Mediktor Acquires Sensely and Consolidates Its Position as a Leader in AI Healthcare Solutions

BARCELONA, Spain and SAN FRANCISCO, June 05, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Mediktor, the leading digital healthcare company, has announced the acquisition of Sensely, a San Francisco–based digital healthcare provider that pioneered an empathy–driven conversational platform to support hospital systems and insurance services with world–class member engagement. This consolidation of two world–leading artificial intelligence–driven solutions providers marks a major medical technology milestone, extending Mediktor’s global presence to more than 35 countries and expanding its footprint in the United States.

The merger creates one of the largest global providers of AI–based solutions in the healthcare ecosystem. The new organisation will be driven by an enriched conversational healthcare platform to help increase efficiency and reduce costs through its complementary technologies, including the company's AI medical assistant. According to a recent survey of insurance customers, 54% of patients who used it were satisfied with the medical advice it provided and did not need additional services or follow–up from a physician.

“This acquisition is a transformative step for Mediktor, reinforcing our commitment to digital health innovation. By joining forces with Sensely, we will be able to offer a leading, best–in–class AI solution to multiple companies, ultimately improving access to healthcare for millions of people,” said Cristian Pascual, Chief Executive Officer of Mediktor.

As a result of the integration, Mediktor will acquire Mayo Clinic's educational healthcare content developed under a pre–existing agreement with Sensely. Mayo Clinic will also become a shareholder in the combined company and will have an observer seat on the board of directors.

MTIP, a leading Swiss–based growth equity firm and long–time partner of Mediktor, has reaffirmed its confidence in the company's vision and direction. As a member of Mediktor's Board of Directors, MTIP has communicated its unwavering financial and strategic support for the company's acquisition of Sensely and its overall growth strategy.

At the same time, Aliath Bioventures, a venture capital firm that has been supporting Mediktor since 2018, also played a significant role in facilitating this acquisition. Aliath remains deeply committed to supporting Mediktor’s strategic growth, strengthening its market leadership, and long–term success.

“Mediktor and Sensely represent the perfect synergy between AI–based symptom assessment and empathy–driven, patient–centric virtual assistance,” said Adam Odessky, co–founder and CEO of Sensely. “The combination of these two organisations provides customers with a strong, comprehensive suite of technology services that are proven to increase efficiency and reduce overhead costs for institutions, while delivering unparalleled personalised engagement services to patients and plan members. We're excited to share Mediktor's vision of becoming a leading player in an evolving and competitive digital healthcare environment.

Mediktor plans to integrate Sensely's current staff and management team into the new organisation, with Mr. Odessky taking on the role of Chief Product Officer, bringing his extensive experience and leadership to the team.

About Mediktor

Mediktor is the most advanced AI–based medical chatbot for triage and pre–diagnosis, guiding patients to the right level of care at the right time – improving access while enabling more efficient care navigation. Powered by a sophisticated AI engine that allows users to converse naturally in multiple languages, Mediktor's white–labelled SaaS is omnichannel and can be easily embedded into any interface (web, mobile, desktop). Mediktor's customers include health plans, hospitals and health systems, telemedicine and pharmaceutical companies. For further information please visit

About Sensely

Sensely is a leading innovator of avatar– and chatbot–based platforms designed to assist insurance plan members and patients with insurance services and healthcare resources whenever they need them. With offices in San Francisco and London, Sensely's global teams provide virtual assistant solutions to a range of diverse healthcare sectors, including insurance companies, hospital systems and pharmaceutical clients worldwide. For more information, please visit

About MTIP
MTIP is a Swiss–based growth equity firm investing in European healthtech companies that aim to revolutionise global healthcare. The team leverages deep sector expertise to help scale up successful and sustainable healthtech businesses. For more information, visit

About Aliath Bioventures
Aliath Bioventures, formerly known as Alta Life Sciences, is a life sciences venture capital firm part of the AltamarCAM group. Aliath aims to provide solutions to the most pressing healthcare challenges by targeting therapeutics and HealthTech companies built on innovative and disruptive trends. For more information visit

Media Relations Contact
David Patti
Telephone: +1 908.421.5971

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at–969c–4069–9c9e–22e128228d60

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9148388)

Mediktor übernimmt Sensely und konsolidiert seine Position als führender Anbieter von KI-gestützten Gesundheitslösungen

BARCELONA und SAN FRANCISCO, June 05, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Mediktor, das führende digitale Gesundheitsunternehmen, hat die Übernahme von Sensely bekanntgegeben, einem in San Francisco ansässigen digitalen Gesundheitsdienstleister, der eine auf Empathie ausgerichtete Konversations–Plattform entwickelt hat, um Krankenhaussysteme und Versicherungsdienste mit erstklassiger Kundenbindung zu unterstützen. Diese Konsolidierung zweier weltweit führender Anbieter von KI–basierten Lösungen markiert einen wichtigen Meilenstein in der Medizintechnologie und erweitert Mediktors globale Präsenz auf über 35 Länder sowie sein Engagement in den USA.

Die Fusion schafft einen der größten globalen Anbieter von KI–basierten Lösungen im Gesundheitswesen. Die neue Organisation wird durch eine erweiterte Konversations–Plattform angetrieben, die dazu beitragen soll, Effizienz zu steigern und Kosten zu senken, unter Verwendung der komplementären Technologien, einschließlich des KI–gestützten medizinischen Assistenten des Unternehmens. Laut einer kürzlich durchgeführten Umfrage unter Versicherungskunden waren 54% der Patienten, die diese Plattform nutzten, mit den medizinischen Ratschlägen zufrieden und benötigten keine zusätzlichen Dienstleistungen oder Nachuntersuchungen durch einen Arzt.

„Diese Übernahme ist ein transformativer Schritt für Mediktor und unterstreicht unser Engagement für Innovation im digitalen Gesundheitsbereich. Durch die Vereinigung mit Sensely sind wir in der Lage, eine führende, erstklassige KI–Lösung für mehrere Geschäftsbereiche anzubieten, was letztendlich den Zugang zu Gesundheitsdiensten für Millionen von Menschen verbessert”, sagt Cristian Pascual, Chief Executive Officer von Mediktor.

Als Ergebnis der Integration wird Mediktor auch Zugang zu weiteren Inhalten im Gesundheitsbereich der Mayo Clinic erhalten, die im Rahmen einer bestehenden Vereinbarung mit Sensely entwickelt wurden. Mayo Clinic wird zudem Aktionär des neu integrierten Unternehmens und einen Beobachterposten im Vorstand einnehmen.

MTIP, eine schweizerische Private–Equity–Firma und langjähriger Partner von Mediktor, hat sein Vertrauen in die Vision und Ausrichtung des Unternehmens bekräftigt. Als Mitglied des Mediktor–Vorstands hat MTIP seine unerschütterliche finanzielle und strategische Unterstützung für die Übernahme von Sensely sowie für die gesamte Wachstumsstrategie des Unternehmens kommuniziert.

Ebenso hat Aliath Bioventures, eine Risikokapitalgesellschaft, welche Mediktor seit 2018 unterstützt, eine bedeutsame Rolle bei der Übernahme gespielt. Aliath bleibt fest entschlossen, das strategische Wachstum von Mediktor zu unterstützen, seine Marktführerschaft zu festigen und den langfristigen Erfolg sicherzustellen.

„Mediktor und Sensely sind das perfekte Zusammenspiel zwischen KI–basierter Symptombewertung und auf Empathie ausgerichteter virtueller Assistenz, die den Patienten in den Mittelpunkt stellt”, sagte Adam Odessky, Mitbegründer und CEO von Sensely. „Die Kombination dieser beiden Organisationen bietet Kunden ein starkes, umfassendes Portfolio an Technologie–Dienstleistungen, die nachweislich die Effizienz steigern und die Gemeinkosten für Institutionen senken, während sie den Patienten und Versicherten beispiellose personalisierte Dienstleistungen bieten. Wir sind begeistert, Mediktors Vision zu teilen, ein führender Akteur in einem sich wandelnden und wettbewerbsintensiven digitalen Gesundheitsumfeld zu werden.”

Mediktor plant, Senselys aktuelles Personal und Management in die neue Organisation zu integrieren, wobei Herr Odessky die Rolle des Chief Product Officer übernehmen wird, wodurch er seine umfangreiche Erfahrung und Führungsqualitäten in das Team einbringt.

Über Mediktor
Mediktor ist der progressivste KI–basierte medizinische Chatbot für Triage und Vorabdiagnose, der Patienten zur richtigen Zeit auf die richtige Versorgungsebene leitet – und so den Zugang verbessert und eine effizientere Gesundheitsversorgung ermöglicht. Angetrieben durch eine ausgereifte KI–Engine, die es den Nutzern ermöglicht, auf natürliche Weise in mehreren Sprachen zu kommunizieren, ist Mediktors White–Label–SaaS–Lösung omnichannelfähig und kann problemlos in jede Oberfläche (Web, Mobil, Desktop) integriert werden. Zu Mediktors Kunden zählen Krankenversicherungen, Krankenhäuser und Gesundheitssysteme, Telemedizin–Anbieter und Pharmakonzerne. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter

Über Sensely
Sensely ist ein führender Innovator von Avatar– und Chatbot–basierten Plattformen, die entwickelt wurden, um Versicherten und Patienten bei Versicherungsdiensten und Gesundheitsressourcen zu unterstützen, wann immer sie sie benötigen. Mit Büros in San Francisco und London bietet Senselys globales Team virtuelle Assistenten–Lösungen für eine Vielzahl von Gesundheitssektoren, darunter Versicherungsunternehmen, Krankenhaussysteme und Pharmazeuten weltweit. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter

MTIP ist eine Schweizer Growth–Equity–Firma, die in europäische HealthTech–Unternehmen investiert, die darauf abzielen, das globale Gesundheitswesen zu revolutionieren. Das Team nutzt sein tiefes Branchenwissen, um dabei zu helfen, erfolgreiche und nachhaltige HealthTech–Unternehmen aufzubauen. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter

Über Aliath Bioventures
Aliath Bioventures, früher bekannt als Alta Life Sciences, ist ein Risikokapitalunternehmen im Bereich der Lebenswissenschaften und Teil der AltamarCAM–Gruppe. Aliath strebt danach, Lösungen für die dringendsten gesundheitlichen Herausforderungen zu bieten, indem es sich auf Unternehmen für Behandlungen und HealthTech mit innovativen und disruptiven Tendenzen konzentriert. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter

David Patti
Telephone: +1 908.421.5971

Ein Foto zu dieser Ankündigung ist verfügbar unter:–969c–4069–9c9e–22e128228d60

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9148388)

تحتفظ تركيا بتصنيف “الدولة الأكثر تعقيدًا في الشرق الأوسط من حيث ممارسة أنشطة الأعمال” للعام الثاني على التوالي في تقرير GBCI 2024

لندن،, June 05, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — أطلقت اليوم TMF Group، وهي المزوّد الرائدة للخدمات الإدارية والامتثال، النسخة الحادية عشرة من تقرير مؤشر تعقيد الأعمال العالمي Global Business Complexity Index (GBCI). يستند التقرير إلى 292 مؤشراً رئيساً للأعمال عبر 79 منطقة، ليقدم نظرة شاملة وعامة على التحديات المختلفة التي تواجه المستثمرين عند ممارسة أنشطة الأعمال حول العالم.

تتصدّر تركيا التصنيف العالمي في منطقة الشرق الأوسط باعتبارها الدولة الأكثر تعقيداً في المنطقة من حيث ممارسة أنشطة الأعمال، حيث تأتي في المرتبة 6 في المؤشر الذي يرتب دول العالم وفقاً لسهولة ممارسة الأعمال التجارية بها. وتشكّل التغييرات المتكررة التي تفرضها الدولة على قانون الضرائب وعملية تقديم الطلبات والمستندات المعقدة ومتطلبات رأس المال الجديدة الخاصة بقطاعات محددة، بعضاً من أبرز العوامل التي ترفع من مستوى التعقيد. على سبيل المثال، غالباً ما يتخلى أصحاب الشركات عن الاستفادة من الإعفاءات الحكومية من ضريبة القيمة المضافة بسبب الإجراءات البيروقراطية المعقدة المرتبطة بها.

وفي ما يتعلق بباقي المنطقة، طرحت مصر (التي تحتل المرتبة 28) نظام ’الرخصة الذهبية‘ لتقليل المتطلبات المختلفة للحصول على الموافقات واختصارها ضمن موافقة واحدة، في حين تحتل المملكة العربية السعودية المرتبة 37، وقد دخلت حديثاً إلى مؤشر GBCI هذا العام. هذا وقد تراجع تصنيف دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة من المرتبة 53 إلى المرتبة 40 في ترتيب هذا العام، إلا أنها لا تزال تشكّل أحد أهم وأبرز المراكز التجارية والسياحية والمالية في المنطقة.

وفي هذا السياق، قال Stewart Adams، رئيس شؤون السوق في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وإفريقيا في TMF Group:

“يتميز قطاع الأعمال في هذه المنطقة بكونه ديناميكياً للغاية وإيجابياً بشكل عام، حيث بدأنا نلمس تحوّلاً نحو التنوع الاقتصادي وزيادة الاستثمارات والعلاقات المتنامية بين مختلف المناطق. ومع ذلك، سيواصل المستثمرون مواجهة التحديات الناجمة عن عدم الاستقرار الجيوسياسي والحواجز التنظيمية، وهذا ما يعزز الحاجة إلى فهم بيئة الأعمال هذه بشكل دقيق.”

قائمة بالدول في المراتب العشر الأولى والأخيرة (1 = الأكثر تعقيداً ، 79 = الأقل تعقيداً)

1 اليونان

70 جامايكا

2 فرنسا

71 جزر العذراء البريطانية (BVI)

3 كولومبيا

72 جيرسي

4 المكسيك

73 المملكة المتحدة

5 بوليفيا

74 هولندا

6 تركيا

75 نيوزيلاندا

7 البرازيل

76 منطقة هونغ كونغ الإدارية الخاصة

8 إيطاليا

77 الدانمارك

9 البيرو

78 كوراساو

10 كازاخستان

79 جزر كايمان


جهات الاتصال:

TMF Group:
Giampaolo Arghittu

Zulfadhli Ibrahim

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000964590)

Mediktor adquire a Sensely e consolida sua posição como líder em soluções de saúde baseadas em IA

BARCELONA e SAN FRANCISCO, June 05, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Mediktor, empresa líder em saúde digital, anunciou a aquisição da Sensely, provedora de saúde digital sediada em San Francisco, que foi pioneira na criação de uma plataforma de conversação baseada em empatia para apoiar sistemas hospitalares e serviços de seguros de saúde de classe mundial. Essa consolidação de duas provedoras líderes mundiais de soluções impulsionadas por inteligência artificial estabelece um importante marco na tecnologia médica, estendendo a presença global da Mediktor para mais de 35 países e expandindo sua atuação nos Estados Unidos.

A fusão cria uma das maiores provedoras globais de soluções baseadas em IA no ecossistema de saúde. A nova organização será impulsionada por uma plataforma de saúde conversacional enriquecida para ajudar a aumentar a eficiência e reduzir os custos usando suas tecnologias complementares, incluindo o assistente médico de IA da empresa. De acordo com uma pesquisa recente de clientes de seguros, 54% dos pacientes que o utilizaram estavam satisfeitos com a orientação médica fornecida e não precisaram de serviços adicionais ou acompanhamento de um médico.

“Esta aquisição é um passo transformacional para a Mediktor e reforça nosso compromisso com a inovação em saúde digital. Ao unir forças com a Sensely, estamos prontos para oferecer uma solução de IA líder e de alta qualidade para múltiplos negócios, melhorando, em última análise, o acesso à saúde de milhões de pessoas”, afirma Cristian Pascual, CEO da Mediktor.

Como resultado da integração, a Mediktor adquirirá o conteúdo educacional de saúde da Mayo Clinic, que foi desenvolvido como parte de um acordo pré–existente com a Sensely. Mayo Clinic também se tornará acionista da empresa recém–integrada e terá um assento no Conselho de Administração como observadora.

A MTIP, uma empresa suíça de capital de crescimento e parceira de longa data da Mediktor, reafirmou sua confiança na visão e direção da empresa. Como membro do Conselho de Administração da Mediktor, a MTIP comunicou seu inabalável apoio financeiro e estratégico à aquisição da Sensely pela empresa e à estratégia geral de crescimento da empresa.

Ao mesmo tempo, a Aliath Bioventures, uma empresa de capital de risco que vem apoiando a Mediktor desde 2018, também desempenhou um papel significativo na facilitação desta aquisição. A Aliath permanece profundamente comprometida em apoiar o crescimento estratégico da Mediktor, fortalecendo sua liderança de mercado e seu sucesso a longo prazo.

“A Mediktor e a Sensely representam a sinergia perfeita entre avaliação de sintomas baseada em IA e assistência virtual impulsionada por empatia que coloca os pacientes no centro”, disse Adam Odessky, co–fundador e CEO da Sensely. “A combinação dessas duas organizações fornece aos clientes um conjunto abrangente e forte de serviços de tecnologia que comprovadament aumentam a eficiência e reduzem os custos operacionais das instituições, enquanto oferece serviços de engajamento personalizados incomparáveis para pacientes e membros de seguros. Estamos animados para compartilhar a visão da Mediktor de se tornar um player líder em um ambiente de saúde digital competitivo e em evolução.”

A Mediktor planeja integrar a equipe de gestão atual da Sensely na nova organização, onde o Sr. Odessky assumirá o cargo de Diretor de Produto, trazendo sua vasta experiência e liderança para a equipe.

Sobre a Mediktor

A Mediktor é o chatbot médico baseado em IA mais avançado para triagem e pré–diagnóstico, que orienta os pacientes para o nível adequado de cuidados no momento certo – melhorando o acesso enquanto possibilita uma navegação de cuidados mais eficiente. Impulsionado por um motor de IA sofisticado que permite aos usuários conversar naturalmente em vários idiomas, o SaaS White–Label da Mediktor é omnichannel e pode ser facilmente incorporado em qualquer interface (web, móvel, chatbot). Os clientes da Mediktor incluem planos de saúde, hospitais e sistemas de saúde, empresas de telemedicina e industrias farmacêuticas. Para mais informações, visite

Sobre a Sensely

A Sensely é uma das principais inovadoras em plataformas baseadas em avatares e chatbots, projetadas para auxiliar os beneficiários de seguros de saúde com os serviços e recursos de saúde sempre que precisarem. Com escritórios em São Francisco e Londres, as equipes globais da Sensely fornecem soluções de assistente virtual para uma variedade diversificada de setores de saúde, incluindo empresas de seguros, sistemas hospitalares e indústrias farmacêuticas em todo o mundo. Para mais informações, visite

Sobre a MTIP
A MTIP é uma empresa suíça de capital de crescimento que investe em empresas tecnológicas europeias que visam revolucionar a saúde global. A equipe aproveita sua vasta experiência no setor para ajudar a expandir negócios de tecnologia sanitária bem–sucedidos e sustentáveis. Para mais informações, visite

Sobre a Aliath Bioventures
Aliath Bioventures, anteriormente conhecida como Alta Life Sciences, é uma empresa de capital de risco em ciências da vida parte do grupo AltamarCAM. A Aliath visa fornecer soluções para os desafios de saúde mais urgentes, direcionando empresas de saúde tecnológicas construídas sobre tendências inovadoras e disruptivas. Para mais informações, visite

Contato para Relações com a Mídia
David Patti
Telephone: +1 908.421.5971

Foto deste comunicado disponível em:–969c–4069–9c9e–22e128228d60 

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9148388)

Mediktor Acquires Sensely and Consolidates Its Position as a Leader in AI Healthcare Solutions

BARCELONA, Spain and SAN FRANCISCO, June 05, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Mediktor, the leading digital healthcare company, has announced the acquisition of Sensely, a San Francisco–based, digital healthcare provider that pioneered an empathy–driven conversation platform to support hospital systems and insurance services with world–class member engagement. This consolidation of two world–leading artificial intelligence–driven solutions providers marks a major medical technology milestone, extending Mediktor’s global presence to more than 35 countries and expanding its footprint in the United States.

From left to right – Adam Odessky and Cristian Pascual

The merger creates one of the largest global AI–based solutions providers in the healthcare ecosystem. The new organization will be driven by an enriched conversational healthcare platform to help increase efficiencies and reduce costs using its complementary technologies, including the company’s AI medical assistant. According to a recent survey of insurance customers, 54% of patients who used it were satisfied with the medical guidance it provided and did not need additional services or follow–up from a physician.

“This acquisition is a transformational step for Mediktor and reinforces our commitment to digital health innovation. By joining forces with Sensely, we are poised to offer a leading top–notch AI solution to multiple businesses, ultimately improving millions of people's access to healthcare,” states Cristian Pascual, Chief Executive Officer of Mediktor.

As a result of the integration, Mediktor will acquire educational healthcare content from Mayo Clinic, which was developed as part of a pre–existing agreement with Sensely. Mayo Clinic will also become a shareholder of the newly integrated company and hold a seat on the Board of Directors as an observer.

MTIP, a leading Swiss–based growth equity firm and long–standing partner of Mediktor, has reaffirmed its confidence in the company’s vision and direction. As a member of the Mediktor Board of Directors, MTIP has communicated its unwavering financial and strategic support of the company's acquisition of Sensely and its overall growth strategy.

At the same time, Aliath Bioventures, a venture capital firm that has been supporting Mediktor since 2018, also played a significant role in facilitating this acquisition. Aliath remains deeply committed to supporting Mediktor’s strategic growth, strengthening its market leadership, and long–term success.

“Mediktor and Sensely represent the perfect synergy between AI–based symptom assessment and empathy–driven virtual assistance that puts patients at the center,” said Adam Odessky, Sensely's Co–Founder and CEO. “The combination of these two organizations provides customers with a strong, comprehensive suite of technology services that are proven to increase efficiency and reduce overhead costs for institutions while offering unparalleled personalized engagement services to patients and insurance members. We’re excited to share Mediktor’s vision for becoming a leading player in an evolving and competitive digital healthcare environment.”

Mediktor plans to integrate Sensely’s current staff and management team into the new organization, where Mr. Odessky will take on the role of Chief Product Officer, bringing his vast experience and leadership to the team.

About Mediktor
Mediktor is the most advanced AI–based medical chatbot for triage and pre–diagnosis that guides patients to the right level of care at the right time – improving access while enabling more efficient care navigation. Powered by a sophisticated AI engine that enables users to converse naturally in several languages, Mediktor’s white–labeled SaaS is omnichannel and can be easily embedded into any interface (web, mobile, desktop). Mediktor’s customers include health plans, hospitals and health systems, telehealth, and pharmaceutical companies. For more information, please visit

About Sensely
Sensely is a leading innovator of avatar and chatbot–based platforms that are designed to assist insurance plan members and patients with the insurance services and healthcare resources whenever they need them. With offices in San Francisco and London, Sensely's global teams provide virtual assistant solutions to an array of diversified healthcare sectors, including insurance companies, hospital systems, and pharmaceutical clients worldwide. For more information, visit

About MTIP
MTIP is a Swiss–based growth equity firm investing in European healthtech companies that aim to revolutionize global healthcare. The team leverages deep sector expertise to help scale up successful and sustainable healthtech businesses For more information, visit

About Aliath Bioventures
Aliath Bioventures, formerly known as Alta Life Sciences, is a life sciences venture capital firm part of the AltamarCAM group. Aliath aims to provide solutions to the most pressing healthcare challenges by targeting therapeutics and healthtech companies built on innovative and disruptive trends. For more information visit

Media Relations Contact
David Patti
Telephone: +1 908.421.5971

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at–969c–4069–9c9e–22e128228d60

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9148302)

Mediktor acquiert Sensely et consolide son leadership dans les solutions d’IA pour les soins de santé

BARCELONA et SAN FRANCISCO, 05 juin 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Mediktor, l'entreprise leader de la santé numérique, a annoncé l'acquisition de Sensely, un fournisseur de santé numérique basé à San Francisco, pionnier dans la création d'une plateforme conversationnelle axée sur l'empathie pour soutenir les systèmes hospitaliers et les services des assureurs en engageant des membres premium parmi ses affiliés. La consolidation des deux principaux fournisseurs mondiaux de solutions basées sur l'IA marque une étape importante dans la technologie médicale et étend la présence mondiale de Mediktor dans plus de 35 pays, tout en renforçant sa présence aux États–Unis.

Cette fusion donne naissance à l'un des plus grands fournisseurs mondiaux de solutions basées sur l'intelligence artificielle dans l'écosystème des soins de santé. La nouvelle organisation sera alimentée par une plateforme de soins de santé conversationnelle enrichie qui contribuera à accroître l'efficacité et à réduire les coûts en utilisant les technologies complémentaires de l'entreprise, telles que son assistant médicale basé sur l'intelligence artificielle.D'après une enquête récente auprès des assurés, 54 % des patients qui ont eu recours à l'assistant ont été satisfaits des conseils médicaux fournis et n'ont pas eu besoin de services supplémentaires ou d'un suivi par un médecin.

“Cette acquisition est une étape transformative pour Mediktor et renforce notre engagement envers l'innovation dans le domaine de la santé numérique. En joignant nos forces à celles de Sensely, nous sommes en mesure d'offrir une solution de premier plan et de classe mondiale à de multiples entreprises, améliorant ainsi l'accès aux soins de santé pour des millions de personnes”, déclare Cristian Pascual, PDG de Mediktor.

Dans le cadre de cette intégration, Mediktor acquerra le contenu éducatif en matière de santé de Mayo Clinic, développé dans le cadre d'un accord préexistant avec Sensely. Mayo Clinic deviendra également actionnaire de la nouvelle société intégrée et rejoindra le conseil d'administration en tant qu'observateur.

MTIP, une société fournissant du capital de croissance et basée en Suisse, est partenaire de Mediktor depuis plusieurs années, a réaffirmé sa confiance dans la vision et la direction de l'entreprise. En tant que membre du conseil d'administration de Mediktor, MTIP a fait part de son soutien financier et stratégique indéfectible à l'acquisition de Sensely par l'entreprise et à sa stratégie de croissance mondiale. En tant que membre du conseil d'administration de Mediktor, MTIP a fait part de son soutien financier et stratégique indéfectible à l'acquisition de Sensely par la société, ainsi qu'à sa stratégie de croissance mondiale.

De même, Aliath Bioventures, une société de capital–risque qui soutient Mediktor depuis 2018, a également joué un rôle important dans l'acquisition. Aliath reste engagée à soutenir la croissance stratégique de Mediktor, son leadership sur le marché et son succès à long terme.

“Mediktor et Sensely représentent la synergie parfaite entre l'évaluation des symptômes basée sur l'intelligence artificielle et l'assistance virtuelle empathique axée sur les patients”, déclare Adam Odessky, PDG et cofondateur de Sensely. ”La combinaison de ces deux entreprises offre aux clients un ensemble robuste et complet de services technologiques éprouvés pour accroître l'efficacité et réduire les frais généraux des institutions tout en offrant des services personnalisés et uniques aux patients et aux assurés. Nous sommes ravis de partager la vision de Mediktor pour devenir un acteur de premier plan dans un environnement de soins de santé numériques compétitif et en constante évolution.”

Mediktor prévoit d'intégrer l'équipe existante de Sensely ainsi que son équipe de coordination dans la nouvelle organisation, où M. Odessky assumera le rôle de chef de produit et apportera à l'équipe sa grande expérience et son leadership.

À propos de Mediktor
Mediktor est l'assistant médical numérique basé sur l'IA le plus avancé pour le triage et le pré–diagnostic qui guide les patients vers le bon niveau de soins au bon moment, améliorant l'accès et permettant une navigation de soins plus efficace. Alimenté par un moteur d'IA sophistiqué qui permet aux utilisateurs de converser naturellement en plusieurs langues, le SaaS en marque blanche de Mediktor est omni–canal et peut être facilement intégré dans n'importe quelle interface (web, mobile, bureau). Mediktor compte parmi ses clients des régimes de santé, des hôpitaux et des systèmes de santé, des sociétés de télésanté et des sociétés pharmaceutiques. Pour plus d'informations, veuillez consulter le site

À propos de Sensely
Sensely est un innovateur de premier plan dans le domaine des plateformes d'avatars et des agents conversationnels numériques conçus pour aider les assurés et les patients à obtenir des services d'assurance et des ressources de soins de santé lorsqu'ils en ont besoin. Avec des bureaux à San Francisco et à Londres, les équipes internationales de Sensely fournissent des solutions à un éventail de secteurs diversifiés de la santé, y compris des compagnies d'assurance, des systèmes hospitaliers et des clients pharmaceutiques dans le monde entier. Pour plus d'informations, veuillez consulter le site

À propos de MTIP
MTIP est une société de capital–développement de premier plan basée en Suisse qui investit dans des entreprises européennes de technologie de la santé visant à révolutionner les soins de santé à l'échelle mondiale. L'équipe s'appuie sur son expertise sectorielle approfondie pour aider à développer des entreprises de santé numérique prospères et durables. Pour plus d'informations, consultez le site

A propos d'Aliath Bioventures
Aliath Bioventures, anciennement connu sous le nom d'Alta Life Sciences, est une société de capital–risque dans le secteur des sciences de la vie et fait partie du groupe AltamarCAM. Aliath vise à fournir des solutions aux défis les plus pressants en matière de soins de santé en se concentrant sur les technologies de santé innovantes et disruptives et sur les entreprises de traitement. Pour plus d'informations, consultez le site

Contact presse
David Patti
Telephone: +1 908.421.5971

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9148388)

GBCI 2024: Turkey remains the most complex Middle Eastern country in which to do business for the second year running

LONDON, June 05, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — TMF Group, a leading provider of compliance and administrative services, has today launched the 11th edition of the Global Business Complexity Index (GBCI). Based on 292 key business indicators across 79 jurisdictions, this report provides an overview of the challenges investors face when operating businesses around the world.

Within the Middle East, Turkey tops the rankings as the most complex country in the region in which to do business, coming in at 6th in the global standings. The country’s frequent tax law changes, elaborate document submission processes and new capital requirements for specific sectors contribute to its complexity level. Government VAT exemptions are also often left unutilised by business owners due to a complex bureaucratic process.

Across the rest of the region, Egypt (ranked 28th) has introduced golden licenses to reduce differing approval requirements., while Saudi Arabia, a new entry in this year’s GBCI, ranks at 37th. Meanwhile, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has dropped from 53rd to 40th in this year’s standings, but remains a significant trading, tourism and financial hub within the region.

TMF Group’s Market Head of Middle East & Africa, Stewart Adams said:

“The business landscape in this particular region is quite dynamic and overall, positive. We are seeing economic diversification, increasing investments, and growing relations among the jurisdictions. However, there will still be challenges to be faced by investors due to geopolitical instability and regulatory barriers, so a nuanced understanding of this business environment is very much needed.”

Top and bottom ten (1= most complex, 79= least complex)

1 Greece 70 Jamaica
2 France 71 British Virgin Islands (BVI)
3 Colombia 72 Jersey
4 Mexico 73 United Kingdom
5 Bolivia 74 The Netherlands
6 Turkey 75 New Zealand
7 Brazil 76 Hong Kong, SAR
8 Italy 77 Denmark
9 Peru 78 Curaçao
10 Kazakhstan 79 Cayman Island

Media Contacts

TMF Group:
Giampaolo Arghittu

Zulfadhli Ibrahim

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000964590)

eXp Realty Enhances International Connections with Global Agent Referral Platform

BELLINGHAM, Wash., June 05, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — eXp Realty®, the largest real estate brokerage on the planet and the core subsidiary of eXp World Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq: EXPI), is proud to announce the launch of its Global Agent Referral Platform, designed to simplify and accelerate the real estate referral process. This innovative tool empowers its agents worldwide to effortlessly connect and collaborate, contributing to a robust and interconnected global marketplace

With a user–friendly platform and seamless search functionality, eXp’s Global Agent Referral Platform streamlines the entire process, reducing referral times to a matter of seconds. eXp Realty agents can complete a simple form, select a preferred referral partner from anywhere in the world, and electronically sign the agreement — all within one centralized location.

“At eXp, we understand that potential buyers are just as easily found in a seller’s hometown as they are in another country,” said Leo Pareja, CEO, eXp Realty. “With the launch of the Global Agent Referral Network, we are leveraging the depth and power of our worldwide network of more than 85,000 agents across 24 countries and revolutionizing how agents connect and collaborate, paving the way for smoother transactions and enhanced client experiences. We remain focused on building industry–leading resources by providing agents unparalleled access to advanced tools for expanding their businesses globally.”

The introduction of the Global Agent Referral Platform underscores eXp Realty’s commitment to fostering global innovation and growth. This cutting–edge tool not only enhances the efficiency of referral processes but also opens new avenues for agents to expand their reach and tap into international markets. By fostering a more interconnected global network, eXp Realty is setting a new standard in the real estate industry, ensuring that its agents are well–equipped to meet the diverse needs of clients around the world.

In addition to its technological advancements, eXp Realty continues to prioritize agent education and support. The company regularly offers training sessions and resources to help agents maximize the potential of the Global Agent Referral Platform. This holistic approach ensures that eXp agents are not only connected but also proficient in using the latest tools to deliver exceptional service to their clients.

About eXp World Holdings, Inc.

eXp World Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq: EXPI) is the holding company for eXp Realty®, and SUCCESS® Enterprises.

eXp Realty is the largest independent real estate company in the world with more than 85,000 agents in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, South Africa, India, Mexico, Portugal, France, Puerto Rico, Brazil, Italy, Hong Kong, Colombia, Spain, Israel, Panama, Germany, Dominican Republic, Greece, New Zealand, Chile, Poland and Dubai and continues to scale internationally. As a publicly traded company, eXp World Holdings provides real estate professionals the unique opportunity to earn equity awards for production goals and contributions to overall company growth. eXp World Holdings and its businesses offer a full suite of brokerage and real estate tech solutions, including its innovative residential and commercial brokerage model, professional services, collaborative tools and personal development. The cloud–based brokerage is powered by, an immersive 3D platform that is deeply social and collaborative, enabling agents to be more connected and productive. SUCCESS® Enterprises, anchored by SUCCESS® magazine and its related media properties, was established in 1897 and is a leading personal and professional development brand and publication.

For more information, visit

Safe Harbor Statement

The statements contained herein may include statements of future expectations and other forward–looking statements that are based on management’s current views and assumptions and involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results, performance or events to differ materially from those expressed or implied in such statements. These statements include, but are not limited to, expectations related to referral and incentive programs. Such forward–looking statements speak only as of the date hereof, and the Company undertakes no obligation to revise or update them. Such statements are not guarantees of future performance. Important factors that may cause actual results to differ materially and adversely from those expressed in forward–looking statements include the Company’s ability to implement its strategic initiatives and other risks detailed from time to time in the Company’s Securities and Exchange Commission filings, including but not limited to the most recently filed Quarterly Report on Form 10–Q and Annual Report on Form 10–K.

Media Relations Contact:

eXp World Holdings, Inc.

Investor Relations Contact:

Denise Garcia

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at–2484–45bf–9ee3–ff8483784355

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9148732)

Surge in Foreign Interest in Chinese Investments: EBC Financial Group (UK) Ltd CEO David Barrett Shares Insights with Yi Cai

LONDON, June 05, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — David Barrett, CEO of EBC Financial Group (UK) Ltd, recently shared his insights on the burgeoning interest in Chinese investments during an in–depth interview with Yi Cai. Barrett explored the factors driving major investors toward Chinese markets and offered his outlook on the future of these investments.

Surge in Foreign Interest

In recent months, there has been a notable increase in foreign interest in Chinese stocks, driven by high–profile investors. Michael Burry, well–known for his predictions during 'The Big Short,' has significantly raised his investments in and Alibaba. Similarly, David Tepper's hedge fund has heavily invested in technology and Chinese markets. This growing interest is reflected in the performance of the Nasdaq Golden Dragon China Index, which surged by 14.86% from April 22 to May 3, achieving its largest two–week gain since January 2023. On May 16, the Index closed up by 2.49%, marking its highest level since September 2023.

Barrett attributes this renewed interest to the relative value Chinese markets offer. “Chinese indexes have struggled since the property–led bust in 2021, causing a significant dip in foreign direct investment and domestic confidence. However, this has led to extreme pricing discrepancies, making Chinese stocks an attractive option for value–focused investors,” Barrett explained. “Investors like Burry and Tepper are known for their strategic focus on high–concentration portfolios, and their significant investments in Chinese companies signal strong confidence in the potential upside of these markets.”

Future Prospects of Chinese Investments

Looking ahead, Barrett remains optimistic about the continued growth of Chinese markets. “There are several indicators suggesting that the Chinese government is taking effective measures to stimulate economic growth and restore market confidence,” Barrett noted. “Efforts to support vulnerable areas of the economy, encourage domestic investments, and stabilize the financial landscape are beginning to show positive results.”

He emphasized the crucial role of domestic policy in sustaining this growth. “Policies aimed at reducing property–related risks, supporting the semiconductor industry, and encouraging state–owned enterprises to strengthen their financial positions are essential. Additionally, initiatives to increase dividend payouts among Chinese companies are likely to attract more foreign investors seeking yield in a higher interest rate environment.”

Promising Sectors and Global Asset Allocation

Barrett highlighted the technology sector as a key area for investment within the A–share and Hong Kong stock markets. “Chinese tech companies are at the forefront of innovation, and with substantial government backing, they are well–positioned to navigate global challenges,” Barrett asserted. “For instance, if China faces headwinds in purchasing semiconductors, they have the capability to develop their own. Given the impressive profit margins seen in companies like NVIDIA, there is a strong incentive for Chinese firms to produce competitive, lower–cost chips. With significant government support and investment, the resilience and growth potential in this sector are considerable.”

He also identified the electric vehicle (EV) industry as a promising sector. “EVs as a topic has been grabbing a lot of column inches of late,” Barrett observed. “However, it's uncertain how well Western brands will perform in mainland China, and vice versa, how Chinese brands will fare in the global market. Despite these challenges, Chinese tech remains on the cutting edge, and any progress, especially amid geopolitical tensions, will likely bolster domestic investment. This increased focus on local innovation and development will enhance the industry's growth prospects.”

From a global perspective, Barrett advises a diversified asset allocation strategy, cautioning against overreliance on US stocks. “While US markets have experienced substantial growth, it is crucial to consider opportunities elsewhere, such as in China, where valuations are compelling,” he explained. “Given the recent run–up in US stocks, there is a need to be cautious and diversify. Commodities like gold remain attractive as a store of value and a hedge against economic and geopolitical uncertainties. As central banks continue to manage liquidity and interest rates, maintaining a balanced portfolio that includes undervalued international assets and tangible commodities could provide stability and growth potential.”

About EBC Financial Group
Founded in the esteemed financial district of London, EBC Financial Group (EBC) is renowned for its comprehensive suite of services that includes financial brokerage, asset management, and comprehensive investment solutions. With offices strategically located in prominent financial centres, such as London, Sydney, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Singapore, the Cayman Islands, Bangkok, Limassol, and more, EBC caters to a diverse clientele of retail, professional, and institutional investors worldwide.

Recognised by multiple awards, EBC prides itself on adhering to the highest levels of ethical standards and international regulation. EBC Financial Group (UK) Limited is regulated by the UK's Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), EBC Financial Group (Australia) Pty Ltd is regulated by Australia's Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC), and EBC Financial Group (Cayman) Limited is regulated by the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority (CIMA).

At the core of EBC Group are seasoned professionals with over 30 years of profound experience in major financial institutions, having adeptly navigated through significant economic cycles from the Plaza Accord to the 2015 Swiss franc crisis. EBC champions a culture where integrity, respect, and client asset security are paramount, ensuring that every investor engagement is treated with the utmost seriousness it deserves.

EBC is the Official Foreign Exchange Partner of FC Barcelona, offering specialised services in regions such as Asia, LATAM, the Middle East, Africa, and Oceania. EBC is also a partner of United to Beat Malaria, a campaign of the United Nations Foundation, aiming to improve global health outcomes. Starting February 2024, EBC supports the 'What Economists Really Do' public engagement series by Oxford University's Department of Economics, demystifying economics, and its application to major societal challenges to enhance public understanding and dialogue.

Media Contact:
Douglas Chew
Global Public Relations Manager

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at–3156–4706–9f8f–ec183555c184

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