شركة LYB تستكمل عملية الاستحواذ على شركة APK المتخصصة في إعادة التدوير باستخدام المذيبات

• الطموح لمواصلة تطوير تكنولوجيا إعادة التدوير القائمة على المذيبات والوصول بها إلى النطاق التجاري

• الشركة تؤمن مستقبل موظفيها وتعزز خبراتهم من خلال الاندماج الكامل

• تحويل المصنع ليصبح مخصصًا لإعادة تدوير نفايات البلاستيك بعد الاستهلاك

روتردام، هولندا, Oct. 19, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — أعلنت شركة LyondellBasell (LYB) اليوم أنها أصبحت المالك الكامل لشركة APK AG في مرسيبورغ، ألمانيا. سيتم دمج شركة APK بالكامل وستواصل عملها كجزء من شركة LYB، الرائدة في مجال الاستدامة في صناعة الكيماويات. تطمح شركة LYB إلى مواصلة تطوير التقنية الفريدة للشركة القائمة على المذيبات لمعالجة البولي إيثيلين منخفض الكثافة (LDPE) وبناء مصانع تجارية في المستقبل. سيُمكن هذا الأمر شركة LYB من إنتاج مواد جديدة عالية النقاء يمكن استخدامها في تطبيقات مثل التغليف المرن لمنتجات العناية الشخصية وتلبية متطلبات العملاء وأصحاب العلامات التجارية.

تقول Yvonne van der Laan، نائبة الرئيس التنفيذي لحلول الاقتصاد الدائري ومنخفض الكربون في LYB: “نحن متحمسون لإتمام عملية الاستحواذ على شركة APK لتكنولوجيا إعادة التدوير القائمة على المذيبات، ما يضمن مستقبل أكثر من مائة موظف وإضافة حل آخر لعملائنا لتلبية طموحاتهم وأهدافهم في مجال التدوير.” “تُعَد هذه التقنية إضافة إلى تقنيتنا الميكانيكية الممتازة لإعادة التدوير، وأيضًا إلى تقنيتنا المتقدمة الخاصة بإعادة التدوير. “نرى أن هذه العملية إضافة جوهرية إلى محفظتنا في مسيرتنا نحو اقتصاد دائري، مما يسهم في إنهاء النفايات البلاستيكية”.

يُعَد إتمام عملية الاستحواذ على شركة APK دليلاً آخر على نهج شركة LYB بابتكار حلول لغدٍ أفضل، وذلك بعد وضع حجر الأساس لأول مصنع لها على نطاق صناعي تحت اسم MoReTec لإعادة التدوير المتقدم بالحَفز في فيزيلينغ، في 19 سبتمبر بالتعاون مع المستشار الألماني Scholz. تهدف LYB إلى تلبية الطلب المتزايد على حلول أكثر استدامة من العملاء والمجتمع.

“نحن سعداء للغاية أن نكون جزءًا من شركة LYB. يقول Maik Pusch، المدير السابق للتطوير المؤسسي في شركة APK AG ورئيس إدارة تكامل المشاريع، “تقدم شركة LYB خبرة متميزة وفرصًا وظيفية وقوة مالية للارتقاء بمستوى الشركة إلى آفاق جديدة.” “أنا واثق أن عملية الدمج هذه ستساعد تقنيتنا على تحقيق إمكاناتها الكاملة، كما ستؤمن مستقبلاً واعدًا لموظفينا.”

تُعَد تقنية إعادة التدوير صناعة فريدة من نوعها تعتمد على المذيبات لمعالجة البولي إيثيلين منخفض الكثافة (LDPE). تهدف شركة LYB إلى رفع معدلات إعادة تدوير نفايات البلاستيك المرنة التي يصعب إعادة تدويرها، والتي تشكل حاليًا الجزء الأكبر من النفايات البلاستيكية المختلطة من القطاع الاستهلاكي. ستُباع المواد المُنتَجَة ضمن محفظة Circulen التابعة لشركة LYB.

في مارس 2023، أعلنت شركة LYB عن استراتيجيتها الجوهرية الجديدة التي تهدف إلى ترسيخ مكانتها كرائدة في مجال الاستدامة. وضعت شركة LYB خططًا طموحة لخلق إمكانية الوصول إلى أفضل التقنيات المبتكرة والمتميزة كعنصر أساسي في استراتيجيتها الجديدة وأسست شركة متخصصة في حلول الاقتصاد الدائري ومنخفض الكربون (CLCS). بدأت الشركة المتخصصة في حلول الاقتصاد الدائري ومنخفض الكربون (CLCS) في تنفيذ استثمارات كبيرة في عمليات فرز النفايات البلاستيكية وإعادة تدويرها في أوروبا والولايات المتحدة وآسيا.

عن شركة LyondellBasell
نحن شركة LyondellBasell (NYSE: LYB) ― شركة رائدة في صناعة الكيماويات العالمية، نقدم حلولًا مبتكرة للحياة المستدامة اليومية. نحن نُساهم في تحقيق اقتصاد دائري ومنخفض الكربون من خلال التكنولوجيا المتقدمة والاستثمارات الموجهة. ونهدف في كل ما نقوم به إلى تحقيق القيمة لعملائنا ومستثمرينا ومجتمعنا. وباعتبارنا واحدة من أكبر الشركات المنتجة للبوليمرات في العالم ورائدة في تقنيات البولي أوليفين، نقوم بتطويرمنتجات عالية الجودة ومبتكرة وتصنيعها وتسويقها لاستخدامات تتنوع بين النقل المستدام وسلامة الغذاء والمياه النظيفة والرعاية الصحية عالية الجودة. لمزيد من المعلومات، يُرجى زيارة www.lyondellbasell.com أو متابعة حسابنا @LyondellBasell على منصة LinkedIn.

الاستفسارات الإعلامية حول العالم
إدارة العلاقات الإعلامية بشركة LyondellBasell Media Relations
الهاتف: +1 713 309 4791
البريد الإلكتروني: mediarelations@lyondellbasell.com


الاستفسارات الإعلامية أوروبا
Robert Kleissen، إدارة الشؤون الخارجية في أوروبا
الهاتف: +31 6 273 573 98
البريد الإلكتروني: robert.kleissen@lyondellbasell.com

البيانات التطلعية
إن البيانات الواردة في هذا البيان الصحفي المتعلقة بأمور بخلاف الحقائق التاريخية هي بيانات تطلعية. يمكن أن تختلف النتائج الفعلية اختلافًا جوهريًا بناءً على عوامل تشمل، ولكن لا تقتصر على، قدرتنا على تحقيق أهداف الاستدامة لدينا، بما في ذلك قدرتنا على دمج العمليات وتشغيل المنشآت بنجاح؛ وقدرتنا على تأسيس شركات مربحة في حلول الاقتصاد الدائري ومنخفض الكربون؛ والقدرة على زيادة إنتاج البوليمرات المعاد تدويرها والقائمة على مصادر متجددة لتحقيق أهدافنا وتوقعاتنا وقدرتنا على تأمين المواد الخام لتحقيق هذه الأهداف. يمكن الاطلاع على العوامل الإضافية التي يمكن أن تتسبب في اختلاف النتائج اختلافًا جوهريًا عن تلك الموضحة في البيانات التطلعية في قسم “عوامل المخاطرة” في النموذج الخاص بنا “10–K” للسنة المنتهية في 31 ديسمبر 2023، والذي يمكن العثور عليه على www.LyondellBasell.com على صفحة علاقات المستثمرين وعلى موقع هيئة الأوراق المالية والبورصة على www.sec.gov. ليس هناك أي ضمانات بأن أيًا من الإجراءات أو الأحداث أو النتائج الواردة في البيانات التطلعية ستحدث، أو إذا حدث أي منها، ما الأثر الذي ستحدثه على نتائج عملياتنا أو وضعنا المالي. تتعلق البيانات التطلعية فقط بالتاريخ الذي أُعدت فيه، وتستند إلى تقديرات وآراء إدارة شركة LyondellBasell في وقت إصدار البيانات. لا تتحمل شركة LyondellBasell أي التزام بتحديث البيانات التطلعية في حال تغيرت الظروف أو تقديرات أو آراء الإدارة، باستثناء ما يتطلبه القانون.

الصورة المرافقة لهذا الإعلان متاحة على https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/b3caaa7f–7064–4a9a–a139–e676d322d9f8/ar

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9258702)

Duck Creek Technologies Nomeada Líder no Gartner® 2024 Magic Quadrant™ de SaaS P&C Insurance Core Platforms, North America

BOSTON, Oct. 18, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Duck Creek Technologies, fornecedora líder e inovadora de soluções no mercado de plataformas principais de seguros SaaS P&C, anunciou hoje que foi incluída pela Gartner como Líder no “Magic Quadrant™ for SaaS P&C Core Platforms, North America” da Gartner® de 2024. A avaliação foi baseada em critérios específicos que analisaram a Integridade Geral da Visão e a Capacidade de Execução da empresa.

Os relatórios do Magic Quadrant são o resultado final de uma pesquisa rigorosa baseada em fatos em mercados específicos, fornecendo uma visão ampla das posições relativas dos provedores em mercados onde o crescimento é alto e a diferenciação dos provedores é distinta. Os provedores estão posicionados em quatro quadrantes: Líderes, Competidores, Visionários e Operadores de Nicho. A pesquisa permite que você obtenha o máximo da análise de mercado de acordo com as necessidades exclusivas dos seus negócios e de tecnologia.

“Nossa plataforma SaaS low–code e configurável ajuda as seguradoras a se destacarem no mercado competitivo de hoje. Continuamos a aprimorar nossa plataforma por meio de IA, aprendizado de máquina e oferta de novas soluções para as operadoras, incluindo o Payments Facilitator, para a expansão dos negócios com velocidade, eficiência e uma excelente experiência do cliente”, disse Michael Jackowski, CEO da Duck Creek Technologies. “Estamos orgulhosos de ser reconhecidos novamente este ano pelo Gartner como Líder no espaço de tecnologia de seguros de P&C. Continuaremos a enriquecer a nossa plataforma, fornecendo mais para as operadoras se manterem à frente da sua concorrência, incluindo a eliminação de atualizações por meio da Entrega Ativa e o aumento da eficiência e escalabilidade com multilocação.”

Veja uma cópia gratuita do relatório do Magic Quadrant para saber mais sobre os pontos fortes e precauções da Duck Creek, entre outras ofertas de provedores, aqui

Fonte: Relatórios Gartner: Gartner, Magic Quadrant for SaaS P&C Insurance Core Platforms, América do Norte, Sham Gill, James Ingham Outubro de 2024

Isenção de Responsabilidade Gartner:
A Gartner não recomenda nenhum fornecedor, produto ou serviço descrito nas suas publicações de pesquisa e não recomenda que os usuários de tecnologia selecionem apenas os fornecedores com as classificações mais altas ou outra designação. As publicações de pesquisa da Gartner consistem na opinião da empresa de pesquisa da Gartner e não devem ser interpretadas como declarações de fato. A Gartner se isenta de todas as garantias, expressas ou implícitas, com relação a esta pesquisa, incluindo quaisquer garantias de comercialização ou adequação a uma finalidade específica.

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Magic Quadrant é uma marca comercial registrada da Gartner, Inc. e/ou de suas afiliadas e é usada aqui sob permissão. Todos os direitos reservados. 

Sobre a Duck Creek Technologies

A Duck Creek Technologies é fornecedora de soluções inteligentes que definem o futuro do setor de seguros de propriedade e acidentes (P&C) e geral. Somos a plataforma utilizadas como base dos sistemas de seguros modernos, permitindo que a indústria capitalize o poder da nuvem para executar operações ágeis, inteligentes e perenes. Autenticidade, propósito e transparência são fundamentais para a Duck Creek, e acreditamos que o seguro deve estar disponível para indivíduos e empresas quando, onde e como eles mais precisarem. Nossas soluções líderes do mercado estão disponíveis de forma independente ou como um pacote completo disponíveis em Duck Creek OnDemand. Visite www.duckcreek.com para obter mais informação. Siga a Duck Creek nas nossas redes sociais para obter as mais recentes informações – LinkedIn e X.

Contato com a Mídia:
Tara Stred/Marianne Dempsey

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9258565)

Duck Creek Technologies als Leader im Gartner® 2024 Magic Quadrant™ für SaaS-Kernplattformen in der Sachversicherung, Nordamerika, ausgezeichnet

BOSTON, Oct. 18, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Duck Creek Technologies, ein führender und innovativer Anbieter von Lösungen auf dem Markt für SaaS–Kernplattformen für Sachversicherungen, hat heute bekanntgegeben, dass Duck Creek Technologies von Gartner als Leader im Gartner® „Magic Quadrant™ for SaaS P&C Core Platforms, North America“ 2024 positioniert wurde. Die Bewertung basierte auf spezifischen Kriterien, die die Vollständigkeit der Vision und die Fähigkeit des Unternehmens zur Umsetzung analysierten.

Die „Magic Quadrant“–Berichte sind das Ergebnis strenger, faktenbasierter Forschung in bestimmten Märkten und bieten einen umfassenden Überblick über die relative Position von Anbietern in Märkten mit hohem Wachstum und ausgeprägter Anbieterdifferenzierung. Die Anbieter werden in vier Quadranten eingeteilt: Leaders, Challengers, Visionaries und Niche Players (Marktführer, Herausforderer, Visionäre und Nischenanbieter). Die Forschung ermöglicht es Ihnen, den größten Nutzen aus der Marktanalyse zu ziehen, die auf Ihre individuellen geschäftlichen und technologischen Anforderungen abgestimmt ist.

„Unsere konfigurierbare SaaS–Plattform mit geringem Programmieraufwand hilft Versicherungsunternehmen, sich auf dem heutigen, wettbewerbsintensiven Markt abzuheben. Wir werden unsere Plattform durch KI, maschinelles Lernen und die Einführung neuer Lösungen, einschließlich des Payments Facilitator, weiter verbessern, um das Geschäft mit Geschwindigkeit, Effizienz und einem hervorragenden Kundenerlebnis auszubauen“, so Michael Jackowski, CEO von Duck Creek Technologies. „Wir sind stolz darauf, dass wir auch in diesem Jahr von Gartner als Leader im Bereich der Sachversicherungstechnologie ausgezeichnet wurden. Mit Blick auf die Zukunft werden wir unsere Plattform weiter bereichern, indem wir mehr für Carrier bieten, um ihrer Konkurrenz voraus zu sein, einschließlich der Eliminierung von Upgrades durch Active Delivery und der Steigerung von Effizienz und Skalierbarkeit mit Multi–Tenancy“.

Ein kostenloses Exemplar des „Magic Quadrant“–Berichts, um mehr über die Stärken und Vorbehalte von Duck Creek und anderen Anbietern zu erfahren, finden Sie hier

Quelle: Gartner Reports: Gartner, Magic Quadrant for SaaS P&C Insurance Core Platforms, North America, Sham Gill, James Ingham Oktober 2024

Haftungsausschluss von Gartner:
Gartner unterstützt keine Anbieter, Produkte oder Dienstleistungen, die in seinen Forschungspublikationen dargestellt werden, und rät Technologieanwendern nicht, nur die Anbieter mit den höchsten Bewertungen oder anderen Bezeichnungen zu wählen. Gartners Researchpublikationen spiegeln die Meinungen der Researchorganisation von Gartner wider und sind nicht als Tatsachenbehauptungen anzusehen. Gartner schließt jegliche ausdrückliche als auch stillschweigende Gewährleistung hinsichtlich dieser Analyse aus und übernimmt keinerlei Garantie hinsichtlich der Marktgängigkeit oder Eignung für einen bestimmten Zweck.

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Magic Quadrant ist eine eingetragene Marke von Gartner, Inc. und/oder seinen Tochtergesellschaften und wird hier mit Genehmigung verwendet. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.  

Über Duck Creek Technologies

Duck Creek Technologies ist der Anbieter von intelligenten Lösungen, die die Zukunft der Schaden– und Unfall– und allgemeinen Versicherungsbranche definieren. Wir sind die Plattform, auf der moderne Versicherungssysteme aufgebaut werden und die es der Branche ermöglicht, die Leistungsfähigkeit der Cloud zu nutzen, um agile, intelligente und zukunftssichere Prozesse zu betreiben. Authentizität, Zweckmäßigkeit und Transparenz sind für Duck Creek von zentraler Bedeutung. Wir sind der Meinung, dass Versicherungen für Privatpersonen und Unternehmen verfügbar sein sollten, wann, wo und wie sie diese am meisten benötigen. Unsere marktführenden Lösungen sind als Einzellösungen oder als komplette Suite erhältlich. Alle sind über Duck Creek OnDemand verfügbar. Besuchen Sie www.duckcreek.com, um mehr zu erfahren. Folgen Sie Duck Creek auf unseren sozialen Kanälen für die neuesten Informationen – LinkedIn und X.

Tara Stred/Marianne Dempsey

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9258565)

Duck Creek Technologies est nommé Leader dans le Magic Quadrant™ 2024 de Gartner® pour les plateformes centrales SaaS d’assurances multirisques d’Amérique du Nord

BOSTON, 18 oct. 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Duck Creek Technologies, l’un des principaux fournisseurs de solutions novatrices sur le marché des plateformes centrales SaaS d’assurances multirisques, a annoncé aujourd’hui que Duck Creek Technologies a été classé en tant que Leader par Gartner dans le « Magic Quadrant™ 2024 de Gartner® pour les plateformes centrales SaaS d’assurances multirisques d’Amérique du Nord ». Ce constat repose sur des critères précis qui passent au crible les paramètres de vision du marché et de capacité d’exécution.

Les rapports Magic Quadrant sont l’aboutissement de recherches rigoureuses et factuelles sur des marchés spécifiques qui offrent une large vue d’ensemble des positions relatives des fournisseurs sur les marchés où la croissance est élevée et où les fournisseurs présentent une différenciation nette. Les fournisseurs sont répartis en quatre quadrants : Leaders, Challengers, Visionnaires et Acteurs de niche. L’étude vous permet de tirer le meilleur parti de l’analyse de marché en fonction du caractère unique de vos besoins commerciaux et technologiques.

« Notre plateforme SaaS low–code et configurable aide les compagnies d’assurance à se démarquer sur le marché concurrentiel d’aujourd’hui. Nous continuons d’améliorer notre plateforme grâce à l’IA, à l’apprentissage automatique, et en apportant de nouvelles solutions aux compagnies d’assurance, notamment via la solution Payments Facilitator, afin de les aider à développer leur activité avec rapidité, efficacité et une excellente expérience client », a déclaré Michael Jackowski, PDG de Duck Creek Technologies. « Nous sommes fiers d’être reconnus cette année encore par Gartner en tant que Leader dans le domaine des technologies d’assurances multirisques. À l’avenir, nous continuerons d’enrichir notre plateforme en offrant aux assureurs de nouveaux services qui leur permettront de conserver une longueur d’avance sur leurs concurrents, notamment en éliminant les mises à niveau grâce à Active Delivery et en renforçant l’efficacité et l’évolutivité grâce à l’approche multi–tenant. »

Pour consulter un exemplaire gratuit du rapport Magic Quadrant et en savoir plus sur les points forts et les points faibles de Duck Creek, parmi d’autres offres de fournisseurs, cliquez ici

Source : Rapports Gartner : Gartner, Magic Quadrant for SaaS P&C Insurance Core Platforms, North America, Sham Gill, James Ingham, octobre 2024

Avis de non–responsabilité de Gartner :
Gartner ne recommande aucun fournisseur, produit ou service décrit dans ses rapports de recherche, ni ne conseille aux utilisateurs de technologies de sélectionner uniquement les fournisseurs les mieux notés ou ayant reçu toute autre désignation spécifique. Les publications de recherche de Gartner représentent les opinions de l’organisation de recherche de Gartner et ne doivent pas être interprétées comme des déclarations de faits. Gartner décline toute garantie, explicite ou implicite, concernant cette recherche, y compris toute garantie de qualité marchande ou d’adéquation à un usage particulier.

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Magic Quadrant est une marque déposée de Gartner, Inc. et/ou de ses filiales. Elle est utilisée dans cette annonce avec l’autorisation de ses propriétaires. Tous droits réservés. 

À propos de Duck Creek Technologies

Duck Creek Technologies est le fournisseur de solutions intelligentes qui trace les futurs contours du secteur de l’assurance générale et IARD (incendies, accidents et risques divers). Les systèmes d’assurance modernes reposent sur nos solutions et exploitent le potentiel du cloud pour mener des opérations flexibles, intelligentes et évolutives. Authenticité, détermination et transparence, voilà les maîtres–mots de la philosophie de Duck Creek. Pour nous, l’assurance est au service des particuliers et des entreprises, au moment, à l’endroit et de la manière dont ils en ont le plus besoin. Nos solutions, leaders du marché, sont commercialisées à l’unité ou sous forme de suite packagée, et sont toutes disponibles sur la page : Duck Creek OnDemand. Rendez–vous sur www.duckcreek.com pour en savoir plus. Suivez–nous sur les réseaux pour découvrir nos dernières informations : LinkedIn et X.

Contacts médias :
Tara Stred/Marianne Dempsey

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9258565)

LYB schließt Übernahme des Unternehmens für lösungsmittelbasiertes Recycling APK ab

Das Unternehmen begrüßt die Aufnahme weiterer Recyclingtechnologien in sein Portfolio

  • Ambition, die lösungsmittelbasierte Recyclingtechnologie weiterzuentwickeln und zur Marktreife zu bringen
  • Unternehmen sichert Zukunft der Mitarbeiter und fördert Know–how durch vollständige Integration
  • Umstellung der Anlage auf Recycling von Kunststoffabfällen nach dem Gebrauch

ROTTERDAM, Niederlande, Oct. 18, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — LyondellBasell (LYB) hat heute bekanntgegeben, dass das Unternehmen vollständiger Eigentümer der APK AG in Merseburg, Deutschland, geworden ist. APK wird vollständig integriert und als Teil von LYB, einem führenden Unternehmen im Bereich Nachhaltigkeit in der chemischen Industrie, weitergeführt. LYB ist bestrebt, die einzigartige lösungsmittelbasierte Technologie des Unternehmens für Polyethylen niedriger Dichte (Low Density Polyethylene, LDPE) weiterzuentwickeln und in Zukunft kommerzielle Anlagen zu bauen. Dies wird LYB in die Lage versetzen, neue hochreine Materialien zu produzieren, die in Anwendungen wie flexiblen Verpackungen für Körperpflegeprodukte eingesetzt werden können, um die Anforderungen von Kunden und Markeninhabern zu erfüllen.

„Wir freuen uns, die Übernahme des lösungsmittelbasierten Recyclingunternehmens APK abschließen zu können. Damit sichern wir die Zukunft von mehr als hundert Mitarbeitern und bieten unseren Kunden eine weitere Lösung, um ihre Ambitionen und Ziele im Bereich Kreislaufwirtschaft zu erreichen“, so Yvonne van der Laan, LYB Executive Vice President of Circular and Low Carbon Solutions. „Diese Technologie ergänzt unsere hervorragende mechanische Recyclingtechnologie sowie unsere eigene fortschrittliche Recyclingtechnologie. Wir sehen dies als eine wichtige Ergänzung unseres Portfolios auf dem Weg zu einer Kreislaufwirtschaft, die dazu beiträgt, Plastikmüll zu vermeiden“.

Der Abschluss der Übernahme von APK ist ein weiterer Beweis dafür, wie LYB Lösungen für eine bessere Zukunft schafft, nachdem am 19. September in Wesseling mit Bundeskanzler Scholz der Grundstein für die erste großtechnische MoReTec–Anlage für katalytisches Advanced Recycling gelegt wurde. LYB ist bestrebt, die steigende Nachfrage nach nachhaltigeren Lösungen seitens der Kunden und der Gesellschaft zu erfüllen.

„Wir freuen uns außerordentlich, Teil von LYB zu sein. LYB bietet großes Fachwissen, Karrieremöglichkeiten und finanzielle Stärke, um das Unternehmen auf die nächste Stufe zu heben“, so Maik Pusch, ehemaliger Leiter der Unternehmensentwicklung bei der APK AG und Leiter der Integration. „Ich bin davon überzeugt, dass dieser Zusammenschluss dazu beitragen wird, dass unsere Technologie ihr volles Potenzial ausschöpfen kann, und unseren Mitarbeitern eine vielversprechende Zukunft sichert.“

Die Recyclingtechnologie ist eine einzigartige lösungsmittelbasierte Art für Polyethylen niedriger Dichte (LDPE). LYB zielt darauf ab, das Recycling von schwer zu recycelnden flexiblen Kunststoffabfällen – die heute den größten Teil der gemischten Kunststoffabfälle aus dem Verbrauchersektor ausmachen – zu erhöhen. Die produzierten Materialien werden als Teil des Circulen–Portfolios von LYB verkauft.

Im März 2023 stellte LYB seine neue Unternehmensstrategie vor, die darauf abzielt, LYB als Branchenführer im Bereich Nachhaltigkeit zu etablieren. LYB hat ehrgeizige Pläne formuliert, um als Schlüsselelement seiner neuen Strategie Zugang zu den besten innovativen und differenzierten Technologien zu schaffen, und ein spezielles Geschäftsfeld für Kreislaufwirtschaft und kohlenstoffarme Lösungen (Circular and Low Carbon Solutions, CLCS) gegründet. CLCS hat begonnen, in Europa, den Vereinigten Staaten und Asien umfangreiche Investitionen in die Sortierung und das Recycling von Kunststoffabfällen zu tätigen.

Über LyondellBasell
Wir sind LyondellBasell (NYSE: LYB) – ein führendes Unternehmen der globalen Chemieindustrie, das Lösungen für ein nachhaltiges Leben im Alltag entwickelt. Durch fortschrittliche Technologie und gezielte Investitionen ermöglichen wir eine kreislauforientierte und kohlenstoffarme Wirtschaft. Bei allem, was wir tun, streben wir danach, Werte für unsere Kunden, Investoren und die Gesellschaft zu schaffen. Als einer der weltweit größten Hersteller von Polymeren und führend in der Polyolefintechnologie entwickeln, produzieren und vermarkten wir hochwertige und innovative Produkte für Anwendungen, die von nachhaltigem Transport und Lebensmittelsicherheit bis hin zu sauberem Wasser und hochwertiger Gesundheitsversorgung reichen. Für weitere Informationen besuchen Sie bitte www.lyondellbasell.com oder folgen Sie @LyondellBasell auf LinkedIn.

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LyondellBasell Media Relations
Telefon: +1 713 309 4791
E–Mail: mediarelations@lyondellbasell.com


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Telefon: +31 6 273 573 98
E–Mail: robert.kleissen@lyondellbasell.com

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Die Aussagen in dieser Mitteilung, die sich auf Angelegenheiten beziehen, die keine historischen Fakten darstellen, sind zukunftsgerichtete Aussagen. Die tatsächlichen Ergebnisse können erheblich abweichen, was unter anderem von folgenden Faktoren abhängt: unserer Fähigkeit, unsere Nachhaltigkeitsziele zu erreichen, einschließlich unserer Fähigkeit, die Anlagen erfolgreich zu integrieren und zu betreiben; unserer Fähigkeit, ein profitables Circular & Low Carbon Solutions–Geschäft aufzubauen; unserer Fähigkeit, die Produktion von recycelten und erneuerbaren Polymeren zu steigern, um unsere Ziele und Prognosen zu erreichen, und unserer Fähigkeit, Rohstoffe zu beschaffen, um diese Ziele zu erreichen. Weitere Faktoren, die dazu führen könnten, dass die Ergebnisse wesentlich von den in den zukunftsgerichteten Aussagen beschriebenen abweichen, sind im Abschnitt „Risikofaktoren“ unseres Formulars 10–K für das am 31. Dezember 2023 abgeschlossene Jahr zu finden, das unter www.LyondellBasell.com auf der Seite Investor Relations und auf der Website der Securities and Exchange Commission unter www.sec.gov abrufbar ist. Es gibt keine Garantie dafür, dass die in den zukunftsgerichteten Aussagen genannten Handlungen, Ereignisse oder Ergebnisse eintreten werden, und wenn sie eintreten, welche Auswirkungen sie auf unsere Betriebsergebnisse oder unsere Finanzlage haben werden. Zukunftsgerichtete Aussagen beziehen sich nur auf das Datum, an dem sie gemacht wurden, und basieren auf den Einschätzungen und Meinungen der Unternehmensleitung von LyondellBasell zu dem Zeitpunkt, an dem die Aussagen gemacht werden. LyondellBasell übernimmt keine Verpflichtung, zukunftsgerichtete Aussagen zu aktualisieren, falls sich die Umstände oder die Schätzungen oder Meinungen des Managements ändern sollten, es sei denn, dies ist gesetzlich vorgeschrieben.

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9258509)

LYB finalise l’acquisition d’APK, une entreprise spécialisée dans le recyclage à base de solvants

La société intègre une nouvelle technologie de recyclage à son portefeuille

  • Son ambition est de poursuivre le développement de la technologie de recyclage à base de solvants et de la porter à l’échelle commerciale
  • Elle assure l’avenir de ses employés et valorise leur expertise grâce à une intégration complète
  • L’usine sera transformée en une unité de recyclage de déchets plastiques post–consommation

ROTTERDAM, Pays–Bas, 18 oct. 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — LyondellBasell, ci–après « LYB », annonce ce jour détenir l’entreprise APK AG située à Mersebourg, en Allemagne, en propriété exclusive. APK fera l’objet d’une intégration complète et maintiendra ses activités au sein de LYB, un leader du développement durable dans l’industrie chimique. LYB entend poursuivre le développement de sa technologie unique à base de solvants pour le polyéthylène basse densité (PEBD) et construire des usines commerciales à l’avenir. Cette vision permettra à LYB de produire de nouveaux matériaux de grande pureté dont les applications visent notamment les emballages souples des produits de soins personnels, en réponse à la demande des clients et des propriétaires de marques.

« Nous sommes ravis de finaliser l’acquisition de la société APK, spécialisée dans les technologies de recyclage à base de solvants. Cette opération sécurise l’avenir de plus d’une centaine d’employés et nous apporte une nouvelle solution pour répondre aux ambitions et objectifs de nos clients en matière de circularité », indique Yvonne van der Laan, Vice–présidente exécutive en charge des solutions circulaires et à faible émission de carbone chez LYB. « Cette technologie vient compléter notre excellente technologie de recyclage mécanique, ainsi que notre technologie de recyclage avancé exclusive. Nous considérons qu’il s’agit d’un complément clé à notre portefeuille à l’heure où nous nous orientons vers une économie circulaire, qui contribuera à mettre fin aux déchets plastiques. »

Après la pose de la première pierre de sa première usine MoReTec à l’échelle industrielle pour le recyclage catalytique avancé à Wesseling, le 19 septembre dernier, en présence du chancelier allemand Olaf Scholz, la clôture de l’acquisition d’APK constitue une autre preuve de la façon dont LYB conçoit des solutions pour un avenir meilleur. LYB a pour objectif de répondre à la demande croissante en solutions plus durables exprimée par ses clients et la société au sens large.

« Nous sommes extrêmement heureux de faire partie de LYB, dont la grande expertise, les opportunités de carrière et la solidité financière nous permettront de passer à la vitesse supérieure », témoigne Maik Pusch, ancien Directeur du développement de l’entreprise chez APK AG et Pilote de l’intégration. « Je suis convaincu que ce rapprochement permettra à notre technologie d’atteindre son plein potentiel, tout en garantissant un avenir prometteur à nos employés. »

Cette technologie de recyclage est une technologie unique à base de solvants pour polyéthylène basse densité (PEBD). LYB vise à accélérer le recyclage des déchets plastiques souples difficiles à recycler, qui constituent aujourd’hui la majeure partie des déchets plastiques mixtes provenant du secteur de la consommation. Les matériaux produits seront commercialisés sous la gamme Circulen de LYB.

En mars 2023, LYB a dévoilé sa nouvelle stratégie d’entreprise visant à devenir un leader du développement durable. LYB a élaboré des projets ambitieux en vue de créer un accès aux meilleures technologies innovantes et différenciées de leur catégorie comme élément clé de sa nouvelle stratégie. Elle a également développé une activité dédiée aux solutions circulaires et à faible émission de carbone. Cette activité a commencé à investir massivement la filière en réalisant des opérations de tri et de recyclage des déchets plastiques en Europe, aux États–Unis et en Asie.

À propos de LyondellBasell
Nous sommes LyondellBasell (NYSE : LYB), un leader de l’industrie chimique mondiale qui crée des solutions pour l’adoption d’un mode de vie durable au quotidien. Grâce à une technologie de pointe et à des investissements ciblés, nous œuvrons pour une économie circulaire à faible émission de carbone. Dans toutes nos activités, nous cherchons à créer de la valeur pour nos clients, nos investisseurs et la société. En tant que grand producteur mondial de polymères et leader des technologies des polyoléfines, nous développons, fabriquons et commercialisons des produits innovants et de qualité supérieure pour des applications variées allant du transport durable à la sécurité alimentaire, en passant par l’eau potable et les soins de santé qualitatifs. Pour en savoir plus, consultez le site www.lyondellbasell.com ou suivez @LyondellBasell sur LinkedIn.

Pour toute demande média, veuillez contacter Périmètre Monde
Relations médias de LyondellBasell
Téléphone : +1 713 309 4791
E–mail : mediarelations@lyondellbasell.com  

Ou :

Pour toute demande média, veuillez contacter Périmètre Europe
Robert Kleissen, Affaires étrangères – Europe
Téléphone : +31 6 273 573 98
E–mail : robert.kleissen@lyondellbasell.com

Déclarations prospectives
Les déclarations figurant dans le présent communiqué ne relevant pas de faits historiques constituent des déclarations prospectives. Les résultats réels pourraient sensiblement varier de ceux annoncés en fonction de certains facteurs, notamment, sans toutefois s’y limiter, notre capacité à atteindre nos objectifs en matière de développement durable, y compris notre capacité à intégrer avec succès les opérations et à exploiter les installations ; notre capacité à développer une activité rentable dans le domaine des solutions circulaires à faible émission de carbone ; et notre capacité à augmenter la production de polymères recyclés et à base de matières premières renouvelables pour atteindre nos objectifs et nos prévisions et notre capacité à nous procurer les matières premières nécessaires à l’atteinte de ces objectifs. D’autres facteurs susceptibles d’entraîner des résultats sensiblement différents de ceux décrits dans les déclarations prospectives figurent dans la section « Facteurs de risque » de notre formulaire 10–K pour l’exercice clos le 31 décembre 2023, disponible à l’adresse www.LyondellBasell.com, sur la page Investor Relations (Relations avec les investisseurs), et sur le site de la Securities and Exchange Commission à l’adresse www.sec.gov. Rien ne garantit que l’une des actions, l’un des événements ou l’un des résultats visés par les déclarations prospectives se produira, ni, le cas échéant, quel impact ils auront sur nos résultats d’exploitation ou notre situation financière. Les déclarations prospectives sont uniquement valables à la date à laquelle elles sont formulées et reposent sur les estimations et les opinions de la direction de LyondellBasell au moment où elles sont faites. LyondellBasell décline toute obligation de les mettre à jour si les circonstances, estimations ou opinions de la direction venaient à changer, sauf si la loi l’exige.

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9258458)

Attacks on Aid Personnel in Lebanon Impede Relief Efforts

UNICEF Deputy Executive Director Ted Chaiban, WFP Deputy Executive Director Carl Skau, UNICEF Lebanon Representative Édouard Beigbeder, and WFP Country Director for Lebanon Matthew Hollingworth, visited the Masnaa Border in the Bekaa where UNICEF is working to provide critical support to affected communities. Credit: UNICEF/Fouad Choufany

By Oritro Karim
UNITED NATIONS, Oct 18 2024 – In the midst of Israel’s ground incursion of southern Lebanon, frequent airstrikes have demolished civilian infrastructure, which is only contributing to the increasing rates of civilian casualties and displacement. Humanitarian organizations fear that conditions in Lebanon will soon resemble those of Gaza if a ceasefire isn’t reached soon.

The United Nations (UN) has urged the Israeli military to consider a ceasefire while the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) is stationed at the nation’s borders recording security violations and attempting to preserve peace. On October 16, UNIFIL had reported a series of airstrikes in the town of Nabatieh and surrounding areas in south Lebanon.

According to Lebanon’s Health Ministry, the attacks caused fifteen civilian casualties, including the mayor of the town, Ahmad Kahil, and members of the Disaster Risk Management Unit. Lebanon’s prime minister Najib Mikati condemned the attacks, accusing the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) of intentionally targeting a council meeting. The UN Special Coordinator for Lebanon, Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert, referred to Wednesday’s attacks as “violations of international humanitarian war”.

Prior to the escalation of hostilities observed in Lebanon in the past two weeks, an IDF spokesperson had informed reporters that the attacks were intended to target Hezbollah military operations only. However, recent airstrikes have been increasingly indiscriminate, targeting densely populated areas.

“We know that Hezbollah many times takes advantage of civilian facilities”, said Israel’s Permanent Representative to the UN Danny Danon.

Internal displacement has soared in Lebanon since the escalation of hostilities. UNICEF Deputy Executive Director Ted Chaiban told reporters on Wednesday that over 1.2 million people have been displaced as a result of this conflict, including over 400,000 children. Displacement shelters have been pushed to their limits, with over 85 percent of all shelters being at maximum capacity. Thousands of people seek refuge on the streets or in public centers.

The escalation of hostilities has taken a significant toll on Lebanon’s healthcare system. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), over 23 attacks on medical facilities have been reported in the past month, with 100 hospitals in conflict-affected areas shutting down.

“Attacks on health care debilitate health systems and impede their ability to continue to perform. They also prevent entire communities from accessing health services when they need them the most,” said Dr. Hanan Balkhy, WHO Regional Director for the Eastern Mediterranean.

The collective mental health of Lebanese civilians in highly affected areas has declined significantly. Chaiban remarked that this has been particularly difficult for children. “The psychological toll is immense, particularly on the young. Children now grapple with nightmares of bombardment, the loss of loved ones, and the erasure of their homes and schools,” he said.

Additionally, there has been an influx of injured civilians, resulting in a massive demand for medicines, surgical supplies, and psychosocial support. WHO and the Lebanese Red Cross have partnered with Lebanon’s Ministry of Health to provide local hospitals with adequate supplies and establish trauma centers.

The International Committee of the Red Cross has deployed a team of 22 medical workers experienced in handling destructive injuries at the Rafik Hariri University Hospital in Beirut.

“While our surgical team and medical supplies will help ease the burden on healthcare providers, sustained and safe humanitarian aid is urgently needed. The humanitarian crisis deepens by the hour,” said Simone Casabianca-Aeschlimann, the head of the ICRC team in Lebanon.

Humanitarian organizations fear that living conditions will grow more dire in the coming winter months. The UN and its agencies such as WHO, UNICEF and the World Food Programme (WFP) are mobilized to scale up response efforts as the situation continues to change. There have been calls for flexible funding for the humanitarian efforts, such as with UNICEF’S appeal for USD 105 million for the next three months which is currently only eight percent funded. The UN urges donor contributions as hostilities show no signs of ceasing in the near future.

IPS UN Bureau Report


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Honduras: Environmental Defenders Still under Siege

Crerdit: Orlando Sierra/AFP via Getty Images

By Inés M. Pousadela
MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay, Oct 18 2024 – Juan López was gunned down on 14 September. An environmental activist, community leader and member of the Municipal Committee in Defence of the Commons and Public Goods of Tocoa, he was the latest victim of extractive greed in Honduras. Communities protecting the rivers that flow through the Bajo Aguán region have seen several of their leaders assassinated.

In 2023, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights granted precautionary measures to López and 29 other members of the Municipal Committee and the Justice for the People Law Firm. In response, the state of Honduras was supposed to consult with those affected and adopt all necessary measures to protect their rights to life and personal integrity and ensure they could continue their human rights work without fear of retaliation. It clearly didn’t do any of that.

Environmental conflict

López was one of the leaders of resistance against mining in the Carlos Escaleras National Park. When the first licence was awarded in 2014, over 20 local communities began organising, establishing the Tocoa Municipal Committee in 2015.

In Guapinol, near Tocoa, people formed a Community Council in 2018. Since complaints with Congress, courts and government agencies got nowhere, locals began an occupation, blocking access to machinery for the Los Pinares mining company. The army and police cleared the camp twice, and then the company accused 32 protesters of arson, damage, illegal association, kidnapping and usurpation. López was among those charged, accused of being the leader of an alleged illegal association.

López and 11 other activists who came forward voluntarily to testify were detained for several days, while eight others were remanded in custody, spending two and a half years in pretrial detention. They were eventually released in February 2022.

Criminalisation continued: in March 2020, the Court of Appeals reopened the cases against López and four of his colleagues. They were subjected to smear campaigns and threatened by people associated with Los Pinares. Lawyers defending the activists and civil society groups supporting them were harassed, and local community members were intimidated.

Year after year, Global Witness has found Honduras to be one of the deadliest countries in the world for land rights and environmental defenders. Overall, more than 160 people have been killed in the region since 2010. Lethal violence has also affected journalists reporting on illegal extractive practices, including Luis Alfonso Teruel Vega, killed in January after reporting on deforestation.

Entrenched economic power

Entrenched corrupt networks of political and economic interests that act with impunity have long been the biggest danger to Honduran environmental and land rights defenders. There were hopes for change with the November 2021 election of leftist leader Xiomara Castro as president.

But while political power can change hands quickly, economic power is more permanent. Following the change of government, corporate power remained intact and extraction continues to be a key source of elite wealth. Networks of corruption stayed in place, encompassing significant elements of state institutions, including some belonging to Castro’s party Libertad y Refundación (Libre).

López was a Tocoa municipal councillor for Libre, and had recently urged the resignation of Tocoa’s mayor, also from Libre, accused of having links with armed groups working for extractive companies and profiting from facilitating illegal mining in protected areas. The mayor ignored a public town hall meeting’s decision by giving the green light to a huge power plant, part of a megaproject that also includes an open-cast mine and iron oxide processing facility.

Castro ran on a change platform, and when sworn in in January 2022, promised ‘no more permits for open mines or exploitation of our minerals, no more concessions to exploit our rivers, watersheds, national parks and cloud forests’. She promised freedom for the Guapinol political prisoners and justice for Berta Cáceres, a high-profile Indigenous environmental defender murdered in 2016.

Castro’s first steps raised hopes. The Guapinol defenders regained their freedom, and in June 2022 the mastermind of Cáceres’ murder, a former executive of a hydroelectric company, was sentenced to over 22 years in prison.

In a promising move to counter corruption and impunity, Castro led a reform of the selection process for Supreme Court judges so they’d be chosen from a merit-based list drawn up by an independent committee. Castro’s predecessor was extradited to the USA on drug charges.

Castro announced plans to revive the Mission to Support the Fight against Corruption and Impunity in Honduras (MACCIH), created through an agreement with the Organization of American States in response to 2016 anti-corruption protests but disbanded four years later. In December 2022, the government signed a memorandum of understanding with the UN to work towards establishing a mechanism against corruption and impunity. A team of UN experts came to assess its feasibility, and some early progress was made in repealing laws and decrees that impeded corruption investigations and prosecutions.

But key reforms remain pending, and the proposal to recreate MACCIH or a similar UN-led body never took off. The promised protection mechanism for human rights defenders and journalists, meant to replace the existing ineffective one that lacks financial resources and experienced staff with human rights training, hasn’t materialised.

The militarisation of security has made things worse. In November 2022, Castro declared a state of emergency to deal with soaring levels of crime and gang violence. Extended several times, it remains in force. Security gains have come at an unacceptable human rights cost.

Civil society demands

Civil society condemned López’s killing as part of a pattern of violence against environmental defenders and called out the state’s systematic failure to fulfil its duty to ensure their safety. It urged the government to seek the support of regional and international human rights bodies to investigate the facts and hold the perpetrators to account.

Ten days after López’s murder, the Public Prosecutor’s Office issued an injunction against people linked to two companies owned by the same group, Ecotek and Los Pinares. The office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights welcomed the decision, as did the Tocoa Municipal Committee, although activists also warned that the injunction increased the risk to human rights defenders. The committee reiterated its call for the state to take responsibility for their protection and accountability for all crimes committed against them.

On 4 October, the police arrested López’s alleged killer and one of his accomplices. But this is only a first step, and many more must follow. It’s too late for López, but bringing the perpetrators of his crime to justice – including those who ordered and profited from it – could save the lives of many more.

The government also needs to establish an effective protection mechanism capable of responding to early warnings, rather than trying to remedy serious violations after they’ve occurred.

And even then, it won’t be enough if the root cause of violence – extractivist corruption – remains unaddressed. In February 2024, the government issued a decree to protect areas of the Carlos Escaleras National Park. Local communities welcomed the decision, but continue to demand that all parts of the megaproject be cancelled immediately.

That’s a decision that would require a lot of muscle, because it would hurt very powerful interests. If Castro hasn’t been co-opted and decides to put community rights before business interests, she’ll need strong international support to stand any chance.

Inés M. Pousadela is CIVICUS Senior Research Specialist, co-director and writer for CIVICUS Lens and co-author of the State of Civil Society Report.

A longer version of this article is available here.

For interviews or more information, please contact research@civicus.org.


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Transparency and Inclusion: The Keys to Successful 30×30 Conservation

Skytruth 30×30 Progress Tracker, Multi-view. Credit: Skytruth

By John Amos
SANTA FE, New Mexico USA, Oct 18 2024 – Two years ago world leaders from nearly 200 countries made a landmark commitment to protect and conserve at least 30% of the planet’s land, ocean, and freshwater by 2030 – an initiative known as “30×30”.

From the lush rainforests of the Amazon to the azure waters of the Great Barrier Reef, this ambitious goal aims to safeguard our planet’s tremendous biodiversity, mitigate climate change, and secure vital ecosystems.

This will be the primary focus of the UN Biodiversity Conference (COP 16) starting next week in Cali Colombia. (October 21-November 1)

As we embark on this crucial mission, we must recognize that the success of 30×30 hinges not just on reaching a numerical target, but on how we get there. Transparency of information and inclusion of impacted communities must be at the forefront of this global conservation effort.

Historically, conservation initiatives have been top-down, driven by governments and international organizations with limited input from local communities. This approach has sometimes led to the displacement of Indigenous peoples, the disruption of traditional livelihoods, and the creation of protected areas that exist on maps but offer little real protection on the ground.

Now, we must shift this conservation paradigm to prioritize a more equitable and effective approach. One way this can happen is by making 30×30 data free, easy to understand, and available to all.

How well is the world doing on 30×30? How is one country participating compared to its neighbor? What are the promises being made by governments versus the reality on the ground?

These are some of the questions we’re trying to answer with the 30×30 Progress Tracker, a first-of-its-kind open-source platform that captures key 30×30 data all in one place, makes it user-friendly, and enables anyone to get involved.

Now government agencies, NGOs, journalists, frontline environmental defenders, and the concerned public can visualize progress towards the 30×30 goal on land and at sea, spanning coral reefs to forests, grasslands, wetlands, and other vital ecosystems.

This free tool allows conservation experts and non-experts alike to interact with existing protected areas and draw simple maps of potential new conservation zones. Although there are more sophisticated mapping and analysis tools available for designing protected areas, by exploring data on key habitats, species distributions, and climate resilience factors, users can quickly sketch their own lightweight scenarios showing how biodiversity protection could move forward.

The Tracker will add more information as it becomes available, including the land rights of Indigenous Peoples and local communities, recognizing the critical role they have played throughout the millennia in biodiversity conservation.

When information about conservation progress and challenges is openly available, it enables civil society, researchers, and the public to hold governments and organizations accountable for their commitments. This scrutiny can help ensure that protected areas are not just designated, but effectively managed and enforced.

Transparency also enables more informed decision-making. When data on biodiversity, endangered species, and human use of natural resources is openly available, it allows for better-targeted and more effective conservation efforts.

It can help identify priority areas for protection, potential conflicts with human activities, and opportunities for sustainable resource use. And it can foster trust. When local communities can access information about conservation plans that affect their lands and waters, it can facilitate more productive dialogues between conservation planners and local stakeholders.

Open-source data can play a role in this transformation, but it is just one piece of the puzzle. The real measure of success for 30×30 will not be in the numbers alone, but in how well we’ve engaged and empowered the diverse stakeholders whose lives and livelihoods are intertwined with the lands and waters we seek to protect.

Measuring success is also not just about quantity – we need to scrutinize the quality of protection. We have data for the ocean and are collecting data for the land on both protection levels and management effectiveness so that designated protected areas can deliver real conservation outcomes.

As we approach 2030 the pace of conservation efforts must accelerate dramatically. Globally, only about 17% of land and 8% of ocean areas are now under some form of protection. To reach the 30×30 goal, we need to protect and conserve an additional area roughly the size of Africa in just six years.

This herculean task requires unprecedented cooperation, innovation, and commitment from governments, NGOs, and communities worldwide.

With the democratization of 30×30 data, local communities, Indigenous groups, and grassroots organizations can access the same information as policymakers, empowering them to advocate for the protection of their lands and waters effectively.

Together we can galvanize action, inform policy, and hold decision-makers accountable, transforming the abstract goal of 30×30 into a tangible, achievable target that we can all work towards.

John Amos is CEO, SkyTruth, based in Shepherdstown, West Virgnia, and described as a conservation technology nonprofit that utilizes satellite imagery, machine learning, and big data to make hidden environmental problems visible, measurable, and actionable. SkyTruth envisions a world where everyone enjoys a healthy environment and sustainable livelihood because transparency is the norm: polluters know they will be seen and caught, industries have cleaned up their practices, and governments are vigorously enforcing environmental protection.

Learn more at https://skytruth.org/.

IPS UN Bureau


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What is the World’s Most “Demanding and Impossible Job”?

Credit: UN Photo/Manuel Elías

By Thalif Deen
UNITED NATIONS, Oct 18 2024 – When Dr Gamani Corea, a former Secretary-General of the Geneva-based UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) was holding court in the delegate’s lounge, I asked him what he thought of the bitter dispute between then Secretary-General (SG) Boutros Boutros-Ghali (1992-1996) and the United States over the Egyptian’s determination to win re-election for a second term.

Dr Corea, a product of two prestigious universities, Oxford and Cambridge, and a one-time Sri Lankan Ambassador to the European Economic Community (EEC) in Brussels, pondered for a while, and declared: “I cannot really figure out why anyone in his right mind would ever want such a demanding job.”

And perhaps he was right.

Trygve Lie of Norway, the first UN Secretary-General, once remarked the SG’s job was “the most impossible job on this earth.”

Still, the post of SG, in contemporary history, has attracted at least three ranking officials from their respective country’s highest political hierarchies: Boutros Boutros-Ghali, acting Foreign Minister of Egypt, Secretary-General Ban ki-moon, a former Foreign Minister of South Korea and the current Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres, a former Prime Minister of Portugal.

The SG, for all intents and purposes, is the UN’s Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) who is virtually subservient to 193 political leaders, including presidents, prime ministers, reigning monarchs, foreign ministers and even UN ambassadors.

But he also has no means of implementing UN resolutions or a standing army to enforce them.

Guterres, who has taken a strong stand against the Russian invasion of Ukraine and publicly condemned the devastating killings of civilians in Gaza has come under fire, mostly from Israeli politicians and senior officials, who have not only called for his resignation but also declared him persona non grata (PNG), banning him from entering Israel.

Ambassador Anwarul K. Chowdhury, a former UN Under-Secretary-General and one-time Permanent Representative of Bangladesh to the United Nations, told IPS the incumbent Secretary-General recently lamented to the media that “Well, it is absolutely true that the Secretary-General of the United Nations has very limited power, and it’s also absolutely true that he has very little capacity to mobilize financial resources. So, no power and no money.”

“That is the reality which every Secretary-General faces and have been aware of”, said Ambassador Chowdhury.

“That is also known generally to the people who follow the United Nations regularly and thoroughly understanding the functional complexity of the world’s largest multilateral apparatus. Why then this reality surfaces and brought to public attention only when the UN leadership fails to carry out the mandated responsibilities?”

This “very limited power”, as worded by SG Guterres, should be highlighted as often as possible to avoid unnecessary and undue expectations of the global community about the UN and its top leadership.

“No Secretary-General has pointed out these limitations as he campaigned for the post and on assuming the office, he said. Current SG Guterres was no exception. He would have been realistic and factual if he had pointed out the limitations – better termed as obstacles – to his leadership as he took office in 2017, and not in 2024 after being in office for nearly eight years.”

Irrespective of the major ongoing wars, the built-in operational weakness and inability of the world’s most important diplomat has always been there, said Ambassador Chowdhury, former Senior Special Adviser to UN General Assembly President (2011-2012) and President of the UN Security Council (2000 and 2001).

Ian G. Williams, President of the Foreign Press Association USA, told IPS it is time for the pandering to stop. Former Israeli Ambassador Gilad Erdan’s shredding of the UN Charter should have been be taken as Israeli abrogation of the Charter, but barring the Secretary General indicates that Israel has no part in the organization, as should banning UNRWA and the threat to confiscate its assets in Jerusalem to build illegal settlements on occupied territory.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) got Al Capone for tax evasion – and now is the time for Israel to be squeezed out for its manifest procedural breaches of the UN Charter and Vienna Convention even if the two veto holders cover for it on genocide, said Williams.

“Being declared PNG by Israel has probably saved Antonio Guterres’ reputation, which until now has been dimmed by his relative caution in addressing Israeli depredations. To be attacked by an enemy of mankind and international law is no bad thing”.

But now there should be follow-up, he pointed out.

“The members hip of the United Nations should now be carving away at Israel’s membership prerogatives since, even if states are reluctant to act on the state’s egregious violations of international law, it has now clearly broken the basic rules of international diplomacy.”

“Will it take (Israeli Ambassador) Danny Danon dancing across the General Assembly podium with the SG’s head on a platter to provoke action? asked Williams, a former President of the UN Correspondents Association (UNCA).

Asked about the PNG declaration by Israel, UN Spokesperson Stephane Dujarric said: “We saw this announcement, which we see as a political statement by the Foreign Minister. And just one more attack, so to speak, on UN staff that we’ve seen from the government of Israel.”

“Look, this issue of PNG has been announced by different countries at different times towards a representative. And as we said every time, we do not recognize that the concept of persona non grata applies to UN staff”, he added.

Time and again, said Ambassador Chowdhury, “I have pointed out that “essentially there are four main constraints to the effectiveness of the Secretary-General”.

Firstly, veto and veto-wielding members of the Security Council, which influences matters in all areas of UN system’s work; secondly, promises and commitments made by the Secretary-General as a candidate to secure his election; thirdly, aspiration to get re-elected for a second term from day one of the first term; and, fourthly, the labyrinthine UN bureaucracy.

“We need to revisit the operational credibility of our much-cherished world body. What was needed in 1945 to be enshrined in the UN Charter is to be judged in the light of current realities.”

If the Charter needs to be amended to live up to the challenges of global complexities and paralyzing intergovernmental politicization, let us do that. It is high time to focus on that direction. Blindly treating the words of the Charter as sacrosanct may be self-defeating and irresponsible. The UN could be buried under its own rubble unless we set our house in order now, declared Chowdhury.

“I am often asked, during ‘questions and answers’ segment following my public speaking, if I want to recommend one thing that would make the UN perform better, what would it be. My clear and emphatic answer always has been “Abolish the Veto!” Veto is undemocratic, irrational and against the true spirit of the principle of sovereign equality of the United Nations”.

In an opinion piece in the IPS Journal in March 2022, I wrote that “Believe me, the veto power influences not only the decisions of the Security Council but also all work of the UN, including importantly the choice of the Secretary-General.”

The same opinion piece asserted that “I believe the abolition of veto requires a greater priority attention in the reforms process than the enlargement of the Security Council membership with additional permanent ones. Such permanency is simply undemocratic. I also believe that the veto power is not ‘the cornerstone of the United Nations’ but in reality, its tombstone.”

Abolishing the veto would also release the election of the Secretary-General from the manipulating control of the veto-wielding permanent members of the Security Council.

After choosing nine men successively to be the world’s topmost diplomat, “I strongly believe that it is incumbent on the United Nations to have the sanity and sagacity of electing a woman as the next Secretary-General in 2026 when the incumbent’s successor would be chosen,” he added.

“I would also recommend that in future the Secretary-General would have only one term of seven years, as opposed to current practice of automatically renewing the Secretary-General’s tenure for a second five-year term, without even evaluating his performance,” he noted.

IPS UN Bureau Report


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