استكشفوا تقنيات التخزين الرائدة من AGI Technology في معرض GITEX 2024

تايبيه، تايوان , Oct. 04, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) —  تستعد AGI Technology، المزوّد الرائد لحلول التخزين عالية الأداء من تايوان، لاستعراض أحدث ابتكاراتها في نسخة العام 2024 من معرض الخليج لتكنولوجيا المعلومات GITEX 2024. يقام هذا الحدث المنتظر خلال الفترة من 14 إلى 18 أكتوبر في مركز دبي التجاري العالمي، بحضور آلاف المشاركين، حيث ستتولى AGI استعراض أحدث منتجاتها وتقنياتها في الجناح # إتش13 18 (#H13–18) بالقاعة 13.     

تفاصيل الحدث
التاريخ: من 14 إلى 18 أكتوبر 2024
الوقت: من الساعة 10:00 صباحاً حتى الساعة 5:00 مساءً
الموقع: مركز دبي التجاري العالمي، القاعة 13
الجناح: # إتش13 18 (#H13–18)

استعراض أحدث ابتكارات AGI في مجال تكنولوجيا التخزين

AI238 8TB 2.5″ SATA III SSD (محرك الأقراص ذات الحالة الصلبة بواجهة ساتا 3، سعة 8 تيرابايت، مقاس 2.5 بوصة):
يعدّ AI238 8TB 2.5″ SATA III SSD ، المخصص للمستخدمين الذين يحتاجون إلى كميات طائلة من السعة التخزينية، حلاً استثنائياً للغاية. بفضل سعته المدهشة التي تبلغ 8 تيرابايت، يوفر AI238 مساحة كافية ووافية لإدارة مجموعات البيانات الشاملة وملفات الوسائط الكبيرة والتطبيقات الصعبة. كذلك، يتميز AI238، الذي تمّ تصميمه خصيصاً لتلبية احتياجات المستخدمين المتميّزين والمحترفين، بتوفير تجربة تخزين موثوقة وعالية السعة دون المساس بالسرعة أو المتانة.

Supreme Pro TF138 2TB microSD Card (بطاقة الذاكرة المصغرة سوبريم بروTF138 سعة 2 تيرابايت):
تعدّ Supreme Pro TF138 أول بطاقة ذاكرة مصغّرة ذات سعة 2 تيرابايت في العالم، وتعطي مفهوماً جديداً لإمكانيات التخزين. تمّ تصميم Supreme Pro TF138 للاستخدام في الكاميرات عالية الأداء والأجهزة المحمولة ومنصات الألعاب، وهي مثالية لتسجيل مقاطع الفيديو لفترة طويلة وتوسيع إمكانية التخزين على أنظمة الألعاب المحمولة باليد، مثل Nintendo Switch. وعند إقرانه بالجهاز القارىء من نوع C، يوفر Supreme Pro TF138 سرعات قراءة وكتابة فائقة تبلغ ما بين 170و160 ميجابايت بالثانية، ما يضمن أداءاً سلساً وإمكانية وصول محسّنة إلى البيانات.

سلسلة TURBOJET RGB DDR5 Series (سلسلة الذاكرة الجديدة بمعدل البيانات المزدوج من النسخة الخامسة مع نظام إضاءة بتقنية الفضاء اللوني):
توفر سلسلة TURBOJET RGB DDR5 سرعات رائعة تصل إلى نطتق يتراوح من 6000 إلى 8000 ميجاهرتز، وهذا يجعلها مثالية للاعبين ومنشئي المحتوى ومستخدمي الكمبيوتر الذين يبحثون عن متطلبات أداء دقيقة. تتميز هذه السلسلة بنظام إضاءة بتقنية الفضاء اللوني الديناميكية والقابلة للتخصيص والمتوافقة بشكل كبير مع الإصدار الثالث من ملف تعريف الذاكرة القصوى من “إنتل” (Intel XMP 3.0) وتقنية AMD EXPO، وتجمع سلسلة TURBOJET RGB DDR5 بين السرعة الفائقة والتوافق الواسع عبر المنصتين، ما يتيح تزويد المستخدمين بحل متعدد الاستخدامات للأنظمة عالية الأداء.

تدعو AGI Technology الحضور إلى زيارة معرض “جيتكس 2024” (GITEX 2024) لاستكشاف هذه المنتجات الجديدة، المقدّمة إلى جانب مجموعة شاملة من حلول التخزين المبتكرة. سيكون فريقنا موجوداً في الجناح # إتش13 18 (#H13–18) لتزويدكم بالمعلومات المفصلة والإجابة على أي استفسارات.

لمحة عنAGI

تعدّ AGI المزوّد الرائد لحلول التخزين عالية الأداء، حيث تقدم مجموعة من المنتجات المبتكرة التي تلبي الاحتياجات المتطورة لعملائها. تلتزم AGI بتقديم سعات تخزين متطورة وأداء متفوق، ما يسمح بتمكين عملائها من تحقيق تجارب رقمية استثنائية.

إن نص اللغة الأصلية لهذا البيان هو النسخة الرسمية المعتمدة. أما الترجمة فقد قدمت للمساعدة فقط، ويجب الرجوع لنص اللغة الأصلية الذي يمثل النسخة الوحيدة ذات التأثير القانوني.

جهة الاتصال:
Sales Team

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9251560)

Experience AGI's Pioneering Storage Technologies at GITEX 2024

TAIPEI, Taiwan, Oct. 04, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — AGI Technology, a leading provider of advanced storage solutions from Taiwan, is set to showcase the latest innovations at GITEX 2024. This highly anticipated event will be held from October 14 to October 18 at the Dubai World Trade Centre, where AGI will present its newest products and technologies at Booth #H13–18, Hall 13.

Event Details
Date: October 14 – 18, 2024
Time: 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Location: Dubai World Trade Centre, Hall 13
Booth: #H13–18

Showcasing AGI’s Latest Breakthroughs in Storage Technology

For users requiring vast amounts of storage, the AI238 8TB 2.5″ SATA III SSD provides an exceptional solution. With an impressive 8TB of capacity, the AI238 offers ample space for managing extensive datasets, large media files, and demanding applications. Tailored for power users and professionals, the AI238 delivers a reliable, high–capacity storage experience without compromising on speed or durability.

Supreme Pro TF138 2TB microSD Card
The Supreme Pro TF138 is the world’s first 2TB microSD card, redefining storage possibilities. Designed for use in high–performance cameras, mobile devices, and gaming consoles, the Supreme Pro TF138 is perfect for long–duration video recording and expanding storage on handheld gaming systems, such as the Nintendo Switch. When paired with its Type–C reader, the Supreme Pro TF138 delivers impressive read/write speeds of 170/160 MB/s, ensuring smooth performance and enhanced data access.

The TURBOJET RGB DDR5 Series delivers remarkable speeds ranging from 6000 to 8000MHz, making it perfect for gamers, content creators, and users with demanding performance requirements. With dynamic, customizable RGB lighting and compatibility with both Intel XMP 3.0 and AMD EXPO, the TURBOJET RGB DDR5 Series combines outstanding speed with wide platform compatibility, offering a versatile solution for high–performance systems.

AGI Technology invites attendees to explore these new products, along with a comprehensive selection of innovative storage solutions, at GITEX 2024. Our team will be available at Booth #H13–18 to offer detailed insights and answer any inquiries.

About AGI
AGI is a leading provider of high–performance storage solutions, offering a range of innovative products that meet the evolving needs of its customers. With a commitment to delivering cutting–edge storage capacities and superior performance, AGI empowers its customers to achieve exceptional digital experiences.

Contact Information
Sales Team

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/67da7d07–7ae1–4bdb–a991–8c703ce17186

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9251335)

BUSINESSNEXT and InterTech form strategic alliance to accelerate Autonomous banking operations in Oman

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates, Oct. 04, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — BUSINESSNEXT a universe of composable enterprise solutions for banks and financial services, is thrilled to announce its strategic partnership with InterTech, a trusted IT solutions provider and systems integrator with 30+ years of experience serving top financial institutions and banks in Oman, to drive AI powered banking operations and craft a next–generation customer experiences platform for the banking sector.

The collaboration between InterTech and BUSINESSNEXT aims to transform Oman's banking industry by enhancing customer experiences, streamlining operations, and fostering business growth. This partnership combines modern technology, domain expertise, business consultation, and implementation services to provide impactful customer experience and relationship management solutions for banks in the region.

Mr. Vishal Khurana, Region Head – Middle East and Africa, BUSINESSNEXT, stated, “We are excited to partner with InterTech to further accelerate the delivery of our innovative solutions to Oman Banking Sector. This alliance will empower banks in Oman to navigate the complexities of digital transformation and achieve remarkable growth and efficiency.”

InterTech’s extensive regional expertise in the banking industry will be instrumental in the successful deployment of BUSINESSNEXT’s solutions. This collaboration ensures that financial institutions can integrate these cutting–edge technologies seamlessly, resulting in enhanced customer engagement, improved service delivery, and greater operational agility.

Mr. Firas Alachahef, General Manager of InterTech, added, “This is an exciting partnership that will enable us to push boundaries within the Financial and Banking sector in Oman to bring the latest and most innovative solutions to our long–standing clients. We are thrilled to work with BUSINESSNEXT and look forward to a successful and long–term relationship.”

This collaboration marks a pivotal moment in banking solutions, introducing unprecedented innovation and a profound focus on customer needs, resulting in increased cross–selling opportunities, enhanced Net Promoter Scores (NPS), massive reduction in customer servicing costs, faster go–to–market, and much more.


BUSINESSNEXT offers composable enterprise solutions focused on global banks and financial services. Recognized as a leader by Forrester, it uses AI and ML–driven cloud platforms—CRMNEXT, CUSTOMERNEXT, DATANEXT & WORKNEXT—to enable digital transformation. Its modular hyper SaaS modular solutions provide seamless integration and plug–and–play capabilities. Serving over 1 million users across 65,000 branches and call centers, BUSINESSNEXT manages 1 billion customers worldwide. With headquarters in Raleigh, USA, and Noida, India, the company operates in 14 countries across 5 continents.

For Media Inquiries:
Ajay Joshi

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9251277)

Why Africa Should Embrace Territorial Markets to Withstand Climate Shocks and Crises

Farmers, traders and consumers at the Mbare Musika Territorial Market in Harare, Zimbabwe. Credit: Isaiah Esipisu/IPS

Farmers, traders and consumers at the Mbare Musika Territorial Market in Harare, Zimbabwe. Credit: Isaiah Esipisu/IPS

By Isaiah Esipisu
HARARE, Oct 4 2024 – African policymakers, local leaders and the private sector have been asked to create an enabling environment that will help African traders and farmer folks build reliable systems for food security and resilience through territorial markets.

During a week-long 2024 Africa Agroecological Entrepreneurship and Seed Festival in Harare, Zimbabwe, experts observed that persistent crises have shown the importance of resilient close-to-home ‘territorial’ markets that feed billions of people every day—from public markets and street vendors to cooperatives, from urban agriculture to online direct sales, and from food hubs to community kitchens. 

“For instance, following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, global food prices spiked by 15 percent, forcing policymakers around the world to question how to reduce dependency on volatile global markets and strengthen food self-sufficiency,” said Dr. Million Belay, the General Coordinator at the Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA).

“Further, questions have been raised about how people are actually fed and by whom, prompting us to ask: in this century of crisis, what kinds of food supply chains and markets can build resilience and help fulfill the right to food—nourishing people around the world more sustainably and equitably?” asked Belay.

To answer the question, experts are calling for policies and a sound working environment that will empower territorial markets that promote dietary diversity and affordable nutritious foods for all, allow producers and food workers to retain control over their livelihoods, and produce food that is adaptable to climate change shocks and emerging crises.

These markets have been broadly defined as markets that are centered on small-scale agroecological food producers and business owners that produce and sell a variety of commodities, and often meet the preferences of the majority of farmers, traders and consumers.

Studies have shown that these markets play a crucial role in making food accessible and affordable, especially for low-income populations in the Global South, allowing for the purchase of small and flexible quantities of food, price bargaining, informal credit arrangements, and being located in or near low-income neighborhoods.

A new study launched on the sidelines of the Harare event that culminated into the fifth Biennial Africa Food Systems Conference, however, shows that profit-oriented corporate value chains are highly concentrated in Africa’s market places.

The report, titled ‘Food from Somewhere,’ by the International Panel of Experts on Sustainable Food Systems (IPES Food), finds that just seven grain traders control at least 50 percent of the global grain trade, six major corporations control 78 percent of the agrochemical market, the top eight carriers of freight account for more than 80 percent of the market for ocean freight capacity and globally, 1 percent of the world’s largest farms control 70 percent of the world’s farmland.

This, according to experts, amounts to a corporate capture of Africa’s food systems.

The report is therefore advocating for a paradigm shift, urging governments to reinvest in local and regional supply infrastructure, relocalize public purchasing and develop food security strategies for a more resilient and equitable approach to food security.

“The problem for smallholders is not of being connected to markets (most are already involved in markets) but rather the conditions of their access and the rules and logics by which markets operate—who determines prices and on what criteria, who controls the costs of production, who holds market power, among other issues,” said Mamadou Goïta, a member of IPES and the lead author.

A spot check at the Mbare Musika territorial market in Harare found a variety of foodstuffs sourced from all eight regions of Zimbabwe, among others from neighboring countries, such as apples and other fruits from South Africa, fish and ginger from Mozambique, groundnuts from Malawi, sorghum from Botswana, as well as grapes from Egypt and tamarind from Tanzania, among others.

“This is the central hub for smallholder farmers and traders, supporting over seven million people from all over Zimbabwe and other parts of the continent,” said Charles Dhewa, Chief Executive Officer, Knowledge Transfer Africa (KTA), whose flagship known as eMkambo (eMarket) is to create a physical and web-based market for agriculture and rural development, integrating the use of mobile phones and the internet to create, adapt and share knowledge.

Mbare Musika Market, which is in the outskirts of Harare, is located next to the main bus-park, through which food is brought in using informal means such as passenger buses and vans from different parts of the country, in small and big quantities, and of different varieties and qualities.

“The evidence is clear—localized food systems are vital for feeding an increasingly hungry planet and preventing food insecurity and famine,” said Shalmali Guttal, the Executive Director of Focus on the Global South. “They provide nutritious, affordable food and are far more adaptable to global shocks and disruptions than industrial supply chains,” she added.

Jennifer Clapp, professor and Canada Research Chair in Global Food Security and Sustainability at the University of Waterloo, Canada, pointed out that during this time of rising hunger and ecological fragility, global industrial food chains will be catastrophically liable to break down under the strain of frequent crises.

“To have a chance of reaching the world’s zero hunger goal by 2030, we need to re-imagine our food systems, and we need to bolster the food markets that serve the poor,” she said.

IPS UN Bureau Report


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The UN Cybercrime Convention: A New Repressive Tool in Disguise?


By Inés M. Pousadela
MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay, Oct 4 2024 – The UN Office on Drugs and Crime hailed the recently agreed Cybercrime Convention as a ‘landmark step’ in cooperating to tackle online dangers. But human rights organisations aren’t so sure.

Ominously, the resolution that started the process, passed by the UN General Assembly in December 2019, was sponsored by authoritarian Russia and backed by some of the world’s most repressive states. Some of them already had cybercrime laws they use to stifle legitimate dissent. Many more have passed similar laws since.

When Russia’s resolution was put to a vote, the EU, USA and many other states, alongside human rights and digital rights organisations, urged states to reject it. But once the resolution passed, they had to engage with the process to try to prevent the worst possible outcome: a treaty lacking human rights safeguards that could be used as a repressive tool.

They succeeded in tempering some of the worst aspects of early drafts, but the results still leave much to be desired.

The treaty process

The December 2019 resolution established an ad hoc committee (AHC) to lead negotiations, open to the participation of all UN member states plus others as observers, including civil society.

The pandemic delayed the process, and the AHC’s first meeting, focused on procedural rules, was held in mid-2021. Brazil’s proposal to require a two-thirds majority for decisions when states couldn’t reach consensus prevailed over the simple majority rule favoured by Russia. The AHC approved a list of eligible stakeholders, including civil society organisations (CSOs), academic institutions and private sector representatives.

The first negotiating session in February 2022 took another important decision: consultations would be held between negotiations, including for CSOs, to provide input and feedback. Numerous human rights and digital rights CSOs took part, often working in coalitions. They made written submissions, attended face-to-face and online meetings and made oral interventions.

Damage control

Ahead of the first negotiating session, some 130 organisations and experts signed a letter urging the AHC to ensure the treaty included human rights protections, warning that otherwise it could become ‘a powerful weapon for oppression’. They were up against numerous states that didn’t agree human rights safeguards were needed.

By April 2022, many states initially opposed to the treaty had begun to participate actively, so civil society focused on damage control. By then it was apparent there wasn’t a clear definition of what constitutes a cybercrime and which crimes the treaty should regulate. Several states aggressively pushed for broad and ambiguous provisions they claimed were needed to combat extremism, hate speech and terrorism.

Civil society insisted the treaty shouldn’t be overly broad and should only cover core cybercrimes or cyber-dependent crimes: crimes committed against computer systems, networks and data, including hacking, computing system interference, ransomware and the spreading of malware. And even when dealing with these crimes, civil society warned, treaty provisions shouldn’t apply to security research, the work of whistleblowers and other actions that benefit the public.

Civil society insisted on the exclusion of cyber-enabled crimes: those that can be facilitated by ICTs but can also committed without them, such as arms and drug trafficking, money laundering and the distribution of counterfeit goods. This category could potentially include numerous offences that would repress the online exercise of civic freedoms.

A second major concern was the scope and conditions for international cooperation. Here too civil society urged clear definitions and a narrow scope. It argued that if not clearly defined, cooperation arrangements could mean enhanced surveillance and bulk data sharing, violating privacy and data protection provisions. It warned that in the absence of the principle of dual criminality – which means extradition can only apply to an action that constitutes a crime in both the country making the request and the one receiving it – state authorities could be made to investigate activities that aren’t crimes in their countries on other states’ behalf. They could effectively become enforcers of the repression of others.

Tech companies also shared civil society’s concerns about the potential for expansive electronic surveillance in the name of fighting crime.

Human rights sidelined

Civil society representatives see the final draft as not as bad as it could have been, but it still lacks clear, specific and enforceable human rights protections. Rather than applying them as international standards, the treaty leaves human rights safeguards up to each state’s domestic law.

Civil society advocacy led to improvements on the first drafts, including an expanded article on human rights that references civic freedoms, and the inclusion of the right to an effective remedy in the article on conditions and safeguards. The most blatant attempts to weaponise the treaty to criminalise expression failed, although some cyber-enabled crimes still made it into the text. The activities of journalists, security researchers and whistleblowers aren’t adequately protected.

The convention includes a chapter on crimes against computer systems, networks and data, plus a limited number of cyber-enabled crimes, such as child sexual abuse. But while the list of crimes is narrower than initially proposed, the scope of cooperation in collecting and sharing data became wider, raising real dangers of state overreach in the form of surveillance and invasion of privacy.

Still time

It isn’t game over. The final text will soon be put to a vote by member states at the UN General Assembly and, assuming a majority approves it, states will then need to ratify the convention. At least 40 ratifications will be needed before it enters into force, a process likely to take several years. Two years after the General Assembly vote, negotiations are expected to begin on an additional protocol covering further crimes, which won’t be concluded until 60 states have ratified the convention. Civil society fears this is when the worst proposals to criminalise speech will resurface.

Civil society will encourage governments to reject the convention and instead take a human rights-based approach. Once the UN General Assembly approves the convention, civil society will warn of the dangers it poses to human rights and civil liberties and oppose ratification.

With or without an international convention, civil society will continue to work to ensure cybercrime legislation at all levels meets the highest human rights standards, including respect for civic freedoms, and isn’t used as a means of repression.

Inés M. Pousadela is CIVICUS Senior Research Specialist, co-director and writer for CIVICUS Lens and co-author of the State of Civil Society Report.

A longer version of this article is available here.

For interviews or more information, please contact research@civicus.org.


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Dominican Republic Orders the Expulsion of Thousands of Haitian Migrants

A recently displaced mother holds her child in a makeshift displacement shelter in Haiti. Credit: UNICEF/Maxime Le Lijour

By Oritro Karim
UNITED NATIONS, Oct 4 2024 – Over the past few months, the escalation of gang violence and mass displacement in Haiti have been of great concern for humanitarian organizations. Severe levels of armed violence have resulted in significant instability, with food insecurity, sexual violence, civilian casualities, and restricted freedom of movement plaguing the nation. Displacement cases have risen sharply, to the extent that the Dominican Republic has ordered the return of thousands of Haitian migrants.

On October 3, the Dominican Republic’s government announced that they will be expelling approximately 10,000 Haitian migrants per week in an effort to reduce overpopulation in the country. This morning, Homero Figueroa, a spokesperson for Dominican president Luis Abinader, informed reporters that the expulsion order “aims to reduce the excessive migrant populations detected in Dominican communities”.

Last year, Abinader facilitated the return of over 250,000 undocumented Haitians from the Dominican Republic. The order announced today states that they plan to expel more than double this number, effective immediately. “We warned at the United Nations that either it and all the countries that had committed themselves [to helping Haiti] act responsibly in Haiti, or we will”, stated Abinader in a press briefing this morning.

This comes after the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) urged the United States and Haiti’s neighbouring nations to end forced returns of migrants to Haiti. On May 17, the UNHCR released a social media statement, asking the Biden administration to “refrain from forcibly returning Haitians who may face life-threatening risks or further displacement”.

Last week on September 27, the United Nations (UN) reported that at least 3,661 civilians had been killed in the first half of 2024 due to “senseless gang violence”, with over 100 of them being children. The UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) added that this is a clear indication that instability in Haiti had been “maintained”.

Conditions in Haiti have worsened in the past few months, with over 59 percent of the population living below the poverty line, according to the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF). The International Organization for Migration (IOM) reports that over half of the 700,000 internally displaced persons are children. A quarter of those people live in highly insecure and overcrowded displacement shelters, lacking access to essential services such as healthcare, sanitation, and access to food.

President Abinader’s new mandate has been widely criticized by activists and humanitarian organizations, with many opining that it is fueled by xenophobia. 70 percent of the Dominican Republic’s population identifies as mixed race, while the vast majority of the Haitian population is black.

In a statement issued on August 28, Amnesty International stated: “Amnesty International has stressed the urgent need for Dominican institutions to eradicate racial profiling, structural racism and racial discrimination, and to guarantee respect for the human dignity and physical integrity of Haitian migrants and Dominicans of Haitian descent.”

It should be noted that prior to this mandate being issued, there were reported cases of prejudice and mistreatment of Haitian migrants in the Dominican Republic.

“Organizations working on the border between Haiti and the Dominican Republic continually report cases of deportees being beaten by the Dominican authorities”, said Johanna Cilano Pelaez, regional researcher for the Caribbean at Amnesty International.

Additionally, Haitian migrants have been subjected to raids without warrants, kidnappings, and sexual violence, carried out by both uniformed and ununiformed agents.

The UN and its affiliated organizations are currently on the frontlines in Haiti, distributing resources such as food, water, cash transfers, and school kits. However, relief efforts have been severely underfunded, with only 30 percent of the requested 674 million dollars raised so far.

IPS UN Bureau Report


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Will Ukraine Benefit if IMF Ends its Punitive Fees on Debt Burdened Countries?

The 2024 Annual Meetings of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank Group (WBG) will take place from Monday, October 21 to Saturday, October 26.

By Anna Kornyliuk
KYIV, Ukraine, Oct 4 2024 – Over the coming month, the United States has a window of opportunity to lift a multi-billion-dollar burden from Ukraine, and other countries in financial distress, without costing the US taxpayer a dime.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is currently considering ending its controversial “surcharges” — punitive fees that it imposes on countries whose debt exceeds a certain threshold. These surcharges come on top of regular interest and service costs, and can increase the cost of borrowing by as much as 40 percent.

By piling additional fees onto already onerous debt burdens, surcharges make it harder for struggling nations to reduce debt to sustainable levels, while siphoning off scarce resources that are needed for health, education, climate action, and development.

In theory, surcharges are meant to disincentivize reliance on IMF lending. But the countries that have been forced to turn to the IMF face bigger challenges than a lack of incentive.

Over the last five years, developing countries have been plagued by devastating global crises far beyond their control: COVID-19, debilitating food and energy price shocks, skyrocketing interest rates, and increasingly frequent and ferocious climate disasters. In this period, the number of countries paying surcharges has skyrocketed from eight to twenty-two.

Clearly, surcharges are failing to achieve their goal.

My country, Ukraine, is a case in point. Forced further and further into debt while defending itself from a catastrophic and illegal invasion, Ukraine is now the second largest payer of surcharges in the world. In the last five years, we’ve paid roughly $750 million in surcharges. Over the coming decade, surcharges will cost us an additional $3 billion.

This $3 billion may not be make-or-break for Ukraine’s future. But in times of war, every dollar counts. That’s $3 billion from Ukrainian hands to the world’s biggest multilateral financial institution — $3 billion that cannot be spent on defense, humanitarian needs, or reconstruction.

Other countries suffer unjustly as a result of surcharges too. In 2022, unprecedented flooding left a third of Pakistan’s entire territory underwater, and 8 million people displaced. Over the next five years, while attempting to recover from this catastrophe, Pakistan will be forced to pay $445 million in surcharges.

Egypt — which has experienced growing hunger since Russia’s war disrupted its wheat imports — Kenya — which has been wracked by deadly unrest due to its crushing debt burden — Barbados — which was recently slammed by a record-breaking hurricane — all are paying significant portions of their budgets, above the regular cost of lending, as punishment for needing the IMF’s help.

Experts and activists have long warned that surcharges are harmful and counterproductive. Members of the US Congress, UN human rights experts, leaders of developing countries, Nobel laureate economists, and hundreds of civil society groups, including Ukrainian organizations like my own, have all called to end the policy.

That effort got a sudden boost this year when the IMF announced that its precautionary balances, which are, in part, built up using surcharges, had reached their target level. In other words, the IMF already has what it needs to mitigate potential losses, without squeezing the very countries it is meant to help.

Forcing countries like Ukraine to make up for funding shortfalls from wealthy countries by using surcharge income to finance the Fund’s concessional lending programs, as some have proposed, is simply backward.

With the Biden administration’s support, the IMF recently initiated a review of the surcharge policy. A final decision is expected by the Fund’s October meetings, making this month the sole window of opportunity to ensure that the result of this long-awaited surcharge reassessment is not a checked box and a tweak at the margin, but their complete elimination.

There is plenty of precedent. The IMF has implemented surcharge-like policies multiple times in its 80-year existence. On each occasion, the Fund ultimately determined the policy to be a failure and reversed course. This time, it should do so for good.

But that can’t happen without US support. As the largest single voter at the IMF, any policy change effectively runs through the Biden administration.

That should be an easy win. While funding for Ukraine has become increasingly contentious in Congress, the IMF’s surcharge review presents President Biden with a chance to save Ukraine — and other heavily indebted developing countries — billions of dollars, without a political fight and at zero cost.

Opportunities like this don’t come along often, particularly in the last months of one’s presidency. For the sake of Ukraine, and citizens of indebted countries around the world, President Biden should seize it.

Anna Kornyliuk is a senior policy and data analyst at the Kyiv-based Institute of Analytics and Advocacy.

IPS UN Bureau


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Mavenir gewinnt mit seiner energieeffizienten 5G-UPF-Lösung den Leading Lights Network Energy Efficiency Award

RICHARDSON, Texas, Oct. 03, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Mavenir, der Anbieter von Cloud–nativer Netzwerkinfrastruktur, der die Zukunft der Netzwerke gestaltet, hat für seine energieeffiziente 5G–User–Plane–Function–(UPF)–Lösung den Leading Lights Network Energy Efficiency Award gewonnen.

Mavenir hat mit seiner UPF–Lösung beachtliche Erfolge erzielt und seinen Mobilfunknetzbetreiber–Kunden erhebliche Energieeinsparungen, betriebliche Effizienz und Leistungssteigerungen ermöglicht. Mit einer beachtlichen Energieeinsparung von 40 % selbst unter anspruchsvollsten Bedingungen, wie z. B. einer 100–prozentigen Verkehrslast, ist diese beeindruckende Effizienz zum Teil auf die Nutzung der NVIDIA ASAP2 Accelerated Switching & Packet Processing™–Technologie durch Mavenir zurückzuführen, die es Mavenir ermöglicht, die UPF–Datenebene auf NVIDIA–Lösungen zu beschleunigen und die eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Energieeinsparung spielt. Durch die Nutzung der Intel Infrastructure Power Manager–Funktionalität werden weitere Energieeinsparungen erzielt, die bis zu 62 % bei 50 % Verkehrslast und Leerlaufszenarien erreichen.

Wenn Branchenführer und Spitzentechnologien zusammenkommen, können bedeutende Innovationen und technologische Fortschritte erzielt werden. Die Cloud–native–Architektur von Mavenir lässt sich nahtlos in skalierbare Intel Xeon–Prozessoren der 4. Generation und die NVIDIA ConnectX®–6 Dx SmartNIC–Beschleunigungstechnologie integrieren. Diese leistungsstarke Kombination ermöglicht es Kunden, die doppelten Vorteile einer verbesserten Energieeffizienz und einer leistungsstarken Paketverarbeitung zu nutzen.

„Wir haben nicht nur erhebliche Energieeinsparungen und Leistungsverbesserungen für 5G–Kernnetze nachgewiesen, sondern auch einen neuen Standard für eine energieeffiziente Netzwerkinfrastruktur gesetzt“, so Ashok Khuntia, Präsident, Core Networks bei Mavenir. „Diese Auszeichnung unterstreicht den Wert strategischer Kooperationen und die Integration unserer fortschrittlichen Technologien mit dem Ziel 'Green by Design', um branchenweiten Fortschritt und Nachhaltigkeit voranzutreiben.“

Die Lösung von Mavenir ermöglicht außerdem einen UPF mit geringem Platzbedarf am Rand, wodurch die Latenz verringert, die lokale Datenverarbeitung verbessert und die Betriebskosten minimiert werden. Die innovative Architektur in Kombination mit fortschrittlichen Technologien sorgt dafür, dass die Kunden von Mavenir erhebliche Energieeinsparungen und betriebliche Effizienzsteigerungen erzielen können.

Der Leading Light Network Energy Efficiency Award wird an das Unternehmen vergeben, das einem Netzbetreiber am besten dabei geholfen hat, die Energieeffizienz seiner Netze zu verbessern, indem es die Infrastruktur stilllegt oder konsolidiert, moderne Software und Ausrüstung einsetzt, mehr datengesteuerte Abläufe einführt und vieles mehr. Die Leading Lights Awards sind das Flaggschiff–Auszeichnungsprogramm von Light Reading, das nun bereits seit 20 Jahren besteht. Es zeichnet die Top–Unternehmen und ihre Führungskräfte für herausragende Leistungen in der globalen Kommunikationsbranche aus und präsentiert eine außergewöhnliche Momentaufnahme der Technologien, Anwendungen, Dienstleistungen und Innovationen, die Telekommunikations–, Kabel– und Cloud–Anbietern hilft, sich abzuheben.

Hinweise für Redakteure:

Light Reading's Leading Lights 2024: Die Gewinner

Lösungsbeschreibung: Mavenir’s User Plane Function (UPF): https://www.mavenir.com/resources/mavenirs–user–plane–function–upf/

Lösungsbeschreibung: Mavenir maximiert die Energieeffizienz des Netzwerks mit skalierbaren Intel® Xeon®–Prozessoren der 4. Generation für 5G–Core–UPF–Bereitstellungen

Intel, das Intel–Logo und andere Intel–Marken sind Marken der Intel Corporation oder ihrer Tochtergesellschaften.

Über Mavenir

Mavenir baut die Zukunft der Netzwerke schon heute mit cloudnativen, KI–fähigen Lösungen auf, die von Grund auf umweltfreundlich sind und es den Betreibern ermöglichen, die Vorteile von 5G zu nutzen und intelligente, automatisierte und programmierbare Netzwerke zu realisieren. Als Pionier des Open RAN und bewährter Branchenumgestalter sorgen die preisgekrönten Lösungen von Mavenir für Automatisierung und Monetarisierung in Mobilfunknetzen weltweit und beschleunigen die Transformation von Software–Netzwerken für über 300 Kommunikationsdienstanbieter in über 120 Ländern, die mehr als 50 % der weltweiten Abonnenten bedienen. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter www.mavenir.com

Mavenir PR–Kontakte:
Emmanuela Spiteri

Ein Foto zu dieser Ankündigung ist verfügbar unter https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/37c62051–8f34–4fa9–b7f6–657fc20d7ff1

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9250937)

Solução UPF 5G Com Eficiência Energética da Mavenir Recebe Prêmio de Eficiência Energética de Rede da Leading Lights

RICHARDSON, Texas, Oct. 03, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Mavenir, fornecedora de infraestrutura de rede nativa na nuvem que está criando o futuro das redes, recebeu o prêmio Leading Lights Network Energy Efficiency Award por sua solução Energy–Efficient 5G User Plane Function (UPF).

Oferecendo substancial economia de energia, eficiência operacional e desempenho aprimorado para seus clientes de operadoras de rede móvel, a Mavenir demonstrou um sucesso notável com sua solução UPF. Com uma economia de energia significativa de 40%, mesmo sob as condições mais exigentes, como uma carga de tráfego de 100%, essa eficiência impressionante se deve em parte à utilização da tecnologia NVIDIA ASAP2 Accelerated Switching & Packet Processing™ pela Mavenir, que permite que a Mavenir acelere o plano de dados UPF em soluções NVIDIA, tendo um papel fundamental na conservação de energia. A utilização da funcionalidade Intel Infrastructure Power Manager aumenta ainda mais a economia de energia, atingindo até 62% durante cenários de 50% de carga de tráfego e carga ociosa.

Substanciais inovações e avanços tecnológicos podem ser realizados quando os líderes do setor e as tecnologias de ponta se unem. A arquitetura nativa na nuvem da Mavenir se integra perfeitamente aos processadores dimensionáveis Intel Xeon de 4ª geração e à tecnologia de aceleração NVIDIA ConnectX®–6 Dx SmartNIC. Essa potente combinação permite que os clientes aproveitem os benefícios duplos da eficiência de energia aprimorada e do processamento de pacotes de alto desempenho.

“Além de demonstrar economia significativa de energia e melhorias de desempenho para redes principais 5G, também estabelecemos um novo padrão para infraestrutura de rede com eficiência energética”, disse Ashok Khuntia, Presidente de Redes Principais da Mavenir. “Este prêmio ressalta o valor das colaborações estratégicas e da integração das nossas tecnologias ‘green by design’ avançadas na condução do progresso e da sustentabilidade em toda a indústria.”

A solução da Mavenir também viabiliza um UPF de pequeno footprint na borda, reduzindo a latência, aprimorando o processamento de dados locais e minimizando os custos operacionais. A arquitetura inovadora, juntamente com as tecnologias avançadas, garantem que os clientes da Mavenir possam alcançar significativa economia de energia e eficiência operacional.

O Leading Light Network Energy Efficiency Award é concedido à empresa que ajudou uma operadora de rede a melhorar a eficiência energética das suas redes, aposentando ou consolidando a infraestrutura, usando software e equipamentos modernos, adotando mais operações baseadas em dados e muito mais. O Leading Lights Awards é o principal programa de premiação da Light Reading, agora em seu 20º ano. Ele reconhece as principais empresas e seus executivos por realizações notáveis no setor global de comunicações, apresentando um retrato excepcional da tecnologia, aplicativos, serviços e inovação que ajudam os provedores de telecomunicações, cabo e nuvem a se destacarem.

Notas aos Editores:

Light Reading's Leading Lights 2024: The Winners

Solution Brief: Função de Plano de Usuário (UPF) da Mavenir: https://www.mavenir.com/resources/mavenirs–user–plane–function–upf/

Solution Brief: Mavenir Maximiza a Eficiência Energética da Rede com Processadores Escaláveis Intel® Xeon® de 4ª Geração para Implantações de UPF de Núcleo 5G

Intel, o logotipo Intel e outras marcas Intel são marcas comerciais da Intel Corporation ou de suas subsidiárias.

Sobre a Mavenir

A Mavenir está estabelecendo hoje o futuro das redes com soluções nativas da nuvem e habilitadas para IA, que são ecológicas por design, capacitando as operadoras a obter os benefícios do 5G e alcançar redes inteligentes, automatizadas e programáveis. Como pioneira da Open RAN e uma comprovada disruptora revolucionária do setor, as soluções premiadas da Mavenir fornecem automação e monetização em redes móveis em todo o mundo, acelerando a transformação da rede de software para mais de 300 provedores de serviços de comunicações em mais de 120 países, que atendem a mais de 50% dos assinantes de todo o mundo. Para mais informação, visite www.mavenir.com.

Contatos de RP da Mavenir:
Emmanuela Spiteri

Foto deste comunicado disponível em https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/37c62051–8f34–4fa9–b7f6–657fc20d7ff1

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9250937)

La solution UPF (fonction de plan utilisateur) 5G économe en énergie de Mavenir remporte le prix Leading Lights dans la catégorie Network Energy Efficiency (prix de l’efficacité énergétique)

RICHARDSON, Texas, 03 oct. 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Mavenir, le fournisseur d’infrastructures basées sur le cloud qui bâtit les réseaux de demain, a remporté le prix Leading Lights dans la catégorie Network Energy Efficiency pour sa solution de fonction de plan utilisateur (UPF) 5G économe en énergie.

En offrant des économies d’énergie conséquentes, une efficacité opérationnelle et des performances améliorées à ses clients opérateurs de réseaux mobiles, Mavenir a su démontrer le succès retentissant de sa solution UPF. Avec une économie d’énergie significative de 40 %, même dans les conditions les plus difficiles, comme une charge de trafic de 100 %, cette efficacité impressionnante est due en partie à l’utilisation par Mavenir de la technologie NVIDIA ASAP2 Accelerated Switching & Packet Processing™, qui permet à Mavenir d’accélérer le plan de données UPF sur les solutions NVIDIA et joue un rôle central dans l’économie d’énergie. L’exploitation de la fonctionnalité Intel Infrastructure Power Manager améliore encore davantage les économies d’énergie, atteignant jusqu’à 62 % dans des scénarios de charge de trafic de 50 % et de charge inactive.

Des innovations et des avancées technologiques substantielles peuvent être réalisées lorsque les leaders de l’industrie et les technologies de pointe font équipe. L’architecture cloud native de Mavenir s’intègre parfaitement aux processeurs Intel Xeon Scalable de 4e génération et à la technologie d’accélération NVIDIA ConnectX®–6 Dx SmartNIC. Cette puissante combinaison permet aux clients de bénéficier du double avantage d’une efficacité énergétique améliorée et d’un traitement des paquets haute performance.

« Nous avons non seulement démontré des économies d’énergie et des améliorations significatives des performances pour le cœur de réseaux 5G, mais nous avons également établi une nouvelle norme en matière d’infrastructure réseau économe en énergie », a déclaré Ashok Khuntia, Président de Core Networks chez Mavenir. « Ce prix souligne la valeur des collaborations stratégiques et de l’intégration de nos technologies avancées “vertes par conception” lorsqu’il s’agit de favoriser le progrès et la durabilité à l’échelle de l’industrie. »

La solution de Mavenir permet également un UPF à faible empreinte en périphérie, réduisant ainsi l’inactivité, améliorant le traitement des données locales et minimisant les coûts opérationnels. L’architecture novatrice, alliée aux technologies avancées, garantit aux clients de Mavenir la réalisation d’économies d’énergie significatives et une efficacité opérationnelle.

Le prix Leading Lights dans la catégorie Network Energy Efficiency est décerné à l’entreprise qui a aidé un opérateur réseau à améliorer l’efficacité énergétique de ses réseaux en retirant ou en consolidant l’infrastructure, en utilisant des logiciels et des équipements modernes, en adoptant des opérations davantage basées sur les données, et plus encore. Les Leading Lights Awards constituent le programme phare de récompenses de Light Reading, qui en est à sa 20e édition. Il récompense les meilleures entreprises et leurs dirigeants pour leurs réussites exceptionnelles dans le secteur mondial des communications, présentant un aperçu exceptionnel de la technologie, des applications, des services et de l’innovation qui permettent aux fournisseurs de télécommunications, de câble et de cloud de se démarquer.

Notes à l’attention des rédacteurs :

Prix Leading Lights 2024 de Light Reading : les lauréats

La solution en bref : fonction de plan utilisateur (UPF) de Mavenir : https://www.mavenir.com/resources/mavenirs–user–plane–function–upf/

La solution en bref : Mavenir optimise l’efficacité énergétique du réseau grâce aux processeurs Intel® Xeon® Scalable de 4e génération pour les déploiements 5G Core UPF

Intel, le logo Intel et les autres marques Intel sont des marques commerciales d’Intel Corporation ou de ses filiales.

À propos de Mavenir

Mavenir bâtit aujourd’hui les réseaux de demain grâce à des solutions basées sur le cloud et à l’IA, qui sont écologiques de par leur conception et qui permettent aux opérateurs de tirer parti des avantages de la 5G et de mettre en place des réseaux intelligents, automatisés et programmables. En tant que pionnier de l’Open RAN et innovateur du secteur, Mavenir et ses solutions primées assurent l’automatisation et la monétisation des réseaux mobiles dans le monde entier, accélérant la transformation des réseaux logiciels auprès de plus de 300 fournisseurs de services de communication dans plus de 120 pays, qui desservent plus de 50 % des abonnés dans le monde. Pour en savoir plus, rendez–vous sur www.mavenir.com

Contact relations publiques de Mavenir :
Emmanuela Spiteri

Une photo annexée au présent communiqué est disponible à l’adresse suivante : https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/37c62051–8f34–4fa9–b7f6–657fc20d7ff1

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9250937)