Conclusion d’un accord de partenariat stratégique entre Articul8 AI et AWS pour proposer des solutions d’IA générative aux entreprises

SANTA CLARA, Californie, 17 oct. 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Articul8 AI (Articul8), un éditeur de logiciels d’intelligence artificielle générative, ou IA générative, a annoncé ce jour la signature d’un accord de partenariat stratégique (APS) avec Amazon Web Services (AWS) afin d'accompagner ses clients dans l’accélération du développement et du déploiement d’applications d’IA générative en production sur AWS.

Si l’intérêt général pour les technologies d’IA générative est en plein essor, les entreprises font encore face à différents enjeux pour faire évoluer leurs projets d’IA générative de l’état de preuve de concept (ou PoC pour Proof of Concept) à la phase de déploiement à l'échelle de production. Les principaux enjeux se rapportent à la complexité de la gestion des données, au manque de talents spécialisés, aux budgets à long terme imprévisibles, à l’éthique et à la gouvernance, à la performance et à la fiabilité à grande échelle, mais aussi à la complexité du déploiement sur plusieurs outils et piles technologiques. La plateforme d’IA générative complète (« full–stack ») d’Articul8 propose une solution clé en main (ou OOTB pour out–of–the–box) intégrée et optimisée pour les différentes composantes et couches de la pile d’IA générative. En délivrant des interfaces de programmation d’applications (API) prêtes à l’emploi et en neutralisant le côté complexe de la création d’applications d’IA générative, Articul8 aide ses clients à accélérer leurs cycles de développement et les délais de leurs résultats. En outre, sa plateforme d’IA générative ne présentant aucune dépendance externe, elle se déploie et se gère dans le cloud privé virtuel (ou VPC pour virtual private cloud) de ses clients pour leur apporter un contrôle intégral de leurs données, des politiques d’accès et d'autres règles et directives relatives à la sécurité de l’information. 

« Grâce à notre plateforme logicielle d’IA générative autonome, nos clients peuvent élaborer, déployer et gérer rapidement des applications d’IA générative de niveau expert et au stade de production sur AWS. Ils peuvent également développer des modèles spécifiques à leur entreprise en exploitant leurs propres données, le tout au sein d’un environnement sécurisé hébergé dans leur propre cloud privé virtuel, si bien qu’aucune donnée ne quitte jamais l'environnement de l’entreprise » indique Gautam Subbarao, Responsable des produits et des ventes chez Articul8. « Nous sommes impatients d’étendre notre collaboration avec AWS pour aider, ensemble, nos clients à tirer parti des technologies d’IA générative et résoudre leurs enjeux clés de transformation. » 

Le gestionnaire d’actifs d’envergure mondiale Franklin Templeton entend bien profiter du potentiel transformateur de l’IA générative sur toute la chaîne de valeur de la gestion d’actifs. À ce titre, la société investit dans des stratégies d’IA générative ciblées dans ses activités, en les alignant rigoureusement sur ses normes internes pour un usage éthique et responsable de ces technologies. En utilisant la plateforme d’Articul8 sur AWS, Franklin Templeton construit des applications et des flux de travail d’IA générative autonomes et multimodaux. 

« L’intelligence artificielle, ou IA, n’est pas une capacité unique. Les entreprises doivent concevoir efficacement un système intelligent en exploitant leurs propres données, qui s’intègre également à leurs flux de travail existants et représente leur proposition de valeur organisationnelle », remarque Vasundhara Chetluru, Responsable de la plateforme IA chez Franklin Templeton. Et de poursuivre : « Notre philosophie de conception s’accorde parfaitement avec la solution de plateforme d’IA générative full–stack d’Articul8 et sa capacité à aider les clients à développer et déployer rapidement des modèles et des applications d’IA générative spécifiques à leur domaine et/ou entreprise. Nous avons hâte de poursuivre notre collaboration avec l’équipe d’Articul8 AI. »

« L’IA générative présente le potentiel de transformer des secteurs économiques complets, mais son budget, la complexité de son déploiement et l’expertise requise par cette technologie émergente peuvent intimider les clients » observe Alan Braun, Directeur des partenariats technologiques chez AWS. « Cet accord de partenariat stratégique avec Articul8 développera sa capacité à proposer des solutions permettant à ses clients de construire et déployer des applications d’IA générative de qualité professionnelle sur AWS, tout en les aidant à atteindre des résultats commerciaux importants à grande échelle. »

Cette collaboration souligne la valeur d’Articul8 et d’AWS pour apporter de la flexibilité et une plus grande valeur commerciale aux clients dans plusieurs secteurs d’activité. Pour en savoir plus, rendez–vous sur le site :

À propos d’Articul8  Articul8 AI est un éditeur de logiciels d’intelligence artificielle générative (« IA générative ») axé sur l’accompagnement des entreprises dans la résolution de problèmes parmi les plus complexes au monde. Sa plateforme logicielle d’IA générative full–stack et verticalement optimisée représente le moyen le plus rapide de construire et déployer rapidement des applications d’IA générative sophistiquées, sécurisées et évolutives de niveau professionnel, et de les gérer de manière efficace et rentable. Les technologies d’IA générative propriétaires d’Articul8 sont indépendantes des infrastructures et de l’équipement informatique, et apportent une valeur commerciale durable en transformant les données des clients en éclairages exploitables. Notre équipe de seniors du domaine et d’experts en IA compte à son actif un historique de succès dans l’opérationnalisation et le déploiement de l’IA à grande échelle dans divers secteurs et applications critiques.

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9257578)

Articul8 AI Assina Acordo de Colaboração Estratégica com a AWS para Fornecimento de Soluções de IA Generativa para Empresas

SANTA CLARA, Califórnia, Oct. 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Articul8 AI (Articul8), uma empresa de software empresarial de Inteligência Artificial Generativa (GenAI), anunciou hoje que assinou um acordo de colaboração estratégica (SCA) com a Amazon Web Services (AWS), com planos para ajudar os clientes a acelerar o desenvolvimento e a implantação de aplicativos GenAI em produção na AWS.

Embora tenha havido um forte interesse geral nas tecnologias GenAI, as empresas ainda enfrentam vários desafios, desde projetos GenAI de prova de conceito (PoC) até implantações em escala de produção. As principais preocupações incluem a complexidade do gerenciamento de dados, a escassez de talentos especializados, os custos imprevisíveis a longo prazo, a ética e a governança, o desempenho e a confiabilidade em escala e a complexidade da implantação em várias ferramentas e pilhas de tecnologia. A plataforma GenAI de pilha completa da Articul8 fornece uma oferta pronta para uso (OOTB) integrada e otimizada nos vários componentes e camadas da pilha GenAI. Ao fornecer interfaces de programação de aplicativos (APIs) prontas para consumo e reduzir a complexidade da criação de aplicativos GenAI, a Articul8 ajuda os clientes a acelerar seus ciclos de desenvolvimento e tempo para obter resultados. Além disso, a plataforma GenAI da Articul8 não possui dependências externas e é implantada e gerenciada na própria nuvem privada virtual (VPC) do cliente, dando aos clientes controle total dos seus dados, políticas de acesso e outras regras e regulamentos de segurança da informação. 

“A plataforma autônoma de software GenAI da Articul8 permite que os clientes criem, implantem e gerenciem rapidamente aplicativos GenAI de nível de produção e nível especializado na AWS. Os clientes também podem desenvolver modelos específicos da empresa usando seus próprios dados proprietários. Tudo isso acontece em um ambiente seguro dentro de seu próprio VPC, e nenhum dado sai do ambiente da empresa”, disse Gautam Subbarao, Dirigente de Produto e Comercial da Articul8. “Estamos prontos para expandir nossa colaboração com a AWS e, em conjunto, ajudar os clientes a aproveitar as tecnologias baseadas em GenAI para resolver problemas essenciais para a transformação dos seus negócios.” 

A Franklin Templeton, uma organização global de gestão de investimentos, pretende aproveitar o potencial transformador da GenAI em toda a cadeia de valor de gestão de ativos e está investindo em estratégias de GenAI direcionadas nos seus negócios, ao mesmo tempo em que se alinha firmemente com os padrões da empresa para o uso responsável e ético de tecnologias de IA. Com a plataforma GenAI da Articul8 na AWS, a Franklin Templeton está criando aplicativos e fluxos de trabalho GenAI autônomos e multimodais. 

“A Inteligência Artificial (IA) não é uma capacidade única, e as organizações devem criar efetivamente um sistema inteligente usando seus próprios dados que também se integre aos fluxos de trabalho existentes e represente sua proposta de valor organizacional”, disse Vasundhara Chetluru, Dirigente da Plataforma de IA da Franklin Templeton. “Nossa filosofia de design se alinha bem com a solução de plataforma GenAI de pilha completa da Articul8 e sua capacidade de ajudar os clientes a desenvolver e implantar rapidamente modelos e aplicativos GenAI específicos de domínio/empresa. Estamos prontos para dar continuidade com a nossa colaboração com a equipe da Articul8 AI.”

“A IA generativa tem o potencial de transformar setores inteiros, mas seu custo, complexidade de implantação e experiência necessária em torno dessa tecnologia emergente podem ser intimidantes para os clientes”, disse Alan Braun, Diretor de Parcerias Tecnológicas da AWS. “Este Contrato de Colaboração Estratégica com a Articul8 expandirá sua capacidade de fornecer soluções que permitam aos clientes criar e implantar aplicativos de IA generativa de nível empresarial na AWS e ajudar os clientes a alcançar resultados de negócios significativos em escala.”

Essa colaboração ressalta o valor da Articul8 e da AWS para fornecer flexibilidade e desbloquear maior valor comercial para os clientes em todos os setores. Para mais informação, visite:

Sobre a Articul8 – A Articul8 AI é uma empresa de software empresarial de IA generativa (“GenAI”) focada em ajudar as organizações a resolver os problemas mais difíceis do mundo. A plataforma de software GenAI de pilha completa e verticalmente otimizada da Articul8 é a maneira mais rápida de criar, implantar e gerenciar aplicativos GenAI de nível empresarial sofisticados, seguros e escaláveis de forma rápida e econômica. As tecnologias GenAI proprietárias da Articul8 são independentes de infraestrutura e hardware e oferecem valor comercial duradouro, transformando os dados do cliente em insights acionáveis. Nossa equipe de veteranos do setor e especialistas em IA tem um histórico de sucesso na operacionalização e implantação de IA em escala em uma variedade de aplicativos e indústrias de missão crítica.

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9257578)

Articul8 AI unterzeichnet strategische Kooperationsvereinbarung mit AWS zur Bereitstellung generativer KI-Lösungen für Unternehmen

SANTA CLARA, Kalifornien, Oct. 17, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Articul8 AI (Articul8), ein Unternehmen für Unternehmenssoftware im Bereich der generativen künstlichen Intelligenz (GenAI), gab heute die Unterzeichnung einer strategischen Kooperationsvereinbarung (SCA) mit Amazon Web Services (AWS) bekannt, die Kunden dabei helfen soll, die Entwicklung und Bereitstellung von GenAI–Anwendungen in Produktionsumgebungen auf AWS zu unterstützen.

Obwohl das Interesse an GenAI–Technologien insgesamt groß ist, stehen Unternehmen weiterhin vor verschiedenen Herausforderungen, wenn es darum geht, von Proof–of–Concept (PoC) GenAI–Projekten zu Produktionsbereitstellungen überzugehen. Zu den Hauptproblemen gehören die Komplexität des Datenmanagements, der Mangel an spezialisiertem Fachpersonal, unvorhersehbare langfristige Kosten, Ethik und Governance, Leistung und Zuverlässigkeit im großen Maßstab sowie die Komplexität der Implementierung über verschiedene Tools und Technologie–Stacks. Die umfassende GenAI–Plattform von Articul8 bietet ein Out–of–the–Box–Angebot (OOTB), das in die verschiedenen Komponenten und Schichten des GenAI–Stacks integriert und optimiert ist. Durch die Bereitstellung von sofort einsatzbereiten Anwendungsprogrammierschnittstellen (APIs) und die Vereinfachung der Komplexität bei der Erstellung von GenAI–Anwendungen unterstützt Articul8 Kunden dabei, ihre Entwicklungszyklen zu optimieren und schneller Ergebnisse zu erzielen. Darüber hinaus ist die GenAI–Plattform von Articul8 nicht von externen Anbietern abhängig und wird in der eigenen Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) des Kunden bereitgestellt und verwaltet, wodurch die Kunden die volle Kontrolle über ihre Daten, Zugriffsrichtlinien und andere Regeln und Vorschriften zur Informationssicherheit haben. 

„Die autonome KI–Softwareplattform von Articul8 ermöglicht Kunden die schnelle Entwicklung, Bereitstellung und Verwaltung von GenAI–Anwendungen auf Expertenniveau und in Produktionsqualität auf AWS. Kunden können auch unternehmensspezifische Modelle mit ihren eigenen Daten entwickeln. All dies geschieht in einer sicheren Umgebung innerhalb der eigenen VPC, und keine Daten verlassen jemals die Unternehmensumgebung“, sagt Gautam Subbarao, Head of Product & Commercial, von Articul8. „Wir freuen uns darauf, unsere Zusammenarbeit mit AWS auszubauen und gemeinsam Kunden dabei zu unterstützen, GenAI–basierte Technologien zu nutzen, um Probleme zu lösen, die für die Entwicklung ihrer Unternehmen entscheidend sind.“ 

Franklin Templeton, eine globale Investmentmanagement–Gesellschaft, beabsichtigt, das transformative Potenzial von GenAI in der gesamten Wertschöpfungskette der Vermögensverwaltung zu nutzen und investiert in gezielte GenAI–Strategien in ihren Geschäftsbereichen, während sie sich gleichzeitig an den Standards des Unternehmens für einen verantwortungsvollen und ethischen Einsatz von KI–Technologien orientiert. Mit der KI–Plattform von Articul8 auf AWS entwickelt Franklin Templeton autonome und multimodale GenAI–Anwendungen und Workflows. 

„Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) ist keine isolierte Fähigkeit, und Unternehmen müssen auf der Grundlage ihrer eigenen Daten ein intelligentes System schaffen, das sich in bestehende Arbeitsabläufe integrieren lässt und ihren organisatorischen Mehrwert darstellt.“, sagt Vasundhara Chetluru, Head of AI Plattform von Franklin Templeton. „Unsere Design–Philosophie passt gut zur Full–Stack–GenAI–Plattformlösung von Articul8 und deren Fähigkeit, Kunden bei der schnellen Entwicklung und Bereitstellung von domänen–/unternehmensspezifischen GenAI–Modellen und –Anwendungen zu unterstützen. Wir freuen uns auf die weitere Zusammenarbeit mit dem Articul8 AI–Team.“

„Generative KI hat das Potenzial, ganze Branchen zu verändern, aber die Kosten, die Komplexität der Bereitstellung und das erforderliche Fachwissen im Umgang mit dieser neuen Technologie können Kunden abschrecken“, sagt Alan Braun, Director, Technology Partnerships von AWS. „Diese strategische Zusammenarbeit mit Articul8 wird ihre Fähigkeit erweitern, Lösungen anzubieten, die es Kunden ermöglichen, unternehmensgerechte generative KI–Anwendungen auf AWS zu entwickeln und bereitzustellen, und den Kunden dabei zu unterstützen, bedeutende Geschäftsergebnisse in großem Umfang zu erzielen.“

Diese Zusammenarbeit unterstreicht den Wert von Articul8 und AWS bei der Schaffung von Flexibilität und Mehrwert für Kunden in unterschiedlichen Branchen. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter:

Über Articul8 – Articul8 AI ist ein Unternehmen für generative KI („GenAI“), das sich darauf konzentriert, Unternehmen bei der Lösung der schwierigsten Probleme der Welt zu unterstützen. Die vertikal optimierte GenAI–Softwareplattform von Articul8 ist der schnellste Weg, um anspruchsvolle, sichere und skalierbare GenAI–Anwendungen für Unternehmen schnell und kosteneffizient zu entwickeln, bereitzustellen und zu verwalten. Die firmeneigenen GenAI–Technologien von Articul8 sind infrastruktur– und hardwareunabhängig und liefern einen nachhaltigen Geschäftswert, indem sie Kundendaten in verwertbare Erkenntnisse umwandeln. Unser Team aus Branchenexperten und KI–Spezialisten verfügt über langjährige Erfahrung in der erfolgreichen Operationalisierung und Bereitstellung von KI in großem Maßstab in einer Vielzahl von unternehmenskritischen Anwendungen und Branchen.

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9257578)

Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group and SunLine Transit Agency Celebrate New Hydrogen Fueling Station in California

TEMECULA, Calif., Oct. 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases (CE&IG) Group and SunLine Transit Agency recently celebrated the opening of a new liquid–hydrogen–based fueling station in Thousand Palms, California. This state–of–the–art transit fueling station represents a significant expansion of California’s hydrogen infrastructure, bringing a cleaner, more efficient fueling solution to the region. Today, the hydrogen station can fuel SunLine Transit’s current fleet of 32 hydrogen fuel cell buses — that number will grow as more of SunLines’s fleet transitions to zero emissions.

“Partnering with SunLine Transit Agency supports critical infrastructure needed in California to advance the hydrogen economy,” said Adrian Ridge, President and CEO of Nikkiso CE&IG. “With Nikkiso’s experience and advanced equipment, SunLine’s station will be considered the gold standard for modern hydrogen fueling station design, providing a blueprint for other transit hubs transitioning to or adding hydrogen fueling options.”

“This project is an expansion of our existing partnership with SunLine that began a few years ago when we completed a compressed natural gas station in Thousand Palms,” said Mike Mackey, President of Nikkiso CE&IG Fueling and Solutions. “Through that project we forged a strong relationship that led to the opportunity of delivering SunLine’s new hydrogen station. We look forward to working together for years to come as they fully transition to a zero–emissions fleet.”

Nikkiso’s market–leading hydrogen fueling stations provide 24/7 hydrogen fueling capability to help keep SunLine’s buses in the Coachella Valley region on schedule. The facility’s high–performance, dual–hose dispensers meet H35 and H70 fueling protocols, and can fuel a bus in less than 10 minutes. The station is also capable of unlimited back–to–back fueling.

“As the only public transportation provider in the Coachella Valley region, we are committed to bringing zero–emission transportation to the three million passengers we serve annually,” said Mona Babauta, CEO/General Manager at SunLine Transit Agency. “This station represents a significant milestone on our journey to convert our entire fleet to hydrogen fuel cell buses for the benefit of our customers, our community, and the planet.”

SunLine Transit plans to open a third dual–hose dispensing unit for public use in the next few weeks — making clean hydrogen fuel accessible to private and commercial vehicles in the region and driving further adoption of low–carbon technologies. The station’s strategic position between Los Angeles and Phoenix lends itself to long–distance routes, allowing cars and long–haul trucks and buses traveling through the region to expand their current range.

Key facts about Nikkiso’s hydrogen fueling solutions

  • Nikkiso began designing, manufacturing, installing, and servicing hydrogen stations in 2002
  • In 2025, Nikkiso will have delivered more than 35 permanent, turnkey hydrogen stations around the world
  • Nikkiso’s permanent, turnkey stations can have up to eight lanes dispensing up to 2,000kg of hydrogen per hour

About Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group
The Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group is a leading provider of cryogenic equipment, technologies and applications for clean energy and industrial gas market segments. The Group employs more than 1,800 people in 14 countries and is headed by Cryogenic Industries, Inc., which is a wholly owned subsidiary of Nikkiso Co., Ltd. (TSE: 6376).

To learn more about Nikkiso CE&IG visit

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About SunLine Transit Agency
SunLine provides public transit services in California’s Coachella Valley spanning 1,120 mile–service area and carrying approximately 3 million riders. It has pioneered zero–emission bus deployments, particularly for hydrogen fuel cell electric buses (FCEB). In 1993, SunLine’s Board adopted a voluntary policy of pursuing alternative fuel solutions that provide the lowest possible emissions, which led to SunLine becoming the first transit agency in the state to convert its entire fleet to compressed natural gas (CNG). SunLine is committed to transitioning its entire bus fleet to zero–emission by 2035.

To learn more about SunLine Transit Agency’s services and policies, visit

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9257560)

SEO Mobile-First examinado: as empresas devem se adaptar ou ficar para trás

WATERFORD, Irlanda, Oct. 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A era mobile–first em 2024 está redefinindo o cenário on–line, forçando todas as empresas a se adaptarem ou ficarem para trás. À medida que os smartphones assumem o controle, a mudança está abalando todos os setores, incluindo cassinos on–line, com a otimização móvel agora sendo uma necessidade, não uma escolha. Como um portal de recursos de iGaming, a Minimum Deposit Casinos (MDC) – uma divisão do OneTwenty Group – examinou esse fenômeno e se manteve à frente da curva. Ele investiu em uma abordagem de SEO ultramoderna e mobile–first, adaptada às necessidades da geração atual de jogadores experientes em dispositivos móveis em todo o mundo.

“Notamos um grande aumento de jogadores que preferem plataformas móveis em vez de desktop, e acreditamos que seja o caso para todos os negócios on–line. Essa tendência está apenas se fortalecendo, então é um momento crucial para a maioria dos negócios se adaptarem”, disse a analista de SEO de iGaming da MDC, Alisia Berrington.

Por meio dessa transição, o MDC serve como um guia abrangente para jogadores que buscam cassinos on–line legítimos em diferentes regiões, garantindo informações confiáveis e atualizadas sobre métodos de pagamento, bônus e regulamentos específicos do país – tudo na palma da mão do jogador.

“Com essa compatibilidade, os jogadores podem encontrar rapidamente o que estão procurando, ler avaliações e comparar ofertas em tempo real. É uma experiência móvel de nível superior como nunca”, disse Berrington.

Com os mecanismos de busca agora priorizando sites amigáveis para dispositivos móveis, esse tipo de abordagem é imperativo para negócios on–line de qualquer tipo. Para acompanhar o ritmo dos concorrentes, isso deve ser uma prioridade máxima.

À medida que 2024 se aproxima do fim, os cassinos on–line globalmente estão abraçando essa mudança. Com mais públicos optando por jogar via smartphones e tablets, os negócios on–line que não embarcarem nessa nova ordem mundial ficarão para trás.

O futuro dos cassinos on–line é claro: SEO mobile–first não é apenas uma opção, é uma necessidade crítica.

Sobre a MDC

A MDC, uma divisão do OneTwenty Group, é um portal global de recursos de iGaming que analisa e recomenda os cassinos on–line mais confiáveis e regulamentados para os jogadores. A MDC analisa todos os aspectos dos cassinos on–line, desde a verificação de detalhes da licença de jogo até a segurança, ferramentas de jogo responsável e práticas de jogo justas, antes de recomendá–los aos jogadores.

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000997846)

Le SEO mobile-first en revue : les entreprises doivent s’adapter ou se laisser distancer

WATERFORD, Irlande, 16 oct. 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — L’ère du mobile–first en 2024 redéfinit le paysage en ligne, obligeant toutes les entreprises à s’adapter ou se laisser distancer. À mesure que les smartphones prennent le dessus, la transition bouleverse tous les secteurs d’activité, y compris les casinos en ligne. L’optimisation mobile est désormais une nécessité, et non plus un choix. Portail de ressources iGaming, Minimum Deposit Casinos (MDC), une division de OneTwenty Group, s’est penché sur ce phénomène et a pris de l’avance. Il a investi dans une approche SEO ultramoderne, mobile–first, adaptée aux besoins de la génération actuelle de joueurs mobiles dans le monde entier.

« Nous avons remarqué que de plus en plus de joueurs privilégiaient les plateformes mobiles aux systèmes de bureau, et nous pensons que cela vaut pour toutes les entreprises en ligne. Cette tendance ne fait que s’accentuer, il est donc temps pour la plupart des entreprises de s’adapter », a déclaré Alisia Berrington, Analyste SEO iGaming pour MDC.

Grâce à cette transition, MDC constitue un guide complet pour les joueurs à la recherche de casinos en ligne légitimes dans différentes régions, en leur garantissant des informations fiables et actualisées sur les méthodes de paiement, les bonus et les réglementations spécifiques à chaque pays, le tout à portée de main.

« Par le biais de cette compatibilité, les joueurs peuvent rapidement trouver ce qu’ils recherchent, lire des critiques et comparer les offres en temps réel. Ils bénéficient ainsi d’une expérience mobile sans précédent », a précisé M. Berrington.

Les moteurs de recherche privilégiant désormais les sites Web optimisés pour les mobiles, ce type d’approche est impératif pour les entreprises en ligne, quelles qu’elles soient. Pour ne pas se laisser distancer par ses concurrents, cette démarche doit constituer une priorité absolue.

Alors que 2024 touche à sa fin, les casinos en ligne du monde entier adoptent ce changement. De plus en plus de joueurs utilisent des smartphones et des tablettes et les entreprises en ligne ne prenant pas en compte cette évolution resteront à la traîne.

L’avenir des casinos en ligne est clair : le SEO mobile–first n’est pas une simple option, mais une nécessité absolue.

À propos de MDC

MDC, une division de OneTwenty Group, est un portail de ressources sur l’iGaming mondial qui analyse et recommande aux joueurs les casinos en ligne réglementés les plus fiables. MDC analyse tous les aspects des casinos en ligne, de la vérification des détails de la licence de jeu à la sécurité, en passant par les outils de jeu responsable et les pratiques de jeu équitables, avant de les recommander aux joueurs.

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000997846)

Mobile-First-SEO im Fokus: Unternehmen müssen sich anpassen oder verlieren den Anschluss

WATERFORD, Irland, Oct. 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Das Mobile–First–Zeitalter im Jahr 2024 gestaltet die Online–Landschaft neu und zwingt alle Unternehmen, sich anzupassen, damit sie den Anschluss nicht verlieren. Mit dem Siegeszug der Smartphones wird jede Branche einschließlich Online–Casinos aufgerüttelt, denn die mobile Optimierung ist jetzt ein Muss und keine Option mehr. Als iGaming–Ressourcenportal hat Minimum Deposit Casinos (MDC) – ein Geschäftsbereich der OneTwenty Group – dieses Phänomen untersucht und mit der Entwicklung Schritt gehalten. Das Unternehmen hat in eine hochmoderne Mobile–First–SEO–Strategie investiert, die auf die Anforderungen der heutigen Generation mobilaffiner Spieler weltweit zugeschnitten ist.

„Wir haben festgestellt, dass immer mehr Spieler mobile Plattformen dem Desktop vorziehen, was unserer Meinung nach für alle Online–Unternehmen gilt. Da dieser Trend sich weiter verstärken wird, ist es für die meisten Unternehmen deshalb an der Zeit, sich darauf einzustellen“, betonte Alisia Berrington, iGaming SEO Analyst bei MDC.

Durch diese Umstellung dient MDC als umfassender Leitfaden für Spieler, die nach seriösen Online–Casinos in verschiedenen Regionen suchen. Gleichzeitig werden zuverlässige und aktuelle Informationen über Zahlungsmethoden, Boni und länderspezifische Bestimmungen bereitgestellt – alles direkt auf dem Smartphone des Spielers.

„Dank dieser Kompatibilität können die Spieler schnell das Gewünschte finden, Bewertungen lesen und Angebote in Echtzeit vergleichen. So wird das Erlebnis für unterwegs auf ein ganz neues Niveau gehoben“, erklärte Berrington.

Da Suchmaschinen mittlerweile mobilfreundlichen Websites Vorrang einräumen, ist diese Strategie für Online–Unternehmen jeder Art zwingend erforderlich. Wer mit den Wettbewerbern mithalten will, muss diesem Bereich daher oberste Priorität einräumen.

Mit dem sich dem Ende zuneigenden Jahr 2024 machen sich die Online–Casinos weltweit diesen Wandel zu eigen. Je mehr Nutzer über Smartphones und Tablets spielen, desto mehr werden die Online–Unternehmen, die sich nicht auf diesen neuen Trend einstellen, auf der Strecke bleiben.

Die Zukunft der Online–Casinos ist eindeutig: Mobile–First–SEO ist nicht nur eine Option, sondern eine absolute Notwendigkeit.

Über MDC

MDC, ein Geschäftsbereich der OneTwenty Group, ist ein globales iGaming–Ressourcenportal, das die vertrauenswürdigsten und zuverlässigsten Online–Casinos überprüft und Spielern empfiehlt. MDC analysiert jeden Aspekt von Online–Casinos, von der Überprüfung der Glücksspielerlizenzen bis hin zu Sicherheit, verantwortungsvollem Glücksspiel und fairen Spielpraktiken, bevor sie den Spielern empfohlen werden.


GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000997846)

Bitget Wallet Becomes The Second Most Downloaded App Closing in on Binance

VICTORIA, Seychelles, Oct. 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Bitget Wallet, the leading Web3 non–custodial wallet, has seen nearly 6 million app downloads in September, becoming the second most downloaded crypto app worldwide trailing Binance and surpassing the majority of Web3 wallets and crypto exchanges in new user adoption. Bitget Wallet has also announced the milestone of surpassing 40 million users globally, increasing over 100% since March 2024. This significant growth positions Bitget Wallet as the fastest–growing decentralized wallet this year, and shows the growing demand for decentralized solutions, positioning them as primary entry points into Web3.

<Bitget Wallet Hits 40M users with 100% Growth in 6 Months, Emerging as A Web3 Gateway Over Exchanges>

Key Drivers Behind Explosive Growth

Several key factors have fueled Bitget Wallet's impressive growth. Its intuitive user interface and robust product features make decentralized finance accessible, particularly for first–time crypto users. The wallet seamlessly integrates all of Web3 in one app—including asset management, swaps, launchpads, crypto trading, staking, and a DApp explorer—into a single platform. A pivotal aspect of its growth this year has been the integration with TON ecosystem and Telegram, which has facilitated user access to wallet services directly within the popular messaging platform, bridging Web2 users into Web3. In Q3 alone, the wallet saw an incredible 4886% growth in TON onchain addresses. Additionally, Bitget Wallet has gained significant traction in emerging markets, allowing for a smooth onboarding experience for new users entering crypto space. Notably, Bitget Wallet saw the strongest user growth in Q3 recorded in regions like Africa with a staggering 413% increase, followed by South Asia at 126% and the Middle–East at 105%.

Decentralized Wallets: The Future Gateway to Web3

Bitget Wallet's rapid expansion signifies a broader trend in the industry: decentralized wallets are emerging as essential gateways to Web3, increasingly competing with centralized exchanges in terms of user base and functionality. More wallets are now working directly with Web2 platforms, such as payment solutions and social messaging apps, to increase the usability of tokens directly from self–custodial wallets. However, the Web3 landscape still faces challenges, particularly in terms of user retention. While onboarding has become easier, retaining users within decentralized ecosystems can be difficult due to limited real–world use cases and complex user interfaces. Therefore, it is critical to develop user–friendly applications and facilitate seamless interactions to ensure long–term engagement in this evolving digital landscape.

Seamless Integration of All Web3 Services in One App

Since its founding in 2018, Bitget Wallet has established itself as a comprehensive Web3 hub. It supports 100+ blockchains, 20,000+ DApps and millions of tokens onchain, positioning it among the largest decentralized marketplaces. The wallet's seamless swap feature allows for fast and cost–effective token exchanges, sourcing the best prices by aggregating liquidity from 100+ DEXes. In Q3, swap activity on Bitget Wallet grew 125%, while DApp activities increased 128%, and token transfers jumped by 175%, reflecting the rising adoption of decentralized financial services. Furthermore, its advanced tools—including full candlestick charts, Smart Money Alerts and hot token discovery—provide users with real–time, in–depth market insights to make informed trading decisions. With a focus on security, Bitget Wallet includes features such as keyless MPC wallet, on–chain fund tracking, and a $300 million user protection fund, ensuring a safe and user–friendly experience.

A Vision for the Future of Web3

Alvin Kan, COO of Bitget Wallet, remarked, “Surpassing 40 million users is a testament to our vision of making crypto accessible to everyone, everywhere. Bitget Wallet registered nearly 6 million downloads in a month, closing in on top exchanges signaling that decentralized wallets are catching up with centralized platforms, and we're excited to be leading this shift. Our mission is clear: to provide a secure and user–friendly gateway to Web3 for the next billion users.” He added, “The future of Web3 depends on how effectively we bridge the gap between Web2 and Web3. By integrating with platforms like Telegram, we're simplifying crypto adoption for mainstream users and creating tools that enable seamless interaction with decentralized platforms. Decentralized wallets will evolve to serve as one of the primary entry points for billions of new users exploring Web3 for the first time.”

About Bitget Wallet

Bitget Wallet stands as one of the world's leading non–custodial Web3 wallets and decentralized ecosystem platform. With the Bitget Onchain Layer, the wallet is well–poised to develop a burgeoning DeFi ecosystem through co–creation and strategic incubation. Aside from a powerful Swap function, Bitget Wallet also offers multi–chain asset management, smart money insights, a native Launchpad, Inscriptions Center, and an Earning Center. Supporting over 100 major blockchains, 500,000+ tokens, and a wide array of DApps, Bitget Wallet is your top wallet for asset discovery and Web3 exploration.

For more information, visit: Website | Twitter | Telegram | Discord

Photos accompanying this announcement are available at:–f170–43d7–8fa3–eb6f0cbf64da–5f9f–4607–9f22–0dae149abbb4

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000997810)

Articul8 AI Signs Strategic Collaboration Agreement with AWS to Deliver Generative AI Solutions to Enterprises

SANTA CLARA, Calif., Oct. 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Articul8 AI (Articul8), a Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) enterprise software company, announced today that it has signed a strategic collaboration agreement (SCA) with Amazon Web Services (AWS), with plans to help customers accelerate the development and deployment of GenAI applications in production on AWS.

While there has been strong overall interest in GenAI technologies, enterprises are still facing several challenges going from proof–of–concept (PoC) GenAI projects to production–scale deployments. Key concerns include the complexity of data management, shortage of specialized talent, unpredictable long–term costs, ethics & governance, performance & reliability at scale, and complexity of deployment across multiple tools and technology stacks. Articul8's full–stack GenAI platform provides an out–of–the–box (OOTB) offering that is integrated and optimized across the various components and layers of the GenAI stack. By providing ready–to–consume application programming interfaces (APIs) and abstracting the complexity of building GenAI applications, Articul8 helps customers accelerate their development cycles and time to outcomes. In addition, Articul8's GenAI platform has no external dependencies and is deployed and managed in the customer’s own virtual private cloud (VPC), giving customers full control over their data, access policies, and other information security rules and regulations. 

“Articul8’s autonomous GenAI software platform allows customers to rapidly build, deploy, and manage expert–level, production–grade GenAI applications on AWS. Customers can also develop enterprise–specific models using their own proprietary data. All of this happens in a secure environment within their own VPC, and no data ever leaves the company environment,” said Gautam Subbarao, Head of Product & Commercial, at Articul8. “We look forward to expanding our collaboration with AWS and jointly helping customers leverage GenAI–based technologies to solve problems that are core to transforming their businesses.” 

Franklin Templeton, a global investment management organization, intends to leverage the transformative potential of GenAI across the asset management value chain and is investing in targeted GenAI strategies in its businesses while firmly aligning with the firm’s standards for responsible and ethical use of AI technologies. Using Articul8’s GenAI platform on AWS, Franklin Templeton is building autonomous and multi–modal GenAI applications and workflows. 

“Artificial Intelligence (AI) is not a single capability, and organizations must effectively create an intelligent system using their own data that also integrates with existing workflows and represents their organizational value proposition,” said Vasundhara Chetluru, Head of AI Platform at Franklin Templeton. “Our design philosophy aligns well with Articul8's full–stack GenAI platform solution and their ability to help customers rapidly develop and deploy domain/enterprise–specific GenAI models and applications. We look forward to continuing our collaboration with the Articul8 AI team.”

“Generative AI has the potential to transform entire industries, but its cost, complexity of deployment, and the required expertise around this emerging technology can be intimidating to customers,” said Alan Braun, Director, Technology Partnerships at AWS. “This Strategic Collaboration Agreement with Articul8 will expand their ability to provide solutions that enable customers to build and deploy enterprise–grade Generative AI applications on AWS and help customers achieve meaningful business outcomes at scale.”

This collaboration underscores the value of Articul8 and AWS to provide flexibility and unlock greater business value for customers across industries. For more information please visit:

About Articul8  Articul8 AI is a Generative AI (“GenAI”) enterprise software company focused on helping organizations solve the world’s toughest problems. Articul8's full–stack, vertically–optimized GenAI software platform is the fastest way to build, deploy and manage sophisticated, secure, and scalable enterprise–grade GenAI applications rapidly and cost–effectively. Articul8's proprietary GenAI technologies are infrastructure and hardware–agnostic and deliver lasting business value by transforming customer data into actionable insights. Our team of industry veterans and AI experts have a heritage of successfully operationalizing and deploying AI at scale across a variety of mission–critical applications and industries.

Articul8 Media Contact
FischTank PR

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9256879)

DigiAsia Corp. and Digit9 Announce Strategic Collaboration

~ Enhancing Cross Border Payments ~

ABU DHABI, United Arab Emirates and NEW YORK, Oct. 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — DigiAsia Corp. (NASDAQ: FAAS) (“DigiAsia” or the “Company”), a leading Fintech as a Service (FaaS) ecosystem provider, has announced a strategic collaboration with Digit9, the cross–border payments orchestration platform developed by LuLu Money Singapore, a wholly owned subsidiary of Abu Dhabi–based LuLu Financial Holdings.

The partnership with Digit9 will enhance DigiAsia’s offering and competitiveness in servicing the cross–border payments needs for Indonesian consumers and SMEs in Indonesia and the GCC.

Further, DigiAsia will be able to leverage Digit9’s wide network of partners and the ability to facilitate cross–border payments in more than 150 markets globally, to create efficient and cost–effective cross–border payment rails to further support Indonesian consumers and SMEs.

DigiAsia estimates that the partnership with Digit9 will generate an estimated US$250mn volume annually in cross–border payments.

DigiAsia and Digit9 will continue strategic partnership discussions and look to launch innovative products and services in the cross–border payments space in the near future.

About DigiAsia

DigiAsia is a leading Fintech as a Service (FaaS) provider operating a B2B2X model offering its complete Fintech solution in emerging markets. DigiAsia's fintech architecture offers small and medium business enterprises (SMEs) comprehensive embedded finance APIs to streamline processes across the commerce value chain of distributors and customers. DigiAsia's embedded fintech solutions equally address democratizing digital finance access that supports financial inclusion of underbanked merchants and consumers in emerging markets resulting in growth for enterprise business. The suite of B2B2X solutions provided by DigiAsia include, but are not limited to, cashless payments, digital wallets, digital banking, remittances and banking licenses. DigiAsia has recently established a strategic initiative to develop its embedded FaaS enterprise solution with AI capabilities in Southeast Asia, India, and the Middle East, with plans for global expansion. For more information, please visit DigiAsia’s Corporate website here or Investor Relations website here.

About Digit9

Digit9 is a payments orchestration platform tailored to meet the diverse needs of financial institutions. It seamlessly integrates an array of payment methods, banks, and service providers, simplifying the complexities of cross–border payments. Digit9 has been developed by LuLu Money Singapore, a wholly owned subsidiary of LuLu Financial Holdings.

About LuLu Financial Holdings

LuLu Financial Holdings is a leading global financial services provider, offering a wide range of services including cross–border payments, currency exchange, and financial technology solutions. With over 350 customer engagement centers in over 10 countries and a commitment to innovation and customer satisfaction, LuLu Financial Holdings continues to set benchmarks in the financial services industry.

Forward–Looking Statements:

This press release may contain forward–looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. The words “believe”, “expect”, “anticipate”, “project”, “targets”, “optimistic”, “confident that”, “continue to”, “predict”, “intend”, “aim”, “will” or similar expressions are intended to identify forward–looking statements. All statements other than statements of historical fact are statements that may be deemed forward–looking statements. These forward–looking statements including, but not limited to, statements concerning DigiAsia and the Company’s operations, financial performance and condition are based on current expectations, beliefs and assumptions which are subject to change at any time. DigiAsia cautions that these statements by their nature involve risks and uncertainties, and actual results may differ materially depending on a variety of important factors such as government and stock exchange regulations, competition, political, economic and social conditions around the world including those discussed in DigiAsia’s Form 20–F under the headings “Risk Factors”, “Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations” and “Business Overview” and other reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission from time to time. All forward–looking statements are applicable only as of the date it is made and DigiAsia specifically disclaims any obligation to maintain or update the forward–looking information, whether of the nature contained in this release or otherwise, in the future.

DigiAsia Company Contact:
Subir Lohani
Chief Financial Officer and Chief Strategy Officer

Lulu Financial Holdings Company Contact:
Ajit Johnson
Head of Strategic Business Relations

Investor Contact:
MZ North America

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9256934)