Le président du groupe Hisense présente une feuille de route stratégique pour la réussite future de l'entreprise

QINGDAO, Chine, 17 juill. 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Hisense, leader mondial de l'électroménager et de l'électronique grand public, a dévoilé ses plans de croissance ambitieux lors de sa conférence partenaires à Berlin. Fisher Yu, président du groupe Hisense, a prononcé un discours d’ouverture intitulé « Beyond Champion, Beyond Glory », décrivant les améliorations stratégiques axées sur la valorisation de la marque, les produits et services basés sur des scénarios, l'optimisation de la structure industrielle et un engagement pour une expansion mondiale accrue.

Hisense présente une stratégie multi–marque

Marquant son troisième sponsoring du Championnat d'Europe de football de l'UEFA, Hisense dévoile son slogan « Hisense, Plus qu'une marque », signalant une stratégie multi–marque.   Depuis son premier sponsoring en 2016, le chiffre d'affaires à l'étranger de Hisense est passé de 3,5 milliards à 12 milliards de dollars.

M. Yu a déclaré : « Nous sommes ravis de voir Hisense maintenir une forte dynamique au premier semestre 2024. Nous avons enregistré une croissance de plus de 10% dans notre chiffre d'affaires, et une hausse de 18 % sur les marchés étrangers, ce qui souligne le succès de notre stratégie à long terme axée sur le client, l'innovation technologique et une vision globale ».

Améliorations stratégiques et vision d'avenir

« Les expéditions de téléviseurs Hisense ont été classées au deuxième rang mondial lors du premier trimestre 2024 pour la deuxième année consécutive. Nous œuvrons constamment pour réduire l'écart avec la marque numéro 1 et nous sommes enthousiastes pour l'avenir », a ajouté M. Yu.

L'engagement de Hisense envers la « technologie centrée sur l'utilisateur » et la « qualité ultime » stimule le développement de nouvelles fonctionnalités et de nouveaux produits. L'entreprise se concentre sur la création d'expériences de maison intelligente, en accordant la priorité à la compatibilité multiplateforme en matière de connectivité, de sécurité et d'intelligence artificielle afin de créer des produits plus intelligents qui anticipent et dépassent les besoins des utilisateurs.

Systèmes holistiques et développement durable

Hisense fait la transition des appareils autonomes à des solutions de systèmes holistiques, utilisant des plateformes cloud comme ConnectLife pour les appareils domestiques intelligents et le grand modèle de langage HI–Star AI pour les interactions et l’intelligence. Ces solutions accordent la priorité au développement durable, conformément aux engagements environnementaux et sociaux à long terme de Hisense. L'entreprise progresse également dans les domaines du transport intelligent, des bâtiments intelligents, de la santé, de la gestion de l'énergie et de l'électronique automobile.

Expansion mondiale et autonomisation locale

Engagée à poursuivre son expansion mondiale, Hisense modernise six centres d'exploitation régionaux. S'appuyant sur son solide réseau de 26 centres de R&D, 34 parcs industriels et installations de fabrication, l'approche « Penser global, agir local » (« Think Global, Act Local ») de Hisense autonomise les talents locaux et renforce les chaînes régionales de fabrication, de R&D et d'approvisionnement.

Contact : henru.vandermerwe@hisense.com

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The International Seabed Authority Must Change Course Amid Series of Scandals

Confrontation with a Deep Sea Mining Ship in the at-risk Pacific Region.

Greenpeace International activists from around the world have paddled and protested around MV COCO, a specialized offshore drilling vessel currently collecting data for deep sea mining frontrunner, The Metals Company, on its last expedition before it files the world’s first ever application to mine the seabed in the Pacific Ocean. Credit: Martin Katz / Greenpeace

By Sebastian Losada
A CORUNA, Spain, Jul 17 2024 – The International Seabed Authority (ISA) has enormous importance as responsible for the fate of the largest, and most untouched, biome on the Planet. Ahead of elections for its leadership, governments cannot ignore that its current Secretary-General has become the subject of both media investigations and criticism from other parts of the UN.

Michael Lodge faces numerous allegations such as a lack of impartiality, closeness to the mining industry, financial mismanagement, mistreatment of media, and attempts to silence protest. Even if some of these are generally disputed by Mr. Lodge, if he were re-elected, the credibility and independence of the ISA, an important organisation in the UN multilateral system, is seriously compromised.

The ISA, an autonomous organisation established under the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, is currently negotiating a set of rules that could allow large-scale extraction of mineral resources in the deep ocean. These negotiations are taking place amidst growing environmental concerns and public opposition to the harm that deep sea mining will cause to marine ecosystems we critically rely on.

Credit: Greenpeace

A long list of media scandals

The upcoming meeting of the ISA Assembly, from 29 July to 2 August, will elect a Secretary-General. Michael Lodge, a British national who will complete his second term this year, is campaigning to be re-elected upon nomination by Kiribati. So far, the only alternative candidate is Brazilian oceanographer Laeticia Carvalho.

On 4 July, a new exposé released by The New York Times contained strong accusations of interference in the campaign process as well as of financial mismanagement. In the article, Kiribati’s Ambassador Teburoro Tito confirms that he offered Ms Carvalho a high level position at the ISA in exchange for dropping out of the race.

Carvalho denounces Lodge for using the ISA machinery for his election campaign. The article quotes allegations by former ISA employees of misuse of the organisation’s funds and plans from the German Government to scrutinise “questionable financial activities at the ISA.”

Media coverage highlighting misconduct at the ISA during the mandates of Michael Lodge includes pieces in NYT, LA Times, The Guardian and Bloomberg. Media attention perhaps reached a peak-high when American talk-show John Oliver’s Last Week Tonight dedicated a special issue to deep sea mining aired on 13 June. The video is approaching 3 million views on the show’s Youtube channel.

Lack of impartiality and closeness to the industry

Many of these media reports relate to Michael Lodge’s alleged closeness to the mining industry. As explained in March 2023 by “diplomats from Germany, Costa Rica and elsewhere” Lodge, supposed to be a neutral facilitator, “has stepped out of line by resisting efforts by some Council members that could slow approval of the first mining proposal.”

On 16 March 2023, Germany’s Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Action Franziska Brantner, reminded in a letter, that “it is not the task of the Secretariat to interfere in the decision-making of subsidiary organs of the ISA,” expressing disappointment that Lodge had “actively taken a stand against positions and decision making proposals from individual delegations.”

Perhaps the most serious accusation belongs to the NYT’s “Secret Data, Tiny Islands and a Quest for Treasure on the Ocean Floor” which in August 2022 exposed “interviews and hundreds of pages of emails, letters and other internal documents” showing that the ISA “provided data identifying some of the most valuable seabed tracts, and then set aside the prized sites for the [The Metals Company] company’s future use.”

Lodge’s closeness with the industry had been called out earlier. In 2018, he appeared in a promotional video of DeepGreen (now operating as The Metals Company). The video is not public anymore from its original host Vimeo, but can still be found in an LA Times article, which notes that “a big selling point at a time the company was courting investors, was the man shown walking on a massive ship and speaking of the need to mine the ocean floor: the Secretary-General of the ISA.”

According to the article, a bar tab in 2018 for a group of 15 attended by mining executives, which included $95 bottles of wine, came to $1,230, “according to a receipt and expense report filed with the secretariat.”

Sandor Mulsow, a marine geologist who served as the ISA’s head of the Office of Environmental Management and Mineral Resources for more than five years, until 2019, described the work of the ISA as having “a huge bias in favour of new contractors.” “It is like to ask the wolf to take care of the sheep,” he said to LA Times.

At a hearing in the Belgian Parliament in June 2020, Lodge told parliamentarians that a moratorium, now supported by 26 ISA member States, “would be anti-science, anti-knowledge, anti-development and anti-international law.” Not surprisingly, in 2020 a Radio New Zealand programme referred to Lodge as a “cheerleader” for mining interests. In response, he threatened a defamation lawsuit.

An aggressive environment for media and observers

During Lodge’s mandates, the ISA has become an increasingly difficult environment for media and civil society observers. Lodge has vocally criticised those questioning deep-sea mining, promulgated new and restrictive guidelines for observers at ISA meetings and restricted media access.

In a speech in 2018 to businesses in Hamburg, Lodge said he was disturbed by “wildly inaccurate and distorted scenarios portrayed by some sections of the media and interest groups,” saying that concerns on environmental damage resulting from deep sea mining are “grossly exaggerated and lack any basis in fact.”

In June 2021, at an International Law Conference in Singapore, Lodge talked of “a growing environmental absolutism and dogmatism bordering on fanaticism.”

Journalists who travelled all the way to Kingston to cover the ISA negotiations have expressed their dismay about how they were treated. In March 2023, Washington Post journalist Evan Halper, who had written pieces critical of the ISA, was escorted out of the negotiating chamber. Lodge has also not refrained from mocking journalists in the past, as he did in response to an article in The Guardian.

In July 2023, Greenpeace International used a spoof version of the ISA logo on billboards, calling on governments to take action to avoid being seen as the “Irresponsible Seabed Authority”. The ISA contacted the billboard agency to demand that it be withdrawn and issued new restrictive guidelines on the functioning of ISA meetings, restricting demonstrations, protests and distribution of publicity materials.

Specific measures related to the “use of the emblem of the Authority” and warned that its unauthorised use “may constitute grounds for removal of accreditation with the Authority.” The new guidelines triggered a letter signed by seven observer organisations demanding the removal of some particularly repressive provisions.

Reactions of other UN agencies and agreements

Last November 2023, Greenpeace International peacefully protested at sea against a mining company’s exploration expedition. On the high seas of the Central Pacific Ocean, activists kayaked around the vessel, and climbed its crane to demand a halt to the company’s plans to start deep sea mining in one of the world’s last untouched ecosystems.

The Secretary-General of the ISA reacted to the Greenpeace protest enacting emergency measures on the basis that the protest with inflatable kayaks was posing a “threat of serious harm to the marine environment” and ordering Greenpeace to abandon the protest, in an evident over-reach of his functions.

This caught the attention of two UN Special Rapporteurs, who had very strong words against Lodge’s attempt to undermine basic civil rights. Dr. Marcos Orellana, Special Rapporteur on Toxics and Human Rights, said he was “alarmed by the manner in which the Secretary General of the ISA has responded to a peaceful protest.” Orellana considered these actions “question the impartiality expected from the Secretary-General as much as they suggest bias towards industry interests in disregard of the Environmental Protection Mandate of the ISA.”

In a video message to the ISA membership, Michael Forst, Special Rapporteur on Environmental Defenders under the Aarhus Convention, criticised “the outrageous immediate measures issued by the ISA Secretary General seeking to prevent Greenpeace activists from protesting”, which he considered “yet again another example of the ongoing crackdown on environmental defenders and their freedoms of expression, protest, and assembly.”

As other multilateral institutions have addressed the potential impacts of deep-sea mining on their respective mandates, interventions by the ISA Secretary-General have raised concerns. In February 2024, when the Convention on Migratory Species (CMS) had on its agenda a proposal for a resolution on deep sea mining, Lodge sent a letter to its Executive Secretary dismissing the work of the CMS Secretariat.

Lodge requested a review of a CMS document by “several internationally renowned experts”, which found that “the CMS document cannot be considered a credible basis for decision-making.” One of the main co-authors of such review is Samantha Smith who has worked for both The Metals Company predecessor DeepGreen and Belgium mining company, GSR. “We get letters like this all the time,” a member of the CMS Secretariat confided, “but from industrial lobbyists—not the Executive Secretary of a UN body.”

The ISA needs to change course

Under Michael Lodge’s mandate, the ISA has set a pace of negotiations of the mining code that is completely at odds with the uncertainty and lack of sufficient knowledge about the biology and ecology of deep-sea ecosystems.

While scientists are urging for more time, the ISA and a few of its member States are rushing towards commercial exploitation of deep-sea minerals. This pace is also deeply unequitable as most countries lack the financial and human resources required to prepare and contribute to three Council meetings of highly technical negotiations every year.

The ISA has had so far three Secretary-Generals. All male but from three different geographies (the Pacific, Africa and Europe). The ISA has also put a lot of emphasis on gender equality and Michael Lodge presents himself as an International Gender Champion” at the ISA website. Re-electing Michael Lodge for a third term would not respect well established practices of geographical alternance and representation.

Further, Lodge’s mandates have been tainted with scandals and opacity. As civil society observers we demand an environment of trust, transparency and respect for the different views. This has been lacking.

It is of paramount importance that a new Secretary-General be elected that restores the credibility of the ISA and puts conservation of the deep sea at the heart of the mandate of the Authority. A re-election of the current Secretary-General would risk further eroding trust in this multilateral institution and contributing to a loss of public faith in international regulators more generally.

Sebastian Losada is Senior Oceans Policy Adviser, Greenpeace International.

IPS UN Bureau


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Cellebrite Advances Plans to Transform and Elevate its Strategic Relationship with the U.S. Federal Government

TYSONS CORNER, Va. and PETAH TIKVA, Israel, July 17, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Cellebrite (NASDAQ: CLBT), a leader in digital investigative solutions for the public and private sectors, officially established Cellebrite Federal Solutions, further elevating the Company’s ability to serve the unique needs of the U.S. federal government through its AI–driven Case–to–Closure [C2C] platform for accelerating justice. 

This newly established operation builds on the Company's long and rich history of serving U.S. justice, defense, intelligence and other federal civilian agencies with its world–renowned Case–to–Closure platform, assisting in critical initiatives targeting the safety and protection of all American citizens.

A key element of this announcement is the acquisition of Cyber Technology Services, Inc. (CyTech). CyTech, which was founded in 2002, brings extensive domain expertise in cybersecurity, digital forensics and incident response services. CyTech’s employees will be part of Cellebrite Federal Solutions, further broadening and complementing Cellebrite's capabilities and supporting the Company’s ongoing expansion within this customer segment.

The actions announced by Cellebrite today support the Company’s strategy to substantially broaden its business with U.S. federal customers over the longer term. Terms of the transaction were not disclosed.

“The establishment of this dedicated unit underscores Cellebrite’s strategic commitment to the federal sector, recognizing its critical role and potential in our mission to enhance public safety and accelerate justice,” said Tom Hogan, Cellebrite Executive Chairman of the Board. “Today’s actions, combined with the investments we are making to achieve FedRAMP authorization of our software–as–a–service offerings, demonstrate that Cellebrite is taking strategic steps to address the evolving needs of our U.S. federal customers and unlock more opportunity with them over the coming years.”

“This is an exciting venture, and we welcome this talented group to our team,” said Yossi Carmil, Cellebrite’s CEO. “This move reinforces our dedication and support for the U.S. federal government to have the best digital investigative resources.”

The new unit will be led by Erik Sachwitz. Erik has led Cellebrite's U.S. federal business since 2020. In 2023, U.S. federal customers generated approximately 19% of Cellebrite’s annual recurring revenue in the public sector, up 21% from the prior year. Erik brings a rich history of software expertise to the public sector including stints at Quest Software, Micro Focus and Attachmate. 

“This is a game–changing opportunity for CyTech, and we are thrilled to join Cellebrite to better engage these unique partnerships with the U.S. federal government,” said Tim Poole, formerly President of CyTech who now serves as Vice President of Cellebrite Federal Solutions. “As a seasoned digital forensics professional, I know first–hand what our customers are dealing with. We are here to strengthen the incredible offerings from Cellebrite that will help our U.S. federal customers achieve their objectives.”

Further, Cellebrite Federal Solutions is building a world–class board of independent directors. These directors bring a wealth of expertise and a range of valued skills covering U.S. defense, cyber intelligence, SaaS and cloud execution and prosecutorial expertise. 

The four independent directors are:

  • Lt. Gen. (ret.) Ken Tovo: former Commander of the Green Berets and U.S. Special Forces
    • Ken, a distinguished leader in special operations and strategic planning, has a 35–year career that spans from Green Beret service to leading the 34,000–strong Army Special Operations Command. Ken currently serves on the boards of several companies, is the chairman of the Green Beret Foundation, a non–profit organization dedicated to assisting US Army Green Berets and their families and is an advisory board member of a nonprofit that supports the educational needs of killed, wounded or seriously injured servicemembers. Ken is the president of DOL Enterprises, Inc, a consulting firm providing services primarily in the defense and technology sectors.
  • Dr. Barry West: former CIO and CISO U.S. Department of Commerce and Department of Homeland Security
    • Dr. West is a veteran technologist and business leader with over 40 years of experience in the information technology field, and his expertise spans areas such as cybersecurity, cloud computing and innovation. Dr. West’s experience includes serving as CIO at the FDIC, PBGC, DOC, FEMA, NWS and DHS. Currently, he serves as the Founder and CEO of West Wing Advisory Services, LLC.
  • Mark Ferrer: former COO of SAP
    • Mark is an experienced global operating executive, currently serving on the board of directors for Blue Ridge Networks and Vbrick Corp. His extensive background includes leadership roles at Citrix, SAP, HP, and pivotal CEO positions at two public companies, contributing to significant market cap growth and strategic initiatives in the technology industry.
  • Barbara Grewe: Sr. Director FBI 9/11 Review Commission
    • Barbara is a seasoned professional with a diverse background in international strategy, policy and cybersecurity, having held senior roles at The MITRE Corporation, FBI 9/11 Review Commission and the Government Accountability Office. Her extensive experience spans from strategic management consulting at McKinsey & Co. and litigation at Covington & Burling, to serving as an Assistant U.S. Attorney, demonstrating her versatility and commitment to public service.

About Cellebrite
Cellebrite’s (Nasdaq: CLBT) mission is to enable its customers to protect and save lives, accelerate justice and preserve privacy in communities around the world. We are a global leader in Digital Investigative solutions for the public and private sectors, empowering organizations in mastering the complexities of legally sanctioned digital investigations by streamlining intelligence processes. Trusted by thousands of leading agencies and companies worldwide, Cellebrite’s Digital Investigative platform and solutions transform how customers collect, review, analyze and manage data in legally sanctioned investigations. To learn more visit us at www.cellebrite.com, https://investors.cellebrite.com, or follow us on X at @Cellebrite.

Caution Regarding Forward Looking Statements
This document includes “forward–looking statements” within the meaning of the “safe harbor” provisions of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward looking statements may be identified by the use of words such as “forecast,” “intend,” “seek,” “target,” “anticipate,” “will,” “appear,” “approximate,” “foresee,” “might,” “possible,” “potential,” “believe,” “could,” “predict,” “should,” “continue,” “expect,” “estimate,” “may,” “plan,” “outlook,” “future” and “project” and other similar expressions that predict, project or indicate future events or trends or that are not statements of historical matters. Such forward–looking statements include, but are not limited to, the following: CyTech’s employees will be part of Cellebrite Federal Solutions, further broadening and complementing Cellebrite's capabilities and supporting the Company’s ongoing expansion within this customer segment; with the boost of talents from CyTech, we are even better positioned to serve our federal partners and support their missions; and today’s actions, combined with the investments we are making to achieve FedRAMP authorization of our software–as–a–service offerings, demonstrate that Cellebrite is taking strategic steps to address the evolving needs of our U.S. federal government agency customers and unlock more opportunity with them over the coming years. Such forward–looking statements are based on current expectations that are subject to risks and uncertainties. A number of factors could cause actual results or outcomes to differ materially from those indicated by such forward–looking statements. These factors include, but are not limited to: Cellebrite’s ability to keep pace with technological advances and evolving industry standards; Cellebrite’s material dependence on the purchase, acceptance and use of its solutions by law enforcement and government agencies; real or perceived errors, failures, defects or bugs in Cellebrite’s solutions; Cellebrite’s failure to maintain the productivity of sales and marketing personnel, including relating to hiring, integrating and retaining personnel; intense competition in all of Cellebrite’s markets; the inadvertent or deliberate misuse of Cellebrite’s solutions; failure to manage its growth effectively; Cellebrite’s ability to introduce new solutions and add–ons; its dependency on its customers renewing their subscriptions; the low volume of business Cellebrite conducts via e–commerce; risks associated with the use of artificial intelligence; the risk of requiring additional capital to support the growth of its business; risks associated with higher costs or unavailability of materials used to create its hardware product components; fluctuations in foreign currency exchange rates; lengthy sales cycle for some of Cellebrite’s solutions; near term declines in new or renewed agreements; risks associated with inability to retain qualified personnel and senior management; the security of Cellebrite’s operations and the integrity of its software solutions; risks associated with the negative publicity related to Cellebrite’s business and use of its products; risks related to Cellebrite’s intellectual property; the regulatory constraints to which Cellebrite is subject; risks associated with Cellebrite’s operations in Israel, including the ongoing Israel–Hamas war and the risk of a greater regional conflict; risks associated with different corporate governance requirements applicable to Israeli companies and risks associated with being a foreign private issuer and an emerging growth company; market volatility in the price of Cellebrite’s shares; changing tax laws and regulations; risks associated with joint ventures, partnerships and strategic initiatives; risks associated with Cellebrite’s significant international operations; risks associated with Cellebrite’s failure to comply with anti–corruption, trade compliance, anti–money–laundering and economic sanctions laws and regulations; risks relating to the adequacy of Cellebrite’s existing systems, processes, policies, procedures, internal controls and personnel for Cellebrite’s current and future operations and reporting needs; and other factors, risks and uncertainties set forth in the section titled “Risk Factors” in Cellebrite’s annual report on Form 20–F filed with the SEC on March 21, 2024 and as amended on April 12, 2024, and in other documents filed by Cellebrite with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”), which are available free of charge at www.sec.gov. You are cautioned not to place undue reliance upon any forward–looking statements, which speak only as of the date made, in this communication or elsewhere. Cellebrite undertakes no obligation to update its forward–looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future developments or otherwise, should circumstances change, except as otherwise required by securities and other applicable laws.


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+1 404.804.5910

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Rural Communities in El Salvador Get Their Water Supply from the Sun

Marixela Ramos and Fausto Gámez in the village of El Rodeo, northern El Salvador, where a solar-powered drinking water system has been in operation since 2018. Credit: Edgardo Ayala / IPS

Marixela Ramos and Fausto Gámez in the village of El Rodeo, northern El Salvador, where a solar-powered drinking water system has been in operation since 2018. Credit: Edgardo Ayala / IPS

By Edgardo Ayala
VICTORIA, El Salvador, Jul 17 2024 – Setting up a community water project with a solar-powered pumping system was an unlikely idea for the peasant families of a Salvadoran village who, despite their doubts, turned it into reality and now have drinking water in their homes.

In El Rodeo, a hamlet in the municipality of Victoria, in the department of Cabañas, drinking water was an urgent need, as the government does not provide it to peasant villages like this one, in northern El Salvador. According to official figures, 34% of the rural population lacks piped water in their homes.

So the community had to organise itself to provide water from local springs. But when the board of directors of El Rodeo, in charge of the project, informed that the pumping system would be solar powered in order to reduce costs, there was some collective disappointment.

“When solar energy was mentioned, the people’s big dream of water… went up in smoke, they didn’t believe,” Marixela Ramos, an inhabitant of El Rodeo, who saw the project come to life when it was conceived as a “dream” between 2005 and 2008, told IPS.”Before, we had to go to the wells and rivers to fetch water. Now it is easier, we get the water at once in the house”: Ana Silvia Alemán.

But that was the most viable option at the time in the village dedicated to subsistence farming.

“Since there are only a few families, it would not be financially sustainable if we connected it to the national power grid,” added Ramos, 39, who is the secretary general of the El Rodeo board of directors.

Ramos is also involved in other community spaces, mostly linked to the promotion of women’s rights, as well as shows on Radio Victoria, a station that for decades has given voice to the demands of communities in the area.

Despite the disbelief of many villagers, work began in 2017 and the village’s water system was inaugurated in 2018, benefiting around 80 families, including those living in La Marañonera, another nearby town.

The El Rodeo project is the most innovative, having solar energy, but other villages in this area of the department of Cabañas are supplied with water from their own community initiatives, through the so-called Juntas de Agua, or Water Boards. The largest of these is Santa Marta, where some 800 families live.

Other rural communities do the same throughout the country, given the government’s inefficiency in providing the service to the country’s population of 6.7 million inhabitants.

There are an estimated 2,500 such Water Boards in El Salvador, providing service to 25% of the population, or 1.6 million people.

Ana Silvia Alemán, 45, washes a pitcher in El Rodeo, a subsistence farming village in northern El Salvador. Credit: Edgardo Ayala / IPS

Ana Silvia Alemán, 45, washes a pitcher in El Rodeo, a subsistence farming village in northern El Salvador. Credit: Edgardo Ayala / IPS

Water for all

The system in El Rodeo is supplied by a nearby spring known as Agua Caliente. Since it was located on private land, the water had to be purchased from the owner for US$5,000, with funds from international organisations.

From there the water is redirected to a catchment tank, with a capacity of 28 cubic metres. A five-horsepower pump then sends it to a distribution tank, located on top of a hill, from where it is gravity-fed through pipes to the users.

Families are entitled to about 10 cubic metres per month, equivalent to 10,000 litres, for which they pay five dollars.

As a roof, at a height of about five metres, 32 solar panels were mounted to provide the energy that drives the pumping system.

“Before, we had to go to the wells and rivers to fetch water. Now it is easier, we get the water at once in the house,” Ana Silvia Alemán, 45, told IPS as she washed some containers with the water from the tap at her home.

José Amílcar Hernández, 26, is in charge of the technical operation of the water system installed in his community, El Rodeo, in northern El Salvador. Credit: Edgardo Ayala / IPS

José Amílcar Hernández, 26, is in charge of the technical operation of the water system installed in his community, El Rodeo, in northern El Salvador. Credit: Edgardo Ayala / IPS

The water service is available two days a week from 9:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., weather permitting. A distribution tank with more capacity than the current 54 cubic metres would be needed to extend those hours, Amílcar Hernández, who is responsible for the technical operation of the system, told IPS.

“That is one of the improvements pending. We estimate a tank of about 125 cubic metres is needed,” said Hernández, 26, who also works as a maize farmer, performs in a small community theatre group, and produces shows for Radio Victoria.

Several Salvadoran and international organisations participated in the construction of the water system in El Rodeo, including the Washington Ethical Society, the Spanish City Council of BilbaoIngeniería sin Fronteras and the Rotary Club.

The villagers contributed many hours of work in return.

Apart from water supply, the project included other related aspects, such as the construction of composting latrines, so as not to pollute the aquifers, as they produce organic fertiliser from the decomposition of excrement.

In each house, a mechanism was also designed to filter grey water by redirecting it to a small underground chamber with several layers of sand. The filtered water is used to irrigate small vegetable gardens or “bio-gardens”.

One of the tanks from which drinking water is distributed to families in Santa Marta, the largest village in the municipality of Victoria, department of Cabañas, in northern El Salvador. Credit: Edgardo Ayala / IPS

One of the tanks from which drinking water is distributed to families in Santa Marta, the largest village in the municipality of Victoria, department of Cabañas, in northern El Salvador. Credit: Edgardo Ayala / IPS

A place of struggle and hope

The history of El Rodeo is linked to the Salvadoran civil war, between 1980 and 1992. Clean drinking water was the main goal that families set for themselves when they returned from exile after that conflict.

El Rodeo is one of several villages in Cabañas and other Salvadoran departments whose families had to flee in the 1980s because of the war, and the place was the target of constant army attacks. Several massacres against civilians took place in this locality.

They fled mainly to Mesa Grande, a camp of more than 11,000 Salvadoran refugees established by the United Nations in San Marcos Ocotepeque, Honduras.

The civil war left an estimated 70,000 people dead and more than 8,000 missing. The conflict ended in February 1992, when a peace agreement was signed.

However, before the war ended, and amidst the bullets and bombings, groups of families began to return to their place of origin, and thus El Refugio began to repopulate, in four waves: in 1987, 1988, 1999, and the last one in March 1992.

“I was born here, in El Rodeo, but we had to move to Mesa Grande, like everyone else. We came back 32 years ago, to try to live in peace in our hamlet,” said Alemán, filling the pitchers she had just finished washing.

A characteristic of villages like El Rodeo is their high level of organisation, perhaps learned during the war years. Many peasants were part of the guerrillas, who had a strict way of organising themselves to carry out common tasks.

The environmental struggle against the mining industry installed in the country in the first decade of the 2000s emerged on the lands of the municipality of Victoria. Thanks to this pressure, El Salvador was the first country in the world to pass a law banning metal mining, in March 2017.

“This level of organisation has meant that we now have projects such as water, education, health and security programmes,” Fausto Gámez, 33, chairman of the community’s board of directors, told IPS.

In addition to his role in the water system, Gámez also does community journalism for Radio Victoria, and coordinates the sexual diversity collective in Santa Marta, the largest settlement in the area.

Radio Victoria is the community station that for decades has given voice to the struggles and demands of the communities and families of Cabañas, in northern El Salvador. Credit: Edgardo Ayala / IPS

Radio Victoria is the community station that for decades has given voice to the struggles and demands of the communities and families of Cabañas, in northern El Salvador. Credit: Edgardo Ayala / IPS

Challenges to overcome

The water supply system of El Rodeo has room for improvement. As it is photovoltaic powered, it stops when the weather prevents sunlight from heating the panels, especially during the rainy season from May to November.

“Having a solar-powered water project has its pros, but also its cons: sometimes the weather doesn’t allow us to have water, we depend on the sun,” explained Gámez, adding that this is a recurring complaint.

Technically, the ideal system should be hybrid, meaning that it can be connected to the national power grid when needed.

But that would represent a costly investment for the community, which it cannot afford. Moreover, the families would have to absorb the cost and pay a higher monthly fee.

However, while the interruption of service due to bad weather is a nuisance, some families manage to endure these days of shortages by saving the water they have previously stored.

“We try to consume only what we need, and as there are only two of us in the family, we have enough water,” said Alemán.

Pacific Green Achieves Planning Consent for its Limestone Coast, South Australia, 1.5GWh Battery Energy Parks

Melbourne, July 17, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Pacific Green, a global battery energy storage company, has achieved planning consent from the South Australian Government for its first two grid–scale battery energy parks in the Limestone Coast region of South Australia.

The Limestone Coast Energy Park assets will consist of a 0.5GW / 1.5 GWh battery energy storage system developed and constructed in two phases over the next 36 months. Once operational they will significantly strengthen the region’s grid stability.

As part of the approval process and to minimise local impacts, Pacific Green engaged with numerous independent specialists to assess a wide range of environmental, technical and heritage aspects as well as undertaking targeted stakeholder and community consultation. Construction of the energy parks will commence towards the end of this year, with the first phase expected to be operational in the second half of 2026.

Pacific Green is committed to working with local suppliers and with a local workforce throughout the construction phase, wherever possible. The company has launched a supplier portal and will host a local supplier networking morning in the coming weeks. Interested parties are encouraged to visit: www.pacificgreen.com/aus/community/supplier for more information.

The Limestone Coast Energy Parks mark the first set of assets of an 8.5GWh development pipeline of battery energy parks Pacific Green is rolling out throughout Australia. Leveraging its significant experience building out battery energy parks in the UK and Europe, the company is aiming to be one of Australia’s leading developers, and to help accelerate the country’s transition to renewables by building a multi–gigawatt platform nationwide.

Tom Koutsantonis, Minister for Energy and Mining, Government of South Australia commented: “It's encouraging to see more private sector investment in energy storage. An increase in storage will provide greater capacity at peak times, extending the availability of electricity generated by cheap renewables. It's also particularly pleasing that Pacific Green has chosen the South East of South Australia for its project – greater diversity of storage locations will strengthen our security of supply and reliability.”

Joel Alexander, Managing Director & CEO, Pacific Green Australia commented: “This is a major milestone for the Limestone Coast Energy Park assets, and we are pleased that the South Australian Government has recognised the rigorous assessment and community consultation work we have undertaken to date. We look forward to re–engaging with the local community to maximise the tangible economic benefits of the Limestone Coast Energy Parks and to ensure funding and local contracting opportunities are open to all relevant groups. This is a positive and exciting start to an exceptional pipeline of Australian projects to come.”

Scott Poulter, Chairman & Group CEO, Pacific Green commented: “We are very pleased to begin our first development at Limestone Coast in South Australia. With so much local and Government support, this milestone announcement will be one of many to come over the next years as we build out our 8.5GWh pipeline, across Australia.”

Poulter added: “Australia is witnessing one of the world’s fastest growth renewable energy markets, so it is critical that battery energy storage grows at the same pace to support the grid network’s expansion of renewable generation.”

About Pacific Green:

Pacific Green is a global leader in grid–scale battery development, currently operating and developing a portfolio of projects across the world. The company has established a strong presence in Australia with battery storage projects in development in South Australia and Victoria.

Pacific Green is dedicated to creating a cleaner environment for our communities. We do this by delivering innovative energy storage solutions that enable Australia’s net–zero transition. We also partner with communities where we deliver projects to develop wider social value beyond our core business.

For more information, visit Pacific Green’s website: www.pacificgreen.com/aus/

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9178740)

Kanak Ambition for Independence Is Defiant Following Political Turmoil in New Caledonia

Kanak Pro-Independence supporters display the Kanak flag during a rally in the streets of Noumea prior to New Caledonia's first referendum on Independence in 2018. Credit: Catherine Wilson/IPS

Kanak Pro-Independence supporters display the Kanak flag during a rally in the streets of Noumea prior to New Caledonia’s first referendum on Independence in 2018. Credit: Catherine Wilson/IPS

By Catherine Wilson
NOUMEA, New Caledonia , Jul 17 2024 – It’s been 26 years since a peace agreement, the Noumea Accord, was signed following an outbreak of conflict in the 1980s between Kanak islanders and French armed forces in the French overseas territory of New Caledonia.

But the eruption of turbulent protests and unrest again two months ago has shown that the cleavage of indigenous political grievances with the French state remains deep in this group of islands located east of Australia in the southwest Pacific.

The centre of New Caledonia’s capital, Noumea, a popular holiday destination in the Pacific Islands, is usually abuzz with tourists patronizing sidewalk cafes. But many of the streets, now patrolled by French police, are deserted and eerily quiet.

The protests, which began in mid-May, escalated to armed clashes between activists and French security forces, resulting in ten deaths. And the destruction of homes, public buildings and looting of shops and businesses has had a devastating impact on the small island society. The cost of the damage is estimated to be more than USD 1 billion; at least 7,000 people have lost jobs and incomes, and the territory’s economy has suffered a major downturn.

Barricades were erected in the streets of Noumea when confrontations escalated between Pro-Independence activists and French police in May following the French Parliament's adoption of electoral reforms in New Caledonia. Credit: Catherine Wilson/IPS

Barricades were erected in the streets of Noumea when confrontations escalated between Pro-Independence activists and French police in May following the French Parliament’s adoption of electoral reforms in New Caledonia. Credit: Catherine Wilson/IPS

The unrest has revealed the gaping fracture between France’s determination to retain control of the territory and the indigenous Kanak islanders, who are riled at lack of progress toward their call for self-determination.

“We protested in the streets. We wanted to say to the French state, you must respect the Kanaks because France voted for the reforms without consent from us,” Jacques (his name has been changed), a Kanak activist in Noumea, told IPS.

He was speaking of the adoption of electoral changes in New Caledonia by the French Parliament, which would have opened the electoral roll to tens of thousands of recent migrant settlers, the majority from Europe.

About 41 percent of New Caledonia’s population is indigenous and many believe it would have led to the declining influence of their vote against rising numbers of Loyalists in future elections and referendums. The changing demographic balance between Kanaks and non-Kanaks is a longstanding grievance.

The uprising in the 1980s was driven by grievances about land dispossession, poverty, inequality, the absence of civil and political rights, and France’s policy of promoting migration from France to New Caledonia.

While French President Emmanuel Macron suspended the electoral reforms in mid-June, many Pro-Independence supporters are unappeased.

Jacques is among a group of Kanak activists who have set up a campaign site next to a main road on the outskirts of the capital. They are sitting around a table under a marquee, surrounded by flags and banners.

“We want our country to be decolonized, as it is written in the Noumea agreement. The French state is only interested in dominating the population here. If the French state stays here, we will have more violence,” Jacques claims.

The French government agreed in the 1998 Noumea Accord to grant New Caledonia more governing powers, recognition of Kanak culture and right to consultation, restrictions on the local electoral roll allowing only Kanaks and long-term residents to vote and the holding of referendums on its future political status.

But by 2021, three referendums had been held, all with majority outcomes, to remain part of France. There was a 43.33 percent vote for Independence in the first referendum in 2018, which increased to 46.74 percent in the second in 2020. But Kanaks, severely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, boycotted the third referendum in 2021. The overwhelming Loyalist vote of 96.5 percent has never been accepted by Pro-Independence political parties, such as the Kanak and Socialist National Liberation Front (FLNKS).

“We firmly support the call by FLNKS for the UN to declare the result of the third referendum null and void due to the non-participation of the people of Kanaky. Voter turnout was below 50 percent of registered voters; hence, it cannot be taken as the legitimate wish of the silent majority,” the sub-regional inter-governmental organization, the Melanesian Spearhead Group, stated in 2021.

Kanak separatists’ determination to keep their aspirations alive, even though options for changing the political status quo through referendums have been exhausted, has led to an increasingly polarized political landscape. Some entrenched Loyalists believe that the French state should “take over the New Caledonian government because of all the political problems that we have,” Catherine Ris, President of the University of New Caledonia in Noumea, told IPS. And, “on the Pro-Independence side, we do not hear the moderate people anymore.”

The recent mobilization of the Field Action Coordinating Cell (CCAT) by the Pro-Independence Caledonian Union party was a sign of some Kanaks’ belief that their demands are not being met through the political process. The core group of activists were a major force behind the recent protests and the Cell’s leader, Christian Tein, is currently being held in a jail in France on charges related to the unrest. Similarly, the major presence of youths on the streets in May is evidence that a new generation has lost faith in the pace of social and political change.

“The younger people want the change now because in their lives they have experienced and seen a lot of hardship—the persecution of the Kanak people, the difficulties of getting a job,” Jacques emphasized. An estimated 45 percent of people in New Caledonia who don’t have a high school certificate are indigenous, and the Kanak unemployment rate is reported to be as high as 38 percent.

Yet the representation of Kanaks in the territory’s government and politics has steadily increased over the past two decades. The number of seats held by Pro-Independence politicians in New Caledonia’s 54 seat Congress rose from 18 to 25 between 2004 and 2014, while Loyalists witnessed a decrease from 36 to 29 seats, reports Australia’s Lowy Institute for International Policy.

In 2021, Louis Mapou, the first Kanak Pro-Independence President of the government, was elected. And, following the French national election this month, Emmanuel Tjibaou, a Kanak leader from the rural North Province, was voted in as one of New Caledonia’s two members of the National Assembly in Paris.

In the wider region, New Caledonia’s self-determination movement has the international support of other Pacific Island countries, especially those that have indigenous Melanesian populations, such as Papua New Guinea and Fiji, as well as Azerbaijan and Russia. And the French overseas territory has been on the United Nations’ Decolonization List since 1986.

Yet there are New Caledonians who are concerned about the viability of a New Caledonian state. The territory relies heavily on France’s fiscal support, which amounts to 20 percent of the local gross domestic product (GDP) and pays for public services, local economic development programs and civil service salaries.

“We have a good economy here,” Marcieux, a Frenchman who has lived in New Caledonia for 30 years, told IPS in Noumea. “It is easy to speak of independence, but, in reality, it is very difficult. You need a way to make independence.”

But, until the yawning political divisions laid bare by the events of May are addressed, it will be difficult for New Caledonia’s leaders to present a united will to President Macron and the French Parliament located more than 16,000 kilometres away.

However, Tjibaou, the new member of the French National Assembly, is the focus of hope that meaningful dialogue can emerge from the recent conflict. He told local media soon after his election this month that “we all have to offer a framework for discussions to resume between the three partners, which are France, the FLNKS and the Loyalists… we have to capitalize on this.”

IPS UN Bureau Report


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Are Sustainable Cities a Pipe Dream?

Credit: Oritro Karim

By Oritro Karim
NEW YORK, Jul 17 2024 – Cities, once thought to be modern utopias that foster innovation, inclusivity, and commerce, actually ended up being hubs for environmental degradation. Although the concept of urban living is inextricable from humanity, there are proposed ways to make them less environmentally taxing. One such solution is the idea of a sustainable city, otherwise known as a metropolis that effectively consumes fossil fuels and disposes of emissions with regards to the longevity of the planet as well as the economic wellbeing of its citizens. Cities can also be considered sustainable so long as they curb the consequences of consumption through means such as recycling or using healthier energy sources. Although this sounds like a simple path forward in Earth’s journey of decarbonizing, we must take a plethora of issues into consideration, such as transportation, housing, manufacturing, trade, and comfort.

An example of a sustainable city is Bristol, England. The BBC article, “Lower Carbon Emissions Recorded in City in 2022” states that greenhouse gas emissions dropped by 7.5 percent between 2021 and 2022, in part due to higher bills prompting people to use less energy. Steps like this can be seen in a multitude of other urban settings as citizens are encouraged to prioritize financial stability over consuming in excess. Additionally, commerce related emissions are reported to have dropped the most. Furthermore, Bristol has introduced “Clean Air Zones”, which are designated areas where high emissions result in fines, for vehicles in an effort to reduce their emissions from transportation. Much of the vehicles in these zones, which are hybrids and electric powered, obey these restrictions. Although Bristol has had trouble lowering emissions from vehicles, it is taking the proper steps to curb their carbon footprint altogether. This is what truly makes this city “sustainable” as it puts guidelines in place for citizens to consume fossil fuels responsibly and ethically.

Zurich, Switzerland is another sustainable city that uses different methods to ensure lower carbon emissions. According to the article “Top Five Most Sustainable Cities in the World”, Zurich is known as a “biker’s haven”. The city offers universal access to bikes, free of charge and widespread. In addition, Zurich has constructed a great number of cycling roads as well as car-free roads. This goes an exceedingly long way in lowering transportation related emissions as cars are less often used. Additionally, the fact that these bikes are free to use is something that other metropolises can learn from. For example, New York City has also implemented public bikes that cost around 19 dollars a day which greatly discourages their widespread use. Zurich pales in size to New York so one can only imagine how beneficial it would be if bigger metropolises adapted these healthier habits. Furthermore, the same article states that Zurich produces 80 percent of its electricity with renewable sources and recycles over 40 percent of its waste. Zurich is truly a sustainable city as it does its part in encouraging citizens to partake in less energy consuming behaviors and responsibly remunerates for what they do consume.

Efforts towards sustainability can be seen prominently in Asian countries as well. One example is Singapore, which has built a reputation over the years for its use of “green spaces”. Green spaces are designated areas that are dedicated to preserving nature for recreational use in parks, fields, and other urban environments. According to the article, “Asia’s Eco-Warriors:12 Cities Making Strides In Sustainability”, other nations such as South Korea, Taiwan, Malaysia, China, and Vietnam have also turned their attention towards green space preservation. The progress of these nations greatly contrasts with that of North America. The United States, specifically, is losing much of its green spaces due to rampant industrialization. Ecosystems are being disrupted and cities often tend to choose using land for housing rather than green spaces. The article “America’s open spaces are vanishing; NY has lost 344 square miles since 2002” states that America’s course of development has contributed to over 68,000 square miles of forests have been lost. In addition, each state has seen a significant loss of rural space this century. It is clear to see that for North American locations, sustainability falls below commerce and housing in priority. Although Singapore, South Korea, and China have powerful booming economies as well, they seem to be able to balance it successfully with sustainability.

This brings up the question of if sustainability is realistic for all corners of the world. Smaller or less densely populated locations have a greater ability to employ healthier consumption habits as they are simpler in nature. Compare New York City to Wellington, England, for example. Wellington has a population of around 213 thousand while New York City’s population exceeds 8 million. Therefore, Wellington will have a much easier time in adopting healthier habits such as recycling and tracking. Bigger cities have bigger economies and larger demand for transportation, energy, and housing. Although it seems impossible, large metropolises like New York City have the ability to become sustainable, or at least more sustainable than they were before. However, we must take these differences into consideration in order to make an effective plan. “New York’s Gradual Transition to a Sustainable City” states, “our local regulatory structure is pushing large building owners to decarbonize their energy use and make it more efficient. Our electric utilities are struggling but slowly replacing fossil fuels with renewable energy. Some of our early attempts at siting wind power in the ocean are proving less cost-effective than we hoped, but new technologies are being developed every day”. This indicates that bigger cities are having trouble implementing sustainable practices as there is a booming economy that must also be considered. However, there are steps in place that allow bigger cities to significantly reduce their carbon footprint. New York will never not be a commercial powerhouse and significant emission contributor as that is simply the way the city is wired. Attempts such as employing alternate fuel sources will greatly impact the carbon emissions but that practice becoming widespread will occur decades from now, but it’s important that we take the initial steps now. Sustainability is possible for the world, it’s just going to take some time and effort.

Sources Used:
1. https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cjjwv891nn0o
2. https://earth.org/most-sustainable-cities/
3. https://news.climate.columbia.edu/2024/02/12/new-york-citys-gradual-transition-to-a-sustainable-city/
4. https://earth5r.org/asias-eco-warriors-the-top-10-cities-making-strides-in-sustainability/
5. https://www.bxtimes.com/americas-open-spaces-vanishing/

Oritro Karim is a recent graduate from Rochester Institute of Technology and a working illustrator, graphic designer, painter, and writer.

IPS UN Bureau


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Andan Foundation Announces Award for Innovation in Refugee Inclusion in Collaboration with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s MIT Solve

ZURICH, Switzerland, July 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The Swiss–based humanitarian non–profit organisation, Andan Foundation, in collaboration with MIT Solve of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), is delighted to announce this year’s Andan Prize for Innovation in Refugee Inclusion, which seeks to promote solutions that advance the economic, financial, and political inclusion of refugees within their hosting communities.

The USD 50,000 Andan Prize for Innovation in Refugee Inclusion is awarded every year to the most promising solutions that address the needs and challenges of refugees and is aimed at supporting innovative approaches that foster integration, empowerment, and sustainable development for displaced populations.

MIT Solve launches open calls for exceptional and diverse solutions to the most pressing global challenges, from anyone, anywhere in the world. Selected innovators get the backing of MIT and their community of supporters to scale impact and drive lasting change.

Joint initiatives to foster innovation solutions

The Andan Foundation is looking for solutions that focus on:

  • Economic Inclusion and Livelihoods: Developing technologies and business models that create sustainable economic opportunities for refugees and displaced populations.
  • Financial Inclusion: Seeking solutions to expand affordable financial services for underserved communities and enhance economic growth.
  • Political Inclusion: Seeking solutions to empower marginalized communities by addressing voter suppression and lack of representation.

Prize winners will be announced at the Solve Challenge Finals on 23 September 2024 during the UN General Assembly Week in New York City.

Notes to Editors

About The Andan Foundation

The Andan Foundation is a non–profit humanitarian organization based in Switzerland founded by Dr. Christian Kaelin. It is regulated by the Swiss Federal Authority for the Supervision of Foundations and audited annually by BDO.

Andan leads private sector initiatives to support families fleeing their homes due to war, internal conflict, and climate change. It identifies and develops innovative, sustainable solutions promoting refugees’ self–reliance, boosting their resilience, and fostering their inclusion in their new countries. Andan prioritizes projects that expand economic, financial, and political opportunities for both refugee populations and the communities that welcome them. Andan facilitates and propels partnerships between the private sector and UN agencies, governments, NGOs, and academic institutions concerned with refugees and migrants.


About MIT Solve

MIT Solve is an initiative by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) designed to address global challenges through innovation and entrepreneurship. Launched in 2015, MIT Solve runs annual challenges that attract diverse, tech–driven solutions from around the world. The initiative focuses on pressing issues such as sustainability, education, health, and economic prosperity. Through its inclusive approach, MIT Solve empowers social entrepreneurs with funding, mentorship, and connections to influential partners. This distinctive model nurtures scalable solutions, enabling transformative ideas to generate tangible impacts for underserved communities globally.


Media Contact

For further information, please contact:

Bushra Zaidan


GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000971795)

Hisense Group President Presents Strategic Roadmap for Company’s Future Success

QINGDAO, China, July 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Hisense, a global leader in home appliances and consumer electronics, unveiled its ambitious growth plans at its Partner Conference in Berlin. Fisher Yu, Hisense Group President, delivered a keynote address titled “Beyond Champion, Beyond Glory” outlining strategic upgrades focused on brand elevation, scenario–driven products and services, industrial structure optimization, and a commitment to further global expansion.

Hisense Introduces Multi–Brand Strategy

Marking its third sponsorship of the UEFA European Championship, Hisense unveils its “Hisense, More Than a Brand” tagline, signaling a multi–brand strategy. Since its inaugural sponsorship in 2016, Hisense’s overseas revenue has surged from $3.5 billion to $12 billion.

“We are thrilled to see Hisense maintain strong momentum in the first half of 2024,” explained Mr. Yu. “We achieved double–digit revenue growth, with an 18% surge in overseas markets, underscoring the success of our long–term strategy built on user–centricity, technological innovation, and a global vision.”

Strategic Upgrades and Future Vision

“Hisense TV shipments ranked No. 2 globally in Q1 2024 for the second consecutive year. We are continuously narrowing the gap with the No. 1 brand and are excited about the future,” said Mr. Yu.

Hisense’s commitment to “User–centric Technology” and “Ultimate Quality” drives the development of new features and products. The company is focusing on creating smart home experiences, prioritizing cross–platform compatibility in connectivity, security, and AI to create smarter products that anticipate and exceed user needs.

Holistic System Solutions and Sustainability

Hisense is transitioning from Standalone End Devices to Holistic System Solutions, utilizing cloud platforms like ConnectLife and HI–Star AI for smart home devices. These solutions prioritize sustainability, aligning with Hisense's long–term environmental and social commitments. Hisense is also advancing in smart transportation, smart buildings, healthcare, energy management, and automotive electronics.

Global Expansion and Local Empowerment

Committed to global expansion, Hisense is upgrading six regional operation centers. Building on its robust network of 26 R&D centers, 34 industrial parks, and manufacturing bases, Hisense's “Think Global, Act Local” approach empowers local talent and strengthens regional manufacturing, R&D, and supply chains.

Contact: henru.vandermerwe@hisense.com

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/97af8869–fc84–406a–a6ae–ca445d514f19

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000971792)

Tealium signs Strategic Collaboration Agreement with AWS to accelerate AI-driven growth for customers

San Diego, July 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Tealium, the largest independent and most trusted customer data platform (CDP), has inked a global multi–year Strategic Collaboration Agreement (SCA) with Amazon Web Services (AWS), with plans to accelerate customer data and artificial intelligence (AI) innovation and growth for customers, especially within its unique vertical offerings with highly–regulated industries. 

Under this SCA, Tealium will accelerate its customer data solutions worldwide by leveraging AWS’ secure and scalable cloud infrastructure. The expansion provides enterprises with seamless access to Tealium’s real–time CDP, while optimizing AI–driven data collection, management, and activation solutions in adherence to local data privacy regulations. 

“This collaboration highlights our commitment to innovation and customer success. By leveraging Tealium’s real–time CDP with AWS' robust cloud infrastructure, we are enabling businesses to fuel next–generation AI solutions with clean, enriched, and consented data,” said Jeff Lunsford, CEO of Tealium. “This SCA will allow enterprises across the globe to leverage the many benefits of two market–leading organizations and take their customer data strategies to the next level.” 

Tealium's dynamic customer data solutions empower enterprises to enhance their customer experience, personalization, and engagement initiatives. Tealium’s vendor–neutrality also allows enterprises to embrace stack composability to power any integration and platform running on AWS. 

This SCA is also part of Tealium’s broader commitment to expanded partnerships, as announced at its 2024 Digital Velocity conference. The company also recently announced new integration capabilities with Amazon Ads, Snowflake, and The Trade Desk, among others. 

Learn more about the company’s Partner Network, including why Tealium and AWS are Better Together.

To keep up with the latest company news, visit Tealium’s Newsroom.

About Tealium
As the most trusted CDP, Tealium connects data so businesses can better connect with their customers. Tealium’s real–time data infrastructure allows brands to power their AI models and activate data for enhanced in–the–moment experiences. Tealium’s turnkey integration ecosystem supports more than 1,300 built–in connections from the world’s most prominent technology experts. Tealium's solutions include a real–time customer data platform with machine learning, tag management, an API hub, and data management solutions that make customer data more valuable, actionable, privacy–compliant, and secure. Named as a Leader in the Gartner® Magic Quadrant for Customer Data Platforms™, more than 850 leading businesses globally trust Tealium to power their customer data strategies. For more information, visit www.tealium.com

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9178260)