Mavenir e Whitestack Expandem Ecossistema de Funções de Rede Aberta

RICHARDSON, Texas, Aug. 27, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Mavenir, fornecedora de infraestrutura de rede nativa na nuvem que estabelece o futuro das redes, e a Whitestack, desenvolvedora de soluções com base em código aberto Telco Cloud, anunciaram hoje a conclusão bem–sucedida de um alinhamento tecnológico que viabiliza que a solução Cloud–Native IMS da Mavenir seja perfeitamente integrada à plataforma Telco Cloud da Whitestack – demonstrando a experiência fundamental da Mavenir em facilitar implantações nativas na nuvem. A colaboração teve início como parte de uma implantação com uma operadora líder de Nível 1 na América Latina utilizando os recursos de energia e desempenho do processador Intel Xeon e da tecnologia Intel Ethernet.

A capacitação de operadoras móveis para implantar cargas de trabalho de telecomunicações em suas soluções de nuvem é um aspecto fundamental da estratégia nativa de nuvem da Mavenir. O anúncio de hoje marca a conquista da integração total com a solução Telco Cloud da Whitestack – oferecendo às operadoras de telecomunicações uma gama mais ampla de opções flexíveis para implantação das soluções da Mavenir – e ressalta a expansão contínua do ecossistema de telecomunicações com o objetivo de liberar as operadoras de soluções legadas ou monolíticas

As duas empresas estão capitalizando o ímpeto do setor, após anúncios significativos de operadoras que adotaram a infraestrutura de nuvem para funções críticas de rede. Essa tendência está gerando interesse substancial de parte das operadoras tradicionais. Para atender essa visível demanda, a Mavenir e a Whitestack estão oferecendo uma relação desempenho/custo atraente, facilitando a transição para soluções de nuvem.

“Estamos muito satisfeitos com a finalização do processo de integração em um prazo razoável, graças em parte à nossa experiência com outras Telco Clouds e à flexibilidade da Whitestack em ajustar sua configuração de plano de dados para maximizar nosso desempenho”, disse Brandon Larson, Vice–Presidente Sênior e Gerente Geral da Mavenir's Cloud, AI & IMS Business Strategy. Ele acrescentou: “Com a indústria adotando cada vez mais infraestrutura de nuvem, as soluções de nuvem devem ser adaptadas para se adequar às cargas de trabalho das empresas de telecomunicações”, disse Brandon Larson. “Para que isso seja possível, são necessárias empresas como a Mavenir que desenvolveram um conjunto de habilidades especializadas em nuvem e telecomunicações.”

A solução Cloud–Native IMS da Mavenir tem por base uma arquitetura de microsserviços composta por Containerized Network Functions (CNFs) que adotam princípios nativos da nuvem, oferecendo serviços de voz que utilizam os benefícios intrínsecos do Kubernetes para garantir alta disponibilidade. Esta solução opera na plataforma Telco Cloud da Whitestack sob um modelo de implantação automatizada.

“Um dos muitos aspectos principais de uma nuvem de telecomunicações, em comparação com uma nuvem privada regular, é a sua capacidade de utilizar técnicas avançadas para acelerar o desempenho da função de rede”, disse José Miguel Guzmán, Gerente de Desenvolvimento de Empresas de Telecomunicações/NFV da Whitestack. “Cada aplicativo tem seu próprio processamento, memória, disco e perfil de tráfego. Na WhiteCloud, temos controle granular desses aspectos, o que nos permite fornecer a cada VNF ou CNF as configurações de hardware ideais para maximizar sua taxa de transferência, misturando e combinando servidores legados e de nova geração.”

“As configurações de servidor com base nos processadores Intel Xeon incluem novos recursos projetados para acelerar o tráfego de usuários. Quando combinadas com o software Intel Infrastructure Power Manager e o Intel Ethernet E810 Controller, essas configurações viabilizam que os provedores de serviços otimizem sua infraestrutura para desempenho, eficiência energética e espaço no data center de telecomunicações”, disse Alex Quach, Vice–Presidente de Rede e Edge Group da Intel.   

A Whitestack emergiu como uma principal participante no espaço de infraestrutura aberta na América Latina, fornecendo dezenas de data centers Tier 1 na região com uma solução Telco Cloud com base em tecnologia de código aberto. Sua oferta inclui rede whitebox, sistemas ópticos de alta capacidade e servidores COTS com processadores Intel Xeon.

A Mavenir, a Whitestack e a Intel estarão presentes no Open Telco Cloud Summit 2024 na Cidade do México no dia 3 de setembro de 2024 – inscreva–se para participar pessoal ou virtualmente.

Intel, o logotipo Intel e outras marcas Intel são marcas comerciais da Intel Corporation ou de suas subsidiárias. 


A Mavenir está estabelecendo hoje o futuro das redes com soluções nativas da nuvem e habilitadas para IA, que são ecológicas por design, capacitando as operadoras a obter os benefícios do 5G e alcançar redes inteligentes, automatizadas e programáveis. Como pioneira da Open RAN e uma comprovada disruptora revolucionária do setor, as soluções premiadas da Mavenir fornecem automação e monetização em redes móveis em todo o mundo, acelerando a transformação da rede de software para mais de 300 provedores de serviços de comunicações em mais de 120 países, que atendem a mais de 50% dos assinantes de todo o mundo. Para mais informação, visite


A principal solução Telco Cloud da Whitestack integra VNFs (com base em máquina virtual) e CNFs (com base em contêiner) usando modelos comprovados de implantação padrão do setor. Como a solução de nuvem de telecomunicações implementada mais amplamente na América Latina, ela ;e certificada pelos gigantes da indústria HPE e DELL, garantindo desempenho e confiabilidade de primeira linha.

As soluções de Open Networking da Whitestack revolucionam a infraestrutura de rede. Implementações em DC Fabrics abertos com configurações avançadas de Spine & Leaf ou aprimoramento do acesso óptico e redes de agregação com nossos switches abertos de última geração (whiteboxes). Tudo perfeitamente gerenciado pelo nosso controlador SDN aberto, Whitesdn, para provisionamento automatizado incomparável de rede. Para mais informação, visite

Contatos de RP da Mavenir:  
Emmanuela Spiteri 

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9221334)

Mavenir und Whitestack erweitern Ökosystem offener Netzwerkfunktionen

RICHARDSON, Texas, Aug. 27, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Mavenir, der Anbieter von cloudnativer Netzwerkinfrastruktur, der die Zukunft von Netzwerken gestaltet, und Whitestack, ein Open–Source–basierter Entwickler von Telco–Cloud–Lösungen, geben heute den erfolgreichen Abschluss einer Technologieanpassung bekannt, die es ermöglicht, die cloudnative IMS–Lösung von Mavenir nahtlos in die Telco–Cloud–Plattform von Whitestack zu integrieren. Dies zeigt die zentrale Expertise von Mavenir bei der Ermöglichung von cloudnativen Bereitstellungen. Die Zusammenarbeit wurde im Rahmen eines Einsatzes mit einem führenden Tier–1–Betreiber in Lateinamerika initiiert und nutzt die Leistungsfähigkeit und Performance des Intel Xeon–Prozessors und der Intel Ethernet–Technologie.

Ein grundlegender Aspekt der Cloud–Strategie von Mavenir besteht darin, Mobilfunkbetreibern die Möglichkeit zu geben, Telekommunikations–Workloads auf den cloudnativen Lösungen des Unternehmens zu implementieren. Die heutige Ankündigung markiert die vollständige Integration in die Telco–Cloud–Lösung von Whitestack, die Telekommunikationsbetreibern eine größere Auswahl an flexiblen Optionen für die Bereitstellung der Lösungen von Mavenir bietet, und unterstreicht die kontinuierliche Erweiterung des Telekommunikations–Ökosystems, das darauf abzielt, Betreiber von veralteten oder monolithischen Lösungen zu befreien.

Die beiden Unternehmen profitieren von der Dynamik der Branche, nachdem wichtige Betreiber die Einführung einer Cloud–Infrastruktur für kritische Netzwerkfunktionen angekündigt haben. Dieser Trend stößt bei traditionellen Betreibern auf großes Interesse. Um dieser klaren Nachfrage gerecht zu werden, bieten Mavenir und Whitestack ein überzeugendes Preis–Leistungs–Verhältnis, das die Entscheidung für den Umstieg auf Cloud–Lösungen leicht macht.

„Wir freuen uns sehr, dass wir den Integrationsprozess in einem angemessenen Zeitrahmen abgeschlossen haben, was zum Teil auf unsere Erfahrung mit anderen Telco Clouds und die Flexibilität von Whitestack bei der Anpassung ihrer Datenebenenkonfiguration zur Maximierung unserer Leistung zurückzuführen ist“, so Brandon Larson, Senior Vice President und General Manager für die Cloud–, KI– und IMS–Geschäftsstrategie von Mavenir. Er fügte hinzu: „Da die Branche auf Cloud–Infrastrukturen umstellt, müssen Cloud–Lösungen angepasst werden, um für Telekommunikations–Workloads geeignet zu sein“, so Brandon Larson. „Um dies zu erreichen, braucht es Unternehmen wie Mavenir, die über spezialisierte Fähigkeiten sowohl im Cloud– als auch im Telekommunikationsbereich verfügen.“

Die cloudnative IMS–Lösung von Mavenir basiert auf einer Microservices–Architektur, die Containerized Network Functions (CNFs) umfasst, die cloudnative–Prinzipien übernehmen und Sprachdienste anbieten, die die intrinsischen Vorteile von Kubernetes nutzen, um eine hohe Verfügbarkeit zu gewährleisten. Diese Lösung wird auf der Telco–Cloud–Plattform von Whitestack unter einem automatisierten Bereitstellungsmodell ausgeführt.

„Einer der vielen entscheidenden Aspekte einer Telco–Cloud im Vergleich zu einer herkömmlichen privaten Cloud ist die Möglichkeit, fortschrittliche Techniken zur Beschleunigung der Netzwerkfunktionsleistung zu nutzen“, so José Miguel Guzmán, Telco/NFV Business Development Manager bei Whitestack. „Jede Anwendung hat ihr eigenes Verarbeitungs–, Speicher–, Festplatten– und Trafficprofil. In WhiteCloud haben wir eine granulare Kontrolle über diese Aspekte, so dass wir jedem VNF oder CNF die optimalen Hardware–Einstellungen zur Verfügung stellen können, um ihren Durchsatz zu maximieren, indem wir Server der alten und neuen Generation mischen und aufeinander abstimmen.“

„Serverkonfigurationen auf Basis von Intel Xeon–Prozessoren enthalten neue Funktionen, die den Benutzerverkehr beschleunigen sollen. In Kombination mit der Intel Infrastructure Power Manager–Software und dem Intel Ethernet E810–Controller ermöglichen diese Konfigurationen es Dienstanbietern, die Optimierung ihrer Infrastruktur in Bezug auf Leistung, Energieeffizienz und Platz im Rechenzentrum der Telekommunikationsbranche voranzutreiben“, so Alex Quach, VP Network and Edge Group von Intel.

Whitestack hat sich zu einem wichtigen Akteur im Bereich der offenen Infrastruktur in Lateinamerika entwickelt und beliefert Dutzende von Tier–1–Rechenzentren in der Region mit einer Telco–Cloud–Lösung, die auf Open–Source–Technologie basiert. Das Angebot umfasst Whitebox–Netzwerke, Hochleistungs–Optiksysteme und COTS–Server mit Intel Xeon–Prozessoren.

Mavenir, Whitestack und Intel werden am 3. September 2024 am Open Telco Cloud Summit 2024 in Mexiko–Stadt teilnehmen – melden Sie sich an, um persönlich oder virtuell dabei zu sein.

Intel, das Intel–Logo und andere Intel–Marken sind Marken der Intel Corporation oder ihrer Tochtergesellschaften. 


Mavenir baut die Zukunft der Netzwerke schon heute mit cloudnativen, KI–fähigen Lösungen auf, die von Grund auf umweltfreundlich sind und es den Betreibern ermöglichen, die Vorteile von 5G zu nutzen und intelligente, automatisierte und programmierbare Netzwerke zu realisieren. Als Pionier des Open RAN und bewährter Branchenumgestalter sorgen die preisgekrönten Lösungen von Mavenir für Automatisierung und Monetarisierung in Mobilfunknetzen weltweit und beschleunigen die Transformation von Software–Netzwerken für über 300 Kommunikationsdienstanbieter in über 120 Ländern, die mehr als 50 % der weltweiten Abonnenten bedienen. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter


Die Flaggschiff–Telco–Cloud–Lösung von Whitestack integriert sowohl VNFs (auf virtuellen Maschinen basierend) als auch CNFs (auf Containern basierend) unter Verwendung bewährter, branchenüblicher Bereitstellungsmodelle. Als die am weitesten verbreitete Telco–Cloud–Lösung in Lateinamerika verfügt sie über Zertifizierungen der Branchenriesen HPE und DELL, die eine erstklassige Leistung und Zuverlässigkeit gewährleisten.

Die Open–Networking–Lösungen von Whitestack revolutionieren die Netzwerkinfrastruktur. Setzen Sie in offenen DC–Fabrics mit fortschrittlichen Spine–&–Leaf–Konfigurationen ein oder verbessern Sie optische Zugangs– und Aggregationsnetzwerke mit unseren hochmodernen offenen Switches (Whiteboxes). All dies wird nahtlos von unserem offenen SDN–Controller Whitesdn verwaltet, der eine beispiellose automatisierte Netzwerkbereitstellung ermöglicht. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter

Mavenir – PR–Kontakte:
Emmanuela Spiteri

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9221334)

Mavenir وWhitestack توسعان نطاق منظومة وظائف الشبكات المفتوحة

ريتشاردسون، تكساس, Aug. 27, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — أعلنت اليوم شركة Mavenir، مزود البنية التحتية للشبكة المحلية السحابية التي تصنع مستقبل الشبكات، وشركة Whitestack، المطور مفتوح المصدر لحلول Telco Cloud السحابية، عن الانتهاء بنجاح من مواءمة تكنولوجية تمكّن دمج حل نظم إدارة المعلومات السحابي الأصلي الخاص بشركة Mavenir بسلاسة في منصة Telco Cloud السحابية المفتوحة الخاصة بشركة Whitestack؛ ما يبرهن على الخبرة البالغة لشركة Mavenir في تسهيل عمليات النشر السحابية الأصلية. جاء هذا التعاون ليمثل جزءًا من عملية نشر مع مشغل رائد من الدرجة الأولى في أمريكا اللاتينية فضلًا عن الاستفادة من إمكانات معالج Intel Xeon وتقنية Intel Ethernet فيما يتعلق بالطاقة والأداء.

إن تمكين شركات تشغيل الهاتف المحمول من نشر أحمال عمل الاتصالات على حلولها السحابية يشكل جانبًا أساسيًا من استراتيجية Mavenir السحابية الأصلية، ويمثل إعلان اليوم تحقيق الاندماج الكامل مع حل Telco Cloud السحابي المقدّم من شركة Whitestack؛ ما يمنح مشغلي الاتصالات مجموعة أوسع من الخيارات المرنة لنشر حلول Mavenir ويؤكد التوسع المستمر في منظومة الاتصالات الهادفة إلى تحرير المشغلين من الحلول القديمة أو الأحادية.

تستفيد الشركتان من الزخم الذي تشهده الصناعة في أعقاب الإعلانات المهمة من جانب المشغلين الذين يعتمدون البنية التحتية السحابية لأداء وظائف الشبكة الحيوية، ويولد هذا الاتجاه اهتمامًا كبيرًا من جانب المشغلين التقليديين. ولتلبية هذا الطلب الجليّ، تُقدّم Mavenir وWhitestack نسبة مقنعة من الأداء إلى التكلفة، ما يجعل الانتقال إلى الحلول السحابية قرارًا سهلًا.

قال Brandon Larson، النائب الأول للرئيس والمدير العام لاستراتيجية الأعمال المتعلقة بالسحابة والذكاء الاصطناعي وأنظمة إدارة المعلومات لدى شركة Mavenir: “نحن سعداء للغاية بإكمال عملية الاندماج في إطار زمني معقول، ويعزى ذلك جزئيًا إلى خبرتنا بحلول Telco Cloud السحابية الأخرى والمرونة التي تتسم بها شركة Whitestack من حيث تعديل تهيئة مستوى البيانات الخاص بها لتحقيق أقصى استفادة ممكنة من أدائنا”. وأضاف: “مع توجه الصناعة نحو البنية الأساسية السحابية، يجب تكييف الحلول السحابية لتكون مناسبة لأحمال العمل الخاصة بالاتصالات، ولإنجاز هذه المهمة، يتطلب الأمر شركات مثل Mavenir التي طورت مجموعة مهارات متخصصة في كل ما يتعلق بالمجال السحابي والاتصالات”.

تعتمد حلول أنظمة إدارة المعلومات السحابية الأصلية من شركة Mavenir على بنية الخدمات المصغرة التي تتألف من وظائف الشبكات الحاوية (CNFs) التي تتبنى مبادئ السحابة الأصلية، وتوفر خدمات صوتية تستفيد من الفوائد الجوهرية لنظام Kubernetes لضمان توفر عالٍ، كما يعمل هذا الحل على منصة Telco Cloud الخاص بشركة Whitestack بموجب نموذج نشر آلي.

قال José Miguel Guzmán، مدير تطوير أعمال الاتصالات/ التمثيل الافتراضي لوظائف الشبكة في شركة Whitestack: “إن أحد الجوانب الرئيسية العديدة لسحابة الاتصالات Telco Cloud، مقارنةً بالسحابة الخاصة العادية، هو القدرة على الاستفادة من التقنيات المتقدمة لتسريع أداء وظائف الشبكة. يحتوي كل تطبيق على معالج وذاكرة وقرص وملف حركة مرور خاص به، ولدينا في WhiteCloud سيطرة دقيقة على هذه الجوانب، ما يسمح لنا بتزويد كل وظيفة من وظائف الشبكة الافتراضية (VNF) أو وظائف الشبكة الحاوية (CNF) بأفضل إعدادات الأجهزة لتحقيق أقصى قدر من الإنتاجية ومزج الجيل القديم والجديد من الخوادم ومطابقتهما.”

قال Alex Quach، نائب الرئيس لشؤون الشبكات والحدود في شركة Intel: “تتضمن تكوينات الخادم المستندة إلى معالجات Intel Xeon ميزات جديدة مصممة لتسريع حركة مرور المستخدم، وعند دمجها مع برنامج Intel Infrastructure Power Manager وIntel Ethernet E810 Controller، تسمح هذه التكوينات لمقدمي الخدمة بدفع تحسين البنية الأساسية الخاصة بهم من أجل تعزيز الأداء وكفاءة الطاقة والمساحة في مركز بيانات الاتصالات”.

برزت شركة Whitestack كطرف فاعل رئيسي في مجال البنية الأساسية المفتوحة في أمريكا اللاتينية، حيث تزود العشرات من مراكز البيانات من الدرجة الأولى في المنطقة بحل Telco Cloud السحابي القائم على تقنية مفتوحة المصدر، وتشمل عروضها شبكات الصندوق الأبيض Whitebox وأنظمة بصرية عالية السعة والخوادم التجارية الجاهزة التي تعمل بمعالجات Intel Xeon.

ستشارك Mavenir وWhitestack وIntel في قمة Open Telco Cloud لعام 2024 التي ستُقام في مدينة مكسيكو في الثالث من أيلول/ سبتمبر 2024 – سجل للحضور شخصيًا أو افتراضيًا.

Intel وشعار Intel والعلامات التجارية الأخرى لشركة Intel هي علامات تجارية مملوكة لشركة Intel أو الشركات التابعة لها. 

نبذة عن MAVENIR

تعمل شركة Mavenir على بناء مستقبل الشبكات في وقتنا الحالي من خلال تقديم حلول سحابية مدعومة بالذكاء الاصطناعي وصديقة للبيئة من حيث التصميم، ما يمكّن المشغلين من تحقيق الفوائد المرجوة من تقنيات الجيل الخامس وإنشاء شبكات ذكية وآلية وقابلة للبرمجة. Mavenir شركة رائدة في مجال شبكات الاتصال اللاسلكية المفتوحة (Open RAN) أثبتت قدرتها على إحداث تغييرات جذرية في القطاع، كما أن حلولها الحائزة على عدة جوائز توفر الأتمتة والربحية عبر شبكات الهاتف المحمول على مستوى العالم، ما يسرع تحويل شبكات البرامج لأكثر من 300 مزود لخدمات الاتصالات في أكثر من 120 دولة، والتي تخدم أكثر من 50% من المشتركين حول العالم. لمزيد من المعلومات، يرجى زيارة


يدمج حل Telco Cloud الرائد من Whitestack كلًا من وظائف الشبكات الافتراضية (القائمة على الآلة الافتراضية) ووظائف الشبكات الحاوية (القائمة على الحاويات) باستخدام نماذج نشر تلتزم بمعايير الصناعة ومثبت جدواها، وباعتبار حل Telco Cloud الأكثر انتشارًا في أمريكا اللاتينية، فإنه يتمتع بشهادات من عمالقة الصناعة كمؤسسة هيوليت باكارد HPE وDELL، ما يضمن أداءً وموثوقية من الدرجة الأولى.

تعمل حلول الشبكات المفتوحة من Whitestack على إحداث ثورة في البنية الأساسية للشبكة، ويمكنك نشرها في بنى مراكز البيانات المفتوحة باستخدام تشكيلات Spine & Leaf المتقدمة أو تحسين شبكات الوصول والتجميع البصرية باستخدام أحدث محولاتنا المفتوحة (الصناديق البيضاء)، حيث يُدار كل ذلك بسلاسة بواسطة وحدة تحكم الشبكات المعرّفة بالبرمجيات المفتوحة الخاصة بنا، Whitesdn، لتوفير شبكة آلية لا مثيل لها. لمزيد من المعلومات، تفضل بزيارة

للتواصل مع العلاقات العامة في Mavenir:
Emmanuela Spiteri

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9221334)

Mavenir et Whitestack étendent l’écosystème des fonctions réseau ouvertes

RICHARDSON, Texas, 27 août 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Mavenir, le fournisseur d’infrastructure réseau cloud–native qui prépare l’avenir des réseaux, et Whitestack, un développeur de solutions telco cloud open source, annoncent aujourd’hui la finalisation d’un alignement technologique qui permet une intégration aisée de la solution de systèmes de gestion intégrés (IMS) cloud–native de Mavenir dans la plateforme telco cloud de Whitestack – ce qui témoigne de la précieuse expertise de Mavenir en matière de déploiement cloud–native. Cette collaboration a vu le jour dans le cadre d’un déploiement avec un opérateur de premier plan en Amérique latine et met à profit la puissance et les capacités de performance du processeur Intel Xeon et de la technologie Ethernet Intel.

Donner aux opérateurs de téléphonie mobile les moyens de déployer des processus de travail sur ses solutions cloud est un élément central de la stratégie cloud–native de Mavenir. L’annonce d’aujourd’hui marque l’intégration complète avec la solution telco cloud de Whitestack – qui offre aux téléopérateurs un plus large éventail d’options flexibles de déploiement des solutions de Mavenir – et atteste de l’expansion continue de l’écosystème des télécommunications destiné à éloigner les opérateurs des solutions obsolètes ou monolithiques.

Les deux sociétés tirent parti de la dynamique du secteur, suite aux importantes annonces d’opérateurs adoptant une infrastructure cloud pour assurer les fonctions critiques du réseau. Cette tendance suscite un vif intérêt de la part des opérateurs traditionnels. Pour répondre à cette demande pressante, Mavenir et Whitestack proposent un rapport performance/coût exceptionnel, facilitant ainsi la transition vers des solutions sur cloud.

« Nous sommes très heureux d’avoir achevé le processus d’intégration dans un délai raisonnable, en partie grâce à notre expérience avec d’autres telco clouds et à la polyvalence de Whitestack, qui a su ajuster la configuration de son plan de données pour maximiser nos performances », a déclaré Brandon Larson, vice–président principal et directeur général de la stratégie commerciale cloud, IA et IMS de Mavenir. « Les solutions cloud doivent être adaptées de façon à convenir aux charges de travail des opérateurs télécoms à mesure que le secteur évolue vers une infrastructure sur cloud », a ajouté Brandon Larson. « Pour y parvenir, il faut des entreprises comme Mavenir qui ont su se doter d’un ensemble de compétences spécialisées à la fois dans l’informatique dématérialisée et dans les télécommunications. »

La solution IMS cloud–native de Mavenir est basée sur une architecture de microservices comprenant des fonctions de réseau conteneurisées (CNF) qui adoptent les codes du cloud–native, pour offrir des services vocaux qui tirent parti des avantages intrinsèques de Kubernetes pour garantir une disponibilité élevée. Cette solution est basée sur la plateforme telco cloud de Whitestack selon un modèle de déploiement automatisé.

« L’un des nombreux avantages d’un telco cloud, par rapport à un cloud privé classique, est la possibilité d’utiliser des techniques avancées pour accélérer les performances des fonctions réseau », a déclaré José Miguel Guzmán, responsable du développement des activités Telco/NFV chez Whitestack. « Chaque application a son propre traitement, mémoire, disque et profil de trafic. Dans WhiteCloud, nous disposons d’un contrôle granulaire sur ces aspects, ce qui nous permet de fournir à chaque VNF ou CNF les paramètres matériels optimaux pour maximiser leur débit, en combinant d’anciens serveurs et des serveurs de nouvelle génération. »

« Les configurations de serveurs basées sur les processeurs Intel Xeon intègrent de nouvelles fonctionnalités conçues pour accélérer le trafic des utilisateurs. Associées au logiciel Intel Infrastructure Power Manager et au contrôleur Intel Ethernet E810, ces configurations permettent aux fournisseurs de services d’optimiser les performances, l’efficacité énergétique et l’espace de leur infrastructure dans les centres de données télécoms », a déclaré Alex Quach, vice–président du groupe Network and Edge d’Intel.

Whitestack s’est imposée comme un acteur clé dans le domaine de l’infrastructure ouverte en Amérique latine, fournissant à des dizaines de centres de données de niveau 1 dans la région une solution telco cloud basée sur une technologie open source. Son offre comprend des réseaux en boîte blanche, des systèmes optiques à haute capacité et des serveurs COTS équipés de processeurs Intel Xeon.

Mavenir, Whitestack et Intel participeront au Open Telco Cloud Summit 2024 à Mexico le 3 septembre 2024 – inscrivez–vous pour y assister en personne ou en ligne.

Intel, le logo Intel et les autres marques Intel sont des marques commerciales d’Intel Corporation ou de ses filiales. 


Mavenir bâtit aujourd’hui les réseaux de demain grâce à des solutions basées sur le cloud et l’IA, qui sont écologiques de par leur conception et qui permettent aux opérateurs de tirer parti des avantages de la 5G et de mettre en place des réseaux intelligents, automatisés et programmables. En tant que pionnier de l’Open RAN et innovateur du secteur, Mavenir et ses solutions primées assurent l’automatisation et la monétisation des réseaux mobiles dans le monde entier, accélérant la transformation des réseaux logiciels auprès de plus de 300 fournisseurs de services de communication dans plus de 120 pays, qui desservent plus de 50 % des abonnés dans le monde. Pour en savoir plus, rendez–vous sur


La solution phare telco cloud de Whitestack intègre à la fois des VNF (machines virtuelles) et des CNF (conteneurs) en recourant à des modèles de déploiement standard qui ont fait leurs preuves dans le secteur. Cette solution telco cloud, la plus largement déployée en Amérique latine, est certifiée par les géants du secteur HPE et DELL, gage d’une performance et d’une fiabilité optimales.

Les solutions de réseau ouvert de Whitestack révolutionnent l’infrastructure réseau. Déployez vos solutions dans des réseaux ouverts DC Fabrics avec des configurations Spine & Leaf avancées, ou améliorez l’accès optique et l’agrégation des réseaux avec nos commutateurs ouverts de pointe (whiteboxes). Le tout est géré de manière transparente par notre contrôleur SDN ouvert, Whitesdn, pour un déploiement automatisé inégalé du réseau. Pour en savoir plus, rendez–vous sur

Contact relations publiques de Mavenir :
Emmanuela Spiteri 

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9221334)

DALI Alliance lighting awards opens with new categories for 2024

LONDON, Aug. 27, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — DALI Alliance, the global industry organization for DALI, the internationally–standardized protocol for digital communication between lighting control devices, announces that the annual DALI Lighting Awards are officially open for 2024 with a number of new categories.

The traditional application categories have been consolidated to five awards: Residential, Commercial Interior, Commercial Exterior, Industrial & Infrastructure, and Horticulture. This year’s Awards will also include the following innovation categories:

  • Best Use of D4i: Recognizing innovative applications of DALI D4i technology, including enhanced data communication, energy management, and advanced control capabilities.
  • Best Emergency Lighting Integration: Celebrating solutions that incorporate emergency lighting, ensuring safety, reliability, and compliance with standards during emergencies.
  • Best Human Centric Design: Honoring projects that prioritize human well–being in health, comfort, and productivity through lighting.
  • Best Integration into Other Building Systems Highlighting projects that excel in integrating lighting data with other building systems, such as HVAC, security, and energy management.
  • Innovation in Lighting: Recognizing cutting–edge technologies and advancements in lighting control solutions.
  • Sustainability and Energy Efficiency: Highlighting projects that excel in sustainability, conservation, and environmental impact.
  • Smart and Connected Lighting: Honoring advancements in smart lighting systems, IoT integration, and connected lighting solutions.
  • Non–networked Lighting:  Celebrating innovative applications in small or stand–alone spaces.

These new categories align with the growth of technologies, advancements, and innovations that are being adopted by the lighting sector. 

This year’s submissions will no longer be submitted to a specific category. Entries will be placed by judges into applicable categories, allowing the possibility of a single project to win multiple awards.

Paul Drosihn, general manager of DALI Alliance, said: “We are very excited to launch this year’s DALI Lighting Awards with a refreshed approach. We are confident these changes will make it more straightforward for those across the lighting industry to enter, and gain recognition for their work.”

The awards entry deadline is 7 October 2024.

For more information and to enter the awards, visit https://www.dali–

About the DALI Alliance

The DALI Alliance is an open, global consortium of lighting companies that aims to grow the market for lighting–control solutions based on Digital Addressable Lighting Interface (DALI) technology. The DALI Alliance promotes the adoption of DALI–2, D4i, and DALI+ certification programs and supports the use of open, interoperable lighting control systems.

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at–7409–48b9–8c98–484c00bbe4fe

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000988547)

Mavenir and Whitestack Expand the Ecosystem of Open Network Functions

RICHARDSON, Texas, Aug. 27, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Mavenir, the cloud–native network infrastructure provider building the future of networks, and Whitestack, an open source–based developer of Telco Cloud solutions, today announce successful completion of a technology alignment that enables Mavenir’s Cloud–Native IMS solution to be seamlessly integrated into Whitestack’s Telco Cloud platform – demonstrating Mavenir’s pivotal expertise in facilitating cloud–native deployments. The collaboration was initiated as part of a deployment with a leading Tier 1 operator in Latin America and harnesses the power and performance capabilities of the Intel Xeon processor and Intel Ethernet technology.

Empowering mobile operators to deploy telco workloads on its cloud solutions is a fundamental aspect of Mavenir’s cloud–native strategy. Today's announcement marks the achievement of full integration with Whitestack's Telco Cloud solution – offering telco operators a wider array of flexible options for deploying Mavenir's solutions – and underscores the continued expansion of the telecom ecosystem aimed at liberating operators from legacy or monolithic solutions

The two companies are capitalizing on industry momentum, following significant announcements from operators adopting cloud infrastructure for critical network functions. This trend is generating substantial interest from traditional operators. To meet this clear demand, Mavenir and Whitestack are offering a compelling performance–to–cost ratio, making the transition to cloud solutions an easy decision.

“We are very pleased to have completed the integration process in a reasonable timeframe, thanks in part to our experience with other Telco Clouds and Whitestack's flexibility in adjusting their data plane configuration to maximize our performance,” said Brandon Larson, Senior Vice President and General Manager of Mavenir’s Cloud, AI & IMS Business Strategy. He added: “As the industry moves towards cloud infrastructure, cloud solutions must be adapted to be suitable for telco workloads,” says Brandon Larson. “In order to accomplish this, it takes companies like Mavenir that have developed a specialized skillset in both cloud and telco.”

Mavenir's Cloud–Native IMS solution is based on a microservices architecture comprising Containerized Network Functions (CNFs) that adopt cloud–native principles, offering voice services that leverage the intrinsic benefits of Kubernetes to ensure high availability. This solution operates on Whitestack's Telco Cloud platform under an automated deployment model.

“One of the many key aspects of a Telco Cloud, compared to a regular private cloud, is the ability to utilize advanced techniques for accelerating network function performance,” said José Miguel Guzmán, Telco/NFV Business Development Manager, Whitestack. “Each application has its own processing, memory, disk, and traffic profile. In WhiteCloud, we have granular control over these aspects, allowing us to provide each VNF or CNF with the optimal hardware settings to maximize their throughput, mixing and matching legacy and new–generation servers.”

“Server configurations based on Intel Xeon processors include new features designed to accelerate user traffic. When combined with the Intel Infrastructure Power Manager software and Intel Ethernet E810 Controller, these configurations allow service providers to drive optimization of their infrastructure for performance, energy efficiency and space in the telco data center,” said Alex Quach, VP Network and Edge Group, Intel.   

Whitestack has emerged as a key player in the open infrastructure space in Latin America, supplying dozens of Tier 1 data centers in the region with a Telco Cloud solution based on open–source technology. Its offering includes whitebox networking, high–capacity optics systems, and COTS servers powered by Intel Xeon processors.

Mavenir, Whitestack and Intel will be participating at the Open Telco Cloud Summit 2024 in Mexico City on September 3rd 2024 – register to attend in person or virtually.

Intel, the Intel logo, and other Intel marks are trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries. 


Mavenir is building the future of networks today with cloud–native, AI–enabled solutions which are green by design, empowering operators to realize the benefits of 5G and achieve intelligent, automated, programmable networks. As the pioneer of Open RAN and a proven industry disruptor, Mavenir’s award–winning solutions are delivering automation and monetization across mobile networks globally, accelerating software network transformation for 300+ Communications Service Providers in over 120 countries, which serve more than 50% of the world’s subscribers. For more information, please visit


Whitestack’s flagship Telco Cloud solution integrates both VNFs (virtual machine–based) and CNFs (container–based) using proven industry–standard deployment models. As the most widely deployed Telco Cloud solution in Latin America, it boasts certifications from industry giants HPE and DELL, ensuring top–tier performance and reliability.

Whitestack's Open Networking solutions revolutionize network infrastructure. Deploy in open DC Fabrics with advanced Spine & Leaf configurations, or enhance optical access and aggregation networks with our state–of–the–art open switches (whiteboxes). All seamlessly managed by our open SDN controller, Whitesdn, for unparalleled automated network provisioning. For more information visit

Mavenir PR Contacts:  
Emmanuela Spiteri 

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9220049)

Recovering Bangladesh’s Stolen Wealth

By Anis Chowdhury, Khalilur Rahman and Ziauddin Hyder
SYDNEY, NEW YORK, WASHINGTON DC, Aug 27 2024 – Bangladesh bleeds as over US$3 billion drains from Bangladesh annually through offshore accounts. According to a recent report, close to US$150 was siphoned off the country during 15 years of kleptocratic Hasina regime’s mis-rule. Nearly US$50 billion went out of the country in the first six years (2009-2015) of the Hasina regime.

Anis Chowdhury

Urgent action is needed not only to stop this fatal bleeding, but also to recover the country’s stolen wealth.

Corruptions and illicit transfer of funds
Bangladesh has been a fertile ground for corruption and usurpation of public money. A 2011 UNDP report ranked Bangladesh at the top along with Angola among least developed countries (LDCs) for “illicit financial flows”.

Corruption and illicit transfer of funds reached an unprecedented level during the fallen Sheikh Hasina’s autocratic regime as the regime’s survival became increasingly reliant on letting its cronies and kleptocrats rob banks. A staggering US$8.4 billion was misappropriated from banks alone through irregularities, misuse of powers, and money laundering.

Another major source of corruption by kleptocrats has been grossly inflated aid- and foreign debt-funded mega projects. Tax evasion by politically connected elites has been a major source of revenue loss, estimated at US$703 million a year.

A 2017 Global Financial Integrity Report found illicit financial flows from Bangladesh the highest among LDCs. On average as much as US$8.3 billion per year has been laundered from Bangladesh through trade mis-invoicing alone – by inflating import price and under-pricing exports – between 2009 and 2018.

Khalilur Rahman

Besides using “hundi”, criminals also use their children studying abroad as “money mules” to transfer illegally acquired wealth. Various schemes, such as “golden visa”, “second home”, of destination countries like Canada, Portugal, Australia, Malaysia, Dubai – also provide easy means to launder illegally gained wealth.

It is reported that 252 Bangladeshi bureaucrats, police and other officials bought houses in the United States by laundering the country’s money. Bangladeshis top the list of foreign buyers of real estates in Dubai. Canada’s “Begumpara” has become the “forbidden paradise” of wealthy Bangladeshis. One ex-minister of the previous regime alone owns 350 properties, worth approximately over US$264 million, in the UK.

The offshore financial wealth of Bangladeshis is estimated at 0.7% of the nation’s GDP. Illicit fund transfer from Bangladesh is estimated at 2.2% of the country’s total revenue in fiscal year 2019-20, and deprives Bangladesh of over US$700 million worth of revenue income.

Kleptocracy: Rule by thieves
Under Sheikh Hasina, state institutions served regime elites or kleptocrats to exploit citizens. This undermined democratic norms and weakened economy’s foundation. Kleptocrats often stash their ill-gotten gains outside the country.

Ziauddin Hyder

Had the ill-gotten money remained and invested in the country, the economy would have at least benefitted even though at the cost of rising disparities and misgovernance. However, with such a large illicit outflow of funds, the country has the worst of both – an increasingly precarious economy, unable to create productive and decent jobs for a growing youth population, and inequality of income and wealth rapidly growing to an obnoxious level – while all state institutions are captured by regime’s partisans.

Recovering stolen wealth for sustainable development
Corruption and illicit transfer of funds are a major drag on development. Therefore, asset recovery is included in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) under Goal 16.4 and in the commitments under the Addis Ababa Action Agenda on Financing for Development.

The recovery of stolen assets is a fundamental principle of the UN Convention against Corruption. Chapter V of the convention provides a framework for the return of stolen assets, requiring states parties to take measures to restrain, seize, confiscate, and return the proceeds of corruption.

However, there is no single international authority responsible for recovering laundered money. Several mechanisms and institutions work together to address this issue. There are a number of international laws and conventions that can be used to claim laundered money. These agreements provide a framework for cooperation between countries in combating money laundering, terrorist financing, and other financial crimes.

Bangladesh can seek assistance of the United Nations, the World Bank and Interpol. The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and the World Bank have a joint Stolen Asset Recovery Initiative (StAR) to support international efforts to end safe havens for corrupt funds. Since its establishment in 2007, StAR has assisted over 35 countries in drafting legal frameworks, setting up the institutional structure, and building the skills necessary to trace and return stolen assets.

Interpol assists countries to recover and return assets obtained corruptly. Interpol works closely with a number of national, regional and international bodies such as the International Anti-Corruption Coordination Centre, which brings together specialist law enforcement officers from multiple agencies around the world to tackle allegations of grand corruption and help bring corrupt elites to justice.

Political will is critical
The recovery and return of criminal assets is a complex process. It can take many different shapes, depending on the type of corruption offense, how the recovery effort is initiated and by whom. It also depends on whether a criminal conviction exists in the state of origin, whether criminal or civil process is used – or both; as well as which legal mechanisms to restrain assets are available in the destination state. Whether the state harmed by corruption has requested a return of their stolen assets is fundamentally important.

However, the most critical factor is political will. Collusive abuse of power is the most important reasons why nothing happens to the perpetrators of high-level corruption and illicit transfer of funds.

Bangladesh itself has the Money Laundering Prevention Act, which criminalises laundering and authorises the confiscation of laundered assets. Bangladesh has also signed mutual legal assistance treaties (MLATs) with other countries.

Sadly, the country does not effectively use any of the tools to recover laundered money, whether during Hasina’s autocratic rule or prior to it. Bangladesh is yet to sign MLATs with popular money laundering destinations – Australia, Canada, Cyprus and Switzerland.

Time to act now
The leading national dailies have recently carried editorials highlighting the urgent need to recovering the country’s smuggled money. Politicians are also raising the issue with important countries, such as Switzerland. The President of the Bangladesh Economic Association has urged for the formation of a separate commission to stop corruption, money laundering and recovery of undisclosed money.

There is also momentum in some destination countries. For example, Sheikh Hasina’s niece, Tulip Siddiq, a British Bangladeshi Labour Party lawmaker and a minister, is being investigated by the UK parliament’s standards for a London property.

Bangladeshi diaspora community has been active in exposing money laundering and real estate investments by corrupt Bangladeshi politicians and elites in various countries; and is campaigning to confiscate their assets.

Thus, there is a momentum; and the interim government must act now. This is the best opportunity for the country to recover its billions of dollars of stolen asset. The head of the interim Government, Professor Yunus, must use his international standing and good will to request the United Nations, the Interpol and destination countries to assist Bangladesh in this regard.

The interim Government should also initiate MLATS with missing popular destination countries and become a party to the OECD’s Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters and “Common Reporting Standard”. This will allow Bangladesh to obtain the bank account and other financial information of Bangladeshis living in the signatory countries.

Anis Chowdhury, Emeritus Professor, Western Sydney University (Australia) & former Director of UN-ESCAP’s Macroeconomic Policy & Development Division.

Khalilur Rahman, former Secretary of the UN Secretary-General’s High-level Panel on Technology Bank for LDCs; former head of UNCTAD’s Trade Analysis Branch and its New York Office.

Ziauddin Hyder, Former Director Research BRAC and Adjunct Professor, University of the Philippines at Los Banos

KEENON Robotics Apresenta Soluções Inovadoras de Serviços Inteligentes com Inteligência Incorporada na Conferência Mundial de Robôs de 2024

PEQUIM, Aug. 27, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A KEENON Robotics apresentou suas mais recentes soluções de serviços inteligentes com inteligência incorporada na Conferência Mundial de Robôs de 2024, realizada no Centro Internacional de Exposições e Convenções Etrong de Pequim, de 21 a 25 de agosto de 2024. A conferência deste ano, com o tema “Promoção de Novas Forças Produtivas e Inovações de Qualidade Para um Futuro Inteligente”, reuniu os principais especialistas, pioneiros do setor e inovadores para explorar os mais recentes avanços em tecnologia robótica.

No evento, a KEENON Robotics introduziu sua experiência de ponta “Smart Hub” com uma demonstração imersiva do potencial transformador da robótica em vários setores, incluindo hospitalidade, serviços de restaurante e saúde.

A exposição contou com uma impressionante linha de robôs de serviço, incluindo o DINERBOT T10, T9, T8, BUTLERBOT W3, KLEENBOT C30, KEENON S100, Disinfection Robot M2, robô de entrega médica KEENON Healthcare X101 e muito mais. Isso é um exemplo do compromisso da KEENON em transformar a robótica avançada em aplicações práticas que aprimoram a eficiência operacional e elevam as experiências do cliente.

Como observou o fundador e CEO da KEENON, Tony Li, “Os robôs abrem as portas para a IA entrar no mundo físico”. Essa visão ganhou vida no estande, onde os robôs de serviço estavam perfeitamente integrados a cenários meticulosamente elaborados. Os visitantes tiveram um vislumbre de um mundo onde, depois de entrar no túnel de entrada, a inteligência está perfeitamente entrelaçada na vida cotidiana.

Além de apresentar as soluções inovadoras de robôs, a KEENON Robotics recebeu o prêmio “Top 20 Most Investable Robotics Companies in China” no Inaugural China Robotics Venture Capital Summit Forum durante o mesmo período. Esse prêmio ressalta o papel da empresa em impulsionar a inovação tecnológica e destaca seu potencial promissor no mercado.

A KEENON Robotics está na vanguarda da integração de modelos avançados de IA em cenários de serviço. Os robôs de uso geral da empresa tiveram melhorias significativas na detecção ambiental, tomada de decisão e execução com a IA multimodal. Ao aproveitar a profunda experiência em ambientes de serviço, esses robôs são aprimorados para mais inteligência e adaptabilidade, permitindo um serviço eficaz em diversos setores. Isso demonstra a sua ampla aplicabilidade e dedicação para atender a uma ampla gama de necessidades do mundo real.

Na conferência, a KEENON Robotics mostrou o seu papel fundamental no avanço do setor de robótica de serviços. Com a expansão dos limites do que é possível, a KEENON está criando soluções inteligentes que aprimoram a eficiência, a conveniência e o design centrado no ser humano. Essas inovações devem transformar os ambientes comerciais, agregar valor significativo aos clientes globais e introduzir conveniência incomparável à vida cotidiana, garantindo os benefícios generalizados da tecnologia.

Sobre a KEENON Robotics
Líder global em robôs e soluções de serviços comerciais, a KEENON Robotics tem estado na vanguarda do mercado de robôs de serviços avançados desde 2010. Com suas tecnologias de ponta em robótica e computação em nuvem, a empresa tem a confiança de empresas em todo o mundo. A KEENON Robotics se dedica a criar valor, promover a inovação e contribuir para o crescimento da indústria em vários setores.

Para mais informação, entre em contato com ou visite

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9220983)

UN Secretary General Warns of ‘Brutal’ Impacts of Climate Change for Pacific Islands

Secretary-General António Guterres witnessed the impact of rising sea levels while in Samoa. Credit: Kiara Worth/United Nations

Secretary-General António Guterres witnessed the impact of rising sea levels while in Samoa. Credit: Kiara Worth/United Nations

By Naureen Hossain
UNITED NATIONS, Aug 27 2024 – UN General Secretary General António Guterres warned of the wide-ranging impacts of climate change on a visit to the Pacific islands of Samoa and Tonga.

“(Climate change) spells disaster: wide-ranging and brutal impacts, coming far thicker and faster than we can adapt to them—destroying entire coastal communities,” said Guterres, speaking at a meeting of Pacific Island leaders in Tonga.

Rising sea levels and warming ocean temperatures pose a threat to the stability of Pacific Island nations and their socio-economic viability. Two new reports from the United Nations and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) shed light on the accelerating rate of sea-level rise and warn of its impact on coastal areas worldwide.

A report from WMO, The State of Climate Change in the Southwest Pacific 2023, reveals that sea levels in that region are higher than the global average. Among other factors,  Sea-level rise is among the consequences of global warming and climate change shaping the fabric of seas and oceans. The UN Climate Action Team’s new technical brief, Surging Seas in a warming world, provides a breakdown of sea-level rise through scientific reporting and considers the implication on a broader scale.

While in Tonga for the 53rd Pacific Islands Forum Leaders’ Meeting, Guterres warned that rising sea levels would have an “unparalleled power” to wreak havoc on coastal cities and their economies.

“The reason is clear: greenhouse gases—overwhelmingly generated by burning fossil fuels—are cooking our planet,” said Guterres. “And the sea is taking the heat—literally.”

Sea-level rise poses a global threat to low-lying islands and coastal communities connected to the sea. In this area, nearly 11 percent of the world’s population (900 million) lives on continents or islands connected to the sea, which also hosts a great concentration of the world’s economic activities and cultural heritage sites. Coastal megacities across all continents, such as Bangkok, Dhaka, Buenos Aires, London, Tokyo, and New York City, face risks to their safety and sustainability. Sea-level rise erodes land, destroys infrastructure, and disrupts lives and livelihoods.

Sea-level rise, however, has a disproportionately negative impact on small island developing states (SIDs), particularly those in the Pacific. Many islands in the Pacific are dealing with a sea-level change of 15 cm between 1993 and 2023, much higher than the global mean sea-level rise of 9.4 cm. Based on a projection of 3 degrees Celsius in global temperatures, sea-level rise in the Pacific will increase by an additional 15 cm between 2020 and 2050. Yet Pacific Islands only account for 0.02 percent of global emissions. The UN special brief notes that at least 90 percent of Pacific Islanders, or 700 million people, live within five kilometers of the coastline.

The average rate of sea-level rise has more than doubled since the 1990s. Between 1993 and 2002, the rate was 0.21 percent. The rate from 2014 to 2022 was measured at 0.48 percent. This increasing rate has been attributed to the warming of oceans and the loss from ice sheets in Greenland and the Antarctic.

Along with rising sea levels, ocean surface warming is a grave concern for the Pacific. Between 1981 and 2023, nearly the entire South-West Pacific region reached rates of 0.4 degrees Celsius, about three times faster than the global surface ocean warming rate of 0.15 percent over the same period. The WMO also identified that marine heatwaves—periods of unusually high ocean temperatures—increased in intensity and duration in much of the Pacific over the last decade. It will have far-reaching adverse effects on fish stocks and coral reef resilience, which will impact ecosystems, economies and livelihoods in the Pacific.

“The [Pacific] ocean has taken up more than 90 percent of the excess heat trapped by greenhouse gases and is undergoing changes that will be irreversible for centuries to come. Human activities have weakened the capacity of the ocean to sustain and protect us and—through sea level rise—are transforming a lifelong friend into a growing threat,” said WMO Secretary-General Celeste Saulo.

“For some nations, the loss of land due to climate change and rising sea levels may render them uninhabitable. With this raises the implications of relocation, sovereignty and statehood. Island nations across the Pacific are already experiencing a loss of life and land erosion due to sea-level rise. They are also particularly vulnerable to tropical cyclones and the increasing frequency and severity of coastal flooding. Adaptation to the impacts of sea-level rise needs to work on a greater scale than in the past. Without investing in new adaptation and protection measures in the Pacific, economic damage and loss due to coastal flooding could come up to trillions of dollars lost,” Guterres said.

In his statement, Guterres appealed that countries need to step up in their commitments towards climate action by presenting new Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) by 2025. This is an opportunity for all stakeholders in climate action to take immediate action to cut emissions and build up resilience to climate impacts. Guterres called for governments to increase finance and support vulnerable countries, singling out developed countries to honor their financial commitments, such as doubling adaptation finance to USD 40 billion by 2025. He also called on countries to support new financial goals during this year’s UN Climate Conference (COP29).

By 2027, every person on Earth should be protected through effective early warning systems, Guterres added. This would be done through investing in and building capacity of local climate data services and knowledge, which can help inform early warning systems and long-term adaptation solutions.

“The world must look to the Pacific and listen to the science,” said Guterres. “This is a crazy situation: Rising seas are a crisis entirely of humanity’s making. A crisis that will soon swell to an almost unimaginable scale, with no lifeboat to take us back to safety. But if we save the Pacific, we also save ourselves.”

IPS UN Bureau Report


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Crescimento explosivo dos criptomilionários em 2024

LONDRES, Aug. 27, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Atualmente, 172.300 pessoas em todo o mundo possuem mais de US$ 1 milhão em criptoativos – um aumento de 95% em comparação com o ano passado – com o número de milionários do Bitcoin subindo 111% para 85.400, de acordo com o Crypto Wealth Report 2024 publicado pelos especialistas internacionais em migração de investimentos e patrimônio da Henley & Partners.

O valor total de mercado dos criptoativos atingiu agora a impressionante cifra de US$ 2,3 trilhões, um aumento de 89% em comparação com os US$ 1,2 trilhão informados no relatório inaugural da empresa no ano passado. Os escalões superiores da riqueza em criptomoedas também se expandiram drasticamente, com o número de centi–milionários de criptomoedas (aqueles com patrimônio em criptomoedas de US$ 100 milhões ou mais) aumentando em 79% para 325, e até mesmo a coorte rarefeita de bilionários de criptomoedas registrando um aumento de 27% passando a 28 em todo o mundo.

Dominic Volek, Diretor de Clientes Privados na Henley & Partners, afirma que o rápido crescimento foi motivado pela introdução de ETFs de criptomoedas nos principais mercados financeiros, gerando um capital institucional significativo. “O cenário de criptomoedas de 2024 tem pouca semelhança com seus predecessores. O aumento do Bitcoin para mais de US$ 73.000 em março registrou um novo recorde histórico, enquanto a tão esperada aprovação de ETFs de Bitcoin e Ethereum nos EUA gerou uma enxurrada de capital institucional. Agora, cresce a expectativa de que possíveis ETFs de Solana entrem na festa de Wall Street. Esses acontecimentos marcantes inauguraram uma nova era de adoção de criptomoedas, na qual os ativos digitais se multiplicam cada vez mais entre as finanças tradicionais e a mobilidade global.”

O chefe de pesquisa da New World Wealth, Andrew Amoils, diz que a faixa dos milionários teve o melhor desempenho no ano passado, enquanto o crescimento dos bilionários foi muito menor e motivado sobretudo pelo Bitcoin. “Dos seis novos criptobilionários que surgiram no ano passado, cinco são provenientes do Bitcoin, ressaltando sua posição dominante quando se trata de atrair investidores de longo prazo que compram grandes participações.”

A corrida do ouro digital cria uma considerável elite de criptomoedas

Comentando o relatório, António Henriques, CEO do Bison Bank e Presidente da Bison Digital Assets, destaca que “no mundo financeiro altamente dinâmico, as criptomoedas estão ameaçando o domínio das moedas fiduciárias tradicionais. Com o cruzamento desses dois domínios financeiros, estamos testemunhando o início de uma nova era nas finanças globais, em que o potencial inovador dos ativos digitais encontra a estabilidade do dinheiro convencional.”

Jean–Marie Mognetti, CEO e cofundador da CoinShares, destaca que “a aprovação pela SEC dos ETFs de Bitcoin à vista marcou 2024 como um divisor de águas no setor de ativos digitais, abrindo caminho para uma adoção institucional mais ampla. O potencial do Bitcoin para melhorar o desempenho das carteiras de investimento tradicionais reforça sua importância cada vez maior no mundo financeiro.”

Embora o Bitcoin domine com frequência as manchetes, Lark Davis, investidor em criptomoedas e fundador da Wealth Mastery, destaca o papel fundamental de outro importante player: “O Ethereum é um ativo fundamental do mercado. A maior parte do que é criado em criptomoedas é construída no Ethereum, com base em Ethereum, ou traz a liquidez de volta para Ethereum.” Esse insight ilustra o complexo ecossistema que se desenvolveu em torno das criptomoedas, que vai muito além de simples opções de moeda.

Ativos sem fronteiras estimulam a demanda por cidadania global

A Henley & Partners observou um aumento significativo de clientes com patrimônio digital buscando opções alternativas de residência e cidadania em 2024. Para dar sentido a esse cenário de criptomoedas em constante mudança, a empresa revelou seu segundo Crypto Adoption Index anual. Essa ferramenta detalhada avalia os programas de migração de investimentos pelas lentes do investidor de criptomoedas, considerando fatores como adoção pública, infraestrutura, inovação e tecnologia, ambiente regulatório, fatores econômicos e facilidade de tributação.

O índice mostra o domínio persistente de Singapura como o principal centro de criptomoedas, alcançando a pontuação máxima de 45,7 em um total de 60. Singapura se sobressai em áreas como inovação tecnológica, estrutura regulatória e desenvolvimento de infraestrutura. Logo em seguida vem Hong Kong (RAE da China), que se destaca por seus sólidos fundamentos econômicos e políticas fiscais vantajosas para os investidores. Os Emirados Árabes Unidos ocupam a 3ª posição, oferecendo vantagens fiscais consideráveis e uma economia digital em rápida expansão. É importante observar que nenhum desses três países cobra imposto sobre ganhos de capital, o que é uma vantagem considerável, especialmente para investidores em criptomoedas e pessoas físicas com patrimônio líquido elevado.

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Sarah Nicklin
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+27 72 464 8965

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