Rainha Mathilde da Bélgica, Príncipe Harry, Duque de Sussex, Forest Whitaker, Chefes de Agências da ONU e outros dignitários se encontram com sobreviventes e defensores do fim da violência infantil em Nova York, durante a Assembleia Geral da ONU

NOVA YORK, Sept. 24, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Rainha Mathilde da Bélgica, Príncipe Harry, Duque de Sussex, Chefes de agências da ONU e outros dignitários se encontraram com sobreviventes e defensores do fim da violência contra crianças em Nova York na noite de domingo (22 de setembro). Eles estão em Nova York para a Assembleia Geral da ONU, onde líderes mundiais se reuniram para a 79ª Sessão (AGNU 79).

Eles se encontraram com sobreviventes, figuras públicas e líderes governamentais de todo o mundo, incluindo Suécia, Colômbia, Zimbábue, Geórgia, Canadá, Islândia, Brasil e Reino Unido para discutir a questão urgente em um evento caloroso, organizado pelo Diretor Geral, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, da Organização Mundial da Saúde e organizado pelo Project Everyone, parte da Assembleia Geral da ONU. Eles ouviram depoimentos de sobreviventes, bem como reflexões e compromissos de líderes.

A reunião de alto nível ocorreu dias após sobreviventes, defensores e aliados publicaram uma carta aberta [17 de setembro de 2024] exigindo ações urgentes dos líderes mundiais antes da primeira Conferência Ministerial Global sobre o Fim da Violência contra Crianças, a ser realizada na Colômbia em novembro.

Entre os signatários da carta estão as figuras públicas Forest Whitaker, Shudu Musida e Will Poulter, que também participaram do evento especial.

De acordo com a Organização Mundial da Saúde, todos os anos uma em cada duas crianças em todo o mundo – mais de 1 bilhão – sofre violência, desde punição corporal, bullying na escola, violência online e abuso sexual. Outras formas significativas de violência incluem violência de gangues, casamento infantil e trabalho infantil.

Evidências mostram que soluções inovadoras para acabar com todas as formas de violência contra crianças incluem fornecer apoio parental, implementar intervenções nas escolas, oferecer serviços sociais e de saúde adequados para crianças, adotar leis de proteção e garantir uma internet mais segura para crianças. Países que implementam estratégias com base em evidências podem reduzir a violência contra crianças em até 50%.

Como MC do evento, Will Poulter, Ator e Embaixador do programa anti–bullying The Diana Awards, disse:
“A violência assume muitas formas – físicas e psicológicas – e cada uma tem um impacto duradouro em quem passa por ela. Com um bilhão de crianças em todo o mundo sofrendo tal violência, as estatísticas são surpreendentes, mas elas representam vidas reais, e é nossa responsabilidade coletiva garantir que essas crianças sejam protegidas.”

Leia a carta completa AQUI.

Na imagem 1 E–D: Dra. Daniela Ligiero, CEO da Together For Girls; S.Ex.ª Alexander De Croo, Primeiro–Ministro da Bélgica; Príncipe Harry, Duque de Sussex; Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Diretor–Geral da Organização Mundial de Saúde; Shudu Musida, Campeão Regional do UNFPA; H.R.H. Rainha Mathilde da Bélgica; Forest Whitaker, Ator e Ativista; H.R.H. Princesa Mabel van Oranje; Bryanna Mariñas, Mobilizadora de Jovens; Will Poulter, Ator; Dr. Etienne Krug, Diretor do Departamento de Determinantes Sociais de Saúde da Organização Mundial de Saúde; Catherine Russell, Diretora Executiva da UNICEF.

Na imagem 2 E–D: Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Diretor Geral da Organização Mundial de Saúde e Príncipe Harry, Duque de Sussex.

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9235454)

Violence, Displacement, and Hunger Plagues Somalia

A wide view of the Security Council meeting on the situation in Somalia. Credit: UN Photo/Loey Felipe

By Oritro Karim
UNITED NATIONS, Sep 24 2024 – Somalia is currently in the midst of a dire humanitarian crisis that threatens to destabilize the nation’s security. This crisis is a result of the Somali Civil War, which began in 1991. Altercations between clan-based operations have caused a host of issues over the years, including over 596 civilian casualties, according to the United Nations Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNSOM). Tensions have greatly intensified in 2024, with levels of internal displacement and food insecurity increasing rapidly.

“Our humanitarian colleagues tell us that since the beginning of the year, an estimated 150,000 people have been displaced by renewed clan conflict and ongoing military operations. This has intensified existing vulnerabilities and further worsened humanitarian needs”, stated Stéphane Dujarric, Spokesperson for the Secretary-General, at a press briefing at the United Nations (UN) Headquarters.

Levels of generalized violence in Somalia have seen a considerable uptick in recent years. The UN reports an increase in gender-based violence from 2022 onward, with cases of domestic violence and rape soaring among girls in displacement shelters. The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) estimates that 45 percent of girls are married off before reaching the age of 18.

Additionally, violence targeting Somali children remains high, with killings, recruitment, and sexual violence becoming more common, according to the Human Rights Watch (HRW). Children have been detained by Somali authorities due to suspicion that they are affiliated with the Al- Shabab armed group. Furthermore, attacks on schools have significantly exacerbated the ongoing education crisis in the country. The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) estimates that 85 percent of Somali children are not enrolled in school.

Widespread food insecurity and famine have been issues that have plagued Somalia for decades. From 2020 to 2023, Somalia had experienced its longest drought on record, with the resulting hunger crisis pushing communities to the brink of collapse. Heavy rainfall and flooding in the first quarter of 2024 have left over 4 million people severely food insecure, according to the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC).

Armed conflict over the past three decades has significantly impeded the growth of Somalia’s agricultural sector, exacerbating the hunger crisis. The International Rescue Committee (IRC) states that violent altercations have damaged Somalia’s “systems and infrastructure that would have provided a guardrail against climate and economic disaster”. There have also been reports of food and essential resources being burned by warring parties in recent years.

Somalia currently relies heavily on imports to prevent nationwide hunger. The World Bank states, “the economy remained heavily import-dependent as conflict has destroyed the economy’s productive capacity”. It is estimated that over 55 percent of the population lives in extreme poverty, with GDP growth remaining relatively stagnant.

The displacement crisis in Somalia is ranked as one of the most severe in the world. As of now, there are approximately 4 million people internally displaced, which is about 21 percent of the nation’s population.

The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) estimates that 247,000 have been displaced from their homes due to heavy flooding. About 53,600 displaced peoples have been affected by the floods, with critical shelters being destroyed.

The World Bank adds that there are over 38,000 refugees in Somalia from bordering countries such as Ethiopia and Kenya, as well as Yemen. This influx of refugees has overwhelmed Somali displacement shelters, leading to overcrowding, poor hygiene, security concerns, limited access to essential resources, and an increased risk of gender-based violence.

Armed conflict has greatly worsened living conditions and access to critical resources for displaced peoples. A report by the HRW states that attacks by the Al-Shabab armed group have led to blockages in Baidoa town, impeding the arrival of humanitarian aid.

“In July, Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders, MSF) announced they were withdrawing from Las Anod due to increased levels of violence, recurrent attacks on medical facilities, and injuries among medical staff”, added HRW. In addition, flooding has significantly impeded humanitarian aid, with many areas being entirely inaccessible.

Additionally, studies by the World Health Organization (WHO) state that Somalia has the distinction of having the most prevalent mental health crisis in the world, as a result of prolonged exposure to violence. Approximately one third of the population is plagued with some kind of psychological disorder, which is greatly exacerbated by the lack of mental health facilities in the nation. WHO has only officially recognized five mental hospitals in the country.

Currently, humanitarian initiatives by the UN are underway in an effort to mitigate the ongoing crisis. UNSOM is dedicated to supporting peacekeeping missions, supported by the federal government. OCHA is in the process of assisting flood-affected communities. The 2024 Humanitarian Needs and Response Plan for Somalia asks for 1.6 billion dollars to effectively soothe tensions and support over 5.2 million people. The UN greatly encourages donor contributions as only 37 percent of that goal has been reached.

IPS UN Bureau Report


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Carbon Emissions from AI and Crypto are Surging– and Tax Policy Can Help

Credit: Kodfilm/iStock by Getty Images via IMF

By Shafik Hebous and Nate Vernon-Lin
WASHINGTON DC, Sep 24 2024 – What do crypto assets and artificial intelligence have in common? Both are power hungry.

Because of the electricity used by high-powered equipment to “mine” crypto assets, one Bitcoin transaction requires roughly the same amount of electricity as the average person in Ghana or Pakistan consumes in three years. ChatGPT queries require 10 times more electricity than a Google search, due to the electricity consumed by AI data centers.

As the Chart of the Week shows, crypto mining and data centers together accounted for 2 percent of world electricity demand in 2022. And that share is likely to climb to 3.5 percent in three years, according to our estimates based on projections from the International Energy Agency. That would be equivalent to current consumption of Japan, the world’s fifth largest electricity user.

The climate impact of these activities—irrespective of their social and economic benefits—is cause for concern. A recent IMF working paper found that crypto mining could generate 0.7 percent of global carbon dioxide emissions by 2027. Extending the analysis to data centers (based on IEA estimates), means their carbon emissions could reach 450 million tons by 2027, or 1.2 percent of the world total.

The tax system is one way to steer companies toward curbing emissions. According to IMF estimates, a direct tax of $0.047 per kilowatt hour would drive the crypto mining industry to curb its emissions in line with global goals.

If considering air pollution’s impact on local health as well, that tax rate would rise to $0.089, translating into an 85 percent increase in average electricity price for miners. Such a levy would raise annual government revenue of $5.2 billion globally and reduce annual emissions by 100 million tons (around Belgium’s current emissions).

For data centers, a targeted tax on their electricity use would need to be set at $0.032 per kilowatt hour, or $0.052 including air pollution costs. It is slightly lower than for crypto because data centers tend to be in locations with greener electricity. This could raise as much as $18 billion annually.

The situation today is the opposite: many data centers and crypto miners enjoy generous tax exemptions and incentives on income, consumption, and property. Considering the environmental damage, the lack of significant employment, and pressures on the electrical grid (possibly raising prices for households and reducing demand for the use of other low emissions goods, such as electric vehicles), the net benefits of these special tax regimes are unclear at best.

Policy incentives

On the flip side, AI applications could lead to smarter and more efficient power use, which some have posited could help ease electricity demand. The right policies can still incentivize developing AI applications with positive societal spillovers while addressing the environmental damage.

For policymakers, a broad carbon price coordinated across countries would be the best way to curb emissions, because it would encourage reduced fossil-fuel consumption, cleaner power sources, and improved energy efficiency. To limit global warming to 2 degrees, countries would need to introduce additional measures equivalent to a carbon price rising to $85 per ton by 2030.

In the absence of a global carbon price, targeted measures could encourage crypto miners and data centers to use more energy-efficient equipment and may even motivate the adoption of less energy intensive crypto mining. Complementing electricity taxes with credits for zero-emission, bilateral power purchase agreements, and potentially renewable energy certificates would also help.

Cross-border coordination also remains important, as stricter measures in one location could encourage relocation to jurisdictions with lower standards.

As the window of opportunity for containing rising temperatures rapidly closes, expanding renewable energy sources and adopting an appropriate carbon price are urgently needed. In the interim, targeted measures, including taxation, can help mitigate increasing emissions from crypto mining and data centers.

Source: International Monetary Fund (IMF)

IPS UN Bureau


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Net Zero by 2050 Delays Needed Urgent Climate Action

By Jomo Kwame Sundaram
CAIRO, Sep 24 2024 – Net zero emissions by 2050 prioritise mitigation for climate stabilisation. Pledges to achieve this still distant target have grown but inadvertently delay urgently needed climate action in the near term.

Net Zero
The 1992 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) committed to “the stabilization of greenhouse gas [GHG] concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic [or human-caused] interference with the climate system”.

Jomo Kwame Sundaram

Consequently, climate negotiations are supposed to focus on stepping up mitigation efforts. But thus bringing the target forward will not prevent global temperatures from rising 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels well before 2050.

Since the 2021 UNFCCC Conference of Parties (COP) in Glasgow, many governments have promised to achieve net zero emissions by 2050 touted as achieving climate stabilisation.

After reneging on various other Glasgow commitments, such as ending coal burning for energy, G7 Western leaders piously reiterated the ‘Net Zero by 2050’ promise in April 2024.

The Net Zero target seeks to end further GHG emissions accumulation by mid-century. Thus, Net Zero requires cutting GHG emissions and accumulation well before the century’s ending 2100, the previous target year.

Worse, the agreement allows notable exemptions which are hardly trivial. GHG emissions calculations exclude exemptions, e.g., for military purposes, air and marine transportation. The US alone accounts for a trillion dollars, or two-fifths of world military spending of around 2.5 trillion dollars yearly.

Meanwhile, invoking the ‘common but differentiated responsibilities’ (CBDR) principle, some developing countries have bargained for more time, e.g., India has announced a 2070 deadline.

Nice slogan, but inadequate
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Special Report on keeping warming under 1.5°C was used to advocate for the net zero by 2050 target.

Net zero by 2050 offers an attractively simple target for climate stabilisation. If fully enforced, net zero should stabilise the climate from 2050, but will certainly not check global warming in time.

As politicians, government leaders have been more willing to make pledges far off into the future. After all, the year 2050 was almost three decades after the Glasgow COP in 2021.

Net zero had first appeared at the UNFCCC’s 2014 Emissions Gap Report and at the UNFCCC COP then. World Bank President Jim Kim proclaimed then, “we must achieve zero net emissions of greenhouse gases before 2100”.

The 2015 Paris Agreement committed to “undertake rapid [emissions] reductions … to achieve a balance between anthropogenic emissions by sources and removal by sinks of greenhouse gases in the second half of this century”.

Hence, the new 2050 target year is a significant improvement over earlier target years, but will not urgently cut GHG emissions in time to avoid breaching the 1.5°C threshold.

Net zero sinks
Removing GHGs will trap and absorb less heat in Earth’s atmosphere. Net zero has revived hope in carbon sinks with little recognition that most consequences of climate change, especially global warming, are largely irreversible.

Many carbon sequestration proponents believe ‘carbon dioxide removal’ and ‘negative emissions’ technologies will be enough. These include carbon capture and storage, topsoil carbon sequestration, largescale tree planting and reforestation, with more controversial ‘geoengineering’ schemes touted more recently.

The IPCC Special Report warned that while some options might be technologically feasible, many have not proved viable at scale. There is also no scientific basis for claims that global warming’s worse effects can be reversed.

The International Energy Agency’s revised Net Zero Roadmap for the 2023 Dubai COP led the UNFCCC to endorse “transitioning away from fossil fuels in energy systems, in a just, orderly and equitable manner, accelerating action in this critical decade, so as to achieve net zero by 2050 in keeping with the science”.

But regardless of advocates’ intentions, mitigation measures have been abused for greenwashing. The 2023 Emissions Gap Report noted the gap between promises and practices has worsened.

Some net-zero advocates want to make State parties more accountable by proposing a new legally binding agreement to replace the Kyoto Protocol, abandoned by most rich nation governments following US Senate rejection.

Temperature targets
Governments pledged to meet the 2015 Paris Agreement goal of keeping global warming under 1.5°C. But UN Climate Action and Finance Special Envoy Mark Carney expects the threshold to be breached in under a decade, well before 2050!

Over recent decades, the climate policy targets discourse has gone from emissions reduction to limiting temperature warming above pre-industrial levels.

The European Union adopted the two degrees Celsius (2°C) threshold in 1996, insisting it should be for all. However, some of the most vulnerable developing countries, mainly in the tropics, successfully insisted on 1.5°C.

The IPCC argued in 2014 that warming under 2°C would require “near zero emissions of carbon dioxide and other long-lived greenhouse gases by the end of the century”. Carbon budget projections have improved with better GHG emissions and atmospheric persistence monitoring techniques.

Following sustained efforts by some developing countries, led by some of the most vulnerable, a later IPCC Special Report urged keeping global warming under 1.5°C. Low-lying island nations rallied around “1.5°C to stay alive”, with many calling for a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty to phase them out.

IPS UN Bureau


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EBC remporte le prix BrokersView de la meilleure expérience de trading, renforçant son rôle de leader mondial

SINGAPOUR, 24 sept. 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Lors de la cérémonie BrokersView Award qui s’est tenue en septembre 2024 au Vietnam, EBC Financial Group (EBC) a remporté le prix « Best Trading Experience », confirmant une nouvelle fois sa position de leader mondial de l’industrie financière spécialisée dans les opérations de change, les CFD et les actions. Ce dernier prix a salué l’engagement d’EBC à garantir des conditions de trading les plus performantes et à offrir une expérience de trading exceptionnelle.

Même si le marché mondial des opérations de change connaît une croissance rapide et devrait dépasser les 10.000 milliards de dollars US d’ici à 2028 (Source : Yahoo Finance), la participation à cet outil de planification financière de plus en plus populaire est entachée d’une désinformation généralisée et d’une forte volatilité, entraînant un manque de confiance parmi les traders (Source : Finance Magnates). EBC a pour objectif de surmonter ces défis en favorisant un environnement de trading stable et fiable, guidé par sa conviction fondamentale que chaque engagement d’un investisseur doit recevoir le sérieux et la sincérité qu’il mérite.

Au–delà d’efforts continus pour apporter l’innovation à sa plateforme de trading et garantir des spreads hautement compétitifs, EBC s’engage à respecter des réglementations strictes, à proposer des mécanismes de tarification équitables et transparents et à garantir des mesures de sécurité à plusieurs niveaux.

Expansion de la portée mondiale et de la présence stratégique

EBC Financial Group a depuis longtemps établi sa position en tant que société de courtage d’envergure mondiale, avec une forte présence sur des hubs financiers majeurs tels que Londres, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Singapour, Sydney ainsi que les marchés émergeants d’Amérique latine, d’Asie du Sud–Est, d’Afrique et d’Inde.

Cette expansion internationale est portée par la stratégie d’EBC qui consiste à localiser ses opérations pour satisfaire aux exigences réglementaires propres à chaque région, tout en ajustant ses offres aux besoins spécifiques des clients dans chaque marché. Grâce à des investissements stratégiques dans des licences réglementaires, une liquidité d’ampleur institutionnelle et une infrastructure de trading avancée, EBC se positionne pour répondre aux besoins d’une clientèle internationale plus vaste en offrant une gamme diversifiée d’outils et de services de trading.

La croissance d’EBC sur les marchés émergents notamment en Asie du Sud–Est, en Amérique latine, en Inde et en Afrique reflète l’engagement de l’entreprise à permettre aux traders d’accéder à des écosystèmes financiers robustes, qui restent traditionnellement sous–desservis par les principales institutions financières. À mesure qu’EBC développe ses opérations, l’entreprise continue d’élargir son infrastructure de support dans ces régions pour garantir aux traders une expérience aussi fluide que dans les hubs financiers plus établis.

BrokersView : une plateforme de référence d’évaluation des courtiers
BrokersView est une marque de FastBull, un portail d’informations financières de premier plan qui aide les investisseurs à identifier rapidement et efficacement les courtiers appropriés. Remporter le prix « Best Trading Experience » n’a pas été une mince affaire compte tenu du grand nombre de candidats en lice. Lors de l’évaluation d’EBC pour les prix 2024, BrokersView a mené une expertise rigoureuse d’EBC basée sur six critères essentiels, à savoir, la vitesse des transactions, la stabilité, la liquidité, l’effet de glissement, les spreads et les taux de swap.

Des données en temps réel ont été examinées selon des conditions de trading prédéfinies et, finalement, la plateforme de trading personnalisée d’EBC offre des exécutions d’ordres rapides et optimales, des spreads réduits, un service client disponible 24 heures sur 24 et 7 jours sur 7, ce qui a permis à la société de se démarquer et d’apporter un gage de confiance, jouant ainsi un rôle primordial dans l’obtention de ce prix prestigieux.

La mission d’EBC en tant que groupe de courtage international est de créer un écosystème de trading d’envergure offrant aux traders du monde entier un outil efficace. Pour atteindre cet objectif, EBC investit dans des licences réglementaires, une infrastructure avancée, une liquidité d’envergure institutionnelle, une gestion du risque efficace et des algorithmes de trading développés en interne. Par ailleurs, la sécurité et la confidentialité revêtent un caractère primordial chez EBC. L’entreprise utilise un cryptage SSL de 256 bits et des canaux de trading dédiés pour protéger les informations de ses clients et créer des solutions personnalisées, afin de garantir une expérience de trading optimale.

Célébrer un esprit d’excellence
En plus des distinctions de la cérémonie BrokersView Award, Al Hamidi, analyste senior chez EBC a également été honoré du prix « Best Innovative Trading Strategy » lors de la cérémonie FastBull 2024 Trading Influencers Awards, qui s’est tenue en parallèle avec la cérémonies de remise des prix BrokersView. La cérémonie de remise des prix FastBull 2024 Trading Influencers vise à célébrer les personnes ayant contribué de manière exceptionnelle au secteur.

Avec plus de dix ans d’expérience dans le domaine, Al Hamidi a piloté des avancées théoriques dans l’analyse de stratégie de marché et des recherches liées à la conformité. Son expertise en matière de reprise des activités et de protocoles de continuité des activités (PCA) a été déterminante pour permettre à EBC de réagir rapidement lors de l’incident CrowdStrike en juillet 2024. Ce prix met en avant la richesse d’expérience et d’expertise dans les équipes diversifiées d’EBC ainsi que les efforts du groupe pour favoriser une culture d’apprentissage par le biais de littératie financière et du partage des connaissances.

Cette dernière récompense porte à sept le nombre total de prix pour EBC en 2024. Plus récemment, en août 2024, EBC a reçu la distinction du Meilleur courtier de la région Asie–Pacifique lors de la remise des prix annuels Finance Magnates.

En regardant vers l’avenir, EBC reste concentrée sur sa feuille de route de développement global, offrant une expérience de trading ultime et positionnant les traders au centre de ses opérations. L’objectif de l’entreprise, qui perdure depuis des années, reste inchangé : permettre aux traders de prendre des décisions éclairées et être ses partenaires de confiance à chaque étape du parcours de trading.

À propos d’EBC Financial Group
Fondé dans le prestigieux quartier financier de Londres, EBC Financial Group (« EBC ») est réputé pour sa gamme complète de services qui comprend le courtage financier, la gestion d’actifs et des solutions d’investissement globales. EBC Financial Group a rapidement établi sa position en tant que société de courtage d’envergure mondiale, avec une forte présence sur des hubs financiers majeurs tels que Londres, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Singapour, Sydney, les Îles Caïmans ainsi que sur les marchés émergeants d’Amérique latine, d’Asie du Sud–Est, d’Afrique et d’Inde. EBC s’adresse à une clientèle diversifiée d’investisseurs de détail, professionnels et institutionnels aux quatre coins du monde.

Reconnu par de multiples récompenses, EBC est fier de respecter les plus hauts niveaux de normes éthiques et de réglementation internationale. Les filiales d’EBC Financial Group sont réglementées et agréées dans leurs juridictions locales. EBC Financial Group (UK) Limited est réglementé par la Financial Conduct Authority (« FCA ») du Royaume–Uni, EBC Financial Group (Cayman) Limited est réglementé par la Monetary Authority (« CIMA ») des îles Caïmans et EBC Financial Group (Australia) Pty Ltd est réglementé par la Securities and Investments Commission (« ASIC ») australienne.

Au cœur d’EBC Group sont réunis des professionnels chevronnés qui témoignent de plus de 30 ans d’expérience approfondie dans des institutions financières majeures, ayant habilement navigué à travers des cycles économiques importants, des Accords du Plaza à la crise du franc suisse de 2015. EBC défend une culture où l’intégrité, le respect et la sécurité des actifs des clients sont primordiaux, en veillant à ce que chaque engagement d’investisseur soit traité avec le plus grand sérieux qu’il mérite.

EBC est le partenaire officiel du FC Barcelone pour les opérations de change, offrant des services spécialisés dans des régions telles que l’Asie, l’Amérique latine, le Moyen–Orient, l’Afrique et l’Océanie. EBC est également partenaire de United to Beat Malaria, une campagne de la Fondation pour les Nations Unies dont l’objectif est d’améliorer les résultats en matière de santé mondiale. EBC soutient, depuis février 2024, la série d’engagement public « What Economists Really Do » du Département d’Économie de l’Université d’Oxford, visant à démystifier l’économie et son application aux grands défis de société afin d’améliorer la compréhension et le dialogue avec le public.


Contact avec les médias : 
Savitha Ravindran
Relations publiques internationales (Europe, Moyen–Orient, Afrique)

Chyna Elvina
Relations publiques internationales (Asie–Pacifique)

Douglas Chew
Directeur relations publiques internationales

Les photos jointes au présent communiqué sont disponibles aux adresses suivantes : 



GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9234226)

EBC erhält Auszeichnung von BrokersView für das beste Trading-Erlebnis und stärkt seine weltweite Führungsposition

SINGAPUR, Sept. 24, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Bei der BrokersView–Preisverleihung in Vietnam im September 2024 wurde die EBC Financial Group (EBC) mit dem Preis „Best Trading Experience“ ausgezeichnet und festigte damit erneut ihre Position als Weltklasse–Marktführer in der Finanzbranche, der auf Devisen, CFDs und Aktien spezialisiert ist. Mit der jüngsten Auszeichnung wurde das Engagement von EBC gewürdigt, die stabilsten Handelsbedingungen zu ermöglichen und ein außergewöhnliches Trading–Erlebnis zu bieten.

Obwohl der globale Devisenhandelsmarkt rasant wächst und bis 2028 voraussichtlich 10 Billionen US–Dollar überschreiten wird (Quelle: Yahoo Finance), wird die Teilnahme an diesem immer beliebteren Finanzplanungsinstrument durch weit verbreitete Fehlinformationen und Volatilität beeinträchtigt, was zu einem Vertrauensverlust unter den Tradern führt (Quelle: Finance Magnates). EBC möchte diesen Herausforderungen begegnen, indem es ein stabiles und zuverlässiges Umfeld für den Handel fördert, geleitet von der Grundüberzeugung, dass jedes Engagement von Investoren mit der gebotenen Ernsthaftigkeit und Aufrichtigkeit behandelt werden sollte.

EBC geht über die aktiven Bemühungen hinaus, seine Trading–Plattform zu innovieren und äußerst wettbewerbsfähige Spreads zu gewährleisten, und setzt sich für die Einhaltung strenger Vorschriften, fairer und transparenter Preismechanismen sowie mehrschichtiger Sicherheitsmaßnahmen ein.

Ausbau der globalen Reichweite und strategischen Präsenz

Die EBC Financial Group hat sich seit langem als globales Maklerunternehmen etabliert und ist in wichtigen Finanzzentren wie London, Hongkong, Tokio, Singapur und Sydney sowie in Schwellenmärkten in Lateinamerika, Südostasien, Afrika und Indien umfassend vertreten.

Diese globale Expansion wird von der Strategie des EBC angetrieben, seine Geschäftstätigkeit zu lokalisieren, um die einzigartigen regulatorischen Anforderungen der verschiedenen Regionen zu erfüllen, während gleichzeitig die Angebote auf die spezifischen Bedürfnisse der Kunden in den einzelnen Märkten zugeschnitten werden. Durch strategische Investitionen in behördliche Lizenzen, Liquidität auf institutioneller Ebene und eine fortschrittliche Trading–Infrastruktur positioniert sich EBC, um eine breitere internationale Kundschaft mit einer Vielzahl von Trading–Tools und –Dienstleistungen zu bedienen.

Das Wachstum von EBC in Schwellenländern, insbesondere in Südostasien, Lateinamerika, Indien und Afrika, ist Teil des Engagements des Unternehmens, Händlern den Zugang zu robusten Finanzökosystemen zu ermöglichen, die von großen Finanzinstituten traditionell unterversorgt werden. Während EBC seine Geschäftstätigkeit ausweitet, baut das Unternehmen seine Support–Infrastruktur in diesen Regionen weiter aus, um sicherzustellen, dass Händler die gleiche nahtlose Erfahrung genießen können, die in etablierteren Finanzzentren verfügbar ist.

BrokersView: Eine branchenführende Plattform zur Broker–Bewertung
BrokersView, eine Marke von FastBull, ist ein führendes Finanzinformationsportal, das Investoren dabei unterstützt, schnell und effizient geeignete Broker zu finden. Es war keine leichte Aufgabe, sich gegen die starke Konkurrenz durchzusetzen und den „Best Trading Experience Award“ zu gewinnen. Bei der Bewertung von EBC für ihre Auszeichnungen im Jahr 2024 führte BrokersView eine strenge Bewertung von EBC in sechs Schlüsselaspekten durch – Geschwindigkeit der Trades, Stabilität, Liquidität, Slippage, Spreads und Swap–Sätze.

Echtzeitdaten wurden auf vorgegebene Handelsbedingungen untersucht, und schließlich trug die maßgeschneiderte Handelsplattform von EBC mit schnellen und optimalen Auftragsausführungen, niedrigen Spreads und einem rund um die Uhr verfügbaren Kundenservice dazu bei, dass sich das Unternehmen als Zeichen der Sicherheit hervorhob und eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Sicherung dieser prestigeträchtigen Auszeichnung spielte.

Die Mission von EBC als globaler Broker–Gruppe besteht darin, ein überlegenes Trading–Ökosystem zu schaffen, das Trader weltweit unterstützt. Um dies zu erreichen, investiert EBC in umfassende behördliche Lizenzen, eine fortschrittliche Infrastruktur, Liquidität auf institutioneller Ebene, ein solides Risikomanagement und proprietäre Trading–Algorithmen. Darüber hinaus sind Sicherheit und Vertraulichkeit bei EBC von höchster Bedeutung. Das Unternehmen verwendet eine 256–Bit–SSL–Verschlüsselung und dedizierte Handelskanäle, um die Informationen seiner Kunden zu schützen und maßgeschneiderte Lösungen zu entwickeln, die ein reibungsloses Trading ermöglichen.

Wir feiern den Geist der Exzellenz
Zusätzlich zu den Auszeichnungen bei der BrokersView–Preisverleihung wurde Al Hamidi, Senior Analyst bei EBC, auch mit dem Preis für die „Beste innovative Handelsstrategie“ bei der FastBull 2024 Trading Influencers Awards Ceremony, die in Verbindung mit der BrokersView Award Ceremony stattfand, ausgezeichnet. Die FastBull 2024 Trading Influencers Awards Ceremony zielt darauf ab, Personen zu feiern, die einen herausragenden Beitrag zur Branche geleistet haben.

Mit über einem Jahrzehnt einschlägiger Erfahrung hat Hamidi die theoretischen Fortschritte in der Marktstrategieanalyse und der einschlägigen Compliance–Forschung vorangetrieben. Sein Fachwissen in den Bereichen Disaster Recovery und Business Continuity Protocols (BCP) war für EBC von entscheidender Bedeutung, um Marktereignisse wie den CrowdStrike–Ausfall im Jahr 2024 flexibel zu bewältigen. Diese Auszeichnung unterstreicht den Erfahrungsschatz und die Fachkompetenz des vielfältigen Teams von EBC sowie die Bemühungen der Gruppe, eine Lernkultur durch finanzielle Bildung und Wissensaustausch zu fördern.

Mit der jüngsten Auszeichnung erhöht sich die Gesamtzahl der Auszeichnungen der EBC im Jahr 2024 auf sieben. Zuletzt wurde EBC im August 2024 bei den Finance Magnates Annual Awards als bester Broker im asiatisch–pazifischen Raum ausgezeichnet.

Mit Blick auf die Zukunft konzentriert sich die EBC Financial Group weiterhin auf ihren globalen Entwicklungsplan, indem sie das ultimative Trading–Erlebnis bietet und die Trader in den Mittelpunkt ihrer Geschäftstätigkeit stellt. Das langjährige Ziel des Unternehmens bleibt unverändert: Trader mit fundierten Entscheidungen zu unterstützen und ihnen auf jedem Trading–Weg ein vertrauenswürdiger Partner zu sein.

Über die EBC Financial Group
Die im renommierten Londoner Finanzdistrikt gegründete EBC Financial Group (EBC) ist für ihr umfassendes Dienstleistungsangebot bekannt, das Finanzvermittlung, Vermögensverwaltung und umfassende Investitionslösungen umfasst. EBC hat sich schnell als globales Maklerunternehmen etabliert und ist an wichtigen Finanzplätzen wie London, Hongkong, Tokio, Singapur, Sydney, den Cayman Islands und in Schwellenmärkten in Lateinamerika, Südostasien, Afrika und Indien stark vertreten. EBC betreut eine vielfältige Kundschaft aus Einzelhändlern, professionellen und institutionellen Anlegern weltweit.

Die EBC wurde mehrfach ausgezeichnet und ist stolz darauf, die höchsten ethischen Standards und internationalen Vorschriften einzuhalten. Die Tochtergesellschaften der EBC Financial Group sind in ihren jeweiligen lokalen Rechtsprechungen reguliert und lizenziert. Die EBC Financial Group (UK) Limited wird von der britischen Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) reguliert, die EBC Financial Group (Cayman) Limited wird von der Cayman Islands Monetary Authority (CIMA) reguliert und die EBC Financial Group (Australia) Pty Ltd wird von der australischen Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) reguliert.

Den Kern der EBC Group bilden erfahrene Fachleute mit mehr als 30 Jahren fundierter Erfahrung in großen Finanzinstituten, die geschickt durch bedeutende Wirtschaftszyklen navigiert sind, vom Plaza Accord bis zur Schweizer Frankenkrise 2015. Die EBC setzt sich für eine Kultur ein, in der Integrität, Respekt und die Sicherheit des Kundenvermögens an erster Stelle stehen, und stellt sicher, dass jedes Engagement eines Anlegers mit der größten Ernsthaftigkeit behandelt wird, die es verdient.

Die EBC ist der offizielle Devisenpartner des FC Barcelona und bietet spezialisierte Dienstleistungen in Regionen wie Asien, LATAM, dem Nahen Osten, Afrika und Ozeanien. Die EBC ist auch Partner von United to Beat Malaria, einer Kampagne der Stiftung der Vereinten Nationen zur Verbesserung der globalen Gesundheitslage. Ab Februar 2024 unterstützt die EBC die Reihe „What Economists Really Do“ (Was Ökonomen wirklich tun) des Fachbereichs Wirtschaftswissenschaften der Universität Oxford, in der die Wirtschaftswissenschaften entmystifiziert und auf wichtige gesellschaftliche Herausforderungen angewandt werden, um das öffentliche Verständnis und den Dialog zu verbessern.


Savitha Ravindran
Global Public Relations (EMEA)

Chyna Elvina
Global Public Relations (APAC)

Douglas Chew
Global Public Relations Lead

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EBC Conquista Prêmio BrokersView de Best Trading Experience, Fortalecendo Sua Liderança Global

SINGAPURA, Sept. 23, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Na Cerimônia de Premiação BrokersView no Vietnã, em setembro de 2024, o EBC Financial Group (EBC) recebeu o prêmio “Best Trading Experience”, confirmando mais uma vez sua posição de líder internacional do setor financeiro especializado em forex, CFDs e ações. O prêmio mais recente reconheceu o compromisso do EBC em facilitar as condições de negociação mais robustas e oferecer uma experiência de negociação excepcional.

Embora o mercado global de negociação forex esteja crescendo a um ritmo acelerado, espera–se que ultrapasse US$ 10 trilhões até 2028 (Fonte: Yahoo Finance), a participação nesta ferramenta de planejamento financeiro cada vez mais popular é prejudicada pela desinformação generalizada e volatilidade, levando a uma falta de confiança entre os traders (Fonte: Finance Magnates). O EBC visa enfrentar esses desafios promovendo um ambiente de negociação estável e confiável, orientado pela sua convicção de que todo o envolvimento dos investidores deve receber a seriedade e a sinceridade que merece.

Indo além dos esforços ativos para inovar sua plataforma de negociação e garantir spreads altamente competitivos, o EBC se dedica a garantir a conformidade com regulamentações rigorosas, mecanismos de preços justos e transparentes, e medidas de segurança multicamadas.

Expansão do Alcance Global e Presença Estratégica

O EBC Financial Group estabeleceu há muito tempo sua posição como corretora global, com ampla presença em centros financeiros importantes, como Londres, Hong Kong, Tóquio, Singapura e Sydney, e em mercados emergentes na América Latina, Sudeste Asiático, África e Índia.

Essa expansão global é impulsionada pela estratégia do EBC de localizar suas operações para atender aos requisitos regulatórios exclusivos de diferentes regiões e, ao mesmo tempo, adaptar suas ofertas para atender às necessidades específicas dos clientes em cada mercado. Por meio de investimentos estratégicos em licenças regulatórias, liquidez em nível institucional e infraestrutura de negociação avançada, o EBC está se posicionando para atender uma clientela internacional mais ampla com uma gama diversificada de ferramentas e serviços de negociação.

O crescimento do EBC em mercados emergentes, particularmente no Sudeste Asiático, América Latina, Índia e África, faz parte do compromisso da empresa de capacitar os traders com acesso a ecossistemas financeiros robustos, que tradicionalmente têm sido mal atendidos pelas principais instituições financeiras. À medida que o EBC escala suas operações, a empresa continua a expandir sua infraestrutura de suporte nessas regiões para garantir que os traders possam desfrutar da mesma experiência contínua disponível em centros financeiros mais estabelecidos.

BrokersView: Uma Plataforma de Análise de Corretores Líderes da Indústria
BrokersView, uma marca FastBull, é um portal líder em informações financeiras que ajuda os investidores a identificar corretoras adequadas de forma rápida e eficiente. Ganhar o prêmio “Best Trading Experience” não foi nada fácil entre um mar de fortes concorrentes. Ao avaliar o EBC para os prêmios de 2024, a BrokersView realizou uma análise rigorosa do EBC em seis aspectos principais – velocidade da negociação, estabilidade, liquidez, declínio, spreads e taxas de swap.

Os dados em tempo real foram analisados quanto a condições de negociação predeterminadas e, em última análise, a plataforma de negociação personalizada do EBC, com execuções de ordens rápidas e ideais, spreads baixos e atendimento ao cliente 24 horas por dia, 7 dias por semana, ajudou a empresa a se destacar como uma marca de garantia e desempenhou um papel crucial na obtenção deste prestigioso prêmio.

A missão do EBC como um grupo de corretagem global é criar um ecossistema de negociação superior que capacite os traders em todo o mundo. Para conseguir isso, o EBC investe em licenças regulatórias abrangentes, infraestrutura avançada, liquidez em nível institucional, gerenciamento robusto de riscos e algoritmos de negociação proprietários. Além disso, a segurança e a confidencialidade são primordiais para o EBC. A empresa emprega criptografia SSL de 256 bits e canais de negociação dedicados para proteger as informações dos seus clientes, e criar soluções personalizadas para garantir uma experiência de negociação perfeita.

Celebrando um Espírito de Excelência
Além dos elogios na Cerimônia de Premiação da BrokersView, o analista sênior do EBC, Al Hamidi, também foi homenageado com o Prêmio “Best Innovative Trading Strategy” na Cerimônia Trading Influencers Awards FastBull 2024, que foi realizada em conjunto com a Cerimônia de Premiação da BrokersView; a Cerimônia Trading Influencers Awards FastBull 2024 tem como objetivo celebrar indivíduos com contribuições excepcionais para a indústria.

Com mais de uma década de experiência na indústria, Hamidi tem liderado avanços teóricos na análise de estratégia de mercado e pesquisas de conformidade relevantes. Sua experiência em recuperação de desastres e protocolos de continuidade de negócios (BCP) foi fundamental para ajudar o EBC a navegar com agilidade em eventos do mercado, como a interrupção da CrowdStrike em 2024. Este prêmio destaca sua vasta experiência e conhecimento dentro da equipe diversificada do EBC e os esforços do grupo para promover uma cultura de aprendizagem por meio da educação financeira e do compartilhamento de conhecimento.

Com a mais recente conquista eleva para 7 o total de prêmios do EBC em 2024. Mais recentemente, em agosto de 2024, o EBC foi escolhido como Melhor Corretora da região da Ásia–Pacífico no Finance Magnates Annual Awards.

O EBC Financial Group permanece focado no seu roteiro de desenvolvimento global, oferecendo a melhor experiência de negociações e mantendo os traders no centro das suas operações. O objetivo de longa data da empresa permanece inalterado: capacitar os traders com decisões informadas e ser seu parceiro de confiança em todas as jornadas de negociação.

Sobre o EBC Financial Group
Fundado no conceituado distrito financeiro de Londres, o EBC Financial Group (EBC) é conhecido pelo seu conjunto abrangente de serviços que incluem corretagem financeira, gestão de ativos e soluções de investimento abrangentes. O EBC rapidamente estabeleceu sua posição como uma corretora global, com uma ampla presença em centros financeiros importantes, como Londres, Hong Kong, Tóquio, Singapura, Sydney, Ilhas Cayman e em mercados emergentes na América Latina, Sudeste Asiático, África e Índia. O EBC atende a uma clientela diversificada de investidores de varejo, profissionais e institucionais em todo o mundo.

Reconhecido com várias premiações, o EBC se orgulha de aderir aos principais níveis de padrões éticos e regulamentações internacionais. As subsidiárias do EBC Financial Group são regulamentadas e licenciadas em suas jurisdições locais. EO EBC Financial Group (UK) Limited é regulado pela Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) do Reino Unido, o EBC Financial Group (Cayman) Limited é regulado pela Cayman Islands Monetary Authority (CIMA), e o EBC Financial Group (Australia) Pty Ltd é regulado pela Australia’s Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC).

No centro do Grupo EBC estão profissionais experientes com mais de 30 anos de profunda experiência em grandes instituições financeiras, tendo navegado habilmente por ciclos econômicos significativos, desde o Plaza Accord até a crise do franco suíço em 2015. O EBC defende uma cultura na qual a integridade, o respeito e a segurança dos ativos dos clientes são fundamentais, garantindo que todo o envolvimento dos investidores seja tratado com a máxima seriedade que merece.

O EBC é o Parceiro Oficial de Câmbio do FC Barcelona, oferecendo serviços especializados em regiões como Ásia, LATAM, Oriente Médio, África e Oceania. O EBC Financial Group tem parceria com a Unidos para Combater a Malária, uma campanha da Fundação das Nações Unidas que visa aumentar a saúde global. A partir de fevereiro de 2024 a EBC passou a apoiar a série de engajamentos públicos “What Economists Really Do” (O que os economistas realmente fazem) do Department of Economics da Oxford University, desmistificando a economia e sua aplicação aos principais desafios sociais para aumentar a sua compreensão e o diálogo do público.


Contato com a Mídia:
Savitha Ravindran
Relações Públicas Globais (EMEA)

Chyna Elvina
Relações Públicas Globais (APAC)

Douglas Chew
Líder de Relações Públicas Globais

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