eXp Realty auf globalem Expansionskurs: Türkei, Peru und Ägypten für 2025 geplant

BELLINGHAM, Washington, Oct. 28, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — eXp Realty®, das weltweit größte unabhängige Immobilienunternehmen und die wichtigste Tochtergesellschaft der eXp World Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq: EXPI), freut sich, den für 2025 geplanten Markteintritt in drei dynamische Märkte – Türkei, Peru und Ägypten – bekannt zu geben. In einem entscheidenden Schritt zur Stärkung seiner globalen Präsenz bringt eXp Realty sein maklerorientiertes Modell und seine innovative Cloud–Plattform in einige der dynamischsten Immobilienmärkte der Welt.

Sobald die Expansion abgeschlossen ist, wird eXp Realty in 27 Ländern vertreten sein und Tausende von Maklern weltweit mit seinem einzigartigen Werteversprechen unterstützen. Das Modell wurde entwickelt, um sowohl im Wohn– als auch im Gewerbeimmobilienbereich erfolgreich zu agieren und unterstreicht das Engagement von eXp, seinen Maklern die Tools und Plattform zur Verfügung zu stellen, die sie benötigen, um in der sich wandelnden Immobilienlandschaft erfolgreich zu sein.

„Unsere Expansion in die Türkei, nach Peru und Ägypten ist Ausdruck unseres unermüdlichen Strebens nach Innovation und unseres Engagements, unsere Makler weltweit zu unterstützen“, so Glenn Sanford, Gründer und CEO von eXp World Holdings. „In diesen Märkten liegt enormes Potenzial, und wir freuen uns, unser cloudbasiertes Modell sowie unseren maklerorientierten Ansatz Immobilienfachleuten vorzustellen, die ihre Karriere ausbauen und neue Perspektiven entdecken möchten. Die nächste Ära im Immobiliensektor hat begonnen, und wir haben noch viel vor.“

Die Türkei, ein wichtiger Knotenpunkt zwischen Europa und Asien, verfügt über einen dynamischen und sich schnell entwickelnden Immobilienmarkt. Dieser wird durch eine starke inländische Nachfrage und zunehmende ausländische Investitionen, insbesondere in pulsierenden Städten wie Istanbul, gestärkt. In Peru boomt der Immobilienmarkt dank einer florierenden Wirtschaft und städtischem Ausbau. Dies zieht internationale Investoren an, die in Lima und anderen aufstrebenden Regionen nach Investitionsmöglichkeiten suchen. Ägypten bietet mit seiner reichen Geschichte und einem sich rasch modernisierenden Immobilienmarkt hervorragende Investitionsmöglichkeiten, insbesondere in Kairo, einer der größten und am schnellsten wachsenden Städte Afrikas.

Felix Bravo, VP of International Growth, betonte: „Diese Märkte bergen enormes Potenzial. Die einzigartige Lage der Türkei als Tor zwischen Europa und Asien, das dynamische Wirtschaftswachstum Perus und die rasante Entwicklung des Immobilienmarktes in Ägypten machen diese Länder zu idealen Standorten für unser maklerfokussiertes Modell. Wir freuen uns darauf, Makler in diesen Regionen dabei zu unterstützen, ihr Geschäft mit der innovativen Plattform von eXp und unserem unvergleichlichen Support auszubauen.“

Die globale Expansion von eXp Realty basiert auf einer agilen, cloudbasierten Plattform, die Maklern eine einmalige Provisionsstruktur, innovative Tools für die Zusammenarbeit und die einzigartige Möglichkeit bietet, durch ihre Abschlüsse und ihr Wachstum Kapitalbeteiligungen zu erwerben. Mit Blick auf das Jahr 2025 ist eXp weiterhin bestrebt, Makler auf der ganzen Welt mit den Innovationen und Ressourcen zu unterstützen, die sie benötigen, um in jedem Markt erfolgreich zu sein, während das Unternehmen seine globale Präsenz weiter ausbaut.

Über eXp World Holdings, Inc.

eXp World Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq: EXPI) ist die Holdinggesellschaft von eXp Realty®, Virbela und SUCCESS® Enterprises.

eXp Realty ist das am schnellsten wachsende Immobilienunternehmen der Welt mit über 87.000 Maklern in den Vereinigten Staaten, Kanada, dem Vereinigten Königreich, Australien, Südafrika, Indien, Mexiko, Portugal, Frankreich, Puerto Rico, Brasilien, Italien, Hongkong, Kolumbien, Spanien, Israel, Panama, Deutschland, der Dominikanischen Republik, Griechenland, Neuseeland, Chile, Polen und Dubai und expandiert weiter auf internationaler Ebene. Als börsennotiertes Unternehmen bietet eXp World Holdings Immobilienfachleuten die einzigartige Möglichkeit, Aktienprämien für Produktionsziele und Beiträge zum Gesamtwachstum des Unternehmens zu erhalten. eXp World Holdings und seine Unternehmen bieten ein umfassendes Angebot an Makler– und Immobilientechnologielösungen, darunter ein innovatives Maklermodell für Wohn– und Gewerbeimmobilien, professionelle Dienstleistungen, Tools für die Zusammenarbeit und persönliche Entwicklung. Das cloudbasierte Maklerunternehmen wird von Virbela unterstützt, einer immersiven 3D–Plattform, die stark sozial und kollaborativ ausgerichtet ist und es den Maklern ermöglicht, besser vernetzt sowie produktiver zu sein. SUCCESS® Enterprises, mit der Zeitschrift SUCCESS® und den dazugehörigen Medien, wurde 1897 gegründet und ist eine führende Marke und Publikation für persönliche und berufliche Entwicklung.

Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter https://expworldholdings.com.

„Safe Harbor“–Erklärung

Die hierin enthaltenen Aussagen können Aussagen über Zukunftserwartungen und andere zukunftsgerichtete Aussagen enthalten, die auf den gegenwärtigen Ansichten und Annahmen des Managements beruhen und bekannte und unbekannte Risiken und Ungewissheiten beinhalten, die dazu führen können, dass die tatsächlichen Ergebnisse, Leistungen oder Ereignisse erheblich von den in diesen Aussagen ausgedrückten oder implizierten abweichen. Diese zukunftsgerichteten Aussagen gelten nur zum Zeitpunkt der Veröffentlichung dieses Dokuments, und das Unternehmen verpflichtet sich nicht, sie zu überarbeiten oder zu aktualisieren. Zu diesen Aussagen gehören unter anderem Aussagen über das kontinuierliche Wachstum unserer Makler– und Vermittlerbasis und die Ausweitung unseres Wohnimmobilienmaklergeschäfts auf ausländische Märkte. Solche Aussagen sind keine Garantie für zukünftige Leistungen. Zu den wichtigen Faktoren, die dazu führen können, dass die tatsächlichen Ergebnisse wesentlich und nachteilig von den in den zukunftsgerichteten Aussagen zum Ausdruck gebrachten Ergebnissen abweichen, gehören Änderungen der Marktbedingungen, die Herausforderungen bei der operativen Umsetzung in ausländischen Märkten, einschließlich sich ändernder Vorschriften oder Gesetze, sowie andere Risiken, die von Zeit zu Zeit in den bei der Securities and Exchange Commission eingereichten Unterlagen des Unternehmens, darunter unter anderem dem zuletzt eingereichten Quartalsbericht auf Formular 10–Q und dem Jahresbericht auf Formular 10–K, beschrieben werden.


eXp World Holdings, Inc.



Denise Garcia


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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9263156)

2ONE® Nicotine Pouches Joins MBM Motorsports in Multi-Race Sponsorship

STATESVILLE, N.C., Oct. 28, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Motorsports Business Management (MBM Motorsports) has signed 2ONE® Nicotine Pouches (“Twenty–One”) to a multi–race sponsorship deal to conclude the 2024 NASCAR Cup Series championship. The No. 66 2ONE Nicotine Pouches / Coble Enterprises Ford Mustang Dark Horse will race at Martinsville Speedway with driver Josh Bilicki on Sunday, November 3 and at Phoenix Raceway with driver Chad Finchum on Sunday, November 10.

Vincent Schuman, CEO at 2ONE Labs, says, “With this sponsorship we are really trying to give something back to adult racing fans who are already enjoying the 2ONE nicotine pouch experience – and for consumers who might be less familiar with our flavorful pouches – we believe the 2ONE sponsorship offers a meaningful way to experience the visual of a great brand, dressed on a great team car in some truly classic races.”

Josh Bilicki will race at Martinsville Speedway for the fifth time in his NASCAR Cup Series career in the Xfinity 500. The Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin native has a best Cup finish at this track of 23rd in 2021.

“Martinsville is one of my favorite ovals on the schedule,” said the 29–year–old driver, who will now surpass 100 premier series starts. “I'm thankful to Carl (Long) and the entire MBM team for having me back for another race, as I feel consistency is key with building this program. Each race we've gotten a little bit better and the team continues to learn this car, so I'm very excited for Martinsville.”

Chad Finchum will make his Phoenix Raceway premier series debut in the NASCAR Cup Series Championship race on Sunday, November 10. The Knoxville, Tennessee native has five NASCAR Xfinity Series starts at Phoenix, including a Top 20 finish in 2019 and a Top 25 finish in 2020.

“I am really excited to get back behind the wheel at Phoenix Raceway,” said the 30–year–old racer. “It is a very fun and unique track, and being that it's NASCAR’s championship weekend, it always adds that little extra bit of pressure and excitement. I have had some really good runs there over the years in the Xfinity Series, but this will be my first Cup start there. I am looking forward to ending the year on a strong note!”

MBM Motorsports team owner Carl Long added his comments on what the 2ONE Pouches sponsorship means to him.

“I am very proud to promote a new tobacco alternative product from 2ONE. I grew up in Roxboro, North Carolina on a tobacco farm. Many people I knew kept a dip or chew in their mouth most of the day. This product with a variety of flavors eliminates users having to drag a spit bottle around with them. I have buddies that have had a worn circle in the back pocket of their jeans for years where the can of dip stayed. I will be getting 2ONE as my must–have brand the next time I shop in a Circle K. It will easily fit the same spot in their jeans pocket!”

“Just like the variety of flavors 2ONE offers, I am proud to give a variety of drivers opportunities as well. Josh Bilicki and Chad Finchum will continue to do a good job behind the wheel for MBM.”

Long–time team partner Coble Enterprises will be prominently displayed on the hood of the No. 66 entry at Martinsville Speedway and return to the team as an associate sponsor at Phoenix Raceway.

“I would like to thank Coble Enterprises for moving their primary race sponsorship from Phoenix to Martinsville to allow 2ONE all primary locations on the car for the season finale,” said Carl Long.

The 2ONE Nicotine Pouches / Coble Enterprises No. 66 will race twice on network NBC to conclude the 2024 NASCAR Cup Series season. The Xfinity 500 at Martinsville on Sunday, November 3 begins at 2 pm ET, and the NASCAR Cup Series Championship at Phoenix on Sunday, November 10 begins at 3 pm ET.

About 2ONE® Nicotine Pouches

2ONE Labs Inc.: Founded by pioneers in synthetic nicotine production, 2ONE Labs specializes in providing the most innovative tobacco–free nicotine products to adult consumers seeking an alternative to other tobacco products. For more information, contact 21Pouches.com. 2ONE® is a registered trademark of 2ONE Labs Inc., Lake Tahoe, NV. All Rights Reserved.

SOURCE: 2ONE Labs Inc.

About Coble Enterprises

Coble Enterprises is a real estate investment firm based in sunny Sarasota, Florida. Coble Enterprises specializes in personalized property management for residential and commercial properties. Visit Coble–Enterprises.com for more information.

About MBM Motorsports

Motorsports Business Management LLC, operating as MBM Motorsports, is an American professional stock car racing team based in Statesville, N.C., owned by Carl Long. MBM Motorsports currently competes in the NASCAR Cup Series, NASCAR Xfinity Series, and NASCAR Craftsman Truck Series. Visit MBMMotorsports.com for more information. Follow the team on Facebook, Instagram, and X.

Press Contact

MBM Motorsports
Ryan Perezluha

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9263143)

eXp Realty Ignites Global Expansion: Türkiye, Peru, and Egypt Set To Join in 2025

BELLINGHAM, Wash., Oct. 28, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — eXp Realty®, the largest independent global real estate brokerage on the planet and a core subsidiary of eXp World Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq: EXPI), is thrilled to announce its expansion into three vibrant markets — Türkiye, Peru, and Egypt, set for 2025. In a bold move to strengthen its global footprint, eXp Realty is bringing its agent–centric model and innovative cloud–based platform to some of the world’s most dynamic real estate markets.

Once this expansion is complete, eXp Realty will operate in 27 countries, empowering thousands of agents across the globe with its unique value propositions. The model is designed for success in both residential and commercial real estate, and underscores eXp’s unwavering commitment to equip its agents with the tools and platform they need to thrive in real estate’s evolving landscape.

“Our expansion into Türkiye, Peru, and Egypt is a testament to our relentless drive for innovation and our commitment to empowering agents around the world,” said Glenn Sanford, Founder and CEO of eXp World Holdings. “These markets are buzzing with potential, and we’re excited to introduce our cloud–based model and agent–first approach to real estate professionals who are eager to elevate their careers and unlock new opportunities. The future of real estate is here, and we’re just getting started.”

Türkiye, a critical hub bridging Europe and Asia, is home to a resilient and rapidly evolving real estate market, bolstered by strong domestic demand and increasing foreign investment, particularly in bustling cities like Istanbul. In Peru, the property market is thriving thanks to a booming economy and urban expansion, attracting global investors seeking opportunities in Lima and other emerging areas. Egypt, with its rich history and rapidly modernizing real estate landscape, offers unparalleled investment prospects, especially in Cairo — one of Africa’s largest and fastest–growing cities.

Felix Bravo, VP of International Growth, emphasized, “These markets hold tremendous potential. Türkiye’s unique position as a gateway between Europe and Asia, Peru’s vibrant economic growth, and Egypt’s rapid real estate development make them ideal for our agent–first model. We’re excited to empower agents in these regions to expand their businesses, backed by eXp’s cutting–edge platform and unparalleled support.”

eXp Realty’s global expansion is driven by its agile, cloud–based platform, empowering agents with an unmatched commission structure, cutting–edge collaborative tools, and the unique opportunity to earn equity through their sales and growth. As 2025 approaches, eXp remains dedicated to supporting agents worldwide with the innovation and resources needed to thrive in any market, while continuing to broaden its global reach.

About eXp World Holdings, Inc.

eXp World Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq: EXPI) is the holding company for eXp Realty®, Virbela and SUCCESS® Enterprises.

eXp Realty is the fastest–growing real estate company in the world with more than 87,000 agents in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, South Africa, India, Mexico, Portugal, France, Puerto Rico, Brazil, Italy, Hong Kong, Colombia, Spain, Israel, Panama, Germany, Dominican Republic, Greece, New Zealand, Chile, Poland and Dubai and continues to scale internationally. As a publicly traded company, eXp World Holdings provides real estate professionals the unique opportunity to earn equity awards for production goals and contributions to overall company growth. eXp World Holdings and its businesses offer a full suite of brokerage and real estate tech solutions, including its innovative residential and commercial brokerage model, professional services, collaborative tools and personal development. The cloud–based brokerage is powered by Virbela, an immersive 3D platform that is deeply social and collaborative, enabling agents to be more connected and productive. SUCCESS® Enterprises, anchored by SUCCESS® magazine and its related media properties, was established in 1897 and is a leading personal and professional development brand and publication.

For more information, visit https://expworldholdings.com.

Safe Harbor Statement

The statements contained herein may include statements of future expectations and other forward–looking statements that are based on management’s current views and assumptions and involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results, performance or events to differ materially from those expressed or implied in such statements. Such forward–looking statements speak only as of the date hereof, and the company undertakes no obligation to revise or update them. These statements include, but are not limited to, statements about the continued growth of our agent and broker base and expansion of our residential real estate brokerage business into foreign markets. Such statements are not guarantees of future performance. Important factors that may cause actual results to differ materially and adversely from those expressed in forward–looking statements include changes in market conditions; the difficulty of getting operationalized in foreign countries, including any changing regulations or laws; and other risks detailed from time to time in the company’s Securities and Exchange Commission filings, including but not limited to the most recently filed Quarterly Report on Form 10–Q and Annual Report on Form 10–K.

Media Relations Contact:

eXp World Holdings, Inc.


Investor Relations Contact:

Denise Garcia


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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9262687)

Dubai Philanthropist Anosh Ahmed Provides £10 Million of Essential Food Aid to Support Lebanon’s Vulnerable Communities

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates, Oct. 28, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Dubai Billionaire and founder of PFOAA Anosh Ahmed and its foundation announces today that it is donating ten millions of pounds of essential food to Lebanon.

Anosh Ahmed

“In times of hardship and recovery, no one should face hunger alone. As Lebanon heals from the recent conflict, we are standing with the most vulnerable—children and women—who have been impacted the most. This donation is a step toward bringing nourishment, hope, and dignity to those in need. Together, we can help restore not just meals, but a sense of comfort and compassion in the lives of those who need it most. May this support bring warmth and strength to those rebuilding their lives.” – Anosh Ahmed

About Anosh Ahmed

Anosh Ahmed’s remarkable rise from a modest $4,000 investment to a billionaire agripreneur demonstrates how ambition, innovation, technology, and sustainability can transform the agricultural sector. His journey is a testament to perseverance, bold risk–taking, and a vision that sees agriculture not just as a means of survival, but as a pathway to immense wealth and profound social impact. Today, Anosh is recognized as one of the largest leaseholders of agricultural land across Asia, Africa, and the Middle East.

Growing up in a farming family, Anosh was no stranger to the challenges faced by small–scale farmers—low yields, volatile markets, and unpredictable weather. Driven by a desire to change this reality, he leased 100 acres of land from the government on a 39–year agreement at just 18 years old. With a starting capital of $4,000, Anosh navigated the complexities of agriculture, integrating sustainable practices, innovative technologies, and efficient production methods. Over 22 years, his agribusiness has grown to a valuation of $1.8 billion, managing over 50 billion square feet of land and generating diversified revenue streams from farming, processed goods, agri–tech ventures, and long–term real estate leases.

Anosh remains committed to his roots. He established a foundation that provides small–scale farmers with training, technology, and financial support, alongside creating a network of farmer cooperatives to ensure fair pricing and global market access. His legacy has inspired a new generation of farmers to embrace sustainable, modern agriculture. Through workshops, documentaries, and his forthcoming autobiography, From Soil to Success, Anosh continues to share his knowledge and passion, making him a beacon of hope and transformation in the agricultural sector.

Private Family Office
Anosh Ahmed Dubai
Grace D’Souza
Public Relations–

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9262287)

The July Revolution in Bangladesh Is Rooted in Meta-Modernist Philosophy

By Mawdudur Rahman and Habib Siddiqui
BOSTON / PHILADELPHIA, Oct 28 2024 – The students and the common people of Bangladesh dared to do something in 36 days of July-August that was considered simply impossible by most people just days before August 5, 2024. They said ‘enough is enough’ to an old order that outraged their humanity, robbed their dignity and the rulers imagined that their citadel of power was simply impenetrable. The revolutionists refused to bow down to the murderous regime that knew no bounds to its cruelty and plundering. They were ready to sacrifice their lives for the freedom of the besieged nation.

Mawdudur Rahman

This revolution is unique in so many ways. It is a revolution in the digital age that is rooted in meta-modernist philosophy. The old political leadership with its moribund appeal and bankrupt philosophy proved irrelevant in this agenda. As Professor Yunus, the Chief Advisor to the Interim Government, has rightly said, ‘Now is the era of a new generation’.

Meta-modernism is the cultural philosophy of the digital age, coined by Mas’ud Zavarzadeh in 1975. meta-modernism is the Age of the Internet or more balanced worldview. As one analyst puts it, we went from modernism — “Make it new!” Let’s shape History! – to postmodernism — everything sucks! Nothing really matters! — to meta-modernism – maybe things are not this black-and-white, maybe there’s a middle ground.

Meta-modernist thinkers perceive the present world around them as a threat to their very existence. They work with pragmatic idealism and have no grand narrative thinking or any orthodox certainties. In other words, they try to strike a balance between all of this. They recognize that they have to face the problems of the society.

Habib Siddiqui

Arguably, all the activities of Bangladeshi revolutionists including their wall posters, followed a framework of Meta-Modernism. It is understood that the new Bangladesh is defined in a new ideology. Student revolutionaries have said that our ideology is reflected through the language we use. The basis of the new ideology is language. It is a revolution of change from the cultural context of fascist imperialist language to the native (spoken) language of the people. In other words, new ideals will be reflected through the language of the people.

It would be wrong to think that this people’s revolution was all about a change of government. Its victory is unlike 1947 and 1971. In both those cases, there was a change of government without any structural change. As a result, the incoming government followed imperialist practices of exploitation left behind by the British. Subsequent governments turned the country into a failed democracy, in order to control, exploit and subjugate its citizens. The police were used as an enabling force to subjugate the citizens, while the legislature and judiciary worked as the rubber stamps to sustain the total control of the government. This evil social system has corrupted the mindset and behavior of our people. An immoral society was formed with no fear of accountability, whose driving force was unfathomed greed and mantra — the ‘rule and exploitation by repression’. Government employees saw themselves as bosses and not as public servants. They thrived upon corruption at all levels.

There are now two competing ideologies in front of Bangladesh – one of decaying fascism that wants to resurface under old leadership and the other is the young leadership of equality and morality. As the revolution demonstrated, the ‘New Bangladesh’ does not approve fascist-supporting corrupt institutions. It desires a corruption-free new society. It is for paradigm shift – a transformational change.

The Chief Advisor and Student Coordinators have clearly highlighted the ideals of New Bangladesh through their speeches and interviews. Dr. Yunus said, ‘We are all one nation’. This is a clarion call to establish a holistic change in society. Such a radical change in society requires a change in values. A change in values lies in the change in public ideology.

The new Bangladesh is not the old Bangladesh with a new cover. It demands a change in the fundamental values of human behavior, actions, and beliefs. These include structural changes, personal changes, expectations.

To understand the ideology of this change, one has to listen carefully to the speech of Mahfuz Alam, the ‘thinker’ of the movement. Five points can be deduced from his recent talks: (1) unity, (2) ‘language is their inspiration’, (3) group leadership, (4) they are children of time, and that (5) they are not a slave to traditional thinking. His views reflect today’s meta-modernism.

For any transformational change to succeed, the change agents must own it, direct it, and ultimately excel in it. We think that this revolution of holistic change can benefit from the revolutionary approaches adopted in China and Cuba that were also led by youths. They owned the revolution and did not allow it to be hijacked by the reactionaries. We see some of these characteristics in the minds and mission of the Bangladeshi revolutionaries.

The bottom line is, bringing any changes in old culture habits was never an easy task. This revolution has presented an opportunity to change the destiny of Bangladesh as never before.

The meta-modernist youths of Bangladesh have come to lead and move forward; they will not go back to the old ways. Their message is clear: if you do not join us, the country will not wait for you. If older generations do not adopt the new view of change, we fear further instability and chaos to come, whose outcome cannot be pleasant.

Dr. Mawdudur Rahman, Professor Emeritus, Suffolk University, Boston, USA. He can be contacted at: mrahman@suffolk.edu.

Dr. Habib Siddiqui is a peace and human rights activists. His latest book – ‘Bangladesh: a polarized and divided nation?’ is available in the Amazon.com. Both are members of the steering committee of Esho Desh Gori – Let’s Build Bangladesh.

IPS UN Bureau


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Sudanese Civil War Exacerbates Economies in Neighbouring Countries

Transit Site in Roriak, Unity State, South Sudan. People receive support after fleeing conflict in Sudan. Credit: UNICEF/South Sudan

By Oritro Karim
UNITED NATIONS, Oct 28 2024 – Critical levels of nationwide hunger in Sudan has only increased to critical levels since the start of the Sudanese civil war in April 2023. Escalated hostilities between the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) have led to limited mobility and repeated blockages of humanitarian aid. This, coupled with the volatile floods and droughts, have decimated crop fields which has only exacerbated famine levels greatly. All of these factors have left nearly 25 million people in Sudan in need of humanitarian assistance in 2024.

“The situation in Sudan can now only be described as a humanitarian disaster of the highest level. All sides are committing atrocities, as recently confirmed by the United Nations fact-finding mission. The war, now in its second year, has pushed parts of North Darfur into famine conditions, with the situation expected to deteriorate,” said the European Union (EU) Commissioner for Crisis Management, H.E. Mr. Janez Lenarčič.

Armed Conflict Location and Event Data (ACLED) estimates that since the wake of the conflict, there have been over 5,170 violent conflicts in the nation, culminating in the deaths of 14,790 civilians. Early figures from the World Food Programme (WFP) show that there has been little improvement in food security since relief efforts began. Heavy torrential rains and floods have led to the destruction of farmland. Continued fighting between the RSF and the SAF have made it difficult for farmers to cultivate and harvest crops. Approximately 25.6 million people are facing acute food insecurity in Sudan. 13 areas of the country are at risk of experiencing severe famine in the coming months.

The United Nations (UN) reports that sustained violence has led to over 10.7 million people being internally displaced and an additional 2.3 million fleeing to neighbouring countries. Humanitarian organizations are concerned about the scale of Sudanese refugees in neighbouring countries, fearing that this could overwhelm economies in northeast Africa.

“This brutal war has uprooted millions of people, forcing them to leave their homes, schools and jobs behind in search of safety. Countries neighbouring Sudan are generously hosting a rising number of refugees, but cannot shoulder that responsibility alone. The stability of the whole region hangs in the balance,” said UN High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) issued a report on October 25 predicting that the Central African Republic, Chad, Eritrea, and Ethiopia could be the most negatively impacted from adopting Sudanese refugees. “A number of these countries that are neighbors are also fragile countries with their own challenges. And then to be confronted with the refugees, the security issues, the trade issues, is very challenging for their growth,” said Catherine Pattillo, IMF’s deputy director.

UN Secretary-General António Guterres is expected to address the Security Council next week on initiatives to take to prevent further suffering in Sudan and its neighbouring countries. The African Union has expressed concern that the escalating situation in Sudan could become a genocide. As is the African Union report into the Rwanda Genocide: “Each case of modern genocide has taken the world by surprise. Even when, in retrospect, it is clear that unmistakable warning signs and statements of intent were there in advance for all to see.”

The UN and its affiliated nations are on the frontlines providing humanitarian assistance to affected communities. In August, Sudanese officials approved requests to open the Adre border in Darfur to allow for aid missions to access critical areas. The World Food Programme has delivered food assistance to over 360,000 people in Darfur. WFP is also mobilized to scale up efforts in Zamzam, aiming to assist more than 180,000 people.

The 2024 Humanitarian Needs and Response Plan for Sudan has requested 2.7 billion dollars to help over 14 million people until the end of the year. With funding having reached only 49 percent, the UN urges donor contributions as conditions grow more dire every day.

IPS UN Bureau Report


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Pressure on an Atomic Level

The Busher nuclear power plant in Iran. IAEA/Paolo Contri

Israel’s strikes against Hezbollah and Hamas weaken Iran. The country’s will to cross the nuclear threshold is growing.

By Ruslan Suleymanov
CAIRO, Egypt, Oct 28 2024 – Violence in the Middle East has escalated dramatically since the Hamas terrorist attack in October 2023 and the fallout that has since followed. There is tension, if not a state of war, between all the major opponents on the ground.

Israel is directly facing off with mainly non-state actors from other countries, who have more firepower than their country’s national armies. Think of Hezbollah in Lebanon, Ansar Allah (Houthis) in Yemen and Shia militias in Iraq. Together with Hamas, they form the ‘Axis of Resistance’, an armed pro-Iranian alliance in the region.

For years, Tehran’s military doctrine was based on keeping any conflict with a potential enemy far away from its own borders. Now things are different. Iran has launched massive attacks against Israel from its own territory. The country’s shift in foreign policy is primarily a product of events in the Gaza Strip.

Although there is no evidence that Iran was involved in the Hamas attacks on Israel on 7 October 2023, officials in Tehran have openly welcomed the events that killed at least 1 200 people. ‘What they have done signifies pride, glory and strength; God will support them’, said then-Iranian-President Ebrahim Raisi as he congratulated Hamas.

Israel’s subsequent campaign in Gaza has now been going on for a year, claiming the lives of 40 000 civilians. The fate of many Israeli hostages remains unknown.

Israel has now shifted its strategy to intelligence operations. These include the assassination of the head of the Hamas Political Bureau, Ismail Haniyeh, in Tehran in July, the killing of numerous Hezbollah fighters through exploding communications devices, and the assassinations of Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah in September and Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar in October.

All of these were huge moral blows to Iran, showing that it cannot protect its puppets’ commanders even in their own countries — hence Tehran’s response to Israel’s attacks.

The only success that the Israelis’ ground invasion has achieved is that it has diverted the world’s attention away from the Gaza Strip.

Hezbollah has lost at least 10 high-ranking leaders, not least Nasrallah, in Israel’s attacks. The militia seems to be on the ground in the long term, but how important it will be in the future is being questioned. Still, it’s too early to write off Hezbollah.

The group has around 100 000 fighters in its ranks, and its arsenal still consists of up to 150 000 missiles. History shows that these groups are quick to replace high-ranking leaders with other militants who can carry on the group’s work seamlessly. In 2004, Israel took out two Hamas leaders. But that only brought the group even greater popularity and influence.

The fact that the militia is still capable of resisting the Israeli government is demonstrated in its drone attack on 13 October this year. To date, more than 80 000 Israeli citizens have had to flee their homes in the north of the country and cannot return home because of coming under constant fire from Lebanon.

The only success that the Israelis’ ground invasion has achieved is that it has diverted the world’s attention away from the Gaza Strip. The situation there is dire: the prospects of freeing the remaining hostages are still slim, and Hamas continues to thrive. After all, Sinwar’s assassination does not mean Hamas has been defeated.

According to ACLED’s US analysts, the group has lost only about 8 500 of its 25 000 to 30 000 fighters in clashes with Israel. These losses are offset by unknown quantities of new Palestinian recruits, who lost friends and relatives in Israel’s attacks.

The attack on Lebanon also triggered the second massive Iranian missile attack on Israel within a year. Both attacks were calculated not in a way to cause maximum damage, but to send a symbolic message. Bold words from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu issued after the attack showed that Israel’s continued response is still unclear.

All-out war is not as likely as it is sometimes made out to be. This is also due to the great distance between Iran and Israel – at their nearest points, it is 1 200 kilometres. But it’s not just that …

Israel knows that attacking Tehran’s oil industry would send global prices in the crude oil market shooting up and upset its own allies, most notably the US.

Iran has mustered around 40 000 Afghan, Iraqi, Pakistani and Syrian militants together in Syria. Iran has not tried to use them against Israel yet, as the Tehran leadership only knows too well that doing so would be suicide. What’s more, the situation in the oil market is preventing escalation on both sides.

While Iran relies on its oil revenues, Israel knows that attacking Tehran’s oil industry would send global prices in the crude oil market shooting up and upset its own allies, most notably the US. Ultimately, a massive attack on Iran with civilian casualties would rally its population around the otherwise unpopular government.

So, despite its military inferiority, the Iranian regime is actually in quite a favourable situation if it comes to direct conflict. Any escalation could only end up strengthening it.

And then there’s the possibility of an Iranian nuclear bomb. Officials in Iran have been clear in recent years that when it comes to nuclear weapons, their aim is to maintain what they call a ‘threshold status’, i.e. to be capable of producing nuclear weapons quickly, but only if needed.

The situation has changed dramatically here too. International observers have raised concerns that Iran could soon start developing a nuclear bomb, with US intelligence agencies reporting in July that active preparations were underway.

Shortly afterwards, the International Atomic Energy Agency stated that it could no longer be confident that Iran’s nuclear programme was for peaceful purposes.

It might sound paradoxical, but despite high inflation, more and more people in Iran support the idea of producing nuclear weapons. In a survey conducted by IranPoll, nearly 70 per cent of Iranians surveyed said that the country should possess its own nuclear weapons.

The more pressure that Israel or the West puts on Iran, the more determined the country will be to cross that nuclear threshold to deter a conventionally superior opponent if it deems it necessary.

Ruslan Suleymanov is a Russian orientalist and journalist. He was the senior Middle East correspondent of the TASS news agency in Cairo until February 2022. He resigned from this post in protest against the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Source: International Politics and Society (IPS)-Journal published by the International Political Analysis Unit of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Hiroshimastrasse 28, D-10785 Berlin

IPS UN Bureau


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Over 150 NGOs Urge World Governments to Help End War Crimes in Gaza

Credit: UNRWA

By Thalif Deen
UNITED NATIONS, Oct 28 2024 – As it continues to leave a mounting trail of death and destruction in Gaza, Israel has come under severe attack from the international community, including the United Nations and its humanitarian agencies, Western allies, the International Criminal Court (ICC) and scores of human rights experts.

During a conference in Paris, focusing on the new crisis unfolding in Lebanon, President Emmanuel Macron of France, a longtime Western ally and one of the five veto-wielding permanent members of the UN Security Council, had “sharp words for Israel reflecting the view, even among Israel’s allies, that it has used excessive force against its enemies, resulting in disproportionate casualties and destruction,” according to the New York Times October 25.

“I am not sure you can defend a civilization by sowing barbarism yourself,” Macron declared.

Meanwhile, the rising death toll in Gaza has topped over 43,000 Palestinians, mostly women and children, in retaliation for the 1,200 killed by Hamas inside Israel on October 7

And last week, over 150 civil society and non-governmental organizations (CSOs/NGOs) made a joint appeal to world governments to do “everything in their power to end this growing catastrophe and cycle of impunity. It is not only a moral imperative but a legal obligation.”

The CSOs urged all 193 UN Member States to “prevent further atrocities and ensure that those responsible for any violations of international law, including war crimes and crimes against humanity, are held accountable.”

Failure to act now risks further eroding international norms and emboldening perpetrators. The cycle of violence against civilians needs to stop, the CSOs declare.

The signatories include CIVICUS, Oxfam, United Nations Association — UK, Norwegian Refugee Council, International Civil Society Action Network (ICAN), Saferworld, and the Jewish Network for Palestine, among others.


Mandeep S. Tiwana, Interim Co-Secretary General, CIVICUS, told IPS “it’s deeply unfortunate that the United States government for all its talk of human rights continues to engage in moral dualism by providing diplomatic cover to the Israeli government.”

This is happening, he pointed out, despite overwhelming evidence of the commission of war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide by Israeli forces. “It’s fair to conclude that there’s an element of inherent racism in how the Biden administration has approached the situation in Palestine.”

In the face of a relentless assault by an occupying force, the plight of the Palestinian people matters less to America’s top diplomats than the plight of the Ukrainian people to whom the same administration has extended all sorts of moral and material support, he added

“Until Israel’s politicians and military brass are brought before an international tribunal to face justice the cycle of violence in the Middle-East will continue to repeat itself,” warned Tiwana.

Even the US, one of Israel’s closest allies, couldn’t restraint itself.

Addressing a UN Security Council meeting on October 16, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, US Ambassador to the UN, said she “watched in horror as images from central Gaza poured across my screen.”

“There were no words, simply no words, to describe what we saw. Israel has a responsibility to do everything possible to avoid civilian casualties, even if Hamas was operating near the hospital in an attempt to use civilians as human shields. We have made this clear to Israel,” she said.

“Just as we have made clear to the Israeli government at the highest levels, that it must do more to address the intolerable and catastrophic humanitarian crisis in Gaza,” the US ambassador said.

Dr. James Jennings, President of Conscience International, told IPS that “Gaza’s horror defies description”.

For Israel to bomb the enclave day and night for a full year is certainly criminal, he argued, but to impose an embargo on vital medicine and food needed by millions for survival is the absolute depth of inhumanity.

Lately it has been almost impossible to get volunteer teams of doctors and life-saving medical supplies into the enclave. Shipments of food aid are now embargoed with no explanation or reason. Besides being inhumane, it makes no military sense, unless the objective is to punish the entire population, which is a war crime, he said.

International outrage is needed to force the gates of Gaza open again, declared Dr. Jennings.

The NGO letter says: Israel’s war in Gaza, following the deadly attacks by Palestinian armed groups on 7 October 2023, is the latest and most horrific onslaught of violence in the decades-long Israeli occupation of Palestinian territory.

After a year of unfathomable killing and destruction, patterns of civilian harm by Israeli forces are spreading and escalating from Gaza to Lebanon, while rocket attacks by armed groups in Lebanon continue. We are now on the precipice of even greater devastation across the region.

Failure to act now is a choice – a choice that will fail to stop and prevent future atrocities. The UN Commission of Inquiry concluded last week that Israel has committed war crimes and the crime against humanity of extermination with relentless and deliberate attacks on medical personnel and facilities in Gaza, and called on member states to “cease aiding or assisting in the commission of violations.”

Over the last 12 months, the UN Security Council has passed four resolutions on Gaza, including one calling for a ceasefire, and the International Court of Justice (ICJ) has ordered Israel to take all measures within its power to prevent the commission of all acts within the scope of Article II of the Genocide Convention.

The ICJ also issued an Advisory Opinion that found that Israel’s occupation1 and annexation of Palestinian territory is illegal, and the UN General Assembly passed a resolution demanding that Israel end its unlawful presence in the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt) within 12 months. Despite this, none of these measures have been implemented or adhered to.

“The international community’s egregious disregard for international law and the government of Israel’s unchecked impunity in Gaza, the West Bank and now Lebanon, has set dangerous new precedents for the conduct of war,” says the letter.

For civilians in the occupied Palestinian territory and Lebanon, this has resulted in:

    • Israeli military actions killing over 43,000 Palestinians across the oPt and more than 2,000 people in Lebanon.
    • Israeli forces issuing displacement orders covering over 84% of Gaza’s territory and now 25% of Lebanon’s territory. These orders, combined with Israel’s bombardment, have forcibly displaced around 90% of Gaza’s population and over 800,000 people in Lebanon.
    • An estimated 400,000 Palestinians are under siege and relentless bombardment in northern Gaza without access to food, water, fuel, or medical care. (UNRWA)
    • The killing of over 300 Palestinian and international aid workers, and over 1000 health care workers in Gaza and 95 in Lebanon. UN peacekeeping forces in Lebanon are also coming under attack by Israeli forces (UNIFIL). Israeli military attacks on hospitals, clinics, and ambulances have decimated the health care system in Gaza, and are destroying it in Lebanon – leaving millions without access to care.
    • Countless children and adults are dying of malnutrition and facing the risk of starvation, directly induced by the Israeli government’s siege on Gaza, which includes systematic obstruction of humanitarian aid and essential services. (IPC)
    • The killing of nearly 1,200 people in Israel during the Palestinian armed group led attacks on October 7, 2023 (OCHA).
    • Rockets fired by Palestinian and Lebanese armed groups have killed and injured dozens of people (Amnesty International) and displaced over 140,000 Israelis.
    101 hostages remain held by Palestinian armed groups, and thousands of Palestinians are unlawfully detained by Israeli forces in detention centers, including children, many whose whereabouts are unknown and have effectively

Many among us, says the letter, have repeatedly called for a permanent and unconditional ceasefire, hostage release, a halt to arms transfers, and de-escalation of tensions in the region, and yet the violence only appears to be intensifying.

Again, we call on all Heads of State and Governments, the UN Security Council, and actors on the ground to prioritise the preservation of human life above all else by:

    • Securing an immediate ceasefire by all parties to the conflict and an end to the indiscriminate attacks that kill civilians and
    destroy civilian infrastructure;
    • Halting the transfer of weapons, parts, and ammunition to parties to the conflict that may be used to commit violations of international humanitarian law (IHL);
    • Enabling unhindered humanitarian access for the delivery of lifesaving assistance, including food, medical supplies and fuel, and the safe movements of civilians and aid workers.
    • Ensuring the protection of civilians from further forced displacement, and the right to return for those forcibly displaced. Civilians who choose to stay or are unable to leave remain protected under international law.
    • Securing the release of all hostages and
    • Immediately activating independent international investigations into all apparent violations of international humanitarian law and war crimes committed by all parties.

Governments must do everything in their power to end this growing catastrophe and cycle of impunity. It is not only a moral imperative but a legal obligation.

All Member States must prevent further atrocities and ensure that those responsible for any violations of international law, including war crimes and crimes against humanity, are held accountable. Failure to act now risks further eroding international norms and emboldening perpetrators. The cycle of violence against civilians needs to stop.

For more on what international humanitarian law says about occupation, please see commentary by ICRC.

IPS UN Bureau Report


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By Choosing What We Eat, We Choose the World We Want To Live In

Three-Michelin-starred chef Mauro Colagreco, the flag bearer of circular gastronomy, which aims to align food and nature. Credit: Mirazur

Three-Michelin-starred chef Mauro Colagreco, the flag bearer of circular gastronomy, which aims to align food and nature. Credit: Mirazur

By Busani Bafana
CALI, Columbia & BULAWAYO, Zimbabwe, Oct 28 2024 – “How we prepare and eat food should not be at the expense of our biodiversity,” says 3-Michelin-starred chef Mauro Colagreco, who is on a mission to change our relationship with food and what we choose to eat.

Colagreco, the owner of Mirazur, an award-winning restaurant in Menton, France, is a tribute to gastronomy. Among other world rankings, Mirazur’s fine food and service have earned it first place in the World’s 50 Best Restaurants. In the 2020 edition of the “100 Chefs” world ranking, Colagreco’s peers named him the Best Chef in the World and Chef of the Year in 2019. 

A passion for cooking and the love of nature shaped Colagreco’s philosophy on gastronomy.

“Feeding others, for me, is the first act of love,” Colagreco told IPS in an interview. “You know, when I was looking at my son being born, the first thing my wife did after giving birth was to feed the baby. For me, it was super strong to see that, and I always think about that, and that, for me, is the first act of love.”

Eating Without Eating the Planet

For over two decades, Colagreco has been the flag bearer of circular gastronomy, a culinary movement he initiated when he opened Mirazur in 2006.

Circular gastronomy aims to reconnect with nature while reconciling the perfect mastery of the techniques of cuisine with a genuine commitment to society’s wellbeing.

The principles of Colagreco’s circular gastronomy are captured in a manifesto that brings together food, nature and sustainability. It proposes a profound change in our relationship with food by making food choices that respect nature. Some of the principles call for the consumption of fresh, local, seasonal, organically or biodynamically grown produce. There is also a particular focus on the restoration of the soil and cooking that preserves plant and animal biodiversity.

In 2022, Colagreco was named the first ever Chef Goodwill Ambassador for Biodiversity by the United Nations Educational and Scientific Organization (UNESCO) in recognition of his promotion and protection of biodiversity. At the onset of COP16 in Cali, Colombia, which is discussing global biodiversity, IPS spoke with Colagreco about sustainable food and nature-positive eating.

UNESCO Director General Audrey Azoulay with Mauro Colagreco when he was announced as the first Chef Goodwill Ambassador. Credit: UNESCO

UNESCO Director General Audrey Azoulay with Mauro Colagreco when he was announced as the first Chef Goodwill Ambassador. Credit: UNESCO

Here are excerpts from the interview:

IPS: You were appointed the first ever Goodwill Ambassador for Biodiversity? Why would a 3-Michelin-starred chef accept a role like this and what do you see yourself bringing to the role of a global ambassador for biodiversity?

Mauro Colagreco: Well, first of all, it is with deep gratitude and pride. I was super happy to accept this because I am very involved in the implementation of sustainability practices in my restaurant, Mirazur. I am involved with regenerative agriculture, the fight against plastic use, waste management, and all kinds of things we can do to make our footprint more sustainable. This role gives a lot of power to our message and our practices. It is an opportunity for bigger action to democratize a necessary vision for gastronomy—a more circular gastronomy. I believe that, as chefs, if we can act together, we will have a real impact.

This new role of ambassador recognizes that our responsibility as chefs is bigger than our kitchens. It shows that from the soil to the plate, everything is connected, and that we can lead a paradigm shift.

I am a day-to-day peaceful activist, and I’m a campaigner; we can’t be silent anymore. We must take action!

So, that’s why I accepted this role of goodwill ambassador, and what can I bring? I think first of all, I can bring my knowledge of the food industry. I know how it works now, and I know how it can be reshaped to work better. I can bring my experience because we have spent years testing and learning about several topics where we can have a real influence in our industry, in our region, and on our planet. My mission is to save biodiversity, save our food traditions, and make our food more sustainable. For me, the plan to follow is to educate everyone. The key is education.

With my fellow chefs through the Relais & Châteaux Association, of which I am the vice president, we regularly educate chefs about the challenge of biodiversity. For example, we are now continuing a major campaign to stop serving endangered species like eel in all the 800 restaurants of the network. Also, I have initiated a big program that will turn the chefs of Relais & Châteaux into local biodiversity ambassadors on a daily basis. This is a huge program with UNESCO, which we will announce in the coming weeks.

IPS: What motivated your commitment to sustainable food in the first place? What are your personal convictions? Can you explain more about this?

Colagreco: Yes, my personal conviction is that by choosing what we eat and what we cook, we choose the world we want to live in and that is really my motto.

To me, everything is interdependent and interconnected. We cannot isolate one aspect of life from another. If we change the way we grow food, we change our actual food;  we change the way our society works; we change our values. That is my life vision and mission.

What motivates me even more is to propose a real alternative to resolve the alarming situation we are facing. I understood that when I opened Mirazur in 2006. I had a bit of land at the restaurant, and I started gardening on a very small plot.

At that moment, I started to read a lot about agriculture, many books, and one especially, The One-Straw Revolution by Masanobu Fukuoka, really influenced me. This book changed my mind.

That is when I began to understand the profound link between gastronomy and the environment. I understood the importance of biodiversity for our cuisine, for cuisine in general, and, of course, for our planet. And then the small land where I started turned into five hectares of permaculture and biodynamic gardens, where I grew more than 1,500 species and varieties of vegetables. We produce nearly 70 percent of what we serve at the restaurant. So, what we propose, in the end, is a seed-to-plate gastronomy, because we take care of the whole process

IPS: What does it mean to reconcile the environmental impact of the world’s most exclusive fine dining with concerns about sustainability and better stewardship of nature?

Colagreco: That means that making food can no longer be at the expense of the planet. We need to reconnect with nature and rediscover the joy of feeding people in harmony with the planet.

Again, we can no longer eat while eating the planet; that is sure, but the problem is not haute gastronomy. In high gastronomy, you touch a very small segment of the population. The problem is mass consumption. You know, it is how we will feed the 8 billion people on the planet.

That is a huge thing, but that is not a problem because we have great news: we can take the same respectful methods we use in haute gastronomy, apply them to more accessible cuisine, and scale them up. Circular gastronomy, as I say, is not just for the rich elite but for everyone. We’ve tested it, and it works.

Mauro Colagreco believes feeding people is a first act of love and believes food, nature and sustainability should be one. Credit: Mirazur

Mauro Colagreco believes feeding people is a first act of love and believes food, nature and sustainability should be one. Credit: Mirazur

IPS: You are attending the big Conference of the Parties (COP16) of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) in Cali, Colombia, this week. What are some of the things that you hope will be achieved by governments around the world at this meeting, and what do you personally hope to do at the COP?

Colagreco: I’m more than honored to be part of this important meeting. All the countries will be there, all the major organizations will be there, and we will all be looking at what we can do to save our biodiversity.

So, for me, in this situation of crisis, we need more ambitious policies to save where we live and our food, fundamentally change the way we live and consume, and fundamentally reorganize the way our society works.

As IPBES says, we need a common strategy because we are all in this together. My role as ambassador is to encourage change and show by example that there are solutions.

What I really want to do is make a solemn appeal to all governments, international organizations, chefs, educators, and citizens around the world to join forces and create and implement a global programme of good nutrition education for our children. I believe that this is the most important action to change the food system. Education is the key.

We need to create a generation that is aware of the importance of biodiversity and committed to making the right food choices. That’s why I really believe this appeal is important, and it is what I want to personally do at the COP.

IPS: You are clearly more than just a chef—your restaurants are exceptionally successful businesses as well. Why does sustainable food make good business sense?

Colagreco: Well, first, because I really believe it is the business of the future. To continue with our current paradigm is like a crime against humanity. The choice of circular gastronomy is a choice of awareness—it’s a choice of values. It means something to everyone. I’m delighted to see the younger generation becoming more aware of that. When I see my children, my sons, I tell myself that we are doing this for them to pass on the right message.

It is a real choice to work for sustainable food—it is usually more demanding—let’s face it. But what I find interesting is that it is like a sport. At first, it is hard to run a mile because you have not built up the muscles, but once you are trained, you can easily run for an hour or even more. So, it is the same for sustainable food and sustainable business; we need to start and be more physically ready.

To change habits is a choice. We must change habits. Of course, it is an effort; it is not easy to go out of your comfort zone. But we must. It is an obligation. Sustainable food is good business.

IPS: You are from Argentina—a country of the Global South—but you have restaurants in France, China, Thailand, and Japan. What role should the developing countries and the hospitality industries in the Global South play in sustainable food and biodiversity conservation?

Colagreco: We have to be careful because my role as ambassador is to lead by example and amplify the voice of biodiversity. We have about 30 restaurants worldwide, and it’s very interesting because the more I travel, the more I realize that the challenges are different everywhere. Situations vary so much that, of course, there is no one way.

It is not the same situation in Asia, South America, the United States, Europe, or Africa. Even in every area, you have very different situations

My first priority when settling in a new country is to identify the local committed producer, with whom I can work to implement our circular gastronomy. My aim is always the same: to cook as much local, fresh and well-grown produce as possible. It is a question of respect for our clients and for the communities that work hard to offer a better food alternative. It’s a question of respecting our planet.

Everyone needs to contribute, and my role is not to point fingers. The role of governments is to support their sustainable agriculture, their sustainable fishing industry, to protect their waste management, to regulate it and to fight against all unsustainable practices.

And the role of hospitality leaders is to have the courage to let circular gastronomy define their food and beverage offers.

IPS UN Bureau Report


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Examinado: a inteligência artificial redefinindo o marketing em 2024 – de anúncios genéricos a experiências personalizadas

WATERFORD, Irlanda, Oct. 27, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — O marketing em 2024 está sendo redefinido pela inteligência artificial (IA) e pelo aprendizado de máquina (ML). Essa tecnologia já virou o marketing tradicional de cabeça para baixo, deixando os anúncios genéricos no passado. Agora, tudo se resume à precisão orientada a dados e à entrega de experiências personalizadas que repercutem no público.

O marketing é fundamental para o setor de cassinos on–line e é por isso que a Minimum Deposit Casinos (MDC) – um portal global de recursos de cassino e uma divisão do OneTwenty Group – está explorando o poder da IA e do aprendizado de máquina nessa extraordinária metamorfose do marketing.

“Já se foi o tempo do marketing universal. Os jogadores de hoje não querem apenas um lugar para apostar, eles desejam viver experiências imersivas e personalizadas”, disse Sara Jacobs, especialista em marketing de iGaming da MDC.

“Graças à IA, agora podemos analisar o comportamento dos jogadores em tempo real e identificar suas preferências e hábitos. Com esses dados, negociamos acordos personalizados com os jogadores, criados para cada indivíduo.”

Essa abordagem, além de aumentar a retenção de jogadores, também melhora a sua satisfação geral ao criar uma experiência de jogo que parece ser feita sob medida para cada jogador.

“Mas os avanços vão além do aprimoramento da experiência do jogador – a IA também está ajudando os cassinos a cumprir um papel fundamental na divulgação do jogo responsável”, acrescentou Jacobs. “ Com a análise dos padrões de comportamento dos jogadores, as operadoras conseguem agora detectar os primeiros sinais de apostas problemáticas e intervir em tempo real.”

Além disso, os cassinos on–line estão usando IA para segmentar públicos, enviando mensagens hiperdirecionadas por e–mail, notificações por celular e mídias sociais. Assim, os jogadores se sentem valorizados, o nível de engajamento aumenta e a fidelidade do cliente é mais forte do que nunca.

Com o ano de 2025 se aproximando rapidamente, o marketing personalizado continua a moldar o futuro do iGaming. Com a constante evolução da tecnologia, a IA e o ML estão prontos para alavancar o setor, dando início a uma era de marketing e jogos responsáveis mais dinâmica e centrada no público.

Sobre a MDC

A MDC, uma divisão do OneTwenty Group, é um portal global de recursos de iGaming que analisa e recomenda os cassinos on–line mais confiáveis e regulamentados para os jogadores. A MDC analisa todos os aspectos dos cassinos on–line, desde a verificação de detalhes da licença de jogo até a segurança, ferramentas de jogo responsável e práticas de jogo justas, antes de recomendá–los aos jogadores.

Para obter informações, entre em contato: miranda@onetwentygroup.com

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