2ONE Labs Receives Second FDA PMTA 'Acceptance' Notification for Additionally Submitted 2ONE® Branded Nicotine Pouch Products

LAKE TAHOE, Nev., Dec. 03, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — 2ONE Labs Inc., is pleased to have received 'Acceptance' of a second Premarket Tobacco Product Application (PMTA) for additional flavored 2ONE® nicotine product styles submitted to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Welcoming receipt of this additional FDA ‘Acceptance’ notification, Vincent Schuman, CEO of 2ONE Labs, said: “Our strategy has always been to maintain a steady flow of supportable and responsible PMTA submissions for the 2ONE® nicotine pouch brand that reflect current adult consumer product demands. Our timely PMTA filings with the FDA reflect our company's commitment to remaining at the forefront of product innovation in the nicotine pouch marketplace.

As with our previously 'Accepted' 2ONE® PMTA submission, this application will move forward to the next stage of FDA review. 2ONE Labs aims to fund these submissions to a successful 'Authorization' by FDA. Our wholesale, retail and sponsorship partners should take confidence in this additional ‘Acceptance’ as a reflection of our ability to manage and navigate the complex PMTA process, and of our commitment to supporting the 2ONE® brand in the US market.”

Schuman added: “2ONE® Tobacco–Free nicotine pouches are for adult users (21+), who want to switch from cigarettes, cigars or traditional oral tobacco chewing products. The 2ONE® brand has been in the market since early 2020 and has helped many thousands of adults move towards a better nicotine offering. We believe adults will continue to seek out 2ONE® as the best–in–class pouch product it has become. We remain encouraged by FDA’s acceptance of the 2ONE® PMTA submission, and we look forward to continuing to support the needs of adult consumers making their journey away from tobacco.”

2ONE® nicotine pouch products are offered in a variety of nicotine levels and satisfying flavors at over 20,000+ retail outlets nationwide, including Circle K locations, and can be purchased online by adult consumers at: www.21Pouches.com.

About 2ONE® Nicotine Pouches

2ONE Labs Inc.: Founded by pioneers in synthetic nicotine production, 2ONE Labs specializes in providing the most innovative tobacco–free nicotine products to adult consumers seeking an alternative to other tobacco products. For more information, contact 21Pouches.com.

2ONE® is a registered trademark of 2ONE Labs Inc., Lake Tahoe, NV. All Rights Reserved.

Source: 2ONE LABS INC.

Contact: [email protected]

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9313635)

eXp Realty Lança Programa de Parceria com Patrocinadores Locais para Fortalecer o Sucesso do Agente Global

BELLINGHAM, Wash., Dec. 03, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A eXp Realty®, “the most agent–centric real estate brokerage on the planet™” e a principal subsidiária da eXp World Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq: EXPI), anunciou hoje o lançamento do seu Programa de Parceria com Patrocinadores Locais. Esta iniciativa inovadora foi projetada para aprimorar a experiência local e, ao mesmo tempo, promover o crescimento global dos agentes imobiliários da eXp.

O programa aborda a necessidade de suporte no país, unindo agentes eXp com Patrocinadores Locais experientes em seus respectivos mercados. Esses Patrocinadores Locais fornecem orientação prática para garantir que os agentes implementem com sucesso as ferramentas de ponta da eXp Realty e prosperem em seus cenários imobiliários locais.

“O nosso Programa de Parceria com Patrocinadores Locais capacita nossos agentes com os recursos e a orientação necessárias para que tenham sucesso nos seus mercados locais e, ao mesmo tempo, cresçam em todo o mundo”, disse Glenn Sanford, Fundador, Presidente e CEO da eXp World Holdings. “Este programa representa a essência do compromisso da eXp Realty com o sucesso do agente, fornecendo uma estrutura colaborativa que impulsiona a inovação, o crescimento e a experiência local.”

Para agentes com um patrocinador internacional, o Programa de Parceria com Patrocinadores Locais garante que eles recebam suporte personalizado no país para que possam navegar de forma eficaz nos seus mercados. O programa também cria oportunidades para que os agentes eXp experientes se tornem Patrocinadores Locais, permitindo que eles liderem localmente e obtenham ganhos de compartilhamento de receita de nível um com as transações dos seus parceiros.

“Isso é mais do que um programa; é um passo para a capacitação dos agentes com as ferramentas e a orientação necessárias para que possam liderar localmente e alcançar um sucesso inigualável em todo o mundo”, acrescentou Sanford.

Com esta nova iniciativa, os agentes da eXp Realty agora podem se beneficiar de um sistema de suporte robusto que fortalece a liderança local e promove a colaboração nos mercados globais.

Sobre a eXp World Holdings, Inc.

A eXp World Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq: EXPI) é a holding da eXp Realty®, FrameVR.io e SUCCESS® Enterprises.

A eXp Realty é a maior empresa imobiliária independente do mundo, com mais de 85.000 agentes nos Estados Unidos, Canadá, Reino Unido, Austrália, França, Índia, México, Portugal, África do Sul, Porto Rico, Brasil, Itália, Hong Kong, Colômbia, Espanha, Israel, Panamá, Alemanha, República Dominicana, Grécia, Nova Zelândia, Chile, Polônia e Dubai além de continuar a crescer em todo o mundo. Uma empresa de capital aberto, a eXp World Holdings oferece aos profissionais do setor imobiliário a oportunidade única de receber prêmios de capital por metas de produção e contribuições para o crescimento geral da Empresa. A eXp World Holdings e suas empresas oferecem um conjunto completo de soluções tecnológicas de corretagem e imobiliária, incluindo seu inovador modelo de corretagem residencial e comercial, serviços profissionais, ferramentas colaborativas e desenvolvimento pessoal. A corretora na nuvem tem por base a tecnologia FrameVR.io que oferece plataformas 3D imersivas profundamente sociais e colaborativas, viabilizando que os agentes sejam mais conectados e produtivos. A SUCCESS® Enterprises, ancorada pela revista SUCCESS® e seus ativos de mídia, foi fundada em 1897 e é uma marca e publicação líder em desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional.

Para mais informação, visite https://expworldholdings.com.

Declaração de Previsão

As declarações de previsão contidas neste documento, podem incluir expectativas futuras ou outras declarações de previsão que têm por base a atual opinião e suposições da administração que envolvem riscos e incertezas conhecidos e desconhecidos que podem fazer com que os resultados reais sejam substancialmente diferentes dos resultados previstos. Estas declarações incluem, mas não estão limitadas a, expectativas quanto à disponibilidade futura do programa, melhorias na tecnologia e eficiências de custo afins. As declarações de previsão são válidas apenas a partir da presente data, e a Empresa não tem nenhuma obrigação de atualizar ou revisar tais declarações. Tais declarações não são garantias de desempenho futuro. Fatores importantes que podem fazer com que os resultados reais sejam material e adversamente diferentes dos expressos nas declarações de previsão incluem, mudanças na disponibilidade do programa, mudanças na oferta de tecnologia e outros riscos detalhados ocasionalmente nos registros da Comissão de Valores Mobiliários da Empresa, incluindo, mas não se limitando ao Relatório Trimestral protocolado mais recentemente no Formulário 10–Q e no Relatório Anual no Formulário 10–K.

Contato de Relações com a Mídia:
eXp World Holdings, Inc.
[email protected]

Contato de Relações com Investidores:
Denise Garcia
[email protected]

Foto deste comunicado disponível em https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/89757d05–33ae–4c89–97a1–98158a5c984c

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9313606)

eXp Realty startet Local Sponsor Partnership Program zur Stärkung des Erfolgs von Maklern weltweit

BELLINGHAM, Washington, Dec. 03, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — eXp Realty®, „the most agent–centric real estate brokerage on the planet™“ (das am stärksten auf Makler ausgerichtete Immobilienvermittlungsunternehmen der Welt) und wichtigste Tochtergesellschaft von eXp World Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq: EXPI), hat heute den Start seines Local Sponsor Partnership Program bekannt gegeben. Diese innovative Initiative soll das lokale Fachwissen verbessern und gleichzeitig das globale Wachstum der Makler von eXp Realty fördern.

Das Programm geht auf den Bedarf an Unterstützung im Land ein, indem eXp–Makler mit erfahrenen lokalen Sponsoren in ihren jeweiligen Märkten zusammengebracht werden. Diese lokalen Sponsoren bieten praktische Anleitung, um sicherzustellen, dass die Makler die innovativen Tools von eXp Realty erfolgreich einsetzen und in ihrer lokalen Immobilienlandschaft erfolgreich sind.

„Durch das Local Sponsor Partnership Program statten wir unsere Makler mit den Ressourcen und der Betreuung aus, die sie benötigen, um auf ihren lokalen Märkten erfolgreich zu sein und gleichzeitig global zu wachsen“, so Glenn Sanford, Gründer, Chairman und CEO von eXp World Holdings. „Dieses Programm steht für das Engagement von eXp Realty für den Erfolg von Maklern, indem es einen Rahmen für die Zusammenarbeit bietet, der Innovation, Wachstum und lokales Fachwissen fördert.“

Für Makler mit einem internationalen Sponsor stellt das Local Sponsor Partnership Program sicher, dass sie individuelle Unterstützung im jeweiligen Land erhalten, um sich auf ihren Märkten effektiv zurechtzufinden. Das Programm bietet auch erfahrenen eXp–Maklern die Möglichkeit, lokale Sponsoren zu werden, wodurch sie die Möglichkeit erhalten, auf lokaler Ebene zu führen und eine Umsatzbeteiligung der Stufe 1 aus den Transaktionen ihrer gesponserten Makler zu verdienen.

„Dies ist mehr als ein Programm; es ist eine Bewegung, die darauf abzielt, Akteure mit den Werkzeugen und der Betreuung auszustatten, die sie benötigen, um auf lokaler Ebene zu führen und weltweit beispiellose Erfolge zu erzielen“, fügte Sanford hinzu.

Mit dieser neuen Initiative können die Makler von eXp Realty nun von einem robusten Unterstützungssystem profitieren, das die lokale Führung stärkt und die Zusammenarbeit auf den globalen Märkten fördert.

Über eXp World Holdings, Inc.

eXp World Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq: EXPI) ist die Holdinggesellschaft für eXp Realty®, FrameVR.io und SUCCESS® Enterprises.

eXp Realty ist das größte unabhängige Immobilienunternehmen der Welt mit mehr als 85.000 Maklern in den Vereinigten Staaten, Kanada, dem Vereinigten Königreich, Australien, Frankreich, Indien, Mexiko, Portugal, Südafrika, Puerto Rico, Brasilien, Italien, Hongkong, Kolumbien, Spanien, Israel, Panama, Deutschland, der Dominikanischen Republik, Griechenland, Neuseeland, Chile, Polen und Dubai und expandiert weiter international. Als börsennotiertes Unternehmen bietet eXp World Holdings Immobilienfachleuten die einzigartige Möglichkeit, Aktienprämien für Produktionsziele und Beiträge zum Gesamtwachstum des Unternehmens zu erhalten. eXp World Holdings und seine Unternehmen bieten eine umfassende Palette an Makler– und Immobilien–Technologielösungen, darunter ein innovatives Maklermodell für Wohn– und Gewerbeimmobilien, professionelle Dienstleistungen, Tools für die Zusammenarbeit und persönliche Entwicklung. Das cloudbasierte Maklerunternehmen wird von Technologien von FrameVR.io unterstützt, das immersive 3D–Plattformen anbietet, die stark sozial und kollaborativ ausgerichtet sind und es den Maklern ermöglichen, besser vernetzt sowie produktiver zu sein. SUCCESS® Enterprises, verankert durch die Fachzeitschrift SUCCESS® und die dazugehörigen Medien, wurde 1897 gegründet und ist eine führende Marke und Publikation für persönliche und berufliche Entwicklung.

Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter https://expworldholdings.com.

„Safe Harbor“–Erklärung

Die hierin enthaltenen Aussagen können Aussagen über Zukunftserwartungen und andere zukunftsgerichtete Aussagen enthalten, die auf den gegenwärtigen Ansichten und Annahmen des Managements beruhen und bekannte und unbekannte Risiken und Ungewissheiten beinhalten, die dazu führen können, dass die tatsächlichen Ergebnisse, Leistungen oder Ereignisse erheblich von den in diesen Aussagen ausgedrückten oder implizierten abweichen. Diese Aussagen beinhalten, sind aber nicht beschränkt auf Aussagen über die zukünftige Verfügbarkeit von Programmen, technologische Verbesserungen und damit verbundene Kosteneinsparungen. Solche zukunftsgerichteten Aussagen gelten nur zum Zeitpunkt der Veröffentlichung dieses Dokuments, und das Unternehmen ist nicht verpflichtet, sie zu überarbeiten oder zu aktualisieren. Solche Aussagen sind keine Garantie für zukünftige Leistungen. Zu den wichtigen Faktoren, die dazu führen können, dass die tatsächlichen Ergebnisse wesentlich und nachteilig von den in den zukunftsgerichteten Aussagen ausgedrückten Ergebnissen abweichen, gehören Änderungen der Programmverfügbarkeit, Änderungen der Technologieangebote und andere Risiken, die von Zeit zu Zeit in den bei der US–Börsenaufsichtsbehörde (Securities and Exchange Commission) eingereichten Unterlagen des Unternehmens aufgeführt werden, einschließlich, aber nicht beschränkt auf den zuletzt eingereichten Quartalsbericht auf Formular 10–Q und den Jahresbericht auf Formular 10–K.

eXp World Holdings, Inc.
[email protected]

Kontakt für Anlegerbeziehungen:
Denise Garcia
[email protected]

Ein Foto zu dieser Mitteilung ist verfügbar unter https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/89757d05–33ae–4c89–97a1–98158a5c984c

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9313606)

eXp Realty lance un programme de partenariat avec des sponsors locaux afin de renforcer le succès de ses agents à l’échelle mondiale

BELLINGHAM, Washington, 03 déc. 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — eXp Realty®, « the most agent–centric real estate brokerage on the planet™ » (la société de courtage immobilier la plus centrée sur les agents au monde) et une filiale principale d’eXp World Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq : EXPI), ont annoncé ce jour le lancement de son programme de partenariat par des sponsors locaux. Cette initiative innovante a été conçue pour améliorer l’expertise locale tout en favorisant le développement professionnel des agents d’eXp Realty à l’échelle internationale.

Le programme répond au besoin en matière de soutien dans le pays, en associant des agents eXp et des sponsors locaux expérimentés sur leurs marchés respectifs. Ces sponsors locaux offrent des conseils pratiques afin de garantir que les agents puissent mettre en œuvre avec succès les outils de pointe d’eXp Realty, et qu’ils prospèrent au sein de leur paysage immobilier local.

« Grâce au programme de partenariat avec les sponsors locaux, nous fournissons à nos agents les ressources et le soutien pédagogique dont ils ont besoin pour réussir sur leurs marchés locaux tout en se développant professionnellement à l’échelle mondiale », a déclaré Glenn Sanford, fondateur et président–directeur général d’eXp World Holdings. « Ce programme constitue l’essence même de l’engagement d’eXp Realty pour la réussite des agents, en offrant un cadre de collaboration qui stimule l’innovation, la croissance et l’expertise locale. »

Pour les agents qui disposent d’un sponsor international, le programme de partenariat avec les sponsors locaux leur permet de recevoir un soutien personnalisé dans le pays afin de s’orienter de manière efficace au sein de leurs marchés. Le programme offre également aux agents expérimentés d’eXp la possibilité de devenir eux–mêmes sponsors locaux, afin qu’ils puissent être à la tête du marché local et gagner une part de revenus de niveau un grâce aux transactions de l’agent qu’ils sponsorisent.

« Il ne s’agit pas d’un simple programme, mais d’un mouvement visant à doter les agents des outils et du soutien pédagogique dont ils ont besoin pour être à la tête de leur marché local et remporter un succès inégalé à l’échelle mondiale », a ajouté M. Sanford.

Grâce à cette nouvelle initiative, les agents d’eXp Realty peuvent désormais bénéficier d’un système de soutien robuste qui renforce le leadership sur le plan local et favorise la collaboration sur les marchés mondiaux.

À propos d’eXp World Holdings, Inc.

eXp World Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq : EXPI) est la société holding des entreprises eXp Realty®, FrameVR.io et SUCCESS® Enterprises.

Plus grande société immobilière indépendante au monde, eXp Realty recense plus de 85 000 agents en Afrique du Sud, en Allemagne, en Australie, au Brésil, au Canada, au Chili, en Colombie, à Dubaï, en Espagne, aux États–Unis, en France, en Grèce, à Hong Kong, en Inde, en Israël, en Italie, au Mexique, en Nouvelle–Zélande, au Panama, en Pologne, à Porto Rico, au Portugal, en République dominicaine et au Royaume–Uni, et poursuit son développement à l’échelle internationale. Cotée en Bourse, la société eXp World Holdings offre aux professionnels de l’immobilier l’opportunité unique de se voir attribuer des actions pour récompenser les objectifs de production et leurs contributions à la croissance globale de l’entreprise. eXp World Holdings et ses entités proposent une gamme complète de solutions technologiques de courtage et d’immobilier, notamment un modèle innovant de courtage résidentiel et commercial, des services aux entreprises, des outils de collaboration et du développement personnel. La société de courtage basée sur le cloud est alimentée par la technologie FrameVR.io, offrant des plateformes 3D immersives profondément sociales et collaboratives qui permettent aux agents d’être plus connectés et plus productifs. Ancrée dans le paysage grâce à la notoriété du magazine SUCCESS® et de ses activités média connexes, SUCCESS® Enterprises, créée en 1897, se place en chef de file en tant que marque de développement personnel et professionnel et de publication.

Pour obtenir plus d’informations, consultez le site https://expworldholdings.com.

Clause de non–responsabilité

Les déclarations figurant dans le présent document peuvent inclure des déclarations relatives à des attentes futures et d’autres déclarations prospectives fondées sur les opinions et les hypothèses actuelles de la direction. Elles induisent des risques identifiés ou non identifiés, et des incertitudes susceptibles d’entraîner un écart sensible entre les résultats, performances ou événements réels par rapport à ceux qui y sont exprimés ou sous–entendus. Ces déclarations comprennent, sans toutefois s’y limiter, des déclarations sur la disponibilité future des programmes, les améliorations technologiques et les économies associées. Ces déclarations prospectives n’ont de valeur qu’à leur date de publication, et la société décline toute obligation de les réviser ou de les mettre à jour. Aucune déclaration prospective ne garantit une future performance. Parmi les facteurs majeurs susceptibles d’entraîner un écart sensible et défavorable entre les résultats réels et ceux exprimés dans les déclarations prospectives, figurent notamment les changements dans la disponibilité des programmes, les changements dans les offres technologiques et des risques d’autre nature, lesquels sont détaillés régulièrement dans les documents déposés par la société auprès de la Securities and Exchange Commission, y compris, mais sans s’y limiter, les derniers rapports trimestriel et annuel déposés respectivement dans les formulaires 10–Q et 10–K.

Contact relations avec les médias : 
eXp World Holdings, Inc.
[email protected]

Contact relations avec les investisseurs :
Denise Garcia
[email protected]

Une photo annexée au présent communiqué est disponible à l’adresse suivante : https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/89757d05–33ae–4c89–97a1–98158a5c984c

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9313606)

SmartDV octroie une licence pour sa gamme d’IP SDIO à RANiX pour leurs produits V2X

La collaboration permettra d’améliorer la communication et la connectivité dans les systèmes V2X conformes à la norme ISO 26262, accélérant ainsi l’innovation pour des systèmes et des véhicules automobiles plus sûrs et plus intelligents

SAN JOSÉ, Californie, 03 déc. 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — SmartDV™ Technologies, fournisseur d’IP (propriété intellectuelle) et de VIP (IP de vérification) de conception de semi–conducteurs flexibles, hautement configurables et personnalisables, est fier d’annoncer l’octroi d’une licence pour sa gamme d’IP SDIO à RANiX en vue d’une intégration dans leurs produits V2X (Vehicle–to–Everything). Cette collaboration favorise le développement de solutions de communication automobile avancées qui donnent lieu à des écosystèmes de véhicules plus sûrs, plus intelligents et plus connectés.

L’IP SDIO de SmartDV offre des solutions de transfert de données robustes et performantes, essentielles au bon fonctionnement des systèmes V2X. Les interfaces SDIO permettent une communication efficace entre les processeurs et les dispositifs de mémoire, et vont au–delà du stockage pour intégrer et contrôler les opérations de mémoire tout en connectant des périphériques externes. Elles offrent également de hautes performances et une grande fiabilité dans les systèmes complexes. Ces cœurs IP garantissent une communication fiable entre les composants automobiles, améliorant ainsi les technologies des véhicules connectés telles que les communications de sécurité, les mises à jour du trafic en temps réel et les fonctionnalités d’aide à la conduite.

Pour répondre aux objectifs de conception uniques de RANiX, SmartDV personnalisera l’IP pour aller au–delà de la fonctionnalité SDIO standard, permettant ainsi à RANiX de se différencier de ses concurrents. SmartDV fournira également à RANiX le support et la documentation nécessaires pour obtenir la certification ASIL pour la norme ISO 26262.

« L’intégration de l’IP SDIO personnalisée de SmartDV dans nos produits V2X vient renforcer la capacité de RANiX à proposer des solutions de communication hautement fiables et performantes pour les véhicules connectés », a déclaré Shawn Lee, Directeur général de RANiX. « Cette collaboration renforce notre mission qui vise à rendre les transports plus sûrs, plus intelligents et plus connectés, en établissant de nouvelles références en matière d’innovation automobile. »

« Grâce à notre gamme d’IP SDIO, nous souhaitons permettre aux développeurs de produits V2X de RANiX d’accélérer l’innovation et de fournir des solutions de nouvelle génération qui redéfinissent la sécurité et l’efficacité des transports », a ajouté Mohith Haridoss, Directeur des ventes mondiales de SmartDV Technologies. « Nos solutions illustrent l’engagement de SmartDV en faveur de l’amélioration de la connectivité dans les technologies automobiles, et les personnalisations que nous entreprenons pour RANiX mettent en lumière un avantage majeur que nos clients peuvent exploiter en choisissant SmartDV comme fournisseur d’IP de confiance. »

SmartDV demeure un partenaire clé dans la fourniture de solutions IP de pointe adaptées aux besoins évolutifs de l’industrie automobile dans le monde entier.

À propos de RANiX

RANiX est un leader de l’industrie 4.0, spécialisé dans la technologie Vehicle–to–Everything (V2X) et fournissant des solutions innovantes de semi–conducteurs pour les technologies automobiles et les environnements intelligents. En mettant fortement l’accent sur la R&D, nous développons des puces et des systèmes avancés pour les véhicules autonomes, l’IdO et la cybersécurité. Notre modem V2X, nos piles logicielles et nos puces de sécurité atteignent des performances ECDSA inégalées, améliorant ainsi la sécurité des voitures connectées. Tirant parti de plus de 16 ans d’expertise, RANiX propose des solutions disposant de toute la confiance des leaders mondiaux de l’automobile. Nous intégrons Tiny–ML, l’IA et les principes ESG pour faire progresser les véhicules connectés et autonomes. RANiX stimule l’innovation centrée sur l’humain, créant ainsi un monde plus sûr, plus efficace et plus intelligent.

Pour en savoir plus sur RANiX, consultez le site https://ranix.co.kr/en/ et rejoignez–nous sur LinkedIn.

À propos de SmartDV

Chez SmartDV Technologies™, nous croyons en une approche innovante de la propriété intellectuelle (IP) des semi–conducteurs pour les circuits intégrés. Depuis 2007, nous nous concentrons exclusivement sur la propriété intellectuelle. Ainsi, que vous recherchiez une propriété intellectuelle de conception standard pour votre prochain SoC, ASIC ou FPGA, ou que vous recherchiez des solutions de vérification (VIP) pour mettre à l’épreuve la conception de votre puce, vous trouverez la propriété intellectuelle de SmartDV simple à intégrer. En combinant la technologie exclusive SmartCompiler™ à l’expertise de centaines d’ingénieurs, SmartDV peut personnaliser l’IP pour répondre rapidement, économiquement et fiablement à vos objectifs de conception uniques. Ne laissez pas d’autres fournisseurs vous imposer des cœurs à taille unique dans la conception de votre puce. Obtenez la propriété intellectuelle dont vous avez besoin, adaptée à vos spécifications, avec SmartDV: IP Your Way.

Pour en savoir plus sur SmartDV, consultez le site www.smartdvtech.com et rejoignez–nous sur LinkedIn.

SmartDV, SmartDV Technologies, SmartDV NA, SmartCompiler, IP Your Way et le logo SmartDV sont des marques commerciales de SmartDV Technologies India Private Limited. Toutes les autres marques figurant dans le présent communiqué sont la propriété de leurs détenteurs respectifs. Tous droits réservés.

Interlocutrice auprès des médias
McKenzie Ross
Vice–présidente du marketing, SmartDV
[email protected]

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9313464)

New ScyllaDB Release Delivers Unprecedented Elasticity & Efficiency via “Tablets” Architecture

SUNNYVALE, Calif., Dec. 03, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — ScyllaDB, the database for predictable performance at scale, today announced ScyllaDB 2024.2, the first enterprise release featuring ScyllaDB’s new “tablets” replication architecture. This new architecture, part of a multiyear project to implement and extend the Raft consensus protocol, delivers unprecedented levels of elasticity and efficiency. It builds upon ScyllaDB’s signature shard–per–core architecture, which is known for providing predictable low latency at scale (e.g., steady single–digit millisecond P99 latency even with workloads exceeding 2M ops/sec). [See tablets in action]

“In the era of AI, databases need to rapidly grow and shrink as millions of users access the applications powered by them,” explained ScyllaDB co–founder and CEO Dor Laor. “Often, teams are forced to overprovision the database to meet the demand. Elasticity speed is measured by how quickly a given deployment can start handling increased throughput and volume in production. With ScyllaDB’s elastic speed, customers can tighten their deployment, use what they really need on a per–minute basis, and be prepared for any given spike in demand.”

“People tend to think that databases are not scalable, but the reality is that they're not very elastic,” explained David Malinge, Senior Staff Software Engineer at ShareChat. “I've seen databases being well overprovisioned to manage tests, backfillings, or even holiday traffic months ahead. With ScyllaDB, we scale our clusters up and down many times in the year. That really helps us manage our costs. And although we don't use it in production yet, ‘tablets’ is a really solid step towards increasing elasticity.”

Additionally, the enterprise release offers new capabilities designed to help enterprise customers reduce infrastructure costs and streamline operations:

  • File–based streaming for tablets accelerates scaling operations (e.g., adding and removing nodes) up to 30X.
  • The new design enables scaling at the network line rate – without any dependency on the schema.
  • Improved network compression for intra–node RPC.
  • Improved storage utilization thanks to the inherent efficiency of tablets.

“Customers can now live closer to the edge with respect to their storage capacity. Previously, we would recommend that you fill your disks to about 70% and even set the alerts a little earlier,” explained Avi Kivity, ScyllaDB co–founder and CTO. “Now we can have clusters filled to 90% or 95% of the disk capacity.”

These improvements are especially welcome for ScyllaDB’s customer base, which is dominated by fast–growing companies whose competitive advantage depends on instantaneous user experiences at extreme scale.

About ScyllaDB

ScyllaDB is engineered to deliver predictable performance at scale. It’s adopted by organizations that demand ultra–low latency, even with workloads exceeding 2M ops/sec. Our shard–per–core architecture leverages the power of modern infrastructure – translating to fewer nodes, less admin, and lower costs. Over 400 game–changing companies like Disney+ Hotstar, Expedia, Discord, Crypto.com, Zillow, Starbucks, Comcast, and Samsung use ScyllaDB for their toughest database challenges. For more information: https://www.scylladb.com/

Media Contact:
Wayne Ariola
[email protected]

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9312815)

Focus on Africa: IPBES Plenary Session Makes Inaugural Visit to Biodiverse Continent

Springbok in Sossusvlei, Namibia. IPBES 11 is scheduled to be held in Windhoek, Namibia from December 10-16. Credit: Gregory Brown/Unsplash

Springbok in Sossusvlei, Namibia. IPBES 11 is scheduled to be held in Windhoek, Namibia from December 10-16. Credit: Gregory Brown/Unsplash

By Joyce Chimbi
NAIROBI, Dec 3 2024 – The Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services’ (IPBES) first Plenary session in Africa is a “crucial acknowledgement of Africa’s important contribution to biodiversity conservation, which is a global public good, a heritage that Africa has the privilege to share with the peoples of the world,” says Dr. Luthando Dziba, from South Africa, co-chair of the IPBES Multidisciplinary Expert Panel.

The eleventh session of the IPBES Plenary—IPBES 11—is scheduled to be held in Windhoek, Namibia, from December 10-16, 2024.

Africa is one of the most ecologically diverse continents on Earth and is home to eight of the world’s 34 biodiversity hotspots. Its unique ecosystems, species, and genetic diversity thrive in a wide range of spectacular landscapes and seascapes, including wide-open plains, deserts, mountains, forested cliffs, coral reefs, mangrove forests and the Great Rift Valley.

This rich biodiversity offers significant benefits to people but also presents a number of challenges and opportunities amid a spiralling global biodiversity crisis.

Dziba told IPS that the Plenary is the governing body of IPBES, made up of the representatives of IPBES member States—currently 147 from around the world—who meet annually to “either consider requests from countries for new scientific assessments or consider reports of assessments that have been conducted by IPBES experts, and to consider work related to the other functions of IPBES of knowledge generation, policy support and capacity-building.”

“The IPBES members approve the summaries for policymakers of the IPBES assessment reports and also accept the full reports as well. IPBES Plenary sessions are spaces for the co-production of science-policy relevant information by both scientists and policymakers.”

Dr. David Obura, IPBES Chairperson. Credit: IPBES

Dr. David Obura, IPBES Chairperson. Credit: IPBES

Role of Biodiversity in Human Well-Being, Economy

IPBES primarily seeks to strengthen the science-policy interface for biodiversity and ecosystem services for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, long-term human well-being, and sustainable development.

IPBES plays a unique role in harnessing the best expertise from across all disciplines and knowledge communities—to provide policy-relevant knowledge and to catalyze the implementation of knowledge-based policies at all levels in government, the private sector, and civil society.

Dr. David Obura, IPBES Chair, says he is fortunate to be chairing his first Plenary in Africa as the first ever African Chair of the platform.

“The African continent still has some of the most intact biodiversity remaining. But it is not just about biodiversity for itself; it is also how society and the economy depend on nature,” Obura says.

“We, therefore, need to deepen our understanding of this connection, and this knowledge should in turn reflect within our policy processes across our countries. The importance of healthy nature and biodiversity in supporting our economies cannot be overstated, particularly because a large proportion of Africa’s population is rural. These are farmers, pastoralists, and fishers who directly rely on productive and healthy ecosystems.”

Obura added that it is crucial to understand that ecosystems can only provide security for people if they are healthy, and that the IPBES work in Namibia over the next two weeks can help to propel continental and global ambitions in line with the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, which seeks to halt and reverse the decline of biodiversity and nature’s contributions to people.

Obura also referenced the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification and the urgent need to halt further losses in Africa in ways that are good for people as well. “It is all about supporting people while securing biodiversity,” he said

Dr. Luthando Dziba, co-chair of the IPBES Multidisciplinary Expert Panel. Credit: IPBES

Dr. Luthando Dziba, co-chair of the IPBES Multidisciplinary Expert Panel. Credit: IPBES

Amplify African Voice on Science-Policy Through IPBES

Dziba agrees. He says this first ever African Plenary session for IPBES gives African countries an even louder voice as part of an important science-policy platform. The IPBES member States make requests for new scientific assessments that respond to or address their specific policy priorities.

The governments that are IPBES members essentially have “first access to scientific products that help guide policy on various topics such as invasive alien species, pollination and management of pollinators to support agriculture production, or other areas such as sustainable use of wild species, including Africa’s biodiversity.”

Dziba says that the eleventh session of the Plenary will be an opportunity to also raise the profile of IPBES with African experts, enabling a wider diversity of African researchers and knowledge-holders to see firsthand the value of IPBES as an intergovernmental science policy platform.

Even though Africa and its natural heritage have been a subject of scientific research for centuries, Dziba speaks of an ongoing struggle to improve participation by African experts in IPBES work. “The importance of bringing them on board is to leverage their extensive knowledge of the continent, the knowledge gaps they see and the opportunity to contribute from an African perspective. This inclusion will also give IPBES a stronger, more inclusive voice and help shape positive global narratives about Africa.”

A majority of the newest members of IPBES over the past two years are governments from the African continent. Ultimately, the goal is to ensure universal IPBES membership of all governments so that no region is left behind, towards a healthy and sustainable planet suitable for all life on Earth.

Obura speaks of the untenable state of lives and livelihoods—of large populations living hand-to-mouth—and the disconnect between people and nature as people migrate to cities where disconnection from nature increases.

Black-backed jackal on a misty beach Hentiesbaai, Namibia. The IPBES 11 host country has a five of the 13 biomes on the African continent and a wide biodiversity. Credit: Ria Truter/Unsplash

Black-backed jackal on a misty beach, Hentiesbaai, Namibia. The IPBES-11 host country has five of the 13 biomes on the African continent and a wide biodiversity. Credit: Ria Truter/Unsplash

Rich Biodiversity Supports Health, Water, and Food Systems

Obura explains that among the most important business of this first African Plenary session will be the consideration of two new landmark IPBES reports. The ‘nexus assessment’ will explore the critical interlinkages among crises in biodiversity, water, food and health—in the context of climate change. It will also explore dozens of specific options for action to address these crises sustainably together, rather than in single-issue silos, with a focus on ensuring the conservation and restoration of biodiversity for people and nature.

Dziba says there are lessons that member States can take from Africa too, as “the IPBES Regional Assessment Report on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services for Africa found the African continent is the last continent with a largely intact assemblage of megaherbivores (animals larger than 1,000 kilograms) such as elephants, giraffes, buffalo, rhino, and hippos.”

He emphasized that this signifies that Africa “has done well in conserving its biodiversity. Africa also has the largest diversity of large carnivores, such as lions, leopards, cheetahs, wild dogs, and hyenas. And so, as a continent, we are the last bastion of biodiversity conservation, and this is both a privilege and an immense responsibility to continue to protect that biodiversity.” But that assessment also showed that Africa, like other regions of the world, is losing biodiversity at a rate unprecedented in human history.

The second assessment to be considered and launched at the upcoming session looks at transformative change—what it is, why it is so necessary, and how to achieve it for more just and sustainable futures, especially amid the ongoing global crises that are “expanding rapidly in their impacts on people. Africa is particularly vulnerable to these crises for many historical and current reasons. The question for all countries is how to initiate the deep positive changes needed across societies, economies, technology and governance to move in these nature-positive directions. The report will help lay out building blocks and tools to achieve that.”

Ultimately, Obura says, the aim is to have the two reports accepted by the IPBES members in the Plenary to better inform and serve global and African stakeholders and governments in their decisions and actions.

“No effort will be spared to make the reports accessible to enable people to find what they need to make better decisions and choices towards a healthy and sustainable coexistence with nature.”

IPS UN Bureau Report


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Pacific Green expands Australia footprint into New South Wales with strategic land acquisition

Sydney, Dec. 03, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Pacific Green, a global battery energy storage company, has secured a parcel of land in Wagga Wagga, New South Wales, where it proposes to establish its next Australian energy park. 

The land is strategically co–located near TransGrid’s existing Wagga 330 kV substation and 16 km from the town of Wagga Wagga. A future grid connected battery energy park in this location will strengthen and support the region’s renewable energy portfolio of assets by storing excess renewable energy and discharging it during peak demand, stabilising the grid and lowering energy prices.

Wagga Wagga is an area of strategic importance to the national grid as it hosts a concentration of renewable energy projects and HumeLink – one of Australia’s largest energy transmission line projects, which when built will connect renewable energy sources to the grid and put downward pressure on Australian energy prices.

Today’s announcement marks Pacific Green’s entry into the New South Wales market and further progresses the company’s objective to build a 10GWh development pipeline of battery energy parks throughout Australia.

Leveraging its significant experience building battery energy parks in the UK and Europe, the company is aiming to be one of Australia’s leading developers, and to help accelerate the country’s transition to renewables by building a multi–gigawatt platform nationwide.

Joel Alexander, Managing Director & CEO, Pacific Green Australia commented: “Today’s announcement represents a milestone for Pacific Green. From our entry into Australia, we set out to diversify our regional presence, which now includes a pipeline of projects in South Australia, Victoria and New South Wales. A greater diversity of storage locations across the country will support the strengthening, reliability and security of our national energy system.

Our entry into the New South Wales market follows the development of Limestone Coast North Energy Park (250MW / 500MWh) and Limestone Coast West Energy Park (250MW / 1,000MWh) in South Australia, and recent development application lodgment for our proposed combined 1GW / 2.5GWh Portland energy parks in Victoria. We are well on our way to meeting our 10GWh target.

The team looks forward to working with stakeholders in and around Wagga Wagga in these early stages of project design to ensure we shape an energy park best suited to the specific needs and opportunities of the region”

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9312481)

UN ECOSOC Special Meeting Highlights the Urgent Scale of Needs in Haiti

A group of women and children cook and chat in a displacement shelter in Léogâne. Credit: UNICEF/Maxime Le Lijour

By Oritro Karim
UNITED NATIONS, Dec 3 2024 – As a result of the ongoing hostilities from gang violence in Haiti, children continue to bear the brunt of the humanitarian crisis. Armed gangs have committed various human rights violations, many of which compound issues surrounding food insecurity, displacement, and social instability for millions of children in Haiti. Children have also lost their access to education and continue to be recruited into gangs. It is crucial for the international community to prioritize the multifaceted crisis facing Haitian children in order to avoid losing an entire generation to violence.

According to the latest estimates from the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), more than 1.3 million children have been affected by gang violence over the course of this crisis. More than 700,000 people have been displaced, with over 50 percent of that population being children. These figures are predicted to have increased in the recent weeks due to the intensification of violence across capital city Port-Au-Prince and its surrounding areas.

On December 2, the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) held a special meeting at UN Headquarters to discuss the deepening social insecurity that is unfolding in Haiti and how children have been hit the hardest. UNICEF Executive Director Catherine Russell addressed the council to stress the urgency of the current situation.

“Armed groups are regularly committing grave rights violations against children, including killing and maiming. So far this year, we have seen a staggering one-thousand percent increase in reported incidents of sexual violence against children,” said Russell.

Due to accelerating violence, particularly in the capital, access to education for thousands of children has been greatly compromised. According to Russell, over 1.5 million children have lost access to education. Additionally, armed groups are actively recruiting children for use in gang operations. Current estimates indicate that 50 percent of all gang members in Haiti are children, marking a 70 percent increase in child recruitment over the past year. These children are being used as cooks, informants, and sex slaves, with many forced to commit violent acts themselves.

María Isabel Salvador, Head of the United Nations Integrated Office in Haiti (BINUH) adds, “Across Haiti, gang violence has turned schools into battlegrounds, disrupted healthcare, and left thousands of children malnourished and traumatized. Alarmingly, children are increasingly being recruited into gangs, robbing them of their innocence and turning them into tools of violence.”

Across Haiti, approximately 5.5 million people, including 3 million children, are in dire need of humanitarian assistance. According to the latest statement released by the World Food Programme (WFP), more than 700,000 people, including 365,000 children, are internally displaced and living in overcrowded shelters. Additional data from the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) suggests that one-in-two Haitians do not have enough to eat, with roughly two million people facing emergency levels of hunger. At least 6,000 internally displaced Haitians are facing catastrophic hunger, which is the most severe form.

“Food security and the nutrition situation continues to be a challenge. The highest levels (of hunger) were reported this year, with a record level of 5.4 million people being acutely food insecure, which is close to half of the population in Haiti. Half of that number is children. 125,000 children are acutely malnourished,” said Wanja Kaaria, Representative for WFP.

Additionally, the collapse of the healthcare and water sanitation systems continues to put the lives of children and families in Haiti in grave danger. This has given way to the rampant spread of illness and infectious disease, with cholera being a major concern.

According to a statement from the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), it is estimated that there are “87,616 total suspected cases, 4,858 confirmed cases, 85,071 hospitalized cases, 1005 institutional deaths and 314 community deaths.” Much of these cases are attributed to the dwindling supply of clean water, failing water systems that have been damaged from ongoing hostilities, and a severely strained healthcare system due to an influx of injured persons.

Haitians continue to face medical emergencies and deaths caused by gang violence, with limited access to healthcare. Since the escalation of violence in Port-Au-Prince began on November 11, medical facilities have been greatly overwhelmed by the sheer scale of needs. According to PAHO, the volatile and unpredictable security situation in the capital has created significant difficulties in accessing medical services for patients with chronic illnesses and pregnant women, leading to an increase in dire medical emergencies and complications.

“Hundreds of thousands of children and families living in besieged communities are largely cut off from humanitarian aid,” stated Russell in the recent ECOSOC conference. This is largely due to persisting access challenges caused by social insecurity. Despite these issues, the United Nations is on the frontlines of this crisis, distributing essential resources to affected communities.

With conditions continuously deteriorating, it is urgent that humanitarian responses are scaled up. The 2024 Humanitarian Response Plan for Haiti is currently only 43 percent funded. The UN urges member states and donors to contribute to meet the growing needs.

IPS UN Bureau Report


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South Africa’s G20 Presidency in 2025: A Pivotal Moment for the Country and Africa


Lutfiyya Dean (center), head of the South African delegation at Youth 20, stands with representatives from South Africa and the African Union at the Youth 20 Summit, where they discussed a transformative agenda for the G20 under South Africa’s presidency.

By Mkhululi Chimoio
UNITED NATIONS, Dec 3 2024 – In 2025, South Africa will assume the presidency of the G20, a pivotal moment in the African country’s international diplomatic efforts.

The Group of Twenty (G20), is an intergovernmental economic forum comprising 19 countries and two regional unions – the European Union (EU), and recently the African Union (AU). It represents 85 per cent of the global economy, 75 per cent of world trade and 67 per cent of the global population.

South Africa’s leadership of this group therefore presents a unique opportunity to shape global policies and advocate for Africa’s interests on the world stage. The G20 countries include Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, South Korea, Turkey, UK and US, as well as the EU and AU.

Chrispin Phiri, the spokesperson for the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, says the theme for South Africa’s presidency will be “Fostering Solidarity, Equality, and Sustainable Development.” It seeks to address critical global challenges, with a strong focus on Africa’s development.

Among the key areas the presidency will focus on include addressing the triple challenges of poverty, unemployment, and inequality; as well as Africa’s development which entails placing Africa’s development at the forefront in alignment with the African Union’s Agenda 2063, ‘The Africa We Want’.

Also expected to form part of the South African priorities is tackling poly-crises such as climate change, energy, food security, and debt that disproportionately affects Africa and other developing nations. Issues of infrastructure development and global governance reform initiated by previous G20 presidencies.

Phiri says South Africa’s foreign policy is deeply intertwined with its domestic priorities, and aims to foster a better, stable, and prosperous South Africa, Southern African Development Community (SADC) region, and Africa.

“South Africa’s presidency is poised to have significant implications for the broader African region, particularly within the SADC. The nation’s strategic position within the G20 will enable it to lobby for policy gains that benefit South Africa, the SADC, and the entire continent, in which key areas of focus include promoting policies that ensure economic benefits for all South Africans, particularly the economically marginalized, for economic benefits,” said Phiri.

Phiri highlighted the importance of South Africa’s coordination with the African Union (AU), particularly in leveraging the G20 presidency to advance regional integration and cooperation.

As G20 president, South Africa will also focus on addressing global economic challenges and promoting sustainable development. The nation’s policy agenda will be informed by its National Development Plan, Agenda 2063, and long-standing issues within the G20 framework.

Phiri said South Africa will advocate for reforming the global debt architecture to prevent debt crises from undermining the realisation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs); and also mobilise financing to address the substantial development financing gap, which has increased post-COVID-19; as well as address the issue of (Illegal Financial Flows) IFFs, which drain approximately $88.6 billion annually from the continent, impeding progress toward Agenda 2063 and SDG targets will be key.

Professor Danny Bradlow, a Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for Advancement of Scholarship at the University of Pretoria, says South Africa’s priorities should include addressing debt and development financing, particularly for Africa.

Prof Bradlow wants South Africa to co-chair the Global Sovereign Debt Roundtable alongside the IMF and the World Bank. The forum offers an opportunity to push for a more creative approach to managing debt, linking it to broader discussions on development and climate finance.

“This presidency provides an opportunity to address some longstanding bottlenecks facing regional integration in Africa. For instance, one of the key challenges faced by the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) and Regional Economic Communities (RECs) are bilateral trade agreements that undermine Africa’s regional integration efforts,” says Prof. Bradlow.

He urged South Africa to use the momentum of the AU admission and its G20 presidency to highlight these and push for commitments that support regional integration, in close coordination with the relevant AU organs and knowledge partners.

Prof. Bradlow notes the need for South Africa to inherit and advance initiatives from Brazil’s G20 presidency, such as the Hunger and Poverty Alliance and discussions on global taxation, particularly the contentious issue of a wealth tax on billionaires. He acknowledges that, while these are complex issues involving questions of sovereignty, they are crucial for generating resources for development finance.

On her part, the CEO of the South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA), Elizabeth Sidiropoulos, stressed the importance of enhancing regional cooperation and integration.

“From a policy vantage point, South Africa’s G20 Presidency seeks to respond to global economic and environmental challenges and sustainable peace, bearing in mind efforts to achieve the SDGs, the AU’s Agenda 2063, as well as reforming institutions of global economic governance,” said Sidiropoulos.

She pointed out that with the AU now being a member of the G20, there is a greater opportunity to amplify African priorities, and suggested that South Africa should focus on deepening the continent’s advocacy within the G20, selecting key issues where it can make a significant impact.

She recommended that South Africa use its presidency to address longstanding bottlenecks facing regional integration in Africa

South Africa’s presidency of the G20 in 2025 is a pivotal moment for the nation and the continent. With the AU’s recent inclusion in the G20, there is a historic opportunity to reshape global governance in a way that reflects the aspirations and challenges of the Global South.

Prof. Bradlow says South Africa’s success will depend on its ability to balance immediate priorities with long-term global goals and ensuring that the G20 remains a platform for inclusive and equitable growth.

Source: Africa Renewal, United Nations.

IPS UN Bureau


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