Mavenir gewinnt mit seiner energieeffizienten 5G-UPF-Lösung den Leading Lights Network Energy Efficiency Award

RICHARDSON, Texas, Oct. 03, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Mavenir, der Anbieter von Cloud–nativer Netzwerkinfrastruktur, der die Zukunft der Netzwerke gestaltet, hat für seine energieeffiziente 5G–User–Plane–Function–(UPF)–Lösung den Leading Lights Network Energy Efficiency Award gewonnen.

Mavenir hat mit seiner UPF–Lösung beachtliche Erfolge erzielt und seinen Mobilfunknetzbetreiber–Kunden erhebliche Energieeinsparungen, betriebliche Effizienz und Leistungssteigerungen ermöglicht. Mit einer beachtlichen Energieeinsparung von 40 % selbst unter anspruchsvollsten Bedingungen, wie z. B. einer 100–prozentigen Verkehrslast, ist diese beeindruckende Effizienz zum Teil auf die Nutzung der NVIDIA ASAP2 Accelerated Switching & Packet Processing™–Technologie durch Mavenir zurückzuführen, die es Mavenir ermöglicht, die UPF–Datenebene auf NVIDIA–Lösungen zu beschleunigen und die eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Energieeinsparung spielt. Durch die Nutzung der Intel Infrastructure Power Manager–Funktionalität werden weitere Energieeinsparungen erzielt, die bis zu 62 % bei 50 % Verkehrslast und Leerlaufszenarien erreichen.

Wenn Branchenführer und Spitzentechnologien zusammenkommen, können bedeutende Innovationen und technologische Fortschritte erzielt werden. Die Cloud–native–Architektur von Mavenir lässt sich nahtlos in skalierbare Intel Xeon–Prozessoren der 4. Generation und die NVIDIA ConnectX®–6 Dx SmartNIC–Beschleunigungstechnologie integrieren. Diese leistungsstarke Kombination ermöglicht es Kunden, die doppelten Vorteile einer verbesserten Energieeffizienz und einer leistungsstarken Paketverarbeitung zu nutzen.

„Wir haben nicht nur erhebliche Energieeinsparungen und Leistungsverbesserungen für 5G–Kernnetze nachgewiesen, sondern auch einen neuen Standard für eine energieeffiziente Netzwerkinfrastruktur gesetzt“, so Ashok Khuntia, Präsident, Core Networks bei Mavenir. „Diese Auszeichnung unterstreicht den Wert strategischer Kooperationen und die Integration unserer fortschrittlichen Technologien mit dem Ziel 'Green by Design', um branchenweiten Fortschritt und Nachhaltigkeit voranzutreiben.“

Die Lösung von Mavenir ermöglicht außerdem einen UPF mit geringem Platzbedarf am Rand, wodurch die Latenz verringert, die lokale Datenverarbeitung verbessert und die Betriebskosten minimiert werden. Die innovative Architektur in Kombination mit fortschrittlichen Technologien sorgt dafür, dass die Kunden von Mavenir erhebliche Energieeinsparungen und betriebliche Effizienzsteigerungen erzielen können.

Der Leading Light Network Energy Efficiency Award wird an das Unternehmen vergeben, das einem Netzbetreiber am besten dabei geholfen hat, die Energieeffizienz seiner Netze zu verbessern, indem es die Infrastruktur stilllegt oder konsolidiert, moderne Software und Ausrüstung einsetzt, mehr datengesteuerte Abläufe einführt und vieles mehr. Die Leading Lights Awards sind das Flaggschiff–Auszeichnungsprogramm von Light Reading, das nun bereits seit 20 Jahren besteht. Es zeichnet die Top–Unternehmen und ihre Führungskräfte für herausragende Leistungen in der globalen Kommunikationsbranche aus und präsentiert eine außergewöhnliche Momentaufnahme der Technologien, Anwendungen, Dienstleistungen und Innovationen, die Telekommunikations–, Kabel– und Cloud–Anbietern hilft, sich abzuheben.

Hinweise für Redakteure:

Light Reading's Leading Lights 2024: Die Gewinner

Lösungsbeschreibung: Mavenir’s User Plane Function (UPF):–user–plane–function–upf/

Lösungsbeschreibung: Mavenir maximiert die Energieeffizienz des Netzwerks mit skalierbaren Intel® Xeon®–Prozessoren der 4. Generation für 5G–Core–UPF–Bereitstellungen

Intel, das Intel–Logo und andere Intel–Marken sind Marken der Intel Corporation oder ihrer Tochtergesellschaften.

Über Mavenir

Mavenir baut die Zukunft der Netzwerke schon heute mit cloudnativen, KI–fähigen Lösungen auf, die von Grund auf umweltfreundlich sind und es den Betreibern ermöglichen, die Vorteile von 5G zu nutzen und intelligente, automatisierte und programmierbare Netzwerke zu realisieren. Als Pionier des Open RAN und bewährter Branchenumgestalter sorgen die preisgekrönten Lösungen von Mavenir für Automatisierung und Monetarisierung in Mobilfunknetzen weltweit und beschleunigen die Transformation von Software–Netzwerken für über 300 Kommunikationsdienstanbieter in über 120 Ländern, die mehr als 50 % der weltweiten Abonnenten bedienen. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter

Mavenir PR–Kontakte:
Emmanuela Spiteri

Ein Foto zu dieser Ankündigung ist verfügbar unter–8f34–4fa9–b7f6–657fc20d7ff1

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9250937)

Solução UPF 5G Com Eficiência Energética da Mavenir Recebe Prêmio de Eficiência Energética de Rede da Leading Lights

RICHARDSON, Texas, Oct. 03, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Mavenir, fornecedora de infraestrutura de rede nativa na nuvem que está criando o futuro das redes, recebeu o prêmio Leading Lights Network Energy Efficiency Award por sua solução Energy–Efficient 5G User Plane Function (UPF).

Oferecendo substancial economia de energia, eficiência operacional e desempenho aprimorado para seus clientes de operadoras de rede móvel, a Mavenir demonstrou um sucesso notável com sua solução UPF. Com uma economia de energia significativa de 40%, mesmo sob as condições mais exigentes, como uma carga de tráfego de 100%, essa eficiência impressionante se deve em parte à utilização da tecnologia NVIDIA ASAP2 Accelerated Switching & Packet Processing™ pela Mavenir, que permite que a Mavenir acelere o plano de dados UPF em soluções NVIDIA, tendo um papel fundamental na conservação de energia. A utilização da funcionalidade Intel Infrastructure Power Manager aumenta ainda mais a economia de energia, atingindo até 62% durante cenários de 50% de carga de tráfego e carga ociosa.

Substanciais inovações e avanços tecnológicos podem ser realizados quando os líderes do setor e as tecnologias de ponta se unem. A arquitetura nativa na nuvem da Mavenir se integra perfeitamente aos processadores dimensionáveis Intel Xeon de 4ª geração e à tecnologia de aceleração NVIDIA ConnectX®–6 Dx SmartNIC. Essa potente combinação permite que os clientes aproveitem os benefícios duplos da eficiência de energia aprimorada e do processamento de pacotes de alto desempenho.

“Além de demonstrar economia significativa de energia e melhorias de desempenho para redes principais 5G, também estabelecemos um novo padrão para infraestrutura de rede com eficiência energética”, disse Ashok Khuntia, Presidente de Redes Principais da Mavenir. “Este prêmio ressalta o valor das colaborações estratégicas e da integração das nossas tecnologias ‘green by design’ avançadas na condução do progresso e da sustentabilidade em toda a indústria.”

A solução da Mavenir também viabiliza um UPF de pequeno footprint na borda, reduzindo a latência, aprimorando o processamento de dados locais e minimizando os custos operacionais. A arquitetura inovadora, juntamente com as tecnologias avançadas, garantem que os clientes da Mavenir possam alcançar significativa economia de energia e eficiência operacional.

O Leading Light Network Energy Efficiency Award é concedido à empresa que ajudou uma operadora de rede a melhorar a eficiência energética das suas redes, aposentando ou consolidando a infraestrutura, usando software e equipamentos modernos, adotando mais operações baseadas em dados e muito mais. O Leading Lights Awards é o principal programa de premiação da Light Reading, agora em seu 20º ano. Ele reconhece as principais empresas e seus executivos por realizações notáveis no setor global de comunicações, apresentando um retrato excepcional da tecnologia, aplicativos, serviços e inovação que ajudam os provedores de telecomunicações, cabo e nuvem a se destacarem.

Notas aos Editores:

Light Reading's Leading Lights 2024: The Winners

Solution Brief: Função de Plano de Usuário (UPF) da Mavenir:–user–plane–function–upf/

Solution Brief: Mavenir Maximiza a Eficiência Energética da Rede com Processadores Escaláveis Intel® Xeon® de 4ª Geração para Implantações de UPF de Núcleo 5G

Intel, o logotipo Intel e outras marcas Intel são marcas comerciais da Intel Corporation ou de suas subsidiárias.

Sobre a Mavenir

A Mavenir está estabelecendo hoje o futuro das redes com soluções nativas da nuvem e habilitadas para IA, que são ecológicas por design, capacitando as operadoras a obter os benefícios do 5G e alcançar redes inteligentes, automatizadas e programáveis. Como pioneira da Open RAN e uma comprovada disruptora revolucionária do setor, as soluções premiadas da Mavenir fornecem automação e monetização em redes móveis em todo o mundo, acelerando a transformação da rede de software para mais de 300 provedores de serviços de comunicações em mais de 120 países, que atendem a mais de 50% dos assinantes de todo o mundo. Para mais informação, visite

Contatos de RP da Mavenir:
Emmanuela Spiteri

Foto deste comunicado disponível em–8f34–4fa9–b7f6–657fc20d7ff1

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9250937)

La solution UPF (fonction de plan utilisateur) 5G économe en énergie de Mavenir remporte le prix Leading Lights dans la catégorie Network Energy Efficiency (prix de l’efficacité énergétique)

RICHARDSON, Texas, 03 oct. 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Mavenir, le fournisseur d’infrastructures basées sur le cloud qui bâtit les réseaux de demain, a remporté le prix Leading Lights dans la catégorie Network Energy Efficiency pour sa solution de fonction de plan utilisateur (UPF) 5G économe en énergie.

En offrant des économies d’énergie conséquentes, une efficacité opérationnelle et des performances améliorées à ses clients opérateurs de réseaux mobiles, Mavenir a su démontrer le succès retentissant de sa solution UPF. Avec une économie d’énergie significative de 40 %, même dans les conditions les plus difficiles, comme une charge de trafic de 100 %, cette efficacité impressionnante est due en partie à l’utilisation par Mavenir de la technologie NVIDIA ASAP2 Accelerated Switching & Packet Processing™, qui permet à Mavenir d’accélérer le plan de données UPF sur les solutions NVIDIA et joue un rôle central dans l’économie d’énergie. L’exploitation de la fonctionnalité Intel Infrastructure Power Manager améliore encore davantage les économies d’énergie, atteignant jusqu’à 62 % dans des scénarios de charge de trafic de 50 % et de charge inactive.

Des innovations et des avancées technologiques substantielles peuvent être réalisées lorsque les leaders de l’industrie et les technologies de pointe font équipe. L’architecture cloud native de Mavenir s’intègre parfaitement aux processeurs Intel Xeon Scalable de 4e génération et à la technologie d’accélération NVIDIA ConnectX®–6 Dx SmartNIC. Cette puissante combinaison permet aux clients de bénéficier du double avantage d’une efficacité énergétique améliorée et d’un traitement des paquets haute performance.

« Nous avons non seulement démontré des économies d’énergie et des améliorations significatives des performances pour le cœur de réseaux 5G, mais nous avons également établi une nouvelle norme en matière d’infrastructure réseau économe en énergie », a déclaré Ashok Khuntia, Président de Core Networks chez Mavenir. « Ce prix souligne la valeur des collaborations stratégiques et de l’intégration de nos technologies avancées “vertes par conception” lorsqu’il s’agit de favoriser le progrès et la durabilité à l’échelle de l’industrie. »

La solution de Mavenir permet également un UPF à faible empreinte en périphérie, réduisant ainsi l’inactivité, améliorant le traitement des données locales et minimisant les coûts opérationnels. L’architecture novatrice, alliée aux technologies avancées, garantit aux clients de Mavenir la réalisation d’économies d’énergie significatives et une efficacité opérationnelle.

Le prix Leading Lights dans la catégorie Network Energy Efficiency est décerné à l’entreprise qui a aidé un opérateur réseau à améliorer l’efficacité énergétique de ses réseaux en retirant ou en consolidant l’infrastructure, en utilisant des logiciels et des équipements modernes, en adoptant des opérations davantage basées sur les données, et plus encore. Les Leading Lights Awards constituent le programme phare de récompenses de Light Reading, qui en est à sa 20e édition. Il récompense les meilleures entreprises et leurs dirigeants pour leurs réussites exceptionnelles dans le secteur mondial des communications, présentant un aperçu exceptionnel de la technologie, des applications, des services et de l’innovation qui permettent aux fournisseurs de télécommunications, de câble et de cloud de se démarquer.

Notes à l’attention des rédacteurs :

Prix Leading Lights 2024 de Light Reading : les lauréats

La solution en bref : fonction de plan utilisateur (UPF) de Mavenir :–user–plane–function–upf/

La solution en bref : Mavenir optimise l’efficacité énergétique du réseau grâce aux processeurs Intel® Xeon® Scalable de 4e génération pour les déploiements 5G Core UPF

Intel, le logo Intel et les autres marques Intel sont des marques commerciales d’Intel Corporation ou de ses filiales.

À propos de Mavenir

Mavenir bâtit aujourd’hui les réseaux de demain grâce à des solutions basées sur le cloud et à l’IA, qui sont écologiques de par leur conception et qui permettent aux opérateurs de tirer parti des avantages de la 5G et de mettre en place des réseaux intelligents, automatisés et programmables. En tant que pionnier de l’Open RAN et innovateur du secteur, Mavenir et ses solutions primées assurent l’automatisation et la monétisation des réseaux mobiles dans le monde entier, accélérant la transformation des réseaux logiciels auprès de plus de 300 fournisseurs de services de communication dans plus de 120 pays, qui desservent plus de 50 % des abonnés dans le monde. Pour en savoir plus, rendez–vous sur

Contact relations publiques de Mavenir :
Emmanuela Spiteri

Une photo annexée au présent communiqué est disponible à l’adresse suivante :–8f34–4fa9–b7f6–657fc20d7ff1

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9250937)

Zoom Phone Now Available in India

SAN JOSE, Calif., Oct. 03, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Zoom Video Communications, Inc. (NASDAQ: ZM) today announced the launch of its industry–leading Zoom Phone in India, commencing with the availability of Zoom Phone service with native India phone numbers in the Maharashtra Telecom Circle (Pune). Zoom Phone brings multinational corporations (MNCs) with a domestic presence and homegrown companies unrivaled simplicity and modern functionality to their distributed hybrid workforce, as well as global native coverage in 50 countries and territories.

The native phone number support will be available starting with the Maharashtra Telecom Circle (Pune), followed by Karnataka (Bangalore), Tamil Nadu (Chennai), Andhra Pradesh (Hyderabad), Mumbai and Delhi telecom circles, covering all the major technology centers in India.

Zoom India received the Unified License with Access All/PAN India and Long Distance licenses from the Department of Telecommunications (DoT), Government of India, in April 2023. Thereafter, Zoom India focused on establishing its dedicated domestic infrastructure for Zoom Phone in India and complying with regulatory requirements. This effort enables Zoom to lead the industry with the launch of the first–of–its–kind licensed cloud private branch exchange (PBX) service bundled with local phone numbers for India.

“Zoom’s cloud PBX service meets the requirements of India’s Unified Telecom license which requires building the dedicated local interconnection infrastructure in accordance with the regulatory requirements. This demonstrates Zoom’s commitment to bringing a trusted service that our customers want,” said Velchamy Sankarlingam, president of product and engineering, Zoom. “Globally, Zoom Phone saw continued expansion in the market, amassing five Zoom Phone customers with 100k+ seats in Q1 FY251, demonstrating our customers’ trust in Zoom for critical employee and customer experience processes. Our latest offering reaffirms Zoom’s leadership in delivering seamless cloud services on a global scale, enhanced by local investments to help ensure compliance and service excellence in every market, including India.”

With an intuitive and familiar interface, Zoom Phone offers reliable, secure, and flexible voice communication features that seamlessly integrate with Zoom Workplace, the company’s open collaboration platform with Zoom AI Companion. Zoom Phone provides local telephony services and is available as an add–on to Zoom's existing paid customers. With support for inbound and outbound calling through the public switched telephone network (PSTN), enterprise customers can seamlessly replace their existing PBX solution and consolidate their business communication requirements into one platform.

“We are excited to bring Zoom Phone to India, first rolling it out in the Maharashtra Telecom Circle (Pune), empowering multinational enterprises and homegrown companies of all sizes to support dynamic workstyles, improve employee engagement, and elevate the customer experience,” said Sameer Raje, general manager and head of India & SAARC region, Zoom. “The launch of Zoom Phone marks a significant milestone in Zoom’s commitment to the Indian market. This achievement represents our dedication to delivering a reliable collaboration platform that powers limitless human connection and solves real business problems for our customers.”

In addition to its comprehensive features, Zoom Phone is now boosted with AI Companion capabilities to enhance call productivity. Users can request post–call summaries and next steps, allowing them to focus on conversations instead of taking notes. Voicemail prioritization elevates urgent messages, moving them to the top of the queue, while voicemail task extraction delivers tasks from voicemails, helping users understand the next steps without listening to every message. Zoom Phone integrates with leading business applications, contact center partners, and hardware providers, offering an all–in–one collaboration platform for MNCs with a domestic presence and businesses of all sizes.

“The availability of Zoom Phone is timely, reflecting the trend of strong demand for Unified Communications as a Service solutions integrated with telephony in India. By offering a single platform with enterprise–class features, Zoom Phone addresses the growing modern collaboration needs of local companies and global businesses with presence in India as they look to unify their employee and customer communication channels with a solid foundation in voice,” said Krishna Baidya, senior industry director, Frost & Sullivan. “In addition to streamlining communications with one platform, Zoom Phone stands out with its scalability, security, and user–friendly interface.”

To learn more about Zoom Phone, please visit the Zoom Phone page.

About Zoom
Zoom’s mission is to provide one platform that delivers limitless human connection. Reimagine teamwork with Zoom Workplace — Zoom’s open collaboration platform with AI Companion empowers teams to be more productive. Together with Zoom Workplace, Zoom’s Business Services for sales, marketing, and customer care teams, including Zoom Contact Center, strengthen customer relationships throughout the customer lifecycle. Founded in 2011, Zoom is publicly traded (NASDAQ:ZM) and headquartered in San Jose, California. Get more information at

Zoom Press Contact
Hayley Yap
APAC Communications Lead


GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9250566)

Prostitution an ‘Egregious Violation of Human Rights’—UN Special Rapporteur

Reem Alsalem, the UN Special Rapporteur on Violence Against Women and Girls, at a press conference in which she discusses her findings on prostitution. Credit: Naureen Hossain/IPS

Reem Alsalem, the UN Special Rapporteur on Violence Against Women and Girls, at a press conference in which she discusses her findings on prostitution. Credit: Naureen Hossain/IPS

By Naureen Hossain
UNITED NATIONS, Oct 3 2024 – Reem Alsalem, the UN Special Rapporteur on Violence Against Women and Girls, calls prostitution a “system of violence” that does not benefit society at all, especially the women and girls forced into this system.

Alsalem spoke at the Roosevelt Public Policy House in New York on Wednesday, October 2, to discuss her special report in which she posits that prostitution is a form of violence against women and girls. The report was first made public in June 2024, where it was presented to the Human Rights Council in Geneva. Over 60 member states endorsed the report and its findings, including but not limited to Ghana, South Africa, Egypt, Norway, Sweden, Colombia, France, Bangladesh, India, and Nigeria.

Alsalem received over 300 submissions for the report from multiple stakeholders, including civil society groups, academia, experts, policymakers, and, importantly, women from around the world with lived experience.

Across the world, the exploitation of women and girls through prostitution and sex trafficking is a pervasive issue that threatens their safety and rights. Alsalem remarked that many systems of prostitution are built on patriarchal norms that position the abuse of power at the hands of mostly men, who are largely the ‘buyers’ or the profiteers in the sex trade. Deeper economic inequalities and the complexities of emergency humanitarian situations have only further displaced women and girls from systems that would have protected and empowered them.

Alsalem remarked that efforts to normalize or recognize prostitution as a form of labor, such as referring to it as “sex work,” do more harm by gaslighting the women who have experienced it, and it fails to consider the serious human rights violations that can occur within the system, such as the physical and psychological harm they experience under this umbrella of “labor.”

Pornography should also be classified as a form of prostitution and violence against women at large, according to Alsalem. She noted that its proliferation has only normalized acts of violence and harmful attitudes towards women and girls. Alsalem told IPS that the online platforms that host pornographic material only further incentivize and promote these acts and other forms of coercive and nonconsensual sexual acts.

Regardless of the platform, how it is branded or how one enters the trade, the system of prostitution is based on the commodification of the body to undergo physical activity and under that there cannot be consent, Alsalem argues.

“Trying to pretend that there is somehow consent in prostitution, that women want to do this, is actually meaningless in context like prostitution because the concept of consent is actually not relevant when there are systems of exploitation and violence,” she said. “And when the term of consent is being weaponized while we fully know that whatever notions of agreement that women may have—or at least some of them—is extorted through physical coercion, manipulation, and violence.”

When it comes to the legal frameworks around prostitution, this also reveals the contradictions within countries on the letter of the law versus its regulation in practice. The report indicates that under certain approaches, little is actually done to de-incentivize “buyers” or “organizers” in engaging in prostitution systems.

Criminalizing prostitution is more likely to punish the prostituted persons through persecution and incarceration, social ostracization, and even further abuse at the hands of law enforcement. In fact, under this approach, it is rare that the ‘buyers’ are punished or that the third parties are held accountable. Under the regulation approach, legal prostitution ensures control to the state through commercial establishments and federal or national laws, including tax laws that they profit from, often at the expense of the sex workers. Decriminalizing prostitution allows for all parties to operate without the fear of persecution; however, this has also resulted in an increased demand, and it does not stop exploitative parties from profiting off vulnerable women and girls and leading them into the sex trade.

The report speaks in favor of the abolition approach, otherwise known as the “Equality model” or the “Nordic model.” Under this model, third parties (the ‘organizers’) and the buyers are criminalized for engaging in the buying and promotion of sex, while the sex workers do not face criminal persecution. Instead, more investments are made in exit pathways for sex workers to ensure alternative work, economic stability, housing, and support to address trauma and even substance abuse where needed. In the report, Alsalem notes that the Nordic model maintains the international standard on sexual exploitation and trafficking in persons by criminalizing third parties, and that it recognizes the majority of prostitutes are women and girls.

This approach could have its limitations, however, as one report from the London School of Economics (LSE) notes that sex trade legislation still varies across the different countries that implement this model, the safety of sex workers remains uncertain and they still face the risk of policing. For migrant sex workers, their status prevents them from accessing social protections, and under immigration laws, prostitution can be grounds for deportation.

The issues present in the current legal models for prostitution reflect some of the institutional structures that maintain the status quo where sex workers are exploited and left unprotected. At the same time, they also reflect a wider cultural issue on how prostitution, and more broadly, sex, is discussed and perceived.

“In addition to being a human rights violation that needs legal solutions, what is mentioned very clearly in the report is that we are dealing with a cultural issue,” said Taina Bien-Aimé, Executive Director of Coalition Against Trafficking in Women. She added that other acts of violence against women, such as intimate partner violence, sexual violence, and harassment, are now recognized as forms of abuse.

“But for some reason, because money is exchanged in prostitution, somehow it is seen outside of the context of male violence and discrimination, particularly against women and girls.”

In her report, Alsalem offers recommendations to governments on how they can reshape their legislation and policies on prostitution towards a direction that is more conscionable of human rights and that centers the experiences of the women and girls who are forced to participate. Governments also need to take measures to address the root causes behind prostitution and the factors that leave women and girls at a higher risk of it.

“The importance of this report is in its recommendations as well, where the Special Rapporteur is asking jurisdictions and member states around the world to find legislative and policy solutions to this egregious human rights violation,” said Bien-Aimé.

When asked to elaborate on the steps that need to be taken by international actors like the United Nations, Alsalem referred to the recommendation that UN agencies should also adopt a rights-based approach to prostitution. Alsalem commented that she had reached out to several UN agencies. In particular, she is having “continuous conversations” with the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Labour Organization (ILO), on her recommendation for these agencies to conduct studies into the wider impacts of prostitution on survivors within their focus of health and labor.

Nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) such as the Frontline Women’s Fund, and local civil society groups play an important role in spotlighting the issue. Alsalem told IPS that they need to come together to listen to the survivors of prostitution, as well as engage with all actors working on the matter.

“We see that in decision-making places, including governments, parliaments, whenever the issue is discussed, the law is being prepared or the policy is being revised, some have privileged access to these decision-making places, and that can be those that are advocating for full legalization of all aspects. Whereas those that are advocating for the abolition model… cannot get the same access, and that includes survivors.”

IPS UN Bureau Report


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LeddarTech Apresenta a LeddarVision na AutoSens Europe: Inovação Orientada por IA Aprimorada com Processadores de TI e Colaboração Arm

QUEBEC CITY, Canadá, Oct. 03, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A LeddarTech®Holdings Inc. (“LeddarTech”) (Nasdaq: LDTC), uma empresa de software automotivo que fornece a tecnologia patenteada de software de fusão e percepção de sensores de baixo nível com base em IA LeddarVision™, para ADAS, AD e aplicações de estacionamento, tem o orgulho de destacar as contribuições essenciais da Texas Instruments e da Arm no aprimoramento dos seus revolucionários produtos LeddarVision.

Os clientes são convidados a conhecer o futuro da inovação automotiva com o demonstrador LeddarNavigator da LeddarTech na AutoSens Europe (8 a 10 de outubro de 2024). Esta vitrine de última geração exibe o software avançado de fusão e percepção de sensores com base em IA da empresa, o LeddarVision, destacando o poder transformador da tecnologia de processadores líder do setor. Habilitada pelo processador TDA4VE–Q1 da Texas Instruments e integração perfeita dos processadores automotivos da Arm, esta tecnologia de software define um novo padrão em desempenho e capacidade.

Destaque das Contribuições da Arm e TI no Conjunto de Produtos LeddarVision:

  • A Arm impulsiona a inovação do ADAS com plataformas de computação avançadas projetadas para atender às necessidades de segurança e desempenho de casos de uso automotivo. Seu papel crucial no aprimoramento da eficiência da LeddarVision é evidente. Ao otimizar algoritmos essenciais de definição de desempenho dentro da percepção ADAS e pilha de fusão para CPUs Arm, a Arm e a LeddarTech minimizaram com sucesso os gargalos computacionais e aprimoraram a eficiência geral do sistema com o uso do CPU ARM Cortex–A720AE.

Veja de perto esta colaboração inovadora. Este Estudo de Caso apresenta um relato detalhado da jornada das duas empresas na expansão dos limites da inovação e na vanguarda do futuro da segurança automotiva.

  • O processador da família TDA4 altamente integrado e econômico da Texas Instruments (TI) é usado na solução Front–Entry da LeddarVision (LVF–E), a primeira solução abrangente de percepção baseada em fusão de baixo nível do mercado implantada em um único processador TDA4VE–Q1. Com uma implementação eficiente na plataforma TDA4VE–Q1, ele alcança um dos custos de sistema mais baixos de ADAS de nível básico L2/L2+ sem sacrificar o desempenho do sistema. O TDA4VE–Q1, realizando processamento de fusão de sensores de baixo nível, fornece computação de alto desempenho para algoritmos de visão tradicional e de aprendizagem profunda, e aceleração de pré–processamento de visão para alcançar um alto nível de integração do sistema com baixa energia e custos do sistema. Os membros compatíveis com PIN e software da família de produtos TDA4 permitem escalabilidade em sistemas de maior desempenho ou menor custo para aplicações avançadas de fusão de sensores ADAS simples e multimodais.

“Com o aproveitamento dos pontos fortes da Texas Instruments e da Arm, aprimoramos a funcionalidade da LeddarVision e contribuímos para o futuro da segurança e autonomia automotiva. Juntos, estamos reformulando os padrões do setor”, disse Heinz Oyrer, Diretor de Parcerias Estratégicas da LeddarTech.

Marque uma consulta com a LeddarTech na AutoSens Europe para uma demonstração ao vivo no LeddarNavigator e confira os benefícios dos produtos LeddarVision de fusão de baixo nível baseados em IA, incluindo o LVS–2 + e o LVF–E. Essas soluções são projetadas para atender aos rigorosos padrões de segurança NCAP 2025/GSR 2022 de 5 estrelas e são validadas por meio de pesquisa e desenvolvimento rigorosos em nossas instalações em Tel Aviv, Montreal e Quebec City. Os principais indicadores de desempenho estão disponíveis para avaliação dos clientes mediante solicitação.

Acompanhe a viagem pela Europa no nosso site “LeddarNavigator Diaries“.

Sobre a LeddarTech

Uma empresa global de software fundada em 2007 e sediada na cidade de Quebec, com centros adicionais de P&D em Montreal e Tel Aviv, Israel, a LeddarTech desenvolve e fornece soluções abrangentes de software de percepção e fusão de baixo nível com base em IA que permitem a implantação de aplicações ADAS, de condução autônoma (AD) e de estacionamento. O software de nível automotivo da LeddarTech aplica algoritmos avançados de IA e visão computacional para gerar modelos 3D precisos do ambiente para tomadas de decisões melhores e navegação mais segura. Esta tecnologia de alto desempenho, escalonável e econômica é disponível para OEMs e fornecedores de Nível 1–2 para a implementação eficiente de soluções ADAS para veículos automotivos e off–road.

A LeddarTech é responsável por várias inovações de sensor remoto, com mais de 160 patentes solicitadas (87 concedidas) que aprimoram os recursos de ADAS, AD e de estacionamento. A percepção de veículos é fundamental para tornar a mobilidade global mais segura, eficiente, sustentável e acessível: e é por isso que a LeddarTech deseja se tornar a solução de software de fusão e percepção de sensores mais amplamente adotada.

A LeddarTech pode ocasionalmente, no âmbito de colaborações, parcerias e projetos, coletar com veículos de teste informações pessoais, ou seja, informações que identifiquem direta ou indiretamente membros do público. As informações pessoais coletadas podem ser processadas, usadas, armazenadas e comunicadas pela LeddarTech no âmbito do desenvolvimento e treinamento dos nossos softwares e produtos. Para obter mais informações sobre as atividades de processamento, que incluem a coleta, uso, armazenamento e comunicação das informações pessoais, bem como os direitos de proteção das informações pessoais associados e como exercê–los, consulte a Política de Privacidade da LeddarTech.

Para mais informação sobre a LeddarTech, visite, LinkedIn, Twitter (X), Facebook e YouTube.

Declarações de Previsão

Certas declarações contidas neste comunicado de imprensa podem ser consideradas declarações de previsão na acepção da Lei de Reforma de Litígios de Títulos Privados dos EUA de 1995, Seção 27A da Lei de Títulos e Valores Mobiliários e Seção 21E da Lei de Câmbio (cujas declarações de previsão também devem incluir declarações de previsão e informações de previsão na acepção das leis de valores mobiliários canadenses aplicáveis), incluindo, mas não se limitando a, declarações relacionadas à estratégia antecipada, operações futuras, perspectivas, objetivos e projeções financeiras e outras métricas financeiras da LeddarTech. As declarações de previsão geralmente incluem declarações de natureza preditiva e dependem ou se referem a eventos ou condições futuras, e incluem palavras como “pode”, “irá”, “deveria”, “esperaria”, “antecipa”, “planeja”, “provável”, “acredita”, “estima”, “projeta”, “pretende e outras expressões semelhantes, entre outras. Declarações que não sejam de fatos históricos são declarações de previsão. Declarações de previsão tomam por base convicções e suposições atuais sujeitas a riscos e incertezas e não são garantias de desempenho futuro. Os resultados reais podem ser substancialmente diferentes dos resultados contidos em qualquer declaração de previsão devido a vários fatores, incluindo, sem limitação: (i) a possibilidade de que os benefícios antecipados da recente união das empresas da LeddarTech não sejam realizados; (ii) o risco de que litígios de acionistas em conexão com a união das empresas ou outros acordos ou investigações possam resultar em custos significativos de defesa, indenização e responsabilidade; (iii) mudanças nas condições econômicas gerais e/ou específicas do setor; (iv) possíveis interrupções da união das empresas que possam prejudicar os negócios da LeddarTech; (v) a capacidade da LeddarTech de reter, atrair e contratar pessoal essencial; (vi) possíveis reações adversas ou mudanças no relacionamento com os clientes, funcionários, fornecedores ou outras partes; (vii) potencial incerteza nos negócios, incluindo mudanças nas relações comerciais existentes após a união das empresas que possam afetar o desempenho financeiro da LeddarTech; (viii) desenvolvimentos legislativos, regulatórios e econômicos; (ix) imprevisibilidade e gravidade de eventos catastróficos, incluindo, mas não se limitando a, atos de terrorismo, surto ou escalada de guerra ou hostilidades e qualquer epidemia, pandemia ou surto de doença (incluindo COVID–19), bem como a resposta da administração a qualquer um dos fatores acima mencionados; (x) acesso a capital e financiamento, e capacidade de manter o cumprimento dos acordos de dívida; (xi) a capacidade da LeddarTech de executar seu modelo de negócios, obter ganhos com projetos e gerar receita significativa; e (xii) outros fatores de risco, conforme detalhado ocasionalmente nos relatórios da LeddarTech arquivados na Comissão de Valores Mobiliários dos EUA (a “SEC”), incluindo os fatores de risco contidos no Relatório Anual da LeddarTech no Formulário 20–F para o exercício fiscal encerrado em 30 de setembro de 2023. A lista anterior de fatores importantes não é exaustiva. Exceto conforme exigido pela lei aplicável, a LeddarTech não assume qualquer obrigação de revisar ou atualizar qualquer declaração de previsão, ou de fazer quaisquer outras declarações de previsão, seja como resultado de novas informações, eventos futuros ou de outra forma.

Daniel Aitken, Vice–Presidente, Marketing Global, Comunicações e Relacionamento com o Investidor, LeddarTech Holdings Inc. Tel.: + 1–418–653–9000 ramal 232

Os logotipos Leddar, LeddarTech, LeddarVision, LeddarSP, VAYADrive, VayaVision e afins são marcas comerciais ou marcas comerciais registradas da LeddarTech Holdings Inc. e suas subsidiárias. Todas as outras marcas e nomes de produtos são ou podem ser marcas comerciais ou marcas comerciais registradas usadas para identificar produtos ou serviços de seus respectivos proprietários.

LeddarTech Holdings Inc. é uma empresa pública listada na Nasdaq sob o símbolo “LDTC”.

Foto deste comunicado disponível em–6eb5–4c0e–8821–f52cb6a9c84b

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9250262)

LeddarTech présente LeddarVision à AutoSens Europe : une innovation pilotée par l’IA, optimisée par les processeurs Texas Instruments et une collaboration avec Arm

QUÉBEC, Canada, 03 oct. 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — LeddarTech® Holdings Inc. (« LeddarTech ») (NASDAQ : LDTC), une société de logiciels automobiles qui fournit des technologies logicielles de fusion bas niveau de capteurs et de perception reposant sur l’IA, innovatrices et brevetées pour systèmes avancés d’aide à la conduite (systèmes ADAS), de conduite autonome (systèmes AD) et de stationnement, est fière de souligner les contributions essentielles de Texas Instruments et de Arm dans le perfectionnement de sa famille de solutions de rupture LeddarVision™.

Les clients sont invités à embarquer dans l’innovation automobile avec le démonstrateur LeddarNavigator de LeddarTech lors de l’événement AutoSens Europe (8–10 octobre 2024). Cette vitrine technologique inédite présente le logiciel avancé de fusion de capteurs et de perception basé sur l’IA de l’entreprise, LeddarVision, et met en lumière le potentiel transformateur de la technologie des processeurs de nouvelle génération. Propulsée par le processeur TDA4VE–Q1 de Texas Instruments et intégrant de manière transparente les processeurs automobiles de Arm, cette technologie logicielle établit une nouvelle norme en termes de performances et de capacités.

Contributions de Arm et de TI à la suite de produits LeddarVision :

  • Arm stimule l’innovation dans l’ADAS grâce à des plateformes de calcul avancées conçues pour répondre aux besoins de sécurité et de performance des cas d’utilisation automobile. Leur contribution à l’amélioration de l’efficacité de LeddarVision est manifeste. En optimisant les algorithmes critiques qui définissent la performance de la solution de perception et de fusion des processeurs Arm en matière d’ADAS, Arm et LeddarTech ont réussi à réduire les goulets d’étranglement computationnels et à améliorer l’efficacité globale du système grâce au processeur Cortex–A720AE de Arm.

Découvrez de plus près cette collaboration d’exception. Cette étude de cas (en anglais) décrit en détail le parcours des deux organisations, qui repoussent les limites de l’innovation et ouvrent la voie à l’avenir de la sécurité automobile.

  • Le processeur hautement intégré et économique de la famille TDA4 de Texas Instruments (TI) est utilisé pour le LeddarVision frontal d’entrée de gamme (LVF–E), qui constitue la première solution complète de perception basée sur la fusion bas niveau à être déployée sur un processeur TDA4VE–Q1 unique. Le recours judicieux au TDA4VE–Q1 permet d’obtenir des coûts parmi les plus bas pour un système ADAS de niveau 2/2+ d’entrée de gamme sans sacrifier la performance du système. Le TDA4VE–Q1, qui assure la fusion bas niveau des données de capteurs, offre une puissance de calcul élevée tant pour les algorithmes de vision traditionnels que d’apprentissage profond ainsi qu’une accélération du prétraitement de la vision afin d’atteindre un niveau élevé d’intégration système avec une faible consommation d’énergie et à moindre coût. La compatibilité des produits de la famille TDA4 permet une évolutivité vers des systèmes plus performants ou moins coûteux pour les applications avancées de fusion de capteurs ADAS monomodales et multimodales.

« En tirant parti des forces de Texas Instruments et de Arm, nous améliorons les fonctionnalités de LeddarVision et collaborons à l’avenir de la sécurité et de l’autonomie automobiles. Ensemble, nous redéfinissons les normes de l’industrie », a déclaré Heinz Oyrer, directeur des partenariats stratégiques chez LeddarTech.

Prenez rendez–vous avec LeddarTech lors d’AutoSens Europe pour une démonstration en direct de la LeddarNavigator et explorez les avantages de la fusion bas niveau basée sur l’IA avec LeddarVision, notamment le LVS–2+ et le LVF–E. Ces solutions sont conçues pour répondre aux exigences sévères des normes de sécurité 5 étoiles NCAP 2025/GSR 2022 et sont validées par une démarche de recherche et développement rigoureuse dans nos installations de Tel Aviv, Montréal et Québec. Les indicateurs de performance clés sont disponibles pour consultation par les clients sur demande.

Suivez la tournée européenne sur notre site « Journal LeddarNavigator Diaries ».

À propos de LeddarTech

Entreprise mondiale de logiciels fondée en 2007, basée à Québec et disposant de centres de R&D supplémentaires à Montréal et Tel Aviv (Israël), LeddarTech développe et propose des solutions logicielles complètes de fusion bas niveau de capteurs et de perception reposant sur l’intelligence artificielle qui permettent le déploiement d’applications ADAS, de conduite autonome (AD) et de stationnement. Les logiciels de classe automobile de LeddarTech appliquent des algorithmes d’intelligence artificielle et de vision numérique avancés afin de générer des modèles 3D précis de l’environnement, pour une meilleure prise de décision et une navigation plus sûre. Cette technologie performante, évolutive et économique permet la mise en œuvre efficace de solutions ADAS pour véhicules automobiles et hors route par les équipementiers et les fournisseurs de rang 1 et 2.

Ayant déposé plus de 160 demandes de brevets (dont 87 accordées) qui améliorent les capacités des systèmes d’aide à la conduite, de conduite autonome et de stationnement, l’entreprise a contribué à plusieurs innovations liées à des applications de télédétection. Une plus grande conscience situationnelle est essentielle pour rendre la mobilité plus sûre, plus efficace, plus durable et plus abordable : c’est ce qui motive LeddarTech à vouloir devenir la solution logicielle de fusion de capteurs et de perception la plus largement adoptée.

LeddarTech peut, de temps à autre, dans le cadre de collaborations, de partenariats ou de projets, recueillir avec des véhicules d’essai des renseignements personnels, c.–à–d., des renseignements qui identifient directement ou indirectement des membres du public. Les renseignements personnels peuvent être traités, utilisés, stockés et communiqués par LeddarTech dans le contexte du développement et de l’amélioration de nos logiciels et de nos produits. Pour plus d’information sur les activités de traitement, y compris la collecte, l’utilisation, le stockage et la communication des renseignements personnels, ainsi que sur les droits en matière de protection des renseignements personnels associés et la manière de les exercer, consultez la Politique de confidentialité de LeddarTech.

Renseignements complémentaires disponibles sur et sur LinkedIn, Twitter (X), Facebook et YouTube.

Énoncés prospectifs

Certains énoncés contenus dans le présent communiqué de presse peuvent être considérés comme des énoncés prospectifs au sens du Private Securities Litigation Reform Act de 1995 des États–Unis, de la section 27A du Securities Act de 1933, tel que modifié, et de la section 21E du Securities Exchange Act de 1934, tel que modifié (lesquels énoncés prospectifs comprennent également les énoncés prospectifs et les renseignements prospectifs au sens des lois canadiennes sur les valeurs mobilières applicables), y compris, mais sans s’y limiter, les énoncés relatifs à la stratégie, aux activités futures, aux perspectives, aux objectifs et aux projections financières et autres mesures financières anticipés de LeddarTech. Les énoncés prospectifs comprennent généralement des énoncés de nature prévisionnelle qui dépendent d’événements ou de conditions à venir ou qui s’y réfèrent, et comprennent des termes tels que « pouvoir », « anticiper », « prévoir », « avoir l’intention de », « estimer », « planifier », « croire », « s’attendre à », « projeter de » et autres expressions similaires et verbes au futur et au conditionnel notamment. Les énoncés qui ne sont pas des faits historiques sont des énoncés prospectifs. Les énoncés prospectifs reposent sur des convictions et des hypothèses actuelles qui sont soumises à des risques et à des incertitudes et ne constituent pas des garanties de performance future. Les résultats réels peuvent différer sensiblement de ceux contenus dans un énoncé prospectif en raison de divers facteurs, y compris, mais sans s’y limiter : (i) la possibilité que les avantages anticipés du récent regroupement d’entreprises de LeddarTech ne se réalisent pas; (ii) le risque que des litiges entre actionnaires liés au regroupement d’entreprises ou autres règlements ou enquêtes entraînent des coûts importants de défense, d’indemnisation et de responsabilité; (iii) l’évolution de la conjoncture économique générale et/ou des conditions propres à l’industrie; (iv) les éventuelles perturbations dues au regroupement d’entreprises susceptibles de nuire aux activités de LeddarTech; (v) la capacité de LeddarTech à retenir, à attirer et à embaucher du personnel clé; (vi) les réactions ou changements négatifs potentiels dans les relations avec les clients, employés, fournisseurs ou autres parties; (vii) l’incertitude commerciale potentielle, y compris les changements dans les relations commerciales existantes suivant le regroupement d’entreprises, susceptible d’affecter la performance financière de LeddarTech; (viii) les développements législatifs, réglementaires et économiques; (ix) l’imprévisibilité et la gravité d’événements catastrophiques, y compris, mais sans s’y limiter, les actes de terrorisme, le déclenchement ou l’escalade d’une guerre ou d’hostilités et toute épidémie, pandémie ou apparition de maladie (y compris la COVID–19), ainsi que la réponse de la direction à l’un des facteurs susmentionnés; (x) l’accès au capital et au financement et la capacité de LeddarTech à maintenir le respect des clauses restrictives de ses emprunts; (xi) la capacité de LeddarTech à exécuter son modèle d’affaires, à remporter des contrats de conception et à générer des revenus significatifs; et (xii) les autres facteurs de risque détaillés de temps à autre dans les rapports de LeddarTech déposés auprès de la U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (la « SEC »), y compris les facteurs de risque figurant dans le rapport annuel de LeddarTech sur le formulaire 20–F pour l’exercice financier terminé le 30 septembre 2023. La liste des facteurs importants ci–dessus n’est pas exhaustive. Sauf si la loi applicable l’exige, LeddarTech ne s’engage pas à réviser ou à mettre à jour les énoncés prospectifs, ni à mentionner d’autres énoncés prospectifs, que ce soit à la suite de nouvelles informations, d’événements futurs ou autres.

Contact :
Daniel Aitken, vice–président, Marketing, communications et relations avec les investisseurs mondiaux, LeddarTech Holdings Inc.
Tél. : + 1–418–653–9000 poste 232

Leddar, LeddarTech, LeddarVision, LeddarSP, VAYADrive, VayaVision et les logos associés sont des marques de commerce ou des marques déposées de LeddarTech Holdings Inc. et de ses filiales. Tous les autres noms de marques, noms de produits et marques sont ou peuvent être des marques de commerce ou des marques déposées utilisées pour désigner les produits ou les services de leurs propriétaires respectifs.

LeddarTech Holdings Inc. est une société publique cotée au NASDAQ sous le symbole « LDTC ».

Une photo accompagnant ce communiqué est disponible au–6eb5–4c0e–8821–f52cb6a9c84b

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9248809)

LeddarTech Showcases LeddarVision at AutoSens Europe: AI-Driven Innovation Enhanced With TI Processors and Arm Collaboration

QUEBEC CITY, Canada, Oct. 03, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — LeddarTech® Holdings Inc. (“LeddarTech”) (Nasdaq: LDTC), an automotive software company that provides patented disruptive AI–based low–level sensor fusion and perception software technology, LeddarVision™, for ADAS, AD and parking applications, proudly highlights the critical contributions of Texas Instruments and Arm in enhancing its groundbreaking LeddarVision products.

Customers are invited to experience the future of automotive innovation with LeddarTech’s LeddarNavigator demonstrator at AutoSens Europe (October 8–10, 2024). This state–of–the–art showcase demonstrates the company’s advanced AI–based sensor fusion and perception software, LeddarVision, and underscores the transformative power of industry–leading processor technology. Enabled by Texas Instruments’ TDA4VE–Q1 processor and seamlessly integrating Arm’s automotive processors, this software technology sets a new standard in performance and capability.

Featuring the Contributions of Arm and TI to the LeddarVision Suite of Products:

  • Arm drives ADAS innovation with advanced compute platforms designed to address the safety and performance needs of automotive use cases. Their crucial role in enhancing LeddarVision’s efficiency is evident. By optimizing critical performance–defining algorithms within the ADAS perception and fusion stack for Arm CPUs, Arm and LeddarTech have successfully minimized computational bottlenecks and enhanced overall system efficiency using the Arm Cortex–A720AE CPU.

Take a closer look at this groundbreaking collaboration. This Case Study provides a detailed account of the two organizations’ journey as they push the boundaries of innovation and pioneer the future of automotive safety.

  • Texas Instruments’ (TI) highly integrated and cost–efficient TDA4 family processor is used for the LeddarVision Front–Entry solution (LVF–E), which marked the first–to–market comprehensive low–level–fusion based perception solution deployed on a single TDA4VE–Q1 processor. The efficient implementation on the TDA4VE–Q1 processor achieves one of the lowest system costs for L2/L2+ entry–level ADAS without sacrificing system performance. The TDA4VE–Q1, performing low–level sensor fusion processing, provides high–performance computing for both traditional vision and deep learning algorithms and vision pre–processing acceleration to achieve a high level of system integration at low system power and costs. Pin and software–compatible members of the TDA4 product family enable scalability to higher–performance or lower–cost systems for advanced single and multi–modal ADAS sensor fusion applications.

“By leveraging the strengths of Texas Instruments and Arm, we are enhancing the functionality of LeddarVision and contributing to the future of automotive safety and autonomy. Together, we are reshaping industry standards,” stated Heinz Oyrer, Director of Strategic Partnerships at LeddarTech.

Book an appointment with LeddarTech at AutoSens Europe for a live demonstration in the LeddarNavigator and witness the benefits of AI–based low–level fusion LeddarVision products, including the LVS–2+ and LVF–E. These solutions are engineered to meet the stringent 5–star NCAP 2025/GSR 2022 safety standards and are validated through rigorous research and development at our Tel Aviv, Montreal and Quebec City facilities. Key performance indicators are available to customers for review upon request.

Follow the European road trip journey on our “LeddarNavigator Diaries” site.

About LeddarTech

A global software company founded in 2007 and headquartered in Quebec City with additional R&D centers in Montreal and Tel Aviv, Israel, LeddarTech develops and provides comprehensive AI–based low–level sensor fusion and perception software solutions that enable the deployment of ADAS, autonomous driving (AD) and parking applications. LeddarTech’s automotive–grade software applies advanced AI and computer vision algorithms to generate accurate 3D models of the environment to achieve better decision making and safer navigation. This high–performance, scalable, cost–effective technology is available to OEMs and Tier 1–2 suppliers to efficiently implement automotive and off–road vehicle ADAS solutions.

LeddarTech is responsible for several remote–sensing innovations, with over 160 patent applications (87 granted) that enhance ADAS, AD and parking capabilities. Better awareness around the vehicle is critical in making global mobility safer, more efficient, sustainable and affordable: this is what drives LeddarTech to seek to become the most widely adopted sensor fusion and perception software solution.

LeddarTech might, in the scope of collaborations, partnerships and projects, from time to time, collect with test vehicles personal information, i.e., information that directly or indirectly identifies members of the public. Collected personal information may be processed, used, stored and communicated by LeddarTech within the scope of developing and training our software and products. For further information about the processing activities, which include the collection, use, storage and communication of the personal information, as well as the associated personal information protection rights and how to exercise them, please consult LeddarTech’s Privacy Policy.

Additional information about LeddarTech is accessible at and on LinkedIn, Twitter (X), Facebook and YouTube.

Forward–Looking Statements

Certain statements contained in this Press Release may be considered forward–looking statements within the meaning of the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (which forward–looking statements also include forward–looking statements and forward–looking information within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities laws), including, but not limited to, statements relating to LeddarTech’s anticipated strategy, future operations, prospects, objectives and financial projections and other financial metrics. Forward–looking statements generally include statements that are predictive in nature and depend upon or refer to future events or conditions, and include words such as “may,” “will,” “should,” “would,” “expect,” “anticipate,” “plan,” “likely,” “believe,” “estimate,” “project,” “intend” and other similar expressions among others. Statements that are not historical facts are forward–looking statements. Forward–looking statements are based on current beliefs and assumptions that are subject to risks and uncertainties and are not guarantees of future performance. Actual results could differ materially from those contained in any forward–looking statement as a result of various factors, including, without limitation: (i) the possibility that anticipated benefits of LeddarTech’s recent business combination will not be realized; (ii) the risk that shareholder litigation in connection with the business combination or other settlements or investigations may result in significant costs of defense, indemnification and liability; (iii) changes in general economic and/or industry–specific conditions; (iv) possible disruptions from the business combination that could harm LeddarTech’s business; (v) the ability of LeddarTech to retain, attract and hire key personnel; (vi) potential adverse reactions or changes to relationships with customers, employees, suppliers or other parties; (vii) potential business uncertainty, including changes to existing business relationships following the business combination that could affect LeddarTech’s financial performance; (viii) legislative, regulatory and economic developments; (ix) unpredictability and severity of catastrophic events, including, but not limited to, acts of terrorism, outbreak or escalation of war or hostilities and any epidemic, pandemic or disease outbreak (including COVID–19), as well as management’s response to any of the aforementioned factors; (x) access to capital and financing and LeddarTech’s ability to maintain compliance with debt covenants; (xi) LeddarTech’s ability to execute its business model, achieve design wins and generate meaningful revenue; and (xii) other risk factors as detailed from time to time in LeddarTech’s reports filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”), including the risk factors contained in LeddarTech’s Annual Report on Form 20–F for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2023. The foregoing list of important factors is not exhaustive. Except as required by applicable law, LeddarTech does not undertake any obligation to revise or update any forward–looking statement, or to make any other forward–looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

Daniel Aitken, Vice–President, Global Marketing, Communications and Investor Relations, LeddarTech Holdings Inc. Tel.: + 1–418–653–9000 ext. 232

Leddar, LeddarTech, LeddarVision, LeddarSP, VAYADrive, VayaVision and related logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of LeddarTech Holdings Inc. and its subsidiaries. All other brands, product names and marks are or may be trademarks or registered trademarks used to identify products or services of their respective owners.

LeddarTech Holdings Inc. is a public company listed on the Nasdaq under the ticker symbol “LDTC.”

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at–6eb5–4c0e–8821–f52cb6a9c84b

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9248809)

LeddarTech stellt LeddarVision auf der AutoSens Europe vor: KI-gesteuerte Innovation verbessert durch TI-Prozessoren und Kooperation mit Arm

QUEBEC CITY, Kanada, Oct. 03, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — LeddarTech®Holdings Inc. („LeddarTech“) (Nasdaq: LDTC), ein Softwareunternehmen für die Automobilindustrie, das patentierte, bahnbrechende KI–basierte Low–Level–Sensorfusion und Wahrnehmungssoftwaretechnologie, LeddarVision™, für ADAS–, AD– und Parkanwendungen anbietet, gibt mit Freude entscheidende Beiträge von Texas Instruments und Arm zur Verbesserung seiner bahnbrechenden LeddarVision–Produkte bekannt.

Kunden sind eingeladen, die Zukunft der Automobilinnovation mit der LeddarNavigator–Demonstrationeinheit von LeddarTech auf der AutoSens Europe (8.–10. Oktober 2024) zu erleben. Dieser hochmoderne Showcase demonstriert die fortschrittliche KI–basierte Sensorfusions– und Wahrnehmungssoftware LeddarVision des Unternehmens und unterstreicht die transformative Kraft der branchenführenden Prozessortechnologie. Mit dem TDA4VE–Q1–Prozessor von Texas Instruments und der nahtlosen Integration der Automotive–Prozessoren von Arm setzt diese Softwaretechnologie neue Maßstäbe in Bezug auf Leistung und Funktionsfähigkeit.

Vorstellung der Beiträge von Arm und TI zur LeddarVision–Produktreihe:

  • Arm treibt ADAS–Innovationen mit fortschrittlichen Rechenplattformen voran, die auf die Sicherheits– und Leistungsanforderungen von Automobilanwendungen zugeschnitten sind. Die entscheidende Rolle des Unternehmens bei der Steigerung der Effizienz von LeddarVision ist offensichtlich. Durch die Optimierung kritischer, leistungsbestimmender Algorithmen innerhalb des ADAS–Wahrnehmungs– und Fusions–Stacks für Arm–CPUs haben Arm und LeddarTech erfolgreich Berechnungsengpässe minimiert und die Gesamtsystemeffizienz mit der Arm Cortex–A720AE CPU verbessert.

Werfen Sie einen genaueren Blick auf diese bahnbrechende Zusammenarbeit. Diese Fallstudie gibt einen detaillierten Überblick über die Zusammenarbeit der beiden Unternehmen, die die Grenzen der Innovation erweitern und die Zukunft der Automobilsicherheit vorantreiben.

  • Der hochintegrierte und kosteneffiziente Prozessor der TDA4–Familie von Texas Instruments (TI) wird für die LeddarVision Front–Entry–Lösung (LVF–E) verwendet, die als erste umfassende Low–Level–Fusion–basierte Wahrnehmungslösung auf einem einzigen TDA4VE–Q1)–Prozessor auf den Markt kommt. Durch die effiziente Implementierung auf dem TDA4VE–Q1–Prozessor wird eine der niedrigsten Systemkosten für L2/L2+–ADAS der Einstiegsklasse erreicht, ohne dass die Systemleistung darunter leidet. Der TDA4VE–Q1, der eine Low–Level–Sensorfusionsverarbeitung durchführt, bietet Hochleistungsrechner für herkömmliche Bildverarbeitungs– und Deep–Learning–Algorithmen sowie eine Beschleunigung der Bildverarbeitungsvorverarbeitung, um ein hohes Maß an Systemintegration bei geringer Systemleistung und niedrigen Kosten zu erreichen. Die Pin– und Software–kompatiblen Mitglieder der TDA4–Produktfamilie ermöglichen die Skalierbarkeit auf leistungsstärkere oder kostengünstigere Systeme für fortschrittliche einzelne und multimodale ADAS–Sensorfusionsanwendungen.

„Indem wir die Stärken von Texas Instruments und Arm nutzen, verbessern wir die Funktionalität von LeddarVision und leisten einen Beitrag zur Zukunft der Sicherheit und Autonomie im Automobil. Gemeinsam gestalten wir die Industriestandards neu“, erklärte Heinz Oyrer, Director of Strategic Partnerships bei LeddarTech.

Buchen Sie einen Termin mit LeddarTech auf der AutoSens Europe für eine Live–Demonstration im LeddarNavigator und überzeugen Sie sich von den Vorteilen der KI–basierten Low–Level–Fusion LeddarVision–Produkte, einschließlich LVS–2+ und LVF–E. Diese Lösungen sind so konzipiert, dass sie die strengen 5–Sterne–NCAP 2025/GSR 2022–Sicherheitsstandards erfüllen, und werden durch rigorose Forschung und Entwicklung in unseren Einrichtungen in Tel Aviv, Montreal und Quebec City validiert. Die wichtigsten Leistungsindikatoren werden den Kunden auf Anfrage zur Verfügung gestellt.

Verfolgen Sie den europäischen Roadtrip auf unserer Website „LeddarNavigator Diaries“.

Über LeddarTech

LeddarTech ist ein 2007 gegründetes globales Softwareunternehmen mit Hauptsitz in Québec City und weiteren Forschungs– und Entwicklungszentren in Montreal und Tel Aviv, Israel. LeddarTech entwickelt und liefert umfassende KI–gestützte Low–Level–Sensorfusions– und Wahrnehmungssoftwarelösungen, die den Einsatz von ADAS– und autonomen Fahranwendungen ermöglichen. Die Software von LeddarTech, die für die Automobilindustrie ausgelegt ist, wendet zum Erstellen präziser 3D–Modelle der Umgebung fortschrittliche KI– und Computer–Vision–Algorithmen an, um eine bessere Entscheidungsfindung und sicherere Navigation zu erreichen. Diese leistungsstarke, skalierbare und kosteneffiziente Technologie steht OEMs und Tier–1/2–Zulieferern für die effiziente Implementierung von ADAS–Lösungen für PKWs und Geländefahrzeuge zur Verfügung.

LeddarTech ist für mehrere Innovationen im Bereich der Fernerkundung verantwortlich, mit über 160 Patentanmeldungen (87 erteilt), die die Fähigkeiten von ADAS, AD und Parken verbessern. Eine bessere Wahrnehmung rund um das Fahrzeug ist entscheidend, um die globale Mobilität sicherer, effizienter, nachhaltiger und erschwinglicher zu machen: Das ist es, was LeddarTech dazu bringt, die am weitesten verbreitete Softwarelösung für Sensorfusion und Wahrnehmung zu werden.

LeddarTech kann im Rahmen von Kooperationen, Partnerschaften und Projekten von Zeit zu Zeit mit Testfahrzeugen personenbezogene Daten erfassen, d. h. Informationen, die Mitglieder der Öffentlichkeit direkt oder indirekt identifizieren. Die erfassten personenbezogenen Daten können von LeddarTech im Rahmen der Entwicklung und Schulung unserer Software und Produkte verarbeitet, verwendet, gespeichert und weitergegeben werden. Weitere Informationen zu den Verarbeitungsaktivitäten, zu denen die Erhebung, Nutzung, Speicherung und Weitergabe der personenbezogenen Daten gehören, sowie zu den damit verbundenen Rechten zum Schutz personenbezogener Daten und deren Ausübung finden Sie in der Datenschutzrichtlinie von LeddarTech.

Weitere Informationen über LeddarTech finden Sie unter und auf LinkedIn, Twitter (X), Facebook und YouTube.

Zukunftsgerichtete Aussagen

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Daniel Aitken, Vice–President, Global Marketing, Communications and Investor Relations, LeddarTech Holdings Inc. Tel.: + 1–418–653–9000 Durchwahl 232

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9250262)

Human Toll on Lebanon Under Threat of Israeli Invasion

UNICEF initiated the distribution of bottled water and emergency hygiene kits at Bir Hasan Public School in Beirut, Lebanon following the September 23 attacks.
Credit: UNICEF/Fouad Choufany

By Oritro Karim
UNITED NATIONS, Oct 3 2024 – On September 23, Israel began launching a barrage of airstrikes on Lebanon, targeting the Iran-backed militant group, Hezbollah. According to statements from the Israeli Defense Force (IDP), approximately 3,600 sites have been struck, making this the deadliest aerial campaign on Lebanon in the last 20 years.

Reports from the Lebanese government indicate that the recent attacks have killed at least 1,400 people, including high ranking Hezbollah officials Hasan Nasrallah and Nabil Kaouk. In response, Hezbollah launched a series of rockets and drones into Israeli bases, with most being intercepted. As recently as October 2, the group launched a missile strike on an Israeli military base near Tel Aviv.

The death toll is projected to rise as bombings continue with no indication of a ceasefire. Yesterday on October 2, Israel launched a ground invasion on southern Lebanon’s borders, deploying around 10,000 troops to move north.

Hilal Khashan, a professor of political science at the American University of Beirut, adds that Israel’s attacks on Lebanon are in an attempt to weaken Hezbollah responses for a ground invasion with little opposition.

“Once they [IDF] feel that they have softened Hezbollah’s resistance sufficiently enough, they will wage their ground offensive. They are focusing on Hezbollah’s strategic assets,” he said.

Entire residential blocks in Beirut have been decimated, forcing thousands out of their homes. The United Nations reports that approximately 900,000 people have been displaced, with 260,000 internal displacements and 100,000 displacements to Syria. The Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) stated that mass displacements are expected to rise in the coming days as the IDF has issued evacuation orders in 30 villages in south Lebanon between yesterday and today.

Additionally, medical facilities in Lebanon struggle to assist on the frontlines. The World Health Organization (WHO) indicated that over 30 primary healthcare centers in highly affected areas have been closed due to damage and insecurity.

Credit: UNICEF/ Dar al Mussawir – Ramzi Haidar

Mohamed Arkadan, an emergency responder in Lebanon, stated, “About a dozen apartments had collapsed onto the hillside [we] once overlooked, burying more than 100 people”. Arkadan and his team pulled over 40 bodies from the rubble, which included those of children.

The attacks took a significant psychological toll on Lebanon, particularly on frontline with emergency personnel. Dr. Basil Abdallah, the medical director of Rayak Hospital in Rayak, Lebanon, explained: “Seeing children bombed, seeing elderly patients and women bombed, it’s difficult. Most of the nurses and the doctors are depressed. We have emotions. We are human”.

Karim Bitar, a professor of international relations at Saint Joseph University in Beirut, described Israel’s offensive tactics as a “psychological war”.

Humanitarian organizations fear that the increasingly indiscriminate attacks signal the wake of war.

“The way Israel wages war is markedly different from that of its allies in terms of frequency and intensity of strikes,” said Emily Tripp, director of Airwars, a British non-profit organization that tracks civilian casualties from international conflicts. “The United States dropped 500 munitions in one day during the peak of its 2017 campaign against the Islamic State in Raqqa. Israel far exceeded this firepower, reporting strikes on 1,600 targets on Sept. 23 alone.”

Earlier this morning, UN Secretary-General António Guterres spoke with Lebanon Prime Minister Najib Mikati, assuring that the UN is fully mobilized to provide direct humanitarian aid to affected areas. The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) has provided essential supplies to over 200 shelters. WHO is providing medical workers in Lebanon with financial and technical support. The World Food Programme (WFP) has provided hot meals and emergency cash to 10,000 households. The United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) will maintain their position and adjust their activities in accordance to their mandate.

IPS UN Bureau Report


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