BASF Environmental Catalyst and Metal Solutions remporte le Edison Patent Award 2024

ISELIN, New Jersey, 23 nov. 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Une équipe composée de scientifiques de BASF Environmental Catalyst and Metal Solutions (ECMS) et de Heesung Catalysts Corporation (HCC) a récemment reçu un Edison Patent Award 2024 décerné par le Research & Development Council of New Jersey pour une technologie innovante de convertisseur catalytique à trois voies avec piège à oxyde d’azote (NOx) afin de contrôler les émissions de NOx dans les véhicules à essence. La technologie traite le NOx de façon appropriée dans les conditions de fonctionnement des moteurs modernes et permet de réduire les émissions d’échappement par rapport aux convertisseurs catalytiques à trois voies conventionnels.

L’équipe était composée de scientifiques d’ECMS Xiaolai Zheng et Pat Burk (à la retraite), ainsi que des scientifiques de HCC Jinwoo Song et Jun Lee.

« En intégrant une fonction de piège à NOx à un catalyseur à trois voies, la nouvelle technologie TWC–NT réduit considérablement les émissions de NOx et d’autres composés toxiques apportées via le pot d’échappement », a déclaré Xiaolai Zheng, scientifique principal dans les nouvelles technologies de catalyseurs automobiles chez ECMS.

« Les constructeurs automobiles peuvent calibrer les véhicules de tourisme à essence avec des coupes de carburant plus fréquentes afin de réaliser plus d’économies en carburant, mais aussi de réduire les émissions de CO2 pendant que le véhicule roule », a indiqué Jinwoo Song, vice–président et responsable RD&A chez HCC.

« Cette technologie a été bien accueillie par nos clients, car elle répondait à un besoin clé sur ce marché », a souligné Saeed Alerasool, vice–président directeur chargé de la recherche, du développement et des applications chez ECMS. « Nous avons la chance d’avoir à nos côtés les meilleurs experts techniques du secteur pour permettre à nos clients de respecter des réglementations toujours plus strictes en matière d’émissions et de réaliser d’importantes économies en carburant. Ce prix est une reconnaissance de leur travail acharné et de leur engagement quotidien envers l’innovation. Nous sommes extrêmement fiers de l’équipe. »

Le Research & Development Council of New Jersey a créé l’Edison Patent Award afin d’honorer l’héritage de Thomas Edison et récompense en son nom les inventeurs et organismes de recherche du New Jersey qui encouragent l’innovation et permettent au New Jersey de se positionner encore et toujours comme un pôle mondial en matière d’innovation. Ce programme de remise de prix s’inscrit dans le cadre de la mission du conseil visant à faire collaborer l’industrie, le monde universitaire et le gouvernement afin de développer et de renforcer la place des STEM dans l’éducation, l’innovation et l’économie.

À propos de BASF Environmental Catalyst and Metal Solutions

Exploitant sa grande expertise en tant que leader mondial de la catalyse et des métaux précieux, BASF Environmental Catalyst and Metal Solutions (ECMS) est au service de clients dans de nombreux secteurs, notamment l’automobile, l’aérospatiale, la qualité de l’air intérieur, les semi–conducteurs et l’économie de l’hydrogène, et fournit des services en boucle complète grâce à son offre de négoce et de recyclage des métaux précieux. En mettant l’accent sur les solutions circulaires et la durabilité, ECMS s’engage à assister ses clients dans la création d’un monde plus propre et plus durable. Protéger les éléments de la vie est notre objectif et cela nous inspire dans la recherche de solutions toujours nouvelles. Le groupe ECMS est présent dans 16 pays et compte plus de 4 500 employés et 21 sites de production.

À propos de BASF 

Chez BASF, nous faisons de la chimie pour un avenir durable. Nous combinons réussite économique, protection de l’environnement et responsabilité sociale. Près de 112 000 employés au sein de groupe BASF contribuent au succès de nos clients à travers quasiment tous les secteurs et tous les pays du monde. Notre portefeuille comprend six segments : produits chimiques, matériaux, solutions industrielles, technologies de surface, nutrition et soins et solutions agricoles. En 2023, BASF a généré un chiffre d’affaires de 68,9 milliards d’euros. Les actions BASF sont négociées à la bourse de Francfort (BAS) et aux États–Unis sous le nom d’American Depositary Receipts (BASFY). Pour de plus amples informations, rendez–vous sur 

À propos de Heesung Catalysts Corporation

Heesung Catalysts Corporation (HCC), leader reconnu dans les technologies de catalyseurs et de matériaux, promeut l’innovation grâce à ses solutions avancées qui visent à améliorer la qualité de l’air et à réduire les émissions de gaz à effet de serre. Déterminée à soutenir sans relâche la transition vers une économie neutre en carbone à travers le monde, HCC consolide son rôle en encourageant la durabilité environnementale. HCC s’appuie sur une expertise et une expérience approfondies afin de fournir des solutions sur mesure dans des secteurs clés, notamment l’industrie automobile, maritime, des semi–conducteurs, pétrochimique et la chaîne de valeur de l’hydrogène. Le siège social de l’entreprise en République de Corée compte plus de 550 professionnels déterminés à repousser les limites de la recherche, du développement et de l’innovation en matière de production. Avec l’objectif clair de se positionner en tant que leader de premier plan en matière de technologies respectueuses de l’environnement, HCC s’engage à fournir des solutions durables et performantes qui répondent aux demandes dans divers secteurs, réaffirmant ainsi son leadership dans le domaine des technologies vertes.

Contact relations médias :
Joy Zhang
Téléphone : +86 19121028317
E–mail : joy.zhang@basf– 
         Interlocuteur supplémentaire :
Joe Plahutnik
Téléphone : +1 7324289602
E–mail : joseph.plahutnik@basf– 

Une vidéo accompagnant ce communiqué est disponible en cliquant sur le lien suivant:–4195–4300–8d48–1ba42091ac45

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9289085)

BASF Environmental Catalyst and Metal Solutions gewinnt Edison Patent Award 2024

ISELIN, N.J., Nov. 23, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Ein Team von Wissenschaftlern der BASF Environmental Catalyst and Metal Solutions (ECMS) und der Heesung Catalysts Corporation (HCC ) wurde kürzlich vom Research & Development Council of New Jersey mit dem Edison Patent Award 2024 für eine innovative Drei–Wege–Stickoxid (NOx)–Konvertierungstechnologie zur kraftstoffsparenden NOx–Kontrolle in Benzinfahrzeugen ausgezeichnet. Die Technologie ermöglicht eine wirksame NOx–Behandlung unter modernen Motorbetriebsbedingungen und sorgt für geringere Abgasemissionen im Vergleich zu herkömmlichen Drei–Wege–Katalysatoren.

Das Team bestand aus den ECMS–Wissenschaftlern Xiaolai Zheng und Pat Burk (im Ruhestand) sowie den HCC–Wissenschaftlern Jinwoo Song und Jun Lee.

„Durch die Integration einer Stickoxidfalle in einen Drei–Wege–Katalysator reduziert die neue TWC–NT–Technologie den Ausstoß von NOx und anderen toxischen Substanzen erheblich“, so Xiaolai Zheng, Principal Scientist für neue Katalysatortechnologien für Kraftfahrzeuge bei ECMS.

„Ein Vorteil besteht darin, dass Automobilhersteller benzinbetriebene PKWs mit häufigeren Kraftstoffabschaltungen für einen besseren Kraftstoffverbrauch kalibrieren können, was auch zu geringeren CO2–Emissionen während des Fahrzeugbetriebs führt“, erklärte Jinwoo Song, Vice President und Head of RD&A, HCC.

„Diese Technologie wurde von unseren Kundinnen und Kunden sehr gut angenommen, da sie eine wichtige Marktlücke schließt“, so Saeed Alerasool, Senior Vice President, Research, Development and Application bei ECMS. „Wir sind in der glücklichen Lage, dass die besten Ingenieurinnen und Ingenieure der Branche daran arbeiten, unseren Kunden bei der Einhaltung immer strengerer Emissionsvorschriften und beim Erreichen einer hohen Kraftstoffeffizienz zu helfen. Diese Auszeichnung ist eine Anerkennung für ihre harte Arbeit und ihr tägliches Streben nach Innovation. Wir könnten nicht stolzer auf unser Team sein.“

Der Research & Development Council of New Jersey hat den Edison Patent Award ins Leben gerufen, um das Vermächtnis von Thomas Edison zu ehren und in seinem Namen Erfinderinnen und Erfinder aus New Jersey sowie Forschungseinrichtungen auszuzeichnen, die Innovationen vorantreiben und New Jersey als globales Innovationszentrum stärken. Dieses Auszeichnungsprogramm ist Teil der Mission des Councils, die Zusammenarbeit zwischen Industrie, Wissenschaft und Regierung zu fördern, um den MINT–Bereich in Bildung, Innovation und Wirtschaft zu stärken und auszubauen.

Über BASF Environmental Catalyst and Metal Solutions

BASF Environmental Catalyst and Metal Solutions (ECMS) nutzt ihr umfassendes Know–how als weltweit führendes Unternehmen in den Bereichen Katalyse und Edelmetalle und bedient Kunden in vielen Branchen, darunter die Automobilindustrie, die Luft– und Raumfahrt, die Innenraumluftqualität, die Halbleiterindustrie und die Wasserstoffwirtschaft, und bietet mit ihrem Edelmetallhandel und –recycling umfassende Dienstleistungen an. Mit dem Schwerpunkt auf Kreislauflösungen und Nachhaltigkeit unterstützt ECMS seine Kunden bei der Schaffung einer saubereren und nachhaltigeren Welt. Die Elemente des Lebens zu schützen, ist unser Ziel, und das inspiriert uns zu immer neuen Lösungen. ECMS ist weltweit in 16 Ländern vertreten und beschäftigt über 4.500 Mitarbeiter an 21 Produktionsstandorten.

Über BASF 

Wir bei BASF entwickeln und produzieren Chemie für eine nachhaltige Zukunft – We ceate chemistry. Wir verbinden wirtschaftlichen Erfolg mit Umweltschutz und sozialer Verantwortung. Rund 112.000 Mitarbeiter in der BASF–Gruppe tragen in fast allen Branchen und in fast allen Ländern der Welt zum Erfolg unserer Kunden bei. Unser Portfolio umfasst sechs Segmente: Chemicals, Materials, Industrial Solutions, Surface Technologies, Nutrition & Care und Agricultural Solutions. BASF erwirtschaftete im Jahr 2023 einen Umsatz von 68,9 Mrd. EUR. Die BASF–Aktie wird an der Frankfurter Börse (BAS) und in den Vereinigten Staaten als American Depositary Receipts (BASFY) gehandelt. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter 

Über Heesung Catalysts Corporation

Heesung Catalysts Corporation (HCC), ein führendes Unternehmen in der Katalysator– und Materialtechnologie, entwickelt fortschrittliche Lösungen zur Verbesserung der Luftqualität und zur Reduzierung von Treibhausgasemissionen. Durch die Unterstützung des globalen Wandels hin zu einer kohlenstoffneutralen Wirtschaft festigt HCC seine Rolle bei der Förderung der ökologischen Nachhaltigkeit. Basierend auf umfassender Expertise und Erfahrung bietet HCC maßgeschneiderte Lösungen für Schlüsselindustrien wie die Automobil–, Schiffbau–, Halbleiter–, Petrochemie– und Wasserstoff–Wertschöpfungskette. Am Hauptsitz des Unternehmens in Südkorea arbeiten mehr als 550 Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter daran, die Grenzen von Forschung, Entwicklung und Produktionsinnovation zu erweitern. HCC hat die klare Vision, ein führender Anbieter von umweltfreundlichen Technologien zu werden. Das Unternehmen ist bestrebt, nachhaltige und leistungsstarke Lösungen zu liefern, die den Anforderungen verschiedener Industriezweige gerecht werden und seine führende Position im Bereich umweltfreundlicher Technologien zu festigen.

Joy Zhang
Telefon: +86 19121028317
E–Mail: joy.zhang@basf– 
         Zusätzlicher Kontakt
Joe Plahutnik
Telefon: +1 7324289602
E–Mail: joseph.plahutnik@basf– 

Ein Video zu dieser Mitteilung ist verfügbar unter:–4195–4300–8d48–1ba42091ac45

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9289085)

BASF Environmental Catalyst and Metal Solutions Premiada com o 2024 Edison Patent Award

ISELIN, N.J., Nov. 23, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Uma equipe de cientistas da BASF Environmental Catalyst and Metal Solutions (ECMS) e da Heesung Catalysts Corporation (HCC) recentemente foi premiada com o 2024 Edison Patent Award do Conselho de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento de Nova Jersey por sua inovadora tecnologia de Armadilha de Óxido de Nitrogênio (NOx) de Conversão de Três Vias para controle de NOx de corte de combustível em veículos a gasolina. A tecnologia trata bem o NOx sob condições modernas de operação do motor e fornece emissões mais baixas do tubo de escape em comparação com os catalisadores convencionais de conversão de três vias.

A equipe era composta pelos cientistas Xiaolai Zheng e Pat Burk (aposentados) da ECMS, juntamente com os cientistas Jinwoo Song e Jun Lee da HCC.

“Ao integrar uma funcionalidade de armadilha de NOx a um catalisador TWC, a nova tecnologia TWC–NT reduz substancialmente as emissões de NOx e outras espécies tóxicas do tubo de escape”, disse Xiaolai Zheng, cientista principal da New Automotive Catalyst Technologies na ECMS.

“Como benefício, as montadoras podem calibrar veículos de passageiros movidos a gasolina com cortes de combustível mais frequentes para uma melhor economia de combustível, o que também significa menores emissões de CO2  durante a operação do veículo”, disse Jinwoo Song, Vice–Presidente e Chefe de PD&A, HCC.

“Esta tecnologia foi bem recebida pelos nossos clientes por atender uma necessidade essencial para o mercado”, disse Saeed Alerasool, Vice–Presidente Sênior de Pesquisa, Desenvolvimento e Aplicação da ECMS. “Temos a sorte de ter as melhores mentes técnicas do setor trabalhando para ajudar nossos clientes a cumprir regulamentações de emissões cada vez mais rigorosas e alcançar alta eficiência de combustível. Este prêmio é um testemunho do trabalho duro e dedicação diária deles com a inovação. Temos muito orgulho deles.”

O Conselho de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento de Nova Jersey criou a premiação para homenagear o legado de Thomas Edison e usar seu nome para homenagear os inventores e as organizações de pesquisa de Nova Jersey que impulsionam a inovação e continuam a posicionar Nova Jersey como um centro global de inovação. Esta premiação faz parte da missão do Conselho de colaborar com a indústria, a academia e o governo para ampliar e fortalecer o STEM em educação, inovação e economia.

Sobre a BASF Environmental Catalyst and Metal Solutions

Aproveitando sua profunda experiência como líder global em catálise e metais preciosos, a BASF Environmental Catalyst and Metal Solutions (ECMS) atende clientes em muitos setores, incluindo automotivo, aeroespacial, qualidade do ar interno, semicondutores e economia de hidrogênio, e fornece serviços de ciclo completo com sua oferta de comércio e reciclagem de metais preciosos. Com foco nas soluções circulares e sustentabilidade, a ECMS está comprometida em ajudar nossos clientes a criar um mundo mais limpo e sustentável. O nosso novo objetivo de proteger os elementos da vida nos inspira a criar soluções sempre novas. A ECMS opera em 16 países, conta com mais de 4.500 funcionários e 21 locais de produção.

Sobre a BASF 

A BASF cria produtos químicos para um futuro sustentável. Combinamos o sucesso econômico com a proteção ambiental e a responsabilidade social. Cerca de 112.000 funcionários do Grupo BASF contribuem para o sucesso dos nossos clientes em quase todos os setores e em quase todos os países do mundo. Nosso portfólio é composto por seis segmentos: Produtos Químicos, Materiais, Soluções Industriais, Tecnologias de Superfície, Nutrição e Cuidados, e Soluções Agrícolas. A BASF gerou vendas de €68,9 bilhões em 2023. As ações da BASF são negociadas na bolsa de valores de Frankfurt (BAS) e como American Depositary Receipts (BASFY) nos Estados Unidos. Para mais informações

Sobre a Heesung Catalysts Corporation

A Heesung Catalysts Corporation (HCC), uma líder distinta em tecnologia de catalisadores e materiais, está na dianteira com soluções avançadas que melhoram a qualidade do ar e reduzem as emissões de gases de efeito estufa. Com um compromisso focado em apoiar a mudança global em direção a uma economia neutra em carbono, a HCC está solidificando seu papel na promoção da sustentabilidade ambiental. Com o uso do seu amplo conhecimento e experiência, a HCC fornece soluções personalizadas para os principais setores, incluindo automotivo, marítimo, semicondutores, petroquímicos e cadeia de valor do hidrogênio. A sede da empresa na República da Coreia conta com mais de 550 profissionais dedicados a expandir os limites da inovação em pesquisa, desenvolvimento e produção. Orientada pela visão clara de se tornar uma líder proeminente em tecnologia ecológica, a HCC está comprometida em fornecer soluções sustentáveis e de alto desempenho que atendam às demandas de vários setores, reafirmando sua liderança no setor de tecnologia verde.

Contato de Relações com a Mídia
Helence Zhang
Telefone: +86 19121028317
Email: joy.zhang@basf– 
Contato Adicional
Joe Plahutnik
Tel.: +1 7324289602
Email: joseph.plahutnik@basf– 

Vídeo deste comunicado disponível em:–4195–4300–8d48–1ba42091ac45

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9289085)

Global Climate Challenges: Perspectives from a Chinese COP29 Delegate

P.C. Chen from Hong Kong shares insights with Inter Press Service on China's climate commitments and progress at COP29. Crediit: Aishwarya Bajpai/IPS

P.C. Chen from Hong Kong shares insights with Inter Press Service on China’s climate commitments and progress at COP29. Crediit: Aishwarya Bajpai/IPS

By Aishwarya Bajpai
BAKU, Nov 23 2024 – As COP29 draws to a close, voices from diverse regions have shed light on their contributions, challenges, and aspirations in tackling the climate crisis.

Among these voices is Pui Cheong Chen, CEO of Hong Kong Quality Insurance Agency and a representative from Hong Kong, who shared his observations about China’s progress, its role as a global player, and the expectations from developed nations.

China’s Journey Toward Green Transition

PC Chen highlighted the significant strides China has made in combating climate change, particularly since the Paris Agreement. “There’s been a big, big achievement for China since the Paris Agreement—less than 10 years, and you could see the big steps and a lot of achievement from the Chinese government,” he noted.

This progress is rooted in the government’s commitment to renewable energy and low-carbon transitions across various sectors.

Chen described the China Pavilion at COP29 as a hub of innovation, showcasing achievements not just from Hong Kong but also from regions like Guangdong and Shenzhen.

“A lot of sharing, including our sessions, showcased the progress and achievements from the civilian sector, companies, and the government’s perspective,” he said.

Hong Kong, where Chen resides, has strongly committed to carbon neutrality. Initiatives include promoting sustainable fuel, offering subsidies for power plants to transition to cleaner energy sources, and shifting from traditional fossil fuels to lower-carbon alternatives like natural gas.

The Role of Developing Nations

While China and other developing countries have demonstrated significant progress, Chen noted a disparity in the pace of action between developed and developing nations. “Frankly speaking, I observed a lot of positive progress from developing countries, but developed countries seem to be taking a more reserved and conservative approach,” he observed.

He commended Middle Eastern countries for their innovative energy solutions and substantial investments in green technologies, emphasizing their proactive steps in contrast to some developed nations.

A Call for Global Carbon Markets

One of the highlights of COP29, according to Chen, was the progress made under Article 6.4 of the Paris Agreement, which relates to global carbon markets. “This could be a good beginning to promoting a unified global carbon market,” he said. Chen believes such a framework would incentivize organizations and nations to reduce carbon emissions and foster collaboration across economies.

He also underscored the need for developed countries to contribute more—both financially and technologically. “A lot of these new initiatives require monetary resources for transformations. Developed countries have advanced technologies that could bring significant societal change, but they often hesitate to share,” he remarked.

China’s Role as a Leader

China’s status as a developing country is often debated due to its massive economy and significant global influence. Chen acknowledged China’s challenges, particularly post-COVID, but expressed optimism about its potential. “China has a very strong economic foundation and can do more, not just through government policies but by mobilizing contributions from different sectors of society,” he said.

Chen emphasized the role of coastal regions like Guangdong and Shenzhen, which are well-developed and can spearhead green transitions. He advocated for incentivizing both state-owned enterprises and private businesses to contribute to climate goals.

A Message for Climate Negotiators

When asked about his message for COP29, Chen urged developed countries to take greater responsibility. “Developed nations should contribute more, both monetarily and through technology sharing. Climate action is for the common good; it’s not about individual countries but the world as a whole,” he stated.

Chen concluded by expressing pride in China’s efforts, highlighting its proactive approach and innovative solutions as a responsible global player. His reflections underscore the importance of collaboration, innovation, and shared responsibility in addressing the climate crisis—a sentiment echoed across COP29 discussions.

IPS UN Bureau Report


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Insights From Negotiator into How COPs Move Needle Towards Healthy, Liveable Planet

Every year, the Conference of the Parties creates a global milestone for the climate movement, setting new standards and advancing action towards a net-zero planet to sustain all life on earth. COPs provide a platform for the global community to agree on what it would take to restore planet Earth and the contributions that all […]

ROSEN, RECOGNIZED INVESTOR COUNSEL, Encourages Unisys Corporation Investors to Inquire About Securities Class Action Investigation – UIS

NEW YORK, Nov. 23, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) —

Why: Rosen Law Firm, a global investor rights law firm, announces an investigation of potential securities claims on behalf of shareholders of Unisys Corporation (NYSE: UIS) resulting from allegations that Unisys may have issued materially misleading business information to the investing public.

So What: If you purchased Unisys securities you may be entitled to compensation without payment of any out of pocket fees or costs through a contingency fee arrangement. The Rosen Law Firm is preparing a class action seeking recovery of investor losses.

To join the prospective class action, go to–form/?case_id=9648 or call Phillip Kim, Esq. toll–free at 866–767–3653 or email for information on the class action.

What is this about: On October 22, 2024, the Securities and Exchange Commission announced that it had charged four companies, including Unisys, with “making materially misleading disclosures regarding cybersecurity risks and intrusions.” Further, the SEC also charged Unisys with disclosure controls and procedures violations.

On this news, Unisys stock fell 8.6% on October 22, 2024.

Why Rosen Law: We encourage investors to select qualified counsel with a track record of success in leadership roles. Often, firms issuing notices do not have comparable experience, resources, or any meaningful peer recognition. Many of these firms do not actually litigate securities class actions. Be wise in selecting counsel. The Rosen Law Firm represents investors throughout the globe, concentrating its practice in securities class actions and shareholder derivative litigation. Rosen Law Firm achieved the largest ever securities class action settlement against a Chinese Company at the time. Rosen Law Firm was Ranked No. 1 by ISS Securities Class Action Services for number of securities class action settlements in 2017. The firm has been ranked in the top 4 each year since 2013 and has recovered hundreds of millions of dollars for investors. In 2019 alone the firm secured over $438 million for investors. In 2020, founding partner Laurence Rosen was named by law360 as a Titan of Plaintiffs’ Bar. Many of the firm’s attorneys have been recognized by Lawdragon and Super Lawyers.

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Attorney Advertising. Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.

Contact Information:

        Laurence Rosen, Esq.
        Phillip Kim, Esq.
        The Rosen Law Firm, P.A.
        275 Madison Avenue, 40th Floor
        New York, NY 10016
        Tel: (212) 686–1060
        Toll Free: (866) 767–3653
        Fax: (212) 202–3827

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