from Meta customers, but we’re so excited about the opportunity to support and help them. Meta has made a huge impact in this market, and we believe that Workvivo is the natural choice for Workplace from Meta customers to transition their employee experience platform.

“It’s our top priority to support customers through this transition, and our team is working to make this process as frictionless as possible. We put our customers first, and this will be no different for the Workplace from Meta customers. We are excited to welcome Workplace from Meta customers into our incredible customer community and see the amazing things they can do with Workvivo.”

Eric S. Yuan, CEO and founder of Zoom said: “Since Workvivo joined the Zoom family, we’ve seen how powerful this platform is at engaging workforces and bringing culture to life – especially for frontline employees who may not have a desk or even an email address. Workvivo has seen momentous growth as organizations around the world are increasingly prioritizing the employee experience. We are excited to support Workplace from Meta’s customers and help them reach their goals of reaching and engaging employees – whether they’re desk or frontline workers.”

Workvivo by Zoom is the employee experience platform that simplifies communication and increases engagement by empowering employees to be heard and helping everyone feel included, no matter where they work.

Acquired by Zoom in 2023, Workvivo extends the Zoom Workplace platform to offer its customers new ways to keep employees informed, engaged, and connected. Workvivo is working with some of the world’s best–known brands to help them boost employee engagement and bring their culture to life digitally, including Dollar General, the Virgin Group, Bupa, Ryanair, Lululemon and Amazon.

About Workvivo by Zoom

Workvivo is an employee experience platform that simplifies communication and increases engagement by empowering employees to be heard and helping everyone feel included, no matter where they work. The platform unifies employee communications, engagement, intranet, and measurement features into one modern employee app that captures the heartbeat of the organization and brings its culture to life.

Founded in 2017, Workvivo has seen momentous growth, which led to its acquisition by Zoom in 2023. Workvivo powers the employee experience at companies all over the world across all industries, including Amazon, Motherson, White Castle, Bupa and Ryanair. Workvivo regularly tops software review sites, including Gartner Digital, with a #1 spot on G2 for internal communications, intranet and engagement tool categories. For more information, visit www.workvivo.com.

Public Relations
Eleanor O’Mahony

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9117415)

King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre Dá as Boas-Vindas ao Novo CEO Interino Durante Suas Transformações Estratégicas

RIADE, Arábia Saudita, May 14, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — O King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre (KFSH&RC) nomeou recentemente o Dr. Björn Zoéga como CEO Interino, confirmando o seu empenho em promover e incentivar a excelência no cuidado da saúde. O Dr. Zoéga, conhecido por sua vasta experiência em gestão e políticas de saúde, se une a uma equipe dedicada em um momento em que o hospital continua a impulsionar iniciativas estratégicas importantes.

O KFSH&RC, líder em pesquisa médica e serviços clínicos, continua a atrair experiência global para reforçar sua visão de excelência em saúde. Com o envolvimento do Dr. Zoéga, o hospital dá seguimento à sua estratégia de transformação digital que visa aprimorar a eficiência operacional e aperfeiçoar o atendimento ao paciente. Sua experiência na promoção de colaborações internacionais, evidenciada no seu antigo cargo de presidente da European University Hospital Alliance (EUHA) e com as iniciativas como a Join4ATMP, que visa promover o acesso a terapias inovadoras, alinha ainda mais os serviços do KFSH&RC às tendências globais de saúde.

Os principais projetos do KFSH&RC incluem a implantação de tecnologias digitais avançadas para agilizar o processo de atendimento ao paciente, adoção de modelos de atendimento inovadores e atualização das instalações. Esses esforços estratégicos visam aumentar o acesso aos serviços médicos e facilitar uma melhor comunicação, refletindo a dedicação do KFSH&RC em estabelecer novos padrões de saúde.

As contribuições anteriores do Dr. Zoéga no Karolinska University Hospital, que é o segundo melhor da Europa e o sétimo do mundo de acordo com o 2024 World's Best Hospitals da revista Newsweek, onde ele cultivou uma cultura de aprendizagem contínua e colaboração entre profissionais de saúde, alinham–se bem com os objetivos do KFSH&RC. O seu papel na promoção de programas como o EUCARE e na facilitação do intercâmbio de enfermeiros de cuidados intensivos em toda a Europa durante crises melhorou significativamente o desenvolvimento do pessoal e apoiou o objetivo do seu hospital anterior de atrair os melhores talentos – um princípio espelhado na jornada de transformação do KFSH&RC. Com o Dr. Zoéga contribuindo para a liderança, o KFSH&RC está pronto para promover seu papel como ator fundamental na formação do futuro dos cuidados de saúde na Arábia Saudita.

Sobre o King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre :

O King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre é dos líderes globais de prestação de cuidados de saúde especializados, condução de inovação, e um hubs avançado de pesquisa e educação médica. Por meio de parcerias estratégicas com proeminentes instituições locais, regionais e internacionais, o hospital se dedica ao avanço de tecnologias médicas e elevação dos padrões de cuidado da saúde em todo o mundo.

O hospital conquistou sua posição como marca líder no setor de saúde em todo o Reino e Oriente Médio, marcando seu segundo ano consecutivo como a marca de saúde mais valiosa. Ele ocupa o 9º lugar no Reino e o 28º no Oriente Médio. O hospital se distingue como o único hospital do mundo a ser listado entre as 10 principais marcas do seu país, de acordo com dois relatórios da “Brand Finance” sobre as 50 marcas mais valiosas da Arábia Saudita e as 150 marcas mais valiosas do Oriente Médio em 2024.

Devido aos programas de transformação e à Vision 2030 do Reino, lançados por Sua Alteza Real o Príncipe Herdeiro e pelo Primeiro–Ministro – que Deus o proteja – para aumentar a liderança do Reino no setor global de saúde, o KFSH&RC surgiu como um dos principais Centros Médicos Acadêmicos do Oriente Médio e da África. Ele permaneceu em 20º lugar no mundo pelo segundo ano consecutivo em 2024, de acordo com o “Brand Finance”. Além disso, ele foi classificado entre os melhores hospitais do mundo em 2024 pela revista americana “Newsweek”.

Para mais informações, contate:

Sr. Essam AlZahrani, Dirigente Interino de Assuntos de Mídia, 0555254429

Sr. Abdullah Alown, Editor Sênior de Mídia, 0556294232

Foto deste comunicado disponível em https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/83d04605–9a75–41cb–8947–81c858209621

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9117305)

En pleine transformation stratégique, le King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre accueille un nouveau directeur général adjoint

RIYAD, Arabie saoudite, 14 mai 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — L’hôpital spécialisé et centre de recherche King Faisal, ou KFSH&RC pour King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre a récemment accueilli le Dr Björn Zoéga en tant que directeur général adjoint. Cette nomination souligne son engagement en faveur de la promotion et du maintien de l’excellence en matière de santé. Le Dr Zoéga, réputé pour sa vaste expérience en gestion et sa maîtrise des politiques de la santé, rejoint une équipe dédiée à l’heure où l’hôpital continue de piloter des initiatives stratégiques clés.

Le KFSH&RC, leader de la recherche médicale et des services cliniques, continue d’attirer des ressources expertes à l’échelle mondiale pour renforcer sa mission d’excellence en matière de santé. L’arrivée du Dr Zoéga fait avancer la stratégie de transformation numérique de l’hôpital, conçue pour doper son efficacité opérationnelle et améliorer les soins prodigués aux patients. Son expertise dans la promotion de collaborations internationales, comme en témoigne son ancien rôle de président de l’Alliance des hôpitaux universitaires européens (ou « EUHA » pour European University Hospital Alliance) et sa participation à des initiatives telles que JOIN4ATMP, visant à promouvoir l’accès à des thérapies innovantes, concourent à un meilleur alignement des services du KFSH&RC sur les tendances mondiales en matière de santé.

Les projets clés de l’hôpital prévoient le déploiement de technologies numériques avancées pour standardiser les mécanismes propres aux soins prodigués aux patients, l’adoption de nouveaux modèles de soins et la modernisation de ses installations. Ces efforts stratégiques visent à améliorer l’accès aux services médicaux et à induire une meilleure communication à leur propos, et traduisent l’engagement du KFSH&RC envers l’établissement de nouvelles normes en matière de santé.

Les précédentes contributions du Dr Zoéga à l’hôpital universitaire Karolinska, placé au deuxième rang européen et au septième rang mondial du classement 2024 des meilleurs hôpitaux du monde établi par Newsweek, ont joué en faveur d’une culture d’apprentissage continu et de collaboration entre les professionnels de santé. Elles répondent ainsi parfaitement aux objectifs du KFSH&RC. Son rôle dans la promotion de programmes comme EUCARE et sa participation au développement des échanges intra Europe d’infirmières en soins intensifs en période de crise a considérablement renforcé le développement du personnel et appuyé l’objectif de son précédent hôpital d’attirer les meilleurs talents ; un principe reflété dans le parcours de transformation du KFSH&RC. Maintenant que le Dr Zoéga prend part au leadership du KFSH&RC, l’établissement s’apprête à renforcer son rôle d’acteur clé dans le façonnage de la santé de demain en Arabie saoudite.

À propos du King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre :

Le King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre fait partie des leaders mondiaux en matière de soins de santé spécialisés, et d’innovation, servant de centre de formation et de recherche médicale avancée. Grâce à des partenariats stratégiques avec d’éminents établissements locaux, régionaux et internationaux, l’hôpital se consacre à l’avancement des technologies médicales et à l’élévation des normes de soins de santé dans le monde entier.

L’hôpital a conforté sa position de leader du secteur de la santé en Arabie saoudite et au Moyen–Orient, en se voyant décerner, pour la deuxième année consécutive, le titre de marque de santé la plus valorisée. Il se classe 9e du royaume et 28e au Moyen–Orient. L’hôpital se distingue en étant le seul hôpital du monde à figurer au top 10 des marques de son pays, comme le soulignent deux rapports de « Brand Finance » consacrés aux 50 meilleures marques d’Arabie saoudite et aux 150 meilleures marques du Moyen–Orient en 2024.

En raison des programmes de transformation et du projet royal « Saudi Vision 2030 » initié par Son Altesse Royale le Prince Héritier et Premier Ministre — que Dieu le préserve — pour renforcer le leadership du royaume dans le secteur de la santé mondiale, le KFSH&RC est devenu un centre médical universitaire de première importance dans la région MENA. En 2024, il s’est classé au 20e rang mondial pour la deuxième année consécutive selon « Brand Finance », et s’est également distingué parmi les 250 meilleurs hôpitaux du monde selon le magazine américain « Newsweek » cette même année.

Pour tout complément d’information, veuillez contacter :

M. Essam AlZahrani, Responsable des affaires médiatiques, 0555254429

M. Abdullah Alown, Coordinateur médias, 0556294232

Une photo accompagnant ce communiqué est disponible à l’adresse suivante : https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/83d04605–9a75–41cb–8947–81c858209621

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9117305)

King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre begrüßt neuen stellvertretenden CEO inmitten strategischer Umstrukturierungen

RIAD, Saudi–Arabien, May 14, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Das King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre (KFSH&RC) hat vor kurzem Dr. Björn Zoéga als stellvertretenden CEO willkommen geheißen – eine Ernennung, die das Engagement des Krankenhauses zur Förderung von Spitzenleistungen im Gesundheitswesen unterstreicht. Dr. Zoéga, der für seine umfassende Erfahrung in den Bereichen Gesundheitsmanagement sowie Gesundheitspolitik bekannt ist, stößt zu einem engagierten Team, mit dem das Krankenhaus weiterhin wichtige strategische Initiativen vorantreibt.

Das KFSH&RC, eine führende Einrichtung im Bereich der medizinischen Forschung und der klinischen Dienstleistungen, zieht weiterhin weltweite Expertise an, um seine Vision von Spitzenleistungen im Gesundheitswesen zu untermauern. Unter der Mitwirkung von Dr. Zoéga verfolgt das Krankenhaus eine digitale Transformationsstrategie, die darauf abzielt, die betriebliche Effizienz zu steigern und die Patientenversorgung zu verbessern. Seine Erfahrung in der Stärkung internationaler Kooperationen, die er in seiner früheren Rolle als Präsident der European University Hospital Alliance (EUHA) und durch Initiativen wie JOIN4ATMP zur Förderung des Zugangs zu innovativen Therapien unter Beweis gestellt hat, trägt ebenfalls dazu bei, die Dienstleistungen des KFSH&RC an globale Trends im Gesundheitswesen anzupassen.

Zu den wichtigsten Projekten des KFSH&RC gehören der Einsatz fortschrittlicher digitaler Technologien zur Rationalisierung der Patientenversorgung, die Einführung innovativer Pflegemodelle und die Verbesserung der Ausstattung der Einrichtungen. Diese strategischen Bemühungen sollen den Zugang zu medizinischen Dienstleistungen verbessern sowie eine bessere Kommunikation ermöglichen und zeugen vom Engagement des KFSH&RC, neue Standards im Gesundheitswesen zu setzen.

Auch Dr. Zoégas früheres Wirken am Karolinska–Universitätskrankenhaus, das im Newsweek–Ranking „2024 World's Best Hospitals“ als das zweitbeste in Europa und das siebtbeste weltweit eingestuft wurde und wo er sich für eine Kultur des kontinuierlichen Lernens und der Zusammenarbeit unter den Fachkräften des Gesundheitswesens einsetzte, deckt sich mit den Zielen des KFSH&RC. Seine Rolle bei der Förderung von Programmen wie EUCARE und der Erleichterung des europaweiten Austauschs von Intensivpflegekräften in Krisensituationen hat die Personalentwicklung erheblich verbessert und das Ziel seines früheren Krankenhauses, Spitzenkräfte zu gewinnen, unterstützt – ein Prinzip, das sich auch in der angestrebten Transformation des KFSH&RC widerspiegelt. Unter der Leitung von Dr. Zoéga wird das KFSH&RC seine Rolle als zentraler Akteur bei der Gestaltung der Zukunft der Gesundheitsversorgung in Saudi–Arabien weiter ausbauen.

Über das King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre:

Das King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre ist weltweit führend in der Bereitstellung spezialisierter Gesundheitsversorgung, treibt Innovationen voran und dient als Zentrum für medizinische Forschung und Ausbildung. Durch strategische Partnerschaften mit prominenten lokalen, regionalen und internationalen Institutionen engagiert sich das Krankenhaus für die Weiterentwicklung medizinischer Technologien und die Anhebung der Gesundheitsstandards weltweit.

Das Krankenhaus hat seine Position als führende Marke im Gesundheitssektor des Königreichs und des Nahen Ostens gefestigt und wurde zum zweiten Mal in Folge zur wertvollsten Marke im Gesundheitswesen gekürt. Innerhalb des Königreichs liegt es auf Platz 9 und im Nahen Osten auf Platz 28. Das Krankenhaus zeichnet sich als einziges Krankenhaus weltweit dadurch aus, dass es in die Top 10 der Marken seines Landes aufgestiegen ist, was in zwei Berichten von „Brand Finance“ über die 50 wertvollsten Marken in Saudi–Arabien und die 150 wertvollsten Marken im Nahen Osten im Jahr 2024 hervorgehoben wird.

Dank der Transformationsprogramme und der Vision 2030 des Königreichs, die von Seiner Königlichen Hoheit, dem Kronprinzen und Premierminister – möge Gott ihn beschützen – ins Leben gerufen wurden, um die Führungsrolle des Königreichs im globalen Gesundheitssektor zu stärken, hat sich das KFSH&RC zu einem führenden akademischen medizinischen Zentrum im Nahen Osten und in Afrika entwickelt. Laut „Brand Finance“ bleibt es 2024 zum zweiten Mal in Folge auf Platz 20 der Weltrangliste. Außerdem wurde es von der amerikanischen Zeitschrift „Newsweek“ zu den 250 besten Krankenhäusern weltweit im Jahr 2024 gezählt.

Für weitere Informationen wenden Sie sich bitte an:

Hr. Essam AlZahrani, Acting Head of Media Affairs, 0555254429

Hr. Abdullah Alown, Media Coordination Officer, 0556294232

Ein Foto zu dieser Mitteilung ist verfügbar unter https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/83d04605–9a75–41cb–8947–81c858209621

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9117305)

MedSource Labs Announces Innovation in Safety, Accuracy and Functionality of IV Catheters

[Minneapolis, Minnesota, Chanhassen], May 14, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — MedSource Labs moves the needle in the peripheral safety IV market with the announcement of ClearSafe Comfort and TrueSafe Comfort Blood Control IV Catheters with groundbreaking active blood control check valve technology.

ClearSafe Comfort and TrueSafe Comfort Blood Control IV catheters provide significant benefits over other IV catheters.

  1. Safety: A new blood control device to significantly reduce the risk of exposure to bloodborne pathogens to the caregiver and patient.
  2. Precision: A translucent flashback chamber confirms vessel entry and ensures accuracy.
  3. Front–line functionality: The ergonomic design and non–slip grip ensure easy handling for healthcare workers. 

“Healthcare professionals subject themselves to the risks associated with needlestick injuries and exposure to bloodborne pathogens every time they access a vein,” said Dave Kunelius, President at MedSource Labs. “ClearSafe Comfort and TrueSafe Comfort Blood Control Safety IV Catheters have been engineered to minimize these risks, allowing medical staff to better serve their patients without distraction or worry.” 

These devices conform to the U.S. Needlestick Safety and Prevention Act.

MedSource Labs is a leading medical product developer and supplier specializing in high–quality products and innovative medical product development. The ClearSafe Comfort and TrueSafe Comfort Blood Control Safety IV Catheters are part of MedSource Labs’ high–performing IV catheter lines focused on caring for the caregiver. See the TrueSafe Animations and ClearSafe Animations for a detailed view. 

“Quality has always been a key component of our IV catheter products, and the ClearSafe Comfort and TrueSafe Comfort blood control products raise the bar for medical staff safety and patient care,” said Kunelius. 

MedSource Labs is ISO 13485:2016 certified for quality management in medical device manufacturing, registered with the FDA, and the blood control catheters are 510(k) Cleared Products. 


MedSource Labs is a leading provider of quality medical products, specializing in high–quality products, equipment and innovative class II medical product development. For over two decades, MedSource Labs has been a trusted provider of quality medical products at a superb value. Recently, MedSource Labs has expanded into new markets and grown its international services and offerings, including a focus on the EMERGE product imagine/design/build process.


GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9116905)

SBSTTA and SBI—Biodiversity Meetings Crucial for the Global South Begin

Over 1,400 delegates, including 600 representing parties or signatories from over 150 countries and a significant delegation of Indigenous Peoples and other observer organizations, including women’s groups are attending two crucial biodiversity meetings in Nairobi, Kenya. Credit: Stella Paul/IPS

Over 1,400 delegates, including 600 representing parties or signatories from over 150 countries and a significant delegation of Indigenous Peoples and other observer organizations, including women’s groups are attending two crucial biodiversity meetings in Nairobi, Kenya. Credit: Stella Paul/IPS

By Stella Paul
NAIROBI, May 14 2024 – The 26th meeting of the Subsidiary Body of Scientific, Technical, and Technological Advisors (SBSTTA) of the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (UNCBD) started in Nairobi, Kenya, on Monday. Over 1,400 delegates, including 600 representing signatories or parties from over 150 countries, are present for the seven-day meeting at the headquarters of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). A large number of members from Indigenous Peoples and other observer organizations, including women’s groups, are also attending the meetings.

SBSTTA will be followed by the meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Implementation (SBI), another subsidiary body of the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). The SBI will take place from May 20–29 at the same venue.

Opening the meeting on Monday morning, David Cooper, the Acting Executive Secretary of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity, called on the delegates for a successful meeting.

“A key part of ensuring the implementation of the Global Biodiversity Framework is to monitor the progress and that’s why finalizing a monitoring framework includes authenticators for the parties to report on. I would like to give my sincere appreciation to all those working on putting together a comprehensive set of authenticators. I encourage you to make full use of what we have achieved so far and let’s make this meeting a success,” Cooper said.

IPS, which is exclusively covering the meetings, has insights into the meetings and presents here the brief history of both the meetings and their significance in larger global biodiversity protection, especially in the global south, including the implementation of the Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF), the legally binding international biodiversity treaty adopted by the nations in December 2022

SBSTTA: History, Mandate and Role in the COP

SBSTTA was established 30 years ago, in 1994, as a subsidiary body of the CBD during the first meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP) to the CBD in Nassau, Bahamas. Article 25 of the CBD, which mandated its creation, tasked it with giving the COP timely advice regarding the application of the Convention.

Since then, SBSTTA ‘s main role has been providing assessments of scientific, technical, and technological information relevant to the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity. It typically meets once or twice a year to review and assess relevant scientific information, including reports submitted by Parties, relevant organizations, and stakeholders. Its discussions cover a wide range of topics, including biodiversity loss, ecosystem services, invasive species, genetic resources, and biotechnology.

The main output of SBSTTA meetings is a set of recommendations to the COP, which are based on the scientific and technical assessments conducted during its sessions. These recommendations provide guidance to Parties and other stakeholders on key issues related to the implementation of the CBD.

For example, in 2007, SBSTTA recommended that the biodiversity COP consider the potential impacts of synthetic biology on biodiversity and ecosystems and encourage Parties to undertake further research, risk assessments, and regulatory measures to address any potential risks associated with the release of synthetic organisms into the environment.

This recommendation was later taken up by the CBD COP, leading to the adoption of decisions on synthetic biology, including Decision XIII/17, which encouraged Parties to continue their efforts to address the potential positive and negative impacts of synthetic biology on biodiversity, and take a  precautionary approach.

A more recent example is the SBSTTA’s recommendation from 2018 that the COP should encourage Parties to mainstream biodiversity considerations into sectoral and cross-sectoral policies, plans, and programs, including those pertaining to agriculture, fisheries, forestry, tourism, energy, and infrastructure.

The CBD COP later agreed with this suggestion, which led to the adoption of decisions and guidelines on mainstreaming biodiversity across sectors. One of these was Decision XIV/4, which asked Parties to do more to mainstream biodiversity into relevant sectors and to encourage synergies between the goals of sustainable development and biodiversity conservation.

SBSTTA and Genetically Modified Mosquitoes

SBSTTA-26 has a large number of issues on its agenda. Most prominent among them are: 1) creating a monitoring framework for the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework; 2) synthetic biology; 3) detection and identification of living modified organisms; and 4) biodiversity and health.

It is expected that under the detection and identification of living modified organisms, genetically engineered mosquitoes for Malaria prevention will be discussed. Research on genetically engineered mosquitoes for malaria control has been an area of interest and investigation for several years, although little information is available on it in the public domain.

Scientists in many countries, including in the United States and Brazil, have been exploring various genetic modification techniques to create mosquitoes that are resistant to the malaria parasite or are unable to transmit the disease. One approach involves genetically modifying mosquitoes to produce antibodies that neutralize the malaria parasite when it enters their bodies.

The other approach is to use “Gene Drive Technology,” which involves modifying mosquitoes in a way that ensures the modified genes are passed on to a high proportion of their offspring. Already, many field trials of genetically engineered mosquitoes have been conducted or are underway in different parts of the world, most notably those conducted by the company Oxitec in Brazil and the Cayman Islands.

At the SBSTTA, scientific and technical advisors will look closely at the important environmental and ethical considerations related to GE mosquitoes. According to the World Health Organization’s 2023 World Malaria Report, there has been an increase in malaria infections all over the world as a result of climate change. However, several countries and organizations have serious reservations against the release of GM mosquitoes, which they believe may have an irreversible and devastating impact on local biodiversity. One of the most vocal organizations against GE/GM mosquitoes has been Friends of the Earth, a US-based environmental advocacy group. Dana Perls, senior program manager at Friends of the Earth, said, “Significant scientific research on genetically engineered mosquitoes is still needed to understand the potential public health and environmental threats associated with the release of this novel genetically engineered insect.”

The SBSTTA is expected to witness passionate discussions, especially from environmental NGOs and faith-based organizations, including the need to ensure that communities are properly informed and engaged in decision-making processes, especially in the global south.

The agenda for the meetings includes creating a monitoring framework for the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, synthetic biology, detection and identification of living modified organisms, and biodiversity and health. Credit: Stella Paul/IPS

The agenda for the meetings includes creating a monitoring framework for the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, synthetic biology, detection and identification of living modified organisms, and biodiversity and health. Credit: Stella Paul/IPS

SBI: Most Crucial Agenda Items

The SBI was established under the CBD during the third meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP) to the CBD in 1996. The SBI’s mandate includes providing guidance and recommendations to the COP on matters related to the implementation of the CBD as well as identifying obstacles and challenges that may hinder effective implementation.

Like SBSTTA, SBI also typically meets once or twice a year to conduct its work. Its discussions cover a wide range of topics related to the implementation of the CBD, including national biodiversity strategies and action plans, financial resources and mechanisms, capacity-building, and technology transfer.

Chaired by Chirra Achalender Reddy of India, the SBI in Nairobi has placed several items on its agenda. However, the most crucial ones among them are: 1) resource mobilization and financial mechanisms; 2) a review of the progress in national target setting; and 3) the updating of national biodiversity strategies and action plans.

As IPS recently reported, only a handful of countries have so far been able to submit their updated biodiversity action plans, while the rest are said to be facing multiple challenges in doing so, including a lack of capacity. In fact, Kenya, the host country of these meetings, has not been able to submit their updated action plan yet.

On Monday, in her inaugural address during the opening ceremony of SBSTTA, Ingrid Andersen, the Executive Director of UNEP, acknowledged that a lack of capacity to revise and update their action plans has been reported by several member states. “Capacity building is a serious issue and at the SBSTTA and SBI, this will be seriously discussed,” Andersen said.

David Ainsworth, the Communications Director of UNCBD, said that the capacity is lacking in several areas, including communications (where countries do not know how to communicate to different ministries the need for working together to develop their biodiversity action plans), finance (lack of funding, budgetary constraints), and knowledge.

“Perhaps the most crucial of these is finance and this will be seriously discussed at the SBI,” Ainsworth said.

IPS UN Bureau Report


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EcoSafi introduces the cleanest, most efficient biomass cookstove ever made

PARIS, May 14, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Today at the IEA Summit for Clean Cooking in Africa, EcoSafi, a provider of high quality clean cookstoves and sustainable biofuels, announced a major step in their fight against climate change with the release of the EcoSafi BetterStove. It has also received the first–ever ‘A’ rating for a clean cookstove project from ratings agency BeZero Carbon.

Over 2 billion people still cook their meals using wood, charcoal, or even dung, a practice that’s one of the leading causes of global carbon emissions and deforestation, and the leading cause of death and disease from household air pollution.

The BetterStove serves as a substantial leap from past biomass stoves, giving families a clean, sustainable, and affordable way to make dinner. Designed to combine form with function, BetterStove is the cleanest, most efficient, and best performing biomass stove in production, delivering gas–like performance on planet–saving, sustainable biofuel. More than offering just great performance, the BetterStove completely reimagines how cookstoves look, showcasing a bold, sleek design that families will be excited to use.

The BetterStove has several features that enable it to perform better than any other biomass cookstove on the market:

  • Efficient: BetterStove offers unmatched thermal efficiency and run time. It is 25% more efficient than the next best gasifying stove, which is the key driver of reduced carbon emissions. Just one batch of sustainable biofuel provides up to 2.5 hours of cook time.
  • Affordable: EcoSafi’s biofuel is half the price of charcoal or LPG and delivers an equivalent, if not better, cooking experience.
  • Clean: The BetterStove meets the WHO definition for a clean cookstove, which includes tier 4+ for PM2.5 and tier 5 for CO, meaning the BetterStove is comparable to electric, LPG and other similar technologies.
  • Sustainable: The stove is 95% cleaner than charcoal and can avoid up to 3.5 tons of carbon emissions per customer, per year, when using the strictest methodology and metrics available. BetterStove’s IoT–native design also delivers real–time carbon impact verification.
  • Customer–centric: Designed for years of use, and with years of customer feedback, the BetterStove is also backed by a lifetime warranty unmatched by any other stove. Remote sensing capabilities allow EcoSafi to not only measure carbon emissions accurately, but respond to real–time insights that can ensure customer satisfaction.

“Families deserve a clean, low–cost, reliable way to make dinner, one that won’t hurt their pocketbook or our planet. This stove cooks better than any biomass stove being made today, saving families time and money, while helping cool the planet,” said EcoSafi CEO Tom Price. “We are delighted to offer our customers a premium product that was designed with their feedback, to meet their needs and wants at every step. Our new cookstove has a clean, modern design that customers will be proud to use in their homes. At EcoSafi, we are obsessed with quality, from the stoves themselves, to the sustainable biofuel pellets that power them, to the carbon credits we offer. This new stove is an embodiment of that ethos and our commitment to delivering the best products and service possible.”

The release of the BetterStove further solidifies EcoSafi as a trusted leader in clean cooking, and builds on recent industry–first success. Last week, the company announced its issuance of the first carbon credits generated in Africa under Gold Standard’s industry–leading Metered and Measured Energy Cooking Devices (MECD) methodology. The company has already received an offer for their entire first tranche of premium credits, which come recommended by UC Berkeley for delivering proven impact, at a price of $30 each. The pending transaction would be almost 10X the spot market price for cooking offsets, proving that high quality credits command premium prices.

Even more significantly, yesterday, EcoSafi was proud to have received an ‘A’ rating from BeZero. This is the highest rating BeZero has ever given a cookstove project anywhere in the world, and the first ‘A,’ validating EcoSafi’s commitment to charting a new path forward in high integrity carbon for the entire cookstove industry. To read our ratings summary and learn more about our BeZero rating, click here and register for a free BeZero account.

EcoSafi was honored to be the only cookstove company invited to exhibit as a Climate Innovation Partner at the COP28 UN Climate Change Conference in Dubai, and to be among a handful of companies invited to be featured at this week’s IEA Summit.

Currently operating in Kenya and Uganda, EcoSafi’s stoves are free to use with a one–time, $5 service fee plus a subscription to EcoSafi’s affordable biofuel. EcoSafi’s fuel pellets are made entirely from sugarcane waste in Africa, saving trees and slashing carbon emissions. The BetterStove will be available to customers starting this summer.

If you’re interested in a demo of the BetterStove contact betterstove@ecosafi.com, or, if you would like more information on purchasing EcoSafi's high–quality, high–integrity carbon credits, contact carbon@ecosafi.com.

About EcoSafi
EcoSafi is a provider of clean cookstoves and sustainable biofuels delivering on the promise of clean cooking and high quality carbon credits in Africa. It offers a premium cookstove and low–cost, sustainable biofuel made from agricultural waste to replace the burning of harmful wood fuels – the leading source of climate emissions per household in the developing world, and a leading driver of deforestation in Africa. A champion for integrity around carbon markets, EcoSafi scales its impact via high–quality carbon credits, trusted by the most rigorous buyers on the market.

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9116810)

Educating the Mind Without Educating the Heart is No Education at All

By Yasmine Sherif
NEW YORK, May 14 2024 – The words above, by the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle, serve as a reminder that we still have a long way to go to in educating ourselves. In doing so, we will naturally ensure that the young generation can access an inclusive quality education and use their knowledge to build a world of justice, equity, peace and security.

Yet, with brutal atrocities and horrific conflicts relentlessly spreading in Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo, Gaza, the Sudan and Ukraine – in addition to another 50 devastating conflicts taking place around the world – we cannot say in all honesty that we are using our hearts. It would also be dishonest to claim that since the proclamation of the UN Charter in San Francisco we have built a world based on human rights, peace and security.

Instead, the gulf between the rule of law and today’s wicked reality is only widening. In this dark abyss, millions upon millions of vulnerable and innocent children and youth are pleading for humanity and crying out for respect of their inherent human rights, starting with the foundational right to an inclusive quality education in a protective learning environment.

We have created a divided, bitter world reminiscent of a bloody battlefield. A world of destruction, disregard for human life and the earth itself. One begs to ask the question whether it really matters if we have advanced in technology while we are losing our humanity. Or, as Martin Luther King Jr said: “Our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power. We have guided missiles and misguided men.”

Consequently, over 226 million children and adolescents currently living in these battlefields cannot access a quality education – with many also losing their mothers, fathers, siblings, limbs, homes and future. It is quite astonishing how destructive the mind can be in the absence of emotional intelligence or the education of the heart.

Schools, teachers and students are purposely and blatantly targeted, adolescent girls are subjugated and pushed into the shadows, and both girls and boys are victimized by wars and systematic violations of their inherent human rights. It has been going on for so long now that the abnormal has almost become normal. This cannot continue.

When will we respond to the universal and collective commitments outlined in the UN Charter, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Sustainable Development Goals? When will we realize the right of every child to an education in a safe learning environment?

It will only come the day that we begin to educate our hearts as well as our minds.

An educated heart cannot turn a blind eye to the unrelenting destruction of human life or nature. An educated heart acts to prevent the growing inequities in the world. An educated heart finds it unbearable to ignore the right of 226 million children to a quality education.

According to Education Cannot Wait’s strategic partner Educo, humanitarian appeals to meet education demands have dramatically increased more than sevenfold in the last decade – from US$517 million to US$3.785 billion – while contributions have only increased fourfold over the same period, from US$190 million to US$805 million.

The gap is daunting and the consequences for children caught in emergencies and protracted crises are beyond devastating. Indeed, this growing funding gap will result in dangerous consequences for the world. According to Educo’s analysis, “88% of the countries and territories in humanitarian crises have significant or fundamental challenges for achieving the SDG goal (SDG4) for education.”

In forgotten crises, such as Bangladesh, the Central African Republic, Chad, Lebanon, Yemen and beyond, we have instead contributed to creating a generational gap and perpetuating cycles of violence, poverty, forced displacement and further inequality.

There is also a significant gap between the Global North and Global South. In OECD countries, around 7% of GDP is spent on primary and secondary education per student every year. In some countries, such as Luxembourg, it rises to as much as US$25,000 a year per student.

On the other hand, according to the IMF: “In sub-Saharan Africa, the median education budget was equal to about 3.5% of GDP in 2020 – below the international recommendation of at least 4% of GDP. Recent IMF analysis reveals that achieving the key Sustainable Development Goal of universal primary and secondary school enrollment by 2030 may require doubling education expenditures as a share of GDP, including from both public and private funding sources.”

An educated heart cannot accept these figures and leave millions of young lives and the potential of their futures behind. The resources exist. Referring to Martin Luther King Jr’s quote above, the question is how we choose to use these resources. We can either continue on the path of destruction or take a more constructive and responsible approach.

By crowding in resources from the public and private sectors, we have the chance to educate both the hearts and the minds of an entire generation. A generation that may be the one establishing human rights, peace and security for all, while creating a world of shared values that rests on the rule of law, rather than the rule by force.

In this month’s high-level interview with Amy Clarke, Co-Founder and Chief Impact Officer for Tribe Impact Capital LLP, we explore a promising new modality to connect private sector capital to sustainable results, environment and building a better world. In joining forces with Education Cannot Wait, Amy Clarke says: “As ECW works tirelessly to address the immediate educational needs of these children, it’s crucial we also forge a path toward a future that promises fairness, justice and equity.” As such, Tribe Impact Capital LLP stands out as one of our private sector partners that lead with both their heart and mind. They show us that it is indeed possible.

It has been said that the longest journey we can make is the one between the mind and the heart. At this point in time, when the world is engulfed in utter destruction, when nearly a quarter of billion children and teachers are losing limbs, life and hope under the rubble of their targeted schools, it is time for us all to set sail on that journey.

Yasmine Sherif is Executive Director Education Cannot Wait (ECW)

IPS UN Bureau


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