DB Investing تحصل على ترخيص جديد في دبي من هيئة الأوراق المالية والسلع

دبي الإمارات العربية المتحدة , Aug. 12, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — تفخر DB Investingبالإعلان عن حصولها على ترخيص جديد من قبل هيئة الأوراق المالية والسلع (SCA) الجهة التنظيمية في دبي. ويمثل هذا الإنجاز الهام علامة فارقة في استراتيجية نمو الشركة وتوسعها.

ومع هذه الرخصة الجديدة الثانية في محفظة الشركة، تستعد DB Investing لتعزيز حضورها في سوق دبي المالي، وتقديم مجموعة أوسع من الخدمات لعملائها وترسيخ مكانتها كشركة استثمارية رائدة في المنطقة.

وقد أعرب جينارو لانزا، الرئيس التنفيذي لشركةDB Investing عن سعادته بهذا الإنجاز: “هذا الترخيص الثاني هو شهادة على التزامنا بالتميز وتفانينا في تقديم خدمات استثمارية من الدرجة الأولى. نحن متحمسون للفرص التي يجلبها هذا الترخيص الجديد ونحن واثقون من أنه سيمكننا من خدمة عملائنا بشكل أفضل والمساهمة في نمو القطاع المالي في دبي.”

وأضاف: “بالنظر إلى المستقبل، نخطط للاستفادة من هذا الترخيص الجديد لدفع عجلة الابتكار وتوسيع محفظة خدماتنا. ونحن نهدف إلى بناء علاقات أقوى مع عملائنا وشركائنا، واستكشاف أسواق جديدة، واغتنام فرص جديدة. سيظل تركيزنا منصباً على تقديم قيمة استثنائية، والحفاظ على سمعتنا كشركة استثمار موثوق بها، وتحسين عدد التراخيص في محفظتنا”

وقال هيثم عبد الحليم، رئيس تطوير الأعمال لشركة DB Investing: “بالتأكيد. كان التعامل مع المتطلبات التنظيمية وضمان الامتثال للمعايير الصارمة من الجوانب الصعبة في هذه الرحلة. ومع ذلك، ساعدتنا خبرة فريقنا وتصميمه الثابت في التغلب على هذه العقبات. لقد حافظنا على تركيزنا على هدفنا وعملنا بشكل تعاوني لتحقيق هذا النجاح. في الواقع، لقد فازت الشركة بست جوائز في أقل من عامين؛ إنه إنجاز كبير.”

يؤثر الترخيص الجديد بشكل إيجابي على العملاء والشركاء من خلال تعزيز الثقة والمصداقية، مما يؤدي إلى علاقات عمل أقوى وفرص أكبر للتعاون. يمكن للعملاء الآن الاستفادة من مجموعة أوسع من الخدمات المالية، مع العلم أنها مدعومة بمعايير تنظيمية صارمة.

تعرب الشركة DB Investingعن خالص امتنانها لفريقها المتفاني الذي كان لعمله الجاد ومثابرته دور فعال في تحقيق هذا الإنجاز، وتتطلع إلى الاستفادة من هذا الترخيص الجديد لدفع المزيد من الابتكار والنجاح في هذا المجال.

تعمل الشركة على تحسين المنتجات وطرق الدفع الجديدة باستمرار لتوسيع نطاق الأعمال التجارية في جميع أنحاء العالم، مع الإضافة الأخيرة ل PayPal للإيداعات عبر الإنترنت من العملاء الجدد.

اطلع على هذا والمزيد من المعلومات على الموقع الإلكتروني الرسمي (https://dbinvesting.com/db–investing–secures–a–new–license–in–dubai–from–sca–regulator/)

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نبذة عن الشركةDB Investing:

DB Investingهي شركة استثمارية رائدة ملتزمة بتقديم خدمات وحلول مالية استثنائية. ومع تركيزها على الابتكار والنزاهة ورضا العملاء، فقد رسخت DB Investingمكانتها كشريك موثوق به في مجتمع الاستثمار.

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9203198)

DB Investing Secures a New License in Dubai from SCA Regulator

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates, Aug. 12, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — DB Investing is proud to announce that it has been granted a new license by the Securities and Commodities Authority (SCA) in Dubai. This significant achievement marks a major milestone in the company's growth and expansion strategy.

With this second new license, DB Investing is poised to enhance its presence in the Dubai financial market, providing a broader range of services to its clients and solidifying its position as a leading investment firm in the region.

Gennaro Lanza, CEO of DB Investing, expressed his enthusiasm: “This second license is a testament to our commitment to excellence and our dedication to providing top–tier investment services. We are excited about the opportunities this new license brings and are confident it will enable us to better serve our clients and contribute to the growth of Dubai's financial sector.”

“Looking ahead, we plan to leverage this new license to drive innovation and expand our service portfolio. We aim to build stronger relationships with our clients and partners, explore new markets, and seize new opportunities. Our focus will remain on delivering exceptional value, maintaining our reputation as a trusted investment firm, and increasing the number of licenses in our portfolio.”

Hietham Abdulhaim, Chief of Business Development, remarked, “Certainly. Navigating regulatory requirements and ensuring compliance with stringent standards were challenging. However, our team's expertise and unwavering determination helped us overcome these hurdles. We remained focused on our goal and worked collaboratively to achieve this success. In fact, the company won six awards in less than two years; it's a significant milestone.”

The new license positively impacts clients and partners by enhancing trust and credibility, leading to stronger business relationships and greater opportunities for collaboration. Clients can now benefit from a wider array of financial services, knowing they are backed by rigorous regulatory standards.

The company extends its heartfelt gratitude to its dedicated team whose hard work and perseverance have been instrumental in achieving this milestone. DB Investing looks forward to leveraging this new license to drive further innovation and success in the industry.

The firm is constantly improving new products and payment methods to expand its presence worldwide, with a focus on innovation, integrity, and client satisfaction, DB Investing has established itself as a trusted partner in the investment community.

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9203195)

Digital Trade & the Sustainable Development Goals: A Dynamic Agenda

Online transactions and E-commerce have become a key part of people’s life in Asia and the Pacific. Credit: Unsplash/Rupixen

By Witada Anukoonwattaka and Preety Bhogal
BANGKOK, Thailand, Aug 12 2024 – The rapid growth of digitalization has fundamentally altered commerce, impacting production and facilitating the movement of goods. The 2023 Asia-Pacific Trade and Investment Report (APTIR), has pointed out that although digital trade revenues of Asia and the Pacific account for a significant share of global trade, this growth is uneven, with trade concentrated in a few areas, leading to disparities across the region.

Studies show a positive relationship between digital trade and progress on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These linkages among digital trade policy and the social and economic pillars of the SDGs may appear more indirect, but they do manifest through economic channels.

Various facets of the relationship between sustainable development and digital trade are evident, such as the impact of digital trade on wealth inequality in the region, the role of the Internet in export expansion, how e-commerce facilitates small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), and how digital trade can help achieve the ambitious agenda behind the SDGs.

However, better digital infrastructure does not necessarily engender competition and instead requires active measures from the government to promote linkages between export superstars and domestic suppliers.

Additionally, robust regulatory frameworks on digital trade can help eliminate “monopolistic and restrictive” trade policies, contributing significantly to a more equitable distribution of wealth.

Examples of good practices

Different policy measures to establish an inclusive digital trade and e-commerce landscape have been used across the region. For example, research on internet courts in China showed how such public and digitized judicial systems benefit smaller and medium-sized firms compared to private dispute resolution mechanisms, which are highly costly.

Similarly, research on the Pacific Alliance’s trade policies, particularly its binding agreements and work instruments, provided a framework to incorporate net neutrality in the promotion of equitable digital development.

Indonesia’s introduction of single submission for freight transport applications and its impact on sustainability in supply chains was another case study. This policy instrument has had significant impacts across multiple domains, such as increasing time effectiveness, reducing costs, and increasing transparency in shipping and port clearances.

Lessons learned and the way forward

There is a need to understand the specific digital trade policy instruments that promote sustainable development. It is critical to acknowledge key differences and similarities between trade and digital trade policy to strategically leverage their interlinkage to achieve the SDGs. Social development works in tandem with economic progress.

A key concern is the lack of data on cross-border e-commerce in the Asia-Pacific and Latin America regions, which hinders the implementation and evaluation of programs designed to promote the participation and productivity of small and medium enterprises (SMEs).

More concerted efforts to improve data measurement through private-public partnerships could be a possible policy intervention to address this issue. States should establish effective monitoring systems by improving the availability of economic statistics and third-party evaluations for measuring the progress and impact of SME support programs.

However, given the diversity in operations of SMEs across sectors, it is essential to devise and tailor policies that cater to their specific needs and realities.

There is also a need for sharing real-world examples of successful government initiatives and SME support programs so neighboring countries can draw lessons from them. There are doubts about the long-term usefulness of stand-alone Digital Economy Agreements (DEAs) due to the lack of stringent legal provisions for possible breaches, unlike market-access free trade agreements (FTAs).

Lastly, the United States, which has played a pivotal role in advocating for an open global trade environment, gradually step back from its position, it is time to rethink the leadership that would guide the establishment of digital trade provisions in the future.

This involves showcasing how digital trade rules will be established and enforced moving forward. Who will provide such public goods for digital trade is a major question facing the global economy.

Given its rapid digital-economy growth, significant market size, and increasing influence in global digital trade, should that leadership come from the Asia-Pacific region?

Witada Anukoonwattaka is Economic Affairs Officer, Trade Investment and Innovation Division, ESCAP; Preety Bhogal is Consultant, Trade Investment and Innovation Division, ESCAP.

IPS UN Bureau


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Power to the Youth

By Yasmine Sherif
NEW YORK, Aug 12 2024 (IPS-Partners)

We live in a divided world of the haves and the have nots. The rich get richer, the poor get poorer. There is learning poverty, technology poverty, healthcare poverty, and food poverty. When you think about the dynamics of the world today, there is even empathy and humanity poverty.

This divide gets greater for young people living on the frontlines of the world’s most pressing humanitarian crises in places like the Democratic Republic of Congo, Gaza, Haiti and Sudan, where the remarkable potential of youth is eviscerated by brutal armed conflicts, forced displacement, the climate crisis and other horrific, compounding challenges.

To empower today’s youth, we must urgently address this growing divide. It starts with quality education, skills training, and a broad collection of supportive life-long learning measures fit for purpose, activating an entire generation of future leaders.

As UN Secretary-General António Guterres points out: “Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals requires a seismic shift – which can only happen if we empower young people and work with them as equals.”

This year’s International Youth Day calls for us all to look at the power of digital pathways to enhance sustainable development. Indeed, digitization, artificial intelligence and other technological advances are transforming our world and offer unprecedented opportunities to accelerate sustainable development.

But in a world where 250 million children cannot read – or do not have access to a school meal or mental health – how can we leverage the potential of technology to accelerate our efforts to deliver on the goals outlined in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development?

Education Cannot Wait – the global fund for education in emergencies and protracted crises within the United Nations – puts youth first in everything we do. This starts from the highest levels of ECW’s governance, which includes two inspirational youth leaders, Mutesi Hadijah and Hector Ulloa, who are activating a global youth movement through the #Youth4ECW campaign.

Through ECW investments, we are working to bridge the digital divide, extend remote learning, enhance skills training, and provide young people with the tools, training and knowledge they need to thrive in the fast-changing world of the 21st century.

In Moldova for instance, ECW investments focused on refugee children from Ukraine and host community children – and delivered by UNICEF and the Refugee Education Working Group – have established 98 EduTech Labs across 32 regions. In countries like Burkina Faso, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Niger and Nigeria, ECW supports vocational education programmes for adolescents who have been pushed out of school.

These collective actions offer an essential first step in bridging the divide for the millions of children pushed into learning poverty by emergencies and protracted crises. But more needs to be done and we urge private sector donors, high-net-worth individuals and philanthropic foundations to provide urgently needed funding as we race to mobilize an additional US$600 million to deliver on ECW’s three-year strategic programme.

Together, through the power of inclusive education, digital pathways and lifelong learning, we can bridge the divide and create a world united through a wealth of humanity.


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International Youth Day Statement by Education Cannot Wait Executive Director Yasmine Sherif

Killings of Palestinian Journalists Continue –Aided by Uninterrupted Flow of US Arms

The journalists gather in front of Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital to commemorate their friends, Al Jazeera reporter Ismail al-Ghoul and cameraman Rami al-Rifi, who lost their lives in Israeli army attack on a moving vehicle in the Al-Shati refugee camp, in Deir al-Balah, Gaza on July 31, 2024. Source: Middle East Monitor. Credit: Ashraf Amra, Anadolu Agency

By Thalif Deen
UNITED NATIONS, Aug 12 2024 – The growing number of killings of Palestinian journalists in Gaza has triggered a demand for a cut-off in US arms supplies to Israel.

A letter addressed to US Secretary of State Antony Blinken—and signed by scores of reporters, news outlets and journalist unions— says Israel has killed more than 165 Palestinian journalists since October 7 last year.

Initiated by three international organizations — Defending Rights & Dissent, the Courage Foundation, and Roots Action— the letter says: “This is the largest recorded number of journalists killed in any war.”

While Israel’s indiscriminate bombing of the densely populated Gaza means no civilians are safe, Israel has also been repeatedly documented deliberately targeting journalists, says the letter.

“Israel’s military actions are not possible without U.S. weapons, U.S. military aid, and U.S. diplomatic support. By providing the weapons being used to deliberately kill journalists, you are complicit in one of the gravest affronts to press freedom today”, says the letter, currently in circulation, and addressed to Blinken.

Sarah Leah Whitson, Executive Director, Democracy for the Arab World Now (DAWN), told IPS despite pleas of the international community to suspend arms to Israel in the face of its unprecedented atrocities against Palestinians in Gaza, including the killing of over 165 Palestinian journalists, it beggars the imagination that Biden is now seeking to sell Israel new weaponry to facilitate even more slaughter.

On August 9, the U.S. State Department officially notified Congress of its intent to proceed with a new authorization for weapons to Israel, including 6,500 Joint Direct Attack Munitions (JDAMs) guidance kits to Israel, despite extensive evidence documenting the Israel Defense Force’s (IDF) use of U.S. weapons to carry out war crimes and crimes against humanity, said DAWN, in a press release Friday.

This “is a slap in the face of humanity and all the values we hold dear,” Whitson said.

Blinken also announced his decision not to sanction the IDF’s notorious Netzah Yehuda battalion, despite credible evidence of its systematic and gross human rights violations in the occupied West Bank, in violation of strict U.S. laws requiring the imposition of such sanctions.

“It is mind-boggling that despite the overwhelming evidence of the IDF’s unprecedented crimes in Gaza that has shocked the conscience of the entire world, the Biden administration is greenlighting the transfer of additional lethal weapons to Israel,” said Whitson.

“It is hard to comprehend how the Biden administration can justify rewarding Israel with new weapons, despite Israel’s persistent defiance of every single plea the Biden administration has made urging a modicum of restraint, and despite the very apparent fact that such sales violate black letter U.S. laws prohibiting weapons to gross abusers like Israel,” she pointed out.

Meanwhile, as of August 9, 2024, preliminary investigations by the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) showed at least 113 journalists and media workers were among the more than 40,000 killed since the war began, making it the deadliest period for journalists since CPJ began gathering data in 1992.

Journalists in Gaza face particularly high risks as they try to cover the conflict during the Israeli ground assault, including devastating Israeli airstrikes, disrupted communications, supply shortages, and extensive power outages, CPJ said.

This has meant that it is becoming increasingly hard to document the situation, and CPJ is investigating almost 350 additional cases of potential killings, arrests and injuries.

Dr Ramzy Baroud, a journalist and the Editor of The Palestine Chronicle, told IPS Israel has killed, as of last week, 168 Palestinian journalists, the same way it has killed over 200 aid workers, hundreds of doctors, medics and people from every category and background. None of this is coincidental.

A simple proof that Israel deliberately targets journalists is the fact that it habitually produces and promotes stories that justify their murder, often accusing them of terrorism. Israel is yet to provide a single set of credible evidence against any of the killed journalists, he said.

On October 11, Israeli President Yitzhak Herzog had said “there are no innocent civilians in Gaza”. This disturbing Israeli logic applies to all Palestinians in the Strip, including journalists.

“Israel must be held accountable to its ongoing murder of journalists. But a huge responsibility falls on the shoulders of journalists and media organizations around the world, who often ignore the very murder of their colleagues in Gaza, let alone circulate Israeli’s unfounded accusations often without questioning its credibility or merit,” he said.

The fact that Gazans continue to report on their own genocide by Israel is heroic beyond words. But they must not be disowned, and must not continue to report and die alone without a true international solidarity that could hold their murderers to account, said Dr. Baroud, who is also a Non-resident Senior Research Fellow at the Center for Islam and Global Affairs (CIGA).

Dr. James Jennings, President, Conscience International, told IPS the heroic martyrs of the free press in Gaza deserve to be honored by all humanity, at the very least with the Nobel Peace Prize. Standing under the bombs, reporting the truth, then paying with your life is a superhuman act of courage.

The job of journalists is simply to journal–to shine a light on the truth by writing down or telling what they see on the battlefield. Killing the messengers is a sign that the perpetrators fear them and their influence, he pointed out.

Deception and lies are major part of war. How else could people slaughter myriads of others and do it with impunity?, he asked.

But truth has two sides–sending and receiving. Refusing to credit honest reporters means that we really don’t want to hear what they are saying anyway. Choosing to believe lies because we want them to be true is what enables wars to continue.

“Even worse than lying to the enemy is lying to yourself. Attempting to cover the plain truth by denying facts or looking the other way is tantamount to insanity. When will Americans stop lying to themselves and start believing their own ideals?”, asked Dr Jennings.

Ibrahim Hooper, National Communication Director at the Washington-based Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the nation’s largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization, said: “The only thing that can explain the shocking silence of American and international media professionals about the mass killing of their Palestinian colleagues is the decades-long and systematic dehumanization of the Palestinian people, in which the lives of Palestinians have lesser or no value. Journalists worldwide must begin to speak out about these killings and about the Israeli genocide in Gaza.”

In a press release last week, the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) said it is monitoring attacks and threats against journalists.

The agency noted that in recent months, multiple journalists covering protests in different parts of the world have been subjected to various forms of attacks, including killings, injuries, arbitrary detentions, and confiscation of their equipment, while exercising their rightful duties as journalists.

UNESCO recalls “that all authorities concerned have the duty and responsibility to ensure the safety of journalists covering protests around the world, in accordance with international norms and human rights obligations”.

The joint letter to Blinken says Israel has gone to great lengths to suppress media coverage of its war in Gaza, imposing military censorship on both its own journalists and international reporters operating in the country; and, with Egypt’s help, blocking all foreign journalists from Gaza. Israel shut down Al Jazeera, raided its office, seized its equipment, and blocked its broadcasts and website within Israel.

The world relies only on the Palestinian journalists in Gaza to report the truth about the war and Israel’s widespread violations of international law.

“Israel’s deliberate targeting of these journalists seems intended to impose a near blackout on coverage of its assault on Gaza. Investigations by United Nations bodies, NGOs, and media organizations, have all found instances of deliberate targeting of journalists.

In a joint statement, five UN special rapporteurs declared: “We have received disturbing reports that, despite being clearly identifiable in jackets and helmets marked “press” or traveling in well-marked press vehicles, journalists have come under attack, which would seem to indicate that the killings, injury, and detention are a deliberate strategy by Israeli forces to obstruct the media and silence critical reporting.”

Meanwhile, under international law, the intentional targeting of journalists is considered a war crime. While all governments are bound by international law protecting reporters, U.S. domestic law also prohibits the State Department from providing assistance to units of foreign security forces credibly accused of gross violations of human rights. Israel’s well-documented pattern of extrajudicial executions of journalists is a gross violation of human rights.

IPS UN Bureau Report


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Im Bericht für Juli verdeutlicht Bitget die Entwicklung von Bitget Wallet zur größten integrierten Wallet im TON-Ökosystem

VICTORIA, Seychellen, Aug. 12, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Bitget, führende Kryptowährungsbörse und Web3–Firma, hat ihren Monatsbericht mit den Neuerungen des Ökosystems für Juli 2024 veröffentlicht. Die MPC–Wallet–Lösung von Bitget Wallet unterstützt das TON–Mainnet, das den Nutzern die einfache Erstellung und den Import von Wallets per E–Mail ermöglicht. Damit positioniert sich Bitget Wallet als größte integrierte Wallet im TON–Ökosystem. Darüber hinaus überholte Bitget Wallet mit 200 % im Monat Juni beliebte Apps wie TikTok und WhatsApp in Nigeria und etablierte die Wallet somit als erste Wahl für Krypto–Nutzer in Nigeria.

Bitget verzeichnete einen bemerkenswerten Start ins dritte Quartal, Forbes nahm BGB in die Liste der Token mit der besten Performance im Jahr 2024 auf und CCData stellte das Wachstum des Marktanteils von Bitget unter den zentralisierten Börsen in der ersten Jahreshälfte heraus. Im Juli wurden verschiedene Berichte und Neuerungen von Bitget veröffentlicht, die Nutzer über die Entwicklung der Krypto–Landschaft informieren. Bitget hat 33 neue Token aufgelistet, womit sich die Gesamtzahl auf 873 erhöht hat. Der gesperrte Gesamtwert (TVL) erreichte 204,3 Mrd. USD, was einem monatlichen Wachstum von 7,2 % entspricht. Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), XRP und Solana (SOL) führten die Top 10 der Kryptowährungen nach TVL an, gefolgt von PEPE, WLD, WIF, NOT, ZRO und MEW – allesamt Meme Coins.

In einer strategischen Partnerschaft mit Upland hat Bitget den Utility Token SPARKLET auf Ethereum lanciert. Im Rahmen dieser Zusammenarbeit wurde das virtuelle Hauptquartier von Bitget im Metaverse von Upland mit umfangreichen Token–Airdrops und Prämien für beide Communitys eröffnet. Bitget hat Treasure Island mit 888 Grundstücken erworben. Zudem wurde der Token von Upland, SPARKLET, exklusiv im Launchpool von Bitget gelistet, womit die Nutzer einen Wettbewerbsvorteil erhalten.

Auf der Forschungsseite veröffentlichte Bitget in Zusammenarbeit mit Nansen Erkenntnisse über Strategien zur Entdeckung von Token. Der Bericht stellt Händlern wichtige Informationen und Strategien für Investitionen in Projekte in der Frühphase zur Verfügung. Durch die Auswertung von mit Token–Preisen korrelierten Datensätzen bieten Bitget und Nansen den Händlern wertvolle Erkenntnisse.

Die Plattform zählt 25 Millionen Nutzer mit einem täglichen Handelsvolumen von 10 Mrd. US–Dollar. Derzeit sind auf der Plattform über 180.000 professionelle Händler und mehr als 800.000 Anhänger des Copy Trading vertreten. Mit mehr als 80 Millionen erfolgreich abgeschlossenen Geschäften konnten die Nutzer 500 Mio. US–Dollar generieren, wobei die Elite–Händler sich 23 Mio. US–Dollar an Gewinnen teilten. Die Plattform bietet über 800 Token und mehr als 900 Spot–Handelspaare, mit einem täglichen Spot–Handelsvolumen von 400 Mio. US–Dollar und 7 Mrd. US–Dollar an USDT–M–Futures.

Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier im Monatsbericht.

Über Bitget

Bitget wurde 2018 gegründet und ist die weltweit führende Kryptowährungsbörse und Web3–Firma. Mit über 25 Millionen Nutzern in mehr als 100 Ländern und Regionen hat sich die Bitget–Börse der Unterstützung von Nutzern verschrieben, die mit ihrer innovativen Copy–Trading–Funktion und anderen Handelslösungen intelligenter handeln möchten. Das ehemals unter dem Namen BitKeep firmierende Bitget Wallet ist eine erstklassige Multichain–Krypto–Wallet, die eine Reihe umfassender Web3–Lösungen und –Funktionen, darunter Wallet–Funktionen, Swap, NFT Marketplace, DApp–Browser und mehr, bietet. Durch die Zusammenarbeit mit renommierten Partnern wie dem legendären argentinischen Fußballspieler Lionel Messi und den türkischen Nationalsportlern Buse Tosun Çavuşoğlu (Weltmeister im Ringen), Samet Gümüş (Goldmedaillengewinner im Boxen) und İlkin Aydın (Volleyball–Nationalmannschaft) inspiriert Bitget Menschen zur Nutzung von Kryptowährungen.

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Für Medienanfragen wenden Sie sich bitte an: media@bitget.com

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000985980)

Le rapport de juillet de Bitget souligne que Bitget Wallet devient le plus grand portefeuille intégré de l’écosystème TON

VICTORIA, Seychelles, 12 août 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Bitget, principale bourse de crypto–monnaie et société Web3, a publié son rapport mensuel mettant en évidence les mises à jour de l’écosystème pour juillet 2024. La solution de portefeuille MPC de Bitget Wallet prend en charge le mainnet TON qui permet aux utilisateurs de créer et d’importer facilement des portefeuilles par e–mail. Bitget Wallet s’est ainsi positionné comme le plus grand portefeuille intégré de l’écosystème TON. De plus, Bitget Wallet a dépassé les applications populaires comme TikTok et WhatsApp au Nigéria avec un taux de 200 % au mois de juin, faisant du portefeuille le premier choix des utilisateurs de crypto–monnaies basés au Nigéria.

Bitget a enregistré un début de troisième trimestre remarquable, Forbes a admis le jeton de crypto–monnaie BGB comme étant l’un des plus performants en 2024, et CCData a souligné la croissance de la part de marché de Bitget parmi les crypto–bourses centralisées au cours du premier semestre de l’année. Le mois de juillet a été marqué par la publication de divers rapports et mises à jour de Bitget, renforçant ainsi la sensibilisation des utilisateurs à l’évolution du paysage cryptographique. Bitget a répertorié 33 nouveaux jetons, portant le nombre total à 873. Le volume total des échanges (TVL) a atteint 204,3 milliards de dollars, avec une croissance mensuelle de 7,2 %. Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), XRP et Solana (SOL) sont en tête du top 10 des crypto–monnaies classées par TVL, suivies de PEPE, WLD, WIF, NOT, ZRO et MEW – qui sont toutes des memecoins.

Dans le cadre d’un partenariat stratégique avec Upland, Bitget a lancé le jeton utilitaire SPARKLET sur Ethereum. Cette collaboration comprenait la création du siège social virtuel de Bitget dans le métaverse d’Upland, avec de nombreux cryptolargages de jetons et des récompenses pour les deux communautés. Bitget a acquis Treasure Island, qui comprend 888 propriétés. De plus, le jeton d’Upland, SPARKLET, a été exclusivement répertorié sur le pool de lancement de jetons de Bitget, offrant ainsi aux utilisateurs un avantage concurrentiel.

Du côté de la recherche, Bitget a publié, en collaboration avec Nansen, des informations sur les stratégies de découverte de jetons. Le rapport fournit aux traders des informations et des stratégies essentielles pour investir dans des projets en phase de démarrage. En évaluant les jeux de données corrélés aux prix des jetons, Bitget et Nansen offrent en effet aux traders de précieuses informations.

La plateforme a fidélisé 25 millions d’utilisateurs avec un volume de transactions quotidien de 10 milliards de dollars. Elle héberge actuellement plus de 180 000 traders professionnels et plus de 800 000 adeptes du copy trading. Avec plus de 80 millions de transactions réussies, les utilisateurs ont gagné 500 millions de dollars et les traders d’élite se sont partagé 23 millions de dollars de bénéfices. La plateforme propose plus de 800 jetons et plus de 900 paires de transactions au comptant, avec un volume quotidien de transactions au comptant de 400 millions de dollars et 7 milliards de dollars en contrats à terme USDT–M.

Pour obtenir de plus amples informations, consultez le rapport mensuel ici.

À propos de Bitget

Créée en 2018, Bitget est la première bourse de cryptomonnaies et société Web3 au monde. Au service de plus de 25 millions d’utilisateurs dans plus de 100 pays et régions, la bourse de cryptomonnaies Bitget s’engage à aider les utilisateurs à trader plus intelligemment grâce à sa fonction de copy trading pionnière et à d’autres solutions de trading. Anciennement connu sous le nom de BitKeep, Bitget Wallet est un portefeuille cryptographique multi–chaînes et de classe mondiale qui offre une gamme complète de solutions et de fonctionnalités Web3, avec notamment des fonctionnalités de portefeuille, d’échange, de marché NFT, de navigateur DApp, etc. Bitget incite les particuliers à adopter la cryptographie grâce à des collaborations avec des partenaires crédibles, notamment le légendaire footballeur argentin Lionel Messi et les athlètes nationaux turcs Buse Tosun Çavuşoğlu (champion du monde de lutte), Samet Gümüş (médaillé d’or de boxe) et İlkin Aydın (équipe nationale de volley–ball).

Pour obtenir de plus amples informations, consultez : Site Internet | Twitter | Telegram | LinkedIn | Discord | Bitget Wallet
Pour les demandes de renseignements des médias, veuillez contacter : media@bitget.com

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000985980)

Relatório de julho da Bitget destaca que a Bitget Wallet se tornou a maior carteira integrada ao ecossistema TON

VICTORIA, Seichelles, Aug. 12, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Bitget, a bolsa de criptomoedas líder e empresa Web3, divulgou seu relatório mensal destacando as atualizações do ecossistema para julho de 2024. A solução de carteira MPC da Bitget Wallet é compatível com a mainnet TON, que permite aos usuários criar e importar carteiras facilmente por e–mail. Isso posicionou a Bitget Wallet como a maior carteira integrada ao ecossistema TON. Além disso, a Bitget Wallet superou aplicativos populares como TikTok e WhatsApp na Nigéria com 200% no mês de junho, posicionando a carteira como a melhor escolha para usuários de criptomoedas baseados na Nigéria.

A Bitget registrou um início notável no terceiro trimestre, a Forbes reconheceu o BGB na lista dos tokens de melhor desempenho em 2024 e a CCData destacou o crescimento da participação de mercado da Bitget entre as bolsas centralizadas no primeiro semestre do ano. Em julho, foram divulgados vários relatórios e atualizações da Bitget, aumentando a conscientização dos usuários sobre o cenário cripto em evolução. A Bitget listou 33 novos tokens, elevando a contagem total para 873. O volume total de negociação (TVL) atingiu US$ 204,3 bilhões, com um crescimento mensal de 7,2%. Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), XRP e Solana (SOL) lideraram as 10 principais criptomoedas por TVL, seguidas por PEPE, WLD, WIF, NOT, ZRO e MEW – todas memecoins.

Em uma parceria estratégica com a Upland, a Bitget lançou o token de utilidade SPARKLET no Ethereum. Essa colaboração incluiu o estabelecimento da sede virtual da Bitget no metaverso de Upland, com extensos airdrops de tokens e recompensas para ambas as comunidades. A Bitget adquiriu a Treasure Island, composta por 888 propriedades. Além disso, o token da Upland, SPARKLET, foi listado exclusivamente no launchpool da Bitget, dando aos usuários uma vantagem competitiva.

Do lado da pesquisa, a Bitget, em colaboração com a Nansen, divulgou insights sobre estratégias de descoberta de tokens. O relatório fornece aos traders informações e estratégias essenciais para investir em projetos em estágio inicial. Ao avaliar conjuntos de dados correlacionados aos preços dos tokens, a Bitget e a Nansen oferecem informações valiosas para os traders.

A plataforma reteve 25 milhões de usuários com um volume diário de operação de US$ 10 bilhões. Atualmente, hospeda mais de 180.000 traders profissionais e mais de 800.000 seguidores de copy trading. Com mais de 80 milhões de operações bem–sucedidas, os usuários ganharam US$ 500 milhões e os traders de elite compartilharam US$ 23 milhões em lucros. A plataforma oferece mais de 800 tokens e mais de 900 pares de operação à vista, com um volume diário de operação à vista de US$ 400 milhões e US$ 7 bilhões em futuros de USDT–M.

Para mais informações, visite o relatório mensal aqui.

Sobre a Bitget

Fundada em 2018, a Bitget é a principal bolsa de criptomoedas e Web3 do mundo. Atendendo a mais de 25 milhões de usuários em mais de 100 países e regiões, a bolsa Bitget está comprometida em ajudar os usuários a negociar de forma mais inteligente com seu recurso pioneiro de copy trading e outras soluções de trading. Anteriormente conhecida como BitKeep, a Bitget Wallet é uma carteira de criptomoedas multi–chain de classe mundial que oferece uma variedade de soluções e recursos abrangentes da Web3, incluindo funcionalidade de carteira, swap, NFT Marketplace, navegador DApp e muito mais. A Bitget inspira as pessoas a adotarem as criptomoedas por meio de colaborações com parceiros confiáveis, incluindo o lendário jogador de futebol argentino Lionel Messi e os atletas nacionais turcos Buse Tosun Çavuşoğlu (campeão mundial de luta livre), Samet Gümüş (medalhista de ouro no boxe) e İlkin Aydın (seleção nacional de vôlei).

Para mais informações, visite: Site | Twitter | Telegram | LinkedIn | Discord | Bitget Wallet
Para consultas de mídia, entre em contato com: media@bitget.com

Uma foto que acompanha este anúncio está disponível em https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/82f7da0b–7789–432b–8766–8f617dd9d580

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000985980)

Steuereinnahmen aus Glücksspiel steigen weltweit

WATERFORD, Irland, Aug. 12, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Die wirtschaftlichen Auswirkungen des Glücksspiels auf die Volkswirtschaften sind astronomisch, so eine aktuelle Studie von Statista für den Zeitraum 2020 bis 2024. Allein der Online–Glücksspielmarkt soll bis Ende 2024 beeindruckende 97,70 Milliarden US–Dollar generieren. Mit einer jährlichen Wachstumsrate von 6,46 % soll das Marktvolumen bis 2029 auf 133,60 Mrd. US–Dollar ansteigen.

Minimum Deposit Casinos (MDC) – ein Unternehmen der OneTwenty Group – hat untersucht, wie Regierungen die Steuereinnahmen aus dem Glücksspiel ausgeben und welche Auswirkungen dies hat.

„Wir haben die 5 umsatzstärksten Länder im Bereich Online–Glücksspiel untersucht. Dabei wurde deutlich, dass die Glücksspielsteuer die Volkswirtschaften revolutioniert, wichtige öffentliche Dienstleistungen finanziert und wichtige Projekte für die Gesellschaft und die Umwelt vorantreibt. Dies zeigt, wie wichtig diese Einnahmequelle für das Gemeinwohl und die nachhaltige Entwicklung ist“, erklärt Miranda Raaff, MDC Head of iGaming Information.

Top 5 der Länder mit den höchsten Online–Glücksspielumsätzen im Jahr 2024:

  • USA: 14,4 Mrd. US–Dollar direkte Glücksspielsteuern wurden 2023 an den Staat abgeführt. 750 Millionen US–Dollar wurden für den Naturschutz bereitgestellt. Die Steuer wurde auch für das Hochlandmanagement, die Beseitigung invasiver Arten, den Hochwasserschutz, den Schutz vor dem Anstieg des Meeresspiegels und die Gewässerpflege verwendet.
  • UK: Die Wett–/Glücksspielsteuereinnahmen belaufen sich 2023/2024 auf 3,4 Mrd. Pfund. Ein großer Teil davon wird zur Finanzierung des National Health Service und zur Modernisierung von Gesundheitseinrichtungen verwendet. Ein Teil wird für kommunale Projekte, die Straßeninfrastruktur, den öffentlichen Nahverkehr und den Wohnungsbau eingesetzt.
  • Australien: Glücksspielanbieter zahlen bis 2020 5,8 Mrd. AUS$ an den Staat. Ein Großteil der Mittel floss in öffentliche Krankenhäuser, medizinische Dienste und Programme zur Förderung der psychischen Gesundheit. Darüber hinaus wurden öffentliche Schulen, Universitäten und Ausbildungsprogramme unterstützt. Auch Infrastrukturprojekte für Straßen, öffentlichen Nahverkehr und öffentlichen Wohnungsbau profitierten von den Mitteln.
  • Deutschland: Für das Jahr 2022 wurden 5,2 Mrd. Euro an Steuereinnahmen für Glücksspiele verbucht. Ein großer Teil davon fließt in öffentliche Krankenhäuser, medizinische Forschung und psychosoziale Dienste. Ein Teil wird für Arbeitslosengeld, Wohngeld und die Unterstützung einkommensschwacher Familien ausgegeben. Ein weiterer Teil wird für Infrastruktur, Kunst– und Kulturprogramme und Bildung aufgewendet.
  • Kanada: Kanada nimmt jährlich ca. 9 Mrd. CA$ an Glücksspielsteuern ein. Ein großer Teil fließt in das Gesundheitswesen, Sozialprogramme, Initiativen zur öffentlichen Sicherheit, den Umweltschutz, die Infrastruktur und vieles mehr.

Über MDC

MDC, eine Abteilung der OneTwenty Group, ist ein iGaming–Ressourcenportal, das die vertrauenswürdigsten und zuverlässigsten Online–Casinos auf der ganzen Welt bewertet und empfiehlt. MDC führt eine gründliche Überprüfung der Casinos durch, mit besonderem Augenmerk auf Sicherheit, Glücksspiellizenzen, Tools für verantwortungsbewusstes Spielen und faire Spielpraktiken.

Kontakt: miranda@onetwentygroup.com

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000985971)

O Impacto econômico global do imposto sobre jogos de azar disparou

WATERFORD, Irlanda, Aug. 12, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Segundo a última pesquisa Statista, o impacto econômico dos jogos de azar nas economias nacionais foi astronômico no período de 2020 a 2024. O mercado de jogos de azar on–line, sozinho, deverá gerar impressionantes US$ 97,70 bilhões até o final de 2024, com uma taxa de crescimento anual de 6,46% que deverá fazer o volume do mercado chegar a US$ 133,60 bilhões até 2029.

A Minimum Deposit Casinos (MDC) – uma divisão do grupo OneTwenty – investigou como os governos estavam utilizando o dinheiro do imposto sobre jogos de azar e o impacto desse imposto.

“Analisamos os cinco países que mais geram receita com jogos de azar on–line. Ficou claro que o imposto sobre o jogo está revolucionando as economias nacionais, financiando serviços públicos vitais e promovendo grandes projetos comunitários e ambientais. Na realidade, ele causou um impacto profundo e transformador em todo o mundo, demonstrando como esse fluxo de receita é importante para o bem–estar social e o desenvolvimento sustentável”, disse Miranda Raaff, diretora de informações sobre iGaming da MDC.

Os 5 países que mais geraram receita com jogos de azar on–line em 2024:

  • Estados Unidos: em 2023, foram pagos ao governo US$ 14,4 bilhões em impostos diretos sobre jogos. US$ 750 milhões foram alocados a obras de conservação. O imposto também foi aplicado no gerenciamento de terras altas, na remoção de espécies invasoras, na resistência a inundações e ao aumento do nível do mar e na manutenção de recursos hídricos.
  • REINO UNIDO: o imposto sobre apostas/jogos de azar foi equivalente a £3,4 bilhões em 2023/2024. Uma parcela significativa financia o Serviço Nacional de Saúde e melhora as instalações de saúde. Parte desse imposto é utilizada em projetos comunitários, infraestrutura de estradas, transporte público e habitação.
  • Austrália: em 2020, os operadores de jogos de azar pagaram ao governo AUS$ 5,8 bilhões em impostos. Grande parte financiou hospitais públicos, serviços médicos e programas de saúde mental. O imposto também financiou escolas públicas, universidades e programas de treinamento. Também foram beneficiadas obras de infraestrutura como estradas, transporte público e moradias públicas.
  • Alemanha – €5,2 bilhões foram arrecadados em impostos sobre jogos de azar em 2022. Grande parte financiou hospitais públicos, pesquisas médicas e serviços de saúde mental. Uma parte foi destinada a seguro desemprego, auxílio moradia e apoio a famílias de baixa renda. O dinheiro também foi aplicado em infraestrutura, programas de arte/cultura e educação.
  • Canadá – O Canadá arrecada cerca de CA$ 9 bilhões por ano em impostos sobre jogos de azar. Grande parte desse valor é destinada à saúde, programas sociais, iniciativas de segurança pública, proteção ambiental, infraestrutura e muito mais.

Sobre a MDC

A MDC, uma subdivisão do OneTwenty Group, é um portal de informações sobre iGaming que analisa e recomenda os cassinos on–line mais confiáveis e seguros do mundo. A MDC verifica minuciosamente os cassinos, concentrando–se na segurança, nas licenças de jogo, nas ferramentas de jogo responsável e nas práticas de jogo justo.

Contato: miranda@onetwentygroup.com

Uma foto que acompanha este anúncio está disponível em https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/fce8a685–c9bc–4dee–932c–931e1a1d70e7

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