Shoals Technologies Group prévoit de lancer sa gamme mondiale de solutions au salon Intersolar Europe

PORTLAND, Tennessee, 17 juin 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Shoals Technologies Group, Inc. (Nasdaq : SHLS), un leader mondial spécialisé dans les solutions EBOS (équilibre électrique des systèmes) pour le marché de la transition énergétique, a annoncé aujourd’hui le lancement d’une gamme complète de solutions système destinées aux promoteurs internationaux et aux entreprises d’ingénierie, d’approvisionnement et de construction.

Le lancement aura lieu à l’occasion du salon Intersolar Europe qui se tiendra du 19 au 21 juin, où Shoals présentera la gamme de solutions la plus complète du groupe à ce jour, spécialement conçue pour les clients internationaux. Le déploiement comprendra des solutions qui permettent la mise en place de rangées non obstruées, de systèmes agri–solaires, ainsi que de configurations nord–sud, en plus des solutions existantes pour les configurations est–ouest.

Josep Tienda, Vice–Président des ventes internationales chez Shoals explique : « Notre nouvelle gamme de solutions apporte des innovations intéressantes dans le secteur de l’énergie solaire à grande échelle connecté au réseau électrique. Ces nouvelles solutions prêtes à l’emploi ont été mises au point en s’appuyant sur l’expertise que Shoals a développée au cours des deux dernières décennies et elles maintiennent la norme de qualité élevée qu’attendent nos clients. »

Pour développer cette nouvelle gamme de solutions, Shoals a su écouter les clients et les réactions du marché, reconnaissant que le monde de l’énergie solaire à grande échelle est en train d’évoluer. L’équipe chargée de l’innovation a conçu des solutions de produits industrialisés, prêtes à l’emploi, capables de répondre aux besoins actuels et à venir. Les produits de Shoals sont préfabriqués et éliminent la nécessité d’utiliser des connecteurs perçant l’isolation qui ne répondent pas aux normes de qualité strictes des développeurs, nécessaires pour résister au temps et aux conditions météorologiques extrêmes rencontrées dans les systèmes à grande échelle. En plus des versions certifiées à l’international de produits existants proposés aux États–Unis, les innovations de Shoals comprennent :

  1. SuperJumper, une solution préfabriquée pour l’exploitation à domicile.
  2. Trenched BLA, pour les applications où un câble porteur est un obstacle.
  3. Mini BLA, pour de plus petites installations ou lorsque la topographie impose une configuration segmentée des suiveurs solaires.
  4. Smart Combiner, boîtiers qui s’intègrent parfaitement aux systèmes SCADA.

Ces solutions sont prises en charge par la Solution de gestion des câbles de Shoals, un ensemble complet contenant les composants essentiels pour les systèmes de câblage des projets solaires. La solution offre la plus grande facilité d’installation, d’utilisation et d’entretien des systèmes EBOS de l’industrie, établissant ainsi une nouvelle norme.

Outre les nouveaux systèmes, Shoals localise également certaines de ses solutions. Les nouvelles gammes de boîtes de jonction seront fabriquées en Europe et en Australie, ce qui permettra à l’entreprise de proposer des solutions EBOS de pointe et de répondre aux attentes en matière de livraison pour l’Europe, l’Australie et d’autres marchés en expansion.

À propos de Shoals Technologies Group, Inc.

Shoals Technologies Group, Inc. est un fournisseur de premier plan de solutions EBOS (équilibre électrique des systèmes) pour le marché de la transition énergétique. Depuis sa fondation en 1996, la Société a introduit des technologies et des solutions de systèmes innovantes qui permettent à ses clients d’accroître considérablement l’efficacité et la sécurité de leurs installations tout en améliorant la performance et la fiabilité du système. Shoals Technologies Group, Inc. est un leader reconnu dans le secteur de l’énergie renouvelable dont les solutions sont déployées sur plus de 62 GW de systèmes solaires dans le monde. Pour plus d’informations, veuillez consulter le site :

Relations avec les investisseurs
Matt Tractenberg, VP, Finance et Relations avec les investisseurs
E–mail : [email protected]

Relations avec les médias
Sara Jo Walker
Directrice principale de la communication
(615) 500–4349
[email protected]

Déclarations prospectives :

Le présent communiqué de presse contient des déclarations prospectives fondées sur les convictions et les hypothèses de la direction de la Société et sur les informations dont elle dispose à l’heure actuelle. Ces déclarations prospectives concernent, entre autres, l’offre de nouveaux produits et les efforts de la Société pour croître et se développer à l’international. Les déclarations prospectives comprennent des énoncés qui ne sont pas uniquement des déclarations de faits historiques et qui peuvent être identifiées par des termes tels que « anticipe », « croit », « pourrait », « estime », « s’attend à », « a l’intention de », « peut », « prévoit », « potentiel », « prédit », « projette », « cherche », « devrait », « sera », « serait » et des expressions similaires, ainsi que les négations de ces termes.

Ces déclarations prospectives impliquent des risques identifiés et non identifiés, des incertitudes et d’autres facteurs en raison desquels les résultats réels, les performances ou les réalisations de la Société pourraient à l’avenir différer sensiblement de ceux exprimés ou sous–entendus par ces déclarations prospectives. Les principaux facteurs susceptibles d’entraîner une différence entre les résultats réels et les attentes de la Société, comprennent notamment les suivants : notre expansion en dehors des États–Unis pourrait nous exposer à des risques commerciaux, financiers, réglementaires et concurrentiels supplémentaires ; une nouvelle augmentation des taux d’intérêt ou une réduction de la disponibilité des incitations fiscales ou des capitaux d’emprunt pour les projets sur les marchés financiers mondiaux pourrait rendre difficile pour les clients finaux le financement du coût d’un système d’énergie solaire et pourrait réduire la demande pour les produits de la Société ; des défauts ou des problèmes de performance de nos produits ou de leurs pièces, y compris ceux liés à la rétraction excessive de l’isolation des fils, pourraient entraîner une perte de clientèle, une atteinte à la réputation et une diminution des recettes, et pourraient avoir un effet négatif important sur nos activités, notre situation financière et nos résultats d’exploitation ; nous pouvons subir des retards, des interruptions, des problèmes de contrôle de la qualité ou de réputation dans nos opérations de fabrication, en partie en raison de la concentration de nos fournisseurs ; le marché de nos produits est concurrentiel, et nous pouvons être confrontés à une concurrence accrue du fait que des concurrents nouveaux et existants introduisent des solutions et des composants de systèmes EBOS, ce qui pourrait avoir une incidence négative sur nos résultats d’exploitation et notre part de marché ; des développements dans les technologies alternatives peuvent avoir un effet négatif important sur la demande pour les produits de la Société ; et si la demande pour les projets d’énergie solaire ne continue pas à augmenter ou augmente à un rythme plus lent que celui prévu par la Société, celle–ci ne pourra peut–être pas atteindre le niveau de croissance qu’elle prévoit et son activité pourra en pâtir.

Ces facteurs de risque, ainsi que d’autres facteurs importants, sont décrits plus en détail dans le dernier Rapport annuel de la Société inclus dans le Formulaire 10–K et les Rapports trimestriels suivants dans le Formulaire 10–Q et d’autres documents déposés auprès de la Commission des opérations de bourse (SEC) et sont susceptibles d’entraîner des différences entre les résultats réels et les attentes. Compte tenu de ces incertitudes, il vous est recommandé de ne pas vous fier indûment aux déclarations prospectives. En outre, les déclarations prospectives représentent les convictions et les hypothèses de la direction de la Société uniquement à la date de ce rapport. Vous devez lire ce rapport en sachant que les résultats réels de la Société à l’avenir peuvent être substantiellement différents de ceux qu’elle prévoit.

Sauf si la loi l’exige, la Société n’est pas tenue de mettre à jour ces déclarations prospectives, ni d’actualiser les raisons pour lesquelles les résultats réels pourraient différer substantiellement de ceux anticipés dans ces déclarations prospectives, même si de nouvelles informations deviennent disponibles à l’avenir.

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9154181)

Shoals Technologies Group to Launch Global Suite of Solutions at Intersolar Europe

PORTLAND, Tenn., June 17, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Shoals Technologies Group, Inc. (Nasdaq: SHLS), a global leader in electrical balance of system (EBOS) solutions for the energy transition market, today announced its launch of a comprehensive range of system–solutions focused on international developers and engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) contractors.

The new product launch will take place at Intersolar Europe, June 19–21 and will introduce the most comprehensive suite of solutions by Shoals to–date, specifically designed with global customers in mind. The rollout will include solutions that enable unobstructed rows, agri–solar, as well as North–South configurations in addition to existing East–West configuration solutions.

“Our new suite of solutions is bringing exciting innovations in the utility scale solar industry,” explains Josep Tienda, Vice–President of International Sales at Shoals. “These new plug–and–play solutions were developed leveraging Shoals DNA and maintain the high standard we have set over the past two decades, which our customers have come to expect.”

In developing this new line of solutions, Shoals has listened to customers and market feedback, and recognized that the world of utility scale solar is evolving. The innovation team has delivered plug–and–play, industrialized product solutions to meet the needs of today and the future. Shoals products are prefabricated and negate the need for insulation piercing connectors that do not meet developers’ strict quality standards needed to withstand the time and extreme weather experienced in large scale systems. In addition to globally certified versions of existing products which Shoals offers in the US, the new innovations include:

  1. SuperJumper – a prefabricated home–run solution.
  2. Trenched BLA – for applications where a messenger wire is an obstacle.
  3. Mini BLA – for smaller installations or where topography dictates a segmented configuration of trackers.
  4. Smart Combiner – boxes that integrate seamlessly with SCADA systems.

These solutions are supported by Shoals Cable Management Solution, a comprehensive package containing the essential components for solar project wiring systems. The solution offers the easiest EBOS installation, operation, and maintenance in the industry, setting a new standard.

In addition to the new system solutions, Shoals is also localizing some of its solutions. The new ranges of combiner boxes will be built in Europe and in Australia, ensuring that in addition to offering industry leading EBOS solutions, the company can also meet delivery expectations for Europe, Australia, and other expansion markets.

About Shoals Technologies Group, Inc.

Shoals Technologies Group, Inc. is a leading provider of electrical balance of systems (EBOS) solutions for the energy transition market. Since its founding in 1996, the Company has introduced innovative technologies and systems solutions that allow its customers to substantially increase installation efficiency and safety while improving system performance and reliability. Shoals Technologies Group, Inc. is a recognized leader in the renewable energy industry whose solutions are deployed on over 62 GW of solar systems globally. For additional information, please visit:

Investor Relations
Matt Tractenberg, VP of Finance and Investor Relations
Email: [email protected]

Media Relations
Sara Jo Walker
Senior Director of Communications
(615) 500–4349
[email protected]

Forward–looking Statements:

This press release contains certain forward–looking statements that are based on the Company’s management’s beliefs and assumptions and on information currently available to the Company’s management. These forward–looking statements relate to, among other things, the Company’s new product offerings and the Company’s international expansion and growth efforts. Forward–looking statements include statements that are not historical facts and can be identified by terms such as “anticipate,” “believe,” “could,” “estimate,” “expect,” “intend,” “may,” “plan,” “potential,” “predict,” “project,” “seek,” “should,” “will,” “would” or similar expressions and the negatives of those terms.

Forward–looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause the Company’s actual results, performance, or achievements to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by the forward–looking statements. Some of the key factors that could cause actual results to differ from the Company’s expectations include, among other things; our expansion outside the U.S. could subject us to additional business, financial, regulatory and competitive risks; a further increase in interest rates or a reduction in the availability of tax incentives or project debt capital in the global financial markets could make it difficult for end customers to finance the cost of a solar energy system and could reduce the demand for the Company’s products; defects or performance problems in our products or their parts, including those related to the wire insulation shrinkback matter, could result in loss of customers, reputational damage and decreased revenue, and may have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations; we may experience delays, disruptions, quality control or reputational problems in our manufacturing operations in part due to our vendor concentration; the market for our products is competitive, and we may face increased competition as new and existing competitors introduce EBOS system solutions and components, which could negatively affect our results of operations and market share; developments in alternative technologies may have a material adverse effect on demand for the Company’s offerings; and if demand for solar energy projects does not continue to grow or grows at a slower rate than the Company anticipates, the Company may not be able to achieve the Company’s anticipated level of growth and the Company’s business will suffer.

These and other important risk factors are described more fully in the Company’s most recent Annual Report on Form 10–K and subsequent Quarterly Reports on Form 10–Q and other documents filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission and could cause actual results to vary from expectations. Given these uncertainties, you should not place undue reliance on forward–looking statements. Also, forward–looking statements represent the Company’s management’s beliefs and assumptions only as of the date of this report. You should read this report with the understanding that the Company’s actual future results may be materially different from what the Company expects.

Except as required by law, the Company assumes no obligation to update these forward–looking statements, or to update the reasons actual results could differ materially from those anticipated in these forward–looking statements, even if new information becomes available in the future.

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9154181)

Axi lança sua maior competição global de trading, com prêmios de $250,000 USD

SYDNEY, Australia, June 17, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A principal corretora online de FX e CFD, Axi, lançou a maior competição global de trading de 2024, com um total de prêmios de $250,000 USD.

A Axi está agitando o mercado, convidando traders de todos os tamanhos a operarem seu melhor e ganharem mega prêmios, incluindo o grande prêmio de $100,000 USD. Mais de 45 prêmios serão distribuídos para ROI, maior volume de trading, melhor ROI de cada semana, além de cinco prêmios aleatórios de $500 USD por semana.

As inscrições para a competição já começaram, e a competição de quatro semanas ocorrerá de 3 a 30 de junho. Segundo a corretora, a competição está aberta tanto para novos clientes quanto para clientes existentes, e traders ambiciosos interessados em participar devem abrir ou já possuir uma conta real de trading na Axi, depositar um mínimo de $200 e operar pelo menos 1 lote.

Louis Cooper, Diretor Comercial da Axi, compartilha sua empolgação para a próxima competição: “’Opere seu melhor’ é nosso lema, e em junho convidamos nossos traders a fazer exatamente isso – operar seu melhor em seus mercados favoritos, como Forex, Ouro, Cripto, para ter a chance de ganhar prêmios em dinheiro incríveis, incluindo o prêmio máximo de $100,000 USD.”

Este foi um ano financeiro muito bem–sucedido para a corretora; eles recentemente introduziram novos programas inovadores e também expandiram seu portfólio de parcerias para incluir o time feminino do Man City, o clube da LaLiga Girona FC, e o inglês e seis vezes vencedor da Premier League, John Stones, como embaixador da marca da empresa.

Para saber mais sobre a competição e se inscrever, visite:–trading–competition

Sobre a Axi

A Axi é uma corretora global online de FX e CFDs. Uma corretora preferida por milhares de clientes ambiciosos em mais de 100 países ao redor do mundo, ajudamos todos os tipos de traders, empresas de trading, bancos e organizações financeiras a encontrar a vantagem de que precisam para alcançar seus objetivos financeiros por meio de transações informadas realizadas nos mercados financeiros mundiais. A Axi oferece uma ampla gama de ativos, incluindo CFDs para várias classes de ativos, como Forex, Ações, Petróleo, Metais Preciosos, Café, Índices e outras commodities.

Na Axi, temos orgulho de nossa reputação como uma corretora honesta, justo e responsável. Nossos numerosos prêmios globais e avaliações atestam a confiança e a credibilidade que conquistamos de nossos clientes, que valorizam nosso serviço excepcional, execução rápida, pagamentos seguros e retiradas fáceis. Da mesma forma, também trabalhamos proativamente com autoridades reguladoras líderes em todo o mundo para garantir que superamos os mais altos padrões da indústria.

A competição de trading está disponível apenas para clientes da AxiTrader Limited. CFDs carregam um alto risco de perda de investimento. Não disponível para residentes de AU, NZ, UE e Reino Unido. Aplicam–se termos e condições.

Para mais informações ou comentários adicionais da Axi, entre em contato: [email protected]

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000966691)

شركة Axi تطلق أكبر مسابقة تداول عالمية لها على الإطلاق، مع جوائز تصل الى 250 ألف دولار أمريكي

SYDNEY, Australia, June 17, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — لقد أطلقت شركة Axi الرائدة كوسيط لتداول العملات الأجنبية والعقود مقابل الفروقات عبر الإنترنت، أكبر مسابقة تداول عالمية لعام 2024، بمجموع جوائز إجمالي قدره 250,000 دولار أمريكي.

ترفع شركة Axi مستوى التحدي وتدعو جميع المتداولين إلى اظهار مهاراتهم والفوز بجوائز ضخمة، بما في ذلك الجائزة الكبرى التي تبلغ قيمتها 100,000 دولار أمريكي. سيتم منح أكثر من 45 جائزة للعائد على الاستثمار، وأعلى حجم تداول، وأفضل عائد على الاستثمار لكل أسبوع، بالإضافة إلى خمس جوائز عن طريق السحب بقيمة 500 دولار أمريكي أسبوعيًا.

لقد تم فتح باب التسجيل للمسابقة، ومن المقرر أن تستمر المسابقة لمدة أربعة أسابيع من 3 إلى 30 يونيو. وفقًا لشركة Axi، فإن المسابقة مفتوحة للعملاء الجدد أو الحاليين، ويجب على المتداولين الطموحين المهتمين بالمشاركة ان يكن لديهم حساب تداول حقيقي مع الشركة او يقوموا بفتح حساب تداول حقيقي جديد، وإيداع ما لا يقل عن 200 دولار، وتداول على الأقل 1 عقد (لوت). 

يشارك لويس كوبر، الرئيس التنفيذي للشؤون التجارية في شركة Axi، حماسه للمسابقة القادمة قائلا: “”Trade Your Edge” هو شعارنا، وفي شهر يونيو ندعو المتداولين لدينا للقيام بذلك – التداول بمهاراتهم في أسواقهم المفضلة مثل سوق تداول العملات الأجنبية والذهب والعملات الرقمية، للحصول على فرصة للفوز بجوائز نقدية مذهلة، بما في ذلك الجائزة الكبرى التي تبلغ قيمتها 100,000 دولار أمريكي.”

لقد كانت هذه سنة مالية ناجحة للغاية بالنسبة للوسيط؛ فقد قدموا مؤخرًا برامج جديدة متطورة وقاموا أيضًا بتوسيع محفظة شراكاتهم لتشمل نادي Man City Women ونادي LaLiga Girona FC وجون ستونز، اللاعب الدولي الإنجليزي والفائز بالدوري الإنجليزي الممتاز ست مرات، كسفير للعلامة التجارية للشركة.

لمعرفة المزيد عن المسابقة وطريقة التسجيل، قم بزيارة:–trading–competition

عن شركة Axi

شركة Axi هي شركة وساطة عالمية لتداول العملات الأجنبية والعقود مقابل الفروقات عبر الإنترنت. باعتبارنا الوسيط المفضل لآلاف العملاء الطموحين في أكثر من 100 دولة حول العالم، فإننا نساعد جميع أنواع المتداولين وشركات التداول والبنوك والمؤسسات المالية في العثور على الميزة التنافسية التي يحتاجونها لتحقيق أهدافهم المالية من خلال المعاملات المستنيرة التي تتم في الأسواق المالية العالمية. تقدم شركة Axi مجموعة شاملة من الأصول بما في ذلك العقود مقابل الفروقات للعديد من فئات الأصول مثل تداول العملات الأجنبية والأسهم والنفط والمعادن الثمينة والقهوة والمؤشرات والسلع الأخرى.

في شركة Axi، نحن نفخر بسمعتنا كوسيط صادق وعادل ومسؤول. تشهد جوائزنا العالمية العديدة وتقييماتنا على الثقة التي اكتسبناها من عملائنا الذين يقدرون خدمتنا الاستثنائية والتنفيذ السريع والمدفوعات الآمنة والسحب السهل. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، فإننا نعمل بشكل فعال مع السلطات التنظيمية الحاكمة في جميع أنحاء العالم لضمان تجاوزنا لأعلى معايير الصناعة.

مسابقة التداول متاحة فقط لعملاء شركة AxiTrader Limited. تحمل العقود مقابل الفروقات (CFDs) مخاطر عالية لخسارة الاستثمار. غير متاح للمقيمين في استراليا ونيوزيلندا والاتحاد الأوروبي والمملكة المتحدة. تطبق الشروط والأحكام.

لمزيد من المعلومات أو التعليقات الإضافية من شركة Axi، يرجى التواصل معنا عبر: [email protected]

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000966691)

Adalvo erhält erste Generika-Zulassung in der EU für Liraglutid-Fertigpen

SAN ĠWANN, Malta, June 17, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Adalvo gibt die erfolgreiche DCP–Zulassung für Liraglutid–Fertigpens und damit die erste Generika–Zulassung in der EU bekannt.

Als Bioäquivalent zu Victoza®, einem Fertigpen für die Behandlung von Typ–2–Diabetes, erzielte das Peptid–Präparat laut IQVIA im Jahr 2023 einen weltweiten Umsatz von mehr als 4,8 Mrd. US–Dollar.

Die erfolgreiche Entwicklung von Liraglutid verdeutlicht die Kompetenz von Adalvo als Anbieter eines vielfältigen und umfassenden Diabetes–Portfolios, das sowohl komplexe Peptid–Präparate zur Injektion als auch niedermolekulare Medikamente zur oralen Einnahme umfasst.

Die Verpflichtung von Adalvo zur Bereitstellung qualitativ hochwertiger, differenzierter Produkte bei gleichzeitiger Bewältigung komplexer Produktionsabläufe stärkt die Position des Unternehmens als zuverlässiger Marktführer in der Pharmabranche.

Klicken Sie hier, um das Diabetes–Portfolio von Adalvo anzusehen

Für Adalvo gibt es keine halben Sachen – der Erfolg steht immer im Fokus. Das Unternehmen hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, schneller und stärker als seine Wettbewerber zu sein und seine Vision mit einem erfolgreichen Team umzusetzen.

Adalvo verpflichtet sich im Rahmen seiner Geschäftstätigkeit zur Einhaltung höchster Qualitätsstandards und freut sich darauf, auch weiterhin innovative Lösungen für das Gesundheitswesen zur weltweiten Verbesserung der Lebensqualität von Patienten bereitzustellen.

Über Adalvo

Adalvo ist ein weltweit tätiges Pharmaunternehmen und eines der führenden B2B–Pharmaunternehmen in Europa mit Handelspartnerschaften in mehr als 130 Ländern und für über 140 Handelspartner weltweit. Das erklärte Ziel des Unternehmens ist die weltweite Verbesserung der Lebensqualität von Patienten. Grundlage dafür sind unser intelligentes Kooperationsnetzwerk und die Verpflichtung, unseren Partnern differenzierte Produkte und Dienstleistungen von höchster Qualität bereitzustellen.

Besonders stolz ist Adalvo auf seine Möglichkeiten, Partner bei der Erreichung ihrer Ziele, beispielsweise der Steigerung von Umsätzen oder Erschließung neuer Märkte, zu unterstützen. Das Unternehmen setzt sich unermüdlich für herausragende Leistungen ein, getragen von einer tief verwurzelten Leidenschaft dafür, neue Maßstäbe für ihre Partner zu setzen.

Die zielgerichtete Unternehmenskultur verpflichtet sich der weltweiten Verbesserung der Lebensqualität von Patienten. Das dynamische Führungsteam von Adalvo verfügt über umfangreiche Erfahrungen und Branchenkenntnisse, die zum Erfolg des Unternehmens als zuverlässiger globaler Partner in der Branche beigetragen haben.

Kontakt: Gabrielle Cassar, [email protected]

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000966644)

Adalvo obtient la première approbation générique de l’UE pour son stylo prérempli de liraglutide

SAN ĠWANN, Malte, 17 juin 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Adalvo annonce l’approbation par procédure décentralisée de son stylo prérempli de liraglutide, soit la toute première approbation générique dans l’UE.

En tant que version bio–équivalente du stylo prérempli Victoza®, indiqué pour le traitement du diabète de type 2, ce médicament peptidique a affiché des ventes mondiales supérieures à 4,8 milliards de dollars en 2023, comme le signale IQVIA.

Le développement réussi du liraglutide met en évidence la capacité d’Adalvo à proposer une gamme diversifiée et complète de traitements pour le diabète, intégrant à la fois des peptides complexes injectables et des traitements oraux à petites molécules.

L’engagement d’Adalvo à fournir un accès à des produits différenciés de haute qualité tout en en maîtrisant les enjeux de fabrication renforce sa position de leader reconnu au sein de l’industrie pharmaceutique.

Cliquez ici pour consulter la gamme de traitements pour le diabète conçue par Adalvo

Chez Adalvo, la notion de demi–mesure n’existe pas. À ce titre, les résultats sont toujours au rendez–vous. La mission de la Société est d’être plus rapide et plus performante que ses concurrents, à l’appui d’une équipe motivée au service de sa vision.

Adalvo s’engage à maintenir les normes d’excellence les plus strictes dans toutes ses activités et entend continuer à proposer des solutions de soins de santé novatrices qui apportent des changements positifs dans la vie des patients du monde entier.

À propos d’Adalvo

Adalvo est une entreprise pharmaceutique d’envergure mondiale et figure parmi les principales entreprises pharmaceutiques B2B d’Europe. Ses partenariats commerciaux sont actifs dans plus de 130 pays, à l’appui de plus de 140 partenaires commerciaux à l’échelle planétaire. L’objectif déclaré de l’entreprise vise l’amélioration de la vie des patients du monde entier au moyen d’un réseau de collaboration intelligent et d’un engagement à fournir des produits et services différenciés de la plus haute qualité à ses partenaires.

Adalvo est fière de sa capacité à accompagner ses partenaires dans la réalisation de leurs objectifs, qu’il s’agisse de relever leur chiffre d’affaires ou de conquérir de nouveaux marchés. Animée par un puissant désir d’apporter des résultats concrets à ses partenaires, Adalvo s’efforce sans relâche d’atteindre l’excellence dans toutes ses activités.

Grâce à sa culture axée sur les objectifs, l’entreprise s’engage à améliorer la vie des patients du monde entier. Son équipe de direction dynamique apporte une expérience et un savoir–faire industriels considérables ayant contribué à faire de l’entreprise un partenaire mondial fiable dans le secteur.

Contacts : Gabrielle Cassar, [email protected]

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Adalvo obtém primeira aprovação genérica da UE para caneta pré-cheia com liraglutida

SAN ĠWANN, Malta, June 17, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Adalvo anuncia a aprovação bem–sucedida do DCP para a caneta pré–cheia com liraglutida, marcando–a como a primeira aprovação genérica na UE.

Como uma versão bioequivalente da caneta pré–cheia Victoza®, indicada para o tratamento do diabetes tipo 2, este medicamento peptídico alcançou vendas globais superiores a US$ 4,8 bilhões em 2023, conforme divulgado pela IQVIA.

O desenvolvimento bem–sucedido do liraglutida destaca a capacidade da Adalvo de oferecer um portfólio diversificado e abrangente para diabetes, abrangendo tanto injetáveis de peptídeos complexos quanto tratamentos orais de moléculas pequenas.

O compromisso da Adalvo em fornecer acesso a produtos diferenciados de alta qualidade e, ao mesmo tempo, navegar pelas complexidades de fabricação, reforça a posição da empresa como líder confiável na indústria farmacêutica.

Clique aqui para ver o portfólio de diabetes da Adalvo

Na Adalvo, não há meias medidas – eles sempre atingem o objetivo. A sua missão é ser mais rápida e mais forte que os seus concorrentes, promovendo sua visão com uma equipe vencedora.

A Adalvo tem o compromisso de manter os mais altos padrões de excelência em todos os seus empreendimentos e espera continuar a fornecer soluções de saúde inovadoras que façam a diferença na vida dos pacientes em todo o mundo.

Sobre a Adalvo

A Adalvo é uma empresa farmacêutica global e uma das empresas farmacêuticas B2B líderes na Europa, com parcerias comerciais em mais de 130 países e mais de 140 parceiros comerciais em todo o mundo. O objetivo declarado da empresa é fazer a diferença para os pacientes em todo o mundo, motivado por nossa rede de colaboração inteligente e pelo compromisso de fornecer produtos e serviços diferenciados da mais alta qualidade aos nossos parceiros.

A Adalvo se orgulha de sua capacidade de ajudar os parceiros a atingir suas metas, seja para aumentar a receita ou entrar em novos mercados. Busca incansavelmente a excelência em todos os seus empreendimentos, movida por uma paixão profundamente enraizada por fazer a diferença para os parceiros.

A cultura orientada para o propósito da empresa está comprometida em melhorar a vida dos pacientes em todo o mundo. A equipe de liderança dinâmica da Adalvo traz uma experiência significativa e conhecimento do setor, o que ajudou a estabelecer a empresa como um parceiro global confiável no setor.

Contatos: Gabrielle Cassar, [email protected]

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Restoring Trust: Confronting Corruption and Championing Integrity

The UN says that corruption is criminal, immoral and the ultimate betrayal of public trust. Credit: UN News/Daniel Dickinson

The 21st IACC -Anti-corruption Conference will take place in Vilnius, Lithuania 18-21 June

By Francine Pickup
UNITED NATIONS, Jun 17 2024 – 58 percent of respondents to a worldwide survey believed that their political system has been captured by an elite that is corrupt, obsolete, and unreformable. Corruption thrives in environments characterized by weak governance, where transparency, accountability, and public decision-making are compromised by conflicts of interest and political interference.

Efforts to combat corruption and restore trust in governance must translate the core tenets of good governance—information dissemination, transparency, integrity, accountability, and participation—into tangible action across sectors.

The 21st International Anti-Corruption Conference (IACC) will take place in Vilnius, Lithuania, under the theme “Confronting Global Threats: Standing up for Integrity” from June 18 to 21.

It gathers diverse participants, ranging from heads of state to civil society representatives, youth activists, business leaders and investigative journalists from across the globe.

The IACC stands as the foremost multi-stakeholder biennial global platform on anti-corruption, attracting approximately 1,500 participants worldwide. Since 2003, UNDP, in partnership with GIZ/BMZ and the U.S. State Department, has played a pivotal role in shaping the discourse and global anti-corruption agenda through the IACC series.

The conversations we will have in Vilnius in the coming days are critical for four reasons:

First, the meeting convenes amidst a backdrop of complex and multifaceted crises: climate change, conflict, geopolitical tensions, polarization, democratic erosion, economic volatility and unregulated frontier technologies—each posing a threat to hard-earned developmental gains.

The latest Human Development Report 2023-2024 underscores a widening gap in human development, fraught with the peril of irreversible setbacks. Corruption remains a significant impediment to equitable development progress, exacerbating existing inequalities and further reducing people’s trust in governance.

In this tumultuous era, the 21st IACC must galvanize sustained collective actions, partnerships and actionable strategies to combat corruption. Its outcomes should feed into the 2024 United Nations Summit of the Future and the 2025 Fourth International Conference on Financing for Development because these platforms present vital opportunities to rejuvenate multilateralism and foster a spirit of international cooperation and partnerships to tackle our shared challenges.

The IACC can also accelerate momentum for collective action and foster effective partnerships by addressing the focus of the three Rio Conventions—Biodiversity, Climate Change, and Desertification—all converging this year.

Forestry crimes, including unregulated charcoal burning and large-scale corporate malpractice in timber, paper, and pulp sectors leading to extensive deforestation, critically impact global greenhouse gas emissions, water reserves, desertification, and rainfall patterns.

At the same time, many nations also urgently require climate finance in order to invest in climate change adaptation and mitigation.
Effective climate action relies on robust institutions, necessitating a coordinated approach to combat corruption and safeguard environmental initiatives from compromise.

Second, the IACC’s theme, “Confronting Global Threats: Standing Up for Integrity,” broadens the scope of the governance and anti-corruption agenda to address a range of issues including conflict resolution, climate action, global security, and human security, ensuring also integrity in development financing and the roll-out of frontier technologies.

The outcome of the IACC will be instrumental in continuing global efforts to bring governance and anti-corruption to the centre of the global development agenda, drawing on experiences such as the Data in Climate Resilient Agriculture (DiCRA) initiative in India. Digitalisation and open data can challenge corruption by reducing discretion, increasing transparency, and enabling accountability by limiting human interactions.

This multi-stakeholder collaboration for data sharing – involving governments, research organizations, citizens and data scientists across the world –promotes open innovation and transparency to strengthen climate resilience in agriculture.

Third, the interlinkages between sustainable development financing and the strength of governance systems, both at the national and global levels, will be front and centre in the discussions. As the global financial framework grapples with the fallout of multiple crises, $4 trillion is needed to address the financing deficit to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The quality of governance in any nation shapes the effectiveness of its financing mechanisms and policies, while the availability of robust financing also influences the stability and quality of governance systems.

A breakdown in either of these jeopardizes the social contract, exacerbating crises, with international bodies and governments overly focused on short term and reactionary responses. Urgent reforms are needed in national and global governance systems to prevent corruption and illicit financial flows, to accelerate progress towards the SDGs

Fourth, in these challenging times, countries need to be able to evaluate the impact of their anti-corruption initiatives and reforms and, most importantly, learn from what works, and what doesn’t.

The conference offers a platform to introduce innovative approaches to measuring corruption, drawing on UNDP’s work with partners in this area. Robust measurement methodologies are fundamental, since without standardized tools and methodologies, collecting data and evidence to inform policy decisions on anti-corruption reforms is difficult.

In UNDP, we strive to ensure that every dollar spent goes to development activities while strengthening UNDP’s status as a trusted partner in delivering development results. The UNDP Transparency Portal is UNDP’s commitment to ensuring transparency, accountability, and continuous self-reflection and learning with the support of independent assessments, audits, and oversight mechanisms. The site provides the public with access to data on over 10,000 UNDP projects.

Addressing corruption demands effective and innovative partnerships, increased resource allocation, and sustained commitment to anti-corruption endeavours, including in complex political environments where UNDP works, such as in Ukraine.

Only then can countries effectively tackle the interconnected challenges they face and restore trust in governance. The discussions at the 21st IACC will play a pivotal role in shaping the global anti-corruption agenda for the next biennium.

Francine Pickup is Deputy Director, Bureau for Policy and Programme Support, UNDP

IPS UN Bureau


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UN’s Development Goals: Rich Nations Lead While World’s Poor Lag Far Behind

By Thalif Deen
UNITED NATIONS, Jun 17 2024 – When the 193-member UN General Assembly adopted a landmark resolution, back in September 2015, the goals were highly ambitious: to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger, eliminate inequalities, protect human rights, promote gender empowerment and ensure economic, social and environmental development—and much more.

The deadline for achieving these targets was set at 2030.

But nine years after the resolution– and six years ahead of 2030– the SDGs are mostly far behind, particularly among the world’s developing nations.

And the targeted goals are like a mirage in a parched desert: the more you get closer, the further it moves away from you.

According to the UN, the implementation of the SDGs has been mostly undermined by the Covid-19 pandemic lockdown, the devastating impact of the ongoing climate crises, rising debt burdens, the growing military conflicts in Ukraine and Gaza and the rash of civil wars in Asia, Africa and the Middle East triggering unprecedented humanitarian crises resulting in a setback to economic progress worldwide.

As a result, there is a demand that the unattainable 2030 deadline should be extended by world political leaders meeting in New York September 22-23 for a much-ballyhooed Summit of the Future.

Meanwhile a new report on SDGs released June 17, is considered especially timely amidst deep climate crises, declining multilateralism, and ahead of the “Summit of the Future,” as it provides a new Index of countries’ support to UN-based multilateralism, identifies priorities to upgrade the United Nations (endorsed by 100+ leading scientists and practitioners worldwide), and illustrates new pathways demonstrating how to achieve sustainable food and land systems by mid-century.

According to the 9th edition of the Sustainable Development Report (SDR) released by the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN), none of the seventeen Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are on track to be achieved by 2030, and only an estimated 16% of the SDG targets are progressing.

The report was prepared by the SDSN’s SDG Transformation Center and coordinated by Guillaume Lafortune in cooperation with Professor Jeffrey D. Sachs. Since 2016, the global edition of the SDR has provided the most up-to-date data to track and rank the performance of all UN member states on the SDGs.

Globally, the five SDG targets on which the highest proportion of countries show a reversal of progress since 2015 include: obesity rate (under SDG 2), press freedom (under SDG 16), the red list index (under SDG 15), sustainable nitrogen management (under SDG 2), and – due in a large part to the COVID-19 pandemic and other factors that may vary across countries – life expectancy at birth (under SDG 3).

Goals and targets related to basic access to infrastructure and services, including SDG9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure), show slightly more positive trends, although progress remains too slow and uneven across countries.

Additional key insights include:

    –Barbados ranks the highest in its commitment to UN-based multilateralism on a new Index; the United States ranks last.
    — SDG targets related to food and land systems are particularly off-track. Globally, 600 million people will still suffer from hunger by 2030 while obesity is on the increase.

Danielle Nierenberg, President and Founder, Food Tank, told IPS: “I think this report finds that there is a lack of political will to achieve the SDGs–most nations are not investing enough in food and agriculture or farmers”.

She said policy-makers have their heads in the sand and need to realize the urgency of investing in solutions that help farmers, eaters, and food businesses.

“We need more investment in food system transformation that actually meets the needs of food producers and achieves a planet-friendly diet–food that are nutrient dense, resilient to climate change, delicious, and accessible and affordable,” said Nierenberg.

Frederic Mousseau, Oakland Institute’s Policy Director, told IPS: “This new report is yet another alert that we urgently need to take decisive action on food and agriculture.”

“The world already produces over twice as much food than we need to feed the population. However, over half of the food harvested goes into agrofuels and animal feed, with massive detrimental impacts on the environment, biodiversity, and our health”.

Agrochemical corporations and governments, he said, continue to tell us that “we need to increase food production to feed the world, using more land and fossil-fuel based industrial agriculture.”

“The truth is that we actually need to produce less food. We must drastically curb the amount of commodities used for animal feed and agrofuels and phase out the use of polluting chemicals for agricultural production”, he declared.

According to the SDSN report, the pace of SDG progress varies significantly across country groups. Nordic countries continue to lead on SDG achievement, with BRICS demonstrating strong progress and poor and vulnerable nations lagging far behind.

Similar to past years, European countries – notably Nordic countries – top the 2024 SDG Index. Finland ranks number 1 on the SDG Index, followed by Sweden (#2), and Denmark (#3), plus Germany (#4), and France (#5).

Yet, even these countries face significant challenges in achieving several SDGs.

Average SDG progress in BRICS (Brazil, the Russian Federation, India, China, and South Africa) and BRICS+ (Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates) since 2015 has been faster than the world average.

In addition, East and South Asia has emerged as the region that has made the most SDG progress since 2015. By contrast, the gap between the world average SDG Index and the performance of the poorest and most vulnerable countries, including Small Island Developing States (SIDS), has widened since 2015.

In addition to the SDG Index, this year’s edition includes a new Index of countries’ support for UN-based multilateralism covering all 193 UN Member States and new FABLE pathways demonstrating how to achieve sustainable food and land systems by mid-century.

Professor Jeffrey D. Sachs, President of the SDSN and a lead author of the report, says: “Midway between the founding of the UN in 1945 and the year 2100, we cannot rely on business as usual. The world faces great global challenges, including dire ecological crises, widening inequalities, disruptive and potentially hazardous technologies, and deadly conflicts, we are at a crossroads.”

“Ahead of the UN’s Summit of the Future, the international community must take stock of the vital accomplishments and the limitations of the United Nations system, and work toward upgrading multilateralism for the decades ahead.”

IPS UN Bureau Report


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Land Grabs Squeeze Rural Poor Worldwide

By Jomo Kwame Sundaram
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia, Jun 17 2024 – Since 2008, farmland acquisitions have doubled prices worldwide, squeezing family farmers and other poor rural communities. Such land grabs are worsening inequality, poverty, and food insecurity.

Squeezing land and farmers
A new IPES-Food report highlights land grabs (including for ostensibly ‘green’ purposes), the financial means used, and some significant implications.

Jomo Kwame Sundaram

Powerful governments, financiers, speculators, and agribusinesses are opportunistically gaining control of more cultivable land. The report notes the 2007-08 food price spike and financial crash catalysed more land acquisitions.

Quantitative easing and financialization after the 2008 global financial crisis enabled even more land grabs. Investors, agri-food companies, and even sovereign wealth funds have obtained farmland worldwide.

Agribusinesses and other investors want land to make more profits, urging governments to enable takeovers. Cultivable land is being used for cash crops, natural resource extraction, mining, real property and infrastructure development, and ‘green’ projects, including biofuels.

The land squeeze has developed in novel ways, with most large-scale deals diverting farmland from food production. Instead, environmentally damaging ‘industrial agriculture’ has spread, worsening rural poverty and outmigration.

The new land rush has displaced small-scale farmers, indigenous peoples, pastoralists, and rural communities or otherwise eroded their access to land. It has worsened rural poverty, food insecurity, and land inequality. Marginalising local land users has made family farming less viable.

‘Green grabs’ involve governments and corporations taking land for dubious large-scale tree planting, biodiversity offsets, carbon sequestration, conservation, biofuels, and ‘green hydrogen’ projects. Water and other resource demands also threaten food production.

The land rush has slowed recently, but underlying pressures and trends continue. The pandemic, Ukraine and Gaza wars, and government and market responses have revived alarmist ‘food shortage’ narratives, justifying more grabs.

Investing in dispossession
Agricultural investments rose tenfold during 2005-18. By 2023, 960 investment funds specialising in food and farming assets had properties worth over $150 billion.

Nearly 45% of all farmland investments in 2018, worth $15 billion, were by pension funds and insurance companies. During 2005-17, pension, insurance and endowment funds invested $45 billion in farmland.

Unsurprisingly, land prices have risen continuously for two decades in North America and three in Canada. During 2008-22, land prices nearly doubled worldwide, even tripling in Central and Eastern Europe!

Pension funds and other private investments doubled UK farmland prices during 2010-15. More recently, investments in US farmland have doubled since the pandemic!

The largest one per cent of farms worldwide now have 70% of farmland. In Latin America, 55% of farms only have 3% of farmland!

More than half the farmland thus obtained is for water-demanding crop production. While a fifth of large-scale land deals claim to be ‘green’, 87% are in areas of high biodiversity!

Mining accounted for 14% of large-scale land deals over the past decade.
Growing demand for rare earths and other critical minerals is driving mining on former farmland, worsening environmental degradation and conflicts.

Instead of protecting national, social or community interests, regulations seem to protect the culprits. The terms of such deals often make things worse. Thus, foreign corporations successfully sued the Colombian government for trying to stop their large-scale mining project.

Green land grabs
Some governments and big businesses advocate compliance with environmental, social and governance (ESG) standards. They invoke sustainability, including climate goals, to justify elitist conservation and carbon offset schemes.

Over half of government carbon removal pledges involve the land of small-scale farmers and indigenous peoples. ‘Green grabs’ – for carbon offsets, biodiversity, conservation and biofuel projects – account for a fifth of large-scale land deals.

Government pledges to absorb carbon dioxide into the land surface commit almost 1.2 billion hectares, equivalent to the world’s cropland area! Despite modest climate benefits, problematic carbon offset markets are expected to quadruple over the next seven years, driving even more land grabs.

Carbon offset and biodiversity markets drive such transactions, drawing major polluters into land markets. Oil giant Shell alone has committed over $450 million for offset projects.

African land grabbed
The land squeeze is worldwide, affecting various places differently. Land grabs have significantly affected Sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America, while land inequality grows in Central and Eastern Europe, Latin America, and South Asia.

Susan Chomba and Million Belay found almost a thousand large-scale land deals in Africa since 2000. Mozambique had 110 such deals, followed by Ethiopia, Cameroon, and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

Some 25 million hectares involve Blue Carbon, run by a Dubai royal. The company has bought rights to forests and farmland to sell carbon offsets. The land is from five Anglophone African governments, involving a fifth of Zimbabwe, a tenth of Liberia, Kenya, Tanzania, and Zambia.

Large-scale land deals put indigenous and pastoralist communities at greater risk. In Ethiopia, Ghana, and elsewhere, land sales have forced farmers to work on smaller fragmented plots, become wage labourers, or migrate, undermining their ability to feed themselves, their communities and others.

African smallholders, pastoralists, and indigenous communities have long protected their land and biodiversity. However, most now lack the rights and means to do so more effectively, let alone feed Africa and improve climate action. Thus, the climate crisis is being used against rural African communities.

IPS UN Bureau


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