How Access to US Market Changed Fortunes of two South African Sisters

Michelle Mokone (Left) & Morongwe Mokone (right). Credit: UN magazine

Two entrepreneurs take traditional African designs and sustainable materials and turn them into international success.

By Mkhululi Chimoio
UNITED NATIONS, Jul 16 2024 – What started as a pastime desire to sell crafts at local markets, deeply rooted in the South African culture, has since blossomed to become an international business entity for two local women.

It took the Mokone sisters, Morongwe “Mo” (37) and Michelle (34), three years only to turn around their home decor business into an international business venture by leveraging on the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA).

AGOA allows entrepreneurs from Africa duty-free access to the US market. Approved by the US Congress in May 2000, the legislation sought to help improve the economies of these sub-Saharan African countries, as well as to improve economic relations between the US and participating countries on the African continent.

Africa Renewal* caught up with the two Mokone sisters who are beneficiaries of AGOA to hear how the initiative has changed their lives.

Morongwe and Michelle were raised in Mabopane, Pretoria. In 2016, they started their business ‘Mo’s Crib’ that produces hand-woven baskets, place mats, trays, and other homeware accessories, and selling them in at a local market. In 2019, they decided to pursue the business full-time.

Since then, their business has grown and currently has 12 full-time and 86 part-time employees.

Mo’s Crib uses African traditional designs and sustainable materials to make high-end decorative and homeware pieces inspired by nature. Their arty designs simple, yet modern and sophisticated, with many of their products having multiple purposes that prioritize functionality.

Mo’s Crib uses African traditional designs and sustainable materials to make high-end decorative and homeware pieces inspired by nature.

Green products

Most importantly, the business values sustainability – emphasizing on reusing, recycling and reducing waste, as well as using local talent and material to create employment opportunities. From their locally-sourced impala palm leaves to the material of their shipping boxes – the Mokone sisters promote sustainability and a greener society.

“Our business is deeply linked to our upbringing in South Africa, we draw inspiration from the African culture, nature, and our commitment to the local community,” Michelle told Africa Renewal.

Michelle, who is Mo’s Crib director of operations and supply chain added: “We transitioned our craft into entrepreneurship when we noticed the increased demand of our products at local markets. It was the passion for art and the desire to make a positive impact that propelled us to where we are today. We also saw an opportunity in retail as we wanted our products to be accessible, so we decided to partner with retailers to increase sales volumes and sell in bulk.”

The two sisters quit their jobs: Morongwe was an executive HR specialist while Michelle worked as an agricultural economist, to follow their dream and both credit their father, who was an entrepreneur himself, for the inspiration.

“Our father was an entrepreneur himself. Our drive to build a business of this kind with a sustainable imprint stem from our commitment to creating sustainable and ethical products. We are motivated by the opportunity to provide economic and educational opportunities to our employees whom we refer to as our team members, while at the same time promoting environmentally conscious practices. Our dedication to sustainability and empowering local communities has been the driving force behind our business,” said Michelle.

She explained how they finally made a breakthrough into the international market.

“In 2019, Mo’s Crib made its debut in international markets in France and the USA. It was an opportunity for Africa to showcase its products, promoting sustainable practices and potentially opening new revenue streams for the continent. Our breakthrough demonstrates that Africa can contribute to the global market while preserving its cultural heritage and promoting environmentally friendly products,” said Michelle.

She added: “We are still doing well in the local markets, but we always wanted that international breakthrough. AGOA provided us that platform. As it is, we are no longer just selling to local markets in Pretoria, Johannesburg or in South Africa alone; we are literally reaching the US and international platforms.”

Highlighting that through local businesses like Mo’s Cribs, age-old African crafts are given new life, and in doing so, preserve their heritage, Michelle, however, is urging businesswomen to carefully identify products that resonate with the international market.

“To benefit from AGOA, one must identify products that are in demand in the US and establish sustainable distribution channels. They must also partner with knowledgeable forwarding agents to maximize AGOA benefits,” she said.

“Since 2021, we have shipped a total of eight containers to the US. We are on track to ship two more containers soon. We also regularly ship a container to fulfill our orders for our online store, which is fulfilled through our warehouse in New Jersey, US.

“Although shipping is relatively expensive, especially for a small business that is 100% self-funded, we have benefited from the AGOA through significant market access. Currently, US orders constitute 60% of our overall revenue,” she added.

Mos Crib Products

AGOA renewal

According to South Africa’s minister of Trade, Industry and Competition, Ebrahim Patel, the US recently reached a preliminary 10-year agreement with African countries to extend their preferential trade access by another decade, pending approval by Congress.

“We reached a broad agreement on the need to extend AGOA for another 10 years,” Mr. Patel told a business forum in Johannesburg recently, adding that they were able to engage with policymakers from more than 30 sub-Saharan African countries and the US to enable African countries to continue exporting goods to the American market duty-free.

South Africa hosted the 20th AGOA Forum in Johannesburg from in November 2023 where Mr. Patel said South Africa was seeking to renew its AGOA membership which he said has been instrumental in improving the livelihoods of many entrepreneurs in the country.

The forum brought together over 5,000 participants comprising African ministers of trade, senior government officials, the US government delegation led by US Trade Representative (USTR) Ambassador Katherine Tai, US Congressional staffers, the private sector, the civil society, exhibitors in the ‘Made in Africa’ exhibition, procurers and investors.

“AGOA has helped South Africa and other sub-Saharan countries progressively. It has played a pivotal role in job creation in South Africa and the entire region,” he added.

At the same time, South Africa’s ministry of Small Business Development spokesperson, Cornelius Monama, said AGOA presents a great opportunity to promote emerging entrepreneurs and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMMEs).

Trade under AGOA accounted for approximately 21% of South Africa’s total exports to the US in 2022. South African exports to the US under AGOA increased in value from US$2.0 billion in 2021 to US$3.0 billion in 2022,” he said.

Meanwhile, for Morongwe and Michelle, they are working on creating more opportunities and make a meaningful impact in their society. In addition to safeguarding the natural environment, the Mokone sisters are also committed to empowering the people in their community.

“We would like to grow our footprint beyond the USA. We want to enter new markets such as Europe and the United Arab Emirates. We plan to create 20 new jobs within the next two to three years,” concludes Michelle.

Source: Africa Renewal* which is published by the UN’s Department of Global Communications (DGC).

IPS UN Bureau

Minimum Deposit Casinos verkündet den Abschluss der kompletten Überarbeitung seiner Website

WATERFORD, Irland, July 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Minimum Deposit Casinos (MDC), eine der führenden Online–Ressourcen für Casino–Enthusiasten, freut sich, den erfolgreichen Abschluss der umfassenden Neugestaltung seiner Website bekannt zu geben. Im Rahmen dieses ehrgeizigen, im Mai gestarteten Projekts wurden alle Seiten und Regionen zur Verbesserung des Benutzererlebnisses auf eine schlanke, modernisierte Benutzeroberfläche übertragen.

Die neu gestaltete MDC–Website bietet nun Folgendes:

  1. Einfache Navigation: Ein verbessertes Layout und intuitive Menüs erleichtern den Zugang zu Spielbesprechungen, Ratgebern für Einzahlungen und Casinoempfehlungen. Damit ist gewährleistet, dass die Nutzer/innen die benötigten Informationen schnell und effizient finden.
  2. Verbesserte Funktionalität: Das neue Design zeichnet sich durch schnellere Ladezeiten und eine responsive Oberfläche aus, die ein nahtloses Browsing–Erlebnis auf Desktops, Tablets und Smartphones ermöglicht.
  3. Aktualisiertes Logo und optimierte Bilder: Die Website verfügt nun über ein aktualisiertes Logo und optimierte Bilder, die zu einem kohärenten und visuell ansprechenden Design beitragen.
  4. Moderne Optik: Der neue Look der Website zeichnet sich durch leuchtende Farben, ansprechende Grafiken und eine benutzerfreundliche Oberfläche aus und greift damit aktuelle digitale Trends auf.

„Wir freuen uns sehr, die komplett überarbeitete Website von Minimum Deposit Casinos vorzustellen“, kommentiert Ian Dalgety, Senior SEO Analyst bei MDC. „Seit Mai hat unser Team unermüdlich daran gearbeitet, alle Seiten und Regionen auf das neue Design umzustellen. Unser oberstes Ziel ist die Bereitstellung eines unvergleichlichen Benutzererlebnisses. Daher sind wir zuversichtlich, dass unsere Nutzer/innen die verbesserten Funktionen und die Optik der neuen Website schätzen werden.“

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Minimum Deposit Casinos (MDC), eine Tochtergesellschaft der OneTwenty Group, bietet umfassende Bewertungen und Informationen zu den besten Casinos mit Mindesteinzahlung. MDC konzentriert sich auf Zugänglichkeit und Benutzerzufriedenheit und hilft Casino–Enthusiast/innen, das perfekte Spielerlebnis zu finden, das ihrem Budget und ihren Vorlieben entspricht.


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A Minimum Deposit Casinos anuncia a conclusão da reformulação completa do seu site

WATERFORD, Irlanda, July 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Minimum Deposit Casinos (MDC), um dos principais recursos on–line para fãs de cassinos, tem o prazer de anunciar a conclusão bem–sucedida da ampla reformulação do seu site. Esse projeto ambicioso, iniciado em maio, envolveu a migração de todas as páginas e regiões para uma interface elegante e modernizada, melhorando a experiência do usuário em todos os aspectos.

O site reformulado da MDC agora apresenta:

  1. Navegação simplificada: a melhoria do layout e os menus intuitivos facilitam o acesso a análises de jogos, guias de depósito e recomendações de cassinos, dando aos usuários a certeza de que encontrarão as informações de que precisam com rapidez e eficiência.
  2. Melhoria da funcionalidade: o novo design tem um tempo de carregamento menor e uma interface ágil, proporcionando uma experiência de navegação perfeita em desktops, tablets e smartphones.
  3. Atualização do logotipo e simplificação das imagens em destaque: o site agora apresenta um logotipo atualizado e imagens em destaque simplificadas, tornando o design coeso e visualmente atraente.
  4. Estética moderna: o novo visual do site tem cores vibrantes, recursos visuais atraentes e uma interface intuitiva, alinhada com as tendências digitais contemporâneas.

“Estamos entusiasmados em apresentar o site da Minimum Deposit Casinos totalmente renovado”, disse Ian Dalgety, analista sênior de SEO da MDC. “Desde maio, nossa equipe tem trabalhado incansavelmente para migrar todas as páginas e regiões para o novo design. Nosso principal objetivo é oferecer uma experiência incomparável ao usuário, e temos a certeza de que nossos usuários gostarão da maior funcionalidade e estética do novo site.”

Descubra as melhores ofertas nos cassinos de depósito mínimo

Como um dos principais sites do setor, a MDC tem o compromisso de oferecer as melhores ofertas para cassinos de depósito mínimo, a partir de $1 de depósito. Nossas análises detalhadas e as recomendações de especialistas ajudam os usuários a encontrar as ofertas mais vantajosas e a maximizar sua experiência de jogo sem gastar muito.

Para explorar o site atualizado e descobrir seus novos recursos, acesse Minimum Deposit Casinos.

Sobre a Minimum Deposit Casinos

A Minimum Deposit Casinos (MDC), uma subdivisão do OneTwenty Group, oferece análises e informações detalhadas sobre os melhores cassinos de depósito mínimo. Com foco na acessibilidade e na satisfação do usuário, a MDC ajuda os fãs de cassino a encontrar a experiência de jogo perfeita que se adapta ao seu bolso e às suas predileções.

Assessoria de imprensa:

Sara Jacobs
Estrategista de SEO PR
Minimum Deposit Casinos

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Minimum Deposit Casinos annonce avoir entièrement remanié son site Internet

WATERFORD, Irlande, 16 juill. 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Minimum Deposit Casinos (MDC), une ressource en ligne de référence pour les amateurs de casinos, se réjouit d’avoir terminé la refonte complète de son site Internet. Lancé en mai, ce projet ambitieux a consisté à migrer l’intégralité des pages et régions vers une interface élégante et moderne, améliorant ainsi l’expérience de l’utilisateur dans son ensemble.

Le nouveau site Internet de MDC comporte désormais les éléments suivants :

  1. Navigation simplifiée : une présentation améliorée et des menus intuitifs simplifient l’accès aux avis sur les jeux, aux guides sur les dépôts et aux recommandations de casinos, ce qui permet aux utilisateurs de trouver rapidement et efficacement les informations dont ils ont besoin.
  2. Fonctionnalité améliorée : le nouveau design se caractérise par des temps de chargement plus rapides et une interface réactive, offrant une expérience de navigation fluide sur ordinateur de bureau, tablette et smartphone.
  3. Nouveau logo et images épurées : le site Internet arbore désormais un logo rajeuni et des images épurées, pour un design cohérent et visuellement attrayant.
  4. Esthétique moderne : le nouveau site incorpore des couleurs vives, des visuels attrayants et une interface conviviale, en phase avec les tendances actuelles en matière de numérique.

« Nous sommes ravis de dévoiler le site Internet entièrement remanié de Minimum Deposit Casinos », a déclaré Ian Dalgety, analyste principal en référencement chez MDC. « Depuis mai, notre équipe travaille sans relâche à la migration de toutes les pages et de toutes les régions vers la nouvelle version. Notre principal objectif est d’offrir une expérience utilisateur inégalée, et nous sommes convaincus que les internautes apprécieront les fonctionnalités et l’esthétique améliorées du nouveau site. »

Découvrez les meilleures offres sur les casinos à faible dépôt

En tant que l’un des meilleurs sites du secteur, MDC s’engage à offrir les meilleures offres pour les casinos à faible dépôt, avec des options de dépôt à partir de 1 $. Nos avis complets et les recommandations de nos experts permettent aux utilisateurs de trouver les offres les plus avantageuses et d’optimiser leur expérience de jeu sans se ruiner.

Pour parcourir le site Internet mis à jour et découvrir ses nouvelles fonctionnalités, rendez–vous sur Minimum Deposit Casinos.

À propos de Minimum Deposit Casinos

Minimum Deposit Casinos (MDC), une subdivision de OneTwenty Group, vise à divulguer des avis et des informations complètes sur les meilleurs casinos à dépôt minimum. En mettant l’accent sur l’accessibilité et la satisfaction des utilisateurs, MDC aide les inconditionnels de casino à trouver l’expérience de jeu parfaite, adaptée à leur budget et à leurs préférences.

Interlocutrice auprès des médias :

Sara Jacobs
Responsable des relations publiques et du référencement
Minimum Deposit Casinos

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How Climate-Smart Strategies Revitalized Tanzania’s Livestock Sector

A pastoralist gazes into the horizon while taking a break from grazing cattle in Ikolongo Village. Credit: Kizito Makoye/IPS

A pastoralist gazes into the horizon while taking a break from grazing cattle in Ikolongo Village. Credit: Kizito Makoye/IPS

By Kizito Makoye
IRINGA, Tanzania , Jul 16 2024 – As the sun sets, its golden hues piece through the dusty haze, creating a dazzling display when a herd of livestock lazily roams on the arid landscape as they return home from grazing.

Dressed in shiny red robes, the youthful Maasai pastoralists routinely whistle as they steer cattle, goats and sheep to maintain a unified path.

The quest for survival has forced these herders in Oldonyo Sambu, Tanzania’s northern Maasai Steppe, jostling for dwindling water and pastures as they try to sustain their herds.

Surprisingly, 670 kilometres (416 miles) away in Ikolongo village, south of Tanzania, the plight of water consumers has improved, thanks to a community-led initiative that brought farmers and pastoralists together  to resolve their water woes.

Sitting under a baobab tree, 47-year-old Leinot Leboo watches his cattle drink from a pond. This tranquil moment contrasts sharply with the situation in Oldonyo Sambu, where farmers often clash with herders as they jostle for water.

“I don’t recall any fight between pastoralists and farmers here.We get enough pastures and water for our livestock,” says Leboo.

Unlike in Oldonyo Sambu, local villagers here have created specific grazing lands and water points for livestock to prevent clashes with farmers. “We often bring our cattle here and let them graze and drink without causing any disturbances,” says Leboo.

According to Ignas Mashaka, Ikolongo village chairman, the residents have created a system where pastoralists pay a small fee to feed their herds on rice husks produced by farmers, especially in the dry season.

“This arrangement provides a steady source of feed, but it also give farmers extra income,” says Mashaka

Cows drink from a pond used exclusively by pastoralists in Ikolongo village, Tanzania. Credit: Kizito Makoye/IPS

Cows drink from a pond used exclusively by pastoralists in Ikolongo village, Tanzania. Credit: Kizito Makoye/IPS

Strict Rules

After months of negotiation between local residents and local district authorities, the villagers enacted strict by-laws, which have now been adopted and ratified by 12 surrounding villages.

“These rules have helped to ease tensions over water use,” says Mashaka.

Under the initiative, local residents joined forces to construct dams and reservoirs which have reduced water scarcity, providing a reliable supply for farmers and pastoralists.

“We used to fight over every drop of water,” says Musa Chacha, a farmer at Ikolongo village. “But now, there’s enough for everyone and there’s no reason to fight,”

By working together and managing resources sustainably, Ikolongo villagers have built a strong and resilient community.

Female farmers in Ikolongo village learn horticulture to grow vegetables as part of their strategy to cope with drought. Credit: Kizito Makoye/IPS

Female farmers in Ikolongo village learn horticulture to grow vegetables as part of their strategy to cope with drought. Credit: Kizito Makoye/IPS

The Bigger Picture

Despite having vast grazing lands, the east African country faces frequent conflicts over water and other resources due to climate change and weak land governance. Prolonged droughts often lead to clashes between farmers and pastoralists as they jostle for water and grazing space.

Tanzania’s livestock sector, a vital source of livelihood for millions, holds potential for growth in production and trade. With a cattle population of 36.6 million, the country ranks second in Africa, after Ethiopia. This accounts for 1.4% of the global cattle population and 11% of Africa’s. Beyond cattle, Tanzania also boasts large numbers of sheep, goats, chickens, and pigs, placing it among the continent’s top ten in overall livestock numbers.

However, the sector is plagued by many challenges due to climate risks and low investment, World Bank analysts say.

Transformative Initiative

As part of its broader efforts to improve the livestock sector, Tanzania has launched a new USD 546 million initiative to bolster productivity, increase resilience to climate change and improve the livestock industry. The initiative entails innovative strategies to curb extreme weather by constructing water reservoirs, introducing drought-resistant forage crops, and improving livestock breeds.

Challenges and Solutions

According to a recent World Bank report, “Harnessing the Opportunity for a Climate-Smart and Competitive Livestock Sector in Tanzania,” the pasture-based livestock sector in Tanzania faces serious challenges due to climate change and endemic livestock diseases, impacting animal health, productivity, and market access.

A herd of cattle grazes in a designated pastoralist area in Ikolongo village. Credit: Kizito Makoye/IPS

A herd of cattle grazes in a designated pastoralist area in Ikolongo village. Credit: Kizito Makoye/IPS

Pastoralist’s Perspective

Saidi Juma, a 55-year-old pastoralist from Kilolo village, has witnessed changes in weather patterns over the years. “When I was young, the rains were predictable, and the grass was plenty,” he says. “But in recent years, we have struggled to find pasture for our animals, and the rivers dry up too soon.”

One aspect of the scheme is adopting climate-smart innovations, such as better animal husbandry practices, drought-resistant fodder, and efficient water management systems.

The introduction of drought-resilient Brachiaria grass at Ikolongo village has maintained better livestock health during dry spells. “We planted these grass because they are resilient to drought and provide enough food for our livestock,” says Mashaka.

According to him, drought-resistant forage crops has ensured a steady supply of nutritious feed for livestock in  dry seasons.

Expert Insights

In an interview with IPS, Malongo Mlozi, Professor of Agricultural studies and extension at Sokoine University of Agriculture, hailed the government initiative to revamp the ailing livestock sector by improving water management techniques.

“Water is life; by ensuring a reliable water supply, we can significantly improve the resilience of our livestock farmers against climate change,” he says

According to Mlozi, pastoralists must be trained to acquire the necessary skills and knowledge to cope with the vagaries of the weather.

“When pastoralists understand the benefits of climate-smart practices, they are more likely to adopt them and see positive results,”

Mlozi says the government scheme is likely to improve food security.

“By increasing the productivity of our livestock sector, we can ensure a stable supply of meat, milk, and other livestock products,” says Mlozi

Leinot Leboo grazes his cattle in a bushy enclave in Ikolongo village. Credit: Kizito Makoye/IPS

Leinot Leboo grazes his cattle in a bushy enclave in Ikolongo village. Credit: Kizito Makoye/IPS

“This will help in addressing the nutritional needs of our population and reduce dependency on imports.”

Under the initiative, the government will construct water harvesting structures and introduce solar-powered boreholes to provide an eco-friendly solution.

“Access to water has always been a problem for farmers and pastoralists.The solar-powered boreholes will provide enough water.”

The scheme is also aiming to improve market access for livestock products by improving value chains so pastoralists can fetch better prices in livestock markets closer to their communities.

Tanzania’s livestock sector is changing with climate-smart practices and community-led efforts, setting an example for other regions. By focusing on sustainability and innovation, Tanzania is improving the lives of pastoralists and promoting peace and cooperation.

“We have come a long way from those tough times. Now, we look forward to a future where our children can grow up without the fear of conflict and scarcity.”

This feature is published with the support of Open Society Foundations.

IPS UN Bureau Report


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Decongesting Nigeria’s Prisons: All-Female Lawyers Take the Lead

A group of women lawyers under the Headfort Foundation, a nonprofit organization, is committed to decongesting Nigerian prisons.

A group of women lawyers under the Headfort Foundation, a nonprofit organization, is committed to decongesting Nigerian prisons.

By Mohammed Taoheed
LAGOS, Jul 16 2024 – Nyeche Uche, aged 60, got arrested by Nigeria’s cybercrime fighter, the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, for stealing. He spent 13 years and eight months in prison while awaiting trial. It took a church who went for prison outreach to refer his case to a legal firm for a pro-bono service over his case in March 2022.

Arraigned before a court in October 2023 after initial claims that his case file had been lost, it was argued by his lawyer that the septuagenarian be released even if found “guilty” of the crime because he had already spent the jail-term set by the law.

Some days after this, Uche finally regained his freedom. The legal firm that came through for him is the Headfort Foundation, which is a nonprofit organization committed to decongesting Nigerian prisons.

“During the process of my stay in the prisons, my case file has been lost and it’s even this organization that drugged it out qadd ensured that it’s even given to the judge so that my case could be concluded,” Nyeche told IPS.

In Nigeria, criminal cases are tried in magistrates and the high courts. Similar to the UK, magistrates deal with minor offenses while serious offenses are referred to the high courts. Unfortunately, it can take several years to get a referral, leaving the suspects remanded in prison longer than the sentence would be for the crime of which they are accused — if tried before the courts.

More than 79 percent of persons in prisons are awaiting trial in Nigeria with the majority of them not convicted for years. This is despite a justice delivery law such as the Administration of Criminal Justice Act (ACJA) which stipulates the determination of cases within a reasonable timeframe to ensure speedy trial and prevent decongesting of the prison facilities.

Against this backdrop, the Headfort Foundation, aims to provide access to justice, reforms advocacy and human rights issues in Nigeria. Established in 2019, the organization has secured the release of 200 illegally detained persons and has offered pro bono [free legal] services in over 1000 cases.

“Almost indigent victims of human rights abuses find themselves ensnared in the justice system, unable to access human rights lawyers or defenders due to their socioeconomic status. Their right to justice is often denied,” said Adenekan Oluwakemi, the Head of Programs at Headfort Foundation.

An Initiative to the Rescue 

In response to this disparity, it inaugurated the “Lawyers without Borders” project in September 2020 following the onset of the Covid-19 lockdown after securing state approval. The initiative uses mobile offices within court premises to  facilitate easy access to its team of lawyers to represent victims of human rights abuse and their families in legal challenges.

“Prior to the pandemic, we had easy and free access to the prison to take on the cases of indigent inmates but due to the pandemic, we faced restrictions on entering prisons to take on the cases of indigent inmates, which were imposed as a precautionary measure to prevent the spread of the virus. This limitation hindered our ability to provide legal assistance to those in need within the prison system,” explained Oluyemi Orija, the founder of the organization.

Meanwhile, at the height of the pandemic, Nigeria’s cops — known for a history of systematic irregularities — reportedly accelerated its crackdown on citizens’ rights. The body unlawfully arrested and detained tens of thousands of locals for a number of acclaimed offenses which led to EndSars protest in October 2020, an anti-police brutality movement that gained global momentum in the year.

“The Nigeria Police Force plays a crucial role as a key stakeholder in the judicial system, significantly contributing to the administration of justice. Their indispensable role cannot be overlooked. However, at Headfort Foundation, there is an ongoing policy advocacy endeavors to promote the implementation of non-custodial measures, such as mediation, for minor offenses. We are optimistic that these efforts will soon come to fruition,” Oluwakemi told IPS.

Oluyemi said what keeps her team going is that they believe each liberated individual represents a triumph over injustice.  “Their smiles, their gratitude, and their renewed sense of hope propel us forward in our quest for a more equitable and just society — a beacon of hope for others who may still be awaiting their own opportunity for freedom.”

A heap of bottlenecks 

Oluyemi expressed that the organization’s efforts to decongest the correctional facilities are frequently thwarted by the multiple obstacles within the justice system.

“One of the primary challenges we encounter is financial limitations, our services are provided free of charge to indigent individuals, operating costs, including legal fees, administrative expenses, and outreach efforts, can quickly accumulate, putting a strain on our resources,” she said.

To address this challenge, the foundation implemented various fundraising initiatives such as crowdfunding, including seeking grants from other organizations, partnering with corporate sponsors, and organizing fundraising events. Additionally, they rely on the generosity of individual donors who support their cause.

Coupled with its efforts, the founder stressed strongly that constant advocacy and engagement with concerned stakeholders within the judicial sector would address the systemic and long-standing issues that face the country’s prisons system.

IPS UN Bureau Report


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MGA Entertainment and Zapf Creation AG Complete Merger Forming MGA Zapf Creation GmbH

LOS ANGELES, July 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — MGA Entertainment and Zapf Creation AG Complete Merger 
Forming MGA Zapf Creation GmbH

LOS ANGELES; 16 July 2024 – MGA Entertainment, Inc. (MGA), one of the largest privately held toy and entertainment companies in the world, today announced that the merger with Zapf Creation AG (Zapf), Europe’s leading manufacturer of nurturing dolls, first announced in October 2023 has been completed, creating the new wholly–owned subsidiary MGA Zapf Creation GmbH.

“After more than 20 years working closely as two separate companies, Zapf Creation has joined the MGA family and we welcome them as a part of MGA,” said Isaac Larian, Founder and CEO, MGA Entertainment, Inc. “We look forward to growing both businesses and bringing smiles to children throughout Europe, the U.S., and the rest of the world as one company.”

The companies will work toward consolidating the businesses, taking advantage of opportunities like unifying our approach with retail partners globally. No significant organizational or operational changes are expected now or in the near future in Germany post–merger. To that extent, Thomas Eichhorn will remain President, MGA Zapf Creation GmbH.


About MGA Entertainment, Inc.
MGA Entertainmentis one of the largest privately held toy and entertainment companies in the world, known for its commitment to creativity, quality, and innovation. Headquartered in Los Angeles with offices globally, the company creates innovative, proprietary, and licensed consumer products and entertainment properties, including toys, games, dolls, apparel, consumer electronics, home décor, stationery, sporting goods, movies, and television series. The MGA family includes award–winning brands such as L.O.L. Surprise!™Little Tikes®Rainbow High™Bratz®MGA’s Miniverse™Yummiland™CarTuned™GrossMos!™Pixel Petz™Micro Games of America,  Fluffie Stuffiez™BABY born®, and Zapf Creation®. For more information, please visit us at or check us out at LinkedIn,TikTok, Instagram and Facebook.

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9178286)

Successful Completion of $100m Tap Issue

Ittihad Successfully Completes $100 Million Tap Issue of Initial $350 Million Sukuk:

ABU DHABI, United Arab Emirates, July 15, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Ittihad is pleased to announce the successful completion of a $100 million tap issue of its $350 million sukuk, originally issued in November 2023. The sukuk, which carries a coupon interest rate of 9.75%, will mature in November 2028.

The tap issuance was placed at an issue price of 102.1, resulting in a yield of 9.0%. This yield reflects an improvement over the original terms.

The proceeds from this new issue will be utilized to refinance existing debt, thereby extending the company's debt maturity profile and enhancing its financial flexibility.

The tap issue garnered strong interest from international investors, who accounted for 70% of the new issue (34.5% from the US Offshore accounts, 22% from the UK and 13.5% from Europe), with the remaining 30% from regional asset managers. This significant international participation underscores the growing confidence in Ittihad's strong financial profile and enhances the diversification of its investor base, serving the company's long–term strategic goals. The demand from investors is a testament to Ittihad's enduring success story and its ability to attract and retain the confidence of regional and international investors. The company remains committed to its strategic objectives and will continue to pursue initiatives that strengthen its financial position and drive sustainable growth.

J.P. Morgan acted as sole lead manager and bookrunner on this transaction.

For further information, please contact:

Wasfi Al Tayara
Corporate Finance and Investor Relations Manager
+971 2 6581888



About Ittihad
Ittihad is a privately owned business founded in 2008 and headquartered in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), with investments in the UAE, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt. The Company exports products and services to over 50 countries worldwide. It has a talented team of more than 8,000 members from over 57 nationalities with sector–wide expertise and a commitment to operational excellence.

Since 2015, Ittihad has pursued a strategy of investing in businesses with leading domestic positions in the UAE and the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), as well as strong international export potential. The Company focuses on long–term investments, all structured for business–to–business (B2B) export and designed to capture the unique value proposition offered by the UAE and the region.

Ittihad is committed to powering wealth creation through assets that balance profitability with sustainability and generate positive outcomes for stakeholders, society, and the planet.

This information is provided by Reach, the non–regulatory press release distribution service of RNS, part of the London Stock Exchange. Terms and conditions relating to the use and distribution of this information may apply. For further information, please contact or visit

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9177963)

Sabin Vaccine Institute Begins Phase 2 Clinical Trial for Sudan Ebolavirus Vaccine

Laboratory at Makerere University Walter Reed Project, where Sabin’s Phase 2 Sudan ebolavirus vaccine clinical trial begins this month.

WASHINGTON, July 15, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Sabin Vaccine Institute launched a Phase 2 clinical trial for its vaccine against Sudan ebolavirus, with healthy volunteers receiving the single–dose vaccine at Makerere University Walter Reed Project (MUWRP) in Uganda. There are currently no approved vaccines for this strain of ebolavirus, which saw an outbreak end just last year. Ebolavirus disease kills on average half the people infected, according to the World Health Organization.

Sudan ebolavirus is a filovirus, in the same family as Marburg virus disease and Zaire ebolavirus, which killed 11,325 in one outbreak in West Africa from 2014–16. Ebolavirus disease spreads between people via direct contact with the blood or other bodily fluids of infected people and is highly virulent, causing hemorrhagic fever.

Based on the same cAd3 platform as its Marburg vaccine candidate, Sabin’s single–dose investigational Sudan ebolavirus vaccine was found to be promising in Phase 1 clinical and non–clinical studies, with results showing it to be safe, while eliciting rapid and robust immune responses that lasted up to 12 months.

This is Sabin’s second Phase 2 clinical trial partnership with MUWRP, based in Uganda’s capital, Kampala. A Phase 2 trial for a Marburg vaccine is already underway, having recently completed enrollment. Initial results from the Marburg trial are expected later this year.

Dr. Betty Mwesigwa, deputy executive director of MUWRP, is once again the principal investigator (PI) for the Sabin–sponsored trial for the Sudan ebolavirus vaccine. In the coming weeks, participants will also be enrolled at the Kenya Medical Research Institute in Siaya, Kenya, with Dr. Videlis Nduba serving as PI for that site. In all, 125 volunteers will participate in the trial across the two countries.

“We are delighted to advance a vaccine candidate that can thwart a deadly and devastating disease, especially one that caused a fairly recent outbreak and for which no approved treatments exist,” says Amy Finan, Sabin’s Chief Executive Officer. “Sabin’s vaccine candidate is backed by strong safety and immunogenicity data, and we hope this trial will yield further evidence to move the vaccine closer to licensure.”

The most recent outbreak of Sudan ebolavirus occurred in the fall of 2022 in Uganda, after six suspicious deaths in the Mubende district. That outbreak ultimately resulted in 55 deaths. Sabin’s vaccine was the first to arrive in Uganda during that outbreak after the World Health Organization included it as one of three vaccines for possible use in an outbreak trial. The outbreak ended on January 11, prior to vaccine being deployed for use.

“Makerere University Walter Reed Project is pleased to partner with the Sabin Vaccine Institute once again,” says Dr. Mwesigwa. “Uganda has the most experience with Sudan ebolavirus outbreaks so we understand the importance of testing and researching an effective Sudan ebolavirus vaccine that could be used in the event of an outbreak.”

The Phase 2 clinical trial will evaluate safety and immunogenicity for the vaccine among a larger group of individuals than in previous trials. This is a randomized, placebo–controlled, double–blind study, meaning that neither the participants nor the researchers will know whether trial participants receive a vaccine dose or a placebo dose until after the trial is over, an approach used to help reduce experimental bias.

Participants in the clinical trial will be monitored for a full year and will include both younger (18–50 years) and older age groups (51–70 years). Interim results are expected next year. In addition to the current trial in Uganda and Kenya, Sabin plans to conduct a similar Phase 2 clinical trial for Sudan ebolavirus vaccine in the U.S.

The Sudan ebolavirus vaccine trials are supported by the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA), part of the Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, under multi–year contracts between the organizations.

To date, Sabin has received around $216 million in contract awards from BARDA for furthering vaccine research and development against Sudan ebolavirus and Marburg virus diseases. BARDA and Sabin began working together in September 2019 to develop the two monovalent vaccine candidates.

This project has been supported in whole or in part with federal funds from the Department of Health and Human Services; Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response; Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA), under contract numbers 75A50119C00055 and 75A50123C00010.

About the Sabin Vaccine Institute

The Sabin Vaccine Institute is a leading advocate for expanding vaccine access and uptake globally, advancing vaccine research and development, and amplifying vaccine knowledge and innovation. Unlocking the potential of vaccines through partnership, Sabin has built a robust ecosystem of funders, innovators, implementers, practitioners, policy makers and public stakeholders to advance its vision of a future free from preventable diseases. As a non–profit with three decades of experience, Sabin is committed to finding solutions that last and extending the full benefits of vaccines to all people, regardless of who they are or where they live. At Sabin, we believe in the power of vaccines to change the world. For more information, visit and follow us on X, @SabinVaccine.

About Sabin’s Vaccine R&D Using the cAd3 Platform

In August 2019, Sabin announced exclusive agreements with GSK for Sabin to advance the development of the prophylactic candidate vaccines against the deadly Zaire ebolavirus, Sudan ebolavirus and Marburg virus. The three candidate vaccines were initially developed collaboratively by the U.S. National Institutes of Health and Okairos, which was acquired by GSK in 2013. The candidate vaccines, based on GSK’s proprietary cAd3 platform, were further developed by GSK, including the Phase 2 development for the Zaire ebolavirus vaccine. Under the agreements between GSK and Sabin, Sabin exclusively licensed the technology for all three candidate vaccines and acquired certain patent rights specific to these vaccines.

About the Makerere University Walter Reed Project

MUWRP is a non–profit biomedical research organization with a mission to mitigate disease threats through quality research, health care and disease surveillance. The project’s scope includes, among others; clinical research in infectious and non–infectious diseases such as HIV, Ebola, Marburg, COVID–19, Influenza and Influenza–like illnesses, and neglected tropical diseases such as Schistosomiasis, among others. A major part of the clinical research are clinical trials, where the MUWRP has conducted more than 12 phase 1 and 2 vaccine clinical trials including the first Ebola vaccine trial in Africa.

Media Contact:
Monika Guttman
Media Relations Specialist
Sabin Vaccine Institute
+1 (202) 662–1841

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at–768e–4cd0–b0a3–19adff04b2ab

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9177893)

LS Retail and FreedomPay partner to deliver unified payments worldwide

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, July 15, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — LS Retail, an Aptos Company has partnered with FreedomPay, the world’s largest independent payment gateway. This partnership enables retail and hospitality businesses that use LS Retail software to deliver simpler, faster payment experiences to their customers with minimum effort. 

LS Retail: Supporting businesses around the world

Over 100,000+ retail, restaurant, pharmacy, forecourt, and hospitality businesses already rely on LS Retail software solutions to manage their entire operation. LS Central is LS Retail’s comprehensive retail management system that extends Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central ERP with industry–specific functionality. The solution enables businesses to run back–office operations, sales, financials, inventory, eCommerce, customer loyalty, and more on a single platform. LS Pay is an Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) software solution that enables businesses using LS Central to have a choice when it comes to selecting a payment service provider (PSP) with out–of–the–box support for several PSPs in multiple regions.

FreedomPay: A leader of payment innovation

FreedomPay is a data–driven commerce platform delivering secure, seamless transactions across industries such as retail, food and beverage, and hospitality. The Next Level Commerce™ platform combines security, identity, payments, loyalty, and business intelligence into one solution, enabling businesses to offer a hyper–personalized purchasing experience for their customers while ensuring the highest level of safety and compliance across all channels.

Enhancing the payment experience together

Thanks to this new partnership, businesses running their operations on LS Retail software will be able to connect not only to FreedomPay, but also to any of the PSPs that leverage the white–labeled FreedomPay technology stack. The LS Pay–FreedomPay integration is available out–of–the–box to LS Central and LS Pay users. Included are advanced payment functionalities, including Point to Point Encryption (P2PE) capabilities and transaction analytics. Currently, the FreedomPay integration is available for PSPs in 75+ countries and continues to expand rapidly across the globe.

By taking advantage of the FreedomPay and LS Pay platforms, merchants can speed up and simplify the payment process across all channels, staying on the cutting edge of omnichannel payment technology without the need for a complex integration project.

“We are looking forward to a long–lasting partnership with FreedomPay,” says Petur Sigurdsson, Product Director of LS Pay at LS Retail. “Unified payments play a crucial role in delivering seamless experiences across all channels and our collaboration with FreedomPay underscores our commitment to providing businesses with the technology they need to stay ahead in a competitive landscape.”

“FreedomPay’s single unified platform brings industry–leading commerce innovation, security and global connectivity to merchants looking to take their businesses to the next level,” said Nate Ware, SVP Sales & Digital Development at FreedomPay. “Our partnership with LS Retail will enable merchants to offer best–in–class technology for a seamless commerce experience.” 


About LS Retail, an Aptos Company

LS Retail, an Aptos Company is a world–leading developer and provider of unified software solutions for retail, hospitality, food service, and pharmacy businesses.

The LS Retail solutions unite ERP, Point of Sale, e–commerce, order and inventory management, CRM, advanced analytics and more, in just one platform. Every day, over 100,000 stores, restaurants, pharmacies, resorts, and other businesses in 157 countries run on LS Retail software. Learn more at


About FreedomPay

FreedomPay’s Next Level Commerce™ platform transforms existing payment systems and processes from legacy to leading edge and enables merchants to unleash the power of pay. As the premier choice for many of the largest companies across the globe in retail, hospitality, lodging, gaming, sports and entertainment, foodservice, education, healthcare and financial services, FreedomPay’s technology has been purposely built to deliver rock solid performance in the highly complex environment of global commerce.

The company maintains a world–class security environment and was one of the first payment solution providers in North America to be validated by the PCI Security Standards Council. FreedomPay’s robust solutions across payments, security, identity, and data analytics are available in–store, online and on–mobile and are supported by rapid API adoption. The award winning FreedomPay Commerce Platform operates on a single, unified technology stack across multiple continents allowing enterprises to deliver an innovative Next Level experience on a global scale.


GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9174115)