Cassinos on-line regulamentados usam tecnologia militar para derrotar os criminosos cibernéticos

WATERFORD, Irlanda, Sept. 11, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Com o crime cibernético em alta e o aumento das violações de dados, os cassinos on–line confiáveis do mundo inteiro estão se equipando com as mais recentes tecnologias de criptografia militar para derrotar até mesmo os bandidos cibernéticos mais sofisticados.

O Minimum Deposit Casinos (MDC) – um dos principais portais de recursos de cassino do mundo – informou que as violações de dados estão se tornando cada vez mais comuns e onerosas, pois os criminosos estão à espreita em todos os lugares na Internet. No setor de jogos de azar, a criptografia de dados vai além da proteção de transações financeiras: é preciso proteger todas as interações, desde os logins até o histórico de jogos. Todas as informações dos jogadores são criptografadas, praticamente impossibilitando o acesso de pessoas não autorizadas.

“Os cassinos on–line regulamentados e de boa reputação não podem se dar ao luxo de brincar com a segurança. A segurança e a proteção do jogador são inegociáveis. É por isso que eles estão investindo pesadamente em criptografia de última geração em várias camadas – a mesma tecnologia usada por governos e instituições financeiras internacionais – para se tornarem impenetráveis às ameaças digitais”, disse Miranda Raaff, diretora de informações sobre iGaming do portal MDC.

“Esse nível de segurança altamente tecnológico significa que, mesmo no caso de uma possível violação de dados, as informações criptografadas se mantêm ilegíveis e inúteis para os criminosos cibernéticos. A utilização de firewalls de última geração, criptografia de ponta a ponta e sistemas de monitoramento em tempo real significa que os cassinos on–line estão protegendo todas as transações, dos depósitos até as retiradas, além de proteger todas as interações dos jogadores em trânsito.”

A urgência dessa movimentação nunca foi tão fundamental. Com violações de alto nível, como as ocorridas na gigante do setor de energia Halliburton, na corretora de dados National Public Data (NPD) e na gigante do setor automotivo Toyota – bilhões de informações confidenciais de indivíduos poderiam ser expostas.

“Os riscos nunca foram tão altos. A missão dos cassinos on–line regulamentados é que sejam mais astutos que os criminosos cibernéticos a todo momento e é por isso que eles estão sempre adaptando suas defesas para combater novas ameaças no dinâmico mundo cibernético. A confiança dos jogadores é essencial para o sucesso da empresa, portanto, eles estão fazendo tudo o que podem para protegê–la”, concluiu Raaff.

Sobre o Minimum Deposit Casinos

O Minimum Deposit Casinos, uma subdivisão do OneTwenty Group, é um portal de informações sobre iGaming que analisa e recomenda para os jogadores os cassinos on–line mais confiáveis e seguros do mundo. O MDC analisa todos os aspectos dos cassinos on–line, desde a verificação dos detalhes da licença de jogo até a segurança, as ferramentas de jogo responsável e as práticas de jogo limpo, antes de recomendá–los aos jogadores.

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Regulierte Online-Casinos nutzen militärische Verschlüsselungstechnologie und sind damit Cyberkriminellen einen Schritt voraus

WATERFORD, Irland, Sept. 11, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Angesichts der steigenden Cyberkriminalität und der zunehmenden Datenpannen rüsten sich vertrauenswürdige Online–Casinos weltweit mit der neuesten, militärischen Verschlüsselungstechnologie aus, um selbst den raffiniertesten Cyberkriminellen einen Schritt voraus zu sein.

Minimum Deposit Casinos (MDC) – ein führendes globales Casino–Ressourcenportal – hat angegeben, dass Datenpannen immer häufiger und kostspieliger werden, da findige Kriminelle überall im Internet lauern. Für die Glücksspielbranche geht es bei der Datenverschlüsselung nicht nur um den Schutz finanzieller Transaktionen: Es geht darum, jede Interaktion – von der Anmeldung bis hin zum Spielverlauf – zu sichern. Alle Spielerinformationen werden verschlüsselt, so dass Unbefugte praktisch keinen Zugriff darauf haben.

„Regulierte und seriöse Online–Casinos können es sich nicht leisten, bei der Sicherheit zu sparen. Die Sicherheit und der Schutz der Spieler sind nicht verhandelbar. Deshalb investieren sie massiv in die mehrschichtige Verschlüsselungstechnologie der nächsten Generation – dieselbe Technologie, die von Regierungen und globalen Finanzinstituten verwendet wird – um für digitale Bedrohungen undurchdringlich zu werden“, so Miranda Raaff, Head of iGaming Information bei MDC.

„Dieses Maß an High–Tech–Sicherheit bedeutet, dass selbst im Falle einer möglichen Datenpanne verschlüsselte Informationen für Cyberkriminelle unlesbar und nutzlos bleiben. Durch die Integration modernster Firewalls, End–to–End–Verschlüsselung und Echtzeit–Überwachungssysteme schützen Online–Casinos jede Transaktion von Einzahlungen bis zu Auszahlungen und sichern jede Spielerinteraktion während der Übertragung ab.“

Die Dringlichkeit dieses Schrittes war noch nie so hoch wie heute. Durch öffentlichkeitswirksame Datenpannen wie die beim Energieriesen Halliburton, dem Datenbroker National Public Data (NPD) und dem Autogiganten Toyota könnten Milliarden von sensiblen Daten von Einzelpersonen offengelegt werden.

„Es stand noch nie so viel auf dem Spiel. Die Aufgabe regulierter Online–Casinos besteht darin, Hooligans im Cyberspace auf Schritt und Tritt zu überlisten. Deshalb passen sie ihre Abwehrmaßnahmen ständig an, um neue Bedrohungen in der sich schnell verändernden Cyberwelt zu bekämpfen. Das Vertrauen der Spieler ist der Grundstein ihres Erfolgs, daher tun sie alles in ihrer Macht Stehende, um es zu schützen“, schloss Raaff.

Über Minimum Deposit Casinos

Minimum Deposit Casinos, ein Geschäftsbereich der OneTwenty Group, ist ein globales iGaming–Ressourcenportal, das die vertrauenswürdigsten und zuverlässigsten Online–Casinos überprüft und Spielern empfiehlt. MDC analysiert jeden Aspekt von Online–Casinos, von der Überprüfung der Glücksspielerlizenzen bis hin zu Sicherheit, verantwortungsvollem Glücksspiel und fairen Spielpraktiken, bevor sie den Spielern empfohlen werden.

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Les casinos en ligne réglementés utilisent une technologie de niveau militaire pour déjouer les cybercriminels

WATERFORD, Irlande, 11 sept. 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Alors que la cybercriminalité sévit et que les violations de données se multiplient, les casinos en ligne fiables du monde entier s’arment des dernières technologies de cryptage de niveau militaire pour déjouer même les cybercriminels les plus redoutables.

Selon Minimum Deposit Casinos (MDC), un portail mondial de ressources sur les casinos, les violations de données sont de plus en plus fréquentes et coûteuses, car des criminels pleins de ressources se cachent partout sur la toile. En ce qui concerne le secteur des jeux d’argent, le cryptage des données va au–delà de la simple protection des transactions financières : il s’agit de sécuriser chaque interaction, de la connexion à l’historique des jeux. Toutes les informations relatives aux joueurs sont cryptées, ce qui les rend pratiquement inaccessibles aux personnes non autorisées.

« Les casinos en ligne réglementés et jouissant d’une excellente réputation ne peuvent pas se permettre de voir leur sécurité compromise. La sécurité et la protection des joueurs sont des éléments non négociables. Pour se préserver de toute menace numérique, ils investissent massivement dans le cryptage multicouche de nouvelle génération ; la même technologie que celle utilisée par les gouvernements et les institutions financières mondiales », a déclaré Miranda Raaff, Responsable de l’information sur les jeux en ligne chez MDC.

« Ce niveau de sécurité de haute technologie signifie que même dans le cas d’une éventuelle violation de données, les informations cryptées restent illisibles et inutilisables pour les cybercriminels. L’intégration de pare–feu de pointe, le cryptage de bout en bout et les systèmes de surveillance en temps réel permettent aux casinos en ligne de garantir une sécurité optimale pour chaque transaction, des dépôts aux retraits, et pour chaque interaction avec les joueurs en cours. »

L’instauration de ces mesures était des plus urgentes. Avec des violations très médiatisées comme celles du géant de l’énergie Halliburton, de la société de courtage en données National Public Data (NPD) et du géant de l’automobile Toyota, les informations sensibles de milliards de personnes pourraient être exposées.

« Les enjeux n’ont jamais été aussi importants. Les casinos en ligne réglementés ont pour mission de déjouer les cyber–hooligans à chaque instant. C’est pourquoi ils adaptent constamment leurs défenses pour lutter contre les nouvelles menaces dans un monde cybernétique en constante évolution. La confiance des joueurs est la pierre angulaire de leur succès. C’est pourquoi ils font tout ce qui est en leur pouvoir pour la préserver », conclut M. Raaff.

À propos de Minimum Deposit Casinos

Minimum Deposit Casinos, une division de OneTwenty Group, est un portail de ressources sur les jeux en ligne mondial qui analyse et recommande aux joueurs les casinos en ligne les plus fiables. MDC analyse tous les aspects des casinos en ligne, de la vérification des détails de la licence de jeu à la sécurité, en passant par les outils de jeu responsable et les pratiques de jeu équitables, avant de les recommander aux joueurs.

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Mixed Fortunes for Africa’s Rapid Urbanization—Report

A new report says African cities will record rapid urbanization in the next decade, creating a mixed bag of socio-economic opportunities and challenges for the continent. This development is projected to result in wealthier consumer markets, better connected and more sophisticated commercial hubs, and larger bases for industrial production. The Economist Intelligence Unit’s African Cities 2035 […]

TOGO: ‘The International Community Must Send a Clear Message That Power Grabs Won’t Be Tolerated’

Sep 11 2024 –  
CIVICUS discusses the crackdown on civil society in Togo with a human rights defender who asked to stay anonymous for security reasons.

Political tensions in Togo have increased following the recent adoption of constitutional changes. Under the new parliamentary system, the president will be elected by parliament rather than popular vote, and a powerful new post of President of the Council of Ministers will be created. Suspicions are that the changes will enable President Faure Gnassingbé to stay in power. Gnassingbé has ruled Togo since 2005, when he took over from his father, who’d seized power in a 1967 coup. The government has banned protests against the changes, disrupted civil society meetings, arbitrarily arrested and detained protesters and suspended and deported journalists for covering the unrest.

What are the main constitutional changes and why have the political opposition and civil society objected to them?

On 25 March, Togo’s National Assembly adopted a new constitution that dramatically changes the country’s governance from a presidential to a parliamentary system. The changes were not put to a referendum, but were decided through opaque legislative procedures. The main changes are the abolition of direct presidential elections and the creation of the powerful role of President of the Council of Ministers. Similar to a prime minister, this president is elected by parliament for a six-year term that can be extended indefinitely if he retains majority support. This removes the two-term limit imposed by the 2019 constitution, which was introduced after massive public protests.

The new constitution sparked widespread controversy and came amid an already tense political climate, with parliamentary and regional elections originally scheduled for 13 April repeatedly postponed while lawmakers debated the constitutional changes. Political parties, civil society organisations (CSOs), the Catholic Church and part of the population see it as an attempt by the ruling family to cling to power, as the amendments would extend the 19-year presidency of Faure Gnassingbé and the 57-year dynastic rule of the Gnassingbé family.

We strongly condemn the adoption of the new constitution and the lack of transparency in the process. This is a constitutional coup that restricts citizens’ political rights, exacerbates political instability and undermines democratic governance.

What reforms are needed to ensure genuine multi-party democracy in Togo?

First, it’s crucial to restore direct presidential elections based on universal suffrage, because the electoral system should truly reflect the will of the people. But a president shouldn’t be allowed to rule indefinitely, so it’s also crucial to reintroduce term limits for the president and other key officials to prevent the concentration of power and promote accountability.

In addition, an independent electoral commission should be established to restore public confidence in a system that’s now perceived to be biased in favour of the ruling party. This commission should oversee all electoral processes and ensure they are free, fair and transparent.

It is also key to ensure equal access to campaign resources for all political parties. Fair media coverage and campaign financing would contribute to a more competitive and representative electoral process. It is equally important to strengthen legal safeguards. All parties should be allowed to operate freely without interference or fear of persecution and violence from state authorities.

We need to increase civic participation. Reforms should facilitate platforms for CSOs to engage in political debate. We must support grassroots movements with resources and training to help them mobilise people and educate them about democratic principles and their rights.

Togolese civil society is already pushing for these changes. Groups such as ‘Touche pas à ma constitution’ (‘Don’t touch my constitution’) are organising protests, raising awareness and holding community meetings to educate people and challenge the new constitution. They have also filed complaints with regional bodies such as the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), calling for the annulment of the new constitution and the restoration of democratic norms. CSOs and democratic political parties are presenting a united front to demand democratic reforms.

How has the government responded to the protests?

The government has responded to the protests with a heavy-handed approach aimed at silencing dissent. Many opposition leaders and activists have been arrested. On 26 March, law enforcement and security forces banned two press conferences organised by political parties and CSOs on the grounds that the organisers didn’t have proper permits. This was a clear attempt by the government to stifle opposition voices. On 3 April, nine leaders of the political opposition party Dynamique Mgr Kpodzro were also arrested for ‘disturbing public order’. They were released six days later.

The use of violence, a hallmark of the Gnassingbé regime, has created a climate of fear. Anyone who takes part in opposition activities is framed as a criminal who threatens public order and is prosecuted. This has a chilling effect on civil society activism. Many people are afraid of being arrested or violently attacked if they engage in political discourse or take part in protests. This criminalisation undermines our ability to mobilise effectively and advocate for democratic reform.

With our freedoms of expression and assembly severely curtailed, we’ve found it increasingly difficult to organise events, hold press conferences or communicate our messages without interference from security forces. This has increasingly isolated us from the wider public. The crackdown on dissent has undermined public trust in both the government and CSOs, as people become disillusioned with the political process and the weak foundations of democracy.

How can the international community help address the suppression of civic freedoms in Togo?

The international community can play a key role by applying diplomatic pressure and supporting democratic reforms. Public condemnations and resolutions by international bodies such as the United Nations and the African Union can help highlight these issues and push for necessary changes. International bodies and representatives should engage directly with Togolese officials to address concerns.

They should also support local civil society by providing funding, resources and training. This support is essential to strengthen CSOs’ capacity to advocate for democracy and human rights, and to mobilise and empower people.

Independent monitoring and reporting mechanisms are essential to assess the political situation, ensure transparency in the upcoming elections and document human rights violations. If violations continue, the international community should consider sanctioning key officials and making development aid and assistance conditional on respect for democratic principles and human rights. This can serve as an incentive for the government to undertake meaningful reforms.

ECOWAS is also in a position to mediate between the government, the opposition and local civil society to promote a more inclusive and democratic environment. At a time when democracy is in retreat in West Africa, with four countries having suffered military coups since 2020 and 15 leaders having circumvented term limits, ECOWAS must take a firm stand against unconstitutional changes such as those recently seen in Togo and send a clear message that power grabs won’t be tolerated.

Civic space in Togo is rated ‘repressed’ by the CIVICUS Monitor.


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Women Lead Record Number of Central Banks, but More Progress is Needed

Credit: IMF

By IMF Editors
WASHINGTON DC, Sep 11 2024 – Women are leading more central banks than ever before, thanks to appointments in the past year, but recent gains still leave the share of female governors far short of parity.

The number of women in governor roles rose to 29 this year from 23 last year, though that left the share of female leaders at just 16 percent of the world’s 185 central banks, according to an April report by the Official Monetary and Financial Institutions Forum.

Greater gender balance in senior positions may help increase the diversity of thought and checks and balances, in turn contributing to increased economic and financial stability and improved performance, IMF research shows.

Appointments this year in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Papua New Guinea are examples of how smaller economies are driving more progress on gender balance, according to OMFIF, a London-based think tank for monetary, economic and investment issues.

This year’s rise was the biggest gain in more than a decade of surveys, but the Chart of the Week shows how central banks still have much room to make progress toward greater parity in the ranks of top policymakers steering the global economy.

The tally adds to evidence of the struggle of women at central banks as well as in the economics discipline, where they remain underrepresented even after steady gains.

A first-of-its-kind IMF survey of the European Central Bank and its Group of Seven counterparts showed last year that fewer than half of employees at those institutions are women, but on average only a third of women are economists or managers.

This survey underscores how policies to eliminate gender gaps have been only partially successful.

ECB Executive Board member Isabel Schnabel has cited a substantial gender imbalance in economics—one that the institution is determined to change among its own staff. Schnabel noted in a 2020 speech that the barriers aren’t insurmountable, and that mentoring opportunities and ensuring childcare can help narrow gender imbalances.

The latest additions to the list of countries naming a woman as central bank chief came in January, when Jasmina Selimović began a six-year term in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Elizabeth Genia was appointed to the top job after serving as acting governor. Last year, Michele Bullock became the first woman to lead the Reserve Bank of Australia.

Cambodia, Georgia, Moldova and Montenegro also appointed women as the heads of their monetary authorities last year, according to OMFIF’s 2024 gender balance index.

—For more, see the recent gender equality and demographics podcast featuring Inclusion and Gender Unit Economist Lisa Kolovich, the June report on Promoting Gender Equality and Tackling Demographic Challenges, OMFIFs’ March podcast on gender equality in financial institutions with IMF’s Monique Newiak and Mariarosaria Comunale, and the 2023 blog Women Struggle for Equal Pay and Progression at Central Banks.

Source: International Monetary Fund (IMF)

IPS UN Bureau


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