Quantexa lance Q Assist, une nouvelle suite technologique d’IA générative sensible au contexte

  • HSBC fait partie des entreprises qui prennent part au programme Lighthouse de Quantexa destiné aux primo–adoptants
  • HSBC prévoit que la simplification de l’analyse et l’accélération des processus pourraient entraîner des gains de productivité significatifs au cours de la première année de déploiement
  • Q Assist combine la plateforme d’intelligence décisionnelle de Quantexa et l’IA générative pour améliorer les décisions des équipes commerciales, du service client et des équipes de conformité dans les services financiers, les TMT et les agences gouvernementales

LONDRES, 11 juin 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Lundi, sur la scène centrale du London Tech Week 2024, Quantexa, le leader mondial en solutions d’intelligence décisionnelle destinées aux secteurs public et privé, a lancé Q Assist, une suite technologique d’intelligence artificielle sensible au contexte qui aide les organisations à améliorer la prise de décision au sein des équipes de première ligne et des professionnels de l’information. Cette annonce témoigne des progrès réalisés dans le cadre de la feuille de route d’innovation de la plateforme de l’entreprise et intervient près d’un an après que Quantexa a détaillé un investissement significatif dans le secteur mondial de l’intelligence artificielle (IA) et a présenté Q Assist comme copilote autonome et agnostique pour les LLM (grands modèles de langage).

Avec la nouvelle suite technologique Q Assist, les clients de Quantexa seront en mesure de rendre l’IA générative opérationnelle afin d’obtenir des avantages transformationnels sans avoir à investir de manière significative dans une infrastructure, des outils et des ressources qualifiées supplémentaires.

Les équipes de première ligne et les professionnelles de l’information peuvent tirer parti de la puissance des copilotes, des données liées, de la capacité de graphe de connaissances de Quantexa et d’autres fonctionnalités de la plateforme d’intelligence décisionnelle pour améliorer la précision et la fiabilité des modèles d’IA générative qui interagissent avec toutes les données (structurées et non structurées), le contexte et les informations provenant de l’ensemble de l’organisation. En combinant les LLM avec le contexte riche de la plateforme d’intelligence décisionnelle de Quantexa, il est possible de mieux comprendre les données, d’ancrer les réponses de manière fiable, d’accroître les performances et la confiance, et de s’assurer que les équipes disposent des informations les plus exactes et les plus récentes en un seul endroit.

Découvrez Q Assist et son fonctionnement avec la plateforme d’intelligence décisionnelle de Quantexa.
Voir la vidéo

Assurer la réussite des clients à l’ère de l’IA
HSBC fait partie des organisations qui prennent actuellement part au programme Lighthouse destiné aux primo–adoptants. Chaque organisation participant au programme envisage d’utiliser Q Assist de plusieurs manières, notamment pour : 

  • Simplifier les tâches d’analyse, d’enquête et de création de rapports pour les travailleurs de l’information et de la connaissance en vue de gagner en efficacité.
  • Réduire la dépendance aux équipes opérationnelles et de science des données pour les demandes de données ad hoc, afin de concentrer plus de temps aux tâches plus stratégiques.
  • Permettre aux équipes en contact avec les clients d’accéder aux données enrichies et aux informations dont elles ont besoin pour accroître les revenus et améliorer l’expérience des clients.
  • Permettre aux équipes d’une organisation de prendre des décisions fiables, traçables et d’accélérer l’amélioration des processus opérationnels.

BNY envisage actuellement de rejoindre HSBC au sein du programme Lighthouse. Quantexa a collaboré avec les participants au programme Lighthouse afin de prédire sur un, trois et cinq ans les retombées du déploiement de Q Assist au sein de leurs équipes en contact avec la clientèle, de science des données et d’investigation. Elle a constaté un gain de productivité quasi immédiat dans trois domaines essentiels : gain de temps et d’efficacité, identification de nouvelles opportunités et augmentation des taux de conversion.

HSBC prévoit que la démocratisation de l’analyse et l’accélération des processus dans ces domaines pourraient conduire à des gains de productivité dès la première année de déploiement. L’entreprise espère également faire gagner du temps à ses employés, ce qui leur permettra de se concentrer sur d’autres tâches stratégiques.

David Rice, Directeur de l’exploitation au niveau mondial, Commercial Banking chez HSBC, a déclaré : « Cette nouvelle solution peut améliorer l’efficacité et la précision de tâches complexes telles que les enquêtes de lutte contre le blanchiment d’argent et les stratégies commerciales, en fournissant des données fiables et des analyses contextuelles. L’introduction de l’analyse contextuelle et l’innovation permettra à HSBC de concentrer ses ressources de manière plus productive et, en fin de compte, d’aider ses clients. »

Quantexa estime qu’une institution financière mondiale de premier plan, disposant de trois niveaux de défense en matière de criminalité financière et de lutte contre la fraude, générant environ 15 000 alertes par mois, pourrait réaliser des gains d’efficacité et des économies considérables en déployant la suite technologique d’IA générative Q Assist :

  • Plus de 17 millions de livres sterling d’économies réalisées chaque année grâce à l’amélioration et à l’automatisation des processus d’enquête et de signalement en matière de criminalité financière et de fraude.

Le directeur de la technologie de Quantexa, Jamie Hutton, a déclaré : « Le principe d’ingénierie de Quantexa, qui consiste à élaborer des solutions pour proposer une valeur client maximale, a permis à nos clients de formuler des exigences pour Q Assist. Grâce au programme Lighthouse de l’entreprise destiné aux primo–adoptants, nous avons la chance de collaborer avec des leaders du secteur qui nous fournissent des informations précieuses tout au long de notre feuille de route. »

Eric Hirschhorn, Directeur des données chez BNY Mellon, a déclaré : « Nous nous réjouissons de voir Quantexa poursuivre ses innovations. Notre collaboration forte de plusieurs années nous a permis d’éliminer les silos de données et d’unifier nos données avec une précision inégalée. Dans le cadre de la prochaine phase de nos efforts d’innovation, nous envisagerons de permettre aux employés de première ligne de la banque d’utiliser l’IA générative afin d’exploiter en toute confiance les données et de gagner ainsi en efficacité. »

Comment fonctionne la nouvelle suite technologique d’IA générative Q Assist
La nouvelle suite technologique d’IA générative de Quantexa combinera la plateforme d’intelligence décisionnelle de Quantexa et l’IA générative grâce à une nouvelle couche d’intégration des données, d’un développeur d’invites et d’un copilote qui améliore la capacité des équipes à prendre des décisions commerciales cruciales.

Q Assist offre une IA fiable et extensible, ancrée dans la plateforme d’intelligence décisionnelle de Quantexa. Cela permet aux équipes non techniques de bénéficier des capacités stratégiques de la plateforme de Quantexa, y compris une base de données connectée, l’analyse des graphes, la modélisation et le scoring pour améliorer et automatiser la prise de décision. La suite technologique Q Assist est composée de trois éléments :

  • Couche d’intégration Q Assist : le centre névralgique de Q Assist. Il s’agit d’un cadre d’outils, de connecteurs et d’API conçu pour associer en toute sécurité la plateforme d’intelligence décisionnelle de Quantexa aux LLM et aux systèmes d’IA conversationnelle prêts à l’emploi.
  • Développeur d’invites Q Assist : une fonctionnalité extensible de gestion et de partage des invites qui s’intègre facilement aux outils d’ingénierie d’invites externes et aux frameworks, tels que Microsoft Azure Prompt Flow, Semantic Kernel ou AutoGen, afin de donner aux administrateurs le pouvoir de définir et de contrôler les invites et les réponses fondées sur des données contextuelles générées par la plateforme d’intelligence décisionnelle de Quantexa.
  • Copilot Q Assist : permet aux utilisateurs d’interroger des données volumineuses et disparates via une interface de langage naturel, de comprendre et de résumer des données, des idées et des résultats en temps réel, et d’automatiser les tâches de recherche, d’investigation et de création de rapports.

Aujourd’hui, l’entreprise met les fonctionnalités de la suite technologique d’intelligence générative Q Assist à la disposition d’un nombre limité de clients, avec une disponibilité publique plus large prévue pour le début de l’année 2025.

Pour en savoir plus sur la façon dont Quantexa aide les organisations à préparer leurs données à l’IA, ou pour télécharger le Total Economic Impact™ de la plateforme d’intelligence décisionnelle de Quantexa par Forrester et de commencer à mesurer le retour sur investissement de l’intelligence décisionnelle, rendez–vous sur https://www.quantexa.com/discover/ai/.

À propos de Quantexa
Quantexa est une entreprise de logiciels d’analyse, de données et d’IA, qui innove dans le domaine de l’intelligence décisionnelle afin de permettre aux organisations de prendre des décisions opérationnelles fiables grâce à des données contextualisées. En utilisant les dernières avancées en matière d’IA, la plateforme d’intelligence décisionnelle de Quantexa aide les organisations à découvrir les risques cachés et les nouvelles opportunités en unifiant les données en silos et en les transformant en ressources réutilisables les plus fiables. Elle permet de relever des défis majeurs en lien avec la gestion des données, la veille client, la connaissance du client, la criminalité financière, les risques, la fraude et la sécurité, tout au long du cycle de vie de la relation client.

La plateforme d’intelligence décisionnelle de Quantexa améliore la performance opérationnelle avec une précision accrue de plus de 90 % et une résolution du modèle analytique 60 fois plus rapide que les approches traditionnelles. Une étude indépendante de Forrester TEI commandée sur la plateforme d’intelligence décisionnelle de Quantexa a révélé que les clients ont enregistré un ROI de 228 % en trois ans. Fondée en 2016, Quantexa compte désormais plus de 700 collaborateurs et des milliers d’utilisateurs de la plateforme travaillant sur des milliards de transactions et de points de données à travers le monde.

Demande des médias
C : Stephanie Crisp, Fight or Flight
E : [email protected]
C : Adam Jaffe, vice–président senior du marketing d’entreprise
T : +1 609 502 6889
E : [email protected]

Une photo accompagnant cette annonce est disponible à l’adresse suivante :https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/dc615273–9f23–4d50–b6ec–62d59146a0e7

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000965839)

Quantexa stellt die neue kontextorientierte generative KI-Technologie-Suite Q Assist vor

  • HSBC ist einer von mehreren Branchenführern, die am Lighthouse–Programm von Quantexa für Early Adopter teilnehmen
  • HSBC rechnet dank der Optimierung von Analysen und Beschleunigung von Prozessen mit deutlichen Produktivitätssteigerungen innerhalb des ersten Jahres nach der Einführung
  • Q Assist kombiniert die Decision Intelligence–Plattform von Quantexa mit generativer KI zur Verbesserung der Entscheidungsfindung für Vertriebs–, Kundendienst– und Compliance–Teams in den Bereichen Finanzdienstleistungen, TMT und Regierungsbehörden

LONDON, June 11, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Am Montag hat Quantexa, ein weltweit führender Anbieter von Decision Intelligence–Lösungen (DI) für den öffentlichen und privaten Sektor, die Bühne der London Tech Week 2024 zur Vorstellung von Q Assist, einer kontextabhängigen generativen KI–Technologie–Suite, genutzt, die Unternehmen bei der Verbesserung der zuverlässigen Entscheidungsfindung für Frontline– und Informationsteams unterstützt. Die Ankündigung zeigt den Fortschritt im Rahmen der Plattform–Innovations–Roadmap des Unternehmens und kommt rund ein Jahr, nachdem Quantexa eine bedeutende Investition in den globalen Markt für künstliche Intelligenz (KI) getätigt und Q Assist als eigenständigen, agnostischen LLM–Copiloten vorgestellt hat.

Mit der neuen Technologie–Suite Q Assist können Kunden von Quantexa generative KI für transformative Gewinne ohne nennenswerte Investitionen in Infrastruktur, Tools und zusätzliche qualifizierte Ressourcen einsetzen.

Frontline– und Informationsmitarbeiter können die Performance von Copiloten, die verknüpften Daten, die Wissensgraphen–Funktion von Quantexa und andere Funktionen der Decision Intelligence–Plattform für die Verbesserung der Genauigkeit und Zuverlässigkeit generativer KI–Modelle nutzen, die mit allen Daten (strukturiert und unstrukturiert), dem Kontext und den Erkenntnissen in ihrem Unternehmen interagieren. Die Kombination von LLMs mit dem umfassenden Kontext der Decision Intelligence–Plattform von Quantexa ermöglicht ein besseres Verständnis von Daten, gewährleistet gesicherte Antworten, erhöht die Performance und das Vertrauen und stellt den Teams die genauesten und aktuellsten Informationen an einem einzigen Ort zur Verfügung.

Erfahren Sie mehr über Q Assist und die Funktionsweise mit der Decision Intelligence–Plattform von Quantexa.
Vollständiges Video ansehen

Unterstützung von Kunden in Zeiten von KI
HSBC gehört zu den Unternehmen, die derzeit am Lighthouse–Programm für Early Adopter teilnehmen. Die am Programm teilnehmenden Unternehmen planen die Verwendung von Q Assist auf vielfältige Weise. Dazu gehören:

  • Optimierung von Analyse–, Untersuchungs– und Berichterstattungsaufgaben für Informations– und Wissensmitarbeiter zur Effizienzsteigerung.
  • Verringerung der Abhängigkeit der Data–Science– und Betriebsteams von Ad–hoc–Datenanfragen, damit sie sich auf strategischere Aufgaben konzentrieren können.
  • Bereitstellung der zur Umsatzsteigerung und Verbesserung des Kundenerlebnisses benötigten umfassenden Daten und Einblicke an kundenorientierte Teams.
  • Befähigung von Teams im gesamten Unternehmen zum Treffen zuverlässiger Entscheidungen, die nachvollziehbar sind und die Verbesserung der betrieblichen Abläufe beschleunigen.

BNY Mellon überprüft derzeit die gemeinsame Teilnahme von HSBC am Lighthouse–Programm. Quantexa arbeitete mit den Teilnehmern des Lighthouse–Programms gemeinsam an der Prognose der ein–, drei– und fünfjährigen Vorteile, die sich aus der Verwendung von Q Assist in ihren Kunden–, Data–Science– und Untersuchungsteams ergeben. Dabei wurde ein nahezu sofortiger Produktivitätsgewinn in drei Kernbereichen festgestellt: Zeitersparnis und Effizienz, Identifizierung neuer Geschäftsmöglichkeiten und höhere Konversionsraten.

HSBC erwartet durch die Demokratisierung von Analysen und die Beschleunigung von Prozessen in diesen Bereichen Produktivitätssteigerungen bereits im ersten Jahr der Einführung. Das Unternehmen rechnet auch mit einer Entlastung der Mitarbeiter, die sich dann wieder verstärkt auf andere strategische Aufgaben konzentrieren können.

David Rice, Global Chief Operating Officer, Commercial Banking bei HSBC, erklärte: „Diese neue Lösung hat durch die Bereitstellung zuverlässiger Daten und kontextbezogener Analysen das Potenzial zur Steigerung der Effizienz und Genauigkeit komplexer Aufgaben wie Anti–Geldwäsche–Untersuchungen und Vertriebsstrategien. Mit der Einführung kontextbezogener Analysen und Innovationen kann die HSBC ihre Ressourcen produktiver einsetzen und damit letztlich ihre Kunden unterstützen.“

Quantexa rechnet durch die Verwendung der generativen KI–Technologie–Suite Q Assist bei einem globalen Tier–1–Finanzinstitut mit drei Sicherheitsebenen in den Bereichen Finanzkriminalität und Betrugsbekämpfung, das monatlich etwa 15.000 Warnmeldungen generiert, mit deutlichen Effizienzsteigerungen und Kosteneinsparungen:

  • Jährliche Einsparungen von mehr als 17 Mio. GBP sind durch die Verbesserung und Automatisierung von Untersuchungs– und Berichterstattungsprozessen im Bereich Finanzkriminalität und Betrug möglich.

Jamie Hutton, CTO von Quantexa, kommentierte dies wie folgt: „Durch das Engineering–Prinzip von Quantexa, Lösungen so zu gestalten, dass sie einen maximalen Kundennutzen bieten, konnten unsere Kunden eine wesentliche Rolle bei der Gestaltung der Produktanforderungen für Q Assist spielen. Mit dem Lighthouse–Programm des Unternehmens für Early Adopter profitieren wir von der Zusammenarbeit mit Branchenführern, die uns im Rahmen unseres Roadmap–Prozesses wertvolles Feedback geben.“

Eric Hirschhorn, Chief Data Officer, BNY Mellon, erklärte: „Wir freuen uns über diese fortlaufende Innovation von Quantexa. Dank unserer mehrjährigen Zusammenarbeit konnten wir Datensilos aufbrechen und unsere Daten mit einer beispiellosen Genauigkeit vereinheitlichen. In der nächsten Phase unserer Innovationsarbeit untersuchen wir das Potenzial der Verwendung generativer KI durch die Frontline–Mitarbeiter in der gesamten Bank, um die Datenerkenntnisse zuverlässig zu nutzen und dabei ein neues Effizienzniveau im Prozess zu erreichen.“

So funktioniert die neue generative KI–Technologie–Suite Q Assist
Die neue generative KI–Technologie–Suite von Quantexa kombiniert die Decision Intelligence–Plattform und die generative KI von Quantexa durch eine neue Datenintegrationsschicht, einen Prompt Builder und einen Copiloten, der die Fähigkeit von Teams zum Treffen wichtiger Geschäftsentscheidungen beschleunigt.

Q Assist stellt vertrauenswürdige, erweiterbare KI auf Grundlage der Decision Intelligence–Plattform von Quantexa zur Verfügung. Auf diese Weise können auch nicht–technische Teams von den wichtigen Plattformfunktionen von Quantexa, darunter eine vernetzte Datengrundlage, Graphenanalyse, Modellierung und Scoring, zur Verbesserung und Automatisierung der Entscheidungsfindung profitieren. Die Technologie–Suite Q Assist setzt sich aus drei Komponenten zusammen:

  • Die Integrationsschicht von Q Assist: das Herzstück von Q Assist. Dabei handelt es sich um ein sofort einsetzbares Framework aus Tools, Konnektoren und APIs, das für die sichere Verknüpfung der Decision Intelligence–Plattform von Quantexa mit LLMs und konversationellen KI–Systemen entwickelt wurde.
  • Prompt Builder von Q Assist: eine erweiterbare Prompt–Management– und Sharing–Funktion, die sich leicht mit externen Prompt–Engineering–Tools und –Frameworks wie Azure Prompt Flow, Semantic Kernel oder AutoGen von Microsoft integrieren lässt. So erhalten Administratoren die Möglichkeit, Prompts und Antworten auf der Grundlage von Kontextdaten, die von der Decision Intelligence–Plattform von Quantexa generiert wurden, zu definieren und zu steuern.
  • Copilot von Q Assist: ermöglicht Benutzern die Abfrage großer und unterschiedlicher Daten über eine natürlichsprachliche Schnittstelle, das Verstehen und Zusammenfassen von Daten, Erkenntnissen und Ergebnissen in Echtzeit sowie die Automatisierung von Forschungs–, Untersuchungs– und Berichterstattungsaufgaben.

Derzeit stellt das Unternehmen die Funktionen der generativen KI–Technologie–Suite Q Assist einer ausgewählten Gruppe von Kunden zur Verfügung. Eine umfassendere öffentliche Verfügbarkeit ist für Anfang 2025 geplant.

Weitere Informationen darüber, wie Quantexa Unternehmen bei der Vorbereitung ihrer Daten auf KI unterstützt, oder um den Total Economic Impact™ der Quantexa Decision Intelligence–Plattform von Forrester herunterzuladen und den ROI von Decision Intelligence–Investitionen zu messen, erhalten Sie unter https://www.quantexa.com/discover/ai/.

Über Quantexa
Quantexa ist ein globales Unternehmen für KI–, Daten– und Analysesoftware, das Pionierarbeit auf dem Gebiet der Decision Intelligence leistet, damit Unternehmen anhand von Daten im Kontext zuverlässige betriebliche Entscheidungen treffen können. Mit den neuesten Fortschritten in der Künstlichen Intelligenz (KI) hilft die Decision Intelligence–Plattform von Quantexa Unternehmen, versteckte Risiken und neue Chancen aufzudecken, indem sie isolierte Daten zusammenführt und in eine zuverlässige, wiederverwendbare Ressource verwandelt. Es löst die größten Herausforderungen in den Bereichen Datenmanagement, Customer Intelligence, KYC, Finanzkriminalität, Risiko, Betrug und Sicherheit während des gesamten Kundenlebenszyklus.

Die Quantexa Decision Intelligence–Plattform verbessert die operative Leistung mit einer über 90 % größeren Genauigkeit und einer 60–mal schnelleren Auflösung des Analysemodells als herkömmliche Ansätze. Eine von Forrester unabhängig in Auftrag gegebene TEI–Studie über die Decision Intelligence–Plattform von Quantexa ergab, dass die Kunden innerhalb von drei Jahren einen ROI von 228 % erzielten. Quantexa wurde 2016 gegründet und hat heute mehr als 700 Mitarbeiter und Tausende von Plattformnutzern, die mit Milliarden von Transaktionen und Datenpunkten auf der ganzen Welt arbeiten.

Kontakt: Stephanie Crisp, Fight or Flight
E–Mail: [email protected]
Kontakt: Adam Jaffe, SVP of Corporate Marketing
Tel.: +1 609 502 6889
E–Mail: [email protected]

Ein Foto zu dieser Mitteilung finden Sie unter https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/dc615273–9f23–4d50–b6ec–62d59146a0e7

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000965839)

A Quantexa lança o Q Assist, novo pacote de tecnologia de IA generativa com reconhecimento de contexto

  • O HSBC está entre os vários líderes do setor que participam do Lighthouse Program da Quantexa para os primeiros usuários
  • O HSBC prevê que a simplificação da análise e a aceleração dos processos podem gerar ganhos significativos de produtividade no primeiro ano de implantação
  • O Q Assist combina a Plataforma de Inteligência de Decisão da Quantexa e a IA generativa para aumentar as decisões das equipes de vendas, atendimento ao cliente e conformidade nos serviços financeiros, TMT e agências governamentais

LONDRES, June 11, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Nesta segunda–feira, no palco central da London Tech Week 2024, a Quantexa, líder global em soluções de Inteligência Decisória (Decision Intelligence, DI) para os setores público e privado, apresentou o Q Assist, um pacote de tecnologia de IA generativa com reconhecimento de contexto para ajudar as organizações a aumentarem a tomada de decisões confiáveis em equipes de trabalhadores da linha de frente e de informações. O anúncio demonstra o progresso em relação ao plano de inovação da plataforma da empresa e ocorre quase um ano depois de a Quantexa detalhar um investimento significativo no setor global de inteligência artificial (IA) e apresentar o Q Assist como um copiloto autônomo agnóstico de LLM.

Com o novo pacote de tecnologia Q Assist, os clientes da Quantexa poderão operacionalizar a IA generativa para obter ganhos transformacionais sem investimentos significativos em infraestrutura, ferramentas e outros recursos qualificados.

Os trabalhadores da linha de frente e da área de informação podem aproveitar o poder dos copilotos, dos dados vinculados, do recurso de gráfico de conhecimento da Quantexa e de outros recursos da Plataforma de Inteligência de Decisão para aumentar a precisão e a confiabilidade dos modelos de IA generativa que interagem com todos os dados (estruturados e não estruturados), o contexto e o insight em toda a organização. A combinação de LLMs com o valioso contexto da Plataforma de Inteligência de Decisão da Quantexa permite uma maior compreensão dos dados, fundamenta as respostas com segurança, aumenta o desempenho e a confiança e garante que as equipes tenham as informações mais precisas e atualizadas em um único lugar.

Descubra o que é o Q Assist e como ele funciona com a Plataforma de Inteligência de Decisão da Quantexa.
Assista ao vídeo completo

Como ajudar os clientes a ter sucesso na era da IA
O HSBC é uma das organizações que participam atualmente do Lighthouse Program para os primeiros usuários. Cada organização no programa prevê o uso do Q Assist de várias maneiras, incluindo:

  • Simplificar as tarefas de análise, investigação e geração de relatórios para que os profissionais da informação e do conhecimento alcancem uma maior eficiência.
  • Reduzir a dependência das equipes de ciência de dados e operações para solicitações de dados ad–hoc, permitindo que tenham mais tempo para se concentrarem em tarefas mais estratégicas.
  • Proporcionar às equipes de contado direto com o cliente o acesso a dados aprimorados e insights necessários para aumentar a receita e melhorar a experiência dos clientes.
  • Permitir que as equipes de toda a organização tomem decisões confiáveis de forma consistente, que sejam rastreáveis e acelerem o aprimoramento do processo operacional.

O BNY Mellon já está avaliando a possibilidade de se juntar ao HSBC no esforço do Lighthouse. A Quantexa trabalhou com os participantes do Lighthouse Program para projetar os benefícios de um, três e cinco anos da implantação do Q Assist em suas equipes de atendimento ao cliente, ciência de dados e investigação. Foi constatado um ganho de produtividade quase imediato em três áreas principais: economia de tempo e eficiência, identificação de novas oportunidades e aumento das taxas de conversão.

O HSBC prevê que a democratização da análise e a aceleração dos processos nessas áreas possam levar a ganhos de produtividade no primeiro ano de implementação. A empresa também espera liberar o tempo dos funcionários, permitindo que eles voltem a se concentrar em outras tarefas estratégicas.

David Rice, diretor de operações globais de atividades bancárias comerciais do HSBC, disse: “Essa nova solução tem o potencial de aumentar a eficiência e a precisão de tarefas complexas, como investigações contra lavagem de dinheiro e estratégias de vendas, fornecendo dados confiáveis e análises contextuais. A introdução da análise contextual e da inovação permitirá que o HSBC concentre nossos recursos de forma mais produtiva e, por fim, ajude nossos clientes”.

A Quantexa estima que uma instituição financeira global de primeiro nível, com três níveis de defesa em crimes financeiros e esforços de conformidade contra fraudes, gerando aproximadamente 15 mil alertas por mês, poderia obter ganhos significativos de eficiência e redução de custos com a implementação do pacote de tecnologia de IA generativa Q Assist:

  • Mais de £17 milhões em economia anual, graças ao aprimoramento e à automatização dos processos de investigação e de geração de relatórios sobre crimes financeiros e fraudes.

O CTO da Quantexa, Jamie Hutton, disse: “O princípio de engenharia da Quantexa de moldar soluções para oferecer o máximo de valor ao cliente permitiu que nossos clientes desempenhassem um papel fundamental ao ajudar a moldar os requisitos do produto Q Assist. Por meio do Lighthouse Program da empresa para os primeiros usuários, temos o benefício de trabalhar com líderes do setor que fornecem um valioso feedback durante todo o processo de elaboração do nosso roteiro”.

Eric Hirschhorn, diretor de dados do BNY Mellon, disse: “Estamos entusiasmados em ver a inovação contínua da Quantexa. Nossa colaboração de vários anos nos ajudou a eliminar os silos de dados e a unificar nossos dados com uma precisão sem precedentes. A próxima fase de nossos esforços de inovação nos levará a explorar o potencial de permitir que os funcionários da linha de frente de todo o banco usem a IA generativa para agir com base em insights dos dados com confiança e alcançar novos níveis de eficiência no processo”.

Como funciona o novo pacote de tecnologia de IA generativa Q Assist
O novo pacote de tecnologia de IA generativa da Quantexa combinará a Plataforma de Inteligência de Decisão da Quantexa e a IA generativa por meio de uma nova camada de integração de dados, criador de prompts e copiloto que acelera a capacidade das equipes de tomar decisões comerciais críticas.

O Q Assist oferece IA confiável e extensível, apoiada pela Plataforma de Inteligência de Decisão da Quantexa. Isso permite que equipes não técnicas se beneficiem dos recursos essenciais da plataforma da Quantexa, incluindo uma base de dados conectada, análise de gráficos, modelagem e pontuação para aumentar e automatizar a tomada de decisões. O novo pacote de tecnologia Q Assist é composto por três componentes:

  • Camada de Integração do Q Assist: o sistema central do Q Assist. É uma estrutura de ferramentas, conectores e APIs projetados para vincular com segurança a Plataforma de Inteligência de Decisão da Quantexa com LLMs e sistemas de IA de conversação prontos para uso.
  • Prompt Builder do Q Assist: um recurso extensível de gerenciamento e compartilhamento de prompts que se integra facilmente a ferramentas e estruturas externas de engenharia de prompts, como o Azure Prompt Flow da Microsoft, o Semantic Kernel ou o AutoGen, para colocar o poder nas mãos dos administradores para definir e controlar prompts e respostas baseadas em dados contextuais gerados pela Plataforma de Inteligência de Decisão da Quantexa.
  • Copilot do Q Assist: permite que os usuários consultem dados grandes e díspares por meio de uma interface de linguagem natural, compreendam e resumam dados, insights e descobertas em tempo real e automatizem tarefas de pesquisa, investigação e geração de relatórios.

Hoje, a empresa está disponibilizando os recursos do pacote de tecnologia de IA generativa Q Assist para um conjunto limitado de clientes, com disponibilidade pública mais ampla planejada para o início de 2025.

Para saber mais sobre como a Quantexa está ajudando as organizações a preparar seus dados para IA, ou para fazer o download do Total Economic Impact™ da Plataforma de Inteligência de Decisão da Quantexa fornecida pela Forrester e começar a medir o ROI dos investimentos em Inteligência de Decisão, acesse https://www.quantexa.com/discover/ai/.

Sobre a Quantexa
A Quantexa é uma empresa global de software de IA, dados e análise, pioneira em Inteligência de Decisão para capacitar as organizações a tomar decisões operacionais confiáveis com dados em contexto. Usando os mais recentes avanços em IA, a Plataforma de Inteligência de Decisão da Quantexa ajuda as organizações a descobrirem riscos ocultos e novas oportunidades, unificando dados em silos e transformando–os no recurso mais confiável e reutilizável. Ela resolve os principais desafios de gerenciamento de dados, inteligência de clientes, KYC, crimes financeiros, riscos, fraudes e segurança, durante todo o ciclo de vida do cliente.

A Plataforma de Inteligência de Decisão da Quantexa melhora o desempenho operacional, proporcionando um aumento de mais de 90% na precisão e uma resolução do modelo analítico 60 vezes mais rápida do que as abordagens tradicionais. Um estudo de TEI da Forrester, encomendado de forma independente, sobre a Plataforma de Inteligência de Decisão da Quantexa, constatou que os clientes obtiveram um ROI de 228% em três anos. Fundada em 2016, a Quantexa agora tem mais de 700 funcionários e milhares de usuários da plataforma que trabalham com bilhões de transações e pontos de dados em todo o mundo.

Media Enquiries
C: Stephanie Crisp, Fight or Flight
E: [email protected]
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T: +1 609 502 6889
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Turning the Tide: Health Community Turns to UNFCCC for Inclusivity

Community Health Assistants from Kenya. Credit: Friday Phiri/Amref

Community Health Assistants from Kenya. Credit: Friday Phiri/Amref

By Friday Phiri
BONN, Jun 11 2024 – There is a rapid realization that climate change is impacting health, which is why the recently adopted World Health Organization’s Climate Change and Health Resolution is considered pivotal.

“Knowing that some of the difficulties we are currently facing are a result of climate change is assisting us in understanding which diseases are prevalent when it’s dry or during heavy rains. That way, we can increase awareness of which of the diseases that commonly occur in Mandera, especially malaria, dengue fever, and cholera, are likely to spread depending on the season,” are the sentiments of health assistants only identified as Nasra, Salima, Samlina and Ubah.

They are among over 100 Community Health Assistants (CHAs) from Mandera County in Kenya who are part of on-going country-wide training by Amref Health Africa to build capacity on essential skills to tackle health challenges.

This exemplifies the different layers of challenges that climate change creates for the health sector, not only altering disease spread and patterns but also complicating service delivery.

African Group of Negotiators Chair Ali Mohamed of Kenya during SB60 opening session.

African Group of Negotiators Chair Ali Mohamed of Kenya during the SB60 opening session.

It is for this reason that at the just-ended 77th World Health Assembly (WHA 77) in Geneva, Switzerland, the 194 member states of the World Health Organization (WHO) adopted a historic resolution on Climate Change and Health.

The landmark decision marks a pivotal step in the global endeavor to protect communities from the diverse negative health impacts driven by climate change, as well as calling on the health sector to decarbonize.

The escalating climate crisis is a major driver of poor health outcomes, threatening to reverse five decades of progress in development, global health, and poverty reduction while exacerbating existing health disparities both between and within populations. The associated health damage costs are estimated to range between USD 2-4 billion annually by 2030. Regions with fragile health infrastructures, particularly in developing countries, will face the greatest challenges in coping without substantial assistance to bolster their preparedness and response capabilities.

“The movement to position health as ‘the human face of climate change’ has gained significant momentum with the adoption of this resolution, and I am profoundly optimistic about its transformative potential,” said Dr. Githinji Gitahi, Group Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Amref Health Africa and the COP28 Climate and Health Envoy for Africa.

“This marks a pivotal moment where global leaders have formally acknowledged the urgent need to address the intertwined crises of environmental and public health with a unified, collaborative approach.”

However, there is still some work to be undertaken, as health is not yet part of the mainstream agenda of climate negotiations at the global level. The health community has the daunting task of navigating its way into the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) processes for a comprehensive global agenda on climate and health.

It is worth noting, however, that there have been efforts at the global and regional levels, such as at COP26 in Glasgow, where the health community reached an important milestone in bringing human health to the forefront of climate change work, with initiatives to support countries in developing climate-resilient and low-carbon sustainable health systems.

At COP28, the Climate and Health Declaration articulated similar commitments, including pledges of financial support to the sector in support of climate and health actions.

At the 60th session of the UN Climate Change Subsidiary Bodies (SB60) in Bonn, Germany, the African constituency is seeking ways to actively engage in the discourse and ensure that Africa’s interests in relation to the impacts of climate change on health are well noted.

Amref Health Africa Director of Population Health and Environment, Dr Martin Muchangi.

Amref Health Africa Director of Population Health and Environment, Dr. Martin Muchangi.

During the preparatory meeting of the African Group of Negotiators prior to the SB60, AGN outgoing Chair, Zambia, raised the climate and health agenda and encouraged negotiators to take keen interest and actively engage in the climate and health discourse to set Africa’s agenda, particularly in the Global Goal on Adaptation’s UAE-Belem work programme on indicators where health is one of the thematic targets.

“A crucial point for us to ponder under the UAE-Belem work programme is the inclusion of health as one of the thematic targets. Instead of waiting for this agenda to be set by others, we should, as a group, be actively involved. The work programme offers a window for us to input in terms of how health should be mainstreamed into climate negotiations. As AGN, we have the AAI, which stands out as a shining example of our capacity to set our own agenda in these processes,” said Dr. Alick Muvundika, representing Zambia, as outgoing Chair of the AGN.

Paragraph 9(c) of the GGA decision at COP28 urges Parties and invites non-Party stakeholders to pursue the objectives of the GGA and increase ambition and enhance adaptation action and support in order to accelerate swift action at scale and at all levels, from local to global, in alignment with other global frameworks, towards; attaining resilience against climate change-related health impacts, promoting climate-resilient health services, and significantly reducing climate-related morbidity and mortality, particularly in the most vulnerable communities.

In view of the decision, the health sector in Africa, led by Amref Health Africa and partners, is leading efforts in support of Africa’s active engagement in the UAE-Belem Work programme on indicators for the GGA framework, as well as general technical support for mainstreaming health in climate policies and plans.

During a meeting of African Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) with AGN Chair at the on-going SB60, Amref Health Africa Director for Population Health and Environment, Martin Muchangi, said climate change is complicating health interventions and delivery, adding that “the visible impacts highlight that health is the human face of climate change.”

Muchangi briefed the AGN Chair on Amref’s availability and readiness to support the group to ensure that the yet-to-be developed indicators and related metrics of the health thematic target in the GGA framework would be in line with Africa’s aspirations in view of the continent’s unique circumstances and vulnerability.

“Amref and partners stand ready to support and ensure that the impacts of climate change on health are systematically addressed through investments, capacity building, building strong and resilient health systems, and ensuring that the voice of reason and science gets us where we want to be,” added Muchangi.

And AGN Chair Ali Mohamed welcomed the World Health Organization (WHO) resolution on climate and health, saying it was a step in the right direction.

Ambassador Mohamed challenged CSOs to heavily invest in research for Africa’s positions to be founded on well-grounded evidence, saying the continent continues grappling with climate-induced challenges, thereby worsening most countries’ debt portfolios.

“I am aware of the climate and health agenda as the WHO passed a resolution last week. This is a welcome move amid the visible impacts of climate change on health. The impacts on infrastructure, water and all other sectors are ultimately on human health. For us, health is one of the thematic targets of the Global Goal on Adaptation and we are ready as a group to engage further on the matter,” said the AGN Chair.

“My plea is for us, and I challenge you as CSOs to invest in research. Let’s generate a formidable base of evidence, building on the existing evidence base of Africa’s vulnerability and disproportionate impacts of climate change so that our arguments in these processes are well informed and clear,” added ambassador Mohamed.

Amidst all this, a recent report by the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), titled “Building Africa’s Resilience to Global Economic Shocks,” indicates that climate shocks generally are highly correlated with the cyclical component of GDP growth and not with the long-term trend in Africa, which suggests that part of the volatility observed in growth emanates from climate-induced shocks.

With the situation already volatile, as highlighted, stakeholders continue to seek integrated interventions, including the mainstreaming of health in climate policies and plans.

Note: The author is the Climate Change Health Advocacy Lead at Amref Health Africa.

IPS UN Bureau Report


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Myriad Genetics Collaborates with GSK to Improve Access to HRD Testing in 9 Countries

SALT LAKE CITY, June 11, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Myriad Genetics, Inc. (NASDAQ: MYGN), a leader in genetic testing and precision medicine, today announced a collaboration with GSK aimed at improving access to homologous recombination deficiency (HRD) diagnostic testing for high–grade serous ovarian cancer (HGSOC) patients. A new sponsored testing program leveraging Myriad’s MyChoice HRD Plus and MyChoice CDx Plus Tests (collectively referred to as Myriad’s MyChoice Tests) is now available in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Egypt, Netherlands, Saudia Arabia, Singapore, and United Arab Emirates.

HRD testing is an important predictive and prognostic biomarker for patients who have ovarian cancer. Myriad’s MyChoice Tests determine HRD status in women with ovarian cancer. Clinicians can order this test through their local pathology labs and samples are sent to Myriad Genetics.

This collaboration delivers on both companies’ shared commitment to improve care for patients with advanced ovarian cancer by facilitating access to genetic testing and demonstrates a mutual dedication to meeting an unmet need for patients who otherwise may not have access to testing.

“Our collaboration with GSK is an important step forward in providing critical genetic insights that can help clinicians guide more personalized ovarian cancer treatment decisions,” said Patrick Burke, PhD, EVP of Strategy and Innovation, Myriad Genetics. “In the pursuit of advancing healthcare equity, Myriad is committed to extending the reach of our diagnostic solutions, like Myriad’s MyChoice Tests into additional markets to support more targeted patient care based on their genomic profile.”

About Myriad’s MyChoice Test
Myriad’s MyChoice® test is the most comprehensive tumor test for determining HRD status based on the assessment of genomic alterations in genes such as BRCA1 and BRCA2 and Genomic Instability Score (GIS) status using Myriad’s proprietary algorithm.  It enables healthcare professionals to identify patients with advanced ovarian cancer who are more likely to respond to treatment with targeted therapies.

About Myriad Genetics
Myriad Genetics is a leading genetic testing and precision medicine company dedicated to advancing health and well–being for all. Myriad develops and offers genetic tests that help assess the risk of developing disease or disease progression and guide treatment decisions across medical specialties where genetic insights can significantly improve patient care and lower healthcare costs. For more information, visit www.myriad.com

Safe Harbor Statement
This press release contains “forward–looking statements” within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, including that this collaboration will increase access to HRD testing and can help clinicians guide more personalized ovarian cancer treatment decisions for patients. These “forward–looking statements” are management’s expectations of future events as of the date hereof and are subject to known and unknown risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results, conditions, and events to differ materially and adversely from those anticipated. Such factors include those risks described in the company’s filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, including the company’s Annual Report on Form 10–K filed on February 28, 2024, as well as any updates to those risk factors filed from time to time in the company’s Quarterly Reports on Form 10–Q or Current Reports on Form 8–K. Myriad is not under any obligation, and it expressly disclaims any obligation, to update or alter any forward–looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise except as required by law. 

Investor Contact
Matt Scalo
(801) 584–3532
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Media Contact
Glenn Farrell
(385) 318–3718
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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9151576)

Climate Finance: The Planet is Speaking, Listen and Respond with Justice

While Africa is responsible for two to three percent of global emissions, the continent stands out disproportionately as the most vulnerable. Credit: Joyce Chimbi/IPS

While Africa is responsible for two to three percent of global emissions, the continent stands out disproportionately as the most vulnerable. Credit: Joyce Chimbi/IPS

By Joyce Chimbi
BONN & NAIROBI, Jun 11 2024 – As the planet groans under record-breaking temperatures and extreme weather events, Africa, which is responsible for only two to three percent of global emissions, stands out disproportionately as the most vulnerable region in the world. 

António Guterres, the United Nations Secretary-General’s special address on climate action titled ‘A Moment of Truth’ said 2024 was the hottest May in recorded history, and that this marks twelve straight months of the hottest months ever. For the past year, every turn of the calendar has turned up the heat.

“Our planet is trying to tell us something.  But we do not seem to be listening. Humanity is just one small blip on the radar. But like the meteor that wiped out the dinosaurs, we’re having an outsized impact. In the case of climate, we are not the dinosaurs. We are the meteors. We are not only in danger. We are the danger. But we are also the solution,” he said.

The speech was made during the 60th Sessions of United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Subsidiary Bodies—also called the 2024 Bonn Climate Change Conference—to build on the many mandates of COP28 in Dubai, drive forward progress on key issues and prepare decisions for adoption at the COP29 UN Climate Change Conference in Baku, Azerbaijan, in November 2024.

Activists demand that negotiators at the 2024 Bonn Climate Change Conference and COP29 stay on track with climate finance demands. Credit: UNFCCC

Activists demand that negotiators at the 2024 Bonn Climate Change Conference and COP29 stay on track with climate finance demands. Credit: UNFCCC

“We are at a moment of truth. It is a travesty of climate justice that those least responsible for the crisis are hardest hit: the poorest people, the most vulnerable countries, Indigenous Peoples, women and girls. The richest one percent emits as much as two-thirds of humanity,” Guterres observed.

Emphasizing that extreme events “turbocharged by climate chaos are piling up—destroying lives, pummeling economies, and hammering health. Wrecking sustainable development; forcing people from their homes; and rocking the foundations of peace and security—as people are displaced and vital resources depleted.”

Climate justice is an approach to climate action centered on the unequal impacts of climate change on vulnerable populations. It seeks to achieve an equitable distribution of both the burdens of climate change and the efforts to mitigate climate change, examining issues such as equality, human rights and historical responsibilities for climate change.

This approach recognizes that marginalized or vulnerable communities, especially in developing and least-developed countries, often face the worst consequences of climate change. The “triple injustice” of climate change means that they frequently experience additional disadvantage as a result of climate change responses, which exacerbates already existing inequalities.

Meena Raman from the Third World Network spoke about the poor performance and duplicity of the developed countries.

“They come to these negotiations talking about issues such as mitigation ambition while regressing and moving away from the climate finance agenda,” she said, pointing to the failure of the developed world to keep to their promises of reducing their carbon emissions by 25 to 40 percent by 2020.

“There are only 17.4 percent emissions reductions overall in developed countries and economies in transition…This is the height of irresponsibility.”

She also called them out on climate finance.

“The developed world has only managed to generate about USD 51.6 billion annually from 2019 to 2020, against a commitment of USD 100 billion per year. And here they come talking about achievements and being on target while they are nowhere near that target,” she said.

Sara Shaw from Friends of the Earth International stressed that developed countries have not provided the finance they owe to developing countries over the past decades to deliver a just transition and a meaningful and just phase out of fossil fuels. This has led to a dire emergency situation, with the impacts of the climate crisis becoming increasingly devastating.

“The situation is fueling, understandably, a narrative of urgency. But instead of the urgency meaning that the action is directed at tackling the root causes of the climate crisis at source, including fossil fuel and greenhouse gas emissions, we see rich countries and big polluters chasing after a range of dangerous distractions, such as the carbon market,” she said.

Raman speaks of a lack of good faith in the negotiations, of big countries minimizing and disguising their contribution to global emissions, and their financial responsibility to developing and underdeveloped countries. Saying there is a resistance to focusing on finance and a deliberate shift to focusing on other issues.

“Developed countries are saying that negotiations here are not only about finance but about the global stocktake—how parties have progressed towards achieving global climate goals—in their entirety. The negotiations are about every global stocktake outcome. But what they are attempting to do is dilute and muddy the discussions so that there will not be a total focus on finance,” Raman emphasized.

“For Baku, COP29 is a finance COP and the new collective quantified goal on finance is a very critical discussion that is going on now and that has to be decided in terms of what the quantity of the new goal is going to be.”

Civil society from Africa, under the Pan-African Climate Justice Alliance (PACJA), is in Bonn to voice their concerns and demands on behalf of millions of Africans suffering from climate change’s impacts. To remind the Parties to the UNFCCC of their moral and legal obligations to protect their planet and people from the existential threat of global warming. To hold them accountable for their actions and inactions that have caused and exacerbated this crisis.

“Africa is on the frontlines of the climate crisis. We are experiencing the worst effects of a problem that we did not create. Our communities are facing severe water scarcity, crop failures, malnutrition, diseases, displacement, conflicts, heat waves and loss of life due to climate change. Our natural resources and ecosystems are under immense pressure from climate change and other human activities. Our development prospects and aspirations are being undermined by inadequate support and finance from the international community,” their joint statement read.

Their statement said their call was not for charity or sympathy.

“We are here to demand justice and equity; to demand that the parties, especially those from the North, stop procrastination; to call on them to listen to the voices of the people, especially those who are most vulnerable and marginalized, and to act following the best available science and the principles of equity and common but differentiated responsibilities. We are here to call on rich countries to demonstrate leadership and courage in tackling this crisis that threatens our common future.”

IPS UN Bureau Report


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Proud to be an Ally: Standing with LGBTQ+ Communities Across the World

International LGBT+ Pride Day, also known as National Pride Day, is celebrated on June 28th each year. The day commemorates the Stonewall Riots, which took place on June 28, 1969 when New York City police raided the Stonewall Inn, a gay club in Greenwich Village. Credit: Unsplash/Mercedes Mehling

By Winnie Byanyima
Jun 11 2024 – The events of this year’s PRIDE month are showing the world the power of inclusivity. It is by only insisting on acceptance, and rejecting criminalization, discrimination and stigmatization, that we can ensure a fairer, safer, future for all. We are all invited to be allies.

PRIDE has always been a protest and commemoration as much as celebration. The first marchers in New York more than 50 years ago understood PRIDE as a way to reject the shame that others sought to impose on them, and to honour the memory of people who had been mistreated and defamed.

For them, defiance and joy were not opposites; their joy was defiance. The LGBTQ+ community have refused to accept subjugation, and have stood in solidarity with all marginalized people.

Winnie Byanyima

PRIDE has always been about collective action for justice. The determination of LGBTQ+ communities and of allies to ensure inclusion for all people has been core to the advances that have been made in recent decades on human rights and in public health.

It is not a coincidence that it was the networks of gay activists built up from the late 1960s who went on to pioneer the community response to HIV at the onset of the AIDS pandemic in the 1980s. They helped mitigate the spread and impact of the virus by providing peer-to-peer information about HIV and delivering care and support at a time when no one else was willing to do so.

They reached out in partnership to defend all minorities from discrimination and violence, and they founded campaigns to overturn the laws and attitudes which violate human rights and obstruct people’s access to services.

As HIV treatment and prevention innovations expanded, it was groups spearheaded by LGBTQ+ activists including ACT UP in the United States and the Treatment Action Campaign in South Africa who drove the campaigns to break the monopoly hold on production of medicines so that all who needed medicines to treat and prevent HIV could access them.

So much has been won. At the beginning of the AIDS pandemic most countries criminalized LGBTQ+ people — but today more than two thirds of countries do not criminalize them. Since 2019 alone, Botswana, Gabon, Angola, Bhutan, Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Singapore, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Cook Islands, Mauritius and Dominica have all repealed laws that had criminalized LGBTQ+ people.

But the progress that has been made is in danger. LGBTQ+ people are under attack, and alongside the attacks on LGBTQ+ communities are attacks on the rights of women and girls, on migrants, and on ethnic and religious minorities.

Leaders fearful of their status and power are whipping up hatred of minorities to divert attention from economic and political woes. They are pushing for draconian laws and enabling vigilantes to follow through on their verbal violence with physical violence.

Meanwhile, at a time when solidarity with human rights defenders is vital and urgent, funding support for civil society organizations is shrinking as donor countries cut their budgets.

We are at a hinge moment, a crossroads: the end of AIDS as a public health threat is realizable in this decade, but progress is imperiled; we can win the battle for human rights for all, but only if we join together to fight for it. Our collective future will be set by what we do now. Courage and urgency in support of everyone’s human rights is essential to protect everyone’s health.

It is the people at the toughest intersections of injustice who are leading the way. But they cannot succeed alone; they need allies not only on their side but by their side. Stigma kills; solidarity saves lives.

The United Nations is clear: be proud of who you are, and be proud to be an ally for the human rights of everyone.

Winnie Byanyima is Executive Director of UNAIDS and Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations. The link follows: https://www.unaids.org/sites/default/files/media/images/unaids-executive-director-winnie-byanyima.jpg

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President Lula to Speak at FII PRIORITY Rio de Janeiro Summit at the Copacabana Palace Wednesday

RIO DE JANEIRO, June 11, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — FII Institute is honoured to announce that Brazil’s President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva will speak at the inaugural Latin America FII PRIORITY Summit in Rio de Janeiro on 12 June, marking a significant milestone for the summit.

President Lula, who will be joined by several high–ranking Brazilian and Latin American government officials, underscores the importance of FII PRIORITY Rio in addressing key global priorities and promoting investment opportunities. His attendance is a testament to Brazil’s integral role in shaping the future of global investment and sustainability.

“We are deeply honoured by President Lula’s decision to join us,” said Richard Attias, CEO of FII Institute. “As a global leader, his leadership and vision will greatly enrich our discussions and initiatives. The theme of our summit, ‘Invest in Dignity,’ was inspired by President Lula’s vision.”

The FII PRIORITY Rio de Janeiro Summit will take place at the Copacabana Palace from 11 to 13 June 2024, featuring a rich and diverse programme with world–renowned leaders and critical discussions on global issues.

For more information, please visit: https://fii–institute.org/Program–Rio. For media enquiries, please email: media@fii–institute.org and fii–[email protected].

About FII Institute
The Future Investment Initiative (FII) Institute is a global non–profit foundation driven by data with an investment arm focused on impactful initiatives for humanity. Through its PRIORITY Summits, the institute brings together leading minds to foster innovation and sustainable solutions across the globe.

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000965653)

Presidente Lula participará do FII PRIORITY Rio de Janeiro Summit no Copacabana Palace na quarta-feira 12 de junho

RIO DE JANEIRO, June 10, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — O Instituto FII tem a honra de anunciar que o presidente do Brasil, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, falará na cúpula inaugural do FII PRIORITY da América Latina no Rio de Janeiro em 12 de junho, um marco significativo para o evento. Sua presença reforça o papel do Brasil na formação do futuro do investimento global e da sustentabilidade.

O presidente Lula, que estará acompanhado por representantes do governo brasileiro e latino–americano, reconhece a importância do FII PRIORITY Rio em abordar prioridades globais essenciais e promover oportunidades de investimento.

“Estamos profundamente honrados pela decisão do presidente Lula de se juntar a nós”, disse Richard Attias, CEO do Instituto FII. “Como líder global, sua liderança e visão enriquecerão enormemente nossas discussões e iniciativas. O tema da nossa cúpula, 'Investir na Dignidade', foi inspirado pela visão do presidente Lula.”

O FII PRIORITY Rio de Janeiro Summit acontecerá no Copacabana Palace de 11 a 13 de junho de 2024, apresentando um programa diversificado com líderes de renome mundial e discussões críticas sobre questões globais.

Para mais informações, visite: https://fii–institute.org/Program–Rio.

Sobre o FII Institute
O Future Investment Initiative (FII) Institute é uma fundação global sem fins lucrativos movida por dados, com um braço de investimento focado em iniciativas impactantes para a humanidade. Através de seus Encontros PRIORITY, o instituto reúne grandes mentes para fomentar a inovação e soluções sustentáveis em todo o mundo.

Mais informações sobre o evento do Rio de Janeiro e edições anteriores, podem ser encontradas AQUI!

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الرئيس البرازيلي يلقي كلمة في قمة FII PRIORITY ريو دي جانيرو الأربعاء

ريو دي جانيرو, June 11, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) —

يسر مؤسسة مبادرة مستقبل الاستثمار أن تعلن مشاركة رئيس جمهورية البرازيل لويس إيناسيو لولا دا سيلفا وإلقاءه كلمة في قمة “الأولوية” التي تعد الأولى في أمريكا اللاتينية المزمع انعقادها في المدينة البرازيلية ريو دي جانيرو بتاريخ  12 من الشهر الجاري.

ويؤكد حضور الرئيس لولا، الذي سيرافقه عددا من المسؤولين من دولة البرازيل ودول أمريكا اللاتينية، على أهمية قمة “الأولوية” حول معالجة الأولويات العالمية الرئيسية وتعزيز فرص الاستثمار، وتشير المؤسسة إلى أن حضور الرئيس البرازيلي دليل على الدور الأساسي الذي تلعبه البرازيل في مستقبل الاستثمار العالمي والاستدامة

وقال الرئيس التنفيذي لمؤسسة مبادرة مستقبل الاستثمار ريتشارد أتياس: “نفتخر بانضمام الرئيس لولا إلينا في قمة “الأولوية” هنا في ريو دي جانيرو. كونه من أهم القادة في المنطقة، ستثري مشاركته ورؤيته جلساتنا ومبادراتنا بشكل استثنائي، وكنا منذ البداية قد استلهمنا موضوع قمتنا، 'الاستثمار في الكرامة'، من رؤية الرئيس لولا.”

ستُعقد قمة “الأولوية” ريو دي جانيرو في فندق كوباكابانا بالاس من ١١ إلى ١٣ حزيران ٢٠٢٤، وستتضمن برنامجاً غنياً من الجلسات والمناقشات حول القضايا العالمية بمشاركة أبرز القيادات والمتحدثين من قطاعات مختلفة، وخبراء الاستثمار، وصناع القرار.

حول مؤسسة مبادرة مستقبل الاستثمار
مؤسسة مبادرة مستقبل الاستثمار هي مؤسسة عالمية غير ربحية تعتمد على البيانات ولها ذراع استثماري يركز على المبادرات المؤثرة للبشرية. تجمع المؤسسة من خلال سلسلة قمم الأولوية بين العقول الرائدة لتعزيز الابتكار والحلول المستدامة لأبرز التحديات في جميع أنحاء العالم.

للاستفسارات الإعلامية، يرجى إرسال بريد إلكتروني إلى: media@fii–institute.org و fii–[email protected].

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