IdentiFlight présente sa technologie V5 ciblée sur une meilleure protection de la faune dans les parcs éoliens

LOUISVILLE, État du Colorado, 05 juin 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — IdentiFlight, un acteur leader des systèmes anticollision aviaire conçus pour les parcs éoliens, est fière d’annoncer le lancement de sa technologie V5, qui constitue une avancée majeure en termes de performances et de fiabilité. En s’appuyant sur l’expérience éprouvée de la Société en matière de protection des espèces d’oiseaux et en s’inscrivant dans une démarche d’accompagnement du développement des énergies renouvelables, la V5 d’IdentiFlight établit une nouvelle norme en matière d’efficacité des systèmes de détection aviaire.

« Nous sommes ravis de dévoiler notre technologie V5, qui marque une avancée de taille dans la protection des espèces présentes dans les parcs éoliens », observe Carlos Jorquera, PDG et directeur technique de Boulder Imaging, la société responsable du développement d’IdentiFlight, avant d’ajouter : « Cette étape reflète notre engagement inébranlable en faveur d’un avenir durable, où l’énergie propre se développe positivement au cœur d’écosystèmes prospères. »

Principales caractéristiques de la solution :

Meilleure performance : la V5 gagne en précision et en efficacité de détection, permettant la rapide et fiable identification et classification des espèces d’oiseaux, notamment ceux faisant partie de la famille des rapaces comme les aigles, les faucons ou les éperviers, et prolonge le périmètre de détection jusqu’à 1,3 km.

Robuste conception : grâce à ses solides armoires de commande capables de résister à des conditions environnementales difficiles, la V5 est optimisée pour être exploitable dans divers territoires, y compris, désormais, les zones côtières.

Meilleur entretien : le nouveau design de la V5 facilite sa maintenance et son entretien, minimisant ainsi les temps d’arrêt et optimisant l’efficacité opérationnelle pour les exploitants de parcs.

Le premier déploiement de la V5 aura lieu dans le parc éolien de Musselroe en Tasmanie, et se fera en collaboration avec Woolnorth Renewables. « L’installation de la V5 d’IdentiFlight à Musselroe souligne notre engagement à protéger les espèces emblématiques de Tasmanie que sont le pygargue à queue cendrée et l’aigle pêcheur à poitrine blanche », remarque Jie Yao, directeur général de Woolnorth Renewables. Et de conclure : « Nous reconnaissons que les solutions de pointe, telles qu’IdentiFlight, jouent un rôle clé dans l’atténuation des risques potentiels des parcs éoliens, à l'heure où que nous faisons progresser les initiatives essentielles en matière d’énergie propre en Tasmanie et en Australie. »

Don Mills, président et directeur de l’exploitation de Boulder Imaging, ajoute : « Avec Woolnorth Renewables, nous sommes fiers d’écrire un nouveau chapitre en matière de protection des espèces. Déployer la technologie V5 d’IdentiFlight dans le parc éolien de Musselroe va au–delà du concept d’innovation pour établir un nouveau référentiel en protection de la faune dans les parcs éoliens. Ce partenariat représente bien plus qu’une simple collaboration ; il traduit un engagement commun en faveur de la préservation et du progrès. »

Pour plus d’informations sur la façon dont IdentiFlight et sa technologie V5 contribuent à la protection des espèces, tout en optimisant la production d’énergie à l’appui de résultats probants, veuillez consulter le site

À propos d’IdentiFlight et de son fonctionnement

Mis au point par Boulder Imaging, Inc., IdentiFlight fait appel à une technologie de pointe en matière de visualisation automatique et d’intelligence artificielle pour atteindre un taux de précision de 99 % dans l’identification des espèces aviaires présentes au sein des parcs éoliens dans un rayon de 1,3 km. Des logiciels spécialisés et des réseaux neuronaux analysent rapidement les images, déterminant la position 3D, la vitesse, la trajectoire et les espèces spécifiques.

IdentiFlight protège les oiseaux dans les parcs éoliens opérationnels en réduisant le risque de collision avec les pales des éoliennes et réduit les pertes d’énergie grâce à une réduction éclairée. En outre, le système contribue à la réalisation de projets d’énergie éolienne en mesurant l’activité des oiseaux sur les sites potentiels. Déployé à l’échelle mondiale depuis 2016 et validé de manière indépendante sur plusieurs années, le système IdentiFlight active désormais la protection des oiseaux sur des centaines d’éoliennes à travers le monde. Des recherches indépendantes soulignent l’efficacité de ce système, qui a permis de réduire de plus de 85 % le nombre de décès d’aigles par rapport à d’autres méthodes antérieures d’atténuation.
Pour de plus amples informations, consultez le site Internet d’IdentiFlight.

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9148117)

IdentiFlight Debuts V5 Technology: Elevating Wind Farm Wildlife Protection

LOUISVILLE, Colo., June 04, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — IdentiFlight, a leader in avian anti–collision systems for wind farms, is proud to announce the launch of its V5 technology. IdentiFlight V5 represents a significant advancement in both performance and reliability. Building upon IdentiFlight's proven track record of safeguarding avian species while supporting the expansion of renewable energy, IdentiFlight V5 sets a new standard for efficiency and effectiveness in avian detection systems.

“We are thrilled to unveil our V5 technology, representing a significant leap forward in species protection at wind farms,” Carlos Jorquera, CEO and CTO of Boulder Imaging – the company responsible for developing IdentiFlight – remarked. “This milestone reflects our unwavering dedication to a sustainable future, where clean energy flourishes alongside thriving ecosystems.”

Key features of IdentiFlight V5 include:

Enhanced Performance: V5 boasts improved detection accuracy and efficiency, ensuring swift and reliable identification and classification of bird species, particularly raptors such as eagles, hawks, and falcons, expanding detection to a 1.3 km range.

Ruggedized Design: With ruggedized control cabinets capable of withstanding harsh environmental conditions, V5 is optimized for deployment in diverse landscapes, now including coastal areas.

Streamlined Serviceability: The new design of V5 facilitates easier maintenance and serviceability, minimizing downtime and optimizing operational efficiency for wind farm operators.

The debut deployment of V5 will take place at the Musselroe Wind Farm in Tasmania, in collaboration with Woolnorth Renewables. “The installation of IdentiFlight V5 at Musselroe underscores our dedication to protecting Tasmania's iconic wedge–tailed eagle and white–bellied sea eagle,” Jie Yao, Woolnorth Renewables General Manager, stated. “We recognize that cutting–edge solutions, such as IdentiFlight, are integral to mitigating potential risks of wind farms as we advance critical clean energy initiatives across Tasmania and Australia.”

Boulder Imaging President and COO, Don Mills went on to say, “Together with Woolnorth Renewables, we're proud to pioneer this next chapter in species protection. By deploying IdentiFlight's V5 technology at the Musselroe Wind Farm, we're not just innovating; we're setting new benchmarks for wildlife protection in wind farms. This partnership represents more than just a collaboration; it's a shared commitment to conservation and progress.”

For more information on how IdentiFlight and their V5 technology offers species protection, while maximizing power generation with proven results, please visit

About IdentiFlight and How it Works

Developed by Boulder Imaging, Inc., IdentiFlight utilizes cutting–edge machine vision and AI technology to achieve a 99% accuracy rate in identifying avian species within a 1.3 km range in wind farms. Specialized software and neural networks swiftly analyze images, determining 3D position, speed, trajectory, and specific species.

IdentiFlight safeguards birds in operational wind farms by reducing collision risk with turbine blades and reduces energy loss through informed curtailment. Additionally, it supports wind energy projects by quantifying bird activity at potential sites. Deployed globally since 2016 and independently validated over multiple years, the IdentiFlight system now protects for hundreds of wind turbines worldwide. Independent research underscores its effectiveness, showcasing over 85% reduction in eagle fatalities over previous mitigation methods.

Explore further at IdentiFlight's website.


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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9146975)

IdentiFlight stellt V5-Technologie vor: Verbesserter Schutz von Wildtieren in Windparks

LOUISVILLE, Colorado, June 05, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — IdentiFlight, ein führender Anbieter von Antikollisionssystemen für Windparks, ist stolz darauf, die Einführung seiner V5–Technologie bekannt zu geben. IdentiFlight V5 stellt einen bedeutenden Fortschritt in Bezug auf Leistung und Zuverlässigkeit dar. Aufbauend auf der bewährten Erfolgsgeschichte von IdentiFlight beim Schutz von Vogelarten und der gleichzeitigen Förderung des Ausbaus erneuerbarer Energien setzt IdentiFlight V5 einen neuen Standard für Effizienz und Effektivität von Vogelerkennungssystemen.

„Wir freuen uns, unsere V5–Technologie vorzustellen, die einen bedeutenden Fortschritt für den Artenschutz in Windparks darstellt“, so Carlos Jorquera, CEO und CTO von Boulder Imaging, dem Unternehmen, das IdentiFlight entwickelt. „Dieser Meilenstein spiegelt unser unermüdliches Engagement für eine nachhaltige Zukunft wider, in der saubere Energie neben florierenden Ökosystemen gedeiht.“

Zu den wichtigsten Funktionen von IdentiFlight V5 gehören:

Verbesserte Leistung: V5 zeichnet sich durch eine verbesserte Erkennungsgenauigkeit und –effizienz aus, die eine schnelle und zuverlässige Identifizierung und Klassifizierung von Vogelarten, insbesondere von Greifvögeln wie Adlern, Habichten und Falken, gewährleistet und die Erkennung auf eine Reichweite von 1,3 km erweitert.

Widerstandsfähiges Design: Mit robusten Schaltschränken, die auch rauen Umgebungsbedingungen standhalten, ist V5 für den Einsatz in verschiedenen Landschaften, jetzt auch in Küstenregionen, optimiert.

Optimierte Wartungsfreundlichkeit: Das neue Design von V5 erleichtert die Wartung und Instandhaltung, minimiert Ausfallzeiten und optimiert die Betriebseffizienz für Windparkbetreiber.

Der erste Einsatz von V5 wird im Windpark Musselroe in Tasmanien in Zusammenarbeit mit Woolnorth Renewables erfolgen. „Die Installation von IdentiFlight V5 in Musselroe unterstreicht unser Engagement für den Schutz des symbolträchtigen tasmanischen Keilschwanzadlers und des Weißbauch–Seeadlers“, so Jie Yao, General Manager von Woolnorth Renewables. „Wir sind uns bewusst, dass innovative Lösungen wie IdentiFlight wesentlich dazu beitragen, die potenziellen Risiken von Windparks zu mindern, während wir wichtige Initiativen für saubere Energie in Tasmanien und Australien vorantreiben.“

Don Mills, President und COO von Boulder Imaging, dazu weiter: „Wir sind stolz darauf, gemeinsam mit Woolnorth Renewables dieses nächste Kapitel des Artenschutzes aufzuschlagen. Mit dem Einsatz der V5–Technologie von IdentiFlight im Windpark Musselroe sind wir nicht nur innovativ, sondern setzen neue Maßstäbe für den Schutz von Wildtieren in Windparks. Diese Partnerschaft ist mehr als nur eine Zusammenarbeit, sie ist ein gemeinsames Engagement für Umweltschutz und Fortschritt.“

Weitere Informationen darüber, wie IdentiFlight und seine V5–Technologie zum Artenschutz beitragen und gleichzeitig die Energieerzeugung mit bewährten Ergebnissen maximieren, finden Sie unter

Über IdentiFlight und wie es funktioniert

Das von Boulder Imaging, Inc. entwickelte IdentiFlight nutzt modernste Bildverarbeitungs– und KI–Technologien, um eine 99–prozentige Genauigkeit bei der Identifizierung von Vogelarten innerhalb eines Bereichs von 1,3 km in Windparks zu erreichen. Spezialisierte Software und neuronale Netze analysieren Bilder schnell und bestimmen 3D–Position, Geschwindigkeit, Flugbahn und spezifische Arten.

IdentiFlight schützt Vögel in Windparks, indem es das Risiko von Kollisionen mit den Turbinenblättern verringert und Energieverluste durch gezielte Drosselung reduziert. Darüber hinaus unterstützt es Windenergieprojekte durch die Quantifizierung der Vogelaktivität an potenziellen Standorten. Das seit 2016 weltweit eingesetzte und über mehrere Jahre hinweg unabhängig validierte IdentiFlight–System schützt mittlerweile Hunderte von Windkraftanlagen weltweit. Unabhängige Forschungen belegen die Wirksamkeit des Systems: Die Zahl der getöteten Adler ist im Vergleich zu früheren Methoden um über 85 % gesunken.
Weitere Informationen finden Sie auf der Website von IdentiFlight.

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9148117)

Tealium’s Digital Velocity conferences return globally

San Diego, June 04, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) —  Tealium, the largest independent and most trusted customer data platform (CDP), is hosting three flagship Digital Velocity conferences in–person for customers and partners in North America, Europe, and Asia Pacific regions. This year's theme, Welcome to the Real–Time Revolution: Where Moments Matter, will showcase how customer data can be used to enhance business and customer experience results, specifically in the areas of AI, privacy, and compliance.

“The experience economy is undergoing major shifts driven by the acceleration of AI and evolving global privacy regulations,” said Jeff Lunsford, CEO of Tealium. “Tealium’s real–time platform helps brands take customer experience initiatives to new heights. We enable companies to dazzle customers during their most pivotal moments through data–driven personalization and seamless digital experiences that prioritize trust and respect for consumer privacy. This year at Digital Velocity, we will be deep–diving into how we make that possible for the enterprises we serve globally, featuring use cases directly from our customers.” 

Below are the schedules for Tealium’s 2024 Digital Velocity conferences:

This year, Tealium announces strategic investments in several areas as part of its commitment to innovation:

  • The Tealium Trust Platform: Tealium’s standardized and governed infrastructure for real–time data applications and increased observability to orchestrate compliant customer data flows. This is a culmination of advancements to Tealium’s user interface (UI), embedded analytics, integration marketplace, and more. 
  • Real–Time Data: The Tealium Moments API and Tealium Moments IQ are just the start of the company’s zero– and first–party real–time data solutions. These features provide real–time insights in new and more flexible ways to own the moments that matter most. 
  • Artificial Intelligence: Data readiness is the foundation for AI success. Tealium is investing heavily in existing and new AI–powered solutions for more intelligent insights. 
    • Tealium Predict: DIY–style, machine learning technology for enhanced customer experience initiatives.  
    • Tealium Genius: New AI assistant to boost productivity and support teams in better understanding their data layer.
    • Tealium for AI: Fuel AI models with consented, filtered, and enriched data in real–time.
  • Expanded Partnerships: Embrace stack composability to leverage customers’ existing and new partner integrations for a more centralized infrastructure.
    • Tealium’s Cloud Data Warehouse Partner Ecosystem: A collection of integrations to work in harmony with cloud data providers, like Snowflake.
    • Global Ad Partner Expansion: New integration capabilities to accelerate ad performance and measurement with Snap, Pinterest, LinkedIn, The Trade Desk, Reddit, and more. 

Tealium is also continuing to innovate within highly–regulated industries and has now launched Tealium for Healthcare. This new suite of solutions supports healthcare companies in reimagining the patient experience, all while prioritizing HIPAA compliance. The solution includes the following features: consent management, identity resolution for unified customer views, and secure data routing to protect PHI across the entire customer journey, among others. 

To learn more and register for a Digital Velocity event in your region, visit

To keep up with the latest company news, visit Tealium’s Newsroom.

About Tealium
As the most trusted CDP, Tealium connects data so businesses can better connect with their customers. Tealium’s real–time data infrastructure allows brands to power their AI models and activate data for enhanced in–the–moment experiences. Tealium’s turnkey integration ecosystem supports more than 1,300 built–in connections from the world’s most prominent technology experts. Tealium's solutions include a real–time customer data platform with machine learning, tag management, an API hub, and data management solutions that make customer data more valuable, actionable, privacy–compliant, and secure. Named as a Leader in the Gartner® Magic Quadrant for Customer Data Platforms™, more than 850 leading businesses globally trust Tealium to power their customer data strategies. For more information, visit

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9148412)

Fortrea Completes Divestiture of Endpoint Clinical and Patient Access Businesses to Arsenal Capital Partners

DURHAM, N.C., June 04, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Fortrea (Nasdaq: FTRE) a leading global contract research organization (“CRO”), today announced it has completed the divestiture of assets relating to its Enabling Services segment, namely its Endpoint Clinical (“Endpoint”) and Fortrea Patient Access (“FPA”) businesses, to Arsenal Capital Partners (“Arsenal”), a leading private equity firm specializing in building market–leading, technology–rich healthcare and industrial growth companies.

Endpoint and FPA provide best–in–class Randomization and Trial Supply Management (RTSM) and patient access solutions respectively. They both represent strategically differentiated entry points within the pharmaceutical services value chain, where Arsenal holds significant domain, scientific and technical knowledge.

Arsenal has appointed Sam Osman, former president of Fortrea’s Enabling Services segment, to serve as chief executive officer of the new entities, and Raymond (“Ray”) H. Hill, an operating partner within Arsenal’s healthcare team, will serve as chairman of the board.

“Endpoint and FPA are distinctly positioned to support the patient journey across clinical trials and through access to novel therapeutics after approval,” said Sam Osman, chief executive officer of Endpoint and FPA. “With Arsenal as our partner, I am confident that both our businesses and our teams will benefit from accelerated growth opportunities as well as investment and executive focus, resulting in enhanced capabilities and solutions for customers.”

“The successful closing of this transaction is a testament to the caliber of the teams involved, who have planned a smooth transition for colleagues, customers and the patients we serve,” said Fortrea Chairman and CEO Tom Pike. “This transaction enables both organizations to focus their leadership and resources on delivering optimal solutions for our customers. As previously disclosed, the net proceeds from this divestiture will be used to reduce a portion of Fortrea’s overall debt structure. As a pure–play clinical CRO, Fortrea remains committed to our mission of delivering solutions that bring life–changing treatments to patients faster.”

Ray Hill, an operating partner of Arsenal and chairman of the board for Endpoint and FPA, said, “I am incredibly excited to be a part of Endpoint and FPA’s next chapter. I look forward to working with the management team in building a strategically important company that provides data–driven solutions for patients.”

Endpoint Clinical
Endpoint operates in the high growth eClinical market as a leading provider of Randomization and Trial Supply Management (RTSM) solutions to biopharmaceutical and CRO customers with expertise in serving complex and late–stage clinical trials. For more than 15 years, Endpoint has had a successful track record of effectively supporting more than 1,750 clinical trials involving 875,000 patients across 90 countries and has cultivated a blue–chip customer base and nurtured long–standing strategic relationships.

Fortrea Patient Access
Fortrea Patient Access is a scaled leader in the HUB services and patient access market, serving the biopharmaceutical industry with comprehensive patient support, product access, affordability and adherence solutions for more than 30 years. Further advanced by its recently expanded non–commercial specialty pharmacy, FortreaRx™, to support enhanced distribution of cold–chain and ambient free goods products, Fortrea Patient Access is committed to driving patient outcomes and improving healthcare accessibility through its extensive experience while currently supporting more than 2.5 million patients and over 100 unique brands across more than 25 disease indications.

About Arsenal Capital Partners
Arsenal Capital Partners is a leading private equity investment firm that specializes in building market–leading industrial growth and healthcare companies. Since its inception in 2000, Arsenal has raised institutional equity investment funds totaling over $10 billion, completed more than 300 platform and add–on acquisitions, and achieved more than 35 realizations. The firm works with management teams to build strategically important companies with leading market positions, high growth and high value–add.  For more information, visit

About Fortrea
Fortrea (Nasdaq: FTRE) is a leading global provider of clinical development solutions to the life sciences industry. We partner with emerging and large biopharmaceutical, biotechnology, medical device and diagnostic companies to drive healthcare innovation that accelerates life changing therapies to patients. Fortrea provides phase I–IV clinical trial management, clinical pharmacology and consulting services. Fortrea’s solutions leverage three decades of experience spanning more than 20 therapeutic areas, a passion for scientific rigor, exceptional insights and a strong investigator site network. Our talented and diverse team working in more than 90 countries is scaled to deliver focused and agile solutions to customers globally. Learn more about how Fortrea is becoming a transformative force from pipeline to patient at and follow us on LinkedIn and X (formerly Twitter).

Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward–Looking Statements

This press release contains “forward–looking statements” within the meaning of the federal securities laws, including Section 27A of the Securities Act and Section 21E of the Exchange Act. Forward–looking statements by their nature address matters that are, to different degrees, uncertain, including the timing of the use of net proceeds to repay a portion of the Company’s outstanding debt. In this context, forward–looking statements often address expected future business and financial performance and financial condition, and often contain words such as “guidance,” “expect,” “assume,” “anticipate,” “intend,” “plan,” “forecast,” “believe,” “seek,” “see,” “will,” “would,” “target,” similar expressions, and variations or negatives of these words that are intended to identify forward–looking statements, although not all forward–looking statements contain these identifying words. Actual results could differ materially from these forward–looking statements due to a number of factors, including, but not limited to factors described from time to time in documents that the Company files with the SEC. For a further discussion of the risks relating to the Company’s business, see the “Risk Factors” Section of the Company’s Annual Report on Form 10–K, as filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”), as such risk factors may be amended or updated from time to time in the Company’s subsequent periodic and other filings with the SEC, which are accessible on the SEC’s website at These factors should not be construed as exhaustive and should be read in conjunction with the other cautionary statements that are included or incorporated by reference in the Company’s filings with the SEC. All forward–looking statements are made only as of the date of this release, and the Company does not undertake any obligation, other than as may be required by law, to update or revise any forward–looking statements to reflect future events or developments.

Fortrea Contacts:
Hima Inguva (Investors) – 877–495–0816, [email protected]
Sue Zaranek (Media) – 919–943–5422, [email protected]
Kate Dillon (Media) – 646–818–9115, [email protected]

Arsenal Contact:

Ellen Pavlovsky – [email protected]           

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9147983)

Dr. Pumla Gobodo-Madikizela Receives 2024 Templeton Prize

West Conshohocken, Pennsylvania, USA, June 04, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The winner of the 2024 Templeton Prize is Dr. Pumla Gobodo–Madikizela. Dr. Gobodo–Madikizela is a professor and South African National Research Foundation’s Chair in Violent Histories and Transgenerational Trauma and the Director of the Centre for the Study of the Afterlife of Violence and the Reparative Quest at Stellenbosch University. Her insights into the mechanisms of trauma and forgiveness in post–apartheid South Africa have created a globally recognized model for social healing in the aftermath of conflict, a model she calls “the reparative quest.”

“The 2024 Templeton Prize winner, Dr. Pumla Gobodo–Madikizela, has a remarkable grasp of the personal and social dynamics that allow for healing in societies wounded by violence,” said Heather Templeton Dill, President of the John Templeton Foundation. “As a psychologist, scholar, and commentator, she has served as a guiding light within South Africa as it charts a course beyond apartheid, facilitating dialogue to help people overcome individual and collective trauma. Her work underscores the importance in contemporary life of cultivating the spiritual values of hope, compassion, and reconciliation.”

Gobodo–Madikizela, 69, was an influential member of the Human Rights Violations Committee of South Africa’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission that aimed to address the injustices of apartheid. Her award–winning 2003 book A Human Being Died That Night recounts her conversations with the former commander of state–sanctioned death squads, Eugene de Kock, and argues for the possibility of remorse, accountability, and forgiveness. 

Her career as a scholar and a public figure is distinguished by her effort to repair ruptures created by past violence and to build a path toward healing and restoration in an ongoing process she calls “the reparative quest.” In international lectures and books, she displays keen powers of sympathy and a deep feeling of humanity toward victims as well as perpetrators of traumatic experiences. 

Dill added: “Her achievements mark her as a leading figure in understanding and confronting the deeply rooted psychological scars borne by those who experienced unimaginable loss.” 

In a statement for the Templeton Prize, Gobodo–Madikizela said: “Through the many encounters I had in my work when I served on the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, I learned that ordinary people, under certain circumstances, are capable of far greater evil than we could have imagined. But so are we capable of far greater virtue than we might have thought. My research is based on this possibility of human transformation, on probing deeper to understand the conditions necessary to restore the values of what it means to be human—to want to preserve the dignity and life of the other. This is the essence of an accountable Ubuntu, a word from my language that is a foundational moral force that reaffirms our shared humanity. I feel a deep sense of gratitude for this prize. The great opportunity it opens for me to work with the next generation of future leaders who will pursue research on these urgent questions is a rare gift.”


Gobodo–Madikizela was born in 1955 in Langa, one of the oldest townships designated for Black residents outside Cape Town, South Africa. She is the eldest daughter of Tukela and Nobantu Gobodo. Growing up under apartheid, she bore witness to the harm of segregation, discrimination, racism, and state brutality. She remembered hiding as tanks drove through her neighborhood. Only when returning to the area in freedom later in life could she appreciate the natural beauty of her home: until the end of apartheid, “I never actually thought of Cape Town as my city,” she said in a video statement for the Templeton Prize, adding that now many South Africans once excluded from society can appreciate the country’s beauty as an “act of reclamation.” Amid this outer oppression and strife, her loving parents raised her with compassion and instilled in her the values of integrity and caring for others.

She went to a boarding high school at Inanda Seminary in Durban, at the time the only private school for Black girls in South Africa, then pursued a bachelor’s degree in psychology at the University of Fort Hare. She later earned a master’s degree in clinical psychology from Rhodes University, focusing on the effects of apartheid on the psychological well–being of Black South Africans. Her early research laid the foundation for her lifelong commitment to exploring the emotional and psychological toll of apartheid on both victims and perpetrators, an interest that led to her doctoral research on violence. She graduated with a PhD degree in psychology from the University of Cape Town.

In the 1990s, with the end of apartheid, Gobodo–Madikizela joined the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) and served as the Chair of the Human Rights Violations Committee in the Western Cape office of the TRC, based in Cape Town. In this role, she served alongside 2013 Templeton Prize winner Archbishop Desmond Tutu, who was appointed by Nelson Mandela to chair the TRC. Her interactions with apartheid–era perpetrators, including Eugene de Kock, a former police colonel who was nicknamed “Prime Evil,” led her to grapple with the profound question of whether forgiveness could be extended to those who had committed heinous crimes.

Her groundbreaking multiple award–winning book A Human Being Died That Night: A South African Story of Forgiveness, recently reprinted as a Mariner Classic, was a result of her interviews with Eugene de Kock. In the book, she explores the inner workings of forgiveness and the capacity of human beings to empathize with one another, even in the darkest of circumstances. The book has been published in multiple translations and was winner of the Alan Paton Award (known as the “Pulitzer” for South African non–fiction), and the Christopher Award. The book was adapted into a stage play that premiered at the Hampstead Theatre in London in 2013.

Gobodo–Madikizela’s academic career continued to flourish, and she held various prestigious positions at institutions such as the University of Cape Town, University of the Free State, and Stellenbosch University. Her research explored topics including empathy, and forgiveness, post–apartheid identity, post–Holocaust dialogue, transgenerational trauma, and memory. She has authored articles and edited and co–edited book volumes on these topics. Gobodo–Madikizela is a socially engaged scholar and has remained focused on research on the transgenerational legacies of historical trauma and the “reparative quest” that must follow to restore justice in society. 

In addition to A Human Being Died That Night, she is the co–author of Narrating Our Healing: Perspectives on Healing Trauma (2007). She has edited and co–edited several book volumes including Memory, Narrative and Forgiveness: Perspectives on the Unfinished Journeys of the Past (2009), as co–editor, as editor of Breaking Intergenerational Cycles of Repetition: A Global Dialogue on Historical Trauma and Memory (2019), and History, Trauma and Shame: Engaging the Past through Second Generation Dialogue (2020), and co–editor of the anthology Post–Conflict Hauntings: Transforming Collective Memories of Historical Trauma (2020).

Gobodo–Madikizela is a Radcliffe Institute fellow. Among the honors she has received are: The Harry Oppenheimer Fellowship Award (2020), considered the most prestigious academic award in Africa, an honorary Doctor of Laws from Rhodes University (2019); honorary Doctor of Theology from the Friedrich–Schiller University, Germany (2017), and she received the “Social Change Award” from Rhodes University for “a contribution made by a leading psychologist to social change in South Africa.” Since 2017 she has held an honorary professorial position at Queen’s University, Belfast, affiliated with the Senator George J. Mitchell Institute for Global Peace, Security and Justice. 

Dr. Gobodo–Madikizela joins a list of 53 Prize recipients including St. Teresa of Kolkata (the inaugural award in 1973) and the Dalai Lama (2012). The 2023 Templeton Prize was awarded to the nurse and midwife, Dr. Edna Adan Ismail. Preceding her was theoretical physicist Dr. Frank Wilczek (2022) and ethologist and conservationist Dr. Jane Goodall (2021). Other social scientists who have won the Prize include Michael Bourdeaux, founder of the Keston Institute, and Michael Novak, philosopher and diplomat. She is the third South African to win the award, preceded by Archbishop Desmond Tutu (2013) and physicist George Ellis (2004).


 Notes to Editors 

About the Templeton Prize
Established in 1972, the Templeton Prize is one of the world’s largest annual individual awards. It is given to honor individuals whose exemplary achievements advance Sir John Templeton’s philanthropic vision: harnessing the power of the sciences to explore the deepest questions of the universe and humankind’s place and purpose within it. Currently valued at £1.1 million GBP, the award is adjusted periodically so it always exceeds the value of the Nobel Prize. Winners have come from a wide range of faiths, fields, and geographies, and have included Nobel Prize winners, philosophers, theoretical physicists, and one canonized saint. The Templeton Prize is awarded by the three Templeton philanthropies: the John Templeton Foundation, based in West Conshohocken, Pennsylvania, and by the Templeton World Charity Foundation and Templeton Religion Trust, based in Nassau, The Bahamas. To learn more, visit

Benjamin Carlson 
[email protected] 

Thomas Burnett
[email protected] 


GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9147796)

Explainer: How India’s Political Parties Neglect Climate Change

A Kashmiri farmer smokes a traditional hookah on his farmland during a break from paddy cultivation. High temperatures are impacting farms across India. Credit: Umar Manzoor Shah/IPS

A Kashmiri farmer smokes a traditional hookah on his farmland during a break from paddy cultivation. High temperatures are impacting farms across India. Credit: Umar Manzoor Shah/IPS

By Umar Manzoor Shah
NEW DELHI, Jun 4 2024 – As India’s 968.8 million voters were gripped by election fever, the worst-ever heat wave held the country in its clutches. 

The Indian capital, New Delhi, recorded the country’s highest ever temperature of 52.9 degrees Celsius (127.22 °F) on May 28. More than 50 people died within a week due to heat stroke across the country. However, ironically, despite climate change and the havoc it is unleashing upon the country’s inhabitants, there was scant mention of it in the manifestos of the 744 political parties contesting the elections. 

India and the Heat Wave

The year 2022 was called the hottest summer ever. That year, it was so hot in India that it broke the 122-year-old record. But then came 2023, when the summer season was so scorching hot that scientists said it was the hottest summer in the last 2,000 years in the northern hemisphere. But then came the year 2024. From January to June, all months were recorded as the hottest months ever. In the Indian state of Uttarakhand, there were forest fires. In the first week of May, forest fires were seen in states like Odisha, Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, and Jharkhand. Heat wave warnings are being issued all over the country, even in places like the southern Indian state of Kerala, where, until recently, heat waves were seldom recorded.

The pervasive heat waves are putting the country’s poor in dire straits. Roadside laborers are dying, and thousands of acres of crops are withering in the heat, affecting millions of people in India’s agriculture sector.

What is a heat wave?

The Indian Meteorological Department will announce a heat wave warning if the temperature on the plains is above 40°C, above 37°C in the coastal areas, and above 30°C in the mountains, or if, for two consecutive days, the temperature is 4.5°C above normal. And if it is 6.4°C above normal for two consecutive days, it is considered a severe heat wave. And if the temperature exceeds 45°C without checking any other conditions, a heat wave is declared.

But, in many cases, the Indian Meteorological Department issues a heat index warning rather than just talking about the temperature. 

What is a heat index? 

Humidity impacts how heat is experienced. So if two places have a temperature of 45°C, but one is more humid, it feels hotter. This is because the moisture in the air means that sweat on the skin doesn’t evaporate as easily. 

In places like the southern Indian city of Chennai, humidity is much higher compared to Delhi. So people feel hotter in Chennai due to the humidity, even when the temperature is lower.  To measure this, there is a heat index that indicates how hot it feels, rather than just measuring temperature. These extreme temperatures are killing people because its difficult to cool their bodies down. 

‘We will all go insane before dying’

According to a report from March 2023, non-communicable diseases were responsible for 1 out of every 4 deaths in India, all because of the heat. In Delhi alone, heat was responsible for 11 percent of deaths.

Prashant Tripathi, known as Acharya Prashant, an Indian philosopher and author, says the situation in India has reached a point where there is a threat of mass insanity looming in the country. Prashant claims that poor people will be the most severely impacted by climate change and that before they pass away, they will go insane, wander around in dry clothes, and attack one another. “This is a very serious matter. You see, when a person is suffering from a high fever, he blabs nonsensical things. The same could be the situation for heat waves. You will see an epidemic of mass insanity happening in the country. We will first go insane and then die—one by one,” he said.

According to him, the political parties have become so consumed with the race to win power that they do not even give a damn about these crucial issues.

Climate change and India’s electoral landscape

While going through the poll manifestos of India’s major political parties, climate change finds the minutest mention. While the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) highlights the importance of fossil fuel reduction for electricity generation, it pledges to work towards achieving net-zero emissions by 2070. The main opposition party, Indian National Congress, claims in its manifesto that it will address the issues of environment and climate change with the seriousness they deserve. The Communist Party of India pledged the promotion of renewable energy, such as solar and wind, if voted to power. Other than this, climate change finds no mention in the massive public rallies that were held across the country during the poll campaign.

Amir Kareem, a research scholar of political science from the University of Kashmir, told IPS that society is so taken up with communal controversies, as issues such as religious diversity and ethnicity are termed in India, that there is little time to look at the real big issue—climate change.

“The Indian political system is still reeling under the crises of providing good roads, free electricity, and jobs. Climate change is not a priority. The main reason is a lack of education and awareness. We are not making our people aware that it is the land, the soil, and the air that are providing us everything. There is crazy stuff of communal hatred, allegations, and counter-allegations, dominating the scene,” Kareem said.

Meanwhile, the million-dollar question remains: Why is the Indian political system playing a proverbial ostrich about the climate change the country is already engulfed in? Only time will tell what price the country will pay for such neglect. As the results pour in, will voters regret not asking heated questions about the climate?

This feature is published with the support of Open Society Foundations.

IPS UN Bureau Report


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Bringing Drought and Floods, El Niño Hits the Most Fragile in Southern Africa

In Uvira, eastern Congo, Lake Tanganyika waters have risen so high that the town is flooded. People have been forced to move from their homes, and fields and houses have been destroyed. An estimated 180,000 people have been affected, and over 142,000 people have been displaced. 4,500 homes, 53 schools, and over 124 hectares of farmland were destroyed. Credit: WFP/Benjamin Anguandia

In Uvira, eastern Congo, Lake Tanganyika waters have risen so high that the town is flooded. People have been forced to move from their homes, and fields and houses have been destroyed. An estimated 180,000 people have been affected, and over 142,000 people have been displaced. 4,500 homes, 53 schools, and over 124 hectares of farmland were destroyed. Credit: WFP/Benjamin Anguandia

By Paul Virgo
ROME, Jun 4 2024 – Kaponde Likando does not know how his family will survive until the next farming season. “We are not going to have anything (to harvest),” said the 60-year-old from Chingobe village in southern Zambia after his maize, sorghum, groundnut and sweet potato crops failed. “This has been the very opposite of what we expected.”

He is among 9.8 million people in Zambia to have been affected by a severe drought linked to the ongoing effects of the El Niño weather phenomenon.

Likando, who is married and has five children, now faces some grim choices.

“Our hope…we expect maybe to sell some of our animals so we can buy maize for food (consumption),” he said.

Across southern Africa, the current El Niño has dealt a devastating blow to some of the world’s hungriest and most fragile communities, where 70% of the population rely on agriculture for their livelihoods

The problem is that once that food runs out, with his livestock gone, there will be nothing standing between his family and starvation.

Likando’s plight is not limited to Zambians.

Across southern Africa, the current El Niño has dealt a devastating blow to some of the world’s hungriest and most fragile communities, where 70% of the population rely on agriculture for their livelihoods.

From Angola to Zimbabwe, it has left normally fertile soils arid, interrupting the production of staples such as maize, and curtailing people’s access to food, as stock dwindle as prices soar.

The three hardest-hit countries – Zambia, Zimbabwe, and Malawi – have declared states of drought disaster. They face widespread crop losses, with between 40% and 80% of their maize harvests decimated.

The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) says that, across the three countries, nearly five million people need humanitarian assistance.

In the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Kato Kasingabalwa is facing the other extreme of El Niño’s impact.

He lost everything, including his maize and rice harvests, in extensive flooding in Uvira, eastern Congo, after torrential rain caused Lake Tanganyika to overflow.

He and his five children have had to move three times to evade the rising water levels and they are living in a makeshift shelter on a vacant piece of land along with many other families whose homes have also been washed away.

Over one million people are estimated to have been impacted by the flooding in DRC, including many who, like Kasingabalwa, have been displaced, while homes, schools, and vast areas of farmland have been destroyed.

“The flooding caught us by surprise,” Kasingabalwa said.

“The water level is so high. We have been forced to move to places we could not have imagined settling in. Right now, the family is seriously struggling. Look at the state of my house there.

“I cannot even start describing the state in which my family members are. Some have wounds caused by water infections. The water is full and keeps coming closer to our settlement.

“It is confusing because in the morning, you wake and see the water level go down, but in the evening, the waves from the lake push the water up again, and we rush to move our belongings. This worries us the most..

“I’m a farmer, and all our harvests and seeds were gone.”

Although this El Niño cycle is coming to an end, the consequences will continue for months to come.

At an Extraordinary Summit of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) on the current crisis in May, leaders said that 61 million people in the region were impacted by El Niño.

They launched an appeal for US$5.5 billion to meet the urgent humanitarian needs and a UN-led event takes place in Pretoria, South Africa, on June 5 to raise funds for the response.

The meeting was convened by UN Assistant Secretary-General Reena Ghelani, the Climate Crisis Coordinator for the El Niño/La Niña Response, the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), WFP, the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the UNHCR Office in Pretoria.

El Niño events, which typically occur every two to seven years, have a major influence on temperature and rainfall in many parts of the world, raising the global average temperature and driving extreme weather events including drought, flooding and storms.

It is a natural phenomenon – a disruption of rainfall patterns caused by the warming of surface waters of the eastern Pacific Ocean – although recent studies suggest that global heating may be leading to stronger El Niño events.

Indeed, the most recent El Niño event is one of the five strongest on record.

“Climate change has affected us,” Likando said. “Seeing this drought, it’s more than in previous years.”

WFP says these climate extremes are a reminder of the urgent need to increase investment in activities that build resilience, especially in Southern Africa, so that communities can be empowered with climate adaptation solutions to mitigate, reduce and absorb the effects of such shocks.

WFP anticipated the effects of the El Niño season as soon as predictions were released in 2023, allowing anticipatory action plans and early warning messages to be prepared.

But the UN agency ability’s to respond to the emergency and avert a hunger catastrophe has been limited after its appeal for funding went unheeded earlier this year.

“El Niño disproportionately affects women and girls,” said Dr Menghestab Haile, WFP Regional Director for Southern Africa.

Haile explained that this is because it is often women who have leave the safety of their homes to go “miles and miles trying to find wood and food,” while girls are the first to leave schools to help their mothers.

“We need irrigation,” added Hailem who has a PhD in Meteorology.

“Water, water, water – if we’d had the resources to expand irrigation, farmers could produce more food.”

WadzPay et Société Minière d’Investissement SA (SMI) signent un accord stratégique pour révolutionner le financement des actifs miniers en République du Congo

JOHANNESBURG, Afrique, 04 juin 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — WadzPay Technologies Africa Pty Ltd, un fournisseur mondial de solutions basées sur la blockchain pour les services financiers, est ravi d'annoncer son partenariat stratégique avec SMI, un véhicule d'investissement et de financement pour les projets liés à l'exploitation minière en République du Congo. Cette collaboration vise à accélérer la numérisation des actifs miniers, à fournir un soutien financier aux PME et à favoriser la croissance économique dans la région.

Ce partenariat s'inscrit dans la mission de SMI d'utiliser ses actifs miniers comme garantie, permettant ainsi l'accès aux marchés financiers internationaux pour des financements essentiels. L'expertise de WadzPay en technologie blockchain et en gestion des actifs numériques s'aligne parfaitement avec les objectifs de SMI, faciliter la tokenisation d'une partie des actifs miniers de SMI.

“Nous sommes ravis d'entamer ce parcours transformateur avec SMI. En exploitant la puissance de la technologie blockchain, nous visons à ouvrir de nouvelles avenues de financement pour le secteur minier, stimulant ainsi une croissance économique durable et la prospérité en République du Congo.” – M. Anish Jain, Fondateur et PDG de WadzPay

WadzPay fournira les services suivants dans le cadre de ce partenariat :

  1. Fournir une Plateforme Technologique Sécurisée et Efficiente pour la Tokenisation : Y compris la conversion de la valeur économique et des droits de propriété dérivés des actifs de SMI en tokens numériques sur la blockchain.
  2. Services de Gestion : En plus de fournir sa plateforme technologique, WadzPay offrira des services de gestion, y compris la tokenomie, la tarification des tokens, la cotation des tokens, le marketing et les services de conseil. Ces services sont conçus pour aider SMI à atteindre ses objectifs de levée de fonds et à renforcer la confiance des investisseurs.
  3. Services d'Échange : WadzPay gérera les services d'échange pour les marchés primaires et secondaires.

M. Brice Gatse, Directeur Général de SMI, a déclaré : “Pour nous, en tant que PME, le partenariat avec WadzPay représente l'espoir de tout un continent. La tokenisation permet aux États Africains, dont la plupart sont engagés dans des programmes avec le FMI et soumis à des restrictions de dette, de surmonter les obstacles à l'investissement. La tokenisation offre à ces États l'opportunité d'utiliser leurs ressources naturelles comme garantie pour lever des fonds et financer les industries extractives, sources de création de richesse et de réduction de la pauvreté. Grâce à cette ingénierie financière innovante, WadzPay ouvre une nouvelle ère pour le financement des économies en développement. C'est également une façon de démocratiser l'investissement, car un plus grand nombre de personnes peuvent désormais investir dans des projets miniers, énergétiques et d'infrastructure auparavant réservés aux grands groupes financiers. Cela représente une opportunité qui s'aligne avec un monde multipolaire et décentralisé permis par la technologie Blockchain. Nous souhaitons à notre collaboration un grand succès.”

Olivier Dipenda, Vice–Président Senior du Développement du Marché Africain chez WadzPay Technologies Africa Pty Ltd, a exprimé son enthousiasme concernant ce partenariat, déclarant : “Nous sommes ravis d'étendre notre offre à SMI en alignement avec sa vision axée sur l'autonomisation économique basée sur tokenisation des actifs. Ce partenariat marque une étape significative vers l’accès au financement et la promotion d'une croissance économique durable en République du Congo.”

À propos de SMI :

Société Minière d'Investissement SA (SMI) est une société enregistrée en République du Congo, conjointement détenue par FIGA et Potash Resources S.A. SMI est a pour objectif attirer des investissements pour le financement de projets miniers ainsi que pour le FIGA, une organisation créée par le gouvernement de la République du Congo avec pour seul mandat de stimuler l'entrepreneuriat en fournissant des garanties aux PME.

À propos de WadzPay :

WadzPay a été fondée en 2018 à Singapour avec l'engagement de favoriser l'inclusion financière et de révolutionner le paysage des services financiers pour les actifs virtuels. C'est un fournisseur mondial de technologie basée sur la blockchain pour les actifs virtuels. La plateforme innovante de l'entreprise, disponible en tant qu'offre SaaS, fournit des solutions technologiques sécurisées, efficientes et transparentes, répondant aux besoins des entreprises (B2B) et des consommateurs (B2B2C). WadzPay collabore avec de grandes entreprises internationales, des banques et des fintechs pour permettre le traitement des transactions basées sur les actifs numériques, leur conservation et la compensation. WadzPay opère dans des plusieurs régions couvrant l'Asie–Pacifique, le Moyen–Orient, l'Afrique, l'Europe et les Amériques.

Pour plus d'informations, visitez

Cellule de communication

Arijit Das

Medias and Communications

[email protected]

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9148314)

WadzPay and Societe Miniere D'Investissement SA (SMI) Forge Strategic Partnership to Revolutionise Mining Asset Financing

JOHANNESBURG, Africa, June 04, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — WadzPay Technologies Africa Pty Ltd, a leading global blockchain–based solutions provider for financial services, is excited to announce its strategic partnership with SMI, an investment and financing vehicle for mining related projects in the Republic of Congo. This collaboration aims to accelerate mining assets digitization, provide financial support to the MSME enterprises and foster economic growth in the region.

The partnership follows SMI's mission to leverage its mining assets as collateral, enabling access to international financial markets for essential funding. WadzPay's expertise in blockchain technology and digital asset management aligns seamlessly with SMI's objectives, facilitating the tokenization of a portion of SMI's mining assets.

“We are thrilled to embark on this transformative journey with SMI. By harnessing the power of blockchain technology, we aim to unlock new avenues of financing for the mining sector, driving sustainable economic growth and prosperity in the Republic of Congo.” – Mr. Anish Jain, Founder & Group CEO of WadzPay

WadzPay will provide below services under this partnership:

  1. Provide Secure Efficient Technology Platform for Tokenization: This includes converting economic value and ownership rights derived from SMI’s assets into digital tokens on blockchain.
  2. Management Services: In addition to providing its technology platform, WadzPay will offer management services including tokenomics, token pricing, token listing, marketing, and advisory services. These services are tailored to support SMI in achieving its fundraising objectives and fostering investor confidence.
  3. Exchange Services: Wadzpay will manage exchange services for primary and secondary markets.

M. Brice Gatse, Chief Executive Officer at SMI, stated: “For us, as an SME, the partnership with WadzPay represents the hope of an entire continent. Tokenization allows African states, most of which are engaged in programmes with the IMF and subjected to debt restrictions, to overcome barriers to investment. Tokenization offers these states the opportunity to use their natural resources as collateral to raise funds and finance extractive industries, which are sources of wealth creation and poverty alleviation. Through this innovative financial engineering, WadzPay is opening a new era for the financing of developing economies. It is also a way to democratise investment, as a wider range of people can now invest in mining, energy, and infrastructure projects that were previously reserved for large financial groups. This represents an opportunity that aligns with a multipolar, decentralised world enabled by Blockchain technology. We wish our collaboration a great success.”

To which Olivier Dipenda, Senior Vice President of Africa Market Development at WadzPay Technologies Africa Pty Ltd, expressed enthusiasm about the partnership, stating, “We are delighted to extend our solution proposal in alignment with SMI's vision for economic empowerment through asset tokenization. This partnership signifies a significant step towards unlocking access to finance and fostering sustainable economic growth in the Republic of Congo.”

About SMI:

Societe Miniere D'Investissement SA (SMI) is a Republic of Congo registered company jointly owned by FIGA and Potash resources S.A. It functions as an investment vehicle for the financing of mining related project as well as the fund–raising vehicle for FIGA, an organisation created by the government of the Republic of Congo with the sole mandate of stimulating entrepreneurship by providing collaterals to SMEs.

About WadzPay:

WadzPay was founded in 2018 in Singapore with a commitment to drive financial inclusion and revolutionise the virtual asset financial services landscape. It is a leading global blockchain–based technology provider for virtual assets. The company's innovative platform available as a SaaS offering provides secure, efficient, and transparent technology solutions, catering to businesses (B2B) and consumers (B2B2C). WadzPay works with large international companies, banks, and fintechs to enable virtual asset–based transaction processing, custody, and settlement. It operates across geographies spanning Asia Pacific, the Middle East, Africa, Europe, and the Americas.

For more information, visit

Media Contact

Arijit Das 

PR and Communications

[email protected]

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