Vencedores do Stevie Awards de 2024 para Grandes Empregadores

FAIRFAX, Va., Aug. 05, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Os vencedores do nono anual Stevie® Awards for Great Employers de 2024 (Stevie Awards para Grandes Empregadores), “as Olimpíadas de Recursos Humanos”, foram anunciados hoje. Os prêmios reconhecem os melhores empregadores e profissionais, equipes, conquistas e produtos de Recursos Humanos e fornecedores relacionados a RH do mundo que ajudam a criar e impulsionar ótimos locais de trabalho.    

Entre as organizações com vários prêmios Gold Stevie estão Bank of America (9), Everise (4), pladis (4), Apexon (3), Digital Hands (3), ecosio (3), Enerjisa Uretim (3), LMI (3), Peak on Air (3), SOCAR Türkiye (3), TurkTraktor (3), Abu Dhabi Customs (2), Arkas Holding (2), Ayala Land, Inc. – Makati Development Corporation (2), Benefex (2), Capital One (2), Cathay United Bank (2), DHL Global Forwarding, Freight (2), Doğuş Holding (2), ENERJISA ENERJI (2), Entek Elektrik (2), Gamefam (2), GCash (Mynt – Globe Fintech Innovations, Inc.) (2), HALKBANK (2), Octopus Energy (2), ResultsCX (2), Seer Medical (2), Tata Consultancy Services (2), Wells Fargo (2), e Wesley, LLC (2).

Para uma lista completa dos vencedores por categoria, visite

Os vencedores serão homenageados durante uma cerimônia na segunda–feira, 16 de setembro, no Marriott Marquis Hotel, em Nova York. Os ingressos já estão à venda. As apresentações serão transmitidas ao vivo.

Mais de 1.000 indicações de organizações de 35 países e territórios foram avaliadas na competição deste ano. Os vencedores foram escolhidos pelas pontuações médias por mais de 130 profissionais de todo o mundo, que atuaram como julgadores. Os Stevie Awards for Great Employers homenageiam as conquistas em muitas facetas do local de trabalho. As categorias são:

  • Categorias Employer of the Year (Empregador do Ano)
  • Categorias HR Achievement (Conquistas de RH)
  • Categorias HR Individual (Indivíduo de RH)
  • Categorias HR Team (Equipe de RH)
  • Categorias Solution Provider (Provedor de Soluções)
  • Categorias Solutions, Implementations, and Training Programs or Media (Soluções, Implementações e Programas de Treinamento ou Mídia)
  • Categorias Thought Leadership (Liderança de Pensamento)

As colocações nas 31 categorias de Empregador do Ano foram determinadas por uma combinação única de classificação de profissionais e votos do público em geral. Mais de 34.000 votos foram dados este ano por membros do público para o seu empregador favorito.

Os prêmios são apresentados pelo Stevie Awards, que organiza nove das principais premiações de negócios do mundo, incluindo os prestigiados International Business Awards® e American Business Awards®.

Sobre o Stevie Awards

Stevie Awards são concedidos em nove programas: Stevie Awards Ásia–Pacífico, Stevie Awards Alemão, Stevie Awards Oriente Médio e África do Norte, The American Business Awards®, The International Business Awards®, Stevie Awards para Mulheres Empresariais, Stevie Awards para Grandes Empregadores, Stevie Awards para Excelência em Tecnologia e Stevie Awards para Vendas e Serviço ao Cliente. Os concursos Stevie Awards recebem mais de 12.000 nomeações todos os anos de empresas de mais de 70 países. Honrando empresas de todos os tipos e tamanhos, e as pessoas por trás delas, os Stevies reconhecem excelente desempenho no local de trabalho em todo o mundo. Saiba mais sobre os Stevie Awards em

Um dos patrocinadores do 9º anual Stevie Awards para Grandes Empregadores é HiBob.

Contato de Marketing:

Nina Moore
703 547 8389

Foto deste comunicado disponível em–21f4–41b6–afaf–dfaf8746a185

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9199325)

Bekanntgabe der Gewinner der Stevie® Awards 2024 für großartige Arbeitgeber

FAIRFAX, Virginia, Aug. 05, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Die Gewinner der Stevie® Awards 2024 für großartige Arbeitgeber stehen fest. Die in diesem Jahr bereits zum neunten Mal verliehenen Auszeichnungen gelten als „Olympiade des Personalwesens“. Mit den Auszeichnungen werden die weltweit besten Arbeitgeber sowie die Personalfachleute, Teams, Leistungen und personalbezogenen Produkte und deren Anbieter gewürdigt, die dazu beitragen, großartige Arbeitsplätze zu schaffen und zu fördern.    

Zu den Organisationen, die bereits mehrere Gold–Stevies abgeräumt haben, zählen Bank of America (9), Everise (4), pladis (4), Apexon (3), Digital Hands (3), ecosio (3), Enerjisa Uretim (3), LMI (3), Peak on Air (3), SOCAR Türkiye (3), TurkTraktor (3), Abu Dhabi Customs (2), Arkas Holding (2), Ayala Land, Inc. – Makati Development Corporation (2), Benefex (2), Capital One (2), Cathay United Bank (2), DHL Global Forwarding, Freight (2), Doğuş Holding (2), ENERJISA ENERJI (2), Entek Elektrik (2), Gamefam (2), GCash (Mynt – Globe Fintech Innovations, Inc.) (2), HALKBANK (2), Octopus Energy (2), ResultsCX (2), Seer Medical (2), Tata Consultancy Services (2), Wells Fargo (2) und Wesley, LLC (2).

Eine vollständige Liste der Gewinner nach Kategorien finden Sie unter

Die Gewinner werden auf einer Feier am Montag, 16. September, im Hotel Marriott Marquis in New York City geehrt. Eintrittskarten sind ab sofort im Verkauf erhältlich. Die Präsentationen werden live übertragen.

In der diesjährigen Austragung wurden mehr als 1000 Nominierungen von Organisationen aus 35 Staaten und Hoheitsgebieten berücksichtigt. Die Gewinner wurden anhand der Durchschnittsnoten von mehr als 130 Fachleuten aus aller Welt ermittelt, die als Juroren fungierten. Die Stevie Awards würdigen Leistungen in vielen Bereichen des Arbeitsplatzes. Zu den Kategorien gehören:

  • Arbeitgeber des Jahres
  • Erfolge im Personalwesen
  • Individuelle Leistungen im Personalwesen
  • Teamleistungen im Personalwesen
  • Lösungsanbieter
  • Lösungen, Implementierungen und Schulungsprogramme oder Medien
  • Vordenkerrollen

Die Platzierungen in den 31 Kategorien für Arbeitgeber des Jahres wurden durch eine einzigartige Mischung aus den Bewertungen von Fachleuten und den Stimmen aus der Allgemeinbevölkerung ermittelt. Dieses Jahr gingen mehr als 34.000 Stimmen von Mitgliedern der Öffentlichkeit für ihren Lieblingsarbeitgeber ein.

Vergeben werden die Auszeichnungen von den Stevie Awards, die neun der weltweit führenden Auszeichnungsprogramme für Unternehmen organisieren, darunter die renommierten International Business Awards® und American Business Awards®.

Über die Stevie Awards

Die Stevie Awards werden in neun Programmbereichen verliehen: die Stevie Awards für den asiatisch–pazifischen Raum, die Stevie Awards für Deutschland, die Stevie Awards für den Nahen Osten und Nordafrika, die American Business Awards®, die International Business Awards®, die Stevie Awards für Frauen in der Wirtschaft, die Stevie Awards für herausragende Arbeitgeber, die Stevie Awards für herausragende Leistungen im Bereich Technologie und die Stevie Awards für Vertrieb und Kundendienst. Die Stevie Awards verzeichnen jährlich mehr als 12.000 Nominierungen von Unternehmen aus mehr als 70 Ländern. Die Stevies ehren Unternehmen aller Arten und Größen sowie die dahinterstehenden Menschen, indem sie herausragende Leistungen am Arbeitsplatz auf der ganzen Welt auszeichnen. Weitere Informationen zu den Stevie Awards finden Sie unter

Ein Sponsor der 9. jährlichen Stevie Awards für herausragende Arbeitgeber ist HiBob.


Nina Moore
703 547 8389

Ein Foto zu dieser Mitteilung ist verfügbar unter–21f4–41b6–afaf–dfaf8746a185

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9199325)

Annonce des lauréats des Stevie® Awards for Great Employers 2024

FAIRFAX, Virginie, 05 août 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Les lauréats des Stevie® Awards for Great Employers 2024 (neuvième édition annuelle), alias « les champions olympiques des ressources humaines », ont été annoncés ce jour. Ces prix récompensent les meilleurs employeurs du monde ainsi que les professionnels des ressources humaines, les équipes, les accomplissements et les produits et fournisseurs liés aux ressources humaines qui contribuent à la création et à la promotion d’un environnement de travail de qualité.

Parmi les organisations ayant remporté plusieurs Stevie d’or figurent Bank of America (9), Everise (4), pladis (4), Apexon (3), Digital Hands (3), ecosio (3), Enerjisa Uretim (3), LMI (3), Peak on Air (3), SOCAR Türkiye (3), TurkTraktor (3), Abu Dhabi Customs (2), Arkas Holding (2), Ayala Land, Inc. – Makati Development Corporation (2), Benefex (2), Capital One (2), Cathay United Bank (2), DHL Global Forwarding, Freight (2), Doğuş Holding (2), ENERJISA ENERJI (2), Entek Elektrik (2), Gamefam (2), GCash (Mynt – Globe Fintech Innovations, Inc.) (2), HALKBANK (2), Octopus Energy (2), ResultsCX (2), Seer Medical (2), Tata Consultancy Services (2), Wells Fargo (2) et Wesley, LLC (2).

La liste complète des lauréats par catégorie est disponible sur le site

Les lauréats seront célébrés lors d’une cérémonie qui aura lieu le lundi 16 septembre à l’hôtel Marriott Marquis de New York. Les billets sont en vente dès maintenant. Les présentations seront retransmises en direct.

Plus de 1 000 candidatures d’organisations de 35 pays et territoires ont été évaluées dans le cadre du concours de cette année. Les gagnants ont pu être départagés en calculant la moyenne des notes décernées par plus de 130 professionnels du monde entier, agissant en qualité de juges. Les Stevie Awards for Great Employers récompensent les accomplissements réalisés dans de nombreux domaines du monde du travail. Les catégories sont les suivantes :

  • Catégories Employeur de l’année
  • Catégories Succès des ressources humaines
  • Catégories Personnel des ressources humaines
  • Catégories Équipe des ressources humaines
  • Catégories Fournisseur de solution
  • Catégories Solutions, mises en œuvre et programmes ou médias de formation
  • Catégories Leadership éclairé

L’attribution des Stevie Awards dans les 31 catégories Employeurs de l’année a été déterminée en combinant les évaluations des professionnels et les votes du grand public. Cette année, plus de 34 000 personnes ont voté pour leur employeur préféré.

Les prix seront décernés par les Stevie Awards, qui organisent neuf des plus importantes cérémonies de remise de prix au monde, y compris les prestigieux International Business Awards® et American Business Awards®.

À propos des Stevie Awards

Les Stevie Awards sont décernés dans le cadre de neuf programmes : les Asia–Pacific Stevie Awards, les German Stevie Awards, les Middle East & North Africa Stevie Awards, les American Business Awards®, les International Business Awards®, les Stevie Awards for Women in Business, les Stevie Awards for Great Employers, les Stevie Awards for Technology Excellence et les Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service. Le comité de concours des Stevie Awards reçoit chaque année plus de 12 000 candidatures d’organisations de plus de 70 pays. En mettant à l’honneur des organisations de tous types et de toutes tailles, ainsi que les personnes qui les animent, les Stevie Awards récompensent des performances exceptionnelles sur le lieu de travail dans le monde entier. Pour en savoir plus sur les Stevie Awards, nous vous invitons à consulter le site :

HiBob est l’un des sponsors de la 9e édition annuelle des Stevie Awards for Great Employers.

Interlocutrice Marketing :

Nina Moore
703 547 8389

Une photo accompagnant le présent communiqué est disponible à l’adresse suivante :–21f4–41b6–afaf–dfaf8746a185

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9199325)

Winners in 2024 Stevie® Awards for Great Employers Announced

FAIRFAX, Va., Aug. 05, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Winners in the 2024 (ninth annual) Stevie® Awards for Great Employers, “the Olympics for human resources,” were announced today. The awards recognize the world’s best employers and the human resources professionals, teams, achievements, and HR–related products and suppliers who help to create and drive great places to work.    

Among the organizations with multiple Gold Stevie wins are Bank of America (9), Everise (4), pladis (4), Apexon (3), Digital Hands (3), ecosio (3), Enerjisa Uretim (3), LMI (3), Peak on Air (3), SOCAR Türkiye (3), TurkTraktor (3), Abu Dhabi Customs (2), Arkas Holding (2), Ayala Land, Inc. – Makati Development Corporation (2), Benefex (2), Capital One (2), Cathay United Bank (2), DHL Global Forwarding, Freight (2), Doğuş Holding (2), ENERJISA ENERJI (2), Entek Elektrik (2), Gamefam (2), GCash (Mynt – Globe Fintech Innovations, Inc.) (2), HALKBANK (2), Octopus Energy (2), ResultsCX (2), Seer Medical (2), Tata Consultancy Services (2), Wells Fargo (2), and Wesley, LLC (2).

For a full list of winners by category, visit

Winners will be celebrated during a ceremony on Monday, September 16 at the Marriott Marquis Hotel in New York City. Tickets are now on sale. The presentations will be broadcast live.

More than 1,000 nominations from organizations in 35 nations and territories were evaluated in this year’s competition. Winners were determined by the average scores of more than 130 professionals worldwide, acting as judges. The Stevie Awards for Great Employers recognize achievement in many facets of the workplace. Categories include:

  • Employer of the Year Categories
  • HR Achievement Categories
  • HR Individual Categories
  • HR Team Categories
  • Solution Provider Categories
  • Solutions, Implementations, and Training Programs or Media Categories
  • Thought Leadership Categories

Stevie Award placements in the 31 Employer of the Year categories were be determined by a unique blending of the ratings of professionals and the votes of the general public. More than 34,000 votes were cast this year by members of the public for their favorite employer.

The awards are presented by the Stevie Awards, which organizes nine of the world’s leading business awards shows including the prestigious International Business Awards® and American Business Awards®.

About the Stevie Awards

Stevie Awards are conferred in nine programs: the Asia–Pacific Stevie Awards, the German Stevie Awards, the Middle East & North Africa Stevie Awards, The American Business Awards®, The International Business Awards®, the Stevie Awards for Women in Business, the Stevie Awards for Great Employers, the Stevie Awards for Technology Excellence, and the Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service. Stevie Awards competitions receive more than 12,000 entries each year from organizations in more than 70 nations. Honoring organizations of all types and sizes and the people behind them, the Stevies recognize outstanding performances in the workplace worldwide. Learn more about the Stevie Awards at

A sponsor of the 9th annual Stevie Awards for Great Employers is HiBob.

Marketing Contact:

Nina Moore
703 547 8389

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at–21f4–41b6–afaf–dfaf8746a185

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9198786)

AI-first Zoom Docs debuts on Zoom Workplace, enhancing meeting effectiveness and transforming team collaboration, document creation, and project planning

  • Optimize collaboration across Zoom Workplace with next–gen Zoom Docs; transform content from Zoom Meetings into actionable documents with AI Companion
  • Zoom Docs’ AI–first customizable design easily adapts to team and project needs, including documents, wikis, and tables, providing a single place to manage work

SAN JOSE, Calif., Aug. 05, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Zoom Video Communications, Inc. (NASDAQ: ZM) announced the rollout of Zoom Docs, its AI–first collaborative docs solution, starting today. Zoom Docs is powered by Zoom AI Companion, the company’s generative AI assistant available at no additional cost*, to help drive productivity and seamless collaboration throughout Zoom Workplace.

“Zoom Docs is our first Zoom Workplace product with generative AI built in from the ground up; it effortlessly transforms information from Zoom Meetings into actionable documents and knowledge bases, so teams can stay focused on meaningful work,” said Smita Hashim, chief product officer at Zoom. “Zoom Docs is included at no additional cost with Zoom Workplace paid licenses, creating even more value for our customers. With AI Companion available every step of the way, Zoom Docs is purpose–built to empower people to ‘work happy’ and give them more time back in their day.”

Zoom Docs transforms team collaboration
Zoom Docs can help solve critical challenges facing modern workforces, including time wasted on repetitive tasks, information overload, and facilitation of cross–functional alignment. By utilizing Zoom AI Companion to convert meeting outcomes into actionable documents, Zoom Docs can jumpstart content creation and adapt to different individual and team needs to help boost workers’ productivity.

Zoom Docs’ AI–first capabilities help Zoom Workplace users make teamwork more collaborative and effective, optimize productivity by keeping information organized, and reduce silos by empowering teams to communicate and share information more fluidly. Potential use cases for Zoom Docs include:

  • Meeting collaboration: Zoom Docs simplifies meeting collaboration with AI Companion by transforming meeting content into meaningful documents, centralizing meeting summaries with meeting docs, and facilitating co–editing on docs within meetings.
  • Business documents: Whether creating content, business proposals, or reports, AI Companion for Zoom Docs makes content generation, revision, summarization, and translation easy for global teams.
  • Project planning: Planning complex projects can be messy. Zoom Docs can help with time–saving templates for project briefs and tracking for a variety of use cases like product launches, marketing campaigns, and event management, consolidating project–related materials, and improving visibility across progress tracking, status updates, and timelines.
  • Information hub: Useful for knowledge–base creation, team onboarding, and goal tracking, users can build robust wikis for a single source of information.

Additional AI–first capabilities help teams do their best work
With the power of AI Companion, Zoom Docs simplifies work and brings information together for optimal results.

  • Turn AI Companion meeting summaries into easily editable docs, freeing up time spent on note–taking and manually copying notes into a shared document with templates for one–on–ones, stand–up meetings, brainstorming, project updates, discussions, Q&As, customer success, user feedback, and more.
  • Generate content based on AI Companion meeting transcripts. Use custom or preset commands or queries with AI Companion to further create and revise content.
  • Revise and summarize content such as articles, plans, and outlines, change tone and style, catch grammatical and spelling errors, and translate content into nine languages (with support for additional languages planned) for multilingual teams with AI Companion.

Maximize meeting effectiveness to drive better outcomes
Meetings are core to Zoom Workplace, and Zoom Docs builds on that experience by enhancing collaboration before, during, and after meetings, empowering users to stay more aligned and achieve better results.

  • Start and schedule meetings from a Zoom Doc to connect with colleagues and quickly streamline workflows.
  • Create, share, and co–edit docs during meetings. Meeting attendees can follow along with the presenter, co–edit, and comment on the doc in real time without leaving the meeting window. Attendees on mobile devices can view in–meeting doc collaboration without signing in.
  • Create an editable and shareable doc that includes relevant meeting information from a meeting in a customizable format.
  • Streamline permission sharing to reduce time spent granting access to docs with bulk permission settings for meeting attendees, and the ability to grant temporary access to meeting attendees to collaborate during the meeting. Users can also share Zoom Docs in Team Chat channels and with individuals in specific chats directly from Zoom Docs.
  • Share docs across Zoom Workplace via Zoom Team Chat or Zoom Mail or invite colleagues to collaborate live in Zoom Meetings to streamline editing.

Get work done in one place for better results
Adapt docs to different individual and team needs to keep collaboration fluid and information organized.

  • Customize docs with content blocks for texts, tables, images, charts, and more to help increase efficiency and reduce information management across multiple apps. Add data tables for team collaboration and planning to track assignments and projects. Add checklists, images, videos, and callouts to make the doc more engaging, and utilize the multi–column layout for greater flexibility in organizing content.
  • Embed content from across Zoom Workplace and third parties like Zoom Whiteboard, Google Drive, Figma, X, and YouTube to make information centrally accessible.
  • Stay organized by starring frequently used docs or quickly filtering docs by author for quick access.

Optimize team collaboration
Reduce silos and keep collaborators informed, connected, and aligned.

  • Keep an eye on progress using tables, checklists, and trackers for activities, due dates, status, and assigned owners, with various views like Kanban boards, calendars, and galleries.
  • Organize team documents in dedicated wikis to provide central locations for shared information.
  • Group, filter, sort, and search data tables to easily visualize information and quickly locate the needed data.
  • Edit concurrently with up to 100 users in a single Zoom Doc, and tag teammates in edits and comments.
  • Quickly add, remove, and change permissions for internal teammates and external users to confidently share and collaborate on a doc’s contents.

Zoom Docs with AI Companion is included with all paid Zoom Workplace plans*. Basic (free) users can create up to 10 shared docs and unlimited personal docs without AI Companion but can upgrade to Zoom Workplace Pro, Business, or Enterprise plans for access to AI Companion capabilities across Zoom Workplace, including Docs. Account owners and admins may enable or disable AI Companion for Zoom Docs.

Zoom Docs is available beginning today for users of the Zoom Workplace app, version 6.1.6 or later, which can be downloaded from the Zoom website, and users can also access Zoom Docs from the Docs web homepage or the Zoom Web App.

*Note: AI Companion is included at no additional cost with the paid services assigned to Zoom accounts. AI Companion, including AI Companion capabilities in Zoom Docs, may not be available for all regions and industry verticals.

About Zoom
Zoom’s mission is to provide one platform that delivers limitless human connection. Reimagine teamwork with Zoom Workplace — Zoom’s open collaboration platform with AI Companion empowers teams to be more productive. Together with Zoom Workplace, Zoom’s Business Services for sales, marketing, and customer care teams, including Zoom Contact Center, strengthen customer relationships throughout the customer lifecycle. Founded in 2011, Zoom is publicly traded (NASDAQ:ZM) and headquartered in San Jose, California. Get more information at

Zoom Public Relations
Lacretia Nichols

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9198845)

Duck Creek Technologies führt Police mit aktiver Zustellung ein

BOSTON, Aug. 05, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) —  Duck Creek Technologies, der Anbieter intelligenter Lösungen, der die Zukunft der Schaden– und Unfallversicherung definiert, gab heute die allgemeine Verfügbarkeit von Policen mit aktiver Zustellung bekannt, einer revolutionären Lösung, die Upgrades überflüssig macht und es Schaden– und Unfallversicherern ermöglicht, Versicherungsprodukte in einer Ära schneller kundenorientierter Innovation und Wachstum in großem Umfang anzubieten.

Policen mit aktiver Zustellung ist eine Cloud–native Lösung, die die Leistungsfähigkeit, Skalierbarkeit und Sicherheit der Azure–Cloud nutzt, um zweiwöchentliche Produktaktualisierungen bereitzustellen. Diese Updates werden automatisch durchgeführt, so dass der Betrieb eines Versicherers nicht unterbrochen wird und keine zusätzlichen, kostspieligen Ressourcen für die Verwaltung umfangreicher Aktualisierungen erforderlich sind. Alle Updates sind „Feature Flagged “, so dass die Versicherer selbst entscheiden können, wann sie sie aktivieren möchten, ohne dass ihre Produktionsumgebung beeinträchtigt wird.

Policen mit aktiver Zustellung bietet außerdem Low–Code–Konfigurationstools, eine integrierte Entwicklungsumgebung für Versicherungsprodukte und vorgefertigte Inhalte für verschiedene Geschäftszweige, mit denen Versicherer schneller auf den Markt kommen, ihre betriebliche Effizienz steigern und die Kundenzufriedenheit verbessern können.

„Wir freuen uns sehr über die Einführung von Policen mit aktiver Zustellung, einer bahnbrechenden Lösung, die einen neuen Standard für die Policenverwaltung in der P&C–Branche setzt“, so Jess Keeney, Chief Product & Technology Officer von Duck Creek Technologies. „Mit der aktiven Zustellung können Versicherer ihre IT–Ressourcen freisetzen, um sich auf Innovation statt auf Wartung zu konzentrieren und schnell und flexibel auf die sich verändernden Bedürfnisse ihrer Kunden und Vertreter zu reagieren. Policen mit aktiver Zustellung ist der ultimative Ausdruck unserer Vision, die Versicherungstechnologie zu vereinfachen und unsere Kunden in die Lage zu versetzen, ihre Geschäftsziele zu erreichen.“

Um die betriebliche Effizienz zu steigern, automatisiert Policen mit aktiver Zustellung manuelle Prozesse durch den Einsatz von Low–Code–Konfigurations–Tools für flexible Updates und eine schnellere Markteinführung neuer Produkte. Diese Effizienz führt zu niedrigeren Kostenquoten, verbesserter betrieblicher Kernleistung und verbesserter Skalierbarkeit, um höhere Volumen nahtlos zu verarbeiten.

Die Plattform unterstützt den Omnichannel–Zugang und erfüllt die Self–Service–Erwartungen von Kunden, Agenten und Maklern gleichermaßen. Darüber hinaus verbessert sie die Underwriting–Leistung durch die Implementierung regelbasierter Verarbeitung und dynamischer Workflows und sorgt so für konsistente und optimierte Ergebnisse.

Über Duck Creek Technologies
Duck Creek Technologies ist der Anbieter von intelligenten Lösungen, die die Zukunft der Schaden– und Unfall– (P&C) und allgemeinen Versicherungsbranche definieren. Wir sind die Plattform, auf der moderne Versicherungssysteme aufgebaut werden und die es der Branche ermöglicht, die Leistungsfähigkeit der Cloud zu nutzen, um agile, intelligente und zukunftssichere Prozesse zu betreiben. Authentizität, Zweckmäßigkeit und Transparenz sind für Duck Creek von zentraler Bedeutung. Wir sind der Meinung, dass Versicherungen für Privatpersonen und Unternehmen verfügbar sein sollten, wann, wo und wie sie diese am meisten benötigen. Unsere marktführenden Lösungen sind als Einzellösungen oder als komplette Suite erhältlich. Alle über Duck Creek OnDemand verfügbar. Besuchen Sie, um mehr zu erfahren. Folgen Sie Duck Creek auf unseren sozialen Kanälen für die neuesten Informationen – LinkedIn und X

Dennis Dougherty 

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9198598)

Duck Creek Technologies Launches Policy with Active Delivery

BOSTON, Aug. 05, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Today, Duck Creek Technologies, the intelligent solutions provider defining the future of property and casualty (P&C) and general insurance, announced the general availability of Policy with Active Delivery, a revolutionary solution that eliminates the need for upgrades and enables P&C insurers to deliver insurance products at scale in an era of rapid customer–centric innovation and growth.

Policy with Active Delivery is a cloud–native solution that leverages the power, scalability, and security of the Azure cloud to provide bi–weekly product updates. These updates are applied automatically, assuring there are no disruptions to an insurer's operations while eliminating the need for additional, costly resources to manage massive upgrades. All updates are “feature flagged,” allowing insurers to choose when to activate them, ensuring zero impact to their production environment.

Policy with Active Delivery also offers low–code configuration tools, an integrated development environment for insurance products, and pre–built content for various lines of business, allowing insurers to go to market faster, increase operational efficiencies, and improve customer satisfaction.

“We are thrilled to introduce Policy with Active Delivery, a game–changing solution that sets a new standard for policy administration in the P&C industry,” said Jess Keeney, Chief Product & Technology Officer of Duck Creek Technologies. “With Active Delivery, insurers can free their IT resources to focus on innovation, rather than maintenance, and respond to the evolving needs of their customers and agents with speed and agility. Policy with Active Delivery is the ultimate expression of our vision to simplify insurance technology and empower our customers to achieve their business goals.”

To drive operational efficiencies, Policy with Active Delivery automates manual processes by leveraging low–code configuration tools for agile updates and enhanced speed to market for new products. These efficiencies translate into reduced expense ratios, improved core operational performance, and enhanced scalability to handle higher volumes seamlessly.

The platform supports omnichannel access, catering to the self–service expectations of customers, agents, and brokers alike. It also enhances underwriting performance by implementing rules–based processing and dynamic workflows, ensuring consistent and optimized outcomes.

About Duck Creek Technologies 
Duck Creek Technologies is the intelligent solutions provider defining the future of the property and casualty (P&C) and general insurance industry. We are the platform upon which modern insurance systems are built, enabling the industry to capitalize on the power of the cloud to run agile, intelligent, and evergreen operations. Authenticity, purpose, and transparency are core to Duck Creek, and we believe insurance should be there for individuals and businesses when, where, and how they need it most. Our market–leading solutions are available on a standalone basis or as a full suite, and all are available via Duck Creek OnDemand. Visit to learn more. Follow Duck Creek on our social channels for the latest information – LinkedIn and X

Media Contacts: 
Dennis Dougherty 

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9198588)

Duck Creek Technologies lance Policy with Active Delivery

BOSTON, 05 août 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) —  Duck Creek Technologies, le fournisseur de solutions intelligentes qui dessine les futurs contours du secteur de l’assurance générale et IARD (incendies, accidents et risques divers), a annoncé la mise à disposition générale de Policy with Active Delivery, une solution révolutionnaire qui élimine la nécessité de mises à jour et permet aux assureurs IARD de proposer des produits d’assurance à grande échelle à une époque où l’innovation et la croissance rapides sont centrées sur le client.

Policy with Active Delivery est une solution cloud–native exploitant la puissance, l’évolutivité et la sécurité du cloud Azure pour fournir des mises à jour de produits toutes les deux semaines. Ces mises à jour sont appliquées automatiquement, de sorte à éviter toute perturbation des activités de l’assureur et toute nécessité de recourir à des ressources supplémentaires et coûteuses pour gérer des mises à niveau massives. Toutes les mises à jour sont « signalées », ce qui permet aux assureurs de choisir le moment de leur activation, garantissant ainsi l’absence d’impact sur leur environnement de production.

Policy with Active Delivery propose également des outils de configuration low–code, un environnement de développement intégré pour les produits d’assurance et un contenu prédéfini pour diverses branches d’activité, permettant aux assureurs de se lancer plus rapidement sur le marché, d’accroître leur efficacité opérationnelle et d’améliorer la satisfaction de leurs clients.

« Nous sommes ravis de présenter Policy with Active Delivery, une solution qui change la donne et établit une nouvelle norme pour l’administration des polices dans le secteur des assurances IARD », a déclaré Jess Keeney, directeur général des produits et de la technologie de Duck Creek Technologies. « Avec Active Delivery, les assureurs sont en mesure de libérer leurs ressources informatiques pour se concentrer sur l’innovation, plutôt que sur la maintenance, et répondre aux besoins évolutifs de leurs clients et agents avec rapidité et agilité. Policy with Active Delivery est l’expression ultime de notre vision qui consiste à simplifier la technologie de l’assurance et à donner à nos clients les moyens d’atteindre leurs objectifs commerciaux. »

Pour améliorer l’efficacité opérationnelle, Policy with Active Delivery automatise les processus manuels en s’appuyant sur des outils de configuration low–code pour des mises à niveau agiles et une plus grande rapidité de mise sur le marché des nouveaux produits. Ces gains d’efficacité se traduisent par une réduction des ratios de dépenses, une amélioration des performances opérationnelles de base et une meilleure évolutivité pour gérer des volumes plus importants de manière fluide.

La plateforme prend en charge l’accès omnicanal, répondant ainsi aux exigences de libre–service des clients, des agents et des courtiers. Elle optimise également les performances de souscription en mettant en œuvre un processus basé sur des règles et des flux de travail dynamiques, garantissant ainsi des résultats cohérents et optimisés.

À propos de Duck Creek Technologies
Duck Creek Technologies est le fournisseur de solutions intelligentes qui dessine les futurs contours du secteur de l’assurance générale et IARD (incendies, accidents et risques divers). Les systèmes d’assurance modernes reposent sur nos solutions et capitalisent sur le potentiel du cloud pour mener des opérations agiles, intelligentes et évolutives. Authenticité, détermination et transparence, voilà les maîtres–mots de la philosophie de Duck Creek. Pour nous, l’assurance est au service des particuliers et des entreprises, au moment, à l’endroit et de la manière dont ils en ont le plus besoin. Nos solutions, leaders du marché, sont commercialisées à l’unité ou sous forme de suite packagée, et sont toutes disponibles sur la page : Duck Creek OnDemand. Rendez–vous sur pour en savoir plus. Suivez–nous sur les réseaux pour découvrir nos dernières informations : LinkedIn et X

Contact médias :
Dennis Dougherty 

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9198598)

Duck Creek Technologies lança Policy with Active Delivery

BOSTON, Aug. 05, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Duck Creek Technologies, provedora de soluções inteligentes que vem definindo o futuro de propriedades e acidentes (P&C) e seguros em geral, anunciou hoje a disponibilidade geral de Policy with Active Delivery, uma solução completa que dispensa a necessidade de atualizações e permite com que seguradoras de P&C forneçam produtos de seguro em escala em tempos de rápidas inovações e crescimento voltados ao consumidor.

A Policy with Active Delivery é uma solução nativa da nuvem que aproveita o potencial, escalabilidade e segurança da nuvem Azure para entregar atualizações de produtos quinzenais. Essas atualizações são aplicadas automaticamente, garantindo que não haja interrupções nas operações de uma seguradora, enquanto dispensa a necessidade de recursos adicionais e custosos para gerir atualizações massivas. Todas as atualizações são “sinalizadas por recurso”, possibilitando às seguradoras decidir quando ativá–las, garantindo que não haverá impacto ao seu ambiente de produção.

A Policy with Active Delivery também oferece ferramentas low–code de configuração, um ambiente de desenvolvimento integrado para produtos de seguros e conteúdo pré–criado para várias linhas de negócios, permitindo às seguradoras competir no mercado mais rapidamente, aumentando a eficiência operacional e melhorando a satisfação do cliente.

“Estamos empolgados em apresentar Policy with Active Delivery, uma solução inovadora que define um novo padrão para administração de políticas no setor de P&C,” disse Jess Keeney, diretora de produtos e tecnologia da Duck Creek Technologies. “Com a Active Delivery, as seguradoras podem liberar seus recursos de TI para focar em inovação, ao invés de manutenção, e atender às necessidades crescentes de seus clientes e agentes com destreza e agilidade. A Policy with Active Delivery é a expressão máxima da nossa visão de simplificar a tecnologia de seguros e capacitar nossos clientes a alcançar seus objetivos de negócios.”

Para impulsionar eficiências operacionais, a Policy with Active Delivery automatiza os processos manuais ao aproveitar as ferramentas low–code de configuração para obter atualizações ágeis e maior velocidade para a comercialização de novos produtos. Essas eficiências traduzem–se em taxas de despesas reduzidas, desempenho operacional central melhorado e escalabilidade aprimorada para lidar com volumes mais altos sem problemas.

A plataforma suporta acesso a omnicanal, atendendo às expectativas de autoatendimento dos clientes, agentes e dos corretores também. Também aumenta o desempenho da subscrição, implementando processamento baseado em regras e fluxos de trabalho dinâmicos, garantindo resultados consistentes e otimizados.

Sobre a Duck Creek Technologies
A Duck Creek Technologies é a fornecedora de soluções inteligentes que define o futuro do setor de seguros patrimoniais e de acidentes (P&C), bem como seguros gerais. Nossa plataforma abriga sistemas de seguros modernos, permitindo que a indústria capitalize o poder da nuvem para executar operações ágeis, inteligentes e duradouras. Autenticidade, propósito e transparência são valores fundamentais para a Duck Creek, e acreditamos que os seguros devem estar disponíveis para indivíduos e empresas quando, onde e como eles mais precisarem. Nossas soluções líderes de mercado estão disponíveis de forma independente ou como um conjunto completo e todas estão disponíveis através do Duck Creek OnDemand. Visite para saber mais. Siga a Duck Creek em nossas redes sociais para as informações mais recentes – LinkedIn e X

Contatos de mídia:
Dennis Dougherty 

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9198598)

Chilean Fisherwomen Seek Visibility and Escape from Vulnerability

Gatherer Cristina Poblete, from the town of Pichilemu, carries one of the sacks of freshly harvested seaweed. This coastal town in the O'Higgins region of central Chile is known worldwide for its large waves. Credit: Courtesy of Cristina Poblete

Gatherer Cristina Poblete, from the town of Pichilemu, carries one of the sacks of freshly harvested seaweed. This coastal town in the O’Higgins region of central Chile is known worldwide for its large waves. Credit: Courtesy of Cristina Poblete

By Orlando Milesi
PAREDONES, Chile, Aug 5 2024 – The number of organisations that bring together fisherwomen who seek to be recognised as workers, make their harsh reality visible and escape the vulnerability in which they live is growing in Chile.

These women have always been present in the fishing sector, but have been ignored, classified as assistants, and relegated socially and economically.

There are 103,017 registered artisanal fisherpeople in Chile, and 26,438 of them are women who work as seaweed gatherers on the shore, known as algueras in Spanish, and related tasks.

According to statistics from the government’s National Fisheries Service  (Sernapesca), in 2023 there were 1,850 artisanal fisherpeople’s organisations in Chile, of which 81 were made up of women alone.

The fisheries sector in this long and narrow South American country of 19.5 million people exported 3.4 million tonnes of fish and seafood in 2021, bringing in USD 8.5 billion.

Chile is one of the 12 largest fishing countries in the world, being its industrial fishery the most economically relevant.

Meanwhile, artisanal fishing is carried out in 450 coves or inlets where groups of fisherpeople operate from the far north to the southernmost point of the country, stretching 4,000 kilometres in a straight line.

Seaweed harvesting, which is mainly carried out by women, lasts from December to April. In the remaining seven months, the algueras barely survive on their savings and must reinvent themselves in order to earn an income.

The invisible seawomen

Marcela Loyola, 55, is the vice-president of Agrupación de Mujeres de Mar (Seawomen Group) in the coastal town of Bucalemu, which belongs to the municipality of Paredones. It is 257 kilometres south of Santiago and part of the O’Higgins region, bordering the southern part of the capital’s metropolitan area.

The Agrupación brings together 22 algueras, as well as fish filleters, weavers who sew and place the hooks spaced out in the fishing nets, and shellfish shuckers, who extract their edible meat.

“The main problem is that we fisherwomen are invisible throughout the country. We have always been in the shadow of our husbands. There is a lack of recognition of women also from the authorities, in society and policies,” she told IPS in the Bucalemu cove.

“There are many trade unions, but their projects only reach men, never anything that serves women. And we don’t have health, welfare, nothing”, claims Loyola.

Together with Sernapesca, her group launched an activity to legalise workers in artisanal fishery.

“We held an application day and a lot of people came because they didn’t have a licence.  In Bucalemu alone, 60 people signed up. Some had fishing credentials, but no permit to collect cochayuyo (edible brown seaweed) or in other related activities,” she explained.

Bucalemu also hosted a National Meeting of Women of the Land and Sea on 31 May, attended by more than 100 delegates from different parts of Chile.

Gissela Olguín, 40, coordinator of the national Network of Seawomen in the O’Higgins region, told IPS that the meeting sought to defend seafood sovereignty.

“We are working to learn from seawomen about food sovereignty. From the right to land, water and seeds, we analysed how people of the sea are threatened today because the inequality of the rural model is now being repeated on the coast,” she said.

Marcela Loyola, vice-president of Agrupación de Mujeres de Mar in the coastal town of Bucalemu, at a local tourist lookout point. Credit: Orlando Milesi / IPS

Marcela Loyola, vice-president of Agrupación de Mujeres de Mar in the coastal town of Bucalemu, at a local tourist lookout point. Credit: Orlando Milesi / IPS

Women-only management area

Delfina Mansilla, 60, heads the Women’s Union of Algueras in the municipality of Pichilemu, also in O’Higgins, 206 kilometres south of Santiago. It brings together 25 members and is in charge of the La Puntilla management area, the only one given to women in central Chile.

The leader told IPS by telephone from her town that the management area has cochayuyo (Durvillaea antárctica) and huiro (Macrocystis integrifolia) seaweed, along with the bivalve molluscs called locos (Concholepas concholepas) as its main products.

The cochayuyo is extracted by going into the sea with a diving suit and using a knife to cut the stalk attached to the rocks so that the seaweed can grow back.  In the case of huiro, an iron barrette, called chuzo by the algueras and fishermen, must be used.

“Our main issue is that the men are bothered by our management area and come diving in. Some people don’t respect women and also go into an area that was given to us and that we have taken care of for years,” she said.

These women sell the locos to restaurants in Pichilemu, while the cochayuyo is traded “in green (the estimated extraction, not yet extracted)”, to middlemen in Bucalemu.

According to Olguín, there has been significant growth in women’s organising nationwide thanks to the Gender Equity Law, number 20820, passed in 2020.

“The labour of women have been invisible in the fishing sector, and even more so within the fisheries organisation because, although unions have women, they are in the minority,” she said.

The law, she explained, opened up the possibility for women to train and organise themselves.

In spite of this progress, male chauvinist mentality persists in the fishery.

“They believe women can’t be on the boats or they have smaller spaces for them in the cove. It is a behaviour of men who still think that women only help in the fishing industry, but don’t work in it,” she said.

María Godoy ties and prepares in her home in the coastal town of Bucalemu, in the Chilean municipality of Paredones, the packets of cochayuyo seaweed collected by her husband and daughter. Credit: Courtesy of Gisela Olguín

María Godoy ties and prepares in her home in the coastal town of Bucalemu, in the Chilean municipality of Paredones, the packets of cochayuyo seaweed collected by her husband and daughter. Credit: Courtesy of Gisela Olguín

Critical situation of the algueras

The leader describes the situation of women seaweed gatherers as bad.

“The women who work at sea live and sleep in little shacks with minimal conditions. They don’t have water or electricity and everyone has to make do as best they can.  The same goes for sanitation, they have to make makeshift toilets,” she said.

It is hard work because the timetable is set by the sea, she adds. The first low tides can be at 7:00 am or sometimes at noon in summer, with the sun over their heads.

“Conditions are always a bit extreme. Throwing seaweed out when cutting the cochayuyo is a job requiring much physical strength,” she explained.

Since the working season is short, the women prefer to stay in the shacks, improvised dwellings made of sticks and cloth that are erected on the sand or ground resembling tents.

“Here, women stop going to the sea only when their bodies prevent them from doing so. I know women over 70 who are still working on the shore because that’s how they subsist,” she added.

Another determining factor is the price of seaweed, which is set by buyers and ranges from 200 to 500 pesos per kilo (between 20 and 50 US cents).

The fisherwomen work long hours to extract more product. “It is a very vulnerable sector, with no social security or cultural recognition,” Olguín concluded Olguín.

Hortensia, Sonia, Cristina and Elizabeth, four seaweed workers from the Chilean municipality of Pichilemu, in front of the municipal building where they will meet the deputy mayor, Sergio Mella. The workers are seeking a concession and municipal premises to exhibit and sell their handicrafts, soaps and various products made from seaweed. The sale allows them to subsist during the southern winter, when seaweed extraction is banned. Credit: Orlando Milesi / IPS

Hortensia, Sonia, Cristina and Elizabeth, four seaweed workers from the Chilean municipality of Pichilemu, in front of the municipal building where they will meet the deputy mayor, Sergio Mella. The workers are seeking a concession and municipal premises to exhibit and sell their handicrafts, soaps and various products made from seaweed. The sale allows them to subsist during the southern winter, when seaweed extraction is banned. Credit: Orlando Milesi / IPS

The threat to seaweed

Alejandra González, a doctor in ecology and evolutionary biology at the University of Chile, told IPS that some species of brown and red macroalgae found along Chile’s coasts are raw material for the food, pharmacological and medical industries.

This commercial value and high demand leads to direct extraction, “causing a reduction in natural populations and fragmentation, with a slow recovery rate of only those that survive harvesting”, she explains.

“This scenario makes populations less able to cope with environmental change, leaving them vulnerable to events such as Enos (El Niño), heat waves, increased tidal surges, changes in seawater pH, many of them associated with climate change,” she said.

Among the greatest threats to macroalgae are habitat destruction due to coastal port constructions, pollution caused by urbanization, and invasive species associated with ship movements and migrations.

Other threats are overexploitation related to human population growth, climate change caused by increased carbon dioxide (CO2) and its side effects, such as higher temperatures, storm surges and chemical changes.

According to González, the greatest threat to seaweed is the combination of all these variables.

Chile has developed various strategies for the conservation and management of natural seaweed meadows, but these measures are inadequate, argues the specialist.

“In Chile’s north, the exploitation of brown macroalgae from natural meadows is greater, because drying is free on the beaches themselves, but it is also affected by El Niño current events. While in the south it is necessary to invest in sheds or drying systems, it is more efficient to cultivate them because there are tamer bays,” she said.

González also believes that measures to recover natural seaweed meadows are not efficient “either because of legal loopholes, difficulties in on-site monitoring and/or other additional environmental variables such as those associated with climate change.”