Myanmar: International Action Urgently Needed

Crerdit: STR/AFP via Getty Images

By Andrew Firmin
LONDON, Jul 3 2024 – Myanmar’s army, at war with pro-democracy forces and ethnic militias, must know it’s nowhere near victory. It recently came close to losing control of Myawaddy, one of the country’s biggest cities, at a key location on the border with Thailand. Many areas are outside its control.

The army surely expected an easier ride when it ousted the elected government in a coup on 1 February 2021. It had ruled Myanmar for decades before democracy returned in 2015. But many democracy supporters took up arms, and in several parts of the country they’ve allied with militia groups from Myanmar’s ethnic minorities, with a long history of resisting military oppression.

Setbacks and violence

Army morale has collapsed. Thousands of soldiers are reported to have surrendered, including complete battalions – some out of moral objections to the junta’s violence and others because they saw defeat as inevitable. There have also been many defections, with defectors reporting they’d been ordered to kill unarmed civilians. Forces fighting the junta’s troops are encouraging defectors to join their ranks.

In response to reversals, in February the junta announced it would introduce compulsory conscription for young people, demanding up to five years of military service. An estimated 60,000 men are expected to be called up in the first round. The announcement prompted many young people to flee the country if they could, and if not, seek refuge in parts of Myanmar free from military control.

There have also been reports of army squads kidnapping people and forcing them to serve. Given minimal training, they’re cannon fodder and human shields. Rohingya people – an officially stateless Muslim minority – are among those reportedly being forcibly enlisted. They’re being pressed into service by the same military that committed genocide against them.

People who manage to cross into Thailand face hostility from Thai authorities and risk being returned against their will. Even after leaving Myanmar, refugees face the danger of transnational repression, as government intelligence agents reportedly operate in neighbouring countries and the authorities are freezing bank accounts, seizing assets and cancelling passports.

Conscription isn’t just about giving the junta more personnel to compensate for its losses – it’s also part of a sustained campaign of terror intended to subdue civilians and suppress activism. Neighbourhoods are being burned to the ground and hundreds have died in the flames. The air force is targeting unarmed towns and villages. The junta enjoys total impunity for these and many other vile acts.

The authorities hold thousands of political prisoners on fabricated charges and subject them to systematic torture. The UN independent fact-finding mission reports that at least 1,703 people have died in custody since the coup, likely an underestimate. Many have been convicted in secret military trials and some sentenced to death.

There’s also a growing humanitarian crisis, with many hospitals destroyed, acute food shortages in Rakhine state, where many Rohingya people live, and an estimated three million displaced. Voluntary groups are doing their best to help communities, but the situation is made much worse by the military obstructing access for aid workers.

International neglect

In March, UN human rights chief Volker Türk described the situation in Myanmar as ‘a never-ending nightmare’. It’s up to the international community to exert the pressure needed to end it.

It’s by no means certain the military will be defeated. Adversity could lead to infighting and the rise of even more vicious leaders. One thing that could make a decisive difference is disruption of the supply chain, particularly the jet fuel that enables lethal airstrikes on civilians. In April, the UN Human Rights Council passed a resolution calling on states to stop supplying the military with jet fuel. States should implement it.

Repressive states such as China, India and Russia have been happy enough to keep supplying the junta with weapons. But democratic states must take the lead and apply more concerted pressure. Some, including Australia, the UK and USA, have imposed new sanctions on junta members this year, but these have been slow in coming and fall short of the approach the Human Rights Council resolution demands.

But the worst response has come from the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). Ignoring reality and civil society’s proposals, ASEAN has stuck to a plan it developed in April 2021 that simply hasn’t worked. The junta takes advantage of ASEAN’s weakness. It announced compulsory conscription shortly after a visit by ASEAN’s Special Envoy for Myanmar.

ASEAN’s neglect has allowed human rights violations and, increasingly, transnational organised crime to flourish. The junta is involved in crimes such as drug trafficking, illegal gambling and online fraud. It uses the proceeds of these, often carried out with the help of Chinese gangs, to finance its war on its people. As a result, Myanmar now ranks number one on the Global Organized Crime Index. This is a regional problem, affecting people in Myanmar’s neighbouring countries as well.

ASEAN members also have an obligation to accept refugees from Myanmar, including those fleeing conscription. They should commit to protecting them and not forcing them back, particularly when they’re democracy and human rights activists whose lives would be at risk.

Forced conscription must be the tipping point for international action. This must include international justice, since there’s none in Myanmar. The junta has ignored an order from the International Court of Justice to protect Rohingya people and prevent actions that could violate the Genocide Convention, following a case brought by the government of The Gambia alleging genocide against the Rohingya. The UN Security Council should now use its power to refer Myanmar to the International Criminal Court so prosecutions of military leaders can begin.

China and Russia, which have so far refused to back calls for action, should end their block on Security Council action, in the interests of human rights and to prevent growing regional instability.

Andrew Firmin is CIVICUS Editor-in-Chief, co-director and writer for CIVICUS Lens and co-author of the State of Civil Society Report.


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Zionism is Broken

A child waits to fill water containers in Gaza. Credit: UNRWA

In its latest update last week. the UN agency for Palestinian refugees, UNRWA, reported “especially intense” airstrikes in central Gaza in recent days, particularly in Bureij, Maghazi and Nuseirat refugee camps and eastern Deir Al-Balah.

Meanwhile, the Israeli military’s ground offensive “continues to expand”, UNRWA noted, particularly in the southern regions of Gaza City and eastern Rafah, causing further suffering and further “destabilising” humanitarian aid flows.

By James E. Jennings
ATLANTA, Georgia, Jul 3 2024 – Zionism is broken. It is finished as a political philosophy and cannot long survive. Having earned the visceral opposition of multitudes of people and countries around the world for engaging in vast overkill in Gaza, that historical reality will likely become clear to the Israeli people over time.

Still, how could the most powerful state in the Middle East, the most flourishing economically, with the strongest superpower backing, become defunct? It cannot—unless somehow its chief raison d’etrê, its founding philosophy, collapses. That has already happened.

In the wake of the October 7 attack by Hamas, the visceral racist core of Zionism has become evident in the indiscriminate slaughter of tens of thousands of innocent Palestinian civilians, including many thousands of children.

No reason of state can ever excuse that. Israel’s righteous anger against HAMAS for its obscene October 7 attack transitioned quickly into racial hatred, ending in, if not genocide, then certainly war crimes and crimes against humanity. Netanyahu and his Likud allies have not hidden their racism for decades. Now it is explicit in full view of the world.

The Zionism of Netanyahu and his supporters must be repudiated by the Israelis themselves. Israel’s leaders from Menachem Begin to today have long endorsed statements lauding Israel uber alles.

Zionism can only be rehabilitated if it separates its reason for existing from the current triumphalist military identity that is determined to kill, kill, and kill again until the utter destruction and suppression of all every tangible and ideological enemy.

In a recent CNN interview, former Shin Beth Director Ami Ayalon, was very explicit: he said “The toxic leadership of Prime Minister Netanyahu” [in pursuing an endless war] will “lead to the end of Zionism.” In that case, he said, “We cannot be secure and we shall lose our identity.”

Ayalon was preceded by a number of courageous Israeli thinkers and writers who warned of the same outcome—Israel was founded in 1948 but in their opinion, Zionism had already failed ideologically by the mid-1960s. They included Hebrew University professor Israel Shahak (1933-2001), who wrote, “It is my considered opinion that the State of Israel is a racist state in the full meaning of the term.”

He insisted that, “You cannot have humane Zionism. It (too) is a contradiction in terms.” Uri Avnery (1923-2018), a decorated Israeli soldier and later a publisher and politician, published a book in 1968 titled Israel without Zionists.

Many of the original Jewish colonists had utopian dreams, but their leaders would probably not recognize the grim, revengeful militarism of today’s Israel. A few tiny orthodox religious parties in Israel have never bought into the military machine that is the Likud Party’s pride and joy.

Some have steadfastly refused even to serve in the Israeli army because they don’t believe in the Israeli state. Now even they are being conscripted.

The original dream of Zionism from Theodore Herzl to Chaim Weizmann to David Ben Gurion, although containing seeds of a today’s hob-booted military identity, nevertheless also expressed a grandiosely humane, even a universal, goal—to become a “light to the nations.” In that, Israel has signally failed.

Like HAMAS and most Palestinians, Israel’s people—and Israel as a country—has become increasingly and deeply racist. Now racism—hatred of others for their differences—has become racial-ism, which is even worse, a doctrine of race superiority, which was the Nazi credo.

The Israel of Benjamin Netanyahu and his thuggish coalition has succumbed to such race hatred that Zionists from pre-1948 Palestine would not recognize it. A Jan. 6, 2024 opinion article in the Jerusalem Post urges Israel to reform its politics along better Zionist lines and take power away from the extremists now in charge. Commendable, but not nearly enough.

What if Abraham Lincoln had countenanced America’s original sin of slavery by merely taking half steps? We might still have “slavery lite.” No, Israel’s race-based philosophy must change to the democratic ideal: a single state in Israel and the occupied territories for Muslims, Christians, and Jews. One person, one vote.

When Palestinians are treated as human beings—as real people instead of enemies to be eradicated en masse—people everywhere would soon see how quickly peace would come to the Middle East.

James E. Jennings, PhD, is President, Conscience International

IPS UN Bureau


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US Arms Suppliers in Gaza Killings Should be “Named, Shamed & Boycotted”

A child watches as bodies are recovered from under the rubble of a house in the Al-Nasr neighborhood, east of the city of Rafah, in the southern Gaza Strip. Credit: UN News/Ziad Taleb

By Thalif Deen
UNITED NATIONS, Jul 3 2024 – The US gun lobby justifies the unfettered American gun ownership in the US on a misguided premise: Guns don’t kill people, it’s bullets that kill people.

The accusations of genocide and war crimes in Gaza have been directed firstly, at Israel, for the killings of more than 37,700, mostly civilians, and over 86,000 injured, in retaliation for the 1,200 killed by Hamas last October, according to estimates from Gaza health officials, as cited by Cable News Network (CNN) last week.

And secondly, the blame is also squarely on the United States, the unrestrained supplier of arms, including the devastating 2,000-pound unguided bombs, to the Netanyahu government.

But a group of UN human rights experts is now blaming a third force: US arms manufacturers who are accused of implicitly killing people, along with financial institutions that fund most of these weapons suppliers.

“The transfer of weapons and ammunition to Israel may constitute serious violations of human rights and international humanitarian laws and risk State complicity in international crimes, possibly including genocide, the UN experts said last week, reiterating their demand to stop transfers immediately.”

In line with recent calls from the Human Rights Council, the UN experts are calling for halt to the sale, transfer and diversion of arms, munitions and other military equipment to Israel by US arms manufacturers – including BAE Systems, Boeing, Caterpillar, General Dynamics, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Oshkosh, Rheinmetall AG, Rolls-Royce Power Systems, RTX, and ThyssenKrupp.

The experts say these defense contractors should also end transfers, even if they are executed under existing export licenses.

“These companies, by sending weapons, parts, components, and ammunition to Israeli forces, risk being complicit in serious violations of international human rights and international humanitarian laws,” the experts said.

This risk is heightened by the recent decision from the International Court of Justice (ICJ) ordering Israel to immediately halt its military offensive in Rafah, having recognised genocide as a plausible risk, as well as the request filed by the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) seeking arrest warrants for Israeli leaders on allegations of war crimes and crimes against humanity.

“In this context, continuing arms transfers to Israel may be seen as knowingly providing assistance for operations that contravene international human rights and international humanitarian laws and may result in profit from such assistance.”

Dr Ramzy Baroud, a journalist and Editor of The Palestine Chronicle, told IPS the UN experts’ statement is important, as it highlights the complex role of the US in supporting, sustaining, and benefiting from the Israeli genocide in Gaza.

“Quite often we call on, demand and implore the US to end its support of Israel, so that the genocide may come to an end. The experts, however, are reminding us that the US involvement is not confined to that of the White House, and direct or indirect US military and logistical support to Israel”, he pointed out.

Indeed, he said, US support is channeled through multiple players, those who manufacture, transport, assemble and maintain the weapons and munition — a multi-billion-dollar military machine that has harvested the lives of tens of thousands of Palestinians.

These companies must be named, shamed, boycotted and held accountable in every possible way. They must understand that there are legal repercussions to their action, as they are complicit in the Israeli crimes against the Palestinians, said Dr Baroud, a Non-resident Senior Research Fellow at the Center for Islam and Global Affairs (CIGA).

These companies are, as the experts said, ‘knowingly’ providing direct assistance to Israel in its genocidal war. They are fully aware of the extent of these crimes as articulated in the South African case against Israel at the ICJ, and the call for arrest warrants by the chief prosecutor of the ICC.

The next rational step is for these companies to be taken to task. They seem to have no moral threshold. Their quest for profits by far exceeds their concern that their weapons are killing thousands of children, women and civilians in Gaza, and throughout occupied Palestine. They must face justice as participants in the Israeli genocide in Gaza, declared Dr Baroud.

Norman Solomon, executive director, Institute for Public Accuracy, told IPS it’s difficult to draw any clear distinction between the U.S. government and the arms makers that sell to it.

“The two are so intertwined that differentiating between them is often a distinction without a difference. The revolving door for individuals, in both directions, places weapons executives in pivotal government positions and vice versa”.

The magnitude of the military profits, he pointed out, is overwhelming in the nation’s political economy and culture. The multibillion-dollar corporations that depend on selling weaponry to the government are directly participating in a routine process of literally making a killing on behalf of massive profit-taking.

To call these firms “defense contractors” is a misnomer, since what they sell has little to do with defense in any meaningful sense, he argued.

“The stepped-up weapons sales and gifts to Israel are continuations of a partnership between the U.S. government and arms suppliers with the purpose of aiding an ally and reaping still more massive profits. In tandem, the U.S. government and the companies are providing Israel with the means to continue mass murder of Palestinian civilians in Gaza. The core of the problem is lack of democracy and vastly excessive corporate power”.

In moral terms, the culpability is far-reaching. Yet, in a sinister way, he said, the military contractors are doing what capitalism provides for them to do — seek to maximize profits regardless of the consequences for human beings and the natural environment.

In contrast, within a democratic system, government is supposed to be responsive to the informed consent of the governed — conditions that certainly do not exist in the United States.

Meanwhile, in terms of international law and human decency, the U.S. government and its arms suppliers are guilty of horrendous crimes, which assist and compound those of Israel, declared Solomon, who is also national director, and author of, “War Made Invisible: How America Hides the Human Toll of Its Military Machine”

A report from the Human Rights Council in mid-June details six emblematic attacks involving the suspected use of GBU-31 (2,0000 lbs), GBU-32 (1,000 lbs) and GBU-39 (250 lbs) bombs from 9 October to 2 December 2023 on residential buildings, a school, refugee camps and a market.

The UN Human Rights Office verified 218 deaths from these six attacks, and said information received indicated the number of fatalities could be much higher.

“The requirement to select means and methods of warfare that avoid or at the very least minimise to every extent civilian harm appears to have been consistently violated in Israel’s bombing campaign,” said High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Türk.

The report says the series of Israeli strikes, exemplified by the six incidents, indicates that the IDF may have repeatedly violated fundamental principles of the laws of war. In this connection, it notes that unlawful targeting when committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack against a civilian population, in line with a State or organisational policy, may also implicate the commission of crimes against humanity.

Financial institutions investing in these arms companies are also called to account. Investors such as Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach-Stiftung, Amundi Asset Management, Bank of America, BlackRock, Capital Group, Causeway Capital Management, Citigroup, Fidelity Management & Research, INVESCO Ltd, JP Morgan Chase, Harris Associates, Morgan Stanley, Norges Bank Investment Management, Newport Group, Raven’swing Asset Management, State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance, State Street Corporation, Union Investment Privatfonds, The Vanguard Group, Wellington and Wells Fargo & Company, are urged to take action.

Failure to prevent or mitigate their business relationships with these arms manufacturers transferring arms to Israel could move from being directly linked to human rights abuses to contributing to them, with repercussions for complicity in potential atrocity crimes, the experts said.

“Arms initiate, sustain, exacerbate, and prolong armed conflicts, as well as other forms of oppression, hence the availability of arms is an essential precondition for the commission of war crimes and violations of human rights, including by private armament companies,” said the experts.

The experts paid tribute to the sustained work of journalists who have been documenting and reporting on the devastating impact of these weapons systems on civilians in Gaza, and human rights defenders and lawyers, among other stakeholders, who are dedicated to holding States and companies accountable for the transfer of weapons to Israel.

IPS UN Bureau Report


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Pandemic’s ‘Silver Lining’ for Caribbean Was the Use of Technology

By Jewel Fraser
PORT-of-SPAIN, Trinidad , Jul 3 2024 – Global South countries did get one benefit from the COVID-19 pandemic. A professor at St. George’s University in Grenada describes it as the pandemic’s “silver lining.” He was referring to the widespread use of next-generation genomic sequencing technology to identify, track, and trace the numerous variants of the Sars Cov-2 virus. Researchers and scientists in the Caribbean, Africa, and elsewhere have been eagerly harnessing genomic sequencing technology to develop resilience and greater self-sufficiency in numerous fields, ranging from health surveillance to agriculture and beyond.

In this podcast, IPS Caribbean correspondent Jewel Fraser speaks with Professor Dr. Martin Forde at St. George’s University in Grenada about a research paper published in The Lancet that he coauthored looking at the Caribbean’s use of genomic sequencing technology.

To be fully transparent, we recorded this interview in early 2023, and it’s possible that new developments have occurred since then. Also, Forde and his colleagues’ paper relied solely on the data available in the GISAID database.

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Apparel Group Launches Exciting ‘Summer-Time’ Campaign 2024 Featuring More than 36 of Their Brands

  • Apparel Group hosted a lifestyle shoot in partnership with Anantara The Palm Resort, showcasing their summer collections that are available in store and on
  • Celebrating Summer Time with Apparel Group Brands – Aldo, Aldo Accessories, Ardene, Asics, Athlete’s Co., Beverly Hills Polo Club, Birkenstock, Calvin Klein, Charles & Keith, Cold Stone Creamery, Crocs, Dune London, F5 Global, Forest Essentials, Forever New, Havaianas, Herschel, Inglot, Jamie’s Italian, La Vie En Rose, LC Waikiki, LCW Home, New Yorker, Nine West, Not Ordinary, Nysaa, R&B Kids, Rituals, Skechers, Steve Madden, The Children’s Place, Tim Hortons and Tommy Hilfiger

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates, July 03, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Apparel Group, a leading retail and lifestyle conglomerate, is excited to announce the release of their newest Summer Time campaign showcasing summer collections from more than 36 Apparel Group brands. In collaboration with Anantara The Palm Resort, this lifestyle shoot combines the fashion–forward expertise of Apparel Group with the luxurious ambiance and pristine settings, promising a summer collection that redefines style and elegance.

Mrs. Sima Ganwani Ved, Founder and Chairwoman of Apparel Group, expressed her enthusiasm for the launch, stating, “We are so excited to share Apparel Group’s summer look–book for 2024, with over 36 of Apparel Group international and home grown brands, each bringing their unique flair to this exciting season. This summer campaign is not just about showcasing our summer collection but creating a lifestyle experience that resonates with our customers.”

The summer campaign features a stellar lineup of Apparel Group’s celebrated international and home grown brands, including Aldo, Aldo Accessories, Ardene, Asics, Athlete’s Co., Beverly Hills Polo Club, Birkenstock, Calvin Klein, Charles & Keith, Cold Stone Creamery, Crocs, Dune London, F5 Global, Forest Essentials, Forever New, Havaianas, Herschel, Inglot, Jamie’s Italian, La Vie En Rose, LC Waikiki, LCW Home, New Yorker, Nine West, Not Ordinary, Nysaa, R&B Kids, Rituals, Skechers, Steve Madden, The Children’s Place, Tim Hortons and Tommy Hilfiger. Each brand will bring its unique style and flair, offering everything from casual chic to summer glamour. The collection promises to cater to a wide range of style preferences, ensuring there is something special for everyone.

Customers eager to embrace the summer vibes can look forward to shopping the collection on Apparel Group store outlets and e–commerce platform,, where the full range of products will be available. Blending retail innovation with luxury hospitality, this campaign highlights the synergy between Apparel Group and Anantara The Palm Resort catering to residents and tourists positioning the region as the ultimate summer destination.

Stay tuned for a summer of style, sophistication, and scenic beauty, exclusively brought to you by Apparel Group and Anantara The Palm Resort.


Apparel Group is a global fashion and lifestyle retail conglomerate residing at the crossroads of the modern economy – Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Today, Apparel Group caters to thousands of eager shoppers through its 2200+ retail stores and 85+ brands on all platforms while employing over 22,000+ multicultural staff.

Apparel Group has carved its strong presence in the GCC and expanded thriving gateways to market in India, South Africa, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, and Egypt. Additionally, clear strategies are in place to enter emerging markets such as Hungary and Philippines.

Apparel Group has created an omni–channel experience, operating brands originating from the USA, Canada, Europe, Australia, and Asia. The brands include leading names in fashion, footwear, and lifestyles such as Tommy Hilfiger, Charles & Keith, Skechers, Aldo, Nine West, Aeropostale, Jamie’s Italian, Tim Hortons, Cold Stone Creamery, Inglot, and Rituals.

Apparel Group owes its amazing growth to the vision and guidance of its dynamic Founder and Chairwoman, Mrs. Sima Ganwani Ved, who has taken the company from strength to strength since its inception in the last two decades.

About Anantara The Palm Resort

Anantara is a luxury hospitality brand for modern travellers, connecting them to genuine places, people and stories through personal experiences, and providing heartfelt hospitality in the world’s most exciting destinations. The collection of distinct, thoughtfully designed luxury hotels and resorts provides a window through which to journey into invigorating new territory, curating personal travel experiences.

From cosmopolitan cities to desert sands to lush islands, Anantara connects travellers to the indigenous, grounds them in authentic luxury, and hosts them with passionate expertise. The portfolio currently boasts over 40 stunning hotels and resorts located in Thailand, Maldives, Indonesia, Vietnam, China, Cambodia, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Mauritius, Seychelles, Mozambique, Zambia, UAE, Qatar, Oman, Tunisia, Portugal, Spain, Hungary, The Netherlands, Italy, Ireland and France, with a pipeline of future properties across Asia, the Middle East, Europe and South America.

For more information on Anantara Hotels, Resorts & Spas, please visit

Follow us on Facebook:; Twitter and Instagram: @anantara_hotels

Photos accompanying this announcement are available at–49b9–4720–bd36–03eee8be5739–7194–40d2–9530–8abe169e79c0

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مجموعة أباريل تطلق حملة ” موسم الصيف” لعام 2024 بمشاركة أكثر من 36 علامة تجارية تابعة لها

  • استضافت مجموعة أباريل جلسة تصوير بالتعاون مع فندق أنانتارا النخلة، حيث عرضت من خلالها التشكيلات الصيفية المتوفرة في المحلات وعبر المتجر الإلكتروني
  • احتفالاً بموسم الصيف مع علامات مجموعة أباريل – ألدو، ألدو إكسسوارات، أردين، اسيكس، أثليتسكو، بفرلي هيلس بولو كلوب، بيركنستوك، كلفن كلاين، تشارلز&كيث، كولدستون كريمري، كروكس، ديون لندن، أف فايف، فورست اسينشيالز، فورايفر نيو، هافايانس، هيرشل، إنجلوت، جيميز إتاليان، لافي إن روز، إل سي واي كيكي، إل سي دبليو هوم، نيويوركر، ناين وست، نوت أورديناري، نساء، آر آند بي الأطفال، ريتوالز، سكتشرز، ستيف مادن، ذا تشيلدرنز بليس، تيم هورتنز وتومي هيلفيغر.

دبي، الإمارات العربية, July 03, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — بكل حماس تعلن مجموعة أباريل الرائدة في مجال البيع بالتجزئة وأسلوب الحياة، عن حملة موسم الصيف الجديدة كلياً وتعرض من خلالها تشكيلات الصيف لأكثر من 36 علامة تجارية تابعة لها. إذ أتمت جلسة تصوير مميزة بالتعاون مع فندق أنانتارا النخلة، مجسدةً الرؤية المعاصرة لمجموعة أباريل من خلال عرض الأجواء الفاخرة في إطار مميز، وتعد بتشكيلة صيفية تجدد معنى الأناقة الصيفية الراقية.

علقت السيدة سيما جانواني فيد، مؤسسة ورئيسة مجموعة أباريل مشيرةً إلى سعادتها الغامرة بهذه الحملة بقولها: ” نحن في غاية الحماس لمشاركة الدليل الصيفي الرسمي من مجموعة أباريل لعام 2024، ونقدم من خلاله لمستنا الفريدة لهذا الموسم الرائع عبر أكثر من 36 علامة تجارية عالمية ومحلية تابعة لمجموعة أباريل. حملة الصيف هذه لا تقتصر على عرض تشكيلاتنا الصيفية فحسب، بل نسعى من خلالها إلى الترويج لأسلوب حياة مميز ومبتكر بين عملائنا”.

تضم الحملة الصيفية مجموعة رائعة من العلامات التجارية العالمية والمحلية الأبرز لدى مجموعة أباريل بما فيها ألدو وألدو إكسسوارات وأردين واسيكس وأثليتسكو وبفرلي هيلس بولو كلوب وبيركنستوك وكلفن كلاين وتشارلز & كيث وكولدستون كريمري وكروكس وديون لندن وأف فايف وفورست اسينشيالز وفورايفر نيو وهافايانس وهيرشل وإنجلوت وجيميز إتاليان ولافي إن روز وإل سي واي كيكي و إل سي دبليو هوم ونيويوركر وناين وست ونوت أورديناري ونساء وآر آند بي الأطفال وريتوالز وسكتشرز وستيف مادن وذا تشيلدرنز بليس وتيم هورتنز وتومي هيلفيغر. حيث تضفي كل علامة تجارية أسلوباً مميزاً وطابعاً فريداً وكل ما يزيد الصيف تألقاً من خلال اختيارات أنيقة وعملية. وتعد هذه التشكيلة بتوفير خيارات واسعة ومتنوعة تناسب كافة الأذواق، وتلبي احتياجات الجميع بلمسة مميزة وفريدة.

سيتثنى للمتسوقين المقبلين بحماس على أجواء الصيف الممتعة، الحصول على التشكيلات من محلات علامات مجموعة أباريل وعبر المتجر الإلكتروني إذ سيتم من خلالها طرح المجموعة الكاملة من المنتجات في الأسواق. وحيث أن هذه الحملة تجمع بين الابتكار في مجال البيع بالتجزئة و الوجهات الترفيهية الفاخرة، فهي تسلط الضوء على الجهود المشتركة بين مجموعة أباريل وفندق أنانتارا النخلة، من أجل تلبية احتياجات المقيمين والسياح بما يجعل المنطقة وجهة صيفية مثلى.

ترقبوا الصيف المليء بالأناقة والجمال والفخامة الذي تعدكم به مجموعة أباريل وفندق أنانتارا النخلة.

لمحة عن مجموعة أباريل

تقف مجموعة أباريل، أكبر مشغل في مجالات الأزياء وأسلوب الحياة، على مفترق طرق الاقتصاد الحديث في مدينة دبي، بدولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة. واليوم، أضحت المجموعة قادرة على تلبية احتياجات ملايين المتسوقين عبر أكثر من 2,200 متجراً وأكثر من 85 علامة تجارية وبتعيين 22,000 موظف من مختلف الثقافات.

حققت المجموعة حضوراً قوياً وراسخاً في دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي كما أنها نجحت في توسيع مجالات تسويقها في الهند وجنوب أفريقيا وسنغافورة واندونيسيا وتايلند وماليزيا ومصر. وإضافة إلى ذلك، وضعت المجموعة استراتيجيات واضحة للدخول إلى العديد من الأسواق الناشئة مثل هنغاريا والفليبين.

تدير مجموعة أباريل العديد من العلامات التجارية العالمية الشهيرة، التي انطلقت من الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية وكندا وأوروبا وأستراليا وآسيا، وتضم الكثير من الأسماء الرائدة في عالم الأزياء، الأحذية ونمط الحياة على غرار تومي هيلفيغر، تشارلز آند كيث، سكتشرز، ألدو، ناين وست، إروبوستال، وغيرها من الأسماء بالإضافة لعلامات تجارية رئيسية مثل تيم هورتنز، جيميز اتاليان، كولدستون كريمري، إنجلوت، ريتوالز وذلك على سبيل المثال لا الحصر.

يذكر بأن الفضل في نجاحات مجموعة أباريل ونموها المذهل يعود لرؤية وتوجيهات مؤسستها ورئيسة مجلس الإدارة سيما جنواني فيد، التي انطلقت بالشركة من القوة إلى الأقوى منذ نشأتها وعلى امتداد عقدين من الزمن

لمحة عن فندق أنانتارا النخلة

أنانتارا هي علامة فاخرة في مجال خدمات الضيافة للسياح المعاصرين، ذات رؤية هادفة لربط الأشخاص بالأماكن والقصص من خلال التجارب الشخصية المبتكرة، وتوفر لهم أعلى معايير الضيافة في أكثر الوجهات العالمية تميزاً. توفر مجموعة الفنادق والمنتجعات الفاخرة المصممة بدقة مدروسة بوابة واسعة لاستكشاف معالم جديدة وتجربة رحلات شخصية ممتعة                                                 

تربط أنانتارا المسافرين بالسكان المحليين في جميع الوجهات بما فيها من مدن عالمية إلى وجهات صحراوية وجزر سياحية، وتمنحهم الرفاهية الأصيلة من خلال خدماتها التي تقدمها بشغف وخبرة. وتضم مجموعة الفنادق حالياً أكثر من 40 فندقاً ومنتجعاً رائعاً في تايلاند وجزر المالديف وإندونيسيا وفيتنام والصين وكمبوديا وماليزيا وسريلانكا وموريشيوس وجزر سيشل وموزمبيق وزامبيا والإمارات العربية المتحدة وقطر وعُمان وتونس والبرتغال واسبانيا والمجر وهولندا وإيطاليا وإيرلندا وفرنسا وفي عدد من المواقع المستقبلية في سائر أنحاء آسيا والشرق الأوسط وأوروبا وأمريكا الجنوبية.

للمزيد من المعلومات عن فنادق ومنتجعات وسبا أنانتارا، يرجى زيارة

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9172820)

Hisense TV numéro 2 au monde aspire à s’accaparer la première place mondiale parmi les fabricants de téléviseurs

JOHANNESBOURG, 02 juill. 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Hisense, une marque synonyme d'innovation et de qualité, s'est taillée une place importante sur le marché mondial des téléviseurs. Adoptant la philosophie « Hisense ne se contente jamais de la deuxième place mondiale », la société affirme sa détermination à devenir leader du secteur. Forte d'un parcours impressionnant jalonné d’exploits majeurs, Hisense ne cesse de déployer des efforts significatifs pour devenir numéro un mondial.

Reconnaissance mondiale et leadership du marché

Le dévouement de Hisense envers l'excellence se traduit par son positionnement remarquable à l'échelle mondiale. Dans le paysage concurrentiel des fabricants de téléviseurs, Hisense est passée au premier plan, remportant la deuxième place des livraisons mondiales de téléviseurs. Cet exploit souligne la croissance de la marque et son engagement à fournir des produits de haute qualité aux consommateurs du monde entier.

Il convient de noter que Hisense a également revendiqué la première place dans le segment des téléviseurs de 100 pouces. Grâce à cet exploit, la marque est parvenue à dominer le marché des grands écrans, offrant des expériences de visionnage incomparables. De plus, la technologie innovante Laser TV de Hisense s'est accaparée du premier rang mondial, démontrant ainsi la prouesse de l'entreprise en matière de création de nouvelles solutions de divertissement.

Domination du marché

L'influence de Hisense s'étend au–delà des classements mondiaux pour atteindre le leadership régional. La marque est devenue un nom familier dans de nombreux pays, détenant des parts de marché importantes en Afrique du Sud, au Japon, au Canada, au Mexique et en Australie. Cette reconnaissance mondiale reflète la confiance et la fidélité que les consommateurs accordent aux produits Hisense, réputés pour leur technologie de pointe et leur qualité exceptionnelle.

Parrainage de l'excellence : EURO 2024

Fidèle à son engagement envers l'excellence, Hisense est fière de sponsoriser le tournoi de football UEFA EURO 2024. Ce parrainage prestigieux souligne le dévouement de Hisense au sport et à l'innovation, reflétant l'ambition de la marque de se connecter à un public mondial et d'améliorer l'expérience de visionnage. Alors que les fans du monde entier se préparent pour cet événement passionnant, Hisense vise à faire entrer le frisson du jeu dans les foyers grâce à ses téléviseurs ultramodernes.

Le parcours de Hisense reflète sa quête incessante pour l’excellence. Ne se contentant jamais de la deuxième place, Hisense continue d'innover et de se positionner en leader sur le marché mondial, établissant de nouveaux standards et inspirant les consommateurs du monde entier. Alors que Hisense se prépare pour l'EURO 2024, son engagement envers la qualité et la performance reste constant, promettant une expérience extraordinaire à tous.

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000969682)

شركة Hisense المصنفة رقم 2 عالمياً، لا تكتفي أبداً بالبقاء في المرتبة الثانية على مستوى العالم

جوهانسبرغ, July 02, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — نجحت شركة Hisense، وهي العلامة التجارية المرادفة للابتكار والجودة العالية، في اكتساب مكانة مميزة في السوق العالمية لصناعة أجهزة التلفاز. ومن خلال تبنيها لفلسفة Hisense لا تكتفي أبداً بالبقاء في المرتبة الثانية على مستوى العالم، تبرهن الشركة عزمها الراسخ على تحقيق الريادة في هذا القطاع. وهي تدأب، من خلال مسيرتها المذهلة الحافلة بالإنجازات، أن تكون الشركة الأولى عالمياً في هذا المجال.

تقدير عالمي وريادة السوق

ينعكس تفاني شركة Hisense بالتميز في مكانتها العالمية الاستثنائية. وفي المشهد التنافسي لصناعة أجهزة التلفاز، ارتقت شركة Hisense إلى الصدارة وحصلت على المرتبة الثانية من حيث عدد شحنات أجهزة التلفاز العالمية. ويؤكد هذا الإنجاز نمو العلامة التجارية والتزامها بتوفير منتجات فائقة الجودة للمستهلكين في جميع أنحاء العالم.

والجدير بالذكر أن شركة Hisense حصلت أيضاً على المركز الأول في قطاع أجهزة التلفاز مقاس 100 بوصة. وعليه، يسلط هذا الإنجاز الضوء على هيمنة العلامة التجارية في سوق الشاشات الكبيرة لتوفير تجارب مشاهدة غير مسبوقة. علاوة على ذلك، حصلت تقنية التلفاز الليزر المبتكرة من Hisense على المركز الأول عالمياً، مؤكدة بذلك مهارة الشركة في توفير حلول الترفيه الجديدة الرائدة.

الهيمنة على السوق

يمتد تأثير Hisense إلى ما هو أبعد من التصنيف العالمي ليشمل الريادة الإقليمية. فقد أصبحت العلامة التجارية اسماً مألوفاً في عدد من البلدان، كما تملك حصة سوقية مهمة في كل من جنوب إفريقيا واليابان وكندا والمكسيك وأستراليا. وبالتالي، يشكّل هذا التقدير واسع النطاق دليلاً على ولاء المستهلكين والثقة التي يضعونها في منتجات Hisense، المعروفة بتقنياتها المتطورة وجودتها الاستثنائية.

رعاية التميز: بطولة أمم أوروبا 2024

بناءً على التزامها بتحقيق التميّز، تفخر شركة Hisense برعاية بطولة أمم أوروبا 2024 لكرة القدم (UEFA EURO 2024). وتؤكد هذه الرعاية المرموقة على تفاني الشركة في دعم الرياضة والابتكار، ما يعكس طموح العلامة التجارية للتواصل مع الجماهير العالمية وتعزيز تجربة المشاهدة. وفي الوقت الذي يستعد فيه المشجعون في جميع أنحاء العالم لهذا الحدث المثير، تسعى Hisense إلى نقل الحماسة التي تثيرها هذه اللعبة إلى المنازل من خلال أجهزة التلفاز الحديثة.

وتُعد رحلة Hisense بمثابة شهادة على سعيها الدؤوب نحو التميز. ومن خلال عدم اكتفائها بالبقاء في المرتبة الثانية، تواصل الشركة الابتكار والريادة في السوق العالمية ووضع معايير جديدة وإلهام المستهلكين في جميع أنحاء العالم. وبينما تستعد شركة Hisense لبطولة أمم أوروبا 2024، يبقى التزام العلامة التجارية بالجودة والأداء راسخاً، حيث تعِد بتوفير بتجربة استثنائية للجميع.

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000969682)

Adrian Ridge nomeado CEO do Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group

TEMECULA, Califórnia, July 02, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A partir de 1 de julho de 2024, Adrian Ridge é o CEO do Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group, parte da divisão industrial da Nikkiso Co. Ltd. Ridge sucede a Peter Wagner, que continua a desempenhar funções no Conselho de Administração como Executive Chairman do Nikkiso CE&IG Group.

Enquanto CEO, Ridge irá impulsionar os resultados operacionais e financeiros e preparar o Grupo para o crescimento futuro. Na sua função de Executive Chairman, Wagner concentrar–se–á na condução da visão e da estratégia a longo prazo do Grupo, na qualidade de consultor.

“Em nome do Conselho de Administração, dou as boas–vindas e felicito Adrian pela sua promoção a CEO”, afirmou Wagner. “É um líder com provas dadas que se envolve no momento certo para promover o crescimento da Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases para novos patamares.”

“Nunca me senti tão entusiasmado com o potencial de uma empresa como me sinto com a Nikkiso”, afirmou Ridge. “Temos todos os ingredientes certos para sermos líderes em todos os mercados que servimos em todas as regiões do mundo. Sinto–me honrado e grato por esta oportunidade única na vida.”

Sobre Adrian Ridge

Ridge juntou–se à Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases em 2022 como EVP de Fabrico e Operações depois de ter trabalhado cerca de 30 anos na gigante sueca de fabrico Atlas Copco ocupando vários cargos de liderança global. Tem uma licenciatura em Engenharia Mecânica e um MBA da Universidade de Durham, no Reino Unido.

Contacto para os meios de comunicação social
Lisa Adams
Telemóvel: +1 (405) 492–1689

Sobre o Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group

O Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group é um fornecedor líder de equipamento criogénico, tecnologias e aplicações para os segmentos de mercado da energia limpa e dos gases industriais. O Grupo emprega mais de 1.600 pessoas em 22 países e é liderado pela Cryogenic Industries, Inc. no sul da Califórnia, EUA, a qual é uma subsidiária integral da Nikkiso Co., Ltd. (TSE: 6376).

Uma fotografia que acompanha este anúncio está disponível em–85d1–4c91–b199–181d30747a25

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9172603)

Adrian Ridge est nommé directeur général de Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group

TEMECULA, Californie, 02 juill. 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — À compter du 1er juillet 2024, Adrian Ridge est directeur général de Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group, qui fait partie de la branche industrielle de Nikkiso Co. Ltd. Ridge succède à Peter Wagner, qui reste engagé au sein du conseil d’administration en tant que président exécutif de Nikkiso CE&IG Group.

En tant que directeur général, Ridge pilotera les performances opérationnelles et financières du Groupe et le préparera à sa croissance future. Dans son rôle de président exécutif, Wagner se concentrera sur la mise en œuvre de la vision et de la stratégie à long terme du Groupe en qualité de conseiller.

« Au nom du conseil d’administration, je souhaite la bienvenue et félicite Adrian pour sa promotion au poste de directeur général », a déclaré Wagner. « C’est un leader confirmé qui s’engage au bon moment pour soutenir la croissance de Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases vers de nouveaux sommets. »

« Je n’ai jamais été aussi enthousiasmé par le potentiel d’une entreprise que par celui de Nikkiso », a affirmé Ridge. « Nous disposons de tous les ingrédients nécessaires pour être leader sur tous les marchés que nous desservons dans toutes les régions du monde. Je suis honoré et reconnaissant pour cette opportunité unique. »

À propos d’Adrian Ridge

Ridge a rejoint Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases en 2022 en tant que vice–président directeur de la fabrication et des opérations après avoir travaillé près de 30 ans chez le géant manufacturier suédois Atlas Copco où il a occupé plusieurs postes de direction au niveau mondial. Il est titulaire d’un diplôme en génie mécanique et d’un MBA de l’Université de Durham au Royaume–Uni.

Contact média
Lisa Adams
Mobile : +1 405 492–1689

À propos de Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group

Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group est un fournisseur leader d’équipements cryogéniques et de technologies et d’applications conçues pour les marchés inhérents à l’énergie propre et aux gaz industriels. Le Groupe emploie plus de 1 600 personnes dans 22 pays sous la direction de Cryogenic Industries, Inc. en Californie du Sud, aux États–Unis, qui est une filiale à 100 % de Nikkiso Co., Ltd. (TSE: 6376).

Une photo accompagnant cette annonce est disponible sur–85d1–4c91–b199–181d30747a25

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9172603)