Bringing Drought and Floods, El Niño Hits the Most Fragile in Southern Africa

In Uvira, eastern Congo, Lake Tanganyika waters have risen so high that the town is flooded. People have been forced to move from their homes, and fields and houses have been destroyed. An estimated 180,000 people have been affected, and over 142,000 people have been displaced. 4,500 homes, 53 schools, and over 124 hectares of farmland were destroyed. Credit: WFP/Benjamin Anguandia

In Uvira, eastern Congo, Lake Tanganyika waters have risen so high that the town is flooded. People have been forced to move from their homes, and fields and houses have been destroyed. An estimated 180,000 people have been affected, and over 142,000 people have been displaced. 4,500 homes, 53 schools, and over 124 hectares of farmland were destroyed. Credit: WFP/Benjamin Anguandia

By Paul Virgo
ROME, Jun 4 2024 – Kaponde Likando does not know how his family will survive until the next farming season. “We are not going to have anything (to harvest),” said the 60-year-old from Chingobe village in southern Zambia after his maize, sorghum, groundnut and sweet potato crops failed. “This has been the very opposite of what we expected.”

He is among 9.8 million people in Zambia to have been affected by a severe drought linked to the ongoing effects of the El Niño weather phenomenon.

Likando, who is married and has five children, now faces some grim choices.

“Our hope…we expect maybe to sell some of our animals so we can buy maize for food (consumption),” he said.

Across southern Africa, the current El Niño has dealt a devastating blow to some of the world’s hungriest and most fragile communities, where 70% of the population rely on agriculture for their livelihoods

The problem is that once that food runs out, with his livestock gone, there will be nothing standing between his family and starvation.

Likando’s plight is not limited to Zambians.

Across southern Africa, the current El Niño has dealt a devastating blow to some of the world’s hungriest and most fragile communities, where 70% of the population rely on agriculture for their livelihoods.

From Angola to Zimbabwe, it has left normally fertile soils arid, interrupting the production of staples such as maize, and curtailing people’s access to food, as stock dwindle as prices soar.

The three hardest-hit countries – Zambia, Zimbabwe, and Malawi – have declared states of drought disaster. They face widespread crop losses, with between 40% and 80% of their maize harvests decimated.

The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) says that, across the three countries, nearly five million people need humanitarian assistance.

In the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Kato Kasingabalwa is facing the other extreme of El Niño’s impact.

He lost everything, including his maize and rice harvests, in extensive flooding in Uvira, eastern Congo, after torrential rain caused Lake Tanganyika to overflow.

He and his five children have had to move three times to evade the rising water levels and they are living in a makeshift shelter on a vacant piece of land along with many other families whose homes have also been washed away.

Over one million people are estimated to have been impacted by the flooding in DRC, including many who, like Kasingabalwa, have been displaced, while homes, schools, and vast areas of farmland have been destroyed.

“The flooding caught us by surprise,” Kasingabalwa said.

“The water level is so high. We have been forced to move to places we could not have imagined settling in. Right now, the family is seriously struggling. Look at the state of my house there.

“I cannot even start describing the state in which my family members are. Some have wounds caused by water infections. The water is full and keeps coming closer to our settlement.

“It is confusing because in the morning, you wake and see the water level go down, but in the evening, the waves from the lake push the water up again, and we rush to move our belongings. This worries us the most..

“I’m a farmer, and all our harvests and seeds were gone.”

Although this El Niño cycle is coming to an end, the consequences will continue for months to come.

At an Extraordinary Summit of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) on the current crisis in May, leaders said that 61 million people in the region were impacted by El Niño.

They launched an appeal for US$5.5 billion to meet the urgent humanitarian needs and a UN-led event takes place in Pretoria, South Africa, on June 5 to raise funds for the response.

The meeting was convened by UN Assistant Secretary-General Reena Ghelani, the Climate Crisis Coordinator for the El Niño/La Niña Response, the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), WFP, the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the UNHCR Office in Pretoria.

El Niño events, which typically occur every two to seven years, have a major influence on temperature and rainfall in many parts of the world, raising the global average temperature and driving extreme weather events including drought, flooding and storms.

It is a natural phenomenon – a disruption of rainfall patterns caused by the warming of surface waters of the eastern Pacific Ocean – although recent studies suggest that global heating may be leading to stronger El Niño events.

Indeed, the most recent El Niño event is one of the five strongest on record.

“Climate change has affected us,” Likando said. “Seeing this drought, it’s more than in previous years.”

WFP says these climate extremes are a reminder of the urgent need to increase investment in activities that build resilience, especially in Southern Africa, so that communities can be empowered with climate adaptation solutions to mitigate, reduce and absorb the effects of such shocks.

WFP anticipated the effects of the El Niño season as soon as predictions were released in 2023, allowing anticipatory action plans and early warning messages to be prepared.

But the UN agency ability’s to respond to the emergency and avert a hunger catastrophe has been limited after its appeal for funding went unheeded earlier this year.

“El Niño disproportionately affects women and girls,” said Dr Menghestab Haile, WFP Regional Director for Southern Africa.

Haile explained that this is because it is often women who have leave the safety of their homes to go “miles and miles trying to find wood and food,” while girls are the first to leave schools to help their mothers.

“We need irrigation,” added Hailem who has a PhD in Meteorology.

“Water, water, water – if we’d had the resources to expand irrigation, farmers could produce more food.”

WadzPay et Société Minière d’Investissement SA (SMI) signent un accord stratégique pour révolutionner le financement des actifs miniers en République du Congo

JOHANNESBURG, Afrique, 04 juin 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — WadzPay Technologies Africa Pty Ltd, un fournisseur mondial de solutions basées sur la blockchain pour les services financiers, est ravi d'annoncer son partenariat stratégique avec SMI, un véhicule d'investissement et de financement pour les projets liés à l'exploitation minière en République du Congo. Cette collaboration vise à accélérer la numérisation des actifs miniers, à fournir un soutien financier aux PME et à favoriser la croissance économique dans la région.

Ce partenariat s'inscrit dans la mission de SMI d'utiliser ses actifs miniers comme garantie, permettant ainsi l'accès aux marchés financiers internationaux pour des financements essentiels. L'expertise de WadzPay en technologie blockchain et en gestion des actifs numériques s'aligne parfaitement avec les objectifs de SMI, faciliter la tokenisation d'une partie des actifs miniers de SMI.

“Nous sommes ravis d'entamer ce parcours transformateur avec SMI. En exploitant la puissance de la technologie blockchain, nous visons à ouvrir de nouvelles avenues de financement pour le secteur minier, stimulant ainsi une croissance économique durable et la prospérité en République du Congo.” – M. Anish Jain, Fondateur et PDG de WadzPay

WadzPay fournira les services suivants dans le cadre de ce partenariat :

  1. Fournir une Plateforme Technologique Sécurisée et Efficiente pour la Tokenisation : Y compris la conversion de la valeur économique et des droits de propriété dérivés des actifs de SMI en tokens numériques sur la blockchain.
  2. Services de Gestion : En plus de fournir sa plateforme technologique, WadzPay offrira des services de gestion, y compris la tokenomie, la tarification des tokens, la cotation des tokens, le marketing et les services de conseil. Ces services sont conçus pour aider SMI à atteindre ses objectifs de levée de fonds et à renforcer la confiance des investisseurs.
  3. Services d'Échange : WadzPay gérera les services d'échange pour les marchés primaires et secondaires.

M. Brice Gatse, Directeur Général de SMI, a déclaré : “Pour nous, en tant que PME, le partenariat avec WadzPay représente l'espoir de tout un continent. La tokenisation permet aux États Africains, dont la plupart sont engagés dans des programmes avec le FMI et soumis à des restrictions de dette, de surmonter les obstacles à l'investissement. La tokenisation offre à ces États l'opportunité d'utiliser leurs ressources naturelles comme garantie pour lever des fonds et financer les industries extractives, sources de création de richesse et de réduction de la pauvreté. Grâce à cette ingénierie financière innovante, WadzPay ouvre une nouvelle ère pour le financement des économies en développement. C'est également une façon de démocratiser l'investissement, car un plus grand nombre de personnes peuvent désormais investir dans des projets miniers, énergétiques et d'infrastructure auparavant réservés aux grands groupes financiers. Cela représente une opportunité qui s'aligne avec un monde multipolaire et décentralisé permis par la technologie Blockchain. Nous souhaitons à notre collaboration un grand succès.”

Olivier Dipenda, Vice–Président Senior du Développement du Marché Africain chez WadzPay Technologies Africa Pty Ltd, a exprimé son enthousiasme concernant ce partenariat, déclarant : “Nous sommes ravis d'étendre notre offre à SMI en alignement avec sa vision axée sur l'autonomisation économique basée sur tokenisation des actifs. Ce partenariat marque une étape significative vers l’accès au financement et la promotion d'une croissance économique durable en République du Congo.”

À propos de SMI :

Société Minière d'Investissement SA (SMI) est une société enregistrée en République du Congo, conjointement détenue par FIGA et Potash Resources S.A. SMI est a pour objectif attirer des investissements pour le financement de projets miniers ainsi que pour le FIGA, une organisation créée par le gouvernement de la République du Congo avec pour seul mandat de stimuler l'entrepreneuriat en fournissant des garanties aux PME.

À propos de WadzPay :

WadzPay a été fondée en 2018 à Singapour avec l'engagement de favoriser l'inclusion financière et de révolutionner le paysage des services financiers pour les actifs virtuels. C'est un fournisseur mondial de technologie basée sur la blockchain pour les actifs virtuels. La plateforme innovante de l'entreprise, disponible en tant qu'offre SaaS, fournit des solutions technologiques sécurisées, efficientes et transparentes, répondant aux besoins des entreprises (B2B) et des consommateurs (B2B2C). WadzPay collabore avec de grandes entreprises internationales, des banques et des fintechs pour permettre le traitement des transactions basées sur les actifs numériques, leur conservation et la compensation. WadzPay opère dans des plusieurs régions couvrant l'Asie–Pacifique, le Moyen–Orient, l'Afrique, l'Europe et les Amériques.

Pour plus d'informations, visitez

Cellule de communication

Arijit Das

Medias and Communications

Une photo accompagnant ce communiqué est disponible au :–9ab7–4143–9c51–bb1072e38782/fr

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9148314)

WadzPay and Societe Miniere D'Investissement SA (SMI) Forge Strategic Partnership to Revolutionise Mining Asset Financing

JOHANNESBURG, Africa, June 04, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — WadzPay Technologies Africa Pty Ltd, a leading global blockchain–based solutions provider for financial services, is excited to announce its strategic partnership with SMI, an investment and financing vehicle for mining related projects in the Republic of Congo. This collaboration aims to accelerate mining assets digitization, provide financial support to the MSME enterprises and foster economic growth in the region.

The partnership follows SMI's mission to leverage its mining assets as collateral, enabling access to international financial markets for essential funding. WadzPay's expertise in blockchain technology and digital asset management aligns seamlessly with SMI's objectives, facilitating the tokenization of a portion of SMI's mining assets.

“We are thrilled to embark on this transformative journey with SMI. By harnessing the power of blockchain technology, we aim to unlock new avenues of financing for the mining sector, driving sustainable economic growth and prosperity in the Republic of Congo.” – Mr. Anish Jain, Founder & Group CEO of WadzPay

WadzPay will provide below services under this partnership:

  1. Provide Secure Efficient Technology Platform for Tokenization: This includes converting economic value and ownership rights derived from SMI’s assets into digital tokens on blockchain.
  2. Management Services: In addition to providing its technology platform, WadzPay will offer management services including tokenomics, token pricing, token listing, marketing, and advisory services. These services are tailored to support SMI in achieving its fundraising objectives and fostering investor confidence.
  3. Exchange Services: Wadzpay will manage exchange services for primary and secondary markets.

M. Brice Gatse, Chief Executive Officer at SMI, stated: “For us, as an SME, the partnership with WadzPay represents the hope of an entire continent. Tokenization allows African states, most of which are engaged in programmes with the IMF and subjected to debt restrictions, to overcome barriers to investment. Tokenization offers these states the opportunity to use their natural resources as collateral to raise funds and finance extractive industries, which are sources of wealth creation and poverty alleviation. Through this innovative financial engineering, WadzPay is opening a new era for the financing of developing economies. It is also a way to democratise investment, as a wider range of people can now invest in mining, energy, and infrastructure projects that were previously reserved for large financial groups. This represents an opportunity that aligns with a multipolar, decentralised world enabled by Blockchain technology. We wish our collaboration a great success.”

To which Olivier Dipenda, Senior Vice President of Africa Market Development at WadzPay Technologies Africa Pty Ltd, expressed enthusiasm about the partnership, stating, “We are delighted to extend our solution proposal in alignment with SMI's vision for economic empowerment through asset tokenization. This partnership signifies a significant step towards unlocking access to finance and fostering sustainable economic growth in the Republic of Congo.”

About SMI:

Societe Miniere D'Investissement SA (SMI) is a Republic of Congo registered company jointly owned by FIGA and Potash resources S.A. It functions as an investment vehicle for the financing of mining related project as well as the fund–raising vehicle for FIGA, an organisation created by the government of the Republic of Congo with the sole mandate of stimulating entrepreneurship by providing collaterals to SMEs.

About WadzPay:

WadzPay was founded in 2018 in Singapore with a commitment to drive financial inclusion and revolutionise the virtual asset financial services landscape. It is a leading global blockchain–based technology provider for virtual assets. The company's innovative platform available as a SaaS offering provides secure, efficient, and transparent technology solutions, catering to businesses (B2B) and consumers (B2B2C). WadzPay works with large international companies, banks, and fintechs to enable virtual asset–based transaction processing, custody, and settlement. It operates across geographies spanning Asia Pacific, the Middle East, Africa, Europe, and the Americas.

For more information, visit

Media Contact

Arijit Das 

PR and Communications

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at–9ab7–4143–9c51–bb1072e38782

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9148314)

World Environment Day 2024

By External Source
Jun 4 2024 (IPS-Partners)


Ecosystems are being threatened all over the world.

From forests to drylands.

From farmlands to lakes.

Drought and desertification are threatening freshwater and soil ecosystems the most.

These are the connective tissues that makes life on Earth possible.

Drylands are areas which face great water scarcity.

They cover 41% of the Earth’s land surface and 78% of the world’s rangelands.

They also generate 44% of global crops – feeding half of the world’s livestock.

They support the lives and livelihoods of more than 2 billion people.

Approximately 1.4 billion livelihoods worldwide are directly reliant on access to fresh water.

Yet, up to 40% of the planet’s land is now degraded, affecting half the world’s population.

Every five seconds, the equivalent of one football pitch of soil is eroded.

Yet, it takes 1,000 years to generate 3 centimeters of topsoil.

The number duration of droughts has increased by 29% since 2000.

By 2050, droughts will affect 75% of the world’s population.

Land restoration is a key pillar of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration.

It is a rallying call for the protection and revival of ecosystems all around the world.

That’s why World Environment Day 2024 focuses on land restoration, halting desertification and building drought resilience.

We cannot turn back time, but we can grow forests, revive water sources, and bring back soils.

We are the generation that can make peace with land.


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IT News Africa Announces Digital Finance Africa 2024: A Crucial Summit for FinTech Innovation

JOHANNESBURG, South Africa, June 04, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Africa's financial sector gears up for IT News Africa’s highly anticipated Digital Finance Africa 2024 conference, scheduled for July 4th at the prestigious Maslow Sandton. Under the theme “Empowering Africa's Financial Future: FinTech Innovations for Inclusive Growth,” this year's event promises a day of strategic insights and networking opportunities.

Abe Wakama, CEO of IT News Africa, highlighted the significance of this gathering, stating, “Digital Finance Africa 2024 is more than just a conference; it's a pivotal gathering for Africa's financial sector. As we convene on July 4th in Johannesburg, we're not only addressing critical challenges but also exploring the vast opportunities within banking and FinTech across the continent. This event isn't merely beneficial – it's essential for anyone invested in Africa's economic growth. Join us to navigate challenges, seize opportunities, and shape the future of finance in Africa.”

Expert Speakers and Thought Leaders:

Digital Finance Africa 2024 boasts an impressive lineup of speakers, including industry stalwarts such as Coen Jonker (CEO and Founder, Tyme Bank), Frank Rizzo (Chief Design Officer, Discovery Bank), and Keneilwe Gwabeni (Group CIO, Assupol). The roster also includes executives from leading financial institutions and innovative startups, ensuring a comprehensive exploration of key topics shaping Africa's financial landscape.

Key Topics and Agenda Highlights:

The conference agenda features thought–provoking sessions covering a wide range of topics, including navigating cybersecurity risks, the role of AI in banking, and the future of cryptocurrencies in Africa. Panel discussions and presentations will delve into pressing issues such as scaling and profitability challenges in African FinTech, capital constraints, and the evolving role of central banks in shaping a digital economy.

Discount Offer for Limited Period:

For a limited period, attendees can avail themselves of a 25% discount on registration fees by using the coupon code DFA@25OFF. This offer presents a valuable opportunity for industry professionals to engage with experts, network with peers, and gain insights into the latest trends and innovations in African FinTech.

Who Should Attend and Sponsor:

Digital Finance Africa 2024 is tailored for IT decision–makers in banking, FinTech entrepreneurs, financial regulators, technology service providers, and industry analysts. The event also offers sponsorship and exhibition opportunities for companies seeking to showcase innovative products and solutions, positioning themselves as leaders in the African FinTech landscape.

Join the Conversation:

Attendees can expect a dynamic day filled with informative sessions, engaging discussions, and valuable networking opportunities. By participating in Digital Finance Africa 2024, stakeholders will play a crucial role in shaping the future of finance in Africa.

For more information about the conference, registration, and sponsorship opportunities, visit

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000964416)

Saudi Dissident’s Detention in Bulgarian Migrant Center Illegal—Rights Group

Saudi dissident Abdulrahman Al-Khalidi says he is being kept in appalling conditions as he waits for the Bulgarian courts to confirm his asylum application. Credit: Supplied

Saudi dissident Abdulrahman Al-Khalidi says he is being kept in appalling conditions as he waits for the Bulgarian courts to confirm his asylum application. Credit: Supplied

By Ed Holt
BRATISLAVA, Jun 4 2024 – When Abdulrahman Al-Khalidi fled Turkey for Bulgaria after his fellow Saudi dissident Jamal Khashoggi was murdered, he thought he was heading for safety and sanctuary in the European Union.

But, he says, he instead would end up facing the exact opposite.

“When I came to Bulgaria, I thought I was going into a European asylum system, but what I signed up to was actually a slavery contract. Where I am now, they can just treat you like animals,” he tells IPS.

Al-Khalidi is speaking from the Busmantsi migrant detention center outside the Bulgarian capital, Sofia, where he has been held since November 2021.

He says that since arriving there, he has been subjected to a “nightmare” of inexplicable detention in appalling conditions and numerous breaches of his rights, including a police beating. He has tried to take his own life and says his mental health has suffered dramatically during his time there.

“I am being treated unfairly and illegally. What is happening to me doesn’t make sense to me or to anyone else. It has been very difficult for me mentally here. Every day I wait for someone to come and tell me I am free to go, but it never happens,” he says.

Al-Khalidi, a political activist and a known dissident, arrived in Bulgaria in October 2021.

A campaigner for human rights and advocate for democratic reforms, along with prominent Saudi figures such as Khashoggi, he left his home country in the wake of mass arrests following the Arab Spring. He sought refuge abroad, first traveling to Egypt, then staying in Qatar and Turkey, where he worked as a journalist writing critical articles about the Saudi regime, before heading to the EU to apply for asylum.

He was detained crossing the border into Bulgaria and claimed asylum. But it was denied by Bulgaria’s Refugee Agency, which decided Saudi authorities had taken steps to democratize society and rejected his claim of asylum on humanitarian grounds.

This was despite Al-Khalidi’s protests, and warnings from human rights groups that he would be in serious danger if he were to be returned to Saudi Arabia.

“If I get sent back to Saudi Arabia, I will 100 percent be killed or will be ‘disappeared’ in prison,” he says.

He launched an appeal against the decision but this was rejected by a lower court. He then took his case to the Supreme Court, which last month (APR) ruled that the State Refugee Agency must reconsider his asylum request. It said the reason given for initially rejecting it—a recommendation from Bulgaria’s National Security Agency that Al-Khalidi posed a security risk to Bulgaria—had not been substantiated.

A decision from the State Refugee Agency on his asylum is expected within months.

Human rights campaigners say they see no reason why it should not be granted.

“I have never come across a case of a refugee that is as clear as that of Abdulrahman’s,” Victor Lilov, member of the Bulgarian Helsinki Committee, told IPS.

Al-Khalidi himself says that he has lost faith in the asylum process in Bulgaria.

“I don’t trust the authorities anymore,” he says.

His mistrust comes after spending the last two and a half years fighting not just to have his asylum request properly dealt with, but also against what he and rights activists believe is his unfair and, following a recent court ruling, unlawful continued detention at the Busmantsi centre.

Under Bulgarian migration regulations, asylum seekers should only be put in closed centers, such as the Busmantsi facility, as a temporary measure while their identity and the facts around their asylum application are established. They should not be held there solely on the grounds that they have claimed asylum. There is, however, a provision under which a migrant can be held in closed facilities if they are deemed a threat to national security.

Al-Khalidi has been in the Busmantsi centre since just a few weeks after his initial arrest.

He initially lodged a legal complaint over his detention in 2022, but that was rejected by a lower court and he was ordered to remain detained at the centre.

He describes conditions there as appalling, with inadequate medical care, a lack of basic hygiene facilities, insect infestations causing infections and diseases, and that it is run “like a prison” with strict restrictions on movements and freedoms for those housed there.

He also claims that at the end of March, security officers at the facility attacked him after he offered food to others detained at the centre. He was taken to the toilets, where there are no cameras and repeatedly beaten and choked for an hour before being taken back to his room, where he was handcuffed to his bed for another two and a half hours.

He says his ordeal over the last few years has taken a huge mental and physical toll on him, which has only been worsened by what he says have been inexplicable decisions by Bulgarian authorities in his case.

In January of this year, the Supreme Court overturned the 2022 lower court ruling on his continued detention and ordered his immediate release. But it was blocked by the National Security Agency, again on the grounds that he presented a threat to national security.

Al-Khalidi denies posing any threat to national security and says he cannot understand why he remains at the detention centre.

“I don’t know what to do anymore. I can’t see how they can still keep me here,” he says.

Lilov said his continued detention was unlawful.

“The Supreme Court decision of January 18 to release Abdulrahman was immediate and non-appealable. The State Refugee Agency and the National Security Agency have so far refused to implement this decision, making his detention unlawful,” he said.

“This ‘accommodation’ centre for migrants is generally intended for those who have fully exhausted all procedures and have extradition orders and are waiting there for the appropriate transport. Only in exceptional cases does the law allow asylum seekers to be accommodated in closed places until the circumstances requiring their detention are no longer present.

“In the case of Abdulrahman, we have decisions of last resort from the Supreme Court saying that he should be released and that the State Refugee Agency should grant him asylum status. I really don’t understand the reasons behind the Bulgarian authorities’ persistence [to continue to detain him],” added Lilov.

Meanwhile, Al-Khalidi continues to face the threat of deportation to Saudi Arabia, despite the Supreme Court ruling.

On February 5, Al-Khalidi was served with a deportation order by the National Security Agency. He has appealed against this.

In response to questions from rights groups and local media about Al-Khalidi’s situation, the Interior Ministry has confirmed this order should not be enforced until a final ruling on his asylum status is made.

Human rights organisations campaigning for his release say Al-Khalidi’s deportation is likely to be in breach of international refugee conventions and Bulgaria’s international obligations on non-refoulement, given Saudi Arabia’s human rights record and documented treatment of political dissidents.

They say he would be at risk of arrest, torture, and potentially the death penalty for his political views and activism.

“The Saudi regime treats political dissidents in a very harsh way. If he is sent back, Abdulrahman will also face very harsh treatment,” said Lilov. “Bulgaria must give him asylum.”

The Bulgarian Interior Ministry did not respond to requests from IPS for comment.

IPS UN Bureau Report


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Unregulated Autonomous Weapons Systems Pose Risk to Africa

Sierra Leone President Julius Maada Bio delivers the keynote address at the inaugural African regional conference on Autonomous Weapons Systems.

Ambassador Lansana Gberie of Sierra Leone warns of a new arms race that could divert important resources away from peacebuilding and sustainable development.

By Kingsley Ighobor
GENEVA, Jun 4 2024 – UN Secretary-General António Guterres has called on countries to conclude by 2026 negotiations on a legally binding instrument to prohibit Autonomous Weapons Systems (AWS).

In response, Sierra Leone in April 2024 hosted a conference of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) member states to discuss challenges associated with AWS.

In this interview with Africa Renewal’s Kingsley Ighobor, Sierra Leone’s Permanent Representative to the UN in Geneva, Dr. Lansana Gberie, the chief organizer of the conference, on behalf of the Government of Sierra Leone, discusses the outcomes and the ramifications of AWS proliferation for Africa.

Here are excerpts:

Dr. Lansana Gberie, Sierra Leone’s Permanent Representative to the UN in Geneva and the chief organizer of the conference on behalf of the Government of Sierra Leone.

Q: What exactly are Autonomous Weapons Systems (AWS), and how are they different from conventional weapons?

Autonomous weapons are new, very potent weapons designed to select, target, and engage without any meaningful human intervention. The difference with conventional weapons is simple: the human factor.

Remember, the two atomic bombs that devastated Japanese cities during WWII were dropped by human beings who carefully selected the targets. They caused enormous carnage, but accountability could be easily assigned for their use.

Autonomous weapons make decisions to kill or destroy targets without a human being participating in the process. Accountability, and therefore reckoning, for such a grave decision becomes difficult.

Q: What are your views regarding the urgency expressed by the UN Secretary-General for international action on AWS?

That is a call that we fully support. As you know, Mr. Guterres made the call in a joint statement with Ms. Mirjana Spoljaric Egger, the President of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), on October 5, 2023. He referred to lethal AWS as morally repugnant and politically unacceptable, calling for their prohibition under international law.

Q: Why should global attention be directed towards the proliferation of AWS?

There are ethical, legal, and practical reasons why the world must focus on this issue now. Machines and algorithms should not make life and death decisions, and this is what autonomous weapons are designed to do. This is ethically appalling.

There is also a fundamental legal aspect: if machines are to make life and death decisions in warfare, who can be held accountable for potential war crimes, extrajudicial killings, and unlawful use of weaponry?

Autonomous weapons systems present tremendous global security risks: they raise the risk of unintended escalation and flash wars, and they lower the threshold for waging war. They are easy to proliferate and could easily be used as weapons of mass destruction for targeted killings, by both state and non-state actors.

Q: What factors contribute to the rising popularity of AWS as military assets?

They are very convenient. Military powers are often risk-averse—they do not want to take large casualties themselves but would like to inflict them on their enemies. This is what AWS will do for them. They leave the actual target decisions to machines. That, too, is convenient.

Accountability for decisions that they set in place becomes difficult in a legal sense. Human beings must remain accountable for the conduct of wars, including targeting decisions. Autonomous weapons systems increase the risk of civilian casualties on a massive scale.

Q: How does the spread of AWS affect Africa?

We are a vulnerable region. Larger military powers are investing in technologies that reduce human control. These dynamics benefit weapons manufacturers and draw important resources away from peacebuilding and sustainable development. The use of AWS could increase the capacity of highly militarized countries to inflict violence with impunity.

By calling for a new international legally binding agreement on AWS, ECOWAS member states hope to prevent the escalation of military dominance by the most militarized countries.

Q: How might African countries prevent the spread of these weapons?

Following the UN Secretary-General’s call, there is now strong international support from over 115 states for starting negotiations on a treaty. The ECOWAS conference, held in Freetown on 17-18 April 2024 and hosted by President Julius Maada Bio of Sierra Leone, was a response to a UN General Assembly resolution on lethal autonomous weapons systems adopted on December 22, 2023. This resolution supports the Secretary-General’s call.

The communiqué issued at the end of the conference affirmed the region’s collective support for negotiations of a legally binding instrument to prohibit autonomous weapons without meaningful human control.

Q: How do events like the conference in Freetown contribute to the potential for an AWS treaty?

Significantly. the Freetown ECOWAS conference followed other regional conferences around the world focused on raising awareness of the problem and forging a common regional approach in support of a legally binding agreement on AWS. Costa Rica held one, and so did the Philippines. There was one in the Caribbean, held in Trinidad and Tobago.

Remember that not every ECOWAS member state is party to the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons (CCW) or has participated in the global discussions around AWS. The Freetown conference brought these countries into that conversation.

Q: Why is Sierra Leone a leader in the advocacy efforts for a treaty on AWS?

As you know, Sierra Leone is a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council. We are also a member of the African Union Peace and Security Council.

President Bio said at the opening of the conference in Freetown that Sierra Leone is deeply committed to safeguarding peace and security in our region. We understand the destabilizing effects of military conflicts that can last for generations. We have become a champion on global arms control and disarmament issues.

The President began his career as a military officer and was among the first batch of peacekeepers sent to Liberia amidst that country’s civil war in the early 1990s. He understands that if we ignore the issue of autonomous weapons in our backyard, we do so at our own peril.

Q: What are the main challenges and complexities involved in negotiating a legally binding instrument to regulate AWS, considering the diverse perspectives and interests of different countries?

All international treaties, particularly on arms, tend to be complex; and negotiations leading to them can be prolonged and difficult. We often hear that a treaty would be ineffective if the countries using AWS do not sign up to them. But with international law, accountability can be determined, whether states are parties or not.

That carries an important moral and practical weight. A majority of countries support a treaty on AWS. Let’s not forget that. But there are powerful countries and interests opposed to such negotiations even starting. That should not discourage the majority. We must all strive to avoid an arms race in this respect.

Source: Africa Renewal, United Nations

IPS UN Bureau


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IXOPAY Nomeia Brady Harris para CEO para Impulsionar o Crescimento dos Pagamentos Globais

TULSA, Oklahoma, June 03, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A IXOPAY anunciou hoje a nomeação do veterano da indústria Brady Harris como seu novo CEO. Sua nomeação está alinhada com a recente fusão da IXOPAY com a TokenEx, destacando uma mudança significativa no setor de pagamentos para um modelo de pagamento com vários processadores, viabilizando que os comerciantes e empresas de fintech possam aprimorar e diversificar suas estratégias de pagamento. A empresa agradece ao CEO Marc Olesen por sua direção e contribuições.

Harris, classificado como um dos 3 principais CEOs nacionais da Glassdoor, tem mais de 20 anos de experiência e liderança executiva em FinTech, Pagamentos e SaaS. Como CEO da Dwolla, ele supervisionou o rápido crescimento dos volumes anuais de pagamentos de US $ 10 bilhões para US $ 70 bilhões, adicionando 1,5 milhão de novos usuários mensalmente. Antes da Dwolla, como presidente da Payscape, ele foi fundamental na sua fusão com a Payroc, na criação de um provedor global de serviços completos de pagamento com mais de 1.000 funcionários em 13 escritórios em todo o mundo. A nova empresa opera em 46 países, atendendo 150.000 empresas.

Sua experiência em fusões, aquisições e escalonamento de empresas para saídas bem–sucedidas sob patrocinadores de private equity é fundamental, pois a IXOPAY está posicionada para se tornar a solução completa do setor de pagamentos. A fusão criou uma plataforma com capacidade para oferecer tokenização de omnicanal, orquestração de pagamentos e gerenciamento de ciclo de vida dos cartões. A fusão aborda a necessidade de redundância, expansão geográfica e recursos de negociação de taxas que os sistemas de processador único não oferecem.

“A tecnologia de pagamentos está avançando rapidamente e a IXOPAY está pronta para liderar essa evolução”, disse Harris. “A integração de tokenização e orquestração nos permite oferecer uma plataforma que, além de dar suporte ao processamento de vários pagamentos, também incentiva o desenvolvimento de serviços inovadores.”

“Sob a liderança de Brady, a IXOPAY está pronta para estabelecer novos benchmarks no setor de pagamentos”, disse Vik Verma, Presidente do Conselho de Administração. “Nossa estratégia audaciosa enfatiza a escalabilidade, a segurança e os avanços inovadores que redefinirão o que os pagamentos podem alcançar.”

Harris e a equipe da IXOPAY estão participando da Money 20/20 Europe em Amsterdã esta semana. Eles apresentarão as ofertas expandidas após a fusão, incluindo os avanços na orquestração de pagamentos, tokenização, gerenciamento de riscos e gerenciamento do ciclo de vida do cartão. Junte–se a eles no RAI Amsterdam no estande 8a202 para ver como esses desenvolvimentos moldarão o futuro dos pagamentos dos comerciantes.

Para mais informações, contate:
Nicholas Mueller
SVP, Marketing 

Sobre a IXOPAY
A IXOPAY, uma empresa TokenEx, é uma plataforma líder em orquestração de pagamentos que fornece uma solução de pagamento flexível e independente para o gerenciamento de todos os serviços de pagamento em um só lugar. Após sua recente fusão com a TokenEX, a IXOPAY está posicionada para expandir seus serviços globalmente, oferecendo recursos aprimorados no processamento de pagamentos e medidas avançadas de segurança.

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IXOPAY ernennt Brady Harris zum CEO zur Beschleunigung des Wachstums im globalen Zahlungsverkehr

TULSA, Oklahoma, June 03, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — IXOPAY hat heute die Ernennung von Brady Harris, einem Veteranen der Branche, zum neuen CEO bekanntgegeben. Seine Ernennung steht im Einklang mit der kürzlich erfolgten Fusion von IXOPAY und TokenEx, die einen bedeutenden Wandel in der Zahlungsbranche hin zu einem Multi–Verarbeiter–Zahlungsmodell verdeutlicht, das Händlern und Fintech–Unternehmen die Möglichkeit gibt, ihre Zahlungsstrategien zu verbessern und zu diversifizieren. Das Unternehmen dankt dem scheidenden CEO Marc Olesen für seine Leitung und seine Beiträge.

Harris, der auf Glassdoor als einer der Top–3–CEOs landesweit eingestuft wird, verfügt über mehr als 20 Jahre Erfahrung und hatte zuvor leitende Führungspositionen in den Bereichen FinTech, Zahlungsverkehr und SaaS inne. Als CEO von Dwolla überwachte er das rasche Wachstum des jährlichen Zahlungsvolumens von 10 auf 70 Milliarden USD, während er monatlich 1,5 Millionen neue Nutzer hinzugewinnen konnte. Vor seiner Tätigkeit bei Dwolla war er als President von Payscape maßgeblich an der Fusion mit Payroc beteiligt, aus der ein globaler Full–Service–Zahlungsanbieter mit über 1.000 Mitarbeitern in 13 Niederlassungen weltweit hervorging, der in 46 Ländern tätig ist und 150.000 Unternehmen bedient.

Seine Erfahrung mit Fusionen, Übernahmen und der Skalierung von Unternehmen bis hin zu erfolgreichen Exits unter Private–Equity–Sponsoren ist der Schlüssel für die Positionierung von IXOPAY als One–Stop–Lösung in der Zahlungsbranche. Durch die Fusion ist eine Plattform entstanden, die Omnichannel–Tokenization, Zahlungsorchestration und Kartenlebenszyklusmanagement anbieten kann. Die Fusion trägt dem Bedarf an Redundanz, geografischer Ausdehnung und Gebührenverhandlungsmöglichkeiten Rechnung, die Einzelverarbeitersystemen fehlen.

„Die Zahlungsverkehrstechnologie entwickelt sich rasant weiter, und IXOPAY ist bereit, diese Entwicklung anzuführen“, so Harris. „Die Integration von Tokenisierung und Orchestrierung ermöglicht es uns, eine Plattform anzubieten, die nicht nur die Verarbeitung mehrerer Zahlungen unterstützt, sondern auch die Entwicklung innovativer Dienste fördert.“

„Unter der Führung von Herrn Harris ist IXOPAY in der Lage, neue Maßstäbe im Zahlungssektor zu setzen“, so Vik Verma, Vorsitzender des Verwaltungsrats. „Unsere mutige Strategie setzt auf Skalierbarkeit, Sicherheit und bahnbrechende Fortschritte, die den Zahlungsverkehr neu definieren werden.“

Harris und das IXOPAY–Team nehmen an der Money 20/20 Europe diese Woche in Amsterdam teil. Sie werden das erweiterte Angebot nach der Fusion vorstellen, einschließlich der Fortschritte in den Bereichen Zahlungsorchestration, Tokenisierung, Risikomanagement und Kartenlebenszyklusmanagement. Besuchen Sie uns auf der RAI Amsterdam am Stand 8a202 und erfahren Sie, wie diese Entwicklungen die Zukunft des Zahlungsverkehrs gestalten werden.

Für weitere Informationen wenden Sie sich bitte an:
Nicholas Mueller
SVP, Marketing

IXOPAY, ein TokenEx–Unternehmen, ist eine führende Plattform für die Orchestrierung von Zahlungen, die eine flexible und unabhängige Zahlungslösung für die Verwaltung aller Zahlungsdienste an einem Ort bietet. Nach der kürzlich erfolgten Fusion mit TokenEx ist IXOPAY in der Lage, seine Dienstleistungen weltweit zu erweitern und erweiterte Fähigkeiten in der Zahlungsabwicklung sowie fortschrittliche Sicherheitsmaßnahmen anzubieten.

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IXOPAY nomme Brady Harris au poste de PDG en vue de stimuler le développement de ses solutions de paiement à l’échelle mondiale

TULSA, État d’Oklahoma, 03 juin 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — IXOPAY annonce accueillir ce jour l’éminent et très expérimenté Brady Harris au poste de PDG. Cette nomination coïncide avec la récente fusion entre IXOPAY et TokenEx, et marque une nette transition dans le secteur des paiements. Cette évolution repose sur une approche multi–processeurs permettant aux commerçants et aux acteurs de la fintech de relever et diversifier leurs stratégies de paiement. L’entreprise adresse ses remerciements au PDG sortant, Marc Olesen, pour sa direction et toutes ses contributions.

Selon Glassdoor, Monsieur Harris se distingue parmi les trois meilleurs PDG des États–Unis. Il apporte plus de 20 ans d’expérience et de leadership de direction dans les domaines de la fintech, des paiements et des solutions SaaS. Alors PDG de Dwolla, il a piloté l’essor des volumes de paiements annuels, les faisant passer de 10 milliards à 70 milliards de dollars, tout en enregistrant 1,5 million de nouveaux utilisateurs chaque mois. Avant de rejoindre Dwolla, il a présidé Payscape, et son rôle s’est avéré déterminant dans sa fusion avec Payroc, qui a donné naissance à un fournisseur de services de paiement d’envergure mondiale employant plus de 1 000 collaborateurs au sein de 13 bureaux répartis travers le monde. En unissant leurs forces, ces deux entreprises ont mis au monde une structure opérationnelle au service de 150 000 sociétés dans 46 pays.

À l’heure où IXOPAY cherche ses marques pour se positionner en tant que fournisseur d’une solution tout–en–un sur le marché des solutions de paiement, l’expertise de Brady Harris en matière de fusions et acquisitions et de développement d’entreprises jusqu’à les faire sortir avec succès de la tutelle de leurs sponsors en capital–investissement s’avère fondamentale. La fusion entre IXOPAY et TokenEx a donné le jour à une plateforme capable de proposer à la fois une tokenisation omnicanale et une synchronisation des paiements, mais aussi une gestion du cycle de vie des cartes. Cette fusion répond aux exigences de prolixité, d’expansion géographique et de capacités de négociation des frais, inexistantes du côté des systèmes à processeur unique.

Pour Monsieur Harris, « La technologie applicable aux paiements évolue rapidement, et IXOPAY entend servir de locomotive dans ce parcours. L’intégration de la tokenisation et de la synchronisation nous permet de proposer une plateforme qui, au–delà de prendre en charge le traitement multi–paiements, favorise également le développement de nouveaux services. »

« Sous la direction de Brady, IXOPAY est à même d’établir de nouveaux standards applicables au secteur des paiements », remarque Vik Verma, président du conseil d’administration. Et d’ajouter : « Notre ambitieuse stratégie se focalise sur la mise à l’échelle, la sécurité et les avancées révolutionnaires qui redessineront les contours de ce que les paiements peuvent atteindre. »

Monsieur Harris et l’équipe d’IXOPAY participent à l’événement Money 20/20 organisé cette semaine à Amsterdam. Ensemble, ils auront l’occasion de présenter les offres complémentaires issues de la fusion, notamment les avancées en matière de synchronisation des paiements, de tokenisation, de gestion des risques et de gestion du cycle de vie des cartes. Nous vous invitons à les rejoindre au stand 8a202 du complexe RAI d’Amsterdam pour découvrir comment les développements évoqués dans le présent communiqué façonneront l’avenir des paiements pour les commerçants.

Pour tout complément d’information, veuillez contacter :
Nicholas Mueller
Vice–président directeur du Marketing

À propos d’IXOPAY
IXOPAY, une société du groupe TokenEx, est l’opérateur d’une plateforme indépendante et flexible dédiée à la synchronisation des paiements, assurant la gestion de tous les services de paiement sous un seul toit. À la suite de sa récente fusion avec TokenEx, IXOPAY est en mesure de développer ses services à l’échelle mondiale en proposant des capacités améliorées en matière de traitement des paiements, mais aussi des protocoles de sécurité avancés.

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