Fiscal Reform Can Help Dominican Republic Attract Greater Investment

Credit: Christopher V Photography/iStock via Getty Images. IMF

By Emilio Fernandez-Corugedo, Pamela Madrid and Frank Fuentes
WASHINGTON DC, Jun 27 2024 – The Dominican Republic leads Latin America in GDP growth, with an average annual rate of around 5 percent per year since the 1970s. The Caribbean nation has made great strides in reducing poverty and improving living standards.

Reaching investment grade on its sovereign bonds would further accelerate progress by lowering interest rates, increasing capital flows, and broadening the investor base. This would also reduce private sector financing costs and boost the economy’s growth potential.

Interest rates on public debt are high relative to peers, notably those with investment grade. High interest rates mean fewer resources for spending on infrastructure, social services, and making the economy more resilient to climate change, an important risk for the country.

Elevated public debt (or interest payments) relative to low tax revenues—known as debt affordability—is a key risk constraining its credit rating and contributing to high interest rates. That’s why reforms, especially to the tax system, will be key. A comprehensive tax reform could help the country boost revenues and earn an investment grade rating.

Revenue raising

Tax revenues are limited by costly exemptions and a high threshold before personal income taxes apply. Streamlining tax incentives and exemptions—which together amount to about 5 percent of GDP, or a third of all tax revenues—is also crucial for simplifying the tax system and reducing evasion.

Permanently raising tax revenues by at least 2 percent of GDP would allow for sustainable increases in key public investment and social spending – helping to boost productivity and private consumption while reducing inequality and poverty.

Overall, a comprehensive tax reform could raise the level of GDP by around 1 percent after 10 years and by 2 percent after 30 years (see Chart). Additional public resources from the reform would also create space in the budget to scale up public investment in infrastructure that can mitigate losses from climate events, which are sizeable for the country.

The Dominican Republic is vulnerable to climate shocks including hurricanes, storms, and floods which already cause average annual losses of around 0.5 percent of GDP to infrastructure alone. The country is also increasingly vulnerable to rising temperature and sea levels.

Climate change is expected to increase these vulnerabilities. Making public infrastructure more resilient to climate events so that their impact is 40 percent less severe could further boost GDP by around 0.5 percent after 10 years and by 1.75 percent after 30 years.

Fiscal rule

Beyond the much-needed increase in tax revenues, comprehensive fiscal reform should include the adoption of a fiscal rule imposing long-term limits on public debt that would increase certainty and help safeguard fiscal sustainability.

Recapitalizing the central bank remains a crucial step to ensure its financial autonomy. In this regard, the IMF has provided technical assistance in the design of a Fiscal Responsibility Law, which is pending approval by the lower chamber of Congress, and has supported the authorities’ efforts to draft a new central bank recapitalization law.

Electricity sector

Another critical reform is addressing the long-standing inefficiencies in the electricity sector that result in high losses, which have averaged between 1 and 2 percent of GDP per year in the last decade.

We estimate that cutting losses by half—to a level comparable to those in advanced economies—could increase GDP by 0.3 percent after 10 years as efficiency improves, costs are reduced, and blackouts are eliminated.

These improvements, along with lower non-technical losses and tariff adjustments to bring electricity prices in line with production costs, would eliminate electricity sector losses and provide further fiscal space for development needs, boosting GDP by a further 0.2 percent after 10 years and 0.75 percent after 30 years.

Considering the Dominican Republic’s potential, the challenges it currently faces and the uncertainty of the global outlook, delaying a comprehensive fiscal reform would not only be costly but also a missed opportunity on its journey towards investment grade. Undertaking these key reforms could further boost the level of GDP by around 2 and 5 percent after 10 and 30 years respectively.

Emilio Fernandez-Corugedo is a Deputy Division Chief, Pamela Madrid is a Senior Economist in the IMF’s Western Hemisphere Department and Frank Fuentes is an Advisor to the IMF Executive Director representing the Dominican Republic.

IPS UN Bureau


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Thailand’s LGBTQI+ Rights Breakthrough

Credit: Chanakarn Laosarakham/AFP via Getty Images

By Inés M. Pousadela
MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay, Jun 27 2024 – At the height of 2024 Pride season, decades of civil society campaigning came to fruition in Thailand. With 130 votes for and only four against, on 18 June the Senate passed the Marriage Equality Bill. With a few strokes of the pen, the bill tweaked the language of the Civil and Commercial Code, replacing gendered references such as ‘man’ and ‘woman’ with gender-neutral ones such as ‘persons’ and ‘spouses’. It now goes for formal assent to King Maha Vajiralongkorn and will take effect 120 days after publication in the official bulletin.

This means equal marriage is now recognised in 37 countries. Recent progress has seen Estonia become the first post-Soviet state to join the ranks in 2023, and Greece the first majority-Orthodox Christian country to do so in early 2024. Thailand is the first country in Southeast Asia and the third in Asia, following Taiwan and Nepal, to recognise the right to marry and all associated rights for same-sex couples.


The long road to equality

With its vibrant LGBTQI+ culture, Thailand has long been advertised as ‘an exceptional destination for gay travellers’. But things weren’t quite so good for local LGBTQI+ people, whose identities and relationships lacked legal recognition and associated rights.

Civil society worked to change that. Efforts to advance the rights of same-sex couples in Thailand date back at least as far as 2011.

The first shift came in 2012, when the government began to consider some kind of recognition for same-sex relations. In 2013 it drafted a civil partnership bill with bipartisan support, but progress stalled under the military government formed as a result of a 2014 coup.

The country remained under military rule until mid-2019, but rather than stopping, LGBTQI+ activism gained strength by connecting with the country’s youthful and outspoken movement for democracy. In 2017, a petition calling for the recognition of civil partnerships gathered over 60,000 signatures. The government responded by preparing a draft bill and holding public hearings where it received overwhelming public support. But by mid-2020, the bill – which activists criticised for not ensuring the same rights as marriage – died in parliament.

When youth-led protests for democratic change erupted in 2020, their demands included LGBTQI+ rights and led to the development of a new bill that was eventually introduced but failed to pass before parliament was dissolved ahead of a general election in May 2023.

LGBTQI+ activists also took to the courts, but received a setback. In 2021, in response to a petition filed by two LGBTQI+ people seeking to get married, the Constitutional Court ruled that the section of the Civil and Commercial Code that defined marriage as being between a man and a woman was constitutional. LGBTQI+ activists were particularly unhappy with the court’s sexist and demeaning language.

Cultural and political battles

Longstanding efforts to normalise the presence of LGBTQI+ people and shift conservative narratives produced high levels of acceptance and support for LGBTQI+ rights. Thailand ranks 44 out of 196 countries in Equaldex’s Equality Index, which rates countries according to their LGBTQI+-friendliness. But unlike most other countries, it places higher for public attitudes than for its laws.

This meant Thai LGBTQI+ activists were able to use the broadly favourable climate of opinion to pressure politicians. They turned LGBTQI+ rights into a bandwagon politicians wanted to join for political gain. As a result, some of the major parties competing in the 2023 election campaigned on pledges to push for marriage equality. This included the progressive Move Forward party, which won the most seats.

But military-appointed senators stopped Move Forward forming a government, and instead Pheu Thai Party, a populist party twice deposed in military coups, formed a coalition with military-aligned parties – not the outcome young democracy activists had hoped for. Still, the new prime minister, Srettha Thavisin, had also promised to send a bill to parliament.

He still took his time, and LGBTQI+ activists gave him the push he needed. By early September 2023, when the new government was sworn in, the Rainbow Coalition for Marriage Equality had collected over 362,000 signatures in support of marriage equality. Srettha sent the bill to parliament in November, and in December debate started on the government’s bill plus three other versions submitted by other parties and civil society.

The House of Representatives passed all four bills with an overwhelming majority, then formed a committee to merge them into one, and passed the combined bill with near unanimity. The Senate completed the process on 18 June.

What – and where – next

The Marriage Equality Bill recognises rights in relation to inheritance, adoption and healthcare decisions. But beyond these direct effects, activists expect it to have powerful indirect impacts, sending a message of acceptance and encouraging younger LGBTQI+ people to come out and lead full lives free of discrimination and violence.

Now marriage equality has been achieved, LGBTQI+ activism is turning to the next big issue – trans rights. Despite playing a prominent role in entertainment, transgender people in Thailand face steep barriers, particularly in employment. They have few legal protections against discrimination, and those that exist aren’t fully enforced. They’re unable to obtain legal documents that reflect their gender identity, and what few rights they have in this regard depend on bureaucratic discretion. To change this, LGBTQI+ activists will keep campaigning for a Gender Recognition Bill.

The significance of the change achieved in Thailand, and the further change that seems sure to come, extends far beyond the country’s borders. Most countries in the region don’t recognise same-sex marriage, and some, including Brunei, Malaysia and Myanmar, still severely criminalise same-sex relations.

Thai activists believe their success can both bring further change at home and set an example for other countries to follow. Given what they’ve achieved, they have every reason for hope.

Inés M. Pousadela is CIVICUS Senior Research Specialist, co-director and writer for CIVICUS Lens and co-author of the State of Civil Society Report.


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Hacking Victim Granted £21m Worldwide Freezing Order Against the UAE Emirate of Ras Al Khaimah Sovereign Wealth Fund

LONDON, June 26, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Burlingtons Legal LLP, on behalf of its client, Farhad Azima, an aviation executive and citizen of the United States of America, has succeeded in securing a global freezing order against Ras Al Khaimah sovereign wealth fund, RAKIA, in the English High Court. On 25 June 2024 the High Court in London granted American aviation businessman, Farhad Azima, the continuation of a worldwide freezing order against Ras Al Khaimah Investment Authority (“RAKIA”) who are the sovereign wealth fund of Ras Al Khaimah, an Emirate of the UAE.

Mr Azima alleged in court that he was hacked by RAKIA and their solicitors Dechert LLP, the international law firm. Dechert recently settled with Mr Azima and agreed to pay him multimillion pound damages, but Mr Azima has had to pursue worldwide enforcement proceedings against the sovereign wealth fund in an attempt to recover approximately £21m owed in unsatisfied High Court judgments.

Mr Justice Michael Green, sitting in private, granted the initial worldwide freezing injunction against RAKIA, commenting that the fund had “behaved dishonestly and fraudulently, obtaining judgments from this court by fraud and mounting a full scale operation to hack Mr Azima's private and confidential information.”

Mr Justice Michael Green also observed that RAKIA’s “behaviour throughout the case has been shown to be dishonest and since it has backed out of the proceedings it has failed to pay any of the orders made against it, despite it saying that it will ensure that any judgments entered against it are satisfied.”

RAKIA’s non–compliance with numerous English Court orders comes at a time when Ras Al Khaimah continues to promote itself as a safe destination for tourists and for international investment, with tours of France and Italy, as well as the promotion of Wynn Resorts’ Wynn Al Marjan Island project in Ras Al Khaimah.

Mr Azima’s application for a freezing order arises from recent asset dissipation, including the purported sale on 30 May 2024 of the Marriott Sheraton Grand Tbilisi Metechi Palace Hotel in Tbilisi, Georgia, which for over 15 years was owned by Ras Al Khaimah Georgia LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of RAKIA.

But recently the hotel was apparently sold for approximately $45 million to Tbilisi Hotel Holdings LLC – a newly incorporated company that has the “same directors as RAKIA Georgia, [and] appears to be owned by a Ras Al Khaimah entity”. The transfer document was “signed by the same person on behalf of both the purchaser and the seller”.

The Court has been supportive of Mr Azima’s attempts to prevent further dissipation of assets by RAKIA, noting that it “appears that RAKIA is taking steps to make itself judgment–proof.” The global freezing order granted by Mr Justice Michael Green was today extended indefinitely (or until the £21m owed to Mr Azima is satisfied), requiring RAKIA not to remove, dispose of, deal with, or diminish the value of any assets in England and Wales, or outside it, up to the value of £21m.

Going beyond the scope of typical freezing orders, the Order granted to Mr Azima further restricts corporate bodies directly or indirectly owned or controlled by RAKIA from disposing of, dealing with, or diminishing the value of any of their respective assets, whether in or outside England and Wales, up to the same value, therefore catching any subsidiaries who may attempt to avoid enforcement action by dissipating assets. RAKIA was also required to provide to Mr Azima a list of all its assets worldwide exceeding £50,000 in value, whether held in its own name or not.

If RAKIA or their officers, Naser Thafer Husni Al Bustami and Mohamad Sultan Al Qadi, disobey this Order, then they may be held in contempt of court, fined, have their assets seized or, for the officers, imprisoned. This also applies to anyone in the UK who knowingly assists in or permits a breach of this Order.

Dr Al Bustami is the current CEO of the RAK–owned quarrying company, Stevin Rock and a director of RAK Development LLC. He also sits on the board of a number of other companies that are ultimately owned by the Government of RAK.

Mr Al Qadi is currently a board member of the Investment & Development Office of RAK and was previously the CEO of RAK Properties. He was also the Chairman of the Founding Committees of RAK Petroleum and RAK Properties, and served as Chairman of Commercial Bank International and Emirates Post Group.

Dr Al Bustami and Mr Al Qadi signed the 22 June 2022 letter on behalf of RAKIA to the Court noting RAKIA’s withdrawal from the Azima proceedings and its apparently hollow promise to satisfy any judgment against it. Dr Al Bustami also gave evidence in the first trial for RAKIA, denying any knowledge of the hacking of Mr Azima.

Farhad Azima has put the owners and Marriott Hotels on notice not to abet asset dissipation on the part of Ras Al Khaimah.

Source: Burlingtons Legal LLP

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at–3a30–42d5–a3ff–98d1746d7b5a

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000968537)

A21 Launches Host Applications for Walk for Freedom 2024

DALLAS, TX, June 26, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A21, a global nonprofit organization dedicated to eradicating human trafficking through awareness, intervention, and aftercare, is thrilled to announce that applications to become a host for the 2024 Walk For Freedom are now live. This year marks the 10th anniversary of the world’s largest anti–human trafficking event of its kind, taking place on October 19th, 2024.

Since its inception in 2014, Walk For Freedom has united people worldwide, activated cities, reduced vulnerability, and multiplied freedom. We have seen over 350,000 participants take millions of steps for freedom in over 500 cities globally. The event has reached over 2 billion people through media coverage and social media and distributed over 1.4 million awareness and prevention materials.

Bring Walk For Freedom to Your City

Hosts are the catalysts for local action and global impact. They set the foundation for community mobilization, inspire others to stand for justice, and help build a legacy of freedom for future generations. As a host, you can bring Walk For Freedom to your city, raising awareness and driving action against modern–day slavery.

How Awareness Leads to Recovery

Last October, one day after participating in the Walk for Freedom in Kolkata, India, a man noticed signs of trafficking in his neighborhood. Armed with the knowledge and resources distributed during the walk, he immediately alerted local authorities, who then raided the house and rescued the girls.

“This time, when I spotted it, it stirred my heart,” said Gourav Singha Roy. “We are educated people. We are young people, living in cities, [with] urban lives. Yet, we are blind to many things that seem very normal to us. For example, little children working in the shop below the age of 14 years is something which is not right, which is illegal.”

His awareness, sparked by the Walk For Freedom event, led to the rescue of two young girls from forced labor. This story underscores the profound impact of awareness, education, and local action in the fight against human trafficking.

For more on Roy's story, watch the CNN Freedom Project Report here.

Key Details for Hosts

  • Event Date: October 19, 2024
  • Application Deadline: September 19, 2024
  • Eligibility: Hosts must be 18 years or older and have a co–host for the event.
  • Responsibilities: Hosts are responsible for organizing, preparing, communicating, managing costs, and promoting their local walk. 

Host Application Process

  • Apply: Submit your application online.
  • Review: A21 will review your application.
  • Interview: Selected candidates will be invited for a 30–minute interview.
  • Decision: Applicants will be notified via email about their acceptance.

Support for Hosts

A21 provides comprehensive support to ensure the success of each Walk For Freedom event, including:

  • Direct Contact with A21: Access to a dedicated team via phone, email, Zoom, and webinars.
  • Digital Resource Kit: Includes posters, flyers, fact sheets, day–of signage, planning guides, and more.

Join the Movement

This year, we need your leadership more than ever. Together, we can disrupt modern–day slavery and create a world where freedom thrives. Apply to become a Walk For Freedom host and make a difference in your community.

For more information and to apply, visit


About A21:
A21 is a global nonprofit organization determined to eradicate human trafficking through awareness, intervention, and aftercare. Currently operating across over 20 countries worldwide, A21 is a global anti–human trafficking organization dedicated to abolishing slavery everywhere, forever. Through partnerships and the efforts of supporters all over the globe, A21 believes slavery can be prevented, victims can be identified and assisted, perpetrators can be brought to justice, and millions of survivors can step into a life of independence.

Should you be interested in speaking with an A21 representative about the Walk For Freedom or the impact of current events on human trafficking, please don’t hesitate to contact:

Press artwork:
Walk for Freedom Photos

2023 Walk For Freedom Recap Video


GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9169215)

Anaqua bringt KI-gestützte IP-Management-Plattform AQX® 11 auf den Markt

BOSTON, June 26, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Anaqua, der führende Anbieter von Technologien für das Management von Innovationen und geistigem Eigentum (IP), kündigt heute die Markteinführung des KI–gestützten AQX® 11 an. Dies ist der bedeutendste Plattform–Release von Anaqua seit 20 Jahren und unterstützt Unternehmen und Anwaltskanzleien dabei, den maximalen Wert aus ihren IP–Assets zu erzielen. Die Markteinführung fällt mit dem ersten Tag der Anaqua Experience Conference zusammen und ist zudem auch Teil der Feierlichkeiten zum 20–jährigen Bestehen des Unternehmens.

AQX 11 ist eine IP–Plattform, die auf operative und strategische Vorteile ausgelegt ist. Sie verleiht der Welt des IP–Managements ein neues Gesicht und verbessert die Entscheidungsmöglichkeiten und die Effizienz von IP–Anwälten und –Teams erheblich. Die Plattform umfasst eine Reihe von neuen Funktionen:

KI–Fähigkeiten: AI Patent Summaries™ und AI Patent Auto–Classifier™ modernisieren Patentüberprüfungs– und Klassifizierungsprozesse, reduzieren den manuellen Aufwand und verbessern die Datengenauigkeit. Mit diesen KI–Funktionen können Benutzer Patentansprüche und Erfindungen einfach zusammenfassen und sowohl interne Patente als auch Patente von Wettbewerbern automatisch klassifizieren und dem unternehmenseigenen Klassifizierungssystem zuordnen. Dadurch erhalten sie einen umfassenden Überblick über die Wettbewerbslandschaft.

Arbeitsbereich für Anwälte: Zum ersten Mal können Anwälte an einem zentralen Ort schnell auf alle wichtigen Daten ihrer IP–Mandate zugreifen. Anwälte können so ihre Entscheidungsfindung beschleunigen und verbessern, da sie alle relevanten Informationen, wie z. B. Amtsvorgänge, ausländische Anmeldungen, Patentverlängerungs–Entscheidungen und vieles mehr, unmittelbar verfügbar haben.

Automatisierung: Die automatische Verarbeitung von Dokumenten ist ein bedeutender Fortschritt, der manuelle Prozesse bei der Kommunikation mit Patent– und Markenämtern überflüssig macht. Dadurch können Fehler reduziert werden und die IP–Teams können sich – statt auf die Eingabe von Daten – auf die Validierung der Datengenauigkeit und die Durchführung übergeordneter Aufgaben konzentrieren.

Verwaltung von Domänennamen: Ein neues Modul verfolgt und verwaltet Domainnamen–Informationen zusammen mit IP–Assets. Dadurch bietet es einen ganzheitlichen Überblick über das Portfolio eines Unternehmens, welches genau auf die Art und Weise abgestimmt ist, wie Geschäftsinhaber diese wichtigen Vermögenswerte verwalten.

Innovationsmanagement: Unternehmen können Innovationen beschleunigen und ihren Wert maximieren, indem sie IP–Anwälte frühzeitig und häufig in die strategische Planung des Innovationsmanagements einbeziehen. Das Modul verbessert die Ideenerfassung und –entwicklung in der gesamten Organisation, rationalisiert die teamübergreifende Zusammenarbeit und bietet effiziente Tools für die Verwaltung von Beiträgen von Erfindern und Nicht–Erfindern. Dadurch wird die Markteinführung beschleunigt und sichergestellt, dass die besten Ideen geschützt und umgesetzt werden.

Produktmanagement: Eine neue Funktion sorgt für Transparenz bei Patentprozessen, indem sie Patente, Marken und Finanzdaten mit Produktfamilien verknüpft. Dadurch wird ein klares Verständnis derjenigen IP–Assets ermöglicht, die den Produktwert steigern. Diese verbesserte Sichtbarkeit, einschließlich der Patentbewertungsdaten vereinfacht das Erkennen von Lizenzierungsmöglichkeiten und informiert über Entscheidungen bei der Verlängerung.

“Der heutige Tag ist ein Meilenstein, denn wir bringen AQX 11 auf den Markt”, sagte Bob Romeo, CEO von Anaqua. “Mit KI und verbesserter Automatisierung ist das ein Sprung nach vorne in der IP–Management–Technologie. Zum 20–jährigen Bestehen von Anaqua unterstreicht diese Version unsere Fortschritte und unser Engagement für Innovation. Wir freuen uns, unser Jubiläum zu feiern und diesen Erfolg mit unserer weltweiten Gemeinschaft von Kunden zu teilen, die maßgeblich dazu beigetragen hat, dies zu ermöglichen.”

Vincent Brault, Senior–Vize Präsident für Produkt & Innovation bei Anaqua, betonte ebenfalls die Bedeutung des Marktstarts: “AQX 11 ist das Ergebnis einer intensiven Zusammenarbeit mit unserer sehr geschätzten Kunden–Community. Diese Lösung versetzt unsere Kunden in die Lage, ihre operative Effizienz und strategische Entscheidungsfindung durch bahnbrechende KI–Funktionen und Automatisierung zu optimieren. AQX 11 ermöglicht es Fachleuten des gewerblichen Rechtsschutzes, zentrale Erkenntnisse aus grundlegenden Daten zu gewinnen und Portfolioentscheidungen sowie die Patentklassifizierung zu rationalisieren. Damit setzt AQX11 einen neuen Standard in der IP–Management–Technologie.“

Weitere Informationen über AQX 11 und die Möglichkeit, eine Demo anzufordern, finden Sie unter

Über Anaqua

Anaqua, Inc. ist ein führender Anbieter von integrierten Technologielösungen und Dienstleistungen für das Management von geistigem Eigentum (IP) für Unternehmen und Anwaltskanzleien. Die IP–Management–Softwarelösungen AQX® und PATTSY WAVE® bieten Best–Practice–Workflows mit Big–Data–Analysen und technologiegestützten Dienstleistungen, um eine intelligente Umgebung zu schaffen, die die IP–Strategie informiert, die IP–Entscheidungsfindung ermöglicht und die IP–Abläufe rationalisiert, zugeschnitten auf die Bedürfnisse jedes Segments. Heute nutzen fast die Hälfte der 100 größten US–Patentanmelder und globalen Marken sowie eine wachsende Zahl von Anwaltskanzleien weltweit die Lösungen von Anaqua. Mehr als eine Million IP–Führungskräfte, Anwälte, Rechtsanwaltsgehilfen, Administratoren und Innovatoren nutzen die Plattform für ihre IP–Management–Anforderungen. Der Hauptsitz des Unternehmens befindet sich in Boston, mit weiteren Niederlassungen in den USA, Europa, Asien und Australien. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter oder auf Anaquas LinkedIn.

Amanda Glagolev
Director, Communications

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9157793)

Anaqua lance la plateforme de gestion PI AQX® 11, alimentée par l'IA

BOSTON, 26 juin 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Anaqua, fournisseur leader de technologies de gestion de l'innovation et de la propriété intellectuelle (PI), annonce aujourd'hui le lancement d'AQX® 11, alimenté par l'IA – la version la plus importante de la plateforme d'Anaqua en 20 ans – pour aider les entreprises et les conseils en propriété industrielle à tirer le maximum de valeur de leurs actifs de PI. Ce lancement coïncide avec le premier jour de la conférence Anaqua Experience et fait partie des célébrations du 20ème anniversaire de la société.

Plateforme de PI conçue pour développer un avantage opérationnel et stratégique, AQX 11 prend une nouvelle apparence, tout en améliorant considérablement les capacités de prise de décision et l'efficacité des avocats, juristes et personnels administratifs en propriété intellectuelle. Parmi les nouvelles fonctionnalités, on peut citer :

Intelligence Artificielle : Les outils AI Patent Summaries™ et AI Patent Auto–Classifier™ optimisent les processus d'examen et de classification des brevets, en réduisant le travail manuel et en améliorant la précision des données. Grâce à ces fonctionnalités d'IA, les utilisateurs peuvent facilement résumer les revendications de brevets et les inventions, et classer et cartographier automatiquement les brevets internes et ceux des concurrents selon le système de classification propre à leur entreprise, offrant ainsi une vue d'ensemble du paysage concurrentiel.

Espace de travail des avocats : Pour la première fois, les avocats peuvent accéder rapidement aux données essentielles relatives aux questions de propriété intellectuelle en un seul endroit. Ils peuvent accélérer et améliorer leur prise de décision en ayant accès à toutes les informations pertinentes, y compris les actions de l'office, les dépôts internationaux, les décisions relatives aux annuités, etc.

Automatisation : L'automatisation du traitement des documents est une avancée significative qui élimine le travail manuel lié à l'enregistrement des communications des Offices des brevets et des marques, réduit les erreurs et permet aux équipes de propriété intellectuelle de se concentrer sur la validation de l'exactitude des données et l'exécution de tâches de plus haut niveau, plutôt que sur la saisie de données.

Gestion des noms de domaine : Un nouveau module permet de suivre et de gérer les informations relatives aux noms de domaine en même temps que les actifs de propriété intellectuelle, offrant ainsi une vision globale du portefeuille d'une entreprise, et qui s'aligne sur la manière dont les propriétaires d'entreprises gèrent ces actifs essentiels.

Gestion de l'innovation : Les entreprises peuvent accélérer l'innovation et maximiser sa valeur en facilitant l'implication précoce et fréquente des conseils en propriété industrielle dans la planification stratégique grâce à un module de gestion de l'innovation. Ce module améliore la capture et le développement d'idées provenant de l'ensemble de l’entreprise cliente, optimise la collaboration entre les équipes et fournit des outils efficaces pour gérer les contributions des inventeurs et des non–inventeurs, ce qui accélère la mise sur le marché et garantit que les meilleures idées sont protégées et mises en œuvre.

Gestion des produits : Une nouvelle fonctionnalité permet de visualiser les contributions en matière de brevets en liant les brevets, les marques et les données financières aux familles de produits. Ceci permet de comprendre clairement les actifs de propriété intellectuelle qui augmentent la valeur des produits. Cette visibilité accrue, y compris les données d'évaluation des brevets dans les relations avec les sujets, simplifie les opportunités de licence et éclaire les décisions de renouvellement de la propriété intellectuelle.

« Aujourd'hui est une étape importante puisque nous lançons AQX 11 », a déclaré Bob Romeo, PDG d'Anaqua. « Alimenté par l'IA et une automatisation améliorée, c'est un bond en avant dans les technologies de gestion de la PI. Alors que nous célébrons le 20ème anniversaire d'Anaqua, ce lancement souligne nos progrès et notre engagement en matière d'innovation. Nous sommes ravis de célébrer notre anniversaire et de partager cet accomplissement avec notre communauté mondiale de clients, qui ont joué un rôle essentiel dans la réalisation de ce projet. »

Vincent Brault, Vice–président senior du produit et de l'innovation chez Anaqua, a souligné l'importance de cette version : « AQX 11 est le résultat d'une collaboration étendue avec notre communauté de clients. Cette version permet à nos clients d'optimiser l'efficacité opérationnelle et la prise de décision stratégique grâce à des capacités d'IA et d'automatisation révolutionnaires. En permettant aux acteurs de la propriété intellectuelle d'extraire des informations vitales à partir de données essentielles et de rationaliser les décisions relatives aux portefeuilles et à la classification des brevets, AQX 11 établit une nouvelle norme en matière de technologie de gestion de la propriété intellectuelle. »

Pour plus d'informations sur AQX 11 et pour demander une démonstration, veuillez consulter le site

À propos d’Anaqua
Anaqua, Inc. est un fournisseur de premier plan de solutions et services technologiques intégrés de gestion de la propriété intellectuelle (PI). Ses logiciels, AQX® et PATTSY WAVE®, combinent les meilleurs outils pour définir une stratégie de PI avisée. Ses technologies, qui reposent notamment sur des workflows et des capacités d’analyses avancés, offre un environnement de travail intelligent conçu pour prendre de meilleures décisions et optimiser les opérations de PI. Aujourd'hui, près de la moitié des 100 premiers déposants de brevets américains et des marques mondiales, ainsi qu'un nombre croissant de cabinets de conseils en PI dans le monde, utilisent les solutions Anaqua. Plus d'un million de décideurs, avocats, juristes, gestionnaires et innovateurs utilisent les logiciels Anaqua pour leurs besoins de gestion de la PI. Le siège de la société est situé à Boston, avec des bureaux aux États–Unis, en Europe, en Asie et en Australie. Pour de plus amples informations, veuillez consulter le site, ou la page entreprise d’Anaqua sur LinkedIn.

Contact presse :
Amanda Glagolev
Directrice de la communication

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9157793)

Anaqua Launches AI-Powered IP Management Platform AQX® 11

BOSTON, June 26, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Anaqua, the leading provider of innovation and intellectual property (IP) management technology, today announces the launch of AI–powered AQX® 11—Anaqua’s most significant platform release in 20 years—to help corporations and law firms achieve maximum value from their IP assets. The launch coincides with the first day of the Anaqua Experience Conference and is part of the company’s 20th–anniversary celebrations.

An IP platform designed for operational and strategic advantage, AQX 11 brings a fresh look and feel to the world of IP management while dramatically enhancing decision–making capabilities and efficiency for IP attorneys and operations teams. A suite of new features includes:

AI Capabilities: AI Patent Summaries™ and AI Patent Auto–Classifier™ streamline patent review and classification processes, reducing manual work and enhancing data accuracy. With these AI capabilities, users can easily summarize patent claims and inventions, and automatically classify and map both internal and competitor patents to their organization’s proprietary classification system, providing a comprehensive view of the competitive landscape.

Attorney Workspace: For the first time, attorneys can quickly access critical data related to IP matters in one central place. Attorneys can accelerate and improve decision–making by having all pertinent information surfaced, including Office Actions, Foreign Filing, Annuity Decisions, and more.

Automation: Document Auto–Processing is a significant advancement, eliminating the manual work involved in docketing PTO communications, reducing errors, and enabling IP teams to concentrate on validating data accuracy and performing higher–level tasks, rather than data entry.

Domain Name Management: A new module tracks and manages Domain Name information alongside IP assets, providing a holistic view of an organization’s portfolio that is aligned with the way business owners manage these critical assets.

Innovation Management: Organizations can accelerate innovation and maximize value by facilitating early and frequent involvement of IP attorneys in strategic planning through Innovation Management. The module improves idea capture and development from the entire customer organization, streamlines collaboration across teams, and provides efficient tools for managing inventor and non–inventor contributions, ultimately enhancing speed to market and ensuring the best ideas are protected and implemented.

Product Management: A new feature gives visibility into patent contributions by tying patents, trademarks, and financial data to product families, enabling a clear understanding of the IP assets that drive product value. This enhanced visibility, including Patent Evaluation data in subject relationships, simplifies licensing opportunities and informs IP renewal decisions.

“Today is a milestone as we launch AQX 11,” said Bob Romeo, Anaqua CEO. “Powered by AI and enhanced automation, it's a leap forward in IP management technology. As we celebrate Anaqua’s 20th anniversary, this release highlights our progress and commitment to innovation. We are excited to commemorate our anniversary and share this achievement with our global client community, who have been integral in making this possible.”

Vincent Brault, Senior Vice President of Product & Innovation at Anaqua, further emphasized the significance of the release: “AQX 11 reflects extensive collaboration with our valued client community. This release empowers our clients to optimize operational efficiency and strategic decision–making through groundbreaking AI capabilities and automation. By enabling IP practitioners to extract vital insights from essential data and streamline portfolio decisions and patent classification, AQX 11 sets a new standard in IP management technology.”

For more information about AQX 11 and to request a demo, please visit

About Anaqua
Anaqua, Inc. is a premier provider of integrated intellectual property (IP) management technology solutions and services for corporations and law firms. Its IP management software solutions, AQX® and PATTSY WAVE®, both offer best practice workflows with big data analytics and tech–enabled services to create an intelligent environment designed to inform IP strategy, enable IP decision–making, and streamline IP operations, tailored to each segment’s need. Today, nearly half of the top 100 U.S. patent filers and global brands, as well as a growing number of law firms worldwide use Anaqua’s solutions. Over one million IP executives, attorneys, paralegals, administrators, and innovators use the platform for their IP management needs. The company’s global operations are headquartered in Boston, with offices across the U.S., Europe, Asia, and Australia. For additional information, please visit, or on Anaqua's LinkedIn.

Company Contact:
Amanda Glagolev
Director, Communications

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9157793)

Georgia’s LGBT+ Law Could Lead to Violent Repression, Rights Group Warns

Organizers decided to cancel physical Pride events this year for fear of a repeat of violence that marred the 2023 event when far-right groups attacked festival goers. The organizers and Georgia's president said anti-LGBT hate speech from government officials had incited violence ahead of the event in Tbilisi.

Organizers decided to cancel physical Pride events this year for fear of a repeat of violence that marred the 2023 event when far-right groups attacked festival goers. The organizers and Georgia’s president said anti-LGBT hate speech from government officials had incited violence ahead of the event in Tbilisi.

By Ed Holt
BRATISLAVA, Jun 26 2024 – “If this legislation passes, LGBT+ people simply aren’t going to be able to live here.” The warning from Tamar Jakeli, an LGBT+ activist and Director of Tbilisi Pride in Tbilisi, Georgia, is stark, but others in the country’s LGBT+ community agree, accurate.

Jakeli is talking to IPS in early June, soon after the ruling government party, Georgian Dream, proposed a bill in parliament that would, among others, outlaw any LGBT+ gatherings, ban same-sex marriages, gender transition and the adoption of children by same-sex couples. 

It will also prohibit LGBT+ ‘propaganda’ in schools and broadcasters and advertisers will also have to remove any content featuring same-sex relationships before broadcast, regardless of the age of the intended audience.

Strikingly similar to various legislation passed over the last decade in Russia, where the regime has looked to crack down on any open LGBT+ expression, critics say it could, if passed, have a devastating effect on Georgia’s queer community.

They fear it will lead to violent attacks on LGBT+ people and an increase in stigmatization, marginalization, and repression of the community.

“This legislation will give the green light to anyone who already has very conservative opinions to unleash violence on the LGBT community,” says Jakeli.

Experience from other countries where similar legislation has been introduced suggests this is a very likely outcome.

“The experiences of Russia and other countries that have passed such legislation show a clear pattern: state-sanctioned discrimination tends to foster an environment of hostility and violence against LGBTI communities,” Katrin Hugendubel, Advocacy Director at LGBT+ rights group ILGA-Europe, told IPS.

“This legislative move in Georgia could embolden extremist groups and individuals, leading to an increase in hate crimes and violence. The societal message that LGBTI people are less deserving of rights and protections can have severe and dangerous consequences,” she added.

Rights groups say that while the law would have an immediate negative effect on many aspects of LGBT+ people’s lives, it is also likely to reverse what has been a growing acceptance of the community in the country, albeit a slow one.

Although recent research suggests prejudice against LGBT+ people runs deep among what is a traditionally conservative population, activists say attitudes have become more tolerant towards the community in the last few years.

“There is still a conservative society here, and transphobia, homophobia and prejudice exist, [but] in recent years, surveys have shown people being less homophobic, especially in big cities and among the young. The dynamic has been positive,” Beka Gabadadze, an LGBT+ activist and Chairperson of the Board at Queer Association Temida in Tbilisi, told IPS.

But this could now all be under threat.

“The introduction of this legislation has the potential to undo much of the progress that has been made in recent years,” Hugendubel warned.

“Improvements in the situation for LGBTI individuals in Georgia have been fragile and often driven by the efforts of activists and supportive segments of society. This law, by contrast, represents a significant setback that could negate the positive changes achieved. It could lead to increased fear, discourage public expressions of identity, and drive LGBTI people and their allies back into hiding,” she said.

The bill must pass three readings in parliament before it becomes law, and the last of those is expected for September, a few weeks before planned parliamentary elections.

Activists say they expect it to be passed, pointing to the government’s willingness to push through legislation regardless of how unpopular it might be. a law requiring civil society groups that receive a certain amount of funding from abroad to register as “pursuing the interests of a foreign power” was passed earlier this year, despite massive street protests and overwhelming public opposition to it.

Over the next few months as the Bill is debated, Jakeli says she is expecting rising repression against the community.

She says her organization’s offices have already been attacked—she believes by people connected to the government. A Georgian Dream MP appeared to claim responsibility for a series of attacks against the offices of civil society organizations in May this year.

She also expects many LGBT+ people to start, if they have not already, planning a new life abroad.

While Georgian Dream has said the bill has been introduced as a necessary measure to stop the spread of “pseudo-liberal” values that undermine traditional family relationships, critics see it as the latest cynical attempt by a government turning away from the West to increase stigmatisation of certain groups, particularly the LGBT+ community, for political gain ahead of elections.

Georgian Dream also linked its foreign influence legislation to protecting the country from NGOs promoting LGBT+ rights, among others.

“The timing and nature of these legislative moves suggest that they are part of a broader strategy to appeal to homophobic and anti-minority sentiments among certain voter bases,” said Hugendubel. “This tactic has been used in other countries to consolidate power by stoking fears and prejudices,” she added.

Following the implementation of the foreign agent law, the US slapped sanctions on Georgian officials and the EU is currently considering similar action. There have been calls for similar moves to deter the government from pursuing its anti-LGBT+ legislation.

“International pressure, such as sanctions or diplomatic measures, can be effective in signalling to the Georgian government that these actions have severe repercussions. Additionally, domestic protests and sustained public opposition can also play a crucial role in pushing back against these laws,” said Hugendubel.

But Jakeli said the government might try to use any mass protests to further push their own repressive political narrative.

“What Georgian Dream wants is for LGBT+ activists to go out on the streets now and protest and then they can turn around to voters and say, ‘Look, these are radicals trying to overthrow the government who want to spread their decadent western morals through Georgian society’,” she says.

Activists say they are holding out hope that the elections in October will bring about a change of government. Although Jakeli admits the “odds of that happening are not great” with opposition parties, she points out, “facing almost as much repression from the government as the LGBT+ community does.”

But even if Georgian Dream do remain in power after the October vote, Jakeli believes its efforts to further stigmatize the LGBT+ community may actually have already backfired.

“The protests against the ‘foreign agent’ law united different sections of society and more and more people see anti-LGBT+ laws as another ‘Russian’ method of polarizing and dividing society.

“When I was on the front lines of the foreign agent law protests, for the first time I felt as if I was part of the majority, not minority, in Georgia. I think that people have realized that everyone should have human rights, including LGBT+ people,” she says.

IPS UN Bureau Report


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Inheriting the Vow to Abolish Nuclear Weapons: Inspiring Action in the Next Generation

By Tomohiko Aishima
TOKYO, Japan, Jun 26 2024 (IPS-Partners)

The crisis that began with the invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 shows no signs of ending, and the threat of nuclear war is no longer in the realm of the unimaginable. With conflicts intensifying in the Middle East, Africa and elsewhere producing appalling humanitarian crises, humanity stands on a dangerous precipice. There has been no time since the end of the Cold War when the risk of nuclear weapons use has been as high and prolonged as it is now. Even as there is renewed focus on the catastrophic consequences of any use of nuclear weapons, the discourse remains divided—whether to further escalate military confrontation or to return to multilateral negotiation and dialogue. Humanity confronts stark choices. JAPANESE

As SGI members actively engaged in civil society, we believe the following to be crucial and represent forms of action that can transform the direction of history in this crucial moment: To inform people of the inhumane realities of nuclear bombings; to inherit the vow from those who came before us to prevent such tragedies from recurring; and to inspire people deeply towards a more hopeful future.

History demonstrates that when people stand their ground and resist the overwhelming impulse to pessimism and resignation previously unthought-of developments and advances become possible. That is, the times that seem darkest and most desperate can hold opportunities to fundamentally reform human society.

Focusing on the role and leadership of youth, we will continue advocating the legacy of countless aspirations for peace on every level—toward a world free from nuclear weapons, a world without war. It is vital to amplify and spread these voices and here quality media has a critical role to play.

Drawing from our experiences of engagement at UN and grassroots levels for nuclear disarmament, we would like to highlight three points:

First, in order to inform, the devastating consequences of nuclear weapons need to be brought home to even more people. This is crucial if we are to stave off catastrophe.

The weakening and erosion of norms against the use, proliferation and testing of nuclear weapons is a matter of deep concern; no successor framework to the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (New START), which expires in February 2026, is in sight. A shared recognition of the inhumane nature of nuclear weapons can serve as the basis for the kind of dialogue that is needed build trust and confidence.

There is much we can learn from the response to the 1962 Cuban missile crisis, the time when humanity came closest to the brink of nuclear war. The determination never to repeat that experience and to advance nuclear disarmament was a key motivation for the adoption of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) in 1968. It It is worth noting that US and the USSR announced their intention to hold the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks on the day of the signing ceremony for the NPT, negotiations that represented the first steps taken the two countries to slow the nuclear arms race and fulfill their commitment to nuclear disarmament made Article VI of the NPT.

Reflecting on that history, in January 2023 SGI President Daisaku Ikeda issued a proposal in which stressed the following:

Dr. Daisaku Ikeda. Credit: Seikyo Shimbun

Having experienced first-hand the terror of teetering on the brink of nuclear war, the people of that time brought forth historic powers of imagination and creativity. Now is the time for all countries and peoples to come together to once again unleash those creative powers and bring into being a new chapter in human history.

The spirit and sense of purpose that prevailed at the time of the birth of the NPT is resonant with and complementary to the ideals that motivated the drafting and adoption of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW). I strongly call for all parties to explore and expand ways to link the efforts made on the basis of these two treaties, drawing forth their synergistic effects toward a world free from nuclear weapons.

Carrying forward the vision of President Ikeda, who passed away last November, members of the SGI are determined to generate momentum for a global course shift away from nuclear buildup premised on deterrence, toward nuclear disarmament that will avert catastrophe.

Second, in order to inherit, we feel the need to listen closely to the voices of global hibakusha.The average age of surviving hibakusha of Hiroshima and Nagasaki has exceeded 85. Additionally, there are many global hibakusha, people around the world who have been impacted by uranium mining, nuclear testing, and nuclear weapons production processes. The realities of their have not been widely told. Their voices must be heard as they contain lessons we cannot afford to forget.

To this end, the SGI has produced a video of Hiroshima hibakusha Keiko Ogura’s in-person testimony to leaders at the G7 Hiroshima Summit (link1). This video was also screened at an NPT Preparatory Committee side event held on August 7, 2023, leaving a deep impression on participants, including many young people in attendance.

Algerim Yelgeldy, a third-generation survivor of the Semipalatinsk Nuclear Test Site, giving a testimony at a side event during the 2nd meeting of the States Parties to the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. By Katsuhiro Asagiri, President of INPS Japan.

SGI also cooperated in the development of a documentary film “I Want To Live On: The Untold Stories of the Polygon” (link2) produced by the NGO Center for International Security and Policy (CISP) in Kazakhstan that records the testimonies of nuclear test victims and was screened at a side event for the Second Meeting of States Parties to the TPNW.

The spirit animating hibakusha in Japan and throughout the world to confront and recount their horrific experiences is the determination that no one else should endure what they have suffered. This open-hearted concern for others stands in stark contrast with the underlying logic of nuclear weapons—the readiness to annihilate others in pursuit of one’s own interests and objectives. It is this readiness that marks nuclear weapons as an absolute evil.

Finally, we seek to inspire action by promoting awareness of the interlinkages between nuclear disarmament with global issues like climate change.

Even if the global armageddon of full-scale nuclear war is avoided, scientists have reported that a limited nuclear war could cause “nuclear winter,” resulting in food shortages and famine that could potentially kill 2 billion people. Nuclear testing has inflicted immense damage on formerly colonized peoples and indigenous communities. Nuclear abolition is an intersectional issue spanning discrimination, human rights, climate justice, environment, gender, inclusion, humanitarianism and ethics, among others.

Aiming toward the UN Summit of the Future this September, this past March Japanese youth jointly organized the Future Action Festival that sought to raise awareness of these interconnections at a gathering of nearly 70,000 young participants.

Future Action Festival convened at Tokyo’s National Stadium on March 24, drawing approximately 66,000 attedees. Credit: Yukie Asagiri, INPS Japan

As part of the second People’s Decade for Nuclear Abolition campaign [link3], the SGI is striving to build renewed momentum for nuclear abolition toward 2027, focusing on peace and disarmament education.

It is increasingly crucial that people reach across their respective fields of action and policy positions to unite their voices for nuclear abolition and, to this end, we also seek to strengthen interfaith dialogue and cooperation.

Anna Ikeda of SGI delivered a joint statement endorsed by 115 inter-faith and civil society organizations (CSOs) on 29 November. Credit: SGI

At the Second Meeting of States Parties to the TPNW, as one of 115 faith-based organizations expressing concern over nuclear weapons, an SGI representative read a Joint Interfaith Statement, a part of which I would like to quote in concluding this essay:

We recognize the urgency of this moment and what is at stake for all of us – the beloved natural world and the beloved community of humanity. Our fates are intertwined and we cannot ignore the resounding threats that confront us. . . . This fear is not unique to this moment in time. Let us draw courage from the audacity and vision of past struggles for justice, taking comfort in the wisdom that immense challenges always feel impossible until they are done.


Tomohiko Aishima is Executive Director of Peace and Global Issues, Soka Gakkai International (SGI)

INPS Japan


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Worse Than Genocide: Killing Truth

Destruction in northern Gaza. Credit: UNRWA

By James E. Jennings
ATLANTA, Georgia, Jun 26 2024 – There have been many genocides throughout history, but the first to be displayed on TV in all its sickening horror before the entire world is the Israeli genocide against the civilians of Gaza.

Truth is the first casualty of war, so it’s no surprise that the slick Israeli propaganda machine has managed to make Israel’s slaughter of 37,000 Palestinians in Gaza, including more than 15,000 children, acceptable to multitudes of Americans.

With the exception of the widespread campus protestors, most Americans are by now convinced that Gaza’s 2.3 million inhabitants are all fanatical Islamists who deserve to be killed like vermin. That’s not only a lie—it is a damnable lie.

There is an even bigger atrocity in this war, and a more unbearable one than killing children, if that is possible—and that’s when the truth is killed. When your good is labeled evil, it’s maddening.

Today the decency and moral outrage of millions of US youth is being slandered by ranting propagandists like MS-NBC’s Joe Scarborough, and of course the entire FOX News crew, labeling the campus protest movement anti-Semitic. The claim is false and must be exposed as another damnable lie.

It’s more than illogical, it’s silly, to say that anti-Zionism equals anti-Semitism. The vast majority of campus protesters are not anti-Semites and have no trouble separating the actions of extreme Zionist ideology as played out in Gaza from their classmates and friends who happen to be Jews.

“The naming of things is the rectification of things,” Confucius taught. Antisemitism is Antisemitism. Zionism is Zionism. The two are not the same. Otherwise, how could Senator Bernie Sanders, a Jew, attack the Netanyahu’s extreme Zionist government so strenuously, and how could so many of the student demonstrators who are against Zionist Israel’s Gaza campaign themselves be Jewish?

When Republican Congresswoman Elise Stephanic, a Jew, attacked George Soros, a celebrated progressive Jewish philanthropist on CNN recently for supporting the protesters, wasn’t she herself being an Anti-Semite?

Neither George W. Bush nor Joe Biden are Jews. They are Christians—but are certainly bigtime Zionists. Bush by leading America into the morass of the Iraq War primarily designed to protect Israel, and Biden in Gaza, by giving Israel all the money and bombs it needs to kill so many thousands of civilians.

“Don’t kill children, but here’s money and ammunition to do it with.” Nobody is fooled by that, still less university students who have had to display their critical thinking skills before they could even get into college.

Increasing numbers of Jewish organizations are rejecting Israel’s descent into doctrinaire Anti-Arab racial policies that echo Nazism’s extreme philosophy. They know that race-hatred is racism, but that doctrinaire racial superiority vs. inferiority is racial-ism, which is far worse.

The situation in Gaza is unbearable for a civilized world to witness. Painting an entire generation of idealistic American college youth with the slander that they are racists is unbearable. If anything is worse than Genocide, it is claiming that those who oppose it are the greater cause of evil.

James E. Jennings, PhD, is President of Conscience International and Executive Director of US Academics for Peace. He has delivered aid to Gaza hospitals over more than three decades, including during Israel’s bombing campaigns in 2009 and 2014.

IPS UN Bureau


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