Wilbur Watch Co. Named 2024 American Watch Brand of the Year

NEW YORK, Sept. 12, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Wilbur Watch Co. is proud to announce that it has been voted the 2024 American Watch Brand of the Year at the prestigious WatchPro Awards in New York City. This esteemed award recognizes the innovative craftsmanship, forward–thinking design, and unparalleled commitment to excellence that Wilbur Watch Co. has embodied since its inception.

The WatchPro Awards, one of the most respected accolades in the watchmaking industry, are determined by votes from leading industry professionals, including retailers, brands, and insiders. In a highly competitive year, Wilbur Watch Co. stood out for its bold designs and precision engineering, pushing the boundaries of modern horology.

“We're not here to follow the rules; we're here to break them. This award is a testament to disrupting the ordinary and creating something daring, unapologetic, and unforgettable,” said Jason Wilbur, Founder and CEO of Wilbur Watch Co. “This is just the beginning. We're redefining what it means to wear a watch, and we’re grateful to everyone who believes in our mission to push beyond the expected.”

The ceremony, held on the evening of September 4th, 2024, celebrated the finest in the watch industry, and Wilbur Watch Co.'s win underscores its commitment to reshaping the landscape of luxury timepieces.

For more information about Wilbur Watch Co. and its award–winning collections, visit WilburCo.com.

About Wilbur Watch Co.
Wilbur Watch Co. is an American–based watch brand known for its avant–garde designs, precise engineering, and dedication to innovation. With each timepiece, Wilbur challenges the conventions of traditional watchmaking to deliver a bold, unapologetic statement in horology.

Photos accompanying this announcement are available at:



GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9230129)

A Bitget adquire 1,7 milhões de utilizadores em agosto, destaques do relatório mensal

VICTORIA, Seicheles, Sept. 12, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Bitget, a plataforma de criptomoeda líder mundial e empresa de Web3 partilhou o seu relatório de transparência de agosto de 2024, que realça um crescimento significativo, adicionando 1,72 milhões de utilizadores apesar das difíceis condições do mercado. O mercado das criptomoedas registou um declínio acentuado, com a Bitcoin a cair abaixo dos 50 000 USD, mas a Bitget manteve a resiliência ao integrar novas funcionalidades e ao apresentar iniciativas estratégicas.

Um ponto de destaque foi a integração do Apple Pay e do Google Pay, permitindo que os utilizadores convertam moeda fiduciária em criptomoeda. Isto permitiu alavancar as capacidades da Bitget, tornando mais fácil para os utilizadores a compra e negociação de criptomoedas a nível global através do suporte de mais de 140 moedas fiduciárias e mais de 100 criptomoedas.

A Bitget nomeou Hon Ng como Diretor de Assuntos Jurídicos, reforçando o respetivo foco na conformidade e envolvimento regulamentar. Com mais de 20 anos de experiência, Ng lidera os esforços de expansão para novos mercados e intensificação do diálogo regulamentar a nível mundial para a Bitget. Esta nomeação está em linha com o objetivo da empresa de avançar na adoção da criptomoeda através de uma forte conformidade.

Em agosto, a Bitget apresentou um impressionante crescimento ao oferecer 800 tokens e 900 pares de trading à vista, com volumes diários de 400 milhões de dólares nos mercados à vista e 7 mil milhões de dólares nos mercados de futuros. O fundo de proteção da plataforma continua forte com 400 milhões de dólares, garantindo a segurança dos utilizadores.

“A constante inovação e avanços em termos de segurança da Bitget fazem com que seja uma das plataformas de mais rápido crescimento. Adicionar mais de um milhão de utilizadores de forma consistente, mês após mês, foi uma enorme conquista para nós e também demonstra a crescente participação na utilização da criptomoeda por um público mais alargado”, afirma Gracy Chen, CEO na Bitget.

A introdução de novos produtos, tais como a Bitget Booster Platform, também foi lançada para ligar os influenciadores de criptomoeda aos projetos, oferecendo comissões generosas aos criadores de conteúdos. Além disso, o lançamento do P2P Shield reforçou a segurança para transações “peer–to–peer” (entre pares), protegendo os utilizadores de fraudes.

A Bitget também conseguiu obter a certificação ISO 27001:2022, que demonstra o seu compromisso para com a manutenção dos mais altos padrões de segurança da informação. À medida que a plataforma se expande, estes desenvolvimentos mantêm a Bitget como um líder forte no setor das criptomoedas, ao mesmo tempo que garante a segurança dos utilizadores e a proteção dos ativos.

A plataforma conta atualmente com mais de 185 mil negociadores profissionais e mais de 840 mil seguidores de copy trading, o que resulta em mais de 90 milhões de transações com sucesso. Os ganhos destas transações resultaram em mais de 500 milhões de dólares em ganhos, com 23 milhões de dólares partilhados entre os negociadores de elite.

No que respeita à Bitget Wallet, a carteira descentralizada do ecossistema da Bitget apresentou uma carteira MPC com início de sessão do Telegram, simplificando o acesso à Web3 e permitindo aos utilizadores criar carteiras sem chaves através das respetivas contas no Telegram. Esta inovação aumenta a segurança e a capacidade de utilização, ao que se junta um novo bot de negociação do Telegram, que oferece atualizações do mercado em tempo real e facilita a negociação de moedas meme. Além disso, a Bitget Wallet integrou listas de tokens da Four.Meme e da Sun Pump para as memecoins TRON e BNB Chain, atualizou as funcionalidades de transações e atribuiu 2 milhões de $TRX para subsidiar taxas de gás, tornando a negociação mais rápida, mais barata e mais fácil de utilizar.

Para obter informações mais detalhadas, visite o Relatório de transparência de agosto da Bitget.

Sobre a Bitget

Constituída em 2018, a Bitget é a plataforma de criptomoedas líder mundial e empresa de Web3. Com mais de 25 milhões de utilizadores em mais de 100 países e regiões, a plataforma Bitget está empenhada em ajudar os utilizadores a negociarem de forma mais inteligente com a sua pioneira funcionalidade de “copy trading” e com outras soluções de negociação. Anteriormente conhecida como BitKeep, a Bitget Wallet é uma carteira de criptomoedas multicadeia de classe mundial, que oferece um leque de soluções de Web3 abrangentes, bem como a funcionalidade de carteira, swap, Mercado de NFT, navegador DApp e muito mais. A Bitget inspira os indivíduos a adotarem as criptomoedas através de colaborações com parceiros credíveis, incluindo o lendário futebolista argentino Lionel Messi e os atletas turcos Buse Tosun Çavuşoğlu (campeão mundial de Wrestling), Samet Gümüş (medalha de ouro no Boxe) e İlkin Aydın (seleção de voleibol).

Para obter mais informações, visite: Website | Twitter | Telegram | LinkedIn | Discord | Bitget Wallet
Para questões de comunicação social, contacte: media@bitget.com

Aviso de risco: os preços dos ativos digitais podem flutuar e pode ocorrer volatilidade de preços. Invista apenas aquilo que pode perder. O valor do seu investimento pode ser afetado e é possível que não atinja os seus objetivos financeiros ou que não recupere o seu investimento principal. Deverá sempre procurar aconselhamento financeiro independente e considerar a sua própria experiência e posição financeira. O desempenho passado não é uma medida fiável de desempenho futuro. A Bitget não se responsabiliza por quaisquer perdas em que possa incorrer. Nada no presente artigo deverá ser interpretado como aconselhamento financeiro. Para obter mais informações, consulte os nossos Termos de Utilização.

Uma fotografia que acompanha o presente anúncio está disponível em https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/6a615fb6–94c8–43bc–bb88–3b06a60d5bcc

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000991562)

Laut seinem monatlichen Bericht hat Bitget im August 1,7 Millionen Nutzer gewonnen

VICTORIA, Seychellen, Sept. 12, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Bitget, das führende Unternehmen für Kryptowährungsaustausch und Web3, hat seinen Transparenzbericht für August 2024 veröffentlicht, in dem ein beträchtliches Wachstum hervorgehoben wird, das trotz schwieriger Marktbedingungen 1,72 Millionen Nutzer hinzugewonnen hat. Der Kryptomarkt verzeichnete starke Rückgänge, wobei Bitcoin unter 50.000 US–Dollar fiel, aber Bitget blieb durch die Integration neuer Funktionen und die Weiterentwicklung strategischer Initiativen widerstandsfähig.

Ein wichtiger Höhepunkt war die Integration von Apple Pay und Google Pay, die es den Nutzern ermöglicht, Fiatgeld in Kryptowährung umzuwandeln. Dies ermöglichte die On–Ramp–Funktionen von Bitget, die es Benutzern erleichtern, Kryptowährungen weltweit zu kaufen und zu traden, und unterstützt über 140 Fiat–Währungen und mehr als 100 Kryptowährungen.

Bitget ernannte Hon Ng zum Chief Legal Officer und verstärkte damit den Fokus auf Compliance und regulatorisches Engagement. Mit über 20 Jahren Erfahrung leitet Ng nun die Bemühungen, neue Märkte zu erschließen und den regulatorischen Dialog für Bitget weltweit zu stärken. Diese Entscheidung steht im Einklang mit dem Ziel des Unternehmens, die Einführung von Kryptowährungen durch strenge Compliance voranzutreiben.

Im August verzeichnete Bitgets Plattform ein beeindruckendes Wachstum und bot 800 Token und 900 Spot–Handelspaare an, mit einem täglichen Handelsvolumen von 400 Millionen US–Dollar auf den Spotmärkten und 7 Milliarden US–Dollar auf den Terminmärkten. Der Schutzfonds der Plattform ist mit 400 Millionen US–Dollar weiterhin gut ausgestattet und gewährleistet die Sicherheit der Nutzer.

„Bitgets ständige Innovationen und Weiterentwicklungen im Bereich Sicherheit haben es zu einer der am schnellsten wachsenden Börsen gemacht. Die Tatsache, dass wir Monat für Monat über eine Million neue Nutzer gewinnen, ist für uns ein großer Erfolg und zeigt auch, dass immer mehr Menschen sich für Kryptowährungen interessieren“, so Gracy Chen, CEO von Bitget.

Die Einführung neuer Produkte, wie die Bitget Booster–Plattform, wurde ebenfalls gestartet, um Krypto–Influencer mit Projekten zu verbinden und den Erstellern von Inhalten großzügige Prämien in Form von Provisionen zu bieten. Darüber hinaus wurde mit der Einführung von P2P Shield die Sicherheit für Peer–to–Peer–Transaktionen erhöht und die Benutzer wurden vor Betrug geschützt.

Bitget hat auch die Zertifizierung nach ISO 27001:2022 erhalten und damit sein Engagement für die Einhaltung höchster Standards im Bereich der Informationssicherheit unter Beweis gestellt. Während die Plattform wächst, stärken diese Entwicklungen Bitget als Marktführer in der Kryptoindustrie und gewährleisten gleichzeitig die Sicherheit der Benutzer und den Schutz der Vermögenswerte.

Die Plattform hat derzeit über 185.000 professionelle Händler und über 840.000 Follower, die dem Copy Trading nachgehen, was zu mehr als 90 Millionen erfolgreichen Trades führt. Die Gewinne aus diesen Trades haben zu Profit von über 500 Millionen US–Dollar geführt, von denen 23 Millionen US–Dollar unter Elite–Tradern aufgeteilt wurden.

Auf der Seite von Bitget Wallet führte der dezentrale Wallet aus dem Bitget–Ökosystem ein MPC–Wallet mit Telegram–Login ein, die den Web3–Zugang vereinfacht, indem sie es den Benutzern ermöglicht, über ihre Telegram–Konten schlüssellose Wallets zu erstellen. Diese Innovation erhöht die Sicherheit und Benutzerfreundlichkeit und wird durch einen neuen Telegram–Handelsbot ergänzt, der Marktaktualisierungen in Echtzeit bietet und den Handel mit Meme–Coins erleichtert. Zusätzlich hat Bitget Wallet Token–Listen von Four integriert.Meme und Sun Pump für TRON– und BNB–Chain–Memecoins, verbesserte Transaktionsfunktionen und die Zusage von 2 Millionen $TRX zur Subventionierung von Gasgebühren, wodurch das Trading schneller, billiger und benutzerfreundlicher wird.

Weitere Informationen finden Sie im Transparenzbericht von Bitget für August.

Über Bitget

Bitget wurde 2018 gegründet und ist die weltweit führende Kryptowährungsbörse und Web3–Firma. Mit über 25 Millionen Nutzern in mehr als 100 Ländern und Regionen hat sich die Bitget–Börse der Unterstützung von Nutzern verschrieben, die mit ihrer innovativen Copy–Trading–Funktion und anderen Handelslösungen intelligenter handeln möchten. Das ehemals unter dem Namen BitKeep firmierende Bitget Wallet ist eine erstklassige Multichain–Krypto–Wallet, die eine Reihe umfassender Web3–Lösungen und –Funktionen, darunter Wallet–Funktionen, Swap, NFT Marketplace, DApp–Browser und mehr, bietet. Durch die Zusammenarbeit mit renommierten Partnern wie dem legendären argentinischen Fußballspieler Lionel Messi und den türkischen Nationalsportlern Buse Tosun Çavuşoğlu (Weltmeister im Ringen), Samet Gümüş (Goldmedaillengewinner im Boxen) und İlkin Aydın (Volleyball–Nationalmannschaft) inspiriert Bitget Menschen zur Nutzung von Kryptowährungen.

Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter: Website | Twitter | Telegram | LinkedIn | Discord | Bitget Wallet
Bei Medienanfragen wenden Sie sich bitte an: media@bitget.com

Risikowarnung: Die Preise für digitale Vermögenswerte können schwanken und Preisvolatilität unterliegen. Investieren Sie nur das, was Sie sich leisten können, zu verlieren. Der Wert Ihrer Anlage kann beeinträchtigt werden, und es ist möglich, dass Sie Ihre finanziellen Ziele nicht erreichen oder Ihren Kapitaleinsatz nicht zurückerhalten können. Sie sollten immer eine unabhängige Finanzberatung in Anspruch nehmen und Ihre eigene finanzielle Erfahrung und finanzielle Leistungsfähigkeit berücksichtigen. Die Ergebnisse der Vergangenheit sind kein verlässlicher Maßstab für künftige Ergebnisse. Bitget haftet nicht für etwaige Verluste, die Sie erleiden. Nichts in dieser Pressemitteilung ist als Finanzberatung zu verstehen. Weitere Informationen finden Sie in unseren Nutzungsbedingungen.

Ein Foto zu dieser Ankündigung ist verfügbar unter https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/6a615fb6–94c8–43bc–bb88–3b06a60d5bcc

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000991562)

Bitget a acquis 1,7 million d’utilisateurs en août, selon le dernier rapport mensuel

VICTORIA, Seychelles, 12 sept. 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Bitget, la principale bourse de crypto–monnaie et société Web3, a communiqué son rapport d’août 2024 sur la transparence qui met en évidence une croissance significative avec l’acquisition de 1,72 million d’utilisateurs malgré des conditions de marché difficiles. Le marché des crypto–monnaies a connu de fortes baisses, le Bitcoin tombant sous la barre des 50 000 dollars, mais Bitget est restée résiliente en intégrant de nouvelles fonctionnalités et en développant des initiatives stratégiques.

L’un des faits saillants a été l’intégration d’Apple Pay et de Google Pay qui permet aux utilisateurs de convertir des monnaies fiduciaires en cryptomonnaies. Cette nouveauté a permis à Bitget de se développer en facilitant l’achat et l’échange de cryptomonnaies à l’échelle mondiale par ses utilisateurs, avec la prise en charge de plus de 140 monnaies fiduciaires et de plus de 100 cryptomonnaies.

Bitget a nommé Hon Ng au poste de directeur juridique, renforçant ainsi l’attention portée par l’entreprise sur la conformité et l’engagement réglementaire. Fort de plus de 20 années d’expérience, Ng coordonne désormais les activités liées au développement vers de nouveaux marchés et au renforcement des dialogues réglementaires dans le monde entier pour Bitget. Cette nomination s’inscrit dans le cadre de l’objectif de l’entreprise de promouvoir l’adoption des crypto–monnaies grâce à une conformité rigoureuse.

En août, la plateforme de Bitget a affiché une croissance impressionnante en offrant 800 jetons et 900 paires de trading au comptant, avec des volumes de trading quotidiens s’élevant à 400 millions de dollars sur les marchés au comptant et à 7 milliards de dollars sur les marchés à terme. Le fonds de protection de la plateforme reste solide à hauteur de 400 millions de dollars, ce qui permet de garantir la sécurité des utilisateurs.

« L’innovation constante de Bitget et ses avancées en matière de sécurité en ont fait l’une des bourses de cryptomonnaies affichant les taux de croissance les plus rapides. L’ajout de plus d’un million d’utilisateurs de manière constante d’un mois sur l’autre représente une réussite considérable pour nous et démontre également la participation croissante d’un public plus large à la cryptographie », déclare Gracy Chen, PDG de Bitget.

De nouveaux produits, tels que la plateforme Bitget Booster, ont également été lancés afin d’associer les influenceurs crypto à des projets, tout en offrant aux créateurs de contenus de généreuses récompenses sous forme de commissions. De plus, le lancement de P2P Shield a renforcé la sécurité des transactions peer–to–peer afin de protéger les utilisateurs contre la fraude.

Bitget a également obtenu la certification ISO 27001:2022, démontrant ainsi son engagement à maintenir les normes les plus élevées en matière de sécurité des informations. Au fur et à mesure de l’évolution de la plateforme, ces récents développements ont permis à Bitget de maintenir son statut de chef de file dans le secteur des crypto–monnaies tout en garantissant la sécurité de ses utilisateurs et la protection des actifs.

La plateforme compte actuellement plus de 185 000 traders professionnels et plus de 840 000 adeptes du copy trading grâce auxquels plus de 90 millions de transactions réussies ont été comptabilisées. Les bénéfices issus de ces transactions ont généré plus de 500 millions de dollars de gains, dont 23 millions de dollars partagés par les traders d’élite.

Du côté de Bitget Wallet, le portefeuille décentralisé de l’écosystème de Bitget a mis en place un portefeuille MPC assorti d’une connexion Telegram, simplifiant ainsi l’accès Web3 en permettant aux utilisateurs de créer des portefeuilles sans clé via leurs comptes Telegram. Cette innovation qui améliore la sécurité et la convivialité est complétée par un nouveau bot de trading Telegram qui offre des mises à jour du marché en temps réel et facilite le trading de pièces mèmes. De plus, Bitget Wallet a intégré des listes de jetons de Four.Meme et Sun Pump pour les pièces mèmes de TRON et BNB Chain, a amélioré les fonctionnalités de transaction, et s’est engagé à verser 2 millions de $TRX afin de subventionner les frais de gaz, rendant ainsi le trading plus rapide, moins cher et plus convivial.

Pour obtenir des informations plus détaillées, consultez le rapport du mois d’août sur la transparence de Bitget.

À propos de Bitget

Créée en 2018, Bitget est la première bourse de cryptomonnaies et société Web3 au monde. Au service de plus de 25 millions d’utilisateurs dans plus de 100 pays et régions, la bourse de cryptomonnaies Bitget s’engage à aider les utilisateurs à trader plus intelligemment grâce à sa fonction de copy trading pionnière et à d’autres solutions de trading. Anciennement connu sous le nom de BitKeep, Bitget Wallet est un portefeuille cryptographique multi–chaînes et de classe mondiale qui offre une gamme complète de solutions et de fonctionnalités Web3, avec notamment des fonctionnalités de portefeuille, d’échange, de marché NFT, de navigateur DApp, etc. Bitget incite les particuliers à adopter la cryptographie grâce à des collaborations avec des partenaires crédibles, notamment le légendaire footballeur argentin Lionel Messi et les athlètes nationaux turcs Buse Tosun Çavuşoğlu (champion du monde de lutte), Samet Gümüş (médaillé d’or de boxe) et İlkin Aydın (équipe nationale de volley–ball).

Pour obtenir de plus amples informations, consultez : Site Internet | Twitter | Telegram | LinkedIn | Discord | Bitget Wallet
Pour les demandes de renseignements des médias, veuillez contacter : media@bitget.com

Alerte sur les risques : le prix des actifs numériques peut fluctuer et être assujetti à la volatilité. Investissez uniquement la somme que vous pouvez vous permettre de perdre. La valeur de votre investissement peut être impactée et il est possible que vous n’atteignez pas vos objectifs financiers ou que vous ne parveniez pas à récupérer votre investissement principal. Nous vous encourageons à toujours demander les conseils d’un spécialiste financier indépendant, et de tenir compte de votre expérience et de votre situation financière. Les performances passées ne sont pas un indicateur fiable des résultats futurs. Bitget ne sera en aucun cas responsable des pertes que vous pourriez subir. Nulle disposition des présentes ne saurait être interprétée comme un conseil d’ordre financier. Pour en savoir plus, consultez nos Conditions d’utilisation.

Une photo accompagnant cette annonce est disponible à l’adresse suivante : https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/6a615fb6–94c8–43bc–bb88–3b06a60d5bcc

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000991562)

World’s Biggest Cocktail Competition Names Keegan McGregor as World Class Global Bartender of the Year

SHANGHAI, Sept. 12, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Keegan McGregor from Canada has been awarded the coveted title of World Class Global Bartender of the Year 2024 at the world’s biggest cocktail competition, celebrated in Shanghai this year. Competing against finalists from 44 regions around the world, spanning six continents, Keegan McGregor was named as the ultimate winner by an international line–up of industry legends, during the annual celebration of global cocktail culture.

Keegan of Highwayman Bar stood out amongst the other competitors by presenting a series of signature serves that celebrated community, sustainability and innovation, to earn a place at the Global Final, hosted in one of the most historic and famous cities in the world, Shanghai. The World Class competition, hosted by Diageo, sets to challenge and inspire the next generation of bartenders through a spirited contest where they are rewarded for pushing their creativity, storytelling and techniques to the next level.

Themed ‘Future Legacy’, this year’s event proved that the future of bartending has never been more exciting, with the discovery of unique flavour combinations and cocktail concepts that are reflective of the vibrancy seen in the best bars around the world.

As part of his journey, the winner showcased how Scotch Whisky can come alive and elevate a new generation of serves using technology, with a bespoke Johnnie Walker Blue Label serve. He was also challenged to create a duo of drinks reimagining both his home city and Shanghai featuring indigenous ingredients alongside Don Julio tequila. For his home city, Halifax, Nova Scotia, he showcased his take on a dish called Hodge Podge – a stew with local harvested vegetables – and took elements of that to create a twist on a classic eggnog. A Ketel One vodka challenge saw Keegan tasked with creating a cocktail initiative that supports the growth of the hospitality community in his neighbourhood in Halifax. He also created three pioneering gin cocktails with Tanqueray No. TEN, which took the judges on a journey through bartending history and into the future, with each drink paying tribute to an industry legend.

The Singleton challenge was about designing an ingeniously theatrical Single Malt Scotch whisky serve, blending taste with sound. The culmination was The Shanghai Showdown final challenge, which saw Keegan along with seven other finalists create an immersive bar pop–up experience that transcended the boundaries of bartending and set the tone for the future of cocktail culture.

Some of the industry’s most respected and awarded talent, including Agostino Perrone, Director of Mixology at London’s Award–Winning Connaught Bar, Ryan Chetiyawardana, mastermind of the Mr Lyan empire, Julie Reiner from NYC hot–spots, Milady’s and Clover Club, alongside an elite team of bartenders and bar owners from behind some of the world’s most celebrated bars formed the judging panel throughout the week.

Keegan McGregor, World Class Global Bartender of the Year 2024, said:
“My World Class journey started six years ago, so it’s a really special experience to be recognized as the World Class Global Bartender of the Year 2024. The camaraderie amongst the competitors this week has been both inspiring and has kept me going. The biggest piece of advice I was given was to be myself and that’s exactly what I did.”

Kevin Delaney, Global Senior Brand Manager of World Class, said:
“World Class has gone from strength to strength over the last 15 years and grown a reputation as a hotbed of trends and a pinnacle of bar culture. This year's program truly feels like the culmination of a decade and a half of learning and growth for our program and global hospitality community. Shanghai is a unique meeting of traditional and modern and the city set the scene for an incredible week of creativity, professionalism, and hospitality at its best. Diageo has long been committed to celebrating the best of this wonderful industry and tonight we celebrate this year’s winner but also everyone who has been part of World Class over the last 15 years. I couldn’t be prouder of Keegan and can't wait to be a part of this exciting new chapter of his journey as World Class Global Bartender of the Year”.

Cocktail lovers and industry experts travelled from across the globe to be part of an innovative and dynamic three–week programme of highlights. The World Class Cocktail Festival, accompanying the competition, showcased the best of Shanghai and the surrounding area’s cocktail and bar scene with over 100 venues activating with unique events and menus. Special guest shifts were held at Shingo Gokan’s host of award–winning Shanghai bars, Speak Low, Sober Company and The Odd Couple; Coa Shanghai, a Mexican–inspired cocktail bar specialising in agave spirits and cocktails; Hope & Sesame Guangzhou, ranked No.14 in Asia’s 50 Best Bars; Epic, an award–winning cocktail bar by Cross Yu, showcasing Shanghai Local Culture and Disco Era, and Japanese–influenced Suzu Bar, Shanghai. Last year’s World Class global winner, Jacob Martin, also hosted a guest shift at the luxury Mandarin Oriental hotel, in nearby Guangzhou.

World Class’s international cohort of industry experts did more than judge challenges and takeover the city’s bar scene, they also participated in the first–ever World Class Mentorship program and contributed to Industry Forum. This consisted of seminars, workshops, and group discussions, focussed on discussing the industry’s hottest and most discussed topics of the moment, which are faced by global hospitality businesses and professionals in every region. These included “Vibe Architecture” with Julie Reiner, Adrián Michalčík, Shelley Tai and Ervin Trykowksi, which immersed attendees in the essential elements of constructing a sensory landscape that perfectly complements consumer offering. “Content is Queen” with Jing Zhang, Global Editor–in–Chief of Jing Daily, Kaitlyn Stewart of @likeablecocktails and Giuliana Pe Benito, Global Culture Manager for World Class and Tanqueray, was hosted by Gillian Cook, Global Head of Culture for Diageo Luxury. Together, they looked at the unique solutions today's content creators bring to the challenges in luxury brand building and reaching audiences in the digital age.

For more information, please contact worldclass@thestory.co.uk

Born and raised in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Keegan fell in love with hospitality while touring Canada, after studying Classical music in New Brunswick.

Keegan has the simple goal of always making sure his customers have a warm welcome – feeling like they’ve been invited into his house for a kitchen party and have the right drink in hand. He continuously strives to help grow the pub–dominated market by educating his customers and peers, and bringing more attention to the world of spirits. This year was Keegan’s third time competing in World Class Canada.

World Class is on a mission to inspire people to drink better and create unforgettable experiences in the process. Whether at home or in a bar, World Class encourages consumers to think and care about what, where and how they drink, and in doing so, discover the best of cocktail culture.  

World Class has supported, trained and inspired over 400,000 bartenders across the globe for the past fifteen years, while partnering them with the world's finest spirits. World Class is the authority on the global drinks industry for information on the latest drinks, trends, cocktail recipes and industry insight.

World Class is a global gathering of the world’s most respected and celebrated talent, and through the World Class Industry Forum initiative, the conversations that spark creativity are nurtured. The Industry Forum is providing a platform that unifies the community and encourages leading voices to share insights, discuss impact and build a lasting legacy for those in the industry. From the introduction of technology infused mixology to vibe architecture, the art of curating an emotional connection for guests, the community remains committed to transforming cocktail culture and delivering next level experiences for each and every cocktail lover. This year’s World Class Industry Forum also saw a brand–new one–on–one mentorship programme introduced, offering the finalists the opportunity to receive dedicated time and bespoke guidance from some of the industry’s world–leading talent, including the World Class Hall of Fame.

Diageo is a global leader in beverage alcohol with an outstanding collection of brands across spirits and beer categories. These brands include Mortlach, Johnnie Walker, Crown Royal, J&B and Buchanan’s whiskies, Smirnoff, Cîroc and Ketel One vodkas, Captain Morgan, Baileys, Don Julio, Tanqueray, and Guinness. Diageo is a global company, and our products are sold in more than 180 countries around the world. The company is listed on both the London Stock Exchange (DGE) and the New York Stock Exchange (DEO). For more information about Diageo, our people, our brands, and performance, visit us at www.diageo.com. Visit Diageo’s global responsible drinking resource, www.DRINKiQ.com, for information, initiatives, and ways to share best practice. Celebrating life, every day, everywhere.

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000991554)

Africa Taking Targeted Preparedness Measures as Mpox Cases Increase

Africa is taking a multi-faceted approach to stemming the mpox epidemic. Credit: FREEPIK

Africa is taking a multi-faceted approach to stemming the mpox epidemic. Credit: FREEPIK

By Aimable Twahirwa
ADDIS ABABA, Sep 12 2024 – As the mpox virus continues to spread to new countries across Africa, triggering a continental health emergency, health authorities are sparing no effort in taking targeted measures to control the outbreak—and have called on funders to ensure that resources are distributed fairly.

Mpox (formally known as monkeypox) was declared a global health emergency by the World Health Organization (WHO) and Africa CDC on August 14 after the new strain, known as clade Ib, began to proliferate from the DRC to neighboring African countries, including Rwanda.

On September 6, the Africa CDC and WHO announced the launch of the Mpox Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan, a joint continental response plan for Africa to support countries’ efforts to curb the spread of the virus to save and protect lives.

Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (Africa CDC) director general, Jean Kaseya, said at the launch that this “unified strategy ensures that all partners are aligned on common objectives, eliminating duplication and maximizing impact.”

The overall estimated budget for the six-month plan, running from September 2024 to February 2025, is close to USD 600 million, with 55 percent allocated to mpox response in 14 affected AU Member States and readiness for 15 other Member States, while 45 percent is directed towards operational and technical support through partners.

“This is an important milestone for a coordinated action between our agencies to support countries by reinforcing expertise and mobilizing resources and capacities to swiftly and effectively halt the spread of mpox,” said Dr. Matshidiso Moeti, WHO Regional Director for Africa. “By coming together, we can achieve more, and our collective strength will carry us further, ensuring that communities and individuals are protected from the threat of this virus.”

Mpox cases in Africa have increased at an unprecedented rate over the past three years. In addition to zoonosis-linked outbreaks, the intensified human-to-human transmission through sexual behaviors and other factors requires urgent attention and an enhanced response, according to the Africa CDC and WHO.

To address the ongoing mpox outbreaks, a comprehensive strategy is critical for effective management and mitigation.

It also needs equitable access to resources.

Africa CDC welcomed the Governing Board of the Pandemic Fund’s recent statement on funding, in which it agreed to fast-track support to countries affected by the crisis and to develop a special financing mechanism to support countries experiencing public health emergencies—but with a caveat.

“Africa CDC acknowledges and profoundly appreciates its continued support in strengthening pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response capacities across the continent,” it said, but it also called for “speed and efficiency in garnering resources for mpox, as well as the creation of a special financing mechanism to accelerate support for outbreaks, including mpox.”

Africa CDC and other health organizations on the continent are acutely aware that the playing field is often not even.

“It is the ardent desire and hope of Africa CDC that this transformative upcoming funding round will prioritize a more inclusive approach, increasing support to a greater number of African countries and regional entities, especially in light of the limited allocation in the previous round, where only five (5) of the fifty-five (55) African nations received funding,” it said in a statement released on September 11, calling for an end to delays in the interests of ensuring that health and lives of African populations are safeguarded and prevent the further spread of mpox.

“Together, we have the opportunity to avoid the repetition of past mistakes and build a more just and equitable global health architecture.”

The Mpox Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan emphasizes a community-centered, multisectoral approach tailored to the unique epidemiology and risk profiles of each member state. The plan bolsters surveillance, laboratory testing, and community engagement and ensures the availability of critical countermeasures while building resilient and equitable health systems.

Data from the Africa CDC indicates that there have been 37,583 cases and 1,451 deaths—affecting at least 15 African Union States, including Benin, Burundi, Cameroon, the Central African Republic (CAR), Congo, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Egypt, Ghana, Liberia, Morocco, Mozambique, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sudan and South Africa.

Health professionals consider a mutated strain of clade I, a type of mpox that spreads through contact with infected animals and has been endemic in the DRC for decades, to be the strain of greatest concern.

Kaseya said during the recent press briefing in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, that the continental health organization was currently moving towards securing almost 1 million doses of the MX vaccine.

Africa CDC and United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) announced on September 5 that the first shipment of 99,100 doses of the JYNNEOS mpox vaccine had arrived. This shipment is expected to launch a critical vaccination campaign aimed at curbing the rising epidemic in the DRC, the Africa CDC said in a statement.

On September 10, a further shipment of 15,460 doses of the mpox vaccine arrived in the DRC, donated to Gavi-eligible nations by the vaccine producer Bavarian Nordic. They add to the 215,000 vaccine doses that the European Union donated.

One major shortcoming often highlighted is that behaviors are directly implicated in accelerating the spread of mpox, impeding the behavioral change by people who already face challenges in accessing healthcare services in remote communities in Africa.

Prof. Jean Jacques Muyembe, a prominent African epidemiologist from the DRC who is also senior advisor to the Africa CDC’s director general, told IPS that for the specific case of his home country, mpox continues to spread through contaminated bushmeat, which a large part of local communities consume in quantities.

“Adopting and maintaining healthy behaviors is important for these communities where notable zoonotic diseases such as mpox are believed to be transmitted through bushmeat,” said Muyembe, who is also the chair of the DRC’s National Institute for Biomedical Research (INRB).

According to the findings released by the WHO, mpox can spread from animals to people in a few ways, such as through small wild animals in West and Central Africa, where the disease is endemic or with direct close contact with an infected animal, fluids or waste, or getting bitten or scratched.

While bushmeat in most parts of sub-Saharan Africa where mpox is endemic cannot be simply wished away, Muyembe points out that the administration of lifesaving vaccines to hundreds of millions of affected communities remains the best solution for Africa to defeat the outbreak.

“Randomized controlled trials will help us to measure the effectiveness of these health interventions,” said Muyembe.

Apart from bush meats, initial investigations conducted by the Africa CDC in the DR Congo and research elsewhere in Europe suggest that vulnerable populations, like sex workers and men who have sex with men, may be at risk.

“Well-organized standard care can reduce the mortality rate of mpox in Africa, but education is also critical to sensitize most families using the forest for hunting to abstain from bushmeat and also to practice safe sex,” the senior Congolese epidemiologist told IPS.

Kaseya points out that in addition to surveillance and diagnosis, African vaccine manufacturing seems to offer a promising and sustainable solution as the continent currently works hard to safeguard itself against future pandemics and disease outbreaks—and to ensure delays like the ones African nations faced in receiving COVID-19 vaccines never happen again.

“The only tool [for prevention] we have today in Africa is vaccine but for the diagnostic, we want to ensure that in some countries we move from the current 18 percent of testing up to 80 percent of diagnosed cases,” he said.

Since its inception, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technology has been widely used in all stages of vaccine product development as a tool to assist in the evaluation of vaccine quality, safety and efficacy, especially in Africa.

“Capacity building is critical to support those who are conducting testing in the field,” Kaseya said of current efforts jointly conducted by Africa CDC and other strategic partners, including Global Fund and GAVI Alliance.

Drawing from the past experience of COVID-19, health experts are concerned about vaccine availability.

“Today with mpox we are in a similar situation (to COVID) where we need to look for vaccines because we don’t manufacture them,” he said.

Danish biotech firm Bavarian Nordic has concluded a deal with Africa CDC to ramp up production of its mpox vaccine and enable its vaccine to be manufactured in Africa in the future.

Through the concluded technology transfer deal, the African pharmaceutical industry will start manufacturing the mpox vaccines, according to Africa CDC officials.

Out of nine existing pharmaceutical industries in Africa, only one factory has the capacity to provide the mpox vaccine, it said.

Prof. Nicaise Ndembi, senior advisor to the Africa CDC’s DG, told IPS that the available evidence indicates that the mpox vaccine remains a safe and effective way to protect against symptomatic infection in high-risk close contacts.

“We need to build on current progress made to ensure that the African region is not left behind in efforts to control the mpox pandemic,” he said.


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الإشادة بشركة BUSINESSNEXT في تقرير Gartner® Sales Force Automation Magic Quadrant™ لعام 2024، بمناسبة ممارسة نشاطها منذ 11 عامًا

نيودلهي، الهند،, Sept. 12, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) —

حصول BUSINESSNEXT، وهي شركة عملاقة توفر حلول المؤسسات القابلة للإنشاء للبنوك والخدمات المالية، على تصنيف اللاعب المميز Niche Player في تقرير Gartner Magic Quadrant لعام 2024 لمنصات أتمتة قوة المبيعات. تم تقييم المنصة من حيث مجموعتها الشاملة من حلول المؤسسات، مع التركيز على إمكاناتها لأتمتة المبيعات.

هذا التصنيف يضع BUSINESSNEXT في مصاف أبرز 13 موردًا على مستوى العالم في منصات أتمتة قوة المبيعات، ما يبرهن على منهجها الذي يركز على احتياجات الصناعة وحلولها المتقدمة الموجهة نحو توفير حلول متطورة للغاية. تشمل إمكانات الشركة لأتمتة قوة المبيعات البيع الموجه والتحليلات القائمة على التنبؤ إلى جانب إستراتيجية قائمة على الذكاء الاصطناعي. من خلال وجودها القوي في قطاع الخدمات المالية والتأمين في جميع أنحاء الدول الآسيوية المطلة على المحيط الهادئ وأوروبا والشرق الأوسط وإفريقيا وأمريكا الشمالية، تستمر BUSINESSNEXT في تحسين منصتها، بطرح نماذج تعمل بالذكاء الاصطناعي التوليدي وعروض مرئية ومزايا الهاتف المحمول لتعزيز الكفاءة التشغيلية.

يُبرز تقرير Quadrant نقاط قوة BUSINESSNEXT في إدارة العملاء المحتملين المعتمدة على تعلم الآلة ونماذج تسجيل النقاط التنبئية وإستراتيجية الذكاء الاصطناعي القابلة للتخصيص. تخطط BUSINESSNEXT لطرح برنامج ذكي لمساعدة البائعين وتحسين تدفقات العمل القائمة على الذكاء الاصطناعي وإمكانية التحقق بأسلوب تعرف على عميلك (KYC)، وبهذا توفر مستوىً أكبر من الدعم للشركات العالمية في التحول الرقمي.

قال Sushil Tyagi، المدير التنفيذي لشركة BUSINESSNEXT “إن هذا التقدير من جانب Gartner يُبرز التزامنا الشديد بتوفير حلول مبتكرة وقابلة للتطوير توفر إمكانات كبيرة لفرق المبيعات ليتجاوزوا أهدافهم بينما يوفرون تجارب عملاء فريدة.”

تستمر BUSINESSNEXT في تطوير أتمتة المبيعات من خلال تركيزها الشديد على توفير حلول ذكاء اصطناعي صُممت لتعمل على السحابة منذ البداية وهي متخصصة لصناعات مثل البنوك والتأمين والبيع بالتجزئة والرعاية الصحية. وتتضمن التحسينات المستقبلية طرح استوديو WORKNEXT، وهو منصة لا تحتاج إلى تعليمات برمجية توفر أدوات تعمل بالذكاء الاصطناعي التوليدي من أجل تلخيص العملاء المحتملين وتصميم تدفق العمل وتحسين الإنتاجية.


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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9229710)

‘Safe Zone’ Al-Mawasi Bombed, Leaving Dozens Killed

The aftermath of the airstrike on the Al-Mawasi displacement camp on September 10th. Credit: UN Photo/UNIFEED

By Oritro Karim
UNITED NATIONS, Sep 12 2024 – On Tuesday, an airstrike was carried out in Al-Mawasi, on a displacement camp situated on the Gaza Strip. According to the Gaza Civil Defense Agency, 40 people were killed and over 60 were injured. Despite being designated as a “safe zone” by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), this region has seen continual airstrikes and armed hostility since December 2023.

Prior to the eruption of hostilities in Gaza, Al-Mawasi was home to about 9,000 Palestinians. It was known as the “Basket of Food” due to its highly fertile conditions for agriculture. The region is relatively small, stretching for about 14 kilometers.

Late last year, Israeli authorities declared the Al-Mawasi settlement will be exempt from attacks during Israel’s occupation of Gaza. Thousands of displaced Palestinians flocked to this region, only to find that the camps were bereft of critical resources, such as food, water, healthcare, and sanitation.

“The use of heavy weapons in densely populated areas is unconscionable. Palestinians had moved to this area in Khan Younis in search of shelter and search of safety, after being repeatedly instructed to do so by the Israeli authorities,”  stated Stéphane Dujarric, Spokesperson for the Secretary-General, at a United Nations (UN) press briefing on Tuesday.

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees (UNRWA) estimates that over 1 million people are sheltering in this small region. The IDF claims that Al-Mawasi was the target for this recent bombing due to reports of the terrorist organization, Hamas, being situated in the settlements, stating that they “struck significant Hamas terrorists who were operating within a command-and-control center embedded inside the humanitarian area.”. Hamas denied these claims.

The IDF adds that only Hamas members were targeted in this recent airstrike and that they tried to mitigate harm inflicted on civilians by using “precise munitions.” They did not confirm or deny if civilians in the area were warned prior to the bombing.

However, the scale of the bombs used in this attack corresponds more accurately with previous indiscriminate attacks on displacement camps. Patrick Senft, a research coordinator at Armament Research Services (ARES), said, “The significant damage and the size of the craters align with the expected effects of aerial bombs weighing several hundred kilograms.”

“In an overcrowded camp where hundreds of thousands of displaced Palestinians are scattered in makeshift tents, even the smallest bomb can cause immense damage and numerous casualties. Now, imagine the devastation when the Israeli occupation army uses 3 U.S.-made MK-84 bombs on them,” stated Maha Hussaini, strategy director at the Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor, in a post shared on X.

The explosions created three significant craters in the displacement camp, trapping several Palestinians under the debris. Gaza’s Health Ministry states, “A number of victims are still under the rubble, under the sand, and on the roads, and ambulance and civil defense crews cannot reach them and retrieve them, and they have not reached hospitals yet.”

The airstrikes on Tuesday have been one of the deadliest attacks that have taken place in Al-Mawasi since the beginning of the war last year. Despite prior notions that Al-Mawasi was exempt from hostilities, UN Secretary-General, António Guterres, stated that no place is safe in Gaza. A ceasefire agreement is imperative in preventing further loss.

Tor Wennesland, the UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, informed reporters that “international humanitarian law, including the principles of distinction, proportionality, and precautions in attack, must be upheld at all times.”

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A Better Tomorrow with South-South Cooperation

Credit: United Nations

By Dima Al-Khatib
UNITED NATIONS, Sep 12 2024 – The annual United Nations Day for South-South Cooperation, commemorated annually on September 12, serves as a powerful reminder of the spirit of solidarity and cooperation that transcends geographic borders — a spirit that is crucial for securing a better and thriving future for all. In a world facing cross-cutting challenges, the importance of this South-South solidarity cannot be overstated.

We are now at a pivotal moment in our journey towards the 2030 Agenda. Regrettably, our progress has been far from satisfactory. Only 17 per cent of the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) targets are on track to be achieved. Nearly half of the targets show minimal or moderate progress, and alarmingly, progress on over a third of them has stalled or even regressed.

These figures are not just numbers; they represent lives, futures, and the hope of billions around the world.

The global landscape is increasingly marked by a growing number of conflicts, escalating geopolitical and trade tensions, and the devastating impacts of climate change. These challenges have placed the SDGs in serious jeopardy, and it is the world’s most vulnerable populations who are bearing the brunt of these crises. In this context, the potential of South-South cooperation and triangular cooperation to catalyze progress towards the SDGs has never been more critical.

As we look ahead to the Summit of the Future, the commemoration of the United Nations Day for South-South Cooperation offers us a timely opportunity to reflect on the progress we have made together through this modality. More importantly, it compels us to recognize the vast potential that South-South cooperation holds in building a more equitable and sustainable future.

South-South cooperation is no longer a peripheral concept; it is now widely recognized as a powerful vehicle that fosters inclusive growth, mutual learning, and shared success.

Across the developing world, we are witnessing remarkable strides in resilience building, innovation, and collaboration. These achievements demonstrate that by mobilizing international solidarity and forging global partnerships through South-South and triangular cooperation, we can accelerate the achievement of the SDGs.

Dima Al-Khatib, Director of the United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation

This potential has been highlighted in numerous global discussions and summits, both within the United Nations and beyond. Whether the focus is on Least Developed Countries, Small Island Developing States, Middle-Income Countries, water, or trade, the message is clear: South-South cooperation is delivering results.

We are seeing incredible successes in the Global South, from improving health systems and enhancing agricultural productivity to advancing education and technology.

Consider the Republic of Congo, which is drawing on Brazil’s expertise in family farming and school feeding programs to improve food security and nutrition. Or Cuba, whose medical professionals have been on the frontlines, combatting disease across the South.

In the Pacific, UNESCO is facilitating exchanges among countries like Fiji, the Marshall Islands, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, and Vanuatu to build teachers’ capacities. These are just a few examples of how countries of the Global South are not only sharing knowledge and resources, but are also building enduring partnerships that transcend borders.

The United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation (UNOSSC) plays a pivotal role in promoting, coordinating, and supporting these efforts globally and within the UN system. Our work involves identifying synergies and promoting collaboration between partners to attain all internationally agreed development goals.

One of the key tools we have developed in this endeavor is the South-South Galaxy — a digital platform that offers more than 950 Southern-grown SDG good practices. These practices are available to all countries for experience sharing and scaling up, providing a wealth of knowledge that has already lifted millions out of poverty and contributed to a more equitable world.

The South-South and Triangular Cooperation Solutions Lab, hosted on the same platform, is another innovative initiative. This Lab has begun incubating and testing scalable South-South and triangular cooperation solutions, driving forward new ways to tackle the complex challenges we face.

Our South-South Trust Funds are another testament to the solidarity of Southern partners. For example, the Government of India has channeled over $55.5 million into 63 projects that support sustainable development across more than 30 Small Island Developing States through the India-UN Development Partnership Fund.

Similarly, the IBSA Fund — supported by India, Brazil, and South Africa — continues to leverage the tried-and-tested power of South-South and triangular cooperation to bring tangible improvements to the daily lives of people across the globe. From providing safe drinking water to 12,000 people in Cabo Verde to developing a national universal health insurance program in Grenada, these initiatives showcase the impact of collaborative efforts.

Triangular cooperation – where South-South cooperation is supported by a developed country(ies) or multilateral organization(s) – also plays a critical role. For instance, the Republic of Korea and the Mekong River Commission are working together to share science and technology know-how, implementing the water, food, and energy nexus for vulnerable communities in Cambodia, Lao PDR, Thailand, and Viet Nam.

Later this year, we will launch a dedicated Triangular Cooperation Window to optimize this modality of support and enhance the sharing of experiences among partners.

Despite these achievements, we recognize that significant work remains ahead. We are navigating a world shaped by new and complex global challenges — what some have called a poly-crisis.

Climate change, economic uncertainties, debt injustice, conflict, and the ongoing recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic continue to test our resilience. Yet, I remain confident that through South-South and triangular cooperation, we can turn these challenges into opportunities for transformative equitably change.

On this United Nations Day for South-South Cooperation, I call on all stakeholders — including governments, our UN family, civil society, academia and the private sector — to join hands in strengthening South-South cooperation. Let us commit to expanding partnerships, deepening our collaborations, and ensuring that no one is left behind.

Together, we can achieve the Sustainable Development Goals and build a future that is prosperous, inclusive, and sustainable for all.

Please join us!

Dima Al-Khatib is the Director of the United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation. She took up her duties as Director of UNOSSC on 1 March 2023. She is a Sustainable Development Professional bringing more than 25 years of leadership and management experience in several duty stations to her role.

Prior to joining UNOSSC, Ms. Al-Khatib served as the UNDP Resident Representative in the Republic of Moldova. Prior to that, she held several positions including that of Programme and Policy Coordinator at the UNDP Regional Hub in Amman, UNDP Deputy Resident Representative in Kuwait, and UNDP Deputy Country Director in Libya.

Ms. Al-Khatib holds a Diplome d’Etudes Approfondies (DEA) in Environmental Health from the Lebanese University and France University of Bordeaux II, and a Bachelor of Science and a Teaching Diploma in Environmental Health from the American University of Beirut. Dima Al-Khatib tweets at @dimaalkhatib1

IPS UN Bureau


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Incorporate Genetics, Social Support and Place of Residence into Public Health Campaigns

It is crucial to understand the roles of genetics, social connections, and socio-economic status in order to design effective public health campaigns

The three most important perspectives to consider in improving healthcare are social support, place of residence, and genetics. These factors are all critical for predicting health disorders and ensuring the delivery of quality healthcare. Credit: Kristin Palitza/IPS

By Ifeanyi Nsofor
ABUJA, Sep 12 2024 – A recent study published in Journal Communications Medicine explores how people from different income levels and urban or rural backgrounds view the factors that influence health across eight countries: Brazil, China, Germany, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Nigeria, and the United States.

It found that those with higher incomes are more likely to think genetics are the most important factor for health, while those with lower incomes value social support more. In contrast, urban residents prioritize healthcare, while those in non-urban areas place more importance on social support. This information can influence public health messaging.

Indeed, this study shows what the three most important perspectives are to consider in improving healthcare – social support, place of residence and genetics.

They are all important in predicting health disorders as well as providing quality healthcare. None should be viewed in isolation. Genetics helps predicts health conditions before birth or years before their occurrence, some health conditions are more prevalent in certain locations, and lack of social support can worsen the severity of different health conditions.

Genetics helps predicts health conditions before birth or years before their occurrence, some health conditions are more prevalent in certain locations, and lack of social support can worsen the severity of different health conditions

The three perspectives should also be interconnected when creating public health messaging around a disorder like sickle cell disease. This is why.



Sickle cell disease is a genetic disorder that affects only Blackpeople. AS is the genotype for the sickle cell trait. It is an inherited disease, meaning one gets it from their parents if both carry the gene for sickle cell. A male and a female couple who have the AS genotype have a 25% chance of giving birth to a child with sickle cell disease (SS) in each pregnancy.

In sickle cell disease, the red blood cells that are usually round are shaped like sickles. This makes them sticky and makes it harder for them to move through blood vessels. They can get stuck, block blood flow, and cause pain, infections, and damage to organs. Caring for sickle cell disease warriors is very expensive because of the frequent pain crises and hospitalizations that could occur.

Public health messaging around sickle cell disease should focus on prevention, keeping in mind it is difficult to appeal to people’s emotions when they are in love. The messaging should be informed by families already caring for people living with sickle cell disease. It is the responsibility of health officials. However, there is an ecosystem of health advocate that can support.

In the event that a woman with the AS genotype becomes pregnant with a man who does too, the disease can be diagnosedin a fetus by sampling some of the amniotic fluid.

This test can help prepare parents for the birth of the child, learn more about sickle cell disease, its complications, how to prevent the complications to enable the child to live a life free from pains and the best way to care for the child.

It would also enable them to prepare financially to care for a sickle cell warrior. As heartbreaking as it may be, a couple knowing their genotype sometimes leads them to call off their wedding or decide not to have children of their own but instead opt for adoption. They need all the information necessary to make an informed decision for themselves.


Social Support

Family members are the primary and most important caregivers of sickle cell disease warriors. They are often not paid for their services; some give up their dreams while caring for sickle cell warriors and it takes a toll on their mental health too.

Government and non-profit organizations should push for policies on caring for caregivers. Such policies should provide financial compensation for carers, offer opportunities for continuous professional development for carers, provide paid alternate carers enabling family carers to get some rest.

Other social connections include organizations such as the Sickle Cell Foundation of Nigeria and the Sickle Cell Disease Association of America. These organizations contribute infundraising for care of warriors, research, policy development and advocacy. These organizations routinely host public awareness campaigns, working closely with public health authorities and healthcare providers. Families of sickle cell warriors can reach them by asking their healthcare providers and contacting these organizations via their websites.


Place of Residence 

Sickle cell disease is common in low- and middle-incomecountries. In those countries, there can be more severe complications because of widespread poverty, poor diagnostic capacities, and limited access to healthcare. Even in high income countries, poorer families bear a disproportionate burden of sickle cell disease.

study in the U.S. found that 98% of cases with sickle cell disease are African-Americans and 42% had a family income at near federal poverty level. People in higher socioeconomic class also suffer from sickle cell disease though. Therefore, messaging must target everyone irrespective of social class.

To be sure, public health messages should be tailored to address the perspectives of different demographics. However, we should not lose sight of how interconnected they are. Indeed, it is crucial to understand the roles of genetics, social connections, and socio-economic status to design effective messaging strategies. That is how the findings of this research can benefit everyone.

Dr. Ifeanyi M. Nsofor, MBBS, MCommH (Liverpool) is a member of the Global Fellows Advisory Board at the Atlantic Institute, Rhodes Trust, Oxford