Things Can Only Get Better for Bangladesh

By Saifullah Syed
ROME, Aug 23 2024 – The student movement in Bangladesh demanding reform of the quota system for public jobs was the straw that broke the camel’s back. The Awami League (AL) government led by Sheikh Hasina, in power continuously since 2008, collapsed on 5th August 2024. With Sheikh Hasina fleeing to India and leaving the country in disarray, her authoritarian rule of 15 years just melted away.

Saifullah Syed

Prior to this sudden and dramatic turn of events, during her rule, the country was mired by institutional and financial corruption, crony capitalism, authoritarian administration, and forced disappearance of opponents. In addition, the AL government of Sheikh Hasina monopolised all lucrative appointments and commercial privileges for people belonging to her party, banning political discourse and dissent.

She developed the personality cult of her father, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, who led the country to independence in 1971 and who was brutally murdered on 15th of August 1975. The personality cult was so perverse that liberation of the country was attributed to Sheikh Mujib alone and all the other stalwarts of the liberation war and her party were ignored. Everything of significance happening in the country was attributed to his wisdom and foresight alone and were often named after him. Every Institution, including schools across the country and embassies around the world were obliged to host a “Mujib corner” to display his photo, and books about him only.

Yet, no political party, including the leading opposition Bangladesh National Party (BNP) succeeded in mobilising an uprising against Hasina’s regime. This was partly due her ability to project AL and her government as the sole guarantor of independence, sovereignty and secularism. Everyone else was cast as a supporter of anti-liberation forces, being communal, and accused of being motivated to turn the country into a hotbed of Islamic extremism. BNP was also accused of committing crimes and corruption when it was in power.

The founder of BNP is linked to the cruel murder of Sheikh Mujib and the members of her family, and the current leader of BNP is accused of masterminding the grenade attack aimed at killing Sheikh Hasina at an AL rally on 21st August 2004. Hasina survived the attack, but it killed 24 people and injured about 200.

Why did the student movement succeed ?

Like most historical events there are several factors, but the ultimate ones were that (i) the students were willing to die and (ii) the Military displayed patriotism and wisdom by refusing to kill. The students came from all walks of life, transcending party lines and economic background. Hence, attempts to cast them as anti-liberation did not succeed. The army refused to kill to protect a despotic ruler. Bangladeshis have always overthrown dictatorial rulers.

Why the students were ready to die and the army refused to kill are important issues for analysis but the critical question right now is: what next and where do we go from here ?

What Next for Bangladesh ?

The students have shown support for the formation of an interim government with leading intellectuals, scholars and elite liberal professionals and civil society actors under the leadership of Dr Younus, the founder of the Grameen Bank and a Nobel Laureate. These people were previously silenced and harassed during Hasina’s 15 year rule.

Many people remain sceptical, however. Many fear collapse of law and order and communal disturbances in the short run, which may lead to the emergence of another dictatorial rule. Neighbouring India, which supported Hasina’s government, is concerned about the rights of minorities in Bangladesh, although they showed scant concern for the minorities in India in the recent past.

Political and geo-political analysts are busy analysing the geo-political implications and the role of key players in mobilising the students to overthrow Hasina. This is raising questions about who engineered the Regime Change.

Fortunately for Bangladesh and the Bangladeshis, things can get only better. None of the short-term concerns have materialised. No major collapse of law and order nor oppression of minorities have taken place, barring a few localised incidents. Regarding the long run, things can only get better: it is extremely unlikely that another leader can emerge with reasons to substantiate a “moral right to rule”, disdain political discourse and project a personality cult – the basic ingredients of a dictatorial regime.

Hasina embodied several factors which were intrinsically associated with who she was. It is unlikely that anyone else with a similar background will emerge again. She started as a champion of democracy by seeking to overthrow the military rule that followed the murder of her father, then as a champion of justice by seeking justice for the killing of her father. Over time, however, she became a despot and a vengeful leader. Even if AL manages to regroup and come to power, it will be obliged to have a pluralistic attitude and not identify with Sheikh Mujib alone. All the stalwarts of the party have to be recognised, as only by recognising the forgotten popular figures of the party can it re-emerge.

Regarding the wider geo-political play by bigger powers, it may be important but cannot take away the fact that the majority of people are in favour of the change and are happy about it. It could be similar to gaining independence in 1971. India helped Bangladesh to gain independence because of its own geo-political strategic objective, but it has not reduced the taste of independence. If Bangladeshis’ desire coincides with the objective of others’ then so be it. It is win-win for both.

Eventually, Bangladesh will emerge with robust basic requirements for the protection of the institutions to safeguard democracy, such as independent judiciaries, a functioning parliamentary system with effective opposition parties, vibrant media and civil society organisations. It will become a country that will recognise the collective conscience of the leading citizens and intellectuals and establish good governance and social justice. The economy may go through some fluctuations due to troubles in the financial sector and export market, but a robust agriculture sector, vibrant domestic real estate market and remittances will keep it afloat.

The author is a former UN official who was Chief of Policy Assistance Branch for Asia and the Pacific of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).

Healthcare, Technology Leaders Gather in Johannesburg for Healthcare Innovation Summit Africa 2024

JOHANNESBURG, Aug. 23, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Technology is revolutionizing healthcare in Africa, from enhancing patient care with electronic health records to enabling remote consultations via telemedicine. These advancements are making healthcare more efficient, accessible, and cost–effective.

IT News Africa is excited to announce the 9th Healthcare Innovation Summit Africa (HISA) 2024, set for August 29, 2024, at The Maslow Sandton in Johannesburg. Themed “Transforming African Healthcare: Harnessing Technology for Universal Access and Innovation,” the event will explore how cutting–edge technologies can improve patient outcomes, healthcare delivery, and system sustainability.

Key Topics and Agenda Highlights

The summit will address critical challenges in African healthcare, focusing on technology's role in achieving universal healthcare. Key topics include:

  1. Integrating AI in African Healthcare – Exploring AI's role in diagnostics and patient management.
  2. Digitizing Healthcare Records – The challenges and successes of migrating to cloud solutions.
  3. Telemedicine – Expanding access to healthcare in remote regions.
  4. The Role of Technology in Implementing Universal Healthcare

Key Speakers

HISA 2024 will feature industry experts discussing digital health, telemedicine, and AI integration. Notable speakers include:

  • Dr. Mohamed El Sahili, CEO of Medland Hospital, Zambia
  • Shiraz Dadar, Head of IT at M.P. Shah Hospital, Nairobi
  • Nhlanhla Xaba, ICT Manager at Mediclinic
  • Margot Brews, Head of Health Risk Management at Momentum Health Solutions

Sponsorship and Exhibition Opportunities

HISA 2024 offers IT service providers, HealthTech startups, and medical device companies the chance to showcase their solutions, connect with key stakeholders, and enhance brand visibility through sponsorship and exhibition opportunities.

Registration Discounts

Use the code HISA@25OFF for a 25% discount on registration, giving medical professionals, healthcare IT executives and healthcare decision–makers, the chance to network and learn about the latest trends in African healthcare.

Past Attendees Praise HISA

Participants from previous HISA events have shared their positive experiences, highlighting the event's impact on their professional growth and networking opportunities.

Marketing Director at Meditech South Africa affirmed that #HISA events are enlightening to attend. “I think this event is great; it brings in various stakeholders in the healthcare industry. It's all about innovation, disruptive technology, and digital health. I think it is a great platform for sharing ideas, dialogue, and debates about issues in the healthcare industry.”

The MEC for Health in the Free State Province emphasized the importance of HISA, stating, “Summits like these are important because they help us deliver quality health services using technology and teach us how to use innovative methods to ensure that the services we provide are effective and cost–efficient. It benefits both the government and the community.”

Andrew Raynes, Chief Information Officer from Papworth Hospital NHS Foundation, UK, added, “It’s been a real privilege to be here. I’ve learned so much about South African culture in the health space and what we are all striving to achieve. I now look forward to reflecting on the conference’s outcomes and sharing them with colleagues back home in the UK. It’s been a great opportunity to be part of HISA, and thank you to IT News Africa for having me as one of the keynote speakers.”

Attendees can expect a dynamic day filled with informative sessions, engaging discussions, and valuable networking opportunities. By participating in HISA 2024, stakeholders will play a crucial role in shaping the future of healthcare in Africa.

For more information about the conference, registration, and sponsorship opportunities, visit

Hashtag: #HISA2024

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000987984)

Conditions In Zimbabwe Worsen From El Niño Drought

Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO) Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus meets with Dr Wenceslas Nyamayaro, Acting Chief Director for Public Health of Zimbabwe to discuss the current issues dealing with health, wellbeing, and economy. Credit: Christopher Black/WHO Photo Library

By Oritro Karim
UNITED NATIONS, Aug 23 2024 – On August 7th, Deputy Spokesperson for the Secretary-General Farhan Haq spoke at a press briefing at the United Nations Headquarters, detailing the high levels of food insecurity and socioeconomic distress in Zimbabwe as a result of the El Niño drought that continues to ravage the ecosystem. In April of this year, the president of Zimbabwe, Emmerson Mnangagwa, declared a nationwide state of disaster.

“More than half of the harvest was destroyed, and some 7.6 million people are now at risk of acute hunger”, Haq stated. He added that approximately 5.9 million people are expected to face severe food insecurity early next year as the peak-hunger period approaches.

UN Resident Coordinator in Zimbabwe Edward Kallon states “this crisis has far-reaching consequences across sectors such as food and nutrition security, health, water resources, education and livelihoods”.

The El Niño drought has generated a multitude of environmental issues in Zimbabwe, including reduced rainfall, increased temperatures, depleted rivers, and compromised air quality.

This is particularly troubling as Zimbabwe is heavily reliant on rainfall as it determines the success of crop production and livestock health. The efficacy of their agricultural system is crucial for the nation as more than half of the population relies on it as a source of income. Additionally, agriculture accounts for roughly 15 percent of the nation’s gross domestic product.

As a result of decimating crop yields, roughly 42 percent of the population is faced with extreme poverty. This has led to young children being pulled out of school to join the workforce in an effort to keep their families afloat.

“The drought has strained Zimbabwe’s economy, with more than a fifth of school-aged children now out of school”, Haq added. The El Niño drought has produced significant economic turmoil in Zimbabwe, putting families in a state of disarray as they struggle to make enough income to support themselves.

According to The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), “more than 45,067 children dropped out of school, 3,000 more compared to the annual average. Currently, the El Niño-induced drought may result in increased school dropouts, as families face increasing poverty levels, thus making it difficult to pay school fees”. Furthermore, OCHA predicts that there will be higher rates of child marriages, violence against children, child migration, and child abandonment.

In addition to lower rates of education among children, they are the most vulnerable in terms of health. Due to widespread food insecurity and compromised diets, children are at high risk of succumbing to famine, malnutrition, and disease. The World Food Programme (WFP) states that approximately 27 percent of children in Zimbabwe have stunted growth.

Zimbabwean women are also highly vulnerable to the socioeconomic detriment caused by the drought. OCHA states that in addition to higher rates of child violence, there has been an increased level of gender-based violence recorded. In addition, there has been an observed increase in sexual violence, domestic violence, and gender-based violence as a result of “heightened family tensions caused by crop damages and income losses”.

OCHA adds that rural communities have been hit the hardest. Rural communities in Zimbabwe account for the majority of the nation’s population, with roughly 62 percent working in agriculture.

Additionally, the drought had a detrimental impact on the nation’s water supply, with many rivers being run dry and not expected to recover for years. This greatly limits access to clean water for many rural communities. OCHA states “35 percent of rural households were accessing inadequate water services, while 45 percent of rural households were traveling more than half a kilometer to fetch water”.

The diminishing access to clean water greatly exacerbates levels of poor hygiene and the spread of disease, particularly cholera, which continues to run rampant among poorer communities.

During an April 8th press briefing at the UN Headquarters, Spokesperson for the Secretary-General Stéphane Dujarric stated “The humanitarian community in Zimbabwe is also concerned that the scarcity and depletion of safe water resources could lead to an uptick in communicable diseases”.

OCHA adds that the risk of contracting infectious and waterborne diseases is significantly raised by the drought. The current cholera outbreak has been aggravated by poor hygiene practices as a result of the dry spells, with 591 deaths being reported between February 2023 and April 2024.

In addition, the drought increases the likelihood of developing malaria and maternity related complications. Pregnant women are highly vulnerable to stillbirths, infections, miscarriages, and maternal mortality. OCHA adds that this is primarily due to the drought greatly limiting resources essential for medication and quality of care.

Plans to mitigate the effects of the drought and assist communities in Zimbabwe are underway by the United Nations. Haq stated “the UN and partners continue to work with the Government to support response efforts. However, the $429 million flash appeal launched in May — which aims to assist more than 3 million people — is only about 11 per cent funded”.

IPS UN Bureau


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In Samoa, Protecting the Ocean is Our Way of Life

Bungalow on a Samoa beach. Credit: Vidi Drone on Unsplash


UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres is currently visiting Samoa and the Kingdom of Tonga, where he will participate in the Pacific Islands Forum Leaders Meeting. He will also make various site visits to engage with local communities and civil society representatives, including young people, where he will emphasize the impacts of sea-level rise in the region and beyond.


At a press conference with the World Meteorological Organization in Tonga on Tuesday 27 August, the Secretary-General will highlight the present-day impacts and future projections of sea-level rise – including coastal flooding – at a global and regional level, including for major coastal cities in the G20 and Pacific Small Island Developing States. A technical brief providing a summary of the latest science on sea-level rise will be published on the UN climate action site ( at the time of the press conference.

By Cedric Schuster
APIA, Republic of Samoa, Aug 23 2024 – In Samoa, we use a simple phrase to capture our way of life: Fa’asamoa. At the core of this concept is respect for others, devotion to family and a deep appreciation for the preservation of our natural resources. Importantly, Fa’asamoa has enabled us to sustainably fish our vibrant coral reefs for millennia, in a way that provides good health and prosperity for everyone in our communities.

We share our bounty of our fish species — including albacore, yellowfin, bigeye and skipjack tuna — with the globe, but the fish in our waters also serve as a bedrock of our local cultures and diets. Without it, Fa’asamoa cannot exist.

But the coastal fisheries spread across our four inhabited islands halfway between Hawaii and New Zealand are under threat like never before. This is because carbon pollution is changing the ocean around us. Its waters are rising, more acidic and less full of life than we ever imagined was possible.

A surge of cyclones and heat are damaging delicate coral reefs that support our fisheries and flooding and eroding our coastal areas. We’ve built seawalls, battled flooding, and relocated communities whose lands were damaged by cyclones and slow onset climate change impacts such as erosion.

Our actions have not caused the climate crisis, yet we are facing its most dramatic impacts. This is why leaders from the Pacific and other island nations have become world leaders on climate action.

In recent years, island nations have taken our calls that countries should be held accountable for the damage they’ve done to our climate and ocean through their greenhouse gas emissions, to the highest courts and the most important international gatherings. Finally, the world is starting to listen.

Recently, the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea determined that countries are legally accountable for polluting the ocean with greenhouse gas emissions. The Pacific nation of Tuvalu, together with leaders of small island nations worldwide, brought the case to court. Vanuatu pushed through a similar measure at the International Criminal Court of Justice.

We’re riding on a wave of success, but our work has only just begun.

This October, Samoa will host a gathering of leaders from 56 commonwealth countries, 49 of which are bordered or surrounded by water. As the first-ever Pacific country to host the bi-annual meeting, we have a timely opportunity to call attention to the urgent need for ocean action.

Fortunately, His Royal Highness King Charles III has shown unwavering support for one of the best opportunities we have to protect the ocean—marine protected areas (MPAs).

Science has long shown that setting aside marine areas, where damaging activities are banned, increases the food supply, provides economic benefits, and builds resilience against the climate crisis. Based on this research, pledges to protect 30% of the ocean are now enshrined in multiple global agreements—including the biodiversity agreement which will be discussed in Cali, Colombia, also in October.

But simply pledging protection is not enough. MPAs that strictly protect the ocean from extractive activities must be created — and quickly. Countries across the Pacific have established MPAs and are on course to establish many more in collaboration with scientists, local communities and conservationists.

In Samoa, traditional communities had established more than 70 no-take zones — traditional fisheries reserves managed and looked after by the villages themselves. We established national sanctuaries for migratory sharks, whales, dolphins and turtles in 2003.

As part of Samoa’s Ocean strategy and Marine Spatial Planning process, 30% of our EEZ will be protected as marine protected areas with 100% of it sustainably managed.

Niue, Solomon Islands, the Republic of Marshall Islands and several other Pacific countries have also established vital MPAs, some of which are community-led.

For so long, the industrial fishing industry has blocked the formation of MPAs. Their argument is almost always that fishing bans are bad for their business. But recent studies have shown us that MPAs actually replenish fish supplies.

So even if fishing is banned inside an MPA, more fish spillover to areas outside the protected zone, where fishing is allowed. The fishing industry benefits. A recent study of more than 50 MPAs in more than 30 countries worldwide found that the protections boosted either fishing or tourism, with some profits in the billions.

In Samoa, coastal communities have long known that sustainable fishing methods ensure steady fish supplies. They use a combination of traditional techniques and high tech tools. We know that many Commonwealth countries have a similar relationship to the ocean, from Scotland and Trinidad to Tobago and the Seychelles.

The international community has a critical opportunity in the coming months to recognize the urgency of protecting the ocean, our collective resource, before it’s too late.

Cedric Schuster is the Minister for Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment and Minister for Samoa Tourism Authority, which collectively oversee the country’s climate change, forestry, water resources, and lands. The Minister is a traditional chief from the village of Satapuala.

IPS UN Bureau


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Avis aux joueurs mineurs : les casinos en ligne réglementés vont confisquer les gains et adopter des outils biométriques permettant la vérification de l’âge

WATERFORD, Irlande, 23 août 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Dans le cadre de la lutte menée contre la pratique des jeux d’argent par les mineurs, les casinos en ligne réglementés du monde entier confisqueront les gains de tout joueur en dessous de l’âge légal. À l’heure où l’industrie des jeux d’argent adopte une position ferme pour contrer les pratiques illégales, elle recourt également à une technologie de pointe permettant la vérification de l’âge par biométrie faciale afin de renforcer ses plateformes de contrôle.

Le portail mondial de ressources sur les casinos, Minimum Deposit Casinos (ou MDC), division du OneTwenty Group, a indiqué que ces initiatives soulignaient à quel point l’industrie prenait ce problème au sérieux. Aux États–Unis, cinq casinos du New Jersey et un hippodrome ont déjà confisqué 77 000 dollars gagnés par des mineurs.

« Les casinos en ligne redoublent d’efforts, et cette approche sans concession est dissuasive, car elle montre que pour les mineurs, le jeu n’est pas une option rentable, au sens propre du terme. Nous adressons un avertissement clair aux jeunes pour les inciter à renoncer aux sites de jeux d’argent. Les gains confisqués seront remis aux autorités gouvernementales compétentes et viendront financièrement appuyer des programmes tels que le traitement de la dépendance au jeu » relève Miranda Raaff, Responsable de l’information sur les jeux en ligne chez MDC, avant d’ajouter :

« En outre, l’adoption d’outils conçus pour la vérification de l’âge marque une avancée de taille dans notre mission. En adoptant ces outils sophistiqués, notre secteur ne se contente pas de vivre à l’ère numérique, mais établit une nouvelle référence en matière de protection des joueurs. »

Des gouvernements comme ceux de l’Allemagne ou de l’Argentine se sont ralliés à cette idée et ont approuvé ces outils de vérification pour les sites en ligne. L’Australie a également entrepris des démarches en ce sens, et le Royaume–Uni y songe.

« À mesure que cette tendance prend de l’ampleur, les casinos en ligne et les pays devraient être de plus en plus nombreux à suivre le mouvement. Dans un monde où l’accès au numérique est à la portée de tous les adolescents, la lutte contre le jeu des mineurs est plus cruciale que jamais », souligne Mme Raaff.

Et de conclure : « Notre secteur reste fidèle à sa mission de protection des mineurs. Grâce à la collaboration et à un engagement commun en faveur du jeu responsable, nous réalisons des progrès considérables et nous continuerons à plaider en faveur d’un environnement de jeu plus sûr dans le monde entier. »

À propos de MDC

Minimum Deposit Casinos, une division de OneTwenty Group, est un portail mondial de ressources sur les casinos qui analyse et recommande les casinos en ligne réglementés les plus fiables aux joueurs. Pour ce faire, la société procède à un audit approfondi des casinos, en se concentrant sur la sécurité, la validité des licences de jeu, les outils de jeu responsable et les pratiques de jeu équitables.

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000987956)

Apostadores menores de idade, cuidado: casinos online regulamentados confiscarão ganhos e adotarão ferramentas de verificação biométrica de idade

WATERFORD, Irlanda, Aug. 23, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Em uma tentativa de aumentar os esforços contra menores em jogos de azar, os casinos online regulamentados globalmente confiscarão os ganhos daqueles que forem menores de idade. À medida que o setor de apostas traça limites contra a jogatina ilegal, também adota tecnologia biométrica de ponta de verificação de idade facial para ajudar a fortalecer suas plataformas.

Portal de recursos de informações sobre casinos globais, Minimum Deposit Casinos (MDC) – uma divisão do OneTwenty Group – disse que essas iniciativas destacaram a seriedade com a qual a indústria enxerga essa situação. Somente nos Estados Unidos, cinco casinos em Nova Jersey e uma pista de corrida de cavalos confiscaram US$ 77.000 ganhos por menores.

“Casinos online estão intensificando seus esforços e essa abordagem prática serve como um impedimento, reforçando que jogos de azar para menores não compensam – literalmente. Estamos enviando um forte aviso para os jovens ficarem longe de sites de apostas. Os ganhos confiscados serão redirecionados para autoridades relevantes do governo, onde apoiará programas como o tratamento da jogatina compulsiva,” disse Miranda Raaf, chefe da iGaming Information no MDC.

“Além disso, a adoção de ferramentas de verificação de idade marca um avanço importante em nossa missão contínua. Ao integrar essas ferramentas avançadas, o setor não apenas acompanha a era digital, como também define um novo padrão para a proteção do jogador.”

Governos como a Alemanha e Argentina estão a bordo e endossaram essas ferramentas de verificação para os sites online. A Australia também não ficou para trás nessas medidas, enquanto o Reino Unido está pensando a respeito.

“Ao passo que essa tendência ganha força, estima–se que mais casinos online e países seguirão o exemplo. Em um mundo onde o acesso digital está na ponta dos dedos de cada adolescente, a luta contra menores em jogos de azar torna–se mais importante do que nunca,” disse Raaff.

“O setor permanece resoluto em sua missão de proteger os menores. Através da colaboração e um compromisso compartilhado pelas apostas responsáveis, estamos fazendo avanços expressivos e continuaremos a defender um ambiente de apostas mais seguro em todo o mundo.”

Sobre o MDC

Minimum Deposit Casinos – uma divisão do OneTwenty Group – é um portal líder de recursos de informações sobre casino online que analisa e recomenda aos jogadores somente os casinos online regulamentados mais confiáveis. Isso é feito ao examinar casinos por meio de verificações de segurança e proteção, confirmando as licenças para jogo válidas e ferramentas de apostas responsáveis, bem como práticas justas de jogabilidade.

Informação de contato:


GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000987956)

Vorsicht, minderjährige Spieler: Regulierte Online-Casinos behalten Gewinne ein und führen biometrische Altersverifikations-Tools ein

WATERFORD, Irland, Aug. 23, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Um die Teilnahme von Minderjährigen am Glücksspiel zu unterbinden, werden regulierte Online–Casinos weltweit die Gewinne von Personen einbehalten, die das gesetzliche Mindestalter noch nicht erreicht haben. Da die Glücksspielbranche eine klare Linie gegen illegales Spielen zieht, setzt sie auch modernste biometrische Technologie zur Überprüfung des Gesichtsalters ein, um ihre Plattformen zu stärken.

Das Portal für globale Casino–Informationsressourcen, Minimum Deposit Casinos (MDC) – ein Geschäftsbereich der OneTwenty Group – teilte mit, dass diese Initiativen unterstreichen, wie ernst die Branche dies nimmt. In den Vereinigten Staaten haben bereits fünf Casinos in New Jersey und eine Pferderennbahn 77.000 US–Dollar an Gewinne von Minderjährigen einbehalten.

„Online–Casinos setzen eine immer ausgefeiltere Technik ein. Dieser sachliche Ansatz dient als Abschreckung und bekräftigt, dass sich Glücksspiel für Minderjährige nicht auszahlt – im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes. Wir senden eine deutliche Warnung an Kinder und Jugendliche, sich von Glücksspielseiten fernzuhalten. Die einbehaltenen Gewinne werden an die zuständigen Regierungsbehörden weitergeleitet, wo sie Programme wie die Behandlung von Spielsucht unterstützen werden“, so Miranda Raaff, Head of iGaming Information bei MDC.

„Darüber hinaus stellt die Einführung von Tools zur Altersüberprüfung einen bedeutenden Fortschritt im Rahmen unserer laufenden Bemühungen dar. Durch die Integration dieser fortschrittlichen Tools hält die Branche nicht nur mit dem digitalen Zeitalter Schritt, sondern setzt auch neue Maßstäbe für den Spielerschutz.“

Regierungen wie jene von Deutschland und Argentinien unterstützen dies und haben diese Verifizierungsinstrumente für Online–Seiten gebilligt. Australien ist ebenfalls stark daran interessiert, während das Vereinigte Königreich diese Maßnahmen in Betracht zieht.

„Da dieser Trend an Fahrt aufnimmt, wird erwartet, dass weitere Online–Casinos und Länder diesem Beispiel folgen werden. In einer Welt, in der jeder Teenager Zugang zu digitalen Medien hat, ist der Kampf gegen das Glücksspiel bei Minderjährigen wichtiger denn je“, so Raaff.

„Die Branche bleibt bei ihrer Mission, Minderjährige zu schützen, entschlossen. Durch Zusammenarbeit und ein gemeinsames Engagement für verantwortungsbewusstes Glücksspiel machen wir bedeutende Fortschritte und werden uns weiterhin für ein sichereres Glücksspielumfeld weltweit einsetzen.“

Über MDC

Minimum Deposit Casinos – ein Geschäftsbereich der OneTwenty Group – ist ein führendes globales Informationsportal für Casinos, das nur die vertrauenswürdigsten und zuverlässigsten regulierten Online–Casinos überprüft und den Spielern empfiehlt. Dies geschieht durch die Überprüfung von Casinos durch Sicherheits– und Schutzkontrollen, die Bestätigung gültiger Glücksspiellizenzen und verantwortungsvoller Glücksspielinstrumente sowie durch faire Spielpraktiken.



GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000987956)

Uganda Coffee Smallholders Grapple With EU Regulations on Imports

In Kubewo village in eastern Uganda, children often go to work with their parents in the coffee gardens. Earnings from Arabica coffee are used, their parents and grandparents say, to pay for children’s education and other expenses for the family.  Farming families justify the labour, saying that children are observing adults and learning from their […]

Bitget prend désormais en charge le stablecoin de PayPal (PYUSD) sur la blockchain Solana

VICTORIA, Seychelles, 23 août 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Bitget, la première plateforme mondiale d’échange de cryptomonnaies et société Web3, propose désormais la prise en charge du stablecoin PYUSD de PayPal sur la blockchain Solana, augmentant ainsi la disponibilité des tokens multichaînes. Cette mesure permet des transactions fluides de PYUSD sur les réseaux Solana et Ethereum, facilitant ainsi son utilisation dans l’écosystème Bitget au sens large.

L’infrastructure de Solana est conçue pour gérer rapidement de gros volumes de transactions à moindre coût , ce qui en fait une plateforme attrayante pour les stablecoins tels que PYUSD. Grâce à sa réputation croissante de réseau privilégié pour les activités liées aux stablecoins, Solana offre un environnement efficace et évolutif qui s’aligne sur les exigences des systèmes de paiement numérique. L’intégration de PYUSD dans Solana multiplie les options pour les utilisateurs en leur permettant de réaliser des transactions sur plusieurs réseaux de blockchain. Cette étape devrait renforcer la position de Solana sur le marché des stablecoins, en étayant davantage son rôle dans l’alimentation des transactions financières et d’autres services basés sur la blockchain. En accroissant la disponibilité de PayPal USD sur Solana, de nouvelles opportunités s’offrent aux consommateurs et aux entreprises, en particulier dans les domaines où la rapidité et la rentabilité des transactions sont cruciales.

L’un des principaux avantages du PYUSD par rapport à d’autres stablecoins réside dans son potentiel d’accessibilité et d’adoption par les utilisateurs. La présence mondiale de PayPal ainsi que sa base d’utilisateurs confèrent à PYUSD un avantage unique. Grâce au vaste réseau de PayPal, intégrant des millions de commerçants et de consommateurs dans le monde entier, PYUSD est en mesure de se développer rapidement et de devenir une alternative de premier plan dans le domaine des stablecoins. En outre, l’intégration de PYUSD sur des plateformes telles que Bitget permet de tirer parti de l’intérêt des particuliers et des institutions pour les stablecoins adossés à des monnaies fiduciaires.

Le référencement du stablecoin de PayPal, PYUSD, sur Bitget est un développement significatif à la fois pour la plateforme et pour ses utilisateurs. PayPal comptant parmi les noms les plus connus de la finance mondiale, son entrée sur le marché des stablecoins avec PYUSD instaure une certaine confiance en vue d’une adoption par le grand public. Bitget se consacre à l’innovation et à l’optimisation continues et s’efforce de proposer aux utilisateurs des services d’échange efficaces et accessibles. Bitget répond à la demande en produits cryptographiques plus flexibles, et permet à ses 30 millions d’utilisateurs de gérer et de diversifier leurs portefeuilles grâce aux technologies émergentes et aux nouveaux stablecoins.

Pour commencer à trader le PYUSD, rendez–vous ici.

À propos de Bitget

Établie en 2018, Bitget est la première plateforme d’échange de cryptomonnaies et société Web3 au monde. Au service de plus de 25 millions d’utilisateurs dans plus de 100 pays et régions, la plateforme d’échange Bitget s’engage à aider les utilisateurs à trader plus intelligemment grâce à sa fonctionnalité pionnière de copy trading et à d’autres solutions de trading. Anciennement connue sous le nom de BitKeep, la société Bitget Wallet est un portefeuille cryptographique multichaînes de classe mondiale qui offre un ensemble de solutions et de fonctionnalités Web3 complètes, notamment la fonctionnalité de portefeuille, le swap, la place de marché NFT, le navigateur DApp, et bien plus encore. Bitget incite les individus à adopter la crypto grâce à des collaborations avec des partenaires crédibles, notamment le légendaire footballeur argentin Lionel Messi et les athlètes nationaux turcs Buse Tosun Çavuşoğlu (champion du monde de lutte), Samet Gümüş (médaillé d’or en boxe) et İlkin Aydın (équipe nationale de volley–ball).

Pour en savoir plus, consultez : Site Web | Twitter | Telegram | LinkedIn | Discord | Bitget Wallet
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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000987935)

Bitget adiciona suporte à stablecoin do PayPal no blockchain Solana

VICTORIA, Seychelles, Aug. 23, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Bitget, principal bolsa de criptomoedas e empresa Web3, adicionou suporte de negociação para a stablecoin PYUSD do PayPal no blockchain Solana, aumentando a disponibilidade de tokens multichain. Isso permite a realização de boas operações em PYUSD nas redes Solana e Ethereum, ampliando sua utilidade no ecossistema Bitget como um todo.

A infraestrutura da Solana foi projetada para lidar com altos volumes de operações rapidamente e a um custo mínimo, o que a torna uma plataforma atraente para stablecoins como o PYUSD. Com sua crescente reputação como a rede preferida para operações com stablecoins, a Solana oferece um ambiente eficiente e flexível que se alinha aos requisitos dos sistemas de pagamento digital. A integração de PYUSD e Solana amplia as opções do usuário ao permitir a realização de operações em várias redes de blockchain. Esse passo provavelmente reforçará a posição da Solana no mercado de stablecoin, reforçando ainda mais sua função de potencializar as operações financeiras e outros serviços baseados em blockchain. Com a maior disponibilidade da PayPal USD na Solana, surgem novas oportunidades para consumidores e empresas, especialmente nas áreas em que a velocidade e o custo–benefício das operações são cruciais.

Uma das principais vantagens da PYUSD é seu potencial de maior acessibilidade e adoção pelos usuários em comparação com outras stablecoins. A presença global estabelecida e a base de usuários do PayPal conferem à PYUSD uma vantagem única. Com a vasta rede do PayPal, que inclui milhões de comerciantes e consumidores no mundo inteiro, a PYUSD tem o potencial de se expandir rapidamente e se tornar uma alternativa importante no segmento de stablecoin. Além disso, a integração da PYUSD a plataformas como a Bitget permite que ela capitalize o interesse do varejo e de instituições em stablecoins estáveis e garantidas por moeda fiduciária.

A listagem da stablecoin do PayPal, a PYUSD, na Bitget é um desenvolvimento importante tanto para a plataforma quanto para seus usuários. Por ser um dos nomes mais reconhecidos no setor financeiro global, a entrada do PayPal no mercado de stablecoin com a PYUSD traz consigo um nível de confiança para a adoção generalizada. A Bitget mantém–se dedicada à inovação e otimização permanentes, esforçando–se para oferecer aos usuários serviços de negociação eficientes e acessíveis. A Bitget atende à demanda por produtos relacionados a criptomoedas mais flexíveis, capacitando seus 30 milhões de usuários a gerir e diversificar portfólios com tecnologia emergente e novas stablecoins.

Para começar a negociar PYUSD, clique aqui.

Sobre a Bitget

Fundada em 2018, a Bitget é a principal corretora de criptomoedas e empresa Web3 do mundo. Atendendo a mais de 25 milhões de usuários em mais de 100 países e regiões, a corretora Bitget tem o compromisso de ajudar os usuários a negociar de forma mais inteligente com seu recurso pioneiro de copy trading e outras soluções de negociação. Antes conhecida como BitKeep, a Bitget Wallet é uma carteira de criptomoedas multicadeia de primeira classe que oferece uma série de soluções e recursos completos da Web3, incluindo funcionalidade de carteira, swap, NFT Marketplace, navegador DApp e muito mais. A Bitget motiva as pessoas a adotarem as criptomoedas pelo trabalho conjunto com parceiros confiáveis, incluindo o lendário jogador de futebol argentino Lionel Messi e os atletas nacionais turcos Buse Tosun Çavuşoğlu (campeão mundial de luta livre), Samet Gümüş (medalhista de ouro no boxe) e İlkin Aydın (equipe nacional de vôlei).

Para obter mais informações, acesse: Website | Twitter | Telegram | LinkedIn | Discord | Bitget Wallet
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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000987935)