EBC Financial Group développe ses capacités de gestion des actifs en obtenant une deuxième licence australienne de services financiers

SYDNEY, 17 oct. 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Afin d’étendre sa présence mondiale dans la gestion des actifs, EBC Financial Group (EBC) a obtenu de l’Australian Securities & Investments Commission (ASIC) une licence australienne de services financiers dans le domaine de la gestion d’actifs. Cette acquisition renforce la capacité d’EBC à proposer aux investisseurs institutionnels et professionnels et aux grandes fortunes du monde entier des solutions sophistiquées en matière d’investissement. En obtenant la licence, EBC renforce non seulement sa présence en Australie, mais également sa capacité à servir ses clients sur les marchés mondiaux, en accord avec sa stratégie plus large qui consiste à offrir des services de gestion d’actifs diversifiés et réglementés à l’échelle mondiale.

Cette nouvelle licence, délivrée à EBC Asset Management Pty Ltd, renforce les offres existantes du groupe. Elle vient compléter la licence australienne de services financiers détenue par EBC en matière de conseils financiers généraux, renforçant la capacité du groupe à proposer une gamme complète de stratégies d’investissement dans des classes d’actifs telles que l’immobilier, les revenus fixes, les capitaux propres et les investissements alternatifs, y compris les fonds de capital–investissement et de capital–risque. Ceci marque une étape clé dans les efforts constants d’EBC pour étendre son écosystème financier mondial.

Stratégie mondiale : répondre à l’évolution du paysage de l’investissement
Alors que les incertitudes économiques mondiales et la volatilité des marchés augmentent, de plus en plus de particuliers fortunés et d’investisseurs institutionnels recherchent des solutions de gestion d’actifs stables. L’obtention par EBC de cette licence en gestion d’actifs est une réponse stratégique à cette dynamique changeante, ce qui permet à l’entreprise de proposer des options d’investissements flexibles et un meilleur accès au marché. Grâce à cette licence, EBC est bien placé pour répondre à la demande croissante en stratégies d’investissement fiables et diversifiées, non seulement en Australie, mais également sur les marchés mondiaux, en veillant à ce que les clients du monde entier puissent bénéficier de l’expertise d’EBC dans des environnements réglementés et transparents comme celui de l’Australie.

Auparavant, dans le cadre de la licence en conseils financiers généraux, EBC proposait une large gamme de produits et de services financiers à des détaillants et des grossistes. Cette nouvelle licence habilite EBC à proposer des services spécialisés exclusivement à des grossistes du monde entier. Ces services comprennent des conseils financiers généraux sur des plans d’investissement gérés (à l’exclusion des services de portefeuilles gérés par l’investisseur) et sur des valeurs mobilières. Par ailleurs, EBC est désormais autorisé à faciliter des transactions de produits financiers, y compris l’émission, la demande, l’acquisition, la modification ou la cession d’intérêts dans des fonds d’investissement gérés et des valeurs mobilières. Cela s’étend également à l’offre de services de conservation qui assurent une protection et une transparence accrues pour les actifs des clients.

Kris Wang, Directeur national d’EBC Financial Group en Australie, a déclaré : « L’acquisition de cette licence reflète notre engagement à maintenir les normes réglementaires les plus élevées tout en élargissant nos capacités de gestion d’actifs. Nous sommes déterminés à offrir un portefeuille d’investissement diversifié et solide, conçu pour répondre aux exigences variées des particuliers fortunés et des investisseurs institutionnels. »

Expansion stratégique sur le marché australien des personnes fortunées
L'Australie compte un nombre important de personnes fortunées, avec environ 400 000 personnes dont les actifs dépassent 1 million de dollars US. En obtenant une licence pour la gestion d’actifs, EBC est en mesure de capitaliser sur ce marché, en proposant des stratégies d’investissement qui répondent spécifiquement aux besoins de gestion de patrimoine de la population australienne de plus en plus fortunée, y compris des solutions de family office et des produits d’investissement internationaux. L’expérience mondiale d’EBC aidera également les clients à s’y retrouver dans les complexités réglementaires et à optimiser leurs investissements transfrontaliers.

« Nous observons un immense potentiel dans le segment en pleine croissance des grandes fortunes en Australie, » a ajouté M. Wang. « Notre objectif est de tirer parti de notre expertise mondiale afin d’aider les investisseurs à optimiser leur portefeuille grâce à des stratégies d’investissement diversifiées et innovantes. Nous prévoyons également d’étendre nos services à la gestion de family offices et à d’autres produits d’investissement mondiaux dans un avenir proche. »

Services de conservation et de family office : au cœur de la croissance future
Les services de conservation, qui sont au cœur de la stratégie à long terme d’EBC, constituent un complément essentiel à l’offre australienne de services d’EBC. Grâce aux services de conservation, EBC assure la ségrégation des fonds des clients, améliorant ainsi la transparence des actifs et la conformité. Les services de family office prévus par EBC proposeront aux grandes fortunes et aux clients institutionnels un accompagnement sur mesure en matière de gestion de patrimoine, en répondant aux besoins complexes en matière de gestion de patrimoine transfrontalier et multi–actifs, y compris l’optimisation fiscale et la transmission de patrimoine, renforçant ainsi la capacité d’EBC à servir ses clients dans le monde entier.

Avec cette nouvelle licence de gestion d’actifs, EBC Financial Group continue de renforcer sa présence mondiale, en proposant des services financiers de premier ordre à des clients grossistes sur les marchés développés et émergents. Cette évolution stratégique s’inscrit dans la mission plus large d’EBC, qui consiste à proposer des solutions d’investissement sophistiquées répondant aux exigences en constante évolution des investisseurs du monde entier.

À propos d’EBC Financial Group
Fondé dans le prestigieux quartier financier de Londres, EBC Financial Group (« EBC ») est réputé pour sa gamme complète de services qui comprend le courtage financier, la gestion d’actifs et des solutions d’investissement globales. EBC Financial Group a rapidement établi sa position en tant que société de courtage d’envergure mondiale, avec une forte présence sur des hubs financiers majeurs tels que Londres, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Singapour, Sydney, les Îles Caïmans ainsi que sur les marchés émergents d’Amérique latine, d’Asie du Sud–Est, d’Afrique et d’Inde. EBC s’adresse à une clientèle diversifiée d’investisseurs de détail, professionnels et institutionnels aux quatre coins du monde.

Reconnu par de multiples récompenses, EBC est fier de respecter les plus hauts niveaux de normes éthiques et de réglementation internationale. Les filiales d’EBC Financial Group sont réglementées et agréées dans leurs juridictions locales. EBC Financial Group (UK) Limited est réglementé par la Financial Conduct Authority (« FCA ») du Royaume–Uni, EBC Financial Group (Cayman) Limited est réglementé par la Monetary Authority (« CIMA ») des Îles Caïmans, EBC Financial Group (Australia) Pty Ltd et EBC Asset Management Pty Ltd sont réglementés par la Securities and Investments Commission (« ASIC ») australienne.

Au cœur d’EBC Group sont réunis des professionnels chevronnés qui témoignent de plus de 30 ans d’expérience approfondie dans des institutions financières majeures, ayant habilement navigué à travers des cycles économiques importants, des Accords du Plaza à la crise du franc suisse de 2015. EBC défend une culture où l’intégrité, le respect et la sécurité des actifs des clients sont primordiaux, en veillant à ce que chaque engagement d’investisseur soit traité avec le plus grand sérieux qu’il mérite.

EBC est le partenaire officiel du FC Barcelone pour les opérations de change, proposant des services spécialisés dans des régions telles que l’Asie, l’Amérique latine, le Moyen–Orient, l’Afrique et l’Océanie. EBC est également partenaire de United to Beat Malaria, une campagne de la Fondation pour les Nations Unies dont l’objectif est d’améliorer les résultats en matière de santé mondiale. EBC soutient, depuis février 2024, la série d’engagement public « What Economists Really Do » du Département d’Économie de l’Université d’Oxford, visant à démystifier l’économie et son application aux grands défis de société afin d’améliorer la compréhension et le dialogue avec le public.


Contact médias :
Susindhraseghar Chandrasekar
Relations publiques internationales (Asie–Pacifique, Amérique latine)

Chyna Elvina
Responsable des relations publiques internationales (Asie–Pacifique, Amérique latine)

Douglas Chew
Directeur des relations publiques internationales

Une photo annexée au présent communiqué est disponible à l’adresse suivante : https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/2ef43b93–2ecf–4d4c–a6ca–8c91ff2aa721/fr

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9257722)

EBC Financial Group Expande Recursos de Gestão de Ativos com a Segunda Licença Australiana de Serviços Financeiros

SYDNEY, Oct. 17, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Com um passo significativo para expandir sua presença global na gestão de ativos, o EBC Financial Group (EBC) obteve uma Licença Australiana de Serviços Financeiros (AFSL) para Gestão de Ativos da Australian Securities & Investments Commission (ASIC). Essa aquisição fortalece a capacidade da EBC de fornecer soluções sofisticadas de investimento para investidores institucionais, investidores profissionais e indivíduos de alto patrimônio líquido (HNWIs) em todo o mundo. Com a AFSL, além de aprofundar sua presença na Austrália, a EBC também aumenta a capacidade de atender seus clientes em todos os mercados globais, alinhando–se com sua estratégia mais ampla de oferecer serviços de gestão de ativos diversificados e regulamentados em escala global.

A nova licença, emitida para a EBC Asset Management Pty Ltd, fortalece as ofertas existentes do grupo. Ela complementa a AFSL existente da EBC para Assessoria Financeira Geral, aprimorando a capacidade do grupo de fornecer uma gama abrangente de estratégias de investimentos em classes de ativos, como imóveis, renda fixa, ações e investimentos alternativos, incluindo fundos de private equity e capital de risco. Isso é um marco importante no esforço contínuo da EBC para expandir seu ecossistema financeiro global.

Estratégia Global: Abordar um cenário de investimento em evolução
Com o aumento das incertezas econômicas globais e da volatilidade do mercado, mais HNWIs e investidores institucionais estão buscando soluções estáveis de gestão de ativos. A obtenção da AFSL pela EBC para Gestão de Ativos é uma resposta estratégica a essas dinâmicas em mudança, permitindo que a empresa ofereça opções de investimento flexíveis e acesso aprimorado ao mercado. Com essa licença a EBC fica bem posicionada para atender à crescente demanda por estratégias de investimento confiáveis e diversificadas, não apenas na Austrália, mas em todos os mercados globais, garantindo que os clientes em todo o mundo possam se beneficiar da experiência da EBC em ambientes regulamentados e transparentes como o da Austrália.

Anteriormente, com a AFSL para Assessoria Financeira Geral, a EBC forneceu uma ampla gama de produtos e serviços financeiros para clientes de varejo e atacado. A nova licença permite à EBC oferecer serviços especializados exclusivamente para clientes grossistas em todo o mundo. Esses serviços incluem consultoria geral de produtos financeiros sobre planos de investimentos gerenciados (excluindo serviços de carteira direcionados ao investidor) e valores mobiliários. Além disso, a EBC agora está autorizada a realizar transações de produtos financeiros, incluindo emissão, solicitação, aquisição, variação ou alienação de participações em esquemas de investimentos gerenciados e valores mobiliários. Isso também se estende à oferta de serviços de custódia que fornecem proteção e transparência aprimoradas para os ativos do cliente.

Kris Wang, Dirigente de País do EBC Financial Group na Austrália, disse: “Esta licença reflete nosso compromisso de manter os mais altos padrões regulatórios e, ao mesmo tempo, ampliar nossas capacidades de gestão de ativos. Nos dedicamos a fornecer um portfólio de investimentos diversificado e robusto, projetado para atender aos variados requisitos de indivíduos de alto patrimônio líquido e investidores institucionais.”

Expansão Estratégica para o Mercado de Alto Nível da Austrália
A Austrália abriga um número substancial de HNWIs, com aproximadamente 400.000 indivíduos cujos ativos excedem US $ 1 milhão. Ao obter a AFSL para Gestão de Ativos, a EBC está posicionada para capitalizar esse mercado, oferecendo estratégias de investimento que atendam especificamente às necessidades de gestão de patrimônio da crescente população de alto patrimônio da Austrália, incluindo soluções de family office e produtos de investimento internacionais. A experiência global da EBC também ajudará os clientes a navegar pelas complexidades regulatórias e otimizar os investimentos internacionais.

“Vemos um imenso potencial no crescente segmento de alto patrimônio líquido da Austrália”, acrescentou Wang. “Nosso objetivo é utilizar nossa experiência global para ajudar os investidores a otimizar seus portfólios por meio de estratégias de investimento diversificadas e inovadoras. Também planejamos expandir nossos serviços para incluir a gestão de family office e outros produtos de investimento global em um futuro próximo.”

Serviços de Custódia e de Family Office: Essenciais para o Crescimento Futuro
Os serviços de custódia, que são um componente central da estratégia de longo prazo da EBC, são uma adição essencial às ofertas de serviços australianos da EBC. Por meio dos serviços de custódia, a EBC garante a segregação dos fundos dos clientes, aumentando a transparência e a conformidade dos ativos. Os serviços planejados de family office da EBC oferecerão suporte personalizado de gestão de patrimônio para HNWIs e clientes institucionais, abordando necessidades complexas de gestão de patrimônio entre ativos e transfronteiriços, incluindo otimização de impostos e herança de patrimônio, fortalecendo ainda mais a capacidade da EBC de atender clientes em todo o mundo.

Com a nova licença de gestão de ativos, o EBC Financial Group continua a solidificar a sua presença global, oferecendo serviços financeiros premium a clientes grossistas em mercados desenvolvidos e emergentes. Esse movimento estratégico se alinha à missão mais ampla da EBC de fornecer soluções de investimentos sofisticadas que atendam às demandas em evolução dos investidores em todo o mundo.

Sobre o EBC Financial Group
Fundado no conceituado distrito financeiro de Londres, o EBC Financial Group (EBC) é conhecido pelo seu conjunto abrangente de serviços que incluem corretagem financeira, gestão de ativos e soluções de investimento abrangentes. O EBC rapidamente estabeleceu sua posição como uma corretora global, com uma ampla presença em centros financeiros importantes, como Londres, Hong Kong, Tóquio, Singapura, Sydney, Ilhas Cayman e em mercados emergentes na América Latina, Sudeste Asiático, África e Índia. O EBC atende a uma clientela diversificada de investidores de varejo, profissionais e institucionais em todo o mundo.

Reconhecido com várias premiações, o EBC se orgulha de aderir aos principais níveis de padrões éticos e regulamentações internacionais. As subsidiárias do EBC Financial Group são regulamentadas e licenciadas em suas jurisdições locais. O EBC Financial Group (UK) Limited é regulado pela Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) do Reino Unido, o EBC Financial Group (Cayman) Limited é regulado pela Cayman Islands Monetary Authority (CIMA), o EBC Financial Group (Australia) Pty Ltd e o EBC Asset Management Pty Ltd são regulados pela Australia’s Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC).

No centro do Grupo EBC estão profissionais experientes com mais de 30 anos de profunda experiência em grandes instituições financeiras, tendo navegado habilmente por ciclos econômicos significativos, desde o Plaza Accord até a crise do franco suíço em 2015. O EBC defende uma cultura na qual a integridade, o respeito e a segurança dos ativos dos clientes são fundamentais, garantindo que todo o envolvimento dos investidores seja tratado com a máxima seriedade que merece.

O EBC é o Parceiro Oficial de Câmbio do FC Barcelona, oferecendo serviços especializados em regiões como Ásia, LATAM, Oriente Médio, África e Oceania. O EBC Financial Group tem parceria com a Unidos para Combater a Malária, uma campanha da Fundação das Nações Unidas que visa aumentar a saúde global. A partir de fevereiro de 2024 a EBC passou a apoiar a série de engajamentos públicos “What Economists Really Do” (O que os economistas realmente fazem) do Department of Economics da Oxford University, desmistificando a economia e sua aplicação aos principais desafios sociais para aumentar a sua compreensão e o diálogo do público.


Contato com a Mídia:
Susindhraseghar Chandrasekar
Relações Públicas Global (APAC, LATAM)

Chyna Elvina
Gerente Global de Relações Públicas (APAC, LATAM)

Douglas Chew
Líder Global de Relações Públicas

Foto deste comunicado disponível em https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/2ef43b93–2ecf–4d4c–a6ca–8c91ff2aa721/pt

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9257722)

EBC Financial Group erweitert Vermögensverwaltungskapazitäten mit zweiter australischer Finanzdienstleistungslizenz

SYDNEY, Oct. 17, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — In einem bedeutenden Schritt zur Erweiterung ihrer globalen Präsenz im Bereich Vermögensverwaltung hat die EBC Financial Group (EBC) erfolgreich eine australische Finanzdienstleistungslizenz (AFSL) für Vermögensverwaltung von der Australian Securities & Investments Commission (ASIC) erhalten. Diese Übernahme stärkt die Fähigkeit von EBC, institutionellen Anlegern, professionellen Investoren und vermögenden Privatpersonen (HNWIs) weltweit anspruchsvolle Anlagelösungen anzubieten. Durch die Sicherung der AFSL stärkt EBC nicht nur seine Präsenz in Australien, sondern erweitert auch seine Kapazitäten, um Kunden auf globalen Märkten zu bedienen, und passt sich damit seiner umfassenderen Strategie an, diversifizierte und regulierte Vermögensverwaltungsdienstleistungen auf globaler Ebene anzubieten.

Die neue Lizenz, die an EBC Asset Management Pty Ltd. vergeben wurde, stärkt das bestehende Angebot der Gruppe. Sie ergänzt die bestehende AFSL für allgemeine Finanzberatung der EBC und verbessert die Fähigkeit der Gruppe, eine umfassende Palette von Anlagestrategien in verschiedenen Anlageklassen wie Immobilien, festverzinsliche Wertpapiere, Aktien und alternative Anlagen, einschließlich Private–Equity– und Risikokapitalfonds, anzubieten. Dies ist ein wichtiger Meilenstein in den fortwährenden Bemühungen von EBC, sein globales Finanzökosystem zu erweitern.

Globale Strategie: Umgang mit einer sich entwickelnden Investitionslandschaft
Angesichts zunehmender globaler wirtschaftlicher Unsicherheiten und Marktvolatilität suchen immer mehr vermögende Privatpersonen und institutionelle Anleger nach stabilen Lösungen für die Vermögensverwaltung. Der Erwerb der AFSL für die Vermögensverwaltung durch die EBC ist eine strategische Antwort auf diese sich verändernde Dynamik und ermöglicht es dem Unternehmen, flexible Anlageoptionen und einen verbesserten Marktzugang anzubieten. Durch den Erwerb dieser Lizenz ist die EBC gut positioniert, um der wachsenden Nachfrage nach zuverlässigen, diversifizierten Anlagestrategien gerecht zu werden, und zwar nicht nur in Australien, sondern auf den globalen Märkten. So wird sichergestellt, dass Kunden weltweit von der Expertise der EBC in regulierten und transparenten Umgebungen wie der australischen profitieren können.

Zuvor bot die EBC im Rahmen der AFSL für Allgemeine Finanzberatung eine breite Palette von Finanzprodukten und –dienstleistungen für Privat– und Großhandelskunden an. Die neue Lizenz ermöglicht es der EBC, spezialisierte Dienstleistungen exklusiv für Großhandelskunden weltweit anzubieten. Diese Dienstleistungen umfassen allgemeine Finanzproduktberatung zu verwalteten Anlageplänen (mit Ausnahme von anlegergeführten Portfoliodiensten) und Wertpapieren. Darüber hinaus ist die EBC nun berechtigt, Finanzprodukttransaktionen zu erleichtern, einschließlich der Ausgabe, Beantragung, des Erwerbs, der Änderung oder Veräußerung von Beteiligungen an verwalteten Investmentplänen und Wertpapieren. Dies umfasst auch die Bereitstellung von Depotbankdienstleistungen, die einen besseren Schutz und mehr Transparenz für das Vermögen der Kunden bieten.

Kris Wang, Country Head der EBC Financial Group in Australien, dazu: „Der Erwerb dieser Lizenz spiegelt unser Engagement wider, die höchsten regulatorischen Standards einzuhalten und gleichzeitig unsere Fähigkeiten in der Vermögensverwaltung zu erweitern. Wir sind bestrebt, ein diversifiziertes und solides Anlageportfolio bereitzustellen, das den unterschiedlichen Anforderungen von vermögenden Privatpersonen und institutionellen Anlegern gerecht wird.“

Strategische Expansion in den australischen Markt für vermögende Privatkunden
In Australien leben zahlreiche vermögende Privatkunden, d. h. etwa 400.000 Personen, deren Vermögen 1 Million US–Dollar übersteigt. Durch den Erwerb der AFSL für Vermögensverwaltung ist die EBC in der Lage, diesen Markt zu nutzen und Anlagestrategien anzubieten, die speziell auf die Vermögensverwaltungsbedürfnisse der wachsenden wohlhabenden Bevölkerung Australiens zugeschnitten sind, darunter Family–Office–Lösungen und internationale Anlageprodukte. Die globale Erfahrung der EBC wird Kunden auch dabei helfen, sich in komplexen regulatorischen Fragen zurechtzufinden und grenzüberschreitende Investitionen zu optimieren.

„Wir sehen ein enormes Potenzial in Australiens wachsendem Segment der vermögenden Privatkunden“, fügte Wang hinzu. „Unser Ziel ist es, unser globales Know–how zu nutzen, um Investoren dabei zu helfen, ihre Portfolios durch diversifizierte und innovative Anlagestrategien zu optimieren. Wir planen außerdem, unsere Dienstleistungen in naher Zukunft um Family–Office–Management und andere globale Anlageprodukte zu erweitern.“

Depot– and Family–Office–Dienstleistungen: Der Schlüssel für zukünftiges Wachstum
Depotdienstleistungen, die ein Kernbestandteil der langfristigen Strategie der EBC sind, sind eine wichtige Ergänzung des australischen Dienstleistungsangebots von EBC. Durch die Depotdienstleistungen stellt die EBC die Trennung von Kundengeldern sicher und verbessert so die Transparenz und Compliance von Vermögenswerten. Die von der EBC geplanten Family–Office–Dienstleistungen werden vermögenden Privatkunden und institutionellen Kunden maßgeschneiderte Unterstützung bei der Vermögensverwaltung bieten und komplexe vermögens– und länderübergreifende Vermögensverwaltungsbedürfnisse abdecken, einschließlich Steueroptimierung und Vermögensvererbung. Dadurch wird die Fähigkeit der EBC, Kunden weltweit zu betreuen, weiter gestärkt.

Mit der neuen Lizenz für Vermögensverwaltung festigt die EBC Financial Group ihre globale Präsenz weiter und bietet Großhandelskunden in entwickelten und aufstrebenden Märkten erstklassige Finanzdienstleistungen an. Dieser strategische Schritt steht im Einklang mit der umfassenderen Mission von EBC, anspruchsvolle Anlagelösungen bereitzustellen, die den sich wandelnden Anforderungen von Investoren weltweit gerecht werden.

Über die EBC Financial Group
Die EBC Financial Group (EBC) wurde im renommierten Londoner Finanzdistrikt gegründet und ist für ihr umfassendes Dienstleistungsangebot bekannt, das Finanzmaklergeschäfte, Vermögensverwaltung und umfassende Investitionslösungen umfasst. EBC hat sich schnell als globales Maklerunternehmen etabliert und ist an wichtigen Finanzplätzen wie London, Hongkong, Tokio, Singapur, Sydney, den Cayman Islands und in Schwellenmärkten in Lateinamerika, Südostasien, Afrika und Indien stark vertreten. Die EBC bedient einen vielfältigen Kundenstamm aus Einzelhändlern, professionellen und institutionellen Investoren weltweit.

Die EBC wurde mehrfach ausgezeichnet und ist stolz darauf, die höchsten ethischen Standards und internationalen Vorschriften einzuhalten. Die Tochtergesellschaften der EBC Financial Group sind in ihren jeweiligen lokalen Rechtsprechungen reguliert und lizenziert. Die EBC Financial Group (UK) Limited wird von der britischen Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) reguliert, die EBC Financial Group (Cayman) Limited wird von der Cayman Islands Monetary Authority (CIMA) reguliert, die EBC Financial Group (Australia) Pty Ltd und die EBC Asset Management Pty Ltd werden von der australischen Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) reguliert.

Den Kern der EBC Group bilden erfahrene Fachleute mit mehr als 30 Jahren fundierter Erfahrung in großen Finanzinstituten, die geschickt durch bedeutende Wirtschaftszyklen navigiert sind, vom Plaza Accord bis zur Schweizer Frankenkrise 2015. Die EBC setzt sich für eine Kultur ein, in der Integrität, Respekt und die Sicherheit des Kundenvermögens an erster Stelle stehen, und stellt sicher, dass jedes Engagement eines Anlegers mit der größten Ernsthaftigkeit behandelt wird, die es verdient.

Die EBC ist der offizielle Devisenpartner des FC Barcelona und bietet spezialisierte Dienstleistungen in Regionen wie Asien, LATAM, dem Nahen Osten, Afrika und Ozeanien. Die EBC ist auch Partner von United to Beat Malaria, einer Kampagne der Stiftung der Vereinten Nationen zur Verbesserung der globalen Gesundheitslage. Ab Februar 2024 unterstützt die EBC die Reihe „What Economists Really Do“ (Was Ökonomen wirklich tun) des Fachbereichs Wirtschaftswissenschaften der Universität Oxford, in der die Wirtschaftswissenschaften entmystifiziert und auf wichtige gesellschaftliche Herausforderungen angewandt werden, um das öffentliche Verständnis und den Dialog zu verbessern.


Susindhraseghar Chandrasekar
Global Public Relations (APAC, LATAM)

Chyna Elvina
Global Public Relations Manager (APAC, LATAM)

Douglas Chew
Global Public Relations Lead

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Jetex Partners with The World Economic Forum to Drive Innovation in Sustainable Aviation and the Airports of Tomorrow Initiative

Dubai, United Arab Emirates, Oct. 17, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Adel Mardini, Founder & CEO of Jetex, signed a partnership with The World Economic Forum’s Head of Global Partner Development & Regional Business StrategyAlexandre Raffoul, announcing Jetex as an Associate Center Partner during the annual meeting of the Global Future Councils 2024. This partnership reaffirms Jetex’s commitment to sustainability and innovation, aligning the company with the Centre for Nature and Climate, where the Airports of Tomorrow initiative is shaping the future of sustainable aviation.

The World Economic Forum, the International Organization for Public–Private Cooperation, engages the foremost political, business, and other leaders of society to shape global, regional, and industry agendas. Through this partnership, Jetex joins efforts to redefine the future of aviation, working alongside industry leaders to pioneer sustainable solutions.

Commenting on the partnership, Jetex Founder & CEO said: “Our collaboration with the World Economic Forum is a defining moment in Jetex’s journey towards a more sustainable and innovative future in aviation. As we engage in the Airports of Tomorrow initiative, we aim to contribute to pioneering new models for aviation, with sustainability at the heart of everything we do.”

Jetex’s involvement focuses on:

  1. Shaping the future of aviation sustainability by participating in key discussions on airport infrastructure, sustainable fuels, and environmental responsibility.
  2. Engaging with global leaders to strengthen Jetex’s leadership in sustainable aviation.
  3. Demonstrating its industry leadership in sustainability through active participation in future–focused aviation development.

By joining the Centre for Nature and Climate, Jetex plays a key role in advancing sustainable, resilient airport solutions that will define the future of aviation.

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About Jetex
An award–winning global leader in private aviation, Jetex is recognized for delivering flexible, best–in–class solutions to customers worldwide. Jetex provides exceptional private terminals (FBOs), lifestyle concierge and aircraft charter services, as well as fuelling, ground handling and global trip planning. The company caters to both owners and operators of business jets for corporate, commercial and personal air travel.

Press Enquiries:
Team Orange
T: +971 4 212 4900
E: teamorange@jetex.com


GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9257880)

LYB completes acquisition of solvent-based recycling company APK

  • Ambition to further develop solvent–based recycling technology and bring to commercial scale
  • Company secures future of employees and fosters expertise with full integration
  • Plant to be transformed into post–consumer plastic waste recycling

ROTTERDAM, The Netherlands, Oct. 17, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — LyondellBasell (LYB) today announced it became full owner of APK AG in Merseburg, Germany. APK will be fully integrated and continue as part of LYB, a sustainability leader in the chemical industry. It is LYB’s ambition to further develop the company’s unique solvent–based technology for low density polyethylene (LDPE) and build commercial plants in the future. This will enable LYB to produce new high–purity materials that can be used in applications like flexible packaging for personal care products, meeting the demands of customers and brand owners.

“We are excited to complete the acquisition of solvent–based recycling technology company APK, securing the future of more than a hundred employees and adding another solution for our customers to meet their circularity ambitions and goals,” says Yvonne van der Laan, LYB executive vice president of circular and low carbon solutions. “This technology complements our excellent mechanical recycling technology, as well as our proprietary advanced recycling technology. We see this as a crucial addition to our portfolio on our journey to a circular economy, helping end plastic waste.”

The closing of the APK acquisition is another proof point of how LYB creates solutions for a better tomorrow, following the foundation stone laying of its first industrial–scale MoReTec plant for catalytic advanced recycling in Wesseling on September 19 with German Chancellor Scholz. LYB aims to address rising demand for more sustainable solutions from customers and society.

“We are incredibly pleased to be part of LYB. LYB offers great expertise, career opportunities and financial strength to lift the company to the next level,” says Maik Pusch, former director of corporate development at APK AG and integration lead. “I am convinced this combination will help our technology reach its full potential, as well as securing a promising future for our employees.”

The recycling technology is a unique solvent–based kind for low density polyethylene (LDPE). LYB aims to increase the recycling of hard–to–recycle flexible plastic waste materials – which today make up most of the mixed plastic waste from the consumer sector. The materials produced will be sold under LYB’s Circulen portfolio.

In March 2023 LYB revealed its pivotal new company strategy aimed at establishing LYB as an industry leader in sustainability. LYB has formulated ambitious plans to create access to best–in–class innovative and differentiated technologies as a key element of its new strategy and formed a dedicated circular and low carbon solutions (CLCS) business. CLCS has started to make substantial investments upstream in plastic–waste sorting and recycling operations in Europe, the United States and Asia.

About LyondellBasell
We are LyondellBasell (NYSE: LYB) ― a leader in the global chemical industry creating solutions for everyday sustainable living. Through advanced technology and focused investments, we are enabling a circular and low carbon economy. Across all we do, we aim to unlock value for our customers, investors, and society. As one of the world's largest producers of polymers and a leader in polyolefin technologies, we develop, manufacture and market high–quality and innovative products for applications ranging from sustainable transportation and food safety to clean water and quality healthcare. For more information, please visit www.lyondellbasell.com or follow @LyondellBasell on LinkedIn.

Media Inquiries Global
LyondellBasell Media Relations 
Phone: +1 713 309 4791 
Email: mediarelations@lyondellbasell.com  


Media Inquiries Europe
Robert Kleissen, External Affairs Europe 
Phone: +31 6 273 573 98 
Email: robert.kleissen@lyondellbasell.com  

Forward–Looking Statements
The statements in this release relating to matters that are not historical facts are forward–looking statements. Actual results could differ materially based on factors including, but not limited to, our ability to meet our sustainability goals, including our ability to successfully integrate the operations and operate the facilities; our ability to build a profitable Circular & Low Carbon Solutions business; and the ability to increase production of recycled and renewable–based polymers to meet our targets and forecasts and our ability to procure feedstock to meet these goals. Additional factors that could cause results to differ materially from those described in the forward–looking statements can be found in the “Risk Factors” section of our Form 10–K for the year ended December 31, 2023, which can be found at www.LyondellBasell.com on the Investor Relations page and on the Securities and Exchange Commission’s website at www.sec.gov. There is no assurance that any of the actions, events or results of the forward–looking statements will occur, or if any of them do, what impact they will have on our results of operations or financial condition. Forward–looking statements speak only as of the date they were made and are based on the estimates and opinions of management of LyondellBasell at the time the statements are made. LyondellBasell does not assume any obligation to update forward–looking statements should circumstances or management's estimates or opinions change, except as required by law.

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9257864)

US utilities to face significant challenge as power demand surges for the first time in decades

LONDON and HOUSTON and SINGAPORE, Oct. 17, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — US power demand has remained essentially flat for the past decade, but this is all about to change as a pending surge in demand growth will be the biggest challenge for utility companies in decades, according to the latest Horizons report from Wood Mackenzie.

According to the report, “Gridlock: the demand dilemma facing the US power industry” US electricity demand growth will be between 4% and 15% through 2029, depending on the region, with burgeoning data–centre development, a resurgence in energy–intensive US manufacturing, and greater transport and heating electrification driving electricity demand growth not seen since the 1990s. Demand growth rates for individual utilities may be much higher as the demand being added to the grid is not evenly spread and one large load can have a significant impact on the growth of individual utilities.

All of this will prove a major challenge for utilities to adapt and provide interconnection and new supply, as well as companies with large electricity needs to sustain growth.

“In most industries, demand growth of 2–3% per year would be easily managed and welcomed,” said Chris Seiple, Vice Chairman of power and renewables with Wood Mackenzie. “In the power sector, however, new infrastructure planning takes 5 to 10 years, and the industry is only now starting to plan for growth.

“Moreover, most state public utility commissioners have little experience of regulating in a growth environment. And as technology C–suites realise that energy may be the largest constraint on their growth, they are shocked as businesses that move at light speed learn about the pace at which electric utilities move.”

Demand drivers

Data centers and the burgeoning artificial intelligence industry have become main drivers of activity, with Wood Mackenzie identifying 51 GW of new data–centre capacity announcements since January 2023. In the Horizons report, Wood Mackenzie has considered a scenario in which electricity demand from data centres grows by a mid–range estimate of 15% per year over the next five years, which is about 25 GW of new data centre capacity

Data centers will be competing with a resurgence in US manufacturing, particularly in the areas of battery, solar wafers and cells and semiconductors, which are projected to add up to15,000 MW of high–load–factor demand over the next few years

Lastly, the wider electrification of the economy will drive demand, with electric vehicle use continuing to grow and electrolysers connecting to the grid potentially adding another 7,000 MW of demand through 2030.

2024–29 GWh demand growth as a percentage of 2024 GWh demand

Capacity constraints

Many constraints are impacting the system’s ability to meet this demand growth, such as coal plant retirements, the lack of transformers and breakers needed to interconnect new plants and large loads, and the slow pace at which interconnection studies are completed and transmission capacity is added to the grid. From now to 2030, Wood Mackenzie forecasts annual utility–scale renewable additions to grow from around 29 GW to 40 GW per year.

“The constraint is not the demand for renewables, but the ability to get through permitting, interconnection and building out the transmission system accordingly,” said Seiple. “All things being equal, our renewable forecast additions would accommodate electricity demand growth of about 2% per year. If renewables are only able to barely match the pace of demand growth, it means we won’t be decarbonizing the power sector.”

A new paradigm, with upward pressure on price

Little demand growth the last 15 years in the US and some new supply from renewables has kept wholesale power prices lower, but this may change.

“With new demand growth comes a new era,” said Seiple. “Electricity prices will be under upward pressure. Valuations of fossil and nuclear assets are increasing as the market absorbs this new paradigm. More announcements of deferred coal plant retirements and efforts to reopen previously closed nuclear plants may follow. What will be most interesting is how this plays out in markets where there is no retail choice versus markets where it does exist.”

The report concludes that transmission planning, permitting and construction are the biggest bottlenecks to meeting future demand growth. It will take an integrated approach from utilities, regulators and policymakers to meet this challenge and buildout needed to protect US national security, boost strategic economic growth and decarbonise the power sector to address climate change.

“This will be a major challenge. The last time the US electricity industry saw unexpected new demand growth like this was during World War II,” said Seiple. “Between 1939 and 1944, manufacturing output tripled, and electricity demand rose 60%. It was a closely coordinated national effort that brought together industry and policymakers to address the challenge and find innovation along the way. A similar effort is needed now.”

Read the entire report here.

For further information please contact Wood Mackenzie’s media relations team:

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About Wood Mackenzie

Wood Mackenzie is the global insight business for renewables, energy and natural resources. Driven by data. Powered by people. In the middle of an energy revolution, businesses and governments need reliable and actionable insight to lead the transition to a sustainable future. That’s why we cover the entire supply chain with unparalleled breadth and depth, backed by over 50 years’ experience in natural resources. Today, our team of over 2,000 experts operate across 30 global locations, inspiring customers’ decisions through real–time analytics, consultancy, events and thought leadership. Together, we deliver the insight they need to separate risk from opportunity and make bold decisions when it matters most. For more information, visit woodmac.com.

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000997640)

Sustainable Food Production is Imperative for a Healthy Planet

In the Sidama region of Ethiopia, the Gebre family raises their own crops from a family garden after losing access to safe and nutritious food from markets. Credit: UNICEF

By Oritro Karim
UNITED NATIONS, Oct 17 2024 – Food waste has been a pressing concern for environmentalists and humanitarians for decades. The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) estimates that approximately one third of all global food products end up in landfills, equating to roughly 1.3 billion metric tons. Conversely, according to the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), about 3 billion people lack access to nutritious or sufficient amounts of food that will sustain a healthy diet. Additionally, food waste has been a leading factor in environmental degradation since the start of the industrial revolution, with food in landfills releasing millions of metric tons of carbon emissions into the atmosphere yearly.

According to the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP), around 60 percent of global food wasted comes from households, totaling up to 631 million tons. The World Resources Institute estimates that food waste costs the global economy upwards of one trillion dollars annually. These figures are expected to double by 2050.

Food waste is a global issue among high-income, upper-middle income, and lower-middle income countries, with differing average levels of household food waste. Still, much of the world’s food waste comes from economic powerhouses and highly populous nations, such as the United States, India, and China. Higher food waste levels are also linked to nations that experience warmer climates, with hotter temperatures contributing to a significant decrease in shelf life.

UNEP’S Food Waste Index Report 2024 states that the average person wastes about 79 kilograms of food annually, equating to 1.3 meals every day for everyone in the world. Excessive consumption exacerbates the inflation of food prices, making access to food much more difficult for marginalized communities and developing nations. Reducing global food waste is imperative in ensuring worldwide food security.

“The paradox we live in is that we have produced all-time records of food in recent years amidst an unbearable level of world hunger. The use of food commodities for non-food uses is massive and growing fast”, said Anuradha Mittal, founder and executive director of the Oakland Institute.

In June 2024, the World Food Programme (WFP) stated, “Right now, the world produces enough food to nourish every child, woman and man on the planet. All the food produced but never eaten would be sufficient to feed two billion people. That’s more than twice the number of undernourished people across the globe”.

Food waste is also a significant sustainability issue as massive amounts of critical resources, such as fossil fuels, water, farmland, and electricity, are wasted in producing food that ends up in landfills. Approximately one third of all arable land in the world is used for agriculture. In addition, food production accounts for 66 percent of global water consumption, with the average person’s daily food consumption costing 2,000 to 5,000 liters of water to produce.

According to UNEP experts, food waste contributes to almost ten percent of all greenhouse gas emissions, which is nearly five times the total emissions of the aviation industry. The United States’ National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) adds that north of 23 percent of all greenhouse gas emissions are generated by agriculture. Agricultural exploitation, including deforestation and the excessive use of pesticides and fertilizers, is a leading cause of biodiversity loss and habitat destruction.

Meat production takes a particularly high toll on overall planet health. NCBI states, “Livestock production does not only have a negative influence on carbon emissions, but also on the water footprint, water pollution, and water scarcity”. The livestock and meat production industries contribute to at least 18 percent of all greenhouse gas emissions. Estimates from the Water Footprint Calculator report that it takes over 2,000 gallons of water to produce one pound of beef.

Producing food for livestock, similar to food production for humans, can have disastrous effects on the environment. Mittal told IPS that animal feed is comprised of food that has been grown through fossil-fuel based intensive industrial agriculture, or land grabbed from local and indigenous communities, done through the devastation of forests, water supplies, and biodiversity. “This comes at a very high price for humanity,” she said.

“This comes at a very high price for humanity. Food grown through fossil-fuel based intensive industrial agriculture, on land grabbed from Indigenous and local communities, through the devastation of forests, waters, and biodiversity, is used as animal feed,” Mittal told IPS.

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) reports that approximately 26 percent of all meat products sold are discarded. Researchers at Leiden University in the Netherlands estimate that approximately 18 billion pigs, chickens, turkeys, cows, goats, and sheep are discarded in the production or packing phases, before ever reaching consumers. This study does not account for the seafood industry. According to the World Economic Forum, approximately 15 percent of all seafood is wasted annually. Roughly one third of seafood losses come from processing on land.

Countries around the world are in the process of adopting cleaner habits when it comes to food production and consumerism. In recent years, Denmark has been hailed as a “champion” among European countries for its food waste reduction. From 2011 to 2017, the Danish government launched the campaign “Stop Wasting Food”, to promote capillary retail and non-excessive consumer practices, which ended up cutting food waste levels by 25 percent. “Stop Wasting Food” has recovered over 300 tons of surplus food since beginning operations.

“The United Kingdom is the only country with a dual date-labeling system, providing both a best by date and a safe until date. France has banned waste from grocery stores, requiring that food that is still perfectly good to eat gets donated to those in need. The United States recently announced a draft national strategy to reduce the amount of food sent to landfills, laying out approaches to divert surplus food and implement more sustainable waste management practices”, stated Danielle Nierenberg, president of Food Tank.

According to WFP, roughly 9.4 percent of all children in China face stunted growth as a result of acute food insecurity. With the Chinese population constantly on the rise, food insecurity and carbon emissions have been of utmost concern for officials. China has declared an accelerated plan in collaboration with the Central Economic Work Conference to adopt cleaner production and consumption practices.

UNEP is looking to halve global food waste levels by 2030 by offering countries guidance in safer food production practices in its Food Waste Index. Governments around the world are adopting public-private partnerships in an attempt to lessen the strain on the environment caused by food production and consumerism. In addition, the European Union (EU) has launched the ‘Farm to Fork Strategy’, an initiative that provides advice and financial support to industries as they make the transition to more sustainable procedures.

“To deal with this crisis, a global treaty on the non-proliferation of industrial meat production to curb the seemingly endless expansion of agricultural production for non-food uses, is the first step,” said Mittal.

IPS UN Bureau Report


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Mortality in the Gaza-Israel War

Based on reported and estimated mortality, it appears clear that the Palestinian death toll in Gaza is among the highest civilian mortality rates of the 21st century. Credit: WHO

By Joseph Chamie
PORTLAND, USA, Oct 17 2024 – Following the 7 October 2023 attack on Israel by Hamas-led militants, Israel’s response has led to unprecedented high mortality levels in the Gaza Strip. The Palestinian death toll over the twelve month period is believed to be among the highest such civilian casualty rates in the 21st century.

During the first seven months of the war, Israel is estimated to have dropped more than 70,000 tons of bombs on Gaza, far surpassing that of Dresden, Hamburg, and London combined during World War II. In addition, some have concluded that Israel’s bombing of the Gaza Strip, which included 900-kilogram (2,000 pound) “bunker-busters”, is one of the most intense civilian punishment campaigns in history.

During the first seven months of the war, Israel is estimated to have dropped more than 70,000 tons of bombs on Gaza, far surpassing that of Dresden, Hamburg, and London combined during World War II

U.S. President Biden warned Israel that it was losing international support, which has become increasingly evident worldwide, because of its “indiscriminate bombing” of Gaza. The president described Israel’s military response in Gaza as “over the top”.

And despite President Biden’s declarations of red lines, calls for restraint and ultimatum for Israel to limit Palestinian civilian deaths, the president has experienced a moral failure with his unwavering backing of Israel with unequal treatment and oppression of Palestinians. While seeking peace, the president has facilitated the Israel-Gaza war.

In addition to the president’s expressed concerns about Israel’ military operations, dozens of U.S. officials resigned over the Biden administration’s position in the conflict. They were critical of Israel’s actions in Gaza and accused the administration of not telling the truth about Israel’s obstruction of humanitarian aid to Gaza.

Although the numbers of deaths continue to rise and are being updated, the current reported levels of mortality provide an intelligible picture of the war’s lethal consequences on human life in Gaza and Israel. In addition to the mortality based on official reported deaths by Israeli and Palestinian authorities, higher levels of mortality have been estimated by health experts.

According to Israeli officials, the number of Israeli deaths resulting from the attack in southern Israel on 7 October 2023 is 1,163, with close to 70 percent of the victims identified as civilians. The attack is considered to be the country’s worst loss of life in a single day since its founding in 1948 (Table 1).


Source: Reported mortality from Israel Shin Bet, Gaza Ministry of Health and United Nations.

Source: Reported mortality from Israel Shin Bet, Gaza Ministry of Health and United Nations.


In addition to those deaths on 7 October, no less than 728 Israeli soldiers are reported to have been killed in combat since the Gaza ground invasion began and 33 Israeli deaths occurred in the West Bank.

Given Israel’s total population of nearly 10 million, the number of Israeli deaths on 7 October and the subsequent twelve months represents about 0.02 percent of the Israeli population, or 20 deaths per 100,000 population.

As reported by the Gaza Ministry of Health, the death toll in the Gaza Strip from Israeli military operations after one year following the 7 October attack is 41,909 Palestinians. That number of deaths represents about 2 percent of the Palestinians in Gaza.

According to the Israeli Shin Bet, the proportion of Hamas fighters among the Palestinian deaths is approximately 40 percent. While the Gaza Ministry of Health does not identify whether the deaths are civilian or combatant, approximately two-thirds are reported to be women and children. According to Oxfam, the war in Gaza killed more women and children than any other war in the last two decades.

The reported number deaths of Palestinians are deemed generally accurate and widely accepted by international monitoring organizations, including Israeli and US intelligence agencies. Independent studies of the deaths reported by the Gaza Ministry of Health show no evidence of inflated mortality figures.

In addition to the nearly 42 thousand Palestinian deaths, Israel’s military action in Gaza has left many more wounded, exposed to famine and disease and most of Gaza’s population homeless.

With an estimated total population of approximately 2.1 million in Gaza, the Palestinian death rate from the war after one year is 1,957 deaths per 100,000 population. That Palestinian death rate in Gaza is 100 times greater than the Israeli death rate.

Applying the Israeli and Palestinian death rates to a third population, i.e., the United States, illustrates the striking differences in the mortality levels and their demographic impacts. When the death rate in Gaza is applied to America’s population, the resulting mortality would be nearly 6.6 million deaths. Similarly, applying the Israeli death rate to the U.S. population yields close to 66 thousand deaths (Figure 1).


Source: Reported mortality for Israelis from Israel Shin Bet and for Palestinians from Gaza Ministry of Health, and the estimates of U.S. mortality levels calculated by author.


It is widely recognized that the true death toll in Gaza is likely to be higher than being reported by the Gaza Ministry of Health. A major contributing factor to higher mortality is the humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza with more than 10,000 missing, untold numbers buried under rubble and many experiencing disease and malnutrition, as humanitarian assistance is limited by Israel’s blockade.

One group of 99 American health care workers returning from Gaza estimated that the true death toll in Gaza is at least four times higher than the official reported count, or approximately 119 thousand. In a published open letter dated 2 October 2024, the group transmitted their estimated number of Palestinian deaths in Gaza and their concerns over the mortality level to President Biden and Vice-President Harris (Figure 2).


Based on reported and estimated mortality in the Gaza-Israel war, it appears clear that the Palestinian death toll in Gaza is among the highest civilian mortality rates of the 21st century

Source: Reported: Gaza Ministry of Health; Estimated (1): Sidhwa; Estimated (2): Khatib, McKee & Yusuf; Estimated (3): Sridhar.


A second analysis by a team of three researchers, which was published in The Lancet, estimated that the number of deaths in Gaza by mid-year was about 186 thousand. The researchers estimated that the actual death toll in Gaza could conservatively be about four times the reporting figure at that time. Their estimated level of mortality includes direct deaths due to bombings as well as indirect deaths due to the destruction of the health, food and sanitation systems in Gaza.

A third analysis of the deaths in Gaza by the chair of global public health at the University of Edinburgh estimated the death toll to be even higher. Building on the mortality figure that appeared in The Lancet, the number of deaths in Gaza twelve months after the 7 October attack is estimated at approximately 336 thousand. That mortality level also took into account indirect deaths due to widespread disease and starvation.

One year after the 7 October 2023 Hamas-led attack on Israel, the resulting mortality levels of the Israelis and the Palestinians in Gaza are both high and strikingly dissimilar.

For Israel, the deaths from the attack represent the highest loss of life in a single day since the country’s founding. For the Palestinians, the reported number of deaths represents an alarming proportion of the Gaza resident population.

Over the past year of conflict, the reported number of Palestinian deaths in Gaza is about 20 times greater than the number of Israeli deaths. Also, the mortality rate of the Palestinians is 100 times greater than the Israeli mortality rate.

In addition to direct reporting of deaths due to bombing and military operations, the crisis in Gaza has led to high levels of indirect deaths. Those deaths are mainly due to malnutrition, wasting, stunting and trauma reaching famine thresholds largely due to the Israeli blockade. UNICEF has warned that the lack of water, food, medicine, sanitation, road and electricity infrastructures is a bigger threat than bombs to the lives of thousands in Gaza.

The true death toll in Gaza may not be known for many years, especially as indirect deaths are expected to exceed the direct death toll. However, based on reported and estimated mortality, it appears clear that the Palestinian death toll in Gaza is among the highest civilian mortality rates of the 21st century.

Joseph Chamie is a consulting demographer, a former director of the United Nations Population Division and author of numerous publications on population issues, including his recent book, “Population Levels, Trends, and Differentials”.


Empowering Indigenous Communities: A Path to Sustainable and Just Development

Participants a United Nations event about Indigenous Peoples in 2024. (Photo courtesy Nana Osei Bonsu)

By Nana Osei Bonsu
COLUMBUS, Ohio, USA, Oct 17 2024 – In a world where the fight for land rights often pits the powerful against the marginalized, Indigenous communities stand as resilient defenders of their ancestral lands.

These communities, rich in culture and tradition, face numerous challenges, from encroachment and exploitation to climate change. Empowering Indigenous communities is not just a matter of justice; it is a crucial step towards sustainable development and environmental stewardship.

The Importance of Land Rights

Land is more than just a physical space for Indigenous peoples; it is the foundation of their identity, culture, and livelihood. The connection to their land is deeply spiritual and integral to their way of life.

However, this connection is under constant threat from various forces, including government policies, corporate interests, and illegal land grabs. Ensuring secure land rights for Indigenous communities is essential for preserving their cultural heritage and promoting social stability.

Challenges Faced by Indigenous Communities

Indigenous communities around the world face myriad challenges. In many regions, they are subjected to forced evictions, violence, and discrimination. The lack of legal recognition of their land rights leaves them vulnerable to exploitation and displacement.

Additionally, climate change disproportionately affects Indigenous peoples, as their livelihoods are closely tied to the natural environment. Rising temperatures, changing weather patterns, and deforestation threaten their traditional ways of life.

Empowerment Through Legal Recognition and Support

One of the most effective ways to empower Indigenous communities is through the legal recognition of their land rights. Governments must enact and enforce laws that protect these rights and provide mechanisms for Indigenous peoples to reclaim their ancestral lands. International bodies, such as the United Nations, play a crucial role in advocating for these rights and holding governments accountable.

Moreover, providing financial and technical support to Indigenous communities can help them manage their lands sustainably. This includes funding for education, healthcare, and infrastructure, as well as training in sustainable agricultural practices and resource management.

Empowering Indigenous women, who often play a central role in community leadership and environmental stewardship, is particularly important.

The Role of Indigenous Knowledge

Indigenous knowledge systems offer valuable insights into sustainable land management and biodiversity conservation. These traditional practices, honed over centuries, are often more effective and sustainable than modern techniques. By integrating Indigenous knowledge with scientific research, we can develop innovative solutions to global environmental challenges.

For example, the practice of controlled burning by Indigenous Australians has been shown to reduce the risk of catastrophic wildfires. Similarly, the agroforestry techniques used by Indigenous communities in the Amazon contribute to biodiversity conservation and carbon sequestration. Recognizing and valuing this knowledge is essential for creating a more sustainable future.

Successful Indigenous-Led Initiatives

1. Indigenous Guardians Programs in Canada:

Indigenous Guardians programs are active in over a quarter of First Nations across Canada. These initiatives involve Indigenous communities in environmental monitoring and conservation efforts.

For example, the Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg Nagadjitòdjig Guardian Initiative focuses on preserving traditional knowledge, monitoring ecological health, and maintaining culturally significant sites.

2. Inuit Community-Led Development in the Arctic Circle:

The Inuit population in Canada has faced significant challenges, including poverty and limited access to healthcare. Community-led development projects have been crucial in addressing these issues. These initiatives focus on improving housing, healthcare, and economic opportunities while preserving Inuit culture and traditions.

3. Environmental Education in Tamazight in Rural Morocco:

In Morocco, Indigenous communities have initiated environmental education programs in the Tamazight language. These programs aim to raise awareness about environmental issues and promote sustainable practices among rural populations. By integrating traditional knowledge with modern environmental science, these initiatives help protect local ecosystems.

4. Mapuche Traditional Medicine in Chile:

The Mapuche people in Chile have revitalized their traditional medicine practices to provide healthcare to their communities. These initiatives not only preserve cultural heritage but also offer alternative healthcare solutions that are accessible and culturally relevant.

The integration of traditional medicine with modern healthcare systems has improved health outcomes for many Mapuche communities.

5. Sustainable Tourism among Tsaatan Reindeer Herders in Mongolia:

The Tsaatan reindeer herders in Mongolia have developed sustainable tourism initiatives that allow visitors to experience their unique way of life. These projects provide economic benefits to the community while promoting cultural exchange and environmental conservation.

By managing tourism sustainably, the Tsaatan people ensure that their traditions and natural environment are preserved.

6. The Huahi Achama Tutuwaa Royal Family, Indigenous People of Benimasi-Boadi Community, Ghana:

The Huahi Achama Tutuwaa Royal Family, descendants of King Osei Tutu I, the founder of the Ashanti Empire, have been instrumental in preserving their ancestral lands and cultural heritage.

The Benimasi-Boadi community, under the leadership of the Huahi Royal Family, has successfully managed to balance development with conservation. Approximately 60% of their territory is maintained as a nature reserve, encompassing water bodies, natural reserves, and heritage sites. Their efforts in legal advocacy and community-led conservation serve as a model for other Indigenous communities facing similar challenges.

Building Alliances and Solidarity

Empowering Indigenous communities requires building alliances and fostering solidarity among various stakeholders. Non-governmental organizations, civil society groups, and the private sector must work together to support Indigenous rights. This includes advocating for policy changes, raising awareness about Indigenous issues, and providing platforms for Indigenous voices to be heard.

Consumers also have a role to play by supporting ethical and sustainable products that respect Indigenous rights. By making informed choices, we can contribute to the economic empowerment of Indigenous communities and promote fair trade practices.

Empowering Indigenous communities is a moral imperative and a strategic necessity for achieving sustainable development. By securing their land rights, providing support, and valuing their knowledge, we can create a more just and equitable world. Indigenous communities are not just victims of exploitation; they are vital partners in the global effort to protect our planet and build a sustainable future for all.

Nana Osei Bonsu, the founder of Land Rights Defenders Inc., has been a tireless advocate for Indigenous land rights. His organization, established in 2023, has made significant strides in protecting the rights of Indigenous communities, particularly in Ghana. Land Rights Defenders Inc. works to secure land rights, fight judicial corruption, and protect Indigenous Community Conserved Areas (ICCAs).

IPS UN Bureau


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